#its a really great play and i wish i was in school to study it academically
squerlly · 3 months
flames of desire chapter 5: bonding exercise
Alastor x (f! bunny reader) -Fluff- chapter 1
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your POV:
through out my time here in hell I have grown accustomed to the musty hot atmosphere of the underworld and the loud mornings of screaming, gun shots, and road rage, its hell after all and there technically isn't any rules. me and angel hang out a lot more, behind his sex jokes and playful demeaner hes a great friend. husk and I are cool I suppose, according to him I'm more tolerable. Nifftys a bit crazy and energetic but I enjoy helping her clean sometimes, but one person that's been on my mind a lot is Alastor. hes always watching me, I catch him staring at me with that weird smile, I wonder if his face hurts from smiling all the time...none of my business what he does I just wish he wasn't so eerie. I was in the lobby this morning when Charlie called us over for a "bonding exercise", seeing everybody gathered in there seats I sit on the couch next to angel, "good morning everybody thank you for comingggg, I would like to have you all here for a little bonding time yayy!!!..." the silence was defiantly loud... "uhm- well I though we could all do something fun like drawing!" standing behind her vaggie comes out with paper, markers, and crayons "oooo colors" niffty giggles "what's does this look like kinder garden?" "angel please try and at least participate" letting out an annoyed grumble he agrees "fineee..." "great! were all going in partners and you will draw each other, that sound fun right!!?" oh no... "charlies with me, husks with angel, and Alastors with y/n, nifftys can uhm..." "oh oh can I be the judge!!!" "sure..." "you gotta be fucken kidding me..." "aww cmon whiskers I'm not that baddd~" walking to there partners I turn to see Alastor sitting on the arm chair looking at me with a wide grin on his face, "fuck me..." I grumble walking over to sit on the floor beside him "well my dear looks like its just me and you" "yeah... me and you" grabbing two pieces of papers and some crayons "I cant even draw..." "oh don't worry I'm sure you will do just fine!" "why am I doing this again..." "cheer up dear this is supposed to be fun after all, I cant be that hard to draw" "yeah your right just need two colors" scribbling on the paper I start at the base of his face, doodling his creepy smile and red hair, looking up I see him studying me curiously "what's the matter, am I hard to draw?" I say smugly "not at all dear your quite easy to draw" ouch, thanks...
Alastors POV:
I never really focused any time on things such as art, yes I can cook and maybe play the piano but drawings not one of my few good skills although ill give it a shot. I would have never guessed I would be sitting here doing one of charlies silly little projects, attempting to draw y/n I look at here for a while, this is the closest I have ever really been next to her, my she really is small it makes me want to squeez her tiny little body, her head could fit in my hand easily. I have noticed a few things while observing her, her ears twitch when she's focused on things like now, her pink bunny nose twitches when she's scared, and her fluffy tail wags when she's exited or annoyed what a strange individual...
your POV:
"ok guys once your done with your drawings you will show them off to your partners!!", as a few minutes pass by I have finished my drawing and well I'm quite disappointed in myself, man I should have taken art class in high school "I finished if your ready to show them" hell no... "I- I'm done but I don't think I wanna... "oh I'm sure its not that bad" giving the drawing one last glance I turn the page I show him the drawing facing away to hide what little dignity I had left. hearing a quiet static buzz noise I look back up seeing him looking at the drawing with a questionable face "I know its badd!!!" "w-well I wouldn't say that dear its just..." "just say its bad!" "its interesting" "well what does yours look like?" turning his page my jaw drops to the floor, what is this creepy deer man not good at "its not my best work but-" "are you kidding me Al this is good!" standing up I grab the drawing, it was in crayon but it looked just like me. pausing I try to tone down my excitement seeing alastor wide eyed from my reaction "I'm glad you like it dear" "what cant you do" "well I did say I was a man of many talents but drawing isn't one of them" "do you uhh mind if I keep this..." "not at all dear~" "you don't have to keep mine you can just throw it-" "nonsense its mine isn't it?" "yes.." "then I will keep it". for once he seemed to have a genuine smile on his face, not some creepy ass smile, its kind of nice...
Alastors POV:
I don't know why but I wanted to keep her silly little drawing, its...cute?. it looks nothing like me but its quite amusing seeing her all embarrassed. I was surprised to see she liked my drawing, her eyes lit up with a small smile on her face, it feels good to know my work is appreciated even in the... strangest things it gives me a sense of pride, I might hang it in my radio tower...
your POV:
looking at everybody else I saw Charlie bouncing on her heels looking at a little doodle vaggie made how cute~, husk made a sloppy doodle of angel and angel just drew himself. niffty was running around looking at others drawings, eventually she got around to ours, climbing on my shoulder she looks at Alastors drawing "ooooOooo you look so cute in the picture!!" I smile a bit "thanks niff" grabbing her off my shoulder I set her down "well that's the end of the exercise, how was it!" "ehh it wasn't to bad" "it was alright" "whatever...im going back to the bar" Charlie puts on a little smile "well do one again next week, maybe we could make cookies together or do all about ME's oh oh!! what about-" "ok hon slow down" "sorry". this was nice, hell isn't that bad, at least not here. better than home...
hey guys!!! I was supposed to release this earlier but I'm a little sick right now from the cold weather but I refuse to let you guys down! I made this chapter a little longer than usual so I hope you guys loved this cute chapter as much as I did, love you guys have a good day/night
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@pooplyface1423 @strippezzz
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livyjh · 7 days
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Come Sail Away ch.1
Bff’s dad!Joel Miller x Plus size!Fem!Reader
Series rating: EXPLICIT 18+
Chapter 1 rating: PG
Word count: 1.5k
Summary: Your spring break has been saved by your roommate and best friend, Sarah Miller. She’s invited you to come on vacation with her and her dad, a man you’ve never met. But you didn’t think twice before accepting her invitation. When you finally meet her dad, Joel, you have an instant crush on him. You thought it was one sided… he proves you wrong.
Chapter warnings: mainly plot forming exposition, no smut, meeting new people, large ships, the ocean, talk about clothes and vague plus size body description.
Series Masterlist
Joel Miller Masterlist
“What are you doing over spring break?” Your roommate and best friend, Sarah, asks you.
“Probably nothing. I mean, we have beaches and stuff at home but they’re just… gross. Lots of rocks and trash and seaweed and stuff. I wish I could go on that cruise with you.” You sigh.
Sarah and her dad were going on a Caribbean cruise for the whole of spring break this year and you’re incredibly jealous. Home is… fine. Your parents are okay. You love them but you don’t really have a lot of fun hanging out with them unless you’re all doing an activity or playing a game or something.
Being an only child had its perks, there’s no doubt. But not having someone close to your age in your immediate family kind of sucked.
“Sorry, I need to make a quick phone call.” Sarah smiles and gets up, leaving the dorm room for a few minutes.
You’re not sure what she’s up to, and you’re even more unsure when she walks in the door with a big grin on her face.
“Call me a genie because I just granted your wish.” Sarah giggled and sat back down on her bed.
“What?” You sit up and raise your brows.
“You’re coming to the Caribbean with me… If you’ve got $500 to spare?” She scrunches up her nose.
“I have been saving for a car… but I’m doing okay without one for now…” you think for a minute.
“Fuck it. Let’s do it.” You clap and stand up and she does the same.
You both grab each other’s hands and do a quiet but excited little scream. “Yay!”
Sarah explained to you that she and her dad were already going to have separate staterooms on the ship, but now you can bunk with her for a great last minute deal the cruise line was offering.
You were so excited you almost couldn’t sleep. You had one more exam tomorrow and then you were free for a whole week. And going to the Caribbean on a fucking cruise!
Your exam was a piece of cake. All you had to do was pack tonight, go with Sarah to her dad’s place, then fly to Florida, and get on the ship.
Yeah. That should be simple enough, right?
You were excited but stressed at the same time. This last minute planning was a bit chaotic but you knew it would be worth it.
You packed all of your favorite outfits that were suited for tropical weather, your sexy two piece bikini, your more modest and practical one piece that fit you like a glove, and your best walking shoes and cutest sandals.
You remembered all of your toiletries and meds, your device chargers, your vibrator (for times when you may get the room to yourself for a while), a sweater just in case, and a few snacks for the plane.
The drive to Sarah’s dad’s place wasn’t bad. 3 hours from Houston to Austin was nothing compared to the trip your parents took to drive you to college in the first place.
You chose your school based on its business major program, which is what you wanted. You were a a year and a half into your 4 year masters degree and 24 years old. You already had your associates degree and decided to take a little break between that and getting your masters.
Sarah was younger, 21 now. She studied music theory and production. You guys got paired up this school year as roommates when your last roommate graduated.
You’ve been best friends ever since.
“Here’s my place!” She smiled as she pulled into the driveway of a beautiful two story house in a nice neighborhood.
Tomorrow morning you three would fly to Florida and head straight for the ship.
For now, you were a little nervous to meet Sarah’s dad. Was he gonna be awkward? Weird? Quiet? Mean? Overbearing?
Just as you two were getting out of Sarah’s car, the front door opened and a gorgeous man about 6 feet tall emerged from it.
He had medium length brown hair that had some curl. Probably more if he were to let it grow out longer. He donned a simple and semi-close trimmed beard, one that was starting to get gray patches around his jaw. His nose looked like it was sculpted from the finest of clays by a renowned artist. His arms were thick and toned, as were his thighs.
“Hey, girls!” He waved and walked down the driveway to Sarah to give her a big hug.
“I’ve missed you so much, dad.” Sarah was almost in tears. You knew she hadn’t been home since Christmas.
“Missed you too, baby girl.” He kissed the top of her head and took a good look at her, like a parent does, trying to make sure their child is in good health and well fed.
“Dad, this is my bestie I’ve been telling you about; Y/n.” Sarah walked around to your side of the car and her dad followed.
“Y/n, this is my dad, Joel.” She motioned to him.
He reached out his (quite large) hand and you shook it happily. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you!” You smiled and tried to keep from blushing.
“You too, Y/n.” He smiled and nodded before you both broke the handshake.
Joel took a breath and broke eye contact as he walked around you to get into the trunk and help with bags. “How was the drive?”
“Pretty chill.” Sarah said as she also went to the back of the car.
You followed, “yeah it went by quick.”
“Good.” Joel smiled at you both.
You brought the bags in and then sat down in the living room. It was nearing 9pm now.
“Ya girls hungry?” Joel asked.
“I could eat.” You shrug, trying to keep from smiling at his adorable accent.
“Me too.” Sarah nodded.
“How about I fix some turkey sandwiches?” Joel stood and walked into the kitchen.
“Thanks, dad!” Sarah spoke up.
“Thank you, Mr. Miller!” You called out.
After you all finished eating you took the luggage upstairs to Sarah’s room and got settled in.
Joel retired to his room after a quick goodnight to you two.
You and Sarah got into pajamas, both of you pulling your hair into cute little top knots.
“Thank you, Sarah.” You smile as you both get into her bed.
“For what?” She pulls the comforter up over you both.
“Well, everything. But the cruise mainly.” You reply.
“Of course. I’m not gonna let my best friend have a boring spring break if I have anything to say about it.” She laughed.
You giggled along. “I appreciate it.”
The next morning was a blur of airport traffic and security checkpoints. Things slowed down when you boarded the plane.
“I call the window seat!” Sarah walked back to your row and scooted in to the third seat, by the window.
You usually hated sitting in the middle because it made you a bit claustrophobic but this plane wasn’t as cramped on butt space as other ones you’d been on. So you got into the seat next to Sarah and Joel sat in the aisle seat next to you.
You figured Sarah would’ve wanted to sit next to her dad… but you also wanted to sit next to her. Now you had the best of both worlds.
Sarah on one side, and her sexy dad on the other.
Oh god, you cannot be attracted to your best friend’s dad. There’s a rule against that somewhere, right??
You couldn’t help but to keep touching elbows with both Sarah and Joel. You were thick, wasn’t anyone’s fault. With Sarah being so skinny she really only bumped elbows when she leaned in to talk to you. With Joel, he was broad shouldered and half asleep for the first part of the flight. You fell asleep too.
“This is your pilot speaking, welcome to Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. The skies are blue and temperature at a comfortable 73 degrees.”
This was what you heard as you started to wake up, realizing your head was rested on none other than Joel’s shoulder.
You sat up quick, “oh my gosh, sorry, Mr. Miller.” You blushed and laughed a little.
“It’s okay, sweetie.” He smiled and briefly patted the back of your hand that was on the armrest between you two.
“Th- thank you.” You stutter a little.
The lights in the cabin come on and the plane makes a slightly rough landing, waking Sarah up next to you.
“Are we here already?” She held her head up.
“Yep.” You look over at her. “It’s almost cruise time.” You giggle.
“Cruise time?” She mocks you.
“Shut up. I’m still sleepy.” You snort.
Getting off the plane and out of the airport was nothing short of a nightmare. It was extremely busy. It took a half hour to get an available shuttle to the pier.
You all finally got on board the ship after checking your big bags and going through security.
You could breathe now. Vacation had finally started.
Joel Miller tag list: @evyiione
@chyannealaniz @cesspitoflove @supersingle @jrosie25 @blackfemalenerd @bongsrconfusing @milly-louise @farintonorth @brittmb115 @ashleyfilm @steverogers123-blog
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polaroidbills · 1 year
something great.
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"i want you here with me. like how i pictured it. so i don't have to keep imagining."
genre! - angsty, fluff too, mega slice of life
paring! -non-idol!beomgyu x fem!reader
synopsis! - these days, love is always glorified in movies and books. but it's not always like that. sometimes it can be amazing and instant. other times, love can be damaging and complicated. but is it ever too much to ask for something great? - inspired by something great by one direction -
warnings! - not proof read, kiss (kinda), teeny tiny swearing (lmk if i missed anything)
word count! - 1 572
author's note! - first little imagine after my hiatus!! this is literally me rn (minus the dream part). he literally has a bird too and he doesn't play basketball but hockey. anyway hope you enjoyed!
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i've always been into romantic-comedies. whether it's books, movies, or shows. they're my favourite. they allow me to get away from reality and slip into my imaginary world. a world so great, filled with love and joy. it's like an over powered hide and seek spot.
but sometimes i get fooled. sometimes the love shown through these films and novels aren't real. love in reality is never how they are in the movies.
boys don't fly across the world to see you. boys don't put on a musical performance as a way to apologize. boys don't join the drama club just because you did.
i just wished he did.
choi beomgyu is his name. he's been my crush since kindergarten. i'm im grade 8 now. soon i'll be graduating into high school. he doesn't know. he's never known. and i don't plan on letting him know. how could i?
he charming, funny, caring, and so much more. the way he rakes his hands through his hair, the way his laugh is contagious to everyone around him, the way he can always lighten up the mood, the way he isn't only socially successful but academically successful, and the way just his presence is comforting.
my feelings for him never leave. even if i try my best to force them out, even if he's dating someone else, even if we go on summer break. they never leave.
it's now friday, 10 days before graduation. i sit myself next to him because my teacher changed the seating arrangement.
