#its all very transparently capitalistic
sanstropfremir · 2 years
honestly i also think that groups arent going to award's shows anymore is also because its not only rigged but you also already know whos gonna win. like if they have 10 awards you already know b'ts is gonna get at least 3 whether they deserve it or not because otherwise fans will eat them alive, thats 7 awards left then you have male and female rookie which, well it excludes anyone who isnt a rookie, 1 award for best male (excludes women) 1 award for best female (excludes men), an award for solo artists, and then like performance of the year or something. so you basically have 50 groups sitting there ineligible for half the awards and not being able to get the other half because the same 5 groups always get them so like..... why even go at that point
yea i agree, awards shows across genre have been losing their sway for a couple of years. i think kpop ones are a particularly acute microcosm bc there are not very many types of awards, and there are really stark differences between the 'top tier' of groups and the rest of the ones that make up the majority of the industry, despite the industry being relatively small. even though there's numerically less groups debuting in the last twoish years (i did a quick survey of the wikipedia list of debuts by year to check numbers and it was about 30ish per year in the 2010s but so far it's been about 20ish for the 2020s. however this does include subunits and project groups so it's not a totally accurate figure), all those numbers compound on each other since there aren't the same amount leaving the industry as entering. so overall, these awards shows continue to be stacked towards the groups with the biggest companies and fanbases, even though there's better art that deserves that recognition being made by increasingly more and more groups that go completely unnoticed and have no chances of being noticed.
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kathaynesart · 2 years
My biggest fear about Mutant Mayhem isn’t the movie itself, but the fan reaction leading up to it. I don’t want to see people give this a cold shoulder cause they’re bitter Rise got cancelled. I love Rise as much as the next fan, but this movie looks way too great to be even mildly annoyed. I want it to succeed, and for it to be appreciated as another take on the TMNT for its unique identity, animation, personality, and dumb teen energy that’s so infectiously lovable from the trailer already. Your thoughts?
Totally understandable and I think you make some good points. I do think the new version looks really fun. I doubt it will become a new hyper-fixation for me (Rise is the first one to capture my interest in such a way in over 8 years and it does not happen often), but I definitely think it deserves some love and attention.
To Rise fans who are still (understandably) bummed I would suggest this: if you can, go support Mutant Mayhem. If only because the TMNT franchise, like all long running intellectual properties, needs fuel and ongoing proof of its relevance. Give it money and it will give back. TMNT has a proven track record of bringing back old series via crossover movies at the very least. So I would expect nothing less than for the same to happen for Rise. But they need money to do that. Not just from a “greedy capitalistic” angle, but to be able to support all the hard working creators that pour over it.
In the end, animation is one of the most expressive and transparent forms of cinema and I feel like you can really tell when love is put into something, even if the style/theme might not be your specific jam. Just like Rise, this movie seems to have a lot of the same love infused within it and I appreciate that and will show my support for that reason.
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mister13eyond · 1 year
man the thing about all the ai discourse is like
there are literally 2 things that IMO would solve A LOT of problems machine learning models and they're very simple but they'll never happen because of the kind of capitalist tech bros who want to monetize everything
and that is 1.) ban machine learning output from being used for commercial purposes
2.) add metadata to all machine learning output (admittedly this only works for images so it's not a perfect solution but it'd make an Enormous difference in the spread of falsified images for misinformation purposes)
like that's it. if no one was using it for money, and everyone could find out what was machine generated and what was made by manual processes, i feel like a lot of the issues of machine output being used to avoid paying creators and misinformation would be fixed. a little transparency and the refusal to capitalize on a tool. but its literally all being driven by people who want to make as much money as possible
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indoorcoyote · 1 year
twitter: - had somehow achieved the impossible status of "social media website considered almost respectable by even thoroughly offline people and institutions" before it was bought by the world's richest dipshit - who has destroyed that status through being a consistently inflammatory and contrarian idiot who thinks fascism is Epic Win and has devoted unimaginable resources to trying to seem cool online - also he thinks that laws don't apply to him and that he's the smartest boy in the world - FATE: probably shut down either as a direct consequence of legal trouble or as a result of a steep decline in ad and venture capitalist money as businesses flee the Toxic Brand, either way within a couple of years and possibly sooner
tumblr: - has been dying an extremely drawn-out death for the past five or ten years, or possibly for its entire existence. one of these terrible 2010s website businesses which has never actually made any money for any of its increasingly questionable owners - extremely hostile userbase is convinced that site management is out to get them, reinforced by a series of scandals and an incredible ability to blame staff for constraints actually imposed by things like "economy" and "ethics" and "laws applying" - but they'd also hate it if tumblr was taken over by an elon-style internet warlord so i assure you there is no winning here - FATE: continues to die, probably not forever. hopefully when they shut it down for good they'll dump all their shit on the internet archive or something because goodness fucking gracious is there a lot of culture on this website
bluesky: - original twitter guy decides to invent twitter 2 coincidentally at the same time twitter 1 is circling the drain. it's "federated" now - widely loathed because it released as a feature-incomplete beta and has suffered various tumblr-style moderation scandals, which you only hear about on other social media because everybody actually on bluesky is too busy posting unbelievable amounts of hog - it's open-source, so they're not actually able to mine crypto in users' browsers without anyone knowing; but if not that, it's unclear how this is actually supposed to function as a money-making business. current funding is partially siphoned off of twitter and partially from traditional guillible venture capitalist sources - FATE: probably eventually settles onto a tumblr-like path of unprofitability, issues with economies of scale, reactionary backlash against the extremely horny site culture and so on, culminating in a similar drawn-out death
