#its been a bizarrely anxious two days at work idk why
lost the siren call of the evening nap
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libermachinae · 4 years
An Abundance of Prowls
I remembered the first time I read IDW, feeling like I couldn’t get a hold on Prowl’s character, like he existed as a general concept but I was never really sure what his goals were or why he did... anything he did. I mentioned it to my girlfriend, who was delighted to introduce me to the discourse of our local cop car/war criminal.
Months later, in anticipation of Prowl Week, I said to myself, “Well, I could read through all of Prowl’s appearances, in the order they were published in, and see how the writers developed him over time. That could help make sense of his character.”
Friends. It did not. Here’s a summary, plus my thoughts. [Spoilers ahead!]
Infiltration: Prowl’s first appearance in IDW is him yelling at Ratchet for exposing the Autobots to the humans. We’ll call this guy Rule-Abiding Prowl, and he’s very steady/boring throughout the rest of the -ation series. His main function is to try to stop kids from being involved in the plot. Thanks Furman.
Spotlight: Kup: Our first glance of Spec Ops Prowl. Though he’s not physically present for most of the issue, Nick Roche still delivers a Prowl who is behind the scenes, pulling the strings. I was honestly surprised by how early on this was set up, considering everything we’re about to trudge through.
Megatron Origin: More Rule-Abiding Prowl, this time by Eric Holmes. He has a job, he does as he’s told, he clings to the chain of command like a padlock.
All Hail Megatron: Seven instances in which we’re victorious! It’s number-cruncher Prowl time; also anxious, war-weary, slightly hopeless Prowl. Maybe Shane McCarthy was trying to do a combination Roche and Furman? It’s all for naught, in the end, because Roche got brought back in to follow up on Kup’s story and he dove all the way in with Prowl being a sneaky bastard.
Spotlight Prowl: Can’t get too far ahead of ourselves, though! Mike Costa wanted Prowl to be a hardboiled detective with a a spark of gold SO BAD. Also the point at which Prowl falls into his terrible cycle of learning a lesson only to learn the opposite thing in the next issue. In this case, it’s between doing what’s right regardless of the rules, and sticking to the rules because order is paramount. Is this unresolved internal conflict going to haunt our boy for the rest of the continuity? Mmmm. Transformers V1 is more of the same, except now Prowl has a little buddy. Can’t lie, Streetwise delights me and I wish he’d stuck around.
Death of Optimus Prime: Co-written by Barber and JRo, so it’s tricky to say who exactly was responsible for what, although I have a feeling JRo was all over that Peaceful Resolution backstory. This does provide a perfect bed in which to sew the seeds of who Prowl will be in the coming arc.
MTMTE: Okay, full disclosure? I jotted this guy down as Warm Prowl in my notes. Through flashback, JRo gives us a gentler version of the character whose blunt nature and vow to regulation are underscored by a hidden concern and appreciation for his partner, Tumbler. Don’t look at me, I think about the conversation about the coming war and them leaving together all the goddamn time. Also, JRo waves at his buddy Roche’s Spec Ops Prowl from afar.
RID: War’s over, everyone can (literally!) go home! Prowl? Hey, bud, did you hear the news? No, ofc not, because this is Endless War Prowl, the guy who is convinced the Neutrals are out to murder everyone and also that Bumblebee sucks at his job. This is also the arc where Bombshell happens :(
Dark Cybertron: Prowl Buries His Trauma
Spotlight Bumblebee: Rude boy. Doesn’t like Bumblebee? Doesn’t respect the chain of command?
Autocracy/Monstrosity/Primacy: Prowl wants to follow rules! He trusts Optimus’ judgement! Babey Prowl.
RID Pt 2: It’s hard to classify this Prowl because so much of what he does in this arc is in response to things that have been done to him. The Decepticons mind controlled him, so he has to keep them from getting the Engima. He’s been saddled with gestalt coding, so now he needs to have the Constructicons along wherever he goes. Spike Witwicky betrayed him years ago, so dammit, now he’s gotta spend a Saturday trying and failing to squish one tiny human. He’s Renegade Prowl in my notes, because this is definitely the point where he stops giving a shit about rules. (Get a teeny bit of Warm Prowl, tho, when he calls Bumblebee his best friend. Kinda comes out of nowhere, the guy could have used your support like, any time over the last few years, but it’s a nice moment.)
Combiner Wars: Absolutely loses his goddamn shit. It’s like Spec Ops Prowl, going behind everybody’s backs, making the “hard choices” (he’s literally deciding to kill off the Cybertronian species; please keep this detail in mind), but he does it all as a giant combiner who solves problems by smashing them, so we’re gonna stick with Renegade Prowl. Barber wants to blame this on gestalt coding. I shrug and say sure, though I do raise a hand to question it when Optimus proceeds to beat him up for it.