"hey y/n!" his cheerful voices rings through my ears.
"morning beomgyu!" i respond.
"did you do the math homework?"
"i did yeah. you?"
"uh nope," he scratches his head.
we often have these small conversations. just short and casual. just a hi and hello. usually it would end here. i guess not this time.
"haha do you need help with it?" i ask.
"actually yeah. i don't really get it," an embarrassed look plays on his face.
"you know, i could help. i don't really mind."
"really? you would do that?"
"of course, i have nothing else to do anyway."
"okay sure! how about after school? i have to carpool with soobin and yunjin though, if that's okay with you?"
soobin, beomgyu, yunjin, and more of my classmates live on the same street. so they often carpool together.
yunjin is one of my best friends. she's one of the only one's that know about my crush. but ut weirds her out because she has like a sibling relationship with beomgyu.
"sure let me just text my parents!"
and just like that i have plans. plans with him. i know it's just studying, but it's something? i mean, i can barely look him in the eye, let alone help him with math.
the school day goes by in a blur. i can't get my mind off of what's happening after school.
its 3:15, 15 minutes before school ends. i go to the bathroom to freshen up a little, bringing my emergency bag. in which holds a hair brush, mascara, blush, bronzer, highlighter, and a lip gloss.
i go back into class, as everyone starts packing their backpacks, getting ready to leave. i too get ready to leave.
3:27, 3 minutes until the bell. we're already lined up waiting.
"hey y/n!" soobin call my name. i walk over to them.
"you're coming with us?" soobin asks.
"yeah, is that okay?"
"for sure we have an extra seat anyway."
"okay cool," i smile.
the bell rings and we walk out into the parking lot.
"hey mom! um y/n is riding with us, is that okay?" soobin asks his mother.
"of course! come on in sweetie!"
beomgyu gets in first onto the far left seat.
"sorry y/n, you're in the middle," beomgyu says, as they already have assigned seats.
"thats fine," i climb into the middle and soobin gets in too, closing the door.
the drive is quiet, with only the low radio playing. but uts a short drive.
i've never been this close to beomgyu. it's quite awkward but also comfortable in a way.
the car halts and we climb out of the car, walking over to beomgyu's house.
"i'm home!" he unlocks the door. and his mom hurries to the door.
"hi y/n! come in, come in," his mom smiles.
as we walk in, i notice the lovely furniture and layout of the home.
"you have a very nice home mrs. choi!"
"thank you! but please call me diana."
"okay mom stop mingling, let's go upstairs," beomgyu interrupts. and we make our way up.
i notice all of the family and chcildhood photos on the walls and tables. cute.
"no funny business!"
beomgyu rolls his eyes and shuts his bedroom door.
"okay so where should we start?" i ask.
"well i couldn't really understand question 1?"
"okay we'll start there," we set down our books on the foors and start studying.
a couple hours later, dinner is called. we walk downstairs to a neatly setted table and the smell of delicious food.
i sit next to beomgyu and diana serves the food.
"thank you! this looks delicious."
"of course! cooked a special dinner for a special day!"
"mom!" beomgyu makes a weird look to his mom.
"oops- anyway, y/n what wer eyou guys studying up there?"
"oh beomgyu needed help on some math."
the dinner goes by really well. i feel like diana and i have a connection, as we were talking the whole time.
we go back upstairs to continue our work.
"hey don't you have a bird?" i ask him.
"yeah, his name is toto."
"can i see him?"
"sure but be careful, he isn't good around new people."
we go into the birds room and there's toto in his cage.
beomgyu slowly takes him out.
"here put your finger out, like this," he demonstrates the movement. and i follow. "toto up!"
toto moves onto my hand carefully.
"woah! toto's never good around new people! he must like you! toto kiss," he point to my cheek as toto places his beak on it.
it's a fun moment. laughter and smiles. this is why i like him.
he puts toto back into his cage and we go to his room.
"hey i'm tired of studying can't we stop now?" beomgyu says after a few more minutes of studying.
"yeah sure what do you wanna do?"
"hmm i don't know? we haven't really talked all lot, i wanna get to know you more."
"oh well what do you wanna know?"
"do you have any hobbies?"
"yeah, i love reading and watching movies and shows i guess?"
"oh cool what kind?"
"mainly rom-coms. what are your hobbies?"
"well i play basketball for one. i also really love music and playjng the guitar."
"oh cool i love music too! who's your favourite artist?"
"i love taylor swift and seventeen."
"me too!"
silence falls between us, but it's not awkward. i make eye contact with him – something i never do. the tension between us is strong and the space between us is small. i can slightly feel his breath on my skin. his eyes travel to my lips and back to my eyes, and the same thing goes for mine. his moves in closer, now the space is really small. i can definitely feel his breath on me. he moves in even closer.
"i really really like you, for soo long. i like you y/n."
"y/n! y/n! y/n! wake up! you're gonna be late for school!"
i awaken by the sound and nudging of my brother.
"you're gonna be late come on!"
of course it was just a dream. it always is. just my stupid imagination and mind. he would never like me. his way out of my league. why would he even like me? there's so many other girls too.
my mind is occupied with these negative thoughts, untily brother yells once again.
i shake my head to brush the thoughts away and quickly get ready for school, walking straight out the door.
the whole walk to school my head is filled with these thoughts and reminders.
love isn't real. it never was. i was just to delusional and blind to know it. true love is just in the movies and books. those scenarios never exist in real life, only in fictional films and novels, of course. no matter how much i imagine and hope and dream, nothing will change. it's just something i ask and beg for.
but is it ever too much to want someone with me, like in the books and movies, like how i picture a true love is?
when will i be able to stop imagining?
why do i still have to keep imagining?
is it too much to ask for something great?
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@1-800-143 please DO NOT copy, plagiarize, or repost any of my work.
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cvntrlseecvntrlvee · 5 months
► seventeen's s.coups ◄
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[♡]=personal favs, [♕]=smut, [☼]=fluff, [☁]=angst
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tipsy from after-work drinks, seungcheol returns home on friday night to find you asleep. he tries not to look, but his wandering eyes keep drifting over to your slumbering figure, and he knows rest won’t come easy when you seem to be tempting him even in your sleep. seungcheol could resolve his little predicament all by himself, but shouldn’t you be the one to take responsibility for making him feel this way?
↳ november flush by sluttywoozi — ♕ | 2.7k
November isn’t an easy month for anyone, and it only gets harder when you add another layer of difficulty in the form of a certain challenge.
↳ obvious by leejungchans — ☼ | 900
↳ other people's weddings by neonun-au — ☼ | 15.6k
↳ picture of innocence by cheolism — ♕ | 2.6k
you were the picture of innocence to seungcheol, and when you walked around in that robe he just can’t help but to try and ruin that picture.
↳ push it down (sooner or later it all comes out) by dontflailmenow — ♡♡♡, ♕ | 50.3k
thirsting over your ex’s best friend in general is a bad idea. given that you and seungcheol have never gotten along, it’s even worse. when you accidentally stumble across his stream, though, and he finds out? all bets are off.
↳ reliable by cheolism — ♕ | 3.6k
Is it weird that no man has ever given you some good head and your best friend is a bit annoyed by that? Probably not. Is it weird that he offers to eat you out after a particularly bad date? Oh yeah, for sure. You’re still gonna let him though. 
↳ sapiosexual by smileysuh — ♡♡♡, ♕ | 18.6k
“You’re a beautiful, bright, young woman, and you’re agreeing to be a companion to some middle aged psych nut who hardly has enough time for you-” you both laugh a little at the way he refers to himself, “compensation is a must.”
↳ split your heart by chocosvt — ☼, ☁, ♕ | 4.8k
seungcheol knows you’re no longer together, that he should’t be thinking about you as often as he does, and yet, you keep appearing. his heart doesn’t know how many times it can afford to split.  
↳ take trouble, make it double (jeonghan, seungcheol) by sluttywoozi — ♕ | 4.7k
It’s not every day you get to fuck your campus crush and your no longer ex-boyfriend, and you’re going to make the most of it. 
↳ takes two to tango by gyuwoncheol — ☼, ☁ | 1.7k
cheollie to the rescue on a bad day
↳ the great war by amourcheol— ♡♡♡, ♕, ☼ | 41k
there was only one thing you hated more than your restricted life, and that was choi seungcheol—the greatest venetian general who has ever lived.
↳ to boil a frog by seungkwansphd — ♡, ♕ | 15.6k
you & cheol go back, like way back. growing up together, you never felt anything more for him than a proximity based fondness, but things are a little different since you moved back to town.
↳ towards the sun by cheolism — ☁ | 2k
sometimes you wonder if seungcheol will one day regret being tied to you.
↳ what besties do by wonusite — ♕ | ?k
you always tease your best friend, but maybe this time you’ve pushed him too far.
↳ when you love someone by shuahoonie — ☼, ☁ | 4.3k
some seek love and have the pleasure of keeping it, some never find it, and some aren’t meant to find it. you and cheol are determined to discover whether love still exists beyond your old love letters.
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↳ bf!seungcheol thoughts by icy minghao
↳ shy!cheol by wqnwoos
↳ seventeen & touch-starved s/o (hhu ver.) by wqnwoos
↳ soft aftercare!coups by kpopnstarwars
↳ random thoughts about being in a relationship by bluejeanstrash
↳ soft dom!coups by mountainficss
33 notes · View notes
bugeater101 · 2 years
Truth or Dare?, pt. 3
Synopsis: Minho and you played a game of Truth or Dare, and when you don't comply with the rules and refuse to obey your orders as a loser, you must face the consequences.
Content: swithc!reader x switch!minho, fem!reader, perv!minho, best friends to lovers, school au, pussy slapping, spanking, face slapping, restraint, oral (f. receiving and m. receiving), brief use of colour system, slight voyeurism, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex (USE A CONDOM!!!), overstimulation, fluff ending (basically aftercare to make up for the fact that Minho's a jackass).
Word Count: 6.5K
Author's Note: Part 3! I hope you guys have liked this mini-series. I'm feeling not great about my writing right now and am just generally unconfident in what I've created recently. So, I hope I continue to improve as I create more content for you guys! Again, if you have any suggestions/asks/hard or soft thoughts, send them my way! I love hearing from y'all and it makes my day that you decide to share your perverted fantasies with me lmao. Anyways, enjoy! As always, though both characters in this fic are students, they are 18+. Therefore, do not interact with my work if you are a minor. Other than that, thanks for reading!
Taglist: @scribblemetae, @mygsis, @9900z, @taekbokki
part 1, part 2, part 3
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Anxiety raked your body as the minutes ticked by. The silence of your home reminded you of Minho's expected arrival and what was to come, despite your lack of knowledge about Minho's objectives. After disobeying him, Minho's reaction was exactly what you had expected: enraged, frustrated—showing all the tell-tale signs of feeling unrespected. So, you knew that, regardless of your efforts to text him to talk it over (or even beg for forgiveness), his need to reassert his position as the Truth or Dare victor was greater than your desire for mercy.
Your body remained stiffed from the day's earlier encounter, hair unkempt from fiddling with it and your uniform still in its dishevelled state. One thing had changed, however: you removed your underwear.
Okay, you admit it. A thong is like panties and you'd hoped that maybe Minho would be kind enough or pussy-crazed enough to let it slide. But, you should've known better. He wasn't the sweet nor merciful type, so he certainly wouldn't take disloyalty too kindly.
The clock at the corner of your room clicked with every passing second, the room's air tense as you sat still on your bed. What was Minho going to do to you? It wasn't this question or your lack of knowledge of what was to come that made you uneasy. You knew that, though he was cruel, Minho wasn't overly harsh. No, what really frightened you was your helplessness.
You had succumbed to every craving you had for him in mere days. What had started as passing thoughts of him in not-so platonic ways turned into you acting out your innermost desires those damn toys that started this whole charade. Now, this devil managed to sneak out of your fantasies and was living out his own dreams in your reality. It seems that every push you made to get away from such thoughts now brought you closer to them than ever. Minho was on your mind, and you couldn't wish it or force it away.
6:56 PM. Minho would be here any second; he was always punctual. In fact, you were still amazed by his coordination today. Even if he pulled the fire alarm just to see you, he must've studied which way your class specifically would have exited, where you would've been according to your position in the class itself, etc. You had to hand it to him, Minho knew how to get what he wanted. Planning, time, and effort went into getting you alone. So, you disobeying his orders wasn't just a defiant act against him, but to everything he had done, everything he had put effort into. He was a man who enjoyed precision and order, and your defilement of that meant you must pay for it in a similar nature: in your own degradation.
A loud knock at the door made you jump, and you sit still as realization washes over you. 7:00PM. It was time for your punishment.
"Come in!" You yelled from your room, your voice somehow steady. With the switch of the lock, the door is forced open. Another second passed, and it seemed like Minho materialized in your room, locking the front door, taking off his shoes, running towards your room, and locking your own door behind him in mere milliseconds. Your brain was on the fritz, unable to keep up with what was to happen and what was happening.
Minho felt the denseness of the air as soon as he entered your normally relaxed sanctuary, his uncomfortability reflected in the stiff way he dropped his bag and began removing his school tie.
"Please relax, y/n," he mumbled, your eyes wide as you stared at him. "This won't be fun if you don't like it." After removing the tie fully, Minho held the satin fabric in his hand, his eyes studying you. He turned, heading towards the light switch to turn off the overhead light and turn your fairy lights, illuminating your room in a soft incandescent hue.
"But if you choose to like it," he continued, his voice low and intriguing, despite your efforts to keep your emotions at bay. Minho turned around and looked back at you. "If you choose to enjoy it, you might just end up loving it." A smirk rose on his face as he came closer to you, each step making your thighs tighten together and your stomach knot a little more. He stopped a foot away from you, staring down at your figure, studying how your top—even when resting—can barely contain your bust. Fuck, you were pretty. It made Minho want to skip all over the pleasantries, all of the things he had planned for you, and get straight to what he's always wanted to do with you: kiss you. Kissing you slowly, holding you close with no barriers separating you, and not fucking you, but making love to you. God, he wanted to treasure you, let you know just how this wasn't just a quick fuck, a thing of teenage hormones or clouded judgement, but that he really wanted to do all of that with you.
Yet, on the other hand, he was mad.
Not just mad, but pissed. Downright enraged at your behaviour. So, before he could skip to the good part, he had to make you work for it. You had to know your place, and realize just how much you wanted him, too.
"Get on all fours," Minho demanded. According to his expression, there was no space to mess around or tease him. He was calling the shots, taming you, and if you were to try and change that dialogue, then who knows what measures he would go to. Your body immediately went into action, rushing to the centre of the bed and placing your hands and knees parallel to each other, facing away from Minho. Your immediate obedience was appreciated and expected: you didn't intend to piss off Minho more than you already have. Yet, he wouldn't be too easy to please.