cohost: - this plucky bunch of communists decided to found their own social media website... what happens next will break your heart (they have created for themselves an inescapable personal hell) - userbase is convinced that the moral and ideological purity of the four (!!!!) people who run the site will lead to its success and immortality. the fact that these four people already have to juggle all the legal and financial responsibilities of running a business with maintaining and updating and moderating (!!!!!!!!!) a website with well over 20,000 active users is apparently not a concern - i feel really bad for them. if you couldn't tell. it makes me feel a little nauseous about using the website - staff is extremely transparent about finances, which are in the short term at least pulling out of a nosedive, but funding continues to be mostly from a single anonymous rich friend, supplemented with users subscribing to a collection of fairly minor cosmetic doodads - FATE: i'm very worried
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familyabolisher · 2 years
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[image description: nine tumblr users asking me to talk about triangle of sadness. /end]
SO glad you all asked, completely unprompted. anyway, triangle of sadness is about, in short, a luxury cruise ship sinking and leaving a handful of guests and staff stranded on an island. its principle driving force is this mostly-untapped, vague little handwave towards an ‘eat the rich’-type affect; a lot of its humour relies on moderately exaggerating and satirising (or, god, attempting to satirise) the behaviours of rich people—absurdity, hollowness, vacuity, whatever. you have a guest who insists on all the staff members going for a swim, and one who repeatedly complains that the sails are dirty (despite, as we later learn, the ship not having any sails). this sort of thing is very mid-tier satire. it’s not especially imaginative or cutting, and it doesn’t say very much besides, like, the idea that money makes you alienated and entitled. which … is not enough to carry a film on, lol.
the problem is that the film draws these incredibly broad, clumsy strokes around class politics, and never really puts in the effort to actually take them in a direction that says anything. the greatest heights it ever achieves are ones where it manages to say that some socialists are hypocrites and wealthy people are ridiculous. again—so what? there’s a scene where a russian millionaire and the wealthy marxist ship’s captain (“a russian capitalist and an american communist,” as the joke goes) try to talk about politics but just google quotes from their respective political heroes and repeat them back to one another, which says very little beyond the idea that wealth makes political ideology shallow and performative. this is worthless to me; this is not creative or original commentary. (this is, like … this was the ethos of knives out? cmon.) or like, there’s a wealthy british couple who inform us that they made their wealth ‘bringing democracy,’ which they then clarify to mean that they worked in weapons manufacturing—which was, honestly, insultingly heavyhanded. it’s not an especially clever joke; it’s patronising. (there were a lot of attempts at wit in this film. none of them landed.) in a similar vein, there’s a bit where the marxist captain talks over the intercom about the US’ invasion and installation of puppet dictators in latin american countries. this + the ‘we brought democracy [to the global south] through weapons development, har har har’ part didn’t at all feel like the kind of sharp commentary that the film wanted it to be; it just felt insulting to cast the spectre of imperialist violence in a film that had absolutely nothing to say about it. to use imperialist violence in the global south as a cheap conduit for irritating jokes or very poor efforts at ‘commentary’ on, idk, isn’t this wealthy captain a bad socialist (and isn’t this such a salient thing to say about communism) is just … gross. and betrays the film’s major failing: that it can’t take its own political imaginary seriously enough to give itself any meat at all.
(the weapons manufacturers later get blown up by one of their own weapons, btw. which, lol. it’s not bad but it would’ve been more satisfying if the film hadn’t been so transparently smug about how Great its politics were.)
[content warning for emetophobia, also just unsanitary in general] about halfway through, there’s a sequence that’s literally about twenty minutes long which just consists of the guests getting food poisoning and graphically vomiting and shitting themselves on-screen. this sequence includes, for example, footage of god knows how much diarrhoea spewing out of a septic tank, close-ups on guests vomiting, shots of people on the toilet, and so on, with the apparent aim of this scene being … you know, humiliate rich people by making them shit and vomit everywhere, i guess? it’s toilet humour. it invites the audience to laugh at the rich people, at least in part due to the way the film wants you to imagine them to have brought it on themselves—by fine dining, by the implication that the food poisoning was caused by food being left to spoil when the crew were made to go for a swim, whatever—but it’s, again, devoid of really mobilising anything. after spending twenty minutes watching rich people get ill (which is a cheap shot for humiliation anyway, btw—i do think jokes about incontinence are ableist, besides just being humour for seven year olds) and being expected to laugh at it, the film hasn’t so much as made a dent in unspooling some commentary on their wealth in the first place. it’s not intelligent or thoughtful satire. ‘what if rich people shat themselves onscreen’ is not an interesting thought. [end content warning]
the only truly compelling character the film has to offer is abigail, a cleaner whose survival skills after the shipwreck allow her to take command of the other survivors and demand that she be referred to as ‘captain.’ at the end, once they’ve found potential rescuers, one of the former guests (yaya, an ‘influencer,’ because influencers are lowball for Mocking Rich People—ohhh they’re so vapid and self-absorbed and obsessed with their phones etc etc. this is frankly about as salient and thoughtful as this film’s political commentary manages to get. lol) offers her a job as her assistant, and abigail is implied to kill her with a rock—in response to that request but also seemingly to prevent a return to the old order by which she was underclassed. unfortunately, abigail barely gets any fucking time to develop on the screen, largely due to the aforementioned twenty minute sequence. the pacing of the film is horrible, and the third act feels so rushed that anything actually compelling that could’ve been eked out of abigail’s character gets glossed over and collapsed. 
