#its like im in a fucking infomercial
there-goes-trouble · 2 years
Me: [approaches computer for work] I'm a God a hero I'm your worst fucking nightmare I'm a hacker I'm using programs you don't even know abt 😌✨️🌸💎
Also me: [approaches pc for play] ah yes, and, which of these buttons is for the "kill" function? 👁👄👁
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imflyingfish · 11 months
I gotta finish the skin game thinggy at some point. I've tot loads of sketches lined up too for them so if it comes tk it i will just post them all at once
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bambidoll96 · 5 months
Writing out a fantasy, it might prove embarrassing or off putting to some but inneed to at least get it out:
Im just gonna say it plainly. I want to be a pornstar... but i want to do it my way. Im not here to fuck; suck? maybe occasionally but thats not the point.
I want to do long and intimate scenes: elaborate ropings with a focus on each individual wrap or knot, as well as highlighting any banter between me and my rigger; Impact scenes that could double for toy infomercials that cary into at least the first round of aftercare and maybe more. Sensation scenes blending the tickling and overstim with soft teddybear cuddling, and as much dialogue as i can reply to in such a state; bob ross esque body art paintings; recorded hypno sessions, even if im mostly asleep and not moving much im sure there is a real appeal somewhere (Heck pull bambi out and let her do her own scenes... i am honestly curious how much interest there might be in letting my wider plurality come into play?)
everything ive actually tried with another person outside of Sex sex has been heavenly (yes even the really really dumb "coffee" date) and there is a growing desire/need to be seen (or especially to be shown off) rising within me.
Sure cut the it down for pornhub or wherever so it can make the money but also do the long cuts that actually show off the art of the scene for those who actually appreciate it.
I want to work with a variety of tops and maybe with time get comfortable acting as a top myself(maybe, not sure if ill enjoy it in the long run) i want to explore as many kinks as i can find and experience them as much as my body/mind/spirit can handle. Maybe "owned" collectively by a small group, maybe with a single main partner who ensures i always make it home in one piece. Definitely in some way in which i am truely safe and secure, and done as sanely as possibe; with partners who genuinely care about my consent and wellbeing
For now i know damn well im still inexperienced enough and uneducated enough that that level of commitment wont really be possible any time soon even if there is any slim hope that it might be in the future. I also know that building the kind of social/support network to actually get anywhere near even the city that the ballpark is in is going to be a persuit that will likely span the rest of my life.
Yes right now i am no where near stable enough to even look for a real foothold and i know the entire wall is at an acute angle (especiallyconsideringi really dont want to work the camera, editing booth, or goddess forbid the distro/business side. But i have gotten a taste and i know it really is something i think i want to seriously persue once i am able; even as so many of my existing connections tell me its just a fantasy and seem to indicate that its just not possible.
Theres just something in my soul that calls out for it, even if we dont really know how "it" might happen or how "it" might pan out in the long, long run (maybe growing into a mentor as my body becomes less able to do the scenes myself) but we genuinely do want to make an earnest attempt.
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d15gu571ng · 2 years
do you actually like family guy or is it just 4 the meme? im dying 2 know
Thanks for the question anon!
This is hard to put into words because while I do genuinely like the show, I like it for more than what it is on the surface. Its not that I relate to the characters on a deep emotional level but more or so of how it slowly grew on me and changed the way I thought of how I interact with media and the people who consume it.
When I first saw the show I was an 11 year old kid who "liked" almost anything, as long as it was 'entertaining' for me. Mind you I didn't actually understand what was going on, nor did I even react to alot of the scenes in any way I just... watched it to watch it. I mean, it beats the shitty infomercials and corny live action sitcoms that were on at the time.
When I formed an actual opinion on the show it was a deep, deep hatred. I saw the show as objectively lazy, cheap, mean-spirited and just downright obnoxious at times with its themes and writing. And I'll admit it, it's true.
Family guy is not an amazing show. A lot of it's characters, which used to be charming and fun to watch became flanderized distorted versions of themselves due to the passage of time. It's writing has moments where it can be downright cringe inducing, especially with some of the jokes. The themes of certain episodes are so ridiculously problematic that it made even ME feel uncomfortable on occasion. The animation is quite often cheap and stiff and don't even get me started on the modernized design of the show itself...