"Ooh, so now you want to act all good?" He scolded. You felt the bed shift behind you, and you knew that Minho was now positioned behind you on his knees. Suddenly, you felt a deep pressure between your shoulder blades, forcing you onto your elbows and making you arch your back so your ass was pointed in the air. "Lean forward, baby," Minho growled. "I want to see what you've been hiding." Your new position made your skirt ride higher up your thighs, slightly revealing your ass and a bit of your pussy. You whimpered as the cold air met your already soaking heat, making Minho chuckle.
"Aw, look at you," he cooed. The humiliation made you press your hot face into the bed. Yet, despite your embarrassment, your headshot up once you felt Minho's cold fingers push your skirt higher and higher.
"Shh, baby," he whispered, massaging your plump flesh as you let out a small whimper. "You deserve this. Now, you're gonna take your punishment like a good girl, right?" Before you could respond, your voice caught in your throat as his cold fingers met your cunt. The wetness that had troubled you the entire day was now being spread across your lips, allowing Minho to easily tease your clit and stick the tips of his fingers into you. A smile spread across his face with every little moan you let out, teasing and playing with your pussy but offering you no satisfaction.
"I'm glad I'm finally getting my reward," he groaned out. "And I'm glad you're finally being punished." Out of the blue, pain shot through your entire body as Minho retracted his hand and left a quick swat to your cunt. Then, with a swift movement, he reached forward and grabbed your clasped hands that rested on the bed and ripped them apart. Your face and upper chest crashed into the bed as Minho pulled your hands back and tied them behind you with his tie. Despite the softness of your fabric, the tense knot told you that there would be lasting marks.
"Minho," you mewled out, your back curving deliciously as Minho stared at your feeble form. His hands resumed to grip your ass and love handles, imaging what it would look like fucking your cunt like this from behind, all tied up and ready for him to be used.
"Be quiet," Minho stated, making you sniffle. "If you wanna be good, you gotta learn your lesson, hm?"
"Minho, I— ah!" A sharp smack cut you off before you could even argue against him. Your moans filled Minho's ears as he slapped your ass, loving how it jiggled with every harsh hit and how the redness spread across your backside. However, he knew he loved two things more: how there would be a mark in the shape of his hand left on your flesh, and how wet you were getting from this.
"You slut," he spat, giving you a break by rubbing two fingers throw your folds while his other hands gripped your constrained hands. He leaned forward so that his lips were at your ears, and the closeness of his body to yours allowed you to feel his length against your cunt through his pants. And, with his chest pressed into your back, you could tell that somewhere along the way he had unbuttoned his shirt and allowed it to hang off of his body, untucked.
"How dare you enjoy this," he groaned in your ear. Tears prickled your eyes as you fought hard to respond to his scolding.
"I'm sorry, Minho," you hiccuped. Minho scoffed.
"You wanna feel better? You've been enjoying this entire punishment and you're even pushing your cunt into my cock right now." Though this shocked you, you realized it was true. You had subconsciously moved your body closer to his, pressing yourself further into him and rutting a bit to feel his hard-on against your pussy. Somewhere in the mess of things, he had also unzipped his pants, revealing the front of his boxers and allowing your dripping lips to soak them. You gasped slightly at the discovery, tears now staining your cheeks as you began to profusely apologize,
"Minnie, I'm sorry," you whined. "I just wan' have fun with Minnie, but now I've been bad... I'm sorry." Small sobs left your lips as Minho continued to play with your clit. His heart only ached slightly for your state, because whose wouldn't? You were normally so strong-willed, so powerful, so determined, and now... now you were his plaything, huh? Minho laughed then, realizing how you finally got what you had coming, that this was what it was all building up to. He had tamed you.
"Thank you for apologizing, y/n," he said slowly, love tracing his voice as he finally pulled his hand away and started slowly massaging you instead. He pressed kisses along your back and ear before nibbling it slightly, allowing you to calm down before he continued.
"Colour?" He asked after a minute.
"Green," you responded quietly.
He nodded in response and continued to kiss you. Kisses eventually moved down your back and were now pressed into the back of your thighs and ass, trying to replace the lingering pain with love.
"Lemme make you feel better," he whispered as you buried your face into the bed. "Let me praise you after taking your punishment so well."
"Please, Minho," you begged as his kisses teased closer and closer to your pussy, though never even grazing it. You were initially expecting him to immediately pull away in response to your begs, continuing on and not granting you any relief. However, maybe your pleas had gotten to Minho, and it was making him a bit of a softy.
As if reading your mind, Minho's lips finally met your clit. You immediately moaned out, responding to the sweet relief his kisses offered.
"Fuck," you mewled as his nose buried into your hole while his tongue vigorously sucked on your clit. His hands occupied themselves by gripping your ass and wrapping around your thigh. His tongue moved sloppily, drool and your juices leaking down his chin as he moaned into your pussy, a puddle of your precum soaking the sheets below you.
"Mmh." Though his voice was muffled as was yours, his trapped as he continued to lap you up while yours was drowned out by the bed below you, you both knew that the other kept begging for more.
In order to give your more pleasure and satisfy his own, Minho suddenly flipped your entire body over like it was nothing, as if his carnal desires allowed him to move whatever he wanted with ease. You gasped as your body was flung across the bedspread and now rested flat, knees spread by Minho's hands and your arms tied behind you, with Minho between your legs. He stared at your expression for a second, face reddened partly with tears and partly due to shame, but overall overwhelmed by crushing neediness.
"You're..." he panted as he looked at you writhe below him, attempting to push your knees together to ease the pain between them. His chin glistened with your cum and his spit, his tongue slightly licking his lips to taste what remained of you. "You're so pretty," he gasped out. Before you could respond, Minho flung himself forward and began kissing you passionately, his tongue finding yours and his lips softly touching yours. He pulled away and began kissing your neck and jaw, making you moan out.
"Minnie!" You cried.
"Can you taste yourself, y/n?" He hummed in between kisses to your collarbone, "Can you taste yourself on your lips? You taste so fucking good, so perfect for me." Minho sat back on his heels then despite your efforts to bring him back to you, which were quite useless due to your impeded state. Minho's hands found your shirt and ripped your blouse open, scattering the pearlescent buttons across your bed and floor.
"Minho!" You shouted, shocked by his aggression. Minho, however, was entranced by your tits, mouth drooling not only because of how he missed your taste but because of how plump your chest looked.
"S... sorry for the mess, y/n," he mumbled. His eyes met yours and he chucked. "So... no bra either?" You felt dumbstruck for a second by his coy attitude, his humour being a surprising but not unwelcomed reaction. You smiled.
"I thought that since you said 'no underwear', I should apply that to all undergarments," you responded happily. Minho smiled at you before shaking his head.
"God, y/n, what you do to me." Before you could respond, Minho's mouth met your nipples and sucked them, pushing your tits together in an attempt to lick them at the same time. You whimpered as he massaged your tits, loving the way he kissed the middle of your chest while each hand pinched and pulled your nipples. Here and there, he would flick them or push your tits together in a feeble attempt to try and suck them at the same time again. You twisted under him, wrapping your legs around his waist and feeling every little rutt he made into the bed below you.
"Minho, please," you begged although you didn't know what you were pleading for. He continued his actions, thrusts going deeper into the bed below him as he tried to catch his high. Your writhed below him, trying to tear your hands apart and finally touch him, but were trapped due to the tie around your wrists. You begged and pleaded, whimpers filling Minho's ears.
However, though Minho loved your whines, he was getting sick of you. Not you entirely— he loved your body and your reactions to his touch and how you let out little hiccups here and there—but he was finding the whole begging thing getting old.
"God," he groaned, pulling away from you. "Y/n, you talk too much," he cooed at your innocent, needy gaze. That look made him want to scoff, laugh at you, because how could you look at him like that after all you've put him through?
Sitting up on his knees, he pulled you up with him and then shoved you back down onto the mattress so you sat on your knees. You stared up at him, his bulge prominent in his opened trousers and the curve of his abs making your mouth water. The tightness on your wrists became more noticeable as you wished to reach out and grasp his cock, to see if he was really seven inches like he told you. Luckily, Minho did it himself. With one hand petting your head, his other slipped into his boxers. He threw his head back and hissed at the direct touch on his dick, teasing himself right in front of you and enjoying every second of your desperate whines.
"Aw, look at you," he chuckled breathlessly. "You want cock, y/n?" You nodded, thinking it was an adequate response. However, Minho tugged your head aggressively and pulled you up to face him.
"Hmph! Fuck— Yes, Minnie, I wan' cock," you sobbed. A kiss on your forehead indicated that Minho liked that response. Dropping you back onto the bed, Minho moaned as he tugged harder on his dick, growing larger in the confines of his clothing.
"Show me, then." Minho pulled his cock out, the red tip snapping against his abdomen and making him moan.
Fuck. He was right about the size.
"I know baby," he laughed, "I don't like to lie." His hand stroked his dick right in front of your face, dragging from his base to his head, slightly thumbing his slit when it reached the tip and making him gasp. Fuck, he was big. How could he have not told you until you pressured him to? You've wanted to fuck him forever, and little did you know he had the most perfect cock; thick, huge, and with the slightest curve that you knew could fuck you good.
"Minho," you whispered. "You're mean." He laughed at you, hips slightly stuttering as he continued to stroke himself. Precum leaked from his tip as you stuck your tongue out, desperate to catch some.
"Baby, are you hungry from some cock?" he asked cutely, bending his head down slightly and pulling up your head to meet his.
"Mmhm," you hummed, nodding aggressively. "Wanna taste Minnie and show him how good I can suck." Though you tried to maintain eye contact with Minho, your gaze kept fluttering down to his angry head, aching to suck on his tip and make him cum down your throat.
Minho noticed your desperation and cooed at how your eyes begged for your throat to be filled. Standing straight, he brought his hand to your chin and made him look up at you.
"You think you deserve a reward for being so good?" Nodding again with a series of mhm's, Minho sighed and decided to take pity on you. "Get on the floor baby." You began to climb to the floor but stopped once you reached the edge of the bed. Turning to him shyly, you looked up at Minho and gestured with your head to your restrained hands.
"Can Minnie be nice and untie me?" you mumbled weakly. Minho raised an eyebrow, confused as to why you would want to be released. You understood his confusion and continued. "I wan' give Minnie pleasure with my hands and mouth... wanna make his cock feel as good as it can." Minho almost attacked you with kisses upon hearing how desperate you were to please him, falling for you all over again. Instead, he opted to untie your hands, telling you "of course, y/n" with a sweet voice. As soon as you were freed, you moved onto the floor and pulled Minho to the edge of the bed, him laughing at how excited you were to be filled with some cock. You stroked his thighs that were slung over the side of the bed, running your hands up his abs and touching everything you couldn't the first time. You sat up on your knees and kissed his lips, tasting the lingering juices on him and savouring how charming his kisses were. Your lips then worked their way down his jaw and neck and pressed sloppy kisses down his entire torso until you reached his cock. You were about to place your mouth on him, drool leaking from your mouth and landing on his head, making him groan.
"Wait, y/n," he panted. His words worried you, making you pull away and sit back.
"Minho, what's wrong?" You asked urgently. Minho immediately calmed you, placing his hands on the bed and leaning back.
"Don't worry, y/n, I'm fine," he reassured. "But, I need you to do something for Minnie, okay?"
"Anything," you immediately responded, making his heart warm. Minho looked down at you then down at the bed.
"Get the box," he demanded. You stilled, eyes wide. God, he could eat you up right now. "Let's finish what we started yesterday, hm?"
Instantly, you dove under the bed beside him, making him chuckle at your eagerness and the sight of your ass arched next to him. He was tempted to spank you again, fuck you while you were unaware and helpless under the bed, but the redness of your ass and his need to get his cock sucked made him think again. You reemerged in the blink of an eye, presenting the box to Minho.
"Baby wants me to choose?" he asked.
"Yes, Minnie," you gushed.
Minho stared you down again. "You weren't going to be given an option in the first place." He threw off the box lid and immediately found the bunny vibrator from yesterday, turning it on and testing to see if had enough battery to last the rest of the night. He grabbed the box and shoved it back under the bed, keeping only the pink vibrator in his hands. Tossing the toy to you, he leaned back on his hands and glanced down at his cock.
"Well?" He asked. "It's not gonna suck itself, y/n. Show me how well you use that mouth of yours and how you use that toy on your tasty little pussy, okay?" Even before giving a "yes" or even a nod, your hand was back on Minho's thigh and moving to grasp his cock for the first time. As soon as your hand held his base, you kissed the tip, causing Minho to throw his head back and moan loudly. You licked his shaft from base to head, wetting his cock before kitten-licking the head and sucking it eagerly. Minho had a white-knuckle grip on the sheets, trying to contain himself so he didn't preemptively cum in your mouth.
"U-use your toy, baby. Do as you're t-told," he stammered out through gritted teeth. You happily obliged, letting your hand stroke his cock while you licked the head of the vibrator just like you did yesterday, making Minho groan at the sight. Then, after wetting your toy, you finally placed the buzzing vibrator on your clit, riding your skirt up a bit to give Minho a view while you sucked his dick.
"Fuck, baby," he panted out as you returned to his cock. With every hum and moan you released with his dick in your mouth, he did the same, mewling as you eagerly licked him.
"You wanna suck me dry, y/n?" He asked while you pumped him harder, grinding on the vibrator below you and getting it wetter and wetter. "Want me to fill you up, don't you?"
"Mmhm," you mewled against him, making Minho moan in response. However, instead of continuing until Minho came undone, you had something better in mind. Pulling off of him with a pop, a string of drool still connected you two, causing Minho to lean back on his elbows as he urged you to keep going.
"C'mon, baby, you were doing so well," he whined, still trying to maintain his dominance in spite of his neediness. You glanced up at him and smirked. First the first time, you knew you had the upper hand. With his cock in one hand and your cum-covered vibrator in the other, you placed the buzzing bunny on his cock head and made him writhe beneath you.
"Fuck, baby," he panted out as he gripped the sheets tighter below him. While one hand played with the vibrator on his tip, your other held his balls and your tongue traced the length of his dick. Minho's chest rose and fell deeply, trying to stop himself from coming so quickly. One of his hands rose up in an attempt to pet you, to give you some love in return, but it instead threaded through your hair and pulled it, earning a moan from both you and him.
"God, y/n," he groaned as you licked, pumped, and fucked him every way you could.
"Minho..." you mumbled, "you taste so good." Your mouth and vibrator switch places, sucking him fervently while the vibrator rubbed him quickly. Minho began to pant and mumble incoherently, his grip becoming harsher as his hips fucked into your mouth. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," he chanted in an attempt to keep his orgasm at bay, though he knew it was no use. "Fuck, baby, yes, yes, please, I'm going to cum, please! Fuck, Fuck— ah!" Cum shot from his cock and into your mouth, milking himself dry on your tongue as you lapped him up.
