#its a very interesting contrast to c1 and c2
denkryn · 1 year
campaign 3 is actually nuts it feels like little to no combat for several episodes and then suddenly a BBEG fight that is way above the party’s pay grade
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years
Hello! I noticed you seem to be watching critical role c2 and c3 at the same time and was wondering if that's a way you'd recommend to watch them? I've just finished c1 and want to watch the next two campaign's like right now but I'm worried ill get super confused by jumping between them or lose my momentum on catching up on both. Do you find it tricky to juggle the two? Idk if that all makes sense lol sorry if not !!!
hello! yes that makes sense! i have indeed been watching c2 in between c3 episodes and i also was doing that with c1 before this
i think recommend is a strong word bc watching 2 campaigns at the same time doesn't do anything to improve the experience, BUT i also don't think it's as confusing as you might expect. each cast member plays very very different PCs, especially comparing c2 to c3 (aside from molly and ashton i guess) so you probably won't find yourself mixing them up much, if at all. they also just feel different - the vibes of the mighty nein vs. bells hells have been the topic of many a meta post because the contrast is very stark and very interesting so yeah it's not a huge Thing trying to distinguish them i think
in terms of losing your momentum, i would personally say that watching c3 episodes as they come out will probably make your life a bit easier, so i would maybe recommend that you focus on catching up with c3 first? just bc watching a weekly c3 episode is straightforward, the show drives the momentum for you as long as you keep up with it, and then you can just use the time in between thursdays to watch c2. and i don't think adding the occasional c3 episode into your c2 binge will make the binge harder than it already is lol. finding the momentum to binge an old campaign is 100% driven by your own ability to obsessively Care for 500 hours, you know what i mean?? and that's smth that'll ebb and flow and maybe it'll ebb more after a really juicy c3 episode and maybe you'll burn through 5 c2 episodes in a row bc the most recent c3 episode was really boring, but as long as you have some internal drive to keep watching c2 then it'll just happen at its own pace. always good to remember that there is really no pressure to watch it at any particular speed, just watch whatever you're feeling in the moment u kno
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I recently heard the critical roll theme song, and its thursday night, and i keep seeing art for it everywhere. How do i start watching it?
Ohhhh very good question !!
Honestly I don't know it depends where you'd like to. I'm no expert in critical role I only watched half of campaign 2 and now campaign 3
So in case you didn't know every campaign has a different story with different characters but they're set in the same world and sometimes in later campaigns you'll hear stuff about the old characters. You can still start with whichever one you'd like cuz you don't need to know all of them to watch one but yea.
You could start with the animated series (Vox Machina) haven't checked it out yet but I heard it's good, also it's a nice introduction compared to fully dedicating yourself to a 3/4 hour episode. The animated series centers around characters from campaign one, I haven't watched it yet so I can't really give any review on it atm.
You can also start with campaign 2 which is my first one so I'm a bit biased but its very good. It also feels like a nice starting point because the stuff in c1 is brought up rarely so you won't feel like you're missing out. The characters are fun and it's nice to see them evolve both into a family but also as individuals. It's interesting to see the political struggles they somehow get involved with within the world. Now that I have a point of reference having watched c3, c2 feels a bit more sad(?) there's a very 'we could all die at any moment' tone to it and the characters (at the beginning) are untrusting because of the very fucked up shit they went through and because of the grip The Empire has on the citizens living within. But it manages to balance that out with fun shenanigans and I think that's very special. I can't tell you more cuz I haven't finished it but it's fricking good.
If you want to start with c3 that's also good it's so fun. Campaign three has made me laugh so much I love the characters and the bs they manage to get in and out of they're all so stupid/pos. The stakes feel lower then c2 but that might be because it's still the beginning. Tho it's supper fun that just makes the sad shit hit way harder when it happens. I love the party dynamic and I love how easily they just have practically glued themselves to one another, they're so open and it's a nice contrast to c2. If you start with c3 just know there's a lot of stuff about c1 sprinkled in but if you also watch the animated series you're gonna be fine ( you're also gonna be ok if you don't but I recommend it).
And of course you can start at the beginning with campaign 1. I can't really give you an overview of this once cuz, like I said haven't checked it out yet so I'm sorry about that.
Overall my recomandation is :
Animated series -> campaign 3 and you can continue with one of the other one after
But you can figure out what works best for you from what I've said, you can also check out clips or character introductions before jumping in one of them to see which one you might like.
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quangthang961 · 6 years
Argumentative essay:
-         Advantages and Disadvantages of N
-         Opinion                 Should
-         Discuss both views              1 Issue
                                            2 Issues
Discussion essay:
-         Cause
-         Effect
-         Solution
Page 1:
1.    Introduction:
1.1                        Generalise the topic
1.2                        Introduce the question
1.3                        Thesis statement
2.    Body paragraph 1
2.1                        Topic sentence
2.2                        1st advantage (Name of pros)
2.3                        Supporting idea (6 steps) (Chuỗi)
2.4                        2nd advantage
2.5                        Supporting idea
2.6                        For Example
3.    Body paragraph 2
3.1                        Topic sentence
3.2                        1st disadvantage
3.3                        Supporting idea
3.4                        2nd disadvantage
3.5                        Supporting idea
3.6                        For example
4.    Conclusion
4.1                        Restate the question
4.2                        Summarize main idea
4.3                                           Choice (Kết thúc đóng)
                          Solution (Kết thúc mở)
Phân tích dạng chuỗi (1)
1.    Introduction:
Kiểu 1:
1.1 Nowadays, (..N..) has become (heated debate/ controversial issue) to sb (general public/ modern society)
1.2 The above (issue/ topic), can lead to the question of whether or not trend’s pros (benefits) outweigh its downsides
1.3 The following essay will analyze the mentioned trend with regard to ..N1.., ..N2..
Kiểu 2:
1       One of the most controversial issue today relates to ..N..
2       Some people argue that this trend brings several plus point including ..N1.. (and ..N2..)
3       (1) Both of argument will be analyzed before a reasonable conclusion is reached
(2) This issue should be viewed and analyzed from multiple perspectives
(3) There are several factors that account for the (stark contrast between.. /clear difference the 2 thoughts)
Kiểu 3:
1.     (1) Recent event in ..(place).. about ..(topic).. have brought the issue of ..N.. into the public consciousness
(2) Whenever I do st (… media..) I always recognize the appearance of the (trend/event) about ..N..
2.      (1) This raise the question whether..sb.. should do st or not
            (2) Basically (..8..) whether /sb should dost/ st should be done or not.
     3.  I adv (totally/ firmly) (agree/believe) that this statement is (reasonable/appropriate)
2.    Body paragraph 1
2.1 On the one hand, some people claim that benefits  ..N.. can bring outweigh its shortcoming
2.2 Primarily, one of the most obvious plus point which sb may gain would be ..N1..
2.3 As for ..N1.,                     It is able to lead to …
                                      It (seems/ appears) to …
                                      It tends to lead to …
                                      It is more like to lead to …
                                      It is almost certainly accepted …
… that it leads to ..N1’.. which seems to generate ..N1’’…
2.4In addition to the first one, …N2… can result from ..N..
2.5Associated with this, there will be strong possibility, sb will achieve ..N2’.. in near future.
3.    Body paragraph 2
3.1Although ..N.. may bring several mentioned above benefits, yet its downsides should be taken into consideration (thoroughly/…)
3.2 Sb think that the most negative effect of ..N.. may be ..N3..
3.3Having said that it would most possibly provokes ..N3’..
3.4As well as the first shortcoming, ..N4.. could be considerated as (subsequent/ limitation) of ..N..
3.5 Especially in … has adverse influence on/ upon sb/st (by/through doing st)
3.6Example (form structures)
-         Actually, these above (pros/cons) can be illustrated clearly by typical/ fine example           in… (place/area)
                         … that/where/who
With …
-         There are a positive relation between ..N.. and ..N..1,..N2.. or ..N3.., ..N4..
-         There more Sb do st (with N)
They               obtain ..N1.., ..N2..
                       Suffer from ..N3.., ..N4..
