#its about time my favorite blorbo gets bullied
mica949 · 1 year
Warning for graphic depictions of torture and PTSD
He knew he didn’t have to. If he was a weaker man, he could turn back and tell RHM that he couldn’t handle it, and in all honesty, he’d probably be reassured and held close for an unreasonable amount of time. But he wasn’t weak. He wasn’t, and he had to prove that to himself.
In RBH, RHM picks up Reg before dealing with Henry. Reg is happy of course, but he can’t stop shaking after months of government interrogation.
It was just a shower. It shouldn’t be scary.
Yet, Reginald couldn’t stop himself from shaking.
He knew he didn’t have to. If he was a weaker man, he could turn back and tell RHM that he couldn’t handle it, and in all honesty, he’d probably be reassured and held close for an unreasonable amount of time. But he wasn’t weak. He wasn’t, and he had to prove that to himself. Wasn’t that what that therapist said? To work on his self-esteem in small steps? Being able to clean himself like a normal person seemed like a small step.
Reg turned the knob to the left, quickly stepping out of the way before the water could hit him. The sound of water running already had his hands shaking to the point it was a struggle to slip off the simple dress shirt, wool lined pants, and too-small boxers that actually fit after all the weight he’d lost.
He wasn’t weak. It wasn’t scary. It wasn’t dark, and there was plenty of room to move around. It wasn’t the same whatsoever.
Before he could change his mind, he stepped into the shower and let the lukewarm water hit him.
He didn’t know how long it had been since he’d been put in here. It was pitch black, only the slightest of light slipping through the crack of the closed off entrance. Reg had never considered himself claustrophobic, but in a small concrete cell with barely enough room to lay down comfortably, he found himself struggling to breathe. 
It might have been hours or days since the last time they tortured him. Without natural light, it was near impossible to tell time if he didn’t count the seconds, and he’d lost count around 3000. It certainly felt like a while, so he wasn’t incredibly surprised when water began to spray from the ceiling.
Not surprised, but definitely upset.
Reg had stopped with the sarcastic remarks the tenth time they doused him. But he certainly wasn’t about to start begging. He stood, and nearly fell over at the wave of weakness that washed over him (How long had it been since they let him out? Should he be trying to drink this, just to stay hydrated?), barely managing to stabilize himself by gripping onto what might have been a handle. Just barely managing to stop stars from flashing before his vision before the water turned off and—
He jumped back from the handle (?) at the sudden shock. The first one was never that bad, but this one felt stronger than average. The soles of his feet stung, and it was a genuine effort to stay upright. Reg was determined to do it though; it was worse if he was on the floor. The water would soak into him and leave him vulnerable on whatever side he landed on.
Though, he already felt drenched as a second downpour hit him. It was too hot, and he could just barely move out of the way to keep it from burning his scalp at the very least. It stopped, and he had a half second to brace himself before—
His vision flashed white in the darkness. For a brief moment he couldn’t move, as though held in place by a beam. Then the electricity stopped, and he fell over. That was a brief effort. This time it gave him a moment to rest it seemed. Reg tried to stand, but he found that he’d developed a tremor to his body that wouldn’t go away no matter how he tried to move it. Was this it? After god knows how many shocks, was he finally dying?
The thought was terrifying. The realization that he wasn’t ready to die left him shaken and wide eyed as water scorched his already burning skin.
Reg swore he felt his heart skip a beat. Everything ached and shook, and wow, he was dying. He didn’t think they’d actually kill him. Didn’t they need him for information? Wasn’t that the point of all this electricity? To get him to talk? He couldn’t do that if he was dead.
“Nyeh… Wait.” He couldn’t believe he was actually doing this. He was never the type to beg. But maybe they didn’t realize? “You’re… going to kill me.”
There was a long pause, and Reg considered that maybe they had listened and decided to stop for the moment. He tried to stop his hands from shaking long enough that he could wring most of the water out of his curls, at least stop himself from getting sick.
Then the water started again.
“Wait—” Reg sputtered. Suddenly it was really hard to breathe, and it felt like the water had turned cold despite the fact he could feel it leaving burns on him. “You’re going to kill me! You— You can’t kill me— Wait!”
Was he willing to die to keep these secrets? He’d always told himself he was. But, now that his life was flashing before his eyes, he was realizing how much he wanted it back. He didn’t want to die here. Not like this. There was so much he wanted to do. He didn’t want to die—
Reginald didn’t realize he had fallen until the water stopped hitting him and he was on his back. His vision was speckled with black, and his heart was pounding so loudly in his ears he could barely hear anything else. The touch of a warm hand on his cheek was so light, yet so intense he couldn’t help but jerk away. Yet before it could pull away, he was leaning into it. He didn’t realize he was crying either until that hand wiped a tear off his cheek.
His right hand man’s voice was as steady as always. Even as his vision cleared and he wrapped his arms around RHM for a very soggy hug, he couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. It was just a shower. He had no clue why he was panicking so badly.
(He knew. But it was easier to pretend that his body and mind were out of control than admit that something inside him had been deeply, fundamentally broken in those months of capture.)
