#its wally but everytime i draw him hes different
jazzzzzzhands · 1 year
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Oh just a short series of outfits XD
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crows-heart · 1 year
Howdy Pillar Headcanons :D
be aware this is my first time writing on tumblr so if its a tad odd in some places, i apologize :))) i should be doing my math work i missed or sleeping but guess what i wont
cw: staring mentions (?), howdy being cheesy, i think that's it? ( i do not know how to tag stories)
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(look at the funky man!!)
Dating Howdy!!
i just KNOW this man loves to give hugs from behind
everytime you're doing literally anything that has you with your back exposed, he's going to pick you up
you could be in the middle of cleaning and next thing you know four limbs are wrapped around you and you're being picked up
he is both big spoon and little spoon, ignore the fact that he's like 7 foot/213 cm
if you don't like being hugged/touched, that's fine! he likes to make sure that you're comfortable with how he shows affection.
instead of hugging you, he tends to move things around to make it more accessible for you (especially if you enjoy cooking/baking, there are a lot of things in the howdy-sized cabinets but not the y/n-sized cabinets)
sometimes he does purposefully move things out of your reach to have you call him over for help so he can come bother you >:)
that is until you learned that you can climb on the counters... (as someone who is short, this is in fact the most effective way of getting things [dont do this])
he loves holding hands with you! regardless of whether you're in public or at home, he enjoys making sure that you don't get lost /j ("Its hard to see you all the way down there, neighbor!")
he is also a big fan of pinky holding <3
i hc him to have some anxiety issues, so this is a big reason why he enjoys holding hands/pinkys
it's become a big way to help him calm down, and if you start rubbing shapes (?) into his hand it makes things a lot better (he does it to you too <3)
after a long day at the bugdega (bodega? I've seen someone call it that so I'm calling it that bc it's funky!), he will fwump literally anywhere it is convenient for him to do so
let's just hope you're not on the couch/bed because you are a candidate for him to do so! (good luck)
he constantly is making sure that you're ok, mentally and physically! he is a great listener, and he gives great advice too.
everytime you try to help him out at the bugdega, he CANNOT focus
he will literally stare at you for ages until either you or a neighbor points out he's doing so ("howdy, are you ok?" "huh- oh yeah! it's just that you're really pretty...")
he also gives you an 100% discount if you agree to a kiss
either he's really cheesy, or he's reciting poetry to you, there is in fact, no in-between
"i love you berry much! *holds out a strawberry*"
"If i was to be given the option of eternal life, i would turn it down, for a life without you is not one worth living."
all in all, your relationship is berry sweet!! (help i regret writing that)
Being friends with Howdy!!
if YOU have chaotic energy, HE has chaotic energy
he could be cheerfully having an exchange with julie to chanting "thief" to wally in the corner with you (art idea??? might make this)
howdy is great at adapting to your current mood! if you're being funky and all gremlin-like, so is he! if you're tired or sad, he makes sure to give you your time and space to talk if you want!
regardless of this, he does give mother-friend energy
not in the sense of like making sure you're sunscreened, but just looking out for you and making sure you're ok :O)
he LOVES to spook you. regardless of how tall he is, he is in fact, great at sneaking around!
he is also good at being quiet on his feet, which does not end well when you're in the middle of doing something
i feel like he is genuinely a sweet guy, but when he's with friends, he's a totally different caterpillar
if tiktok existed then, you would constantly point at him and say "caterpillar" in that voice (y'know the one from the audio that everyone draws frank spying on howdy with [i absolutely love that audio])
"did you hear? frank and eddie are finally dating!" "HAH WALLY OWES ME HIS APPLE SUPPLY"
wally is definitely a part of your guy's shenanigans btw it's canon I'm howdys hat
if howdy needs something delivered (most likely wallys hairspray/apples) and eddie isn't available, he asks you! you're practically a second employee so you might as well ahshefs
you still get an 100% discount, since you know, you're kinda working there so that's fabulous!!
he's practically your babysitter at this point i just kinda imagine y/n being one of the leash kids
he can and will throw you on top of his shoulders, you think he's not buff under those sleeves? he has to carry around literal HUNDREDS of apples for wally pretty much everyday
i feel like he likes making things with his hands (I'm really projecting here arent i)
random little figurines or things you enjoy will just appear. you have little to no clue where they came from but that's fineee
he knows some of the most obscure things, either about you, or anything really
he loves hearing people infodump about anything! he loves learning new things about people's special interests :D
at the end of the day, he appreciates being your friend so much! he's so glad he got to meet you <3
i am very tired so im probably going to sleep now!! i really liked making this but headcanons are not, in fact, my strong suit. requests are open, i would love to write some more for welcome home!!