Sins of the Wreckers: NAUGHTY SPIDER TIME. Roche takes all of Barber’s Bitch Prowl energy and embellishes it with those sweet spec ops tactics we’ve been missing so dearly. Gone are giant combiners smashing shit: now it’s just Prowl having ideas, making deals, and twisting morality to suit his own needs while desperately trying to avoid the fact that he has a conscience. Roche also makes the fascinating move of highlighting Prowl’s shittiness while subjecting him to Tarantulas’ arguable shittierness. There’s a nice moment at the end when he decides he wants to do better going forward, though Roche leaves it open for other authors’ interpretations via violent interruption by Impactor. Nick Roche never writes Prowl again, and an infinitesimal part of the internet grieves.
MTMTE Pt 2: AKA the misadventures of Luna I, AKA the one scene where Prowl’s helping with the dishes and actually seems comfortable for the first time in centuries. JRo takes a comedic approach to the character which is evocative of his Warm Prowl invention. Just one thing. Remember that detail I told you to remember earlier? About how he was entirely ready to bring Cybertronians to extinction? Here to Sentinel, Prowl says, and I quote, “And unlike you, I don’t feel the urge to kill the rest of my species.” I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this, so rather than risk turning this into an actual literary essay, I’m going to leave it at that.
Optimus Prime: Two versions of Prowl in here: one from the past, where he describes himself as “unpopular” and beats up Jetfire, and present-day, where he somehow ends up in a ship with Stardrive, Garnak, Wheelie, and a vamparc gun from Autocracy. No one bothers to explain how this came about, the same way no one explains how by the books, rule-driven Prowl started battering prisoners before the war ever started.
Unicron: The most bizarre. Prowl does his whole logic thing, gotta sacrifice Devisiun so we can save everyone else, y’know. But then, in the showdown with Shockwave, he gives a whole speech about how the real battle is within the self, to make sure goodness prevails or something like that. It comes out of nowhere and I guess is a follow up from the Wreckers, but honestly idk?
Lost Light epilogue: Rule-Abiding Prowl! Hey dude, how you been? Work for Windblade now? Have an official job reviewing Functionist Cybertron and establishing ties with the Galactic Council? Neat!
Optimus Prime epilogue: Giving this one its own thing because it’s one of Prowl’s most memorable moments for me, personally. He begins by acknowledging his own multifaceted nature through an argument with Shockwave, arguing that every one of an individual’s identities are “real” and rendering this entire exercise moot. After I dragged myself off the floor from that realization, I went straight into the line that has always stuck with me, “We are our actions... not our hopes.” Barber wraps up Prowl’s character by having him acquiesce to the criticism he’s been facing since the beginning of the continuity. It places a heavy emphasis on Spec Ops Prowl, the one who made “hard choices” in hope of possibilities that rarely came to pass, but is not entirely bound to that identity. Every aspect of Prowl I’ve described here performed actions that influenced the overall plot of the comic, though his motivations throughout are rarely transparent. What do we make of it, now that the character himself is now saying they didn’t matter? Is Prowl the sum total of the crimes he committed, friends he betrayed, and lives he sacrificed? In our calculations of Prowl, is there any variable that represents an unclaimed seat on the Peaceful Resolution?
Answering that question isn’t what I set out to do here, though, and I’ve already had to stop myself from writing an English essay once. I hope someone finds this useful, because putting it together was like building a puzzle of pieces that don’t quite fit together. You could even argue that not all of them are important, and that some bring down the integrity of the whole. They’re all in the box together, though, so we’ve gotta make something out of them.
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Safe and Sound || Peter Parker Imagine
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count: 1.7k 
Request: I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR IMAGINES LOVE YOU ok so idk if i should request here and idk if someone already requested this but basically he gets jealous and over protective and gets a little hurt for her and she cleans him and stuff please i love you MAKE ME FEEL SOMETHING LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO ❤️❤️❤️
Warnings: sexual assault 
A/N: Thank god school is over, cause it was killing me. Also does anyone know how I can get money? Also, I didn’t really proof it, but I tried (I was just so anxious for you guys to read this cause I haven’t posted in a while)
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The Parker household was having one of its unusually quiet nights as May was out at work and Peter sat on the couch with his girlfriend laying against his chest. They were just enjoying each others company along with the soft sound coming through the t.v. speakers and the occasional sound coming through Y/N's phone as she dashed through social media. It was a change of pace from Peter's usually bizarre night life fighting crime, but it's not like he was complaining because he loved having Y/N around him. She brought him undeniable love and happiness.
"Liz is throwing another party tonight." Y/N said with the sharp white lights appearing across her face from the small device in her hands as her head rested against Peter's chest. He hummed softly letting her know that he heard her as his hands fiddled with her hair, loving the feeling of it passing through his fingers.
"Do you think we could go, if you want to?" He asked her, glancing at the device she had in her hands. She chuckled softly, and turned to look at him. "I should be asking you that. You aren't really the type of guy who likes parties, and besides that, don't you have to rough up a couple of bad guys tonight?"
Peter smiled at her, "I can 'rough up' some bad guys afterwards, like I was gonna do after hanging out with you later. And I-I do like parties." He said with an unconvincing tone, which made Y/N give him a stern but playful look. It's not that he didn't like parties, he just usually didn't like the type of people at the parties. High schoolers are assholes sometimes.