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mikuni14 · 3 months
I wanted to reply to this post by @italianpersonwithashippersheart and it turned out to be a very long text, so I'm posting it separately 😉
I have a tactic of reading posts on Tumblr, that as soon as I start reading and see that the author is going in a direction that I know I won't like, I immediately stop and move on (ALTHOUGH sometimes the author writes something I don't agree with in such an engaging way that I read it to the end for intellectual pleasure, or it's someone I like with whom I disagree just this time, but I read it anyway because, after all, I like that person for a reason 😚). That's why, fortunately, I usually (<- key word, usually) avoid fandom wars and problematic fandom behavior. I do this because I know how irritating fandom can be sometimes, especially when a it goes to war to defend its blorbo, or ship, or the entire series. And I regret to say that defenders are the most aggressive... Personally, I don't mind fans living on ships, their blorbo, squealing about them and so on. (I mean, I do that!) Unfortunately, as I'm sure you all know, so many fans who live it, LIVE IT and it's not just fun for them, it's the meaning of their lives. This is where the attacks on actors come from, like the recent attack on Nut, a homewrecker 😆 in Pit Babe, having the audacity to be friends with the actor playing Alan AND HE BELONGS TO SOMEONE ELSE!, or, as in the case of DFF, tearing Ta into two parts by his ukes two fandoms lmao. Unfortunately, such behavior poisons a positive fandom experience and even I can see it, even though I try very hard NOT to see it.
It also seems to me that DFF viewers could be divided into two distinct groups: DFF fans and BL fans 😉 I'm a DFF fan and that's why I'm interested in meta, theories and Tan. I like PheeJin for their dynamic, but, I don't really care if they end the series as a couple. Besides, for me DFF is a mystery/thriller/slasher/social commentary series with BL elements, in which I DON'T HAVE to have a happy ending for BL relationships to be happy, I only want Tan to be happy. However, someone for whom DFF is only a BL series could be frustrated because 1) there is no monogamy 😬 2) there is "cheating" 3) the characters behave unpleasantly 4) the characters behave in ambiguous ways and it's often not clear what they think and whom they truly love 5) the characters behaviour becomes unpredictable and non-standard and often problematic 6) the plot keeps getting weird, instructions unclear 7) what about my ship?? *panic*
Regarding the concerns about the ending of the series: in any other series I would have EXACTLY THE SAME worries. But I look at DFF in two categories:
as a slasher
as a story about life, without a moral lesson
This makes me NOT worry about the ending because:
if you look at it as a slasher and my favorite film of this type, i.e. Scream and to some extent also Final Destination, there is no moralizing here, because the victims are often innocent and still die, because this is the rule of this genre: people die in masses
if we do NOT look at it as a story with a moral lesson, we also get rid of the compulsion to judge, like, did they deserve or not to die?
I know that in the DFF fandom we often joke, more or less seriously, that we would like this one or that one to die, or for everyone to die, but this is completely normal behavior when consuming media in which someone gets hurt. In the case of DFF, emotions are high because we naturally stand on the side of someone who is bullied and we see how others, through their actions or omissions, or often making stupid mistakes, saying cruel words in anger, contributed to the great tragedy of the entire family. But what I noticed is that the series does not actually moralize. It emphasizes very clearly that Non is a victim, but he is not entirely innocent and has made many stupid decisions himself, having had other choices, while also showing why he makes such choices. It shows Por as a complete asshole, while showing his environment and expectations towards him, but it does not absolve him. It even shows Keng not as a typical sweaty, brutal pedo, but someone who is genuinely concerned about Non, AT THE SAME TIME showing the issue of his pressure on Non, the money, the grooming.
The series presents dry facts, shows characters from different sides, in different situations, it also shows how events move from point A to B and further along the letters of the alphabet :) all the time discovering new facts that explain more and more, sometimes posing a seemingly already explained situation in a completely new perspective.
Personally, I don't get the impression that the series even WANTS us to moralize in our high glass tower, because the series clearly shows that the innocent, defenseless and vulnerable suffer and no one helps them. That a stupid event can lead to tragedy with the butterfly effect. That sometimes things happen beyond our knowledge, that we are just a pawn in someone else's game and, despite our sincere intentions, we cannot stop the course of events. And that the poor have a hard time and lose entire families and their future, with the first fatality in the series being the only son and the future of the richest family.
Therefore, I am 99% sure that:
we do not know all the facts that can turn all our predictions, judgments and faith in what is happening on the screen 180 degrees
whatever happens to Tan, Phee and Jin, I doubt it will be presented as a punishment/reward for anything
Tan can kill them all and not be the winner, Phee can kill Tan and live with it for the rest of his life as a loser
there is no way for the series to end sensibly AND with "the victory of good over evil" and"justice", because evil has been winning all the time and every kick to Non's face, the death of his parents, Tan's "madness", the death of two young people, the trauma of the others were proof of that, also all the lives lost and their future in which change for good is possible
At the moment, I have nothing to complain about the 10 episodes so far, for me the series is run logically, and any question marks that appear in my head, I am calmly waiting for their answers in the next episodes. THERE IS HOWEVER ONE THING THAT WILL ANGRY ME ABOUT THE ENDING: IF THE SERIES MAKES TAN A CONVERTED SINNER WHO CHOOSES LOVE, PEACE AND FORGIVENESS AT THE LAST MOMENT 🤮 I don't even want to think about it. This is the worst thing that can happen.
