Partners, do not separate
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bylertruther · 1 year
Hey! Regarding your post about Vecna Smell, I have what I believe to be the answer! I'm a mortician and I've dealt with bodies who have extensive burns but have now gone cold and don't have that inherent Alive Person Smell and have the Dead Person Smell instead on top of the burning. Gun to my head I can't describe the smell but boy it sure sticks with you. This is largely unhelpful and it's a burden I must bear to know what Vecna probably smells like. But meat freezer is close.
hello! thank you for sharing. :)
i like the combo of the gunpowder + sulfuric + damp wetland + meat freezer smell, because of the whole burnt to a crisp, "space traveler" + living in a musty environment and being the mustiest + living with carnivores and having dead bodies around thing. meat freezer has that stagnant thing to it, too, which fits metaphorically because the upside down and its master(s) are stuck.
i like to imagine it's one of those smells where you can taste every breath you take, or at least it feels like you can. like, overall, it's just... not something you get used to, and it gets exacerbated by the build up of spores that you're inhaling or whatever, because now it's on the inside, too. every breath, you're aware of it, but it's not like you can just stop breathing.
but it'd also be cool if it had its own... otherness? like, we could try our best to describe it, but we won't come close because this is something entirely new. like, the monsters for example. the particles. the mucus they secrete and that covers everything. whatever it is that their blood, saliva, and other bodily products would smell like, fertilizing the earth—which, speaking of, what is it made of? because that'd obviously contribute, too.
idk. i like to think about these things lol. 💙
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radiovoyager · 8 months
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pikahlua · 4 months
MHA Chapter 424 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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2 ワシントン州 ワシントンしゅう WASHINTON-shuu State of Washington
tagline 決戦から数日… けっせんからすうじつ… kessen kara suujitsu... A few days after the decisive battle...
3 ーーーーご覧の通り全国に渡って快晴となるでしょう ーーーーごらんのとおりぜんこくにわたってかいせいとなるでしょう ----goran no toori zenkoku ni watatte kaisei to naru deshou "----As you can see, it will be sunny all across the country."
4 荒れるかに思われたこの一週間でしたが…… あれるかにおもわれたこのいっしゅうかんでしたが…… areru ka ni omowareta kono isshuukan deshita ga...... "This past week seemed like it was going to be rough, but......"
5 予報を大きく外してしまった事お詫び致します よほうをおおきくはずしてしまったことおわびいたします yohou wo ookiku hazushite shimatta koto owabi itashimasu "I apologize for being so far off the forecast."
6 メリルもう変なこと言うなよ〜 メリルもうへんなこというなよ〜 MERIEU mou hen na koto iuna yo~ Meryl, stop saying weird things~
7 しかし洗濯の際はご注意を しかしせんたくのさいはごちゅういを shikashi sentaku no sai wa gochuui wo "However, be careful with your laundry."
8 風はまだ強く吹いています かぜはまだつよくふいています kaze wa mada tsuyoku fuite imasu "The wind is still blowing strongly."
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1 あの日吹いた一陣の風は あのひふいたいちじんのかぜは ano hi fuita ichijin no kaze wa "The gust of wind that blew that day"
2 大きな戦いを経たこの世界に おおきなたたかいをへたこのせかいに ooki na tatakai wo heta kono sekai ni "through this world that went through a great battle,"
3 おーいそれこっち寄越したまえ おーいそれこっちよこしたまえ ooi sore kocchi yokoshita mae "Hey, please move it over here."
4 あ助かります あたすかります a tasukarimasu "Ah, that's helpful."
5 どのような影響をもたらすのかーーー引き続き予報を続けてまいります どのようなえいきょうをもたらすのかーーーひきつづきよほうをつづけてまいります dono you na eikyou wo motarasu no ka---hiki tsudzuki yohou wo tsudzukete mairimasu "what kind of impact will it have?---We will coninue to forecast." (Note: Speech bubbles 1, 2, and 5 would be combined in English to more colloquially say something like: "We will continue to forecast what kind of impact the gust of wind that blew that day will have on this world that has gone through a great battle.")
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1 もうお家建ってるぅ‼︎ もうおうちたってるぅ‼︎ mou ouchi tatteruu!! "The houses are already built!!"
2 タケノコみたいィィ‼︎ TAKENOKO mitaiII!! "Like bamboo shoots!!" (Note: I think what is meant by this line is that the houses are springing up quickly like bamboo shoots.)
3 一週間が過ぎた いっしゅうかんがすぎた isshuukan ga sugita One week has passed.
4 蛇腔戦以降手つかずだった復旧作業が急速に進んでいる じゃくうせんいこうてつかずだったふっきゅうさぎょうがきゅうそくにすすんでいる jakuu-sen ikou tetsukazu datta fukkyuu sagyou ga kyuusoku ni susunde iru Restoration work, which has remained untouched since the battle of Jakuu, is rapidly progressing.
5 戦いの後 たたかいのあと tatakai no ato After the battle,
6-7 アメリカを始めとした多くの国からたくさんの支援が アメリカをはじめとしたおおくのくにからたくさんのしえんが AMERIKA wo hajime to shita ooku no kuni kara takusan no shien ga starting with the USA, lots of support from many countries
8 続々と届いている ぞくぞくととどいている zokuzoku to todoite iru arrived one after another.
9 彼らの戦いを見て動かすにはいられませんでした かれらのたたかいをみてうごかすにはいられませんでした karera no tatakai wo mite ugokasu ni wa iraremasendeshita "As I watched their battle, I couldn't be kept from mobilizing"
10 審査機関から図面貰えたんで しんさきかんからずめんもらえたんで shinsa kikan kara zumen moraetande "I received the blueprints from the inspection authority."
11 建てられるとこから建ててっちゃいましょう たてられるとこからたててっちゃいましょう taterareru toko kara tatetecchaiumashou "Let's start building where we can."
small text 建築基準法もクリア けんちくきじゅんほうもクリア kenchiku kijunhou mo KURIA "They clear the Building Standards Act."
12 オーケー OOKEE "Okay."
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1 超常以前はこの規模の復旧に10年以上はかかったでしょう ちょうじょういぜんはこのきぼのふっきゅうに10ねんいじょうはかかったでしょう choujou izen wa kono kibo no fukkyuu ni 10nen ijou wa kakatta deshou "Before the [advent of the] paranormal, a recovery of this scale would have taken more than 10 years."
2 しかしこれだけの"個性"が寄り集まればきっとすぐにーーー しかしこれだけの"こせい"がよりあつまればきっとすぐにーーー shikashi kore dake no "kosei" ga yori atsumareba kitto sugu ni--- "However, if all these quirks come together, surely soon---"
3 元には戻らないですね もとにはもどらないですね moto ni modoranai desu ne "It's not going back to how it was before." (Note: This is a transition with an excellent double meaning. The doctor is delivering this news to Katsuki about his arm, but the line serves as a poignant conclusion to what was said previously on this same page. The previous lines essentially imply: "Surely if all of us with our quirks come together, everything will go back to how it was before!" The doctor's final word on this page is meant to show that no, things won't go back to the way they were before. Things have changed.)
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1 手術前にもお伝えしましたがこれが最善です しゅじゅつまえにもおつたえしましたがこれがさいぜんです shujutsu mae ni mo otsutae shimashita ga kore ga saizen desu "I told you this before the surgery, but this is the very best [that can be done]."
2 我々も彼の活躍を見ております故…手は尽くしました われわれもかれのかつやくをみておりますゆえ…てはつくしました wareware mo kare no katsuyaku wo mite orimasu yue...te wa tsukushimashita "As we are also watching his [ability to] flourish...we've done everything we can."
3 なんとか接合に接合を重ねて形は留めましたが なんとかせつごうにせつごうをかさねてかたちはとどめましたが nantoka setsugou ni setsugou wo kasanete katachi wa todomemashita ga "We somehow managed to keep the shape by arranging his joints on top of each other, but"
4 リハビリで動くようになるかは…明言できません リハビリでうごくようになるかは…めいげんできません RIHABIRI de ugoku you ni naru ka wa...meigen dekimasen "whether he'll become able to move again with rehabilitiation...I can't state [for certain]."
5 ヒーロー活動を見据えるならミルコのように義肢の選択も… ヒーローかつどうをみすえるならミルコのようにぎしのせんたくも… HIIROO katsudou wo misueru nara MIRUKO no you ni gishi no sentaku mo... "To ensure his hero activities, you can also choose prosthetic limbs like Mirko..."
small text 1 リハビリィ?じゃー切ってくれ リハビリィ?じゃーきってくれ RIHABIRII? jaa kitte kure Rehabilitation? Then just cut me loose.
small text 2 ※決戦前のミルコさん ※けっせんまえのミルコさん ※kessen mae no MIRUKO-san ※Mirko-san prior to the decisive battle
6 いーや良いよ いーやいいよ iiya ii yo "No, it's fine."
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1 俺の"個性"掌 由来だもん おれの"こせい"てのひら ゆらいだもん ore no "kosei" tenohira yurai da mon "The source of my quirk is the palms of my hands."
2 勝己…! かつき…! Katsuki...! "Katsuki...!"
3 それに sore ni "Additionally,"
4 あいつは"持って"すらなかったんだ…… あいつは"もって"すらなかったんだ…… aitsu wa "motte" suranakattanda...... "that guy didn't even have one......"
5 どんなキツイリハビリだろーがやってやんぜ今すぐ どんなキツイリハビリだろーがやってやんぜいますぐ donna KITSUI RIHABIRI daroo ga yatte yan ze ima sugu "No matter how intense the rehabilitation is, let's do it right away."
6 まだ負担の軽い訓練しかダメ まだふたんのかるいくんれんしかダメ mada futan no karui kunren shika DAME "Anything but the lightest of training yet would be bad."
7 は‼︎ ha!! "Hah[?]!"
8 腕よりねまず心臓よ君は うでよりねまずしんぞうよきみは ude yori ne mazu shinzou yo kimi wa "Before your arm, it's your heart first of all."
9 エッジショットの見事な縫合と心肺蘇生がなきゃ君 死んでたんだから エッジショットのみごとなほうごうとしんぱいそせいがなきゃきみ しんでたんだから EJJISHOTTO no migoto na hougou to shinpai sosei ga nakya kimi shindetanda kara "If not for Edgeshot's magnificent sutures and CPR, you would have died."