4.    Conclusion
1.     Conclusion, ..N.. has/played/been| important/ commonly- known role in sb (modern society)
2.     In spite of evoking ..N3.., ..N4.., ..N.. can generate ..N1.., ..N2..
3.     (1) After doing st (both side of this) I am among people who (support/oppose) this trend
… is (in favor of this trend/against)
(2) If sb would like take advantages of ..N.., they should do st
 9 mẫu câu:
1.     It helps sb do st
2.     It (allows/ enables) sb to do st
3.     It makes st (adj “better”/do st)
4.     It provides sb (do st/ with st)
5.     It is adj “necessary/vital/essential/rewarding” (st for sb/ for sb do st)
6.     From this, it trends  to N11, which can result in N12
7.     Another justification (=reason) worth mentioning is due to N2
8.     Without N, sb could find it difficult to have opportunity to do st (and do st)
9.     Example …
Discusion essay:
(1) One of the most challenging problems of today’s world is ..N..
(2) Of those issue that have concerned sb/st ..N.. is one of the most prominent
(1) It is not only a question of ..sb.. but also a question of ..sb..
 (2) Albeit generally noticeable, the impact of this headache have not been                realized by ..sb.. and ..sb..
(1) Given this, it is adv + adj (definitely) (necessary) that to explore the consequences/causes and discuss the solutions to deal with this ..N..
(2) Given this, a exploration of the causes and a discussion on the methods to address this is (significantly/ considerable)
3* (Hay)
(1) Here I will analyze the root causes and recommend how to rectify this problem with regard to ..N..
(2) In this essay, after doing st including … , ... (Causes) I will suggest ..,.. (Solutions)
Discuss below are several cause including ..,.. ( Causes) behind this issue as well as certain appropriate – way ..,.. (solutions)
 Body paragraph:
1.    Topic sentence: point out target (consequence)
2.    1st negative in influence “problem”
3.    Consequence “problem”
4.    2nd harmful impact
5.    Consequences
6.    For Example
Body paragraph 1:
1.     The growth of ..N.. this (trend/phenomenon/st) would make countless effect on sb/st
2.     It is (universally/generally) that It most striking impact are usually recognized in …
3.     It is most likely that this can lead to ..
4.     As well as the above problem, ..N2.. is (take into consideration/considered) as subsequent issue.
5.     Unless urgent actions could be applied, the sb will possibly suffer from/confront with ..N2..
6.     For example
Body paragraph 2:
1.     As fas as the thorny issue is concerned, several effective measures should be (put in practice/implemented)
2.     I think the most obvious solution would be for sb to do st (tên gải pháp 1)
3.     Particularly, sb could do st ( long-term, short-term) (in …) ( sb …)
4.     Another (feasible/potential) possibility comes from sb/st (who/which) may do st
5.     By doing this, it would make st (increase/decrease/disappear)
(1) Không cần nghĩ:
1.     In the light of these facts, it seems obvious that this is (clearly) a problem of such complexity that no solution is the short term.
2.     However, I believe that the measures outlined above would constitute a good first step.
(2) Nghĩ:
1.     As suggested above, N1 and N2 are contributing factors that are responsible for N
2.     In reducing N, Sb/st should play active role and take a number of approaches
3.     Especially, the emphases could place on doing st and doing st.
Form: Hậu quả (Mỳ ăn liền)
1.     Begin with ..N.., individual awareness of … and its effect must be nurtured
2.     All levels of education, especially primary and secondary schools, can be a suitable starting point to teach and train about this.
3.     Moreover, the ….(VD mass media) are also responsible for raising the people’s ..adj.. consciousness.
4.     The above method could be implemented ..adv..(carefully) through ….,…,… (báo chí, website, …)
5.     After applying these, root cause of this problem will be (solved/ addressed/ tackled)
Form: Giải pháp (TH cả 2 đoạn đều là giải pháp)
1.     The mentioned approach need combining the following may to achieve the best result.
2.     I firmly believe that the most effective measure would be for ..sb.. (authority/parliament/ government) to impose stricter law about … (môi trường, nhập cư)
3.     This rule should be focus on relevant cases in short-term and long-term
4.     By doing this/ As a result, negative in fluences of N could possibly decrease in (near future/ foreseeable future)
(1) For example, a resent (study/research) by … found that doing st (increased/ decreased) lead to N1 (N2)
(2) For instance, a resent (survey/ poll) by the …(government) (found/showed) that …% of sb Who (did st/does st) would have preferred to (have done/do)
(3) … reported in … that A (topic) such as …, were link to B
(4) The above mentioned (advantages/reason) could be (illustrated/demonstrated) by adj + example (with …sb.., in …, of …event...) who…, where…, which…
Discussion essay:
1.     Main structure:
-         Paraphrase the question
-         This essay discusses argument A and argument B
1.2  BODY:
-         Writing topic sentence for each body paragraph
-         Paragraph 1: On one side of the argument there are people who argue that.
-         Paragraph 2: On the other hand …
-         Signal option
-         Usually you can say that both side have merits
-         State which side is stronger and the reason
2.     Writing template:
2.1  Style 1:
One very complex issue in today’s world is + N (T.S). There is an argument that + C (T.S), but there is also a case for saying that + C (T.S). Both of these arguments will be analyzed before a reasoned conclusion is reached.
2.2  Style 2:
Recent years have witnessed + N (T.S), which has aroused a heated debate of whether + C. Views on this issue vary from person to person (2). It is necessary to analyze/explore this thorny issue from different angles/both sides of this (3).
2.3  Style 3:
Where + N (T.S) + goes is an issue of broad interest to the general public (1). Some people advocate (that) + C1 (T.S), while opponent suggest (that) + C2 (T.S) (2). In my opinion, the possibility remains that the two opinions can be reconciled and + S + V … + to meet the need of both (3).
2.4  Style 4:
One of the most controversial issues today relates to + N (T.S) (1). Some people argue that + C1 (T.S), while many others contend/adopt a view that + C2 (T.S) (2). In this essay, both sides hold water (3).
2.2  BODY:
1) Style 1:
Convincing argument can be made that + C. First and foremost, + C (Supporting sentence 1). Evidence has shown that + C. Another feasible explanation is that + C (SS2). This is clearly illustrated by the fact that + C.
On the other hand, those who oppose to + N argue that + C. The prime reason is that + C. there is no denying + C (SS1). Recent research has proved that + C. Another justification worth mentioning here is due to + N, C (SS2). A classic example of this is that + C. What is more, C (SS3).
2) Style 2: Ít ideas dùng
Those who argue that C (T.S) typically make one of two arguments. The first argument is that + C (Supporting sentence 1) and C. Research has shown that + C. The second, and related, argument is that C (SS 2). This would be serious concern as + C.
In contrast, there is only one major argument on the other side of the debate C (T.S). This is that C (SS 1). Needless to say + C. Therefore C. By way of illustration, + C. 2.2.3.
3) Style 3: Không có ideas dùng
On one side of the argument, there are people who argue that the advantages of + N/ Doing St considerably outweigh its disadvantages. The main reason for believing this is that + C (SS.1). It is also possible to say that + C. One good illustration of this is that + C. Furthermore, N is another gain.
(However, other people may examine/explore this issue from another angle). On the other hand, it is also possible to make the opposing case (T.S 2). It is often argued that in fact + C (SS 1). People often have this opinion because + C. A second point is that + C (SS 2). A particularly good example here is N/ that +C.
2.3.1. STYPE 1:
In a nutshell, there is no clear answer to this question as there are such strong arguments on both sides.
The reason cited above have justified why + C (T.S). While depending on + N, the society should be more considerate of their situation. The effort to encourage + N + will + v + sooner, rather than later.
2.3.2    STYPE 2:
For the points enlisted above, it seems obvious, that although both approaches have benefits and drawbacks in our ever-changing, world. (T.S). It also appears to be the case that C (T.S)
2.3.3    STYPE 3
After analyzing both sides of the argument, although it is very difficult/hard to draw/come to/reach/arrive at an absolute conclusion to this issue. The decision + to do st + depends on + N. When/Although C1, C2.
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ombreecha · 7 years
The Uchiha’s Wife
FF.NET Fandom: Naruto Pairing: SasuSaku Rated: M Summary: She was an otherworldly being of healing. An absolute nymph of spring. He was an otherworldly being of destruction. An absolute god of war. In a world where war makes him death, and chaos she will be the life, and love his people will talk of for years to come. AU x Warring States Period.
Chapter 1 The Union
Spring. Pale rose-colored strands. Viridian ocular windows bearing the uncertainty of what was to become her new life. Milky unblemished skin outside of a simple pale purple mark on her forehead peaks out from the cheongsam of deep rich colors.
She was otherworldly. An absolute nymph of spring. An absolute contrast to the ebony strands, pupils, and pale complexion observing her with lackadaisical attempt.