Despite everything, I still believe that the series will not do something so stupid at the end, that from a painfully realistic story about life with hints of a thriller and a slasher, it will turn into a fairy tale with a moral lesson, in which good (the established social order) will be rewarded and evil (anarchy represented by Tan) will be punished.
I have my dream ending, but whatever, it's my fantasy 😍 But at least 3 BL series from recent weeks ended exactly NOT the way I wanted, so I'm resigned to the fact that DFF may also fail in this matter 🤡
tl;dr everything will be fine, and if it's not fine, we have a great team to sit together and bitch together 🥳
@italianpersonwithashippersheart I fucking love rant posts 😤😤 I LOVED YOURS 💖💖💖
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snarkylinda · 1 year
I should be studying, showering, sleeping, doing literally anything else but instead, I am going to do a long post about a mentally ill blorbo because I am mentally ill myself.
SO! We all make fun of Spencer let me take my vest off and lower my gun for no reason Reid, it's a meme at this point- but that....tendency is a consequence of what I find the most fascinating about his character as a whole....his relationships- or more like, the relationships he makes up in his head.
Before I go into details I want to leave something very clear that anyone that has seen even one season of the funny cop show has noticed: Spencer is highly obsessive.
Now I am not talking about his fun little facts or that he likes star streak and doctor who obsession- those are hyperfixations, and even tho MY hyperfixation it's ruining my life, his are actually harmless and overall make him happy.
His obsessive nature had almost cost him his career, if not his life, multiple times.
If you stop to think about it in depth, why does Reid abandon all common sense when it comes to certain UnSubs, certain cases? well the most evident answer is that he projects whatever trauma of the week they decide to explore onto them- and yes, that is the nick of things. He pulled that stunt on Elephant's memory because he related to Owen's harassment story, he wanted to help Nathan because he understood being afraid of your own mind turning against you, he wanted to help Adam because he couldn't save Tobias. You get the drill- but....that is not always the case.
With the guy that Lindsey's dad murdered- Spencer didn't relate to him, he was just a piece of shit. How about Samantha? (I know there is a theory about William....doing shit to Reid when he was younger and while I can see it, for the sake of argument I will take her case into consideration) The father of the victim on "Identity"? I can name another example but this one I am going to save for last since it's the reason for me making this post-
And one can argue "Well, he is just a really nice guy" and while that is true- what I named before doesn't always apply, Spencer's compassion has a very clear, marked limit.
His relationships.
When Cyrus was killed in front of him by Morgan, Reid barely blinked- hell, he fucking SASSED him. Why? because he hurt Emily.
All sympathy he could have had for Cat before she ruined his life DESPITE kind of empathizing with her story based on what HE was going through went out of the window because she and her lil gang terrorized Penelope for months.
He felt compassion for Adam, but not for his father who he claimed was the true monster of this story in the aftermath.
When Maeve told her her ex was dead, he quickly brushed that aside to ask her if SHE was alright.
And ofc, we all know what happened in prison after his friend there was murdered.
Reid is often associated with UnSubs not only because of how his backstory aligned with their motivations (mental health issues, bullying, absent parent, losing a loved one) but because most of these crimes are passional responses- and Spencer can be extremely passional, to a point where it clouds his judgment.
Now...you might be thinking "ok that is all nice and good, but where does the obsession come into play? all that I know is that he is a cinnamon roll that loves his friends and has some really deep projection issues he really needs to work on" and you are not wrong, but what made me make this fucking thesis in the first place its something else....one of my favorite things to analyze about fictional characters in this kind of setting it's "the needs of one vs the greater good" thing.
Now let's be fr, we all as human beings will always, ALWAYS prioritize those close to us over literal strangers. Even among the best, most empathic people that is just how it is, that emotional hierarchy will always be there- what differentiates us is how much it affects our actions.
Now with a job like this, there will always be this conflict among the menbers- obviously, their families and even each other will always be a priority, but on working hours their focus HAS to be on doing their job, following the rules and just being as professional as humanly possible- even tho it sometimes kills them inside since it just doesn't feels right.
Reid actually doesn't face this debate that much- because all common sense, respect for authority and protocol goes out of the fucking window whenever he obsesses over a new blorbo lmao.
Had you heard the phrase "One death is a tragedy, a hundred is a statistic"? nothing rings more true that with Dr. Reid right here. He is able to keep his cool while touching mangled corpses and discussing all the shit that happened to them- occasionally looking horrified if it's messed up enough, but other than that he is able to keep the same level of professionalism and compartmentalization as his co-workers.
Annnnnnd then he gets to know a victim, a witness, or an unsub and the vest leaves his torso, his gun folds itself and his IQ lowers. Alot.
Let's get back to the example I put of the guy that was murdered by Lindsey's dad- in that moment he wasn't a murderer to Reid, in that moment all he saw was a teenager begging for his life and HE could be the only to save him- he couldn't. He obsessed over that instead of what the guy did and that lead him to desire to insert Diluid inside of him after 10 months of sobriety, not to mention being A BIG factor in what he does on Elephant's Memory.
"I thought I could save this one" was his response when Hotch scolded him.
Spencer literally can't forget shit. So he tries to make sure that when he knows someone, even if is on a dying moment like the mentioned UnSub, he can save them. He forms some kind of bond with someone and they stop being an face and a name adhered to his board that he is determined to save/get justice for because is his literal job and he is overall a good person. In his mind, it becomes his responsibility whenever that person it's saved, and when that crosses over obsessive territory and his job, that makes it mandatory to always put the need of the many vs the one (especially if it's an unsub) well....