I can completely understand why somebody would say it was downright garbage.
But my dad LOVED that show
He would continuously talk about how funny he found Peter and his family, recount episodes by memory and even show me his favorite clips of the show and would laugh and laugh at the occasionally shitty punchlines. He loved this stupid bad show so much that for almost every birthday he'd ask me to draw Peter Griffin for him..
I hated that shit.
I would rant to him about how shitty the show was and that it was incredibly problematic that he liked it. And most of the time he'd simply reply, "Well I think it's funny!"
And I'd give a snarky retort on how it was stupid that he did.
Needless to say we didn't talk much about what we liked to one another.
And as more and more life stuff happened we became more distant and hostile until finally I was out of the house for college.
I didn't really reach out to him often and I rarely ever called.
And that was that at the time.
Until I watched dog bites bear.
Now to preface this, it was by complete accident. All my favorite video essayists has no more videos to watch, and I would rather tear my own eyes out than listen to another reddit "Am I the asshole for killing my entire family" type post. So without anything better to do, I let it play out. And to say I was shocked at how good stewie and brian's plotline was had me shocked. For a good while, I was obsessed with this episode, and I became even MORE shocked when I realized that there were MULTIPLE episodes with this amount genuine-ness to it.
As I began to binge through more and more episodes of this... fucking stupid show I hated at the time, I started to see aspects of it that I missed out on.
The original music and dance sequences ranged from alright to downright impressive! And it doesn't help that I'm a sucker for musicals and showtunes. Some of the fight scenes being actually, pretty well choregraphed. Yes, the camera angles are flat and uninspired at times, I do like how creative they can be. Some of the plotlines in many episodes have actually REALLY GOOD STORY BEATS AND SCENES TO IT. Like for example, when Peter and Lois reunite in Meet the Quagmires, or every moment of Peter and Brian's relationship in New Kidney in Town and Forget Me Not, Brain and Stewie's EVERYTHING (And the episode too). AND THESE WEREN'T EVEN THE FIRST 3 SEASONS.
I could honestly go on and on about the things I enjoyed in this show and it kinda made me realize alot about how I treated this show and the people who liked it. I genuinely thought I was better than them JUST BECAUSE THEY LIKED THIS "OBJECTIVELY BAD" PEICE OF MEDIA and I would constantly put people down just for liking the things that I considered to be bad. So, when I binged this show and CONSIOUSLY HAD A GOOD TIME WATCHING ALOT OF THE EPISODES? It made me realize that...
I was such a pretentious fucking dick as a kid lol
When I finished binging through around... what... a good 2-3 hours of family guy, my dad called me
And rather than ignoring it like I usually did I actually picked up... It was a little awkward at first, at least from my end... but I don't think my dad even noticed my stiffness. He was just happy to hear my voice after so long, asking how I was doing and how was school and all that... and I'd answer my usual "It was fine." But, what really started a conversation between us was me asking him what his personal favorite episode of Family Guy was, just out of pure curiosity. And the way I could hear his voice light up as he gushed about all his favorite moments...? Christ man...
As stupid as "Family Guy helped me rebuild my connection with my father" SOUNDS, it's really what happened. We ended up spending alot more time together, talking about things we liked and disliked and realized that... we were alot similar than either of us expected. And not only that it really helped me see both the good and the bad in media and that it was ok to enjoy things that everyone else enjoyed, even if the bad outweighs the good.
I understand that the great aspects of family don't represent the show as a whole... but there's a reason other than capitalistic corporatism of why this show just doesn't ever fucking end. Because there's people there that care about this show and these stupid shitty goofy ass characters, both the fans and the people who work on it.
Idk... this was an unnecessarily personal and sentimental stupid rant about something that I grew to love. Really I could've just answered with a simple "yes" and chad Peter png I stole off of google.
But I really do love this show because it helped me appreciate the one person in my life who stuck with me the best he could despite the tragedy after tragedy that happened to him, how shittily and harsh;y I treated him fur to my own fears and traumas, and how far he sunk down into dark... dark places...
Even after all that he's still giving it his all to the people he loves.
And I love him for that.
