#its the class that i went to exam review a few weeks ago n the teacher told me he didnt want me to be in this class next yr
minglana · 4 months
going to exam revision, light some candles, cross some fingers, pray, etc for me😭😭😭
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I'm Yours
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Pairing: Kirishima x reader
Warnings: There's kissing. A lot of kissing. Just some teenagers being dumb really. No canon characters were harmed in the making of this fic. I didn't include a cheating aspect since I don't write for that kind of stuff, but there's still some jealous!Kirishima here >:3
Author's Note:
Uhhhh I kinda forgot to make this fluffy . . . .
Thanks to uwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwi from Wattpad for requesting! (that's a really fun username hehe)
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That was the only way he could describe it. Kirishima didn’t think he’d ever been so busy, and he wasn’t the only one.
Finals had the entirety of the hero course stressed, especially the second-years like himself. Between training, doing homework, and going to class, there wasn’t exactly room for being social. Any time he was able to hang out with his friends, they were studying together. Nothing he'd really describe as 'fun'. And that’s what had him feeling the worst about all this.
He’d started dating you a few weeks ago—going on three months now, actually. Things had been going well between the two of you. You liked him and he really liked you, so to him, there hadn't been any type of problem.
Even so, there was something a little unique about your relationship: no one knew about it. You yourself were never one for letting others get too involved in your business. And besides, you also knew the nature of most high school relationships. Maybe you’d announce yourselves as a couple and make a big fuss only to grow tired of the other and end it all within the first month. But clearly, that hadn’t happened.
There was a strange thrill to keeping your relationship a secret; a novelty your boyfriend hadn't expected. Though he wasn’t much for dishonesty, Kirishima practically lived for the stolen glances across the classroom you’d share, and the way he’d sneak you behind the school for impromptu makeout sessions with no one ever the wiser. You were his little secret, and he was yours.
Until it had all come to a grinding halt with the extra schoolwork.
He still tried to make time to spend with you in one of your dorm rooms, but the both of you finally had to admit to yourselves that neither of you could get any work or studying done when you were alone together. And so it was back to study groups; holding hands under the table as either Bakugou or Yaoyorozu went over the newest batch of hero laws that needed to be memorized.
God, how he wished this could all be over. Kirishima just wanted things to be normal again. When was the last time he’d even seen you? He could remember watching the back of your head duck out of the classroom at the end of the day, but after? . . . Nothing.
He frowned at the physics worksheet laid before him, mind wandering to thoughts of you as one of his sharp teeth sunk into the eraser at the end of his pencil. Kirishima supposed he should go check on you later, once he’d finished up his assignments for the evening.
“Did you see (L/N) yesterday?”
Kirishima’s ears unconsciously perked up at the sound of your name. He stood with his tray in the lunch line directly behind some of his female classmates. They were chatting amongst themselves as they slowly stepped forward. Kirishima wasn’t generally one to listen in on conversations he wasn’t a part of, but now they’d captured his interest. Had one of them seen him sneaking into your room?
“No, I didn’t,” Uraraka said in response to Ashido. “Is she alright?”
“Of course she is,” the pink-haired girl said, rolling her abnormal black and amber eyes as she reached for a clementine. “Actually, she may be doing more than alright.”
Kirishima swallowed. Uh-oh.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jirou asked, sounding largely uninterested in gossiping about her fellow classmate.
“Well,” Ashido began, bouncing a little on her toes, “I saw her on the tech floor yesterday and you won’t believe who she was talking to.”
“Who?” Jirou asked dryly, probably hoping to get the discussion over with as quickly as possible.
“Kobayashi Tatsuo. The third year,” Mina announced proudly.
The redhead behind them quietly sighed. Thank goodness. They still didn't know.
“And?” Uraraka questioned.
“They were totally flirting!” Ashido said. “(L/N)’s bagged a cute upperclassman boy! They’ll be dating soon, I just know it! If they aren’t already.” She smugly leveled her shoulders, grinning with an odd look of satisfaction.
“I guess that’s good for her,” Jirou commented, picking up her tray from the lunch bar in order to follow her friends to a table.
“I know, right?” Mina said excitedly as they walked off. “And he’s totally cute too! I wish a hot guy would pay attention to me for once.”
Kirishima watched them leave, almost forgetting to grab lunch for himself after being so absorbed in what they were saying.
The majority of him knew he shouldn’t pay any mind to it. This sort of thing was bound to happen. Of course his peers try to figure out who was involved with who, even if it wasn’t really accurate or from the most credible source. The girls didn’t know that you were already taken by someone else, in fact, the very person behind them in line.
At least now he knew where you’d gone after class yesterday . . . but why? What were you doing on the tech floor? And who was this third year you were talking to?
He was pulled from his thoughts by the sound of Kaminari’s voice. Kirishima returned the greeting, sliding into his seat next to his friend. As he settled into the atmosphere of his usual table, he couldn’t help but scan the cafeteria for your face, just as he had done every day, even before you were dating.
But for the first time, his search came up empty. You were nowhere to be seen.
Kobayashi wasn’t exactly the person you wanted to be spending your lunch with.
Really, a part of you wondered why you had to skip going to the cafeteria at all today. But then you remembered the stack of work that sat on your desk. It stubbornly refused to ever shrink, no matter what you did. Recently, it felt like as soon as you got one thing done, two more assignments would find their way right back at the bottom. And this was just another one you had to deal with.
While reviewing your materials for your upcoming finals, you’d begun to take note of other heroes’ costumes and support items. Particularly, you’d taken interest in a hero from Ukraine who’d debuted a few decades ago. Your quirk was wildly similar to his and you couldn’t help but further research his techniques, costume, and gadgets that enhanced his abilities.
You weren’t one to copy. Actually, you quite liked the way your current costume functioned and looked, with its own unique style of your own. Even so, you’d read things about him and his quirk that you honestly hadn’t even thought of for yourself, and you’d begun to make a special section in your notebook for improvements to your hero ensemble. Was it the best use of your time? Perhaps not, but you did have a practical exam coming up, and a part of you couldn’t help but wonder if these improvements you were sketching might make all the difference in your performance . . . .
You decided you could use an upgrade. Which is exactly why you went to the second-year in the support course who was in charge of making adjustments to your costume. Until your hopes were immediately dashed when you found out he was sick. Determined, you went to the next best option: Kobayashi.
He was a nice enough boy. Tall, witty, and a whole year older. You hadn’t expected to be spending so much time with him over the past week, but for whatever reason, he kept calling you back to his workspace in the shop for ‘daily check-ins’. At least he was making good progress.
But now you were spending your lunch hour eating with him. It felt strange, being alone in a different classroom with the guy—not an uncomfortable strange, merely “I’m not used to being here”. You’d let him borrow your notebook full of sketches for your costume, and that’s what he was going over with you now.
He’d ask you for clarification on one of your notes before jotting something down of his own right next to your handwriting. He had also been eager to show you his process, explaining the steps of what he was doing while you ate from your bento.
To be honest, it was kind of nice being in a different setting. Kobayashi was fun to listen to; it was clear he was passionate about what he was doing.
But still, he ran out of things to talk about. That was, when it came to your hero suit. Figuring it was too late to go back to the cafeteria anyway, he ate his own lunch with you, striking up a new conversation.
At first, you didn’t pay any mind to it. But then you began to take notice of how close he sat. Then you realized how eager he was to make you laugh, how smoothly the casual chatter flowed between you. And then it struck you just how much he peppered in compliments to you. Finally, it clicked.
You refused to meet his gaze when he waved you off after the bell rang. Dashing away, you wondered how serious he might be. Did he actually like you? No, perhaps you were overthinking the situation.
Then again, he had been being awfully nice to you ever since you’d met. But what if that was just how he was? Kaminari could be like that at times, and you knew he didn’t usually mean anything too serious behind it. Or—well—perhaps Denki the Flirt was a bad example for your case. Still . . . how were you supposed to make it clear to Kobayashi that you weren’t interested?
You shook your head to clear it of these thoughts. He hadn’t actually done anything, so what was the point of worrying about it? You were loyal to Eijirou, you knew that. You’d made a commitment to him just as he had to you, and that was all there was to it. No matter what, you’d continue whatever it was you had with him. Kobayashi wasn’t an issue you should be losing sleep over. Besides, you were probably reading too far into things anyway.
Content with the conclusions you’d made, you walked back into your homeroom class for fifth period. Settling into your seat, you faced the chalkboard in front of you, awaiting the return of Aizawa-sensei, unaware of the pair of ruby eyes fixed on your back.
Kirishima shot up from his desk the moment he heard a soft knock on his door. As soon as he opened up his room, you came barreling into his arms. “Hey!” he greeted you, reciprocating the hug.
“Study break!” you announced quietly, not wanting to alert his neighbors of your presence.
He tittered happily to himself, leading your bodies back to his desk where he could sit you on his lap in his chair. Settling comfortably on his thighs, you were quick to slot your lips against his. Kirishima melted into your touch.
How many days had it been since he’d last gotten a chance to kiss you? Two? Three? Either way, it had been far too long.
“Shall we take this to the bed?” he joked after a few minutes of kissing.
You chuckled at his harmless allusion. “You know I’m going to fall asleep as soon as I lay down.”
He brushed a stray strand of hair out of your face, concern morphing his features. “Have you been getting enough rest with all this going on?”
“No,” you admitted. “I was up last night with my English flashcards. I swear Present Mic is trying to kill me with this new vocab, it’s like I can’t get it in my head at all.”
“I could help you study it,” your boyfriend offered, his hands resting lightly on your waist.
“That would be productive,” you said sarcastically with a roll of your eyes. “What was it last time? ‘If I get a set right, I’ll get a kiss’ and then next thing I know, we’re making out on your bed for twenty minutes.”
He grinned up at you coyly. “At least I made studying fun.”
“That wasn’t studying!” you protested with a grin. “Speaking of, my timer’s going to go off soon—” you pressed your lips against his for a moment, “—and I want more kisses.”
Kirishima let you have your way with him, threading your fingers through his hair while you savored the taste of his lips. But there was something still nagging at the back of his mind.
“(Y/N)?” he asked when your phone buzzed and you pulled away. “Where were you during lunch today?”
You shrugged, pulling your phone out of your pocket to silence it. “I’m getting improvements on my hero costume. My regular guy got sick so I’m working with this third-year dude.”
“Ohhh.” Kirishima’s worries dissipated almost instantly. “So that’s why you were on the tech floor.”
Confused, you frowned. “Did you see me there or something?”
“Oh, sorry! I just overheard Ashido saying that she saw you down there.” He laughed. “She thought you were flirting with him or something and that you were going to end up dating.”
“Ah, well,” you mumbled, “I wasn’t sure if I should say anything or not but he, um, actually might have been flirting with me.”
Kirishima’s smile dropped, his arms subconsciously squeezing you tighter to him. “What?”
“I only noticed it today—it totally could be nothing—but I think he’s caught feelings? I mean, why else would he ask me to have lunch with him like this? Not to mention how he was smiling at me, and looking at me, and touching my hand—” You bit your tongue, stopping yourself from saying anything else. Maybe this was more serious than you realized.
Your boyfriend was silent, staring at the floor below you with a troubled expression. His ruby eyes traced over the rectangular patterns on his floor, seemingly lost in thought.
“You know that nothing’s going to happen,” you attempted to reassure him, lifting his chin with one of your fingers so he could look into your eyes. “Those feelings aren’t reciprocated and I’m not going anywhere. I’ve already picked you, Eijirou. There’s no one out there like you.” You pressed a kiss to his forehead, sealing your statements, not only to him but to yourself. “We’ll sort this out. If I have to tell Kobayashi I’m taken, then so be it. Maybe keeping our relationship a secret isn’t everything it’s cracked up to be.”
When you pulled back, you noticed that there was still a pout on Eijirou’s face.
“Aw, what is it?” you asked, tucking one of his fallen sticky spikes back under his bandana.
“I don’t know.” He shrugged, pulling you even closer to him.
“Talk to me, baby.” You ran a hand down his back.
“I don’t like the thought of him being around you,” he confessed into your shoulder. “I . . . don’t want him smiling at you like that, or touching you, or letting people think that you belong with him. You’re . . . mine.” He paused before laughing dryly, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. “I’m sorry. That sounded . . . totally selfish of me and probably not very manly at all—”
“No,” you said simply. “It’s actually kinda hot.”
He pulled back to look at you, perhaps to see if you were joking. Your expression was intrigued, maybe a little flustered. “Really?”
“Yeah.” You swallowed. “I . . . like when you call me yours. It’s cute. And besides, it’s okay that you feel that way. Feelings don’t have to make sense. I'm frustrated about this too.” Pecking his lips a final few times, you regretfully stood from his chair. “I wish there was something more I could do right now, but I should get going. I promised Tsu and Uraraka I’d meet up with them. We can talk about this later.”
“See you, (Y/N),” Kirishima said.
You smiled and waved, turning to the door and checking to see if anyone was in the hall before slipping back out. Kirishima watched you go, wondering what he should do.
Kirishima hadn’t even met the guy and he already hated him. Sure, Kobayashi wasn’t aware you were taken, and he had every right to show interest in you, but that was supposed to be Eijirou. It was Kirishima’s job to flirt with you and be there for you and sweep you off your feet. Your classmates should be shipping you with him, not this random guy from another year.
The redhead sighed. He shouldn’t let himself get so caught up in this. He knew you were capable of sorting this out on your own, and if you really needed him, Kirishima would help you. He couldn’t start getting whiny like some kind of child.
Besides, your friends could think whatever they wanted. It couldn’t affect your relationship. They were just high school kids. They didn’t even know what they were talking about.
Despite the fact he was trying to get back into focusing on his work, Kirishima’s mind couldn’t help but wander. Maybe once exams were over you could finally announce that the two of you were together. Then you wouldn’t have to sneak around so much anymore. He could hug you whenever he wanted, and you could sit on his lap during movie night. He’d be able to kiss you in front of his friends, no problem. Maybe, just to see the look on his face, he’d kiss you in front of—
No, no. Japanese Literature. That was what he was supposed to be thinking about right now. The sooner he finished his work, the sooner he’d be able to see you again.
Finally it was Saturday afternoon, and you knew you had an entire day to take things a little easier tomorrow. Maybe you’d even try to take the evening off and spend some time with your boyfriend. But of course, you had to meet with Kobayashi about your hero costume first. Hopefully it would be quick, and perhaps even the last time.
You walked down to the tech floor, heading straight for the workshop. You needed your suit for the practical exam next week, so you hoped he was ready for you.
Peeking into the room, you spotted him putting something into a very familiar case.
“Oh, are you finished?” you asked, walking in.
“Yeah,” he said brightly. “You’re all set, (L/N).”
“Thanks,” you said.
“Here,” he popped the little box open, showing off the finalized improvements he’d done and the changes he’d made that you’d spoken about together. He walked you through everything and you listened politely, asking the occasional question. Even with the newfound bitter taste in your mouth at being around him, you had to admit he'd done a spectacular job.
“That should be everything,” you said, ready to go. “Thanks for working with me.”
“No problem.”
Satisfied, you began to walk away.
“Wait, (L/N).”
Apprehensive, you stopped, turning back to him. “Yeah?”
“I was just wondering,” he began, bashful, “if you’d like to grab lunch with me sometime.”
You frowned, apologetic. “I can’t, Kobayashi senpai.”
“Why not?” He looked hurt.
You winced. “I’m already involved with someone else.”
“You’re just ‘involved’?” he asked dubiously, the expression on his face changing. “Please give me a chance. I can see that you feel something for me too. Whoever you’re with, I could be better.”
“I’m not interested,” you said firmly, any momentary sympathy you might have felt evaporating. “Goodbye, Kobayashi.”
He let you go, watching as you walked stiffly out of the classroom. As soon as you rounded the doorway, you felt something grab you. Gasping, you startled, but you were quick to register a familiar head of red hair. You saw Kirishima put a finger to his lips, pulling you further down the hall and towards the empty stairwell for some privacy.
He pushed you up against a blue-gray wall, grinning at you with hooded eyes.
“Eiji, what—?”
“I heard the whole thing,” he murmured, leaning in and capturing your lips for a quick kiss. “I thought that guy might make a move on you so I followed you down here. You held your own.” He kissed you again; this one longer, his tongue sneaking its way into your mouth. “You’re really mine, aren’t you?” he murmured against your lips, a stubborn trace of hesitancy still present and quavering in his voice.
“Of course I am, Eiji,” you whispered, touching your forehead to his. “I’m yours.”
He surged against you again, kissing you hungrily and pinning you even harder against the solid surface behind you.
You gasped against his force, eyebrows drawing together as you struggled to keep up. “Ei—” you tried. “Not here, let’s go someplace else.”
“Who cares?” he murmured, uninterested in stopping.
“Me. I don’t want to get caught by a teacher or a random fifteen-year-old. We could get in trouble.”
Kirishima sighed, finally drawing back for a moment to meet your eyes. “Okay, fine. But we’re going straight to my room, right?”
You snorted. “Where else do you think I want to be?”
He smirked, taking your hand again. “Good answer.”
Kirishima briskly walked you back to the dorms, his hand migrating ever lower down your back. It wasn’t long before he was sitting you on his lap in his bed, mouth once again connecting with yours right where it belonged.
You weren’t sure he’d ever kissed you like this before, in all the time you’d been together. His passion blazed before you, unrelenting as your teeth and tongues crashed together. He nipped at your lips until they flushed and swelled, and you knew they’d be noticeably bruised by morning but neither of you stopped. He kept going, trailing more kisses from the corner of your mouth, to your jaw, and all the way down your neck only to return right back to your parted lips whispering his name.
Kirishima’s room had never felt so hot and stuffy, even as he pulled off his uniform jacket and helped you out of yours. His cheeks burned red as his eyes, so caught up in what he was doing, the only thoughts his mind was still capable of having were simply You.
It went by in a haze. He wasn’t sure when exactly he’d lowered you onto his pillow, or how long he’d been hovering over you and caging you in with his arms as he cherished you.
But he knew one thing. His love for you wasn’t something he could hide anymore. No, he’d never let anyone think they stood a chance with you again while he was around.
One day soon, he would kiss you good morning at breakfast. One day, you’d hold hands in the halls on the way to class. One day, he’d pull you in close after school, slinging an arm around your hips just so he always knew you were there at his side.
But he was happy to be here with you now. He was happy to be your secret. He was happy, even as his kisses began to soften and slow, content with the way your body melded against his as he laid himself at your side and hugged you closer. All that mattered was that you were here with him now, and he was yours.
And you were his.
