#tis LORGE
fidgetspringer · 2 years
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Making maps is pure pain
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oorevitcejda · 2 months
true gender affirmative care for me would be making me get physically larger when i eat like a (the only example i can think of is the smooze from mlpfim) smooze instead of needing to expell everything and if someone wants they can just take my innards away and ill go back to normal sized but somehow that's not """"realistic"""" so i guess ill just be neutral about weight gain like a healthy person
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hannahmanderr · 1 year
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A follow-up to @duchi-nesten's questionably canon Secret Agent Cujo arc hehe
I asked for doodle ideas in out pham server one day, and she and @scarletsaphire said Dr. Doofenshmirtz and lorge Cujo respectively. This was the scene that immediately played out in my head.
Cujo immediately proceeds to eat him because Dr. D's ability to die is worse than Danny's let's be real. Perry takes his sweet time coming to tell Cujo to spit him back up. The two exchange Bro Nods TM.
anyway ignore the fact that I basically copy straight from references and stole Kad's tied up Cujo and am most definitely Not An Artist adshfa
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mintytealfox · 8 months
Any thoughts on Infernal Sin meeting Eternity?
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I am going off the rails with this one so bear with me LOOOL
So I think Eternity would seek Infernal Sin out 👀 she seems like she moves around more than he does with the vibe that he just chills in his lava and has people brought to him, but that would change when Eternity has a proposition for him heh (cause I think he would happily 'work for her' but is really just taken off his leash to enact Eternity's justice. and when doing so takes on his full feathered dragon-phoenix form thing)
Needing a fourth member looks like heh
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(also why is Joseph everywhere lol take a nap old man -wheeze-) I also like how she seems lorge here with her shadow
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heh large power duo I love LOL
I keep getting distracted
So I think that would be the reason for their meeting, her seeking him out about her proposition to join her (even though he is infernal SIN, she can trust him deal out her punishments/cleansing, and in return he isn't in the line of fire or rather 'destruction of sin' lol)
I think he would be fascinated to receive a visit from her. Before, he likely knew of her and was keeping tabs just in case she became an issue and turn him into a target that needs to be eradicated. So, to see her in the same place as him, and it isn't because she is trying to destroy him, would be interesting lol. He also notes how cold and calculating she comes off as. It won't be until later in their cooperation that he will see what she is like behind the looking glass and the toll all of this is having on her.
random sidestep:
Infernal Sin gives me Eris vibes from Sinbad
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the way he toys with mortals and just waits ((but that might just be because he seems kind of tied down to his realm and has to send mortals out in his place, soooo if a certain someone unleashes him and he is able to go wherever he wants to divvy out that justice, (in his full form) that he is assigned to do now, weeeeellll LOL))
So I think this proposition would be everything he wants lol Freedom and the ability to openly cause chaos and destruction. The only limitation is that it would all be limited to those Eternity has targeted. Which I don't think he would mind much anyway lol just full "you point, I go~"
He might have been prepared to toy with Eternity at the mention of a deal to get the most out of this, only for Eternity to just immediately lay out the golden plater, So he just melts and says, yes this is perfect I am yours LOL
Now some random situations lol:
~Eternity: "take off your mask" Infernal Sin: "and why would I do that?" Eternity: "let me see who I am working with..." -Infernal Sin, finding this interesting, decides to oblige and removes his mask- -Eternity using a moment to take in his features, then clears throat- "yes this union will work nicely" Infernal: "?????"
~Eternity seated alone while surrounded by fire and chaos all around her, until Infernal arrives in his full form, stepping into the calm and quiet that Eternity keeps around her. He curls up around her and rests his head near her and she pets the bridge of his snout. an unfortunate job well done
~Then Nightmare calling Infernal "the guard dog". So Infernal being like 'sure why not' and try to bite him LOL
~Eternity finding Infernal to be warm and comfy, especially when in his phoenix-dragon form and them nice feathers lol
~Infernal showing up to Eternity's lair and just "sheesh, this place is dusty, dreary, and falling apart" Nightmare: "you live in the literal depths of a volcano" Infernal: "where it is bright and warm and put together nice, so what's your excuse??"
~Infernal and Nightmare keeping their distance from Joseph cause that is one strangely young looking old man right there. Nightmare: "trade seats with me" Infernal: "no way, continue to suffer" -looks at the other person beside him- "........who is this by the way...." Nightmare: "why should I answer when you won't trade seats.." Infernal: "......." -jumps Nightmare- -the usual fighting resumes loool-
~when no one is looking, Infernal and Eternity are alone and finally able to show themselves with no walls or masks or anything and it usually ends up with Infernal comforting Eternity.
