#and they wear clothes. so red sort of subconsciously assumes clothes are normal. despite not having any. besides
puppest · 2 years
one of my favorite jokes in all of dhmis is the background gag in “dreams” where all the red guys are in a piano bar but the guy at the piano is just tunelessly bashing the keys bc he dont got fingers
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takenbypeter · 1 year
dex with “11. "Whenever I kiss your cheek, your face gets so red." ???
Red Cheeks
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Ben Poindexter x reader
Words: 391
Number 11: "Whenever I kiss your cheek, your face gets so red."
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Dex considered himself tough. He was strong physically, he had an intense job which he enjoyed. And all of these honestly made him feel like he had some sort of power in his life.
The only time his guard was down was when he was with you. When he was with you he considered himself vulnerable. When he was with you all he could do was focus on you and nothing else, it was like he was wearing a blinding mask and you were the only thing he could see. It was slightly frightening for him but he still loved it. He loved you.
Despite this he believed he hid his infatuation with you well, even though he didn’t really need to. But apparently that wasn’t exactly the case.
It all happened so simply, you returned home a little later than usual but he was aware of it, then you set your things down, got into more comfortable clothes, grabbed a snack and then greeted him, by leaning from behind and planning a small kiss on his cheek which was typical in the relationship.
Per usual after the kiss you’d wrap around the sofa taking your seat beside him and Dex? Why Dex, as always, would have his eyes remain forward as he tried to stay…normal after that. He didn't know what it was about the simple act that always affected him.
He believed he maintained his neutrality well but maybe not.
After his cheeks cooled a bit he caught sight of you out of his peripheral, and you were grinning at him like you knew a little secret.
“What is it?” Dex asks.
“Whenever I kiss your cheek, your face gets so red.”
“Ahem,” Dex clears his throat while his hand subconsciously reaches to his cheek that suddenly began feeling warm again, “yeah well no duh, I really like you,” he says the words so easily yet he seems to have a hard time meeting your eyes out of what could only be assumed as embarrassment.
In a moment you find yourself pushing his hand away and pressing another kiss against his cheek and you quickly separate, leaning back into your spot, while Dex’s eyes now turn to you, “what was that for?”
You shrugged in response, “cause you’re cute.”
And of course with that, his face only grew redder.
Dialogue Prompts
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wxlfstxrx · 4 years
My Love (Chapter Three!!!!)
FINALLY. the final chapter is up!! god, i’m tired. firstly, before i forget, pls forgive my ignorance regarding the passport thing. HAHA. i had no idea that a passport wasn't necessary when crossing between states. best believe i was shooketh when i found out. i tried to briefly correct it in this chapter. also, once again the French phrases were translated online, so apologies if there are any errors.
i wanna thank everyone who’s provided support one way or another. i love you guys <3<3
special thanks to @lumosinlove for the wonderful story & characters. you are very lovely :))
“DUMO,” Finn yelled as the Dumais’ door slammed open. “God damn, fuck, I’m sorry, oh god—”
“C’est bon, Harz,” Dumo, who had jumped in shock, got up off the couch and made his way over to Finn and Leo, meeting them halfway at the entryway of the living room. 
“I don’t understand,” Leo removed his glasses to rub at his eyes blearily, not bothering with contact lenses at six thirty in the morning. “Pourquoi est-il parti?”
“Je ne sais pas, mais quelque chose a dû lui arriver....”
Finn groaned and shoved Leo lightly. “French, guys.”
“Sorry, mon chéri,” Leo patted Finn’s unruly mop lightly.
Dumo raised an eyebrow at Leo, who yawned, unaware. “Dumo, you’ve got any coffee? I can’t think straight right now.”
Dumo gestured for the two boys to follow him into the kitchen, where he started heating water in the electric kettle. He busied himself with getting three mugs while Finn and Leo plonked themselves at the dining table. 
While Leo was still half asleep, despite dozing on the car ride to the Dumais’, Finn was filled with nervous energy, subconsciously shaking his knee out of habit until Leo softly slapped his thigh under the table to stop him from rocking the table.
None of them said a word, all lost in their own thoughts until Dumo placed the three steaming mugs of coffee on the table, along with creamer and sugar, before sitting down opposite the pair. He took a sip, while Finn and Leo jostled for the creamer and sugar. When they were sufficiently satisfied with their coffees, Finn spoke up again.