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Taglist: @aahilovetheatre @basicalyrandom @bumbyslair @f0leysgurl @hyunmin-1404 @kqtsukii @nabo39 @pyrofanatic​ @rainy-skys-and-bright-stars @sendhelpimstupid @ure-a-sunflower @xoxopam4​
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mirrorforevers · 3 years
here, there, and everywhere • graham coxon/reader
this fic is based on two prompts y'all sent me:
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this fic really tested all of my blur knowledge holy Fuck. blur as talking heads au i guess. how cool would it be if they
1. had a girl bassist instead of the cheese tory dude
2. werent as unhappy as they were in the mid 90s (just a bit)
3. were just a little 🤏🏻 bit more female friendly lets just pretend this is a universe where the blurjob passes didnt exist heh
it took me everything i had to make this sound as realistic as it could be. u know these girls who think they could fix patrick bateman or don draper? perhaps y’all could fix blur
consider this a gift n not only me writing for your prompt, @nottuned! thank u so much for all your support n encouragement n for always bein so sweet 🥺 i hope u enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it!
let’s see how many references to unfortunate britpop moments y’all can find in this
also i hope i captured the silliness of the gossip and drama in that era well. if you enjoyed it, please leave an ask telling me more! ur feedback is rly important to me 😔✊🏻
tw (?) reader has shitty parents
word count: 7.938 (this one's quite long!)
smut. set in the 90s. au.
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You were unlocking your door when you heard your house phone ring. The shrill sound echoed through the empty corridors as you hurriedly unwrapped your scarf, tossing your keys and backpack on nearby furniture as you ran to answer the call.
“Hello?” You answer, panting.
“Dave?” You smile, that call was a very welcome surprise. Your friend owed you an answer.
A few weeks ago, Dave Rowntree, your music classmate who became a close friend, told you that he had teamed up with two other proficient musicians to form a band. Dave was ecstatic, and every day he had new stories about his new friends to tell you between breakfasts and lunches that you shared between the countless hours of rehearsals. Even though you weren't part of the group, you already felt that you knew Damon and Graham like the back of your hand. Yin and Yang. One was expansive, ambitious, vain, impulsive. The other, shy, introspective, anxious and careful.
Damon Albarn wanted to be an actor, Graham Coxon had a firm foot in the visual arts. One was a fan of grand classical compositions, the other was a Beatles fan. They had been friends since they were children, in a seemingly unbreakable bond. Damon dropped out of his theater class not only because out of a sudden he had found a bigger calling in music instead of acting, but also because he couldn't stand being away from his best friend for so long. You found yourself often imagining their faces and voices while trying to make all of the wild and endearingly funny stories Dave told you more tangible in your head.
It was not long before Dave started dropping little hints that they needed someone else for their project. “It’s not that Graham isn’t good at bass,” he’d say, “but we could do better.” It wasn't at the top of your plans to be part of a band right now, especially as you were preparing intensely to join the Royal Academy of Music, and he knew it. When you mentioned the conversations you had with Dave about the boys on your family dinner, in quiet wonder and timid want of being part of something really exciting, your parents wrinkled their noses. Focus on the greater things, they’d say. Don’t let these boys distract you from your goal.
Our goal, they meant to say. Since you were born, you never knew if the things you wanted were really your will or theirs.
But anyway.
That dynamic went on for a while, until the day Dave invited you to audition for them while you shared a Diet Coke in the tube home.
“Will it take too much of my time?” You asked, coyly.
“Bold of you to assume we’ll let you in that quickly.” He chuckles, amused by your confidence. You playfully elbow him in return. He knew how good you were at what you did, though, and there’s lightness in his tone when he continues, “But no, unless you let it. You’ll probably have to stand up to Damon every once in a while.” He sips the drink, handing it over to you.
“What about Graham? How much is he determined to make it big?”
“Damon’s the one who wants it the most. Graham’s studying Fine Arts at Goldsmiths, so. There’s still cautiousness in him.”
“Huh. Okay then.” You reply, thoughts running wild. “Do we have a time and date?”
“Is tomorrow ok to you?”
“Sure. After our class?”
“Perfect.” The train reaches his station. He ruffles your hair: “See you tomorrow then.”
“See you.”
You don’t tell anything about it to your parents, you just warn them that you’ll arrive a bit later than usual. Dave’s intel was crucial to your choice of songs: knowing Graham was the beatlemaniac and also the rational brake to Damon’s tireless ambition, you knew who to please and have as an ally, so you build an innovative and fresh mashup of Paul McCartney’s greatest basslines to play for them. Of course it could backfire, but you didn’t care. You had a hell of a good ear anyway and if Damon wanted you to play anything out of the blue, you would improvise beautifully over it.
The day comes. You didn’t know why you were that nervous for an amateur audition. You weren’t even sure if it was the right path to follow, given that, depending on how focused Damon really was and how contagious his aspiration was, being part of a band could really take you out of your predestinated course. The reason why you were so nervous, now thinking a little more about it, may be because deep inside, you want your path to be a little less predictable. You didn’t want to fill your heart with hopes that you might make it big and travel all over the world because you didn’t even know them. But… what if it clicks? You knew some people in the scene whose work was getting seriously recognized out there.
Meeting them for the first time was an enigmatic experience. Damon was incredibly brash and cocky - not the first theater kid you’ve met in your life. Graham was way more approachable, though also a bit conceited when pushed just right. You wondered if you’d fit in that boys’ club, and decided you wouldn’t be an easy target for discredit or any kind of shit they might give you. “Took me a while to fully get their trust. You’ll do just fine”, Dave said, out of their earshot.
That gave you more fuel to play amazingly well. Damon definitely wasn’t one to be impressed quickly, but he was, when you finished your set. So was Graham - Graham was starry eyed with your performance, actually. Albarn showed you a song and asked you if you could improvise to it, just as you imagined. Of course you could, on the first play. You even suggested some adjustments to its structure. Your feedback was welcomed and noted.
Even though everything went surprisingly well, you still weren't sure if you would be a member of “Seymour”, as they called themselves. (You knew it wasn’t the best name, but you didn’t have a better suggestion at the time so you’ve kept your opinion to yourself.) Graham became eerily quiet out of a sudden and wouldn’t cross eyes with you the entire time you were there. Damon, well, was Damon. Perhaps he thought you were too ordinary and mainstream for deciding to play Beatles when he’s trying to be the new avant-garde Jesus.
But Dave's news was different than you expected. “They really, really enjoyed your audition. As I thought they would.” You can hear the smile in his voice. "When can you rehearse with us?"
Months after, on your first gig as a fully formed and integrated band, Damon was hit in the face by a guy twice his size, Graham vomited onstage and you and Dave had to take care of both. A beautiful way to close the already exquisite day you had, after you fought with your parents, got kicked out of your childhood home and gave up on entering the Royal Academy of Music two days after you received your acceptance letter featuring rave reviews of your entrance exam.
Dealing with these boys - no, grown-ass men - was hard, but not completely unpleasant. If it were totally unpleasant, you wouldn’t give up on your entire life to embark on such an adventure.
You - plural you - were so gifted and Damon’s compositions were so good. You could see that artsy pretentious mess of an act going somewhere. Of course, you were a bit lost in your life, but so were they, as you ran from city to city meeting new people and trying new things in your journey to fame.
Loneliness, once a close friend, became a distant acquaintance. One you didn’t know anymore.
You confess you were getting worried, though, with how much money you had left on your savings and how much you were spending lately now that your parents weren’t an active part of your life. Wanting to eat something you cannot dream of buying without that money being really useful in a much more critical situation, not having nearly enough money to replace something important that broke or got torn off was frustrating. Some basic things became luxuries out of a sudden.
One day in particular, you very briefly mentioned that you were dying to eat a slice of chocolate cake, but your voice was so small and everyone was so immersed in their duties you thought no one gave two shits to what you said. Two days later, Graham arrived late at rehearsal with a small chocolate cake in his hands, handing it over to you like it was a completely ordinary act. Nothing in the way he acted told you he expected a reward, it was so natural and… gentle. You knew no one in your band could buy a chocolate cake without it being apocalyptic to their personal finances during that time.
That day, you were assured by fate that feeling lost together was better than feeling guided alone.
The band finally got on track - strictly musically speaking. Personally speaking, many contemporaries who followed you at parties and other events described you as an ever-growing odd, annoying and intermittently disarming bunch - and Blur and its members became household names, at least in the UK. It became harder and harder everyday to impose yourself as an entire industry and its target public aimed to tear you down. Men couldn’t understand.
(Graham Coxon was the one who tried the hardest to.)
It was four in the morning. You’ve got used to following your bandmates to hospitals, running away from trouble or knowing when to relish in it. But it was the first time you offered yourself to clean up dried blood from one’s face, given how much you hated seeing the fluid and even fainted when younger whenever exposed to it.
You, so delicately, wipe the saline solution-soaked cotton across Graham’s face, who flinches at the cold sensation on his still sensitive skin. He stares at you with the eyes of a child, and you couldn’t help but give him a slight, warm smile in return, which he retributes. Your face conveyed gratitude and affection towards the one you were taking care of. Your hands still struggled to stay completely still after the surge of adrenaline your body received a few hours ago.
Being the only girl in a massive band, and one the music magazines and mainstream media loved sexualizing, meant having paparazzis in your window in odd hours (not that that’s acceptable in any hour, but you had to lower your standards even more these days), meant having different photographers trying to pressure you to get into all kinds of uncomfortable angles with skimpy-ass dresses and just count on the intervention of your fellow bandmates so they would stop, also having invasive male fans who would try to harass you in any way they could.
Of course the day where one of your bandmates would get into a fist fight with one of these men inserted into these categories would come. And even though they were all protective of you, each in their own peculiar, increasingly contradictory way, Graham’s dedication to it was sometimes commendable.
You were making your way through a small corridor of people on your way to the stage when a random guy cupped one of your breasts. It’s not like the venue was incredibly tight, it could not have been on accident and it made your blood boil. You turned around to scream at him, and Graham, who was just behind you, threw a punch directly towards the man’s face, without thinking twice.
And oh boy, took a lot of people and a sweet amount of time to separate the two after that.
After all was said and done, Graham had a few scratches, a black eye and a cut brow. He kept dodging your many “sorrys”, “you didn’t have to do this” and other expressions of guilt. “You have nothing to be sorry about, he deserved it”, he kept assuring you, like a mantra, just giving in to your pleas when you supplicated to take care of his wounds during intermission and after the show.
“I get why you did what you did, Gra. I hate that you took such a risk because of me, but I understand.” you say, voice cracking from not using it for a while after spending some good minutes in complete silence taking care of him. “However,” you soak another cotton ball in the saline solution a roadie got you, punctuating the word with a squeeze to the cotton to remove excess liquid. “I was worried sick about you. What if he… had a knife or something? You could’ve got seriously injured. Or killed.”
“Don’t worry about me. I’m perfectly able to have a good fight,” after wincing from the contact of the cold wet cotton with his dried blood, he purses his lips in a forced, shy smile, trying to light up the mood. He notices your hands are still shaking from the adrenaline, and takes one of them in his bigger ones, trying to calm you down. The fact that he did this for you, coupled with the fear and how tired you felt of having to go through that kind of situation once again, made you cry-laugh from how overwhelmed you felt.
His expression changes to one of pure compassion in an instant. “Hey, don’t--oh my,” he gets up from his chair to embrace you as you pour your frustrations through fat tears running down his shoulder.
“It’s so exhausting,” you mumble, through sobs. “Now I’m putting you in danger too. I feel like I did and I’m still doing everything wrong. I should be the one giving you a shoulder to cry on.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong! Anything at all, I promise you,” he says, tenderly, running his hands through your hair, still holding you tight. “It was his fault! I decided it was the right thing to do. You’re worth the risk. What people have been putting you through is unacceptable.”
“I’m not worth the risk!” You break apart from his arms, trying to get your point across. “What would I do without you if someone killed you? You need to be more careful!”
The silence hangs heavy between you two thanks to the weight of your words.
“You should’ve asked me before you lunged at him, at least. I don’t know.” You wipe your many tears as you move towards the nearest bottle of water to try to calm yourself down. “It’ll never end. I’m so afraid that these situations will get even worse. That,” you motion at his wounds and dirty clothes, “is a bloody tragedy. It’s a tragedy things escalated to this point. You can’t do that forever.”
“This is just a consequence. And something I would do for you in a heartbeat whenever necessary.”
“Graham, I don’t want you to get hurt because--”
“They hurt you. I won’t let you go through that alone. Besides,” he comes closer to you again. “As I already told you, I can take care of myself, most of the time.” He takes your face in his hands, his fingers so delicately running across your cheeks to dry your tears. You knew that gesture wasn’t his way of asking you for anything you weren’t ready to give him yet. He just wanted you to feel safe. “And I want to take care of you.”
“I’m the one cleaning your wounds.”
“A great partnership, I think.” Coxon chuckles softly, and finally gets a smile out of you. As he always does. “And they make me look cool, don’t you think?”
“Shut up.” You giggle, still feeling too emotional to return to the stage. You sigh: “Thank you for being there for me. You know I’m still not very used to it. Just please be safe.”
The roadie returns, a little flustered by interrupting your little moment together. “5 minutes and you’re back, guys.”
“Okay!” You both turn to answer her.
“I’ll be. No need to thank me for anything, Y/N.” He answers, giving your forehead a little kiss. “Let’s go.”
“Give me two minutes. I’ll be right behind you.”
“What’s it like, being the only woman in the band?”
Four eyerolls at once don’t seem to faze the interviewer. She waits for your response.
Apparently the thousand invasive questions regarding Damon’s love life and the same bullshit treatment of women as either rare specimen or sex dolls is what pleases the audience of music TV shows these days.
“What do you think?” is what you say.
“Must be a thrill to have these beautiful boys around you all the time. And we’ve heard you never even took advantage of it!”
You don’t like where this is heading. “Is that… a bad thing? I don’t know what you mean.”
“Perhaps some of our lady viewers might think it is. No judgement though!” She raises her hands. “You do you, it’s just that it’s quite unexpected to see prudes in non-Christian bands. I mean… from what we’ve heard.”
“I’m sorry? What are you trying to say? What did you hear?”
Her tongue clicks while she stares at you with defiance and mischief on her eyes, as she goes a little further and raises her voice so it can overlay yours. “Oh love. You do know what I’m talking about. There’s no need to be ashamed of being a virgin.”
Your cheek burns intensely and the only thing you wished for was for the ground to swallow you whole. Dave and Graham are especially uncomfortable. Damon’s a bit amused. The three knew almost everything there was to know about you. The one topic that surprisingly they didn’t know about is that you’re still a virgin.
They know you’ve been single for a long time. They know that’s part of what draws so much attention and twisted lore regarding you and your past, but that’s not something they felt they needed to know about you at all, and you truly never felt the need to comment about that with any of them, and they haven’t asked. Not even Mr. “the way to be successful in this game is to make all the boys wanna be you and all the girls wanna sleep with you. In your case that’d work in reverse” Damon Albarn.
“Is that even something that should be discussed in an interview about our music? Is that what your boss told you to ask her about?” Dave answers, his tone venomous.
“Musicians are way more than just music. You’re entertainment in every sense of the word.”
“Who told you that about me?” You asked, not sure if you want to know the answer.
“A lovely elderly lady who lives in Elgin Crescent. She knows you so well.”
That’s your mum. That’s how far low your relationship has degraded. You’re not surprised. That doesn’t feel less like a punch on your gut, but you don’t feel like tumbling again. Not today.
“I know who you’re talking about. Tell her I asked her to go fuck herself and burn in hell. In that order.”
“But that’s your--”
“Yes, she is my mum!” If people are going to expose you anyway, then why don’t you do it on your terms? “We’re truly entertainment in every sense of the word, aren’t we. Not everyone’s mum’s a cunt. Some of us aren’t that lucky.”
“You want to be the next Gallagher sister with the spicy remarks?”
“Not sure. But I do want to be the last person you ever get to interview.”
The management of the band wasn’t at all surprised your interview became UK’s topic of the week. People were heavily divided between family is family and we shouldn’t hate our relatives and blood isn’t everything, family can be shitty too. Your bandmates were proud of you. The management was angry but tried to understand, and didn’t press you for further explanations. They suggested a two-week break from everything so Blur could rest their image and start a fresh cycle after that, and you gracefully accepted it.
The whole thing seemed so ridiculous the more you thought about it. Did your mum tell the reporter about that gratuitously? What was their conversation like? How did that even happen?
You became the butt of jokes in some places. You saw other famous people doing challenges between them, countdowns, all sorts of crude remarks. What a pathetic, sad chapter of your career.
You dial Graham, and you feel like your heart was about to burst out of your chest.
“Hey, Gra. It’s me.”
“Hey, Y/N.” He sounds pleasantly surprised. “How's it going?”
“Better, I guess. I have to take my mind off all that chaos though. Are you available right now?”
“You’ve been owing me a movie night for quite a while now and I miss spending time with you. Wanna come over?”
“Aww. Sure, I--um. Do you want me to bring anything?”
“I’m pretty sure I got everything we need here--ah… I think I don’t have any more beers.”
“I’ll buy some then. See ya in a few minutes.”
Actually, you couldn’t take all that chaos off your mind because that was the only thing in it. You’re feeling so nervous.
The main reasons sex wasn’t a priority for you until now were:
You didn’t have any real opportunities of losing your virginity in your teens. You were impossibly introspective until, like, 3, 4 years ago, and the way your family worked hasn’t really allowed you to get really close to people. Be it boyfriends, girlfriends or just friends. Anything that threatened to take time off the various tasks and classes your parents assigned to you just couldn’t be part of your life. To be honest, you still struggled a bit to form meaningful connections with people thanks to how you grew up.
The moment you stopped being shy, you noticed it was a real man’s world out there, especially in music, classical or not. You didn’t want anyone to think you fucked your way up to the top, you didn’t want any messy affairs. Also, you had yourself, and you didn’t get all of the hype regarding the concept of screwing someone. But apparently there’s a lot you’ve been missing, given the importance people seem to give to it. After that incident, even though you swore to yourself you wouldn’t give in to any kind of misogynistic pressure, that was one that really got under your skin.
You never really found someone who you felt 100% safe with in that sense until the one who’s about to arrive at your house appeared in your life. Bloody hell, and you don’t even have anything romantic going on. By the time you were a Blur member, you’ve fooled around a bit, but not all the way. You knew how to kiss, knew how to touch yourself and even brought manual satisfaction to some random fool you thought you were into one time. But perhaps this is the time to go all the way. Why not? Everyone knew how close you two were. He made you feel special. He was so kind. And gorgeous. And--
You hear a knock on your door. It’s him. Beers in hand, hair somewhat in place, twitchy as ever.
He comes inside and you feel like your legs will give up anytime. It was not the first time he visited you. It was one of many, actually, and he noticed you were acting… different.
“Y/N, are you okay?” He asks after a brief dialogue between you two, after plating some snacks for both of you.
“Graham...” You sigh, being really careful with your words. “What is your perception of me?”
“My perception of you?” He smiles. “I… think you’re great. You’re fun to be around. You’re one of the best musicians I know, if not the best. Why are you asking me that?”