10 あの状態で戦い切ったのもちょっとよくわかんないのに あのじょうたいでたたかいきったのもちょっとよくわかんないのに ano joutai de tatakai kitta no mo chotto yoku wakannai noni "How you managed to finish a fight in that condition I don't really understand, but"
11 何でその後数キロも移動できたのかワケわかんないんだから なんでそのあとすうキロもいどうできたのかワケわかんないんだから nande sono ato suu KIRO mo idou dekita no ka WAKE wakannainda kara "how you were able to move several kilometers after that I also don't understand."
12 生かされ…応えたという他ない いかされ…こたえたというほかない ikasare...kotaeta to iu hoka nai "You were kept alive*...I have no response other than that." (*Note: This word for "kept alive" means also "let live," "revive," "resusciatete," "bring back to life," "restore," "put to good use," "make the best use of," "capitalize on," etc. I bring it up because the meaning here could change depending on whether or not the story elaborates on this moment in future chapters.)
13 とにかく絶対安静だからね とにかくぜったいあんせいだからね tonikaku zettai ansei dakara ne "Regardless, you absolutely must rest, okay?"
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1 起きたかい おきたかい okita kai "You awake?"
2 まさかオールマイトと同室なんて… まさかオールマイトとどうしつなんて… masaka OORU MAITO to doushitsu nante... "I can't believe I'm in the same room as All Might..."
3 塚内くんの計らいだよ つかうちくんのはからいだよ Tsukauchi-kun no hakarai da yo "It's Tsukauchi-kun's arrangements."
4 そっか… sokka... "I see..."
5 警備が楽なのと病室も有限だからね けいびがらくなのとびょうしつもゆうげんだからね keibi ga raku na no to byoushitsu mo yuugen dakara ne "[It makes] security easy, and hospital rooms are also limited."
6 オールマイト身体は… オールマイトからだは… OORU MAITO karada wa... "All Might, your body..."
7 こんなにボルト入れるの初めてだって言われたね こんなにボルトいれるのはじめてだっていわれたね konna ni BORUTO ireru no hajimete datte iwareta ne "I was told this is the first time they inserted a bolt like this."
8 緑谷少年は? みどりやしょうねんは? Midoriya-shounen wa? "And you, Young Midoriya?'
9 …腕の感覚が少し…ーーー… …うでのかんかくがすこし…ーーー… ...ude no kankaku ga sukoshi...---... "...There's a little bit of sensation in my arms...---..."
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1-2 転弧の命を救ける事はできませんでした てんこのいのちをたすけることはできませんでした Tenko no inochi wo tasukeru koto wa dekimasendeshita "I couldn't save Tenko's life."
3 心に手を伸ばして憎しみが砕けても こころにてをのばしてにくしみがくだけても kokoro ni te wo nobashite nikushimi ga kudaketemo "I reached out to his heart, and even though his hatred was crushed,"
4 転弧は最期まで てんこはさいごまで Tenko wa saigo made "to the very end, Tenko"
5 敵連合のリーダーでした ヴィランれんごうのリーダーでした VIRAN rengou no RIIDAA deshita "was the leader of the League of Villains."
6 臨死体験した身から言わせてもらうと りんしたいけんしたみからいわせてもらうと rinshi taiken shita mi kara iwasete morau to "Let me tell you this as someone who has had a near-death experience,"
7 最期にどんな表情だったかだと思うよ さいごにどんなカオだったかだとおもうよ saigo ni donna KAO (kanji: hyoujou) datta ka da to omou yo "I think it's in the expression on his face at the end."
8 もう…壊したよ もう…こわしたよ mou...kowashita yo You already...destroyed it.
9 それは…… sore wa...... That......
10 明日のおまえら次第だな あしたのおまえらしだいだな ashita no omaera shidai da na depends on you all tomorrow. (Note: I think a more apt, less literal way of saying this in English would be "That depends on all of you tomorrow...who you will be, what you will do.")
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1 せいぜい seizei "To the fullest,"
2 頑張れ がんばれ ganbare "do your best."
3 そこに泣いている少年がいなかったのなら そこにないているしょうねんがいなかったのなら soko ni naite iru shounen ga inakatta no nara "If there wasn't a crying boy there,"
4 やっぱり心は救ったのだと思うよ やっぱりこころはすくったのだとおもうよ yappari kokoro wa sukutta no da to omou yo "I think his heart was saved after all,"
5 OFAの使命と共にね ワン・フォー・オールのしめいとともにね WAN FOO OORU no shimei to tomo ni ne "along with One For All's mission."
6 譲渡したんだろう?伝わってきたよ わたしたんだろう?つたわってきたよ watashitandarou? tsutawatte kita yo "You transferred it to him, right? [That much] was conveyed back to me."
7 …はいけれど ...hai keredo "...Yes, but"
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1 まだ残り火が燻っているのを感じます まだのこりびがくすぶっているのをかんじます mada nokori bi ga kusubutte iru no wo kanjimasu "I still feel the embers smoldering."
2 なんで動けるのあんたはああ!!!!! なんでうごけるのあんたはああ!!!!! nande ugokeru no anta waaa!!!!! "How are you able to move!!!!!"
3 かっちゃん! Kacchan! "Kacchan!"
4 無事でよかった…! ぶじでよかった…! buji de yokatta...! "Thank goodness you're okay...!"
5 すみませんオールマイトこの子貴方が無事か心配してたみたいで すみませんオールマイトこのこあなたがぶじかしんぱいしてたみたいで sumimasen OORU MAITO kono ko anata ga buji ka shinpai shiteta mitai de "I'm sorry, All Might. This kid seemed worried about whether or not you were okay."
6 出久くんもごめんね いずくくんもごめんね Izuku-kun mo gomen ne "Sorry to you, too, Izuku-kun."
7 ……残り火って ……のこりびって ......nokori bi tte "......You said embers."
8 え e "Eh?"
9 じゃあそれ… jaa sore... "So then..."
10 おまえ… omae... "you..."
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1 "無個性"に "むこせい"に "mukosei" ni "[will become] quirkless..."
2 うん un "Yeah."
3 でも… demo... "But..."
4 元々なかったものだし もともとなかったものだし motomoto nakatta mono da shi "It was something I didn't have originally, so"
5 惜しいとかはないよ おしいとかはないよ oshii toka wa nai yo "I don't have any regrets."
small text 渡そうと思わないと渡せないモノだし わたそうとおもわないとわたせないモノだし watasou to omowanai to watasenai MONO da shi "Since it's something I can't transfer if I don't want to transfer it." (Note: Izuku is saying he has no regrets about transferring One For All because, by definition, he couldn't have done it if he didn't want to do it. He has no reason to regret something he wanted to do aka he accepted it.)
6 すごい夢を見させてもらったなって感じ すごいゆめをみさせてもらったなってかんじ sugoi yume wo misasete moratta natte kanji "It feels like I was allowed to have an amazing dream." (Note: This is similar to what Star & Stripe said as she died.)
7 どんな汚え手使やあ どんなきたねえてつかやあ donna kitanee te tsukayaa What dirty tricks did you use to do it, (Note: This is a flashback to chapter 5.)
8 "無個性"が受かるんだ "むこせい"がうかるんだ "mukosei" ga ukarunda you quirkless twerp? (Note: This is a flashback to chapter 5. Also note that in this line, Katsuki's memory is that he spoke the kanji for mukosei as "mukosei" aka "quirkless." In the original for chapter 5, the kanji were still mukosei for "quirkless," but Katsuki pronounced it as "temee" for "you bastard.")
9 じゃあ僕はその上を行く じゃあぼくはそのうえをいく jaa boku wa sono ue wo iku Then I'm gonna rise even higher than that. (Note: This is a flashback to chapter 121.)
10 行かなきゃいけないんだ…! いかなきゃいけないんだ…! ikanakya ikenainda...! I've gotta keep growing too! (Note: This is a flashback to chapter 121.)
11 俺に追いつかれてンなよ出久 おれにおいつかれてンなよいずく ore ni oitsukareteNna yo Izuku Don't let me overtake you, Izuku! (Note: This is a flashback to chapter 423.)
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1 えええ eee "Ehhh?"
2 泣っ なっ Na- "Cry-"
3 っちゃん⁉︎ cchan!? "-cchan!?" (Note: The new "Wacchan!")
4 いや… iya... "No..."
5 ええ… ee... "Ehh..."
6 っだァ… ddaA... "Ngah..."
7 マジで… MAJI de... "Seriously..."
8 マジで… MAJI de... "I seriously..."
9 おまえに…何しとったんだろうな俺 おまえに…なにしとったんだろうなおれ omae ni...nani shitottandarou na ore "wondered about what I had done...to you."
10 なんとなく nantonaku "[I thought] somehow,"
11 ずっとこのまま zutto kono mama "[we'd go on] like this forever,"
12-13 競い合って追っかけていくって きそいあっておっかけていくって kisoiatte okkakete iku tte "competing and chasing after each other."
14-16 なんか思ってた なんかおもってた nanka omotteta "I had been thinking something [like that]." (Note: The spaces between Katsuki's phrases and words indicate pauses like he's sobbing.)
17 やめてよらしくない…! yamete yo rashikunai...! "Stop it, this isn't like you...!"
18 とりあえずまだ…残り火あるし…‼︎ とりあえずまだ…のこりびあるし…‼︎ toriaezu mada...nokori bi aru shi...!! "For now, I still...have the embers...!!"
19 身体 弱ってるからメンタルも弱ってんだよ からだ よわってるからメンタルもよわってんだよ karada yowatteru kara MENTARU mo yowattenda yo "Since your body's weakened, your mental [strength] is weakened too."
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1 強くなったんだよ つよくなったんだよ tsuyoku nattanda yo "You've become stronger,"
2 2人とも 2りとも 2ri-tomo "both of you."
3 初めて会った日から随分変わった はじめてあったひからずいぶんかわった hajimete atta hi kara zuibun kawatta "You've changed considerably since the day we first met."
4 あの日駆け出した緑谷少年は あのひかけだしたみどりやしょうねんは ano hi kakedashita Midoriya-shounen wa "Young Midoriya, when you ran out that day,"
5 私にとって最高のヒーローだった わたしにとってさいこうのヒーローだった watashi ni totte saikou no HIIROO datta "you were the greatest hero to me."
