#itsscottiesstark undone
itsscottiesstark · 7 months
Okay but what if they figured out the baby-swap went wrong like a couple of days later so they go knocking on doors around Tadfield trying to find him and when they do they move in next door posing as an old - not legally, yet - married couple fake dating trope yay that just so happens to be very free and very willing to babysit every time Deirdre asks and Adam loves them because they're weird and Crowley especially because he lets him act out but he also talks to him about stars and constellations telling him the myths about them all and also Aziraphale tells him the greatest bed time stories and then when the Apocalypse doesn't happen they end up moving properly to Tadfield, have a little wedding in their back yard with Adam as the ring bearer and they have family dinners because they're technically his godparents at this point and so they get to watch him grow up and conquer the world but not in a supernatural way just in a "I'm passionate and brilliant and can do anything" way and they finally get their cottage but not in South Downs but in Tadfield instead, what then?
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itsscottiesstark · 13 days
Undone - Chapter 2
“Y'know what couples do?” Crowley began, downing his third glass of wine— no, was it brandy? Who even cared any more.
Aziraphale blinked at him slowly, hazy eyes trying to focus before he managed to realise he was meant to answer. “What?”
“Couples— couples touchhhh,” he hissed, barely in control of his own tongue.
“Do they?” the angel raised a challenging eyebrow, resting his glass on the desk next to him.
“Yesss,” the demon nodded vehemently, regretting it almost instantly. “They— they touch, and they…” Crowley tried to get his thoughts in order, in an attempt to at the very least delay making a fool out of himself for as long as possible. “They certainly don’t sit on opposite sides of the room, I’ll tell you that much,” he finally mumbled.
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I'm gonna make a new tag list so if you want in, simply let me know! Thank you 💞💞
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itsscottiesstark · 20 days
Hi! Remember that hypothetical scenario about a hypothetical fic? The writer grew very not-hypothetical balls and decided to start posting it. Thank you all for your enthusiasm, you're all tagged. Without further ado, welcome to...
Mere hours before their plan to influence Warlock Dowling is set in motion, Crowley receives an unsettling phone call that unravels everything. A careless mistake made on the night the Antichrist arrived on earth, leads Aziraphale and Crowley into a frantic search for a newborn in Tadfield, but their efforts quickly prove fruitless. In a haze of frustration and alcohol, Aziraphale devises a scheme to make them appear more approachable, hoping it will improve their chances of uncovering the information they desperately need.
Just how awful would everything have been if they'd been at all competent?
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I'm tagging everyone that seemed even remotely interested in the most recent post I made about this. Let me know if you want to be added on the list or removed (no hard feelings). 💞
@eybefioro @aroaceblackhole @stell-is-real @mamamissy @hellandholywater @captainblou @olivelouis @bellisima-writes @lavendermoonlitskies @goodwoahmens @handyowlet @sparklyshinymagpie @thebexfiles @nimbusalba @no-paperwork @onelineinthesand @j-c-weiss
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itsscottiesstark · 4 months
Me: Working on my WIP that's been going on for months, is more than halfway done, but nevertheless have yet to get to the important bits of.
My brain: Here, a whole new fic idea.
Me: No, I'm still working on this o-
My brain: Oh my god they are soulmates.
Me: I have an actual fic in pro-
My brain: Here's the title.
My brain: Here's a plot point for the epilogue, you're welcome.
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itsscottiesstark · 6 days
Undone - Chapter 3 (continue on Ao3)
“Hey,” Crowley said softly, leaning in. His voice carried a warmth he didn’t usually let slip through. “You did good.”
The angel blinked, as if the simple contact had broken through the fog clouding his mind. Crowley felt a slight tremor in the muscles beneath his hands, a sign of the tension that had built up, but hadn’t yet released.
“I—” Aziraphale began, his voice barely above a whisper, but it faltered. His eyes were wide now, searching Crowley’s face for reassurance, his vulnerability stark, raw in a way he rarely let show. He looked utterly lost, as if the ground had slipped from beneath him and he was still reaching for something solid to stand on.
