#its 4:50 am
tea-time221 · 9 months
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snrrkkk mimimimimi
good morning wyllstarion nation -holds this post out like its birdseed in my palms-
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anemonet · 4 months
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Day tree: Chimney Canopy babeeeyyyy
better get a running start!!
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rat-rosemary · 8 days
Dream startles, looking up from the heavy grimore he was pouring over
"Quackity! Hi, how can I help?"
He hadn't noticed Quackity entering the room, not even with the heavy creaky door and their soul bond tugging on his chest. Really, Dream had been so distracted lately, falling into one of those research rabbit holes that seem to demand all his focus. If Sapnap had seen it he would chide Dream for not focusing enough on his environment and leaving himself vulnerable to attack, being the worrier he is.
"Hi," Quackity smiles back, but there's a weary weight under his eyes as he does, "you promised me you would take a break in a little bit, remember?"
"Oh! Yeah sorry," Dream chirps, but he sends a wishfull look at the grimore still open on his desk, "...but it's been so little time since then hasn't it? I'm about to end this chapter. When did you check on me, like half an hour ago?"
Just by the look in Quackity's face Dream knows he got the time wrong, but it really doesn't feel like much time has passed. Maybe he was just focused and didn't notice? But it couldn't have been more then a hour or so ago, at max two hours.
"Last time I checked on you was a week ago Dream"
The two of them stare at each other from across the room for a moment before Quackity breaks the silence.
"Please take a break with me"
"Yeah I-" Dream closes the grimore, pushing it aside and going over to Quackity, "I'll take a break. Sorry"
Quackity sighs, sending Dream another weary smile and taking his hand in his
"It's okay. I got us lunch, are you hungry?" He asks as they leave Dream's office and walk to one of the royal gardens
Dream isn't, but he nods anyway, not wanting to make Quackity even more worried
The garden is more overgrown then Dream remembers, but its still as beautiful as ever and Quackity finds a comfortable spot for them to sit and enjoy it's view
They talk, eating the simple sandwiches and soup Quackity brought for them both. Dream asks about how Quackity's business has been going and he cheerfully tells him about how he expanded his (deeply illegal) merchant empire to another kingdom, and all of the people he met recently
It's good. Dream forgets sometimes, that this is what he loves the most, this is what he fights and studies and bleeds for. Simple moments with the people he cares about, talking about nothing that matters and enjoying each other companies.
Dream's eyes drift over the scenery, enjoying the pleasantly warm weather as Quackity rambles on about one tale or another
Dream forgets...
There's apples in a tree nearby. His last memory of the outside has glancing out a window and seeing a snow storm while he waited for Sapnap to finish getting ready to bed.
"We're not quite here anymore, are we?"
Dream says, interrupting Quackity's tale about the weirdest human he had ever met.
When Dream tears his eyes from the apple tree after too many moments of silence, Quackity is looking at him with nothing but grief in his eyes
"... no. You're not"
"How are George and Sapnap doing? Are they also?"
Maybe there's time for them to heal this. Dream might be losing himself but maybe the others can still-
Quackity shakes his head, knowing exactly what Dream was thinking
"I managed to make George drink some tea last week, just before I went to check on you, but he's pretty lost in it. Sapnap goes outside more, but I need to remind him to wash off the blood and rest, or else he will just fight non stop."
"What about you and Karl?" Dream asks, desperation bleeding into his tone. The two of them never messed with magic as much as Dream George and Sapnap, so they should be fine, right?
... no. Not by the look in Quackity's face, not by the dread pulsing from his heart
"I can feel myself slipping. I'm only better off because I work with mortals so much, and they will not let me forget the time," Quackity sighs, "but Karl..."
"It's bad Dream, really bad. I think he went looking for a solution for you three, but whatever he found and whatever he's done he's just not the same anymore. He comes back with weird clothes, sometimes talking in languages I've never heard. He keeps having odd reactions, flinching at silences and reaching for things that aren't there."
Quackity's lips twitch and Dram watches in as tears bead on his human eye.
"I can barely feel his heart anymore and his memory is failing. I've been trying to help him, but I can't do it Dream. He's slipping though my fingers and I can't- I can't help him I can't help you- I'm so sorry- I can't do it alone please-"
Dream pulls Quackity into his arms as he starts sobbing, whispering a thousand apologies for leaving his canary to carry all their burdens for so long without noticing
Dream is not sure how long hey stay there, (clearly, now he's even worse then before at telling the time) but by the time Dream dares move Quackity has cried himself to sleep, and the sun is much lower in the sky.
