#its the grameugene thing
it has been more than 2 years and im Still so Bitter about gramblack
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freensrcha · 3 years
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i love you gram but make it make sense.
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jemmo · 3 years
as someone who didn't care about gram from the very beginning, i couldn't care less about whom he ends up with, but i have to say my girl eugene did deserve better. she gave this whole speech and for what? to settle for a guy that can't take a no? should have made todd a main character instead of gram, if this is what they were going to do with him lol
yep anon, 2 of my biggest gripes with this situation is that somehow, by making grameugene a thing, they've managed to erase all personality from both of them. maybe you didnt care about him at the start but at least he started out with some personality. he was smiley and sweet, a little cheeky, just very that guy yknow, he was the grounded, nice one of the group. and he rlly rlly cared what he was fighting for. remember him in all those classes making good, strong arguments advocating for the changes he wants to see in the legal system, that was his thing!! so for him to be reduced to this guy that chases a girl and be removed from the gang so much and have that fight taken away from him, idk it just kinda sucks. i always saw him as the one in the gang with this reasonable optimism that change could happen and it could be done right, but we didnt get to see him act on any of it and thats such a missed opportunity.
as for eugene, she really does deserve better. i didnt want her to exist just to be this plot device for gram and black to mess with, but thats what she turned into. and so much of how shes acted is contradictory, she gave that whole speech about not sitting around crying over boys, but we only ever get to see her in that context. and i cant even tell if she likes gram or is just getting with him bc he's insistent, in which case 'date the guy bc he wont stop pursuing you' isnt exactly a good message. i wouldnt care if the relationships shes in were messy or not good for her, thats kinda the nature of the story, but i just want them to make sense, and i see no chemistry or passion in any of the ppl involved. i believe she likes black bc when they spoke at the protest she looked actually heartbroken and even when she first was with black (white) in his room she was acting flirty and forward and thats eugene, but we see none of that with gram, and gram is so over the place that i was never able to gauge what he was feeling. even when he was coming on to eugene, i still didnt believe it bc he wasnt acting like someone with a long harboured, secret crush.
basically its a mess and i just want ep 1 gram back pls
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ryansjane · 3 years
I've been ignoring Eugene x Gram storyline since the moment I figured that they would most probably be a thing (their drunk kiss), like they were a necessary evil lmao. If I could skip their scenes I would but you can't do that with live stream lmao. Doesn't matter. I will skip their parts every part when I'll rewatch the series. No series is perfect and I just accept it as something that creators decided to do that I don't vibe with but respect it. Whether we like it or not we should simply respect that it was their choice. I honestly don't care if Gramblack was a thing or Blackgene, or all three of them, it doesn't matter to me. I just hope that Black ends up alive and he'll be able to move on.
oh yeah for sure, I've received a comment on my youtube channel that was asking me if I'd do a not me video to which I responded positively, and then after sunday's ep they commented "nevermind the show broke my heart by not making gramblack canon" and I'm like?????? is this really all it takes for you to go from adoring the show to disliking it?? like I totally get feeling disappointed, but the show has SO MUCH GOOD to it, it's literally so fucking important in so many ways, and that's really what makes it a "bad show" in your eyes (knowing the actual show was already super far removed from the actual novel & gramblack didn’t even end up together in it)?? then for me we're once again in the conversation of bl shows' first importance being the ships before the actual show in its entirety, which I have an issue with. I understand liking the show less bc the ship you were expecting isn't there, hell I do also feel disappointed that they chose to focus so much time on grameugene when p'nuchie said they had to cut some scenes to make it all fit in 14 episodes, but discounting all the good the show has bc of that??? nah, that's truly reaching. let's hope black kicks todd's ass & gets to be safe with his brother & the gang, that’s all I want!
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disaster-j · 3 years
i just need them to explain the dolls/notes fiasco before i actually lose my mind i cannot believe such a small thing has been twisted into the most convoluted mess!! cuz listen!! we have the DOLLS and we have the NOTE.
dolls are with black from SOMEONE
note (with dolls on them) are with gram to SOMEONE
if the dolls are FROM eugene then why does GRAM have the note? if the note is TO eugene then why does BLACK have the dolls?? (possible explanation: eugene gave the dolls to black with G standing for Gene and gram knew that and drew them on his confession note as a ‘let ME be your dinosaur doll’ or whatever the hell. it’s a stupid explanation but at this point i wouldn’t put it past the grameugene arc + its the only thing that makes sense)
other possibilty, the dolls are from gram to black but platonically and he just likes to give dolls to loved ones i guess (like the keychain he’s gonna give her)?? but that doesn’t explain why blacks dolls are on a confession note to eugene???