Sorry for how insane and incomprehensible this ENTIRE diatribe is. I just wanted to gush about how this show made me grow and change as a person and love my family
have a shitty Peter, thanks for the question ^^
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first-only · 2 years
Hot take, but I think that blogs that supply information on important topics (such as disorders and disabilities) shouldn't have DNIs
Like, maybe I could accept a 'do not dm me if' list, but information (especially important information) should be allowed to be accessed and spread by everyone, regardless of who they are
eeeeeeeeeeehhhhh ya know my thoughts on this might be a bit tangential to yours
first, im not about to abide by a dni in general, like someone's textual affirmation of their politics isnt gonna stop me from like.. looking at their blog lmao. second, i tend to insta block and distrust people who have dnis anyway, so i would be HIGHLY doubtful of any kind of information they might provide, especially on a fucking tumblr blog - that just reads like a powertrip and controlling behaviour to me
and speaking of, i just in general do not trust, follow, or abide by "information blogs" on social media, i dont think random tumblr or otherwise users are good providers of solid info. like sure, hearing something and then fact-checking is fine, and sometimes people /are/ experts on their field; but if they've made a whole ass infomercial blog, that doesnt immediately read as benevolent until hard proven otherwise and that's... rare. so the whole issue is a bit far away from my preferences and experiences to be honest
(and also anon - you dont really get to tell a private blog what they should or should not have. this is not an institution that must abide by equal access [whether or not a dni can actually prevent equal access lmao] - its a random person's personal blog that they use to spread [mis]information. there's no enforceable should and shouldn't for private citizens by other private citizens. no shade to you, i understand you're coming from a kind and compassionate place, but "community resources" are not.. tumblr blogs, just like "community spaces" are not discord servers. i know it's easy to get swept in the tangent of online rhetoric, and im glad you're thinking of your fellow people but. sometimes things are the way they are. this is why huge open projects are actually community owned and have actual guidelines, administrators, and TOS [wikipedia, ao3, github, local queer centers, etc])
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elesii · 6 years
i should be working on adoptables ajdnndac
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Thats it, my friends gave me the slightest crumb of validation im ffucjing posting the massive pile of bullshit oc worldbuilding summaries I mentioned before, none of this is in order by the way (its almost midnight) I tried color coding it though if that helps in any regard (also sorry if anythings phrased weird im so tired)
Every living thing is made of four relatively enigmatic elements (Meat, Magic, Color, and Sugar) that are related to all kinds of bullshit with some having the potential to bend reality itself in large enough quantity
Earth does not exist and rather its been replaced by a planet named Phonia thats inhabited by Humans and Monsters
Clowns are an alien species that live for centuries (at MINIMUM)
The majority of america is uninhabitable nuclear wasteland with only the east coast remaining
Phonia in general has been so thoroughly mined out of resources that only a few landmasses and "Oceanbowls" remain and are being held up by large near-indestructable cave systems known as the Nov'ish caverns
Inanimate objects have the tendancy to just sometimes gain sentience and come to life because of magic (like, literally)
Trolls also exist dont forget that either, and their planet is Returnia instead
The planet that Clowns live on (J-Sibler) has become so unlivable to biological life aside from them that the planet is now populated by almost exclusively living balloon animals
Speaking of the sentient objects thing a landfill in one of Phonia's oceans has become an island home to living objects after centuries of garbage had been dumped there and just kinda made it their home
Those caves I mentioned too are home to unbelievably powerful and weird as fuck looking monsters and to some kingdom thats been in dissaray for like the past 5000 years because the three kings ruling it wont get along
Theres literally so many subtypes of "Monster" That I'd be here even longer listing them off, I think right now theres like, eight I think ??? fuck me dude
Other space fairing races are implied to exist as well I just havent gone too far into that yet (if you can beleive that)
Phonia is in a dual star system alongside J-Sibler, rather than one little yellow sun they both orbit two Blue Giant stars, that are also orbiting eachother (and one is somewhat smaller than the other, and as a result it sorta orbits like the planets do)
The suns are also not exactly REGULAR suns neither (in fact none of them are, anywhere) the ones Phonia and J-Sibler orbit are a lightbulb (larger star) and a whale nightlight (smaller star), The "star" that Returnia orbits appears more like a massive fucking firefly (hashtag just bug alien things, yknow)
If im gonna be honest a lot about Trolls is relatively the same I just developed the world with more bullshit but thats for later too theres a lot there
Speaking of h*mestuck related things, all those concepts from the comic are just, every day real shit, including class and aspect alignments- although those tend to have the most cultural relevance to Trolls, Cherubs, and Carapacians specifically, to other races they're mostly written off as just silly fairy tales
And just like a shitty infomercial once told me: "but wait, theres more!"- But also its getting late and im exhausted so you'll have to wait on that a bit probably, I could keep going like this all day under any other circumstance but hbbhhghg sleepy
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goatmilksoda · 4 years
Advertising peaked in the early 2000s. I miss my stupid infomercials and really awful jokes and animation. Sure it was cringe, but at least it was memorable. Everyone knows "WAZZAP" or the Gieco panda or the chef Boyardi can that stalks a child. Like what do we have now?? JG Wentworth? State farm has realized this and is beating the dead horse of Jake from State farm but they havent tried anything new. Giecos trying and so is farmers but theyre both half assing it.
