#its still inktober if i say it is
hollis-art · 5 months
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8. frost
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sunkelking · 9 months
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To everyone who gave suggestions over on instagram, thanks so much!!! Tried to use as many as i could :) but, i still wanted to make it every other day because i know literally 30 days straight could be rather overwhelming lmao 😅
like it says on the calendar, any posts with the prompts can be tagged with #suntanseptember23 !! :) Feel free to use this tag anywhere you're posting! (Insta, Ao3, tumblr, twitter, etc.) Art, writing, editing, whatever is all fair game of course! Feel free to tag me as well if you'd like! Also, feel free to repost the list wherever you'd like! Would love as many people to see it as possible :)
So yeah, a month dedicated to suntan omori :D inspiration from inktober type things as well as suntan week are evident, so thanks to those as well!
Note, the days aren't meant to be when things are posted, but if you are late its still fine ofc! It happens. Also, you of course dont need to wait until the month begins to work on things in case you'd rather start early!
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attyattlaw · 7 months
heyyy I'm new to digital art, would you mind sharing some tips regarding programs and tutorials and etc? also on how to turn a real life piece into a beautiful and clean digital piece... really love your art
oh good luck with your art journey! my experience with digital art is pretty dated (as in a decade + levels dated) and i might be too out of touch to give beginner tips but regardless, allow me to attempt
Programs: it would help to know which hardware you have for digital but ill put down some i have experience in 1. Clip Studio Paint Pro - PC/Android/ipad/everywhere i think? unfortunately they betrayed humankind and its now a subscription everywhere but on PC. i bought a one-time license years years years ago on sale and its probably the best available on my end. I also got it on subscription on android so i can sync works between my PC and tablet. its very flexible in a way that you can draw with it in the most basic way single layer sketches or whatever but they have so many features and keep adding more.
2. procreate - ipad only never been an apple user but my friend is, and he's been a procreate user forever. he recently tried CSP on ipad though and he still claims he likes procreate better for ease of use and compatibility with tablet ergonomics and apple pen
3. medibang paint - pc/android/ipad
free forever. and out of all the free programs i recommended my other digital art newbie friend this is what he liked best.
4. adobe photoshop - dont even look at this the only reason i have one is im leeching off company license. its still unfortunately the industry standard tho but CSP is much cheaper and has the same controls and most of the basic functions 5. Paint Tool SAI - my first art program but i haven't tried it again. honestly still think this has the best brush flexibility and pen pressure control ----- As for tutorials, i find digital art has such a steep and high skill ceiling and its a challenge im still tackling and probably will forever tackle haha. I'm trying to osmosis painting techniques from splash art painters from League of Legends who most of them post complete timelapses (my favorite being Bo Chen) where you can study not just their techniques but like, art directions that make their pieces striking. Anyway, I also promised a friend I would make a simple coloring tutorial so maybe after inktober hustle, I would look for a piece there I'd use for the guide.
---- Traditional to digital is never a satisfactory process to me but if you can, invest on a scanner. I use an epson v39, had it for years.
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scanned vs edited. the goal is to at least get the white of the paper as white as possible and the blacks the blackest, without whitewashing/burning the rest of the colors. Level correction function is your best friend here and most art programs have that.
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Then i just clean dust and errors and slide the contrasts around until it looks as close to the original piece
If you have a decent phone camera, you can get away just posting instagram aesthetic pics with materials framing it or smth and just edit as usual. natural light tends to be a lot more forgiving than the harsh light of scanners anyway.
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Anyway I hope this helps and have fun learning!
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tessathegamefreak · 7 months
Sugar Rush Inktober Day #8: Cozy
The air was humid deep in the Diet Cola Mountains. No matter the temperature outside, it was always toasty inside, thanks to the bubbling, acidic brew
And yet, despite all that, the “Glitch” of Sugar Rush still felt cold inside.
Kane Candy shivered, as he wrapped the wrapper blankets around him. Once again, he couldn’t sleep. Every time he tries, he is always woken up by a crash.
He went over to the shelf, figuring a snack would help him calm his nerves, but before he could bite into the gumdrop like it was an apple, he couldn’t help but to admire its shade of blue. No doubt, this shade of blue reminded him of the coworkers he once called his frenemies.
He was about to shrug it off and proceed with his midnight snack, but instead, he grabbed the matching gumdrop and began to draw over it with sticky icing. He wasn’t much of an artist or a sculptor, but each simple line he drew was heartfelt, He sat himself down, as he held little coal candies in his hands. He stuck the coal candies to the first gumdrop like they were eyes. Kane smiled to himself as he could see a slight resemblance to a twin
“Heh. Now, you are misthing something”, he says to himself, as he drew grumpy little eyebrows on it. “There! That’th the Blas’t Nitro I know! Now, it’th your brotherth turn~”
As Kane placed the coal candies on the second gumdrop, he could feel the tears begin to well. Doing this filled him with a joy, but deep down, he is hurting. He is doing his very best to ignore that he was the reason they are gone now.