"Y/n... y/n, fuck," Minho gasped as he tried to catch his breath. "So good, baby. You suck cock so fucking good." He stroked you lovingly, loving how you licked the cum off of your lips and the vibrator. You pulled yourself off him, allowing him to calm down and to shut off your toy. However, no matter how much Minho came or how much he tried to settle himself, he was still incredibly hard. And, his cock was covered in cum. You whined at the sight, unsatisfied at your performance and looking up at him with desperate eyes.
"Minho," you mewled out.
"What?" he asked, still trying to catch his breath. Then, he noticed his current state and how red his dick still was, and how you rocked with your hands clasped on your lap: you were waiting for permission.
"Y/n, I—" he began, but he had guessed wrong. You were done taking orders.
"I don't care Minnie," you cut him off. You couldn't wait any more today. You had grown impatient, waiting for Minho's permission to do any little thing. You've had enough. You grabbed his cum-covered dick and began licking off every little bit of it. Sucking on him eagerly, Minho's hands didn't know what to do. Overstimulated and just as needy as you, he didn't know whether to pull you off or push you further on his cock.
"Y/n— I— ah—please, sto—ah!" Every sentence, hell every word he spoke was lost to him. All he could think of was how good you were at sucking him off, and how he needed more of you. But fuck did he need a break. "Y/n, please!" He begged in a raspy voice, sweat making his hair stick to his forehead. Finally, with the little strength he had, Minho managed to pull you off his cock. Both of you gasped for air, trying to stable yourselves. However, before you could gather yourself, Minho pulled you up and threw you onto the bed.
"Minnie!" You gasped as you bounced on the mattress. When you looked back at him, Minho's entire demeanour had changed from the quivering mess he was before. Somehow, in mere seconds he had thrown off his shirt, boxers, and pants, with his cock standing prominently against him. "Minnie..." you repeated in a small voice, trying to pull at his heartstrings.
"Did I give you permission to touch my cock?" He growled, walking towards you slowly. Though you wanted to retreat against the backboard of your bed, your limbs couldn't find the energy or courage to move.
"No," you answered, knowing that even a stutter could set him off. He kept moving towards you, taking a step onto the bed with his knee and proceeding to crawl towards you.
"Then why aren't you being obedient?" he spat. Suddenly, he grabbed your legs and pulled your forward, your thighs crashing into his and making you yelp. With unfathomable strength, he ripped—literally ripped—your already ruined shirt off of you, leaving you in your skirt and tie.
"Minnie!" You cried as you stared into his dark eyes
"Can't trust you one bit, can I?" he questioned as he proceeded to pull your tie off you, gather your hands in his, and retie them together. "Have to keep you restrained like the little bitch you are?"
"Min— fuck!" Though you tried to protest and defend your actions, you were cut short by a swift smack across your face. You stared up at Minho, his breathing hard and your eyes wide.
"Sorry, baby," he said. "But you gotta learn to be good."
Harshly, Minho wrapped your legs around your waist and pinned your tied hands above your head, making it so you were once again face-to-face with him.
"Now, say 'please, Minnie,' okay?" He whispered.
For the first time that night, you stuttered. "P-please Minnie?" Minho smiled in response. He had finally broken you.
Then, you felt his tip tease your clit, both of you moaning out from the overstimulation. Gathering your juices on his cock, he finally decides to slip his tip into your cunt, letting you stretch around him.
"God, y/n," he gasped as he buried in his head in your neck, trying to get closer to you. You could barely respond, mewling out a hum in an effort to tell him how good he feels.
"Ready for me?" Minho asks, raising his head to meet yours. However, instead of your eyes catching his own, they were sweetly staring into nothing. Meeting his eventually after tracing the walls, your blank stare juxtaposed Minho's gleeful one.
"Hey, where are you baby?" He giggled in between breaths, removing his hand from your tied ones to brush some hair out of your face. He kisses your cheek, inching slowly into you as he proceeds to pepper your face with light smooches.
"Minnie," you whine out as he stretches you out.
"There you are, y/n," Minho coos as he pushes inch by inch into you. "Come on, take this big cock into your tiny hole like you know how." After what felt like hours, Minho finally bottomed out in you. You both panted at the sensation, feeling every ridge in his cock in you while he almost came again strictly from how your gummy walls hugged him. Minho, after finally calming himself, began to rock into you, pushing and pulling himself out of your cunt with a groan.
"Fuck, fuck, baby," he cried at the sensation, holding you close.
"Minnie!" You moaned out from the stretch.
"Goddammit, y/n," he groaned in a low voice as he pulled out again. "You gotta learn to be g-good." You could barely respond, instead simply uttering his petname over and over again.
"Say my name," Minho whined as he sat up and spread your legs out, removing his hands from your restrained ones.
"Minho, please keep fucking your baby," you begged as he readjusted himself, briefly depriving you of his cock.
"Fuck," Minho whimpered as he began to fuck you again, this time harder and deeper. "You talk too much, baby," he groaned as he threw his head back before having it fall forward again, watching his cock piston in and out of your swollen pussy.
"Minho, I'm sorry," you cried. Though your hands were free, you still were able to bring them down your clit and play with it, wanting to reach your high quickly after being edged all night.
"Y/n, s-stop," Minho mumbled as he watched you thumb your bundle of nerves. Every brush to your clit made you squeeze tighter around him, sucking in his cock and making his thrusts shallow and quick. "If you k-keep doing that, y-you're gonna m-make me cum."
You wanted to chuckle at Minho's deterioration in front of you, but you knew you were no better. After this entire night, you couldn't hold a candle to his power over you. With every eager pump into you, Minho brought you closer and closer to your climax— and he could tell. Minho's thrusts started to become sloppy, using the last of his strength to keep his hips from stuttering or stopping, despite the urge to edge himself a little more. But, he was too overstimulated, and even another glance down at his cock buried in you could make him cum on sight.
"Be good baby, c'mon," he moaned as he fucked into you faster and faster, gripping your thighs tighter with every thrust into you. "Come around me, y/n. Do it, baby, make a mess,"
"Fuck, Minho!"
"Be good, be good, come with me, be a good baby, please," he moaned as his hands slapped the fat of your legs. "P-please cum, baby, be good like you know how to, please! Please, baby, fuck! P-please— fuck!" Minho's hips stuttered as you came around him, soaking his cock and making a mess on the bed below you. You cried out his name while he continued to pound into you, unable to control the movement of your fingers nor handle the speed of Minho's thrusts.
Minho's hips stuttered a second before pulling out, making you mewl as you watched him vigorously pump his dick before cumming the second time that night, panting your pussy and tummy in his cum.
As if running a marathon, Minho collapsed onto you, caging your body in his while you panted below him, both of you attempting to catch your runaway breath.
You felt like you were a million miles away, descending from Cloud 9 and attempting to ground yourself again. Then, you felt a small pressure on your cheek, then jaw, then forehead, then temple. Minho was drawing you back home, easing you down with gentle kisses and sweetly stroking your jaw as your breathing slowed. When you finally came to, you looked and saw a tired Minho beside you, wide-eyed and enjoying your exhausted expression.
"Y/n, you're back," he whispered as he brushed away some hair that had stuck to your face. You smiled in response, unable to find the words that told him all you wanted to say. Something along the lines of "thank you, I'm here, and I love you" would have been good. Yet, you still could not conjure the boldness nor the energy to tell him that. Instead, you rolled over slightly so you both laid on your sides, and you buried your face into your pillow as you held each other close.
"So," Minho continued as he stroked your cheek with his thumb, "did you enjoy your punishment?" You laughed at his joke, enjoying his lightness considering how heavy he was mere minutes ago.
"Fantastic," you giggled. "I should rebel more often just so you could punish me more." Minho smiled and came closer, brushing his nose slightly against yours. You had never seen him this giggly, this playful or amused. And it was true: he felt relieved and relaxed for the first time in a while, happy to be here with you in such circumstances, to hold you like this, to finally say that you are, in more or less formal terms, his.
"Maybe you should. Now," Minho rose up, gaining newfound energy. "You stay there, I'm going to get a cloth to clean you up and some snacks. Anything in particular you want?"
You shook your head no, surprised at how responsible Minho had become due to your rather impaired state. Minho rushed off then, leaving only momentarily and returning in the blink of an eye, snacks and a warm washcloth in his hand. However, though he wanted to make you smile, all you did was laugh.
"You just ran around my house completely naked, Minho," you chuckled. Minho didn't glance down to see if you were correct—you obviously were—and instead placed the snacks on your bedside table, along with a water bottle, and slowly cleaned you up with the cloth.
"Damn, not even a thank you? And what happened to 'Minnie'?" He asked as you melted into his touch.
"You are insatiable," you laughed again. "Thank you, Minnie." You emphasized the nickname, making him smile.
After cleaning you, Minho disposed of the dirty washcloth and reached into the backpack that he had brought with him, pulling out two hoodies, a pair of boxers, and your panties from yesterday. He tossed one of the hoodies to you and your underwear. You stared at them in shock, surprised he had the generosity to give them back to you.
"They're clean, by the way," he said as he slipped the boxers on. "I, um, had some fun with them yesterday night and had to clean them anyway." You laughed, slipping on the soft white garment and the black hoodie he had thrown to you, basking in his lingering cologne that stuck to the soft cotton.
"Thank you," you responded. "I also had some fun last night after you left." Minho cleaned your room as you talked, putting away the box of toys and placing your bunny vibrator aside to clean it later, silently enjoying how he finally got to see you use it. Minho laughed at your response, kicking his dirty clothes and the scattered buttons from your blouse aside to clear your floor. Then, his eyes then up at you. He had never seen you so beautiful, so comfortable in his clothes, and so natural. It was like you were meant to be there with him, right here, right now.
Of course, he could never let himself be so open about such feelings. This was Minho, after all. Instead, he jumped into your bed, making you bounce at his actions and lightly hitting his arm for disturbing you. He crawled up to you, snuggling into your chest and letting his weight press you down into the mattress.
"I guess we're perfect for each other then," he said as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to him. Your hands played with his hair, petting him slowly and relaxing into his touch. You smiled.
"I guess we are."
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gingerjunhan · 10 months
heyy!! i was wondering if you can do a jiseok imagine where he teaches reader how to play the guitar! something really domestic and fluff
i absolutely love your writing btw !!💗
☆彡 ahh such a sweet request! Thank you anon! Fair warning, I don’t have experience playing the guitar (although I’d love to learn), so if things here aren’t exact that’s why. Hope you’re having a great day, and tysm for the love! 🩷
word count: 841 | pronouns used: none | genre: established relationship, domestic cuteness | cws: none!, lmk if I missed any :)
You were laying on Jiseok’s bed, doom-scrolling through TikTok. At the foot of his bed, Jiseok was practicing his guitar- strumming away at a tune you didn’t recognize.
“What’cha playin?” You asked in a sing-song tone.
“I’m trying to think of some ideas for some new songs.” He admitted, not looking away from this hand on the neck of his guitar. “Shh… don’t tell anybody.”
You laughed lightly at him and turned your phone off. “You’re so talented,” you stated. “I wish I could do that.”
He finally looked at you fully. “Do what?”
“Play the guitar. I mean, look at you. Everything you play sounds so good, and you’re able to write entire songs on your own.”
Jiseok fought back a smile as an idea popped into his head. “I could teach you.”
“I could teach you how to play the guitar. I have more than one. I could give you lessons.”
You thought about this for a second. If you were being honest with yourself, you would feel pretty embarrassed if Jiseok tried to teach you how to play the guitar and you ended up being terrible at it. Then again, you would rather be terrible in front of him than an instructor.
“Okay,” you agreed. “I’d let you teach me.”
Jiseok’s face lit up. “Great! Then it’s time for your first lesson at Jiseok’s guitar school!” Jiseok takes off his guitar strap and hands you the instrument. “For lesson one, I’m just going to teach you some basic chords.”
You nodded your head as you put on the guitar strap and placed a hand on the neck of the guitar- mimicking the position that Jiseok had only a few moments prior.
“Okay,” Jiseok began. “You have six strings on a guitar, and each one is tuned to a different note. From the top down they’re E, A, D, G, B, and E again.” Jiseok pointed to each string as he announced its matching letter. You must’ve made a face, because Jiseok chuckled at you. “If you forget, you can just ask me again. I won’t mind.” You nodded at him, and he continued on. “Each of these little lines on the neck of the guitar,” he ran a finger over them once again, “indicate different frets. What string you press down on each fret determines what note you’ll play.”
You studied the neck of the guitar, only being a little distracted by the sight of Jiseok’s hands. You took a deep breath to bring yourself back to reality.
“Okay, I think I’m good.”
Jiseok smiled at you and scooted closer. “It’s time to learn your first note! We’re gonna start with C major.” You nodded once again and turned your attention towards Jiseok’s hands. “You’re going to put your pointer finger on the first fret of the B string.” You stared at the strings, trying to remember what letter went where.
“Which one was the B string?” Jiseok laughed and reminded you which string was which, and you finally put your pointer finger where it was supposed to go.
“Next you’re going to put your middle finger on the second fret of the D string.” You stretched your fingers across the neck of the guitar and did so. “Lastly, put your ring finger on the third fret of the A string.” You once again did as you were told, and you looked at Jiseok for the next instruction. “And now…” he began to root through his pockets, eventually pulling out a guitar pick. You couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped your lips as he handed it to you. “You play!”
You held the pick in your right hand as you strummed over all six strings. A soft, somewhat sour note played. You grimaced to yourself, wondering what you did wrong.
“That wasn’t bad!” Jiseok sounded oddly happy for you, despite you just playing a sour note. “You just need to press down on the strings harder. Here, let me help.” Closing any gap that might have been left between the two of you, Jiseok wrapped his arms around you, placing his own hands on top of yours. His right hand wrapped lightly around yours while his left hand mimicked your finger placements, helping to push down your fingertips into the guitar strings. “Try it again,” he spoke softly to you. You could feel his breath on the side of your face. If he wasn’t flush up against you, you’re sure a shiver would’ve run down your spine. You used your joint hands to strum the keys again, and this time an actual sound quietly emitted from the guitar.
“How was that?” You asked, turning your face towards Jiseok. He turned towards you also, your noses almost bumping.
“Perfect,” he said with a smile. You could see it in his eyes that he was proud of you for doing something that you thought was so simple. He took your closeness as an opportunity and gave you a kiss on the tip of your nose. “You’re an expert already.”
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gemsofgreece · 1 year
im looking forward to studying Modern Greek language and culture at university, and simply love your blog. i have fallen in love with this mysterious beauty! which parts of Greek culture, whether it be literature, art, history, schools of thought, anything at all, would you recommend me to look at in further depth? something less talked about, or more niche perhaps? much love x
Ohhh wishing you the best in your future studies! Hoping you will have a great time!
Some recs of things I personally enjoy from the Modern Greek culture, they are subjective, I have mentioned most before, so I am technically playing the broken record again!
Entechno, Rembetiko and classic Laiko music genres. Check the composers Mikis Theodorakis, Manos Hatzidakis, Markos Vamvakaris, Vassilis Tsitsanis and Stavros Xarhakos as a start. But I doubt you won’t learn about them through your studies anyway.
