#ivan gonzales
keycomicbooks · 9 months
The Joker / Harley Quinn: Uncovered #1 (2023) Some of the featured covers in the comic book and some of my favorite Joker/Harley comic covers too.
DC Crimes of Passion #1 Ian MacDonald Variant, Year of the Villain: The Joker #1 Alex Garner Variant, Year of the Villain: The Joker #1
Kendrick Lim Variant B, The Joker Presents: A Puzzlebox #1
Zoe Lacchei Variant, Harleen #2
Cover B Stjepan Šejić Variant, The Batman Who Laughs #1
ComicXposure Exclusive Greg Horn Variant B, Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special #1
Cover H Stjepan Šejić Variant, DCeased #1
Comic Hero University Exclusive Arthur Suydam Variant, Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #1
Top Cow Studios Stjepan Šejić Variant, Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special #1
Ivan Tao Variant B, Harley Quinn #30
Seb McKinnon Trade Dress Exclusive (Ltd 800) Variant, Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #5
Cover F 1:100 Daniel Warren Johnson Variant, Batman #93
Card Stock Variant Edition by Fransesco Mattina, Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #3
Cover C Jason Shawn Alexander Joker Card Stock Variant, Punchline #1
Nathan Szerdy Variant, Poison Ivy #9
616 / Unknown / Comic Traders / Street Level Hero Carla Cohen Variant, The Joker #12
Cover C Jonboy Meyers Variant, Poison Ivy #9
Cover D Dan Mora Card Stock Variant, Punchline #1
Sam Kieth Variant B, Punchline #1
Bolland UK Variant, Harley Quinn #31
Cover B Jenny Frison Card Stock Variant, Punchline: The Gotham Game #3
Cover E Incentive 1:50 Derrick Chew Foil Card Stock Variant, Poison Ivy #9
Cover E 1:25 Rian Gonzales Card Stock Variant, The Joker #9
Cover C Mico Suyan Joker Connecting, Harley Quinn: The Animated Series - Legion of Bats! #6
Cover B Dan Hipp Card Stock Variant, Batman Prelude to the Wedding - Harley Quinn vs Joker #1 (2018) Rafael Albuquerque Cover, The Joker #12 (2022) Variant Gerardo Zaffino Cover,Harley Quinn #1 (2016) Harley Quinn Variant Bill Sienkiewicz Cover
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spaceyderg · 1 year
*climbs onto the driftwood with you* that hugging doodle is so cute???? My heart
Venom's hug looks so comfy??? He's so cute??? The hearts??? I really like the two-colour lines (did not realize the venom design was your own but holy that made it even more impressive???)
Miguel is such a loveable grumpy cat, and its so refreshing to see him be the smaller one in a ship.
Admittedly I mainly watch the movies and only a few comics, but Venom has a ranking system??? Eddie is the only one to get full stars???? Thats. Thats true love right there. Also whats this about Eddie being in charge of a whole venom-society?? Did not know about that (also hard to imagine) but feel free to talk about it. Imagine Miguel and Eddie bonding over being the de facto leader (leading the spiders must be a lot harder than leading the symbiote hivemind)
My Venom design is mostly inspired by the '94 Spiderman the animated series Venom, Ivan Fiorelli, Rian Gonzales, Gurihiru and overall orcas in general.
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If I were to describe my design rules for Venom he'd have a big bulky body with stylized proportions, an orca styled face with a bigger lower jaw to fit more then 1 row of teeth, and his color is a solid black with bright colorful pencil textured highlights.
I have this headcanon Miguel might have discomfort in his current height, according to the wiki he's 5'10 but in ATSV he's 6'9 so I wonder if he ever misses being his old height. Like there's not that many ppl that exists that can fully envelop him a hug and make him feel comforted. Plus I can imagine how often he needs to remember to duck under a doorway or else he'll bonk his forehead, or when he's at a hotel and the showerhead is like at his chin level.
Oh that makes me happy to hear, my first intro to Venom was the infamous '07 Spiderman 3 movie, so I'm glad to hear new fans get this fun intro to this character via the 2018 Venom movie. While I've been a lowkey fan of Venom I didn't do a full deep dive into his comics until 2021 with the comic Venom Verse as the first one. I've read a ton but I haven't read any of the early issues since those comics are v outdated by now and some of the info might have been retconned/rewritten. I'd recommend finding a reading list if you'd like to read more self contained stories or a full saga line of connected stories. Feel free to pick/choose what comics you consider as canon or not, cause not all comics are great and sometimes one doesn't like a specific writer for a run 🤷‍♀️
The ranking system is a compatibility rank it's seen in Venom: The End (A warning there is body horror/ imagery of Eddie withering away which made me uncomfy so I'm letting you know) I didn't much care for the plot of that comic but I do enjoy this ranking system as it shows Venom's preference when it comes to hosts. He sees most hosts as pretty good but Eddie is the perfect host according to him u wu 💕
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As for Eddie being the head of the symbiote hivemind it's seen in the aftermath of the MASSIVE King in Black saga. After defeating the old head/creator of symbiotes Knull ,Eddie takes his role as the head. It's moreso a hivemind where he can control of any symbiote with consent and can communicate across all of them no matter where they are. However this does strain his physical body and he ages quickly and he dies via explosion. Venom is currently with his son Dylan atm while Eddie is in some sort of space/time limbo. I did fall off a bit on my reading towards the newer comics so here's where my knowledge on this run ends. I'd find pics but I'm feeling lazy rn
Miguel def has a tough job as he has to manage all these different versions of Spiderman and maintain the multiverse on top of making sure none glitch out of existence if those bands get messed up. He can't just up and leave he feels personally responsible due to his past actions. Eddie at this point is like in charge of running the universe but he's stuck in that position he can't quit or else the cosmos ends and he'll be replaced by another King in Black. They explain no matter what Eddie will always end up here someway or another.
Miguel is bound by his sense of duty, his responsibility to ensure the another universe will not end in the same way like his daughter's did. Eddie is bound by The Eventuality, he will always end up as the next King in Black even though he knows he can not handle it. To me it sounds like a lonely and stressful existence to be such a position of power yet they don't have the power to just go home and live a peaceful life with their loved ones like everyone else.
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i-am-the-doctor · 10 months
Red Tides A Rollin CHAPTER 4 (TW: Surgery, corpse, implied gore
Malenkov looked at the two men in front of him with interest, his flourescent-white eyes emitting a glow against his sclera, his thin mouth curving into an ominous grin.
“I suppose you two gentlemen wouldn’t know why I am here, no?” he uttered, bowing until he was face to face with Fredrick, his steely gaze peering into the very depths of his soul. Fredrick could feel his heart pounding inside his chest as he locked eyes with this thing that should not be, the man he brought back with his own hand. He knew that if he were to run, that he would either be met with certain death, or worse. He could only respond to the man’s question.
“H-Hello, Mr. Malenkov… You’re in what's left of the Baton Rouge Federal laboratory.. And for why you are here? Well, you were found dead outside of the Carnagie Funeral Home in New Gonzales, and you were brought back to be a subject for an experiment that would test whether or not a dead man can be brought back. Obviously, it was a success.” He stuttered, trying his best to not look further into the man’s soulless stare.
“...Hm, I suppose that would explain these stitches on my body, wouldn’t it? And these little metal joints in my hands and wrists?” Malenkov droned as he looked down at himself, once again feeling at the incisions  that were being held together by sutures and stitching. “You two wouldn’t mind telling me your names, would you?” he asked while stretching his arms and back, his eyes still locked onto the two men.
“Oh, yes, of course, My name is Doctor Fredrick Dell Johanneson, and this is my best friend and assistand, Dotor Jonathan Min.”
“Ahh, the names suit you both quite well. Now, I must ask you to give me my clothes. It’s cold.”
“Oh, of course!” Fredrick squeaked as he grabbed Ivan’s clothes, which were folded neatly upon a table, promptly handing them to Ivan. Ivan grinned and nodded at him before he unfolded his clothes, putting on each piece one by one. His pants, his boots, his white collared dress shirt and black tie, and finally his uniform coat. The newly resurrected man then stood up, and towered above Fredrick and Jonathan. Combined together, his unifrom attire was quite reminiscent of a different era. The soviet era, perhaps? How could this man who was a general in the 2020s get his hands on a soviet uniform when the soviet union collapsed in the 90’s? Fredrick could only assume that the russians had run out of uniforms and made do with what they had, or that Ivan had made it himself.
“Would you l-like a tour of the lab, M-Mr. Malenk-” Jonathan began to offer before being interrupted by Ivan.
“Please, Dr. Min, Call me Ivan. No need to be so formal with me.” Ivan chuckled while looking down at him.
“O-Okay, Ivan… Would you like a tour of the lab?” He asked once again.
“Not really, if im being honest.. For now, I think i’ll look around for myself, and perhaps find a place to sleep. I am very tired after all.” He spoke while rubbing at his eyes.
“V-Very well.. Do be careful not to break anything! This place is old!” Jonathan warned. Ivan only nodded as he trudged out the door of the operation room and into the main lobby. Fredrick gave it a minute or two to make sure Ivan was out of earshot before crying out in euphoria:
“It worked! It works! We did it!”
“I’m sorry I ever doubted you, Fredrick! I thought it couldn’t be done, but Boy, was I wrong!”
Fredrick couldn’t help but pace up and down the room with a smile that curled from ear to ear. Jonathan found himself smiling at Fredrick’s happiness as a warm feeling came across his face.
After a while, they settled down to have a brief lunch of canned soup while discussing trivial things like how much dust was originally in the lab before they cleaned it, or what temperature it would get down to tonight, things of that sort. It was only after 10 minutes or so that Fredrick brought up the next step in their project.