“… Thome day, you’ll both get to laugh at me again…”, he sniffled with a hopeful smile, placing the final eye onto Kane’s interpretation of Boost Nitro.
With that done, Kane places both twin gumdrops down, and sits in front of them. He sat there, watching them as though he hoped to see them move. He did this until he fell asleep. For the first time in decades, no reoccurring nightmares came.
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hxllo-nana · 7 months
So I just wanted to ask and say some things.
First of all:
Ur Ink u did for Inktober was really pretty. Look forward to any more Inktober pictures u can do. Only if u can though.
2nd of all: That Halloween Special AU art of Paps and Sans was so cute! Small baby-ish (demon; I think) Paps and teethwear (demon; I think) and/or braces Sans are so cute. I like their aesthetic too.
3rd of all: I was wondering how u been doing on any of ur projects
(like, Dead Ringer, which, I am very excited for the next episode of, and to see some of Sans, Paps, and Frisk's story of Dead Ringer. Will hopefully say something about Ep3 like I have done about the other previous episodes in some form. Or also like Bonnytale; which I read ur update(s) about on it's blog. And I am also very excited about. Or Inkuabtor. Ok, I probably spelled that wrong. Which, I am curious about. And the TikToks of it have been fun. I do hope u share it's story besides TikTok though. I will use TikTok sometimes. Like to see stuff and/or creators' stuff I like; like you. But I do admit; I don't use TikTok that much).
I know u have been jumping around them (and/or maybe even others), and/or probably are just busy and stuff. And I can wait for stuff. I know things can take awhile, and people have lives.
I am just curious.
4th of all: It looks like Hazbin Hotel is coming out in January, and if u are still doing Underhell, that means u will be getting more for that AU/series soon. Which is super cool. I love that AU, and the art and character stuff and stuff have done with it so far.
Also, since Hazbin Hotel is premiering soon, Cartoon Universe did a cool video called: "EVERYTHING You Need To Know Before Hazbin Hotel's Premiere!" , that has some cool info about Hazbin Hotel; that could be useful for ur AU/Underhell
Will say more about Underhell in another Ask, I feel like I have too much to say about it to have it in this ask, and I feel like it's better as it's own other Ask. Plus, this Ask is getting there in length. I don't know when I will send in that other Ask for Underhell though. Also, should I send that Underhell Ask on the Underhell Blog, or this blog?
Last of All: I hope u are doing well! And happy early Halloween!!
Thank you for the ask <3 ur presence means a lot to me! now then *cracks knuckles* let’s get into this
1. I have been doing some inktober works however I’m currently in a headspace where im overally critical with my work so i haven’t been posting them (here’s one i did but i redid it i will post the new one later today)
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2. i love my little vamp au even tho i have not build on it and aren’t planning to its still fun to me and im glad u enjoyed it ^-^
3.deadringer process is still slow as i’m focused on college but i have been getting a lot of progress done in which i honestly didn’t think i would, turns out hang drawing/animating as a stress reliever helps me grandly lmao. Also i’m proud of the improvements from the first episode to this one.
As for inkubator I do plan on posting it on Tumblr. So it will only be available on Tumblr and Tiktok! I might have to make another blog for it ooo
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4. I have been doing redesigns and story updates on underhell but i haven’t been able to work on it as much as im hyperfixiated on my purple babies (deadringer) and inkubator :’D I will take a look at that though!
5. Any blog is fine! ^-^ im sorry for the slow updates on underhell i promise ill get there 😭
happy early halloween! and thank you for the ask! your care really means a lot to me and i’m glad someone is so interested in my works <3
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teaandinanity · 7 months
I'm not even sure which October Make Stuff thing I'm doing (possibly I'm doing like five of them, just, badly?) but I had three prompts at the top of this document while I was writing:
7KPP Promptober: Obfuscate | Inktober: Dream | Fictober: "It's not too late [...]"
Here's Calanthia, in my possibly-an-AU where she goes home after the Summit and pines for Jasper for 7 years while Fixing The World for a distraction from her pining.
Seven years ago, she fought for a spot as a member of the delegation; competition was ferocious for those seven spots. Particularly given only five were really up for grabs. An eligible prince and princess, after all, would hardly be allowed to remain in Revaire during a Summit year.
