#so the constructions of Other Red Guys he comes up with wear clothes too. bc theyre People. he doesnt even question it
puppest · 2 years
one of my favorite jokes in all of dhmis is the background gag in “dreams” where all the red guys are in a piano bar but the guy at the piano is just tunelessly bashing the keys bc he dont got fingers
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okaybutlikeimagine · 4 years
Excerpt from this fic that’s taking me 5 million years to write bc I’ve forgotten how to write Billy properly???  my fic More Than a Crush
desc: Steve’s parents want to meet Billy bc Steve won’t shut up about him so they tell Steve to bring him to the Country Club gathering, and Billy’s not too thrilled about having to wear Polo clothes.
(this is just a scene and it’s def still “under construction” but I need to post something or I’m gonna have a breakdown so! Here we are, dears.)
For my lovely friend @okayshitbird ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Never in his life has Billy felt like this much of a dork.
Something about this feels like torture. Even though he knows he’s only surrounded by people who love him wholeheartedly, this still feels like a form of sadism. Billy thinks he might understand what those little toy poodles go through.
Because right now everyone is… cooing at him. Joyce has stood Billy in the hallway (where Jonathan said the lighting is probably best after she asked) and is currently attempting to work Jonathan’s camera to take pictures. Jonathan is right next to her, trying to show her the buttons to press and where to look when she wants to take a picture. Jim is standing behind them, deep chuckles clearly bubbling up in his chest and a smirk he can’t keep hidden smeared all over his face. Every now and then he makes eye contact with Billy and tries a little harder to keep his laughter down. Billy tries to find something to appreciate about it.
El is bouncing around in the back, giggling and pulling Will over to whisper to him. Will just shrugs, face red and laughter hidden in the corners of his smile. Billy knows he can’t get mad at them.
Jonathan though…
“Oh here, you just take it, honey.” Joyce concedes, handing the camera back over to her son with exasperation in her voice. Jonathan scrambles for the camera, hanging it around his neck before turning to Billy with a smirk on his face- a smirk that says: you’re never living this down. It’s in his raised eyebrow and all.
Billy’s gonna kill the boy.
“Say cheese.” Jonathan says with the smarmiest grin possible.
“I’ll kill you.” Billy says through gritted teeth, keeping his tone as sweet as possible. Jonathan laughs before taking the shot.
“Okay, okay, now I think we should get one over here! The wallpaper is nice over here.”
Jonathan is cackling now, mixing with the low rumbles of Hop’s laughter as they walk down the hallway. Will and El move out of the way, heading to the kitchen for something.
Billy’s teeth are still clenched tight.
“I’d really rather not.” Billy says with as little anger in his voice as he can muster.
“I know, I’m sorry, dear, just a few more pictures! It’s just, I have pictures of all the other kids all dressed up and you look so nice!” Joyce brings a hand up to replace a curl that’s slipped out of where Billy has attempted to grease them back. Everything she does is so maternal- it all has such a loving touch that it softens Billy instantly. “Just a couple more pictures? Is that okay, honey?”
It’s just them in the hallway now, the chatter of the other people in the house sounding distant enough that the irritation in Billy’s chest simmers down to just about nothing. It’s just him and this woman who somehow always makes him think about the good memories of his mother. Not even the tangible ones, but rather the fuzzy ones that crop up more as feelings than as pictures. It’s something he’s not sure he knows how to truly appreciate. It’s something he’s not sure he’ll ever get used to again. It’s warm. It makes this whole place seem a little more like home.
It also makes it a lot harder to say no.
Because there Joyce is, looking at him like he’s one of her children. Like he’s her son all dressed up for picture day. He’s not fully sure what to do with himself. Especially because she’s asking his permission. So few authority figures ever do that.
He sighs.
“Alright.” He says, giving her a tired smile when her eyes light up at his response.
He follows after her into the living room, exhausted just from existing in these stupid clothes, having to look at all of these stupid smiles laughing at him like he’s a clown. He feels like a clown.
They’d probably insist it’s out of love and care. He’d definitely beg to differ.
But he’s still standing there, chin tilted up and hands clasped behind his back, doing his best to puff his chest and broaden his shoulders to look as manly as possible… even though he’s dressed like a damn Easter egg.
“C’mon, son, give us a smile!” It’s Hop, humor dancing in his eyes. “Let us see those teeth!”
Billy’s teeth are still gritted, mirth and pain definitely visible in his eyes.
“I swear to God.” He mutters under his breath before allowing the corners of his mouth to tilt up into a smile.
“C’mon a little wider.” Jonathan says through a smirk.
“Just take the picture.” Billy says through his smile, followed by the click of the camera. 
Joyce fusses for a bit, moving over to the wall where all the kids have their pictures hung and trying to figure out the best place for Billy’s to go. Jonathan, still with that amused smirk on his face, wanders over to Billy.
“Hope you know how blackmail worthy these are.” Jonathan says with a glint in his eye. Billy makes sure to shoot daggers back.
“You better sleep with that camera under your pillow tonight, bud.” Billy says with sugar in his voice. He elbows Jonathan, who elbows him back, to which Billy responds with a harder hit.
The two are tussling about like a couple of kids before there’s a knock at the door.
Everyone stops at the sound, but when the bubble pops in the next second they’re all moving to answer it.
“I’ve got it!” Billy calls over the sound of them rushing to the door, taking long strides to push past them and get them away from the knob. “God, you’re a bunch of animals.” He chastises as he swings the door open.
On the other side of the door is Steve all dressed up in matching Easter colors. He’s looking down at his shoes, kicking a bit at the doorway in a nervous kind of gesture the second that Billy opens the door, and in the next he’s looking up with wide eyes.
He’s nervous why is he so nervous now I’m even more nervous oh God...
Billy squirms a bit where he stands.
Steve blinks hard. Billy doesn’t appreciate the silence, or the gathering of everyone behind his back that he can sense.
“Well? You got something to say, Bambi?” Billy’s foot is tapping incessantly. He can’t help it. He cracks all the knuckles on his left hand just by using his fingers. He’s nervous... and he swears he can feel everyone’s collective breath on his back.
Steve shakes himself out of his stupor.
“You look so good.” Steve nearly breathes it out. It kills Billy.
There are more than a few coos behind him, followed by a few amused chuckles. Billy’s face is currently burning red hot, but it’s not distracting enough to keep him from turning around and glaring at his family.
They’re all crowded together, doing their best to look at the scene in front of them without getting too close. They scatter.
Billy turns back to Steve, face still bright and hot. He absolutely hates the feeling, so much so that he can’t even think about wiping the scowl off his face.
“Yeah, whatever. You do too.” Billy feels sophomoric. Like a young girl who got asked to prom by a Senior guy. Like he’s waiting for his corsage or whatever. He feels so foolish
“Thanks.” Steve says, eyeing Billy up and down. “You slicked your hair back.”
Billy reaches up for it self-consciously. He feels that curl that fell out earlier and brushes it back.
“Yeah, what of it?”
“Why?” Steve asks, a little smile on his lips.
Billy’s not sure why he’s so irritated by the question, but he wants to believe the red on his face that he’s deeply sure is out of nervousness is actually red out of anger.
“I tried to look presentable. This is about impressing your parents, isn’t it?”
Billy’s trying not to snap, but it’s hard not to after being so strung up all week. It’s all he’s been able to think about is standing out in a field of flowers with a bunch of stuffy rich people.
Steve nods. His eyes turn softer, even though Billy’s close to barking.
A tiny shoulder is pressing into Billy’s arm then, shoving him out of the way with surprising strength.
“Hi Steve!” El says cheerfully, beaming her little smile up at the boy.
“Hi kiddo.” Steve says, smiling back just as bright. Billy shifts in place.
“Steve!” Joyce calls from inside the house. Steve and El turn to look at her, but Billy is staring at the stupidly nice shoes on his feet.
Nervous nervous way too nervous why am I so nervous please don’t ask him in...
“Won’t you come inside? I’ve got lemonade!”
Pictures she wants pictures don’t ask for pictures...
“I’d love to get a good picture of you both, too-”
Billy cuts in. He doesn’t feel too bad about it.
“We’re running late, already.” Billy says, loudly, to try to send a hint to this room full of people who can never seem to take one.
Billy still has his back facing the house, so he can’t see Joyce’s face. He figures it’s better this way, otherwise they’d be dragged into another photo session and Billy really cannot handle that right now. Not when his heart is trying to pack it’s bags and run away to the fucking city. He just looks up at Steve, shooting the boy his biggest, cry for help, ”please-have-my-back-here-babe” face that he can.
Steve takes the hint and gives a little nod.
“Yeah, we really are kind of late. My parents don’t like me being late to this stuff.” Steve shrugs. There’s more words on his tongue, Billy can see it. Steve kind of word-vomits when he starts talking about his parents and all the ways he seems to think he disappoints them. It makes Billy’s chest hurt more often than not. It ends in Billy kissing the guilt away more often than not.