"You sure about this? Cause I'm down if you're down." She sat up and looked him in his eyes. He nodded his head and smiled softly, "I'm down." Peter leaned in closer to her, closing the small amount of space that was between them as his eyes closed and their lips touched.
"Great." She whispered as their lips parted, with a mimicked smile on both of their faces. Y/N stood up from her place on the couch and grabbed Peter's hand. "We should probably get ready." He gave her a questioning look as they walked to his bedroom, "but you don't have any clothes here." She turned to look at him with a questioning stare as she shut the door to his bedroom. "I guess we'll just have to figure it out."
Peter gave the driver the money he owed for the trip before he opened the door to the taxi and rushed over to open Y/N's. She smiled as she exited the bright yellow vehicle. He pulled her, gently, next to him with his arm around her waist. "Why thank you Mr. Parker." She giggled with a fake posh accent. Peter shut the metal door, "it was, but not a problem madame."
Y/N was clad in the jeans she wore to school that day and one of Peter's dorky t-shirts. When he saw her outfit choice for the night, he thought it was the hottest thing he had ever seen.
They laughed as they moved closer to the front door of the suburban home that had flashing lights and loud music booming out at every angle. Peter let out a breath he didn't know he was holding before he walked into the room that had a bunch of drunk, stupidly drunk, teenagers everywhere. "Hey guys. I didn't know you were coming." Liz greeted when she stumbled upon the couple. Y/N smiled as she saw her friend, "Yeah, it was a last minute decision I guess. I'm sorry I didn't let you know sooner." She moved her arm so that she was holding Peter's hand.
"No worries, it's not a big deal." Before the conversation could continue, they heard a loud crash followed by "Oh shit." Liz let out a frustrated sight, "why is it that every time I have a party, some ass brings booze?"
"Bad luck?" Peter offered as an answer to her rhetorical question which making the two girls before him chuckle lightly. "Well, I'm gonna go deal with that. I hope you guys have a great night." She smiled and walked away to deal with the "Oh shit" situation.
Peter moved so that he was standing in front of Y/N. He grabbed her other hand and he started to swing them slightly. "So far I'd say that this party is going pretty well." He sarcastically retorted making Y/N scoff jokingly. "Yeah totally, who wouldn't want their house trashed by a bunch of teenagers?" She said, adding on to Peter’s statement. They laughed at their playful banter. It was late into the night when Peter offered to get her a new drink. "Yeah, but nothing like that shit those guys have been drinking. Alcohol is not your friend Peter Parker, so choose wisely." 
He dropped her hands and snickered as he went to go get them drinks. He walked into the kitchen and headed towards the refrigerator next to a guy that was vomiting. A look of disgust crossed Peter's features when he reached into the fridge to grab a few water bottles.He handed one to the boy who trashed his own shoes with vomit. "Get better man," Peter said with a half smile before he walked out of the kitchen and into the crowded living room.
He looked around the busy room trying to find his girl, and he smiled once he spotted her. She stood in the crowd talking to a few of her friends. As Peter got closer, he noticed a guy walking behind her and grabbing Y/N's ass. She looked furious as she turned around to face the coward, but before she could throw harsh words at the drunk kid, Peter was already doing it for her.
"What the hell's your problem man?" He shouted over the loud music so that the guy could see him. The boy laughed, obviously drunk, "Relax. I'm just trying to have a good time." Peter scoffed, making sure Y/N was behind him.
A small crowd formed around the three of them and the music quieted slightly. "Well maybe you should keep your hands to yourself asshole." He was fuming, his hands clenched along with his jaw.
"Well maybe she shouldn't have looked so god damn ho-" before he could finish his idiotic statement, Peter swung his fist right into the guys jaw. He stumbled back, holding his face in one of his hands. The crowd gasped as they saw the nerdy kid continue to punch him.
"You're dead, Parker!" He shouted, getting up from the floor slowly.
"Peter!" He heard Y/N shout behind him. His eyes met hers, and he could tell that she didn't want this. She didn't want people to know about his powers either.
His strong persona faltered as he stood there and let the other guy get a few good punches in. Y/N hated seeing him like this, but she didn't know what to do.
"Please stop," she begged, but the boy didn't respond as he drove his knuckles into Peter's face. By the end of it all, the two teenagers were bruised and battered. Y/N grabbed Peter's hand and dragged him out the front door and away from all the chaos. She sat down on the curb and called a cab to come pick the two of them up.
Peter sat down next to her, grunting slightly at the small amounts of pain over his body. He took of his grey jacket and placed it on Y/N's shoulders. She finished her phone call and gave Peter a look, moving to take the jacket off.
"I don't want you to get sick." He whispered sounding broken, not looking into her eyes, but looking at his red, now bruised, knuckles. She stopped her movements and kept the jacket on her.
Y/N grabbed his hands in hers, gently brushing over them with her fingertips. "You didn't have to do that for me, Pete."
He shook his head, still unwilling to look at her. "Like hell I did Y/N," he boldly stated, but still maintaining his calm composure, "who knows what that guy could've done." His eyes closed as he looked up at the night sky, not wanting to cry. "There was a lot of people there. Nothing would've happened." She leaned her head on his shoulder, moving one of her arms to hold onto his bicep. "You never know. Guys get away with stuff like that a lot, it isn't right." His voice broke at the end. Y/N looked at him and she was able to notice that this event wasn't the only thing making him upset.