She shifted. Ah. Had he said it out loud?
Her brows had pinched together from uncertainty to distaste. Her emotions decorating her openly before him. He held no time for her feelings, and wants. He spoke again this time. This time he was intending to. Not to her though. Never to her.
This was war. He did not have time to play the role of husband nor the desire to do so. Her viridian never left his features as if she was digesting all that was before her.
Healer. That was the only thing that had brought her to him. Take her before the Senju did. Madara had been certain of this as if it was the only thing that mattered.
They treated her immediately with subtle interest, but correctly. Recognizing her place as his wife even without question. She would adapt. She would follow without question. She knew her place beside him. The otherworldly creature before him held the recognition of her new status. She did not fight following the Uchiha he had handed her off too.
Strong. He was told she was strong. Petite hands that held strength that shattered fields and yet hands that could bring forth recovery should she so wished it, and wished it she did. The tales that had been spoke among his clan weaved themselves into a design he could not understand. These tales had come to the forefront of this marriage. The word was bitter, and so very unloving.
This woman did not see sides. She did not recognize Uchiha from Senju. She only recognized the need to heal. She had healed the enemy. She had healed the friend. She had healed the bystander. She had healed in her unknown village, that held unknown clans of no importance in this game of politics and power.
She would know now. There would be no Senju here for her to give her kindness too.
Their marriage would be dealt with properly upon his return. It would be but simple paper till then.
Stepping softly down the long open hall the painted sky graced his home with colors of reds, and yellows, pinks, and oranges, his home quieting in the wait for nightfall. His steps falling off to gaze at his open garden teasing him with his cherry tree in bloom.
His next mission already given, and set to begin in the early morning—set to begin only half a day after meeting her.
Madara had insisted "She is of convenience and nothing more."
Her muffled cries did nothing to raise empathy within him. His fingers grasping the door as if ready to slide it open at a moments notice. Only hours had transpired between their meeting and when he had casually handed her off to his subordinate, Hikaku, before heading to his mission briefing.
He held the smallest of interest in giving her, her solitude. He found he cared little for such things though sliding the door open. Those viridian eyes find his instantly and he finds himself taking her in once more. Bloodshot, and strained glassed over viridian hold his gaze, as he recognizes their color seemingly brighter in her sorrow. Her rose-colored chin length strands darkened with her tears sticking to her cheeks as the full length spilled around her, and her cheongsam twisted around her form.
He does not waste his time with words—its easier to avoid such things. He was not a man of many words to start. It would be best for her to realize this now. She has now placed her arm in front of her eyes as if to shield her face from his gaze. He takes it from her form giving her as she desires. He could not give her love. He could not give her compassion. He could give her this, though.
His disrobing begins and he hears her shuffle behind him. He holds no interest in this woman to dare look back at her as she begins her own. His sleeping robe settles onto his shoulders as he sets to tie it wrapping it only once before tucking in the fabric. His ears pick up the delicate sound of her shuddered exhale as she slides herself into the futon she had sat upon in her sorrow. He takes his place into his own that is settled next to her. His eyes fall upon her form as he slides himself in. She has brought those long locks to settle in front of her giving way to her neck that dares peak from her robe. He closes his eyes settling on his side to face the wall then to eye the woman who will now become part of his life.
It's not as though he'd be sleeping as it was.
The household is in full life as the sun basks it's rays upon them giving good fortune and hope for success. His armor and honor on display across his being as he prepares for his departure. He finds her at the door way among her handmaid and his comrades. She is held together in more deep rich reds and whites but has taken their fashion in, making it all her own. Her kimono long and detailed showcasing her almost empress status, those long locks braided and tamed no longer spilling from her in waves, and those eyes enhanced and bold with thick liner, and thicker lashes. Their eyes meet as his focus is only fleeting upon his newly acquired wife. He has a victory to claim. A mission to accomplish.
His comrades, those he trusts to help him acquire such victory, seem to share his fleeting focus on her, and grip themselves for their departure. The maid gives her farewells in proper account his wife doing none of the sort. Her viridian showcasing her disdain for the him as he walks past her without a word.
He could care not what the spring nymph holds towards him.
He was there one moment in time and then gone again the next, and yet she could not find it in her to care for the man who had obtained her. Her gifts, and abilities were sought out and now officially acquired, and not by the side she would have foreseen.
The girl could not understand the power struggle of men.
Could she have put up a fight? Yes.
Would she had lived when Madara Uchiha had come to claim her? No.
A faint smile decorates her lips as she wanders her way from the door her husband and his comrades have left through. The painted smile is of cheap quality and only serves to hold the place of the firm line her mouth had desired to stay in.
The footsteps of her handmaid are behind her as the handmaid begins to explain what is expected of her. Visitation of another is set to enter her home, and she will not be allowed to explore her new home just yet.
Tears were not needed now. The frustration she had allowed herself to be swallowed by the previous day was no longer a place she could return to. Sakura had known of this man well before she had set her gaze on him. His name was known throughout the land even in the small village she was lifted from. Sasuke Uchiha was a cruel man.
Her clan, the Haruno, held far different traditions, clothing-styles, and treatment among their members. They were small though, and held no large part among the powerhouses that had divided the land.
Little did these two sides seem to realize that in that division there was truly no difference between them when hurt, broken, and dead. There was no definition of friend or foe present. There was only bodies.
The rose-colored newlywed—it made a soft scoff escape her lips as the word played in her mind—looked toward her handmaid stopping in the unfamiliar kitchen that was to become her own.
"Uchiha-sama, your guest is to arrive in only a matter of time. What would you like to serve them?"
She held her hand up to silence any further question, "I will serve them tea. You are dismissed." as if her words held no power the handmaid had made no motion to leave her side seeming unsure.
"Speak." those forever searching eyes found the maids in that moment not pleased. It seemed even with the title being on paper she was not being recognized.
"Pardon me, Uchiha-sama, but would you not like me to assist you in these matters? It would be shameful to leave you to make such things."
Closing her eyes she took in a sharp exhale. So this was the traditions of their women? The maids provided while she was expected to play the roll of doll only to be useful when necessary. These were not her families customs. The wife provided more than just care for her husband. She was to rule her home—when he was not there to do so—in more than just a name carrier.
"No. I will be the one to make the tea, and handle our guest. Please see to your other duties until I am finished with our guest."
The hesitation had lingered but only for a small moment in time before she left her side leaving her to her own devices. The kitchen was large in size and was very much what she assumed was traditional to his people. This man seemed to thrive on his clan, his people, and his traditions.
She would need to adjust. She would need to learn. She would have to bite the tongue that wanted to desperately to hiss.
The guest that come to her had been polite. He held similar appearance and manners that she had found in her husband in the short hours they had gazed upon one another.
Izuna Uchiha. Brother of Madara Uchiha.
She questioned if all Uchiha men held such a stoic nature and endless pools of ebony that made up their aesthetic. This one held a formality to him though. He knew his power. He knew his place well. He held polite conversation as they touched on the topic that had brought her to where she was now.
Sakura had expected the meeting to be more informational, and yet it seemed he had come to simply check on her meeting with her husband. She gave nods, and short answers. This man before her was seeking something from her and that was all she could be sure of.
The slight upward tilt of his mouth as he had given his farewell sent her skin ablaze with curiosity at what he had found. It was in these moments as he left outside her new home that she realized she had missed a chance. This missed moment in time was a moment she could have used to understand this power crazed clan. It had been blaring her in the face with opportunity and in her guarded manner she had overlooked her chance.
No words ever came from her husband directly she would soon learn as information found its way to her through her handmaid in the early mornings. It had been surprising that she would have heard anything only seven days into his departure. Sakura found it incredibly odd to a point. Fingers ran themselves through her stands as she and the handmaid traveled the town taking in this new place for her to call home.
The stares found her easily enough—how could they not with her stark contrast to the ones who ruled over them with an iron fist? It's easy enough to tell who is of her newly acquired family, and who is an innocent, a bystander, and simply living under their rule. The eyes of the innocent that fall upon her are kind and almost seem to question her existence. Those of the Uchiha look upon her with the subtle interest but dismiss her. She guesses they do not know of her role yet.
They will soon.
The soft smile she had placed on her lips never fell though. The rose-colored woman would let them drink her in and swallow her whole.
The clinic had been one of the first things she had sought to see. Healing was one of her best strengths, and deepest of passions. It was what Izuna said had made Madara seek her out no less.