“Of course, I don’t want you two being late!” There’s not a lot of disappointment in Joyce’s voice. Billy lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He leans himself against the doorway, facing the other side of the threshold’s frame.
“You can’t drive us?” El asks, looking up with puppy dog eyes that could pull at anyone’s heart.
“Nah, can’t today, kiddo. We have to be somewhere.” Steve says. It makes Billy think something so stupid he wouldn’t even admit it to himself.
Kids kids kids kids…
He pushes the thought away to briefly wonder why Jonathan can’t take them. Figures it’s something with Nancy. He’s not dressed yet and the kids seem antsy to be somewhere. He’s fine with his mind on that, on anything away from where he’s about to be headed.
“It’s okay, El, we can just take my bike.” Will says, suddenly showing up at the side of them.
The four of them push through the door, giving their respective goodbyes before Billy and Steve climb into Steve’s car and El crowds Will on the back of his bike. They make the bike look a little small, but they’ve done this before. It still makes Billy laugh a bit. Seeing the two giggle a little when Will loses his balance for a second lightens Billy’s heart.
“Ready to go?” Steve asks, like they didn’t rush out to the car to get going. Like they aren’t really late and like Steve didn’t really mean what he said about his parents, even though Billy knows he did.
Billy nods.
“Yeah, let’s just… do it.”
Steve nods for a little too long. He can’t get the keys in the ignition without fumbling a bit. They drive and Billy can’t even think about how much he dislikes the song currently playing.
He’s fidgeting still.
Nervous nervous so nervous why am I so nervous what the fuck is wrong with me-
“You nervous?” Steve asks around a bubble in his throat. He clears it with a cough after he speaks.
Billy snorts unattractively and pushes back his hair, even though the curl isn’t loose anymore. He reaches for the top of his button down, unbuttoning and rebuttoning because he needs to do something.
“No.” he lies through his teeth.
Steve gives a little sigh.
“Yeah, me too.”
It confuses Billy for a second.
“I’m nervous, too.” Steve says, voice a little shaky. Billy doesn’t know what to say. He feels appreciation bubble up inside of him that he tries to mask with irritation.
“I’m no-” His voice catches and immediately he’s mad about it. “I’m not.”
It sounds so stupid now that it’s out in the air. He looks out the window, like it’ll help the heat blooming on his face. He unbuttons the second button too.
Then there’s a hand taking hold of his left one. Billy looks at it, watches Steve’s thumb rub at the skin between his index and thumb. He looks up at Steve, who’s still got his eyes on the road.
“Thanks for… agreeing. I know it’s shit. Trust me, I don’t want to be going here either. But… it means a lot. And no matter what, I’m still your boyfriend, alright? I don’t care what anyone thinks.”
Billy’s eyes prick with tears. He’s not even sure why they’re there, but he blames it on how high strung he’s been all week. How pulled taut he’s felt since Steve brought this whole thing up. He’s just boiling over, that’s all.
Steve looks over at him, eyes getting soft and worry resting in his brow.
“Just drive, you idiot.” Billy mumbles, turning back to the window while grabbing firm hold of Steve’s hand.
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dreamiehrs · 5 years
jealousy issues ➛ h.rj
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genre: jealous!renjun, fluff, maybe a lil angst, best friends to lovers, you’re oblivious and renjun’s annoyed lmao, high school au, bestfriend!renjun
pairing: renjun x you
requested: yes
note: hihi! this was requested by this beautiful anon! I actually found this request pretty interesting bc I had to think of how renjun would be jealous... so I hope you enjoy it! ty for requesting :) (gif credit: @renjunhuang​)
you and renjun have been besties since... god knows when
just kidding, you and him have counted the years and it’s been around six years
aka since sixth grade!! you two met in math class when the teacher put you beside each other
that was probably her worst decision, to be honest... his witty remarks, which you always tended to bounce back and forth with him about, left the teacher in an annoyed mode the rest of the day
you guys were good students, though. so she wasn’t *that* annoyed, you know?
naturally, you guys started to learn more about each other and figured out you guys like a lot of the same stuff!! this led up to you guys exchanging numbers and hanging out almost every other weekend
your hangouts with renjun were something you always looked forward to
he never failed to make you laugh with his clever words and his sense of humor
as the two of you got older and went into high school... it seemed like everything had changed between you two
obviously, you two were still besties and nothing would change that, but as the two of you grew up together, sometimes you would find yourself thinking that renjun has... dare you say... gotten attractive over the years?
his features had become more molded and he’s started dressing more... impressively...  the latter probably because you told him what style of clothing you liked guys to wear
you would mentally smack yourself whenever you thought of him that way, though. you shouldn’t be thinking of one of your best friends like that, right?
you would have your occasional crushes throughout high school, and he would, too
however, your flirting skills were at an all-time low, so you would never act on your crushes. you would just wait for them to pass by and not really be phased by it
renjun would tease you non-stop about your crush (if you had one at the time)... but at some points during you two’s convo he would seem... kind of stormy
like one day, during sophomore year, you plopped down in front of him at your lunch table
“how is my wonderful best friend doing today?” you asked as you took a bite of your sandwich
“terrible, now that you’re here.” he would bite back, but you were unphased as you stole one of his grapes
“oh shush, you know you love me.” you wiggled his eyebrows at him and he just gave you a look of disgust (in a loving way of course)
you then went on your rant about how much you admired upperclassman na jaemin, about how kind and caring he was, all that stuff
renjun’s mood and his smile quickly had fallen after he heard that boy’s name fall from your mouth
you didn’t seem to notice as you kept rambling, but you did spot his clenched fist which rested on the lunch table
“injunnie, you okay?”
his nickname snapped him out of his trance as he stood up and gathered his things
you just looked up at him, your eyebrows knotted in confusion
“where are you going?”
“you know, y/n, if you want to gush about your crush, how about you do it to someone else, alright?”
after his outburst, he quickly strode away from you and left you sitting at the lunch table, all alone
what just happened?
after you got home after school today you thought a little bit before hearing your phone chime
you unlocked it to see a text from renjun
injunnieヾ(❛ε❛“)ʃ: I’m sorry for my little... outburst earlier today. it was a really stressful day for me and I ended up letting it out on you. I shouldn’t have done that
you: ...it’s okay. promise you won’t get angry when I mention jaemin?
injunnieヾ(❛ε❛“) ʃ: I’ll try not to
you were still concerned after you guys cleared everything up... something just didn’t... sit well with you... ya know?
it took all of your brain to agree on this, but you had decided to try to stop liking jaemin
you didn’t want to lose your friendship with renjun, so it would be for the best, right?
you still had crushes after this, though. in junior year you were infatuated with the school’s star wrestler, lee jeno
renjun stayed his usual protective self and would nag you every five seconds about your crushes... at one point he said something along the lines of “you’re too good for them.”
“don’t flatter me, injunnie,” you replied and brushed the warm feeling in your chest away by pinching his cheek instead “what happened to my impolite friend, hmm?”
he almost decked you after this but someone’s presence at the end of your table made him decide not to
your cheeks went bright red and you quickly removed your hand from renjun’s cheek. he just scoffed and you sent him a pointed look afterward
you tried to telepathically send him a distress signal as jeno got closer to you two with every passing moment, but you knew you were toast when jeno finally sat next to you
“hi, y/n. so... I have a wrestling tournament tonight, and I was wondering if you were interested in coming to watch me.”
you could feel renjun’s eyes watching you intently but you were too excited with jeno sitting next to you “it depends on if I’m busy, but more than likely, I’ll be able to go.”
“okay, great. see you there.” he gets up excitedly and acknowledges renjun before striding back to his table
you lie your head on the lunch table, peering up at renjun “what am I gonna do, injunnie?”
“what do you mean ‘what am I gonna do?’ go see him tonight, dummy.”
“...injunnie you’re acting strange. do you have a fever or something?” you put your palm up to his forehead and surprisingly, he lets you
a small, but sad smile covers his face and you feel a pang in your heart
“just trying to get over someon- I mean, something.”
your heart felt heavy the rest of the day after renjun told you that
something was deeply wrong, and you were going to figure out what that ‘something’ was
you dialed jeno’s number and informed him that you weren’t able to go. his goodbye sounded more upset than you had expected, but you didn’t let it get to you as you texted renjun
you: meet me at my house in twenty. we’re having a well-needed movie night tonight
injunnieヾ(❛ε❛“) ʃ: what about jeno?
you: I canceled on him
injunnieヾ(❛ε❛“) ʃ: oh
you: yeah
you: pick up snacks nerd!!
injunnieヾ(❛ε❛“) ʃ: you really wanna be smacked tonight, huh?
you took no time getting in setting up the living room for movie night
cue the tons of blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals you tossed on the couch in the living room
yes, you two still made pillow forts... yes, they were very comfortable...
while you were hitting the ‘on’ button for the tv, you heard three knocks on the door, which meant renjun was here
you quickly opened the door and headed back to decorating the couch, leaving him standing in the doorway
“psst! yn! a little help here?”
you hadn’t noticed that he had four full bags of snacks in both of his arms
“sorry buddy, can’t you see I’m busy over here?” you teased and you heard him huff before closing the door with his back
he set down the bags of snacks near the pillow fort you had constructed before meandering over to you
you can feel his eyes on you and you look up at him “what?”