"Peter, what is this really about?" She softly asked. Peter let out a breath to prevent his sobs. The tear streaks were now prominent on his features. "This year has sucked so much. The man who raised me and loved me for my entire life died, and- and it's all my fault. Assholes get away with shit like that too often. I-I don't know what I'd do if someone hurt you or May."
Y/N smiled weakly, "I love you so much Peter Parker, you'll never understand it." He turned his head and finally looked at her, "I love you too, princess." He kissed her forehead and leaned his head against hers.
The taxi pulled up to the residence and Peter opened the door for Y/N. She scooted closer to other side of the car and told the driver Peter's address. He sat himself into the car and slammed the door shut, glad to be getting away from that awful party. Y/N leaned her head onto his shoulder again and Peter contently closed his eyes, wrapping his arm around her before the car sped off.
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reactingtosomething · 7 years
Reacting to Sweet/Vicious
Part I: Remember Fondly When 4th Meals Were a Thing and Breakfast at Night Reigned Supreme
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The Setup: It started, as much does, with a tweet. That tweet was followed, as many are, by regret. Fortunately, Jennifer Kaytin Robinson is a generous sort.
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Robinson’s glorious but short-lived vigilante dramedy Sweet/Vicious was always on the list of candidates for an all-hands Reaction -- Miri started watching a day or two after Kris did, back in the fall, so Liz and Marchae added it to their (lengthy) to-watch lists -- but we didn’t put a timetable on it until our loyal reader @crazyhannibalthedaisiesslayer suggested it.
In this post (and its continuation, on Friday), we cover the first three episodes: “The Blueprint,” “The Writing’s on the Wall,” and “Sucker,” and many thoughts and feelings about campus sexual violence and related topics.
LIZ: First thing: I only had time to watch the first 3 episodes, although I wish I’d been able to see more!
Kris you here?
MIRI: Ok, that’s how many I rewetted!
MARCHAE: I watched 4
MIRI: DAMMIT rewatched 
hahahahahha insert gif here
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So, Liz and Marchae, what did you think????
MARCHAE: It is oddly addicting
KRIS: Why oddly?
MARCHAE: I think because I used to work in student affairs and dealt with some of the scenarios so in that way it is weird to see a comedy/drama of this topic
LIZ: I am IN LOVE. I thought episode one was amazing and I am pretty much hooked. I am here for the message and the premise and i think every college campus needs these 2 ladies!
MARCHAE: however the characters are 100% engaging and you want them to win so hard...
I called my mom after episode one and was like should i feel bad for wanting to see the guys get beat up
LIZ: The way they show the victims of sexual assault and discuss their stories is just so real even though the show suspends our disbelief in other ways so much
MIRI:  Marchae, I don’t think you should feel bad
How do you feel about how stylized it is? I love it, but I feel like it’s not going to be everyone’s cup of tea
LIZ:  Rapists who are getting away with it 100% and ruining their victims lives? no I would not feel bad
KRIS: When I first saw trailers for it (while my old roommates watched MTV reality shows) I was like oh, man, I don’t know, this seems like it might be trashy and exploitative
MARCHAE:  I do agree Lizzie... it’s weird because my brain wants this to be a straight drama
yet i am oddly satisfied with the moments of comedic relief
LIZ: I didn’t think the stylization was OVER THE TOP
MIRI: Yeah, it’s a hard show to sell but SO GOOD
LIZ: theres a lot of comedy
MIRI: I think it all works together beautifully
LIZ: agreed
I was pretty much in love
KRIS: I was almost upset at how good it was
MIRI: For me, the cold open of ep one says it all
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KRIS: I had to text Miri immediately
LIZ: and then they were singing defying gravity in the car and i was like
MIRI: You were definitely upset
LIZ: yeah
M Scott Veach
MIRI: Cool!
LIZ: oh end of sentence about defying gravity.. i felt like the show understood my soul
MIRI: Moment of appreciation for Brandon Mychal Smith playing SUCH a different type of comedy equally well
LIZ: ALSO.. it takes a certain type of weird ass show for all 4 of us to be VERY on board.. and I also like that about it
KRIS: He’s one of the only men who can say the word “bitch” and not make me a little uncomfortable
MIRI: True!
LIZ: Is that Harris?
MIRI: Yes!
KRIS: Yeah
MIRI: Yay!
KRIS: One of the reasons I really wanted us to do 3 episodes was so you could see the start of his thing with Fiona
LIZ: What do you think about that?
MIRI: Is that the sorority girl?
KRIS: I like it!
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Lemon as the one of us with the most first-hand sorority expertise what’s your general sense of the Zeta dynamic?
LIZ: I identify with the sorority characters who are actually smarter and much more .. defined as human beings than most would give them credit for or that they initially come off as
KRIS: (Harris gets crystallized so instantly with the line “I’m not saying I have sexual dreams about Ruth Bader Ginsberg... but I’m also not saying I don’t”)
LIZ: I mean.. I had several (male) friends and family members say to me when I joined my very small.. one of a kind local sorority.. “oh so you’re a sorostitute?”
