#itv primeval
blazenka · 1 year
If Cutter was still alive and the team traveled around the world tracking anomalies together. Loch Ness, Chupacabra, and Sasquatch; what will the team find? More importantly, what might the team find out about each other? Series of one-shots
Original source: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6349056/1/Legends
Chapters: 3
Published: 2010-07-03 - 2010-09-06  
Words: 4823
Rated: Fiction T - Language: English - Genre: Humor/Supernatural - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 3
Exported with the assistance of FicHub.net
Part three: Now we head to Mexico. Let's see what adventures and mishaps the team shall find this time. Hope you enjoy! 
Chapter 3: La Chupacabra de Mexico:
Connor and Abby awoke early that morning as they got ready for the airport. "How many hours difference is there between England and Central America?" Abby wondered as she made arrangements for their pets. "Um… I think about… five or six hours behind of us," Connor stated as he moved the luggage to the SUV waiting outside.
"So, do you know exactly where we're headed to?" Connor asked the team as they finished loaded up. "No clue, as usual," Jenny stated with a glare towards Cutter. "It'll be a surprise," he smiles as he climbed into the vehicle. "Really? A 'surprise'?" Jenny squeaked, "If its somewhere cold as bloody hell again, I'm going to put you in a lot of pain Nick Cutter," she threatened.
Connor and Abby sunk back into their seats as Becker and Sarah tried to look out the windows with all their intention. "Well, hope you did not pack for somewhere cold because it's not," Cutter announced to the group as they headed towards the airport.
It was almost unbearably hot as they headed to the center of the city. Actually, it reminded Connor a lot of Abby's flat except for the abnormally thick smoked atmosphere. "Alright, if you need water or to wash anything, please, I'm warning you to use bottled water," Cutter warned the group.
"And don't eat anything that has been washed with water here, either," Jenny added as they headed towards a smaller town. "As long as we're out of this smoke," Abby demanded as she grasped Connor's arm when they went over a bump.
"I thought Mexico City was supposed to be picturesque?" Sarah asked as they continued down the dirt road. "According to their tourism department, it is," Cutter stated with dry amusement. "But we're not staying in the city, are we?" Connor asked and Cutter nodded in agreement from the rear view mirror. "We're staying in the outer limits of the city near farming villages," he informed the group. Jenny felt all her enthusiasm drain as she could only guess why and where exactly they would have to stay.
"Cutter, I hate to ask but what creature are we exactly looking for?" Connor spoke warily. "The Chupacabra, I believe it is pronounced," he replied. "We're searching for a monstrous goat eater?" Jenny and Connor squeaked or gasped, it was hard to tell in the cramped vehicle. All Cutter could do was smile.
The whole day had been a disaster. Cutter had used the matrix to predict an anomaly in Mexico and they had no problem finding the creature in the country side. It was trying to capture and deal with the futuristic furless canine that had been the issue.
Sarah, Cutter and Connor had tried to set a trap for the creature. Their plan ended up failing in true Scooby-Doo style as Connor got caught in the trap. They eventually sent the mangy canine back into the anomaly and locked it after it tried to attack Abby.
Connor and Abby were exhausted and decided to go to a local bar for at least a lager. The cantina did not have lagers or any alcoholic beverage they recognized however, the bartender there suggested they tried a strange amber colored liquid - tequila. Both Abby and Connor had never seen nor tried the foreign drink before. After some coaxing from Abby, a very reluctant Connor tried some tequila with her.
Abby woke the next morning with a serious hangover, who would know tequila was so strong? She sure hadn't. Now she thought it was probably a bad idea to convince Connor to try it with her.
With a groan, Abby wrapped the sheet tighter around her slim frame as she rolled over into something warm and hard. As first she just continued to nudge whatever it was only to have to move back towards her. It was only when it growled in protest that did she stop and finally open her eyes. She was met with a half naked Connor lying on his stomach next to her.
For the first time, she lifted the sheets to see that she was, in fact, naked. Abby couldn't help but wonder how she managed to not notice or how she ended up this way. She quickly drew more of the sheet tighter around her. Yet, as she drew more sheets to cover herself, she had to use the sheets that were covering Connor.
Unfortunately as she did, it caused the sheets to be drawn off of Connor's body. Abby was shocked to find that Connor was not half naked as she originally thought but was completely butt naked in bed beside her. She let her eyes wander down his bare back all the way down his naked ass and muscular legs.
Even though Abby had seen Connor all the time in their flat in just his boxers, it had been at least a year since then. Now Abby could see the entire effect anomaly work and dinosaur chasing had down to his body. His body looked toned with subtle muscles, and Abby would have never noticed any of this since Connor always kept himself hidden under layers of clothing.
