#its not his job to do that publicly to satisfy you :)
reigningmax · 3 months
not people getting mad at max for not publicly shaming or shit talking his dad?????
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soulsillk · 6 months
hi!! i'm new to the soulsilk fandom. could you explain the ship name to me? thank you so much!
Just to preface, this is only my name for them that I came up with 😅 nobody else calls them this and their name pretty much changes everywhere depending on who's talking about them: the most common is just petermiles— petermiles/petemai is most common on twitter and in most other places too, Marin27 and Angelette on AO3 call it Spidey Squared, and this is what I came up with on my own before (to my knowledge) anyone one else who wrote for them did, at least publicly I guess???
Or at least, before I was aware that other people had come up with a name for them too!!!
All of my friends call them this, though that doesn't really mean anything in the larger picture 🤧 so call them whatever you like!!!
That being said, the reason why I called them this is because they're soulmates and because "silk" to keep it spider themed, but past that it has a deeper meaning. This name has a tie to the Web of Life and how I see them as being destined to be, and then even further beyond that, it's a direct reference to "Tu Sangre..." (my main fic) and how it cements that idea into a reality.
In the third "book" Karn and the Web of Life make an appearance along with time travel: Miles in the present, Peter in the future, and (their son) Dante in the past.
To revive Miles (since he dies through torture because of Oscorp experimenting on him) Dante gets teleported mentally to Karn and the Web of Life where Karn lets him pluck Miles' soul thread off the Web of Life and it's revealed that (in my universe) Benjy Parker isn't The Scion, but instead Dante. The reasoning for this is explained as such by Karn:
{ "Little Scion, it pains me to meet you this way." ... "I wish there was a kinder force behind my greeting, but the web has many sayings. I suppose then that this must be its hello... and I imagine that you shall be its goodbye."
"The web? The web of what... exactly?"
"Of life. It connects us all. Your parents, you, and every deviation that departs from your creation. You're the life that flows through it, Scion. It made you, gave you breath, guided you to love, protected you until you were in the arms of your true guardians. Guardians who have done a most excellent job in raising you, I must say."
"You mean my parents..."
"I do. Your father, Peter, was the original. The host of The Other, and then time passed, and The Other ceased to exist. Your father didn't need it anymore. That's when his other half was made... the completion of his destiny. The fighting sun. The web's grace. The ultimate act of devotion to your father's soul. The last favor The Other ever granted: your other father. Together, their entwined souls make the strings of fate. Together, they made you. The Scion of all realities. The new god." The Master Weaver smiles warmly. "Though, I imagine this means nothing to you. Not yet." }
This is why I ended up naming my fic trilogy "The Soulsilk Trilogy."
So, yeah, that's pretty much everything to it and all the lore behind the little name I came up with for them.
It's cute, it's concise, it sounds nice with its snappy alliteration (even though I'm still lowkey a little embarrassed by it and sometimes think it's cheesy or whatever 😅), and ultimately the name holds everything I believe about Peter and Miles: that they're best friends, that they were created for one another, that they were destined, that they share the same symbols and names and souls and life with one another, that they're tied in ways that are unbreakable— and like a spider's silk, that bond has the strength of all the devotion they hold for each other, and in turn, is the metaphorical "red string of fate" between them.
I hope that answer was satisfying and that it cleared everything up for you!!!! Take care 💖☺️💗
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littleeyesofpallas · 1 year
Something I feel like a lot of people are missing about The Menu is how it's really not meant to be some kind of class conscious scree against rich people being rich. (Hell, half the cast are just on the upper end of middle class, still decidedly working class, and Slowik is in the same tax bracket as half of them.) The whole central thrust of the film is about an artist/crafter and his career and his relationship to his art/craft. You get into a job because you're good at it, and because you enjoy it, but as a person who is known for being "good" at a thing there is a pressure, professionally and publicly to be better, and continue to be better, and as you rise to the top of your field there are strings that come attached to that thing you once enjoyed being good at...
"Margot" isn't just an escort, she's a high end escort, it's why she's with Tyler at Hawthorne's in the first place, it's why one of her clients is the man who's been there a dozen times. When he asks her if she likes her job and she says she used to, and it resonates with him, that's part of what that's about.
As a chef he can't make experimental, high concept, or even just high quality food without the facilitation of his investor, his reputation, and a clientele that will patronize him. He can only continue to be a cook under extremely specific circumstances and every step upwards he takes in that craft takes him further away from what he enjoyed as well as what is ostensibly the point of being a chef. He's making food for a clientele that will never and fundamentally can never really appreciate what he does.
When John Leguizamo's character laughs about how bad a movie Calling Dr. Sunshine was, but says it was a fun shoot, only for Slowik to single it out as the reason for his disgust. The joke isn't just that he's being unreasonably petty, it's that question of what the point of it all is. Is being a filmstar about having fun on set, and making silly behind the scenes stories, or is it about making an enjoyable film?
(and what is the love of funny behind the scene anecdotes, of special features, and "making of..."s and actor interviews, if not exactly Tyler's fanboyish demystification of an art? You learn and memorize and regurgitate all the little factoids about the thing you've consumed in its aftermath; you bury it in trivia without having spent the time with what it actually was.)
Is being a chef about self gratification as an artist/craftsman, or is it about making an enjoyable meal? Is being a sex worker about sex being mutually intimately enjoyable, or is it about satisfying one person's specific need?
When someone becomes a film director, are they obligated to be a good one? Does being a good director mean winning awards? Does being a good director mean being self serious as an artist? Does being a good director mean having a message? Does it mean making films that are intellectual, and challenging to the detriment of basic watchability? Do the people who arbitrate what makes "good" film even care about watchability? Can a film be both "art" and "fun"?
The Menu is the answer to its own question. It's a well conceived, well written, well acted film with an all star cast, it's well shot, (mostly) well paced, and well constructed. Its visuals are pretty, and clean, geometric, and deliberate. It is in fact intellectual, it does in fact have a message BUT it is funny, it is at times very stupid, it is exciting and self indulgent and, if not for its high mechanical polish, at time bordering on thriller shlock. And that's the fucking point.
The question it puts to the audience, with the fullest possible context of why such a question should even be asked, is simple: For all your skill as a chef, can you even make just a simple satisfying cheeseburger? For all your skill as a director can you even make just a simple satisfying movie?
"I don't think you can..." Margot puts to Slowik, not as a legitimate challenge or doubt cast on his skill, but with the fullest understanding that all he wants, all he needs, is for someone to actually ask of him the one thing he actually wants to make. And The Menu is the cheeseburger; one, simple, good cheeseburger. Basic. Common. Satisfying. Yet made with the meticulous attention to detail and precision of a skilled, and indeed overqualified master artisan. It's a fun and well made thriller movie made for the sole and singular, self edifying purpose of proving that a movie can be both "good" and entertaining.
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collymore · 2 years
Who, minus your convenient memory, funds the British Tory Party Rishi?