the film even had threads it could’ve picked up to say something of substance about capitalism, imperialism, whatever—abigail was filipina and a subordinate to paula, her white superior, but the racial element of her underclassing is never addressed and you don’t exactly get the sense that the film thinks about it. one of the other survivors is Black; again, no effort to think about how racialisation affects his relationship with the wealthy white clientele save for a stupid joke about him thinking that people are being racist towards him. one of the wealthy survivors is disabled—the film is very happy to align her with the other Rich People™ rather than taking the opportunity to interrogate how disability disadvantages her in maintaining her class position. it’s a film that wants to be interested in class, capitalism, maybe at a stretch even imperialism, but has no sense of how to say anything thoughtful and worthwhile about it, so has to fall back on boring fucking narratives of power as corruptive and (literal) toilet humour. it’s shallow. i felt patronised the whole way through.
i really just kept thinking—who is this for? what do we actually get out of making a spectacle of rich people for a bit? what’s been said? at the end of the day, what has this actually tried to push me to think about? and it’s: nothing! completely pneumatic spineless worthless film. <3
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ludiharambasha · 1 year
My uncle is a diabetic with heart problems. His heart works at around 30% capacity. Last time he was at the hospital, his haemoglobin levels were at around 3.5. His skin was close to transparent. He was dying. This doctor (a general surgeon I think), who is also a member of our parlaiment, saw my mother beg him to take him in, only for this man to turn his back to chat with a nurse. His surname, which I'm not going to drop here for obvious reasons, is really ironic, as its etymological root is the word "dobro", which means "good".
And this idea of goodness and the medical field is something I want to dissect here. When I see people glorify medical professionals or associate them with kindness, I get furious, on a deeply personal level, as well as a cognitive one. There is nothing inherently kind about working in the medical field or healing. A construction worker creates housing and a baker creates food, but we don't glorify these professions for their "kindness" for creating goods that are seen as necessities, do we?
That is because, in a capitalist society, when a baker makes bread, they operate on the premise that not everyone will be able to afford the bread. They may be the working class, but they get their wage for both creating the good and making sure that the good of the capitalist that employs them makes profit. All professions that provide similar services function like this.
A medical professional is no different, regardless of whether they work in private or public healthcare. They provide healthcare on the premise that either you're going to pay them, or that you are on some form of health insurance/healthcare program or whatever system is in place. If you don't have money to pay for the service or you are not insured/on a healthcare program or not in the system, well. You might as well die. I have experienced this as an immigrant in Slovenia, as I don't have a right to insurance (I only have one from my country that covers emergencies), and I needed medication to stop menstrual bleeding which lasted for almost two months, after I ran out of the staah I brought from home. Instead of getting the medicine (which costs 1.5 euros in MNE, with no perscription), I got a 20min lecture on how those are hOrmOnEs and shit, and because I was not in the system or had a perscription from a doctor, I could not get it (something I wasn't aware of as the situation is very different back home, and also up to the fact that up until recently my gynecologist didn't take me seriously and refused to perscribe me medication for PCOS or even diagnose it). It was during the summer, and were it up to her, I could have bled out to death.
The medical field is awful in this regard, because of the prestige the profession gets. A medical professional is typically paid very well (while the working class is typically poor and exploited). They are providing a service just like any other employed person in a capitalist society. They are not saving lives out of the goodness of their hearts (and more often than not they're not saving anyone really), but for a wage. They are not volunteers. They have a significant amount of power, as they have a certain amount of "control" over whether a person in their care lives or dies. And if it never crossed your mind that having such power is open to all kinds of abuse, then you are painfully naive. Doctors, depending on whether they are in a country with privatised healthcare or public healthcare, are either capitalists or agents of the state.
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liriostigre · 11 months
anon, for your eyes only lol
again, i can't post the last 2 asks for the same reasons. you mentioned tumblr users again, i don't know them at all, which doesn't mean you're lying about them or that i agree with them. i shouldn't have to say any of this but i really feel like you keep misinterpreting things.
i didn't say that because AP News's reports on Palestine are biased, the Ukraine one was not reliable (...very much like fucking Biden acknowledges Ukraine and dismisses Palestine, i'm acknowledging that article you sent but i don't fuck with what they have to say about Palestine.) in fact, i started by saying it was informative. i just don't want people to trust that same source—the source i'm linking to the almost 40k followers this side blog has—when it comes to Palestine.
everything you said about Hamas might be true—those 3 paragraphs you wrote in one of the asks you just sent—yet it is still not fair saying things like “Hamas-run health ministry” to readers of those news outlets. i can tell you're not stupid, don't act stupid about this. i know you can see the intention behind that phrasing, and it's not stating a fact. there's an implication, there's something they want readers to focus on and to internalize. you said in one of the asks that you detest any form of authoritarianism, so you must be familiar with IT-backed authoritarianism and disinformation campaigns. media control is very authoritarian. you should be able to tell when mfs use a propaganda tactic such as this one.
now, about what i was “getting at” in regards of you using the term 'tankie' and not having comments on Biden is, if i'm being honest, that i definitely thought you were part of the 'vote blue no matter what' liberals that have been very transparent about their stance, and they don't give a fuck about Biden's active support of Israel and its crimes, they will vote for him again in a heartbeat.
and i know the term wasn't made up by capitalist liberals, but the term has gradually been almost exclusively used by liberals and right-wingers, specially on the internet. liberals use it against any communist, even the non-Marxist–Leninist socialists. right-wingers use it against anyone on the left, even if they aren't remotely sympathetic to socialism. it has simply lost all meaning at this point.
anyway, peace ✌🏻 genuinely.