6 だが今は皆を奮い立たせる だがいまはみんなをふるいたたせる daga ima wa minna wo furui tataseru "But now you inspire everyone."
7 皆にとっても最高のヒーローだ みんなにとってもさいこうのヒーローだ minna ni tottemo saikou no HIIROO da "You are the greatest hero to everyone."
8 そして… soshite... "And..."
9 これを伝える暇を私にくれた これをつたえるいとまをわたしにくれた kore wo tsutaeru itoma wo watashi ni kureta "you gave me the free time* to convey [all] this," (*Note: In English, the context for this word, "free time," would probably make more sense as the word "chance." Ex. "You gave me the chance to convery all this.")
10 爆豪少年も… ばくごうしょうねんも… Bakugou-shounen mo... "Young Bakugou, you too..."
11 最高のヒーローだ本当にありがとう さいこうのヒーローだほんとうにありがとう saikou no HIIROO da hontou ni arigatou "You are the greatest hero[es]. Thank you so much."
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1 子どもの頃は こどものころは kodomo no koro wa When I was a child,
2-3 戦いが終われば世界は自動的に平和になると思ってた たたかいがおわればせかいはじどうてきにへいわになるとおもってた tatakai ga owareba sekai wa jidouteki ni heiwa ni naru to omotteta I thought that, once a battle was over, the world would automatically become peaceful.
4 けれど keredo But,
5 僕らの物語は終われない ぼくらのものがたりはおわれない bokura no monogatari wa owarenai our story cannot end
6 戦いのあと僕らが明るい未来を示せるまで たたかいのあとぼくらがあかるいみらいをしめせるまで tatakai no ato bokura ga akarui mirai wo shimeseru made until after the battle we can show [you] a bright future. (Note: This is a callback to how Sir Nighteye said the world needs smiles and laughter or else it won't have a bright future.)
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1 更に向こうへ さらにむこうへ sara ni mukou e Go beyond.
tagline 1 少年たちを待つ新たな日常はーー しょうねんたちをまつあらたなにちじょうはーー shounen-tachi wo matsu arata na nichijou wa-- A new daily life awaits the young man and the others--
tagline 2 No.424 エピローグ 堀越耕平 ナンバー424 エピローグ ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 424 EPIROOGU  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 424 Epilogue Kouhei Horikoshi
638 notes · View notes
moonlightspread · 3 months
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代わりとか、隠すためとか言うな、馬鹿! まともに雨も浴びれないじゃん
Japanese Sounds:
kawaritoka-kakusutametoka-iuna-BAKA! matomoni-amenimo-abirenaijan
Don't tell me that those clouds cried for you or that they hide your tears. I can't even get caught in the rain.
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7 notes · View notes
apothecaryscript · 3 days
Episode 22 : Blue Roses / 第22話『青い薔薇(Aoi Sobi)』
Maomao “Haruno mebukio kanjiru koro, Gyokuyou-samano ninshinwa, tashikana monoto natta.”
Maomao “By the time we started to smell spring in the air, it became certain that Lady Gyokuyou was indeed pregnant.”
Rinrī “Aiii, fufu, ai!”
Maomao “Fushigi danaa, akagoga iruto wakaru-noka?”
Maomao “That’s curious. Can she tell there’s a baby inside?”
San-nin “Kawaiiii!”
Three ladies “So cute!”
Hon’nyan “Watashimo soro-soro…”
Hongniang “Maybe I also should start to…”
Maomao (Endanga mochi-komare-temo, zenryokude hikitome-rareru-darona… Yuno sugiru-nomo komari-monoda.)
Maomao (Even if she did get a proposal, they’d probably never let her leave. Being too good at one’s job can be a curse at times.)
Maomao (Mai-nichiga jujitsu shiteruto, yappari higa tatsu-noga hayai… Jinshi-samano muneni ita ni-kagetsuwa mudani naga-katta-noni…)
Maomao (Time flies when every day is so fulfilling. In comparison, the two months spent at Master Jinshi’s offices felt like forever.)
Rinrī “Ai, u.”
Maomao “Mata oekaki shimasuka?”
Maomao “Would you like to draw pictures again?”
Rinrī “Ai!”
Lingli “Yes!”
Rinrī “Aai.”
Yo-nin “Un?”
Maomao “Korewa, karahatsu-take-to-iu doku-kinoko…de”
Maomao “This is the woolly milkcap, a poisonous mushroom― Ow!”
Hon’nyan “Futsuno hana’o kaki-nasai.”
Hongniang “Draw normal flowers, please.”
Maomao (Futsuno hana, nee…)
Maomao (Normal flowers, huh?)
Jinshi “Aoi sobi desuka?”
Jinshi “A blue rose?”
Rakan “Ee. Gozonji arimasen-kana? Meno sameru-yona aoi hana-biraga, utsukushi-kute-ne… Katsute, kyuchuni yoku ikete-ita mono-desuga…”
Lakan “Yes. Perhaps you’ve never seen one before? The striking blue petals are so beautiful. I used to see them in the palace often,”
Jinshi “Yume-demo mitano-dewa? Aoi sobi-nado sonzai shinai desho.”
Jinshi “Perhaps you were dreaming? Blue roses do not exist.”
Rakan “Sorega, aruno-desuyo. Mata minade mede-tai mono desunaa. Ikaga desho? Nantoka nari-masenka? Anata-samade areba, nasenu koto-nado naino-dewa?”
Lakan “But in fact, they do. Oh, how I’d love to appreciate them with everyone again. What do you think? Could it be done? With your power, there must be nothing outside your reach.”
Jinshi “Wakari-mashita. Sono-yona sobiga aruno-nara, watashimo zehi mite-mitai.”
Jinshi “Understood. If such a rose does indeed exist, I’d like to see it as well.”
Rakan “Kimari desuna. Iya-haya, jitsuni tanoshimida… Soredewa. Raigetsuno en’yu-kaide.”
Lakan “Then it’s settled. Goodness, I can’t wait! Excuse me. I hope to see it at next month’s garden party.”
Jinshi “Haa…”
Gaoshun “Tadade-sae oisogashii-noni, yokeina anken’o kakaezu-tomo…”
Gaoshun “You’re already so busy. You didn’t have to take on more work.”
Jinshi “Iuna… Toriaezu kunijuno hanaya’o atatte-kure.”
Jinshi “Don’t rub it in. Please just go ask every florist in the nation about this.”
Gaoshun “Hanayano hanashi-dewa, imawa sobino kisetsu-dewa naito…”
Gaoshun “The florists say that roses are not in season.”
Jinshi “Haa…”
Jinshi “Kyuni yobi-tatete sumanai.”
Jinshi “Sorry to call you up so suddenly.”
Maomao “Fu…”
Jinshi “Kondo, minade aoi sobi’o mede-yoto-iu kotoni nattena…”
Jinshi “We were talking about getting together to admire blue roses.”
Maomao “Aoi sobi? …Watashiwa kusuriya desuga.”
Maomao “Blue roses…? I’m just an apothecary, you know.”
Jinshi “Aa, wakatte-iru…”
Jinshi “Yes, I’m aware…”
Maomao (Nanika wake-arika? Yakeni tsukare-teruna… Sobika… Sukoshi-nara chishikiwa aruga… Gijo-aiteno kozukai-kasegide atsukatta kotoga aru. Daga…)
Maomao (I wonder what prompted this? He seems awfully tired. Roses, huh? I do know a thing or two about them. I’ve sold them before to make some quick cash with the courtesans. But…)
Maomao “Hontoni aoi sobi’o mitato?”
Maomao “They really said they saw a blue rose?”
Jinshi “Aa.”
Jinshi “Yes.”
Maomao “Genkaku-zaiwa, hayatte imasenka?”
Maomao “Is there some new popular hallucinogen, or…?”
Jinshi “N’na-mono mawatte-tara, kuniga horobuwa!”
Jinshi “That’d ruin our whole nation!”
Gaoshum “Jinshi-sama.”
Gaoshun “Master Jinshi.”
壬氏「うっ…… 無理だろうか?」
Jinshi “U…… Muri daroka?”
Jinshi “Is it impossible?”
Maomao “Haa… Dono-yoni sureba yoroshiino-desuka?”
Maomao “What exactly is it that your desire?”
Jinshi “Raigetsuno en’yu-kaini yoi dekiruka?”
Jinshi “Can you find some by next month’s garden party?”
Maomao “Raigetsu? Sobiga saku-nowa, sukunaku-tomo futa-tsuki-ijo saki desu-kedo.”
Maomao “Next month? Roses bloom two months later at the earliest.”
Jinshi “Dayona… Nantoka kotowatte oku…”
Jinshi “I know… I’ll find a way to turn him down.”
Maomao “A…” (Jinshi-samano, kono hanno… Soreni, muri-nandai’o oshi-tsukeru-yona yari-kuchi…)
Maomao (Master Jinshi’s reaction, and this style of forcing people to attempt the impossible…)
Maomao “Kono hanashi, moshika-shite, toaru gunshi-kara mochi-kake-raretano-dewa?”
Maomao “Was this brought up by a certain strategist?”
Jinshi “…Aa…”
Jinshi “Yes.”
Maomao “Wakari-mashita. O-hiki-uke shimasu.
Maomao “Understood. I will take this on.”
Jinshi “Iinoka?”
Jinshi “Are you sure?”
Maomao “Dekiruka wakari-masenga, yaru-dake yatte mimasu.”
Maomao “I don’t know if I can pull it off, but I’ll try my best.”
Maomao (Nigete-iru-dakemo hara-data-shii. Dose-nara, ano niyaketa monokuru’o kachi-watte-yaru…!)
Maomao (I don’t want to just run from him. I might as well take a swing at smashing his creepy monocle.)
Maomao “Jinshi-sama. Ikutsuka onegai shitemo yoroshii desuka?”
Maomao “Master Jinshi, may I make a few requests?”
Maomao “Shiyo’o kyoka shite kudasari, arigato gozai-masu. Rifa-sama.”
Maomao “Thank you for allowing me to use it, Lady Lihua.”