“Dumo… You didn’t speak to Logan at all yesterday?” 
“Non, not since before he left the house after training. D’you know where he went?” Dumo gave Finn a significant look, the latter flushing and quickly taking a big gulp of his coffee to avoid meeting the former’s eyes.
After several moments, Finn realised he hadn’t answered. He shrugged in what he hoped looked like a nonchalant way, “We went for lunch, and then he dropped by. He… He left before dinner, so I assumed he, err… I assumed he came back here right away.”
“Ah bon? Celeste and I brought the kids upstairs to bed around ten, and he still hadn’t come back by then.” Dumo frowned into his mug, as though his coffee had the answers to all his problems.
Finn and Leo shared a look, Leo raising his brows meaningfully. He jerked his head ever so slightly in Dumo’s direction, and Finn shook his head sadly, looking down at his hands. 
“And he’s not answering his phone?”
Dumo laughed humourlessly. “Never does, that boy. It’s bad enough on normal days, but I think he’s completely turned his phone off. I can’t get through at all, and his last seen was—”
“Yesterday night. Yeah.” Finn buried his face in his hands.
“Did… Did you try asking the rest of the team? Maybe they’ve seen him,” Leo suggested, running a hand through his messy blonde hair.
“Later, I guess,” Dumo hummed, looking out of the kitchen window. “‘s still a bit early.”
Finn stayed silent, draining the rest of his coffee in one gulp. His knee was shaking again, and Leo didn’t have the heart to stop him this time.
They went down to the basement, greeting a sleepy, bewildered Celeste at the stairs as she made her way to the kitchen. Dumo stayed to exchange terse whispers with her while the other two boys headed down.
Objectively, Logan’s room looked as it always had: his unmade double bed with pillows strewn all over and the duvet half falling off the bed (Why make your bed every morning when you’re just gonna mess it up again at night, hmm Harz? You know I’m right.), his dirty clothes clumsily thrown into a laundry hamper by the door, the small desk cluttered with random knick knacks such as his laptop, several caps that he hadn’t bothered to stow away properly, and a few bottles of cologne. The floor was in an even worse state, however, where a few stray tee shirts that had fallen out of the laundry hamper and a whole array of clothing items that had tumbled out of his wardrobe on the far end of the room. 
Finn approached the mess by his wardrobe, his stomach dropping. Crouching down, he let his hand run over the soft fabric of his red Lions hoodie. The exact one that he was wearing now. He lifted the hoodie up, biting down onto his bottom lip, and let himself fall backwards on his arse, into a sitting position. 
He felt a warm hand on his shoulder, and he turned his head to look up at Leo, wide brown eyes shining with tears. 
“Mon chou…” Leo’s eyes darted around Finn’s face, and he had just started to tug on his hoodie to pull him into a hug when they heard footsteps right outside the door.
Leo quickly stood up and took a step back, shoving his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants just as Dumo walked in.
“I’ve dropped Sirius and James a text, hopefully they’ll have some idea of where he is,” The older man frowned, his voice trembling, looking as heartbroken as Finn felt.
“Thanks, Dumo,” Finn ran his hand through his wild red curls, tugging on them in a weak attempt to calm his nerves. No such luck. “I’m sorry, this mustn’t be easy for you either, yeah?”
Dumo smiled dejectedly. 
“He’s like a son to me. Mon dieu. I don’t know what to do. I’ve never…” He dropped down onto the edge of Logan’s bed, wringing his hands together. “It’s just… He’s been with me for some time now, oui? I can sort of read him. Sometimes even better than he knows himself.”
He looked at Finn once again, who ignored the thundering of his heart in his chest. 
“I’ve noticed something off ever since he came to live with us. I mean… I do think he enjoys staying here, sincerely. We get along well. We all love him... Me and Celeste and the kids. We spend a lot of time at home just, being together, you know? Playing games and talking and watching the telly. We’ve always been close. But there’s just something, something that he’s not telling us. He gets closed off sometimes when we’re talking to him, and some nights he comes home refusing to talk to any of us at all, heading down to his room immediately. But then the next morning, he’ll kiss us all on the cheek, and he’ll take us out for breakfast, as if nothing happened.
“He acts as though he’s fine all the time, and maybe he doesn’t know it himself, but I know. Je la vois. Dad instincts,” Dumo tapped his temple with his pointer finger, the corner of his mouth turning upward slightly, but without a hint of joy. 