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beansprouts · 1 year
barbie (2023) thoughts
spoilers under cut
Margot Robbie's acting was utterly incredible and worth the price of entry alone
My favourite scene was Ken's song and dance number, no notes. Ryan's gotten so much better since La La Land.
on the topic of Ken... let him kiss boys
Like for a film so couched in queer references and jokes, it could have used some actual gay text. It's 2023, let Ken be actually bisexual, not just subtextually.
On the other hand, though, aroace Barbie was important and powerful
Especially as a subversion of the default happy ending where the man wins the woman he has spent the whole film pestering
Most disappointing part of the film: everything about the Great (wo)Man Theory Ex Machina
For God to be Ruth the actual creator of Barbie, some middle-aged woman in a 1950s kitchen, who stepped in to tie up the narrative threads, totally undermined the film's attempt at a feminist message for me
Especially since Barbie apparently had to seek Ruth's permission to enter the real world.
would have strongly preferred if Ruth was framed less as god and more as a mother, parallel to Gloria's character arc with her daughter
also Ruth ('s ghost?) doesn't appear to have any actual agency at Mattel? Why is she stuck in the basement???
Speaking of Mattel in this film: you can't contrast the real world with the hypermaximalist Barbieland if all the Mattel employees in the real world are also cartoonish.
It's such a transparent way to avoid any actual narrative accountability for Mattel the company within the film and it rings really hollow
like this film is so brilliant at portraying the construction of gender (I feel like those essays have been written already, probably, so I won't bother explaining it here). But then you take off your Gender Lens and put on your Labor Lens and realize it's actually kind of regressive?
To be fair I was primed for paying closer attention to its treatment of class and labor because Barbie's journey begins with a song by Lizzo, who has been in the news for also (allegedly) fueling her narrative of female empowerment via labor exploitation. and that was so recent the film can't have known that. But we are in the midst of a labor movement in the US and that also makes this film's politics seem even weirder
Characters in this film are defined by their job. Both in Barbieland and in the real world.
We know Gloria is a mom, and she certainly has personality, but her other defining trait is that she plays with Barbies and then draws them... which ties into her identity as someone who works at Mattel.
Every other Mattel employee is so wholly characterized by their profession as Mattel employee it's a little ridiculous.
When the Barbies are freed from their brainwashing they remember their job titles as their senses of self: author, physicist, president, and in returning to that profession-self they are depicted as healed.
The characters who are dissatisfied with life in Barbieland are also the ones who don't have titles that equate to employment: (Stereotypical) Barbie, Beach Ken, Allan. You could make an argument for Weird Barbie as well
Mermaid Barbie's profession is Mermaid I guess
The film resolves the struggles of these characters by telling them to go find themselves. Literally in the case of Beach Ken. But through the film's language, that means constructing a self through capitalist labor. For example, Weird Barbie is given a political position with President Barbie. As Barbie enters the real world (where each named person is also associated with a job even to Gloria's daughter whose job is Student) this presumably extends to her.
It's this very capitalism-friendly (neoliberal maybe?) depiction of self-actualization through capitalist profession that feels out of place in a film that's otherwise trying to get you to read it as leftist
at least if you think the asides about consumerism or the interplay between emotion and logic were meant to be seen as commentary and not just jokes belittling radicalism
anyway if you liked the satirical and sometimes absurd vibe of Barbie but want something that commits to its kernels of commentary a little more, I'd recommend Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. They are like sibling works.
This post has come across as mostly negative but to be clear I did like the film. It's to its credit that there's enough of a philosophical stance being established to critique like this in the first place.
How many other comedies have a blue link to Siddhartha Gautama on their wikipedia page??
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sassypotatoe1 · 2 months
I did a smart thing today and I did it scared and it's... Not really resolved, it won't be for a while, but significant steps were taken and unintentionally there is documentation of it because I'm too much of a coward to talk to my boss about my Issues™ face to face so if it goes south I have documentation now to cover my own ass and if worse comes to worst I'll have significant grounds for getting a massive settlement if I'm fired about it.
I'm still vibrating in my own skin about it but like, muted because I took panic meds but I was transparent and professional and smart about it and I'm really proud of myself. I have no idea where this is going to end up, maybe I get accommodations and support and my inevitable med change works out well and I can get back to being very cool and good at my job and everyone walks away with a better understanding of disability and productivity.
Maybe it doesn't work out and I end up unemployed pursuing other careers or working as a waitress while I figure out what to do about my life, or maybe my doctor finally gives me the diagnoses and prognosis I need to be able to register for disability and get subsidized placement in a centre for disabled adults where I'll be cared for and live in relative peace and bored out of my mind until I die, or maybe I'll pursue the artist and content creator pipe dream or give art classes to school kids and freelance, but whatever happens I'll be okay. I'll be terrified shitless and my health will take strain but I have a support system and I have options and I will survive this, even if I have to do so kicking screaming bloody nails and broken teeth. I will survive this.
I do feel marginally better and less overwhelmed and the self loathing is like, simmering and not evaporating instantly into steam anymore, but it's incredibly hard and scary and all my coping mechanisms and strategies are not working at all so I have to rely on constantly reminding myself of my worth as a person and how it's not predicated on my ability to be a worker bee for some capitalist corporation, even if I enjoy it and believe it has its value.