Rifa-hi “Kamawa-nakuteyo. Arewa moto-moto, anataga tsuku-raseta mono damono. Fufufu.”
Concubine Lihua “I don’t mind. You were the one that had it constructed in the first place.”
Maomao (Natsukashii-na… Izen, dokuni fusetta Rifa-hino tameni joki-buro’o tsuku-rasete moratta. Konkai sore’o okari suruno-daga… Sasugani tada-dewa moshi-wake nai.)
Maomao (It’s been a while. I remember back then, I got them to make a steam room for Lady Lihua, who was suffering from poison back then. I’m borrowing it now, but I feel bad using it for free.)
Maomao “Sa. Kochira, mikadono aidoku-sho desu.”
Maomao “This is the emperor’s favorite book.”
Rifa-hi “Arigataku chodai suruwa.”
Concubine Lihua “I appreciate this.”
Maomao (Giro-kara tori-yotese oite yokattaaa.)
Maomao (I’m glad I got it through the brothel.)
Jinshi “Socchi’o tanomu.”
Jinshi “Take that side.”
Kangan-tachi “Hai!”
Eunuchs “Yes, sir!”
Maomao “Jinshi-sama.”
Maomao “Master Jinshi.”
Jinshi “Aa, kitaka. Iwareta-toori, tate-sasetaga… Ittai do surunda?”
Jinshi “Ah, you’re here. I had them build this as you asked, but… What is this for?”
Maomao “Sobi’o kuru-waserun-desu.”
Maomao “We’re going to make the roses go mad.”
Jinshi “Sobi’o kuru-waseru? Do-iu imida? Kusuriya.”
Jinshi “Make the roses go mad? What does that mean, apothecary?”
Maomao “Nikko’o irete, asoko-kara, joki’o koyano nakani okuri-masu. Atatameta heyade sobi’o sodaterun-desu. Hanaga, kaikano kisetsu’o machigaete kureru-kamo shire-masen.”
Maomao “We’re going to let the sunlight in, and blow steam inside through there. The roses will grow in this warmed room. This way, the flowers might mistake it as the time to bloom.”
Jinshi “Sorede, ‘kuru-waseru’ka.”
Jinshi “I see, so they’ll ‘go mad.’”
Maomao “Saku hoshowa arimasenga…”
Maomao “I can’t guarantee it, though.”
Maomao “A…”
Maomao “Oh.”
Jinshi “A!”
Gaoshun “Aa…”
Shaoran “Maomaooo!”
Xiaolan “Maomao!”
Maomao “Shaoran?!”
Maomao “Xiaolan?”
Shaoran “Watashimo tetsudauyo! Ashino kega, daijobu?”
Xiaolan “I’ll help, too! Is your leg okay?”
Maomao (A… Moshiya, ometsuke-yakuka? Muri-dakewa surunatte, sanzan iwareta-monna…)
Maomao (Did he summon her to chaperone me? They did repeatedly tell me not to push myself too hard.)
Maomao “Heiki. Tetsuda-wasete gomen.”
Maomao “I’m fine. Sorry to make you help.”
Shaoran “Uun. Hisashi-burini issho-dane! Ehehe.”
Xiaolan “It’s okay. It’s been a while since we’ve worked together, huh?”
Maomao “Fu, sodane.”
Maomao “Yeah, it has.”
Maomao (Mochi-konda sobiwa hyakkabu-ijo… korede saigo.)
Maomao (We brought in over one hundred roses. This is the last one.)
Shaoran “Uwaa, sugoi ryo!”
Xiaolan “Wow, this is a lot!”
Maomao (Shuruiwa barake-sase, dekiru-dake haya-zakino mono’o eranda.)
Maomao (We diversified the species, selecting early-blooming ones where possible.)
Shaoran “Zenbu saku-kana?”
Xiaolan “Will they all bloom?”
Maomao “So-natte-hoshii-kedo…”
Maomao “I hope so.”
Maomao (Ondo-chosei-niwa, saishinno chui’o harau. Hitode’o sumei haken shite-morattaga, tanin’ni makaseru kotowa muzukashii sagyoda. Machigatte subete karashite shimattewa oshimaida.)
Maomao (Temperature control requires utmost care. I got them to send some help, but this is a tough task to delegate to others. If we make a mistake and kill them all, that would be the end of it.)
Maomao (Hareta hiwa sotoni dashite, nikko’o abi-saseru.)
Maomao (On sunny days, we bring them outside to expose them to sunlight.)
Shaoran “Kimochi-yosasooo!”
Xiaolan “That must feel good!”
Maomao “Un.”
Maomao “Yeah.”
Gaoshun “Choshiwa ikaga desuka?”
Gaoshum “How are you doing?”
Futari “N?”
Gaoshun “Sashi-ire desu.”
Gaoshun “Here, a gift.”
Shaoran “Waa!”
Maomao “Arigato gozai-masu.”
Maomao “Thank you very much.”
Shaoran “Shigoto sabo-rete, oyatsu-made moraeru-nante saiko dayo!”
Xiaolan “I get to skip work and eat snacks? This is great!”
Maomao “Koremo shigoto dakedone.”
Maomao “This is work too, though.”
Shaoran “Doshitan-daro?”
Xiaolan “What’s with them?”
Maomao “Saa? Mono-mezurashii-noka?”
Maomao “I don’t know. Maybe they’re just curious.”
Maomao (Soretomo, kowai mono mitasa-ka?)
Maomao (Or they want to be scared.)
Shaoran “Tsugi, nani shitara ii?”
Xiaolan “What should I do next?”
Maomao “Shinmeno ooi naega attara, ikutsuka tsunde kureru? Eiyoga shuchu-shite saki-yasuku nari-masushi, byokino yoboni narun-desu.”
Maomao “If a seedling has a lot of sprouts on it, can you pick a few? It concentrates the nutrients into the remaining sprouts and helps prevent sickness.”
Kangan-tachi “Oo…”
Eunuchs “Ah.”
Kangan “A…”
Eunuch “Whoa!”
Shaoran “Daijobu dayooo. Poi!”
Xiaolan “It’s fine.”
Kangan “Arigato gozai-masu.”
Eunuch “Thank you.”
Shaoran “Iie.”
Xiaolan “Don’t mention it!”
Maomao “Isoide kudasai!”
Maomao “Hurry!”
Shaoran “Tsubomi, naka-naka denaine…”
Xiaolan “It’s taking them a long time to bloom.”
Maomao (Samusaga modotta hiwa… tetsuyade koya’o atatameru. Tenkowa mama-nara-nai.)
Maomao (On days where it gets cold, I stay up all night to maintain the heat. Weather can’t be controlled.)
Shaoran “Kinomo nete-naino?”
Xiaolan “Did you pull another all-nighter?”
Maomao “Netayo… Ake-gata.”
Maomao “I did sleep, around dawn.”
Shaoran “Akegatatte, sakki dayo! Dekiru koto, yattoku-kara… Chotto-dake netara?”
Xiaolan “Dawn was just moments ago! I’ll do what I can, so why don’t you get some sleep?”
Maomao “Me, hanase-naishi…”
Maomao “I can’t leave this alone.”
Shaoran “N? Mata kocchi miterune.”
Xiaolan “They’re looking at us again.”
Maomao (Mai-nichi mai-nichi yoku aki-naina…to-iuka kiga chiru. Nanika kio sorase-tara… Fun…)
Maomao (Every single day. Don’t they get tired of this? It’s irritating. I wonder if I can divert their attention…)
Shaoran “Sugoi! Korega tsuma-kurenai kaaa!”
Xiaolan “Wow! So this is what a manicure is like!”
Maomao “Hana-machi-dewa minna yatteruyo.”
Maomao “Everyone does it in the pleasure district.”
Shaoran “Kirei-damonne!”
Xiaolan “It sure is pretty!”
Guien “A, Maomaomo shiteruno? Kawaiii!”
Guiyuan “Oh, you did it too, Maomao? So cute!”
Airan “Saikin hayatteru-wayone.”
Ailan “It’s been popular recently.”
Maomao “Sodesune.”
Maomao “Indeed.”
Maomao (Mikadono choai’o ukeru jokyu-hiwa, hayarino sai-sentan dakarana…)
Maomao (The high-ranking concubines are always at the cutting edge of fashion.)
Hon’nyan “Hi-koritsu ne…”
Hongniang “Seems like a waste of time.”
Maomao (Hon’nyan-samawa oshare-yori shigotoka.)
Maomao (Lady Hongniang prefers work over fashion.)
Maomao “Dokumimo owari-mashita-node, Suisho-Kyuni modori-masu.”
Maomao “I’ve finished tasting for poison, so I’ll go back to the Crystal Pavilion now.”
Gyokuyo-hi “Mo?”
Concubine Gyokuyou “Already?”
Maomao “En’yu-kai-made jikanga nai-node…”
Maomao “The garden party is coming up soon.”
Gyokuyo-hi “Sone…”
Concubine Gyokuyou “I see…”
Hon’nyan “A, so-dawa. Konkai, Gyokuyo-samawa kesseki sareruno. Roran-samano ohiromeni, seki’o oyuzuri suru katachiyo.”
Hongniang “Oh, by the way, Lady Gyokuyou won’t be attending this time around. We’re letting the focus of this event be Lady Loulan’s introduction.”
Maomao (Ninshin’o kakusu tameka…)
Maomao (To hide the pregnancy, right.)
Maomao “Wakari-mashita. Dewa…”
Maomao “Understood. Excuse me.”
Infa “Nee, Suisho-Kyu-dewa daijobu nano?”
Yinghua “Hey, is everything alright at the Crystal Pavilion?”
Guien “Don-don yatsurete itteru-wayoo.”
Guiyuan “You look worse for wear every day.”
Airan “Amari muri shinaidene.”
Ailan “Don’t push yourself too hard, okay?”
Maomao “Arigato gozai-masu.”
Maomao “Thank you.”
Shaoran “Maomaooo!”
Xiaolan “Maomao!”
Maomao “N?”
Shaoran “Maomaooo! Taihen!”
Xiaolan “Maomao! Hurry!”
Maomao “E…”
Maomao “Tsubomi…!”
Maomao “A bud…”
Shaoran “Sakki mitsuke-tano! Yatto hitotsume dayooo! Ahaha!”