“N-nothing. It’s nothing. Also, I asked the wrong question. What was your first perception of me?”
“Uh… the day of your audition?”
“Exactly. You barely talked to me that day.”
His eyes lower to his own feet. “I was really timid, actually. I wasn’t used to being near any girl, especially one who… w-would spend so much time around me if everything went well.”
You giggle. “I thought you hated me.”
“Never!” his smile turns into a full blown laughter. You melt at his confession. “Also because it seemed like you were trying to read my mind or something.”
“Of course! Because I thought you hated me!” Now that was a laughter you two shared. You do a voice: “‘Why is that pesky girl trying to get in my band?’”
“My goodness, no! I don’t even sound like that - you know what, I changed my mind. You suck. Because, besides the fact you don’t even know what I sound like, you still haven’t told me why you are asking me that in the first place.”
You couldn’t help but notice how he slightly cornered you physically in one of the kitchen corridors. Graham could be really persuasive when he wanted to.
“Okay. Right. Um. I’ve been thinking about some stuff.”
“What, exactly?”
“Everything that happened this month. The great virginity debacle,” you roll your eyes, and he scoffs.
“You don’t own anyone any information about what you do or don't do with your life. Everyone’s being so invasive. That was incredibly childish of the reporter to do, and we talked about that hundreds of times.”
“Yeah, but… you know what, forget it.”
“Tell me, Y/N. I just said that because I want you to know you were not in the wrong.”
“I know. It’s just… I’ve been thinking that maybe it’s silly for me to… keep closing myself for affection. Any kind of affection.”
“What are you talking about?” His brows furrowed in curiosity.
“I’m not sure if it’s the pressure that finally got under my skin, but… I’m willing to learn what all the fuss is about. Maybe it’s silly that I’m still a virgin.”
He bites his lips, still processing what you just said, expression unreadable. Perhaps you’ve treaded a ground you shouldn’t. You step back both literally and figuratively. “I’m sorry I even brought that up--”
“No, no, don’t be.” He assures you. “I’m just… surprised, that’s all. I swear.”
“And...” You know what. You already went too far, so why not go all the way. You’ve already gone way past the point of no return. “I was wondering if… you would… popmycherry?”
His eyes widen, yours still closed. When you finally open them, he’s closer to you again.
If his head was a machine, you’re sure it would be releasing lots of steam and shaking due to overprocessing. You felt like you just ruined everything.
“Y/N, you don’t need to do it if you don’t really want to.”
“But I want it! At first I thought I didn’t, but then I thought...”
“I don’t want to be part of that if you’re just doing it to fulfill weird expectations.”
“But it’s not that. Not just... that. I asked about your perception of me because I really like you, Gra. I think we should be more than friends and I wanted to know what you think about me. And I want to know what the fuss is about, yes, but I’m not telling you that just so I can lose my virginity to prove some point. I’m telling you that because I like you, I want to kiss you, and I think it would be a great idea if you showed me what it’s like. Y-you know, sex.”
“I-I can’t believe it. Did you even have any movie in mind?” His smile’s back, but you’re still not confident about what his answer will be.
“I didn’t. I’m sorry. You don’t have to--”
He sighs. “I was in love with you the moment I first saw you, actually.” He says it like he’s releasing a huge load out of his back, his arms crossed. Now your eyes widen, and you hold your breath without even noticing. “I didn’t want you to feel pressured. I know how you feel, or, felt about relationships, so… there wasn’t any reason for me to tell you that. And what I said about being timid was just half of the truth.”
“I also was really intimidated by how pretty you looked. You can’t imagine how.”
“No way.”
“It’s true. I felt like I wasn’t even worthy of looking at you, really.”
“You’re joking. That’s mean, Gra.”
“I’m not. I’m really not.” He doesn’t look like he is joking. He looks relieved. “I’m really not. That’s why I’m so surprised by your request.”
“I’m nothing special.”
“You are everything to me. But I can’t accept your offer, not now.”
“Are you… seeing someone? Am I too late?”
“No. Definitely not. I just want you to be sure you’re not doing it because people are saying you should.”
“Graham, I’m a grown woman.”
“I know.”
Graham carefully presses his slightly chapped lips to yours, kissing you for a few precious, heart stopping seconds before pulling away; his voice is impossibly silky when he suggests, “Let’s watch a movie. How about The Godfather? I heard it’s airing tonight. Then, if in two weeks you don’t change your mind, tell me and I’ll be glad to help you with what you want. Do we have a deal?”
“That’s so unfair. I want you so bad.” You whisper.
“Tell me if you still do in two weeks.”
You sigh, defeated. “...Deal.”
You definitely notice the subtle shift in Graham’s personality and actions after that fateful night. If you were already close, both figuratively and literally, it now seemed like he would use any excuse to always touch you, be near you, sometimes tease you. The shift was subtle, though, don’t forget it’s still Graham Coxon we’re talking about - the constant “is it okay if”s or “is it alright if I”s were still there, as careful as ever. You don’t even talk about your deal that entire time, or even kiss again - sometimes you wondered if it was even real or just a fabrication of your mind.
The way he now caressed your hand discreetly when you listened to Damon’s ramblings, the way his hands now went directly to your waist when your games became too handsy, the way he seemed to be madly in love with everything you were and still are from the start - made you realize you were ready for this man to be a consistent part of your life.
The dust of the controversy was settled, and your own intentions were 100% clear to you now. The societal pressure has waned. The need for Graham to be your first persisted. After exactly 2 weeks have passed, you call him again, yearning to share the answer with him.
One beep.
Two beeps.
Three beeps.
Four beeps. “Hello?”
You release a sigh hidden deep inside of your lungs. “Graham, it’s Y/N.”
“Oh. It’s been two weeks.” You could hear the contemplative tone of his voice.
“...Yeah. That’s precisely the reason I’m calling you.”
“Do you still want to…?”
“Ok.” He chuckles, flustered as hell on the other side of the phone, probably one of the prettiest sounds you’ve ever heard. “Right. Ok. Your place or mine?”
“I think there’ll be an element of mystery if I go to your place this time.” You lose some of the constraints this silly shyness has been tying you on. “Do you have everything we might need there?”
“We don’t need a dungeon, you know.”
“The basics.” You make your smile heard.
“I do have… I do have the basics.”
“See you in a few minutes then.”
“Will you want to… ease into it? Or just go straight to it?”
“God, don’t make it awkward!” Your cheeks burn, your smile turning into contagious laughter. “Maybe… I don’t know. Ease into it, I guess? A movie night… but with s-something else?”
“Okay. Sounds good.”
“Alright then. See you.”
“See you.”
You don’t choose any particularly fancy or sexy clothes, instead settling for a slightly oversized yellow striped shirt he gave you as a birthday present some months ago and some skirt that fit you well. He wasn’t one to lavish his loved ones with gifts all the time, but few things were as precious as the look on his face whenever he saw you wearing something he gave you or, hell, even eating something he paid for you. You’re thrilled to see it again when he opens the door for you, it easing some of your deepest doubts.
2001: A Space Odyssey is already playing on the TV when you arrive. Despite it being one of your favorite movies of all time, and his, you’re not mad it was already halfway through when you arrived. It wasn’t your main priority to rewatch it for the 17th time tonight.
He offers you some wine, which you accept to ease the nerves. You sit on his couch, and he shares the cozy space with you, now mindlessly throwing one of his arms around your shoulders. You cuddle up to him, and everything seems peaceful in the world for a while.
The tip of his fingers softly caress your lifted knee, absentmindedly. You couldn’t help but notice how well his body fits with yours, how your skin was apparently made for him to touch, and the anxiety rumbles in your stomach like a storm in a wild wavy sea. After some minutes, you raise your head, his big brown eyes meeting yours as if asking you a silent question. You leaned up a bit more to press your lips to his, in a silent answer. The sweetness in him makes this moment as precious as every other moment you ever shared with him. His hands enter your hair, making you shiver a bit from the unfamiliarity and the electricity of it all - but it doesn’t sway you from deepening the kiss, wanting more of his taste, more of this, more of him.
“Do you wanna take this to the bed?” He whispers, after noticing your moans were becoming more frequent and needy. You nod, and you are taken by surprise when he carries you bridal style to it, hiding your excited giggles in his broad shoulders.
Graham wasn’t exactly the most organized man in the world - so the fact that his bedroom was now impossibly tidy was something that positively caught your attention. He put some planning into this. He lays you down and you part your legs, beckoning him to meet you between them. He does, and you go back to the breathtaking makeout session. You notice he’s holding himself back a bit, taking his time, his warm tongue moving smoothly, not hurriedly, against yours. His self control falters a bit though, given how he can’t stop grinding against you. You follow the rhythm of his hips a bit timidly and not nearly as in sync as you’d really like, though the pressure his covered cock is creating against your core can already be felt and some particular thrusts are able to fill at least partially the aching, wet need growing within you.
“How do you feel about oral?” He asks, breath warm near your ear, his voice raspy and spent by his desire for you.
“Um… It would be my first time receiving or doing it.”
“Would you like me to go down on you?”
“Wow. I never thought I would hear you saying something like that.” You smile, still assimilating the situation you’re in, trying not to show how badly his voice is affecting you. “Sure.”
“I never thought I would get to propose this to you. Aren’t we full of surprises lately.” He smiles back, warmly. He notices your hands trembling a bit from how anxious you are while you’re taking off your underwear with his help, and as he lowers himself to where you need him most, he takes your hands in his as an act of reassurance. “Tell me what you like. Tell me if what I’m doing works for you. I want this to be a great experience.”
“You want me to get addicted to you, that’s what you want,” He chuckles, lovingly kissing your thigh as a reply. “Okay, Gra. Guess I’ll find out along the way.”
You quickly take a peak below you to see the lower half of his face disappear in the middle of your thighs. The sight alone sets your fire ablaze, as he hooks his arms around your thighs and lifts you closer to his mouth, his lips ghosting over the curls between your legs tantalizingly and his breath catching when your hips jerk forward.
As he begins his ministrations, you immediately notice it’s unlike anything you’ve ever felt. That feeling was completely alien to you. It was even wetter than you expected, and weird, but powerfully pleasant. Before this exact moment, you had a firm belief that hardly anyone else would make you feel the same way, or better, than you do yourself, but apparently you were very wrong. Thankfully you were wrong. “My god,” you gasp as the flat of his tongue drags over your folds, too much and not enough, and you jerk at the contact. “This is great. So weird, but-- great.”
He moans at your response, his movements carefully enthusiastic. He works his tongue between your folds and traces up to curl the tip of it around your clit, and it’s quite endearing and madly arousing to see how he eats out you like you’re the sweetest and tastier dessert he has ever tasted. You involuntarily buck against him with a desperate sound the moment he moves his tongue and lips in a particularly wicked way, something that definitely doesn’t go unnoticed by him, but you still feel the need to highlight in case it didn’t - “That. Keep doing that, please,”
And he does. The building of this climax is also different than the ones you already had by your own hands, and is more coy. As he sees the drops of sweat sliding along your soft skin and the expressions on your face as you get lost in this new but enchanting sensations, his hesitation and self-control fades away; there’s nothing uncertain in the way he buries his face in your cunt now, nothing restrained in the groan he lets out as he devours you and drinks you down as if you’re the first stream of water he has seen in days.
His tongue glides deeper in your folds again and again, swirling up through the wetness you’re coated with to tease at your clit while he grunts and strains closer, squeezing your thighs with both hands tight. The wave of heat inside of you is cresting so fast, you don't even know how to tell him, how to signal that you’re nearly done for and, in the end, it happens too fast to even try. He sucks at your clit, circling it with his tongue, once, twice, and then you’re crying out, shaking underneath him, trying to keep your thighs from clenching too hard around his head as he laps you through it with with urgent whimpers and moans, as if he cannot have enough of you.
You’re still trembling when he rises, the look on his face revealing to you how proud he feels by making you feel this way. It looks so good on him.
You fail miserably at the simple task of connecting words together after that, choosing instead to collect your remaining strength, prop yourself up and beckon him again to keep kissing him and learn, through his talented tongue, how you taste. He kisses the thin fabric of the shirt at your chest that covers you from view, your throat, your jaw, and before he reaches your impatient lips, he notes, sinfully, “Seems like you enjoyed yourself, love.”
“That was… unbelievable. Stars, I want to make you feel good too. Please show me how.”
“Keep kissing me,” he begs, voice still strained from how aroused he is. “I want to be inside you so bad. Let’s get you prepared.” You’re still so sensitive, you tread on overstimulation when his fingers lightly touch your clit, making you break the kiss in a hiss. He traces a line on your folds, inspecting the impact his mouth had on you. “So wet for me.”
“Bit slower, Gra,” He complies to your breathy plea, his fingers now more tame as he slowly spreads your wetness throughout your pussy. He stretches towards the nightstand to grab a bottle of lube, interrupting his contact to spread some on his fingers before unhurriedly slipping his middle finger inside of you. The coldness of the gel makes you shiver in surprise, the easiness brought by it very welcomed. Again - the sensation is odd. Completely unfamiliar. The feeling of having something inside of you for the first time, going further than you ever dared to try, probing, exploring; the coldness of the lube clashing against your burning hot cunt. But it also felt nice. The focused look on his face was adorable, he looked like he was a scientist in the middle of very complex research.
Despite the panting, the messy hair and the fire in his eyes.
Your body already has a lot of new sensations to process simultaneously, so when he asks you to take off your bra and shirt so his tongue can work on your nipples - which you gladly accept, you feel like you’re on sensual overload. His tongue, again, so talented, takes your mind off the slight burning you feel when he introduces his ring finger to your soaked, throbbing core, his focused, carefully overpowering and constant stimulation driving you insane.
“Does it feel good?” He asks, voice muffled by your breast. You nod, carried by the wave of pleasure sweeping you.
“Yes. God, yes.” You pant, tangling your fingers tightly on his thick hair as an encouragement, a desperate sound escaping from your lips the moment he reaches a certain point within you you didn’t even know existed, hot mouth continuing to lick and suck your nipple. Even though you were spent by your last orgasm, he was indeed getting you addicted to those new feelings, and even though this was heavenly, truly heavenly, you needed more. “Gra, I’m ready, I think.”
“You sure?”
“Yes. Please.”
Releasing your nipple from his lips with a sounding pop, he eagerly frees himself from his trousers - hard as a brick - and puts protection and lubrication on, swiftly positioning himself between your thighs while stroking himself to the sight in front of him. You motion to take off your skirt, and he holds your hand, not letting you. “Don’t. It’ll be really hot to fuck you in this.” He confesses, giving your forehead a kiss in a very different context than before. He aligns his forehead with yours, each of your lips just barely touching while you breathe each other’s air. He looks deep into your eyes, slowly running the tip of his cock between the slick folds of your pussy, coating himself in the remnants of your pleasure. “Do you trust me?”
You trust me to know your limits? Not to go any further if you don’t really want me to?
The only response you get from him is a shuddering, helpless moan into your mouth and you hold him tighter to you, grinding your still sensitive cunt up against his cock while he pulls hard at the soft fur next to your head. You feel your soaking pussy lips part around the solid curve of his length and gradually coat the underside of him in slick with every gentle circle and roll your hips make, as he finally pulls away from your mouth to drop his forehead to your neck. He then, very slowly, penetrates you, stopping when he hears the noises you make indicating you’re struggling to adjust to his presence. Out of everything you’ve felt in the last minutes, this was by far the most painful sensation. “This-- is new,” you note, your face completely incapable of hiding the discomfort. He also notices that.
“Are you okay? Do you want me to stop?”
“It’s okay. I’ll get used to it.”
“It’s not supposed to be about endurance, you know.” He says, a bit breathless and worried, caressing your hair. “Tell me when it’s okay to move. Or if you feel too much pain.”
After some long seconds and some deep breaths, you say: “Okay. Go on.”
“As you wish.”
He moves inside you at a very slow pace, the lubrication clearly making it easier for you to handle it. It still hurts, significantly, but the sensation of being filled is also surprisingly arousing.
His hand moves to your sensitive clit again in small, measured circles, your little moans being a mixture of the pain of penetration and the sheer ecstasy of seeing him falling apart because of you. The way his chest heaves while the drops of sweat start pearling his fair skin, the furrowed brows and broken groans, the thickness of him as he rests heavy up against your entrance, the way his voice presses deliciously tight in his throat as he gasps out into the quiet room - everything’s making your chest burst in love and satisfaction. You tighten your grip around him and roll your hips up into his cock, letting it break you open nice and slow; it stretches you wide with a deliciously sharp fullness and pleasure rips through you, and Graham becomes even more vocal as he picks up a steady and gradually faster pace. He turned all of your keys, it’s about time you turn some of his.
“Graham, deeper,” you whimper, continuing to tighten your legs and hoist yourself up, lifting your hips to take his cock deeper inside you. His name rips itself from your throat while Coxon clenches his jaw and starts to lose himself in the pleasure, holding you down into the bed while he allows your desperation to guide him to the perfect angle and speed to sate you. He found denying you to be impossible.
He snarls and curses as he holds you down and rails you, determined to make you sing again before he finishes, and to his delight, your heightened sensitivity gives him what he wants. And this time, he couldn't hold on.
Graham kisses you one last time as he groans and gives in, head dropping to your neck again. You didn’t reach a second climax, but stars, what an experience you just had.
When he comes back to himself enough to realise he still had you practically folded in half, he carefully pulls his softening cock free, taking the condom off and taking the strands of hair out of your face as you struggle to catch your breath. You suggest a shared bath, a suggestion he gladly accepts.
Too tired and too sore for pillow talk, comfortable silence falls as your hand finds his, and you lay, listening to each other’s breathing slowly settle.
I could get used to his little snore on my chest, is the last thought that twinkles on your mind before you fall asleep snuggled with him.
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ap psychology
anonymous asked:  Can I request readers putting all her studying off till the week before AP exams and she starts studying an unhealthy amount, like sometimes forgetting to eat all day because of it and even made herself sick from stress over it but reader refuses to complain because she did it to herself and Lydia's just there helping her review and making sure she takes time to care for herself ect? Bonus if Reader thinks she did bad and Lydia assuring her she did fine and has an 'i told you don't moment? 
anonymous asked: Totally didn't request that bc that's my situation-
for some reason when i tried to queue this w/ the original ask, tumblr wanted to put the cut in the ask and i couldn’t delete it
this is out of date now, but i was uninspired to write for a hella long time sorry. also! i’m going to draw from my experiences w/ ap this year, and the only ap exam i had to take was psych, so that’s also going to be the case for reader :)
also, i feel like my lydia is a bit out of character? idk it’ll probably take a while to get back to the way i used to write her.