I love me some power duo my goodness graciouuussssss
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thedegu · 4 months
Hey let's design a DND character together!
just as a fun project, we'll start with the race/species. there are more than ten DND races, so we'll narrow it down after this. what wich of these categories means under the cut.
Human, Elf, Half-elf, Half-orc, Dwarf, Tiefling
small folk
Gnome, Halfling, Fairy, Kender, Grung,
Harengon, minotaur, satyr, Tabaxi, Giff, Hadozee, Leonin, Luxon,
bugbear, goblin, Hobgoblin, Verdan
changeling, Shifter, Plasmoid
dnd specific
Genasi, Eladrin, Gith, Shadar-Kai, Triton, Thri-kreen,
Dragonborn, Kobold, Lizardfolk, Tortle, Yuan-ti, locath,
Centaur, Firbolg, goliath, Orc
aarakocra, Kenku, Owlin,
aasimar, Autognome, Kalashtar, Warforged, Symic Hybrid, Vedalken
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woylvesbane · 2 years
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'Tis the season of dressing my critters in stupid outfits in lieu of rent. Behold Freya's reindeer sweater!!
As soon as the tree's up I'm puttin' Momo in his reindeer costume!! Prince is exempt as he's too lorge to find a stupid outfit for (unless anyone knows of where to find Draft Horse sized stupid holiday outfits- he'd make a fantastic Moose!).
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frightkid · 2 years
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my new dalmatian and his shaker collar filled with hearts!! (he likes monster as much as i do)
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raisans-art · 2 years
Who's the Most Lorge of the hermitcats?
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Redflash (Mumbo) is the tallest and Aspenwool (Zed) and Canopystorm (Doc) are tied for the fluffiest
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On July 10th 1559 King Henry II of France died from an injury received during a jousting tournament.
This ties in with Scotland in two instances.
If you remember my post on Gabriel de Lorges, Count of Montgomery two weeks ago, he was  a French nobleman of Scottish extraction and captain of the Scots Guard of King Henry II, it’s him that is on the right, with the broken lance in the depiction.
On 30th June 1559, the king was jousting against Montgomery,  even though King Henry was properly armoured for the tournament, when Montgomery’s lance hit him on the helmet, a long splinter from the shattered lance slipped through the slits of the king’s visor and pierced the king’s eye. Reportedly, the sliver of wood was driven in so deeply it actually penetrated his brain.
The audience and court were horrified by the disaster. King Henri was taken back to the Hôtel des Tournelles, where he lay in ever-increasing agony for more than a week.
Two of the most renown physicians in Europe, Andreas Vesalius and Ambroise Paré, did everything they could to save the wounded monarch, but there was almost nothing the early modern doctors could do about infection.
King Henri of France died, probably of septicaemia on this day in 1559.
The second instance with a Scottish connection was Henry’s son became  François II of France, and his wife Mary Stuart, Queen.
Tragically, King Francis II died after only a year and 1/2 on the throne, Mary was of no use to the French as such, so she was sent pacing back to Scotland which had just gone through the turmoil of the Reformation, it was never going to be easy for the young devout Catholic Queen in her native land. 
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nevermindirah · 2 years
Matthias Schoenaerts movies, ranked by my transmasc feels
a very scientific analysis you’re contractually obligated to agree with read and maybe reblog if you feel like it! proud to be joining the ranks of these excellent Matthias movie posts, hair edition and vibes/plot/nudity/etc edition
first of all, dishonorable mention / disqualified: all the ones where he plays a Nazi or a rapist or otherwise dealbreaker-to-me levels of creep:
A Hidden Life
Red Sparrow
Suite Française — though if you don't have the immediate ABSOLUTELY NOT reaction to a Nazi uniform that I do, I hear it's a beautiful movie, and you may enjoy this lovely little post-movie fic by @mprosperossprite​​
The Loft
The Drop
Blood Ties
Left Bank (though that one gifset, you know the one, is so valid)
and now, with one exception, all the ones I’ve seen:
The Danish Girl
I have never seen and will never see this movie. a trans woman is played by a cis man and Matthias doesn't even have a beard so the stills from it aren't even fun to look at what the fuck
Racer and the Jailbird | Le Fidèle
a tragic absence of beard and a tragic fear of dogs and tragically heterosexual fashion, but very romantic and sexy and has what I choose to read as a happy ending. something/10 will watch again despite the Heterosexuality of it all
Rust and Bone | De rouille et d'os
wow this guy's a terrible father with major entitlement issues. however, ARMS. (it's totally just the arms yep just the arms)
Close Enemies | Frères ennemis
he loves his friends!! what a smart and resourceful boy just trying to survive in a fucked-up world!! but he kisses his ex-wife despite her repeated verbal "no" and as a result we do not stan.