Leo sighed and asked Dumo a question, but Finn barely heard it. His mind was running in overdrive.
He knew that they had parted on awkward terms when he got drafted to the Lions, and other than the text reply that came a few days after Finn had messaged him when he had arrived in Gryffindor, they frankly hadn’t talked much for a couple of months. He felt like he had left his heart behind at Harvard, and the homesickness he had felt, combined with the heartbreak over being away from Logan for the first time in years had him feeling very, very lost and unsure. 
Several times, he had stared into his phone for long periods of time, Logan’s contact flashing on his screen, but he had never dared to make the call. Call me when you get there. I want to hear about everything. What would he even have said? Both of them had been in two very different places, and he knew Logan had been missing him too. Would he have just made things worse if he had called? 
So, he never did.
His first interaction with Logan after that had been when the younger boy had graduated. After several unsent drafts, he had finally decided to text Logan a simple Happy graduation, I’m proud of you.
Logan had called him almost immediately, chattering excitedly, and since he had been seemingly in higher spirits, Finn had let him, sitting in his apartment alone, feeling a sense of calm washing over him for the first time in almost a year. 
They had kept in contact regularly afterwards, after both of them had apologised, awkwardly, for not catching up sooner. Logan had not said a word about what had happened during the party two years ago, or the night before he had left Harvard. He had decided to let it slide, though. If ignoring what had happened would give him back his best friend, he’d take it in a heartbeat.
Soon after, Logan had been drafted into the Lions. Finn had felt a whole roller-coaster of emotions: pride, excitement, and love, but also fear and nervousness. He hadn’t known what to expect. Would things be the same between them? Or would their friendship be different, now that they were out of school and past their partying days? Would they still be living together, like they did in school? Would Logan ask to share the apartment with him? Would he ask Logan?
One day, he had woken up to receive news that Logan had chosen to billet with Dumo and his family, and Finn never did have the chance to ask. He had felt as though his heart had been ripped in half, and seeing him during trainings together had been strained and tense for some time after. 
Following one of their team dinners about a month after, they had talked it out, just the two of them, seated on the trunk of his car in the parking lot of Sid’s. Neither of them had really looked at each other. Basked in the warm glow of the streetlamp above them, Finn had never felt colder than he did then. 
Didn’t— Didn’t you think I would’ve asked you to stay with me?
I did. That’s exactly why I didn’t.
Finn had sucked in a deep breath at that, feeling the pain in his chest intensify until he had found it difficult to breathe.
Okay. Yeah, no, it’s alright.
I’m sorry. I couldn’t. I— I couldn’t. 
It hadn’t been alright.
read the rest on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24215410/chapters/58975165 <3
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an-ambivalent · 5 years
Oath Of Desires: Five
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Synopsis: [Yandere! Jungkook x Reader x Taehyung] [Poly AU]
It had only been them three for a long time. Not one person more, not one person less – just Jungkook, Taehyung and [Name].
Jungkook was elated when Taehyung and [Name] told him that they had become a couple. He literally could not have been happier.
They were his favourite couple, and he loved them both…. A little too much.
When there was a hindrance in Taehyung and [Name]’s relationship which caused them to fall apart, Jungkook was distraught. Afterwards, when he realized the depths of his love for his ‘friends,’ Jungkook made an oath of his dark desires – he was going to do whatever it took to get them back together. And this time, he was also going to become part of their relationship.
Warning: As this story contains yandere themes, the characters display behaviors that can be triggering or uncomfortable to read. Read at your own risk. This work is purely fiction. I do not believe any of the mentioned members would display any sort of this behaviour irl.
“Story of my life,
Searching for the right,
But it keeps avoiding me.
Sorrow in my soul,
Cause it seems that wrong,
Really loves my company.”
-Rihanna, Unfaithful
The atmosphere was silent and rather uncomfortable as [Name] multi-tasked and worked her way within the miniscule kitchen of her current, new, and temporary apartment she was staying in since she had broken up with Taehyung. The mere thought of the mentioned male evoked feelings of disgust to run through her. And the ache that came as a consequence of this dilemma, would suffocate her. So, she kept her thoughts about Taehyung, and her emotional baggage that came with it, bottled up and to a minimum. Key word: minimum.
It was impossible to not think about the situation at all, and trying to deny the immense hurt she had felt from his actions would be completely pointless.