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pumpacti0n · 2 months
I plan on replying in full to that one response to my post about the seizing of state power and why anarchists reject it. but for now I can take the opportunity to use current events as an example to illustrate why this conflation of authority with self defense is awful and hazardous.
from the very beginning of the isareli settler occupation until now, every pro-israel entity has framed the ongoing genocide of palestinians as "self defense". so, according to them, there's no hypocrisy in condemning "political violence" because their attacks are portrayed as justified and reasonable responses to the october 7 attacks. this way, all of the collateral damage can be blamed on the alleged "instigators" indefinitely.
a similar framing is often used to protect cops against any consequences for killing someone while attempting to chase or arrest another target, or killing a target they believe (or claim to believe,) present a threat to them. this is what happened with the black panther party and COINTELPRO, for example, during the assassination plot against Fred Hampton and a number of other influential radical figures.
that, combined with the "guilty until proven innocent" bias when it comes to the colonized masses, is what helps give politicians the confidence to say things like "political violence is unacceptable" that are blatantly false.
the slaves, the colonized, the cult leader's followers, the party, must fall in line or die at the whims of their masters, because their use of power over others is made into law, thus considered legitimate and necessary.
the "spin" is critical tactic for any political project that relies on centralized and hierarchical power structures. it allows those at the top of any given hierarchy to avoid criticism and flip the script, a textbook maneuver for individual abusers that can scale all the way up to the level of a state's ruling class.
when the ruling class have access to the means of sustaining life itself as well as the means to inflict harm in order to restrict them, dishonesty is hardly off the table as a tactic to ensure their power goes unchallenged. in fact, it is required.
this is all the more reason to demand specificity and transparency around what constitutes self-defense and what amounts to authorities seeking to preserve the power structures that force the masses into submission. this is not to be taken lightly, because the results are always the same: power structures preserving themselves for an exclusive minority of individuals at the expense of those at the very bottom.
if everything from a slave revolt and free breakfast programs to the bombing of a school or hospital can be labelled "authoritarian", then the word truly has no value and this mystification only helps maintain the status quo, not its necessary destruction.
states, by their very nature, resist bottom-up organization. it can't be any other way. no state has ever created itself without the wholesale destruction of the society existing prior to it, nor can exist independently of the social stratification and resource hoarding necessary to ransom the captive population into obedience or entice them into positions as middle-managers and overseers. whether we call this a vanguard or not changes jack shit about the power dynamics at play.
the price of statehood is always passed along somewhere, to some group or another, someone must be the beast of burden whose labor is used to plow the field while the politicians and capitalists feast on the fruit it grows and sells it back at a profit.
and if these beasts rise up, not to find some poor soul to take their places, but to do away with this relationship in its entirety, to liken them to their former masters and claim that they are using similar means for similar ends is a total farce, and you don't have to call yourself an anarchist to recognize that, just someone who can tell the difference between a bullied person suffering and a bully getting his ass kicked.
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lleonteva · 3 months
Happiness is not a place or even circumstances, happiness is people around you
Review of the dorama "Happiness"
Happiness is not a place or even circumstances, happiness is people around you.
In the time grid of doramas of the beginning of December 2021, "Happiness" with the final episodes was confidently leading in terms of viewing ratings. There is nothing to say about the reasons for the project's popularity - they are transparent. From the very first episode we are waiting for the attraction of covid flashbacks with a set of realities that have become everyday realities: qr-codes, sanitizers, wearing masks, mode of (self-)isolation. All things we have only recently mastered and experienced. Months of social disconnection, clashing views on things, on the value of life, on the price of freedom, increasing levels of fear and panic. Covid humor is brilliant.
Do you know what we learned about during COVID-19?
The importance of hand washing?
Korean doramamakers decided to go further by exaggerating this situation, limiting the characters' action space (an apartment complex) and exacerbating the scale of the problem to the point of being overwhelming (zombies in post-covid time). This technique was reminiscent of the not-so-famous "Squid Game". While the latter presents a model of survival in a capitalist world, "Happiness" becomes a model of survival in an infected world.
This hyperbolization allows us to look at the problem at the level of completeness of the previous one, facilitating its full comprehension. Thus, it is interesting to observe the behavior of people in the situation. Who are the monsters? Infected or living next to us, sharing the walls of our outwardly happy apartment buildings?
The main scene, as mentioned, is the apartment building complex. It is invariably unsettling to watch "one's" space, which a priori should provide security, become "alien". One can always think that Wuhan is somewhere very far away, that Africa is in another world altogether. The dorama inexorably broadcasts the idea that nothing is eternal and durable.
The characters, as far as I'm concerned, were revealed just fine, and I quickly became 'kindred' with them.
Yoon Sae-Beom - serves in the special forces, she is strong, smart, confident and incredibly attractive with her simplicity and charm.
Jung I-Hyun is a detective in the police, he is also strong, smart, fair, calm and restrained (well, almost always), he attracts with his loyalty to himself, attitude to the world, people and also immense charm.
Secondary characters. From the 'elite' to the 'simpletons' - everyone is good. Each character performed their functions as they should: the one who should piss off - pissed off, the one who should cause increased empathy - caused, and so on.
The leitmotif of the dorama is in its very title. Happiness is mentioned in almost every episode. And if at first it is equated with solving the housing issue, then closer to the finale the priorities of the characters change. Warm, touching, sometimes naive, but very natural.
The evolution of the idea of happiness is shown most vividly by the example of Sae Bum (Han Hye Ju). If at first it is just a beautiful box in which she feels comfortable, then in the end those who are in the box with her become important. The box itself ceases to be the goal and becomes the means, while the one who was the means becomes the goal.