Our Souls at Night
dude, let your mom have a boyfriend!! it's sweet that you're worried though, maybe you can ask her how it's going while y'all go shopping and she helps you pick out something nicer than those dorky polos you beautiful sad-dad idiot. (in his defense, his mom's boyfriend is known Bucky Barnes terrorizer Alexander Pierce so his concern is understandable)
The Mustang
prisons are trauma factories and should not exist. I could go look for sources to link you on this or on how animal therapy reduces future incidents of violent crime, but instead I’m gonna sit here and stew in my feels over this sad dad who's such a mess but he sure is Trying
Brothers by Blood
lorge. wears a kippah in that one scene. so gentle with the person he's dating. cares about his friends (I think, I watched it once a year ago and barely remember the plot, only vibes remain). lorge.
The Command | Kursk
HEARTBREAKING. WHAT IS THE FUCKING POINT OF COMMUNISM IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO LISTEN TO THE WORKERS YOU BASTARDS. oh and before all the heartbreak there's some very domestic sexiness on a couch, that part was a joy, who am I kidding the whole thing was a joy and I am in pain about it
The Laundromat
it's hard to have social dysphoria when you're trapped in a collapsed trench tunnel with only one other person who doesn’t even speak your language! downsides include dehydration, starvation, potential asphyxiation, knowing if you escape all the mud you'll probably get shot, and— wait no actually I like the mustache that's not a downside the mustache can stay
ps this is a short and you can watch the whole thing right here
A Bigger Splash
why will tumblr not let me locate let alone embed that gif of him on his knees for Tilda Swinton WHY. I suppose this one will have to do
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Far from the Madding Crowd
hey look, look, rugged masculinity can be SOFT!! he loves his dog and all the animals under his care and he proposes marriage with a lamb. if only this book weren't written by a misogynist then Bathsheba could be free and happy and probably a lesbian like she deserves but at least I get to look at SOFT MASCULINITY WITH A DOG
A Little Chaos
oh the joys of a time and place where ornate fashion and long hair are a normal and celebrated part of masculinity. God I wish my jawline looked like that so I wouldn't get misgendered 100% of the time if I grew my hair out.
oh and also the little thing of treating a woman as an intellectual equal and changing your opinion and your behavior as a result of new information I am SCREAMING
Disorder | Maryland
I, too, have ptsd. however I also have the experience of being afab and knowing how scary it is when men stare too long and randomly punch things. so, like, dude. Vincent. please get therapy. in the meantime I'm gonna keep staring at you and reminding myself of how femme of center people might be understandably wary of me sometimes and I need to not do accidentally scary shit like walking too close on the sidewalk, it's cool I only worry about this a normal amount
The Old Guard
I'll just go ahead and point you here and here
And the winner is...
Bullhead | Rundskop
this guy's got major boundary issues, hmm wonder where that comes from, could it have anything to do with his parents thinking it was ok to stop him from accessing hrt he desperately needed wtf
content warning, esp for fellow trans people thinking about watching this movie: there's literally a scene where, shortly after young Jacky experiences testicular trauma (that scene isn't the very most graphic physically but is extremely graphic emotionally), a doctor tells his parents that he needs to take testosterone and their reaction is basically "no child of mine!!" >:(
it's a great movie though and my asks are open for any questions you've got! just say so if you want a private response <3
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oorevitcejda · 4 months
not to be a dyke™️ but i wish i was massive
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asimpletroll · 3 years
A/B/O Dynamics for MHA
- Largely seen as weak, but if you try and attack an Omega's mate or pack, you will die a slow and horrible death. They keep the Alphas in line, the Betas go to them for helps with emotional issues, and Omegas are the ones that give birth/have periods with EITHER primary gender. If you really belief Omegas are weak, I pray for you to grow a brain cell before one of them gets to you.
- Twinks and Bottoms, all of them.