Eligibility as a chaperone is, thankfully, a less fraught affair, for all there is only one spot available. When the younger generation have begun jockying for the seven delegate spots, she makes it known that she wishes to go. The queen nods to her and says, with the ghost of a smile turning up the corners of her mouth,
“That can, I think, be arranged.”
There might be other candidates; if there are, they never truly contend with her for the position. After seven years being spoken of as Katyia’s successor, she has many friends, more allies, and all manor of favors she could call in. She hears a whisper that she has requested the place, and no other whispers materialize to counter it.
Most people seem pleased at the prospect, even if as a chaperone she will be tasked more with watching over the delegates rather than truly taking part. The consensus seems to be that her mere presence will encourage this Summit in a similar direction to her own. All but the most strident war hawks optimistically look forward to increased trade and stronger diplomatic ties, a rising tide that raises all ships.
Revaire’s position is worlds away from what it was when she attended her Summit; the disposition of her people, too, is wholly different.
She looks over the children, amazed at how young they all seem. It is not only in years; they seem less weighed-down, less weary, less wary than her own cohort. They’re largely respectful of her, but not intimidated.
When she was in their shoes, she was at least a little afraid of almost everyone with power. But then, the Revaire that saw her to adulthood was a very different place. In her homeland, caution was a prerequisite to continued existence. Care is still wise, but carelessness is no longer liable to get one killed.
Some of Revaire’s young delegates, in fact, could do with a little cowing; one boy, who does not have half Zarad’s charm with it, tries to flirt with her when the ship is scarcely out of port. She gives him her most unamused look, borne of being the second-eldest daughter of a large family, further honed by years of making a career of diplomacy and overseeing a sea of nieces and nephews. 
He looks less abashed than he ought. Well; at least he has the nerve to try to brazen it out. Courage won’t be enough on its own, and alone it’s no advantage at all, but it’s not a terrible beginning.
“You will,” she informs him, “need significantly more charm to be able to carry off that level of shamelessness with any degree of success.”
The other younglings have all gone still in a way that suggests listening for possible advantage, so she projects well enough to be heard rather than keeping her rebuke quiet and continues,
“Corvali would largely condemn you on the grounds of gracelessness, the Arlish and Wellish on lack of discretion and manners, Jiyelians on the breech of well-known and generally accepted social mores. The Hiseans often appreciate a little playful effrontery, but no one else is likely to be amused.”
“What about Skalt?” one girl asks, with a grin and a glint in her eye that says she, for one, would very much appreciate tips on how to flirt with a lady who could heft her over one shoulder.
“Don’t flirt with anyone from Skalt unless you mean it and you don’t mind being up to your elbows in snow for three months. The ladies are not inclined to marry out and they seldom send male delegates.”
She considers the group and then addresses the girl and the other young ladies.
“Do consider making friends, though; they’re generally very happy to teach other young ladies how to use knives.”
Several more look intrigued at that. The original young man looks nervous, now.
“They are not permitted weapons on the Isle any more than the rest of us are, but in my own year a Wellish Lord did have to be rescued from stabbing by fork after causing offense. Best avoid being in his shoes, mm?”
It’s a short voyage - only two days. Enough time for introductions amongst themselves, but not enough for anyone to really begin forming cliques that might hamper the Summit’s overall aims. 
A few of the children - and they are children - apply to her for bits of advice. Some of them want advice on deportment or conduct, and here she can only tell them what she told herself during her own year;
Be yourself, but be the best possible version. Be polite. Look for things to like in the people around you, because the point of this is to make connections. Express gratitude. Extend grace. Know your goals, and bear them in mind.
They do not ask what her goals were. All the world believes it knows; believes that she went to make a name for herself, the way ladies of middling birth are seldom permitted to do.
And they are not wholly wrong; she did want that, as far as it goes.
But she’d intended to do it in part with a marriage. A duke or a prince seemed achievable, if she could reach the Summit itself. Among the best of all seven nations, she felt confident she could find a partner to help her change the world for the better, or at least a friend to stand beside her and lend weight to her voice.
She tried to keep that goal in mind.
But she found a different dream, on the isle.
Everyone knows, now, that she, like Katyia, did not marry.
They generally assume this is because she, like Katyia, did not lose her heart.
It is the easiest lie she has ever told, because she never had to say a word.
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ickmick · 7 months
Inktober days 6-10 <3
so... I said that doc drawing would be in this one, but it's not! I totally forgot... but it'll be in next week's post LOL
everything is under the cut since this'll be a long post! enjoy, and happy spooky month!
oh, and heres last weeks post!
I only list the prompts I used that day, here's the key for acronyms n such;
wh = welcome home
hc = hermitcraft (I have 2!)
ink = official inktober
gore = goretober
(actual gore will be triggerwarned! so far none has any blood or violence!)