BRING BACK FUNNY COMMERCIALS!! Im so sick of seeing swiffer commercials where its just a lady cleaning her model home.. Like its not fun, interesting, or even informational about the product. Fuck it, bring back infomertials. Like give me anything at this point.
When was the last time we saw an interesting commercial? Sprite Cranberry, Jg wentworth, gorilla glue. Idk. Commercials are just... Not any good now.
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liveblogging some Cyberverse episodes here instead of on twitter bc twitter’s everything is pathetic. :D I haven’t done this in years haha
skipped the first 2 eps bc i bounced hard off them a couple years ago skhfdgk. bee and windblade were never exactly my Faves lol.
episode opens with a goddamn cool ship!! ugh i love the forward wings! Also bee being a super distracted driver is hilarious omfg. I dont believe that man has a drivers license lmfao
ummmmmm the allspark is talking??? yeah id be creeped out too be lmfao
starscream’s alt mode lowkey looks like a moth??? from a certain angle at least. thats actually cool.
this op’s va is definitely trying to sound like peter cullen (actually succeeding pretty well!) and imo it wouldn’t be bad at all if his lines actually sounded like speech and less like proclamations. actually that’s an issue with a few of the other characters too, he’s just the most obvious.
im definitely spoiled by tfp’s fight scenes, this one had hardly any weight to it XD
holy shit i love wheeljack lmfao
omfg Optimus is a) SUCH a dad, and b) SUCH A DAD. ugh i love him praising the Autobots, and him gently redirecting Wheeljack after the explosion was such a joy skhdfkgjhd
Those critters are kinda cute! I sort of understand OP’s hesitance at using the energon, especially if the deposit was only very small - does it really make ethical sense to take the perhaps only energy source of a population of creatures for a potential gain of, what, maybe days? (At least this is the interpretation I’m going with lol)
Bee’s waking up on a snowy mountain with a goat. Where are u bee?
Oh, the Himalayas. XD Ok thats fair lol, mountain wildernesses are good for hiding shit.
holy shit bee getting distracted watching infomercials and game shows is a mood skfjhkj
ohmygod windblade u have wings, just fuckin fly away
“What was your name again” WINDBLADE OMFG
ok the choreography of the fights is rly off, someone is always making stupid mistakes or not taking opportunities and the overall effect is just meh, manufactured suspense.
holy shit im skipping a bit i just cringed into oblivion
[headdesks] ok OP wtf? “I do not intend to start a fight” promptly does so anyway. 
ok I love TFP starscream’s voice but this one is good too! XD he sounds so smug and judgey in every single line skhfkdhj
Ok, again, children’s show, but there was no depth in that exchange. Megatron’s got the Villain Stick and he’s hanging firmly to it, OP has no nuance and his writing is hanging just as firmly to the Hero Stick. 
also I’m having trouble taking Megatron seriously because his goddamn head looks like its squeezing out of his tiny braincase and every single time he looks straight at the camera I L A U G H. He’s got a good voice tho! Hasn’t got the bombacity and charisn’tma of TFP, but it’s nice and threatening nevertheless.
im skipping ahead a bit bc i saw a pic of maccadam on tfwiki and oops he’s hot lol. 
ahhhh the landscapes are so pretty, or at least that one was <333
fuck i cant deal w that Ratchet’s voice lmao
I enjoy this interpretation of Grimlock more than I thought I would XD. I love the meathead Grimmies A Lot but nerdjock Grim is cool too!
god soundwave dancing is amazing but then his BACKUP DANCERS fuckin kill me omfg skdhjfjh
hmmm ppl have been selling me on the megop in this but so far i aint feeling it lol. gimme a few more episodes and lets see XD
wheeljack/shockwave science buddies?? YES.