“So, now that we brought Ivan back, do you think we should start work on Olivia now?” Jonathan asked as he drank some of the broth out of the can. Fredrick shook his head.
“Not yet, its a bit early for that. Besides, i think for this next step, we should get a woman for a subject. Olivia is a woman after all, we might have to do different things for her, y’know?”
“Yeah, I suppose you have a point.”
“But at the same time, I’m thinking: should we ask the Carnegie brothers for another body? You saw that look Simon was giving us when we asked for a body the first time? How would he react if we asked for another? He’d probably call the fuzz on us!” 
“I think he was just confused more than anything! Besides, Phil would probably be more than willing to help us out again- of course, we’d need to pay him. You know how he loves getting paid.
“Heh, yeah, that is true! You think he’d be available to call right now?” Fredrick pondered as he took a bite of soup. 
“Well, do you have his number?”
“Yeah, of course, its 504-555-1849!” 
“Alright! Hey, i see a phone hanging on the wall over there, you think it still works?” Jonathan asked while pointing over to a yellowed-white home telephone hung on the wall, with a weather-weakened notepad hanging beside it with a pen hanging by a blue ribbon.
“Only one way to find out, Jon.” Fredrick chuckled. Jonathan wrinkled his nose playfully before getting up to throw his empty can away and walking to the phone. He then took the reciever off of the wall.
“What was the number again?” Jonathan asked Fredrick.
“504-555-1849.” Fredrick repeated.
Jonathan then repeated it back to himself under his breath while he punched the correct numbers into the phone. He then pressed the reciever to his ear only to hear that familiar ringing tone. It tasted for about 10 seconds or so before Phil picked up.
“Carnagie Funeral Home, Phil speaking.” Phil responded. In the backfround, there were noises that pointed to him being outside. Digging, perhaps?
“H-Hey, Phil! H-How’s it going?”
“Not much, just digging graves, the normal stuff. How’ve you been?” “Well you know about that…. That- uh.. The thing that.. Uh-”
“Jesus Jonathan, Spit it out! You’re starting to sound like fredrick!” Phil laughed as he could be heard digging his shovel into the ground. Jonathan quickly turned away so that fredrick could not see him, as he could feel his face burning red hot, and his breath quickening.
“S-Shut up! I-Im talking about the project that me and Fredrick had going on! Turns out, you can in fact bring back the dead!”
“Really? Holy crap- thats amazing!” “Yeah, But Phil… We need another favor.” Jonathan began. “We need… another person, preferrably a woman. Do you have anyone like that? Someone who hasn’t been claimed by any family or whatnot?”
“Well, now that you mention it, there is one woman, kinda… infamous, if you catch my drift. That’s all i’ll say over the telephone though- you never know if someone else could be listening. Tell you what, You and Fredrick come over to the funeral home around 11 o’clock or midnight, and when you do come, I’ll need you to drive around back so that no cops or nosy people bother us, and when you do that, we’ll see what we can do, alright? That sound good?” Phil offered.
“Yeah, that sounds alright…” Jonathan droned as he picked up the pen that was dangling near the weather-thinned notepad, clicking it until the ball-point was visible. He then tested it on the margins to find that the ink was still inside.
“So at around 11 pm or midnight, we drive back over to the funeral home, drive around back, and you’ll give us to her?” “Well, you will have to have some money with ya- i don’t think simon’ll appreciate it if i just have you her without any payment.” “Of course, how much will it be this time?”
“700 dollars, just like last time.” Jonathan then proceeded to write down what Phil had told him upon the notepad.
“Alright, You got that all written down somewhere? Can’t stay on the line for long, my phones fixing to die on me!” 
“Yeah, i did. Well, i better let you get back to digging. Thank you, Phil! Talk to you in a little bit.”
“Yeah, see you tonight. Ya’ll take care, now!”
Jonathan then turned around to face Fredrick, who had since finished his can of soup and was waiting for him to finish speaking to Phil
“So what did Phil say?” Fredrick asked while throwing away the can. 
“So, Phil’s plan is for us to come back to the home around either 11 o’clock or midnight, and when we get there, he said to drive around back, and then he’ll give us the woman and we pay him. That sounds alright to you?” Jonathan explained as he put the pen back on the spiral part of the notebook. Fredrick paused for a bit, but then nodded.
“Yeah, that’ll work! That’ll work just fine!” 
“Great! What should we do in the meantime?”
“Hm, I think we should check up on Ivan right quick. He did say he was going to find some place to sleep, but knowing him and his history, I wouldn’t doubt that he ran off or something.”
“Oh yeah, you’re right! Hope he did the former!”
Fredrick and Jonathan then exited the operation room and made their way into the main lobby, to find that Ivan was not there.
“Sh-t, Sh-t, Sh-t, where is he?!” Jonathan squeaked as he briskly looked around. Fredrick, However, did not respond, but instead walked deeper into the building, listening for footsteps, or any kind of movement. He then came across a closet, and promptly opened it, finding none other then ivan, slumped against the closet wall asleep with his face covered by his arms, silently snoring.
“Well I’ll be damned, he really did keep to his word..” Jonathan mumbled while staring at Ivan.”Didn’t expect that..”
“Yeah… Look at him, ‘Ts like a big caracal….” “You got that right. I wouldn’t be surprised if he hissed at us if we disturbed him…” Jonathan joked as he gently closed the closet door back. The two scientist then slowly but surely backed away, and went back into the main lobby.
“Alright, so now we know that Ivan’s still here, and it’ll be a while before we can go to the home to grab that woman, lets just sit and wait for a while, not like anything too important is going on…” Fredrick suggested, looking over at the cryogenic chamber Olivia resided in, covered with a white sheet so that he may not lock eyes with his dead child. He quickly looked away afterwards, for he did not want to be sucked into sorrow, at least not now. For the next few hours, they decided to organize the cybernetic parts into catagories of what they were, such as eyes, arms, legs, neck joints, hands, and other things that would need sorting. 6 hours would go by, but they finally had everything organized for the next surgery.
“Alright, well we got that done.. I didn’t realize how big our box of stuff was!” Fredrick laughed while examining a cyber-eye, its LEDS not glowing due to them not being connected, but a sticker on the cords signified what color it was-- Magenta.
“You think Magenta eyes would look good?” Fredrick asked while turning the eye around in his hands. Jonathan could only shrug.
“We’d have to look at the woman beforehand. He did say she was infamous for some reason, so we may have to redo her entire face so that if she were to go outside or anything, no one would recognize her..”
“Yeah, you have a point. I guess we’ll know what he have to do when we get there.”
Midnight struck, and Fredrick and Jonathan were waiting behind the Carnagie Funeral home in Fredrick’s truck, waiting for Phil to come greet them. They waited like this for around 10 or 15 minutes until they saw Phil coming out of the warehouse while holding a Mag light, slowly trudging towards the truck. As soon as Fredrick’s eyes registered Phil, he immediately rolled down the windows and waved.
“Hey Phil, we’ve made it.”
“Good, you came at the time I said to. Now, you said something about needing a woman for yall’s project?” Phil whispered, swiftly looking around his surroundings.
“Yeah, thats right.”
Phil went silent, and looked over towards the treelines, then to the back enterance to the building, and then back to Fredrick.
“I told Jonathan that the woman i’m gonna give yall is kinda infamous.. Y’all know of Betsy Greene?” “Yeah, she was the news lady, right?”
“Yeah, from what I can remember, someone she brought onto the show also brought in some ‘tame’ spikers that ended up breaking out of containment and killing both Betsy and the person she brought on… while the cameras were still rolling.”
Jonathan winced, and Fredrick’s eyes widened. He had remembered Betsy Greene. Of course, he didn’t know her personally, but he remembered how she was a lively newswoman who would show the weather forecasts every now and then, but would mainly be the one to deliver news and such along with a fellow newsman.
“Well why the hell did she do that?!” Fredrick inquired, confused. “I mean, I remember when they brought that guy on with the spikers, but I had already changed the channel!”
“I think that guy was trying to show off how he had managed to tame two spikers with something, but rumor’s going around that she brought them on as an indirect way to do herself in, but I don’t know how true that is-- people love to make up crap to made other people look bad. Anyway, I got off topic, Follow me.” Phil mumbled as he pointed his flashlight towards the warehouse and led Fredrick and Jonathan inside. They walked past drawers upon drawers of the dead until Phil stopped at a drawer that had a pink ribbon tied to it.
“Marked it for convenience,” Phil gruffed as he opened up the drawer to reveal the woman. “So, what do you think? She good enough for ya?”
The woman was beautiful, at least as beautiful as you can say. Her hair that went down to her hipbones was the color of banana pudding, her skin was pale, as would be expected of someone whom has passed, her nails were a bright shade of red, like blood or a red rose. She wore a sleeveless white button-up blouse with a red collar, same shade as her nails, paired with a charcoal black skirt that went down to above her knee, and her outfit was finished with black stockings with garters, a pearl necklace and ruby red heels. For a news anchor, her outfit could be seen as a tad bit unprofessional by past generations, but this is 2042, and times had changed. Fredrick, however, only took notice of her face, skinny with a tiny button nose and big eyes and that were hidden underneath her eyelids and lashes.
“She’s perfect.” Fredrick mumbled while pulling 700 dollars from his wallet and handing it to Phil. “Does she have any belongings?”
“She sure does. Heh, I didn’t even have to bag any of it up this time!” Phil joked as he handed Fredrick a pink cushion-patterned purse with a golden heart dangling off of the side. “From what I remembered, it had her drivers liscence, her little baggy of makeup, her keys, and… I think thats it!” “Well thats good to have. I bet she’ll want it when she.. Wakes up, i guess is the word for it.” Fredrick shrugged as Jonathan brought the Ice-chest in to put her inside. “...She has been treated with the anti-rot stuff, right?”