Day 6
hc: moon
this is 100 percent another self indulgent jump! my first full attempt at drawing pearl! I love her! Ive done some doodles for the traffic series before, but thats about it. I didn't finish that pose here... but maybe after october!
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hc: explosion
gore: gutspill
this was a very low spoons day! I think the little cat (me!) explosion is funny though. for some reason I can't get a great picture for this one, but erm... I tried lol
I also didnt really draw anything actually all so gorey, but the sketch implications are there, so I put the warning still!
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Day 8
hc: outfit swap
I was also going to include the group/team prompt, but alas, my spoons! dear mumbo did not get a spot on this day... I also kept the features vauge because I just wanted to have fun with the clothes fit XD
(can you see the buttercup flowers? those aren't swapped, haha... I love the buttercups !! )
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Day 9
hc: first hermit watched / food (?)
gore: posion (sorta of!)
Ive watched Grian from the Olden™ build tutorial/battle era and rps with Sam and Taurtis! he holds an important role in my childhood/creative life, and has continued to inpire me :D
also, it's very funny to me that I drew the silly bit, and then the next day watched his deck out wk 3 video only to cackle as he says the line! "Grian will remember that" funny timing...
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Day 10
hc: fav hermit friendship / fav group/duo
life: insanity (uh oh)
the buttercups!! mumbo is so out of place here, but I was first just doing some good old desertduo, before remembering the tall spoon was already left out two days before! I couldn't possibly do it again, so I drew a happy buttercup Mumbo <3
is he a vampire? a gargoyle, perhaps? some other creature? who knows! not me, that's for sure! but I do know he has little fangs and slightly pointed ears!
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I Talked so unbelievably much this time! oops! :3
as I said last week, I'll be coming back at the end of october to pick doodles/sketches to finish/polish! so let me know if theres one youd like to see me come back to!
now to return to my foresty cave until next Sunday! /j
week three, week fours, week 5.1s, and the last post (5.2)!
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bryan360 · 7 months
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Here’s my note before I’ll get started….
“Day 13: Transform 🪵💨”
I’d came back for today’s program already, but also be ready for next week as I’m available for van scheduling that I’ve been waiting for. I’ll be there throughout the weekdays instead of Mondays and Fridays; at least good for my mom so she won’t get worried to drive me there everyday.
Do hope for some of my friends understand when given an update, but can a bit tricky concerning what I’m supposed to get through my Inktober artworks that are still in progressing. Just saying, though.
Speaking in which, here’s the 13th entire while its nothing to do for that infamous slasher. 🩸🔪
However, having Maxwell’s beaver buddy sudden transformation is out of nowhere. Was it a magician who casted spells on kids in the middle of the forest? That’s my inspired idea when bringing this Inktober post; from that Pokémon anime episode for “Ashachu” fans. ⬇️
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At least he stayed his shirt on this time.
Bucky (in his Bibarel form) created by me; BryanVelasquez87 (Bryan360)
Tagged: @murumokirby360 @carmenramcat @alexander1301 @rafacaz4lisam2k4 @paektu
Previous: ⬇️
“Day 1: Looney 🐰🔨” - Link Here #1
“Day 2: Imposters 🕷️👉👈🕷️” - Link Here #2
“Day 3: Wild 🌲🐶” - Link Here #3
“Day 4: Thief 🐰💰” - Link Here #4
“Day 5: Moon 🌙🎣” - Link Here #5
“Day 6: Love 🐰❤️🐲” - Link Here #6
“Day 7: Dogs 😣🐶” - Link Here #7
“Day 8: Shake🥤☠️” - Link Here #8
“Day 9: Act ☎️ 🤹‍♀️” - Link Here #9
“Day 10: Pirate 🏴‍☠️🗡️” - Link Here #10
“Day 11: Shadows 🔦🙌”  - Link Here #11
“Day 12: Baddies 🚘 🎃” - Link Here #12
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No Good Deed Unpunished
Sam decides to help Dean and Cas get their heads out of their asses. He pays the price.
Suptober prompt: Digital Flufftober prompt: Thick as Thieves Fictober prompt: “That was not my intention.” Inktober prompt: Bat
(Read on AO3)
“Perhaps you could just... Put it in some rice for a few days? I've seen on the internet where that can repair damaged electronics.” Cas was clearly contrite, and Sam appreciated his attempt to help, but...
“No amount of rice is going to fix this thing,” Sam lamented as he watched his iPad leak fat drops of cheap red wine onto the floor.
It was a simple plan, a good plan. Fed up with watching his brother and his brother's angel bat their eyes at each other, the UST so thick that it was hard to breathe sometimes, Sam had pulled Cas aside one afternoon and laid it all out:
“Look, man, you love Dean and Dean loves you. Neither of you has got the balls to make the first move, and I'm tired of waiting for that to change. How can we make this happen?”