Domenikos Theotokopoulos (El Greco) is my favourite artist but a lot of modern(er) Greek art is very interesting actually
Alexandros Papadiamantis, Nikos Kazantzakis in literature
Erotokritos, both the poetry and the music and all its folk impact
Odysseus Elytis, Giannis Ritsos, Constantine Cavafy and Nikos Kavvadias poetry
I can’t not say the Greek Revolution but I doubt you can escape it in your studies anyway. Also the Axis Occupation Resistance, the Pontic Greek genocide and the population exchange with Turkey. But you will learn about all this, I believe. Check also about the civil war, which I am not sure they will teach you about at length. And the military junta.
Ioannis Kapodistrias and Eleftherios Venizelos as political profile studies. Check out those of Konstantinos Karamanlis and Andreas Papandreou as well if you are interested in politics, not because they were anywhere near as great as the former two but to explore the unbelievable impact they still have in Greek society.
Doesn’t matter if you are Christian or not, I really like Byzantine ecclesiastical music and architecture from an aesthetical standpoint so I recommend
Byzantine and Modern Greek folk fashion
Check out Georgios Gemistus Plethon, the Byzantine Greek Neoplatonic philosopher
Would I deviate if I just said Byzantine history? Oh well. It’s fascinating to explore the “relics” of Byzantium in the collective Modern Greek conscience.
Easter and Carnival traditions, their origins, historical evolution and practice today
Golden age cinema comedies (50s - 70s)
Watch the Island once you can understand Greek well (if you don’t already) or find English subtitles. It’s such a perfect and accurate window to Greek ethos in the first decades of the 20th century
Watch TV comedies of the 90s and 00s.
That might be harder to explore but I like the significance of Epitheórisi (Revue) as a theatrical genre in Greece. In general, check the tradition and huge presence of satire and satire comedians in Modern Greek society. Political correctness has made satire shrink drastically but I think it has an interesting history throughout the 20th century and first years of the 21st.
If you are interested in a school of thought, check out the work of the philosopher Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997)
If you don’t speak Greek yet, some of the recs are more niche than others and you will probably have to wait to be somewhat fluent in Greek before you can explore them properly. But music, art, philosophy… you can start with these. As for the history, you can also start, but make sure to also read Greek historiography once you know Greek better because… well.
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rendy-a · 2 years
Good to know! How about courting headcanons for Ace, Azul, Floyd and Rook? Something simple to ease you into writing for canon Twst, ehe. /lh Good luck with this and feel free to delete this request if it's not to your taste!
I’ve been thinking about expanding beyond just the Pet AU, so this was a very timely request. 😊  I also adjusted the format a bit to have a small scenario at the end, so it took me longer than normal to write it.  I hope you enjoy it.
Courting Behaviors with Ace, Azul, Floyd and Rook
Romance comes differently to everyone.  Some find it second nature while others struggle to get their feelings across.  How does your sweetheart behave when he has his eye on you?
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Ace is like the boy who pulls on a girl’s braids in school.  He doesn’t know what to do with his feelings and it shows.  He can’t leave you alone, teasing you constantly.  You have his full attention, although you might wish you didn’t!  Trey and Riddle definitely tell him to knock it off.  He stops for a while, but he can’t quit for good.  You are just too fun for him to tease.
He will start inviting you to spend all your time with him.  It just feels natural to have you around!  As much as you used to spend time at Heartslabyul, you are spending even more time there now.  Study sessions, hang outs, tea parties; Ace just seems to always have a reason you should stop by.  He might even bashfully invite you to come watch his basketball club practice.  He is pretty good, you know.  Why not come admire him see him play?
Under all that cocky attitude, you’ll find that Ace is oddly dependable.  When you really need him, he always seems to come through for you.  You’ll never forget the way he cut his winter break short to come to your rescue, even though he ended up begin too late.  He also doesn’t make a big deal of small things like splitting his lunch with you when the meager allowance Crowley supplies runs low.  He is just a standup guy, but don’t say it too loud; he has a reputation to keep!
On your birthday, you are feeling down.  It really hits you at times like this that you can’t spend these days with your family and friends from back home.  Ace notices you are feeling blue and arranges a surprise party at Ramshackle.  He even sweet-talked Trey into backing some cupcakes for the occasion. 
The party is going great.  You can almost forget your situation when you are surrounded by your new friends like this.  You finish speaking to Deuce when the table of cupcakes catch your eye.  Trey has really done a fine job on them; the decorations are simple yet fun.  The only thing better than the way Trey’s treats look is how they taste.  You smile and go to grab one of the tempting sweets. 
While contemplating the difficult decision of strawberry (a Heartslabyul specialty) or chocolate (a tried-and-true classic), a hand comes into your vision handing you a vanilla cupcake with a shiny cherry on top.  “I’ve always been fond of cherry myself,” Ace says with a smirk.  You give him a small smile; he has been pushing you lately but after today you suppose you can forgive him. 
You unwrap the cupcake from its wrapper and lift it to take a bite.  Suddenly, Ace grabs your hand and smashes the cupcake into your face.  You sputter and squirm out from under his hand, spitting a mouthful of cream and cupcake out.  “What the hell Ace!  Can’t I even get a break on my Birthday?” you say.  “Ah sorry, sorry.” Ace says.  “It’s a bit of a habit.  Here let me help you clean up.”  He takes a finger and wipes some of the cake and cream from your check and licks it from his finger.  He gives you his mischievous smirk and says softly, “My favorite flavor.”
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Azul is too bashful to confess to you, so he goes with the secret admirer route.  It starts small, with little gifts left on your chair or back at Ramshackle.  Nothing too fancy but always something you needed, something that is useful to you.  Each little package comes with a short note.  “Good day prefect.  Your pencil is almost down to the nub.  I hope you’ll accept this humble offering to replace it.”  At first, the notes aren’t even signed.  You ask your friends about them, but no one claims to be the source of the helpful gifts.  It’s an exciting mystery!
Soon there is an escalation to your secret admirer.  Now he leaves full blown letters with the mystery gifts; each letter is signed “your secret admirer.”  You feel as though you are really getting to know this mystery person through their writing, only you still don’t know who it could possibly be!  For Azul, this is both exciting and extremely frustrating.  He enjoys watching you from afar as you discover the little gifts and notes.  He watches your face light up as you open each carefully crafted letter and read.  The temptation to find out what you think about them is almost unbearable. 
Scratch that, it is totally unbearable.  He can’t resist trying to find out how you feel about the situation.  The next time your “admirer” leaves a gift for you, Azul arranges to be casually walking by.  “Why Prefect, what is that you have there?” he asks with a feigned innocence.  Ace and Deuce have long since grown tired of hearing you talk about your admirer, so you are eager to tell Azul all about it.  From then on, he becomes your confident.  Each time you get a new letter from your admirer, you can’t wait to run and tell Azul about it.  You both gossip about the gifts and speculate on just who this amazing admirer could be.  Azul waits eagerly to hear every drop of praise you lavish unknowingly on his efforts.
This is only going to end if you realize Azul is your admirer and confess to him, which isn’t likely as you are rather oblivious to the situation.  Until that time, Azul is just too comfortable having this second-hand romance with the safety of anonymity. 
Your admirer has left you another note (how exciting!) inviting you to diner at Mostro Lounge.  Is today finally the day you’ll meet your secret admirer?  You can’t wait to tell Azul about this new development.  It’s been such a breath of fresh air to have Azul to talk to about your mystery.  If Ace gives you that look one more time when you bring up the letters, well…you don’t really know what you’d do but there is only so much eye-rolling that can be healthy for a person.
The lunchroom fills as you hurry over to a table occupied by the Octavinelle trio.  “Azul, look!  He wrote to me again!”  An interested smile crosses Azul’s face as he asks you for details.  From there, it is the usual song and dance; he asks you what is in the letter, how you feel about it and what you think might happen next.  You are more than happy to gush out about it all; the diner plans, your hope and excitement and what you think the night might bring (a confession!?).  Floyd gives you a look like, Shrimpy you can’t be serious, and Jade seems merely amused.  Before you leave for your next class, Azul assures you that he will be on hand at the lounge tonight to make sure everything goes perfectly.
You arrive at the lounge exactly on time (Riddle would approve) and head to the host stand.  Azul meets you there.  He has been waiting for this moment, planning for this moment, practicing for this moment; this is his moment!  He takes one look at you and freezes.  His confidence visibly fades, and he attempts to speak but all that comes out is a meek mutter.  “Azul, Azul…AZUL!” you shout to get his attention, “Is he here?”  Azul’s nervous look reverts back into his business mask.  “I’m so sorry prefect but I’m afraid this has arrived before you.”  He reaches into his jacket and removes a letter (Plan B!) and places it in your hands.  “He has left instructions by letter for your dinner tonight.  Allow me to seat you in our best booth.”
Your hopes are crushed but you tell yourself that you are at least getting a free meal out of your secret admirer.  “He left very explicit instructions.  I assure you that he has chosen only the very best.  I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.”  Azul reassures you.  “And for what it’s worth…I’m sorry.” He says quietly before leaving to grab you a drink. 
The whole night, Azul acts as your personal waiter.  You are so appreciative that he is taking time out from managing the lounge to keep you company.  By the end of the meal, you’ve even gotten your spunk back.  Each time Azul brings you a new course chosen by your mystery admirer, you both gush over the choice and speculate about why they may have picked such an item.
At the end of the night, Azul walks you to the Octavinelle mirror; you tell him it’s not necessary, but he insists.  He takes your hand before you go.  “Prefect…I hope you had a good evening tonight, in spite of everything.” You smile back at him and give his hand a reassuring squeeze.  “I did, thanks to you Azul.  Who knows, maybe next time I’ll see my admirer in person!”  Azul gives you a faraway look, “Yes.  Maybe next time…”
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One of the first indicators that Floyd is becoming interested in you is that he will start spending a lot more time with you.  He is now your study buddy, hangout partner and personal bodyguard.  Any time you need someone, Floyd just seems to be there. 
As he falls deeper and deeper, he starts caring about your opinion more.  If you ask him to do something, Floyd will actually listen to you.  Can he stop teasing Riddle?  He guesses he can play with Shrimpy instead.  Stop goofing off and do his homework?  If you wanted to help studying, you should have just said.  Can he not squeeze that student too much?  Well, he’ll have to explain it a bit to Azul, but he supposes he can let him off a bit easy.  You have as much influence with Floyd as Jade now; and that is really saying something!
One of Floyd’s love languages is giving gifts.  At first, he tries to give you expensive items like sneakers that match his own, but you tell him you are uncomfortable accepting something that expensive.  After that, he sticks to things he finds himself.  You get a small gift each time he takes a walk around campus or a visit to the beach.  They are things like shells, interesting rocks and flowers; each small treasure makes you smile because you know he was thinking of you when he picked it up.  You put them on a shelf in your room and Floyd smiles each time he visits you at Ramshackle and sees the carefully preserved collection.
Sometimes, when he is having a bad day, Floyd asks to lean his head on your shoulder.  He just stays that way for a while, breathing deeply and staying uncharacteristically quietly.  After a time, he stands and gives you a small sleepy smile before walking away.  You aren’t sure what that is all about but if it helps Floyd with his famous moods, you are glad to do it.
Soon comes a time when you are the one having a bad day.  Floyd notices you aren’t your usual self.  “Hey Shrimpy, want to know what always makes me feel better?” he asks.  “Sure Floyd, I’m willing to try anything at this point to make me forget Crowley’s latest stupid demand.” 
He sits beside you and draws you towards him until your head is resting gently against his chest.  You get flustered and try to ask him what he is doing but he only shushes you.  “Quiet Shrimpy.  Just listen.”  You oblige him and sit quietly, silently willing the blood to stop rushing to your face.  “What am I supposed to be listening for?” you ask him. 
“When I feel rotten, I like to find someone I care about and listen to their heartbeat.  Then you calm yourself down until your heartbeats match.” Floyd tells you in a serious voice.  You recall all the times that Floyd has asked to lay on your shoulder and think about what that means.  This is having the opposite effect of calming you down.  Floyd senses your increasing heartrate and looks down at you.  You meet his eyes silently.  Now both your hearts are racing.  You suppose this is also a way to match heartbeats.
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Rook’s habit of being overly poetic and praiseful soars to new levels.  He greets you each morning with a romance-novel-worthy line about love and/or beauty.  If you are very observant, you might also notice he reserves certain pet names or beauty comparisons for you alone.  It’s because you occupy such a unique place in his heart! Only your eyes could remind him of the wide eyes of his prey during a hunt; so clear and enrapturing.
You are as important to Rook as Vil and so he will begin helping you out in the same way he helps Vil.  You’ll have a first-class stylist in Rook to advise you on your outfits and overall look.  It’s strange the first time Rook tells you that you really should wear a scarf if you intend to pull off that blazer look but he is absolutely right.  By listening to his frequent advice, you become more fashionable, healthy and overall beautiful.  Rook gets to spend time with you giving advice and seeing your beauty advance to a new level; it’s a total win-win situation for him.
One of the best perks about having Rook’s interest is that he lets you see the campus through his eyes.  His hunter’s instinct and eye for beauty have driven him to explore every nook and cranny of Night Raven College.  He has seen and discovered many wondrous things that he now wishes to share with you.  Things like where you can see the best sunsets and sunrises, the room where the stained glass creates lovely patterns on the wall in the afternoon or the path behind the colosseum where you can smell the wildflowers blooming.  He is not only sharing these places with you but a part of himself by allowing you this insight into his thoughts.
One morning before classes, Rook Invites you to go on a sunrise walk.  He takes you out along a nearly hidden path through the forest until you reach a clearing.  In the clearing is a target.  “Mon amour, I thought today I would share the thing I love most with the one I love most,” says Rook while holding one hand to his chest and the other gesturing artfully. 
You sit on a log and watch Rook skillfully shoot his bow.  His forearms strain has he holds the string back taunt, his steady gaze focused on the target.  When he releases the arrow, his lips upturn just a small bit in satisfaction.  A long history of practice lets him know he will be successful long before the arrow finds its mark.
After watching for a bit, you ask Rook if you can try your hand at it.  He gives you a knowing smile and hands you the bow.  You set an arrow and try to pull back the string, but you can’t even make it budge.  You realize then the amount of strength Rook must have to use his bow.  “Shall I assist you, mon amour?” Rook asks slyly. 
Rook goes to your side and puts his arms around you.  His hands rest right below yours on the bow and string as you hold the arrow in place.  “Now pull,” he whispers in your ear.  You do as he says and this time, with his assistance, you are able to draw the bow.  You excitedly attempt to aim and release the arrow.  It does not hit the target.
“Non, non, non,” chides Rook.  “You are far too eager mon trésor.  Focus.”  Again, he positions himself behind you and helps you draw the bow.  You attempt to focus as much as you can on the target and not on the way Rook’s breath feels on the back of your neck.  A few deep breaths of your own and you release.  This time your arrow does hit the target and you cry out in excitement.  You hear Rook quietly say “perfect”; not in his normal joyful tone but in a quiet and serious one.  When you turn to look at him, he isn’t looking at the target at all but deeply into your eyes. 