The evidence of her tears were visible in the way her eyes were swollen, red, and the eye-bags underneath her folds were much more apparent than usual. Her depressed state was obvious in the way she, and her new place was in an utterly abhorrent and hideous mess; blankets covered her sofa, and clothes were thrown carelessly on the ground. The clothes [Name] was wearing were a bit too wrinkled, indicating that she had been wearing them consistently over the spam of few days. If a person with  relatively normal state of mind was to see her, they would even assume that it seemed like she had not showered, or kept up with the daily hygiene routine like one was expected too. However, her current guest Jungkook, was anything but normal.
It was strange really. Jungkook and [Name] had not spent any time together just by themselves, without Taehyung, in a long time.
It was sort off… Nice.
Jungkook cared about his friends a lot. For that reason, he was not too fond of the shabby apartment [Name] was staying at. His dislike had been obvious on his face as soon as he had entered it, and scrunched his nose in disgust. And before he could even voice his distaste, [Name] had already waved him off, and reassured him that it was a temporary stay until she could sort out something more concrete. Immediately, like always, she had read him, and eased his worries before he even had the chance to delve on them. [Name] was an absolutely pro in understanding Jungkook, and it was probably why she had gained his trust so quickly and easily.
God, she was so sweet, understanding and wonderful -- he loved her so much. So surely, she would listen to what he had to say and get back with Taehyung, right? Right, of course she would.
The kitchen of the apartment extended from the living room. From where he was sitting on the sofa, Jungkook had a clear view of [Name]’s posterior as she prepared them some drinks, and snacks to consume while they would chat. It was a nice gesture really, considering how Taehyung had not done this lately for him. But as pointed out in the previous chapter, that was probably because that barista had bewitched him. Now, now that she was gone, Taehyung was going to come to his senses, and all of Jungkook’s efforts were going to pay off. Finally, [Name] and Taehyung would be a couple again -- he would make sure of it.
The sight of [Name] tinkering around the kitchen in a shirt that a bit too long for her so she wore it as a dress, while she was working in an effort to spend time with him, made Jungkook very happy. It was a delightfully domestic sight to behold. For Jungkook, the present moment felt homely and incredible. Despite the sight or stench that one would have found gross about [Name] at the moment, he thought this raw reality of hers as downright beautiful.
His eyes were hazy with imperceptible desire. Subconsciously, Jungkook licked his lips, as [Name] settled a bowl of some chips, and their beverages on the table. Then, she sat down next to him, and smiled at him. She scooped up a hand full of chips from the bowl, and thus, began her not-so-discreet stressed food eating. It was not particularly something Jungkook cared about. He only cared about wanting to get [Name] and Taehyung back together.
Jungkook was never the one to communicate through subtlety. He was direct and straightforward. For that reason, even now,  he went straight to the point.
“[Name], Taehyung didn’t mean it,” Jungkook said, and it was completely evident that the ‘it’ he had referred to was their cheating situation.
Given the heartbreak she felt, it would be apparent to anyone who lived in this world’s reality that this was the last thing she wanted to address -- especially from the way her smile had disappeared from her face instantly. However, Jungkook did not live in this world. His head was lost in the clouds of his own desires, so he failed to notice the manisfation of sourity in [Name]’s mood.
She narrowed her eyes at him.
“Did he say that? As in, actually say those words out of his own mouth?” She asked coldly.
“Well, no he didn’t but he was tricked--”
“Then I don’t want to hear it,” She stated simply.
“At least let me explain--” Jungkook pushed. He would have continued with his insisting had it been for the shock that overtook him when [Name] abruptly climbed onto him, and sat on his lap. She gazed down at him with wide eyes that were etched with some sort of desperation need, and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Jungkook stared up at [Name] with parted lips, and eyes that were just as wide-doe as hers.
“Jungkook, you need to shut up about Taehyung. He’s not here, and he doesn’t matter anymore. I get that you’re trying to do your best for him, but right now, he’s not worth it. Right now, nothing’s worth it. Right now, it's only you and me. It’s only us, and nothing and no one else. So, let's focus on us okay?” [Name] whispered, as she leaned in closer. With one hand, she sensually pushed his hair back (Cady will you please tell Aaron that his hair looks sexy pushed back)[1], and the thumb of her other hand, brushed Jungkook’s bottom lip softly.