The on-screen interaction between Park Hyung Shik (Jeon Yi Hyun) and Han Hye Joo (Yoon Se Bom) was minimal in terms of romance. That said, even without the formulaic dorama scenes, only a blind man could not see the love, sacrifice, care, and devotion that bound these characters together.
I would not like to analyze in detail the plot holes, the fantasy of situations (sometimes reaching absurdity), contradictions in the logic of actions and decisions of the heroes, but they are there (especially closer to the finale). Yes and will be with them.
Happiness cannot be reduced to a high-rise building. It represents simple warm human relationships. Love received and love given. And we saw it all here…. on a clear day. with a beautiful blue sky. happiness.
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From Genesis to Circulation: Mapping the Journey of Kaspa's Coins
Cryptocurrency has actually revolutionized the world of finance, and one such digital money that has actually gained considerable focus is Kaspa's Coins. With its distinct approach and innovative features, Kaspa's Coins has recorded the rate of interest of capitalists and enthusiasts alike. In this article, we will certainly delve into the trip of Kaspa's Coins, from its genesis to its flow. Join us as we check out the essential facets, benefits, and challenges related to this groundbreaking cryptocurrency.
From Genesis to Blood Circulation: Mapping the Trip of Kaspa's Coins What is Kaspa's Coins?
Kaspa's Coins is a decentralized cryptocurrency that aims to give a safe and secure and effective means of digital deals. It was produced with the vision of supplying a decentralized economic system that equips individuals and advertises financial liberty. Unlike standard fiat currencies, Kaspa's Coins operates on a blockchain network, making certain transparency and immutability.
How Does Kaspa Resolve The Trilemma?
The blockchain trilemma refers to the difficulty of attaining scalability, safety, and decentralization at the same time in a blockchain network. Lots of cryptocurrencies struggle to strike an equilibrium in between these 3 aspects. However, Kaspa's Coins has developed cutting-edge services https://kaspacryptocurrencyj.hpage.com/post1.html to tackle this trilemma effectively.
By utilizing a special combination of innovations such as Sharding and Proof-of-Work (PoW), Kaspa's Coins makes sure high scalability without compromising on protection or decentralization. This allows for faster transaction processing times and enhanced network efficiency.
Is Kaspa Fair Launched?
One of the vital elements that sets Kaspa's Coins apart is its fair launch device. Unlike some cryptocurrencies that depend on pre-mining or ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings), which can bring about unfair distribution or focus of wealth, Kaspa's Coins was fairly launched.
During its first launch stage, Kaspa's Coins were distributed through a process referred to as mining. This permitted any individual with computational power to participate in the mining process and earn Kaspa's Coins. This fair circulation system makes sure that no single entity or group has excessive control over the currency.
The Genesis Block: Where It All Began
Every blockchain network has a genesis block, which notes the start of its existence. For Kaspa's Coins, the genesis block holds considerable value as it stands for the birth of this ingenious cryptocurrency.
The development of the genesis block involved an intricate cryptographic procedure, guaranteeing the integrity and security of the Kaspa's Coins network. This block works as the foundation upon which all subsequent purchases and blocks are built.
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How Numerous Coins Are There?
The overall supply of Kaspa's Coins is limited to an established number, ensuring scarcity and value admiration gradually. The maximum supply of Kaspa's Coins is set at X million coins, developing a deflationary aspect to the currency.
This limited supply makes certain that Kaspa's Coins hold inherent worth and can not undergo inflationary pressures like standard fiat currencies. As demand for Kaspa's Coins increases, their shortage will certainly increase their worth, possibly profiting very early adopters and lasting investors.
The Mining Refine: Unveiling New Coi
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swimmingunknownpost · 5 months
Comprehending Kaspa's Fair-Launch Viewpoint: Whatever You Required to Know
In the globe of cryptocurrencies, one name that has been making waves just recently is Kaspa. But what sets Kaspa apart from other cryptocurrencies? It's their one-of-a-kind fair-launch viewpoint, which intends to resolve several of the largest obstacles faced by the crypto industry. In this write-up, we will delve deep right into understanding Kaspa's fair-launch ideology and discover how it resolves the trilemma, the idea of a reasonable launch, and the variety of coins offered. So allow's dive in and uncover everything you require to learn about Kaspa!
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Understanding Kaspa's Fair-Launch Viewpoint: Whatever You Need to Know
Kaspa's fair-launch philosophy is improved https://kaspanews.net the principles of transparency, decentralization, and inclusivity. It is created to deal with some of the major issues encountered by other cryptocurrencies, such as centralization, unreasonable distribution, and absence of community involvement. By recognizing Kaspa's fair-launch philosophy, we can get understandings into just how it intends to revolutionize the crypto industry.
Does Kaspa Resolve The Trilemma?
The trilemma refers to the obstacle dealt with by the majority of blockchain networks - scalability, safety and security, and decentralization. Conventional blockchains can just achieve 2 out of these three facets efficiently, giving up one while doing so. Nonetheless, Kaspa aims to solve this trilemma by using their unique design architecture.
Kaspa presents an unique concept called "blockDAG" (Directed Acyclic Graph) that allows for increased scalability without endangering on safety and security or decentralization. By integrating parallel processing and a sharded style, Kaspa achieves high throughput while maintaining network integrity.
Is Kaspa Fair Launched?
Fair launch is a vital facet of any kind of cryptocurrency job. It makes sure that all participants have a level playing field to acquire tokens without any advantage provided to very early capitalists or experts. Kaspa takes excellent satisfaction in its fair-launch ideology and has actually carried out actions to make sure fairness.