“Of course she has! Simon does that with every person that comes through his office.”
“Alright, Good deal… Just wanted to know. Well, Its late- I might as well get back to Baton Rouge..”
“Thats where you and Jonathan are holding up? I thought that place got wrecked to hell!”
“Yeah, it did, but the rubble keeps the Lab tucked away so no people come to try and rob it, Y’know? its a…. Tactical advantage. You understand that, right?” Fredrick asked, referring to Phil’s time as a soldier in the war.
“Yeah, I get that. Hell, I’d want a secluded place too if I was doing illegal experiments.”
“Well, its not Illegal if you’re not caught.”
“How the-... I’m not even gonna question it.” Phil chuckled while shaking his head. “Well, I’ll let you get back to your little lab to do your science. You have a good night, Fredrick, Jonathan..” “Thank you, you do the same.” Fredrick responded as he picked up the ice-chest. Jonathan smiled and waved before the two walked back to the truck, putting the chest into the truck, and jumping back in, making way back to the lab.
As they drove, Jonathan looked at the woods that were speeding by him, blackened by night’s darkness. He thought to himself on whether or not he was doing the right thing, helping Fredrick bring back the dead. If there really was a great beyond, if there was really was life after death, were they pulling the departed back? Were the two scientists reaching into the heavens and stealing souls to put back into the vessels they had left? Are they.. Playing God? What would happen to the both of them after they died? Would they be cast into the bowels of hell, or would there be nothing? Or, in the least likeliness, would they be accepted into the gates of heaven? Jonathan could only think of this, and the growing feeling of guilt swelling inside of his chest. He tried to cast these worries and guilty feelings aside, however. What good would it do to doubt Fredrick? He knows what he’s doing, he’s a man of science. 
Jonathan desperately tried to think about anything other than his twisting guilt, until he finally thought of… Fredrick. Not just Fredrick’s plans, not just his skills or history, but of Fredrick himself. He found himself thinking back to the days of Project Prometheus, working upon soldiers that had been greatly wounded in battle, building them into the weapons they needed to win the war. He remembered exactly what Fredrick looked like during those days as well.. Chestnut brown hair, eyes as green and deep as malachite or an emerald, his beard neatly trimmed as to not get in the way of his experiments, and a body as thin as a teenaged boys due to his measly diet of a ham and cheese sandwich and a handful of cashews. Stern yet forgiving, he commanded his crew of scientists well, and with a scalpel and wrench in each hand, he inadvertedly led America to victory in the Battle of Siberia in 2028. What bravery this then-30 year old man had to go against the odds in the name of victory and science, Jonathan thought to himself. 
He then found his mind involuntarily turning towards fredrick’s appearance nowadays. Within his mind’s eye, he could see the man angles of Fredick’s face, from the points and curves in his jawline, the angular pointed nose he possessed, his pine-needle green eyes and his powder white hair and beard, which in an oddly cute sort of way, made him look like a human rendition of a billy-goat. As he doted on his appearence more and more, he found that a warm sensation began to spread across his face, and his heart began to beat just a bit quicker than before, yet oddly enough, this was comforting to him as that warm feeling began to spread to his ears- although that could very well have been caused by the combination of Jonathan’s peculiar sudden feelings and the fact that Fredrick had the heater on full blast. All of this combined with the comfort from the truck’s seats led Jonathan to slowly relax, and drift into sleep. True sleep.
“Jon? Jon! Jonathan!”
Jonathan opened his eyes to find himself on his cot in the laboratory, while Fredrick stood within the threshold of the operation room’s doorway, once again wearing those red googles, a medical mask and red rubber gloves, his lab coat buttoned all the way as to not ruin his lovely yellow dress shirt and red tie. He was red in the face and breathing heavily, as if he had just got done carrying a large sack of feed.
“Fredrick, are you okay? You look like you’re about to fall over!”
“Yeah.. yeah, I’m fine. You feel asleep in the truck again so I decided to carry you in. And let me tell you, despite you being all skinny, you are heavy!” he huffed and wheezed. Jonathan could feel his face, especially his cheeks and ears, heating up like little fires.
“W-Well why the hell didn’t you wake me up! I c-could’ve walked in myself!” He stammered as he immediately jumped off the cot, a red, stuttering, glasses-wearing mess.
“I’ll be honest, I didn’t feel like waking you up. Besides, i had to get the ice-chest in so i could prepare everything.” Fredrick shrugged, confused and perplexed as to why Jonathan was making such a fuss about something as friendly as a friend bringing his sleeping friend inside out of the cold.
“....Well, wake me next time, please… Anyway, forget that- what can I do to help?”
“Well, I just prepared that woman for her surgery, but I haven’t done anything yet, not without your help. But you see, that's when I got to thinking- Since she was real popular on the news, everyone knows what she looks like! Then you have the fact that she was brutally k1lled while she was on the air..” Fredrick muttered. “I should probably take one of the face-plates he have in the box and restructure the face! We should probably give her a new name too, just to be safe.”
“Good thinking, Fredrick.”
They then entered the room, and Jonathan buttoned up his lab coat and put on a medical mask and a pair of gloves before joining Fredrick at the table, where laying was the woman they had acquired from the Carnagies, with pen markings upon her chest in the form of a Y, with her face being covered with markings as well as her shoulder blades. Right beside the table were a pair of cyber-eyes, a set of arms, neck-joints, cybernetic organs, and her purse.
“I saw her arms were all scratched up, real bad! Must’ve been the spikers.. Don’t spikers have real sharp claws?” Fredrick asked, inspecting her right arm by turning it ever so gently to find that the scars were a dark red, like any normal scar that was healing, or was, but the areas surrounding them were a peculiar dark color. Jonathan winced and slowly backed up from the woman, but Fredrick only shook his head.
“Jon, it's okay, it's just some spiker scratches- they don’t have any venom in there. Now, if there were venom in this lady’s arms, we’d have some problems!” Fredrick tried to joke, but decided to give up.
“It's not that i’m worried that there's venom, it's just… It just looks gross!”
“Oh come on, when that spiker cub scratched you a couple years back, I didn’t call your scars gross looking! Well, they were, but… agh, let's just get started with this before I forget what i’m doing.” Fredrick chuckled before he readied his scalpel and began to gently cut along the lines he had created on the woman’s skin, allowing Fredrick to open the ribs and begin removing the organs that had since become useless now that the woman had died. What use would they have in a body of mechanical parts? He threw them away afterwards into a biohazard bag to bury later, and looked up at Jonathan, who had been staring at the macabre sight.
“You okay?” Fredrick inquired.
“Y-yeah, j-just…. Thinking, I guess..”
“Well, we should be focusing on this… hand me a wrench and a screwdriver, would you?” 
Jonathan then handed him the wrench, surprised at Fredrick’s reaction, but he didn’t pay no mind to it. He was right, they should be focusing on the task at hand and not daydreaming. Daydreaming could lead to mistakes, and they did not want that.
Fredrick then began to screw together computer parts and cybernetical organs into place, replacing system by system, until the interior of the woman was filled with wires and parts. He then looked at her arms…
“Hand me a Bonesaw, please.” Fredrick blankly asked, adjusting her arms until she was in a T-shape. Jonathan’s jaw went slightly agape at the request he made, his arms slowly trembling.
“Wh- Why? I thought nothing was wrong with her arms! You said there wasn’t any spiker venom!”
“There shouldn’t be, but with these dark marks and scratches, it's not worth keeping them… what if there's lingering spiker DNA that interferes with the organic parts still left-over? Do you want robot spikers, Jon? Because that's how you get robot spikers!” 
“...Then please hand me a bonesaw.”
Jonathan then went over to the tray and picked up a clean bonesaw, made of steel. Clean. Sharp. Durable. He then handed it to Fredrick with his hand ever so slightly jittering, his jaw clenched.
“...Thank you, Jonathan…” Fredrick sighed before aiming the saw just below the shoulder joint… And with urgency, yet neatness, Fredrick began to saw, and saw, and saw on each side until the body and arms were both separate. When all was said and done, Fredrick wiped the sweat off his brow and deeply sighed.
“Good, good, the hard parts over…” Fredrick mumbled to himself as he took the robotic arms and connected their wires with the wires that were looped about her collarbones and into the shoulders and proceeded to screw the arms into place. Unlike Ivan’s arms, that were merely reinforced with metal, these were entirely metal, save for a white silicone covering from the forearms down to the fingertips. Fredrick, satisfied with his work of science, began to wrap up until he noticed that the woman still had her original face.
“...Oh.. we still have to change her face and eyes! And install the neck joints!” He pipped before gently grabbing a scalpel. He was about to immediately begin cutting until he remembered Jonathan. Jonathan had seen his fair share of surgeries, but he could not recall if he had ever seen a face surgery.
“Jonathan, I’m about to replace her face. If you want, you can leave while I do this, it’s going to be…. Well, It won’t be a pretty sight, that's for sure!” He warned. Jonathan, despite his inner protestings to not watch, decided “What the heck? It should be simple, right?”
“N-No, I’ll be okay. I don’t remember seeing one of these before, at least not in real life.”
“You sure?”
“...Well alright, Imma start cutting in, then.” Fredrick shrugged as he gently began to cut along the dotted lines, separating flesh until…
“Dear god, that is…. That's….” Jonathan trembled as he turned pale from the horrid sight. Fredrick, in all honesty, was not phased in the slightest. He had replaced faces before, some more heavily damaged than others, but this was probably the easiest one he had gotten to date. Or maybe it was his subtle dissociation that kept him from reacting the same way as his best friend.