This place of healing was sure to become one she frequented. If her dear husband had thought she would find her time entertaining the loneliness of their home as he brought pain into the world he was wrong. Observing the seemingly constant fluctuation of people entering and leaving it brought her mind to a place she questioned if she'd ever gaze upon again. It was by no means a large clinic, but no where near as small as the one she had helped in back home.
"Tell me of my home." the handmaid seemed unprepared for her sudden vocal request.
This woman before her spoke so highly of a clan she had only heard the horrors of. She spoke with absolute clarity when describing her husband. She spoke of a pride that Sakura found confusing, and questioned.
"The Uchiha protect us all. They give us hope for peace. They give us a home when ours are gone."
She could feel the smile on the woman's lips without setting her eyes upon her maid, "You do not harbor distaste for the Uchiha?"
The maid stops at her words as if she the words she spoke where foreign and not of their own tongue, "I do not understand your question, Uchiha-sama. The Senju are the ones who have brought about fear, and have taken those precious to us away."
Did war do this to people? Did war make them take sides and twist the very fabric of black and white? Did it cast aside the right and wrongs?
This maid, she thinks, will teach her well.
Fourteen days. Blood splattered. War torn. Exhausted.
It is only fourteen days since his departure and he has claimed his small victory for his people. He has gained them another win in this devastatingly long war. The travel back is long with only small talk among his men, and those from other fractions following. Their hearts are bursting with the excitement of returning home.
They are welcomed back with praise and cheer. The lanterns that line the main path through their village light seemingly for them. Flags of deep rich reds, similar he notes to that of the kimono she had worn in his departure, line the road way as vibrantly as the lanterns. Their people look to tend to their every ache and pain. He catches no glimpse of rose-colored hair and then all at once it is wrapping him up completely. Deep within their village at the clinic she is there. She is outside taking people from the line. She is tending, healing, and comforting the spoils of war. The children without homes, and the bystanders caught in the cross fire of this political struggle.
Her lips are turned into a soft smile as she calms the child presently in her care. Her eyes display a humor that only she seems to understand. The lines are long as they await their turn to enter. Yet she continues to pull from the list as if she were apart of the medics inside. The children go to her easily enough, those with families following suit.
The Uchiha do not.
They cannot understand her just as he could not. They recognize her as his wife even though the celebration has not occurred. This nymph of spring has her handmaid in panic at her antics. Their eyes finally meet and the doe-eyed spring nymph holds no shame in what she is doing. She holds no shame in acting as more than his wife.
He finds his steps to her before he knows or understands what he's doing. Those glowing hands of hers leave the injured victim of circumstance, spoils as he would call them. She stands tall to meet him fully in his gaze refusing to back down as if he had come to stop her. Her hand finds its way to his arm. It's warmth covers him as it glows once more. Her lips are pressed in a firm line. She was given to him for this purpose and he does not stop her. She finally breaks the eye contact as her lashes softly close around her optics as if she is concentrating. The flesh under the wrapping is mending and she lets out a light breath as she tastes her words carefully.
"Welcome home, Uchiha-sama."
Her fingers dance across the cloth, and armor as if seeking more injuries. His are injuries are light. He is unsure of this closeness she has took upon herself to create. Endless ebony follows her every move, and in just moments she is gone and he is walking away leaving her to her own devices. The praises and bows that follow those he passes are nothing but a blur as he makes his way to his home.
Sakura finds her husband's routine when home is simple to follow, and easy to work around. The thought that she had, had was proven wrong when she made her way back within her new home. For all the tales of horror, and absolute strength his name carried she had believed she would be scolded for helping heal at the clinic that night.
Only days into his return though she stopped thinking such things. The expectations she had held of him through tales alone where starting to weave themselves into pure myths. This man she stole gazes of kept himself busy. He trained relentlessly for missions to come. This man would always find his way into his garden from the engawa. The beauty it held was not one she had expected or become familiar with in this short span of time. The garden seemed to be his place of retreat when relaxing. This man read quietly and spoke of very little. Conversation was not one he seemed diverse in. She noted his retreat into one room in particular her handmaid she noted did not frequent or explain.
It left her to ponder on her own what was behind those sliding paper doors. It whispered to her curiosity asking to be peeked into. It wasn't until he left one particular morning that she took that moment to enter all on her own, and quickly regretted her curiosity. The guilt of invading this privacy he seemed to hold in this room washed over her instantly.
Those viridian eyes wandered over the kamidana. The memorial shrine was unbelievably beautiful, and yet she felt herself choking as the pictures of the deceased looked back at her. There was no question who they were. Those pictured had been kind in giving their son their best features.
In moments she found herself seated in front of them. Their traditions still foreign to her, and so as not to bring dishonor to them, and to herself she gave but a prayer to them. It is here she hopes for them to have found happiness in the afterlife. There is a hope that they held good merit before King Yan.
She does not wish to impose upon his privacy longer than she already has and slides the door closed behind her lingering in the hallway. The home is enveloped in silence as she finally takes her fingers from the door and presses them to her chest.
How much had this man lost in this war? Was this his motivation to fight?
Thoughts of what makes this man who he is, and what pushes his actions fall off at hearing him in the entry way. Today she finds it hard to look at him with the same level of disdain she had in his departure. It is forced out in this moment by sympathy at losing such loved ones so early.
The disdain would return in the morning.
The wedding is glorious, and filled with noise outside the shrine. All around them is filled with whispers of hope in this joining bringing forth a good omen, and others look on to recognize this forever binding contract before him.
His mother and father no longer living, his brother a traitor lending his strength to the Senju.
In their place Madara has appeared with his highest of rank.
They share a long stare of understanding before he tells him he was not needed for such an event. Madara simply casts the gesture aside giving into formality establishing politely, "I would not miss one of my right hand's union—especially my sister's son."
The smirk that plays across his features is more than enough for him to dismiss the conversation.
He no longer cares to play politics and only longs to get the traditions over with. He finds himself playing his part as things progress. This otherworldly creature takes such tradition and turns it exotic with those features that so very much are hers seemingly capturing her audience. There is the briefest of thoughts towards if she had fought to not wear the shiromuku. He again finds himself unable to care if there had been a fuss on her end.
They begin their rituals so obviously foreign to the woman beside him. They exchange lucky objects, provide their wedding vows, share their nuptial cups, and continue down the long line of traditions.
He has no immediate family to play the part. Madara, his closest living relative from his mother's side, has taken their place. He finds he is okay with these choices and decisions. Her family is there to play their own part understanding the rituals easily as if practiced. He looks upon these two now understanding how a nymph of spring could be born. Her father's hair was darker but still that of a rose-color, and her mother had not followed their traditions in her cheongsam with viridian eyes showing the same disdain he had found in her daughters.
The Uchiha were not welcomed among all. It was not uncommon. They were thought of as cruel outside of their own and those that followed their feelings and beliefs. He would not find shock in her being a Senju follower. It did not matter. They held her daughter and now she would follow Uchiha.
The reception is quiet and he welcomes the change of pace. His village is bursting in celebration outside more than when the rituals had taken place. He will be displaying his wife among them and allowing them to take full recognition of who it is that they will be following, and obeying in his absences.
Her uchikake is a soft gradient of white to red with gold trimmings, and cranes. It's intricate flowers, and patterns are only overshadowed by the Uchiha fan that stands proudly upon her back. They welcome her with loud praise, and screams. Their flag raised only moments later.
Exhausted is how he would proclaim himself at their displays, and yet he holds his position firm only casting a subtle look to his wife to take note of her virdian eyes showcasing her smile more than her mouth could do alone.
The recognition following the wedding is there in complete form. The whispers are there floating endlessly around her. Many of these are praise for her features, and the resurface of tales of her natural gift for healing. The rest are of distaste for her dirty blood.
They did not find her worthy of him being from an unknown clan. They found no comfort in the stories of her abilities weaving around her and instead rested their ebony windows upon her with distrust. They simply saw no purpose or reason behind Madara forcing their poor leader to marry someone so unknown and of so little quality. They would not dare to utter this whisper any louder.
Bitter—that is what she would call the feeling heavy on her chest.
Yes, she was of a clan that held no importance. There would be no full blooded Uchiha's produced from this union—it was what she assumed had stopped him from laying with her the night they had married. Yet even with the knowledge that they weren't wrong she desperately wanted to prove to them that she was worth far more than they could understand. Those tiny fingers of hers could bring healing, and just as easily destroy the ground before them.