[Name]’s eyes flickered to Jungkook’s lips, and then to his eyes. When she noticed that he was eagerly waiting for her to continue with her actions, and showed no signs of pulling away, she went ahead with her action.
She kissed him, and it was a kiss that was supposed to be nothing, but was going to mean everything. It was going to be the kiss that was the last catalyst needed to initiate the catastrophe that was Jungkook; it was going to be the kiss that would fuel her with regrets, and lead to their inevitable demise.
When she kissed him, it was out of her broken heart and feelings; it was an act she pursued without thinking -- an act that was influenced by her stress, the desperate need to vanquish her insecurities, and feel some sort of acceptance -- consequences be damned. It was purely selfish.
But to Jungkook -- it was electrifying. It was a small dose of the drug he had been searching for his entire life, and the moment he had received a slight taste of it, he knew it was going to be addictive.
Both [Name] and Taehyung were going to be -- no, they already were addictive. That was why he always tried so hard for them.
Due to the sudden rush of feelings, epiphanies, and his repressed desires coming undone, that overwhelmed him with euphoria, Jungkook did not return [Name]’s kiss. He was too lost in receiving the pleasure he got from such a miniscule action of affection. This eventually led [Name] to snap out of her tragic and self-pity state of mind, and she pulled away from Jungkook immediately.
The loss of her lips on his, felt like the entirety of oxygen had been stolen from him. Her touch lingered on too excessively.
For the few following moments, [Name] stared at Jungkook with wide eyes, as if she was trying to process her own actions. On the other hand, Jungkook gazed at her with half lidded eyes.
Words of apologizes instantly slipped from her lips, and she pushed herself off of Jungkook.
“Oh my gosh, Jungkook I’m so sorry. I don’t know what overcame me. I, I s-shouldn’t have done that. Oh my gosh I’m so sorry,” [Name] started, her eyes widen in panic, and with dismay etched in her voice.
Jungkook opened his mouth, and was going to provide her with reassurance. However, he did not get the chance to because [Name] continued to mutter her apologies. And with each time, another “I’m so sorry” left her lips, she distanced herself away from him until she had stood up, and stood quite away from him.
Her sudden and slightly exaggerated reaction hurt him.
In an attempt to diffuse the intensity of the situation, and lessen her panic, Jungkook stood up. He reached his hand out to her, and tried to converse with her. However,  [Name] only moved away from him, and shook her head, as she continued to mutter apologizes.
It was obvious that something akin to a panic attack was brewing in her mind. This, in addition with the fact that Jungkook was still mostly tranced in the euphoric feeling he had received from their electrifying kiss, prevented him from being too pushy.
[Name] was becoming too overwhelmed with the flood of her own feelings -- she needed nothing but to be alone at the moment. As a result, as she still uttered her apologies, while she forcefully pushed Jungkook out of her apartment. And with his own reasons mentioned above, he let her.
“I’m really sorry for what I did Jungkook, and I’m sorry for kicking you out like this.  I, I just need to be alone. I’ll call you later once I’ve collected myself,” [Name] spoke with a strained voice, before she harshly slammed her door shut close, and locked it.  
Her shoulders began to shake, as the urge to cry out sobs built up in her throat. Heavy tears flowed down her cheeks, and she instinctively covered her mouth. As she turned around, and slammed her back against her door, an entire breakdown occurred for her. Then, eventually, she slid to the floor with her back against the door like they do in angsty teenage movies.
Ever since the moment [Name] had forced Jungkook out of her apartment, he had been functioning on autopilot. The details of his surroundings were brim and insignificant to him while he had made his way to Taehyung’s residence.
Jungkook unlocked the door to Taehyung’s place with Taehyung’s keys that he had forcefully taken when he planned to meet up with that barista. It had to be fate because as soon as Jungkook entered, Taehyung woke up.
The older male appeared to be groggy since he had woken up from his drugged state. Jungkook made a mental note of how Taehyung had woken up from the dose of his sleeping pills earlier than he had expected him to. Jungkook decided that the next time he was going to drug Taehyung and needed him to be unconscious for longer, he would need to give him stronger sleeping pills.
Taehyung never got the chance to reflect on how why his mind felt foggy, or the reason he had fallen asleep out of nowhere when his body was completely charged.
All he could focus was on Jungkook, and the anger that imploded in him, when Jungkook said the words he dared to say next.
“I kissed [Name].”