1303 words
cw: femreader. food
you cursed under your breath. months ago, months! you told yourself you would start studying for your ap exam. you only had the one exam to study for, so you told yourself that if you just did a little bit everyday, you would be fine.
but here you were, about three days until your ap psychology exam, and you hadn’t studied any of it. you had hardly even watched the videos your teacher had posted as the digital learning content. but to be fair, the stuff he was talking about in them were the last unit or two of psych, and you wouldn’t have to worry about them, because you weren’t going to be tested on them.
you groaned and dragged your feet downstairs, to where you hid your backpack. the friday weeks ago, when your school told everyone that classes would go digital for a few weeks because of the coronavirus, your teacher had come prepared. he gave everyone that showed up to class, which, granted, wasn’t that many but still- a huge packet covering everything that you had studied this year. it was some forty pages long.
okay, it was, like, thirty five because you crossed out the pages about personality and disorders. which was a shame, because those are the units that everyone takes psychology to learn about. no one goes, “oh boy, i can’t wait to learn about how to test if a baby has depth perception!” or “i can’t wait to learn about all the different types of visual illusions!” but whatever.
you flipped to page thirty five, to see how many questions you were in for. just over 250, except that’s counting all the charts as individual questions. yeah, that makes sense. one and a half pages of listing what researchers discovered what is equivalent to answering which cortex of the brain processes visual stimuli.
wait a minute. lydia was also taking psych. studying sucks, but if you could do it with your girlfriend, that’d be so much less painful.
you texted her, “hey lyds, have u finished the psych packet yet?”
”yea i finished it yesterday, why?” she texted back almost immediately.
shit. looks like you’ll have to suffer through this alone. “nvm”
you looked at the time, 1:46. damn, already? it felt like you had only just woken up. you made yourself a coffee, and set up shop on the desk you have never used in your bedroom, with laptop open beside you. you planned on googling everything, rather than going through your notes, mostly because you forgot where you put them, but this would still take ages.
an hour passed, and you felt like you were dying on the inside. if you had to answer one more question about behavioral psych, you were going to scream. behavioral psych is by far the worst part of psychology! watson and skinner be damned! people are people not some computer code! people have feelings! you can’t just ignore them! and the feeling you were feeling right now was not a good one!
you wanted to stop, but you weren’t sure if you stopped now if you’d be able to finish the packet. so you kept on going.
you went another five hours, taking five minute tik tok breaks every hour to keep you sane. you looked at the clock, and realized you hadn’t eaten anything today. you grabbed a box of cheez-its and made your way back upstairs, and went back to work. this time, you ate a cheez-it every time you finished a question, or you filled out a row in a chart.
you didn’t know when you fell asleep, but you woke up in the morning with about half the packet filled out. considering the exam was in one day, and four-ish hours, you thought that was good.
as you made your morning coffee, you checked the messages lydia had sent you. “are you doing okay? normally we talk a lot but…” “wait, are you working on the study guide?” “y/n! please take breaks! remember! you need food!” “and water!”
you sent back, “if i eat my cheez-its, and i drink my coffee while i study, then i don’t have to take breaks.”
you went back to your desk, and plugged your phone in across the room so you wouldn’t be distracted. but also because you forgot to charge it before you passed out, so it was at three percent, because apparently you had kept it open to tik tok all night, and the video just kept looping. oops.
for a while, the studying seemed easier. you felt like you had less to do, and you didn’t need to worry about getting it done in time, because you had more than enough of it. but because you didn’t need to rush, you became more productive.
you finished the second half of the packet by six that evening. you do admit, you got a bit lazy in the last few pages, but it was done!
shit. studying isn’t just writing stuff down, you have to read it over, right? you don’t really study that much.
but you decided to take an hour or two’s break for… breakfast? dinner? maybe even lunch? whatever, leftover pizza, because you had just only now just realized the intense rumbling in your stomach.
you checked your phone for the first time in hours. you were actually kind of proud of yourself. you usually were on your phone every waking hour, which was probably a problem, but you had shown enormous restraint… by spending every waking hour staring at your laptop. it’s all about choosing your battles.
you quickly dismissed some twitter notifications before tapping on a new message from lydia. “babe, i’m getting really worried about you, please call me when you see this.” you furrowed your brows. worried? about you? why?
you called lydia, and she picked up nearly immediately.
”y/n!” she gasped with relief, “don’t do that to me again!”
you felt stupid for wondering what she was talking about, but you kind of needed to know, “what do you mean?”
”you’ve been offline for hours, and i couldn’t get to you! and then when i heard what you were eating, that got me worried. have you eaten today?”
”three slices of pizza right now.” you swallowed a bite.
”is that your first meal today?”
”unless you count coffee, yeah. i’ll do better tomorrow, i promise. speaking of tomorrow, we’ve got the psych exam, and i need to keep studying. i’ll call after the exam, so like three?”
”you do realize this exam is online, right? and at home?”
”uh, yeah.” you swallowed.
”and you have both a laptop and a phone?”
”lydia, what are you saying?” cheating. she was definitely talking about cheating.
”i’m saying, that you don’t really need to know the definitions, because our dear old pal google can be there to help you out with those. and you’re smart, so i assume you know the concepts.”
”you think very highly, of me, my dear.” you took another bite of pizza. “so, what you’re saying is, i wasted two days studying?”
”yes, that is exactly what i’m saying.”
”shit. wait, why were you studying?”
”ugh, because i am nowhere near as good as you at being able to understand things.”
”you know, definitions explain the concept too.”
”what are you saying?” asked lydia.
”i think we’ve both wasted a lot of time studying when we didn’t need to.”
”fuck.” lydia breathed.
”yeah, we’re both idiots. do you wanna watch something on netflix? you haven’t finished parks and rec yet, right?”
”no, i just finished an episode before you called me.”
”which one?”
”season four, episode seven.”
”wait, is the next episode smallest park? we need to watch that, like, now.”
@meangirlsx @meangirlmurphy @eliza-is-confused @boredomimi @book--butterfly
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hayjeon · 6 years
All I Ever Wanted (m) ft. Seokjin
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→ teacher!jin, enemiestolovers au aka fluff → 10k words, rated for smutty scenessss
A/N: my bio and chem teachers in highschool hated eachother bc my chem/physics teachers were bad ass bitches and would tell our class that bio wasn’t shit and we’d literally sit in class like “OOooooOOHHHHH! she said it wasn’t SHIITTTT!” bc we lived for that drama and then the bio teachers would tattle to the principle and i was bff’s with that guy so he would vent to me sometimes and it was the pettiest funniest shit EVER
also ive never written anything about seokjin so this was actually really hard orl....but i hope you guys like it! this is a oneshot, so please don’t ask me for any sequels or prequels, but feel free to ask me any questions regarding the characters, and also give me feedback about how the story went, how the smut was, how i framed the characters, etc. it’s been a while since i wrote a fullfledged fic and i feel a little rusty :’) help me out 
“Okay class, we need to focus for the next few weeks because your exams are coming up! This is your chance to show them how hard you've been working!” you say excitedly as your students groan and mumble amongst themselves.
Smiling, you try to cheer them up, “C’mon, you guys have done so well this semester and the entire country knows that you guys are the best group of students they’ve ever seen!” 
You pass out some study guides that you prepared, and turn on your powerpoint to go over the important topics for the class. “Oh, and don’t forget after school tomorrow, I’ll be holding a study and review session so you guys can ask questions and we can go over the study guide together!” 
You hear some kids sigh in relief but one of your sweet kids raises her hand. 
“Yes, Yoona?” 
“Umm there’s a small problem teach.” She looks hesitant. You smile and raise your eyebrows, urging her to continue. “Mr. Kim scheduled his study session for chem at the same time as you did.” 
You frown. “Did you guys not tell him I scheduled your bio session beforehand since last week for tomorrow?” 
Another kid, Mark, pipes in. “Yeah, we did. But...”
He hesitates, but his friends urge him on. “Mr. Kim told us not to worry about bio too much and to focus more on our chemistry exam because biology isn’t even considered a legitimate science.” 
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“Okay, okay, Y/N, you’re my best teacher here, but we can’t have you coming in here for permission to beat up one of my other best teachers.” The principal sits back in his chair, having seen this before. 
“But Principal Lee!” you wail, throwing your hands in the air. “He scheduled his study session purposely at the same time as mine! And I intentionally booked that time a week beforehand.” 
He smiles and strokes his beard. “Well, definitely we can figure out something there. Those kids would really appreciate those study sessions.” 
You nod. “These kids are the smartest kids in the country, and have been doing well at the most competitive high school! They deserve to be able to take biology without their chemistry teacher trying to sabotage their education!” 
He chuckles, “Now, now, Y/N, I wouldn’t say Seokjin is trying to sabotage their education. He’s an exceptional--heck maybe even the best-- chemistry teacher out there! He has as many teacher-of-the-year awards as you do!” 
“He told my kids that biology isn’t even a science!” 
The old man is about to respond when a voice pipes up behind you. “Because biology isn’t a science.” 
You huff and whirl around to see the cocky chemistry teacher leaning against the doorframe. “And what makes you say that Seokjin?!” 
He saunters in, taking a seat at the chair in front of Principal Lee’s desk. “First of all, biology is based on chemistry and physics. All the laws of bio are fundamentally inexistent without the presence of chemistry and physics.” 
You roll your eyes. “Are you kidding? Don’t you know that the reason why scientists began studying chemistry and physics in the first place was because they were intrigued more at the human body and its patterns?! Especially chem! You have no right to say that Seokjin!” 
He’s about to respond when Principal Lee stops the two of you. “Okay!” he yells, clapping his hands. “You two! Quiet down, I called you into my office not to make you two argue again but to propose an idea!” 
You huff and sit down, scooting your chair as far from Seokjin as you can. He rolls his eyes at you and rests his chin on his hand. The old jolly man ruffles through some packets before putting one in front of the both of you. 
“So, last year’s statistics show that a lot more of our kids are showing interest in pursuing careers in medicine. And a lot of our graduates said that their chemistry and biology classes prepared them well enough, but their hardest challenge yet was the biochem course in their respective universities.” 
You raise an eyebrow as he continues. “So, the board and the district has come up with an idea. Since you, Y/N and Seokjin, have been exceptional teachers the past five years you’ve been teaching together here, earning awards everywhere you go and always having the best ratings from fellow teachers and students, the board wants you two to come up with a curriculum together for the first ever biochem class to be offered in a high school academy prep.” 
He waits, a huge smile on his face, as he observes both of your faces. But you two don’t respond, processing the information. Your eyes scan over the pages of the packet laid out in front of you, and amongst the information about salary additions, rating improvements, and the benefits for the high school that are incentives for the work, your eyes land on a few familiar names of old students who have left personal requests/surveys to add a biochem class. 
But Seokjin responds first. 
You whip your head towards him, frowning. There was no way he would just agree to the idea without a catch. But Principal Lee cuts in. “Yes! I knew you’d say yes! And you, Y/N?” 
You sigh, turning back to him. “Yes, Principal. But it’s for the kids.” 
He laughs gleefully. “Great! There’s a meeting next week so try to come up with a good curriculum by then. Maybe think of combining your study sessions as well! That might help!” 
You don’t hesitate to give a glare to Seokjin on your way out. 
“What’s the catch Seokjin?” 
He turns to you with a frown. “Huh?”
You cross your arms. “There has to be a catch. You don’t just agree to things.”
He smirks, “And how do you know that?” 
You huff, “Oh I don’t know! Maybe it was the time you poured Butyl seleno-mercaptan down my sink drain, making my classroom smell like skunk spray for an entire week! I had to dry-clean all my clothes after that week!”
He snickers. “You’re the one who put one of your dissected frogs in my desk drawer first. It smelled so bad!” 
“Because you put Methylene blue in my drink! I peed blue for like three days!” 
“Okay, for the fifteenth time that was an accident! You asked me to get you powerade but I forgot I made a concoction and left it in a soda cup on my desk!” 
You scowl and turn towards your classroom, just a few doors down from his. He yells as you march away in your little heels that he secretly loves. “See you tomorrow at the review session!” 
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You don’t know where, or when, it went wrong. You remembered five years ago, getting hired at the best academy prep for high school and entering the campus with a bright eyed attitude. There were two other teachers who were hired at the same time as you. Seokjin, the apparent chemistry genius, and the new music teacher, Min Yoongi. 
And you recall, falling hard and fast for the handsome chemistry teacher who gladly offered to drink your drinks at the teacher dinner outings because you were really bad at drinking. Or he would bring you a cup of coffee in the mornings just because he felt like it. 
The teacher of the year awards stopped mattering, it was quite easy to get those because the students here were getting sick of the older, lazier teachers and tended to enjoy the way the younger teachers framed their lessons with interactive activities and labs that made them enjoy what they were learning. You and Seokjin took Seoul Prep by storm and were dubbed the “power couple” of the campus. Students began giggling about how Seokjin would always stop by to borrow staples when he could’ve just gone to the teacher supply closet, or the way he walked you to your class every morning. And his students would bug him why he didn’t just ask the pretty bio teacher out and date her. 
But somewhere along the way, feelings developed into annoyance as prank after prank became apparent and it started becoming super important who got the teacher of the year award, and instead of walking you to your classroom, he would trip you. And instead of delivering homemade brownies after school, it was taping a ziploc with a disembowled frog soaked in formaldehyde underneath his computer desk, right where it would take forever for him to find it. 
And he never backed down from a challenge. You walked into the study session later that day with a bunch of books and packets you made in your arms, but as you stepped into his classroom, you tumbled over a small stool that was strategically placed right in front of the door. 
“Argh!” You growl as your books go tumbling and your hands reach out to brace your fall. Your heel twists in an odd angle and you yelp as you hit the floor. 
Seokjin turns from his lab station, eyes wide as he rushes over to you. “Oh shit! Y/N, are you okay?!” 
He’s still in a lab coat and goggles as he helps you sit up. You wince as you try to stand up, the pressure on your heel making you double over. He glances down. 
“Is it your ankle?” He reaches for it. 
“Who the fuck puts a tiny chair in front of the door?!” You growl as you move your ankle away from his reach and cup it in your hands. 
He bites his lip. “Uh, sorry. I thought you’d be able to see it and just dodge it or something. And who the hell wears these high ass heels to work?” He seethes, gesturing to your new pair of shoes. 
“For your information, the entire english department wears heels higher than mine! It’s not my fault you’re too busy staring at their asses and tits to realize they’ve got 5 inch stilettos on.” You grumble as he helps you up and onto a chair near his desk. 
He rolls his eyes. “The english department has carpet, Y/N. You have tile because your classes rip open animals and poke at their insides. Don’t you know that it’s more slippery?” 
You grit your teeth. “Well, bio kids don’t have a dress code like you do! Not until Fridays!” 
Your quarrel is cut off when one of your kids coughs in the doorway, and the both of you turn, faces inches away from each other, to see a group of your students awkwardly waiting outside the door. You see one of them, Mark, elbow the kid who coughed. 
You clear your throat as you back away from Seokjin and begin organizing the papers that Seokjin picked up for you. 
“C-can we come in? It’s 3:30...” Taeyong pipes up, awkwardly hanging near the entrance. 
Seokjin fixes his tie nervously. “Ye-yeah, come in. Sorry.” He turns to you as they shuffle in, chattering amongst themselves. “Uh, I’ll be right back with an ice pack for that ankle. Stay sitting.” 
You nod as he briskly walks out. 
Johnny pipes up. “Um, so when are you guys gonna marry?” A couple of students snicker in the back and you give them a glare. 
“Ugh, stop.” You roll your eyes and begin searching the computer and figuring out how to project your powerpoint onto his screen. But his is set up differently than yours and you struggle a bit, frowning as you scroll through the settings to try and find your usb properties. 
But all you can find are folders with obscure lab names on them or chemical jargon and you huff as you scroll through the endless folders trying to find yours titled, “Review sesh.” You pause and scroll back as you come across a folder with your name on it. 
Frowning, and glancing at the door and not really seeing him near, you bite your lip and hover on the folder. You’re not usually the nosy type, but you had a little feeling that this might be where he kept his plans for his pranks towards you. But instead, at that precise moment, you can hear him jogging back so you click out and return to the list of folders and pretend to be scrolling endlessly as Seokjin runs in with an ice bag and a few packages in his hand. 
Without thinking, he kneels by you, grabbing the sore ankle and removing your heel and opening one of the packages and sticking on a compression medicine pad onto the heel. You mumble as he continues, “Seokjin, it’s okay, I can do it.” 
He just frowns and grabs your ankle tighter as you squirm, glaring up at you. “Stop moving, the nurse said to just apply it and then rest your ankle and go get it checked.” 
You roll your eyes as he stands up and begins rummaging in his closet for something, and he returns with a pair of tennis shoes and a fresh pair of socks. Setting it in front of your sitting figure, he grumbles before he stands up. “And don’t wear those heels for the rest of the review session. Since it’s your right ankle, I’ll drive you to the hospital after the session.” 
You just sigh and turn back to the computer, trying to ignore the giggles and knowing smiles from your students. You grumble as you reinsert the usb and try again, to no avail. He’s currently setting up some equipment on the side, but when he sees you struggling, he walks over and leans over your shoulder to see the screen. 
“Okay, I know you’re not a computer science major but come on, this shit is so easy.” He reaches over your shoulder to place one hand on the desk and another on the mouse. With a few clicks he’s finished and you can literally feel his breath on your cheek as he opens a file and runs the program to get it onto his projector screen. He smells absolutely amazing. 
He starts the session, checking his watch. “Alright class, let’s begin. I’m going to start the chemistry portion, and for the students who don’t need my portion, Y/N has created a review worksheet for you guys to do while you wait for her to begin her portion in an hour.” He passes the stack to a kid. “And if you’re only here for my portion, you’re fine to leave after I’m finished or stay behind and work on the worksheet that I made for you guys to do. Staying would be better in case you have any questions. Any questions before we start?” 
The knuckleheads in the back chitter and Seokjin raises a brow at them. “Are you and teacher Y/N dating?” Jaehyun giggles, and high fives Seulgi. They look at you two expectantly, and Seokjin turns around to your unimpressed expression behind him. 
Smirking, he responds, “Not yet.” 
Your eyes round along with the rest of the class and immediately your students erupt into questions as Seokjin’s vague response leaves all of you second guessing. 
But he moves along so smoothly and quickly everyone quickly cedes and moves along into the study session. Except you. You frown for the entirety of his portion. 
When you get up for the biology portion of the session, Seokjin scrambles to grab a high stool from the back so that you can sit while you teach your section. You click through your powerpoint and explain the concepts that would most likely be on the national exams, and answer questions along the way. 
Seokjin sinks into his computer chair, resting his chin on his hand as he watches you from the side. You’re wearing a new cardigan, he notices, which was probably why you wore such high heels today, because they complimented the beautiful deep navy of your cardigan. He loved it when you dressed up, even though most of your outfits were quite nicely business casual, but seeing you a little more casual without your heels made him grin as he watches you teach your section. 
You were the prettiest teacher on campus, he could say without doubt. Now, he wasn’t sure if the other male teachers on campus were still saying that about you ever since the new dance teacher, Irene, came to replace the newly retired one. But you were still so beautiful in his eyes. 
