#its sort of set in a GT/Super fusion. the black arc is discussed. but. current time trunks and goten are teenagers.
sansxfuckyou · 11 months
Summary: Trunks is gifted the terrible honor of regaling the tales of how important his Son Goten was, in turn, he ends up helping another Son Goten get his head clear and figure out how too bite the bullet
Warnings: Check Ao3 port for full tags
Authors Note: I started rewatching GT with my little bro and my dad because hey, why not, and then this ended up in front of me.
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"What was I like in your future?" Goten asked excitedly, and it really, really stung to hear him use 'was' instead of 'am.' He's sixteen now, he definitely understands the concept of death, and the idea that Trunks had the worst timeline.
Trunks gave a sigh, well, he did suppose that his Goten was probably dead at this rate. He can't help but bring a hand to brush through faded lavender locks, "Where do you want me too start?"
"Was he actually in your timeline, cause, mom told me that he wasn't," Goten asked, and those words forced the air from Torin's lungs.
"He almost didn't exist in my timeline, when my Chi-Chi died my own mother took it as her responsibility to try and salvage the unborn. She managed to do so just barely and then he was passed around and raised by each of the survivors a little bit. He did his best and we trained with each other under Gohans watch, helping around the lab while trying to not die. He was great," Trunks heaved a heavy sigh, shoulders dropping and gaze trained on the ground, "I don't know what else there is too tell you."
"Did he use weapons?" Goten asked, tone shifting to one of an interrogative nature, "How did he fight?"
Trunks nodded to the first question, "He had some spiked brass knuckles, he couldn't coordinate with an actual weapon. He was always more of a brawler than a speed fighter, he never learned instant transmission and he was bad at using his ki in projectile attacks. But I've never seen anyone bash open skulls like he could," He almost sounds wistful as he speaks, he represses anything intense from showing on his tone.
Goten gave a hum, "Do you think he's worried about you?"
"I," There's a pause, "I don't even know if he's still alive. Black is ruthless, unrelenting, if he gets a chance to kill either of us, he'll take it."
"He is worried about you," Goten said, and he said it so confidently that Trunks believed him entirely. He stared at Goten, he could lose himself in the obsidian depths of his eyes, it's missing the glaze of fire that's yet to be ignited. Trunks wonders what the spark will be for this Goten, for his Goten it was having Gohan die.
"You think?" Trunks asked as tugged at the hem of his jacket, a deep navy hue, leather fabric. He nearly lost it in the first fight with Black, when he brutally interrupted his first chance to go on a picnic. His first chance to breath easy, and he planned full well on enjoying it. But the rage Goten displayed right then and there, the sound of bones shattering and sinew snapping as he went absolutely feral? It almost made up for it even though it put a massive target on his head.
Goten nodded, "He fucking loves you man, he's definitely worried about you, he's not going down unless you're going with him," His speech is picking up pace the further he gets into it, his tone is growing agitated. He looks up from the ground and forces a smile, "I mean, I'd think so at least."
Trunks is merely stunned into silence at the sudden exposition into this Goten's head. A hundred doors just swung wide open and Trunks gets to look into all of them whether he likes it or not. He swallowed thickly, "No, you're right, he isn't gonna go down easily."
"Fuck no. He's me, he needs you to be there to hold his hand even when you're in the dirt," Goten said, voice petering off to a tone much quieter as he spoke until he mumbled.
Trunks stood up and held out a hand, "Wanna spar?" He isn't good at feelings, no one in his timeline is, but he does understand the universal language of fists.
Goten took his hand before standing up, "Yeah, let's go spar."
"You fight just like he does!" Trunks exclaimed as he caught both of Goten's fists.
The younger Saiyan was shaking, teeth grit and tail thrashing back and forth. He kept his eyes locked with Trunks' and watched for a single sign he'd move, for anything. There was none, they were locked mid-air and he couldn't escape. With an aggravated scream he tried to kick at the olders ankles, the hit was receptive and gave Goten just enough time to slide out of his grip.