Xiaolan “I found it just now. Our first one, finally!”
Maomao (Kono-mama ikeba, nantoka saite-kureru-kamo…)
Maomao (At this rate… We might just make it in time.)
Shaoran “Maomao? Maomao? Maomao!!”
Xiaolan “Maomao? Maomao! Maomao!”
Jinshi “Kusuriya-kara renrakuwa?”
Jinshi “Has the apothecary sent any word?”
Gaoshun “Ie, nanimo. Watashimo koko sujitsu, kao’o dasezu…”
Gaoshun “No, nothing. I haven’t been able to visit her for the past few days.”
Jinshi “Otagai, en’yu-kaino junbini owarete-ita-karana.”
Jinshi “We were both busy preparing for the garden party.”
Maomao “Jinshi-sama.”
Maomao “Master Jinshi.”
Jinshi “A…”
Bukan “Arega Shisho-donono musume, Roran-hika.”
Military officer “So, that’s Concubine Loulan, daughter of Master Shishou.”
Bunkan “Nanto hanayakana…”
Civil official “How splendid.”
Shisho “Roran-hini… Itaranu tenwa arimasen-kana? Nan-demo osshatte kudasai.”
Shishou “Regarding Concubine Loulan, is there anything that needs improvement? Please, hold nothing back.”
Roran-hi “Nan-narito.”
Loulan “Please.”
Kotaigo “Maa…”
Empress dowager “Oh.”
Kokan “Aoi sobi…!”
High-ranking official “Blue roses?!”
Kokan “Masaka…”
High-ranking official “It can’t be…!”
Jinshi “Tsubomi’o mede, saki-hokoru sugatani omoi’o haseru-nomo ikkyo-kato.”
Jinshi “It may be entertaining to enjoy the beauty of these buds while imagining how they look at full bloom.”
Kotei “Umu, utsukushii-na.”
Emperor “Yes. They’re beautiful.”
Kokan “Nn…”
High-ranking official “Hmph.”
Jinshi (Jinshini muke-rareru, arayuru shisen. Ikura hiideta yoshiga aroto, wakazono kanganga deshabaru sama’o konomu-hodo muyokuna kan-bakari dewa nai. Shikijowa ii. Ikura-demo riyo-hoga aru. Shittomo ii. Atsukai-yasui. Yakkai nanowa… nanio kangaete-iru-noka wakara-nai meda. Shisho… Roran-hino jippude, joteino choai’o uketa otoko. Ima-nao, midadowa atamaga agara-nai. Dakara-koso, kochiramo hohoemi’o tayasa-nai. Soreni ima, Shisho-yorimo yakkai nanowa… Rakan. Ano otokoda…)
Jinshi (The attention that ‘Jinshi’ gets. Unlike some of the worthless officials, many don’t appreciate a young eunuch hoarding attention, no matter how beautiful. Lust is fine. It’s easy to exploit that. Envy is fine, too. It’s manageable. What’s really troubling is… When I can’t tell what they’re thinking. Shishou. Concubine Loulan’s father, the man favored by the mother of the former emperor… Even now, the emperor can’t look him in the eye. That’s why I also can’t let my smile fade, either. And besides, the one who’s more worrying than Shishou right now is… That man, Lakan.)
Rakan “Nanto iyamina…”
Lakan “How annoying.”
Infa “Kiga tsuita?”
Yinghua “Are you awake?”
Maomao “Infa-san…”
Maomao “Yinghua.”
Infa “Mo Suisho-Kyuni iccha dameyo. Itsumo yatsure-hatete kaette-kurun-dakara.”
Yinghua “Don’t go to the Crystal Pavilion anymore. You always come back looking so exhausted.”
Maomao “Sumi-masen.”
Maomao “I’m sorry.”
Jinshi “Okitaka.”
Jinshi “You’re up.”
Infa “A… Watashiwa korede.”
Yinghua “Excuse me.”
Jinshi “Suwatta mamade ii.”
Jinshi “You can stay seated.”
Maomao “Muzukashii desune… Kaika-niwa itari-masen-deshita.”
Maomao “It was hard. I couldn’t get them to fully bloom.”
Jinshi “Sorewa, oreni taishite sumanaito iunja naino-darona.”
Jinshi “You’re not apologizing to me, are you?”
Maomao “N?”
Jinshi “Nandemo nai. Jubunda. Korewa ittai do-shitanda?”
Jinshi “Never mind. You did well. How did you do it, though?”
Maomao “Someta-dake desuyo.”
Maomao “I just dyed them.”
Jinshi “Someta? Nanimo tsuite-inaizo.”
Jinshi “Dyed? But there’s nothing on them.”
Maomao “Soto-gawa-dewa ari-masen. Uchi-gawa-kara sometano-desu.”
Maomao “Not on the outside. We dyed them from the inside.”
Jinshi “A…”
Maomao “Kono sobiwa, moto-moto subete shiroi hana nano-desu.”
Maomao “All of these roses were originally white.”
Maomao “Sama-zamana iro-mizu’o tsukatte, shiroi tsubomini suwasetan-desu.”
Maomao “We mixed water with several colors and had the white buds suck them up.”
Jinshi “Sorede, ao-dakede-naku ookuno iroga atta-noka.”
Jinshi “So that’s why there are many colors, not just blue.”
Maomao “Hai. Happawa dosu-guroku somaru-node, arakajime subete mushitte oki-mashitaga… Atowa, en’yu-kaino aida, iro-ochi shinai-yo, iro-mizuno shimi-konda wata’o kotei sureba kansei desu. Jitsuni tanjunna hoho desu.”
Maomao “Yes. The leaves ended up coming out black, so we plucked them all. Then all we had to do was to fix cotton soaked in the dyed water to the stems, so they couldn’t lose their vibrancy during the garden party. It really was quite simple.”
Maomao (Jissai, honega oreta-nowa sobino hana’o sakaseru-madeda.)
Maomao (What was actually difficult was getting the roses to bloom at all.)
Jinshi “Tashikani…tanjun dana.”
Jinshi “Simple, indeed.”
Maomao “Desu-node, nani-kashira iigakari’o tsukeru kanga deru-kamo shire-masen. Mikado-niwa, sakini tane-akashi’o shite oki-mashita. Saishoni himitsu’o shiru-noga ureshii rashiku, tanoshi-soni kiite kudasai-mashitayo.”
Maomao “Also, because some officials might have picked a quarrel about this, I went ahead and revealed the trick to the emperor. He seemed to enjoy the fact that he got to know the secret first, and had a good time listening to me explain.”
Jinshi “Dewa mukashi, kyutei-naide aoi sobi’o mitato iu-nowa…”
Jinshi “So, about the story of the blue roses being seen in the palace…”
Maomao “Mai-nichi mai-nichi, aoi iro-mizu’o sobini suwaseru hima-jinga itan-desho.”
Maomao “There must have been someone with a lot of free time feeding blue water to the roses.”
Jinshi “Nande mata, sonna koto’o…”
Jinshi “Who would do something like that?”
Maomao “Saa? Onna’o kudoku dogu-demo hoshi-kattano-dewa?”
Maomao “Who knows? Maybe they wanted a gimmick with which to woo women.”
Jinshi “Mezurashii-na. Tsume’o somete-iru-noka?”
Jinshi “That’s unexpected. Are you painting your nails?”
Maomao “Niai-masen-kedone.”
Maomao “It doesn’t suit me, though.”
Maomao (Hosenka to katabami ga areba, motto kireini somarun-dakedo… Tsuma-benino imyo’o toru hosenkato, neko-ashino imyo’o toru katabami. Futatsu’o neri-awasete tsumeni tsukeruto, azayakana akani naru. Maa, kireini someta-tokorode… Kore-demo matomoni nattan-dakedo…)
Maomao (If I had some balsam and woodsorrel, I could have made them look prettier. Balsam is often used to dye fingernails, and woodsorrel is nicknamed cat’s foot. Mixing them together and applying them on the fingernails creates a vivid red. But then, even if I made them prettier… This is better than it was before.)
Maomao “Gaoshun-sama. Tanonde-ita monowa?”
Maomao “Master Gaoshun, what about the item I requested?”
Gaoshun “Ee, iwareta toorini.”
Gaoshun “Yes, as you wished.”
Maomao “Arigato gozai-masu.”
Maomao “Thank you.”
Maomao (Korede butaiwa totonotta. Atowa… Ike-sukanai yatsuni hito-awa fukaseru dakeda.)
Maomao (Now the stage is set. All I have to do now is catch that nasty creep off guard.)
Rakan (…Ni-shitemo, masaka chohatsuga shippaini owaru-towa…)
Lakan (I didn’t expect my provocation to fail.)
Rakan (Ookuno ningen’no kaowa, go-ishino-yoni-shika mie-nai. Otokowa kuro-ishi, onnawa shiro-ishi. Gunbuno bukano ningen-demo, seizei shanchī no komada. Ookuno monowa hei, sotsude, kaikyuga agaru-hodoni uma, ho-to natte-iku. Gunbuno shigotowa kantanda. Komani miatta haichi’o sureba ii. Teki-zai-teki-sho… Sorede daitaino ikusawa kateru. Muzukashii koto dewa nai. Tatoe jibunga muno-demo, wari-ate-sae yareba, katteni shigoto’o owa-rasete-kureru.)
Lakan (Most humans only look like go stones to me. Men are black stones, women are white stones. Even my subordinates in the military only appear as chess pieces, at best. Most are soldiers, pawns. As they gain ranks, they become cavalry and cannons. Working in the military is easy. I just need to know where to place the pieces. The right pieces in the right places. Most wars can be won by that alone. It’s quite easy. Even if I were completely useless, as long as I placed others in the right places, the work would get done on its own.)
Rakan (Kyowa, itsumo-ijoni mega itai. Do-nimo akai iroga chira-tsuku. Tsuma-kurenai-ka… Kiokuno nakano tsuma-beniwa, keba-keba-shii aka-dewa nai. Ussura somatta, hosenkano aka…)
Lakan (My eyes hurt more than usual today. A red color keeps flickering into my view. Manicures… The manicures in my memories aren’t this overly flamboyant crimson. They’re the soft color of balsam.)