It's when he spiral and puts his career/the case in jeopardy at best, and his life at worst, no to mention what that shit does to his already questionable mental health.
In the second ep of the tenth season, Reid confesses to Morgan that after killing the LDSK, it suddenly hit him and he obsessed over all the "what ifs", at that moment that guy wasn't the LDSK that almost got him, his boss and a hospital full of mortal hostages in danger- he was the man that Spencer Reid killed- and it only ended when he stopped obsessed over HIM and started to put his victim's faces on his wall, forcing his focus on them instead.
He was more focused on the father of the victim on "identity" than the actual unsub himself because years before he had stopped him from seeing his daughter, and had made enough of an impact to be remembered by him in the present. Thanks to that bond, that little relationship, Spencer was able to put himself between a highly emotional distraught father's gun and the man he wanted to kill, to protect him.
He didn't get to personally know Samantha until the end- but he got to meet the scumbag that raped her. Add that to the already soft spot he has for children and you have a very angry Reid ready to do literally anything to make sure this woman that didn't even knew him was safe.
And ironically enough, what prompt me to do this thesis wasn't even one of those nice touchy feeling moments Spencer had with someone he bonded over- either personally or on a parasocial level- but one where he was wrong, but was about to risk a whole case over it. Rock Creek Park.
In that episode, Spencer and this other girl are keeping watch over this mafia thing so this politician guy's wife cane come back (as you can see I pay attention to certain scenes more that others lmao) and you can see the exact moment where the mission....stops being Spencer's priority.
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After hearing this girl's conversation with her mother, she stopped being "the maid" and became someone Spencer's "knows" and so this leads to....this
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....why did I bother with that text block when this scene spills it out- Anyways.
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I dunno why but Rossi's reaction always sends me to the stratosphere- he knows.
Anyways, turns out that the helpless maid was actually on it all along and Reid almost throws the entire case off over nothing- *slows clap*
Ok ok, this might seem like I am slandering my boy but as fun as it is to make fun of him, this is exactly why I love him. This recklessness as a result of tunnel vision it's....concerning considering his line of work, and his eagerness to go far and beyond for someone he barely knows just because he knows them, above everything else and he is there, and can't bare the thought of not doing anything for them., to have their death's imprinted on his memory.
In conclusion- he ain't lawful good/neutral like the first few episodes want to make you think, he is chaotic good. And a mess. And I love him.
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ewingstan · 1 year
top 5 favourite characters in any piece of media ever?
Oh Christ*. I doubt I could do real justice to this, but lets see if I can at least list in no particular order some of the characters I most like that have at least an orthogonal connection to this blog.
Rachel Lindt: Look, getting through the early parts of Worm were rough for me. Everything seemed a bit too exaggerated and ham-fisted, WB hadn't really learned how to do prose, and the only thing keeping me going was remembering that my cousin recommended it a while back and that that some out-of-context posts I'd seen from blastweave made it sound like it had some interesting ideas. But one of the early inexplicable hooks the story got into me was introducing this character who'd seem from a distance like another stock bully character, and almost immediately making me think "wait, I wanna see what he does with her. There's something there." And then there was! There's just something so satisfying about all her interactions with Taylor throughout the whole story; to the extent that I basically divide the story by the different periods of their relationship. She's everything.
Also, my posting about her was some of my first interactions with wormblr. Which is also the first fandom I think I could say I'm actually a part of? Like, there's plenty of things I'm a pretty huge fan of, I even have another fandom sideblog I started before this, but Worm got me actually posting instead of just passively reblogging for pretty much the first time. And Rachel got me there! So I have her to thank for answering this question at all in the first place.
Harrowhark Nonagesimus: The first character I liked in a blorbo kind of way, if that makes sense. Like, there's plenty of characters who I love, or who make the stories I love shine, or who I always had a fun time thinking about. But Harrow as a character just cracks open my brain in a way nothing else does. The Necromancy. The goth space Catholicism. The theatricality. The general horribleness. The specific combination of overwhelming presence and sad shitsack vibes. The specific combination of genius and ingenuity coupled with the crushing stubbornness and lack of creativity. Its not even like a key sliding into the lock in my heart, its like a lockpick that's clicking through all the tumblers in my heart-lock and revealing it for the flimsily-built masterlock-ass shit it is. I never used to get people who talked about how a character inspired them to pick up a hobby or take up an interest in something. But I ended up reading Lolita because of how much I loved Harrow! I started getting into Nabokov as a whole and finding one of my favorite writers because of Harrow! Nothing else does that to me! Which itself leads to...
Rose Lalonde: Did Harrow have a precursor? She did, indeed she did. In point of fact, there might have been no Harrow at all had Muir not loved, one summer, a certain initial witch-teen. In a comic by Hussie. Oh when? About as many years before GtN was written as my my age was that year. You can always count on my favorite characters for a fancy prose style.