His full body shuddered as he got in a stance, staggeringly rhythmic heaves up and down as he tried to breathe. His everything ached as he tried his hardest to form one Kamehameha with what little he had left in the tank. And Trunks? Trunks was fine, aside from the brief stumble here and there he was fully practiced in lethal combat. Goten knew that he was going easy, but it was pissing him off a bit more than it should've.
He dropped his hands, dispelled blue energy sparking up his arms, hair raising like static electricity. He launched himself at Trunks once more, the flat end of the blade raised to block the fist. And then the second. Fingers wrapped around razor sharp iron and gripped as hard as they could before wrenching away the blade. Shock showed with ease on the warriors face as a shoulder came into contact with his sternum, a full on ram down.
The impact on his spine and shoulders would've been enough to kill a human, he's pretty sure something is fractured. Crackling energy comes to the collar of his shirt and he stares up at Goten. The ravenette just looks wrecked, confused, absolutely ruined, he's almost crying.
"If I'm so much like him, then how come you're nothing like my Trunks?" Goten questioned, "How come he's nothing like you?"
Trunks doesn't even know what he's supposed to say.
"You fucking loved him, you loved your version of Goten," The ravenette managed to choke out.
Trunks still stays silent as the grip on his collar loosens and Goten rears back.
"How come my Trunks doesn't fucking love me?" His voice absolutely shattered as he dropped down next to the older Saiyan. He drew his knees too his chest, "What am I doing wrong?"
Trunks took a moment to try and breath, "To be fair, he's a fucking idiot."
"No he's not," Goten managed weakly.
"Yes, he is. I'm almost him, he is an oblivious fuck," Trunks said sternly, "Trust me, I am too."
"... I hate you," Goten spat bitterly.
"Yep," Trunks answered with, he forced himself onto his elbows and glanced warily for his sword. He couldn't see it, "Nice thing you did with the sword, not many can pull it off successfully."
Goten gives a hum, almost a laugh, "Thanks, my Trunks picked up swords since the last time you were here. Had too figure out how to deal with it so I wouldn't actually get hurt."
Trunks refrains from stating the obvious.
"He did too, didn't he?" Goten asked.
Trunks nodded.
"Of course he did," Goten said on a sigh.
"Look," Trunks said as he sat up, "If you want him too see you as anything other than a friend, you have too make the first move."
"But-" Goten tried too say.
"What do you think my Goten did?" Trunks asked.
"He made the first move," Goten said dejectedly.
"That he did, and then I could fucking see everything. I've seen you and Trunks, no matter how obvious you think you're being, he's oblivious, you got that? As receptive as he is to everyone else saying he looks good, he can't see you making the same comments," Trunks explained, "It's fucking shitty, and I know that I missed years because of how oblivious I was. My Goten didn't confess until what? A year before Black arrived? I was thirty, and I spent almost twenty of those years pining for him."
Goten just listens.
"I could've spent so much more time with him as more than just a friend, but I was too fucking oblivious, and now he might be dead while I'm here. Don't wait for your Trunks too notice," He took a heavy breath, "He won't notice unless you tell him directly."
"What do I even say?" Goten asked.
"My Goten said," Trunks paused, did he actually want too tell this to Goten? Would it be too personal? No, it wouldn't be, "He said I was all he had, he said he would already be dead if it weren't for me being there for him, he said that even before Gohan died he looked up to me more. I was his everything, he was my everything, I don't know what I'd do without him."
"Make it personal?" Goten asked.
Trunks nodded silently, partially afraid he'd start crying if he opened his mouth, but mostly aware he'll probably say something that could shatter this timeline if he goes any further. He reaches too the ground, and plucks at sprouts that have yet to blossom. He gives a small sigh, "I would've liked flowers, but they weren't enough left for it to be safe too pick a bouquet."
"You should bring him home some flowers, even if he is dead- which I know he isn't -it'd be nice to bury him with flowers," Goten said quietly.
"I'm gonna do that, any ideas on what he'd like?" Trunks asked, giving a gentle smile. Time travel humor. Often unnoticed by many, or maybe he has a twisted sense of humor.
"He'd like the smell of fresh cut lavender," Goten said.
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