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daphnedauphinoise · 9 months
Dear Daphne,
I was wondering if you could advice me on topics or skills I must study before I head to university next year? Apart from the obvious skills required to live by myself. Interpret this and give advice however you so wish, and hope you have a lovely day x
First of all congratulations! I have done quite a few of these kind of posts so I am going to keep things brief...
Your first year is for you to enjoy BUT remember all years count. Your grades in first year aren't terribly important but important nontheless. Make sure you are doing well enough and by that I don't mean barely passing.
Join societies and find one or two that you can see yourself sticking to and stick to them. Building good rapport with that society and its memembers will make it easier for you to get onto the committee later on. I think if you really want to stand out, aim to be the president of your subject society later on.
In taht note, being a student rep for your year is a great way to get to know faculty and know people in your year. I don't really think you can ever know too many people and everything has it's own benefits.
You are going to have and should have stand in friends. 'Stand in friends' are people you are friends for the sake of being friends with, and despite what everyone says they are good to have. During your three-four years you are going to be fast friends with so many people and 90% of them aren' going to stay ( you will also be this for so many people too). One key skill you will need to learn is to differentiate who are your solid friends and who you just want to sit next to in the lecture hall so you are not alone. I am all for deep meaningful friendhsips but you also need people who you are just having a good time with and there is nothing more. Don't underestimate the power of going into a hall of 200 people and having at least 5 different people you can talk to.
There is no universal way of taking notes and you need to find a method that works a) for you b) for your subjuect area c) the teaching style of your professor. This is especially for those doing double degrees in polar subjects (eg. philosophy and maths ). I feel like there is only one note taking style you should use universally and its such a big fat lie. I will probably write another post on this but in short, use the first couple weeks to figure out what style of note taking works for that specific class.
Going back to making friends, stop wasting your time and money at clubs. Going out once a while is great for you and your mental health but if your bank is dry, you are catching something every week and you are barely awake for classes... get a grip. Maybe this is my own prudeness coming in but you are wanting to make the most of your time at uni and being a student you need to be better at striking work/play balance.
Just turn up to classes. There is a galaxy of difference in your understanding between when you were there to listen and process and watching the recordings. I skive lectures sometimes and that sometimes is fine but attendance for tutorials should be a must (again i have first hand experience of not turning up and then it impacting my grade) Far too many people skive and trust me teachers do notice because in our last lec of the year last semetser, a girl got the worst attendance prize... that she wasnt there to get
find an exercise you like and stick with it. This is mainly for your mental health. I used to make myself run outside in winter because I knew it would be good for me. Yeah, its cold and a little tiring but that is a measly exchange for the endorphines you need during exam season.
Other things I feel like you already know. But I will say, do the things you know you should. Keep on top of your notes, have weekly phone calls with your high school friends, eat well, sleep well. Wishing you all the best
D x
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thequeenofthewinter · 10 months
All the Magic
A flash fiction prompt I was issued with the topic: "All the magic I have known I have had to make myself."
No warnings and rated G. This is some hurt/comfort (kind of?!), and it involves my OC Dahlia and a bit of her origin story. I sincerely hope you enjoy it if you read it.
Link to AO3
Dahlia sits at the edge of their bed, her fingers playing with a stray strand of thread which came unraveled from an old blanket.
Should she tell him? And if so, how much?
A frown forms on her face, the corners of her lips turning under themselves delicately. Her face had always been able to give her feelings away—both a blessing and a curse if you asked her. 
She sighs as she looks up at Ulfric and contemplates his question. It isn’t that she doesn’t wish to speak with her husband, rather that the topic at hand is something she had stuffed into the furthest corners of her mind, and she doesn’t wish to unearth her pain. Not right now. Not at this moment.
What was your life like before you met me?
A seemingly innocuous question, innocent and not inherently threatening in and of itself; however, it dredges up phantoms she would rather not think of.
And really, what can she tell him? It’s not as if her past life was that interesting nor is he missing out on some big part of it.
Dahlia tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. “Well, I think I told you that I grew up here--” she pauses and swallows nervously, “—on the other side of the Valunstrad.”
He nods to her, indicating to her that he is listening.
“I don’t know if you’ve ever been there or—”
“I’ve seen it, and there’s nothing to be ashamed of.” Ulfric tells her quietly, a hand finding hers to reassure her.
“I am grateful.” She turns her head slightly, looking away from him. “I had a roof over my head, and the winds didn’t whistle so much through the cracks as in other houses closer to the Snow Quarter, but it—it wasn’t much.
She chews on her lip as if trying to stop herself from saying more, but then adds a bit bitterly, “My father couldn’t afford anything more, and my mother and I did what we could. She took care of the house, and I offered my services as a tutor. I did pretty well for myself with reading and writing.”
“You went to school?” He asks, almost surprised. Of course, he knew that she eventually went to the College of Winterhold, but most of the general population does not have access to a formal education.
“My father was a guard of good standing—at least until he wasn’t, that is. But, he was invited to bring me to some of the lessons for the nobles’ children. I learned there. It was one of the few things that I remember he was able to give to me, despite all the grief he put us through…” 
Her voice trails off, not saying anything more on the subject, and Ulfric looks down at her, his eyes showing sympathy—almost pitying of her.
She refuses to look at him as she laughs humorlessly. “I studied hard. I figured that someday if I did well enough and made my parents proud, I could get a job with a good position. I started singing and between that and being able to read and write, my parents thought I could go to the Bard’s College…but, I had other plans.”
He smiles at her, squeezing her hand. “So rebellious even then.” 
“I suppose you’re right.” She smiles back at him, the barest whisper of it gracing her features. “My parents were furious. As you are aware, magic is not a very well received professional career path in Skyrim, but I took up Restoration anyway. I wanted to help. I wanted to do something. I grew up hearing stories from my father about the Great War, and its consequences.”
She shakes her head. “Little did I know my life would become this.” Dahlia gestures vaguely around her. “Dragonborn this, and destiny that. I was hefted from one destiny-determined situation to another of a very different type. Akatosh’s chosen. More expectations and more responsibilities were thrust upon me, and everyone had their own vision of me. I should act in a certain way and fit into a certain image. So, what did I do? I folded myself into the role of a hero to match what society dictated of me. I bled for it, sweated for it, cried and lost people for it. I made myself smaller and smaller, and I have to admit,” she chances a glance at him, “for a moment I lost myself.” 
One of her fists balls up in quiet rage, the timber of her voice beginning to teeter on shaking.
“Eventually, I did figure it out, and in the moments in-between, what little joy or happiness I had, I had to create for myself because who else was thinking about it? Who else could assure it? I couldn’t ask after others to bring it to me or even so much as follow my own wants or needs because it was selfish.” 
Suddenly, she lets her anger go, and it dissipates like the smoke after a fire long burnt out. Her fist then unfurls itself slowly as she retakes his hand and her eyes finally find his. “All the magic I have known, I have had to make myself.”
The sentence hangs in the air heavily, sinking into Ulfric’s stomach like a momentous bolder, as he looks down at her. His mouth opens as if to say something, but then she surprises him as she beats him to it.
“That is until I met you.”
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Hi I love you @my-cursed-brain (if you want me to tag your alt in the future just lmk bc. I will probably split this into different posts just for the sake of organization) Anyways!! Regarding the Dance AU, I'll give you a little bit of bg information first. Night Raven Dance Academy is a prestigious school with availability for anyone from the middle class tax bracket right on up to royalty, but the difficulty and the quality of the lessons are dependent on your financial standing. (For example, Vil, Neige, Leona, Riddle - they all have the best teachers NRDA has to offer, with a rigorous training schedule and their academics are less of a priority than dance is in terms of personal goals, and are done via asynchronous classes to accommodate for their schedule. Ace, Deuce, Vizzie (OC), are still in a pretty intense dance program, but they still have their normal classes to attend in person). NRDA is divided by floors based on where you're going for classes. Now for Neige, Riddle and Vil. They are the queen bees, studying specifically ballet. Since Leona took a temporary leave from the academy after a dance related accident, the three of them have been competing to be the top dancer at the school. They've got a "Mean Girls" sort of dynamic going, where they treat each other like enemies as much as they treat each other like friends. Part of this is because they've known each other since middle school. Part of this is the (mostly) friendly competition between them. Part of this is the Gender Envy. Neige is openly gender fluid, with supportive (adoptive) parents. This somewhat irks Vil, not just the self expression and the support, but it seems to give Neige more flexibility as their instructor knows Neige is comfortable playing either a typically female OR male lead, resulting in Neige being picked over Vil for leads often, never due to skill, only due to the comfort level the instructor has been made aware of. However he has major imposter syndrome and nobody he can talk to about it because he knows Vil and Riddle will kind of tear him apart, but his parents don't really acknowledge his issues, just telling him he's perfect and he knows its not true. Vil can't say he wants the female lead. He has considered coming out to his father as trans, but overheard a conversation his dad had with Riddle's mom, and realized the moment he told his father he would be disowned, his reputation would be ruined, and his dance career would be over. So he stays quiet, silently seething as Neige gets the glory he wishes he had. Riddle is afab in this universe. She is in denial about being trans, as she knows her mother would not be supportive, which has severely impacted her motivation and passion for dance. Everything just Feels Wrong, and when she looks at Vil and Neige she wonders why she feels a sense of loss or like something's missing. So her performance hasn't been as good as it has in the past, leading to more issues and one-sided conversations from her mother, and empty promises that she'll try to do better but she really doesn't know what's wrong. Her mental health starts to wear on her quite a bit, but Vil and Neige pick up on it eventually.
There will be a day, eventually, in which the three of them are able to really talk to each other and sort their shit but it takes A While to get there. wheeee thank you for asking about it I love talking about worldbuilding and stuff and its a great reward for when I finish chunks of hw so I really appreciate it in that way too lmao
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pukanavis · 3 months
Plum Blossoms and Snowflakes | Plum Blossom 4
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Time: After recording the radio program
Aira: …Y-You’re repeating a year!?
Tatsumi: Is this true, Mayoi-san?
Mayoi: Yes, it is. My study credits are faring well, but it would seem that I’ve failed to participate in enough school events.
It was shocking to initially learn that I may have to repeat the year but I’ve come to realise that there’s some merits to it as well…
I’ve made peace with the situation now.
Aira: Huh..? How are you being so chill about this?
Isn’t repeating a year supposed to be super bad…?
Hiiro: …
Aira: Hiro-kun? Don’t just stand there, say something.
Hiiro: What does ‘repeating a year’ mean?
Aira: Aah…you’ve gotten so much better since we first met that I’d forgotten about your deficiency of common knowledge.
Hiiro: That’s right! I’m glad you remember an individual quirk of mine, Aira.
Aira: Don’t call your lack of common sense a quirk~!
Tatsumi: Repeating means to undergo another year of school without advancing to the next grade.
In Mayoi-san’s case, it means that he’ll forgo graduating and will spend another year as a senior.
Although, considering that he has done adequate school studies, his second run of the year would differ a little from the norm. He’d be devoting his focus to participating in school events, it would seem.
Hiiro: I see…so instead of being expelled, failing students can attend school for another year? That sounds like a great deal to me!
Aira: Hooow~? With all the components involved in these situations, it’s not always as great as you make it sound.
This is hard to say in front of Tattsun-senpai but repeating a year isn’t something you go and speak highly of, y’know?
Hiiro: Why not? I never experienced my first year of high school and skipped straight to second grade, so I wouldn’t be opposed to the idea of repeating my third year?
Being classmates with you sounds like fun, Mayoi-senpai.
Aira: Ahh, you really don’t understand the severity of this…
Tattsun-senpai, what do you think?
Tatsumi: About Mayoi-san repeating a year? Hmm…
As I don’t understand how Yumenosaki Academy’s grading system works, I’d prefer to respect his judgement.
However, I’m concerned with how easily you’ve accepted the situation, Mayoi-san. Usually people would be more conflicted by the ordeal…
If you find yourself in need of help, please don’t hesitate to ask for it. We’ll assist you however we can.
Aira: Hmph…so that’s how you feel.
Well, I won’t butt in either then. This is a decision that Mayo-san has made on his own accord.
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Aira: (...But still, is it really okay for things to play out like this?)
(There’s still time left, so there’s no need for him to give up so quickly.)
(Is it selfish of me to wish he’d try his best to graduate…?)
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Location: Yumenosaki Academy Time: The next day, after school
Aira: (Aah, it’s freeezing! My hands have turned red from how cold they are.)
(The snowfall has been crazy.)
(But as cold as it was out there, getting to watch my senpais have a snowball fight was a big plus. My eyes were truly blessed~♪)
(Harukawa-senpai invited me to make snowmen of Branco with him, and I even got to take a pic of us together.)
(Turns out going outside does have its perks…♪)
(...Oh, there’s someone on the staircase landing…)
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Shinobu: …
Aira: (Is he alright? He’s staring out of the window with a blank look…)
Hello, Sengoku-senpai~
Shinobu: Huh? Oh, it’s you, Aira-kun…
Aira: Is everything okay? It looks like you’re feeling down.
Shinobu: You could tell?
Aira: Yeah, you don’t seem like your usual self.
If there’s something troubling you, feel free to tell me. I’m here to save the day~
Just kidding, I probably can’t help in any substantial way.
But, I can lend you my ears! Hit me with your woes, or whatever it is you have on your mind!
Shinobu: …
…Right, you’re also in ALKALOID, so I should be able to talk about this with you.
Aira: ‘Also’ in ALKALOID…?
Shinobu: Yes, it’s about Mayoi-dono. I’m worried about him.
Aira-kun, have you heard about the problem with him graduating?
Aira: Oh…yes, I know about it.
He’s being weirdly positive about it, going on about how there’s some good to repeating and stuff.
Shinobu: …It’s my fault he’s so positive about it.
Aira: You think you’re the reason?
Shinobu: He told me so himself. If he graduates, I’ll be left on my own—
He says he doesn’t want to make me lonely, so he's going to repeat a year for the Ninja Club.
But…I don't want him to worry about that. I want him to graduate.
I’d hate for him to throw away a valuable year of his time for me.
I want to tell him all of this too, but I haven’t had the chance yet…
In the time I’ve been brooding over this, it seems like he's only grown more fixed on going down this path. I’m stuck, I don’t know what to do.
At this rate, he’ll end up repeating the year—all because of me. The idea of that is just awful.
Aira: I can’t believe it…if he’s that determined to repeat, then I don’t know what else we can say.
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Mayoi: (Oh no, oh no no no…)
(I was curious to see what they were talking about and stopped to listen in, but now I’ve overheard the truth that Chief has been bottling up.)
(You’re not to blame at all, Chief! This is entirely my own fault…!)
(How utterly spineless I am…I’m sorry, Chief…)
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blazescompendium · 7 months
Shin Megami Tensei is 31 years old today.
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image provided by Vesk Scans. Please follow her archiving work!