Grim thoughts popped into her mind and Abby hoped she had not slept with him. It would most certainly ruin their friendship and Abby could not bare losing him. She needed to wake him before the team found them both in such a situation.
"Connor," she whispered harshly as she again tried to nudge him awake. Connor just continued to whimper in protest. "Please, Abbs, five more minutes," he muttered as he snuggled deeper into the pillow. Abby rolled her eyes; she guessed she should be glad he didn't call her 'mother'.
"Connor," she pleaded, "You need to wake up, please." Somehow that got Connor's attention as he awoke to see Abby clutching a sheet to her body. "Abby, why are you in my bed?" he asked, still in a sleepy daze. "One way or another we ended up in bed together last night and we're naked, Connor," she informed him sternly.
Connor's eyes went wide and he tried to sit up. Unfortunately, he rolled over into sitting position and right off the bed with a load thump unto the floor. This also allowed Abby to view the whole front of his body - all the way from his head down to his… er, waist. Of course, she couldn't help herself but to look at everything with a surprised wide-eyed expression.
Abby eventually turned away as she felt blood rush to her cheeks. She had just seen Connor naked, could she still think they possibly might maintain a normal 'just friends' relationship? She would try as she turned away and coughed, "Connor," she warned cautiously.
Quickly, Connor jumped up as he grabbed a pillow off the bed to cover himself. Just as he started to try to somehow explain, a knock came to the door. Well, more like a bang with forced entry, "Connor? Abby? Are you two… alright?" a masculine voice asked with deep confusion.
Connor turned around to face the rest of his team. Sarah stood baffled along with Becker while Jenny and Cutter seemed to have mixed amused expressions of their face. "We can explain," Connor began before Abby made her presence know.
"No, we can't, Connor," she stated dryly. "We can't?" he asked as his voice rose to near soprano. "Unless you can remember last night since I can't, then no, Connor, we can't explain," she explained as she gathered up the sheet to move into the bathroom. "Right," Connor admitted as he donned a pained expression to the rest of the group.
Stifled laughs and whispered comments could be heard as the team loaded up their vehicle. Cutter explained how tequila was notorious for its potency, and Abby could literally feel the shame on her face. She couldn't image how Connor felt, especially since everyone on the team saw his unclothed backside.
Yet, Connor seemed to go on as normal unless Abby was near and she knew he blamed her for the whole incident. "Listen, Connor, I'm…" "Abby, I'm sorry," he told her, beating her to the apology. Abby just stared at him, he was sorry? "Please don't kick me out of the flat," he added with sincere fear in his eyes.
"Why would I kick you out of our flat, Conn?" she had to know why he was sorry. Spiking drinks was something Connor would never do so other than that Abby could not think of anything he should apologize for. "I embarrassed you in front of the whole team. I can't remember last night to give you a proper explanation and I'm so terribly sorry," he explained.
Abby sighed in understanding, it was so typical Connor. "Connor, I convinced you to drink the tequila in the first place. You have nothing to apologize for," she informed him but when he just stared at her she reassured him, "And no, I will not be kicking you out of the flat," and Connor's shoulder's relaxed.
"Thank you," he whispered as they finished packing the last of their luggage. "You know," he stated, "I remember us dancing. It was nice," he admitted. "Yea, me too," she agreed with a smile. "We could go ask that bartender what and if anything happened that night, if you want," Connor offered. "How about we just leave this a mystery, Conn?" she offered in return and he nodded as they entered the vehicle. Both Abby and Connor were equally excited that they were going home and far away from any tequila.
Maybe it was best if they did not mention their time in Mexico, especially since the rest of the team was sure to never let them forget any time soon.
Thank you for reading!
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tvthemesongs · 9 months
Primeval intro
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Douglas henshall and Andrew Lee pots on the set of primeval
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mywingsareonwheels · 2 years
“Endeavour”/”Primeval” crossover suggestion:-
(hey, anomalies can take you to the late 1960s too!)
- instead of a tiger in the maze, it’s a sabre-toothed cat
- as in “Endeavour” no one takes Bright seriously until he saves the day, and this is exactly what happens here too. He’s rather startled to have not just the whole of Oxford CID but also all of Nick Cutter’s team slapping his back and offering to buy him a pint. He’d prefer a burra peg of Scotch or a gin and tonic, please.
- Stephen, Abby and co. encountering Morse’s heroic lack of self-preservation and looking between him and Nick: “oh God there’s another one”. - Nick gets on really well with Fred Thursday and ends up confiding in him about Helen. Fred very very very emphatically hopes that Helen and Morse never meet.