No but Rose's verbose prose style really did cement her as one of my favorite characters. Like Bitch, she's a character that got me into an overly-long work I wasn't sure I wanted to tackle. I had attempted to start Homestuck a few times before I actually got into it, and the early computer-game jokes and user-submitted prompts weren't really engaging me. I did not see myself enjoying reading about John futzing around in his room for a few thousand pages. But man oh man, when the narrative switched focus to the literally purple-prosed kid obsessed with Lovecraft, I was ready for whatever the story wanted to do. I related to her and idolized her instantly. When I reread Homestuck much later, I related to her for much less complementary reasons. I have a particular (read: grating as hell) speaking style that's a result of being a kid who both thought of himself as smarter than everyone and was completely unsocial to the point of barely being able to have a conversation. I sound like an analytic philosophy paper written by an undergrad who's not invested in the topic or the course but who really wants to sound like he knows what he's talking about. The unique and specific character voices in Homestuck are the best part of the work for me, and when I first read Rose, I was basically reading who I wanted to be. And reading her later and realizing all the ways she's just a dumb kid makes me think of all the ways I was just a dumb kid, and how I'm trying to get to a place where I can converse with someone and feel comfortable without being condescending.
Look, there's a reason that despite Dave and Karkat having all my favorite moments in the work, I ended up owning two pairs of Rose t-shirts. And its the same reason I have a Ninth House outfit.
Kaladin Stormblessed: What if there was a story about trauma giving you superpowers fueled by bonding to an alien intelligence, but instead of the bonded spirit driving you towards self-destructive behavior it tried to make you into the best version of yourself? I've already talked a bit about how the Stormlight Archives has a surprising number of similarities to Worm, and reading it when I was a young teen probably contributed to developing the sensibilities that made Worm click for me. Plus, the cosmere was my first real multi-property media I got into, so it probably preempted me getting into comics as well (which this blog is also theoretically about). Speaking of—
Roberto da Costa: Feel weird about this, because I'm not even very familiar with the original Claremont stories he originated from. But the Al Ewing stories I read with him were some of the first Marvel comics I read at all (USAvengers was a weird-place to start that journey, tell ya hwat), and he set the tone for what modern big-two comics could do well perfectly. There's a lot of obvious problems with the eccentric billionaire hero archetype, but he's the best of that type of character. And while Ewing has written much better comics than the New Avengers/USAvengers runs he first used Roberto in, those stories were the ones that got me interested in Ewing in the first place. And I initially made this blog as a comics subblog devoted to his work! So again, this blog wouldn't really exist without Sunspot.
Special mention to: The March Hare+Doormouse. Putting them together because my parents met while playing them in their college theater program. Owing my existence to these characters means they probably deserve at least a mention. Also Jessie Pinkman and Sylvester Lambsbridge and Clint Barton and Saint Perpetua and Celestina the Witch and Smurov from Nabokov's "The Eye" and Quentin Brooks from Eidolon Playtest and the fictionalized version of Al Swearengen from Deadwood and Sister Carpenter from "The Silt Verses" and—
*No, I'm not putting him on the list.
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sinha-ri · 11 months
I know nothing about your ocs so please give me the rundown I NEED to learn about them but have no idea where to start
Strap in this is going to be long bc i will give you a rundown of each lil fucker I have gl on the read ive been oc obsessed for YEARS also warning for lots and lots of dark and tragic themes not a single one of my ocs has a good life (at the start anyway)
Lily Artesia
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he is the blorbo bleebus, the guy i was obsessed with for over 3 years and has over 110 art (that number is just as much as i could find on this laptop alone and NOT including shittier sketches)
he's 28 in present time, gay and asexual, trauma heavy fella, at this point its what hasn't happened to him he has the worst luck, chronic pain, shit dyslexia so he cant read, and his left eye is missing
He is a runaway prince from the holy star kingdom. His family is blessed by the stars and he is their first ever 2nd child, as they were "cursed" to only have 1 child, he has been the only outlier ever. This made him have a few of the blessings rather than all (list of said blessings)
As a runaway prince, he traveled across the sea to another land where he became a mercenary/bounty hunter, worked in the black market, dated a shit ton of questionable ppl, uhh..false sex work that ended up just being murder (as in..he murdered) before being kidnapped and enslaved for a year. He was saved but more like ownership traded w the military he uh, i guess he served there for a while and got in a questionable relationship with Valdis (more on him later) Almost died in battle, was saved by Oliver and ended up recovering and having a fufilling life with Oliver that turned to marriage :D.
He's a lil sarcastic, a big heart, arsonist, selfless, pretty empathetic, likes to murder (ppl he finds irredeemable), just a caring lil guy that copes in the only ways he knows which is ofc murder, self harm (this takes a few forms) and generally getting defensive where he can turn to violence if he really thinks he's in danger (which doesnt help when he has major anxiety and ptsd)
TOYHOUSE if you want anything on tumblr, just search lily in the tags of my blog and you will not run of content on there
2. Oliver Artesia
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He is a favorite but sadly doesnt reach blorbo status as lily and hero but he's up there
30 in present time, demi sexual and romantic, doesnt know he has ptsd, isolated himself for over 5 years lol
Born as a grand mage (i cant find my source talking about this so uh, basically mages here are born with 1 skill type but grand mages can learn any skill type thats all you need to know (and theyre rare)) and a branch of the Artesia Family (rant here lol). Oliver's mother always wanted a daughter and so she would dress Oliver as one, enrolled him in school as such, and prevented him from trying to question her authority or pretty much do anything himself. She was abusive and held him to high standards. This led to a lot of bullying and being unable to make any friends.