By Stanley Collymore
Shut the fuck up Sunak! Just sort out Britain's mess, if you really can, before jumping in your idiotically contrived fashion, on what you very asininely think will essentially be a personal endorsement bandwagon. Simply, let's distinctly face general reality Rishi; when sadly your supposed country of which you're basically clearly an appointed, puppet PM unendorsed as it quite evidently happens, by any obviously clear electoral agreement or crucially even cross party, parliamentary support is running so smoothly and, therefore, the electorate is generally distinctively satisfied and basically quite happy then obviously you're likewise quite at liberty, if you very idiotically choose to, to rather purposely and too openly ostentatiously start the vilification of others. In the meantime, do focus on the job, which you've been conveniently put in Rishi and stop making ordinary people, as you rather purposely, do carry on crucially disdainfullly looking down on them quite pompously from atop, your unquestionably simply delusionally ensconced in but sensibly for you Rishi an aptly crucially evidently prized literally crass but so accepted ivory tower, very painstakingly have to then choose between putting on quite unaffordable heating in their actual homes or effectively, actually eating. And until you actually provide truly, meaningful solutions to these dire problem of theirs; do try Rishi to sensibly stop your asinine virtue signalling, that attendantly is literally sickeningly coupled with your very ludicrous and rank hypocrisy only publicly serves to harshly reinforce your knowingly egregious; ritualized self-centredness and distinctly purposely a clearly discernibly blatant egotism, brazenly and poignantly rather consciously too wilfully self-servingly and so egregiously characterized by your rank, sycophantically Useful Idiot, and additionally too Coconut stupidity, Rishi! (C) Stanley V. Collymore 14 November 2022. Author's Remarks: Why on Earth Rishi would President Putin, a duly elected leader of his country Russia, want to meet with such a quite discernibly non Tory membership chosen, much less so the unwashed general British electorate one, in essence expressing their wish in a general election want to meet a ludicrously pompous hypocrite like yourself? Clearly in view of your self-serving rant Rishi against Russia, there're those of us not only the uK but also globally who'll never forget  the so stinking hypocrisy evidenced by you Rishi, pertaining to Britain's war crimes and rank barbarity markedly coupled with its odious infernal hypocrisy relating to Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya among several other illegally invaded and wantonly egregiously abused countries globally. So setting aside Rishi your convenient and self-serving memories re Britain how then you actually starting with the USA the real odious instigator of the conflict in Ukraine and furthermore has actually invaded well over 60 nations and similarly killed clearly in excess of 30 million people since 1945, you two-faced son of a bitch Rishi. While your own wife, a non-tax paying resident of the UK, is effectively earning millions from a company operating in Russia. And how ironic - as if you didn't know when everyone else apparently does - your Tory Party has clearly consistently for decades now been funded by oligarchs who're very closely associated with President Vladimir Putin whose Russia, which you Rishi rather self-servingly so to hopefully garner those xenophobic plaudits from those who don't want you as PM of "their" country despite, unlike you significant numbers of these racist white Karen's and Gammons aren't actually British but are the offspring of those who fled to the UK from their own myriad internecine European pogroms and likewise the fittingly vaingloriously labelled European holocaust. No mention however, of the myriad ones that their kind so barbarically carried out globally while genocidally taking the lands of their indigenous peoples and similarly claiming these countries were effectively distinctly Terra nullius. Curiously an Asian Prime Minister: and the first ever non-white one of odiously genocidally inured Britain, with a very convenient memory, eh Rishi? And all this from a man who boastfully claims that he has no working class friends and quite self-evidently wants none! A puerile, emphatic and a thoroughly ingrained sycophancy, quite obviously then, by this man Rishi in his distinctly social climbing endeavours to his rather evidently, discernibly societally perceived betters only in his sick mind to be readily found apparently in abundance amongst the UK's supposedly divinely monarchical class; and, likewise too, it's very supportive and also accompanying hereditary elites that Rishi Sunak quite obviously wants to be a cardinal part of.
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signaturelong · 2 years
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anonymouschatsworld · 2 years
For confidential work, What Live Chat App Do You Generally Use?
Today, a friend suddenly came to me and asked me, "Apart from WeChat and QQ, are there any other chat softwares?" I was stunned by the question.
As a product manager, I often experience some novel and niche apps, and sometimes recommend them to friends. However, the live chat app really didn't pay much attention to it. The main reason is that in addition to the increasing number of advertisements and various sharing, voting and likes, WeChat has satisfied my chat needs very well.
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After reacting, I asked back: "Aren't WeChat and QQ very good?" The friend said in distress: "It's good, but you know the nature of my work, which requires a higher level of security and privacy. chat software.” Yes, my friend has just started a headhunting job, and confidentiality is one of their professional qualities. If the information is leaked, the consequences will be disastrous.
So, I started to look for some professional and secure chat software, and I have to say that this process is a bit difficult. After searching and checking a bunch of chat software for ambiguous friends, I finally found Bat, a pure chat tool with end-to-end encryption. Through trial and consultation, it is found that its encryption measures are indeed well done. For staff with high confidentiality requirements, it is definitely a good secure chat software.
Multiple encryption. That is, protocol encryption, message encryption, server database encryption, and client database encryption. This involves technical issues such as keys and algorithms. Although I have consulted the customer service staff, it is still difficult to explain from professional principles. It can only be said that through these encryptions, the chat will not be monitored, and the chat data will not be cracked, tampered and retrieved by anyone, even the operator of the Bat app. emmmm~ The operator is also a ruthless person.
Burn after reading. That is, when the chat ends and the dialog box is exited, the chat content in the dialog will be automatically destroyed. Although this function name is a bit mystical, it is still relatively user-friendly, and you can choose to turn it on or off. In addition to burning after reading, you can also use the withdraw and delete functions. Whether it is a single chat or a group chat, you can withdraw the chat messages you have sent in both directions at any time, or you can unilaterally delete the messages you have sent. In addition, multiple overwrites are used when the deletion is withdrawn, and the data cannot be recovered.
High anonymity. Direct ID login, no need to bind any personal information, no need to fill in any personal information. In the group chat, the group owner can turn on the anonymous chat mode, and the group members randomly generate user names and avatars, and they cannot view each other's personal homepages and perform any one-to-one operations. I can also turn on protected mode and not allow other group members to add themselves as friends.
Multiple protections. That is, the setting of unlocking and destroying the password, which should be an account protection measure for the mobile phone to other people's hands. After setting the unlock password, click on the app and an interface similar to the phone lock screen will appear. You need to enter the unlock password to enter the app. After setting the destruction password, enter the destruction password in the same interface, and the account will be destroyed directly.
Seeing this, do you feel that the confidentiality of this app is simply unbelievable, and chatting all day seems to be like "Heaven knows, Earth knows, you know, I know". But think about it, even if we don't use our mobile phones, in real life, there are some words that we don't want to let others know and are overheard. This is the same on the web. For example, for commercial secrets, Li Shufu, chairman of Geely Holding Group Co., Ltd., has publicly expressed concern that his products and ideas will be copied by Tencent in WeChat chat. Another example is the headhunting work that my friend is involved in. Client and candidate information, salary plans, performance appraisal plans, etc. will all be involved in the chat and must be kept confidential enough.
In addition to the need for confidentiality of chat content about products, creativity, finance, talent, technology, etc., in our daily life, we also need the privacy and security of chat. For example, I hope that when chatting with close people, I can be private and relaxed enough; when chatting with strangers, I can keep distance and mystery; I don’t have to worry about account theft and identity information leakage. But how many development companies give in when it comes to user privacy.