[1] mean girls reference lmao. I love that movie for its trashiness
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lunawings · 5 years
King of Prism SSS episode 11 commentary (Shin...)
Thankfully at least the Crunchyroll subs weren’t so bad this time. I mean, there was the usual weirdness, but no major mistranslations that effect the plot like that time. So.... great!!
(After last week my standards are so low....)
But anyway. A reminder that the commentary you guys are getting on these episodes now is coming from the place where I am after having two months to digest things. After seeing this in the theater I didn’t really want to talk about anything to anyone. HOW COULD I COMMENT ABOUT ANYTHING REMOTELY CASUAL WHEN SHIN IS SUFFERING. Was my thought. But... eventually............
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I should have pointed this out last week, but did you catch that they added Dorachi to the OP?
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So yeah, there are a lot of little moments in this episode that it took me weeks to even begin to think about (what with everything else that happens) and this is one of them. Joji leaves Jin so quickly once he’s not cheating at prism shows anymore. Haha I know this is just a gag scene probably but really! When you think about it in the context of that line Joji had last week that was like “He’s changed....” it made me realize that maybe Joji really does love the “do anything to win” Jin.
And since Jin isn’t interested in that right now, here we have Joji kissing Sanada. 
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Jin doesn’t care about winning anymore. All Jin cares about is Louis.
The relationship between Jin and Louis is something I have a lot of questions about. Why is this a part of the plot? For what purpose? 
My only guess is it’s here to show that Jin can still love? Because he seems to really, truly love Louis. (Could you imagine him cradling one of the Shuffle boys after they failed a jump....) 
And this is all despite the fact that Louis also reminds him of his worst enemies, Hiro and Hijiri................. 
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All of my past comments about how Shin changed things for everyone and how much everyone loves and believes in him have all been leading up to this moment. 
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Even after what just happened, they all run to him without any sort of hesitation. They aren’t afraid of him. They all still love him. Edel Rose.  
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For people watching this on TV, the titles of the episodes are all spoiled in advance. 
But for us watching in the theater, we didn’t know.
When I saw Part 4 the first time, I chose a bad seat in the theater on purpose. Front row, far right. Because I just wanted to be alone, and there was guaranteed to be nobody sitting next to me unless the theater sold out. The theater sold out. And there I was in the right corner craning my neck up at an angle to this GIANT screen immediately right before me. Watching this happen. Small and helpless. Terrible chills washed all over my body and I think it was the most horrified feeling I have ever gotten while watching fictional media. I will never forget it......
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When I first watched this, I got the feeling that Shine had been floating in a void for a long time. (Maybe even the 1,000 years they always talk about.) But recently I realized, maybe it was just the amount of time Shin’s Mom was pregnant for? Since Shine wasn’t sealed that long ago (recent enough that Yamada-san knew him) it could be possible that he was sealed the instant Shin was conceived....?  
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One of my biggest questions about Shin for the longest time was whether he was actually..... born or not. Since the date 2/29/2001 does not exist. But he was. And I am glad about that. 
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This is the first time we learn Shin’s name is written 新.
Also Shin, when will you accept your megane destiny. 
(I guess he did in the last episode lol. But really, does he wear contacts...?)
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So this is our Young of Prism reference. 
Shin did meet Louis on a night at his grandmother’s house when he woke up and saw sparkling light. But Louis didn’t exist yet at that time. It was Rinne. 
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FUTURE 4TH PLACE (technically should have been 3rd) IN PRISM KING CUP 
....ahh Shin................ I love you......................
His childhood was just so normal.......... 
(Shine must have been so bored...........)
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This answered another one of my long-time questions about Shin. Where was he going? Why would he be out biking at night in casual clothes (not school uniform or sports uniform) in the middle of the night far from home? 
At one point I was so concerned about this (and his birth date not being real) that I wondered if he didn’t even exist before he was biking along the river. But he did. Shin had a normal, happy, real childhood. Ahhh........ 
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Christmas live! I already talked about this in my post about Leo’s episode, but yes it’s both an analog for the real life Music Ready Sparking concert, and a big part of the main story on Prism Rush: https://prism-rush.tumblr.com/mainstory
I’m so glad it was confirmed to be canon. (Well, it was already briefly mentioned in Pride the Hero. But still.)
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Well, we finally got the answer in the last episode: Because the prism gods found out and changed Louis’ mission. 