Maybe what made you so pretty to him was that you were just absolutely so kind and smart and passionate about everything you did. Given, one of the things you eventually became passionate about was driving him up the goddam wall and putting dead preserved rotting frog carcasses in his desk drawers, but nonetheless, he adored your drive. 
Also he had an hour long class, five days a week, timed exactly 7 minutes after yours ended to hear his students gush about how great of a teacher you were and details about how exciting you’d made their lesson that day. He adored you as a fellow teacher. You were always positive, trusting in your students, and always pushing them to be better and offering them exciting and fun ways to learn. Before the both of you became some sort of rivals somehow, he actually enjoyed hearing you lesson plan and often would ask you for advice on his own. 
Which was why he’d agreed so easily for the biochemistry decision, amongst other reasons that had nothing to do with the folder in his computer that had detailed lesson plans that he planned to suggest to you someday. 
The review session ends quite smoothly, and the students one by one filter out through the door, collecting their things, and Seokjin lingers by the lab stations to clean up his equipment. He’d been oddly well-behaved during this session, not throwing lewd or snarky comments at you, but you assumed it was because there were so many students around.  
You notice one student lingering behind, and you smile at her. She glances around nervously, making sure everyone is gone before slowly walking up to you with a guilty expression. 
“Teacher?” She asks lowly. 
“Yeah, Yeri?” She was one of the best students in your class. 
“Um, about the science program that you talked about last week...I don’t know if I can do it.” She wrings her hands nervously in front of her. 
You frown concernedly. “Hm, why not Yeri? If it’s okay of me to ask.” 
She nervously glances around. “I-I have financial issues. My parents are both working full time to support me going to this high school and I don’t know if summer programs are a possibility for me right now. My younger brother is also planning to attend this school next year as a freshman and it’s just not possible to support both of us and the science program.” 
You sigh. The science program was for gifted students and would be a number one ticket to the best colleges in the world. The only downside to the great opportunity was its pricing and their lack of scholarship opportunities. “Hm, and you’ve talked to your parents about this?” 
She sighs. “Yeah, I know they really want me to go and do my best, but, at the same time I also don’t want to take away any opportunities from my brother as well. I’d rather just not go and have him get a chance to shine here at this academy. Coming here is an honor in itself.” 
You nod, “Let me get back to you. Yeri, you’re so gifted and I just want you to be able to shine even brighter. I’ll try to think of something we can do.” She leaves with a smile and you begin tidying up your things. Seokjin grabs his keys. 
“Are you ready to go to the hospital?” He asks, looking down at your ankles. “Put on the sneakers, Y/N.” 
You suspiciously eye him. “You didn’t put a spider in them? Or itch powder?” 
He rolls his eyes at you. “You’re hurt. I don’t mess around with shit like that.” You sit down and roll on the socks, and shove your foot in the left shoe, and then gently place your right foot into the sneaker. It’s quite big, compared to your tiny feet, and quite comfortable. You bend down to grab your heels but you have quite a lot of books in your arms and your full purse on your shoulder. 
“Here, give me these.” He grabs the books from you and your heels, shoving his phone into his pocket now to free his hands. You protest, trying to grab your stuff, but he’s way taller and already briskly walking out of the classroom with your stuff that you just sigh and follow him out with a roll of your eyes. 
His car is quite close, and he dumps your books in his backseat before jogging over and opening the car door and helping you in. You eye him suspiciously when he gets in the drivers seat. “Why are you being so nice?” 
He doesn’t look at you when he responds. “I didn’t think you’d end up getting hurt by the chair. I’m sorry.” He mutters the last part, trying to pretend like he’s focusing too hard on the calm road in front of him. 
“What?!” You screech, catching him off guard. 
He flinches, turning to you with a glare. “What the fuck? Don’t scream like that.” 
You frown at him, “Did you just apologize?” 
He laughs, turning onto a street. “I’m a gentleman. I know when I did something wrong.”
You scoff, chuckling a bit. “Wow, the world is going to end. Seriously, you should’ve thought of being a gentleman when you made my pee turn blue.” 
He rolls his eyes. “I told you it was a mistake!” 
You mutter, “Whatever.” And let him help you to the doctor’s office. Later, you find out it was just a twisted ankle and that you should try to prevent from straining it and using it too much. Which meant: no heels, crutches for a week, and definitely no driving. 
Seokjin offered to drive you home after. As he neared your home, he turned to you. “You’re joking right?” 
You frown, “What?”
He nods towards the crossstreets that you’re directing him to. “You live here?”
You nod hesitantly. “Yes? My roommate and I moved here after college. Why?” 
He chuckles a bit. “What the heck, I live right there!” He motions to the condos across the street. “How did I not know you live there? I thought I was the only one who lived in this area. We should carpool.” 
You shrug, as he drives past the gate. “Didn’t expect you to live here either. And no, Seokjin, I could never ask anyone to do that...I can maybe...call a cab?” 
He rolls his eyes. “Do you even know how to call a cab in 2018? Seriously? Do you like, never use uber or anything?” 
You shrug. “I’d never had to. I just...drive.” 
He sighs, “Well, I’ve done it before when i had to get an oil change that ended up turning into like five thousand other repairs. It’s a lot of money one way. Maybe around 30$?” 
You blanch, “What?! 30$? It’s like, a 15 minute drive!” 
He shrugs, “Well yeah, but you’re leaving around 7AM every morning at rush hour, driving through 30 minute traffic, and then having to come back. I’d charge that much if I were an uber driver.” He sees you visibly deflate and turns. “C’mon, you live right there, it’s literally going to be no extra time or mileage to carpool. Just, let me do this, Y/N. I already feel bad for putting the stool there.” 
You sigh, glancing at the distance between your homes. “Well...you do have to pass my house anyway to get to the freeway entrance...I guess I could possibly just walk out into this side of the street and meet you here in the morning.” 
He grins at you expectantly. “Perfect. Well, I’ll pick you up tomorrow, 7:05?” 
You nod, and he helps you bring your heavy books to your door and sets down your heels in your doorway. You remove your shoes and hand them to him. “I’ll, uh, wash the socks and return them to you. Thanks, for today, I guess. Uh, do you want to come in?” 
He smirks, “Are you flirting with me right now?” 
You gawk. “What the hel-- Ugh nevermind, see you tomorrow, bye!” You turn around, and he just greasily laughs and winks at you as you slam the door. You later peek out of your curtains to see him drive away. 
You sit down and sigh, picking up your phone to give a call to Yeri’s mother, trying to figure out a financial situation for her summer program when her mother tells you something.
“You know, I appreciate the concern, teacher Y/N, but I just don’t know how we’ll ever come up with that much money for this summer program. I mean, Teacher Seokjin has already been helping us so much.”
You frown, “Uh, sorry, excuse me Mrs. Kim, what do you mean?”
“Oh, Mr. Kim has been paying for Yeri’s textbooks and lab fees since her sophomore year. It’s been quite a while now.”
Your mouth falls open as you hear the news. There was no way that this was the same person who pulled pranks on you. 
When you don’t respond, she backtracks. “Oh no, I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone. If he gets caught he’ll be in quite big trouble. I can trust that you won’t tell anyone teacher Y/N, right?” 
You assure her, “Oh! Yes, no. I’m so sorry, I was just thinking. No of course, I will not say a word. I am very supportive of Yeri and if Seokjin didn’t do it, I would’ve done the same. She’s one of the most brilliant minds I’ve come across in my years of teaching.” 
Her mother thanks you and you scroll through your laptop later that day, trying to find some scholarships you could recommend Yeri to. But even as you go to sleep that night, you don’t forget that maybe, just maybe, Kim Seokjin wasn’t as much of an asshole as you’d thought him to be.
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For weeks after that day, you and Seokjin had created some sort of routine. Both your houses were a bit away from the school, so you both began carpooling to work and district meetings. It was convenient, actually, because on days where you were just too tired to do anything, he’d offer to drive while you knocked out for thirty minutes in the passenger seat. And after your foot healed enough to be driving, he’d be grading papers and catching up on some emails on his phone or something. 
After school, the both of you agreed to stay an hour later in your classroom to answer student questions for finals and to work on the curriculum together. Students eventually ended up getting used to always seeing you together and you always got questions like “Where is Seokjin teacher?” or “What time are you both staying until?” 
And during meetings, you and him would just slump together in the back, muttering obscene jokes and comments about the other horrible fat administrators that literally knew nothing about the education system and were just there for the money. 
Despite all the jokes and the pranks, you realized Seokjin was actually a good friend. But you just didn’t know where it went wrong, because if it weren’t for those times he was such a dick, you’d be entirely down to date someone like him. Your mother would be proud that you managed to snag a catch like him. The both of you’d managed to find a scholarship for Yeri, and she was able to go to the science program and have her brother attend the school. Seokjin agreed to continue paying for her lab fees and textbooks, and you agreed to write a proposal to the district to organize a new scholarship for aspiring students like Yeri. Your mom was so thrilled when she learned about this, she wouldn’t stop talking about him.
In fact, she was the one, after Seokjin offered to drive your mom to her friends’ dinner one night when you were overloaded with errands and parent-teacher meetings, who consistently egged you to date him. He’d insisted on coming in and greeting your mom and her friends before leaving. 
“Oh, dear, Y/N, just date the sweet boy!” 
“No mom, it’s weird.” 
“Honey! He clearly likes you, and you too. He’s such a kind sweetheart, why don’t you just give it a try?” 
She was right. Although Seokjin still teased you here and there and constantly made your eyes roll upwards, he showed his kindness through his actions.
Like how he’d always hold the door for you, or carry your heavy paperwork to and from the car as he walked you to your door. He brewed you your favorite tea with some lemon and honey that one time you got the flu, and even cooked some amazing porridge for you when you weren’t feeling well for a few days after catching the cold. 
He always remembered to pack you a lunch, the plastic containers of your lunchbox always brimming with new recipes of stews, steaks, and dishes that you always shared in the teacher lounge during lunch together. His insistence, he really enjoyed cooking, from what he said. In place, you’d made a habit of washing the dishes at the sink after your lunch together and handing them back to him for him to fill. 
It wasn’t until a teachers night out, where the principal bought dinner for all the teachers to celebrate yet another year of successful test scores and student awards, that you realized that maybe, you had more than just a tiny bit of interest for the bio teacher. 
He was gorgeous, and incredibly tall. You loved the way he still towered over you in your tallest heels. And he was smooth. He literally charmed all his students, and you included, were always in awe of how passionate he got when he talked about chemistry. He was fun, too. He had a dorky side to him that you absolutely lowkey adored, not that you’d ever tell him that. 
And he was currently three shots away from passing out. 
You giggled at him, as he swayed in his seat, his eyes hooded and his lips stretched wide in a dumb smile. 
“Do you see-mmph,” he mumbles into his fist, trying his hardest to whisper in the state that he’s in, “Yoongi is so into the new counselor.” You turn to see the said teacher, gazing at the young new counselor with honey dripping from his eyes. Snorting, you giggle back. “Could he be any more obvious?” 
Seokjin giggles again as his head drops onto your shoulder. 
“Are you good at catching those kinds of things?” 
You take another swig of your beer. Your shrug makes him frown, because his head bobs on your shoulder. “I guess.” 
He rubs his eyes, looking like a little kid. His lips purse into a pout as he glares at you cutely. “No you’re not!” He drunkenly fumbles with the soju bottle as your coworkers erupt in chants to egg on the newbies that were chugging their beers. 
You roll your eyes and move the shot glass further from him. “Ah-ah, no more for you. You’ve had enough.” 
He glares at you as his long arms scramble for the glass that you hold away from him. “Give it!” 
You sigh as he stumbles, and crashes into you, collapsing on the chair. “C’mon, Jin-ie, let’s go. You’re drunk and you have class first thing tomorrow. I’ll kill you if you don’t wake up on time and make me late like last time.” 
He crinkles his nose as you help him up, “That was you! You were the one that was late.” 
You roll your eyes as he struggles to get his coat on. “Whatever. Just put this on.” 
You say your goodbyes to your fellow coworkers as they drunkenly wish you a safe trip and help Jin stagger out of the barbeque restaurant, calling an uber from your phone the way Seokjin taught you a couple weeks back, and settle into the backseat as Seokjin snuggles closer to you. 
“Mmmm Y/N...’ts cold,” he mumbles, arms wrapping around your arm and cheek pressed into your coat. 
“I didn’t know you were a sleepy, annoying clingy drunk,” you mutter, as you try not to get too distracted by his lips. 
“’ou don’t know a lot,” He breathes heavily. 
“You, don’t, know, a, lot,” he drawls, staring drunkenly into your eyes. 
“I heard it the first time, Seokjin. What do you mean? What don’t I know?” 
He rolls his eyes, sighing loudly as he settles back into the crook of your neck and breathes in. “You’re so dumb, Y/N.” 
You roll your eyes, pinching him and sighing at his yelp. “Ugh, I should’ve known. You don’t ever lose an opportunity to call me that, dontcha?” 
He grumbles to himself, but he’s cut off before he can answer as his phone rings. “Huh?” He mutters, fingers fumbling blindly in his coat pockets as he searches for the device. 
“Ugh, give it,” you grouch, hands slipping into his pants pocket to get the phone and picking it up when you see Yoongi’s name pop up. 
“Hey Yoongi, it’s Y/N.” 
Yoongi doesn’t even seem surprised when you pick up. “Oh, ya, Y/N. Are you taking Jin home right now?” 
You nod, letting Jin rub his eyes and wrap his arms around your arm again. “Yea, we’re in an uber and about a couple blocks from home. What’s up?” 
He sighs, “Shit, I was hoping you were still close by. Seokjin left his keys at the table.”
You sigh as you glance around to realize he’d definitely forgotten his keys in his drunken stupor. “Shit, we’re almost home...is there anyone who can drop it off?” 
Yoongi sighs. “I’d love to, but you two live in the opposite direction and we all took ubers here because we knew Principal Lee was gonna get everyone shit faced.” 
You sigh, cradling your phone in between your shoulder and ear as the cab slows down and pulls into the street. You smile and mouth a thank-you to the driver as you drag Seokjin out of the car. 
“Oh, yea...okay, well, we’re home now. Seokjin can just crash at my place since he doesn’t have his keys. Do you mind just bringing them over to his classroom tomorrow morning? He needs them to open the lab room.”
“Sure, see ya Y/N.” 
“Thanks!” You hang up and slip the phone into your pocket in a rush as you see Seokjin swaying. “Ugh fuck, you’re heavy.” He grumbles something and you throw his arm over your shoulder as you make your way up to the elevator. He slumps against you, his long legs supporting him as he leans against you, and you struggle to punch in the button. But he stays still, and in the quiet whirr of the elevator, you get a chance to catch your breath and look up at him. 
His eyes are closed, and his plump lips open in a little rush of air everytime he breathes out. His cheeks are tinged pink from the alcohol, and even in his drunken state, he smells so good. You sigh as the doors slide open and you drag him into your house. You drop him into your bed with a grunt, and he breathes out loudly as he snuggles into your covers. 
Groaning, you gasp, “Seokjin! Get up, you’re not sleeping in my bed with your shoes still on, that’s gross!” 
He groans and sits up, and lets you take his jacket off and throw it over your chair, and you slide off his shoes and socks too, before letting him slump down into your pillows. Groaning, you throw your blankets up over him and sit on the edge of the bed to catch your breath. You stare down at him, sighing, and reach out a hand to smooth his fringe behind his ear in the dark, and suddenly his hand snatches out to catch your wrist. 
You gasp as he catches you by surprise. His eyes slowly open, gazing up at you with narrowed and dark eyes. 
“S-seokjin?” You croak out, cheeks heating up. “S-sorry you just had something stuc--” 
“Y/N,” He rasps. 
His voice tonight is deep, and low and husky as he gazes up at you with intent in his eyes. The large hand wrapped around your wrist is firm and hot, and your breath catches as he slowly sits up inches away from your face. 
“Y/N,” he repeats. 
You just gulp at him and stare at him, entranced for a second. “...Y-yes?” You stutter. He was gorgeous. Maybe it was the couple of drinks that you’d taken earlier at your boss’s insistence that was making you so hazy. Why did your tongue feel like it was a thousand pounds? You couldn’t speak and your skin was hot and searing and your palms sweaty. The moonlight in the window right next to your bed shined in brightly, illuminated the side profile of his face, making him look even better than he’d ever looked. 
He rasps, “I promise I’m not that drunk.” 
You frown, “Huh?” 
But he doesn’t respond as he inches closer to you, pulling you closer to him by the firm grip on your wrist. Inches away from your face, he whispers, “Can I do this?” 
You just stare into his eyes, breath hitched in your throat and eyes wide open at the sudden confession. 
His hand releases your wrist, coming up to cup your cheek, tilting your head up to look at him better. “Say it, Y/N. I won’t do anything until you say it.” 
Your brows furrow as you think about all the ways this could go wrong. You were co workers, partners in planning the new biochem course, practically neighbors, and he was also slowly and surely becoming your best friend. 
Best friend. 
Your lungs deflate as the thought crosses your mind. 
He was your best friend. This could go wrong in so many ways, but if he was truly your best friend, wouldn’t anything that happened after that be fine, because he would understand? Because he would still care for you? 
So you muster up the courage and whisper it. 
He breathes out, as if he were holding his breath, and swoops in, sealing your lips on his. The kiss is slow, and calculated, different from what you’d expected after his 5 shots in a row he took earlier. The kiss is smooth and slow and deliciously intentional. He tilts his head, getting a deeper angle as he licks into your mouth. You sigh into him as you scoot closer and move a hand up onto his broad shoulders. He groans at that and curves over your body, a hand coming onto your waist to press you against him even more firmly. He doesn’t stop kissing you. 
Your lashes flutter when he licks into your mouth again. He was such a good kisser, licking and moving his lips cleanly against yours like he has no rush at all. You’re losing yourself, mind completely hazy and lost with everything about him. His lips, the taste of mint and the tinge of alcohol on his tongue, the feeling of his strong figure underneath his sweater, the smell of his cologne, it floods your senses underneath your closed lids, and it doesn’t let you think properly. He deepens the kiss even further, his tongue moving forth from slight kittenish flicks a little into your mouth, onto heady and steady tastes of you, insisting behind your teeth and tasting you. 
When he detaches from your lips and kisses down your cheek and jaw, you moan, completely lost in it. He moans in response as he presses desperate but gentle kisses down the column of your throat, fueled by your husky groans of desperation. “S-seokjin,” you stutter, blinkly thickly as you try to break out of the haze. 
“Hm?” He mutters into your neck, but the feeling of his breath over the places he was just kissing make you shiver. As if sensing your approval, he moves back to your lips, throwing you into a loop of happiness and lust all over again. You’re thankful the both of you are sitting because right now, the hand twisted into the shirt your wearing and the other one anchored on the back of your neck are the two things that are keeping you from just melting into a puddle of nothing. 