Rakan “Ha…”
(Continue to episode 23)
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mayoigotokurousagi · 1 year
Samsa (SEKAI Game Size ver.) English Translation
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Disclaimer: Both English and Japanese are my secondary languages and I’m still learning both so this translation might be riddled with mistakes. Please read it with an open mind! And of course I’ll accept any constructive criticism if you find anything wrong with my translation! 
(※ Now with official lyrics from Tenihowa!)
Samsa Composer: Tenihowa Song: Nightcord at 25:00 × KAITO
使い古した自分の名前にあえてキッチュなルビを振って 高潔を打ち負かせるくらいに恐ろしくなる 骨の髄まで  今はどんなふうに見えてますか? 醜いですか? それはそっか どうか林檎を投げつけないで 胸にLock up Lock up ザムザ
tsukai furushita jibun no namae ni aete kicchu na rubi wo futte kouketsu wo uchi makaseru kurai ni osoroshiku naru hone no zui made ima wa donna fuu ni mietemasu ka? minikui desu ka? sore wa sokka douka ringo wo nagetsukenaide mune ni lock up lock up zamuza
As I purposely dappled worthless rubies into my worn out name I realized even its brilliance couldn't ease the dread I felt down my spines How do I look in your eyes right now? Do you find me unsightly? Of course you would But please don't throw apples at me一locking everything deep, deep in my heart, that's Samsa
『ズキズキズキ』 "zuki zuki zuki" "Throb throb throb"
「鏡をご覧」誰かが囁く うまく��ったら儲けものさ 甘い言葉も笑顔も通じない 走り出したらたらもう獣だ 月の真下をうろつきながら考えてた 夜すがら 悪夢にどの指立ててやるべきかってね
"kagami wo goran" dare ka ga sasayaku umaku ittara moukemono sa amai kotoba mo egao mo tsuujinai hashiridashitara mou kemono da tsuki no mashita wo urotsuki nagara kangaeteta yosugara akumu ni dono yubi tatete yarubeki ka tte ne
"Look into the mirror" someone whispered一if everything goes well, we'll find that golden egg But my sweet nothings and smiles don't work一as I ran away, I'm already turned into a beast Prowling aimlessly right under the moonlight, thinking all night long Which finger should I raise in this nightmare?
ズキズキズキ 『ズキズキズキ』 ズキンズキンズキン 『ズキンズキン』 ズキズキズキ 『ズキズキズキ』 ズキ ズキ ズキン 変われ
zuki zuki zuki "zuki zuki zuki" zukin zukin zukin "zukin zukin" zuki zuki zuki "zuki zuki zuki" zuki, zuki, zukin… kaware
Throb throb throb "Throb throb throb" Throb throb throb "Throb throb" Throb throb throb "Throb throb throb" Throb, throb, throb...  It's time to change
誰だって魂辛辛 ズキズキズキ 痛みと怒れる人(ラングラー)を喰らったったらった だのに何故だろう今も ズキズキズキって 林檎をかじるようにザザ ザムザ
dare datte tamashii karagara zuki zuki zuki itami to ranguraa wo kurattattaratta danoni naze darou ima mo zuki zuki zuki tte ringo wo kajiru you ni zaza zamuza
Everybody's struggling to keep their soul safe, throb throb throb I told myself as the pain and angry people[1] hit me left and right Yet why is the throb throb throbbing in my heart won't go away? It feels just like gnawing on an apple, Sa-sa-samsa
どうしようもない成れの果てでもここにいる シャガの花に毒されても 光は1時の方角にある 今は尻尾を引き摺りゆけ ザザザザ ザムザ だから「現実はもういい」なんて云うなよザムザ おーけー?
doushiyoumonai nare no hate demo koko ni iru shaga no hana ni dokusarete mo hikari wa ichiji no hougaku ni aru ima wa shippo wo hikizuri yuke zazazaza zamuza dakara genjitsu wa mou ii nante iuna yo zamuza ookee?
Once what's left of me is just a hollow vessel, I know I'd still be here Even as the fringed irises poison my mind There will always be light waiting for me at one o'clock Now I need to drag my tail and move forward, Sa-sa-sa-sa-samsa So don't say you've "had enough of reality" anymore, Samsa Okay?
『ズキズキズキ』 ザザザザ ザムザ
"zuki zuki zuki" zazazaza zamuza
"Throb throb throb" Sa-sa-sa-sa-samsa
TL Notes:
[1] Kanji written as 怒れる人 (angry person) but read as ラングラー (wrangler)
As many already pointed out, the song heavily referenced Franz Kafka's "Metamorphosis". The song title is taken from the protagonist's name: Gregor Samsa.
"Don't throw apples at me" is another reference of the part where Gregor's father threw apples at him after his transformation which ended up severely hurting him.
Fringed iris/shaga/butterfly flower mean "Rebellion" and "Having lots of friends" in the language of flowers. You can find this flowers adorned in everyone's costumes for this set.
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eichiyume · 9 months
Kasane wa, Kasane wa, Kasane wa, vocalo ni hairimasuka?
"ZUKO" te iwanaide
Watashi wa pro jyanai mo-n
Furansu pan pa Koubutu manosesu
Magarine de taberu noda
MISOJI dakeredo, Chimera naraba jyuu-go sai
Vocaloid no cyoten mezashite UTAU noda
(Kyung! Kyung!)
Teto,Teto,Teto,Teto,Teto...(MISOJI tte iuna!)
Teto,Teto,Teto,Teto,Teto... KYUUUUUUHHH!!
Watashi wa utahime dayo
Watashi wa uso jyanai yo
Sutekina uta, utau yo
"Vocaloid Monopoly"
Watashi wa Idol dayo
Atama wa Drill jyanai
Drill wa.. "GYUUUUNNN!"
Watashi "Kasane Territory"
Sengeti ni kariteira
DVD mitukatte
Awatete TSUTAYA E kaeshini iku Okorrarete hekomu noda (Miuh!)
Perfect Singer, Pretty twin Drill
Ichiman susen yen nakutemo utaimasu KYUUUUUUHHH!!
Watashi wa utahime dayo
Watashi wa uso jyanai yo
Ironna uta utau yo
"Vocaloid Monopoly"
Watashi wa Idol dayo
Atama wa Drill jyanai
Drill wa
Ugokanai yo!
Watashi "Kasane Territory"
(KYUUUUUUHHH!! Chimera!)
Watashi wa utahime dayo
Watashi wa uso jyanai yo
Minna to utaitai yo
"Vocaloid Monopoly"
Watashi wa Idol dayo
Atama wa Drill jyanai
Watashi "Kasane Territory"
Saisho wa uso dakeredo
Ima wa mou utaerundayo
Yumemita Vocaloid, Ituka wa nareuyone!
Watashi wa uta utau yo
Utaeru kono yorokobi
Minna no Mine ni todoke!
Watashi "Kasane Territory"!
Watashi "Kasane Territory"!
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felixghostbr · 2 years
just some art of luna what it looks like.
Iuna pronouns are it/it's the page shows what the teddy looks like and I love is its so cute
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putosbreves · 1 year
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Para no matarte fue que Luciano Flaite se preparó como una especie de pináculo, “de mojón de su propia vida te fue considerando”, me dijo con el tonito ése que tiene que indefinida nacionalidad le confiere al puto éste. Pero entre el paraguayo, el chileno y el riojano anda y te digo la verdad no sé cómo hace con los tonos para actuar. “Como aceptando los tropiezos que a veces el sol de la siesta nos produce”, dijo, “para no matarlo ni a él ni a nada de todo eso”, dijo así, “de todo eso que más tarde suyo”, me dijo, o sea, más tarde vos pero dijo `suyo´, “cuando empezó a”, como se dice, “ejercitarse en la paciencia que hay que tenerse a sí mismo con las actitudes altibajas del carácter que”, me dijo, “nadie puede conocer hasta no que te pasa algo, nada relevante a lo mejor”, me dijo, “que si lo miras de reojo se te pasa la inquietud espontánea que te produce ése algo que pasa y que pasó y que yo”, me dijo, “inevitablemente no dejé pasar y ahí con mi mejor y peor historia”, me dijo y eso es de Nacha Guevarra, “me quedan sólo dos o tres viejos rencores”, me dijo y te aseguro que se hizo el sota con la canción porque mi cara le decía con quién estaba hablando pedazo de puto cómo me venís con algo así. Eso pensé y la cosa se puso peor. “Hice muchos borrados y sólo me queda una confianza. No hay que dejar pasar los pequeños detalles, ¿no te parece?”, me preguntó. “Por supuesto”, le respondí, “harto de espanto un día llegué y maldije tanto a la vida como acostumbraba a murmurar”, le dije como de un envión. Vos sabés de qué estamos hablando. Muy breve, pero muy breve se hizo un hoyo de sonidos y, como siempre, con ése sucio resplandor que tiene, cambió de tema. Pasó a tercero en el IUNA según parece por lo que entendí que me contó de ya sabés quién. Con buen talante lo vi, pero incurable como la usura. Te manda un beso.
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magnoliatrait · 1 year
sul sul, and welcome to my simblr. i'm Iuna or lu.
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i play on a gaming pc and use this monitor.
my computer specs are:
AMD Ryzen 7 5700X 8-Core Processor
Originally 16 GB but I upgraded the RAM to 40.0 GB
I run my sims off a SSD - Samsung 1TB 980 PRO
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animemascotarchive · 2 years
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Today’s anime mascot of the day is…!
Mochi Usagi from Kusoge tte Iuna!
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sikmurangmaingay · 1 year
We all need balance in our lives. Mahirap din kapag nasanay ka sa puro sarap, at walang hirap. Kaya sobrang hirap kapag galing ka sa sobrang taas, bakit? the more na mas mataas, the more na mas masakit kapag lumagapak ka. Na-realize ko rin ang contentment. Humans will never have satisfaction in life. Gugustuhin lagi natin ang mas umangat sa buhay. Pag depressed tayo, we become grumpy. bakit? kasi wala nang panibagong mga information ang pumapasok sa utak natin. We get used to the same shit we do. Say for example is, we were used to a rich lifestyle, tas bigla na lang na-bankcrupt yung kumpanya mo, diba ang sakit. bakit? kasi nga nasanay ka sa ganung buhay, sinanay mo ang sarili mo sa puro sarap kaya nung lumagapak ka sa buhay, bigla kang naninibago, hindi ka sanay sa buhay mong bago, kaya hindi ka makapag-isip ng matino, iniisip mong, bakit nangyayari ang mga yun sayo? anong ginawa mong masama? ang ending, may mga nagagawa kang mali, kasi nga, wala ka sa tama mong pag-iisip, at isa pa, you let your emotions take place, sa sobrang galit mo, kung anu-ano na ang mga naiisipan mo, pero ang totoo, hindi mo naman dapat iuna ang emotions mo eh, bakit? kasi maaring makagawa ka pa ng mga bagay na maaring ikapahamak mo o di kaya ng mga mahal mo sa buhay. Hindi mo na maiisip na, napakaswerte mo pala dahil ang buhay na meron ka eh yung buhay na inaasam ng ibang tao, yung buhay palang meron ka eh kinaiinggitan ng iba. We should never let our emotions take place.