...mmmmmm friendship ended with alpha trion, i simp for maccadam now
aaand i still cant take Megs weird pinched head seriously lmfao, he looks like a sausage w half the stuffing squeezed out kjdhfkjh
“Find the king of the dinosaurs!” “Uhh, what’s a dinosaur?” I love that so much skdfhj
ok gonna stop there bc i zoned out and missed all of ep 12 lmfao. will do some more tomorrow, unless my brain comes back and I get to write skjhfjd
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aint that the way - it go - a drought then a plethora - every time i look up it seems - im not complain - other times 
u get nothing - thats an in joke for someone who wont reed it cuz they never go on tumblr - tru nuff tho - sometime things just be like that - hallelujah anyway  - fuck yah - i gess 
we started w the moon - and sight  - a day moon again and thinkin bout walkin in memphis or the streets of - im here in sf - i know thats right  - better than la la  and most places i been tho new orleans cept the heat  
yah its winter and t - he dont  breathe ez for another couple - his breathin ok that wuz a watchamacallit - alleglory u know some of that poeter stuff  - should i post the snippets of tupelo honey i recorded - i change the lyrics in 1 verse  - we dont need granite men and chivalry so much  - this old af thing - i dont remember signing up for  - wuz it a late nite infomercial  and i thought i gonna get a ginzu cut thru cans and they ship me old af instead   
there is a kitty a good one inna mix 
heard some crow and gull squawk 
birdsong soon come 
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henchmaxxing · 5 years
Im having a fever dream. Im on my lunch at work and playing on the tv in the breakroom is the longest fucking infomercial for sex toys ive ever seen.
Its like the shopping channel.
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vgtravlr · 6 years
21 Questions
I was tagged by @pikapeppa, the diamond standard of humanity.
+Rules: answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
Nickname: Useless. It’s a pet name my reflection likes to call me before he turns out the light. He says he does it because he can’t look at my face anymore but I think he’s starting to come around.
Zodiac: Virgo. Yeah, I earned it.
Height: 5′10″
Last movie I saw: Spider-Man: into the Spider-Verse. Lordy lord that flick was dope.
Last thing I googled: The definition of lamenting
Favourite musician: Ling Ling
Song stuck in my head: Pour Some Sugar on Me - Def Leopard. I was at work and It’s so catchy that you could belt out the chorus and get others to join in,
(pour some sugar on me!) Ooh, in the name of love (pour some sugar on me) C'mon fire me up (pour your sugar on me!) Oh, I can't get enough
 I have a meeting with HR on Monday.
Other blogs: 
re:CouchVacation - reblog anime/tv/movie edits with my own edits thrown in. re:vgJourney - Gaming reblog re:Art Shoutout - Art reblog re:Headspace - Quotes reblog. I toss a thought in once in a while.
Do I get asks: Nope.
Following: 178 
Amount of sleep: I am alseep and all this is a dream. Sure it’s crappy, but its my dream and you’re a part of it. Enjoy yourself. Lol that was dumb. I need more sleep.
Lucky number: 0
What I’m wearing: Hoodie, sweatpants and wrapped in blanket. Classic introvert formal attire. 
Dream job: The guy in those infomercials that can’t seem to do anything right.
Dream trip: Travel back in time to highschool or college with everything I know now and straight up kill it. Except for math. Fuck math. Also go on more dates, probably should have started with that.
Play any instruments: Nope.
Languages: English and French.
Favourite songs: I don’t have one in particular but I have been listening to lo-fi hip hop streams lately.
Random fact: I got into a car accident and after a while of dealing with the shock and irritation looking at the state of  my car did the gravity of the situation come full circle when the cop pointed out, “Hey, your airbag never went off.” Part of me still thinks that I did die in that wreck and this is purgatory. 