This got him to be taken into the custody of his uncle, but once he hit 18, he was enrolled into the military (war just started) as a frontline medic. He absolutely hated this job and found it pointless to save someone who will only go back out to battle. He ended up committing War Crimes by lvling a field with foe and allies, tried to cause war disruption on his own, then let himself be caught so he could be bewitched (also cant find where i talked about this but basically, their magic is nerfed and theyre unable to physically lie), he ranaway soon after and lived alone for over 5 years in a refugee village, becoming the village doctor, herbalist, and pharmacist (he isnt licensed but he knows what he's doing)
He starts off selfish, blunt in adding unnecessary details/comments, has a really cheerful and upbeat energy to him but he will say the most vile bitchy thing ever, over confident in himself, smaaallllll power complex, comforting in his gender (being male) but will roast your ass if you call him she/her (Intentionally)
TOYHOUSE he is also one you can find a lot on my tumblr if you just search up his name on my blog
3. Jonah Artesia
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the fucking baby boy, protect him with all your life
around 16 in the present, queer, god someone help this kid he is drowning in anxiety, low self esteem, and separation anxiety that makes him feel like he needs to be useful
Jonah was born into a Mage Family but was given the short end of the stick by being born a Dark Mage (a magic type that is feared and pretty much banned from these mages to practice at ALL), he was abandonded when this was discovered (around the age range 10-12). Trying to live a decent life, he found himself attempting to be useful via being a guide. He makes maps and sells them, he can read the stars and find his way out of most forests and places. He was finally taken in by a group of teenagers that needed a guide, in which he fit in perfectly. He tends to keep quiet and never voices his opinions, doing anything to be a ppl pleaser in hopes they'll let him stay, which they do after they find out he's a Dark Mage.
in the future, he ends up being adopted by Lily and Oliver, growing in a healthier steady environment where they try to help him recover and grow as a well adjusted adult
he's a big doormat, way too kind and caring and way too selfless, will never speak up for himself, he just doesnt wanna be left alone again and will give up as much of himself as it takes to :(
TOYHOUSE uhh you can find some lore on him but a few of it can be dated
4. Alexander (i dont have a last name yet sobbing)
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he's recently been rising in my mind lately, he is the local WHORE
currently 32, his sexuality is anyone he can have sex with lol, he copes with sex, suffers from insomnia, he makes the absolutely worst dog shit decisions when it comes to his brother its astronomical how stupid he is and how much of a King manbaby he is with the way he approaches the situation.
The first son of the royal family and elder brother of Lily, he is currently King. He is the reason lily ranaway and blames himself for the rest of his life, aiming to make it right by all means. He is a good and caring leader that attempts to listen to his people. But he's very two faced in that he's actually super tired and bitter in the inside and would throw all this away if he could. He hates his job, he hates his life, he's miserable but never lets himself show it nor change how well he does his job. Due to his first lover having been someone who only used him to steal money from him, this man has never fallen in love since. The only intimate relationship he'd have with anyone is through sex but even than its under a disguise. He has no friends, he hates other royalty and nobles, but he will never lash this out on people. The kingdom loves him and he puts on a serene and comforting smile for them to stay trustworthy and complacent.
he's very Fake nice and flirty, he tries to look under the true intentions of anyone who attempts to have a relationship with him. Hardly trusts nor listents to anyone, he's actually pretty awkward when he isn't being King or doing official business, he just really does love sex
tOYHOUSE you probably wont find anything much on him on my tumblr except from pretty dated things i probably scrapped and are no longer canon lol
5. Valdis Nevermore
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this is an image of him in the future but i dont have any of the present. i would say hes a himbo but hes problematic
31, bi, hes got a hero complex, turns from occasional drinker to alcoholic real quick after certain events, complicated family relationship
Valdis is born from a family of knights, and being the eldest, he follows in the footsteps of his father and his ancestors before. He knows there is a problem in the system, but he hopes to help change it from the inside, but finds himself following their orders more than questioning them. Despite this, he does have high morals especially when it comes to treating others and commoners. He attempts not to use his status as an advantage against others. However, once he is in charge of lily during lily's time in the military, he finds his passion reignited to question leadership and develops a hero complex towards Lily, feeling as if he has to help/save him but ends up making things far worse than they should. Once lily is assumed dead, valdis deserts as a Knight, gets disowned by his family, and is on a constant run from being tracked down. Lives with regret and drowns in alcohol
He is a very helpful guy, very kind to all, and a bit of a loser lol. Charming and charismatic when he's not wallowing in pity, he really does have a good heart that is misguided.
he has no toyhouse and very little information is avaliable on tumblr
6. Lenn (might change her name so ill just keep her nickname)
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i have so little woman but GOD am i gay for her, she is wife
35, lesbian, she needs time off and doesnt deserve the treatment she gets fr, get a better job or beat alexander up
a half dragon half human that was "adopted" into the royal family. It was more like taking her in when she was a child, raised as their older sister, but eventually assigned herself the role as the royal guard to the brothers once their parents passed away. She has dedicated her life in trying to protect the remaining family she has, yet it seems alexander hasn't seen her as such in a long time. He hardly listens to her advice and attempts to shoo her away with unnecessary tasks. but she wont let up, even if they no longer see her as family she will strive to protect this family from ending itself even if her worth is no longer appreciated
when around alexander she is serious, stern, and straightforward. Yet in a casual setting, she's rather quiet and wants nothing more than have a moment to relax, yet her mind can't seem to let her. It's been long since she's ever been in a relaxed setting away from the King, but she can get pretty bashful away from it all
she has no toyhouse and almost nothing on my tumblr LOL
two more before i let you choose if you wanna listen about another OC that i will just list and give even more basic information on or give yourself a mental break from the absolute OC brain i have
7. Sergio Cartias
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who brought their weed dad, for some reason i have so little of him yet he is SO loved
30, uhh, i forget what its called but he likes fem presenting people regardless of gender (but he is married to someone who uses she/her). honestly my most normal guy his biggest flaw is he smokes lol.