You’re just sitting there, trying your hardest to keep up with his kisses, when he grips your chin and detaches from you, lips shiny and glistening as he narrows his eyes down at you. Your lashes flutter as you come out of the haze of the moment, smaller hands coming up to grip his wrists as they hold your cheeks. 
He’s breathing heavily, another testament to how thoroughly he’d kissed you, in addition to his blown pupils and swollen lips. You blink up at him. He takes a few more seconds, just looking down at you hard, and huskily asks you, “A-are you sure you want this?” 
His question carries so much weight in it. But even before he can ask again, you’re leaning in, whispering “yes, yes,” and he relents, understanding immediatley. His large hands rake down your back and settle on the small of your waist, lifting you slightly and helping you curve closer to him and clamber on his lap.
There’s something prodding against your inner thigh, and you sigh into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck at the sensation. It’d been so long, since you were last kissed or even held like this. Your fingers are scratching at the nape of his neck, and he groans as you do, loving the sensation. 
The sound pools straight in between your legs and you become embarassing conscious of how wet you are. Cringing, you focus on gripping the hem of his sweater, and carding it up over his head. When you break away from him to get it out of the way, he lets you take it off of him, but immediately grips your hands from undoing the buttons of his dress shirt underneath. He kisses you fiercely, letting go of your wrists and finding the waistline of your skirt, where your blouse is tucked into. 
You help him, raising your arms over your head as he untucks your blouse and discards it to the floor. You’re kneeling above him, hands finding purchase and balance on his shoulders, trembling and unsure of what to do when Seokjin keeps kissing you with your now bare torso pressed against his still clothed one. 
Somehow, admist the kissing, he’d removed your bra, and your nipples are bare and cold and hard against the soft material of his shirt. He cuts off the kiss, wrapping a strong arm around your waist as he mouths along the skin right above your breast, nipping and licking the soft skin there with soft kisses. 
He breaths in heavily when he reaches the center of your chest, closing his eyes and muttering a low, “Shit.” The other hand slowly comes up over your waist and rests right against your ribcage, centimeters away from your breast. “Fuck,” he mutters, and you grow infinitely more wet. You’d never heard him curse like that before. 
And there’s no warning when at once, he swoops down to nip lightly at the swell of your breast and suck onto your hardened nipple, this other large hand coming up to cup your other breast, thumb swiping over the nipple and holding the weight of your breast in it. 
“O-oh my god, S-seokjin,” you whimper, head dropping low and curling into him in morbid embarrassment at how good this feels. You’re hot and burning all over, all of your sensations and emotions at the moment focused in the place where his mouth is sucking, licking long and warm licks over you. “O-oh my g--” All you can croak out ugly, are moans and croaks of his name and very in-comprehensive strings of words. 
When the sensations become too much, and the wetness in your underwear becomes uncomfortable, you regretfully detach him from your breasts and tilt his head up to yours as you kiss him desperately. He groans into the kiss, reading your arousal easily. “Fuck,” he whispers against your lips, “do you want this?” 
“Yes, yes, yes,” you whimper, shaky fingers undoing his shirt. “I’ve never wanted anything more in this world.” 
His eyes widen at that. “Seriously?” 
You nod, biting your lip as you finally get the shirt open, your eyes widening at the expanse of skin that’s revealed, and you smooth your hands over his torso. He was so chiseled! He didn’t have an Abercrombie-worth model six pack of abs, but the faint lines in his chest and his abdomen were the perfect mix of Seokjin and attractiveness that made you moan like an animal in heat and grind down onto his hardness. 
At the motion, he groans, gently gripping your hair and moving it to the side to mouth at your neck again. His other hand grips the hem of the dress shorts you’re wearing and unbuttons it quickly. Your hands card his shirt down his arms and out of the way, and you stand up away from his lap to yank your shorts down and away along with your underwear. 
He drops to his knees like a starved man, zeroing in on the wetness that pools in the crotch of your underwear right before you kick it out of sight. From his position on the floor, he looks up at you, eyes blown wide with lust, “Fuck, you’re so pretty. So fucking beautiful and gorgeous. I’ve dreamed about this moment for so long.” 
You sputter, clenching your thighs together at the praise, almost buckling down again at the wave of arousal that rushes through you. He leans forward, kissing down over your ribcage, and down your stomach, you watch him with furrowed brows and unfocused eyes. When he ghosts near your core, you stutter. 
“Seokjin w-what,” 
“Please,” he breathes out, deatching from your skin like it pained him and gazing up at you with a hunger like you’ve never seen before. “Please let me taste you.” 
You almost pass out, your knees buckling and immediately Seokjin scrambles up to catch you, strong arms around your waist as you slump heavily against him. 
He chuckles, a low laugh reverberating through his chest thats pressed against your cheek. “I’ll take that as a yes?” 
You nod sheepishly, and he laughs again. “We’ll sit. Maybe standing wasnt a good idea.”
You nod again, cheeks burning hot and hands coming up to frame them as he turns the both of you and walks you backward until your knees hit your bed. You fall with him and immediately he curves over you, all broad torso and hot skin and kissing you senselessly again. 
His fingers smooth down your torso and slide over your pelvis, slipping his fingers in between your folds and parting them, rubbing down and up to collect your wetness and smear it around your clit. Your lips part in a surprised cry as your eyes squeeze shut. He chuckles at your reaction, detaching from your lips and crawling down your body as his fingers continue to rub intently at your clit. 
Your legs are useless at this point, sprawled around, so he grabs them and slowly maneuvers them up and over his shoulders as he situates himself between your legs. He kisses your inner thigh first, mouthing at the thin skin there, breathing in the heady and sweet scent of your skin first. He then lowers his mouth on you. 
“Oh m--” you’re a mess when he finally sucks your clit into his mouth and slides his fingers into you in one single motion. His fingers are slender, but long and skillful as they slide into find the exact spot that has you keening and arching up from the bed to inch towards him. His lips are thick as they seal over the entirety of the warmth between your legs, sucking and kissing and licking like he was made to this. He groans at the first taste, head reeling at how perfectly close you tasted, just as he’d imagined. He sucks at the slick arousal coating you, replacing it with the slickness of his saliva, and alternating long lasvicious licks with heady and firm circles over your clit. 
He continues with intent, paying no regard to your twitching body, but instead using your cries as fuel as he kisses you even more firmly and twists his fingers in you until you’re pushing him away, scared that you’ll cum too quickly. 
“W-wait, wait,” you stutter, eyes closed as you focus on calming your twitching your body, “g-give me a second.” 
He chuckles, and nods, waiting for you for a couple of seconds to stop twitching. “You’re so cute” he breathes lazily, watching you sitting upright as he lays down between your legs with his chin in his hands. His fingers are drawing slow circles in your thigh, and you give him a sheepish smile. 
He keeps talking though, “You’re amazing, I would never trade this for anything else, you taste so good. Fuck.” He mutters, and you squeeze your eyes as you grip his hand to stop all the sensory influx of arousal. Your core clenches around nothing as intense and heady waves of arousal pour through your body and shoot straight to your core. 
You drag him upward and kiss him intently, trying to distract yourself. He chuckles and lets you kiss him, and when you finally feel yourself relaxing a little, you somehow manage to say, “P-please, just--” You can’t seem to say it, blushing heavily and cutely muttering to yourself, so he helps you out. 
He grins and takes off his jeans and covers your body after, and helps you get comfortable against the pillows. Your mouth is so dry and you swallow thickly to dry and clear your mind, but then he grips himself and lines up with you and you lose it. 
“P-please please please,” you jumble out, garbling like a mess of emotions and syllables that you can barely understand over the haze of your emotions. “Please,” you cry, feeling like if he doesn’t put it in you, you might die. 
He takes a moment, brows furrowing at the effort of taking it slow. “Y/N, I--” he croaks out, holding himself inches above you with an elbow next to your head. You nod, hands smoothing over his cheeks. “I...I am so happy right now. I will never ever never hurt you. I promise...and I imagined for so long,” he chokes out and stumbles on his words, but you get exactly what he’s saying. You nod, smiling dreamily up at him, because at this moment right now, he’s everything and all you’ve ever wanted in your life. 
He smiles thankfully at you and presses in slowly, agonizingly slow. But he’s careful and slowly curves insistently into you until you’re gasping and clutching onto his shoulders because it’s so hot and wet and tight and you feel like you’re going to die and fall apart right that moment. 
“Shit,” he says hoarsely, sweating from the effort and weakly grinning down at you. “Y-you feel so fucking good.” 
You nod in agreement, not being able to produce any coherent words at this moment. And Seokjin also takes it as a sign to move. He pulls out slowly, scraping at the front walls of your core and then fucking back deeply and back in again. You throw your head back into the sheets next to his elbow in pure ecstasy, moaning loudly as he repeats the motion, building momentum and speed. 
An arm leaves the side of your head and curls down to grip your thigh and hook it up over his hip, and you cry out as the head of his cock prods the spot in you that has you clenching down and trembling with a hoarse cry of his name. He moans loudly in response to your tightness, his voice cracking at the effort of trying not to cum too early. To distract himself, he leans down and mouths at yours, swallowing your moans and cries. 
When you quiet down, he continues to grind against you, fucking deep and slow into you so that his cock hits your spot with every stroke and it’s only a few strokes into it that you feel it coming. Your lower belly clenches with tension, the rush of hormones and emotions through your head growing louder and more hot as he groans into your mouth at your tightness. 
“I-I-” you cry out, detaching from his mouth at the approaching orgasm, “I’m gonna c- oh my god, S-seokjin, I-I love you so much,” you cry out, clutching at his shoulders as his rhythm speeds up to match your declarations. 
He groans into your neck as you spasm around him, crying out his name and back arching into his chest as you’re thrown over the edge roughly, the heat and wetness rushing through you, throbbing around him. He grunts as he continues to grind against you through it, thrusting once, twice, before he too is thrown over the edge at the sensation of your tightness and wetness. You’re still shaking by the time he’s sane enough to talk, eyes shut and trembling in the subsiding waves of your orgasm. 
His cock is hard and deep in you, and you’re so relieved you might cry, finally being able to orgasm with someone else after years of having to put up with your clumsy fingers and boring porn videos. He’s so perfect, and so good, and the perfect size for you and your body. He leans down and kisses you as he waits for you to come back, thumbs swiping away the tears that slipped past your lids, lips gently swiping against your open mouth. 
His hand comes up and presses firmly against your chest, rising and falling with the heavy breathing that you’re doing, waiting until your breathing calms and your eyes flutter open to blink up at him. 
He smiles down at you. “Me too.” He whispers back, and new tears pool in your lashes because you know exactly what he means, and it meant the world to you. When you don’t say anything in response, he assures you, “I love you, Y/N. So much I thought I was gonna die if I waited another day to tell you. I’m sorry you beat me to it.” 
You shake your head, crying tears of joy as you wrap your arms around him and pull him close to you. You’re crying and laughing and kissing him which is pointless because he’s smiling and laughing so much that you can’t even kiss him properly. But it doesn’t matter. 
Nothing matters, except him. 
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2 years later
“Guys,” Seokjin calls, and the class quiets down as he stands, tall and happily in the front of the room. You watch him from your desk in your shared classroom. Today was the last month of school, your students now seniors and in their graduating year, ready to be sent off to amazing universities and programs for their futures. 
It had been a great 2 years of wonderful dating. There had already been a hundred rumors going around as the students watched the both of you interact, and it was no secret that there was something. But this was the class of students who had been there through it all, from when the fued had started as the both of you pranked each other, became partners and co-taught a class, helped students through their programs and exams, and eventually became best friends and lovers. You thought you owed them an apology for telling them so late and giving them the truth that indeed, the both of you were dating. 
He’d been enthusiastic about it too, for some reason, and had insisted that you do it on the day of their graduation, with the specific class clustered in the classroom like right now. 
You rolled your eyes as he begins speaking. 
“Well, I’ve heard a lot of rumors circulating around the school that Ms. Y/N and I are dating.” 
Giggles and whistles erupt around the room as the students laugh and tease about it. 
He quiets them down. “And I just want to say, yes, we are dating.” 
The room erupts in screams and yelling as the students jump out of their seats in cheers and yells and high-fives at the news. You grin sheepishly from where you’re sitting, too shy to try and do whatever the hell Seokjin is doing. 
“But!” he yells, and the students quiet down. 
“We’re more than just dating! I really really really love Ms. Y/N!” 
You widen your eyes as he turns to you, and the class begins to grow restless as they watch him walk up to you. “Y/N, you’re my best friend, my partner, my girlfriend, my favorite person to watch The Office with, the best driver I’ve ever known, and the best teacher and educator I will ever know. But one thing is certain, is that all of these qualities are why I love you so much, because you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and that’s all I could’ve ever wished for.” 
You sit there in shock as he gets on one knee in front of you and holds up a ring. “Will you marry me?” 
The class erupts in cheers as you tearfully nod and throw your arms around him and immediately the doors of your classroom bang open and all your coworkers and friends and family are there to cheer along with you as you hold onto Seokjin. 
He grins down at you amidst all the loud cheering and whooping and yelling, and pecks you on the lips. “I love you so much.” 
You wipe your tears, mock punching him in the shoulder. “I thought you were gonna just tell them we were dating, moron.” 
He laughs, not even minding. “I wanted everyone you love to be there. Like you’ve always wanted.” 
You smile and nod, leaning up to press your lips against him again, ignoring the cheers and whistles in the background. 
“I love you too. You’re all that I’ve always wanted.” 
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seokmingyu · 4 years
ohhh omg good luck!!! i hope u win🥺💞 lol no im 2 broke to collect pcs, i have a single svt album and its only bc my friend gifted it to me😭 wbu?? do u collect for any other groups? (omg speaking of, i saw tbz left n right cover :D u rlly manifested that shit!!!) omg a fansign !! i couldnt even imagine meeting svt in person😣🤢 were u able to go to ode tour?? omg orgo was such a pain if u passed it, u r def on the right track😖o thats weird?? my uni does class registration in like . april LOL
ioh i AGREE😭 last sem was so hard to finish online, i cant imagine living w parents who r also teaching😣most unis (including mine) r doing hybrid sems !! but i feel like they might just send us home mid-sem bc its not the safest to have kids on campus again lmaoo. anyway !! here r my this or that qs: 95z vs 97z , dk’s thighs vs shua’s biceps (this is a rlly important q 😌), happy ending vs callx3, china line vs america(?) line, ymmday vs ymmdawn, ofd japan vs yeoseodo, puppy gyu vs model gyu. lol ik i asked u a lot of qs, feel free to pick n choose which ones u wanna answer !!!! -🧸
i’m in the same situation! my friends have gifted me both versions of boys be, going seventeen and teen,age. with my own money i bought an ode and you made my dawn. i just checked my bank account and i realized i had more money in there than i thought i had?? that made me wanna get more albums tbh. i see so many pretty displays of seventeen albums like this one and this one and idk it’s inspired me SO MUCH to start collecting again you have no idea. but just a few weeks ago i was just trying to sell some of my photocards so i’m still conflicted. and HAHA seventeen fansigns costs $150+ which is insane but understandable. and i did seventeen! i went to the newark date. it was crazy because it was on the weekend after my first week of classes and i had to convince my parents that we don’t really get assigned anything important during the first week (but i did fail my first orgo exam because i was supposed to review some old concepts but lolol a story for another time). and so next thing you know i’m flying on a plane to a different state to see them,,, the things i do for men. were you able to see them? i really hope in the future they add a georgia date at least ugh where is the love for southern carats 😔🤙🏼. 
oo and my registration was a few weeks ago actually! i actually signed up for orientation in june, in hopes that corona was gonna be over by that time but i spoke too soon 🙃 as a result, i’m waitlisted for one class that i was supposed to take this semester ahhhh. but i wish us both a productive semester!!! 
for the this or that: 
95z vs 97z 
dk’s thighs vs shua’s biceps (i’m so biased but i refuse to look at joshua rn he makes me feel things)
happy ending vs callx3
china line vs america line (i wish joshua n vernon had more schedules together!! i love every little interaction. esp. when they speak to each other in english from time to time so they don’t forget english lmao)
ymmday vs ymmdawn (i love the songs on ymmday more but i had a falling out with seventeen during thanks/oh my era, so sadly i don’t hold any special memories for those periods🥺
ofd japan vs yeoseodo (is it bad that i haven’t watched the ofd japan epsiode?? omg i just heard abt hyung line being really mean and ik they’ve probably resolved from that but i can’t imagine sitting through it omfg), 
puppy gyu vs model gyu
0 notes
theclouddiver · 7 years
Wish Come True {Prologue}
It had been the same wish for over three years, and although your friends would laugh at you and call your quirky habit childish, you could not refrain from it in moments like these.
Tumblr media
Pairing: BTS Taehyung (V) x Reader Genre: Fluff Word Count: 2.4k A/N: This is a response to a request I got from a reader some time ago. Get ready for much more fluff (and maybe some smut?) in the future! I am quite busy with my internship in Munich right now and still have lots of requests to tackle, but I’ll try my best to update soonish~
A loud thud went through the room when the book hit the floor, followed by an exasperated sigh and then… silence.
You closed your eyes and massaged your temples with your index and middle fingers, trying to push aside the frustrated thoughts springing up in your head like angry, thorny vines. You had been reading the same paragraph five times now, and you still did not understand what it was about. But what was worse, you had a stupid test tomorrow morning. You scolded yourself for procrastinating for too long, you always did. If you just had started reviewing the material a few days earlier, you could relax right now and attend the popular sophomore party your friends had invited you to to celebrate the end of another academic semester. While your friends probably had an amazing time meeting hot guys and forgetting the stressful aspect of finals week, you were trapped in your tiny apartment, far away from all the fun and cramming for your communications class exam.
You groaned again and decided that pitying yourself would not help you memorize the material any better. With a resigned expression on your face, you got up from the worn out sofa and made your way to the other side of the room to pick up your textbook. You cursed when an uncomfortable tingling shot through your leg; one of your feet had gone to sleep while you were studying. It took a few seconds and a bit of jumping up and down for the uncomfortable feeling to subside. When you looked at the clock on top of the bookshelf and realized that it was already past midnight, your eyes widened in surprise. Did you really spend that much time on looking at your notes and textbook? You decided that it would be best to call it a night and get up early tomorrow to review the topics you did not memorize yet. Tired and eager to get between your blankets, you went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and get ready for bed. After you turned on the faucet and waited for the water to get hotter, you let your gaze wander through the messy room. You definitely needed to clean up before the start of summer break. After you stepped into the shower, it didn’t take long for the soothing water to take effect. As soon as the comforting droplets touched your skin your worries were washed down the drain just like your shampoo and body wash. After tomorrow, everything was going to be better: although you had to clean up your apartment and pack your bags after writing that communications exam, you were already looking forward to take the train back to Daegu, your home town. A smile spread on your face as you imagined your parents and younger sister welcoming you at the train station, fighting their way through the crowds to finally give you a bear hug after five long months of not seeing each other. As much as you loved going to university in the country’s exciting and multifarious capital, home held a very special place in your heart.