But you can kind of understand why Shine was..... pretty pissed off at Rinne/Louis when he finally resurrected in the last episode...................................... to say the least........
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So this was weird. Shine said “Rinne” before Louis said his line from Pride the Hero “we’re the same now”, but the subs make it look like it’s the same line....?
This is honestly the only thing in this episode which I think is flat out wrong though. There is some other weird/inconsistent wording of course but I mean seriously FUCK IT. THAT’S NOT IMPORTANT NOW.
Crunchyroll A++++++++++++++++++++++ job this time.  
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I didn’t realize it at the time, but..... 
Subconsciously, in the back of my mind somewhere....  at that very moment when Ace says CHOU YABEEE..... he became my favorite member of the Shuffle. 
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Just like..... Look at them. They’re all so happy. They didn’t look like this when they were with Joji. The best part about this episode finally airing on TV is that I can finally watch the new Shuffle’s performance on its own (without having to be forced to also watch.... the suffering....). 
I can’t wait for this full song to come out. Even though we only hear it for like 10 seconds it’s actually gotten stuck in my head before. 
And I don’t know if it was intentional, but I think having Ace perform in this episode is very ironic and incredibly significant. Because here we have Ace at his highest point while Shin is at his lowest point. 
Ace doesn’t know about Edel Rose and why they needed to win this. He’s on the top of the world. This is his moment. He’s finally getting to perform. The Shuffle is finally free from Joji. For the Schwarz Rose boys.... Ace is the hero. 
Since I am already on a roll talking about them, I guess I’ll bring up something I forgot to mention in my episode 5 commentary. When Part 2 premiered in theaters, nobody knew what Ace’s color was. People were actually using red, which would make no sense because Kokoro is red. You can’t have two members of the same group with the same color. But gradually people realized, due to the light blue A on his shirt and the light blue wrist band he has in some official art, that Ace is actually light blue. And here it was confirmed.
The interesting thing about this is, up until very recently Tsurugi was light blue. Only since his art for SSS he suddenly became pink. 
So when we first saw that SSS concept art.... was it hinting all along at this very performance? That Ace would become the new center?
I don’t know. 
What do you think?
No I’m not stalling. 
Why would I be stalling? 
Well okay.... I guess.... the next scene we have to talk about is......
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Where do I even begin.........................
So, a little while after this was shown in theaters I made a vague post containing my raw emotions about a particular prism show in Part 4:  https://lunawings.tumblr.com/post/184802787153/okay-i-am-ready-to-talk-a-little-bit-about-king-of
So if you read it at the time, I’m sure now you know I was talking about this. 
If you were scared or uneasy about it while watching it on your computer screen, imagine what it was like in the theaters. This performance effected me to the point where I had nightmares for about a week. And I’m not making a joke either. They weren’t the kind of nightmares I could describe, it was just like.... seeing bits and pieces of this show over and over again. I’d wake up panicked and have to watch something on YouTube, anything else, to try and get my mind off of it so I could sleep. 
And like I said in my original post, the thing is, I just cannot get over how good this prism show was....... at accomplishing exactly what it was supposed to do. Which I’m assuming is, to make you feel VERY VERY UNEASY. It is just...... I can’t even..... I......................
And of course. The worst thing. The worst thing was coming to terms with the fact that I.... liked..... it..... ?
Because if I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t be thinking about it so much. 
If I didn’t like it, it wouldn’t have been stuck in my head FOR 24 TERRIFYING HOURS after seeing Part 4. 
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It’s just it.....
This is so frighteningly real. 
It actually worked. 
I actually felt like Shine had some kind of power over me which lingered for days and days........... 
I guess..... I can understand why Rinne loved him........................
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He meant like consecutive jumps. 
Shin(e) is not doing a chain of consecutive jumps like Taiga, Yukinojo, etc. did. Instead he split himself and is doing a whole bunch of jumps at the same time. 
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So, I gotta take a moment to make this clear. Since, to my horror, people were actually referring to him as Shin in this scene in the livestream chat. 
He used Shin’s body and Shin’s voice. But this was not Shin’s prism show. 
Shin does not perform in this episode. 
So, people who don’t actually follow me and/or just stumbled upon these posts may not know this. But Shin is (and basically always has been) my favorite. 