- for some reason Connor’s silly friends are there, thus leading to this bit of entertaining confusion:-
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[ID1: a screenshot of James Bradshaw (a white man with a round face and glasses, then around 30 though looking somewhat younger) as Duncan in Primeval looking up off-screen, terrified, holding his hands up as though to ward something off. He is wrapped up warm, wearing a parka, woolly hat, fingerless gloves. ID2: a publicity photo of James Bradshaw (now in his early 40s, still wearing glasses) as Dr Max DeBryn in one of the later series of Endeavour, looking somewhat puzzled and concerned at the camera. He’s in close-up but he’s wearing a smart collared shirt (white with grey pinstripes), a rather snazzy bowtie (black with little geometric flowers on), and a brown coat.]
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vonlipwig · 1 year
remember in the mid- to late-00s when the bbc and itv were locked in some kind of fun-for-all-the-family sci-fi/fantasy/supernatural space race on a shoestring budget and at 6:30pm every saturday everyone in the country sat down to watch doctor who or primeval or robin hood or demons or merlin and they all had wonky prosthetics and janky cgi and brilliant self-contained episodes? we should go back to that time.
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noddytheornithopod · 10 months
"In my opinion, the show never quite recovered when he left during Season 3. It’s a decision I still regret to this day." holy shit
read the article in general though, it's pretty cool
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actionm4n · 3 months
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#ACTIONM4N ... an independent, private, mutuals only captain hilary becker  of the itv sci-fi series, primeval. prioritizes plot and worldbuilding, heavily based on personal headcanon. as protected by becker ( she / her. 28. sporadic activity. ). originally est 2015. rebooted 2024. previously found @/securiitystuff.
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dcvilgrams · 5 months
asking a question you already know full well the answer to....... just so you can say BONE....... i'm not even mad i'd've done the same thing ffs
let's just include a list over the course of the last almost-decade shall we?
doctor who/torchwood
itv's primeval
the vampire diaries/the originals
lost girl
true blood
whatever the fuck else i had on those 3 multimuse rp blogs....
dragon age
kingdom hearts
twisted wonderland
playchoices' bloodbound & nightbound
wynonna earp & most recently......
obey me! & nightbringer
demon slayer
one piece
EDIT:: oh but i should say my biggest inspiration from media is my overwhelming rage at plotlines & characters & stories & worldbuilding that are all woefully under-realized & never get to reach their true potential in the media canon...... which inevitably leads to my constant "oh my god just let me do it i'll make it so much better!!" philosophy
writer's truth & dare ask game | my ask
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tvsotherworlds · 10 months
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blazenka · 1 year
If Cutter was still alive and the team traveled around the world tracking anomalies together. Loch Ness, Chupacabra, and Sasquatch; what will the team find? More importantly, what might the team find out about each other? Series of one-shots
Original source: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6349056/1/Legends
Chapters: 3
Published: 2010-07-03 - 2010-09-06  
Words: 4823
Rated: Fiction T - Language: English - Genre: Humor/Supernatural - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 3
Exported with the assistance of FicHub.net
Part two:  This chapter is a 'slight' crossover between Primeval and Destination Truth; a show from SyFy - an American channel that also showed Primeval for a short period. Just one question kicked off this short: "What does Jenny Lewis hate the most?"
Chapter 2: Beast of Dartmoor:
The England valleys and hills were cold yet the team felt it was not from the temperature. One would not expect for the vivid green and picturesque forest to give off such an eerie vibe or to hold such horrendous terror.
"We are in beautiful Dartmoor in the center of Devon, England whilst searching for…" yet the host would not be able to finish his statement for the television cameras because the next thing that could be heard was, "Connor, watch out!"
The film crew and investigators quickly rushed to the spot of vocal distress to witness a large black beast run off into the forest while a short blonde tried to assist a brunette and bloody male. "God, Connor… are you alright?" Abby asked full of concern. "I'll be alright Abbs but I can't believe I let that damn beast get away," Connor said as he brushed the dirt and bits of moss off his slacks. "Let the best get away? Connor, you could have been killed! You should have just let the hell hound go," Abby stated while being obviously annoyed.
"Hell hound?" A man gasped as he approached Abby and Connor with two other people followed by a camera man. "Well, ah…" Connor stuttered as he tried to regain some control over his confusion, "It looked like one. As in what Sir Arthur Conan Doyle described them in his books," he covered with a smile. "Who are you guys?" Abby asked with frustration and signature glare.