“Yeah, I told you it wasn't pretty.. But if we wanna keep her from being recognized after that news incident, it’s worth a lost appetite, y’know?” Fredrick sighed before removing the woman's original eyes and putting them in the biohazard bag, now installing the cybereyes with wires and needles going into the formations that connected the eyes to the brain. Afterwards, he quickly installed a porcelain-white faceplate with a rather feminine face, with a thin black line dropping from the bottom of each eye socket.
“There… all finished.." Fredrick huffed as he took off his goggles and bloodied gloves, surveying his creation, a crude amalgamation of steel and flesh somehow more horrifying than Ivan, a feared former general. He then walked over to the kitchen sink and rinsed the viscera off of his gloves.
“That was more complicated than I thought I'd be.. It was easy with Ivan, as far as surgery went.” He monologues to himself. Jonathan could only blink and stare at Fredrick, not understanding what he just witnessed. Normally, Fredrick wasn’t this… snappy. He also wasn’t this distant. How badly Jonathan wanted to ask if Fredrick was okay, but he knew he would most likely be answered with silence. 
Frederick then connected her to the jury-rigged shocker once more, just like how he did with Ivan..
“Alright, you ready, Jonathan?”
“Alrighty, 3.. 2… 1!”
When he pressed the button, that loud pop was heard, like a cannon. The lights flickered ever so gently… Fredrick then handed the button to Jonathan as he went to inspect the woman to find she wasn’t breathing.
“....Hit that button again, would’ja, Jon?”
No response.
Fredrick then walks back over to Jonathan, gently taking the button from his hands, and presses the button again.
He furrowed his brow, he grit his teeth, and his grip tightened around the remote.
“C’mon, Work with me!” POP!
No response. Frederick found himself becoming more and more impatient the longer he pressed that button, expecting that woman to start breathing..
Eventually, he found himself gripping that remote tight until his knuckles turned white without care of whether it broke, gritting his teeth.
He then lost all composure and punched the wall with full force, with a yelp as soon as it hit the hard wall. Jonathan immediately ducked under a table to escape Fredrick’s sudden wrath, not out of will, but an almost instinctual need. Frederick held his hand, scuffed and bloodied by the walls rough texture, letting out a pained hiss like a cat or a snake.
“F-Fredrick! A-Are you okay?!” “Yeah- yeah, i’m fine.. She breathing yet? Fixing to give up and chunk her out!” he growled. Jonathan paced toward the woman to check, and sure enough, she had begun to breathe.
“Yeah! She’s breathing!”
“Oh thank god…” he sighed as he slumped down along the wall, holding his injured hand with his good one. Jonathan, seeing this, ran over to the shelves, where a first aid kit hung on the wall beside it. He immediately grabbed it, fumbling to keep it in his grasp, and ran back over to Fredrick.
“Jonathan, I’m alright, but that back up.” Frederick groaned, trying his best to apply pressure to his wounds”
“Are you out of your mind right now?! That could get infected!”
“Jon, I’m okay, just plea-”
“Don’t you give me that! I’m the one with a medical doctorate here! With how dirty these walls are, it’d get infected if we don’t clean it!” 
It went back and forth like this for a solid 4 or 5 minutes until Fredrick finally succumbed to Jonathan’s insistence on letting him clean his angrily begotten wound. Jonathan then opened up the kit to find your usual band-aids, sterilized pads, butterfly bandaids… but where was the rubbing alcohol?
“You know where some rubbing alcohol is, Fredrick?” “How the hell should I know, you’re the one who got the kit out!” He groaned as he rolled his eyes. Then there was the sound of boots hitting against the linoleum flooring outside, and Ivan busted into the operation room.
“What was that noise? It sounded like something fell!”
“Fredrick just punched the wall, Ivan, don’t worry!”
“Well that was stupid of you, Dr. Johanneson.” Ivan smirked. Frederick shot daggers at him before he looked back at Jonathan, finding that slowly but surely, he was beginning to calm down.
“Hey Ivan, you know where some rubbing alcohol would be?” Jonathan asked. 
“I got vodka in my flask!”
“That's…. Not what I asked.”
“You can use it as disinfectant if you dilute it. I’ve used it plenty of times, so have the men under me.”
“...you know what, to hell with it, dilute some in a cup for me, and bring it over here.”
And Ivan did just that as he filled a little paper cup half-full of the clear liquor, and the other half full of water. He then walked ever so gently toward the two, handing the full cup to Jonathan.
“Thank you.. Now Fredrick, I won't lie, this’ll hurt like hell. Are you ready?” He asked him as he held the cup just above his hand, covered in dried up blood.
“Yes, of course! Quit treating me like.. Like your patient!” Fredrick muttered, looking away from the two as he rolled his eyes.
“Okay, 1. 2. 3.”
He slowly poured the liquor onto Fredricks hand, causing him to jolt upright and growl through his teeth as the alcohol entered his wounds with seering pain. Out of instinct, he tried to pull away, but jonathan pulled his arm back towards him, not even bothering to ask him to keep still. Afterwards, he patted his hand dry with a sterilized cloth and wrapped his hand in white bandages.
“That isn’t too tight, is it?” Jonathan asked as he put tape on the bandages to fasten it. Fredrick shook his head and sighed, still recovering from the sudden agony.
“No, its alright.. Jonathan, you don’t have to worry about me, I’ll be fine!”
“Fredrick, of course I do! I’m your friend! Besides, with those two spikers that were in here, who knows if their DNA was on the walls! Don’t spikers lay oothecae on walls and eat the shelling after the eggs hatch?” 
“....Jon, thats disgusting.. But you have a point… Ivan, check that woman for me, will you?”
“Yes Sir… she’s still breathing!”
“Good! I still need to read her memories and delete some stuff from there..” Fredrick groaned as he got up, using his uninjured hand to balance against the wall before trudging over to the memory machine and grabbing the memory sticks in his hands tightly, sticking them through the woman’s skull and into her brain. Memories were quickly converted, although much slower than Ivan’s though, however. Fredrick could only assume she had been dead longer than Ivan had, and did not question it further. He removed files that had to do with her death, removed evidence of her name and replaced Betsy Greene with Eva Moore, and waited a while before saving and closing out of the program. 
“Alright, thats done…. We should probably get another some time tomorr-”
“Oh no you don’t! You’re gonna let that hand heal up before you do any more surgeries!” “Jonathan, I said i’m fine, i can do this!” “Fredrick, F-friends don’t let friends do surgeries while their hand is healing from an injury.” Jonathan insisted. Fredrick wanted to object once more, but seeing Jonathan’s peculiar demanding that he rest, he decided to just let it be. Besides, whats a little downtime going to hurt? And if Jonathan, a liscenced doctor, says to not do any surgery for the time being, he might as well.
“Come lay down, fredrick, its 2 o’clock in the morning.. We’ll deal with that woman later when she wakes up… Hey, what did you name her, anyway? I know you said you were going to replace her name!”
“I named her Eva. Eva Moore. No real reason or namesake, I just thought it sounded nice.” Fredrick replied as he got ready for bed by taking off his shirt and tie and shoes, while Jonathan put on the baggy black shirt he had found for a pajama shirt.
“Well, it certainly has a ring to it, I’ll give you that!” Jonathan chuckled before they got into their respective cots. 
“Night, Jon.”
“Night, Fredrick”
And Jonathan turned out the lights.
Jonathan had woken up to the darkness he had left himself and Fredrick in, only hearing Fredrick snore beside him in his cot. He found that it was strangely cold, but he only assumed that the winter cold was creeping in from that broken boarded up window. His eyes slowly began to adjust to the dark around him as shadows of tables and shelves and Fredrick’s cot came into focus..
And “Eva” was standing inches away from him, eyes glowing a piercing Magenta, with a blank stare.