born from a mage family (listen..i did not realize how many of my ocs come from important Line families istg this was unintentional but when put together it does not seem that way) this branch specalizes in information and history, making him following in the line and steps of becoming a professor/teacher, specifically on witches. while the job was accepted by his family, the specifications and how he teaches about witches is not. The reason being he was Oliver's only friend that really sympathized with his situation and figured bewitching a mage doesn't exactly mean they're horrible people, because he couldnt believe some of the vile shit they would say about Oliver. He lived a fairly normal life with his spouse and being a pretty great teacher that students grew to love.
He's very laid back, he really is Just A Guy but in a good way and has the least drama carrying. He sees his own family above all, but he will be there for his friends or anyone who needs him or just someone who wants to talk to someone. Oh and he's a lightning mage and knows how to use magic with just his hands! (this is relevent?? sorta?? in my lore using your hands for magic casting is the ultimate control sign, as most mages use wands or other mediums given they have easier control with them than hands which is harder to master)
he doesnt have a toyhouse either and you can find some bare minimum stuff on tumblr
the next character is from an entirely separate universe/story, as everyone above is part of the same one.
8. Hero
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foaming at the mouth and rolling around the dirt he is THE blorbo right now omfg I CANNOT stop thinking about this absolute piece of shit person he is my WORST character i fucking love him rn
228 years old baby, aro/ace with extreme sex repulsion and generally physical touch repulsion, god he is so fucked up there is so much wrong with him, might have autism but unrelated to him being an asshole he just isn't neurotypical aint no fucking way (this was done unintentionally btw but certain parts of him made me realize oh, typicals do not feel or think this way usually)
Born half human/half druid, he was left abandonded in a village filled with mixed species. He never knew his parents and he was never given a name. the village he lived in was raided by knights and many kids, including himself, were captured. After captured, he went through what is known as the Hero Project, in which they aimed to find and raise the most suitable to be the kingdom's official "hero". Hero, being the most human passing, was given an advantage already. When tests were conducted, he passed with desired results (praised/rewarded for following orders unquestioningly, least hesitant to harm others) It is no surprise he was the winning candidate to be Hero. Throughout, he was still never given a name but instead called by his title once he earned it. their biggest gripe with Hero was his personality, but through time, he learned to mask his true personality and instead showed one of heroism and kindness. All his expressions were calculated depending on who he was speaking to and especially in public. However, outside of the public eye, he was a nightmare to work with
He cared for no one, he is pure selfishness, he will strike down anyone in his way and in fact enjoys killing to an addictive degree. All crimes he's ever committed were swept under the rug in order to keep his image clean, and so he knew he could get away with anything he pleased. He will torment you in any way that will gratify him and worsen you, be it physical or mental torture. He thrives on seeing the expressions of despair and betrayal. He betrays his kingdom and party members at the drop of a hat because he was simply bored. He betrayed the only person that he somewhat cared for because he refused to change, continuing a campaign of destruction as he used his status as Hero to confuse those who haven't heard the news of his betrayal.
He's cynical, calculating, and will do anything to let himself stay in control of his life
TOYHOUSE there is also so much more lore on toyhouse but ive dropped quite a bit on my tumblr recently
Time for speed rundowns:
Peter/Petros/Petra: The leader of golems that will do all in their power to ensure they thrive. the oldest golem that has little hope for humans, but isn't stubborn enough to put their people in jeopardy over them
Jairo Torrance: A farmer that is currently the closest to a friend Oliver has. He is generally nice but dislikes Lily given he was there when lily temporarily ruled the kingdom
Diene Artesia: the eldest daughter of the artesia family and the next in line as head of the family, she is a lesbian disaster and monster fucker
Azazel: a golem that is half sheep/human, he is mute and the 2nd oldest golem, but he keeps his whimsy and cares for Ophiuchus
Ophiuchus: a golem that follows azazel around, he helps communicate to others what azazel attempts to say and keeps him company and protection
Caide/Mushi: a demon working under a prince of hell, he had forgotten his purpose on the surface before coming to his senses and continuing the plan they had set in motion
Dylan: a half demon/human who was named "Demon Lord" by humans despite being far from it, he wishes to leave in peace but when push came to shove, he will do what must be done
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No no wait, delete my previous ask 😄 You've already answered
Hi!! :D
Thank you for the ask!!!