- Usually the voice of reason, but known to get real horny, real easy, real fast
- Normal
- No secondary gender
- Usually Himbos and Galpals
- The glue that keeps the pack from devolving into either an orgy or war
- Usually the younger-sibling-figure or parent-figure, there is no in-between
- Can not smell for shit
- Baddest bitches around
- Will make you eat
- Do not cry around them, they will adopt first and ask questions later
- Usually friendly and extroverted, but have been known to have major anger issues while young
- Stinky, always so stinky
- The girls have dicks too, but they have what scientists call a 'vaginal sheathe' for them
- Usually have snacks for all age groups tucked away on them at all times
- Will feel bad if you try to refuse their food, claim you don't need them, or otherwise attempt to rebuff their care
- They are not afraid to throw hands if someone is being mean to their pack
- Can enter a level of rage where they can topple buildings and throw cars at 'enemy' packs
APEX Alphas:
- Lorge
- Does not care if you think you don't need their coat
- Will force-feed you if you try to avoid food
- You are either behind them, beside them, or IN THEIR FUCKING WAY
- Alpha stink x1000
- Will groom you, no arguments
- Does not care if that person if cute, you cannot date outside their pack, they don't approve of that person
- Parent-figure, ALWAYS
- Usually has to share a brain cell, but never uses it
VERTEX Omegas:
- Smol beans
- Aggression issues until Apex comes along
- Friends or not, you are pack, you have no choice
- Will understand the reasoning, even if they do not agree with it
- "Catch these *(smol beans)* you tall bitch!"
- Only nice to pack or to pups, they have too much hormone for 'levelheadedness'
- Apex can calm them, but they cannot calm others, so these two re made for each other
- Usually overthinks
- All the Alpha attitude, none of the physical ability or emotional ties
- Obvi be the leader (their enemies don't believe it unless they are also led by a Vertex)
- Always fertile, wrap it before you tap it
- Will Mark anyone or anything, you are THEIRS
- Will set your ex on fire if you ask
Should I tell you which characters are which secondary gender or...?
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andyxxdraws · 3 years
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[ID: a digital illustration of Kirima from the Kyoshi novels, her design inspired by @arealdandy ‘s Kirima. She grins widely at something to her left, her black hair tied back in a thick ponytail, and she wears a muted green hanfu. The background is a brightly-saturated blue. End ID.]
characters with lorge hair >>>>>>
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Spotlight: Rogue Seeker
I’ve returned and thus have some time for this again! It’s been a bit since the last spotlight, but now we’re here for Rogue Seeker, which you can find at @rogue-seeker​ and @voidwingsprime​, as well as on AO3 and Deviantart!
Q) Give us a run down of your cont! What's it about, what's it called, what's it like?
My cont is Rogue Seeker! And it's basically about Soundwave's family drama, but I also have one shots and side stories with other characters.  The cont's mood swings from surreal comedy like toaster isopods trying to get toaster eggs made to sci fi horror to waking up from stasis and finding out nearly all your human children are dead.  And the last one left is a glitchy ptsd addled mess of an digitized mind. There's also tons of weird xenobiology interwoven.
Q) What characters take the lead here? Any personal favorites?
Soundwave is my brain's hyperfixation so ze is the extremely flawed protagonist. Starscream also works on making William Lennox Suffer, who is the comedy relief due to all the weird situations he ends up in. Thundercracker and Skywarp play a bigger role. Another character is Hexbolt, who is a posthuman OC.
Q) Is there a bigger point to this, like a theme or some catharsis? Or is it just fluffy fun?
Catharsis along with personal amusement. It's also really satisfying watching my pile of posted chapters get longer and my collection of art done by me and other people like Rito here get lorge
The main theme is this: Toxic societies create toxic people, generational trauma takes a lot of work to undo, and your children don’t owe you forgiveness if you fuck up. And if you fuck up, work on being a better person. Also asks that cover this.
Q) How long have you been working on it?
The first version of Rogue Seeker was conceptualized back in 2014/2015, nearly all of that has been scrapped. I started working on the new version in early August 2020. I like it a better this time around and it couldn't exist in its current form without the fan continuity server.
Q) Give us a behind-the-scenes look! Show us a secret ;))
Here is my character design gallery!
Q) Where did you draw inspiration from? What canons, what other fiction, what parts of real life?
I'm lazy and going to drop in a link where I answered this.
Q) Show off something you're really proud of, a particular favorite part of your cont.
I'm really proud of this arc! It has everything I love. Disturbing yandere soundwave, grey xenoethics, Frumble chaos, dark unsettling undertones, and siblings bonding!