“You did good,” Crowley repeated, his voice firmer now, as though trying to push the words deeper into Aziraphale’s heart. He softened his grip, letting his hands glide down to give a gentle, reassuring stroke along Aziraphale’s arms. “She believed you. You were brilliant.”
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Chapter 3 is here! We've got new characters, advances in their own relationship as well as their relationship with Deirdre and Adam. And also we take a peek of their house. 👀
Short taglist, let me know if you want to be added or removed! 💞 @hellsgardener01 @once-upon-the-earth @eybefioro
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itsscottiesstark · 15 days
Undone - Chapter 1
Crowley blinked at the ceiling, slow and dazed, until it clicked. “Angel…” Then he was sitting up too. “Are you suggesting we go ask around... Pretending we're a couple?”
The dubious look the demon shot his way rendered Aziraphale speechless. In a matter of seconds, all the confidence he’d felt evaporated. Suddenly, the not-so-lost original manuscript of The Forme of Cury seemed a lot more interesting— humans would say he avoided Crowley’s eyes like the plague wouldn’t they; not that he’d have to avoid the plague, he was merely fond of their little expression. As if on reflex, words stumbled out of his mouth. “I— it's stupid— I've had a lot to drink— don't mind me— I— apologies, I—”
The first chapter of my new fic is up, people, here's a tiny little taste. Check it out before I post chapter 2 on Sunday. If anything, it'll give me motivation to write the damned finale. 💞💞
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itsscottiesstark · 8 days
Catch up on chapter 2 of Undone before chapter 3 on Sunday!
Here's a snippet for chapter 3 👀
Crowley walked over to the armchair previously occupied by the angel and sank into it, making himself comfortable. It felt weird to take his place without asking, but he found it more helpful to prop the baby up on the arm rest, once he had calmed down enough. The baby’s weight was surprisingly solid against his chest, warm and grounding. Crowley wasn’t used to the sensation, but he found it oddly comforting.
Both Aziraphale and Deirdre couldn’t take their eyes off him, though for entirely different reasons.
“How are you so good at this?” Deirdre whispered, and the others didn't miss the hint of grievance in her voice. She had been trying for ten minutes to do what Crowley somehow managed to achieve within seconds.
Crowley gave her a half shrug in response, careful not to disturb Adam that was finally going back to sleep, fully content to be cradled in his arms. “I dunno,” he muttered when he was sure it was safe to stop humming. “I've always— I dunno, kids like me, for some reason.”
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Guess I should add the 'Crowley is good with kids' tag 👀
Short taglist, let me know if you want to be added or removed! 💞
@hellsgardener01 @once-upon-the-earth
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itsscottiesstark · 1 day
Catch up on chapter 3 of Undone before chapter 4 on Sunday!
Here's a lil snippet from chapter 4:
Aziraphale looked him up and down apprehensively, reaching over to brush a stray leaf mingled in the demon’s hair. “You must have been tired,” he mused, lightly running his fingers through the auburn strands as if to untangle them.
There was no need, his hair never got tangled; Crowley appreciated the feeling nonetheless. Just when Crowley’s eyelids had started to droop with the gentleness, Aziraphale spoke again.
“Have you been sleeping well?”
Crowley shook his head as if to clear it, consequently pulling away from Aziraphale’s touch. The angel’s hand hovered next to his head for a second and then fell limply to his side.
“‘M fine,” he mumbled dismissively, turning towards the patio. “Dinner?” 
Aziraphale barely frowned, lips setting firmly for a second before he caught himself and forced a smile on his face. The demon’s push and pull was almost driving Aziraphale mad, he was hesitant to make a move when he clammed up like this. He only wished Crowley had someone to talk to, even if that wasn’t him.
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Short taglist, let me know if you want to be added or removed! 💞
@hellsgardener01 @once-upon-the-earth @eybefioro
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itsscottiesstark · 17 days
Talk to us about your fictions! They're all in my TBR list.