LIZ: Yes i have a note about the RBG line
MIRI: UM that’s horrible and fuck them
LIZ: right, but that kind of mentality and characterization of college aged women who are friends with other women in the form of a sorority is so widespread
MIRI: The pilot honestly does SO much to characterize Jules, Ophelia, and Harris so quickly
KRIS: I do really like how they initially lean into the less generous expectations about sororities and then flesh out I think all of those characters in great ways
Mackenzie was a sleeper favorite for me
(the anxious redhead safety chair)
LIZ: this gives them facets.. like fuck what you thought about me and also.. I don’t have to not like to do my makeup or sometimes dress up for me to be a smart or valid female.
MIRI: I feel like Kennedy takes a little longer, but not in a bad way
Liz, you are amazing and I love you
LIZ: i don’t know many shows that give girls that kind of credit.. very legally blonde of this show..except Elle Woods was the exception there
MARCHAE: They have to save Kennedy (I say this not Having seen more than 4 epi)
KRIS: You will be pleased
MIRI: Definitely
LIZ: Visually, I am impressed with the shows set designs, makeup, and wardrobe
MARCHAE: I feel like they have to hold her close because of nick and Jules 
LIZ: hold who close?
oh kennedy
MARCHAE: (Also back to thumbs on the phone)
KRIS: I LOVE the world-building, especially on what I assume is a pretty small budget
MIRI: I do love her moment when Ophelia tells her she has a very calming presence and she’s just like “I know"
LIZ: yeah i am also worried about her
KRIS: Lemon talk about makeup
MIRI: Yeah!
KRIS: (please)
LIZ: what else?
oh as far as this show is concerned
MIRI: yes, world building 
LIZ: Jules and Ophelia (yes to the names btw)
have such amazing looks and their hair is bouncy like they are comic book drawings, but their makeup isn’t like that (bc that would be fucking bizarre) and I love how the fresh rosy-cheeked and bright eyed look of Jules is enhanced with her makeup and Ophelia’s brows and eye makeup are dark and defined/ grungy at times, but she is also kind of sweet because they don’t cake her up or give her a heavy lip.. idk if that makes sense to anyone else
their eyes are so expressive as actresses
and then they’re important because of the ninja outfits
MIRI: That all makes sense to me and I would never have thought of it at all
KRIS: it is right on the edge of my comprehension
MIRI: Sidebar: SUPER excited for you to see more Orphan Black and discuss that makeup
LIZ: but I am pleased with the fine line between real world and cartoonish that the MUA on this show kind of stride beautifully to give them unique looks that foil one another and bring out their strengths and sometimes their faults
KRIS: Ophelia I think I understand best in this context
I do want to ask a question
LIZ: It is more subtle with Jules, because she is made to look more fresh, but I mean everyone on any show has lots of makeup on
ok done w makeup ranting/ observing
MIRI: What’s up, Marchae?
MARCHAE: *sorry liz...go on***
LIZ: oh no thats pretty much it
are you getting things in real time marchae? (with your computer)
MARCHAE: I wanted to chime in about wardrobe because it’s super similar to the way in which makeup is handled... and you definitely know who these people are and the kind of persons that this show is trying to share
MIRI: Ooh, please do!
LIZ: oh yes, the wardrobe feels almost theater like to me.. do you agree or am i wrong
MARCHAE: ( It was touch and go for a moment but me and my thumbs are finally #winning on the computer... I couldn’t take the tiny keyboard anymore)
LIZ: bless you for trying
MIRI: I never really notice Ophelia’s wardrobe that much, but the props they have for her are iconic and say so much
MARCHAE: I think it does... the show feels VERY comicbook-esq like I mentioned it reminds me very much in aesthetics to deadly class and there is another comic that focuses on a high school that I’m blanking on
LIZ: was this ever a graphic novel or comic book?
MARCHAE: but you get a lot in terms of wardrobe via colors that they use for these characters... Ophelia is almost always in darks, Jules in pinks and pastels
I quick checked and didn’t see it
KRIS: it was original to Jenn Kaytin Robinson
I mean she did a shit ton of research, and the producers watched The Hunting Ground and stuff
LIZ: nice..and yes I agree with the colors
MARCHAE: But these choices are interesting because they are almost opposite to the characters we meet in the show
LIZ: and the fact that Jules keeps her identity even as a vigilante with her pink backpack
MARCHAE: so Jules we meet as the original vigilante and she’s the one in the brightest colors ALWAYS in the show
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LIZ: and then Ophelia has that car!
MARCHAE: that backpack is definitely our hint
MIRI: Because she’s trying SO hard to still be that girl
KRIS: Oh that’s so interesting. Jules is super dark and “damaged” and Ophelia’s ultimately a sweetheart.
MARCHAE: and Ophelia is always in darks
LIZ: right!?