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zamora02willard · 2 years
The Best Chloe Look Alike Luggage And Where To Find Them
Chloe tess saddle bag interior particulars, light linen linen lining with calfskin, side pockets manufactured from cowhide, still engraved with the model logo, the within nook of the bag hides the small leather-based block with the serial quantity. The rounded chloe tess is kind of cute, yet trendy and good-looking. It’s essential we stress the extent of finish that the Chloe Faye dupes display. The mixture of high quality leather and suede plus stunning fittings in gold metallic provides the Chloe dupes a way of occasion. T. https://phoenet.tw/replica-chloe-bags.html Barnum, whose Fiji mermaid contributed to his wealth – usually acquire financial acquire or fame through their fabrications, so the distinction between hoax and fraud is not essentially clear. A hoax is a falsehood intentionally fabricated to masquerade as the reality. It is distinguishable from errors in statement or judgment, rumors, urban legends, pseudosciences, and April Fools' Day occasions that are handed alongside in good religion by believers or as jokes. Our fragrance bottles are created from 100 percent recyclable and sustainable supplies, apart from the pump. wikipedia handbags These extremist wish to subjugate ladies to harsh male dominance, rape if necessary, without need or need of conception. Far from making me really feel intimated, I would watch the lame dialogue and overwrought squeals and know I might do better and be far sexier. If you open to somebody fantasyland, and they to yours, porn can come near replicating the experiences you probably can have with each other. Then some rescue group decides to spring you and transport you god knows the place. 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The persona is accompanied by a unique and chic romance, which is superb. In a flashback during season three, a while during season 1, Reese discovered that Lucifer was sleeping with his ex-wife. Even although he and Linda had been separated for two years, he wished revenge on Lucifer. He followed Lucifer to Lux, the place Lucifer, misunderstanding his intentions, satisfied Reese to be inventive together with his revenge. Reese then convinced his boss to let him work on a story about Lucifer's job with the LAPD, with the intent on publicly humiliating Lucifer and the police department for working with him. The next day, Reese confirmed up on the police department and began interviewing officers about Lucifer, only to be taught that Dan was the one one who disliked him. Exquisite gold bracelet, hanging within the entrance of the handbag, can be used as a handle hand carry, saddle and half of the 2 models in order that this new bag has a variety of trendy means. 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king44savage · 2 years
Replica Ladies Chloe Baggage & Wallets
The O shaped ring and the chain are the important thing hardware elements as well as the sides of the bag the place the strap attaches. Some lazy replica manufacturers fail to get this right or low-cost out by providing gentle hardware. If you've a Chloé Faye replica you can judge the quality of the bag just by assessing the burden of the hardware compared to the unique. The personality is accompanied by a singular and chic romance, which is amazing. In a flashback during season 3, a while throughout season 1, Reese discovered that Lucifer was sleeping along with his ex-wife. Even although he and Linda had been separated for 2 years, he wished revenge on Lucifer. He followed Lucifer to Lux, where Lucifer, misunderstanding his intentions, satisfied Reese to be artistic together with his revenge. Reese then satisfied his boss to let him work on a story about Lucifer's job with the LAPD, with the intent on publicly humiliating Lucifer and the police department for working with him. The subsequent day, Reese showed up at the police department and commenced interviewing officers about Lucifer, solely to learn that Dan was the only one who disliked him. Chloe’s new collection of Pixie baggage has at all times adhered to the brand’s consistent ideas and personality. The cute and trendy Replica Chloé Handbags Pixie bag has been fascinating for a long time. The spherical shape and the bohemian style of the atmosphere have been deeply loved by the sisters. Over the many years, designers of the stature of Karl Lagerfeld have handed by way of the firm and the designs of the home have dressed celebrities as admired for their sophistication and femininity as Jackie Kennedy or Grace Kelly. More just lately, Kate Hudson, Kylie Minogue or Michelle Williams have attended galas and occasions dressed by the French brand. Sharing the bounty of our do-it-yourself pet goodies or giving folks a straightforward way to make their very own treats means the world to them. A great reward for an animal lover might appear to be the everyday cookie or muffin mix layered like paintings in a clear jar. Just layer the ingredients for an additional special treat designed for a beloved pet as an alternative. The challenges of diagnosing, treating and stopping numerous animal maladies, coupled with monetary constraints in a tradition with a schizoid perspective toward animals , could also be overwhelming at occasions. Replica Chloe bag is doubtless one of the biggest architects of the basic, nearly each quarter will launch a bag explosion models, such because the familiar pig bag, Faye tote bag, whereas Marcie an earlier explosion fashions. Round Marcie bag was born in 2010, retains the basic horseshoe shape, the slightest retro atmosphere gave numerous folks love infinite. Trumpet bag is the biggest bag pattern lately, in comparison with the lots of of thousands of mini-big tote bag, Replica Chloe Handbags Marcie of this trumpet is really huge part of the king of value. The Faye collection’s signature ring and chain design is preserved and retains its consistently feminine femininity. The Faye Day replica purses can be found in medium and small sizes, as properly as a wide range of textures and shade options such as sepia, bare powder, black and beige. Exquisite gold bracelet, hanging in the entrance of the handbag, may additionally be used as a handle hand carry, saddle and half of the 2 fashions in order that this new bag has quite so much of modern way. Those who have been gathering the crumbs on Cara's romantic trail could additionally be confused about whether it's men or women who excite her chloe luggage replica. chloe replica She conveys a Millennial's ennui on the expectation that she ought to settle upon a sexual orientation, and her interests—video video games, yes; manicures, no—might register as gender-defiant in the realm of dresses and heels chloe bags outlet 2015. ("I'm a bro-ey chick," says Cara.) As this story went to press, she was significantly involved with the singer Annie Clark, better recognized by her stage name, St. Vincent. "I assume that being in love with my girlfriend is an enormous part of why I'm feeling so happy with who I am today replica chloe baggage uk. And for those phrases to come back out of my mouth is actually a miracle." Starting with Alice on behalf of A, sorted in accordance with the alphabet’s 26-letter order, Replica Chloe Handbags has launched the most familiar Drew, Faye, Hudson and Nile replica bag totes, which have been liked by many people. Follow the Replica Chloé Handbags girl’s modern determine, outfitted with exquisite small Nile bracelet bag, from the Chloé 2017 spring and summer time sequence of each the allure of the appeal of metallic bracelet elegant style. The red colour of Replica Chloe Bags tess just isn't so ostentatious, however it's still very modern and really overseas. Backpack on each side of the front there are two zippers, up and down can modify the capability, but additionally a really intimate design. Look on the internal map, the zipper pull down when the bag might be bigger, so the ability to adjust the capacity of the bag essentially the most practical. This bag is presently a mini and medium two sizes, we are in a position to see the following comparability chart. "Save the National Parks" is an Ansel Adams esque black and white of tree trunks stacked like bodies, their limbs sawed off. Perhaps you will find the above beneficial a number of bag just isn't large enough, possibly you’ll like Marcie. Femininity and romance fusion Seventies ethnic customs, Marcie Chloe is a typical day pack. Desperate, Reese tracks down a serial killer, Alvin Kapitski, and convinces him to take out Lucifer. Chloe Hayley Small Leather Hobo Bag Black These are the brand new sizzling season, all types of sewing, beads, hollow, fairly contemporary. In the retro type of the prevalence of the second, I assume Replica Chloe Handbags most proper to speak it, please recall their very own show this year, the most important show show. In addition to those above, this year also out of such a, watching the dense concern, however very special. Chloe’s design group is also very handy for this solely handbag. Speaking of the brand new, it will must have to say Chloe Drew & excessive spherical co-operation. Replica Chloe Handbags CHLOE Black Small Square Logo Messenger Bag is all the time elegant to make each girl heart! The new Faye Day handbag shall be launched on the retailer in August, and its succinct design will make it the brand new season’s IT Bag! Replica Chloe Handbags iconic Faye family has joined a new member this season – Faye Day! The Faye Day purse is a continuation of Faye’s elegant on a regular basis style. Whether it’s a crossbody, a single shoulder or a hand-held, the Faye Day handbag is of course shaped to create an elegant Chloe girl in several occasions. 2015 fashion developments, the Seventies and 1980s in style retro parts, choose a bag which could be wild with this trend? Replica Chloe tote bag that's the brand Marcie collection luggage, its design inspiration from the folk fashion of the Seventies, and clothes with retro elements of nature and natural. "Being on set was like getting to relive college again, but happy," Cara says. "Trying to be an adult and be mature for therefore lengthy, I'd sort of forgotten how younger I was replica chloe bags." Though she first took the stage in a preschool play, she would not faux to much in the method in which of technique. "I'm no Method actor. I've tried staying in character, and it is just exhausting. But after playing Margo, I broke up with my boyfriend in a very Margo means. I wrote him a letter and left. That wasn't me chloe sale low cost 2015, it was Margo." Finish is exemplary, and even the fake leather versions feel fairly wonderful. Shoulder bags and backpacks of this high quality usually command a high price. The unique Chloe Faye small shoulder bag, for example, retails within the region of $1500. wikipedia handbags The rounded silhouette of the Pixie purse may be very pleasing, and the mixture of leather and suede boring leather provides a layer of Replica Chloe Handbags Pixie Small Round Double-Handle Shoulder Bag Grey. A variety of colors to select from, this additionally teaches people to tickle not to choose which one is best.