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Kaspa's fair launch includes the lack of pre-mining or pre-allocation of tokens, making certain that no specific or team has an unreasonable benefit. Additionally, Kaspa carries out a decentralized circulation model via a mining process that encourages broad involvement and protects against centralization.
How Many Coins Is There?
The number of coins available in a cryptocurrency plays a crucial role in its value and scarcity. Kaspa has a maximum supply cap of 21 billion coins, similar to Bitcoin. Nonetheless, unlike Bitcoin's taken care of supply routine, Kaspa has a dynamic emission rate that readjusts based on network activity.
This vibrant exhaust price guarantees that the supply adapts to the demand, maintaining a healthy balance between inflation and shortage. It also incentivizes miners and validators to safeguard the network while providing incentives for their efforts.
Q: Just how does Kaspa make certain transparency? A: Kaspa accomplishes openness via its open-source codebase, enabling any individual to examine and add to the growth of the project. Additionally, all deals on the Kaspa network are publicly noticeable on the blockchain.
Q: Can I extract Kaspa coins? A: Yes, Kaspa s
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thatmcgwords · 1 year
Nike: Going Public, The Story Behind Shoe Dog
It’s 1962, and a young, fresh graduate from Stanford Business School is brimming with an unusual idea that he can’t shake off. He’s envisaged importing high-quality running shoes to America, crafted by a Japanese company, Onitsuka Tiger. Buying these shoes to sell in the US was a concept that was met with skepticism from everyone around him, including his professors, his peers, and his own father
Like any other successful entrepreneurial journey, this one, too, was not devoid of challenges. 
Along the path of growth and expansion, Nike had to face significant lawsuits that threatened its very existence. The first came from Onitsuka in 1973, the Japanese running-shoe company that gave Nike its start, alleging a breach of contract. However, they fought back, eventually winning the lawsuit in their favor. The second major legal challenge came from the American government in 1997. With the uncovering of an obscure customs law called the American Selling Price Law, Nike's competitors sicked the US government on Nike. They were facing a $25 million lawsuit for the alleged customs violations. 
Ultimately, Nike settled the claim for $9 million. Deciding that it would be better to settle than to fight the government tooth and nail. At least this way they could retain some of its goodwill. 
Between the government's lawsuit and Phil Knight not being able to get any more loans from the bank, the only way to survive was to take Nike public with an initial public offering.
What is an IPO
IPO stands for Initial Public Offering (IPO), and it refers to the process by which a private corporation offers its shares to the public in a new stock issuance for the first time. This allows the company to raise equity capital from public investors, marking a transition from a private to a public entity.
Before an IPO, a company is typically considered private, with a limited number of shareholders that may include early investors like founders, family, and friends, along with professional investors such as venture capitalists or angel investors. You can generate enough capital that way, but it can be relatively limited. What the IPO does is allow the company to raise a significant amount of money, providing the opportunity for growth and expansion. It also increases transparency and listing credibility, which can help the company secure better terms when seeking borrowed funds.
After the IPO, shares of the company are traded freely in the open market, and the previously owned private-share ownership converts to public ownership. This allows for millions of public investors to purchase shares in the company and contribute to its equity. The money raised from the IPO goes directly to the company, and any early private investors who opt to sell their shares.
However, going public also comes with significant costs and responsibilities. Public companies are required to disclose important and sometimes sensitive information, and there are ongoing costs associated with legal and banking services. Additionally, the company becomes accountable to a larger group of public shareholders.
Overall, though, while it can provide a company with capital for future growth and an opportunity for early investors to realize their investments, it's important to understand that they can also be risky investments.
 unique company-share structure. There would be two classes of shares: class A and class B. Class A shareholders would elect 9 of the company's 12 board members. Class B shareholders would elect the remaining 3 board members. 
In spite of the inevitable challenges, what remained constant in the company's journey was its commitment to preserve the core values that defined it. They believed that work should be both playful and meaningful, and that one must always strive to avoid a passive life that just seemed to slip by. The motto "Grow or Die" was deeply ingrained in their business strategy, with all profits invested straight back into the business to fuel its growth.
Not quite. Instead, make strategic use of that beginning phase when you have a small, loyal – even fanatical – group of users. Find your early superfans and hypercritics, and take time to learn from their passionate feedback. Figure out what your guardrails are, what you’ll tolerate, and who to schmooze – including industry bigwigs and government agencies. Once you scale up, it will be tough to dig this deep or change course.
Honest, detailed feedback can guide you to the essence of who you really are as a business. And being in touch with that core will help you with your next task: developing your company culture. 
In the course of starting or leading any venture, a leader is bound to come across challenges that require them to bring in outside help. A savvy leader needs to know how to take that outside help and influence, without losing sight of the vision they have for the company. 
This comes down to a leader who knows their values and fosters a company culture that makes them come alive. 
Now if you are on that journey or just want to be prepared for it, here are a few recommendations from the Blinkist library that just might help. 
First, I want to recommend a Guide. It’s called “Discover Your Core Values.” Robert Glazer is a CEO, author and recipient of numerous industry and company culture awards. In this Guide, he helps you to think about which values are authentic to you and why they matter. 
And the second recommendation is our Blink of Culture Code by Daniel Coyle. Culture Code is one of the most popular books about fostering a thriving culture. 
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sundayharmacist · 1 year
This is just a vent but
I see a lot of anti school and anti teacher feelings here on tumblr. And like, i get it, school sucks. But what most people dont realize is that being a teacher is harder than it looks when youre a student.