It took most of an hour to argue Cas out of his self-loathing, self-effacing, self-denying mindset and bring him around to Sam's point of view. They spent the next hour hashing out increasingly elaborate and impractical plans to drag Dean onto the same page. Eventually, Sam had had enough.
“Okay, whoa, time out, time out. We're thinking about this all wrong. Let's keep it simple. We'll go with the classics.”
They'd sent Dean out with a list of petty errands that they claimed were urgent. While he was out, the two of them had hit the storerooms, digging up a linen tablecloth, a set of nice china, and some silver candlesticks. Sam had laid everything out on the library table, and downloaded a playlist of classic rock love songs onto his iPad for ambience. Meanwhile, Cas had run out for Dean's favorite burgers and a pie from the bakery downtown. On a romantic whim, he'd picked up a bottle of wine to accompany. They'd barely gotten everything set up when they'd heard the distinctive growl of the Impala pulling into the garage. Sam had made himself scarce, leaving Cas and Dean to their intimate meal, hopefully with a side of mutual confession and making out.
It was a good plan, and it had worked, as far as he could tell. Surveying Cas's well-tousled hair and rumpled shirt, and the fresh love bites on Dean's neck, he'd say the plan had worked. But there was collateral damage. Several pieces of the china had fallen (or been knocked) off the table and shattered. The tablecloth was rumpled, and soaked with a massive puddle of red wine. Smack in the center of the puddle, his poor iPad was on its way to digital Doggy Heaven.
Sam's emotions were a welter. Pride for his successful scheming warred with elation for his brother clashed with despair for his ruined tablet. Cas looked to be in a similar state. His cheeks were flushed from the wine and the euphoria of a love newly (and finally) requited, but his eyes welled with regretful tears.
“I am so sorry for the damage, Sam,” he said, wringing his hands, apologetic. “You must know that was not my intention. You were so helpful in setting this up for us, and to repay you in this manner...”
“Wait a minute,” Dean interjected. “You helped him set this up? This is why the two of you were thick as thieves all afternoon? Did– Sam, did you put him up to this?”
Dean's expression rapidly morphed from love-drunk to played. Sam started to panic, stunned and angry that this could all still go off the rails if Dean's self-doubt had its way.
“Dean, no, we–” he began, desperately hoping to head off his brother's impending doom spiral.
Cas got there first.
“Beloved,” he murmured, putting a hand on Dean's cheek. “Sam did help me to understand that this was possible, and assist me in setting up this meal, but my love for you is no one's idea but my own. Perhaps we could go to our room and... discuss this more deeply?"
At that, Dean calmed. He grinned. He grabbed Cas's free hand and tugged, growling “Our room, sunshine? I like the sound of that. Yeah, let's have a deep discussion.”
As his brother dragged his angel down the hall, he turned to call over his shoulder, “We'll buy you a new iPad, Sammy. Just... Tomorrow. Or maybe the day after, I dunno. Hey, you still got those noise-canceling headphones?”
Sam sighed and dashed down the hall. He needed to find those headphones immediately.
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smileymoth · 7 months
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INKTOBER DAY 2: BACK ALLEYWAY. Pepper kills a vampire and feels awful about it. How could she ever take life from another being ):
i had to pull out the gouaches here because i do not have any black markers for some reason. says the art student who goes to art school. I still need to edit a commercial and yes its almost 2am but listen our stupid inktober prompt list is more important than schoolwork. not the biggest fan of the extreme lighting on the right side wall but it's fine it's fine you can applaud me for actually doing traditional art instead of digital for once
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iturbide · 10 days
If you’re still doing the 3H asks: 3, 5, 8, and/or 12, please!
Who is your favorite FE3H voice actor?
That's a really hard question because everybody does such a great job??? But if I have to pick, I'd say Billy Kametz (Ferdinand), Allegra Clark (Dorothea), and Abby Trot (Annette) for the fact that they do some lovely singing in some of their Support chains!
Which route did you play through last?
TECHNICALLY I THINK IT'S GOING TO BE ASHEN WOLVES but if DLC doesn't count then it's Azure Moon I'm so sorry I haven't finished your route yet Dimitri
What storyline threads should have had more development / been further explored?
I've gone on ad nauseum about the flaws with Crimson Flower's ending, particularly how it glosses over the conflict with the Twisted that really should have had more weight since they are such crucial foes for Edelgard (who was subjected to torture and experimentation at their hands), but I really think that Verdant Wind deserved to have more of its own story, with more emphasis on its characters (and particularly on Claude with his dream of breaking down the barriers between people and how that plays into his interactions with his fellow students, with the Church of Seiros members, and with Rhea once he uncovers the true history of Fodlan.