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frymalloy2 · 2 years
Chloé Replica Tasche Classic Geldbörse Vintage Chloe
Chloe tess saddle bag interior details, gentle linen linen lining with calfskin, facet pockets manufactured from cowhide, nonetheless engraved with the model brand, the within nook of the bag hides the small leather block with the serial number. https://phoenet.tw/replica-chloe-bags.html The rounded chloe tess is kind of cute, but stylish and handsome. It’s essential we stress the level of finish that the Chloe Faye dupes show. The combination of quality leather-based and suede plus beautiful fittings in gold metal gives the Chloe dupes a sense of occasion. Its distinctive massive body design continues the pockets and steel elements of the Faye sequence on the physique, making the entire more practical. Light green hand-painted natural python snakeskin or dark purple-studded green ostrich leather-based ‘ are paired with a hand-lubricated calf leather deal with. The leopard-printed horsehair texture calfskin is ingeniously matched to the main pattern of the 2014–2015 autumn and winter show. The impact of the lace or embossed in the abstract stitching design ‘and the hand-colored python skin’ totally highlights the interaction of the pattern within the natural texture and transparency of the material. The restricted version wine purple crocodile leather-based is the right expression of the final word luxury of BAYLEE Replica Chloe Bags. wikipedia handbags These extremist need to subjugate ladies to harsh male dominance, rape if needed, with out want or want of conception. Far from making me feel intimated, I would watch the lame dialogue and overwrought squeals and know I might do higher and be far sexier. If you open to somebody fantasyland, they usually to yours, porn can come close to replicating the experiences you probably can have with each other. Then some rescue group decides to spring you and transport you god is conscious of where. Others implore peace, like the idyllic "Make Peace," a Monet like picnic scene. This cooperation is definitely added to the chain of some smiling faces, lightning, small rabbit and different small cute, but also group their very own name Pinyin slender when the ornaments. Look at the simple, this could be a excessive round round personally designed, so the introduction may be very popular with home women welcome. Replica Chloe Handbags presented the ROY handbag collection at the Paris Fashion Week last 12 months and at last launched it. It may be seen that the form is called after a slightly weird three shoulder straps. The personality is accompanied by a novel and stylish romance, which is amazing. In a flashback during season 3, a while throughout season 1, Reese came upon that Lucifer was sleeping with his ex-wife. Even although he and Linda had been separated for two years, he wished revenge on Lucifer. He followed Lucifer to Lux, the place Lucifer, misunderstanding his intentions, satisfied Reese to be artistic with his revenge. Reese then convinced his boss to let him work on a narrative about Lucifer's job with the LAPD, with the intent on publicly humiliating Lucifer and the police department for working with him. The next day, Reese showed up at the police department and began interviewing officers about Lucifer, only to learn that Dan was the one one who disliked him. Seamlessly combining the magnificence of Chloe distinctive design and the practicality of a backpack, it is a distinctive designer duper that you'll love as much as we do. The gold-colored metallic fittings give this Chloe dupe an additional contact of class. Once you see these amazingly priced bags, you’ll know you’ve found the perfect choice. And low-cost inspired name model designer knock offs can be spotted from a mile away! The roy collection actually has a complete of four different replica bag totes. In addition to the trapezoidal bag in the street map above, there are additionally the present Clutch, Double Clutch double bag design, and the 2018 Pre-Fall roy Bucket bucket bag. It really does look just like the actual deal– and for lower than 5% of the worth. The replica handbags are available in each medium and small sizes and are available a wide selection of types and colors, together with brown, nude, black and lightweight gray. As for the design of the purse, the bag is minimize and neat, the strains are simple, and the elegant and charming appeal is distributed. As one of the best “boyfriend handbag” ‘BAYLEE handbag has a fragile medium-quality texture ’ and a gorgeous hardware decoration with a powerful distinction of soppy and easy surface. This large three-dimensional handbag is embellished with a quantity of handsome parts from boys, such as polished metallic buckles on broad shoulder straps ‘ sensible metal long chain with double zipper. In the combo of Replica Chloe Handbags iconic colors and materials ‘ BAYLEE has a natural balance that balances the colors. The bag was about $405 USD with the low cost they gave (compared to about $2150 for the authentic model), and I also purchased a YSL Cassandre tassel chain bag and a new Prada bag with my order too to qualify for the free pockets which was an awesome deal. I’ll be including pictures of my other luggage within the haul as well shortly! The bag got here with the same old plastic covered handles which shield it through the shipping course of. The Chloé Faye bag is a bag that you have got most likely spotted before since it has been worn by many celebs and trend influencers on social media. A typical hoax is an e mail message warning recipients of a non-existent menace, normally forging quotes supposedly from authorities such as Microsoft and IBM. In most cases the payload is an exhortation to distribute the message to everybody within the recipient's handle book. Thus the e-mail "warning" is itself the "virus." Sometimes the hoax is extra dangerous, e.g., telling the recipient to seek a specific file ; if the file is found, the pc is deemed to be contaminated until it is deleted. In reality the file is one required by the operating system for correct functioning of the computer. Over the a long time, designers of the stature of Karl Lagerfeld have handed by way of the agency and the designs of the house have dressed celebrities as admired for his or her sophistication and femininity as Jackie Kennedy or Grace Kelly. More just lately, Kate Hudson, Kylie Minogue or Michelle Williams have attended galas and occasions dressed by the French model. Sharing the bounty of our selfmade pet goodies or giving folks an easy approach to make their very own treats means the world to them. A fantastic present for an animal lover could look like the everyday cookie or muffin mix layered like paintings in a transparent jar. Just layer the elements for an extra particular deal with designed for a beloved pet as an alternative. The challenges of diagnosing, treating and stopping varied animal maladies, coupled with monetary constraints in a culture with a schizoid angle toward animals , could additionally be overwhelming at instances.