“why did you cancel on jeno?”
“let’s discuss this in our cozy pillow fort, hm?” you lightly take hold of his hand and lead him into the pillow fort, which is beautifully decorated by yours truly :)
you take a deep breath before starting: “okay, so I canceled on jeno because I knew something was up with you. every time I would mention my crush, during the past and now, you always seem to get upset afterward.”
he stays silent, and you take both of his hands in yours in an attempt to get an answer out of him
“is it something that I did? was I being too dense again? please, just tell me.”
your heart’s beating a mile a minute with how anxious you are and renjun doesn’t help slow it down when he responds with: “I love you, y/n.”
after those four words left his mouth, you were now awfully aware of all the physical contact you were making with him, but you didn’t dare move your hands from his “w-what?”
“I’m in love with you, y/n,” he repeated, out of breath this time “I’ve been in love with you since freshman year, even though you were really cringy in that year.”
you giggled and lightly kicked his shin before he continued: “then when you started talking about all these crushes you’ve had I started getting... jealous. I couldn’t help myself sometimes, and it didn’t help that you went on and on about them...”
“...I didn’t say anything about your crushes...”
“that’s because the only person I’ve had a crush on is you.”
the air starts to become awkward and you start internally freaking out
“you know what? just forget everything I just said. I-”
“injunnie, no. the truth is, I like you too.”
you can see from his facial expression that he’s trying to process this new information “wait, what about your past crushes, and your crush now?”
“jaemin was an actual crush of mine. I did have an interest in jeno, but you being jealous diverted my attention from the said boy. you’ve been giving me butterflies in my stomach since last year, but I’ve been suppressing my feelings in fear of ruining our friendship.”
“wow, we’re really both fools, huh?” you swat the top of renjun’s head “okay, okay, I’m joking.”
“after all that emotional drama, let’s go binge-watch movies now!” you drag him out of the pillow fort and onto the couch, where you two laid on top of the other as you turned the tv on
while you were finding a movie to watch, renjun pressed a soft kiss to the side of your cheek before whispering: “I love you, y/n.”
you felt your heart melt before mumbling back: “love you too, injunnie.”
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ᵇᵃᵈ ᵈᵃʸ
This isn't beta'd, but I think I've caught most of the typos/errors as I've gone over formatting. I will gladly welcome constructive criticism bc I know I still have room to improve!
Summary: Reader has a bad day, the boys help cheer her up
Everything that could go wrong seemed to have done so on a particularly dreary skied Friday. You had overslept and been unable to make your usual coffee stop, having to settle for the weak brew used in your office. Your bike was stolen sometime overnight, as it was there when you went to bed but not when you woke, so you ended up being late to work. Your boss was breathing down your neck practically all day, leaving you to fix any errors from the others on your floor, so much so you had to work through lunch. The vending machine in the break room on your floor ate your first attempt at getting a quick snack so you settled for something else, not having enough change to try for it again. You ended up working late and were initially relieved to be able to head home, but that feeling left when you caught sight of the weather. It was raining, you didn't even have an umbrella, and the sky didn't hint at it letting up any time soon.
You were drenched by the time you got home, no other shoes by the door meaning you were the first one home for the night. It wasn't unusual, but because of your sour mood and the way your day had gone, it just hit differently and you weren't able to stop the tears. When your boyfriend got home a while later, he found you slumped safely against the side of the bath, your head nowhere near the water. He didn't think too much of it until he crouched down and saw the dried tear tracks on your cheeks. He let you stay asleep until he had everything set up.
↠ Kim Namjoon ↞
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➸ This boy knows exactly what calms you down, hands down, no questions asked
➸ he sets out some pjs, making sure to choose the shirt of his you loved to wear the most and cozy bottoms
➸ he lights a couple candles by the head of your shared bed, one on each side and your favorite scent
➸ from there he grabs the latest book he had been reading aloud to you in what downtime was shared, setting it by the bed along with some water
➸ the final thing he does is bring in a small selection of cut up fruit (this was done by you the prior evening, he's learning slowly) so you can have a healthy snack before sleeping
➸ once everything is placed to his liking, with the blankets pulled back just so to bundle you up in his arms with, the lamp on his nightstand on low so he'd have reading light but not bright enough to bother you, he goes back to the bathroom and gently wakes you
➸ having know him so long, you trust him to take care of you while so out of it, and he does
➸ he pulls you up, wraps a towel around your body, and helps you out before taking a smaller towel to dry your hair before moving on you lovingly dry you off
➸ as soon as you're dried off, he makes sure you're dressed and ushers you into bed, coming around the other side, pulling you into his side once settled
➸ you curl up, the bowl of fruit settled on his stomach with the way he was reclined, and once the blankets were settled over you he was opening the book to pick up where he left off
➸ his gentle tone washed over you as you snacked on the fruit until you could no longer keep your eyes open, your hand still in the fruit bowl when he noticed you were out, the furrow that was there in between your brows earlier was finally gone
➸ over your weekend, he makes it all about you, taking you to the museums you hadn't been to see yet, swinging by your favorite sweets shop, heading to the park, anything he could think of to make your smile return
↠ Kim Seokjin ↞
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➸ he actually takes his time in figuring out what to do for you, letting you sleep more the longer he waffles between choices
➸ ends up getting the prep for making dinner done and pulling out the pjs he likes on you best, one of a matching set that was just like his, except yours was a shorts set while his was pants
➸ his motions to wake you up come easily after so many years of catching you asleep in places you probably shouldn't have been asleep at; a bath, a hot tub, a bench in the park, over dinner at a restaurant - so it's not long before he's got you awake and out of the water
➸ the towel he chooses for helping you dry off is one of the fluffiest owned, knowing you loved it the most, and he left you to get dressed with a "I'm gonna go start dinner"
➸ the request to join him was unspoken but you recognized it for what it was, immediately following him as soon as you were done, damp hair pulled up messily
➸ he's definitely the cook between the two of you, but he absolutely loves it when you help him, but not tonight
➸ nope, he makes sure to tell you to stay seated when you finally join him in the kitchen, having set aside a small snack and some wine for you to sip on as he progresses
➸ the rhythmic sound of him cutting the last of the veggies sort of lulls you into a sleepy, half conscious state where you lounge partly in thanks to the wine, until true to form, Jin starts cracking his favorite dad jokes
➸ you start laughing before you even completely catch what he's said because he always knows what you need to hear to finally relax and let go
➸ the laughter is definitely what you've needed, other than his love and affection, which he showers you with when he can afford to leave the food for long enough
➸ you guys spend a lot of quality time cooking together over the weekend, switching between full meals, snacks, and desserts, with a couple grocery trips in between and you come out of it with one successful attempt at making one of your favorite meals
↠ Min Yoongi ↞
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➸ he knows it's been a tiring day for you, it's not very often you give in to your tears, but something obviously pushed that button and it made his heart hurt for you
➸ he pulled out a change of clothes, your favorite pair of sweats and one of his hoodies being the main pieces, knowing you'd be more comfortable in them
➸ instead of waking you as soon as he wanted, it was always nice to spend time with you no matter what you ended up doing, but he made sure to grab one of your bags and pack some snacks and drinks
➸ it gets placed on the couch with a folded up blanket and your favorite stuffed animal, it had been a gift from him early on in your relationship and no matter how many times he offered to buy you a new one to replace it, you kept turning him down, always smiling softly, fondly, at the ratty stuffed animal when doing so
➸ he rouses you from your impromptu nap and hands you the towel to dry off while he hurries back into the bedroom, throwing a pair of fuzzy slipper socks onto the bed to complete your outfit
➸ you shuffle out, half asleep still, and don't question anything until you've got everything but the socks on, getting a vague "you'll see when we get there" in response
➸ held your hand as he led you to his studio, a place you'd been in previously but only for short bursts at a time, never more than a few minutes tops, but more in respect for him and his workplace
➸ he had you settle down onto the plush couch in the studio, disappearing and reappearing with the items from earlier
➸ the snack bag gets set on the floor by the couch within arms reach, the stuffed animal tucked into your hold and the blanket draped over your form
➸ its quiet for a bit, only the sound of your breathing being heard over the sound of the ac in there along with his equipment as he got to work, but once the process starts, he tosses you a set of headphones and motions for you to put them on
➸"I figured you'd wanna give me feedback before I bring this to the guys" his tone is a bit rough, but it's also warm and soft in just the right places to melt your heart as you slide the headphones on
➸ you end up falling asleep curled up in the corner of the couch, one arm holding your head up and the other clutching the plushie to your chest, the blanket pooled in your lap, headphones over your ears until Yoongi comes to carefully remove them to let you rest peacefully
➸ you both end up spending the majority of your time in that room, having moved on from the track he had been making for an upcoming album to one more based on you and his love for you
↠ Jung Hoseok  ↞
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➸ he tuts quietly under his breath at the sight of you but swiftly exits the bathroom, going straight to pick you out something to wear, he had an idea on how to cheer you up and it was either going to make you happy or it was going to worsen your mood...