Q) What other fan canons do you love and why? Would you like to see them interviewed?
I love Oni's Ties that Bind! And Beebs' Transformers Mirror Mirror! Along with Max's Living Gds and Transformers Rise Up! They must all be interviewed! (Rise Up! has been interviewed here)
Thank you very much Star, and thank you for your patience! Rogue Seeker has some truly unique and fascinating elements that you explore well. The next spotlight will shine on some very human faces... stay tuned!
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pacific-rimbaud · 4 years
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (ish) favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Tagging @dreamsofdramione @scullymurphy @feelingofthesea @heyjude19-writing @niffizzle @ms-merlinblack @anneamm @frumpologist @raven-m-3 @ravenslightwrites and anyone else who would like to do this!
(I made a separate post, the other one has grown vry lorge)
Les Pèlerins
Draco x Hermione, Rated M, 10k words complete one-shot
I still cannot believe I was asked to write for D/Hr Advent. Thank you again to anyone who put my name in that hat. 🤯 I had a few ideas for Advent (Mall AU where Draco and Hermione are elves at the North Pole, Bletchley Park codebreakers AU) but really wanted to do an urban walking-and-talking piece just to see if I could write something that was actually readable. I particularly love what you don’t see: a broken Draco sitting in churches contemplating redemption, trying to glue himself back together and discovering his shape has changed, Hermione trying to make life and love work through sheer force of will and then learning to ease her grip, what it looks like for D&H that morning, the rest of the winter, in the spring.
Bright Objects
Pansy x Neville, Rated E, 17.5k words complete multi-chapter
This is less about the piece itself and more about the process of creating it with @grangerdangerfics @scullymurphy and @provocative-envy​ I am SO proud of what the four of us built as a whole, and our time working on it was one of the very best parts of a really terrible year. 25/10, would die for this crew and also for this soft soft Neville and this vulnerable, relatable bébé Pansy having a watershed WTF moment at the threshold of adulthood.
The Secretary
Pansy x Percy, Rated E, 45.9k complete multi-chapter
This was my second completed short multi-chapter after A Dress with Pockets, and it was a total pleasure to write. I have a lot of feels for these two. I loved this office AU so much I wrote in it again. Also I sometimes think about how smutty this is and want to hide my face, WHAT HAVE I DONE?
Notes on the Temptation of Peter and Heloise
Pansy x Percy, Rated T, 3k complete one-shot
This was exceptionally satisfying to write. I don’t know about anyone else but I loved watching this Pansy Parkinson lose her goddamned mind over this Percy Weasley. The absolute ache of these two. This is tied with Field Guide to North American Dragons for my favorite of the pieces I wrote in Death by Quill 2020. I grew tremendously over that competition and am deeply grateful for that experience.
One and Done
Draco x Hermione, Rated E, 35k complete multi-chapter
I know this is just a small slice of zesty Hermaco cheesecake, but it’s also probably the most Me thing I’ve written. My soul looks like this fic. Gawain Robards: a self-insert. This is my very, very favorite Draco (although he is very much adjacent to Draco from Love and Other Historical Accidents). I LOVE HIM. I love how much he loves her. I LOVE PANSY in this, I love that Pansy “Dislocated Cunt” Parkinson is the woman who loses her shit for Percy “Keep Calm and Carry On” Weasley in this AU, and for all its frivolity and spice, the scene where Pansy narrates Draco’s fantasy is structurally one of the more elegant things I’ve ever written.
Also, I’m not burning down the fandom art world, but I am SO proud of the art that sparked One and Done. I drew this from absolute scratch (this is a very art-nerdy thing to be excited about!) including that lace, and FUNNY STORY: to make it look right I had to draw and shade her bare breasts and then add the lace over her skin as a separate layer, which was a much, much spicier place than I was ever planning to go with fan art.
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colorisbyshe · 2 years
hey the origin of smol is actually a post on the blog negutivfeadbak (which collects funny negative ebay feedback) that says "its very smoll", it's post number 104330694350
hmmm, no, i don't thinks actually related to the smol-infestation but rather just an example of like... convergent evolution. like two similar things happening separately.
The timing is off (that's before the Smol thing), spelling is different, that post didn't get very many notes and most of them eem to be AFTER the smol/tol/lorge thing.
And, regardless, the most popularizing usage of... smol... was smol bean... which does seem to be conclusively tied..... to people being weirdoes about 21p (not that there is a way to be normal about that)
I'm so sorry to be the bearer of this news
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