0 notes
mckinneycraft8 · 2 years
The Most Effective Chloe Look Alike Bags And The Place To Find Them
The persona is accompanied by a singular and stylish romance, which is amazing. In a flashback during season three, some time during season 1, Reese discovered that Lucifer was sleeping with his ex-wife. Even although he and Linda had been separated for 2 years, he needed revenge on Lucifer. He adopted Lucifer to Lux, the place Lucifer, misunderstanding his intentions, satisfied Reese to be artistic along with his revenge. Reese then satisfied his boss to let him work on a narrative about Lucifer's job with the LAPD, with the intent on publicly humiliating Lucifer and the police department for working with him. The subsequent day, Reese confirmed up at the police division and commenced interviewing officers about Lucifer, solely to study that Dan was the one one who disliked him. Backpack on both sides of the entrance there are two zippers, up and down can regulate the capacity, but in addition a very intimate design. Look on the internal map, the zipper pull down when the bag shall be bigger, so the power to adjust the capability of the bag probably the most sensible. This bag is at present a mini and medium two sizes, we are able to see the following comparability chart. The designer’s intention could also be to vary the style with three different designs of shoulder straps. I have to say that such a design does have the suspicion of catching up with the complexity of the town flyover. How can Chloé followers think that altering the shoulder strap is equivalent to changing one? Among them, Drew and Faye and lots of other replica bag totes have turn into a phenomenon in the fashion circle for a while, and nearly all ladies who love fashion have a CHLOE ROY Mini Smoky Blue Leather Embroidered Horse Pattern Bucket Bag. Everyone thinks that the value of those two bags is basically too excessive. Most female dogs should experience the warmth cycle at least two occasions in a yr or as quickly as in each seven months. The Angelika multiplex continues to be too new to take this category, and we're not but positive if it will next 12 months, anyway. (Although it is fairly candy. See "Best Movie Pitch Worth the Wait" in Scenes.) chloe bags replica The Inwood is a grand old dame of a movie theater and once more deserves our "Best Of" label, hands down . A yr I thought had some impact I satisfied myself that such was the case, Cameron says. I personally have been in love with the Chloé Faye bag since I first spotted it a couple of year and a half in the past. It’s not typically that I fall in love with a bag instantly – I normally need to see it within the official boutique in individual before I can affirm my admiration for a bag – but the Chloé Faye was one of those uncommon baggage that I fell in love with upon first sight. First of all the bag has a minimalist vibe which I love , and it has a classic vibe as properly. These extremist want to subjugate women to harsh male dominance, rape if essential, without desire or want of conception. Far from making me feel intimated, I would watch the lame dialogue and overwrought squeals and know I could do better and be far sexier. If you open to someone fantasyland, and so they to yours, porn can come near replicating the experiences you possibly can have with one another. Then some rescue group decides to spring you and transport you god is conscious of the place. Others implore peace, like the idyllic "Make Peace," a Monet like picnic scene. Every model has a singular id that has its personal followers. While this is great, it additionally signifies that people who love name manufacturers are prepared to go to any size to acquire products from their favourite trend homes. Owning a garment or purse from the season’s latest collection doesn’t make you a style wizard – it only makes you look like you’re making an attempt too exhausting. Speaking of shoulder bag, now the most properly liked is the model new member of the Chloe Faye family Faye Backpack, it inherits the high worth of Faye, lovely to not. The addition of the new designer Natacha Ramsay-Levi to Chloe brings more power and a cooler and extra stylish attitude to Chloe . Chloe bag iconic steel ring, shiny gold metal ring, you can also see the fine particulars. The Tess saddle bag is oval, and the bag is surrounded by a belt design that surrounds the bag and is then connected to the shoulder strap. Although the chloe tess saddle replica bag has no obvious logo, it's on a quantity of leathers. Engraved with emblem, together with a hand strap and a long shoulder strap. It will be on the shoulders of the brown medium-sized Faye Backpack elegant and comfy. Chloe Marcie Medium Shoulder Bag Marcie purses impressed by the national wind within the Seventies, the distinctive hardware design and distinctive type of vintage hand stitching, is according to the retro trend. If you wish to purchase a giant bag recently, this Aby Lock bag can be a very good alternative. wikipedia handbags Not only is it one of Replica Chloe Handbags hottest bag fashions, but the lock can also be from the brand’s most Iconic lock bag, Paddington, and the fashion is unquestionably not bad! Some younger women need to purchase a big-name bag, however they ca n’t discover a appropriate one, particularly afraid of being too mature. Hoax of exposure is a semi-comical or personal sting operation. It often encourages individuals to behave foolishly or credulously by falling for patent nonsense that the hoaxer intentionally presents as actuality. Computer virus hoaxes became widespread as viruses themselves began to unfold.
0 notes
barker11wind · 2 years
Replica Chloe Purses
The bag was about $405 USD with the low cost they gave (compared to about $2150 for the authentic model), and I additionally bought a YSL Cassandre tassel chain bag and a model new Prada bag with my order too to qualify for the free wallet which was an superior deal. I’ll be adding footage of my different bags within the haul as nicely shortly! The bag got here with the standard plastic lined handles which protect it during the transport course of. The Chloé Faye bag is a bag that you've got probably noticed before because it has been worn by many celebs and trend influencers on social media. The character is accompanied by a unique and chic romance, which is amazing. In a flashback throughout season 3, a while during season 1, Reese found out that Lucifer was sleeping along with his ex-wife. Even although he and Linda had been separated for two years, he wanted revenge on Lucifer. He adopted Lucifer to Lux, the place Lucifer, misunderstanding his intentions, satisfied Reese to be artistic along with his revenge. Reese then satisfied his boss to let him work on a story about Lucifer's job with the LAPD, with the intent on publicly humiliating Lucifer and the police division for working with him. The subsequent day, Reese showed up at the police division and started interviewing officers about Lucifer, solely to be taught that Dan was the only one who disliked him. His work interfered along with his marriage to Linda Martin and they separated. However, Reese desperately wished to get back along with Linda. Likewise, clickbait reports and articles from this operation achieve commercial revenue. According to Professor Lynda Walsh of the University of Nevada, Reno, some hoaxes – such as the Great Stock Exchange Fraud of 1814, labeled as a hoax by contemporary commentators – are financial in nature, and profitable hoaxers – similar to P. Over the a long time, designers of the stature of Karl Lagerfeld have handed through the agency and the designs of the house have dressed celebrities as admired for their sophistication and femininity as Jackie Kennedy or Grace Kelly. More lately, Kate Hudson, Kylie Minogue or Michelle Williams have attended galas and occasions dressed by the French model. wikipedia handbags Sharing the bounty of our do-it-yourself pet goodies or giving people a straightforward method to make their very own treats means the world to them. A wonderful gift for an animal lover might appear to be the typical cookie or muffin mix layered like paintings in a transparent jar. Just layer the ingredients for an extra particular treat designed for a beloved pet as an alternative. The challenges of diagnosing, treating and stopping varied animal maladies, coupled with monetary constraints in a tradition with a schizoid perspective towards animals , may be overwhelming at times. This newly-used leather is mainly freed from scratches and should not be used with care. But it is worth mentioning that the moral of this mouse is excellent. Caiyun also corresponds to the fortune, implying an attractive wish filled with fortune, particularly appropriate for the new year. Every model has a novel identification that has its own followers. While that is nice, it additionally means that people who love name manufacturers are willing to go to any size to amass products from their favorite style homes. Owning a garment or purse from the season’s newest collection doesn’t make you a trend wizard – it only makes you appear to be you’re attempting too exhausting. Speaking of shoulder bag, now the most properly liked is the new member of the Chloe Faye household Faye Backpack, it inherits the high worth of Faye, stunning to not. skel.io chloe replica bag The addition of the model new designer Natacha Ramsay-Levi to Chloe brings more energy and a cooler and extra chic perspective to Chloe . T. Barnum, whose Fiji mermaid contributed to his wealth – often purchase monetary gain or fame by way of their fabrications, so the excellence between hoax and fraud is not essentially clear. A hoax is a falsehood intentionally fabricated to masquerade as the reality. It is distinguishable from errors in remark or judgment, rumors, urban legends, pseudosciences, and April Fools' Day events that are passed along in good religion by believers or as jokes. Our fragrance bottles are produced from 100% recyclable and sustainable supplies, aside from the pump. Chloe model luggage, with leather-based material, shiny eye-catching, stylish, simple and elegant, cool taste, seem luxurious fashionable look, showing elegant femininity. The main push is mini Jane, fully convey their very own “wind”, very pull the wind! Fashion week