Yeah, Shin Megami Tensei for the Super Famicom is now 31 years old. It is surprising for me how a game that came out full 6 years before i even give my first breath on this Earth, would be so important for me and my life. But here we are.
Even after playing the entirety of the mainline franchise, and a lot of spin offs, this game still holds its position very well in my heart because it is such a unique game. First, i always loved mythology and religion, so much so that i pursued it as a career. It started when i was little, with the influence of my father who was a scholar (albeit amateur) of those fields. Religion always played a major role in my life, both for the good and the bad, and although i don't actually align with any religion at the moment, i was studying the bible in a religious school since a very early age.
So, when i found out about Shin Megami Tensei, it clicked really, really well with me. I know that it is just a game, and even if it tries a lot to be faithful, as a researcher and scholar of Mythology and Religion we got to say it not always gets it right. But it tries! And when it tries, it can achieve very good results, and that's why i love it so much.
And that was when i was a teen/young adult. Now i grew up a lot, and even started my career in those fields, and still regard this game very high.
The characters are great for me, because i love how this game can be incredibly inclusive. Your main character is not a destined hero, or magical being. It is just an average guy, going to the groceries when the world start to end. He lives with his mom, have its problematic friends, and lives an average life. He always acts like any other person would act, and even his looks are just average.
Now, the thing is that this game did not aged well, but its absolutely playable and very fun to play. The old SMT titles have this ''survival horror'' energy, where you have to take care of resources while advancing in the game. ''Should you use your complete party in this dungeon, since its dangerous, but risk to deplete your MAG stock?'' Stuff like that got me.
And this brings me to how much i hate Atlus as a capitalist company. They made this effort to show us they care about the anniversary of the franchise that kick-started their business, but did not do anything about it. Just shoved merch to the US audience, that is not available anywhere else. Us, from outside, just did not got anything from this ''anniversary''. And i thought the Persona 25th was bad enough lol. But i guess merch hoarders are happy?
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And that was a big fucking lie
I honestly don't want anything out of the ordinary. If they could at least port the SNES titles to the Switch Online at the west, because its already available in Japan, i beleive we would be very grateful already. Playing and presenting this games for a new generation is a pain. And i believe Shin Megami Tensei deserves it as a series, not only for its uniqueness but also for everything this IP did to Atlus.
But hey, i guess we are getting something, right? We have a whole new Persona 5 spin off coming next week! I am so hyped to see the same characters, exactly as they were 7 years ago, in another story about teen rebellion or whatever.
Im sorry, SMT. We failed with you. But your legacy will never be gone. I beleive SMT message keeps relevant to this day, and even more so as the time passes by. The world is a very different place then it was in 199X, but still a very divided and extremist place. SMT was the only game of its time to tackle this issues.
Happy anniversary to Shin Megami Tense, as a great game as one of my favorite games of all time. I wish more people could play it at least once!
And yeah, to celebrate i think i will be beating SMT 2 tonight, after lectures!
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an-angels-fury · 2 years
My thoughts on 'Frankenstein'
DISCLAIMER: Please, forgive me for any kind of grammar mistake. English isn't my native language and this post turned out too long.
Hey guys, how you're doing?! 😄👋
So, I finished Mary Shelley's Frankenstein 3 days ago and well... what can I say... I love it 😍
After my reading, I wasted most of my time reflecting about this so horrifying but touching story, the main themes aborded through the plot, the complexity of the characters and their relationships and the way the development of all those topics moved me and spoke to my heart.
My intention with this post is to talk about some of my feelings towards the story and the lessons I took from it, but don't expect any kind of 'in deep analysis' come from me - honestly most of my thoughts were already beautifully articulated by other people who are already familiar with the book longer than I am - as much as I wanted to be capable of doing it myself.
But, anyway, right to the point:
It really got my attention the poetic and detailed way Mary Shelley describes the nature and the characters' reactions when they find themselves in contact with it. After a little reserch of mine, I saw the book was publicated for the first time in 1818, during the literary school of Romantism, which had as one of its main characteristics the adoration and appreciation of nature, which explains a lot.
This element is not only very present but also very meaningful, especially for Victor Frankenstein's character, who already as a child, demonstrated a great fascination for the mysteries and secrets of creation and was desperated to understand this cycle and its mechanisms, explore its origins and consequenses (the main reason he chose to study natural philosophy in college) to the point he naivily and arrongantly tries to break the natural bounderies between life and death, paying a terrible price in the end for giving in to his delusions of grandeur and trying to play the role of God.
Also, as much as I wish to slap Victor pretty hard in the face, I admit I couldn't help but still pity him to some extent. Seeing him losing all his loved ones (who also deeply loved him in return), innocent people, in such a brutal and violent way because of his irresponsability and how the guilt, the graudal lost of sanity and the growing thrist for revenge makes him reach the miserable state in which we find him for the first time at the beginning of the book truly made feel for him in some moments. (P.S.: Henry Clerval, Justine, William and Elizabeth deserved better...)
But still, even though Frankenstein recognize his fault for his actions and realized he made a terrible mistake, it frustrated me how he never understood where he truly failed, where his real fault lies upon. Even in the end of his life, he never realized that his mistake wasn't to make the Creature and give him life. His mistake was to reject the Creature because of his appearence (and for being too scared to assume the responsibility of raising and teaching him), to be uncapable of seeing the humanity within him and leaving him all by himself, feeling absolutely no weight in the conscience, to survive in a cruel and prejudiced world that would only receive him with the same fear, hate and disgust in its eyes just as his creator did.
THE. CREATURE. HAS. MY. WHOLE. HEART ❤️. Honestly, the chapters where he tells his story to Frankenstein and his last appearence at the end of the story are just my favorite parts of the book. His whole journey, since the moment Victor rejected him to the moment they meet each other again in the mountains, is terrifying, touching and heartbreaking.
Mary Shelley does a brilliant job at showing us the humanity in the Creature. We see him struggling to survive. We see him learning how to read and speak and communicate all by himself. We see him discovering what fire is and what it can be used for. We see him living close to a family and, after weeks of watching their routine, being melted by their kindness, their companionship and all the love they share between them, longing intensely for someone to embrace, accept and love him too. We see him trying to help others and thinking about a careful way to introduce himself, but not doing it for being too afraid of being ostracized again. We see him trying to prove he has nothing but purely good and sincere intentions with other humans and wanting to show himself as someone worthy of love only to be rejected and hurt again and again because of his hideous appearence. Through each line from each page, I felt his happiness, his sorrow, his loneliness and misery, and his anger when treated with injustice. I was fascinated by his inteligence and curiousity and his deep desire for more knowledge about the world. I related to his incredible ability to demonstrate empathy and his search for a place (or someone) to belong to.
Yes, I know that at some point, the Creature starts to nurture a burning hate for the humanity, becomes a murder and starts to kill all the ones who are close to Victor as a form of revenge, to make his creator's life as lonely and miserable as his own, since he brought him to the world, even when the Creature never asked to be born, and then refused to give him the company and acceptance he always desperately craved to. No, nothing justify killing people (except in extreme situations, like self defense or to defend others), specially innocent and vulnerable people who never did anything to you. But, just as the Creature asked, he alone should be considered a criminal when all the mankind sinned against him? Of course, we can't generalize that all people in the world are evil but, when you stop for a second to think and put yourself in the character's shoes, it's so easier to understand his point of view. It could be summerized like:
"Oh, if the world hates me so much and only see me as a monster and everything I do to prove otherwise is meaningless in its eyes, what's the point of keep trying to be good? It's better to quickly assume the personality that others forced upon me and simply act accordingly. You're all uncapable of seeing in me anything but a monster, so from now on, I'll become the monster you fear so much. Only this time you'll have a real reason to be afraid of me..."
Monsters are not born monsters, they are created from the moment you treat them as such. They don't know any other way to act because people have never offered them a chance or opportunity where they could demonstrate the capacity to love and be good that they have within them. Why is the monster more deserving of the punishment than those who made him/her this way (those who mistreated, abused and disowned him/her simply for being different)? Are these people really less "monstrous" than the monster itself? What truly means to be a monster? It's a fact that humans are naturally programmed to fear and distrust what they don't understand or can't explain. It's the way we find to survive, to protect ourselves from the unknown. Maybe we shun the monster because we are too afraid of looking at the monster's eyes and seeing the reflection of our own souls - our feelings of pain, sorrow, loneliness and suffering - in it. We are too afraid of finding ourselves relating to the monster and see that it also lives in us - or even that there's actually humanity in the monster's soul as well. We are too afraid of realizing that maybe we are the true monsters after all (or, at least, that we all have the potential of becoming one). 🤔
As someone who absolutely loves The Phantom of the Opera, I couldn't help myself but think of Erik everytime I read the book parts narrated by the Creature. Both were rejected by their parental figures and by everyone else who crossed their paths in life because of their physical appearences, turning into very lonely and miserable individuals who were seen as nothing but monsters in the eyes of the mankind (and their own) and wished to be loved and accepted for who they were. Even though these characters were outstanding men with extraordinary gifts and abilities and had in their hearts the deep desire of being good, nothing they tried to do was enough to prove the existence of their humanity. Because of that, they saw no way out but embrace the monstrous persona, created from their suffering and horrible life experieces, as a form of rebellion and self-defense against their tormentors and humanity in general. I really love to imagine that Erik would see a lot of himself in the Creature if he read the book 🥹.
In this moment, I'm searching for book adaptations to watch. For now, I've only watched the classic movie from 1931 and... I have to admit that I got disappointed. Except for Boris Karloff's amazing performance as the Creature, the movie itself didn't impress me so much. I mean, don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed the experience of watching it and I can see why it's such a horror icon from cinema history. But I'd rather find other versions that didn't downplay the complexity of the novel like this movie did. If somebody has any recommendations, just tell me please 👍
Well, that's it! I truly hope some of you enjoyed this post 😘✌️
Thanks for your attention
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(I didn't watch this version yet, but I'm in SO in love with the the Creature's characterization in this one. HE'S SO LOVELY 😍)
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Adopting Bangtan 11
01, previous, series
I'm With Me
Kim Seokjin turned the phone screen on and unlocked his phone. It was a useless action, he knew he wouldn’t find anything else but the regular messages; reminders from his caretaker, questions from his brothers, plans to go out with some friends after school on Saturday. Taerim-halmonim thanked him for calling her on her birthday the previous day and offered to meet for dessert when she was back in Seoul. Seokjin frowned at that. It would be great to see his old nanny again, she was the only person who ever seemed to care about him, aside from the teacher he lived with now. But something in Seokjin’s chest had him hesitating. It had been years since he last saw her, and it would be nice to just hug her again. Even so, he just couldn’t bring himself to reply.
Seokjin tapped at the screen for a few minutes and replied to several other messages before sighing. Things just got more complicated the older he got, didn’t it?
May 10, 2023 Did you greet your family for parent’s day? May 11, 2023 Of course. It would be awkward not to greet my guardian when I see them.
It was his seventh birthday, and all Seokjin had wanted was to see his parents.
Seokjin was a smart kid. His teachers said so, and his nanny halmonim said so, so it had to be true. He understood a lot of things; he understood the importance of brushing his teeth and eating his vegetables. He understood when halmonim could play and when she needed to focus on her work. He understood his brother was much older and had to prioritize his studies over playing. He understood the word priorities. And most importantly, Seokjin understood that his parents had to go to work to earn money so they could keep their home and eat food and everything. He just thought that, maybe, if he was well-behaved and scored well on all of his tests, and asked really nicely, his mom, dad, and brother could sit at the dinner table and eat delicious food and cake. It was the only thing he asked for. Even Kang Taerim, his nanny-not-nanny agreed it was a beautiful wish.
So when Taerim-halmonim showed him her sad face and told him to start eating, alone, Seokjin nearly shouted in anger. Instead, he shoved food into his mouth until his feelings overwhelmed him. He ran away, crying, to hide where the space between his dresser and bedroom wall could hug him as tightly as he wanted his mom to.
Over and over and over and over, all Seokjin wanted was to see his parents. He missed his brother. Did they even remember he was here? He just wanted them here.
Oh, sweetheart, Taerim-halmonim spoke from the other end of the dresser. Seokjin wiped his tears on his arm and looked up. She sat cross-legged on the floor, a gentle smile on her face. Not for the first time, Seokjin wished that she was his mom instead of his parents’ house keeper. I know it hurts so, so much. But you still have halmonim, don’t you? She opened her arms, inviting him for a hug.
Things will get better one day, she said later, when Seokjin’s head was tucked in the crook of her neck and her shoulder thoroughly soaked with tears. I promise you, it will.
And if halmonim said it, it had to be true.
November 22, 2023 It’s your parent’s anniversary soon. Don’t you think you should visit them?
Home was chaos as usual. Namjoon walked the little ones home today, while Yoongi and Hoseok attended the local hagwon. It wasn’t great by any means, not like the one Seokjin used to attend, but it taught Hoseok dance, and Namjoon music, and Yoongi got to play sports, and Seokjin was improving his math grade, so he supposed it did its job. Jeongguk and Taehyung were making what sounded like a lot of unnecessary noise while they played with their toys, while Jimin sorted lego bricks. It looked like he was preparing another several-day-long project, which might mean a future where their caretaker cried as they spent even more money on even more legos. Jimin often used most of the lego blocks on his projects and refused to take them apart afterwards. The last time one of his creations was forcefully destroyed, he sulked for a week. Their caretaker didn’t normally care about the tantrums and attitudes the seven of them threw around the house -- and there was always someone upset about something -- but everyone in the house usually went out of their way to make Jimin happy. They had spent so much effort getting him comfortable when the twins first joined their family that it was probably a permanent way of life; Make Jimin smile. Indulge Taehyung. Adore Jeongguk. The three of them were probably some of the most spoiled children in all of Korea, and they were all proud to admit it.
Seokjin swiftly greeted the little ones with a hand in their hair, then went to the kitchen table and took a seat beside Namjoon. He unloaded his books from his bag, stole several bites from Namjoon’s bowl of fruit, and began his homework. From where he sat, he could keep an eye on the little ones and stop any fighting before it got a chance to start. He could also continue eating his brother’s food, which was the most important part.
“There’s plenty in the refrigerator, you know,” Namjoon rolled his eyes as he took his bowl back. “It’s cut and portioned and everything.”
“Your point escapes me,” said Seokjin. He smiled and reached for another bite of melon. His arms were long, the bowl wasn't as far away as Namjoon thought it was. “There’s fruit right here in front of me.” He received an eraser to the face for his trouble, but violence was practically a love language in their household.
March 3, 2022 Didn't your brother graduate? You should call him. My phone number hasn't changed. He can call me too.
This won’t sound very nice, but after that stunt you pulled at dinner last night, I need to level with you. Seokwan’s voice was soft, but the look on his face betrayed his frustration. Their family attended a dinner party the previous night, where Seokjin had lost his temper. Their parents, and had ignored him all night, even while they conversed with the adults and other children Seokjin’s age. It was bad enough they pretended he didn’t exist at home, but then they went out their way to treat him like a handsome and well-behaved doll.