I was also one of the students who hated teachers and thought the many rules were stupid. But now, working as a teacher i see the reason for them.
One widely hated rule is asking to go to the bathroom and i really dont lile enforcing it especially when im forced to deny it due to annoying principals breathing down my neck. But the other side of that rule is that as a teacher i need to know where everyone is at all times so i can asure their safety. If a kid just walks out of class without telling me why i dont know how long they'll be out, what theyre doing, where theyre going and if theyre safe. If something happens to that kid its my responsibility and not knowing where they went when they were supposed to be in class under my watchful eye isnt an excuse.
So, if i know it theyre going to the bathroom i have a time estimate of when theyre supposed to be back and if they take too long i can investigate if theyre ok or not. If theyre sick, if theyre injured, all that jazz. Same with going ti drink water. Also just letting kids walk around the school unsupervised is dangerous because kids are very into getting into dangerous situations that i am obligated to protect them from. So asking to use the bathroom or to drink water is a deterrent to keep kids from roaming alone where i cant see as well as a precaution that allows me to check on them.
The no talking rule is also widely hated. But im supposed to teach the kids stuff. And stuff is boring, theyd rather be talking about games or tiktok or whatever. Im also actively working to explain something appropriately to their age group and need to keep track of an explanation line thats understable to them while making sure that im heard and keeping track of what each and every one of the students are doing.
Kids hate learning stuff that they dont have use to and i need to make sure they learn that stuff because while its useless to them now it will help them in the future even though kids couldnt care less about the future.
Dress codes are dumb period. But uniforms create a sense of belonging and equalness regardless of the kids financial status, allowing them a base in which they can talk on equal ground and learn from each others different perspectives without the barrier of status.
All thats not to say that i think school is fine the way it is now. It has to be reformed and humanized and the teachers need to be better prepared to take on the role of teaching and dealing with kids. It has a whole lot of big room for improvement. I just think that the most popular complaints arent whats actually wrong with the school system. Sure they could be improved but theyre not the reason school feels bad for kids.
The reason school feels bad are the long hours, high pressure, overcrowded classrooms, lack of meaningful and pleasurable interaction between teachers and students, standartized tests that dont actually assure quality education, unrealistic expectations from the capitalistic culture, lack of transparency on the rules, lack of accessibility for disabled or neurodivergent students, etc etc etc
This got long but as someone who loves my work i have Many Opinions and can go on and on about every little thing
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tintash · 1 year
4 Ways to Attract Investors for Your New App or Digital Product
How many startups, growing tech companies, and talented entrepreneurs have faced the same dilemma? They’re inspired by a vision of an innovative new application or digital product but lack the resources to make it a reality. As competitive and fast-paced as the market is, building and launching your app as quickly as possible is essential. If you’re facing this situation, the question is—how can you attract investors to provide the funds you need for your app to succeed? The answer very likely lies in a partnership with a development studio recognized for expertise in MVP development services, exploring new tech, and beyond.
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Partner with an Effective Development Studio Partnering with an experienced, effective tech development partner is the best first step to get your app off the ground. A first-rate development partner can work with you to design, build, launch, and scale your product every step of the way. Beyond those crucial practical services, an established partner will have the experience and connections in the industry that makes them an invaluable resource for advice, guidance, insights, and perspectives you’d be hard-pressed to find so conveniently anywhere else. Building an MVP Is a Must What do all the titans of the tech industry have in common? They all started with a minimum viable product (MVP) version of their app or business model. An MVP is essential for testing, gaining critical user feedback, saving money by shortening your production cycle, and attracting investors. Being able to interact with this first version of your product is arguably the most effective demonstration of its potential. It’s also another reason to find a development partner that has proven experience in MVP services. Focus on Your App’s Niche It can’t hurt to contact individuals or organizations that could conceivably help fund your digital product. A variety of innovative products and applications have successfully secured funding by reaching out through the big crowdfunding sources. However, knowing your niche and your target audience is crucial. For one, focusing on your app’s niche can help identify potential investors within that niche who are more likely to be enthusiastic about your idea. Nailing down your target demographic is also useful for branding your digital product more effectively. With your audience branding strategy sorted out, fine-tune your elevator pitch for investors accordingly and build out a clear, straightforward pitch deck. Incorporate Augmented Reality If there’s one way to capture the attention of private investors, venture capitalists, and incubators capable of funding your digital product, it’s incorporating the latest tech trends. For instance, augmented reality and the Metaverse are the future of tech applications. That makes them more than a flashy trend—they are a huge market with almost limitless potential. Ensure that the development partner you choose offers a skilled team with expertise in augmented reality services, and consider whether AR or Metaverse compatibility would make your digital product even more dynamic as you search for investors. About Tintash The story of how Tintash was founded is pure Silicon Valley. The founders prototyped their vision for this innovative development studio in 2007 over the famous coffee cake at Hobee’s in Palo Alto. Now, they are a dynamic partner that helps promising startups, aspiring entrepreneurs, and growing companies bring their vision to life. They make it all happen with an elite group of dedicated remote team members led by Stanford, Harvard, Apple, and PayPal Alumni. With over a decade of experience, Tintash has become an industry leader thanks to their transparency, proficiency, and communication across verticals. If your organization is looking for a partner to assist with web, application, MVP, or blockchain development services, trust Tintash to help your business succeed. Optimize your digital product and enjoy a successful launch with help from https://tintash.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/44nI0V8
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