➸ he was ready to find out which, banking on your usual enthusiasm to help elevate it, so he pulled out a pair of leggings and one of his plain shirts for you to change into once awake
➸ as soon as that was done, he hurried to the kitchen, setting aside a couple of your favorite snacks to bring with, along with a couple bottles of water
➸ provisions secure, he heads back to the bathroom and leans over, hand going to your should to gently shake you awake “c’mon, princess, wakey wakey” he coos lovingly
➸ seconds later, as soon as his touch and voice register, your eyes are opening and you’re struggling to make your limbs function properly to help you up, but no worries there bc Hobi is there, hands firmly but gently grasping your arms to help pull you up but not tight enough to leave any red marks
➸ he shoots you a teasing smile at your questioning look but darts out of the room after tossing a towel your way, saying something about needing to finish getting ready and to meet him at the front door
➸ you’re confused, but you know better than to question the sunshine in your life, so you dry off and get dressed, lips downturned as you stared at the clothes as if they would answer your question before pulling them on
➸ meeting him at the door, you’re surprised when there’s a bag slung over his shoulder, but you shrug your curiosity away, knowing he won’t answer until he wants to
➸ you follow him down the street, sticking to the more shadowed paths to keep from being recognized, and you start to get an inkling of where he’s taking you
➸ he ends up taking you to your favorite lookout point that’s within walking distance, the bag containing a blanket that gets spread out and the snacks that get laid out on the blanket
➸ star gazing and having a mini picnic does do wonders for improving your day, especially when he allows you to lay your head in his lap to stare up at the sky, giving him the perfection place to watch from as your eyes drift shut
➸  he lets you sleep a while longer before he rouses you again and packs everything up, he shoulders the bag again and then scoops you up, instructing you to go back to sleep
➸ you spend the next couple days off taking it easy with him, watching movies and dancing along to the songs on the radio like a bunch of dorks, knowing that seeing you act like an idiot without a care in the world was one of the best ways to show that you’d be okay
↠ Park Jimin ↞
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➸ like everyone else, he sets out a set of pjs, sleep shorts and a tank top, and starts gathering the rest of the stuff needed for his plan
➸ soon some snacks are amassed on the coffee table and one of your favorite soft blankets is placed on the couch, a pillow reclined against the arm for back support
➸ the finishing touch is your favorite calming tea gets brewed and set down by the snacks before he even considers going back to wake you
➸ he crouches down and ghosts his fingers across you cheek, the touch barely there and just enough to make your nose scrunch up a bit, making him let out a quiet laugh, unable to contain himself bc he loves the nose scrunch you do that much
➸ his fingers retract their tracks, but this time with a bit more firmness, stopping to cup your cheek in his hand, his other hand coming up to brush some wayward locks out of your face
➸ "jagi, wake up," he sing songs softly, pressing a quick kiss to your now exposed forehead
➸ your eyes slowly open and despite the tired, grating feeling from having cried so much, you smiled sleepily at him, getting an almost blinding smile in return
➸ he helps you up and helps you dry off while you tend to your hair, the process pretty mundane but something that you wouldn't change for anything
➸ while you get dressed, adding a pair of socks to keep your feet warm, he disappears from the bedroom and you find him minutes later in the living room
➸ he's setting a lighter down, having just lit an incense stick on the table, and then he's beckoning you closer "c'mere, c'mere!" He's so excited you can't help but smile and laugh a little, obeying his command
➸ he sprawls out on his back on the couch and pats his chest invitingly, so you take the invitation and lay down atop him, resting your ear on his chest to listen to his heartbeat
➸ the blanket gets pulled across you, one hand resting on the small of your back in a comforting manner as his other hand feeds you small snacks until you fall asleep in the middle of the latest drama episode you had been wanting to watch with three soft notes of your favorite song being quietly sung to you
➸ your weekend is spent getting spoiled by Jimin, you get to take it easy while he dotes on you and he even makes sure to book your dream course at a spa you had been wanting to visit to make sure you had ample time and opportunity to relax
↠ Kim Taehyung ↞
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➸ he sighs as he carefully brushes your hair out of your face, frowning a little, knowing your day had had to have been rough for you to have cried like that
➸ it doesn’t take him long to figure out what he wants to do to help lift your mood, he doesn’t like seeing you like this and will do anything he possibly can to improve your spirits; if you’re not happy, he’s not happy
➸ ofc this would happen when you guys don’t have Yeontan, him staying with Taehyung’s mother, bc nothing cheers you up like being smother with dog kisses, so he’s left using a backup plan he had been saving for a rainy day...like well, today
➸ he gets the studio prepped for you both, including cracking open one of the windows and lighting one of your aromatherapy candles, gets the paints all set out, the canvases set up on the easels and stools for you both
➸ he’s gentle in his approach to wake you, pressing a loving kiss to your cheek and then your forehead, gently nosing your temple to finally bring you to consciousness
➸ you’re rewarded with a bright, boxy smile when your eyes crack open to glance up at him with a tired but inquisitive grunt in greeting, your eyes falling shut again seconds later
➸ “cmooonnn, up and at ‘em” he rouses you, his smile turning playful as he tugs you up to your feet and helps you out of the tub before wrapping a towel around you and helping you dry off
➸ you’re done in record time with the assistance from Taehyung, who’s still smiling, and he leaves you in the bedroom after telling you to get dressed, but doesn’t answer when you ask what the occasion is
➸  you wind up wearing plaid pj pants and a faded crop top, going for something comfortable in the hopes that you wouldn’t actually be leaving your home for this adventure he had planned
➸ after you’re dressed and your hair is thrown up in a messy ponytail, you leave the bedroom to find where your boyfriend has gone and you wind up following the sound of upbeat music to his studio
➸ you’ve been in there before but you never linger, knowing it was a creative space for Tae and not wanting to risk tainting that since you loved his art so much when he indulged, so you take tenatitive steps in, only to let out a surprised sound when arms wrapped around your waist from behind, swinging you around
➸ he sets you back down on your feet by one of the stools, motioning for you to sit as he goes over to the other one “I know painting can be relaxing, so I figured...why not paint from your heart tonight?” he says softly, slowly, almost a bit awkwardly as he fights not to trip over his words
➸ you spend the night, and part of the following morning, painting to your heart’s desire with what was provided, ending up with an abstract, colorful mess that Taehyung met with such enthusiasm, gushing about how amazing it was and how he insisted they hang it by the front door
➸ since he took the time to help you embrace his love for painting, you took time over the remainder of the weekend helping him grasp the basics of one of the crafts you loved to do in spare time
↠ Jeon Jungkook  ↞
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➸ he’s honestly not quite sure what to do to help you, he’s not ever seen you this upset before... yeah, he’s seen you cry, but never to the point of exhaustion like this
➸  that was the only reason you would’ve fallen asleep in the tub like that, especially with the tear tracks, but he was torn between checking in on you and wanting to destroy whatever it was that had knocked you down so low
➸ he knew from experience that when it got dark and bad mentally, it could be hard to bounce back, but he also knew that he would do whatever he could, so he stayed where he was, leaned up against the door frame as he looked you over  
➸ any normal fixes for a regular sad day wouldn’t be quite enough, he was sure of that
➸ by the time the cooling water woke you, Jungkook was no closer to a decision than he had been in the beginning, so when you finally opened your eyes, the first thing you saw was the deer in the headlights look that was plastered on his face  
➸ you couldn’t help but let out a small, quiet laugh and push yourself up, reaching out to balance yourself on him when he hurried over to make sure you wouldn’t lose your footing and slip
➸ the tension bled out of his figure immediately after your little laugh, it was a sign that there he shouldn’t panic and just go back to normal, so he wrapped a towel around you before pulling you in for a hug, a kiss getting pressed to the top of your head
➸ “hungry?” he asks as he steps back, hands sliding down your shoulders to your arms and finally stopping on your hands, giving them a squeeze and you think for a moment before nodding so he excuses himself to go make some ramen for a quick snack
➸ as he starts boiling the water for the ramen, he realizes what could be done as a distraction and impatiently waits for the water to boil and the noodles to cook before he’s hurrying down the hall to his office where his computer is
➸ a while back, you mentioned being curious what goes into making a GCF behind the scenes once he had obtained all the footage he wanted to use in it, so he planned to spend the weekend showing you....