After Part 4 premiered in theaters, I had multiple friends in Japan send me messages to check if I was OK. It was even the immediate reaction of a girl I just met in the theater after I casually mentioned that Shin was my favorite. Like practically grabbing my shoulders ARE YOU OK. 
Am I OK?
No, but..... yes. 
By that I mean, I am not bitter that Shin does not get a new solo in SSS. In fact, I can recognize the irony, since up until this point Shin was the only Edel Rose boy to perform a proper show. And now he’s the only one who didn’t perform a new solo in SSS. So it’s even. Technically. 
So that is not what upsets me about this episode. What DOES upset me is how this emotionally effects Shin the character, who now thinks this was all was his fault when it wasn’t.....................
I personally have known for a long time that something like this would happen, and have basically been emotionally preparing myself since the Pride the Hero era. No, scratch that, even since the first movie era when I suddenly noticed the dark moon mark on the back of his neck in Over the Sunshine (which took me months). I just had a bad feeling. Something told me that loving this character would someday bring me pain. 
So if I truly loved him, I knew would have to be strong.
If you take the good, you have to take the bad.   
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King of Prism SSS premiered in theaters in Japan after Taiga’s episode aired on TV, and right before Kakeru’s. In that gap, I came back a changed person. 
During the week of Kakeru’s episode I was just trying to feel normal again (while all y’all be sending me anon messages about whether we should pave over Africa or not FFS guys......). But from the next week onward was when I began to recover and was starting to want answers. You may have noticed, that was when I suddenly started talking about scores all the time.
Yes, part of it was trying to understand Taiga’s score and hoping it wasn’t lower for mathematical reasons since it later gets cut in half. But the truth is. The actual truth is. All that time I was trying to understand.... this. 
This zero right here has been weighing on me for a long, long time. Every time I brought up scores, it was always there. Looming at the back of my mind. 
For example, when I wrote “ I guess no matter what someone has to be last………………………….. ” in my episode 8 commentary, I wasn’t talking about Yu. 
So. Let’s discuss this. How can someone perform, as actually get up on stage, but end up with 0 karats? Clearly the audience did have a reaction to Shin(e)’s show..... 
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But Kakeru said there wasn’t a system error. So it’s not that. 
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According to June, if I understood correctly, it was judged based on Shine himself. There was no heart in his show. 
This lead me to question if this could explain some of the other character’s shows. How much does your own heart matter?
(According to this, it’s everything.)
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No, I do not know why they still released a periodical update for a discontinued program. I guess there was a miscommunication in the prism IT department. 
(But I suppose it’s possible other Shines still exist in other worlds....? But I really don’t want to touch that right now.)
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So, in case you didn’t fully understand the gravity of this, with the way the score is now it is mathematically impossible for Edel Rose to win.
Even if they get a perfect score with their unit show. 
Edel Rose has lost.
It’s over. 
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So this was the moment when I forgave my idiot son Taiga.
Even after Shin got a zero, he still blames himself. 
And this may be a terrible way of thinking, but... I’m kinda glad they included this debacle with Taiga. Because it made it so this situation is not entirely Shin’s fault. (Technically it’s not his fault at all. It was Shine. But they don’t know that.) 
They treat it like everyone’s fault.... oh Edel Rose..... 
Also, my favorite moment in this episode and it has nothing to do with Shin. 
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Kakeru offers Taiga his support.... 
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And Taiga actually takes it. 
Also, I may be wrong but, I think this is the first time we have seen Kakeru cry. And not just in the main series, I mean like in ANY King of Prism media. 
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I find it interesting that he doesn’t mention Kouji here. He goes right to Hiro. 
Despite their “rivalry”, he felt Hiro was counting on him.
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I can’t believe y’all actually pointed this out in the livestream but it’s so true now that I think about it. There may be intentional symbolism with Hijiri’s hair here. 
There are a lot of scenes where Hijiri is trying to pull his hair back. But in this scene he pushes it FORWARD. 
He’s finally realized what really matters, and why he’s done all this in the first place. 
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Oh Shin. Baby. It wasn’t your fault............................
And that’s basically it. For now. We’ll talk about their gay unit outfits next time. 
So to answer perhaps your most burning question: Yes, next week is the last episode. 
Next week is the finale of King of Prism SSS. Yes. For real. 
EDIT: OH MAN. Junta Terashima just confirmed in a Tweet that this is the outfit Leo originally made for Shin’s show. Ahhhhh.......
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