Her viridian ocular window's show the unsure feeling resting in her stomach. How was she to proceed in the slur that has left the persons lips. Confrontation was not something she had expected when she had been making her way through the village. They had done it in the middle of the large crowd among the shopping district no less.
Viridian are now narrowing, and she can feel the words commanding respect coming up from her throat when she is caught off guard by her husband of all people. His shoulder has grazed her own taking the lead in dealing with the fellow Uchiha's verbal assault.
Her husband has grabbed them by the collar and yanked them effortlessly forward. This is where she finds herself lost and taking a step back. Those endless ebony are gone and in their place a deep rich red customary to his—no their—people.
The fear that has overtaken the poor clansmen is painted clearly for all to see. The loud shopping district is ghostly quiet. The noise of the district has died and come to a still so all can stare on at the public demonstration of punishment and a precedence is set for any who wish to question his marriage.
Blood hit the ground, and a cry of terror is heard. No one attempts to save the man who has dared bring an insult to her.
Sakura had been prepared for many things in this marriage, but this—this was not something she could stand by and watch. The verbal slur he had called her along with his vocal disdain for her presence next to his leader was not in league with the punishment playing out before her. The mans body was thrown with little to no effort. Blood spilled from his wrist at the loss of his hand. The poor individual's eyes had turned to the deep rich red that her husband's eyes sported as he let out loud pants coated and laced with fear, and pain.
Her voice was loud and commanding as she found herself running to his aid, "Stop."
The tales of horror that weaved and wrapped themselves around her husband found their foundation once more. The idea that they were myths had been completely discarded. This man was as cruel as they said to even his own people.
Deep rich red orbs, and lips pressed in a firm line was what adorned his face as she stood before him. Her heart is loud and she is sure he can hear it. The terror of this man makes her question her own strength, and abilities. There is fear she cannot do anything to stop him truly if he wishes to continue.
His scowl deepens as he walks past her as if she is not present in front of him. The only thing she can do is follow him with her viridian before assisting the injured man. There was terror at first upon her attempt to help him, and it pains her that anyone would fear her to this extent.
The apology comes next as she heals him, and she can only give a smile cheap in quality knowing that this is not the apology brought by willed recognition. This is the apology brought about by fear. Sasuke has guaranteed that they will respect her out of fear.
It isn't until later when she is in the entry way that the tears fall from her face. She feels his eyes and she can do nothing but shield herself from his gaze with her arm. It does nothing to hide the clear drops that fall from her chin, and it's here that she is completely disgusted with herself.
There is the realization of how much fear she had truly felt watching his public demonstration. There is the realization that in some sick manner she felt the tiniest bit of pride that her husband had defended her.
Sakura could only do her best to bite her lip in an attempt to silence her desire to give an outward cry. That hint of pride twisted her in unthinkable ways. Even though her husband felt nothing toward her, and maybe even despised her, he had come to her aid.
The disdain she feels towards him had shifted. Hints of it now were felt for herself, and her weakness. The feel of him is gone and it's in the midst of this that she presses delicate fingers to her mouth to let out the strangled cry that had begged for release.
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we-thanakorn-blog · 7 years
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การติดตั้งและทดสอบ Raspberry Pi Camera Board
Raspberry Pi Camera Board เป็นโมดูลกล้องที่ออกแบบมาใช้งานร่วมกับบอร์ด Raspberry Pi โดยสามารถเชื่อมต่อกับซ๊อกเก็ต CAMERA บนบอร์ด ที่มีการเชื่อมต่อแบบ CSI bus โดยให้ทำการดึงซ๊อกเก็ต CAMERA แล้วเสียบสายเเพ เข้าไปดังรูป จากนั้นให้กดซ๊อกเก็ตของกล้องลงเพื่อทำการล๊อคสายสัญญาณ และที่สำคัญอย่าลืมดึงสติกเกอร์กันรอยออกด้วย ซึ่งการทดสอบ Raspberry pi camera board เบื้องต้น
เราจะทำการเชื่อมจ่ายไฟเข้าตัวบอร์ดเเละเชื่อมต่อ Internet เพื่อที่จะทำการอัพเดทข้อมูลโดยยใช้ sudo apt-get update และ sudo apt-get upgrade แล้วจึงทำการสั่ง sudo raspi-config เพื่อ enable ค่าของกล้อง ตลอดจนท้ายที่สุดทำการ Reboot ตัวบอร์ดใหม่อีกครั้ง และเข้าไปที่ TLX เพื่อทดสอบตัวกล้องด้วยคำสั่ง raspistill -o cam.jpg ก็จะได้ภาพที่ถ่ายจากกล้องขึ้นมาครับ และหากต้องการจะถ่ายภาพวิดิโอ raspivid -o video.h264 ทั้งนี้กล้องต้องการสำรองพลังงานอยู่ที่  power supply sufficient, The Camera Module adds about 200-250mA to the power requirements of your Raspberry Pi.
***ข้อควรระวัง**** เวลาเราอัพเกรดตัวกล้องหากพบ Error อาจจะเป็นเพราะเราเสียบกล้องไม่สนิท วิธีแก้ให้ปิดเครื่องและทำการเสียบสายให้แน่นเเล้วจึง ทำการอัพเดทอีกครั้ง
Switch      Alternative Switch                      Description
-c                    --config                    โหลดไฟล์คอนฟิกเกอเรชั่น
-q                     --quiet       ซ่อนข้อความยกเว้นข้อความที่แสดงความผิดพลาด  Errors
-v                     --verbose                แสดงข้อความเพิ่มเติมในขณะจับภาพ
                         --version                แสดงเวอร์ชั่นและออกจากคำสั่ง
-l                        --loop                      รันแบบวนรอบ
-b                    --background           รันอยู่เบื้องหลัง
-o                    --output                    สร้าง log file บันทึกการจับภาพ
-d                    --device                    เลือกแหล่งกล้องที่เชื่อมต่อ
-i              --input <number/name>       เลือก input สำหรับใช้งาน
-t                     --tuner                       เลือก tuner สำหรับใช้งาน
-f              --frequency            เลือความถี่ frequency สำหรับใช้งาน
-r              --resolution                    ตั้งความละเอียดภาพ
                     --fps                  ตั้ง frame rate สำหรับการจับภาพ
-F               --frames              กำหนดจำนวนเฟรมเพื่อจับภาพ 
-S                   --skip        กำหนดจำนวนเฟรมเพื่อข้ามการจับภาพ 
                --dumpframe              สร้างไฟล์ดิบ (raw frame)
-s              --set =                               กำหนดค่าควบคุม 
                 --revert                          เรียกคืนภาพต้นฉบับ
                  --flip                พลิกกลับภาพในแนวนอนแนวตั้ง (h, v)
               --crop [,]                          ตัดบางส่วนของภาพ
                --scale                             ปรับสเกลรูปภาพ
               --rotate                   หมุนรูปภาพตามมุม 90 องศาที่กำหนด
            --deinterlace           ลดข้อบกพร่องหรือการรบกวนบนภาพ
                --invert                  สลับสีตรงกันข้าม
              --greyscale          ปรับภาพเป็นโทนสีเทา ระงับสีทั้งหมด 
           --swapchannels        สลับช่อง c1 และ c2.
            --no-banner            ซ่อนแถบ Banner แสดงข้อมูล
            --top-banner             ซ่อนแถบ Banner ด้านบนของภาพ
        --bottom-banner     ซ่อนแถบ Banner ด้านล่างของภาพ (Default)
         --banner-colour        กำหนดสี banner (#AARRGGBB)
            --line-colour              กำหนดสีเส้นขอบของ banner
             --text-colour               กำหนดสีของตัวอักษร
       --font <[name][:size]>           กำหนดฟอนท์และขนาด
             --no-shadow              ระงับโหมดแสดงเงาของตัวอักษร
              --shadow                  เปิดโหมดแสดงเงาของตัวอักษร
               --title                         กำหนดชื่อหัวเรื่อง (มุมบนด้านซ้าย)
             --no-title                      ยกเลิกการกำหนดชื่อหัวเรื่อง
             --subtitle                      กำหนดชื่อเรื่องย่อย (มุมล่างซ้าย)
            --no-subtitle                   ยกเลิกการกำหนดชื่อเรื่องย่อย
            --timestamp                  กำหนดรูปแบบวันเวลา (มุมบนขวา)
            --no-timestamp              ยกเลิกการกำหนดรูปแบบวันเวลา
                --gmt                       ใช้เวลา GMT แทนเวลาท้องถิ่น local timezone.