period, mini Jane can be essentially the most photographed road replica bag tote. Elephant grey Hayley may be very elegant, no trace of extra design, and the brand can additionally be low-key, work commuter Shenma essentially the most suitable. How good the bag so massive cousin it, actually, she spent on early, standing underneath the promise of the cherry tree, or carrying or carrying Faye backpack, blooming iconic smile. Accustomed to being Chloe home luggage brush, the earlier piglet replica bag tote Drew, Faye can additionally be a well-liked fashion rapidly swept out, occupying the stars of the avenue shooting star. Paper Towns is about how concurrently oppressive and irresistible it may be to be the item of collective fantasy and projection. It's hard to imagine anybody understanding that better than Cara Delevingne chloe replica. The range of Chloe Faye dupe luggage includes small and medium examples of the shoulder bag. The smaller is out there in two sizes – small and mini – and in colours such as caramel, grey, and black. There is nothing outlandish or brash about these Chloe dupes. They are merely stylish and very beautiful as per the unique. The quality of the snap closure fittings is of the very best order and the leather-based straps offer a two-way choice for wearing. This bag is presently in mini and medium size two, if you need to install extra, choose the medium is essentially the most appropriate, similar to when touring. Of course, the mini can additionally be very cute and cute Oh, this spring concave modeling weapon It is it.Although this bag is a shoulder bag, but also designed a detachable handle, transportable or brief shoulder may be on the shoulder, or shoulders, simply. Most feminine canine need to experience the warmth cycle at least two occasions in a year or as soon as in every seven months. The Angelika multiplex is still too new to take this category, and we're not yet sure if it's going to next year, anyway. (Although it is fairly candy. See "Best Movie Pitch Worth the Wait" in Scenes.) The Inwood is a grand old dame of a movie theater and again deserves our "Best Of" label, hands down . A yr I thought had some effect I convinced myself that such was the case, Cameron says. This one simply occurs to be such a cute big-name bag design rarely seen in these two years. The French firm Chloé was born in 1952 with the aim of representing the liberty, lightness and femininity of the lady for whom Gaby Aghion designed. She was the creator of the “ready-to-wear” idea, completely revolutionary at a time when haute couture trend was a luxury that very few could afford. Today, Chloé is a globally established haute couture trend brand after half a century of history. Mastered, via respect and creating true mutual happiness. Protected, through disciplining oneself of when these powers and feelings should be employed. Finish is exemplary, and even the fake leather versions really feel quite fantastic. Shoulder luggage and backpacks of this high quality often command a excessive worth. The original Chloe Faye small shoulder bag, for instance, retails within the region of $1500. The rounded silhouette of the Pixie handbag is very pleasing, and the mixture of leather-based and suede boring leather adds a layer of Replica Chloe Handbags Pixie Small Round Double-Handle Shoulder Bag Grey. A number of colors to select from, this also teaches individuals to tickle not to determine on which one is healthier.
0 notes
ayyaaa101 · 2 years
Hi how are you, First Thing I would like to say I love you’re blogs Aesthetic it is so peaceful to me so good job on that!
So I’ve been feeling a little insecure about my moon sign (Aquarius, a lot of people say we’re unemotional) but the thing is my Moon is conjunct Neptune.
So what would be you’re opinion on Moon conjunct Neptune? Anything would be appreciated
I hope you’re doing well
Sincerely,Issiah :)
Hi hun, thanks for the beautiful compliments @issiah ! I'm glad my blog helps ❤❤I hope you are having a wonderful day and thanks for requesting! I hope you find my take helpful and resonating❤ (please give feedback by telling me or by liking this post so I know if it was accurate!!)
Moon Conjunct Neptune~ The deep feeler♣︎
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♠️Usually the natives of this placement tend to be extremely intuitive or deep feelers of the environments around them or you may have a mother figure that was very in tune with the "other side" or with spirituality/subconscious
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♠️ These natives are very in tune with their feelings and EXTREMELY sensitive especially to what people may have to say to them or what is thought about them. These natives usually need lots of emotional needs to be taken care of. You are also in tune with the other side/spiritual side similar to the mom figure and These things make you more in tune with your feelings and your inner world.
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♠️You may also be a night owl and an EXTREME introvert 🤣since your energy gets really used up easily and you need to charge so you probably charge up at night by relaxing. You are not afraid of your feelings but you could be afraid of publicly showing them at times or completely opposite depending on the way the aspect manifests and its placement but by knowing you are an Aquarius moon you probably don't like showing your emotional side to others but can't help it since your emotions tend to be strong!
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♠️ Another thing is that your mother could have supported you emotionally really well or maybe she manipulated you a lot emotionally and subconsciously and thus could have affected how you are now. You are also highly empathetic for people despite having moon in Aquarius which actually makes you widely empathetic of people as a group! You need to learn how to put a filter on your feelings so that you don't constantly feel pain since you tend to feel very strongly!
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♠️ You need to learn how to become emotionally independent while still being empathetic, but make sure its for the right people or else they will ware you off!! Also it may be good for you to work in places with lots of surprises not ti be working constantly on the same, expected thing! Find comfort in your feelings but don't let people easily ware you off and take advantage of this ❤
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♠️ (A little side rant of some knowledge I want to share with you is to not take everything that is said about a placement by heart, take it with a grain of salt and take what resonates, don't just characterize yourself with a traits you know doesn't fit you because you don't have to take it . Just because people say Aquarius moons are emotionally detached (which is not a bad thing depending on how you control it) it does not automatically mean you are detached as well! There are lots of things to take into consideration when It comes to astrology charts and their true nature❤ Do what satisfies you!!
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Thank you for reading hun and I hope it resonated and helps. I hope this answered your questions and maybe taught you something ❤ Take care and have a great day darling❤❤❤❤
Credits to the owners of the drawings and pictures!
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rintarhue · 3 years
instant boyfriend ✆ 011 / desperate
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"Brief me about updates with the Instant Boyfriend App,” Kenma nods at Kuroo. The two are seated in the former’s office, the scent of brewed coffee filling the air. Kenma scrolls through his iPad, searching for the nearest store to buy apple pies.
“Well, we did some new changes with it!” Kuroo claps his hands, excitedly. “We added a new feature named ‘Butterfly.’ It’s to test the robots and the owners' compatibility with a series of stages, just like a butterfly. When their relationship grows, more attributes will be added to the robots.”
The robotics engineer stares at him with expecting eyes. “...So, what do you think?”
“Good idea,” Kenma comments. He then quirks a brow, as he puts his iPad down. “Though, how can this feature boost our sales even more?” 
The past few months, all Kenma ever thought were the sales and the popularity the app was getting. Kuroo understood him from a CEO perspective, as they needed all the profits to continue operating the app and his best friend had different supporting businesses as well. When he first proposed the idea to Kenma, he thought he was nuts. Well, the whole concept of the app was bizarre, though he had reasons for it; one of them being able to raise the standards of AI technology businesses.
“Well, all we’ve been getting lately are very good results,” Kuroo places the monthly report on the table for Kenma to see, the latter picks it up and skims through the printed documents. “And the sales have been high, as the people who have availed the other additional accessories are satisfied. And with this feature, this can gain even more attention and praise from the public.”
He bites his cheek internally, scared for his best friend since childhood to utter a word. (To be completely honest, meetings like these always made Kuroo nervous, as Kenma is strict about everything that involves his businesses; and he wants everything to be completely organized with no huge problems in store.)
“Great job as always Tetsuro,” Kenma gives him a small smile. Kuroo finally breathes, after a minute of holding his breath. “Which reminds me, why did you even propose this idea again?”
“To set a high standard for AI technology?”
“No,” Kenma shakes his head. “The other one, the one you said about a girl?”
The two sit in silence, as Kuroo’s brows furrowed in confusion. He brings his hand up, to let his fingers comb through his hair, a habit he recently picked up. He wets his lips, thinking hard about what Kenma was talking about.
“Oh, yea! Fuck, I remember now!” He exclaims as he bangs the table. Kenma gives him a side-eyed glance, he smiles sheepishly in response. “I remember a girl being rejected in front of the whole coffee shop I worked at back then. And then, I saw her crying in the garbage dump area, talking about how she just wanted to feel loved.”
