#its the autism its the fuckig autism
puppest · 2 years
one of my favorite jokes in all of dhmis is the background gag in “dreams” where all the red guys are in a piano bar but the guy at the piano is just tunelessly bashing the keys bc he dont got fingers
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goose-24-7 · 3 months
mfs will really say a character is autismcoded bc theyre introverted and cant read social cues well (which probably has more to do with them being a shadow creature than anything) or get excited easily and really like something (news flash: you dont need to be neurodivergent to have a special interest)
bonus points if you can identify the two characters im talking about in this post, no looking at the tags!!
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kil9 · 9 months
on my millionth rewatch of the princess diaries i only just realised the absolute levels of autism rizz that emoboy michael has
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random facts about my fuckig au i usually try to balance them out between characters but i dont feel like it so its gonna be a lot of squid sisters
-marie has killed two people but she was possessed the first time
-both of the squid sisters are eternally touch starved and i dont know why. theres a lot of hand holding
-callie has ocd (surprise!!!). she mostly has trouble with making decisions
-marie is more of a slew of mental disorders than a person (relatable)
-i feel like shit
-marie figured out a lot of the problems she has in canon but now she has more sooo
-callie likes shitty pasta idk
-marie is incredibly picky about food because autism but also she eats lemons (???)
-callie is really good at social stuff and marie just figured out shes not supposed to leave while people are talking
-i only traumatized the new squidbeak splatoon so everyone is kind of really scared of them
-marie only bites if you approach her without warning
-they only hit each other sometimes
-im done now
-bye fuck you
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jellyaibo · 2 years
I LIKE THE MATERIALS THEY USED ON HIM!!! hes very soft and squishy its sososo good and i keep doing this to him
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ALSO HES FUCKING BIG....i have my loser & firey plush stacked on each other on my bed AND HES FUCKIG TALLER THAN BOTH OF THEM
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also. cat for comparison. he is almost 1 cookie long
but yeas. very very good plush i rate him autism out of 10
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mlynar-nearl · 2 years
heyup its anon back from that hell we call life and im just here to ask one very important question i have been stuck on for a while now: what is a good valentines day gift that isnt flowers (horrifyingly expensive) or chocolate (i just dont like them) ? answer however the hell you like man i ran out of people to ask
and yeaaaaah your reply to my prev ask totally reminded me why i dont care too much about the ak community actually its cos i dont wanna be in drama (unlike in genshin)
oh and get this, i was rushing lantern rite the other day (did it in 3 hours hehe) and using my nonexistent primos i won my 50/50 and got the big booba man like hell yeah now all i have left is kaveh (my beloved) and yes. maybe i will go back to genshin. if you play in asia i can drop my uid but im pretty sure ur a north america kinda person so like probs not
anyways didnt answer ur prev prev reply to one of my asks but like yeah they shlda made more people darker skinned in sumeru :/ kinda iffy that they aint ykyk like i live in southeast asia and my skins still darker than everyone in the cast lmao (okay maybe not everyone id say im on par w xinyan?) and it suuuuuuuucks but oh well mhy is just (insert thumbs down) anyways hope ur doing well lol u can throw in updates abt ur ocs too i havent had time to be on tumblr much lately thankiessssss
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do NOT apologize lmao i love talking
imo, the best valentine's gift is one that's not too extravagant but a little personal. gift card to a store/place they like or somethin'. maybe i'm broke but i don't really do v-day even tho i'm in a relationship LMAO
i don't mind the ak community very much in terms of seeing cool gameplay and a lot of the few people who interpret lore and the few other fanfic authors in english floating out there that i've seen have been really cool and i do try to encourage other creators in the space. there are some exceptions as some things/tropes/opinions piss me off but i try to keep it posi.
i do play in NA on genshin and english global on ak :( but grats on the autism man, the superhero we needed AND wanted. my partner played genshin for a bit before i did and they sent me a picture of xinyan and went ash this looks like you. they aint fuckig wrong. colorism won today
as for ocs! i've been thinking about audie a normal amount* lately. i scribbled some stuff with him and encio and gnosis but lost it when my computer crashed :( there's some stuff i posted in my tag for him tho (which is "oc: audie") about them and their games of chess.
shealtiel DOES do this but he doesnt know why. me instigating a fight because the andoain is hot and i want him on me. also, i think that when he converses with andoain on the trail- because andoain knows he's being followed and just lets shealtiel do it and sometimes tries to chat with him, persuade him to stop being so furious- if andoain starts annoying him he turns off his hearing aids and leaves. turning off my hearing aids i don't want to hear you anymore. andoain has to live with knowing that shealtiel can put him on mute. shealtiel hopes it makes him fucking writhe.