It was late when you finally made your way to your small bedroom. You literally jumped onto your bed, exhausted from the long day of reading, researching, and more reading. You slipped under your soft covers and pulled out your phone to set the alarm. You definitely had to get up early if you wanted to feel at least a little more prepared for your last final exam. Furrowing your eyebrows, you decided that 6 a.m. should be early enough and that you would probably need an extra 30 minutes of snoozing and a cup of coffee to be able to fully open your eyes. You were about to lock your phone when something on the screen caught your eye. It was 01:01 a.m. Four simple numbers, but your heart started beating faster the second you saw the double digits on the screen.
To everyone else, double digits on the clock or the phone meant nothing special. They were simply informing about the time, just like all the other combinations of numbers. However, these four insignificant numbers held a lot more meaning for you. Whenever you saw these double digits, you stopped whatever you were doing for just long enough to make a wish. It had been the same wish for over three years now, and although your friends would laugh at you and call your quirky habit childish, you could not refrain from it in moments like these.
Your  habit had started a few years ago when you went to high school back home in Daegu. Your parents had to move to a different city because they had found a better paying job there. You knew your family needed the money, especially now that your sister was about to enter elementary school and you were getting ready to start your life as a high school student. Nevertheless, you hated the fact that you would have to say goodbye to so many things that were important to you: your favorite ice cream shop, your friends, your home, your little world. You still remembered how you, back then thirteen years old, had clung to your favorite stuffed toy, a blue cat with white paws, and longingly looked outside the car window to catch a last glimpse of the city you had grown up in.
Your first month in high school had been horrible. Although it was somewhat helpful that you were a freshman and everyone else was equally new to the school as you, it did not change the fact that a lot of the students knew friends from middle school and had already formed exclusive friend groups. Their dialect was very different, and some of your classmates would laugh at you for pronouncing certain words “like a village idiot”. You had always been more of an introvert - you had no difficulty having conversations with others and making a joke here and there, but you had never been the type of girl to start conversations or be the center of attention. Therefore it had been extremely difficult to make friends at first.
However, things got much easier after a few weeks. You were slowly accustoming to the faster pace of the city you were now living in, and your diligent, kind personality had soon earned you the respect of your classmates. You had made friends with a few girls who shared similar hobbies with you, and you could somehow feel that everything in your new life was going to be alright. It would take some time to feel completely comfortable in your new apartment, your new school and your new surroundings far away from your old home, but you were confident that you could make the best of it as long as you had a positive mind and hardworking attitude.
About three months after moving to Daegu, you started to notice him. He had been around you since the first day of school, but you had been too occupied to take notice of him then. You were on your way to Math class when someone bumped into you in the hallway, the impact causing you to drop your notebook and pencil case you had been carrying for easy access once you reached your destination. Of course, you had been too lazy to properly close your pencil case and all its contents were now scattered on the floor. Without a word of apology or gesture to help you collect the stuff you had dropped, the troublemaker carelessly rushed past you and disappeared around the corner. A curse word was already on your lips and you were just about to shout it after the thoughtless student when you decided that it would be better to keep your frustration to yourself rather than causing any more trouble. After all, you had to get to your Math classroom quickly if you wanted to make it in time.
Frowning and mumbling incomprehensibly to yourself, you first did not notice that someone had crouched down next to you. Only when you had collected your pens and couldn’t find your pencil case, you looked up and locked eyes with a boy who looked as if he had jumped straight out of a beauty ad on TV. His hair was messy and a little too long, so that his bangs covered his full eyebrows and part of his deer-like eyes. His skin had a golden glow to it, and the smile on his face was so radiant that even the grumpiest person would have turned cheerful at its sight. Your eyes fell upon the name tag on his chest: Kim Taehyung. He held out your pencil case and some sheets that had fallen out of your notebook toward you and you took them, your cheeks assuming the color of blossoming azaleas.
“That was rude… Are you hurt?” His voice surprised you; although his appearance was soft and ethereal, his voice was much deeper than you had expected. You shook your head and assured him that you were fine. You barely got out a nervous thank you, bashfulness setting over you like an invisible cloak.
A relieved look appeared on his face and he asked, “Are you a freshman, too?” You nodded your head and replied, “Yes, I moved here a few months ago. It’’s my first year both at this school and in this city.” “Really?” He beamed at you, excitement written all over his face. “Welcome to Daegu. I live not too far from here, near the countryside. I hope you will learn to love this city as much as I do. I have to run to my next class now, but it was nice meeting you, … Y/N?” He had looked at your name tag just like you did a few moments earlier. “Nice meeting you, Taehyung. Thanks again for helping me.” And with a nod and another flashing smile in your direction, he was out of your sight.
You did not notice that you had been staring at the spot where he had disappeared until the sound of the school bell pulled you out of your thoughts. With a groan, you quickly pulled your pencil case and notebook closer to your chest and ran down the hallway, reaching your classroom just in time for the beginning of class.
From this day on, Taehyung’s face was engraved in your head like a sculpture made by Michelangelo himself. Sometimes when you walked past him in the hallway, your heart would suddenly beat faster for no reason, and other times when you watched him play sports on the huge field behind the school building, you couldn’t suppress a happy grin garnishing your lips. Since you two were not in the same class, you did not see him very often, but whenever you did, it felt somewhat special and made your stomach do somersaults. At some point, your friends noticed and started to tease your rosy cheeks and goofy smile whenever Taehyung was around, and eventually you kept your thoughts and feelings to yourself, too embarrassed to admit your crush on the boy with the messy hair and deer-like eyes.
You never got the chance to talk to him again. After your first year at Daegu high school, Taehyung moved to Seoul and disappeared from your small world. From his classmates you found out that he moved to the capital to pursue his dream of becoming a famous singer one day. Everybody thought he was a naïve dreamer, full of flaming ambitions that would be blown out by the merciless gale of reality all too soon. However, you admired him for bravely leaving everything he was familiar with behind to do what he had always wanted to do, to become someone he could be proud of.
In a sense, he was your first love. Although the two of you never got together or even became friends, he appeared in your thoughts and dreams day and night. You had expected to forget about Taehyung the second he left, but it turned out that the complete opposite happened. You often wondered how he was doing, if he had found new friends, if he liked life in the big city, if he was happy with his decision to dedicate his life to music. You did not know why you were so entranced by the boy who had stopped to help you in the hallway a few months ago, but the pervasive look in his eyes must have touched a hidden chord deep inside of you.
And that’s how your peculiar habit of making a wish whenever a digital clock displayed a double digit developed. One night you checked the news on your phone when one particular article popped up and caught your attention as soon as your eyes read the all too familiar name: “New boy group BTS debuts with powerful M/V No More Dream”, followed by the names of the group members. You bolted upright from your comfortable position in your bed and spent all night watching the music video and searching the internet for more information about BTS. Just when you were too tired to continue, your gaze fell upon the digital display of the time on your phone: 03:03 a.m. And that’s when you made your first wish. You closed your eyes and pressed your phone against your chest, wishing that you would be able to see the boy you met not too long ago again one more time. Just one more time, you wanted to see his shining eyes and hear his mellifluous voice. Since your junior year in high school, neither your habit nor your wish had changed.
With a wistful sigh, you ended your nostalgic walk down memory lane and returned to the present. Of course you knew that your wish was silly and that the chance of it coming true was smaller than the fractions you were dealing with in your Math classes, but a tiny part of you just did not want to abandon the reverie. But right now, you had to focus on the matters at hand and accept the fact that you had to write an exam the next morning. With a grumpy grunt, you turned off your phone and pulled the blue cat with white paws that you still kept closer to your chest, hoping to drift asleep as soon as possible so that you could get at least some sleep before sunrise.
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Average cost of auto insurance for a truck per month?
"Average cost of auto insurance for a truck per month?
Average cost of auto insurance for a truck per month?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How many questions are on the California Fire and Casualty insurance exam?
I am currently attending online classes at AD Banker for Fire and Casualty insurance. Does anyone have any idea how many questions are on the state exam?
Motorcycle insurance for 125cc?
Hi guys, Just wondering if anyone could help me, I want to get a motorcycle instead of a car - despite what people say I just can't wait to ride to college and back. So I've chosen to get a honda CG 125 which is a decent bike runs from a to b. I'm looking at insurance online and it's around a grand! Is the companies that offer cheap insurance I mean, what's the average price? I'm 18 live in a decent area without much crime - I'm doing my cbt next week and maybe it's fact I haven't been riding (in their eyes) a long time? Any help appreciated!""
A theory on how to reduce car insurance for young drivers?
I have an idea of how to reduce my insurance for young drivers like myself, and it goes like this, I buy a motorcycle for about 10 to nothing(it could be broken I don't care), with this motorcycle I insure it for about 100, because insuring a motorcycle is a lot cheaper than insuring a car, then for a year I have no claims with this motorcycle, would this then reduce the cost of my insurance premium for a car?""
Cheap Health Insurance In New York State for single adult?
Is there any good but cheap health insurance in new york state not based on income?
Pregnancy Health Insurance??!?
I just moved to California a week ago and I am currently 18 weeks pregnant with no health insurance. Ive made a few calls and tried to look at all of my options but I want to take the best route, especially since I need to have my next appointment very soon to find out the sex of the baby and how everything is going......advice?!!""
How much is insurance for a haunted house?
We want to do a house slash forest
""Discovered a lump, out on unemployment and without insurance- what to do?!?
My little brother (21) called me in a panic; he discovered a lump under the skin of his neck and is terrified its a tumor. He was laid off three months ago and doesn't have medical insurance. Is there anywhere in Riverside California that can check this for him for free or low cost- if only to put his mind at ease? I dont know what to tell him :-(
Should i sue my auto insurance company?
On the morning of Sept 14, 2011 my sister woke me up at home asking me where my car was. I went outside to discover my vehicle was gone. So I call the police to come and take a report but of course there wasn't enough officers on duty to send one out so I wake up my brother to get a ride to the station. Keep in mind this is between 2:30-5:00am and the last time I actually saw my car was Sept 13, 2011 at approx 11pm. I arrive at the police station where I make a report, they take down all the info and send me home with the report. Approx 1 hour later they call me and say my vehicle was recovered in a nearby city and they gave me the number to that police station. So I hurry to call them but of course they were closed until 8am. At 8am I call them they said bring my ID and insurance info to recover the vehicle. I go down there and ask questions but they told me they weren't allowed to disclose any information about who, what, were, or when the incident occurred because of confidentiality. They told me I would have to pay the towing and storage fee to recover my car from the impound. So I left and went to the impound paid $218.00 to discover that my vehicle had been totaled. So I had it towed to my house where I called the insurance company to report this. After I reported this incident they took a recorded statement and gave me a claim number. I waited for 2days for my adjuster to call me back and he never did. about 2 weeks later my adjuster calls and leaves me a message saying he needed another recorded statement and to call him back. I call back and got his voice mail. I spoke to one of his colleagues and they said they would send him and his manager a memo to call me back..well that never happened. 1 week after that I get a packet in the mail asking for my cell phone records, keys to the vehicle, and a notarized affidavit. I sent these things back and then a detective from the insurance company calls me and said there were red flags and he needed to get a video recorded statement. I agreed and went to give the statement. A few days later a detective from the police department where my car was recovered from calls me and tells me that my youngest son's father was with some friends at a nightclub were a drive-by shooting occurred and my son's father wasn't shot but the young man he was with was and as a result of them trying to escape the scene my car was crashed. As they arrived to the scene and asked questions about what happened my son's father would not admit he was driving the vehicle, and because they didn't actually see him driving or pull him over they could not prosecute. The detective asked me did I know anything about this incident and I replied hell no! The night of the incident my son's father had came to my house around 3am but never mentioned anything of course because he knows I would have tried to kill him. He also knows I would have been pissed because I never let him drive my car for the 3 years that I have known him, he has never had a license. She ask me was it ok to list him as a suspect and I told her Yes! I let her know that he did not have permission to drive my car under any circumstances. The very next day the detective from the insurance company called me and ask me what was my son's father name and what where the numbers that where called on my cell phone records. He asked why did he call me at 2:54am, I explained he wanted to let me know he was on his way over which wasn't out of the ordinary for him to do. So then the detective tells me my story stinks and I need to withdraw my claim because on my interview I didn't disclose that my boyfriend had come to my house. I told him why did I need to disclose who was sleeping in my bed if it had nothing to do with my car. I mean we know now he had something to do with it but I didn't know then. He told me the police detective also had the keys to my car which was a lie. It clearly states on the impound record that they had no keys. Not to mention the car has broken locks and loose wires I guess he didn't read that part of the report. He also told me I was trying to cover for my son's dad to get the car covered. I told him he could arrest him for GTA for all I care. My car was stolen and no matter who stole it I'm the victim and of course I want my car covered. He then said he was denying the claim and sending the case to the Department of Insurance to see if fraud was committed. Im beyond frustrated because I have nothing to do with what my son's dad did. Should I sue?""
Which car insurance company will accept me; I have a few traffic citations on my record?
Since 2006, I have gotten 3 speeding tickets on my record, and 1 citation for getting into a turning lane too early (3-pointer). I got a speeding ticket in march 2006, february 2007, and december 2008. I got the last turning lane citation just a few weeks ago. I am going to court for both recent citations (from December 08 and a few weeks ago) pretty soon. I will use a no lo contendre to reduce the points on one, and ask to do community service or take a class to reduce the points on the other. I understand that most car insurance companies look at both POINTS and OFFENSES. I am with Liberty Mutual right now under my parent's family plan and since 2006, NONE of my tickets have affected our insurance. I want to take precautions and see who can quote me for having a poor driving record as I mentioned above. This year just might be the year Liberty Mutual will review my record and then, BOOM...rates are sky high. I want to responsible about what I did and get on my own plan soon. What I did was irresponsible and stupid and I am DONE making mistakes on the road. I'm 22, female, a student with a 3.47 GPA (Dean's list), trying to finish my bachelors at a university, and share rent with my brother for an apartment. I work part-time and go to school full-time. Which companies would accept me? I've got a poor driving record, but a good 'student' record--if that even matters. Please help. Otherwise, I will have to wait till some violations clear in 10 years or so. Either way, I would really appreciate if someone could tell me what my options are. I will be out of school by summer 2010 (next year) and will need to get on my own plan by then.""
Health Insurance N. Florida?
Health Insurance CHP (Capital Health Plan) Tallahassee FL is diagnosing me? Why did my health insurance company contact my primary doctor after a hospital visit? After a recent visit to the ER due to a esophageal stricter which scared us thinking Chest pain! Spent 16 hours being observed and tested! Finally send down to endoscopy for a esophageal dilation! Did the job!! I was sent home 4 hours later! Now two weeks later I get a phone call from my Primary care Doctors office manager saying that my primary received a memo from my health insurance (after my ER visit) company and I was instructed to call and make an appointment for alcoholism counseling???? The night of the incident where I couldn't swallow, and was in pain! we had guests over and had a few beers! I gave the attending ER doctor all information including I had drank beer an hour before I got there. OK, now, For the 16 hours at the hospital and the multiple blood tests, everybody including the Dr's said everything looked good! and the Dr. that discharged me explained to my wife in detail about my blood work, said things were fine. So, why would my CHP (Capital Health Plan) health insurance company be contacting my primary? Especially about alcoholism counseling, this has NEVER been an issue in the past! I'm so upset! I've been with my primary for over 15 years and due to a knee injury he prescribes me mild pain killers, and Florida Law makes him take a urine sample every 3 months! Again this has never come up. Is this normal for an insurance company to do??? I'm so upset!!!!""
How much does GEICO car insurance cost per month?
...it a kia the 2011 sportage car
Car insurance?
I 've gotton two tickets within four months of each other. What are the chances that my car insurance rate will go up and by how much? i live in california and have Mercury Insurance.
Proof of insurance?
My friend wants to use my car for his driving test here in california. I know the DMV will ask for proof of insurance. I have the insurance card in my glovebox, and am under my parents insurance, but im not the actual insurance holder with my name on the card. Im just a driver under there insurance. Is my friend still able to use my car, even though im not the primary insurance holder, just a driver on the policy? Do the parents have to be there in order for it to take place?""
Changing car while paying monthly for car insurance?
I still have like 9 months to pay on my insurance but i want to change car how can i do it or cant i ?
Best affordable medical insurance for surgery?
My boyfriend needs open brain surgery but does not have any insurance. What is the best affordable insurance andd can we be on the same plan without being married or related?
Rental Car Insurance-I don't have a auto insurance.What are the coverage i have to buy from rental company?
Hi,I'm new to US.I stay in california.I want to rent a car and confused with the insurance options.could anyone help me,what are all the coverages(LDW,SLP etc) that i need to rent a car?.I don't have a personal auto insurance.""
How Much Would My Car Insurance Be?
I'm 17 years old, I'm a guy, it's my first car and it's most likely going to be a 2004 Impala or a 2000 Lincoln Navigator. I'd most likely be on my mom's insurance. Could you guys give me like a general estimate of what I could expect to pay a month. Thanks in advance.""
""Was to help make health care plan was to help make health care more affordable, what happened?
It does not seem it is going in that direction; it seems like more of a insurance sale for insurance company.
""Cheapest method for car insurance for 17 year old male, UK?""
hy guys, im 16 at the moment, and 17 in november and desperate to pass my driving test ASAP, which is the cheapest way to go about car insurance? ive heard vans insurence is cheaper? or going on parents insurance? im looking to get my own car, not to share my parents. please help me out guys! thanks x""
Is it illegal if someone else pays for my health insurance?
I lost my job last month, and I need to know if there would anything illegal or wrong if say a relative paid for my health insurance until I get a new job? The insurance is through this new Affordable Care Act program.""
Car insurance in texas?
how much does it cost??? i hav a project where i have to buy car insurance for a Mercedes Benz 2010 C300 Sport Sedan??
Auto theft and insurance question?
My 95 Honda accord was stolen last week and I did have full coverage etc..how do i negotiate a fair replacement cost of the car to the ins company when they offer me their price? I have Allstate and they have been grat in followup with me, but i dont know how they will base the value of the car..will it be kelly book or the NADA? thank you!!""
What is the best car insurance company for a first time driver?
What is the best car insurance company for a first time driver?
If I'm on someone else car insurance am I liable?
My old boy friend put me on his car insurance so I could drive his car. We are no longer together. If he gets in an accident could I get sued? He has nothing, but I do.""
""On average, how much does it cost to make your car completely legal in arizona?""
Im sitting here looking at cars, and in Illinois where I live it's like 266 to get plates & registration for our car on top of like 288 for car insurance. Is it alot more in arizona? How much more?""