➸ and that he did! at any point during the process, if you had a question, he’d stop and take the time to address it, explaining the reasoning behind why he was doing this versus that or even taking the time to show you what it would look like if done even the slightest bit of rushing so that everything was just slightly off so you came away with new found respect for his GCF’s, not that you hadn’t ever respected them...you now knew first hand what it took to make one
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well i got home a lot earlier than i thought i would today, which i’m happy for seeing as the place was filled to the brim with people not wearing masks. like this place is normally decently busy this time of year but it was packed to the goddam brim today for some reason. anyway! i took pictures of the place for reference, and whenever i get around to carving the pumpkins we picked out i’ll share pics of that as well. this is lowkey going to be an advertisement for the place because if you ever visit the central valley you really should come around here, especially if you are/have kids it’s amazing. starting from the top.
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[image description: a picture of a creek bluff. in the foreground are some ground brush cast in shadow. in the middle ground is some long yellow grasses in patchy sunlight taking up the space where a creek would run if there was rain around here (california). slightly up the hill is a small footbrigde connecting a path that goes from left to right along the side of the bluff. just behind it in the background is the side of a small hill that’s covered in the same long yellow grass from before, and the sky is clear and blue where at the top of the bluff. scattered throughout are oak trees, some small and young, and a few that are old, tall, & mighty. end image description.]
y’all are so lucky i managed to get pictures without people there were so damn many. my older brother was freaking out the entire time about catching corona (he’s nd but he’s in denial about it) and ive decided that for the sake of this post & onwards i’ll be referring to my older brother as Idon & my younger brother as Dr. Lion given that those are dumb unused nicknames we have for each other and it’s easier than referring to them as my older & younger brother all the time. anyway the whole area is set up in this lil creekbed area and normally when it’s winter & it’s not hot n stuff (twas decently hot today, tshirt shorts & no jacket weather in the sun) there’s a bit of water that runs through it. the rest of the time it’s dry and people will walk straight to it to get to the bluffside trail that features a handful of small attractions like a tiny castle, tunnel, metal slide, & other things that appeal to all the children that can fit in them. this place is basically the hotspot for any and all children in this county youve just gotta come here some time it’s so damn fun. there’s even a swinging rope bridge over the creek that leads to the bluffside trail that’s raised way up in the air and is an honestly harrowing experience for every kid who goes across it i could talk about this place for hours. i havent even brought up the train line that goes around the tree farm & things at the top of the bluff. anyway
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[image description: a picture of a pumpkin patch, taken from behind a few stalks of corn. the field is full of pumpkin plants with their large, green leaves extended into the air, though there’s no pumpkins visible. there are various flowers i believe to be carnations dotted throughout the patch, in shades of  light pink, magenta, orange, and red, and a few stalks of corn also grow in the patch. in the distance a field of corn that doubles as a small maze grows off to the right, and lining the background is a row of large trees that grow along the creekbed behind them. the sky is bright blue & clear from the upper left part of the picture it can be seen in. end image description]
so one attraction of this place (one thing that gives it such an appeal to people who want aesthetic pictures for instagram & whatnot) is that they always set up little pumpkin people all over the place, taking various poses. when i say pumpkin people i mean basically scarecrows, clothing stuffed with straw & posed doing things, but with pumpkins for heads. most of them are out of the way enough that people cant mess with them but can take pictures like i did here. oh can you not see it? well let me just zoom in for you-
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[image description: a zoomed in picture of the scene described above. clearly shown is a scarecrow-type figure with a pumpkin for a head standing up in the field. it’s wearing a rather nondescript grey shirt, blue jeans, and a floppy brown farmer’s hat. it’s surrounded by pumpkin plants, carnations, & corn stalks, with a corn field to the back & more large trees casting shadows to the back, as indicated above. there are also some large leaves from corn plants directly in front of the camera where it’s taking the picture, taking up a large chunk of the picture. end image description]
here it is! this is the only one i took a picture of because it was the only one i could possibly find the time to capture without it being swarmed by other people. i was really lucky to take these pictures without anyone in the background here it’s honestly hard to tell from what i’m showing but there was an obscene amount of people there, hence why we barely spent 1.5 hours there. i suspect idon’s unending stream of complaints and fretting and honest request to tell every member of our extended family that we’d have to quarantine for the next 2 weeks got us out a bit faster than we wouldve otherwise done but eh. that stuff’s especially ironic considering dr lion’s going back to physical school starting this week but hey what can ya do. we wore our masks. homemade by my mother because she had nothing better to do the first few weeks of quarantine and now i’m just rambling about my home life. moving on
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[image description: a picture of a string of lightbulbs, focused on one in particular that’s completely shattered. behind, various trees, oaks being the only ones i can name, fill up almost the entire background. blue sky can be seen through the branches of a tree to the upper right portion of the picture. for the most part only the lightbubs & the tree closest to it, taking up the rightmost portion of the photo, are illuminated by the sun. end image description]
this is making me realize i didnt take many good pictures. i only took this one because ive got a story behind it but hey i’ll be coming back this winter to pick out a pine tree probably bc they double as a pine tree farm as well as a pumpkin patch and general creekbluff attraction so i can get some better pictures of the area when there’s less people. hopefully. anyway you see how that lightbulb’s broken? well i being the lil aspiring biologist i am saw a bone lying in the dirt next to our car when we were leaving and immediately picked it up. it was picked clean, almost certainly by ants or something, and i was kinda hoping it was the product of some owl because there are a lot of those in the area around the creek, but my family decided twas but the product of some other family’s picnic there. what it was doing in the parking lot i’d love to know, but i couldnt bring it with me (”that’s disgusting” it’s picked clean dirty & dusty lying in the dirt i guarantee it’s not got anyone’s dna on it any more but that of the chicken it came from) so i take a step closer to the treeline to throw it away. and then of course where does it go after i release it from my hand but directly into one of the lightbulbs hanging up by a string all along the outside of the parking lot. whoopsy. so of course i take a picture as soon as i’m done explaining it to my family & freaking out about doing actual damage to this beloved creek pumpkin patch/pine tree farm. then we have a brief argument on whether to tell the staff about it (there’s actual broken glass what else can we do) and so we drive up to the guy sitting there watching people leave, giving directions, our mom rolls down the window, and i, on the opposite side of the car from him, barely get out a proclamation along the lines of “there’s a broken lightbulb down in the parking lot with glass on the ground” he says “ok sure” and we leave. it takes me like 5 minutes to calm down from that which i dont get because we do a whole expedition up to the top of the bluff to see the construction theyre doing to the train line that theyve been working on for years & we dont even get out of the car to walk around because a. social distancing we already took off our masks & they have to be tied on it’s too much work to put it back on and b. the sheer number of cars there was menacing so we just sorta drove around and glanced down the side of the bluff to the best of our abilities. god that’s a damn paragraph. it’s been an hour. <3 i guess
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internettgf69 · 6 years
Y/N stares too much
I never post my writing anymore bc I feel that it’s not that good... which it’s really not, but I wanted to get your thoughts on this unfinished longgggg thing I wrote, give me some good constructive criticisms.
Y/N knows she shouldn't stare but she does it anyway, she can't help it. She sits in the coffee shop every Thursday afternoon and watches the man with the dimpled smile, and the twinkly green eyes. She sees him a lot, on campus and at the coffee shop, and sometimes in her English class. He seems really sweet from what she observes, he always has a brown leather satchel and a very soft looking sweater on. He always looks cozy.
She tried talking to him once, she really did, but all that came out was "can I borrow a pencil?" but she had a pencil right in front of her. So she kinda looked like a donut for asking. He looks down at her "desk" and says "I think you've already got that covered" and he smiles a very cute eye crinkling smile, and turns back around.
But here she is at the coffee shop behind him in line, with her best friend Niall. Who's been nagging her all month about talking to "the guy with pretty eyes"... as so he calls him.
"C'mon babe, speak up will ya?". "Ni, no he's obviously busy. "Yeah, he seems real busy just standin' waitin' fo his coffee, go onnnn" Niall urges her forward so that she's standing right next to him. Y/N stumbles on her feet and bumps shoulders with him on accident. "Oop, ow I'm sorry" she looks down at her feet rubbing her shoulder.
When she looks up from her feet and finally looks up at him, she steps back a little because wow Y/N has never seen him up close only from her desk and at her go to table at the coffee shop. And his eyes are really green and his lips are that perfect shade of red, like when your done kissing someone for a long time.