MARCHAE: **taps nose at kris**
MIRI: I like that even when they put Jules in the Spitters are Quitters shirt, it’s light colored
MARCHAE: so its totally the opposite of what we see
in terms of how they are portrayed in their “normal life”
any who enough of my rant
LIZ: I find Ophelia to be much more innocent.. not because of being sexually assaulted, but because she is kind of playing catch up and barfs when she kills a guy and Jules obviously took this mission upon herself to become a kick ass fighter and to start doing something
MARCHAE: liz i absolutely agree
ophelia definitely the more innocent seeming of the two
KRIS: Ophelia’s so fucking great
MIRI: Yeah, Ophelia thinks of herself as So Hardcore but is basically a sweet 19 yr old with some abandonment issues
I love her
MARCHAE: and she tells you as much in her dialogue
LIZ: I love her!
MARCHAE: some is an understatement miri
KRIS: I loved the vomiting and I don’t even know why
MARCHAE: she has ALL the abandonment issues
LIZ: i loved that it was pink
MIRI: Because it’s pink!
KRIS: I guess the unexplained pink?
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LIZ: yes
MIRI: It’s absurd and so totally the show
LIZ: hahahha
KRIS: wow we are ALL on a wavelength tonight
MIRI: But it is!
LIZ: like.. I don’t need to see chunky soup barf
i get it
MIRI: The show is 100% going to show you the puking
MARCHAE: i usually don’t want to see it at all period ever
but it works for the show
MIRI: But it’s also going to make it funny and stylized
MARCHAE: and that character as kind of a she seems hard core but is not!
KRIS: LeBong James
MARCHAE: so my question and this was a thing that kind of made me curious
MIRI: She’s a nerd ❤️ 
LIZ: There is a lot of suspension of disbelief in this show.. not bc girls can’t fight injustices, but because of how they  should’ve gotten caught and how Ophelias mad hacker skills save the day alot
MIRI: I feel weird being the only one who hasn’t said LeBong
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there it goes
LIZ: Also the male assailants aren’t even cookie cutter like on other shows or movies
KRIS: Without spoiling anything I’ll say they’re generally really good about chickens coming home to roost
Maybe not DNA specifically? But the show is serious about Consequences
MARCHAE: so question... what institution do they go to where there is an assult like every freaking second
LIZ: they are all different and some are even charming (most are) and they have different personalities and hobbies.. like Nate is acting like a really good boyfriend to Kennedy so if we didn’t know what he’s capable of, we’d forgive his jerk reaction to her missing his football thing bc of his super sweet apology
MIRI: Well, it’s Darlington University, right?
KRIS: Well A) that doesn’t actually strike me as unrealistic but B) I got the sense of a “backlog” of assaults -- they’re using that wall, which was started who knows how long ago
MIRI: So it’s at least big enough to have masters programs
KRIS: not responding to like the student weekly or something
MIRI: True
LIZ: i mean i know so many people in so many schools (large, small, medium and very small) who all have sexual assault stories
MARCHAE: thanks for the wall reminder
LIZ: i didn’t find the number to be at all shocking
KRIS: yeah
MARCHAE: I think maybe again its the dissonance of this being a drama/comedy that has me a bit jarred
LIZ: maybe the number of guys that were turned in or reported seems high, but SO FUCKING MANY are floating around in my mind right now
MARCHAE: i dealt with lots (more than i have ever wanted to) but not weekly by any stretch
that definitely doesn’t mean it wasn’t happening
MIRI: Well, just because the show aired every week doesn’t mean it’s only a week in universe
LIZ: right
thats true
MARCHAE: thanks gang
MIRI: And Kris is right--they definitely go into past exploits some
KRIS: That wall, man
MIRI: It is BRUTAL and so effective
MARCHAE: yeah the reminder of the wall definitely does it.... i literally was like
DAMN this is INSANE and darlington should be shut the hell down
KRIS: I texted Miri something like “I never do this but there’s a pure drama beat that made me 😭😭😭😭”
LIZ: I wish every college had a wall
KRIS: and it was definitely Ophelia handing Jules the Sharpie
MIRI: He did and I treasure that text
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LIZ: oh something that I meant to google.. could be such a coincidence
LIZ: at my college, in the same kind of font.. the party dorm/ suites were called “Reimert Hall” and they are like “see you at Leimert” spelled the same and then they show “Leimert Hall” and it is creepily spot on
MIRI: Whoa 
LIZ: not related to the wall
MARCHAE: we did have a question from one of our readers and I promised I would bring it up to react to
LIZ: lol.. it is student housing but.. idk weird to me but maybe not to anyone else
MIRI: Yes, I want to talk about that!!!
LIZ: go for it! I don’t know the question
MARCHAE: about student housing or the question from our loyal reader
i get confused sometimes
KRIS: our loyal reader
LIZ: I’m assuming she means from the reader
MIRI: The question
LIZ: mine was just a point thrown out and doesn’t really leave much to comment on haha
MIRI: Share the question with us, Marchae
MARCHAE: OH MY GRIEF I  am typing then stop to read...
LIZ: I know.. Kris and Miri are too fast for me
MARCHAE: ok so the reader wants to know if we read Ophelia as bi
MIRI: Sorry!