Describe yourself as aesthetic: A page with half a written word and a broken pencil, Sunsets, Hot chocolate and cookies, Buried up to my neck on a white sandy beach too close to the shore with the tide rolling in and no way to get myself out. A pillow fort.  
Tagging forward to anyone who has made it this far. Tag me and I’ll write a random note about you.
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Bout to watch baby bro beat up on big bro and feel sad about it bc its not even Shiro.
Also so many questions about all the fucking clones. So many.
Im also glad everything is a fucking touch lamp like those goddamn infomercials. Stick em on the wall bitches! ...
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harasnicole · 6 years
Boss Week, day 4:
Emotions: What video/series has made you the happiest, sad, thoughtful or relaxed?
This one’s going to make me think because there is a lot for each one.
Happiest: I mean, the Jacksepticeye Funniest Home Videos are always a blast, but the one that I’m thinking about in particular, that made me absolutely lose my shit in laughter, is the video that featured the Hawaii Chair. You know, that chair with the swiveling seat. Maybe it’s because I remember seeing the infomercial for it on my TV all those years ago, but the second Seán pulled up that video, I was already laughing so hard that I couldn’t fucking breathe. What a time.
A series that makes me most happy, because I can’t keep it at just the one, is Seán’s Uncharted 4 play-through. It was the first past series that I looked for, and it’s one that I go back to on occasion because I miss the characters and all the puns on Nathan Drake’s name (specifically Nathan Break, seeing as he’s always breaking shit). Besides Detroit: Become Human, Uncharted 4 is what solidified, for me, my next console upgrade when I can afford it. I’ve had an Xbox for so long (that I can’t play a whole lot of anymore because it’s a 360 and it’s being phased out), that I miss the PlayStation.
Sad: Probably the video talking about how he had to go away for a while, and the subsequent video after that about how he had taken his first official break from YouTube. As a new subscriber then, I wasn’t privy to how his upload schedule used to be, only what it is now, but what made me sad in either of those videos was just, basically, how sad Seán appeared (and not just because he cried, or started to, in either video). That was probably the first time, as a new subscriber, that I actually wanted to reach through my computer and just give him a hug and let him know everything would turn out okay.
The Last Guardian, and the fan-made game The Boss that he played were probably the saddest series that I’ve watched because of either the ending or the message(s) behind it. Tears were bawled those days when I found them.
And finally, most thoughtful and relaxed: This is probably the easiest, as it was uploaded only yesterday, and that was his reacting to his most popular videos and giving insight into what all went into those videos that he talked about, told stories of what almost did or didn’t happen with two of his biggest series on the channel, things like that as well as dropping truth bombs about change and how it’s inevitable and that everyone should do it, otherwise you’re just living in the past over again, and that’s not healthy. Little gems like that that tell me he’s not “just another YouTuber,” but a human being who’s not afraid to be vulnerable with us, thus, in return, allowing us to be vulnerable with him. 
Also, any live stream he does, whether it’s a charity stream or on Twitch.
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dontdiscriminize · 7 years
i found an ms meme online and imma do it
My current diagnosis is: RRMS
I was diagnosed in: 2017
My symptoms include: numbness, spasticity, fatigue, heat sensitivity, weakness, blad dys, lhermitte’s, pain, cog dys
My comorbid conditions include: i guess depression and bpd and anxiety ?
I take: steroids when i have a flare but otherwise just venlafaxine and ritalin (fatigue’s a real b*nch)
My first MS attack was: numbness from the waist down for 3 wks in june ‘17
My strangest MS symptom has been: falling asleep standing up. i feel like a cuddy :/
My biggest MS symptom/relapse triggers are: temperature, stress, lack of sleep
I know an MS attack is coming on when: honestly i know shits gettin real when i pee my pants
The most frustrating thing about having MS is: having to decide whether or not to explain myself when i break/drop/fuck something up bc i can’t hold things.
The most positive thing about having MS is: handicapped placard n weed card
During an MS attack, I worry most about: if ‘this is it’, if these symptoms will ever go away
When I tell someone I have MS, the response is often: (insert rly sad story abt distant family member with MS) or “you’re so young that has to be a mistake” like sis... mris dont lie
When someone tells me they have MS, I think: omg yes someone who knows whats going on
When I read articles about MS, I think: jfc i cant believe this is happening to me
My best coping tools are: NAPS reading weed getting shit done
I find comfort in: candles, pj’s, blankets, & a body pillow
I get angry when people say: have u considered cutting gluten out of your diet? have u considered it might be x or y?