BEST possibility is that the dolls and note are from gram to black it literally makes the most sense no matter how you look at it
From where I'm standing it makes zero sense for the dolls to be from anyone other than Gram to anyone other than Black. It's the only reasonable conclusion bc anything else would bring up a bunch of questions that the show has left not time to answer. In terms of how the story has worked so far, the straightforward answer seems like the most logical so it really should just be Gram bought the dolls and the note as his confession but didn't go through with it and just gave Black the dolls. Now that he feels like he's falling out of love with Black and desperately projecting his feelings onto Eugene it makes sense he'd replicate what he did for Black with her. So that's my interpretation at this point. Let's see how they do this shit in the show.
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tobeornottotc · 3 years
so sorry about gram and his storyline/characterization :( i hope my answer to that ask didn't upset you or anything, or come off as offensive in some way!! that is never my intention
Hi :) You don't have to apologise I actually enjoyed your post I've been searching for reasons/clues how they could possibly make this end as GramEugene that makes sense and it was only your pov that made me close to accepting it. But the thing is I can't. I know that Nuchie is trying to be woke and make girls be represented well in Bls I understood what she was trying to do there but Gram is not who he is anymore. Yes Gram is privelaged and just wants to fight injustice he's not as close to the cause as the others that was the same in the book too except even if his story arc was also shortened his character actually was 3dimensional and thought out, he had reasons that made sense and connected to the overall arc of the story, there was so much about him that I loved and cared about and it breaks my heart that I don't see that from him in this show. I thought I saw it at the start but now his scenes with Eugene are literally just useless, I know you don't see it as that but it is. You can see how everyone being in this episode together when Black returned all worried about life or death situations atm and he's of trying once again to confess to a girl who's rejected him doesn't add up right? Like even if he's meant to be an ally, he's meant to also be a good friend?? Like he's also meant to not bring danger to the girl he loves? He knows he's being ambushed and followed and what made sense in the writing is for him to go back and repeat the same things over again to Eugene that we've already seen for the past 3 episodes versions of it's actually painful. If GramEugene were meant to be a thing very well then, they should have just done that from the start but they didn't which you mentioned they led us on making book fans excited that GB was GramBlack. Even if I wasn't a book fan I would have noticed the same things, I would have wondered what happened to Gram after episode 7 where the kiss was revealed how could his character all of a sudden make no sense? because liking Eugene is one thing, but that being all your story is about for 2 minutes when you're meant to be the third main cast in the show is mad annoying. Not to mention in the trailer and ost they even added some of the GramBlack scenes we jumped on. Why would they do that?? Why?/ I wish i could be like you and forgive it and understand it wasn't malicious but it feels like a heavy slap in the face, and I know you don't think so but to me Gram is the worst written character in this show that's a masterpiece, SeanWhite and DanYok are fully fleshed out and written well, their angst contibrute to the plot and their developments. Gram and Eugene both have an arc that just make them whiny and unimportant, and that's a huge disservice to Gram well Book Gram and a disservice to show Eugene if she ends up accepting the nice guy who's been there all along (when women have made it pretty clear we hate the nice guy finishes last storyline that the patriachy tried to force on us for so long where a girl states her bounderies and its ignored and she has to accept it just because she feels in debt to the guy being nice to her while the other one isn't ew)
So yeah I'm not mad at you I wish I could just be like you and see it the way you do I reblogged your post because I wanted other people like me who may see it in your pov and stop hurting, and you didn't offend me you spoke the truth. It's my fault for letting my self still hope that the writing for this show for me makes sense. But it's hard to forgive what they have done to Gram and Black (because erasing Black's story with Gram erases important aspects of Black that should have been in the show.) It's not just about GramBlack and Gram change I'm mourning its also what it meant for Black's character when he has Gram going behind his back and kissing his girl and continously turning her against him when Gram out of everyone is meant to be his loyal most trusted confidant. That's what irks me like maybe they've made Todd that to Black but again I still mourn for the loss of what I know. sorry for the long post