"Um, hi I'm uh I'm sorry, I've got wobbly feet" she says looking down at her feet again. "It's alright, but heyyy I've seen you before haven't I?" He says tapping his finger on his chin. Her eyes winded "yes, yeah you have we have English together, and I come here every Thursday, it's close to campus". "Oh yeah that's right you sit behind me, and you asked for a pencil once but you already had one" He says smiling fondly at her.
"Yeah, ha I remember that... I'm Y/N by the way" she says sticking her hand out. "I'm Harry, nice to meet you" he takes her small hand in his. "Wow tiny hands for a tiny human" He grins squeezing her hand. "Black coffee for Harry!" "Ah that's me, nice meeting you Y/N see you in class Monday?" He says grabbing his coffee and heading for the door.
"Yeah sure bye Harry!"
"Now was that so hard? He seems very sweet, and your right he has a beautiful smile" Niall laughs coming up behind her.
Y/N huffs, "shut up"
Next week rolls around really fast for Y/N and next thing she knows it, it's Monday, and she has to be up and ready for her 6 o'clock class which so happens to be English.
She's running late hasn't even had breakfast or brushed her hair, and she's rolled out of bed, and throws on a pair of leggings, and her favorite fluffy light blue sweater, and her ugly little crocs, and she's out the door with her backpack hanging open and a green juice in her hand.
She's on the way to class when she remembers the paper that was due last night at 12 am and she stops walking and lets out a small whine stomping her foot. Mad and tired she takes a deep breath and checks her phone and sprints to class.
Rushing into the room not even watching her feet, which is a huge mistake on her part because now she's tripped over the steps to her seat and she's face down booty up on the floor spilling her green juice all over her ruining her favorite sweater.
Y/N takes a deep breath because she knows, just knows people are snickering all around her, and if she lets that get to her she'll start to cry and she really doesn't want to cry. But then she hears Harry asking if she's okay and, that just does it she's getting up open backpack in hand and she's crying like full on ugly girl crying.
"I um my drink I'm wearing my freakin' drink on my favorite sweater, and I was late and I'm tired and I didn't finish my English paper on time" She's full on crying now, and she can't stop now.
"Awe poppet, hey calm down yeah?" Harry's by her side now and he's ushering her out of class taking her backpack and picking up her drink, well what's left of it.
Once they get outside he drops their bags on the floor and then he does something that shocks her. He engulfs her in a huge bear hug, stroking her hair a whispering that it's going to be ok and that she's just having a bad day. She pulls away sniffling "I um I'm sorry I got my green juice on your nice comfy sweater"
"It's okay doll, you were just having a bad day but stop apologizing to me will ya?" Harry says tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. Y/N blushes and nods her head.
"What do you say about coming back to mine and grabbing a pizza? I also have some clothes for you to change into". "Oh um-" interrupting he says "I know that you really don't know me but I promises I'm not a crazy killer, and plus I have a really soft sweater with your name on it!”. Laughing she says "I know your not crazy, I was just worried about class".
"Oh you'll be fine it's college they won't call your parents, and you can miss just one day I can even help you finish your paper maybe the professor will let you turn it in even though it's late". "Okay, you had me at a comfy sweater" Y/N chirps grabbing her backpack. "Do you live on campus?" She asks. "No, I don't stopped living on campus when I was a sophomore" he hums. "How about you?" "Yeah, I do but I live in the campus apartments, so no roommates thank god" Y/N says smiling. "Well this is me, here let me get the door for you" he smiled opening his car door for me. "Thank you"
He jogs over the the drivers side and gets in. "So Y/N what year are you in, and what are you majoring?" "I'm a sophomore, so my second year and I'm studying to become a elementary school teacher" she answers fiddling with her phone. "Ah pretty cool" He says drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. "How about you what's year, and what's your major?""This is actually my last year, and I'm a English major" He says. Y/N smiles "wow your last year, did you enjoy college and all it had to other?" "Hm? Did enjoy college? Yes I did but will I do it again? No. but um this is it we're here".
He walked hoped out the car and jogged over to the passengers side and opened up her door once again. Y/N blinked "Oh thank you". "No worries come on, I'm starved and that smoothie looks like it might leave a stain".
Once they get inside Y/N is hit with the great smells of Harry, it's like cinnamon sugar and pine trees. Weird combination but it works, she looks around his place while Harry goes to find her a sweater. Books are everywhere and shelves filled with books. She walks over to the book shelves and runs he hands across them. "I got you this really nice sweater got it in Paris" Harry comes in with a yellow sweater with black sleeves that looks so soft.
She pulls her hand back from the books startled. "oh! Thanks um, did you read all these or are they just for decoration". He hands her over the sweater "I actually almost read all of them but school is getting really busy so no not all of them". "Oh okay, well I'll go change, bathroom?" "Oh yeah it's just around the corner to your left" He says pointing down the hallway. "I'll order the pizza, and when you get back we can work on that paper of yours or we can watch a movie".
"Okay sounds good, I'll be back" once she finds the bathroom she turns the light on and she lets out a yelp, seeing that there's a huge fat orange cat just sitting in the sink. Harry comes in rushing into the bathroom "Y/N?! You okay? Oh ha I see you meet Fat Amy?" "Yeah I guess I did, and oh my god did she scare me" she's clutching her chest and lets out a chuckle.
"So she just sits there?" "Kind of or sometimes likes to cuddle, but sorry about that you can change now". Harry picks up the orange cat and walks out leaving her to change.She takes off her dirty sweater and putting on Harry's, she's engulfed with Harry's scent once again she wraps her arms around herself and just breaths in his scent. "So pizza?" She walks into where harry is sat on the couch going through his phone. "Yeah we can get some what kind do you want?"
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starwrite-er · 7 years
Poster Boy [Chapter 15] - Poe Dameron x Reader
A/N: wow, it's been a damn long time you guys. Thanks for sticking around, and not, the long awaited next chapter of Poster Boy! also sidenote: it's been a while so idk if u have time but maybe it'd be worth rereading the fic so far bc i know i've forgotten shit and im the damn author yknow
A/N: oh my god im out of practise
Tags: A NUMBER OF THESE WERE NOT WROKING SO THEY HAVE BEEN REMOVED. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT YOUR URL TO BE UPDATED HERE @plethora-of-things @britishteahater @umbrellabrass @purple-skeleton @winchesterandpie @the-creative-lie @i-alrightokaycool @definitely-nota-fangirl @krakenkitty
 I'd always assumed that, for me, routine would simply always consist of missions and training. It was what it was like for the longest time, yet here I am, the familiarity of such a routine fading oh so fast.
 When I haven't been checking on the construction of the new D'Qar village for the Parmarthens, or ignoring Snap's confidence with our bet, it seems I've been playing a constant game of hide and seek with Keipii. Fortunately enough for me, she's predictable enough for me to expect to find her near Poe at any given time.
 "You'll depart for Coruscant, accompanied by the medic-in-training Niyele, in three days. As usual, the mission specifics have been sent to your datapad. You're dismissed." I am instructed. I make a swift exit, making my way to where Poe has been training some new recruits the past couple of days. I know Keipii has been engrossed in watching the process.
 On my way to the training room, Niyele catches up with me. The primary reason for her coming with me was to get her accustomed to different planets and their cultures, seeing as she had never really left Pamarthe before the battle. Still, even in the short while she'd been at base, she's already showing great potential in her chosen profession, so having her with me in case of the mission going south was reassuring.
 "So, Coruscant, right? Anything I should know?" She questions, walking alongside me.
 "The deeper you go, the worse it gets," I put plainly. "We've staying in the mid-to-top area, in close proximity to where our target is staying. We should be fine, but it's still a rowdy place, and stormtroopers will be on patrol, so don't wander off. You don't have the training that I have."
 "Sounds good to me. We won't be travelling in the X-Wing though, will we?" Niyele asks. It's her first mission, so I suppose her curiosity is unsurprising.
 "Nah, it'd be a dead giveaway to our identity. We'd be dead before we got out of the ship." I tell her. She hums in response, taking a moment to think.
 "A few years ago, if you had told me I'd be going on a recon mission for the Resistance with you, I would have never believed it," Niyele laughs softly. "But here we are."
 "Yeah," I agree. "It's still surreal that you're here, to be honest."
 "Honestly, I'm still shocked that I plucked up the courage to actually do something," She pauses, mulling over her words. "I mean, we've been friends for so long. You were always so committed to the idea you'd join the Resistance and help save the galaxy, while I was committed to, well, just about the opposite of that."
 I laugh. "You were so terrified by just the idea of conflict. You still wanted to help people, though," I smile, thinking back to years past. "You've made the right choice. As a medic, you'll save lives, and in turn help us to save the lives of others across the galaxy." Our walk comes to a temporary stop. "It's nice to have you here. I'm proud of you." I tell her reassuringly.
 "Thanks. It really means a lot," Niyele returns my smile before checking her datapad. "Well, it looks like I've got places to be. I look forward to working with you, Commander."
