aziraphales-library · 4 years
Hi! There was a fic where the angels and demons had a convention every 100 years or something? And the demons make a bet to see who can bed an angel? And Crowley uses it as an opportunity to spend time with Aziraphale.
Almost positive that’s this one!
One Night In Bangor (And the World's Your Oyster) by Atalan
"All right, I know I'm going to regret asking this," Aziraphale says. "What exactly does this wager entail?"
Crowley grins like the cat that not only got the cream but has absconded with the entire cow. He grabs the bottle and swigs straight from it despite Aziraphale's tut of disapproval.
"The pot goes to whichever demon can get an angel into bed by the end of the evening."
AKA The Fic That Tumblr Made Me Write. Heaven and Hell share a corporate party once per millennium. This time someone's had the bright idea of issuing a challenge to the demons of Hell. Crowley has no intention of missing the opportunity; Aziraphale's just enough of a bastard to make him work for it.
~Mod P
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swingsetindecember · 7 years
I'm sobbing, all the blogs that I followed for TW content a few years ago are being so salty all at once, I'm so happy my dash is nothing but bitterness and anger it's fucking hilarious, and I'm almost convinced to watch this season, if only to watch the fucking rants afterwards
teen wolf saltfest 2017 - it’s the best thing that happened today
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homemadesterekpie · 7 years
Tumblr media
@itsjustanotherteenphase THANK YOU!!!
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daleksin221b · 10 years
I got tagged!!! (Again)
I got tagged by the perfect fieree (This gal is wonderful... You should be following her if you aren't already) I've already done this... So I'm just going to answer the questions and maybe tag a couple of people... Questions: 1) What’s your favorite thing and least favorite thing about either the city you live in or your school (or both)? -Favorite: I have a lot of friends at my school -Least favorite: We have NO school spirit
2) What are some of your favorite bands? -I love Imagine Dragons right now!!!
3) What’s your biggest pet peeve? -I'm originally from Louisiana and so I get ticked off when people pronounce New Orleans, New Or-leans. It's pronounced New Or-lense. 
4) What would your animagus be? -THAT IS A DIFFICULT QUESTION, CLARE!!! Probably a fox. They're clever and they will bite back.
5) What movie are you most looking forward to seeing when it comes out? -THE FAULT IN OUR STAR!!!!
6) If you could enter any book/movie/tv/other universe, what would it be and what role would you want to play in that universe? -Doctor Who and I would be a companion!!!
7) If you could choose one skill/talent to be really good/a lot better at, what would it be? -I really wish I could draw well :)
8) If someone else had to give a description of you, what do you think they’d say about you? -A lot of people say I am smart and nice.
9) What is one book that every single person needs to read and why? -THE ENTIRE HARRY POTTER SERIES BECAUSE IT IS PERFECTION
10) How do you know me or why did you follow me? -This wonderful girl was on a week long service trip with me last summer and since then, we have been to other YIG and MUN conferences together :) EVERYONE WHO READS THIS POST SHOULD BE FOLLOWING HER!!
11) What is a book/show/movie/series/character/etc. that everyone else seems to love but you really don’t like? -Er... I tried to watch Once Upon a Time and it really didn't interest me.... Now for the tags... (I'm just gonna do one this time): itsjustanotherteenphase And my questions for you are: 1.) What's your name? 2.)What do you post about? 3.)Who is the most attractive person you can think of? 4.)What is your favorite TV show? 5.)Book? 6.)Movie? 7.)If you could switch lives with one character/person who would it be? 8.)Do you have any siblings/pets? 9.)Do you know me off of tumblr? 10.)What is your favorite thing to do? 11.)What do you think you want to do for a living?
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officerstilinskihale · 10 years
I don't have an interesting fact about me, I just wanted to tell you that each time I see your icon I think it is Mabel from Gravity Falls, and therefore think you are my best friend, and then I'm like "wait she's not in this fandom" it's a sick cycle and very depressing also you are lovely and I like your fanfiction can we be friends?
BUT. eeames (who drew my bootyful icon) is a huge fan of gravity falls so u can compliment her bc she is great and i never really tell her that enough tbh so i do it when i talk to other ppl /sigh. i'm a terribad friend u shouldn't want to be friends with me
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mysnarkyself · 10 years
itsjustanotherteenphase replied to your post: Class is boring Can we play fuck-marry...
Fuck-marry-kill Stiles Derek Isaac Also, I feel ya about school. Bad English class.
Oh I'M sorry I just saw this now
Fuck Stiles
Marry Derek
and I change the kill to kiss Isaac here XD
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haletostilinski · 11 years
Purple and grey!
Aww, thank you dear! 
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destielfanfic · 11 years
Group Ask #54
Link to previous group asks.
To those who submitted these: if you don’t find what you’re looking for, remember that Supernatural Kink Community accepts prompts of any kind (not just porn, people!) during the first half of each month! More info here and here. Additional prompt blogs are listed at the bottom of our other page.
There’s also spnstoryfinders. (Whose sole purpose is to find specific fics, especially lost ones.)
Ask #1 (anon): mind reading
I've tried looking but I can't seem to find any fics where Castiel reads Dean's mind and saw his sexy thoughts, I've literally only found Criminal Minds crossovers and I was wondering if you knew any? Thanks
None come to mind. However, group ask #11 had a telepathy ask. Additionally, on our dreams tag, there's an ask about sex dreams and cas dreamwalking.
Oh, and there's our prayer tag that kind of applies.
Ask #2 (anon): punk!dean
Do you know any highschool/college AUs with punk!dean?
We don't know of any that exist yet.... Obligatory mention of An Exercise in Worthless even though it doesn't really fit. 
Not hs/college, but punk!dean (submitted by windriel):
Who Do You Think You Are? [NC-17, 3,900 word count] singer!dean, bartender!dean
AU Destiel. Dean is a punk working as a bartender. Cas is his ex-lover who is back in town. Cas wants to get back together, but Dean has other plans.
Ask #3 (haleyhellion): sex for grades
do you have any fics where either dean or cas is a teacher and exchange good grades for sex with their failing student
Though I have read one with that scenario as role-play. Hitler and the Rise of the Third Reich (unofficially recced here). 
Ask #4 (itsjustanotherteenphase): tweetfic
Hi! First off I wanna say your blog sucks because oh god I love it so much and I waste so much time on it! I was wondering if you had any fics similar to any of Cloudyjenn's twitter fics, where she has a bunch of separate little pieces put together to make a full story. I love her writing and find it really easy to read.
For those interested, you can find cloudyjenn's tweetfics on the bottom half of her fic master post. 
Submitted by windriel:
Testament [M, 1,800 word count]
A series of snapshots of Castiel’s life (or, at least, the years that matter most).
And that submission reminded me of two fics: 36 Views of Dean and Castiel and the one below.
Non-Blue Photo [T, 2,200 word count]
Fifty snapshots of the before, the after, and the in between.
Ask #5 (anon): cas calms a baby
I tried the domestic tags but they just really didn't have what I was looking for ummm do you know of any fics where Sam and dean find a baby (supernatural or not, just not the shifter) and it just keeps crying until they call cas and the baby only stops crying around cas so cas has to stay with them or something?
Well, you'd actually want to be looking at our kid!fic tag...though we don't know of any quite like this!
A kind of-ish rec submitted by majorenglishesquire: Dear Mal (tumblr ficlet; includes a screaming baby succubus) 
If any of our followers have anything to rec, drop it in our ask box (mention which ask you are talking about by number or bolded title). Thanks!!
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