"Yea, we're researches from a television on the SyFy channel," he stated while pointing to the group. "So you're… a scientist?" Abby asked, silently hoping, while Connor continued to stare. "Actually, I'm just a television host, but we try to be scientific," Josh smiled. "Oh bloody hell; you're Josh Gates from Destination Truth!" Connor exclaimed as he finally woken from his stupor. "Yea, so, what about you guys?" the man, Mike, asked them. "We are… researchers from London…" Abby began as she stared warily at Connor. She should have realized later as she scolded herself that since the people came from a channel called SyFy, Connor had probably seen their show.
"So, tell us more about this hell hound," Josh began to press the too as the camera man began to focus in. "Well… ah…" Abby began before she was cut off. "What is going on here?"
Jenny Lewis was definitely not pleased to see two of her coworkers with a group of unfamiliar people in front of a camera. "Bloody hell…" she whispered under her breath as she stalked towards them.
'I could kill those two, at the very least I could kill Connor,' Jenny swore as she watched her supposed 'technology managing genius practically drool over the group with the camera man. "They're from a show Connor watched regularly about creatures…" Abby tried to explain as Connor chatted with the host.
Jenny could feel her anger boiling over as she marched over to the group. "I'm sorry but this is a government investigation so could you and your silly little camera please go and let our researchers get back to work?" she requested in the most pleasant voice she could muster. "Well, we are also looking for answers and…" Josh began before being cut off.
"No, you are looking for some story for your show." Jenny stated matter of factly as she placed her hands on her hips.
"Well, we are. So for the camera could you please stated what government offices you work for… I'm sorry, I didn't quit catch your name?" Josh stated as the camera focuses.
"Because I did not throw it," Jenny replied harshly, "Now,  We are actually doing work here so go… now," she reasserted before going back to Connor and promptly grasping him by his dorky ear.
Jenny then walked back to base camp with Abby and Connor in tow after she stated some parting words, "Just so you know, Mr. Gates, I can have you kicked out of this country if you hinder our investigation any further!"
"Well, with little help from some government officials who shall be unnamed and not filmed, our investigation was into the Dartmoor beast was left to the unsolved file as something was there in the hilly lands of England but no one could say for sure if it was indeed a beast from hell. This is Josh Gates for Destination truth… signing off," he finished before signaling for the camera to cut.
"Oh, it's adorable," Jenny exclaimed as the large black lion-like creature continued to purr against her stocking clad leg. "Yes, it does have some sense of cute-ness about it," Abby admitted as she petted it upon its head. "I believe it's a futuristic evolution of the zoo lion we know today. Possible adapted for the urban environment and got stuck here in the forest," Connor tried to explain as he took notes.
"Well, let's take it back to the ARC so people can stop hunting for it," Jenny suggested. "Like that television show?" Abby guessed and could not help but wince as Jenny fumed. "Especially from people who host god-awful television shows on the science fiction network!"
Thank you for reading.
p.s. If you did not get the answer to the question from the story, it was cameras, especially cameras of television stations that specialize finding what the team tries to hide. It's a PR nightmare for her, poor Jenny.
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jacquelinemoleski · 2 years
Primeval Vol. 3 Review
Primeval Vol. 3 Review
Series Title: Primeval Season: vol. 3 (Series 4 & 5) Episodes: 13 Discs: 4 Network: ITV Cast: Andrew Lee Potts, Hannah Spearritt, Ben Mansfield, Ben Miller, Ciarán McMenamin, Alexander Siddig, Ruth Kearney, Ruth Bradley Format: Color, Widescreen, NTSC, R1 This review contains spoilers for the volume 3 US DVD release of Primeval (Series 4 & 5 in the UK). Volume 3 of Primeval opens with…
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Um if any of you guys want a Primeval hoodie in Animal Crossing New Horizons (I haven’t got pics, can’t be bothered) I put one up. Look up “Primeval” and it’s like the only thing there. It’s just got an anomaly on the front and says “A.R.C” on the back, nothing special, but I was bored this morning and made it. I think it looks pretty decent. Anyway
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purpleyin · 4 years
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Primeval moodboards: Connor Temple
Quote at bottom centre by Hunter S. Thompson.
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actualraptcr · 5 years
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no shadow to bear
there are hundreds of moments, thousands of minutes, and millions of years to a love story. reality might be ripping itself apart at the seams, but somehow, they make it work. eventually.
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doctorfriend79 · 2 years
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Ben Miller Being Interviewed At ITV Palooza 2021
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thatbiologist · 3 years
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Just a meme I made today.
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