Thank you for the ask, you're really nice and I appreciate you reaching out <3
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onstoryladders · 3 years
rip to gramblack…gone but never forgotten 🪦💐
in all seriousness tho, a few things: gramblack aside it’s just ridiculous what they’ve done to grams character and arc within the group. like ill sit through a thousand grameugene moments eyes wide open if at the very least it wasn’t at the cost of grams entire relation with the group and his friends. yeah the death of gramblack is heartbreaking but the true tragedy is the death of GRAM AS A PERSON. if they didn’t want to do gramblack FINE whatever but they definitely could have made it so that gram was still the character we know and love from the show’s first half. especially because yok is still able to keep his connection to the group and to sean as his friend despite his whole storyline being that he falls in love with a literal outsider?? idk as a gram fan first and a gramblack fan second i could’ve lived without gramblack endgame so long as GRAM was at least still intact…
second, while gram giving eugene The Note pretty much seals the deal for me, i think it’ll be very hilarious to see how the hell it connects to the dolls in blacks room. like maybe it will be G for Gene but whatever it is it’s gonna be a fucking reach and a half and a part of me feels like its revenge on the writers for sticking to this stupid arc in the first place lol no matter what crazy theory we came up with for gramblack im sure whatever explanation the writers come up with for That will be worse
THAT BEING SAID, yea The Death of the Note Theory is almost irrefutable for me, but am i still already coming with theories about how that was just gram practicing his confession to black with eugene? am i thinking us not seeing the person gram is confessing to this time is an indicator that it’s actually black and that this has been the world’s dumbest most drawn out plot twist? YOU BET YOUR ASS I AM like we said, it’s not over till it’s over ✊ gramblack lives until the ep 14 credits roll
You're right, it's not over till it's over, and what's another week of hope culminating in crushing disappointment gonna do to me, amirite?
I agree with all you've written, anon. It just feels so weird and nonsensical. They've been playing with our heads the whole time and I don't get it. It seriously feel like they took two different storylines and stitched them up together, and as you said the worst part is that they killed Gram's character in the process.
But something in that preview doesn't add up. The vibes are all wrong if we consider that Gram confessed already and was rejected. I'm so confused and it sucks.
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onstoryladders · 3 years
i just wish they never strung us along for so long if it’s grameugene like 1.) now we’re being called delusional for saying it was obviously gramblack (we all know those same ppl were believing in gramblack pre ep 6 too) 2.) it’s not queerbaiting ofc but it feels a bit icky teasing the relationship of gramblack only for it to be grameugene especially when they were in the book 3.) grams character has been ruined for this for no reason and gramblacks bond suddenly doesn’t matter and doesn’t exist and gram is a terrible friend 4.) the grameugene storyline is the worst plot twist ever like how is it more interesting than gramblack 😭😭 5.) if they get together they regressed eugene made her finally accept him after 100482 attempts
also unpopular opinion time i know bc they’re the most popular couple in the show but the idea they replaced gramblack with danyok is so annoying to me like gramblack would have been better imo
Anon, this is the place for unpopular opinions since I believe the same thing lol DanYok are cool and everything but I don't care much about them or SeanWhite, so GramBlack is the BEST in my eyes – its potential can't be matched.
You're right about everything, anyway, and especially the second point annoys me to no end. I hate when a show deliberately tries to make its audience feel stupid, especially when it's at the cost of the show's quality. They really threw a whole character and storyline into the garbage and for what? To give us a plot twist that sucks ass? It doesn't feel “smart” because it's not a good plot twist in the first place.
I was talking about it to my sister yesterday. When you write something and add a twist to it to make your audience go wow, you have to consider the fact that the plot twist only works once. Once you know what's gonna happen, is the story still good? When you watch the show with a clear idea of what's gonna happen, does it still make sense? Can you watch the previous scenes and think: oh, damn, I should've figured it out?
I don't think it's the case for this storyline if they decided to make Gram/Eugene canon. It just sucks and makes no sense and ruins everything.
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