Your expectations are too high. You want the family you see on television, and that doesn’t exist in reality. Seokjin had a few faint memories of playing and laughing with his older brother, but now… well, Seokjin couldn’t say the last time they talked together. Seokwan went away for school, and then attended hagwon over breaks, then holed up in his bedroom when he was home. He was as much a stranger as his parents these days. I’ve been where you are. I’ve wanted what you wanted. And then I grew up. Seokjin, you’re going to start middle school soon. You need to let go of your fantasies. Here, Seokwan handed his brother the gift bag in his hand. Inside was another action figure that Seokjin would never play with. It felt like a bribe. You’re meant to make our family look good. You can’t go around throwing temper tantrums and acting out at your age. It’s embarrassing. And as long as you continue to embarrass them, our parents will never acknowledge you.
The words hurt. They stung his eyes and burned his chest, but they weren’t unexpected. Seokjin already knew all of this, at least a little bit. He loved going to fancy dinners and dressing in adult clothes, but he hated the way his parents treated him. He just wanted to know that they cared about him.
Sometimes, he wondered if they loved him.
What’s this for then? he asked.
You wanted attention. Seokwan explained. This is the most they’re willing to give. But remember, all actions have consequences. Even if you're not the one who receives them.
August 16, 2018 I’m sorry I didn’t mean it. Please come back I didn’t get to say goodbye I’ll apologize. Just please come back This is for the best, dear. I love you. Don’t give your new housekeeper a hard time. But she won’t be you Things change. It’s okay.
“Kim Seokjin, where are you?” Seonsaengnim’s voice was loud, bordering on shrill, but Seokjin still took his time walking through the house to meet their guardian outside of the kitchen.
“Whatever it is, I didn’t do it.”
“No, you didn’t, and that’s the point,” they replied. “I have something for you!”
Before the surprise could be revealed, Seokjin heard Jeongguk’s voice begin, “Happy birthday to you!”
“Hey, Jeongguk, it’s not anyone’s birthday today,” Yoongi cut him off. Seokjin gave his guardian a curious look.
“It was your turn to choose dessert the other night,” they said, leading Seokjin to the counter, “but I forgot, and then I didn’t feel like arguing with the kids about it. So, I brought home your favorite to make it up to you. You boys ate dinner already, right?” The cake was rounded and covered in red and white fondant, with strawberry slices creating something like flowers around the edges and skewered on top. It resembled a Mario cap, and brought a smile to Seokjin’s face. “Knuckleheads, back up, Jinnie gets the first piece!”
“I’m not a knucklehead,” argued Taehyung.
“Yes, you are,” said Seonsaengnim. “I said it, so it must be true.”
“You also said I was going to get a good grade on my exam --”
“Kim Namjoon, you would have if you would have gone to bed when I told you, instead of playing games under your blankets.”
“Stop arguing near my cake, you’re gonna ruin the flavor,” Seokjin whined, slapping at Yoongi’s hand when it reached for one of the fruits. Unfortunately, that left the cake open to Hoseok’s greedy fingers instead. “Stop it, I didn’t even get to take a picture!”
“Hurry up before we take it all then,” Namjoon teased, snatching up another berry.
“I hate all of you. Just so that you know.”
“Seonsaengnim, Jinnie-hyung said mean words!” screamed Jimin.
“Jinnie-hyung is lying!” yelled Taehyung.
“I just wanted cake, is that so much to ask?” Seokjin whined, watching his brothers steal more of his fruit.
“Choices have consequences,” Seonsaengnim laughed, placing a stack of saucers and a knife beside him. “Next time you want to get adopted, pick a smaller household. And apologize to your younger brothers.”
“Which ones?”
“Take your pick, you probably did something to all of them. I’d start with the twins though.”
March 22, 2019 Kim Seokjin, do not ignore me. Answer your phone when I call you. I’m worried about you. March 23, 2019 Please, tell me you’re okay. I just want to know that you’re safe. March 24, 2019 I’m safe
Where are you?
At home
Your housekeeper hasn��t seen you for weeks. Your food is untouched. Your bed hasn’t been slept in. Don’t lie to me. March 25, 2019 I am at home Just not their home
Seokjin looked down at the notarized papers in his hands. His heart beat wildly in his chest, both in excitement and fear. He had managed to not just… well, in an effort of transparency, he managed to manipulate both of his parents into giving up their parental rights, and a third into adopting him. It shouldn’t have been so easy. It really, really shouldn’t have been so simple, but his parent’s paid so little attention to him that they didn’t even read the paperwork he gave them, and his teacher was so trusting and careless that Seokjin only had to tell the simplest of white lies to get his way. That was a little concerning, but he imagined there weren’t too many kids willing to… well, in an effort of transparency with himself, willing to commit fraud just to be adopted by their teacher.
But… the four of them looked like they had fun together. Seonsaengnim still looked exhausted, but they still helped the smallest one eat their bingsu while making cute noises, and hugged the older ones and answered all of their questions and smiled and… it was like watching his old nanny -- the nanny fired because of him -- raise three kids who weren’t him. And once that idea crossed his mind…. Seokjin wanted that. He wanted back the guardian his parents took from him.
So he tricked his parents and he lied to his teacher, and did something a little bit illegal, but… well, his parents will never notice. And even if they did… Seokjin didn’t want to go back. And legally, they couldn’t make him. Probably.
Now, all he had to do was convince Seonsaengnim’s kids to adopt him too.
March 25, 2019 Did something happen? Can you answer the phone? March 26, 2019 I know you’re upset with me, but please, please answer. I’m sorry. March 27, 2019 I am so sorry. Please tell me where you are. March 28, 2019 Seokjin, if you’re able please reply. Where are you? March 29, 2019 Seokjin? March 30, 2019 I’m not going back there You can’t make me go back Where are you? You aren’t old enough to live alone. March 31, 2019 I’m safe I’m not alone I promise You won’t even tell me where you are. How is that safe? Halmonim I’m happy. How do I know you are safe in this "home?" You don’t understand how dangerous this is. Go back to your family.
“Seokjin-ah,” his guardian called to him as he exit the bathroom, dressed and cleaned for bed. They were wiping down the kitchen surfaces, the dishes clean and drying in the rack. The other boys were in bed already, but Seokjin had planned to stay awake to study for another hour or two. Seokjin stood in the threshold now, watching his guardian work.
“I’ve been meaning to check in with you,” they said. “Is everything okay? You’ve been a little withdrawn lately.”
Seokjin smiled ruefully. He thought he’d done a better job at hiding his mental state, but maybe he overestimated his acting skills. “I’m a little worried about my grades,” he said. “I want to get a scholarship for a really good high school, but I can’t exactly do that if I don’t score well on my exams.
“If you were worried about your grades, you’d be whining about it,” Saem replied. “Try another lie. Or the truth. The truth is preferable.”
Seokjin hadn’t exactly lied. He did want to get a scholarship to a good high school, and he was worried about his exams, but he was also confident that he would be successful. At the very least, he had a backup plan, so no, Seokjin wasn’t exactly being honest. “I feel sick?”
“I don’t think you’ve matured that much in the past several months.”
Seokjin chuckled at that response. He could be more obnoxious and demanding than the little ones when he was sick, so he searched his brain for another, more believable story. It wasn’t that Seokjin didn’t trust his guardian. He trusted them to keep him safe and fed and clothed and sheltered, and he trusted them to be honest and fair. He trusted his guardian to treat him like a person, even when they lost their temper with him. He trusted his guardian to love him unconditionally. And Seokjin loved them in return. Part of that love meant keeping his guardian safe from his secrets.
“I…” Seokjin struggled with his words, unsure how honest he should be. “I’m worried about my old nanny.” That was enough of the truth, he thought. “I may have been in contact with her recently and… well, she’s kind of old. Older than you.”
“I’m going to ignore the old comment and focus on your nanny. Is she okay?”
“She’s fine,” said Seokjin, relieved that his distraction worked. “Just old, like I said. She’s still healthy as far as I know. I just worry.”
“Were you concerned that you can’t go see her?”
“She lives in Busan now,” said Seokjin. “That’s a little far for an after school trip.”
“We could all go during a break, if you'd like,” Seonsaengnim suggested. “The boys have been wanting to see the beach anyway.”
Seokjin frowned. The conversation wasn’t going the way he expected it to, and it was making him uncomfortable. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to see Kang Taerim. He missed her terribly. He just… Seokjin felt his heart drop in his chest when he realized: he didn’t trust her anymore. Whether he saw her in Seoul or Busan or overseas, Seokjin just didn’t trust his old nanny not to take him back to his parents, and that scared him.
“We can go to Busan,” Seokjin decided. “But I don’t want to see Taerim halmonim. I like our relationship the way it is now.” Even though Seokjin pretended the two of them hadn't grown distant over the years, he had to admit to himself now that the distance was good. He couldn't get kidnapped and taken back home if there was distance.
“Are you sure?”
“Positive,” he said.
"Any particular reasons?"
Seokjin frowned. As well-meaning as his caretaker was, he didn't enjoy their prying. When they pried, Seokjin had to debate whether he should lie or not. He didn't particularly enjoy lying. "A few. I don't want to talk about it."
His caretaker paused in their wiping down the faucet and fixed Seokjin with a hard stare. At this point in their relationship, it was a completely nonverbal argument, where his guardian analyzed his face and body language, while he tried his best to pretend he wasn't hiding anything. Seokjin doubted he was ever as successful as he liked to think he was, but he also appreciated that whatever his guardian found, they likely wouldn't bring it up. Yet.
“Okay," Seonsaengnim agreed slowly."I won't press it if you’re sure. Was that all you were thinking about?” They wrung out their rag and laid it in its place on the sink. Suddenly, all of their attention was focused on Seokjin. “Something tells me that’s not it.”
“That’s…” he considered his feelings, and what he was and wasn’t willing to talk about right now. It felt like something had shifted inside after realizing the uneasy feeling he had when thinking about Taerim halmonim was distrust. “That’s everything I’m willing to think about tonight, I think.”
“Will you come find me if you change your mind?” they asked, opening their arms. Seokjin felt relieved to be offered the hug he needed. He felt awkward about asking for hugs from his guardian when he wanted them. Seonsaengnim must have noticed how desperate he was because they squeezed him tighter than usual, and didn’t let go until Seokjin pulled back. He felt a little more settled inside, even if it still felt like everything had changed.
“I’ll probably come find you for help with math,” he said.
“You’ll fail if you did that, kid,” said his guardian. “I’m an English teacher for a reason.”
In his bedroom, Seokjin stared for a long moment at the textbooks laying on his desk. He really did need to spend an hour or two with his math formulas, or finishing his Korean assignments. It was the smart choice.
Instead, he crawled into bed with Jeongguk. His youngest brother was an excellent cuddler, and Seokjin could really use a teddy bear tonight.
Collecting Strays series, previous, first
So, if the formatting is strange, I tried my best; between my outdated Chromebook and the tumblr website, I was fighting for my life. Hopefully, the text conversations came through alright and the timeline of events is clear enough. As always, my inbox is open for suggestions and requests, preferably for this series, but I might be open to other, preferably platonic, BTS requests.
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haliyahfm · 11 months
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( zuri reed , twenty8 , cis woman , she/her ) ⎮ would ya look who it is , haliyah moore in the flesh ! dude , i heard they were a dj for kiss 89.5 at that place across town . yeah , no , they’re the one that’s really gutsy and warm-hearted but my buddy said they’re super uncompromising and a bit excessive too . i wonder what they’re doing over here though ? c'mon let’s go back to my place and i can show you their myspace profile , it autoplays this must be the place (naive melody) by talking heads when it boots up , it’s great . ⎮
full name: haliyah corinne moore nicknames: hali, yaya birthday: august 16th (28 years old, leo) hometown: columbus, ohio gender and sexuality: cis, bisexual woman education: bachelor's in communications from nyu occupation: radio dj for kiss 89.5 pets: moose (shih tzu mix rescue, 3 years old) favorite hobbies: autumn roadtrips to watch drive-in movie double features, keeping up with her favorite soap operas daily, playing dungeons & dragons, volunteering at the public library to spread wholesome chaos, reading tea leaves and tarot cards, sliding on her socks on hardwood floors
haliyah moore (hali to her loved ones) grew up in the suburbs of columbus, ohio wishing she was in new york city. like most little kids, she dreamed of wearing a feather boa down fifth avenue in defiance of the fashion elite and living in a park-view apartment with her best friend where they could complain about the horror of modern dating. what do you mean, that wasn’t most little kids? alright, it wouldn’t exactly be the last time hali wasn’t like most kids.
with dreams of new york like hali’s, columbus was a small pond in comparison. she was the free spirit, the dreamer, the rebel; the kind of person who got bored of following the rules and started playing by her own rules instead. her mothers were both biologists who studied at nyu and hali’s twin sister was the future valedictorian, so it only made sense that hali took a hard left into the absurd. she was the court jester of her high school’s theatre department, speech & debate team, and its worst garage grunge band (not to mention the band’s guitarist).
when hali and her sister graduated, her sister had a full-ride scholarship and a summer internship lined up, and hali had a buttercup yellow 1970 convertible beetle and a dream. that dream: spend the three months she had until new york road-tripping through the continental us. every corner, every nook and cranny, haliyah wanted to explore it. bars she had to sneak into, tires she had to change on the side of the freeway in the middle of nowhere, the tears she cried when she broke her arm in texas and realized she was on her own; she cherished every moment.
by the time hali finally reached new york, even with the most summer behind her, it was clear that this was still the beginning of something new and terrifying and enchanting. and she was positively enchanted by new york. nyu and a whole host of student loans took her in with open arms. it quickly introduced her to improv comedy, late-night college public radio, jungle juice, and college boys, and the rest was history. her senior year heralded in her first real adult relationship and her most important decision to date: accepting an internship at a dinky little radio station in brooklyn. 
six years later, she’s only had to hop between three stations, most recently landing at kiss 89.5 in columbus circle. it’s been three years at the station and she’s finally got a decent timeslot, but she’s never stopped dreaming of being the dj on all the billboards; the one everyone tunes in for rather than just her die-hard fans and the mildly interested listeners who didn’t really care whose voice they heard. something inside her keeps on believing that if she could just get the rest of her life together, she could really have it all someday. 
for now, awful blind dates, drunken trips to see her local bodega cat at two in the morning, and the constant search for a new manicurist after spilling too many of her secrets again will just have to do.
connection ideas
the neighbor next door she borrows sugar from and almost certainly has a crush on
the ride or die bestie who keeps her sane in the city and knows her coffee order by heart (and vice versa)
the listener who doesn't realize hali is the voice coming out of their radio
the bartender who has seen her at her most and least charming
the found family that makes her feel whole and seen in the chaos of the city
the meet-cute she keeps running into and having three quarters of a rom-com interaction with
the blast from the past that knew her in ohio
the college sweetheart - or maybe just roommate? - from nyu (she attended between '93 and '97)
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