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mihaisovaiala · 2 years
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Sculpted Spaces - Exhibition view from – See What. Photography in Romania after 2000 – Curator Michele Bressan & Ioana Iuna Șerban – at MARe/ Museum of Recent Art, Bucharest, Romania, 2023
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pikahlua · 1 year
MHA Chapter 393 spoilers translations (no images)
Apparently Horikoshi got a little too horny this week and his art tripped the boob-alert censors, so here’s an image-free transcript of the chapter 393 rough translations.
To view the image version that has been marked by the mature filter, click here.
1 そういやトガちゃんって souiya Toga-chan tte Come to think of it, Toga-chan,
2 敵名つけねえの? ヴィランめいつけねえの? VIRAN-mei tsukenee no? can’t you [use] a villain name?
tagline 1 ありし日の敵連合ーー ありしひのヴィランれんごうーー arishi hi no VIRAN rengou-- The League of Villains from days gone by--
tagline 2 No.393 少女のエゴ  堀越耕平 ナンバー393 しょうじょのエゴ  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 393 shoujo no EGO   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 393 A Girl’s Ego  Kouhei Horikoshi
3 確かに たしかに tashika ni “It’s certainly true.”
4 そーいやおまえとウチのボスくらいだな sooiya omae to UCHI no BOSU kurai da na “That’s right, you and our boss”
5 敵名が無いの ヴィランめいがないの VIRAN-mei ga nai no “have no villain names.”
6 つけよーぜ tsukeyoo ze “Use one!”
7 いらねーよ iranee yo “They don’t need it!”
8 やです ya desu “Don’t want one.”
9 あった方が箔つくよ あったほうがはくつくよ atta hou ga haku tsuku yo “It’d be more prestigious to have one!”
10 「女吸血鬼カーミラ」…! 「おんなきゅうけつきカーミラ」…! 「onna kyuuketsuki KAAMIRA」...! “The Woman Vampire Carmilla...!”
11 「血う血う」 「ちうちう」 「chiu chiu」 “Bloody kiss.” (Note: This is actually a pun on the word “chiu” which is what Toga says as an onomatopoeia for sucking blood. It sounds like “suck” and “smooch.” Twice has squeezed in the kanji for “blood” for the pun.)
12 「ピカちう」 「PIKAchiu」 “Pikasmooch!” (Note: Same pun as the previous line.)
13 や ya “NO.”
14 下らねぇ くだらねぇ kudaranee “How worthless.”
15 個性届制定前までの名残だろ客喜ばせるだけだ こせいとどけせいていまえまでのなごりだろきゃくよろこばせるだけだ kosei todoke seiteimae made no nagori daro kyaku yorokobaseru dake da “It’s only a relic from before the enactment of the Quirk Registry, just to please people.”
16 「荼毘」が言うなよ 「だび」がいうなよ 「Dabi」 ga iuna yo Literal. “Don’t say that, ‘Dabi.’” Context. “You don’t get to say that, ‘Cremation.’” (Note: The implication is that Dabi’s villain name is pretty uninspired or boring.)
17 本名未だた知らねー ほんみょういまだにしらねー honmyou ima da ni shiranee “We still don’t know your real name.”
1 昔は"ヒーロー""敵"に違いなんかなかったんだってな むかしは"ヒーロー""ヴィラン"にちがいなんかなかったんだってな mukashi wa “HIIROO” “VIRAN” ni chigai nanka nakattanda tte na “Long ago, there wasn’t a difference between ‘heroes’ and ‘villains.’”
2 一説によると いっせつによると issetsu ni yoru to “According to one theory,”
3 得体の知れねぇ敵対者への仮称が始まりだったそうだ えたいのしれねぇてきたいしゃへのかしょうがはじまりだったそうだ etai no shirenee tekitaisha e no kashou ga hajimari datta sou da “it seems like they were tentative names given to mysterious adversaries.”
4 そこから素性素性隠しに自ら渾名を名乗る者が現れたと… そこからすじょうがくしにみずからあだなをなのるものがあらわれたと… soko kara sujougakushi ni mizukara adana wo nanoru mono ga arawareta to... “From there, people appeared who gave themselves nicknames to hide their identities...”
5 生き抜く為に被った別人の皮が いきぬくためにかぶったべつじんのかわが ikinuku tame ni kabutta betsujin no kawa ga “while others wore masks in order to survive,”
6 いつしかコミックに倣った"記号"となった いつしかコミックにならった"きごう"となった itsu shika KOMIKKU ni naratta “kigou” to natta “and eventually they became ‘symbols’ that imitated comic books.”
7 世界がコミックになったのは"名乗り"が原因って説さ せかいがコミックになったのは"なのり"がげんいんってせつさ sekai ga KOMIKKU ni natta no wa “nanori” ga gen’in tte setsusa “It’s said that [those] code names were the cause of the world becoming like comic books.”
8 俺ぁいいや おれぁいいや orea iiya “I don’t need one.” (Note: Literally he’s just saying “Me, no.”)
9 かっこいいと思うけど かっこいいとおもうけど kakko ii to omou kedo “Although I do think they’re cool.”
10 キャッ! KYA! “Hyup!” (Note: This is really just a nonsense word for Toga to shout as she leaps up.)
11 だから連合入ったの! だかられんごうはいったの! dakara rengou haitta no! “That’s why I joined the league!”
12 生きにくいです! いきにくいです! iki nikui desu! It’s hard to live!
1 私は わたしは watashi wa “I”
2 トガヒミコとして生きるのです トガヒミコとしていきるのです TOGA HIMIKO to shite ikiru no desu “live as Himiko Toga.”
3-4 そっちの尺度で私を可哀想にするな‼︎ そっちのルールでわたしをかわいそうにするな‼︎ socchi no RUURU (kanji: shakudo) de watashi wo kawaisou ni suruna!! “Don’t make me a pitiable person by those rules (read as: standards)!!”
1-2 同情なんかじゃ…ない…! どうじょうなんかじゃ…ない…! doujou nanka ja...nai...! “I am not...sympathetic...!”
3 触られた さわられた sawarareta I was touched
4 …でも今浮かされる事自体にリスクはない …でもいまうかされることじたいにリスクはない ...demo ima ukasareru koto jitai ni RISUKU wa nai ...but being made to float now isn’t by itself a risk.
5 耳当たりの良いこと言ったって みみあたりのいいこといったって mimi atari no ii koto itta tte “You have something that’s nice to hear?”
6 結局檻に入れて死刑でしょう…⁉︎ けっきょくおりにいれてしけいでしょう…⁉︎ kekkyoku ori ni irete shikei deshou...!? “In the end, won’t you put me in a cage and sentence me to death...!?”
1-2 でなければ仁くんのように殺すだけだ! でなければじんくんのようにころすだけだ! denakereba Jin-kun no you ni korosu dake da! “If not that, then you’ll just kill me like [you did] Jin-kun!”
3 勝つか負けるか かつかまけるか katsu ka makeru ka “Win or lose,”
4 生きるか いきるか ikiru ka “live or”
5 死ぬか しぬか shinu ka “die,”
6 生存競争なんだよこれはもう‼︎ せいぞんきょうぞうなんだよこれはもう‼︎ seizon kyouzou nanda yo kore wa mou!! “this is already a competition for survival!!”
7 ハッ HA “Hah” (Note: This is a sound for panting/gasping.)
8 それ…っ sore... “That...”
9 ハァ HAA “haah” (Note: This is a sound for panting/gasping.)
10 は wa “is”
11 お互いっ"当たり前"だね おたがいっ"あたりまえ"だね otagai “atari mae” da ne “true for us both.”
12 ーー‼︎ 同情じゃないなら ーー‼︎ どうじょうじゃないなら --!! doujou ja nai nara “--!! If it’s not sympathy,”
13 ただのエゴだ…‼︎ tada no EGO da...!! “then it’s just ego...!!”
14 互いにそうならーー たがいにそうならーー tagai ni sou nara-- “If that’s true for both of us--”
PAGE 6-7
1 "我我は大勢であるがゆえに"‼︎ "サッドマンズレギオン"‼︎ “SADDO MANZU REGION (kanji: wareware wa taisei de aru ga yue ni)”!! Sad Man’s Legion (read as: We are many, therefore...)!!
2 死ねよ しねよ shine yo “die”
3 ヒーロー HIIROO “hero.”
4 こんな…! konna...! “This...!”
5 こんなのないぜ…‼︎ konna no nai ze...!! “There’s been nothing like this...!!”
6 「世代を経るごとに強く…」 「せだいをへるごとにつよく…」 「sedai wo heru goto ni tsuyoku...」 “‘Stronger with each generation...’”
7 「そして誰もコントロールできなくなる」 「そしてだれもコントロールできなくなる」 「soshite dare mo KONTOROORU dekinaku naru」 “‘until no one can control them.’”
8 何年も…何度も囁かれてきた…終末論ーー なんねんも…なんどもささやかれてきた…しゅうまつろんーー nannen mo...nando mo sasayakarete kita...shuumatsuron-- “For years...it’s been whispered over and over...the doomsday theory--”
1 今日だったんだ… きょうだったんだ… kyou dattanda... “It was today...”
2 それが今日だったんだ…‼︎ それがきょうだったんだ…‼︎ sore ga kyou dattanda...!! “That was today...!!”