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libraryleopard · 11 months
October reads
= reread
Saint Juniper’s Folly by Alex Crespo
Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude by Ross Gay
Tomboy Survival Guide by Ivan Coyote
Always the Almost by Edward Underhill
Native Guard by Natasha Trethewey
Real Queer America: LGBT Stories From Red States by Samantha Allen
Through the Woods by Emily Carroll*
And Don’t Look Back by Rebecca Barrow
A Trans Man Walks Into a Gay Bar by Harry Nicholas 
The Perfect Crimes of Marian Hayes by Cat Sebastian
A Guest in the House by Emily Carroll
The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas
The September House by Carissa Orlando
Deephaven by Ethan M. Aldridge
Firebird by Sunmi 
Wylding Hall by Elizabeth Hand*
Moby Dyke by Krista Burton
The Scratch Daughters by H.A. Clarke
An Island Princess Starts a Scandal by Adriana Herrera
The Winter Knight by Jes Battis
The Perfect Guy Doesn’t Exist by Sophie Gonzales
The Devouring Wolf by Natalie C. Parker
Monstrous Regiment by Terry Pratchett
Wrath Goddess Sing by Maya Deane
Against Heaven by Kemi Alabi
Rifqa by Mohammed El-Kurd
Water and Salt by Lena Khalaf Tuffaha
They Never Learn by Layne Fargo
Your New Feeling is the Artifact of a Bygone Era by Chad Bennett
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield must battle a rogue warrior seeking revenge after unleashing the deadly G-Virus, whilst a mutated monster goes on a rampage. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Leon S. Kennedy (voice): Paul Mercier Claire Redfield (voice): Alyson Court Angela Miller (voice): Laura Bailey Curtis Miller (voice): Roger Craig Smith Frederic Downing (voice): Crispin Freeman Senator Ron Davis (voice): Michael Sorich Ingrid Hunnigan (voice): Salli Saffioti Rani Chawla (voice): Michelle Ruff Rani’s aunt (voice): Mary Elizabeth McGlynn Greg Glenn (voice): Steve Blum WilPharma CEO (voice): Michael McConnohie U.S. President (voice): Kirk Thornton Various (voice): Cindy Robinson Various (voice): Dave Wittenberg Various (voice): Kari Wahlgren Various (voice): Kyle Hebert Various (voice): Barbara Goodson Various (voice): Keith Silverstein Various (voice): Yuri Lowenthal Various (voice): Megan Hollingshead Various (voice): Skip Stellrecht Various (voice): Troy Baker Various (voice): Karen Strassman Various (voice): JB Blanc Various (voice): Johnny Yong Bosch Greg Glenn / G-Curtis (motion capture): Derek Mears Film Crew: Executive Producer: Masao Takiyama Screenplay: Shoutarou Suga Director: Makoto Kamiya Sound Director: Yota Tsuruoka Editor: Ryuji Miyajima Layout: Nobuhito Sue Sound Designer: Koji Kasamatsu Production Manager: Yoshimi Sugiyama Costume Design: Kuniko Hôjô Compositor: Naoyuki Fujii Stunts: Satoshi Hakuzen Executive Producer: Haruhiro Tsujimoto Executive Producer: Keiji Inafune Original Music Composer: Tetsuya Takahashi Co-Producer: Hidenori Ueki Story: Hiroyuki Kobayashi CGI Director: Atsushi Doi Casting Producer: Michelle Ladd Stunts: Naohiro Kawamoto Storyboard Artist: Shinji Nishikawa Casting Producer: Thom Williams Producer: Taro Morishima Associate Producer: Scott Dolph Video Game: Shinji Mikami Stunts: Jersey Maki Itosu Sound Editor: Yoshiki Matsunaga Casting Producer: Hiroyuki Yoshida Compositor: Hiroki Ando Storyboard Artist: Kiyoshi Okuyama Production Manager: Sareana Sun Associate Producer: Daisuke Gomi Stunts: Koji Kawamoto Video Game: Kenichi Iwao Story Editor: Father Video Game: Tokuro Fujiwara Video Game: Takahiro Arimitsu Modelling Supervisor: Yoshiaki Hirabayashi Producer: Seiji Iseda Associate Producer: Aki Kiuchi Executive Producer: Ivan C. Shih Co-Executive Producer: Toshi Tokumaru Associate Producer: Mareo Yamada Production Design: Shiho Tamura Production Manager: Alena Fang Production Manager: Kumiko Oguri Second Assistant Director: Kentaro Fujisawa First Assistant Director: Gaku Nagao Prop Designer: Takumi Sakura Storyboard Artist: Hiromitsu Soma Dialogue Editor: Les Claypool III Character Designer: Kazuhiro Asakawa VFX Artist: Wu Bin Lighting Artist: Zhang Bei Modeling: Stacy Chang Lighting Artist: Peng Chao Modeling: Hsin-Che Chen Modeling: Soyoung Cheng Modeling: Chaucer Chiu Lighting Artist: Liu Dexin Compositor: Nobutaka Emoto Lighting Artist: Le Gao Compositing Lead: Tsubasa Harikae Lighting Artist: Yifang He Lighting Artist: Zhang Hongkun Animation: Ni Hongtao Stunts: Nobuhiro Inohara Post Production Producer: Yuuki Hashimoto Assistant Editor: Narihiko Kôno Movie Reviews: Andre Gonzales: It’s just like if I was watching the video game. Pretty cool movie. These are the 2 characters I remember the most because I loved Code Veronica so much.
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thehungrykat1 · 6 months
Cantabria by Chele Gonzalez Opens at The Westin Manila
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The city's newest and possibly most authentic Spanish restaurant recently opened its doors at The Westin Manila. Cantabria by Chele Gonzalez is a new Spanish dining concept from multi-awarded celebrity chef Chele Gonzales that is named after and in honor of his hometown of Cantabria, located in the northern coast of Spain. The Hungry Kat was invited to the special media preview held last March 7, a day before it officially opened for dinner on March 8, 2024.
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Cantabria by Chele Gonzalez is a new culinary venture in partnership with The Westin Manila which just recently celebrated its first anniversary. The restaurant is an ode to Chef Chele's childhood years and is a project that has been one year in the making. It's a place that Chef Chele can definitely be proud of as he shares his own Cantabria heritage with the rest of the world.
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Cantabria is open from Tuesdays to Sundays from 6:00pm to 10:00pm. You can find it on the hotel's topmost level, a more private and exclusive area with gorgeous views of the Ortigas central business district.
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Plush sofas and elegant chairs give the place a sophisticated yet homey ambiance. The cozy interiors come decorated with beautiful Spanish tiles along with paintings and photos of the region. There's even a small metallic map of Cantabria adorning one of its walls.
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Cantabria, in the words of Chef Chele, is an infinite landscape known for its unparalleled culinary treasures from its legendary ocean to a multitude of greeneries and mountains. Their menu takes guests to the shores of the Cantabria region, offering a taste of its bounty in delicate bites and indulgent delights.
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Chef Chele Gonzales is proud to present the diversity of Spanish cuisine and to celebrate this region's ocean gems through heritage recipes from his childhood and early culinary beginnings. These are dishes he enjoyed at home prepared by his mother which he is now sharing with us. Together with chef de cuisine Ivan Saiz Sordo, Cantabria specializes in creative and sophisticated approach to seafood, as well as innovative tapas, comfort meats, and other traditional Spanish favorites.
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Our evening started with some pintxos like the Wagyu and Inure Toast. These are made with wagyu tartare, salmon roe, and truffle yolk on top of a brioche toast. It's an immaculate burst of flavors with the tender wagyu just melting away with the egg yolk in one glorious bite.
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The Toasta de Anchova y Berenjena is one of Chele's signature dishes using premium Cantabrian anchovy served with charred eggplant on a baguette toast. This gave guests a quick preview of the many Cantabrian seafood items the restaurant will be featuring.
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There's also a bar area inside Cantabria with dedicated bartenders ready to prepare exquisite cocktails and bubbly beverages.
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We had a taste of the Sangria Tinto as our welcome drink. This is a refreshing red wine sangria with fruity flavors.
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The bartender also prepared a special cocktail for us called A Night in Santander, which is the capital of Cantabria. This comes with tequila in green tea and chili salt on the side. Cantabria by Chele Gonzalez offers a wide selection of beverages from sangria, cocktails, vino and more.
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What Cantabria is really proud of are their sea produce. These imported seafood are on display at the counter for all the guests to see.
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Chef Chele prepared a fantastic menu for us that evening to highlight some of his Spanish specialties using ingredients and cooking techniques from Cantabria
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For our appetizers, first up was the Ostra De La Casa. These are plump and juicy oysters combined with sherry mignonette, green apple, and chives.
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Next was the Tartlet De Viera, a scallop tartlet combined with white chocolate, caviar and celeriac puree. I was not sure if it was a starter or a dessert, because this had a unique combination of premium seafood and white chocolate. It was truly culinary genius on display because it all worked together and we all loved it.
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These dishes were paired with the Torello Brut Reserve, a sparkling wine made using Penedes grapes from Spain.
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We also tried some of the tapas on the menu. The Chili Crab Croquetas con Mayonesa De Lima comes with creamy chili crab croquettes with lime mayonnaise. The croquettes really tasted like Singaporean chili crab and we didn't even have to get our hands dirty.
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The Ravioli de Carne Guisada con Espuma de Parmesano is a braised beef and porcini ravioli topped with parmesan espuma and basil oil. Chef Chele used to eat this dish as a child when his mother made these for him during Saturday lunches. These tapas were served with Menade Rueda Verdejo Blanco from Spain.
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For our main course, the highlight of the evening was the Rodaballo a la Parrilla or Grilled Whole Wild Turbot. The wild turbot is a flat fish that is native to European waters and is highly valued and classified as a fine dining fish. Cantabria by Chele Gonzalez is one of the very few places where you can find this gem on the menu. Our portions of the Grilled Wild Turbot were served with house salad and potatoes on the side.
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The next main course was the Arroz Negro de Viera Y Chipiron. This comes with black ink creamy rice topped with grilled scallops, baby squid and herb aioli. It's similar to a paella negra but the creaminess of the rice is more like a risotto which I really liked. The big pieces of scallops were also a delicious addition.
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Meatlovers don't have to worry because there's also the Presa Iberico con Patata Y Mojos. This is a grilled pork iberico steak served with fried marble potatoes plus green and red mojos sauces. The pork was so tender and flavorful, as if I was eating at one of the country's best steakhouses.
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To make this course even more spectacular, it was served with a glass of Les Cousins L'Inconscient from Catalonia, Spain.
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For dessert, Chef Chele presented probably the most delicious cake I have ever tasted. The Sobao Pasiego is a Cantabria delicacy cake served with cheese ice cream and berries coulis. The fluffy cake was just heavenly and went so well with the ice cream and mixed berries.
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We ended our exquisite dinner with the Toffe, Cacao, Avellana Y Cafe. This is a chocolate sponge cake with caramel mousse and caramelized hazelnut topped with ice cream. We would like to thank Chef Chele Gonzalez for hosting and preparing our lovely dinner in Cantabria at The Westin Manila. This is definitely the most authentic Spanish restaurant you can find in Metro Manila because Chef Chele has crafted the entire menu from his heart.