A few years ago, when Kuroo was still an empty pocketed university student, he worked at a coffee shop as a part-timer. Nothing special happened, until that one time when he saw a girl ask a boy out—practically shouting her confession out. He chuckled at her perseverance, as he saw her kneel on her knees, continuously begging for the boy to grant back the feelings she had for him. 
‘You’re embarrassing yourself, stop it. I’ll never like you back.’ Were the words uttered by the boy to the girl. Kuroo felt extremely bad for her; not only was she rejected, she was also humiliated publicly. Whispers filled the shop, as the girl ran out, tears falling from her eyes. During his break, he saw her by the garbage dump, crying about how she just wanted to be loved.
“People are desperate for love.” Kenma alludes, as he looks out of the window of his office; the bright hues of pink and orange painting the sky. “That they do everything just to feel loved by someone—or even something, in that sense.”
Kuroo stays silent, agreeing. He then ponders if that girl he saw back then discovered his app; he lets out a smile; maybe, just maybe. In a life that has different recurring problems throwing itself in the bunch, you could only stay in the box of uncertainties—in that box of maybes. 
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— this is Unedited 😵💔 so im sorry if it sucks 💔💔
— some more info ab the app <3 and that sexc stuff
— ALSO ITS KENMA AND KUROO!!!!!! i love them plz
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taglist in the reblogs <3 send an ask or message me to be added!
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slytherinnbitch · 3 years
Day 26: Accident
when harry woke up in a hospital bed for the millionth time, his first thought was hermione is going to kill me. and it was true because hermione had threatened to do exactly that if he landed himself in the hospital yet again. 
but when he finally opened his eyes, there’s no red or bushy brown hair in sight. just the pale blond one which belonged to the prat he hated the most. Draco Fucking Malfoy. and for some reason he looked relieved to see Harry. that couldn’t possibly be right. because draco hated harry with passion and he would have been happy if he died-
“Merlin, Harry, gave me a right scare. can’t you play one game without getting injured or is that too fucking much for you?” draco asked, and while the words and the tone of his voice were in perfect contradiction; one thing was clear. Malfoy was concerned about Harry. but that was something he would focus upon on some another moment when his mind wasn’t full of some half a billion questions. starting with what in merlin’s name was malfoy doing here?
“Malfoy, what the fuck are you doing here? he asked, annoyance clear in his voice. and because he couldn’t help himself he asked the other question which was burning a hole in his brain, “what game are you talking about?”
as far as harry was concerned, he had last played in hogwarts, although he did still participate in some of the impromptu Weasley weekly sunday matches but he doesn’t think Draco knew about that. harry’s words seemed to stop malfoy in his tracks. he frowned at harry, then he stared into his eyes for a long time before harry looked away. 
“uhm, okay. Ha-Potter, could you tell me what year this is?” malfoy asked, did he really think harry to be so dumbheaded that he would forget the year. 
“malfoy, do you really be asking me that? don’t you have better work to do? or did your small brain forget the date?” harry scoffed. malfoy was undetered, he asked harry the same question again, as if he hadn’t even heard harry’s words.
“ugh, you’re so annoying. its January 2001, unless i was unconsious for more than two weeks, then it would be february 2001.” harry replied, and the fuck was he alone? that too with malfoy to keep him company. he was about to ask just that when malfoy said-
“i’ll contact hermione and ron. just- sit here and try not to break anything or get out of bed.”
“and who would you be to comand me that?” harry challenged, like seriously what right did the poncy git have?
“as your appointed healer, if nothing else.” malfoy replied before leaving his private hospital room. 
"okay so it's 2011 and I have somehow forgotten ten years of my life. So what's up with me right now then? Senior Auror? Please don't tell me I went for Minister!" Harry tried to joke, it wouldn't do good to panic now afterall. "and however did I end up here? Malfoy mentioned something of a game?"
Ron and Hermione share a look. Harry always hated when they did that, especially after they got together.
"and why did you both allow Malfoy to be my healer? What were you both even thinking?" he added because he can't help but feel slightly betrayed by his friends. Malfoy entered at that exact moment, nosy git that he is, can't let people have some privacy.
"so does he know then? Doesn't look like it," Malfoy claimed, and Harry wanted to strangle him because he was aware that the he was him.
"harry was just asking about his job, and ... other prospects of life." Ron said, looking back and forth between Harry and Malfoy.
"well, I would be going really blunt now because reg would be wanting answers soon." Malfoy motioned his hands around as if whatever he said made sense and who was this reg person even?
even if Malfoy had appeared confident just a moment ago, he took a deep breath before he started, looking determinant, "you're a professional quidditch player. You resigned from the aurors about nine years ago and have been persued by various teams, and have changed teams twice. You now are the main seeker for Puddlemere United. You got hit pretty hard by a bulger before losing consciousness. And then here we are two days later. Does that answer your questions?" Malfoy asked calmy, it's a lot to take in. Well, Harry never fancied being a Auror all that much after defeating that noseless bastard so it's a good decision on his part. He wondered how he came to the decision.
But more importantly, he still had plenty questions let, "who are you? I know your name, malfoy. I am curious to your status in my life." Harry asked and by the look on Hermione and Ron's face and pain reflecting on Malfoy's, he wondered what was so wrong about it.
"Harry, I must have forgotten to tell you. I'm the Minister now. And Ron became head auror just six months back! don't you think that's incredible?" Hermione asked but Harry knew when a topic was being changed pretty well.
"it's no use stopping the inevitable, Mione. He would know eventually and I rather face it myself firsthand. Would be the best route for my heart, you know?" Malfoy said sadly. As if he had something to be sad about, Harry scoffed mentally at that. And what ths fuck? Mione? Not only was Malfoy on first name basis but he also called his best friend by their nicknames? What had the world turned to?
"We are married, Potter. And no, I haven't used any illegal or inauthentic means to achieve it. We have been together for the almost nine years now. And married for the past six." Malfoy said in one breath and what the actual motherfucking fuck?
"Yeah, right. So what's the real shit?" Harry snorted because malfoy might have a humor but this was so fucking far from the truth that it was downright ridiculous.
"Draco is telling the truth, Harry. You both are married." Ron said, and are these people alright? Harry was getting worried.
"what did he do to the two of you as well? What kind of potion did you use? Or is it a spell? Tell me, Malfoy. How have you been doing it for what did you say? Nine years, yeah?" Harry sneered. Malfoy's face shattered, as it should. He had been caught afterall.
"Draco..." Hermione started but Malfoy quickly put up his hand.
"I can't, not right now. It's fine, Mione. Don't worry about me." Malfoy said with a broken voice. Harry had never seen Malfoy showing this kind of emotion publicly before, but Harry didn't care.
"oh, and if we are actually married. I would like a divorce, immediately if possible. You can take whatever you want from my vaults if you want, if money is what you have been after. Reckon you wouldn't need much, what with your family fortune but I guess some people are never satisfied." Harry taunted because that's what he knew best, even if Malfoy looked like he was on the verge of crying.
"are you sure you want that? You won't regret it when you get your memories back?" Malfoy asked slowly.
"oh, absolutely. I think my actual self would be actually thankful. And please do this as soon as possible." Harry requested, although his tone showed anything but.
"very well, Potter. If that's what you wish for, then that's what you get. Don't say I didn't warn you," Malfoy said one last time. Harry just snorted at that.
Ron looked torn between shocked and upset and Hermione was actually crying. She started protesting but Draco just shook his head and smiled at her.
"I always knew this dream would break, mione. I'll be fine. I have reg." Draco sighed before he came to stnd directly infront of Harry.
"break the bonds then, the certificate would already be produced after we do that. I'll contact the advocate right after." Draco put forward his hand and Harry hesitated for a bit before putting their hands together. The touch was familiar, the skin soft and tender. Harry didn't even dwell on that for more than a second.