What are you most proud of? What prompted you to write them? Did you ever write anything before GO fanfiction? Was there anything you were nervous about before pressing "post" that turned out didn't need worrying about?
Or anything you want to share about your fictions that's not in the summary! Show off, promote, share links!
Omg hi!! 💞 Wow ummmm first of all thanks for asking and I hope you enjoy my little stories! Buckle up for a long ass response lmao 😂
Okay, one question at a time, I guess. What am I most proud of, well I guess as lame as it sounds I'm proud of myself for trying my hand at writing and putting the stories out there. Turns out anyone can write, who would've thunk? What prompted me? Well- um. Brain rot. Fr, I got these ideas in my head, silly little prompts and they wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote them down. I've been reading fanfiction for- close to 10 years now wow and so I figured why not? Never really wrote anything before good omens, though the ideas were still there for other fandoms as well. I'm nervous every single time I post *anything* on AO3, I go over the chapters again and again, looking for grammar mistakes, questioning the dialogue, questioning my descriptions, questioning the whole story at times- but well at the end of the day I'm proud of the stories and I eventually leave them be. Nobody's complained so far. 😅 Ummmmm can't think of anything that I want to share I haven't already (though thank you for the opportunity 💞) only that writing and posting the stories has made me appreciate fic writers soooo much more and I love how it helped me see how important feedback is. I love leaving comments in other people's stories and seeing the responses almost as much as I love people leaving comments on my stories and responding to them. It's such a beautiful and sadly underrated thing. Leave comments people!!
The links are all pinned to the top of my profile, except for my most recent one which only has one chapter out (even though 11 out of 13 are written and edited). Check out Undone - Chapter 1 if you haven't already and please do let me know what you think! ❤️
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itsscottiesstark · 2 months
"So," Aziraphale took it upon himself to bring them back to the present, "where do I put my hands?"
Prompt: For every "🌹" received in my inbox I'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing.
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itsscottiesstark · 6 months
Occasionally I write stuff. I rarely post them on AO3. Here. 🤲🏽
Bingo card ~ 7.5k, Rating: Teens and Up
Takes place right after the church bombing in 1941, we follow Aziraphale and Crowley to the theatre and peek behind the scenes. Kissing. So. Much. Kissing.
Heaven isn't built to house a love like you and I ~ 37k, Rating: Teens and Up
Starting off right after the night at Crowley's flat, we take a peek into Aziraphale and Crowley's "precious, peaceful, fragile existence" they slowly carve out for themselves after Armage-not. We get to see Aziraphale slowly but surely reach out for the demon time and time again, bringing them closer than ever. Until Jim happens. And it all goes to shit.
We keep this love in a photograph ~ 2k, Rating: General Audiences
1941-Bookshop. Aziraphale is reflecting back to his relationship with Crowley, trying to find some sort of logic in all those newfound feelings. Canon compliant so no actual kissing or anything else.
Undone ~ WIP 3/14 chapters out now, Rating: Teens and Up
Canon compliant-ish "What if...?" Story. What if Crowley had figured out Warlock wasn't the actual Antichrist a few days after he delivered the baby?
Crowley and Aziraphale move in next to the Youngs, posing as a married couple and help raise Adam as honorary uncles.
Just how awful would everything have been if they'd been at all competent?
This baby has got it all. Fake relationship, only one bed, slow burn, fluff, humour, some angst. By the end, 100ish thousand words of this.
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I hope you enjoy these as much as I enjoyed writing them. If you did, there's more where those came from, in the works. 💕
Every middle of the night fic idea I have or prompt or an update on my WIPs is tagged #itsscottiesstark writes.
You can check out my posts with the tag #itsscottiesstark posts.
You can check out my gifs with the tag #itsscottiesstark gifs.
The posts I reblog and add something more to, are tagged #itsscottiesstark reblogs.
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