KRIS: NO STOPPING the overlapping is half of our charm
MIRI: Omg Kris
LIZ: There was one thing that made me think that
MIRI: Ok, I am deeply bi-ased (hahahahahah) so I want yawl to discuss it first
LIZ: hahaha
MARCHAE: go lizzie
@miri you are my everything LOL
LIZ: Harris said something about her being with Jule (I’m having a brain fart and can’t remember if it is jules or rule..)
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MARCHAE: her being with rules?
LIZ: and I think Ophelia was like “not like that” kind of blushing
KRIS: For all of my striving toward wokeness I am generally still slow to pick up on, I guess, Sapphic vibes -- although being a social media-engaged Supergirl fan is training me better -- but I did also note that on my rewatch
LIZ: but it was a micro second kind of moment that made me think.. oh she dates girls too.. cool
so what do you think Kris
KRIS: This is pretty convincing to me:
MIRI: Kris I offer my services if you ever need a consultant on this quest
LIZ: OHHH and PERSON yes thats smart
I didn’t even pick up on it!
MIRI: Ahhhhhhhh shit I didn’t even notice the person thing
i also think there is a lot of tension with Ophelia
MIRI: Ok, Reacting to Something officially rules Ophelia to be bi
Or pan, who knows
LIZ: I kind of also thought that was just a more interesting way of putting it..  like IS THERE A LIVE HUMAN JUST RIGHT THERE IN YOUR HOUSE?
MARCHAE: the writing and ACTING are smart like that
KRIS: And on my search for gifs to add to the post later, the scene in the cemetery -- “I think you’re amazing” -- seemed to be another touchstone
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MIRI: So when we got this question I was like “huh, are people seeing that?
Outside of shipping her and Jules?”
MARCHAE: but we also know that Ophelia doesn’t have friends
MIRI: But upon rewatch it’s pretty solidly set up
MARCHAE: so before the question i suspected that she was just kind of enjoying her new friendship with this person
LIZ: wait whats solidly set up
MARCHAE: she’s wanted that
LIZ: her being bi?
KRIS: yes
LIZ: just confirming
MARCHAE: then after the question we received not only did I pay more attention, but I think again there is definitely some tension
MIRI: I’m honestly so jaded from shows that like to dip their toe in the idea of something happening but will never go for it that I tend to only accept stated queerness
MARCHAE: and she might have a crush on jules!
MIRI: But it does feel very genuine and deliberate here
Which is lovely!
MARCHAE: agreed miri
LIZ: good!
K: consider it canon
KRIS: I think it was a writers room with only one straight man
MARCHAE: That’s kind of awesome!
KRIS: (the past tense here kills me)
MIRI: I love it
UGhhhhhhhh I know
LIZ: wait
is it done?
KRIS: I don’t think I’ve ever been so upset about a cancellation
KRIS: They’re shopping it to streaming sites
MIRI: Guys, sorry we’re making you fall in love with a cancelled show
MARCHAE: yeah i found out today
MIRI: OMG did we not tell you???
MARCHAE: and like this is why I DON”T WATCH TV
LIZ: This is the devils week. why not this too!?
LIZ: also.. good girls revolt was amazing (to me)
MIRI: I loved it!
MARCHAE: also can i just have my moment for the fact that this show also digs into the issue of racism
LIZ: why can’t bad bitches get a win? why
MARCHAE: and handles it kind of nicely
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KRIS: That scene was surprisingly upsetting
LIZ: super upsetting
KRIS: I love that it’s the cop we saw be nice to Jules
MIRI: Yes! Let’s talk about that froyo scene
It’s so well done
MARCHAE: reminded me of trayvon martin
MIRI: And the other cop recognizing that it’s wrong, but not stepping up enough to actually stop it
MARCHAE: i also love that is it harris?
LIZ: like he was being racially profiled.. but he also had the one good thing he was looking forward to smashed on the ground
LIZ: yeah just kind of being like “sorry, but this is kind of what we do, i won’t stop it”
MARCHAE: it is heartbreaking and realistic
KRIS: That younger cop also comes back
MIRI: I’m glad that they played it very seriously
LIZ: ooo
MARCHAE: I was glad that he didn’t want to be seen as only one kind of black when he fought back with the paper editor as well
KRIS: This show has a really deep bench of minor-ish supporting characters
MARCHAE: they better had!
KRIS: MM I think that’s episode 4
On a lighter note I also really appreciate the importance of froyo to the world-building of this college town
LIZ: yes I’m not familiar
MIRI: Froyo continues to matter
As does pizza
MARCHAE: and dairy queen soft serve
LIZ: In college, we would plan a whole trek to froyo (we got one a few min away my senior year)
MIRI: We once drove to Waffle House at 4 am in the snow
In South Carolina
KRIS: From earlier than I remembered, too -- Ophelia running away from Barton and running into a guy carrying a cup -- “Tart?!”
MIRI: where they can’t handle snow
KRIS: YES the pizza place
MIRI: Huh? What is the cup thing?