He tugs at their bond, feeling Quackity's soul tug back at him quick and alert even as his owner sleeps (what's wrong what's happening are you okay-) George's and Sapnap's react lethargicaly, and Dream tugs harder, hoping it will be enough to snap them into lucidity, if only for a moment.
Karl's... Karl feels so far away, like there's s ravine of space between then, where they used to be side by side. Dream can barely feel his phantom breathing along his, and for the first time in (moths? years? decades? ... centuries?) Dream feels his heart freeze with fear
Oh gods. What happen to them
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Reminder that the #Rat's shame corner tag is a tag so that you can easily block any discussion of ships like this and silent duo :]
(It is also a lh joke at myself don't worry about he shame thing)
And!!! Any questions you have are very welcome and make me very happy :D
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Just woke up to laughter. Everyone’s asleep and I’m in my room alone
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littleredstory · 19 days
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I wanna finish this but idk when I will. "It's pride month, me, you know what that means" "what, do you want me to. like. make my ocs gayer somehow? what?"
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leoninekelter · 7 months
Sometimes I hate pirating!! Sometimes I'm like damn!! I wish this movie I really want to see wasn't streaming only because there's no way in hell I'm buying Disney+ and 5 other services for one singular movie!! Sometimes good movies I want to give money to aren't accessible to me because they tried to capitalize so hard on it they're now failing at capitalism!! I want to watch movies that are on Netflix but I don't want to pay for fucking Netflix! And now Disney has stopped producing DVDs!! If all of you fucks do that too the only way I can watch your fucking shows is pirating!! God damn it!!
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
psst for my stream regulars
How does the idea of me starting streams at like 1:30PM (EST) sound. i’ll still plan to run them to like 5:00PM (EST) but now its more definite it’ll actually end then opposed to accidentally going on until like. 7:30PM (EST)
Also im on mobile so i cant make a poll so you gotta let me know through like a comment or somethin ok ty
#snap chats#maybe end even sooner at like 4:50 idk point is how does this sound...#ik everyone shows up for the 3:30 time but im also wondering if 1 is just really too early for some people#maaaaybe 2 if not ???#reason for the time switch is that my moms starting to like. actually use our gym equipment now#and all of thats in the basement. Where I Hang Out#and she’s been getting home just a bit earlier nowadays so im tryig to play it safe#i dont want this arrangement to be permanent and if things go my way for once it shouldnt be#but just for now..#if its not alright then i’ll prob have to pause on streaming for a bit#not forever just. A Bit until i get some personal things sorted#‘personal things’ Wow So Im Not Oversharing For Once leave me ALONE its a complicated situation so we’re going with Personal Things#ok im gonna enjoy my walk. or try to#my therapist is making me take my blood pressure daily and yesterday it was like#149/107 or something and i was like ‘yeah i might as well have high blood pressure’#luckily. or unluckily to me i just took my blood pressure wrong#‘snap how the fuck do you manage that’ I Am Very Stupid. I Am An Idiot Even anyway i didnt know i had to sit POINT IS#took it today and it was actually a Normal reading but man it Would Not be unbelievable if i had HBP#when my dad was with my mom he had HBP all the time and as soon as he got out he was at a normal level... lol...#ok enough rambling bye#im lying I Had That bout myself cause theres a stereotype with filipinos#where bitches just Cannot Say Goodbye like fam will say ‘bye’ and talk another ten minutes and i keep proving it true ENOUGH#BYE FR THIS TIME PLEASE LET ME KNOW HOW WE FEEL BOUT THIS TIME SHIFT
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girlscience · 8 months
trying to figure out the exact line I can ride for clothes to a family function is hell. i just want to wear a suit pleaz. let me wear a tie. i'm begging atp
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rxg1nald · 8 months
glass balloon
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toytulini · 10 months
give me the strength not to google covid teeth rn lest i spiral into a Health Anxiety Meltdown about it during the night
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fidgetspringer · 1 year
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Making maps is pure pain
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ghostingcrows · 1 year
Hollow Knight still got me wanting to bash my head into the wall btw
I hate Panthoen of Hallownest so much
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volfoss · 10 months
trying to finish all 100 issues of batman no mans land in under a week MIGHT be a mistake but that unfortunately will not be stopping me
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skymantle · 11 months
i should rewatch all of adventure time. both in preparation for the new series and also just for fun
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nalayaktha · 1 year
Is 5' o clock a bad time? To wake up:no. To go to sleep: yes.
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v4lentin333 · 1 year
I hate the heat give me the snow back right fucking now
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