Post a link / reblog your favorite FE3H fanart (no reposting / credit erasure!!).
and these just makes me laugh
I'm sure there are more that I'm forgetting but this is at least a decent subset of my favorites I think
50 Questions for FE3H
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ghoulcountry · 8 months
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i am so sorry for this massive post but its about to get longer folks
so uhh one year instead of opting to do inktober or smthn like that like a... sane person... i had a Completely Hinged moment and decided to make this beast ft. pen and @hybridkilljoys's jack bc i'm just like super normal abt them u know. i basically looked at lyricstucks with the confidence of someone who watched a youtube diy once.
of COURSE,, i never finished it. it was supposed to go thru the whole song and hu comes in and it gets Sad bc im a monster. but october ended and i lost steam hard :') sometimes i fantasize abt redoing these bits and finishing the whole thing but BROTHER who am i KIDDING.
i didnt rly say much abt this when i originally posted it bc i felt bad abt it already being so,, so long.
i will now list every hidden detail:
the very first one is a reference to their ROOTS as oncelers its a rip of the scene in the lorax y'all know the one. i know you know. i know what you are.
first panel also shows pen w/o his usual sharp teeth bc jack's the one who talks him into doing it heehoo
the bar they're in is the one in the greatest showman bc!! this song/scene is Them coded. it's sooo jack sweet talking pen into ditching out on his responsibilities to do what he wants. pen's nails are painted red n purple in this one :)c
after this point i think theres supposed to be a shadow behind pen in every panel but i may have missed one 🤔 also i still like how the broken glass looks in that panel near the end.
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evilspiritweek · 1 month
Hi! First of all, wanted to say that you are wonderful for still doing some little fun stuff for RC9GN fandom! I can't say how much I appreciate seeing the activity in the tag from you! Thank you.
Now, the reason I'm sending an ask, is I have a few suggestions/ideas that I wondered you might be interested to hear? If not, feel free to ignore this! ;D its totally cool.
You mentioned in the DTIYS post that you might be getting busy since the break is ending, and it got me thinking, maybe DTIYS could be extended for other artists? Like, if you are busy that week, or do not have an idea for DTIYS (or just dont feel like it, we all have those days lol), you can do a sort of 'feature artist for the week' to do a DTIYS drawing? I understand there might be a contacting/scheduling problem with that idea, but you can always just make a post/notice and see if anyone wanted to do this/next week DTIYS.
If you are worried about the complexity of the featured art, you can also make a list of requirement for DTIYS (like, only a single character, no/little background, props, themed and etc), so it would be relatively similar for everyone?
It also will give you an opportunity to participate in DTIYS too rather than just make it, if you wanted to! I kinda feel bad that you seem to do all the work, even if I know that you are doing it from love to this fandom haha.
Another idea I wanted to offer/discuss is the polls! I actually thought poll/episode bracket idea was a fun one, but i know its not the most favorite one. However, maybe it could be sorta implemented in DTIYS? Maybe a poll for a character/theme/episode-related idea for DTIYS people would want to see next week? It doesn't have to be constant polls every week, maybe just occasional if you do not feel particularly inspired that week, it could give you an idea?
I know that you started these new smaller events, because they were less stressful and urgent than prompt week/month, but still fun enough to engage with! If these ideas seems like too much worry/work, I totally get it.
Anyway, I wish you a good day! Thanks for reading.
(also ur art is ridiculously adorable ok bye)
Sorry for the delayed response!! You wrote a lot of good points and I wanted to make sure I addressed them all <3
The post was getting a bit long, so it's under cut. TL;DR I think I'm going to treat this year as a test run and then create a more formal one for next year! That will involve a Google Forum probably(?), but do note that one of the questions will be on a specific date. One problem I've found with events is the time they take place. Not planning on moving Ninjavember's month, but that for example is sandwiched between October/Inktober and December/Holidays/Finals, so it can get busy. Considering this is a new event, I want to give people in the fandom currently the freedom to kinda pick and choose when this might be done.
I think extending the DTIYS event idea to other artists is a great idea! I know that I started this rather suddenly without warning, so people weren't given a sooner notice, but if I do this again, I can perhaps create a forum for people to submit things to or have people submit things here. Nothing super formal (because organizing that might get messy), but that way it can feel a bit more like a community event :D
For this event, I'm kinda sort of just drawing by the week, so if anyone wants to submit stuff now, that's totally fine too! Worst case is we have more than 5 by the end of April, and that's definitely not a bad thing lol
As for complexity of DTIYS prompts, I wanted to keep it varied for fun, but I also think focusing on simple doodles is fine. At least then, it gives people more of chance to focus on their style first rather than figuring out how to draw a car or something (bane of my existence)
I also like your idea for polls, and perhaps if we do a more formal one for this next year, we can implement that.