                --info                      กำหนดข้อมูลตัวอักษร (มุมล่างขวา)
              --no-info                   ยกเลิกการกำหนดข้อมูลตัวอักษร
             --underlay                   กำหนดรูปภาพอิมเมจที่นำมาวางซ้อนด้านล่าง
           --no-underlay             ยกเลิกการกำหนดรูปภาพอิมเมจที่นำมาวางซ้อนด้านล่าง
               --overlay                  กำหนดรูปภาพอิมเมจที่นำมาวางซ้อนด้านบน
            --no-overlay                ยกเลิกการกำหนดรูปภาพอิมเมจที่นำมาวางซ้อนด้านบน
                  --jpeg                   เลือกฟอร์แมต JPEG (-1, 0 - 95)
                  --png                    เลือกฟอร์แมต PNG  (-1, 0 - 10)
                 --save                      บันทึกการจับภาพลงไฟล์
                  --exec                        รันคำสั่งและรอจนกว่าคำสั่งจะทำงานเสร็จ
See Camera Setup.
If the Camera Module isn't working correctly, there are number of things to try:
Is your power supply sufficient? The Camera Module adds about 200-250mA to the power requirements of your Raspberry Pi.
Is the ribbon cable attached to the Camera Serial Interface (CSI), not the Display Serial Interface (DSI)? The ribbon connector will fit into either port. The Camera port is located near the HDMI connector.
Are the ribbon connectors all firmly seated, and are they the right way round? They must be straight in their sockets.
Is the Camera Module connector, between the smaller black Camera Module itself and the PCB, firmly attached? Sometimes this connection can come loose during transit or when putting the Camera Module in a case. Using a fingernail, flip up the connector on the PCB, then reconnect it with gentle pressure. It engages with a very slight click. Don't force it; if it doesn't engage, it's probably slightly misaligned.
Have sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade been run?
Has raspi-config been run and the Camera Module enabled?
If things are still not working, try the following:
If even a firmware update doesn't fix the problem, your Camera Module may be defective, and may need to be replaced.
Error : raspistill/raspivid command not found. This probably means your update/upgrade failed in some way. Try it again.
Error : ENOMEM. The Camera Module is not starting up. Check all connections again.
Error : ENOSPC. The Camera Module is probably running out of GPU memory. Check config.txt in the /boot/ folder. The gpu_mem option should be at least 128. Alternatively, use the Memory Split option in the Advanced section of raspi-config to set this.
If you've checked all the above issues and the Camera Module is still not working, you may need to upgrade the firmware on the Raspberry Pi. Use the following command to get the very latest (but experimental) firmware:
sudo rpi-update
   --preview,  -p      Preview window settings <'x,y,w,h'>
Allows the user to define the size of the preview window and its location on the screen. Note this will be superimposed over the top of any other windows/graphics.
   --fullscreen,   -f      Fullscreen preview mode
Forces the preview window to use the whole screen. Note that the aspect ratio of the incoming image will be retained, so there may be bars on some edges.
   --nopreview,    -n      Do not display a preview window
Disables the preview window completely. Note that even though the preview is disabled, the camera will still be producing frames, so will be using power.
   --opacity,  -op     Set preview window opacity
Sets the opacity of the preview windows. 0 = invisible, 255 = fully opaque.
   --sharpness,    -sh     Set image sharpness (-100 - 100)
Sets the sharpness of the image. 0 is the default.
   --contrast, -co     Set image contrast (-100 - 100)
Sets the contrast of the image. 0 is the default.
   --brightness,   -br     Set image brightness (0 - 100)
Sets the brightness of the image. 50 is the default. 0 is black, 100 is white.
   --saturation,   -sa     Set image saturation (-100 - 100)
Sets the colour saturation of the image. 0 is the default.
   --ISO,  -ISO        Set capture ISO (100 - 800)
Sets the ISO to be used for captures.
   --vstab,    -vs     Turn on video stabilisation
In video mode only, turns on video stabilisation.
   --ev,   -ev     Set EV compensation (-10 - 10)
Sets the EV compensation of the image. Default is 0.
   --exposure, -ex     Set exposure mode
Possible options are:
auto: use automatic exposure mode
night: select setting for night shooting
backlight: select setting for backlit subject
sports: select setting for sports (fast shutter etc.)
snow: select setting optimised for snowy scenery
beach: select setting optimised for beach
verylong: select setting for long exposures
fixedfps: constrain fps to a fixed value
antishake: antishake mode
fireworks: select setting optimised for fireworks
Note that not all of these settings may be implemented, depending on camera tuning.
   --awb,  -awb        Set Automatic White Balance (AWB) mode
Modes for which colour temperature ranges (K) are available have these settings in brackets.
off: turn off white balance calculation
auto: automatic mode (default)
sun: sunny mode (between 5000K and 6500K)
cloud: cloudy mode (between 6500K and 12000K)
shade: shade mode
tungsten: tungsten lighting mode (between 2500K and 3500K)
fluorescent: fluorescent lighting mode (between 2500K and 4500K)
incandescent: incandescent lighting mode
flash: flash mode
horizon: horizon mode
Note that not all of these settings may be implemented, depending on camera type.
   --imxfx,    -ifx        Set image effect
Set an effect to be applied to the image:
none: no effect (default)
negative: invert the image colours
solarise: solarise the image
posterise: posterise the image
whiteboard: whiteboard effect
blackboard: blackboard effect
sketch: sketch effect
denoise: denoise the image
emboss: emboss the image
oilpaint: oil paint effect
hatch: hatch sketch effect
gpen: graphite sketch effect
pastel: pastel effect
watercolour: watercolour effect
film: film grain effect
blur: blur the image
saturation: colour saturate the image
colourswap: not fully implemented
washedout: not fully implemented
colourpoint: not fully implemented
colourbalance: not fully implemented
cartoon: not fully implemented
Note that not all of these settings may be available in all circumstances.
   --colfx,    -cfx        Set colour effect <U:V>
The supplied U and V parameters (range 0 - 255) are applied to the U and Y channels of the image. For example, --colfx 128:128 should result in a monochrome image.
   --metering, -mm     Set metering mode
Specify the metering mode used for the preview and capture:
average: average the whole frame for metering
spot: spot metering
backlit: assume a backlit image
matrix: matrix metering
   --rotation, -rot        Set image rotation (0 - 359)
Sets the rotation of the image in the viewfinder and resulting image. This can take any value from 0 upwards, but due to hardware constraints only 0, 90, 180, and 270 degree rotations are supported.
   --hflip,    -hf     Set horizontal flip
Flips the preview and saved image horizontally.
   --vflip,    -vf     Set vertical flip
Flips the preview and saved image vertically.
   --roi,  -roi        Set sensor region of interest
Allows the specification of the area of the sensor to be used as the source for the preview and capture. This is defined as x,y for the top-left corner, and a width and height, with all values in normalised coordinates (0.0 - 1.0). So, to set a ROI at halfway across and down the sensor, and a width and height of a quarter of the sensor, use:
-roi 0.5,0.5,0.25,0.25
--shutter,  -ss     Set shutter speed
Sets the shutter speed to the specified value (in microseconds). There's currently an upper limit of approximately 6000000us (6000ms, 6s), past which operation is undefined.
--drc,  -drc        Enable/disable dynamic range compression
DRC changes the images by increasing the range of dark areas, and decreasing the brighter areas. This can improve the image in low light areas.
By default, DRC is off.
--stats,    -st     Display image statistics
Displays the exposure, analogue and digital gains, and AWB settings used.
--awbgains, -awbg
Sets blue and red gains (as floating point numbers) to be applied when -awb -off is set e.g. -awbg 1.5,1.2
--mode, -md
Sets a specified sensor mode, disabling the automatic selection. Possible values depend on the version of the Camera Module being used:
Version 1.x (OV5647)
ModeSizeAspect RatioFrame ratesFOVBinning
0automatic selection
6640x4804:342.1-60fpsFull2x2 plus skip
7640x4804:360.1-90fpsFull2x2 plus skip
Version 2.x (IMX219)
ModeSizeAspect RatioFrame ratesFOVBinning
0automatic selection
   --camselect,    -cs
Selects which camera to use on a multi-camera system. Use 0 or 1.
   --annotate, -a      Enable/set annotate flags or text
Adds some text and/or metadata to the picture.