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
well if we arent strict on the someone part (one person i could pinpoint) changing my mind - ill say wolfstar. i wasnt shipping them initially when i first entered the fandom (tho it wasnt the english speaking fandom on tumblr or ff.net) and now its my whole personality. i had no idea it exists, or that its even a possibility to ship 2 men together (I was 12 with no critical thinking skills. i knew gay ppl exist but i didnt know its something that can exist in fiction too i guess?) and all the fics there were included sirius x marlene or sirius x dorcas. and one day i completely randomly stumbled upon this ship. and now, after all this time, im here.
aside from that - probably most ships that im into now that arent wolfstar - wolfstarbucks, wolfbucks, prongsfoot, lilypad and jilypad. I cant pinpoint who exactly introduced me to which ship tho - I just know that people in the fandom that I follow talk about those ships and i was like, i see the vision. similar thing in the case of non-marauders ships like Cedric, Fleur/Bill/Tonks or Fleur/Tonks - but here its more like, i dont really care about anyone thats not S or R and thats why i didnt consider any of those ships initially (but I've always liked Tonks).
idk if that counts but somebody (i wont say who. but in this case i can tell who that was) said they canNOT see remus x lily (or they could but it would be disaster for everyone) and that made me realise I could get into that ship too. so ill put it on the list <3
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
I mentioned a couple times I ship prongsfoot, but what I meant is I see why people ship them, and I ship them when in polyships I mentioned, and I do consider Sirius being in love with James (so, unrequired prongsfoot) in most concepts/storylines - but i wish I could get fully into the actual ship bc i feel like this part of the fandom writes them more in characters, and is generally a nice place to be. But I also saw some ppl talk about prongsfoot and james cheating on lily or sth and i know i wont get into that (cheating just squicks me out i guess?)
(this kinda goes for most of my ships that arent my OTP, I think? I like them, but im not into them enought to consider them my OTPs and sometimes I wish I did)
Also femslash ships. I wish I was more into them, and I dont want to excuse or justify why i dont like many femslash ships (there is so much discourse in many fandoms about it and i really dont want to do that). Im just not into them that much - i like them, but i dont read or write just about them, and I wish I did (maybe I will someday). In the case of the marauders fandom - Im not into dorlene or marylily bc those characters (sans Lily) are basically fandom's OCs (and I love that the fandom looked at those characters that were mentioned once in the books and made them quite interesting too. but I dont really care about them bc they are neither S or R and also there is no canon of them for me to fall back to)
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Why are you making me think critically about my blorbos on saturday afternoon </3
I cant pick a fav but im also not going to write an essay on each one
When I did a presentation about my fav ships I mentioned that I loved Steve Roger's arc in his first movie bc he went from "I dont want to kill anyone. I want to fight nazis bc I dont like bullies - I dont care where they come from" to "I'm not going to stop till all of Hydra is dead or captured" after he lost Bucky </3 (but thats just the first movie. and i still pretend endgame didnt happen. so) (also ive read metas that steve's arc was tied to saving/loosing bucky, and i love that from the shipping perspective)
Everyone in the Stranger Things fandom loves Steve Harrington's arc - he went from a background asshole jock to a heroic babysitter working minimum wage whose best friend is a lesbian - and now that he's a fan's favourite he's also most likely to die in the last season
I also read some posts/metas about Remus's arc and his nonlinear healing and learning to take on responsibility and I dont like most elements that his arc consists off but I do find it very interesting.
ask game
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the-silent-hashira · 1 year
Hazbin Hotel for the ask game?
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Lucifer, always Lucifer
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
fucking Fizzarolli, i want to hold him so bad sometimes you have no idea, he is rotating in my head constantly, but if were talking STRICTLY Hazbin, it would have to be Charlie, every time i see her i get all fucking happy and wanna squish
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
ive been in the fandom for a bit so ive seen a lot of people like literally all the characters, but personally? i feel like Cherri is underappreciated!!
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) MIMZY. i know shes planned to be a main character at some point, but currently we've only seen her in a single scene from the pilot and i swear to god i am going to FIRMLY GRASP this fat lovely brat once i see her on screen god dammit
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Valentino lmao, hes not pathetic but he sure is fucking problematic and i love him so fucking much, id probably also send him to superhell but i wont put him twice on here
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Vox, because reasons(i think its funny to watch him short circuit and imagine hes the type that can easily be bullied)
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Katie Killjoy. good character, deserves to go to superhell for sure
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deadgrantaires · 2 years
natsuyuu for the ask meme<3
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
tie of natsume and matoba, but mostly natsume when im like, actively watching through it bc HOW CAN YOU NOT UGH hes got so many layers :'( <333
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
little fox and tama 🥺 the most baby of all time
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
TAKI AND SASADA i love these girls sasada especially is jsut. so funny to me. bothersome in a hilarious way
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
that other girl who can see yokai who was friends with that tengu boy GOD i cant find either of their names but i love her!!! i so badly want her to join the fucking bhdsjv natsume friend group BONKERS to me that her and natsume wouldnt stay in contact being similair age in a nearby area who can both see yokai PLEASE. there was also that girl who like lost her ring and owl yokai found it and she went on yoaki adventure in one of the OVAs?? i think she should also be friends with the group i think its her right. oh and ofc miss matoba
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
MATOBA OFC <333 cant wait to read the manga where he like bfhjvdf doesnt threaten to kill nyanko lol ALSO nanase <333
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
natori and matoba i LOVE to bully them <333 also shibata
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
(affectionate) i think nyanko should go to super hell and jsut fuck up the place <333 he'll come back home when he gets hungry <3
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