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bigmack2go · 1 month
Continuing my parents guides
As allways: if you are a parent, DO NOT use these. Im begging you save your child the embarrassment. This is only for educational purposes and so you know what we are talking about when we use these.
That being said imma teach u the months to you now. Dont u dare interupt me i know u know the months. But u dont. So stfu. (Haha did u do ur homework? Do u know what stfu means?)
Okay lets go
So January is new starts and shit thats not something that only we do
February is honestly nothing special. Maybe we make fun of it being short like we do woth our friends but even that isnt very common
Now march, march is where the fun begins. March is when caesar was murdered. We usually have a bunch of phineas and ferb memes. Its also womens month.
In april spiritual people, religious people etc often do what imma simplify to you as „recharge“. Theres also a whole lot of complaints about the weather so theres that.
I honestly dont think may has anything special but i have adhd so i might be forgetting smt major rn lmao
June. Listen, we love june. June is the month of the ✨guh-guh-guh-gaAYS✨. (June is pridemonth)
And in july we complain that companies only use pride month for promo.
August. Im gonna be honest im not really objective on this bc its my birthday in august so thats sortof the only thing august stand for to me lmao. Its summer tho, i can say that
Ooo the embers… this is gona be great
September usually gets roasted for being bisexual(?) in september the most people get cancelled (2024 is an exception prolly)
Oktober is the month of creativity. Its not actually lmao i just said that. Because in October we usually make a bunch of art challanges (or other challanges for each day. And then we put „tober“ at the end and tadaa. Inktober! Costober! Fotober! And all that. That originally began bc well obv october is helloween month right? Right. So they did this thing called spooktober. Which can be each of those, it just has to be scary yk? And because America is weird and they do halloween wrong (/hj) they just don’t always use the spook and instead make whatever tober. (This whole explanation was a joke. Pls dont cancel me) and then theres hell week
Now hold your horses and settle your seatbelts for november cuz dis gon be a hell of a ride. It’s honestly actually not that much. Its just one thing but you’re gonne be a little disturbed after it. So november is NNN which is short for No Nut November. Boys chllange themselves to not masturbate or do anything sexual for that whole month. I have no idea where that came from so dont kick me. Its not my fault. Anyway youre gonna see a whole lot of people setting their profile pictures to eggs. Now ik i said its only one thing but see- it is one thing. The eggs are related to that. A whole egg means they still havent „lost“ nnn. A broken egg signals people in comentsections to pay respect to their fallen brother/the fallen soldier (youre gonna find some of both brother and soldier) also when i said we love the tembers its because some people make variations of this in september oktober and December too. Idek
December is basically just Christmas.
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galwednesday · 2 years
"Well." Leon stared at the nest of foil wrappers and bricks blocking the roof outflow vent. "It's not a falcon."
His walkie-talkie crackled with Manuel's doubtful hum. "Sounded too big to be a pigeon."
"It's a dragon. Small," he added, after the silence stretched. "But. That's a dragon."
"Can you... move it?" 
"Sure." He lifted his hand and the bedraggled dragonlet enthusiastically gnawing on his glove came with it, its saliva already eating through the leather. "Thing is, at some point, mama's going to come back."
There was a long pause.
"So evacuating the building--"
"I'll get right on that."
(100 word inktober drabbles; BOUQUET, TRIP, MATCH, and CRABBY below the cut)
"So is the 'vampires have super smelling' thing a myth?" Brian's date said, after watching him nod helplessly along with the victorious sommelier.
"It's real, I just don't know shit about wines," Brian said. "My sister's a judge at the state fair, though. She sniffs out blue ribbon melons."
"Oh, yeah? Cool."
"A lot of my cousins keep score. You know, best to worst jobs? Worst is Aunt Patty. She does CSI stuff."
"That sounds bad-ass, actually."
"Cadaver sniffing," Brian clarified, and laughed nervously as his date blanched. He snapped the menu open "Anyway, I went into accounting. So! Breadsticks?"
"Permission slips?"
"Right here."
"Kids are supposed to bring their own?" Shawna winced at the assistant principal's expression. "I'll raid the nurse's office."
Peterson, the fifth grade team lead, raised his hand warily. "Is this the fairground with the clowns, or the ghosts?"
The PTA volunteer coordinator consulted the briefing packet. "Ghosts, D class. "
"Buddy system for the kids, and make sure their pockets are salted. Anything else?"
Everyone shook their heads.