 I grin back at her, waving goodbye to her as she jogs off down an adjoining corridor. With my close friend off doing other things, I continue my search for Keipii.
 As I continue my stroll down the halls of the base, I hear the laughter of the recruits before I even arrive at the room. I crack open the door, peering in curiously.
 "Well, I was gonna ask if Keipii was with you, but I think I have some different questions to ask now," I say, taking in the sight of a seemingly-flustered Poe Dameron. I raise a brow. "Seriously, what did I miss?"
 "Mom! Yeah, I'm here, is it dinner yet?" Keipii suddenly appears in front of me, speaking quickly, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet, cheeks red. She seems antsy, as though she'd just made a mistake, and I know it's not because she called me 'mom' - she's been doing that almost since we got back to D'Qar two weeks ago. I regard her with suspicion for a moment, but quickly brush it off.
 "Uh, yeah - hey, is that Poe's jacket?" I realise. The girl glances down at her attire, noticing the extra item of clothing.
 "I was cold and he said I could wear it." Kei defends herself, arms crossed and the sleeves of the much-too-large jacket rolled up to better suit her small stature. I roll my eyes, waving goodbye to the recruits as we take our leave.
 I'm stopped by Poe before I can even make it a few paces away from the door. "Hey! Uh, yeah, hey," It takes him a moment to meet my eye. Weird, he's never like this. "I've got a recon mission tomorrow, and I'm leaving early." He says, quickly snapping back to his usual self.
 "How early is early? And for how long?" I ask him, biting my cheek.
 "A-few-hours-before-dawn early. I won't see you for a couple days." He says. I frown. My mission is in just three days - our missions may overlap.
 "Promise us you'll make it back safe though, okay? I've got a recon mission of my own in three days. I'd rather not come back to find you in the medbay." I reply. He chuckles, agreeing.
 He grins at Keipii, kneeling down to her level. "That jacket looks good on you. Might need to do a bit more growing first, though," He says, to which the young girl smiles bashfully. He presses a kiss to the top of her head as he murmurs a quick goodbye. The small, sweet action triggers a feeling of happiness deep inside me as a smile. He stands, facing me again.
 "I'll see you both soon," He says, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "Okay?"
 The shock from his action renders me speechless as I nod in agreement. "See you soon, Poster Boy." I smile, finding my voice. He disappears back inside the training room, but my feet are rooted to the spot as I process what just happened.
 My face is flushed and my heart is fluttering, and I can't seem to stop the grin that's made it's way onto my face as Keipii drags me to the Dining Hall.
 I try to distract myself from my newly realised fondness by thinking about how Snap is going to react to someone who wasn't even in on the bet winning.
 The following morning, I find myself sitting in the hangar, leaning back against some crates with Keipii beside me as we wait for Poe to show up. Sure, sleep was sacrificed, but isn't it worth it?
 It's BB-8 who notices our presence and alerts us to Poe's arrival. A string of gleeful beeps and whirrs causes the man to spin around, wide-eyed at the sight of Keipii and I. My own droid chirps in conversation  with BB-8 while the little girl, despite her exhaustion, runs and leaps into Poe's arms. I smile at the scene as she happily chatters away to him and he reassures her that he'll quickly return. Keipii slips off the jacket she had taken from him yesterday, returning it for the time being before taking a step back.
 And so comes my turn to say goodbye. I walk into Poe's open arms, no words quite needed as we settle into a warm embrace.
 After a minute, I pull back a bit so to look Poe in the face. "You're the best pilot in the Resistance, so it's not like you need it but," I start, pausing my words to take a moment to kiss his cheek. "Good luck out there, Poster Boy."
 With that, Keipii and I stand to the side, BB-09 at our feet as we watch Poe leave the planet. We watch until we see his distant jump to hyperspace.
 As we return to our room, Keipii yawns before mumbling a confession to me. "I called him dad accidentally yesterday when he was training the recruits."
 I trip over both my words and my feet at this.
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creacherkeeper · 7 years
skimmons university au (bonus for a side tripp/fitz?)? pls thank you! :)
anon says: Skimmons prompt!! College AU: despite having the same age, Simmons is Daisy/Skye's RA because she is a genius who entered college earlier, and Skye loves making her life hell but she does it bc of a crush (I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense- I just discovered RAs are a thing in the US and I've been dying to see a fic on this!)
for those who don't know, an RA is a resident assistant, usually someone of college age who lives in the dorms and helps guide the residents
on AO3 
“I’m so sorry I’m late,” Jemma says, dropping her bag on thefloor as she takes a seat on Daisy’s desk chair, Daisy facing her from the bed.“I was in the lab and my experiment … ran a bit long.”
Daisy raises a finger to hesitantly point. “Are your sleevescharred?”
Jemma’s nose crinkles. “Just a bit. Little accident.”
“But you’re okay?”
“Right as rain,” Jemma confirms. “Bobbi passed along why youcalled this meeting, but I admit I haven’t gotten a chance to look yet. Let’ssee here …” She rifles through her bag, then pulls out a piece of paper. “Okay,so you called this meeting because-“ She stops, eyes darting back and forthbetween Daisy and the paper.
Daisy just smiles.
Jemma sighs. “Because you’re having roommate troubles.”
“That’s right.”
“Daisy, you live in a single.”
Daisy leans forward, nodding. “And I’m having a lot oftrouble with that. I think it’d do me good to have a roommate.” She blinksinnocently. “Hey … your room wouldn’t happen to be open, would it?”
Jemma carefully folds the paper, puts it back in herbackpack, and leaves the room.
“You- You actually called a meeting just to ask that?” Fitzasks, huffing a laugh. He’s leaned back in Trip’s lap as they both play X-boxin Fitz’s room, Trip holding his own controller from where his arms are wrappedaround Fitz’s middle. The position isn’t very conducive to playing video games,especially a shooter, as they both tend to move around when they’re focused onthe combat, but they are, as Daisy says, “annoyingly touchy” and tend to be asclose as they can get as long as they can help it.
“I had to try something,”Daisy laments, laying back on the bed, textbook open and forgotten on herstomach. “I hadn’t seen her in like three days ‘cause she keeps such weirdhours. How else was I supposed to see her?”
“You need to woman up and ask her on a proper date,” Tripsays, angrily mashing the jump button.
“She’d wouldn’t- ah- wouldn’t say yes,” Fitz cuts in. “She’svery set on ‘proper resident/RA relationships’, that one. No funny business.”
Daisy lets out a long groan. “What am I supposed to do?There’s no winning here.”
“The only thing you can do is wait the year out,” Trip says.“Then, she won’t be your RA anymore, and she can actually say yes.”
Daisy perks up. “Or what?”
Fitz’s grin is a little wicked. “Or you can keep messingwith her. She’s gonna wear down eventually.”
Daisy smiles. “Fitz, you are pure evil. And this is whyyou’re my best friend.”
Fitz holds up a finger to gesture, then remembers the gameand quickly grabs back at his controller. “I maintain that I am Simmons’ bestfriend, but I- I am on your side in this one.”
“And?” Trip asks, knowing him too well.
Fitz bites out a sigh. “And she keeps dissecting things andleaving them in my- my pristine workspace, and I won’t stand for that.”
Daisy shoves the textbook aside, turning over to prop herchin between her hands. “Okay, so what should I do?”
Fitz pauses the game. “Okay, so here’s the plan-“
Jemma opens her door and shuffles down the hallway. It’sfive a.m., she’s gotten about three hours of sleep, and now she’s off to thelab again, less than six hours from when she left it. She loves her lab, don’tget her wrong, but sometimes the workload can get to be a little much. She justturned 18, and most kids her age are sleeping off hangovers on a Saturdaymorning like this, not about to turn in for hour 60 of a 70-hour work week.
So she blames the tiredness, mostly, for why she doesn’tnotice the first time she passes it. It takes until after she’s gone to thecommunal bathroom and is on her way back when she realizes her carefullyplanned community board has gone awry.
She pauses in front of it, gaping.
Letters carefully cut out of colorful construction paperread across the top: Best Ass Competition 2017. There are photos of celebritiestaken from behind pasted all over the board, men and women in tight clothing,all of them with their butts circled in red marker. And then, towards thebottom, the paper letters read ‘Winner:’ above, to Jemma’s horror, a photo ofher taken in the lab, leaning down to fetch a beaker. Her own butt, though notreally visible through the lab coat, is circled, and scrawled on the photo inunmistakable handwriting are the words ‘I believe’.
Jemma growls, affronted, and stalks off toward Daisy’s room.She doesn’t care about how early it is. That’ll actually be to herbenefit—hopefully the monstrosity can be taken down before the other residentssee. She bangs on the door, waits, then bangs again, but there’s no answer.
“I know you’re in there, Daisy, and mark my words, thatboard better be taken down and replaced with the exact board I had up before, or there will be consequences. Youhave until I get back from work today.”