Malfoy spoke a foreign language, although Harry did catch a few Latin words in there as well. He didn't really care, but when Malfoy finally extracted his hand. Harry gasped loudly, his heart felt lighter and there was a whole comfortable weight on his shoulders that was gone. He didn't like that feeling even one bit.
Malfoy silently wiped the tears in his eyes, as if that was insignificant. He stared at Harry for a long time, to the point that Harry started feeling uncomfortable.
"well, goodbye Potter." Draco said atlast and Harry just lifted an eyebrow and sneered at him. He gave a sad smile to Harry's bestfriends as well. Then, malfoy actually hugged both of them, together.
When they pulled apart, he said, "don't worry, you both. He is not my Harry anyway. I'll be fine." Malfoy didn't look fine and even Harry could tell that.
"what about reg?" Hermione asked. Seriously, who was this reg?
"I'll be taking him with me. Or since ha-potter is the one who is leaving. Reg would be staying with me."
Draco then smiled, Harry didn't like that look one bit, he looked at Harry through his red eyes and said, "i must have forgotten to mention but I'll make sure Regulus stays with me. What with you being unable to even remember him. I'm sure I would have no problem at all. And don't even try otherwise. Consequences would be deadly." Harry shivered at the words but still, didn't understand who Regulus was. The only Regulus he knew was Sirius's brother and he was long dead.
"Potter, Regulus is, Regulus Malfoy-Potter is our son. Or I should say my son." malfoy closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "and don't even try contacting him by anymeans before- no even after you have gained your memory back. Because trust me it will, and it won't be pretty. I don't want my child to go through anything that would cause him trauma, and trust me when your own dad can't remember you, that's going to fuck up anyone's mind real bad, especially for a one and half year old." Malfoy spat out.
Harry could still hear some words ringing in his mind. Child? He had a child? He was a dad? He had to-
"Your rings, Potter." Malfoy out forward his hand, Harry frowned at it.
Malfoy finally gestured at his left hand and he say it, a solid but thin band of gold with small diamonds encrusted. It looked perfect. Just what Harry would have wanted for himself. Did he choose the ring himself then? Not detered, he slid the ring out of his finger. It was with some struggle but it came out atlast. But malfoy was still standing with his hand open.
"what now?" Harry asked, irritatedly.
"the family ring." Malfoy coldly stated. Oh, he then noticed the Malfoy family ring on his tiny finger of his right hand. He practically threw that into Malfoy's hands. Who wanted to be even near that thing?
Malfoy's hand pulled into a tight fist and Harry noticed that he still had a wedding band. So of course, Harry asked, "what about the ones you are wearing?"
"what about them?" Malfoy inquired and Hermione asked at the same time Hermione cried out, "harry, can you please not?"
Harry ignored her and lifted his eyebrows at malfoy again, "well if you take away the ones I had. It's only fair, I get those back."
Malfoy's eyes flashed angrily before the icy facade was back on, "i didn't want dissolve the marriage. I have no obligation to return the rings. And even if I did, I won't. My Harry gave them to me afterall." Malfoy said coldly, but his voice broke at the end.
"and the child-"
"nothing of it. Regulus is my son and he'll be known as such from now on. I would like to see you try otherwise." Malfoy basically growled. Then he gave one mock salute to Harry and turned his back to them and strode out of the room.
The three of them sat in silence for thirty more seconds before Hermione got up, mumbled something about Draco and left the room hurriedly. Ron took off soon after.
He patted Harry on his shoulder and said, "mate that wasn't good. You're going to regret it." Ron had said it with such conviction that it had Harry frowning for several minutes.
In the empty hospital room, with no one but himself to provide company, he felt a strange sensation of dread creep up. He looked down on his ring finger and the slightly lighter skin tone seemed to taunt him.
Harry felt extremely lost, again.
Day 25: Battle || Day 27: Babysitting
Part 2
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formulatrash · 3 years
hi! It’s totally fair if you don’t want to answer this question for whatever reason but, do you think there are any drivers in F1 that are part of the LGBTQ+ community? I don’t want to speculate on anyone’s sexuality, but it is a bit disheartening at times to see no representation whatsoever in the sport that I love so dearly... at the same time, it’s nobody’s duty to become a symbol for the community just because they’re a part of it, so I’d understand if they wanted to keep that low key, especially considering the amount of fans that would hate them for that only. It just makes me sad sometimes, not gonna lie.
I'm not gonna speculate publicly in any specific way, obviously. But statistically, it is impossible that there have never been LGBTQ+ F1 drivers - and actually there were two out ones, in Mike Beuttler (who sadly died of AIDS) and Lella Lombardi.
In other series, there are openly out drivers - in fact W Series seem to be basically incapable of stopping the drivers getting together, which is awesome and they should do it. And also kinda gives a lie to the idea rivals wouldn't.
There is a split between women's and men's sports in that basically sporting ladies seem to be like "wow, fit women time to openly drool over each other" and men being more pressured to keep it strictly no homo. It's nice that F1 drivers lately have been definitely more comfortable with being affectionate to each other and with deviating from very restrictive ideas of masculinity, although obviously that does not in any way imply their sexualities or gender status.
I think there are many reasons to be optimistic that an F1 driver could come out. Motorsport's landscape has changed - and the world, too - but of course, as you say, being the first is a sucky job and not, heh, one of the good kind.
Would they face some challenges? For sure. Some locations would be difficult - the UK, for instance, if a driver came out as trans. God, just imagining the thinkpieces from TERFs has made me nearly pass out.
I am sure there are LGBTQ+ people in the paddock beyond, whether that's in the media cohort (I mean, lmao, I am typing this why do I always exclude myself lol) or in the garages. And of course, the fans. As much as F1 talks about (even pre-pandemic) existing in its own bubble, of course it does not and while demographics are often skewed towards wealth and white western europeans, that doesn't affect the distribution of LGBTQ+ people.
Will it be godawful for the person who takes the first step? Yeah. You can't get away from the fact casual homophobia is pretty rife in F1, I'm regularly appalled by the sort of shitty jokes members of the media - who you'd think might be a bit less stuck in the jurassic period - will default to. Lots of people in F1 think they're a bit hardcore, that that's part of the image of the sport and it comes with both a strict conservatism and edgelord tendencies.
I think, with the right support, though, they'd be ok. Drivers generally have much better support systems now than ever before and god knows, it's cus they need 'em. From social media to the immediacy of reaction, everything from onboards to team radio to their Insta likes is under scrutiny and of course, that's gonna feel pretty oppressive in some ways.
(I know I hate it, as someone who gets a low-level version of it on Twitter)
But would their team or sponsors or the sport at large lose faith? No. And there would be, in the torrent of horrible stuff that's inevitable with any of these things, such support and inspiration.
It's a bit of a burden, being a figurehead and it's very easy to see why, for example, Lewis shrugged it off for a lot of his career because fuck knows, everyone's got enough to be getting on with with just the basic challenges of the career let alone having to be a representative. And it's why, with aspects you're not able to hide, people struggle - whether that's race, gender or whatever.
Living in the closet isn't a very satisfying option, though; which is the most convincing argument for how there might not have been any LGBTQ+ drivers other than the ones we know about. But it's more likely they grinned and bore it, of course. History's littered with people who never got to truly live as themselves.
It's very good having someone like Matt Bishop in a prominent role in F1. Because he can speak beyond the theoretical; that a team can welcome a gay head of communications and the paddock will have to and can work with them. That he's in a relative position of power is great because it means people can't chat shit and that means for someone without that relative power, they're protected by extension.
Who knows when more LGBTQ+ people will come along to the sport - but I think there's reason to be hopeful that they can be there.
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