3 世界は せかいは sekai wa “The world”
4-5 少女たった一人の気持ちで変えられてしまう…‼︎ しょうじょたったひとりのきもちでかえられてしまう…‼︎ shoujo tatta hitori no kimochi de kaerarete shimau...!! “can be changed by the feelings of a single girl...!!”
1 圧し おし oshi “Push and”
2 潰れろ!!!! つぶれろ!!!! tsuburero!!!! “crush her!!!!”
3 ガンヘッド GANHEDDO Gunhead
4 マーシャルアーツ‼︎ MAASHARU AATSU!! Martial Arts!!
1 浮かせるだけだ‼︎ うかせるだけだ‼︎ ukaseru dake da!! “You’re just making us float!!”
2 なんのダメージもない‼︎ nan no DAMEEJI mo nai!! “There is no damage!!”
3 そうだよ… sou da yo... “That’s right...”
4 「ゼログラビティ」は 「ZERO GURABITI」 wa “Zero Gravity is”
5 人を…傷つける為の力じゃないもの……‼︎ ひとを…きずつけるためのちからじゃないもの……‼︎ hito wo...kizutsukeru tame no chikara ja nai mono......!! “not...a power for hurting people......!!”
6-7 私は…人を落として幸せを感じたりしない わたしは…ひとをおとしてしあわせをかんじたりしない watashi wa...hito wo otoshite shiawase wo kanjitari shinai “I...would never feel happy about dropping people.”
8 オエエッ OEE “Uegh!”
9 同情じゃないならただのエゴだ…‼︎ どうじょうじゃないならただのエゴだ…‼︎ doujou ja nai nara tada no EGO da...!! If it’s not sympathy, then it’s just ego...!!
10 ……そうかもね…! ......sou kamo ne...! “......that may be...!”
11 故意に人を殺めた事…‼︎なかった事にはしてあげられない…‼︎ こいにひとをあやめたこと…‼︎なかったことにはしてあげられない…‼︎ koi ni hito wo ayameta koto...!! nakatta koto ni wa shite agerarenai...!! “Deliberately killing people...!! I can’t just act like that was nothing...!!” (Note: Literally she is saying “I can’t do that for you, make killing people into something that didn’t happen.”)
1 ただ…あなたの顔を見て ただ…あなたのかおをみて tada...anata no kao wo mite “It's just...I saw your face”
2 そうならざるを得なかった そうならざるをえなかった sou narazaru wo enakatta “and it couldn’t have just come to be like that...!” (Note: I think Ochako is saying Toga isn’t this way just naturally. Something must have happened to make her like this.)
3 理由があったんじゃないかって…! りゆうがあったんじゃないかって…! riyuu ga attanja nai ka tte...! “I thought there must be a reason...!”
4 あの日 あのひ ano hi “That day,”
5 世界がグチャグチャになった日に せかいがグチャグチャになったひに sekai ga GUCHAGUCHA ni natta hi ni “that day when the world became a mess,”
6 あなたにあまりに悲しい顔をさせたから…‼︎ あなたにあまりにかなしいかおをさせたから…‼︎ anata ni amari ni kanashii kao wo saseta kara...!! “[something] made you make such a sad face, so...!!”
7 あれがお前だろう!⁉︎ あれがおまえだろう!⁉︎ are ga omae darou!!? “Wasn’t that you!!?”
8 あれも私! あれもわたし! are mo watashi! “That also was me!” (Note: Ochako basically means, “Yes, it was me, but it was more than just me!”)
9 聞いてトガヒミコ! きいてトガヒミコ! kiite TOGA HIMIKO! “Listen, Himiko Toga!”
10 初めて会った時怖かった…! はじめてあったときこわかった…! hajimete atta toki kowakatta...! “The first time we met, I was scared...!”
11 わからなかったから…‼︎ wakaranakatta kara...!! “Because I didn’t understand...!!”
1 あの状況でなんで… あのじょうきょうでなんで… ano joukyou de nande... “In that situation, why...”
2 あなたにも純粋に笑えるんだろうって‼︎ あなたにもじゅんすいにわらえるんだろうって‼︎ anata ni mo junsui ni waraeru darou tte!! “were you able to laugh so genuinely?!”
3 ……っうるさい! ......urusai! “......Shut up!”
4 トガヒミコとして……か TOGA HIMIKO to shite......ka As Himiko Toga......huh?
5 じゃあ ja Then,
6 好きなだけぶっ殺して すきなだけぶっころして suki na dake bukkoroshite you can kill as much as you like,
7 好きなもんなりまくりゃあいい! すきなもんなりまくりゃあいい! suki na mon nari makuryaa ii! and become whataver you like!
8 その顔をやめなさい! そのかおをやめなさい! sono kao wo yamenasai! Stop making that face!
9 死ね! しね! shine! “Die!”
10 なんで死なないの‼︎ なんでしなないの‼︎ nande shinanai no!! “Why won’t you die!!”
11 一度はつき放したけど いちどはつきはなしたけど ichido wa tsuki hanashita kedo “Although I pushed you away one,”
12 あなたの居心地の良い世界ではないけれど あなたのいごこちのいいせかいではないけれど anata no igokochi no ii sekai de wa nai keredo “and though this world is not one comfortable for you,”
1 エゴだ…! EGO da...! It’s ego...!
2 わかってる‼︎それでも私は わかってる‼︎それでもわたしは wakatteru!! sore demo watashi wa I get it!! Because after all, I
3-5 喜ぶ顔をたくさん見てきたから よろこぶかおをたくさんみてきたから yorokobu kao wo takusan mite kita kara have seen so many happy faces.
6 好きなものを好きと言う すきなものをすきという suki na mono wo suki to iu “you tell those you like that you like them.”
7 あなたの顔は あなたのかおは anata no kao wa “Your face”
1-3 羨ましいくらいに素敵な笑顔だと思うから うらやましいくらいにすてきなえがおだとおもうから urayamashii kurai ni suteki na egao da to omou kara “I think your face has such a lovely smile that I envy you, and that’s why...”
1 まるで maru de It’s like
2 異常者だ いじょうしゃだ ijousha da you’re a deviant!
3 私は わたしは watashi wa “I”
4 あなたの笑顔を見なかった事にはしたくない‼︎ あなたのえがおをみなかったことにはしたくない‼︎ anata no egao wo minakatta koto ni wa shitakunai!! “don’t want to act like I didn’t see your smile!!”
PAGE 16-17
1 浮いた…⁉︎ ういた…⁉︎ uita...!” “They floated...!”
2 麗日に触られてないにの…! うららかにさわられてないのに…! Uraraka ni sawararetenai noni...! “But they weren’t touched by Uraraka...!”
3 接してる人に…伝播…してる…⁉︎ せっしてるひとに…でんぱ…してる…⁉︎ sesshiteru hito ni...denpa...shiteru...!? “It’s spreading...to people...[these bubbles] come into contact with...!?”
4-5 少女…たった一人! しょうじょ…たったひとり! shoujo...tatta hitori! “Just...a single girl!”
6 罪をなかった事にはできない!全てを肯定はしない‼︎ つみをなかったことにはできない!すべてをこうていはしない‼︎ tsumi wo nakatta koto ni wa dekinai! subete wo koutei wa shinai!! “I can’t pretend your crimes never happened! I will not affirm everything!!”
7 でも! demo! “But!”
8 まだ少しでも私と話してくれる気持ちがあるなら まだすこしでもわたしとはなしてくれるきもちがあるなら mada sukoshi demo watashi to hanashite kureru kimochi ga aru nara “If you still feel like talking with me even a little bit,”
9 血なんて一生くれてやる! ちなんていっしょうくれてやる! chi nante isshou kurete yaru! “I’ll give you my blood for the rest of my life!”
10 あなたと恋バナがしたいのヒミコちゃん‼︎ あなたとこいバナがしたいのヒミコちゃん‼︎ anata to koiBANA ga shitai no HIMIKO-chan!! “I want to talk with you about romance, Himiko-chan!!” (Note: Yes, this is the “koiBANA” word again, which means “gossip, girl talk, talking about crushes, etc.”)
tagline 届け‼︎少女の叫びーー‼︎ とどけ‼︎しょうじょのおもいーー‼︎ todoke!! shoujo no omoi (kanji: sakebi)--!! Deliver them!! The girl’s feelings (read as: shout)--!!
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antonlaub · 2 years
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Bucharest, The Museum of Recent Art / MARe, exhibition detail view, 5 color prints on wood 60x60cm, 2 b/w prints on wood 187,5x125cm
SEE WHAT. Photography in Romania after 2000 - a group exhibition curated by Michele Bressan and Ioana Iuna Serban
With works by: Lucian Bran, Michele Bressan, Valeriu Catalineanu, Ioana Cirlig, Bogdan Girbovan, Emoke Kerekes, Anton Roland Laub, Virgina Lupu, Andrei Mateescu, Patricia Morosan, Andrei Nacu, Mihai Sovaiala
The show opens with a catalogue launch on February 8 at 7 pm and goes through May 8, catalogue texts by Michele Bressan, Erwin Kessler and Ioana Iuna Serban.
Catalogue and poster design: Mihai Sovaiala
One of my concerns is the mnemonic function of places, how memories are bound to places. Mobile Churches is about dictatorial fantasies that became urban realities, it is a critical inventory aiming at revealing a lesser-known yet dramatic urban and political chapter in Bucharest of the 1980s. Ceaușescu’s ‘systematization’ program is in full swing in the Romanian capital: one-third of the historic center – including churches and synagogues –  has been wiped out to make way for imposing buildings and wide avenues intended to honor the regime. It is said to be the largest peacetime destruction in Europe. Despite Ceaușescu’s particularly dogged approach towards sacral buildings, seven churches are spared and undergo a process as incredible as it is absurd: they are lifted and placed on rails, then moved and hidden behind housing blocks, while several other buildings - such as the Polish Synagogue - got hermetically surrounded and thus masked by propagandistic panel buildings. Withdrawn from the cityscape, interpolated in the disparate architecture that shapes Bucharest’s urban landscape today, they live secret lives, holding unresolved memories of the past.
The photo book Mobile Churches is the first part of my trilogy, published in 2017 by Kehrer Verlag, Heidelberg. Two essays, "Mobile Churches. The non-sense of history" by Sonia Voss, and "City on Rails" by Lotte Laub accompany the photo series.
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