Metadata is indicated using a bitmask notation, so add them together to show multiple parameters. For example, 12 will show time(4) and date(8), since 4+8=12.
Text may include date/time placeholders by using the '%' character, as used by strftime.
ValueMeaningExample Output
-a 4Time20:09:33
-a 8Date10/28/15
-a 124+8=12 Show the date(4) and time(8)20:09:33 10/28/15
-a 16Shutter Settings
-a 32CAF Settings
-a 64Gain Settings
-a 128Lens Settings
-a 256Motion Settings
-a 512Frame Number
-a 1024Black Background
-a "ABC %Y-%m-%d %X"Show some textABC %Y-%m-%d %X
-a 4 -a "ABC %Y-%m-%d %X"Show custom
date/timeABC 2015-10-28 20:09:33
-a 8 -a "ABC %Y-%m-%d %X"Show custom
date/timeABC 2015-10-28 20:09:33
--annotateex,   -ae     Set extra annotation parameters
Specifies annotation size, text colour, and background colour. Colours are in hex YUV format.
Size ranges from 6 - 160; default is 32. Asking for an invalid size should give you the default.
-ae 32,0xff,0x808000 -a "Annotation text"gives size 32 white text on black background
-ae 10,0x00,0x8080FF -a "Annotation text"gives size 10 black text on white background
--width,    -w      Set image width <size> --height,   -h      Set image height <size> --quality,  -q      Set JPEG quality <0 to 100>
Quality 100 is almost completely uncompressed. 75 is a good all-round value.
--raw,  -r      Add raw Bayer data to JPEG metadata
This option inserts the raw Bayer data from the camera into the JPEG metadata.
--output,   -o      Output filename <filename>
Specifies the output filename. If not specified, no file is saved. If the filename is '-', then all output is sent to stdout.
--latest,   -l      Link latest frame to filename <filename>
Makes a file system link under this name to the latest frame.
--verbose,  -v      Output verbose information during run
Outputs debugging/information messages during the program run.
--timeout,  -t      Time before the camera takes picture and shuts down
The program will run for this length of time, then take the capture (if output is specified). If not specified, this is set to 5 seconds.
--timelapse,    -tl     time-lapse mode
The specific value is the time between shots in milliseconds. Note that you should specify %04d at the point in the filename where you want a frame count number to appear. So, for example, the code below will produce a capture every 2 seconds, over a total period of 30s, named image0001.jpg, image0002.jpg and so on, through to image0015.jpg.
-t 30000 -tl 2000 -o image%04d.jpg
Note that the %04d indicates a 4-digit number, with leading zeroes added to make the required number of digits. So, for example, %08d would result in an 8-digit number.
If a time-lapse value of 0 is entered, the application will take pictures as fast as possible. Note that there's an minimum enforced pause of 30ms between captures to ensure that exposure calculations can be made.
--thumb,    -th     Set thumbnail parameters (x:y:quality)
Allows specification of the thumbnail image inserted into the JPEG file. If not specified, defaults are a size of 64x48 at quality 35.
if --thumb none is specified, no thumbnail information will be placed in the file. This reduces the file size slightly.
--demo, -d      Run a demo mode <milliseconds>
This options cycles through the range of camera options. No capture is taken, and the demo will end at the end of the timeout period, irrespective of whether all the options have been cycled. The time between cycles should be specified as a millisecond value.
--encoding, -e      Encoding to use for output file
Valid options are jpg, bmp, gif, and png. Note that unaccelerated image types (GIF, PNG, BMP) will take much longer to save than jpg, which is hardware accelerated. Also note that the filename suffix is completely ignored when deciding the encoding of a file.
--exif, -x      EXIF tag to apply to captures (format as 'key=value')
Allows the insertion of specific EXIF tags into the JPEG image. You can have up to 32 EXIF tag entries. This is useful for tasks like adding GPS metadata. For example, to set the longitude:
--exif GPS.GPSLongitude=5/1,10/1,15/1
would set the longitude to 5 degs, 10 minutes, 15 seconds. See EXIF documentation for more details on the range of tags available; the supported tags are as follows:
IFD0.<   or IFD1.< ImageWidth, ImageLength, BitsPerSample, Compression, PhotometricInterpretation, ImageDescription, Make, Model, StripOffsets, Orientation, SamplesPerPixel, RowsPerString, StripByteCounts, XResolution, YResolution, PlanarConfiguration, ResolutionUnit, TransferFunction, Software, DateTime, Artist, WhitePoint, PrimaryChromaticities, JPEGInterchangeFormat, JPEGInterchangeFormatLength, YCbCrCoefficients, YCbCrSubSampling, YCbCrPositioning, ReferenceBlackWhite, Copyright> EXIF.< ExposureTime, FNumber, ExposureProgram, SpectralSensitivity, ISOSpeedRatings, OECF, ExifVersion, DateTimeOriginal, DateTimeDigitized, ComponentsConfiguration, CompressedBitsPerPixel, ShutterSpeedValue, ApertureValue, BrightnessValue, ExposureBiasValue, MaxApertureValue, SubjectDistance, MeteringMode, LightSource, Flash, FocalLength, SubjectArea, MakerNote, UserComment, SubSecTime, SubSecTimeOriginal, SubSecTimeDigitized, FlashpixVersion, ColorSpace, PixelXDimension, PixelYDimension, RelatedSoundFile, FlashEnergy, SpatialFrequencyResponse, FocalPlaneXResolution, FocalPlaneYResolution, FocalPlaneResolutionUnit, SubjectLocation, ExposureIndex, SensingMethod, FileSource, SceneType, CFAPattern, CustomRendered, ExposureMode, WhiteBalance, DigitalZoomRatio, FocalLengthIn35mmFilm, SceneCaptureType, GainControl, Contrast, Saturation, Sharpness, DeviceSettingDescription, SubjectDistanceRange, ImageUniqueID> GPS.< GPSVersionID, GPSLatitudeRef, GPSLatitude, GPSLongitudeRef, GPSLongitude, GPSAltitudeRef, GPSAltitude, GPSTimeStamp, GPSSatellites, GPSStatus, GPSMeasureMode, GPSDOP, GPSSpeedRef, GPSSpeed, GPSTrackRef, GPSTrack, GPSImgDirectionRef, GPSImgDirection, GPSMapDatum, GPSDestLatitudeRef, GPSDestLatitude, GPSDestLongitudeRef, GPSDestLongitude, GPSDestBearingRef, GPSDestBearing, GPSDestDistanceRef, GPSDestDistance, GPSProcessingMethod, GPSAreaInformation, GPSDateStamp, GPSDifferential> EINT.< InteroperabilityIndex, InteroperabilityVersion, RelatedImageFileFormat, RelatedImageWidth, RelatedImageLength>
Note that a small subset of these tags will be set automatically by the camera system, but will be overridden by any EXIF options on the command line.
Setting --exif none will prevent any EXIF information being stored in the file. This reduces the file size slightly.
--fullpreview,  -fp     Full preview mode
This runs the preview window using the full resolution capture mode. Maximum frames per second in this mode is 15fps, and the preview will have the same field of view as the capture. Captures should happen more quickly, as no mode change should be required. This feature is currently under development.
--keypress, -k      Keypress mode
The camera is run for the requested time (-t), and a capture can be initiated throughout that time by pressing the Enter key. Pressing X then Enter will exit the application before the timeout is reached. If the timeout is set to 0, the camera will run indefinitely until the user presses X then Enter. Using the verbose option (-v) will display a prompt asking for user input, otherwise no prompt is displayed.
--signal,   -s      Signal mode
The camera is run for the requested time (-t), and a capture can be initiated throughout that time by sending a USR1 signal to the camera process. This can be done using the kill command. You can find the camera process ID using the pgrep raspistill command.
kill -USR1 <process id of raspistill>
Many of the options for raspistillyuv are the same as those for raspistill. This section shows the differences.
Unsupported options:
--exif, --encoding, --thumb, --raw, --quality
Extra options :
--rgb,  -rgb        Save uncompressed data as RGB888
This option forces the image to be saved as RGB data with 8 bits per channel, rather than YUV420.
Note that the image buffers saved in raspistillyuv are padded to a horizontal size divisible by 32, so there may be unused bytes at the end of each line. Buffers are also padded vertically to be divisible by 16, and in the YUV mode, each plane of Y,U,V is padded in this way.
--width,    -w      Set image width <size>
Width of resulting video. This should be between 64 and 1920.