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chromium7sky · 6 years
The Legend of Gotham| Damirae| Batling| One shot (definitely)
A/n: got inspired by M. Night shyamalan movie call unbreakable. Totally different perspective view and drama superhero. I like it! 😆😆 anyway enjoy! Also dedicated to @dastrigon For drawing me bat damian and commander Lenore. Thank you! 😆😆
Casimir has been a while went to private pre-school, although his father, a billionaire, a philantrophist and also founder of animal shelter in Gotham, prefer him to be home school, his mother insist so that he could learn to socialize.
"Let him learn how to talk to people. " his mother gives out warm smile as she caress her son's cheek.
"Don't pampered him too much, love."
Casimir knew his father actually love him, despite with the serious and stern voice. It radiates from him. Like a wave.
It may sounds a bit crazy but he always felt different. Different from the other kids.
Everytime he sit on his table, he could feel different types of feelings that fill the room but none of them contain sadness, or sick like he always feel at night in his bedroom. Some are from the visitor who float through the walls.
He thought it was normal for a kid to experience that but then, the popular kid along with his friends gives out weird name to address him, like Carpet and the worst nickname he got is Freak kid.
He didn't talk to his parents about the mistreat, he just wants to stay away from drama. Whenever he goes, as soon as he almost meet the popular kid he just vanish and went to another place in his pre school compound, unknowingly. He just shrugged it off as soon as he walk away.
Until on that mid winter, all the kids were in the classroom stayed in the room to feel the warm heater. Casimir where resting his head on his table, felt asleep lulled by the warmth in the room, in a sudden, the front main door knock by a group of men trying to get shelter from the blizzard outside all the student aware about it. One of their home teacher, Ms. Frey went to the door and open it.
It happens so fast. Ms. Frey lying on the floor in a pool of blood. The student who witness the event, panic and quickly lock the door of their room. The men were smirked as the other two close the main door then barricade with lockers that was in the hallway.
Casimir who saw what happen through the small window nearby, shivered. As soon as the men are about to ramped their classroom door, suddenly Casimir jolted and almost thrown the table away from him.
All of his classmate have their eyes on him while he was shivered as if the cold outside hit him, he mumbled about danger is coming. What did he see back then? A dream? But he felt it so real.
He see Ms. Frey in their classroom writing on the board about the books project where they need to read. Casimir has no problem about that since Wayne manor has tons of books. He might read it fast but not as fast as Uncle Wally.
Suddenly he felt sick, like what he felt in the bedroom every night when he confront with the people who walk through the walls but this time, its much worst. Much darker and almost suffocating him.
He walk slowly towards Ms.Frey saying he feel ill. Ms.Frey, smiled give a pat on his head and lead him outside the classroom.
"Billy, you're in charge of the class. I don't want to see any trouble when I'm gone. " Ms.Frey gives out orders.
"Look, the freak is a woosie. Hahaha." Cas could hear the popular kid laughing at the back of the class.
"Come on Casimir, let us go to the nurse office. " as Ms. Frey hold his hand and leading him towards their destination.
As soon as they reaches the room, Ms. Frey put him on the patient bed, checking his body temperature, his tongue and eyes color. His body burn up a bit, so she take out a gel cooler from the drawer and put it on his forehead. "I hope this will cool you down."
Casimir noded and lie on the patient bed.
"Ms.Lucy will come in after she's having her lunch break. Get rest alright, sweetie? " Ms. Frey smiled as she tuck him in with blankets.
As she close the nurse office door, he heard the knock. The same knock he heard in that DREAM.
Cas eyes went agape and quickly to the door. Lucky the door has small window behind the blinds. He took a peek to see what's going on.
It was the same MEN. Cas almost screamed but he close his mouth. He wanted to save Ms. Frey, preventing her from opening the door but it seems things happen like in his dream or vision. She's already on the floor in a pool of blood.
The little boy cried. He then, quickly locked the door and dashed towards the nurse desk as those evil men busy themselves barricade the main door with the lockers.
He found a landline phone and quickly call his home.
"M.. mommy?? "
"Casimir? What's the matter? Are you okay?