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Cantabria by Chele Gonzalez
Roof Level, The Westin Manila, San Miguel Avenue corner Lourdes Drive, Ortigas Center, Pasig
(0962) 533-7957
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cinquecolonnemagazine · 11 months
ATP Finals 2023: il torneo dei migliori otto del mondo a Torino
Le Nitto ATP Finals, il torneo di tennis maschile più importante al mondo, tornano a Torino per il terzo anno consecutivo, dal 12 al 19 novembre 2023. Il Pala Alpitour, la più grande arena sportiva al coperto d'Italia, ospiterà la fase finale del torneo, che vedrà sfidarsi i migliori otto giocatori del mondo in singolare e le migliori otto coppie in doppio. I partecipanti I partecipanti alle ATP Finals sono i primi otto giocatori classificati nella Race ATP, il ranking che tiene conto dei risultati ottenuti nel corso dell'intera stagione. Per il torneo di singolare, i qualificati sono: - Novak Djokovic (Serbia) - Carlos Alcaraz (Spagna) - Stefanos Tsitsipas (Grecia) - Alexander Zverev (Germania) - Daniil Medvedev (Russia) - Andrey Rublev (Russia) - Jannik Sinner (Italia) - Holger Rune (Danimarca) Per il torneo di doppio, i qualificati sono: - Rohan Bopanna/Matthew Ebden (India/Australia) - Ivan Dodig/Austin Krajicek (Croazia/Stati Uniti) - Wesley Koolhof/Neal Skupski (Olanda/Regno Uniti) - Santiago Gonzales/Èdouard Roger-Vasselin (Messico/Francia) - Rajeev Ram/Joe Salisbury (Stati Uniti/Regno Unito) - Marcel Granolles/ Horacio Zeballos (Spagna/Argentina) - Maximo Gonzales/Andres Molteni (Argentina) - Rinky Hijikata/Jason Kubler (Australia) Il programma delle Nitto Atp Finals 2023 Il torneo si svolgerà in un formato a gironi, con due gironi da quattro squadre. Le prime due squadre di ogni girone si qualificheranno per le semifinali. Il programma completo del torneo è il seguente: Fase a gironi - Domenica 12 novembre - Girone Verde: Djokovic vs. Rune, Tsitsipas vs. Sinner - Girone Verde, Torneo del Doppio: Dodeg/Kraijcek vs. Gonzales/Molteni, Gonzales/Vasellin vs. Granollers/Zeballos - Lunedì 13 novembre - Girone Rosso: Medvedev vs. Rublev, Alcaraz vs. Zverev - Girone Rosso, torneo del toppio: Koolhof/Skupski vs. Kublev/Hijikata, Ebden/Bopanna vs. Salisbury/Ram Semifinali - Venerdì 17 novembre - Primo del girone vs secondo del girone rosso - Primo del girone rosso vs secondo del girone verde Finali - Domenica 19 novembre - Finale di doppio - Finale di singolare L'evento Le ATP Finals sono un evento di grande importanza per il tennis italiano e per la città di Torino. Il torneo attira ogni anno migliaia di appassionati da tutto il mondo, e contribuisce a promuovere il tennis e l'Italia a livello internazionale. Per l'occasione, il Pala Alpitour sarà completamente rinnovato, con un nuovo design e una nuova illuminazione. Inoltre, saranno organizzate numerose attività collaterali, tra cui concerti, esibizioni e conferenze. Le ATP Finals 2023 si preannunciano un evento imperdibile per gli appassionati di tennis. Foto di copertina: https://www.nittoatpfinals.com/it/ Read the full article
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mirandamckenni1 · 1 year
Ancient Life as Old as the Universe ✨ WORLDWIDE SHIPPING AVAILABLE ✨ The 12,024 Human Era Calendar has landed! https://ift.tt/HvNupld Join us on an exploration of how different cosmic conditions could shape unique worlds and civilizations. Stocks are highly limited, so don’t miss your chance to own a truly special piece of kurzgesagt. Sources & further reading: https://ift.tt/6jR3EY7 Life has existed on one planet for about 4 billion years, for all we know. But it might have started right after the Big Bang, when the universe was much stranger and more fantastic than today. A universe that might have allowed life to develop absolutely anywhere. The cosmos might be full of the seeds of life, sleeping in a dead desert, waiting for a few drops of rain to explosively bloom and grow. Tiny and not so tiny aliens might be everywhere. OUR CHANNELS ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ German: https://ift.tt/05Urn2M Spanish: https://ift.tt/henC9wW French: https://ift.tt/nzfUcDh Portuguese: https://ift.tt/5IPGMDi Arabic: https://ift.tt/bpTF8EM Hindi: https://ift.tt/KWJXCfB Japanese: https://ift.tt/HNXimCn Korean: https://ift.tt/mOgpQh0 HOW CAN YOU SUPPORT US? ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ This is how we make our living and it would be a pleasure if you support us! Get Products designed with ❤ https://ift.tt/DCcZhQY Join the Patreon Bird Army 🐧 https://ift.tt/5XB6HVa DISCUSSIONS & SOCIAL MEDIA ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ TikTok: https://kgs.link/tiktok Reddit: https://kgs.link/reddit Instagram: https://ift.tt/NoTq6Yk Twitter: https://ift.tt/YBC5wz9 Facebook: https://ift.tt/I3d5x7J Discord: https://ift.tt/iwcNU5G Newsletter: https://ift.tt/Py8pV5t OUR VOICE ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ The Kurzgesagt voice is from Steve Taylor: https://ift.tt/njIDJsc OUR MUSIC ♬♪ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ 700+ minutes of Kurzgesagt Soundtracks by Epic Mountain: Spotify: https://ift.tt/RMS8YVp Soundcloud: https://ift.tt/preFw4Z Bandcamp: https://ift.tt/nrqitSy Youtube: https://ift.tt/ntUCqK9 Facebook: https://ift.tt/LmOz0JQ The Soundtrack of this video: Soundcloud: https://bit.ly/3QbPZQs Bandcamp: https://bit.ly/48P3NaU If you want to help us caption this video, please send subtitles to [email protected] You can find info on what subtitle files work on YouTube here: https://ift.tt/Sl6YWin Thank you! 🐦🐧🐤 PATREON BIRD ARMY 🐤🐧🐦 ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Many Thanks to our wonderful Patreons (from http://kgs.link/patreon) who support us every month and made this video possible: Andrew Parker, Alessandro Vozza, Jonathan Field, Zakemski, Peter Beverloo, Salis, Propzilla, Monon, RhoBean, Blagoja Stavrov, Kacper Kowalczyk, S41ko, Martin Schreier, unser_Paul, Adam Kilgore, Alexandre Mesot, Ivan Lozano, Jacob Thibault, Yong won jin, Austin Liberto, Roee MT, Nicolette Ceriales, laila nour, Happy Wolf, Macavity0, Branstock, S, Aaron, Millie, Oscar Torres, BlueCadet3, Avery Sisemore, Luke Johnson, andres silva, Brendan Marlatt, DarkPatriot, jhonathan clavijo, Julio Gonzales, Doug Webster, AverageSwine167, Sandro Götze via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOiGEI9pQBs
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There's one more but Tumblr won't go beyond 12 options so if your favorite UnSub Oleg Antakov and/or Ivan Kozar (The Ripper of Riga) then just please enter their name or episode name into the reply note.