--height,   -h      Set image height <size>
Height of resulting video. This should be between 64 and 1080.
--bitrate,  -b      Set bitrate
Use bits per second, so 10Mbits/s would be -b 10000000. For H264, 1080p30 a high quality bitrate would be 15Mbits/s or more. Maximum bitrate is 25Mbits/s (-b 25000000), but much over 17Mbits/s won't show noticeable improvement at 1080p30.
--output,   -o      Output filename <filename>
Specify the output filename. If not specified, no file is saved. If the filename is '-', then all output is sent to stdout.
--verbose,  -v      Output verbose information during run
Outputs debugging/information messages during the program run.
--timeout,  -t      Time before the camera takes picture and shuts down
The program will run for this length of time, then take the capture (if output is specified). If not specified, this is set to 5 seconds. Setting 0 will mean the application will run continuously until stopped with Ctrl-C.
--demo, -d      Run a demo mode <milliseconds>
This options cycles through the range of camera options. No capture is done, and the demo will end at the end of the timeout period, irrespective of whether all the options have been cycled. The time between cycles should be specified as a millisecond value.
--framerate,    -fps        Specify the frames per second to record
At present, the minimum frame rate allowed is 2fps, and the maximum is 30fps. This is likely to change in the future.
--penc, -e      Display preview image after encoding
Switch on an option to display the preview after compression. This will show any compression artefacts in the preview window. In normal operation, the preview will show the camera output prior to being compressed. This option is not guaranteed to work in future releases.
--intra,    -g      Specify the intra refresh period (key frame rate/GoP)
Sets the intra refresh period (GoP) rate for the recorded video. H264 video uses a complete frame (I-frame) every intra refresh period, from which subsequent frames are based. This option specifies the number of frames between each I-frame. Larger numbers here will reduce the size of the resulting video, and smaller numbers make the stream less error-prone.
--qp,   -qp     Set quantisation parameter
Sets the initial quantisation parameter for the stream. Varies from approximately 10 to 40, and will greatly affect the quality of the recording. Higher values reduce quality and decrease file size. Combine this setting with a bitrate of 0 to set a completely variable bitrate.
--profile,  -pf     Specify H264 profile to use for encoding
Sets the H264 profile to be used for the encoding. Options are:
--inline,   -ih     Insert PPS, SPS headers
Forces the stream to include PPS and SPS headers on every I-frame. Needed for certain streaming cases e.g. Apple HLS. These headers are small, so don't greatly increase the file size.
--timed,    -td     Do timed switches between capture and pause
This options allows the video capture to be paused and restarted at particular time intervals. Two values are required: the on time and the off time. On time is the amount of time the video is captured, and off time is the amount it is paused. The total time of the recording is defined by the timeout option. Note that the recording may take slightly over the timeout setting depending on the on and off times.
For example:
raspivid -o test.h264 -t 25000 -timed 2500,5000
will record for a period of 25 seconds. The recording will be over a timeframe consisting of 2500ms (2.5s) segments with 5000ms (5s) gaps, repeating over the 20s. So the entire recording will actually be only 10s long, since 4 segments of 2.5s = 10s separated by 5s gaps. So:
2.5 record – 5 pause - 2.5 record – 5 pause - 2.5 record – 5 pause – 2.5 record
gives a total recording period of 25s, but only 10s of actual recorded footage.
--keypress, -k      Toggle between record and pause on Enter keypress
On each press of the Enter key, the recording will be paused or restarted. Pressing X then Enter will stop recording and close the application. Note that the timeout value will be used to signal the end of recording, but is only checked after each Enter keypress; so if the system is waiting for a keypress, even if the timeout has expired, it will still wait for the keypress before exiting.
--signal,   -s      Toggle between record and pause according to SIGUSR1
Sending a USR1 signal to the raspivid process will toggle between recording and paused. This can be done using the kill command, as below. You can find the raspivid process ID using pgrep raspivid.
kill -USR1 <process id of raspivid>
Note that the timeout value will be used to indicate the end of recording, but is only checked after each receipt of the SIGUSR1 signal; so if the system is waiting for a signal, even if the timeout has expired, it will still wait for the signal before exiting.
--initial,  -i      Define initial state on startup
Define whether the camera will start paused or will immediately start recording. Options are record or pause. Note that if you are using a simple timeout, and initial is set to pause, no output will be recorded.
--segment,  -sg     Segment the stream into multiple files
Rather than creating a single file, the file is split into segments of approximately the numer of milliseconds specified. In order to provide different filenames, you should add %04d or similar at the point in the filename where you want a segment count number to appear e.g:
--segment 3000 -o video%04d.h264
will produce video clips of approximately 3000ms (3s) long, named video0001.h264, video0002.h264 etc. The clips should be seamless (no frame drops between clips), but the accuracy of each clip length will depend on the intraframe period, as the segments will always start on an I-frame. They will therefore always be equal or longer to the specified period.
--wrap, -wr     Set the maximum value for segment number
When outputting segments, this is the maximum the segment number can reach before it's reset to 1, giving the ability to keep recording segments, but overwriting the oldest one. So if set to 4, in the segment example above, the files produced will be video0001.h264, video0002.h264, video0003.h264, and video0004.h264. Once video0004.h264 is recorded, the count will reset to 1, and video0001.h264 will be overwritten.
--start,    -sn     Set the initial segment number
When outputting segments, this is the initial segment number, giving the ability to resume a previous recording from a given segment. The default value is 1.
By default, captures are done at the highest resolution supported by the sensor. This can be changed using the -w and -h command line options.
Take a default capture after 2s (times are specified in milliseconds) on the viewfinder, saving in image.jpg:
raspistill -t 2000 -o image.jpg
Take a capture at a different resolution:
raspistill -t 2000 -o image.jpg -w 640 -h 480
Reduce the quality considerably to reduce file size:
raspistill -t 2000 -o image.jpg -q 5
Force the preview to appear at coordinate 100,100, with width 300 pixels and height 200 pixels:
raspistill -t 2000 -o image.jpg -p 100,100,300,200
Disable preview entirely:
raspistill -t 2000 -o image.jpg -n
Save the image as a PNG file (lossless compression, but slower than JPEG). Note that the filename suffix is ignored when choosing the image encoding:
raspistill -t 2000 -o image.png –e png
Add some EXIF information to the JPEG. This sets the Artist tag name to Boris, and the GPS altitude to 123.5m. Note that if setting GPS tags you should set as a minimum GPSLatitude, GPSLatitudeRef, GPSLongitude, GPSLongitudeRef, GPSAltitude, and GPSAltitudeRef:
raspistill -t 2000 -o image.jpg -x IFD0.Artist=Boris -x GPS.GPSAltitude=1235/10
Set an emboss image effect:
raspistill -t 2000 -o image.jpg -ifx emboss
Set the U and V channels of the YUV image to specific values (128:128 produces a greyscale image):
raspistill -t 2000 -o image.jpg -cfx 128:128
Run preview for 2s, with no saved image:
raspistill -t 2000
Take a time-lapse picture, every 10 seconds for 10 minutes (10 minutes = 600000ms), naming the files image_num_001_today.jpg, image_num_002_today.jpg and so on, with the latest picture also available under the name latest.jpg:
raspistill -t 600000 -tl 10000 -o image_num_%03d_today.jpg -l latest.jpg
Take a picture and send the image data to stdout:
raspistill -t 2000 -o -
Take a picture and send the image data to a file:
raspistill -t 2000 -o - > my_file.jpg
Run the camera forever, taking a picture when Enter is pressed:
raspistill -t 0 -k -o my_pics%02d.jpg
Image size and preview settings are the same as for stills capture. Default size for video recording is 1080p (1920x1080).
Record a 5s clip with default settings (1080p30):
raspivid -t 5000 -o video.h264
Record a 5s clip at a specified bitrate (3.5Mbits/s):
raspivid -t 5000 -o video.h264 -b 3500000
Record a 5s clip at a specified framerate (5fps):
raspivid -t 5000 -o video.h264 -f 5
Encode a 5s camera stream and send the image data to stdout:
raspivid -t 5000 -o -
Encode a 5s camera stream and send the image data to a file:
raspivid -t 5000 -o - > my_file.h264
The applications described here will return a standard error code to the shell on completion. Possible error codes are:
C DefineCodeDescription
EX_OK0Application ran successfully
EX_USAGE64Bad command line parameter
EX_SOFTWARE70Software or camera error
130Application terminated by Ctrl-C
0 notes