"Then I'll see you all on Tuesday," the assistant principal said, rising from her seat. "Happy field trip day, and may God have mercy on our souls."
Jess was fine with being the sister who didn't inherit their mother's second sight, but it did make clairvoyant-friendly sports interminable, and unfortunately it was Maya's turn to pick their outing. 
White advanced the king's pawn to open and deadlocked the game. Jess counted twenty-three minutes with no movement on the board, just the players' hands twitching every few minutes, before Maya leaned forward intently. The crowd gasped a moment before the second player tipped over their king.
"Next week we're going to a basketball game," Jess whispered to Maya over the polite applause, "and don't tell me who wins."
"What was the comment?"
"He said I had PMS," Wyatt, office manager, said.
"I did not!" Jeremy, sales team, protested. "I'm not some sitcom dad."
"And what *did* you say?" asked Melody, HR, missing The Bachelor to take this emergency meeting.
Jeremy shifted uneasily. "'Looks like you have a case of the moon-days.'"
Wyatt growled loudly enough to make Jeremy blanch, but quietly enough that Melody could pretend not to hear it. 
"Do you understand why that was inappropriate?" Melody said.
"It's Tuesday?"
If she wrote up the termination paperwork fast enough, maybe she could still catch the rose ceremony.
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tenebrare · 2 years
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Deus Ex- Sarif's attack dog (revisited) + Post about how and why this revisit came to be aka some self-reflect (warning: long, ... OMG too long)
During Inktober2022, when I was forced to (as its part of the challenge) post daily, in some point I took a look of my 2022 postings in general. I found that I have taken my blogs title "Sketchbook and doodles" too literal. Almost all my works posted were... are... 1-2 day quick scribbles and clearly unfinished. Except 3. 2 of which were done in 2021 and still fit the 1-2 day filling and one work which I had done while recovering serious health related issue and was forced to focus only on recovery and I kept working on a singular piece the time without thinking about completing the piece itself (as my goal was just to fill the time I was awake and give my brain something else than health to think about) nor being stressed by war, bills, work. And out of those 3 remaining works that last is only one I wouldn’t know how to change, when I open its original file now. Also the other remotely almost passable as closer to complete works were done before war and illness. Why I have rushed like this – where was I hurrying to? Did I believe I improve better if I do more? Yet my best fan-work of 2022 is one I did, when I was physically so weak I was barely able to hold any objects like my pen (even eating and holding a spoon exhausted me to the point I slept hours afterwards), but just invested more time on doing something. Inktober was like a sum of the same – out of the 31 works I did, the best one in my opinion is the one I failed at original day and did bit by bit on other remaining days. Where am I running to? I should sit the f*** down. 2022 is trying to tell me something and I should listen. It 1st broke my graphics card few days in. Started a war close enough month after. Got me ill and almost killed me next month after that and then heatwaved me to heat-sickness soon as I started to do some recovery few months down. Canceled all my long planned events and activities for august and changed what-and-how in September. Only thing it did not cancel was me seeing my favorite band in July (in fact ‘universe’ in particular delayed the gig to be in 2022 from 2020). Maybe by November I should take the darn hint? … I finally sat down after Inktober. Meditated a few days, sitting back against almost ice cold-radiator in a 12C room (the machinery in basement shut itself off again and it was 12C outside as well). So I went back and took one the unfinished works and gave myself no time limits - „It is done, when it is done.” I told myself - “I am not running anywhere, no one gave me deadline. I do this because I love doing stuff like this. Do it like you just hired yourself and want your moneys worth. And above all – have fun. I must have fun again, like when I was 2 and scribbled believing I am greatest painter in the world and for my family I was.” Uh, and the widget in the basement started working after I had found calm in self as well worked on this piece a few days and is stable 21C now. If I’d believe in paranormal, I’d say this house is alive and is catching up my moods. But thanks, house, for the widget being back online. The gas company found no fault in the widget and its systems. Not in spring, when it stopped working 1st time after being just installed, nor this falls … Well… in this region we believe that old houses have their own spirits and personalities after all. Here’s “Sarif’s Attack Dog” as I wanted it to be 8 months ago. Just spent 5 times more time on it. Viewer, who wants, does find flaws in it and could argue about ‘its done, when its done’ part, but it is not about if someone else can do it better, likes it or does not like it or any other 100 problems, but its about how I wanted it to look-like in given moment and gave myself time to do it. Maybe it should be my 2023 years resolution? “Sit the f-down and take my sweet time on all things I do – including fan-art?” Provided 2023 doesn’t try to kill me again, like 2022 did… tehehe? PS! That lone fully completed 2022 fan-art of mine was Francis Pritchard hacking Adams computer in Prague
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