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collectorscorner · 2 years
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ABLAZE PUBLISHING Cimmerian Volume 4 HC, $29.99 Heavenly Demon Reborn Volume 1 GN, $19.99 Traveling To Mars #1 (Cover A Roberto Meli), $3.99 Traveling To Mars #1 (Cover B Mirka Andolfo), $3.99 Traveling To Mars #1 (Cover C Zulema Lavina), $3.99
ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS Betty And Veronica Friends Forever Christmas Party #1, $2.99 World Of Betty And Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest #20, $8.99
BOOM! STUDIOS Firefly Keep Flying #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Frany), $7.99 Firefly Keep Flying #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Miguel Mercado), $7.99 Firefly Keep Flying #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Frany Premium Variant), $8.99 Firefly Keep Flying #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Miguel Mercado Virgin Variant), AR Seven Secrets Volume 3 TP, $16.99 Specs #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Skylar Patridge), $3.99 Specs #1 (Of 4)(Cover B David Talaski), $3.99 Specs #1 (Of 4)(Cover C David Talaski Virgin Variant), AR Specs #1 (Of 4)(Cover D Kevin Wada Virgin Variant), AR Specs #1 (Of 4)(Cover E Skylar Patridge Virgin Variant), AR Specs #1 (Of 4)(Cover F Chris Shehan BOOM! Guarantee Variant), AR
COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1838, AR
DARK HORSE COMICS Berserk Deluxe Edition Volume 12 HC, $49.99 Hellboy And The B.P.R.D. The Return Of Effie Kolb And Others TP, $19.99 Hellboy Weird Tales TP, $24.99 Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken Volume 4 TP, $14.99 Minor Threats #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Scott Hepburn), $4.99 Minor Threats #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Kevin Maguire), $4.99 Minor Threats #3 (Of 4)(Cover C Scott Hepburn Foil Variant), $4.99 Salamandre TP, $24.99 Shock Shop #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Danny Luckert & Leila Leiz), $3.99 Shock Shop #3 (Of 4)(Cover B James Harren & Caitlin Yarsky), $3.99 Stephen McCranie’s Space Boy Volume 14 TP, $12.99
DC COMICS Absolute Dark Nights Metal HC, $125.00 Batgirls #12 (Cover A Jorge Corona), $3.99 Batgirls #12 (Cover B Audrey Mok Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Batgirls #12 (Cover C Paulina Ganucheau ’90s Cover Month Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Batgirls #12 (Cover D Rian Gonzales Card Stock Variant), AR Batman Incorporated #2 (Cover A John Timms), $3.99 Batman Incorporated #2 (Cover B Jorge Molina Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Batman Incorporated #2 (Cover C Chris Burnham ’90s Cover Month Foil Multi-Level Embossed Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Batman Incorporated #2 (Cover D Ivan Tao Card Stock Variant), AR Batman Incorporated #2 (Cover E John Timms Design Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Batman Urban Legends #21 (Cover A Michael Cho), $7.99 Batman Urban Legends #21 (Cover B Jorge Fornes), $7.99 Batman Urban Legends #21 (Cover C Edwin Galmon), $7.99 Batman Vs. Robin #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Mahmud Asrar), $5.99 Batman Vs. Robin #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Alex Maleev Card Stock Variant), $6.99 Batman Vs. Robin #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Mateus Manhanini Card Stock Variant), $6.99 Batman Vs. Robin #3 (Of 5)(Cover D Carlo Barberi ’90s Cover Month Card Stock Variant), $6.99 Batman Vs. Robin #3 (Of 5)(Cover E Mario Fox Foccillo Era Card Stock Variant), AR Batman Vs. Robin #3 (Of 5)(Cover F Tony S. Daniel Card Stock Variant), AR Batman Vs. Robin #3 (Of 5)(Cover G Mario Fox Foccillo Fight Poster Batman Vs. Red Hood Card Stock Variant), AR Batman Vs. Robin #3 (Of 5)(Cover H Mario Fox Foccillo Fight Poster Batman Vs Spoiler Card Stock Variant), AR Batman Vs. Robin #3 (Of 5)(Cover I Mario Fox Foccillo Fight Poster Batman Vs Nightwing Card Stock Variant), AR Batman Vs. Robin #3 (Of 5)(Cover J Mario Fox Foccillo Fight Poster Batman Vs Robin Card Stock Variant), AR Blood Syndicate Season One #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Dexter Soy), $3.99 Blood Syndicate Season One #6 (Of 6)(Cover B Jay Hero Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Catwoman Volume 1 Dangerous Liaisons TP, $16.99 Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #6 (Of 7)(Cover A Daniel Sampere & Alejandro Sanchez), $4.99 Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #6 (Of 7)(Cover B Cully Hamner Card Stock Variant), $5.99 Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #6 (Of 7)(Cover C Ariel Colon Infinite Crisis Homage Card Stock Variant), $5.99 Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #6 (Of 7)(Cover D Ben Oliver Black Adam Movie Card Stock Variant), $5.99 Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #6 (Of 7)(Cover E Crystal Kung Card Stock Variant), AR Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #6 (Of 7)(Cover F Rafael Sarmento Card Stock Variant), AR Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #6 (Of 7)(Cover G Daniel Sampere & Alejandro Sanchez Foil Card Stock Variant), AR Death Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Dan Jurgens & Brett Breeding Gatefold Variant), $10.99 Death Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Jim Lee & Scott Williams), $10.99 Death Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Ivan Reis & Danny Miki Funeral For A Friend Variant), $10.99 Death Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Dan Mora Jon Kent Variant), $10.99 Death Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover E Francesco Mattina Doomsday Die-Cut Variant), $10.99 Death Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover F Dan Jurgens & Brett Breeding Gatefold Premium Polybag Variant), $10.99 Death Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover G Francesco Mattina Doomsday Variant), AR Death Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover H Jim Lee & Scott Williams Black & White Variant), AR Death Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover I Dan Jurgens & Brett Breeding Foil Variant), AR Death Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot)(Cover J Rafael Sarmento Doombreaker Variant), AR Detective Comics #38 (Facsimile Edition)(2022), $6.99 Diana And Nubia Princesses Of The Amazons TP, $9.99 Flash By Mark Waid Omnibus Volume 1 HC (Book Market Edition), $150.00 Flash By Mark Waid Omnibus Volume 1 HC (Direct Market Edition), $150.00 Flash The Fastest Man Alive #3 (Of 3)(Cover A Jason Howard), $5.99 Flash The Fastest Man Alive #3 (Of 3)(Cover B Scott Kolins Card Stock Variant), $6.99 Flash The Fastest Man Alive #3 (Of 3)(Cover C Jorge Corona Pencil Card Stock Variant), AR Flash The Fastest Man Alive #3 (Of 3)(Cover D Jorge Corona Foil Card Stock Variant), AR I Am Batman #15 (Cover A Christian Duce)(Dark Crisis), $3.99 I Am Batman #15 (Cover B Jeff Spokes Card Stock Variant)(Dark Crisis), $4.99 I Am Batman #15 (Cover C Khary Randolph ’90s Cover Month Card Stock Variant)(Dark Crisis), $4.99 I Am Batman #15 (Cover D Canaan White Card Stock Variant)(Dark Crisis), AR Justice League Volume 2 United Order HC, $24.99 Multiversity Teen Justice #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Robbi Rodriguez), $3.99 Multiversity Teen Justice #6 (Of 6)(Cover B Stephanie Hans Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Multiversity Teen Justice #6 (Of 6)(Cover C Eleonora Carlini Card Stock Variant), $4.99 New Golden Age #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Mikel Janin), $4.99 New Golden Age #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Gary Frank Card Stock Variant), $5.99 New Golden Age #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Todd Nauck Card Stock Variant), $5.99 New Golden Age #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Michael Allred Card Stock Variant), $5.99 New Golden Age #1 (One Shot)(Cover E David Talaski Card Stock Variant), $5.99 New Golden Age #1 (One Shot)(Cover F Dan Hipp Card Stock Variant), AR New Golden Age #1 (One Shot)(Cover G Michael Allred Foil Card Stock Variant), AR New Golden Age #1 (One Shot)(Cover H David Talaski Foil Card Stock Variant), AR Nice House On The Lake #11 (Of 12)(Cover A Alvaro Martinez Bueno), $3.99 Nice House On The Lake #11 (Of 12)(Cover B Aaron Campbell Card Stock Variant), $4.99 One-Star Squadron TP, $16.99 Superman #75 (Special Edition)(Cover A Dan Jurgens), $3.99 Superman #75 (Special Edition)(Cover B Dan Jurgens Foil Cardstock Variant), AR Superman Son Of Kal-El #17 (Cover A Travis Moore)(Kal-El Returns), $3.99 Superman Son Of Kal-El #17 (Cover B John Giang Card Stock Variant)(Kal-El Returns), $4.99 Superman Son Of Kal-El #17 (Cover C Steven Butler ’90s Cover Month Card Stock Variant)(Kal-El Returns), $4.99 Superman Son Of Kal-El #17 (Cover D Jeff Dekal Card Stock Variant (Kal-El Returns), AR WildC.A.T.s #1 (Cover A Stephen Segovia), $3.99 WildC.A.T.s #1 (Cover B Jim Lee Card Stock Variant), $4.99 WildC.A.T.s #1 (Cover C Stanley Artgerm Lau Card Stock Variant), $4.99 WildC.A.T.s #1 (Cover D Ben Oliver Card Stock Variant), $4.99 WildC.A.T.s #1 (Cover E Brett Booth & Sandra Hope ’90s Cover Month Foil Multi-Level Embossed Card Stock Variant), $4.99 WildC.A.T.s #1 (Cover F Jeff Spokes Connecting Card Stock 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FLOATING WORLD COMICS New York Ninja Super Special #1 (One Shot), $12.00
IDW PUBLISHING F.A.R.M. System GN, $19.99 Fever In Urbicande GN, $19.99 Godzilla Monsters And Protectors All Hail The King #2 (Cover A Dan Schoening), $3.99 Godzilla Monsters And Protectors All Hail The King #2 (Cover B Andrea Bell), $3.99 Godzilla Monsters And Protectors All Hail The King #2 (Cover C John Yurcaba), AR Godzilla Vs The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers TP, $17.99 My Little Pony Classics Reimagined Little Fillies #1 (Cover A Jenna Ayoub), $3.99 My Little Pony Classics Reimagined Little Fillies #1 (Cover B Agnes Garbowska), $3.99 My Little Pony Classics Reimagined Little Fillies #1 (Cover C Rose Bousamra), AR Star Trek #1 (Cover E Blank Variant), $4.99 Star Trek The Trill #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Hendry Prasetya), $7.99 Star Trek The Trill #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Alexandra Beguez), AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #134 (Cover A Fero Pe), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #134 (Cover B Kevin Eastman), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #134 (Cover C Gavin Smith), AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Reborn Volume 5 Mystic Sister TP, $19.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Armageddon Game The Alliance #1 (Cover A Roi Mercado), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Armageddon Game The Alliance #1 (Cover B Ariel Medel), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Armageddon Game The Alliance #1 (Cover C Mateus Santolouco), AR Transformers Best Of Shockwave #1 (One Shot)(Cover A James Biggie), $6.99