KRIS: of froyo
LIZ: Food culture in college .. is something very important and lets think abouthtat
KRIS: Ophelia has no patience for Basic things, clearly
MIRI: Also that running away scene is great
LIZ: and by think of that .. I mean.. remember fondly when 4th meals were a thing and breakfast at night reigned supreme.
MIRI: Ophelia has a lot of opinions and I have a lot of feelings about her
KRIS: (I love Jules’s “I like sunsets on Instagram”)
LIZ: ophelia is hilarious.. i love her comment “she’s literate”
KRIS: Ophelia’s ramen diet
LIZ: and also that girl [Fiona] trying to be sexy and saying “there are no drapes” so seriously
MIRI: Yeah I definitely want to see that girl eat a vegetable
LIZ: and giving up and being  like “IM SHAVED” ahaha
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KRIS: Lemon I laughed so loud at “She’s literate?” on my rewatch
MIRI: I love that girl!
MARCHAE: there are a ton of one liners
LIZ: yeah the popcorn for breakfast made even me feel like OH HONEY NO NUTRIENTS
KRIS: So real
MARCHAE: that’s usually my breakfast on sundays after i mop
LIZ: miri what are your many opinions about ophelia
MARCHAE: and i’m old
LIZ: my dogs eat better than I do so I get it
MIRI: Marchae eat real meals please I worry
LIZ: and you mop before you eat
MARCHAE: yes almost every sunday
MIRI: Ok back to my many opinions: as stated I LOVE HER
LIZ: i had a banana, fake chicken, vegan pasta and granola today.. that is kind of healthy
MIRI: I also really love her need to belong
MARCHAE: i eat popcorn, drink a pepsi and catch up on my shows
LIZ: her need to belong to who or what
KRIS: just in general
LIZ: I guess I am really new
KRIS: to have friends, to have a cause
MIRI: She’s obsessed with the idea that she’s this cool fuckup who doesn’t need people, but she needs people so MUCH
LIZ: I get that
MARCHAE: its evident from episode one almost immediately
LIZ: we all do! even when we aren’t good at.. people!
MIRI: She jumps head first into this insane vigilante thing
MIRI: and kicks it into a higher gear
MARCHAE: i think it makes her so relatable too and you fall in love with her
LIZ: I know, she is the perfect.. not robin.. robin
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MIRI: She hurts Harris so easily but would be devastated if she actually lost him
LIZ: yeah i love her apology scene to him
MARCHAE: but he loves her no matter what
MIRI: She thinks she’s beyond needing that sort of connection because she can’t have it with her mom
LIZ: just a girl standing in front of  a boy.. asking for her job back
KRIS: Yes her bad-friend-ness is great
MARCHAE: *snap snap snaps fingrs*
MIRI: But she’s wrong
KRIS: Dammit Ophelia you know I can’t resist Notting Hill
MIRI: and she needs people so badly
Also she’s just hilarious and brilliant and I love her and Harris’s friendship so much
LIZ: her mom was so rude to her on the phone it made me sad especially because Jules doesn’t have a mom.. and I know those were really briefly introduced to me, but I’m sure those are important issues
On the subject of friendship, there are a ton of examples of girls being very affirmational to each other that really interest me
LIZ: I also love that Harris is.. presumably straight and is not afraid to love RBG or Notting Hill
KRIS: I’m so jealous you’re experiencing this show for the first time
MIRI: Because sometimes they’re played for laughs
But not most of the time
and I love that
MIRI: Like, the high girls just need to hug!
LIZ: I wanted to be in the back seat of their car screaming along to Defying Gravity
MIRI: And sometimes Kennedy is a bit ridiculous with her goddess stuff
MARCHAE: i love your love for defying gravity liz
MIRI: But for the most part it is 100% genuine
MARCHAE: Kennedy is the most
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MIRI: And so what I do with my friends
LIZ: yeah kennedy suggesting that shit to ophelia was HILARIOUS
basically like “HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO GOOP.COM?”
MIRI: kennedy is indeed the most
MARCHAE: I am so CURIOUS about what happens when Jules tells her
KRIS: That shot where I assume Fiona and Gabby are on a dolly when they enter Vinylton high on shrooms is perfect
MIRI: So I love that there’s drunk girl in the bathroom type compliments and Woke Freshman type compliments AND really genuine support for each other
KRIS: sorry I was just slow there
LIZ: i think that kennedy will eventually (i mean who knows since it is cancelled) be an ally and join the cause or at least be supportive in a protective way
MARCHAE: if she does I may ink myself!!!
KRIS: I repeat, I am so jealous you’re experiencing this show for the first time
MIRI: It’s a very well plotted season and that is all I will say
MARCHAE: *hugs kris*
UGHHHH i’ll probably finish it this weekend
LIZ: hahaha kris I’m feeling like that repetition is to keep yourself from spoiling
KRIS: There is Jules-Kennedy closure, for sure
Yeah, so, we went really long, even for us. Find the rest of our Reaction here.
EDITED 20 April 2019: You can and should buy Sweet/Vicious on Amazon, Google Play, or iTunes. If you’re here because you just watched Jennifer Kaytin Robinson’s Someone Great, maybe now’s a good time to renew calls for Netflix to add S/V to its library.
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