"Mommy, tell Daddy send help... Som-" the line were cut due to the snow storm getting worst.
Casimir were totally speechless. His lifeline has been cut and he could hear the evil men try to broke down the door.
Casimir then try to distract them as he unlocked the door and expose himself. Those ruthless men, turn their attention to him.
"Try to get me, you jerk! "
"Is that Wayne's kid?"
"Oi, don't let him escape! "
"Let who escape?"
A familiar voice he heard from behind.
The men at first look intimidated but then they took out their knife and hand guns.
Casimir almost caught out of breath but he felt a soft hand wrap his shoulder. When he turn looked up, it was his mother, Rachel!
"Mom, how did you-"
"Stand back, Cas. " Rachel pulled her son behind her.
"Mommy, no! They are dangerous!!" Cas screamed as he was afraid those men might hurt her like they hurt Ms.Frey.
Two guys at the back held their guns toward her.
"Noooo!!! " Cas were dreaded.
But he didnt heard the gunfire as the gun were unravel, like jigsaw puzzle on the floor.
The gunners petrified with the unexpected event. The leader seems pissed, took a step forward, assault the woman.
Rachel push his son aside as she locked the armed man by his elbow and throw him over her shoulder.
Two man come to her at once as she swipe kick to the left side and sidekick on the right side.
The down man with knife manage to grab her ankle but she slammed her elbow along with her weight on that man's face which she manage to knock him out a couple of teeth.
As the gunners pull out their tactic blades, Casimir tried to warn his mother. But it seems both of them frozed as they heard the loud thud behind them.
Never in his life, Casimir would see a dark figure stood tall behind the bad guys. With horn-like head, is that the devil? Wait, he looks familiar.
"Batman? " his mother muttered under breath as she sit up.
Batman! The legend of gotham he heard when he was a baby. He taught it was a ghost tale when his mother told him but now the legend come to save him, save them.
He felt some unusual wave from his mother, like affection some sort like the way he felt when his mother with his father. Wait, his mother love batman?! But how about his father?!
The dark knight beating the bad guys like the bat flapped their wings sending them fly away. In a blink of an eye, all the bad guys where lying and groaning in pain. Some of them unconcious.
"Woah... " Casimir were astonished with dark hero's skill.
Rachel got up and walk towards Batman.
Casimir quickly hold her hand. " Mom, no! He might be dangerous! " his eyes shows his fear. Rachel smiled then kiss his forehead and she went to the dark knight.
He felt dark wave around the dark knight almost covered the big man himself.
However, as soon as his mother came to him the dark wave begin to dissipated, the warm aura from his mother seems to connect with the Dark Knight. What is happening?
"You were reckless. " Batman muttered as he inspected Rachel's body.
"I was worried about my son." she slapped playfully on his bat logo. Then, she stole a kiss from him.
"Mommy!! "
Both Rachel and Dark Knight look at the confused boy.
"Why... How about Dad?! " Casimir was confused.
"Beloved, I think we need to explain this to Casimir. " Batman went to the little boy.
"Wait, how to you know my name? " Cas stuttered as the dark hero put a pat on his back, then Cas felt familiar with his aura.
"D-dad? "
The vigilante smiled and embrace the boy.
"But... But... " as Cas pulled himself from his father.
"But what, son? "
"But you kiss Raven! You've cheated Mom?! " as Casimir recall the legend of gotham story.
Damian almost choke up as he heard his child accusion.
Rachel chuckled as she sees her husband reaction. Damian glared at his wife for laughing at him.
"Casimir, actually I am Raven. The Queen of darkness," as she demonstrate her dark aura on her hand.
Speechless as he saw in front of his eyes, the famous vigilante are his parents.
"Beloved, I've already alarmed Commissioner Grayson about this. " Damian looked at his pop up screen from his arm.
"Is Ms.Frey okay? " Cas still concern about his teacher who has been hurt as he witness before.
"I've already check the pulse and done some laser stitching towards her wound. She should be stabilize. " Damian press a couple of button then shut the pop screen.
"And Cas? "
"Yes, dad? " as Cas calmed down from the shock news today.
"We'll explain as soon as we come home. "
Casimir can feel his calm and relief aura from his voice, probably they been keep the secret for too long.
Perhaps it is time for him and his sibling to know the origin the legend of Gotham.
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jazzzzzzhands · 1 year
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i only bring the best content to the whiteboard sesh
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