Average cost of auto insurance for a truck per month?
Average cost of auto insurance for a truck per month?
How much is insurance if your under 18?
In Ohio and my sister wont b quiet cuz she dont have a job and is broke but I am younger than her and i have 600 dollars 2 save for a car. and she is whining cuz she dont have a job so i was wondering how much is insurance in Ohio
Car insurances how they rate?
different car insurances how they compare
What to do when health insurance company won't cover surgery?
We just recently got health insurance a few weeks ago. My husband was diagnosed with a double inguinal hernia yesterday and is scheduled for surgery Friday. Our insurance company will not cover the surgery., They said that hernia surgery has a 6 month waiting period and he can not wait another week let alone 6 months. They will only cover it if it is a life or death situation.I could take him back out to the ER, but who's to say that they will say that it is an emergency and do it within 24 hours? I put a call in to the financial aid counselor to see about getting help with the surgery bill, although we are most likely going to be unable to pay big amounts of money. Is there any insurance companies we can sign up for in order to have health insurance and be able to have him get the surgery by Friday? Or is there anything else we can do? We are not eligible for MDCD, already tried that!! Please help with any suggestions.""
""On average, how much does it cost to make your car completely legal in arizona?""
Im sitting here looking at cars, and in Illinois where I live it's like 266 to get plates & registration for our car on top of like 288 for car insurance. Is it alot more in arizona? How much more?""
What happens if you got into a accident and have no insurance?
I was driving my girlfriends truck and got into an accident.. I didnt know she has no inaurance. The officer made an accident report then let us go. What happens next does she eventually get a ticket oe me. and is it criminal offense she ia crying cause she feels so bad. Does she lose her license or me cause i was driving? And who will get sued? Please answer all questions. If i had known she didnt pay her insurance i would have paid it for her.she is mainly worried she will go to jail
Can my car insurance start the following month?
My car insurance renewal is up this friday, however i am off on holiday for a month, so will not be driving my car. Can my insurance start in February instead?""
Car Insurance and Tornadoes?
Just curious since I live in the heart of tornado alley in Southern Kansas... Say if my car was at home or at a store or other place of business and a tornado destroyed or damaged my car, will my insurance cover the damage? Full coverage.""
What cars usually have the lowest insurance rates?
I do not have the greatest driving record and am in the market for a car. I also do not have a huge budget (looking to stay under $10,000). I want something newer than 2000 and do not want very high insurance rates. Any ideas?""
How can I afford car insurance (17 - 18 year old)?
Does anyone have any ideas on how to afford running a car, especially insurance which would be around 2500-3000 per year. I'm still in sixth form and plan to go to university so I only really have weekends to work. Is it possible to afford to run a car? How to people do it? Thanks""
Where can I get the best car insurance rates?
I have been on the same plan for 10 years now and they charge $165 each month which is ridiculous. Any idea what is the best company to get a better insurance rate?
""As a 16 year old male, how much will I pay for auto insurance?""
I am a 16 year old male (and I already know what statistics show, unfortunately), soon to be 17 years old in October. I will be paying auto insurance pretty soon and I am trying to get an estimate of how much I will be paying monthly/yearly. I obtain a 3.5 GPA and reside in Dayton, Ohio. My mother will be adding me to her insurance plan and I drive a 1999 Chevy Camaro (this is the car that will be insured, and thankfully it does not have a Z28 engine). I'm not sure whether or not the insurance agency will consider this a sports car either, so I'm pretty nervous! Please help me! Thank you!""
""Would you shop for insurance online? If not, why?
Will having an insurance makes a difference to our lives?
I'm trying to make a car insurance for eu driving license?
Hi, everytime when I make a quote on e.g. (comparethemarket.com or moneysupermarket.com) I get a car insurance around 7000 ponds. Is there any way how I can get cheaper insurance? I'm in UK.""
""What is the average cost of business insurance in Portland, Oregon?""
What is the average cost of business insurance in Portland, Oregon?""
Car payments and insurance?
is it possible for me to finance a car in my name but put the car under my parents innsurance? so the innsurance would be cheaper
How much is an average ttuck insurance quote? ?
I'm planing on geting a 1999 Chevy silverado 1500 and I'm wondering how much insurance is
Where can i find affordable car and renters insurance?
i plan to move out and rent an apartment very soon and i really need to find somewhere that i can afford with good coverage? I live in Georgia
Is there a cheap auto insurance i can get while i have my learners permit?
Its like you have to have insurance to buy a car, but you have to have the car to take the drivers test. So im really confused, and i need to know if theres protection for me while i have my learners permit?""
Is globe life a reliable insurance company?
for life insurance
Insurance on a 2003 SAAB 2.0.?
I am 16 and i really like this car. It is Turbo charged, which i really am not worried about.. i am a very careful driver.not looking for speed.. and never been in an accident. how much do you think the insurance would be a month??""
How much does car insurance cost if you're under 21 in North Carolina?
Hi. I'm 20, female, turning 21 late next month and my mom is planning to ship her 1998 mercedes benz sedan to me (in NC) from california early next month. I went to a driving school when I was 17 and I have been driving ever since. I also do have a clean record. If I would want to have a full coverage, how much do you think will it be per month? And also, since I am turning 21 in a couple of weeks after the car itself arrives here, do you think it will cost me less? Thanks.""
Does AARP offer affordable health insurance?
I'm turning 50 the end of October, as of now I have no health insurance. Someone told me that I'll be eligible for AARP and will be able to get affordable health and dental insurance. Is AARP the answer to being able to finally afford health and dental insurance?""
Cant afford health insurance. can new york child support make me get health insurance?
my husband has another child in new york and we recently moved to pa and there trying to get him to get health insurance that he cannot afford. Can they do that or can he call them and tell them he cant afford it. He doesnt even have medical for our children or himself.
""What do you want, universal health care or affordable health insurance??""
What do you want, universal health care or affordable health insurance??""
How much does blue cross health insurance cost?
I need it for a individual, 20 year old, with good health. This is for a project.""
Average cost of auto insurance for a truck per month?
Average cost of auto insurance for a truck per month?
Car Insurance for Teen Girl Estimate HELP PLZ?
How much would you estimate that insurance for a 16 year old brand new driver in a 2001 acura integra 2 door hatch back would cost with a good student driver discount? any idea? any one close to those guide lines that have an idea willing to share? Please help thanks
Insurance to volunteer at a clinic?
I was just offered an unpaid internship -type program through a veterinary clinic next to my university. I won't be getting paid and it will not help me with any credits, but it will provide me invaluable experience to get into vet school. However, they're requiring I get volunteer insurance (because it involves work with live animals) since I am an unpaid employee and will not be covered under them. How do I go about getting this? Thanks!""
What is insurance groups?
ex:this car is insurance group 19. whats that mean? and which numbers are cheap ones?
Rsx type s or s2000 what cost more to insure?
I just got an 2002 acura rsx type s (clean tittle) or I have a chance to trade for Honda s2000 (salvage tittle) I am 16 fixing to be 17 and of course the car is gonna be under my dads name but i just wanna know how much its goona be since im part of the insurance
Do you have to have car insurance for all of your vehicles (California- read more for details)?
I live in California and I understand that by law here you have to have car insurance; at least minimum coverage that is. But does this apply to all cars regardless of whether you even drive them on the street or not? The reason why I ask this is because I have a 1971 Chevy Camaro SS which I bought from my father about a year ago (He basically gave it to me, but I didn't want to look spoiled in front of my sister so I gave him $2,000 for it). I did have it insured for the first year thinking it probably wouldn't cost me much, but now I really regret getting it insured since it costed me nearly a fortune this year alone. And the thing that really sucks is that I've never even driven it yet since it still needs a lot of tuning up (and unfortunately I don't have enough time to fix it up since I'm usually a very busy person). Do you think it's possible to uninsure my camaro since it's not even drivable yet? I mean it's not like I'm going to hit a car or something with it since it's just sitting in my garage the whole time. I would ask my insurance agent about this, but I never really trusted them. (They were the ones that persuaded me to get it insured in the first place without even telling me whether I had to or not)""
Can someone give me advice on whether to get a 50 or 125cc scooter and how much insurance will cost for both?
I am a 15 year old boy who lives in Italy. Here at the age of 14 you can get a 50cc and at the age of 16 you can get a 125cc. My birthday is in 6 months ( January ), should I wait till then and get 125cc or should I just get a 50cc now ? Taking in to consideration that snow comes to Italy at about at January and that 50 cc is cheaper and safer than a 125cc. And how much would the insurance cost for the 50cc or the 125cc ? And I have a budget of around 1000 euro.""
Self employed and need affordable health insurance for self and children?
Self employed and need affordable health insurance for self and children?
Is there a big differents in the price of car insurance?
hi is there a big differents in the price of car insurance between a mini copper and a mini one for a first car for a 17 year old
HELP! I need an insurance company for my 50cc moped?!?
Hey Im 16 and have just bought an 07 Aprilia SR50 scooter, I need to get insurance but most places are quoting me around 500! Im not one of these chavs that races around don't worry! Does anyone here recommend any insurance companies or have a good deal on there insurance? Thanks in advance. =]""
Will my insurance rates raise?
its been a little over 4 months since ive had my at fault accident and my insurance hasnt gone up.I have allstate and the accident forgiveness doesnt apply to california yet,so will they ever raise my rates or is it just going to stay the same?""
I am a college student and i am looking for health and dental insurance.?
I just moved to texas and I rarely go to the doctor only for like for pap smears birth control and things of that nature. I work PRN an a hospital but PRN employees do not qualify for benefits.I am looking for an affordable insurance until i finish nursing school and get a full time job with benefits? Can anyone help me!
Insurance Rates Of Past Years For Different Genders?
I am doing a data analysis project and i would like to find average insurance rates in canada or the states from the 1900s till present for different genders. I cant seem to find any statistics for the insurance rates at all. helpppppp : (
""Crashed fathers car, i have open insurance, car is still insureed in guys name bought car from?""
hi bought car, put it in my fathers name, before got chance to insure it, some lady totally at fault(for the accident) crashed into me. father has no insurance on car but he is the registered owner. the guy i bought the car off never cancelled his insurance on the car but was not the registered owner when i crashed. i have another policy on another car that says i have open insurance so long as the car is insured. well the car is insured but is the insurance void since seller is no longer the registered owner of the car. am i insured. thx for your time""
Where in missouri can i get insurance with a suspended license?
i know it all depends on what state ur in and the guidelines, but does anyone kno wher i can get cheap car insurance with a suspended license. i need to get my car registered but cant do it without insurance, plz only answer if u kno insurance companies specifically that will allow me to get it""
How much is motor trade insurance?
I know this is a bit of a vague question! I am 26, clean license, 1 years no claims and would be working from home buying and selling 5000-10000 cars. Any ideas or how much do you pay if your in the trade yourself? Cheers.""
""Getting 2011 car, all insurance quotes are over $300 Can i put my mom down as primary driver if its in my name?
The reason why its so expensive is because im only 19. i know she has a safe driving record which will help me save so much money. I'll be lucky to have gotten this car but i wont be able to afford my payments if insurance is that high. So can i own the car without being the primary driver on insurance to help save costs?
Cheap auto insurance in mississauga area?
Hi, I am a 22 Year old, female, G2 driver. I was wondering if anyone knows of a good insurance company with cheap rates for a new driver for either a 2000 2DR Sunfire or 2002 Mazda Protege. The rates i've been coming across seem pretty high for a full time student. Also, I have no previous insurance history or any accidents. Thanks!!!""
""Car insurance decreases, when? 26 yrs old?""
I started driving when I was 22 years old, and never had an accident. Right now, I'm 26. I pay $116/month for insurance, which I think is kinda high. The vehicle I drive is a 2006 Hyundai Eantra. Car insurance is: Erie Insurance http://www.erieinsurance.com/""
Will I be paying two deductibles or one for two car accidents different insurances?
Hi, Today I hit a car that is of a stranger and we exchanged information about each other's insurance. That person's insurance company and mine are different. We didn't ...show more""
What should you do if you hit a car but have no insurance?
my friend hit a car the other day but he has no insurance,the damage done to his car was very minor and he only scuffed the bumper of the other car, it appears the other driver wants to claim, should my friend admit to no insurance ? please help ive run out of ideas for him..............""
Where can I find affordable dental insurance for my father?
He is 50+, I live in Michigan,help please?? I tried looking, but no progress. I want him to get something affordable so he can have better and healthier teeth. Thank you, Jenn""
Car insurance for golf?
i am currently getting quoted silly money ask you can imagine for a golf as I am a 17 year old male which just passed. may be a silly question but is there any reasonable insurance companies out there or anyway round it to make it cheaper !?
Does it cost anymore to be named on someone else's insurance policycy?
Does it cost anymore to be named on someone else's insurance policycy?
How much will car insurance cost me if im 16 and getting a Scion Tc?
- 16 Year old ; Male - Just got my license - From Massachusetts - Took Drivers Ed I'm looking at a Scion Tc. The money I have saved up is there for the car. I am just worried on ...show more
Car insurance advice needed?
My nephew passed his driving test yesterday and has a P reg Volkswagon Polo for his first car. I've seen adverts on the tele for Direct Line car insurance and they aren't on comparison websites, does anybody know if they are averagely cheaper or not? Are there any other companies that don't appear on comparison websites? Thanks.""
Average cost of auto insurance for a truck per month?
Average cost of auto insurance for a truck per month?
Car insurance?
is it possible to have two inurance policies on one car?im wanting to get insured to drive my brothers car so do i have to be a named driver on his insurance policy or can i have my own?thanks!
Insurance on a 95 camaro?
Im considering buying a pre-owned 1995 camaro for my first car. How do I find out how much the yearly insurance would be? Its not a convertible, and also its through allstate in new york. Would it be more than a 1998 maxima?""
Yamaha 09 R6 insurance?
how much would you thing it would cost in insurance for a 19 year old to own a 08 or a 09 Yamaha R6
Car insurance?
im 17 and learning to drive my mum has a black small car ( not sure what make) im a girl houw much would insurance be any sites help
Does anyone know any cheap car insurance for young driver?
i passed my driving about a year ago and still not driving (shocking, i know) all the insurance are so expensive even for a 1.0 liter engine, please give me some companies that will provide me with cheap insurance please. i am only 18. please help. thank you""
Cheapest auto insurance company?
Currently have Geico. paying close to 2k / year for auto insurance (full cover). Can anyone recommend a cheaper insurance company? I have 13 years of driving experience with clean record (not a single traffic violation or speeding ticket)
How To Get The Best Homeowners Insurance?
How To Get The Best Homeowners Insurance?
Medical insurance?
Im looking for medical insurance in connecticut that covers ivf treatments completely and consultation fees please help!! Thanksss :)
How do i get my car on the road and for how much?
i just bought my 1993 honda civic lx, and i live in ontario. the sale was a private sale..what do i have to do now? ive only paid for the car...do i have to get insurance before i register it? and what about taxes? and safety and etest? and plates? how do i do it?""
Question about insurance?
Okay So i have two insurance companies that im covered by... One for my car and one for my motorcycle. If I get a speeding ticket are you supposed to report it to both companies or just the insurance that i got the ticket on?
What will happen when I lose my insurance?
I'm 19 years old, and i'm currently receiving my dads insurance. He is on blue cross blue shield, and I can use his insurance until i'm 26 as long as i'm in college. Well...I'm moving in June and I will be taking a break from college. I'll also be moving out of state in which case I have no clue if the insurance will cover me there. I haven't done jack squat with signing up for my own insurance because I also have a health care card through the state. When I move and I lose my insurance how do I go about signing up for new insurance? I'm planning to get insurance through an employer and sign up once I finish my first 3 months. I don't mind being without insurance for a few months because i'm getting all of my health care/vision/dental done right now. I heard that the Affordable Care Act has deadlines and that you won't be able to sign up for a plan until 2015? Also does that mean I'll be fined for no longer having insurance? I'm so confused.""
How much would car insurance cost for a 2008 Ferrari F430?
I meant around how much would it cost say if i was 18 how much would it cost?
How would insurance work in college?
When I go to college, how would I be able to receive insurance, to go to the Dentist or Doctor?""
Will I make my bf's parents' car insurance rates go up?
I've lived with my boyfriend and his family for a little over a year now(I pay rent). I am 19 and do not have my license. I have relied on carpools and the bus so it wasn't an issue. Now, I am planning to buy a used car, take the road test and get my own auto insurance. The thing is, they would most likely complain if this would increase their rates. I wish I could just pay a high rate alone- what would be the difference if I just rented a room in a strangers house??lol. I think that it would affect them, but does anyone know for sure?""
""I am 18 and can't find car insurance under 2000, does anyone know anywhere?
its insurance for a toyota yaris 2003 Y reg 3 door hatch back for an 18 year old boy with a 1 month old full uk lisence.
I need insurance on my car and need to keep the cost low as possible?
Will it be ok to cut out the no claims protection or is this a must, I have over ten years, is there any other way to keep it low. Thanks""
How much should car insurance cost?
i am 17 and live in London. i have just passed my driving test and i'm looking for a car and insurance. i am not bothered about how bad the car is but i can't find insurance anywhere which i can afford. does anyone have advice?
How does insurance work?
How does insurance work? like im really not sure.. do you pay into it every month?
What are insurance company for?
My car was a total loss the insurance company paid what the car was worth but not the finance charges. How do this work? I thought your insurance paid everthing and everything was a lump sum
How much would insuring my car for just one day cost?
How much would it normally cost? it's a bmw 530i for just one day plz let me know :)
Best individual health insurance plan?
My husband and I just found out that his company is raising our medical insurance rates from $212 a month to $400 a month, so we are trying to shop around for the best rates. We have found some, but hardly any include maternity benefits, and we want that parachute just in case any accidents happen. Is there any plans out there cheaper than $400 with maternity, or should we just hope we don't get pregnant for a couple of years? (We plan to switch insurance in 2 years when I get a teaching job)""
Car insurance questions?
I was parked in front of my house and a lady came along and hit my car totalling it by the looks. I think I just signed up for basic insurance. Because she hit my parked car, is the towing and cost for keeping my car covered on my insurance or hers? And also don't know if I can get a car rental at all? And I was also wondering if the car is totalled will they pay me to get a new car? Or just pay me some money back for the car? It says under collision actual cash value. Thanks for any answers because I can not figure out what I have on this paper or if it goes on hers!""
Insurance cost for brother with 3 points on his license age 20?
he got 3 points age 14, TWOC, now wants a car, how much do you think insurance will cost?""
How much will my insurance rise?
I recently got a speeding ticket for going 9 over in a school zone as well as one for talking on a cell phone in a school zone. I was curious as to how much my insurance will rise. I am 18 and recieved the ticket in Texas. This is my first offense(s). How many points for insurance is a cell phone ticket? Thanks so much!
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
Average cost of auto insurance for a truck per month?
Average cost of auto insurance for a truck per month?
0 notes