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weaponized-gluten · 4 years
I am once again dealing with anxiety related to my fundamental disagreement with my boyfriend's mother on the topic of autism
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nightcoremoon · 4 years
a few years ago I consider myself to have been an alcoholic. every night I was drinking. a hard lemonade here, a whiskey spiked hard cider there, an entire bottle of wine. after some time I noticed that this was becoming a pattern. I was drinking to get drunk, daily. I decided you know what, fuck this, I am NOT going to become an addict like my dad to heroin, like my mom to painkillers, like my uncle to cocaine, like my stepdad to booze, and like most of my family to cigarettes. I'm not doing this shit. I don't need the alcohol, I'm not gonna buy anymore, I'm not gonna drink anymore, I'm DONE. cold turkey.
since my decision to kick alcohol entirely, I have had a grand total of three alcoholic drinks, each one roughly a year apart. one was at my aunt's birthday party. I had an angry orchard rose. a year later I found an old mike's hard blackberry lemonade in my old van and decided fuck it I'll drink it. that was last year. and the other day I went to a christmas party at my work (if we were gonna spread covid we would've done so by now, calm down), and I had one drink, half cranberry juice half bold ginger ale and half apple crown royal whisky.
and now I've encountered an anxiety spiral.
did I relapse three times? did I fully recover and consider myself entitled enough to have a drink every once in a while which just shits all over addiction psychology and also implies that I'm better than other addicts because I can control myself around the source of my addiction? was I ever an alcoholic at all and am I just saying I was so I can flex on my dad, fuck you I kicked my addiction and I'm better than you so every time you told me I was LAZY you were a filthy fuckig liar because now you're under house arrest for all the drugs you do all the goddamn time because you're always fucking relapsing because you're spending all the money you SHOULD have spent on MY COLLEGE on fucking HEROIN, just using fake alcoholism to help justify my own daddy issues?
well I didn't "relapse". for one, relapsing doesn't fucking exist. you're either addicted or you're not. if you're addicted to crack and you don't do crack for 6 months, so you kicked your addiction to crack, but then you go out and smoke crack again and you wake up two weeks later having done crack every day for those two weeks and still want it more, that's not a fucking relapse. you were still addicted to crack. you just didn't do any for 6 months. temperance changed nothing. "who made you the expert" my dad's rehab coach, that's who. but guess what, each of the three times, a year passed before I had another drink. I have the willpower of a fucking ox. I had some whiskey the other day, and I don't have any desire to have any more. a year might pass before I have another drink. two might. I might never drink again. If I wanted to I could go to Walmart right now and by some vodka and chug it. I have that power. I have the money to. but I'm not. you know why? because I kicked my addiction and I can still have a drink here and there if I wanted to just like everyone else. I don't need it. I don't even particularly want it. someone asked if I wanted some and I said ok. if I was an alcoholic emphasis WAS then I'm not anymore and I didn't relapse. but the other two options are bad.
am I now shitting all over addicts who don't have the same self control that I have? Am I saying to addiction psychologists "you're a goddamn idiot and don't know what you're talking about, I'm smarter than you, fuck you"? am I implying that addicts who struggle with their addictions who DONT just shrug it off and say no through sheer force of will are just weak and need to try harder? am I lording myself as the queen of all addicts and inflating my own ego as being so strong and so cool and so badass and so awesome for removing my alcoholism without any therapy or medical attention or anything because I don't need therapy just psychiatry to regulate my brain chemistry imbalances via medication? am I implying that it's so easy so why can't everyone else do it too? or am I just saying that you can have one drink without it being a big fucking deal because everyone else at the party who had just one drink could do it no problem. but I can't say that because EVERYONE QUALIFIED TO TALK SAYS THAT ITS A RELAPSE EVEN IF YOU HAVE JUST ONE DRINK PER YEAR.
so am I just not an alcoholic? did I just recently find out what being drunk was like and did it a few times because it was fun and didn't let it get in the way of my major responsibilities or daily life? do I just say I used to be and kicked it because I crave that sweet dopamine fix from people saying "wow good job on kicking your addiction I'm so proud of you" so I can lord it over my dad and say nanner nanner booboo my brain is better than yours, fucker? am I just being a giant drama queen?
none of the above.
I was an alcoholic. now I'm not. and I can have a drink if I want to. because that's me. that's not anyone else. every addiction is different. and I'm fine. and I'm overthinking this because of the anxiety I can't take care of because my dad has me on his health insurance but I can't use it because he's anti medication and he won't give me the updated information so I can't use it and I can't go to medical facilities and say don't use it just let me pay with cash because they tell me no fuck you we can't do it outside of your insurance, and I can't use my mom's because she dropped me from hers to save herself $100 a month. I've made it this far without ANY HELP WHATSOEVER from health care. I've had 20 therapists and they've all been no goddamn help. I've had to do this on my own. anxiety, depression, autism, gender dysphoria, some personality disorder or something probably, multiple childhood sexual assaults that my brain has repressed so I don't remember it. i made it on my own because I'm strong, strong enough to kick addiction and laugh in it's dumb fucking face as I kick back and have a drink because you don't control me. I control me.
also I do cannabis for fun and pain relief for my muscular dystrophy that's intense enough that sex is excruciatingly difficult. I have thc and cbd in my blood every single day that I work. drugs are nothing to me. they are tools and or pleasure vehicles that I use in occasion when I want to, not when I need to. I don't seek for this to be inspiration porn for other people or a guilt trigger for those who struggle with their own addiction because they are not me. this is about me. nobody else.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk
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rottenbutrecovering · 5 years
my mom be like “no you dont have mental illnesses! sure youre exhibiting all sorts of symptoms but! nah!” nd i just wanna die she threatened to take me to the hospital lastnight because i was having a fuckig sensory meltdown and im like “hey mom ive been thinking about this for years id like to get an autism/asd diagnosis” and shes like “youre not obsessed with trains and youre not a genius so obviously you cant be” and its just so frustrating! validate me dammit im trying so hard!
It can be so frustrating when parents refuse to address and accept that their children may be mentally ill/neurodivergent. I recommend seeing if there’s a path you can get to gain support without having your mother involved
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