If she slams the door to her own room a little louder thannecessary, then so be it.
“Phase one worked just as planned,” Daisy tells Fitz,sitting her breakfast down on the table in the dining hall later that morning.“She was totally pissed. Definitely got her attention.”
Fitz beams. “She does hate it when you mess w-with herstuff.”
Daisy swirls the cereal with her spoon, letting it get alittle soggy. “Hey, why did you have that picture, anyway?”
“Don’t question it.” He holds up a hand. “Just enjoy.”
She leans forward. “So what’s phase two?”
He smirks. “May gives you a- a little spending money everyweek, yeah?”
“Yeah,  why? What doyou have planned?”
It’s been a few days, the board was replaced with heroriginal one by the time she’d gotten back from work, and she hasn’t seenDaisy. It’s been tentatively peaceful, as much as her busy life can be.
She’s working in the lab, her and Fitz and some of theirfellow technicians (all older than them, most in their 30s), when there’s abuzz from the door.
Fitz glances up from his work and over to the door, then toher. “Must be those samples you- you requested.”
She doesn’t really process, at first, the twinkle in hiseye, the mirth drawn into the lines of his mouth. She just gets up, and opensthe door.
And immediately regrets it, when she’s faced with what’s onthe other side.
Four men, dressed in bee costumes.
“Are you Jemma Simmons?” one of them asks.
“Oh god,” she replies.
The man clears his throat, then begins snapping his fingers rhythmically.“One, two, and a one, two three- Won’t you be mine-“ he begins to sing.
“Won’t you be mine-“ the other three sing along.
“Oh god,” Jemma says again. Panicked, she looks behind her.All of the other lab techs are staring, expect for Fitz, who’s shaking withsilent laughter. She whips her head back as the men continue to sing, and then,lacking any other plan, slams the door in their face. Fitz just laughs harder.
“How was phase two?” Daisy asks that night, dropping herthings onto Fitz’s already messy floor, planning on staying the night to avoidconfrontation with Jemma.
“Mortifying,” Fitz relays. “And, frankly, hilarious.”
Trip shakes his head. “What you guys are doing to this poorgirl isn’t right.”
Daisy holds up her hands. “Hey, if you have a better plan,then be my guest. But until then, this is how things are going.” She turns backto Fitz. “So what’s phase three?”
Fitz gets up from his desk and rummages around in hiscloset, finally pulling something out and holding it up before her. “How afraida-are you of heights?”
Daisy taps her finger against her lips. “Depends. Is that afull body harness?”
“It is.”
“And you have it why?”
“F-For reasons.”
Daisy lets out a long breath, thinking, then nods. “Whatever,I’m in.”
Jemma stands in front of Daisy’s door, but once again, theother girl isn’t answering. It’s been a week since she saw her last, and shereally can’t afford for Daisy’s schemes to get any more elaborate. Or public.
“Daisy! Open up right now!”
“She’s not in there,” Elena says from down the hall,startling Jemma.
“Oh. Do you know where she is?”
Elena shakes her head. “But- Well- She left you a message.”
“Oh no,” Jemma murmurs, eyes slipping shut briefly. “Where?”
“In the lounge.”
“Show me.”
Elena quirks a grin. “Oh, you’ll see it.”
Jemma brushes past her and down the hall, dread growing inher stomach. She unlocks the door to the floor’s lounge, and pushes inside. Shestops short, taking in the sight before her.
All the windows in the lounge, all three of them, wall towall and almost floor to ceiling, are covered in writing. It’s impossible notto notice, the black words blocking out most of the view. She walks forward,looking closer. Over and over again is written: “I
Jemma pulls out her phone, hitting ‘1’, then ‘call’. Fitzpicks up after two rings.
“I need to talk to Daisy.”
“Erm- I don’t know why you think tha-that calling me-“
“Can you just … Just tell her to meet me tomorrow morning.My room. Please?”
Fitz sounds surprisingly meek. “Yeah, sure.”
She hangs up with no further comment, then walks forward andrubs her thumb over one of the windows. As she suspected, the writing (in whatshe hopes is only dry erase marker) is written on the outside. Six floors up.Somehow. She lets out a sigh.
The knock comes at her door at 9 a.m. sharp. She’s alreadybeen up for hours, so she’s had a little time to prepare, but she didn’t reallyexpect Daisy any earlier. She’s not exactly a morning bird.
She opens the door, then tilts her head to the side. “Comeon in.”
Daisy looks nervous, if not a little excited. “You know, I’venever actually been in your room before. I tried to, a few times. It’s abouthow I expected. Very tidy.”
Jemma closes the door behind her. She sits down at her desk,the chair facing the rest of the room. “Sit. We need to talk.”
Daisy looks around, but there’s not another chair, so shejust plops herself down on the floor, leaning back against the bed. Looking upat Jemma, eyes bright, she looks almost like a puppy. Jemma tries not to letthat distract her.
“You really need to stop this, Daisy.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t play innocent. You’ve been pulling these schemes allweek. And they need to stop.”
Something flashes across Daisy’s face, but she tries tosmile through it. “I was just trying to be funny.”
“Well, it’s not funny to me.”
Her smile pulls into a frown. “I didn’t mean to-“
“You know exactly what you meant to do, Daisy,” Jemma chides.“I wasn’t giving you attention, so you were acting like a dick.”
Daisy glances away. “Maybe.”
“Did you not think at all how this would affect me? Theboard stunt could’ve gotten me fired if one of my superiors had seen it, you embarrassedme in front of all my coworkers-“
“I’m sorry,” Daisy mumbles.
“Well, you should be.” Jemma calms her voice, tugging on theedge of her blouse. “It was stupid, and childish, and, frankly, beneath you.”
“I know.” Daisy covers her face, groaning. “I’m not usuallythis much of a dick, I swear.”
“I mean what did you think would happen? You’d just continueto wear me down until- What? I’d finally go out with you?”
Daisy peeks out from between her fingers. “Uh- Well, yeah,that was the plan.”
“Well, it was a bloody stupid plan. I already liked you, Idon’t see why you thought I’d fall in love with you or something if you actedlike an arse.”
“You-“ Daisy drops her hands. “You like me?”
Jemma’s eyes roll. “I thought you were sweet. Emphasis on ‘thought’,I’m not so sure anymore.”
“I just …” Daisy sighs. “I really like you. And I get sonervous that I act stupid. I always do this, ever since I was little. I’m justinsecure, and I don’t think that people will like me if I just act like myself.And that’s not fair to you, I know it’s not. But I promise I can be better, ifyou just give me a chance.”
“I don’t see why I should,” Jemma says honestly. “You haven’treally given me a reason to think you can do better.”
“Fitz likes me. That has to count for something, right?”
“I know he orchestrated this whole little plan with you, so Idon’t really think too highly of his opinion at the moment.”
Daisy rises to her knees. “Just- Just one chance. One shot,that’s all I’m asking for. I’ll prove that I’m someone worth liking.”
“I’m still your RA,” Jemma says, “there are rules againstthis-”
“Then we won’t call it a date! It’ll just be hanging out, nostrings attached. Please? I can- uh-“ Daisy snaps her fingers. “I’ll take youbowling!”
Jemma’s nose crinkles. “I don’t know how to bowl.”
“Awesome, neither do I. We can look like fools together. It’llbe great, I promise.”
Jemma’s eyes rise to the ceiling. “I’m going to regret this,aren’t I?”
“Is that a yes?”
Jemma sighs. “Fine, yes.”
Daisy jumps up, fists pumping in the air. “Yes! Sweet.Sweet, sweet, sweet. Okay, how about tomorrow? Six o’clock?”
Jemma shakes her head in disbelief that she’s gotten herselfinto this situation. “Six o’clock.”
Daisy grins, backing out of the room. “Okay. See you then.”
“Yes, I suppose I will.”
Daisy skitters out of the room, down the hall, and into herown room. She immediately pulls out her cell phone, dialing Fitz’s number.
“Well?” he answers. “How’d it go?”
“Phase Four: Honesty Edition was a success.”
Fitz cheers. “Are- Are you taking her out?”
“Tomorrow. We’re going bowling.”
Fitz laughs. “That’s going to be a disaster.”
“I know, right? I can’t wait.”
“Oh- That’s her on the other line now. Gotta go.”
“I’ll let you know how it goes tomorrow. Talk later.”
Jemma claps a hand to her mouth, trying to hold in herlaughter. She watches as Daisy does what she calls a ‘backwards granny bowl’,bowling facing the wrong way and shoving the ball down the lane through herspread legs. Daisy tips over, watching the ball’s progress through her legs. Itmakes it less than halfway down the lane, then falls into the gutter.
Daisy raises her arms victoriously. “Almost halfway!”
Jemma can’t help but laugh. Maybe giving her a chance wasn’tsuch a bad idea after all.
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