I like it when people say: something supportive or some kind of praise for not being a completely miserable asshole considering
Something kind someone can do for me when symptoms are acting up is: offer to help without making a whole thing about it
The best thing(s) a doctor has ever said to me about MS is: youre lucky you’re young and have access to as many doctors and treatments as u do. it could gl well if we fight.
The hardest thing to accept about having MS is: the mortality of my function
MS has taught me: no point in being miserable now. dont waste the time u have with the function youve got.
If I could go back to the early days of my diagnosis, I would tell myself: ur ok. its ok to cry. just dont wallow for too long. dont let this fuck u up.
The people who support me most are: myself lmao. mom sometimes bc she has ppms but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The thing I most wish people understood about MS is: if i want to talk abt it I’LL bring it up.
MS Awareness is important to me because: im sick of ppl staring at me when i drop shit like i’m in an infomercial
One more thing I’d like to say about life with MS is: having ms sucks shit but a lot of the time, u have to live despite it. every moment ur mobile is special bc u might not be one day. its abt lil wins.
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that ad it keeps showing me about infomercial-style aahhh i can't hold all these pretzels!! let's look at the live-feed surveillance camera i've put in the corner of the children's room to watch them get up & like start fighting or something
like ok its one thing when grown couples or whatever agree they want to record the inside of their own home constantly in case of a break-in i guess. or when someone is keeping a live Baby Feed going. but when it involves kids who probably dont have a say in the matter & the issue isn't safety, it's apparently "i refuse to bag up pretzels at any point during the previous night".........tf
like just even if you have decent enough parents who just want to synchronize everyones morning routine, no seriously ok how is "smart home" advertising saying hey i bet you'd like to put a camera in your kids room so you can see them get up! this seems to rely entirely on the parents discretion to give their kid an ounce of privacy ever. but the thing is!! to create an atmosphere of constant surveillance you only need for someone to never be able to be sure theyre NOT being watched. unless the camera has some "in use/not in use" cue? how is anyone supposed to feel comfortable with a camera in the corner of their room, or unobserved. how is a kid supposed to process the fact that a parent could be looking in on them at any time
plus? when it comes to babies, generally ppl put the monitors away when the baby is old enough to not die in ridiculous ways and knows how to get help from an adult if theres a problem. if youre setting up access to a 24 hr feed of your kid, when does little jimothy grow out of being watched constantly? is it a birthday present? is there a cutoff age? what happens when the kid ages out of the "i accept everything that my parents do as normal/inevitable & dont think they could be doing anything out of line" and more into the stage of "i'm developing as an individual and place greater value on the concept of privacy and might question having a camera in my room?" what happens when kids can't ever be sure their parent is watching what theyre doing at any random moment
and as weird and intrusive and privacy-robbing / distancing a move of "there's a camera in your room" is at the best times, what abt if a parent isnt decent? in that case, someones room goes from being important as a place to be alone and have privacy to having a more urgent use as essentially a place to hide. not in the sense of like, "your parents are seeking you out and will NEVER think to look in your room," but in the sense of you try to stay out of sight and not make noise when you dont want a parent to interact with you at all / feel like youre in the danger zone & anything that crosses a parents mind might be targeted next
like, does someone have to only use the blindspots of their room. and even that might not be any protection; im the type where any space i have is organized in that i know where things are, but definitely not neat-looking, & its always been that way. so that was a continuous source of danger if a parent even saw my room and didnt feel it was clean enough & they were in the wrong mood. what if a kid isnt doing their hw when theyre supposed to or is up too late at night. what if they have to hide things from their parents and dont even have their own rooms to be relaxed and be themselves in. being in my own room was basically the only defense i had & it was still totally tenuous. like, if i wanted to do such risky things as nap, draw, have a messy room, stay up late, etc etc etc. being able to not be seen/heard was essential
plus its not just for your pretzel kids obv. back to the grown couple, what if an adult is being abused by their partner & the decision to be able to film any rooms in a house all the time is totally unilateral. when is "i'm just going to be able to look at what youre doing in your room at any given time" ever not fucked up. anyways, pretzels lol! classic
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