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MARVEL COMICS A.X.E. Judgment Day Omega #1 (Cover A Pasqual Ferry), $4.99 A.X.E. Judgment Day Omega #1 (Cover B Peach Momoko), AR A.X.E. Judgment Day Omega #1 (Cover C Alan Davis), AR A.X.E. Judgment Day Omega #1 (Cover D Alexander Lozano), AR Amazing Spider-Man #13 (Cover A John Romita Jr.), $3.99 Amazing Spider-Man #13 (Cover B Ryan Stegman X-Treme Marvel Variant), AR Amazing Spider-Man #13 (Cover C Daryl Mandryk Beyond Amazing Spider-Man Variant), AR Avengers #62 (Cover A Javier Garron), $3.99 Avengers #62 (Cover B Mike McKone X-Treme Marvel Variant), AR Black Panther By John Ridley Volume 2 Range Wars TP, $15.99 Black Panther Unconquered #1 (Cover A Ken Lashley), $3.99 Black Panther Unconquered #1 (Cover B Ryan Stegman), AR Captain America Sentinel Of Liberty #6 (Cover A Carmen Carnero), $3.99 Captain America Sentinel Of Liberty #6 (Cover B Nic Klein X-Treme Marvel Variant), AR Captain Carter Woman Out Of Time TP, $15.99 Damage Control #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Patrick Zircher), $3.99 Fantastic Four #1 (Cover A Alex Ross), $4.99 Fantastic Four #1 (Cover B J. Scott Campbell Anniversary Variant), AR Fantastic Four #1 (Cover C J. Scott Campbell Anniversary Retro Variant), AR Fantastic Four #1 (Cover D J. Scott Campbell Anniversary Virgin Variant), AR Fantastic Four #1 (Cover E Frank Miller), AR Fantastic Four #1 (Cover F Arthur Adams), AR Fantastic Four #1 (Cover G Phil Noto X-Treme Marvel Variant), AR Fantastic Four #1 (Cover H Alex Ross Solo Variant), AR Fantastic Four #1 (Cover I Iban Coello), AR Fantastic Four #1 (Cover J Jack Kirby Hidden Gem Variant), AR Fantastic Four #1 (Cover K Todd Nauck Headshot Variant), AR Fantastic Four #1 (Cover L Blank Variant), AR Fantastic Four #1 (Cover M Alex Ross), AR Fantastic Four Volume 11 Reckoning War Part II TP, $15.99 Ghost Rider #8 (Cover A Kael Ngu), $3.99 Ghost Rider #8 (Cover B Bryan Hitch Miracleman Variant), AR Ghost Rider #8 (Cover C Martin Coccolo X-Treme Marvel Variant), AR Incredible Hulk Epic Collection Volume 21 Fall Of The Pantheon TP (New Printing), $44.99 Invaders Omnibus HC (Frank Robbins Book Market Cover), $125.00 Invaders Omnibus HC (Gil Kane Direct Market Cover), $125.00 Invaders Omnibus HC (Jack Kirby Direct Market Cover), $125.00 Legion Of X #7 (Cover A Ben Harvey), $3.99 Legion Of X #7 (Cover B Lee Garbett), AR Marauders #8 (Cover A Peach Momoko), $3.99 Marauders #8 (Cover B Todd Nauck X-Treme Marvel Variant), AR Marauders #8 (Cover C Eleonora Carlini New Character Wraparound Design Variant), AR Marvel Masterworks The Fantastic Four Volume 24 HC (Book Market Edition), $75.00 Marvel Masterworks The Fantastic Four Volume 24 HC (Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 330), $75.00 Moon Knight #17 (Cover A Stephen Segovia), $3.99 Moon Knight #17 (Cover B Paco Medina X-Treme Marvel Variant), AR New Mutants #98 (Facsimile Edition)(New Printing), $3.99 New Mutants By Vita Ayala Volume 3 TP, $15.99 Sabretooth And The Exiles #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Ryan Stegman), $4.99 Sabretooth And The Exiles #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Joshua Cassara), AR Sabretooth And The Exiles #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Maria Wolf), AR Spider-Man #2 (Cover A Mark Bagley), $3.99 Spider-Man #2 (Cover B Humberto Ramos), AR Spider-Man #2 (Cover C Ivan Shavrin X-Treme Marvel Variant), AR Spider-Man #2 (Cover D Mark Bagley), AR Spider-Man The Lost Hunt #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Ryan Brown), $4.99 Spider-Man The Lost Hunt #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Ejiwa Edge Ebenebe), AR Spider-Man The Lost Hunt #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Kyle Hotz), AR Star Wars The High Republic #2 (Cover A Ario Anindito), $3.99 Star Wars The High Republic #2 (Cover B Rod Reis), AR Star Wars The High Republic #2 (Cover C Rachel Slott), AR Star Wars The Mandalorian Volume 1 Season One Part One TP, $17.99 Venom #13 (Cover A Bryan Hitch), $3.99 Venom #13 (Cover B Bryan Hitch), AR Wolverine #27 (Cover A Leinil Francis Yu), $3.99 Wolverine #27 (Cover B Mahmud Asrar), AR Wolverine Omnibus Volume 2 HC (Barry Windsor-Smith Direct Market Cover)(New Printing), $125.00 Wolverine Omnibus Volume 2 HC (Jim Lee Book Market Cover)(New Printing), $125.00 Wolverine Omnibus Volume 2 HC (John Byrne Direct Market Cover)(New Printing), $125.00 X-Men First Class Road Trips TP, $13.99 X-Men Legends #4 (Cover A Giuseppe Camuncoli), $3.99 X-Men Legends #4 (Cover B Kevin Eastman), AR
SCOUT COMICS Azza The Barbed #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Rio Burton), $4.99 Azza The Barbed #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Rio Burton), $4.99 Cities Of Magick #5, $4.99 Killchella #1 (Cover A Serg Acuna), $4.99 Killchella #1 (Cover B Tula Lotay), AR Knockturn County #1, $4.99 Mr. Easta #1 (Cover A Kit Wallis), $4.99 Mr. Easta #1 (Cover B Kit Wallis), AR Mr. Easta #1 (Cover C Kit Wallis Glow In The Dark Variant), AR
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VIZ MEDIA Dragon Quest The Adventure Of Dai Disciples Of Avan Volume 5 GN, $19.99 Fly Me To The Moon Volume 14 GN, $9.99 Kaiu Shirai x Posuka Demizu Beyond The Promised Neverland GN, $9.99 Mao Volume 8 GN, $9.99 Pokemon Journeys Series Volume 4 GN, $9.99 Sleepy Princess In The Demon Castle Volume 19 GN, $9.99 World Trigger Volume 24 GN, $9.99
WHATNOT PUBLISHING Ninja Funk #1 (Of 4)(Cover A David Mack), $4.99 Ninja Funk #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Alex Riegel), $4.99 Ninja Funk #1 (Of 4)(Cover C Tyler Kirkham Todd McFarlane Spider-Man Homage Variant), $4.99 Ninja Funk #1 (Of 4)(Cover D Alex Cormack Pokemon Homage Variant), $4.99 Ninja Funk #1 (Of 4)(Cover E Jim Mahfood Launch Variant), $4.99 Ninja Funk #1 (Of 4)(Cover F Tony Fleecs Stray Dogs Homage Variant), AR Ninja Funk #1 (Of 4)(Cover G Tyler Kirkham Todd McFarlane Spider-Man Homage Variant), AR Ninja Funk #1 (Of 4)(Cover H Creees), AR Ninja Funk #1 (Of 4)(Cover I Kevin Eastman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Homage Variant), AR Ninja Funk #1 (Of 4)(Cover J Bosslogic), AR Ninja Funk #1 (Of 4)(Cover K Alex Riegel Hurricane Relief Variant), AR
ZENESCOPE ENTERTAINMENT Grimm Fairy Tales 2022 Holiday Pinup Special (Cover A Alfredo Reyes), $5.99 Grimm Fairy Tales 2022 Holiday Pinup Special (Cover B Igor Vitorino), $5.99 Grimm Fairy Tales 2022 Holiday Pinup Special (Cover C John Royle), $5.99 Grimm Fairy Tales 2022 Holiday Pinup Special (Cover D Richard Ortiz), $5.99
PAIZO Starfinder Adventure Path Dead Suns Special Edition HC, AR
WIZARDS OF THE COAST Magic The Gathering Collectible Card Game Game Night Free For All Carton, AR
TOYS - T-SHIRTS & COLLECTIBLES BST AXN Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Wave 3 Bebop Variant 5 Inch Action Figure, AR BST AXN Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Wave 3 Casey Jones Skull Face 5 Inch Action Figure, AR BST AXN Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Wave 3 Krang With Walker 5 Inch Action Figure, AR BST AXN Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Wave 3 Rocksteady 5 Inch Action Figure, AR Dragon Ball Collection Krillin Figure, AR Dragon Ball GT Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta Vs Omnibus Super Ichiban Figure, AR Dragon Ball Super Ultimate Gohan Super Hero S.H.Figuarts Action Figure, AR Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball Collector Set, AR Dragon Ball Z Solid Edge Works V3 Super Saiyan Vegeta Figure, AR Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Look Up Series Geto And Okkotsu PVC Figure Set, AR Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Look Up Series Suguru Geto PVC Figure, AR Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Look Up Series Yuta Okkotsu PVC Figure, AR Jujutsu Kaisen Jukon No Kata Satoru Gojo PVC Figure, AR Star Wars Revenge Of The Sith Count Dooku 1/6 Scale Bust, AR
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morbidology · 6 years
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At around 9PM on the 21st of July, 1995, Veronica Gonzales ran from her Chula Vista apartment with the lifeless body of her 4-year-old niece, Genny Gonzales, in her arms. Genny had lived with her aunt and her aunt’s husband, Ivan Gonzales, as her family had rejected her as a child. Her birth mother, Mary Rojas, lived in Corona with her six other children. Genny’s father was in prison for child molestation.
Genny’s aunt and uncle were on welfare and addicted to methamphetamine. Nevertheless, they offered to “care” for Genny. When the young girl moved in, the two bedroom apartment was already crowded with two adults and six other children. From the moment she moved in, Genny fate was sealed and she suffered unimaginable abuse at the hands of those who she believed were there to care for her.
Genny was forced to sleep in a wooden box or behind a door on a blanket covered with blood and faeces. Veronica would often hang Genny in the closet by her hands “to scare her,” she would burn her cheeks with a blow dryer. Her hair was burned off her head and she was frequently beat and bound with handcuffs. When Genny died, she was covered head to toe in bruises and wounds. On the day she died, she was submerged in boiling hot water. Her skin had peeled off her body. The couple waited hours while the girl slowly died before seeking assistance.
Ivan and Veronica Gonzales were sentenced to death. They were the first husband and wife in California history to go to death row together. Genny was initially buried in an unmarked grave but when the case was documented in the media, locals were so moved that they donated money for a headstone.
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
When her mother falls for a wealthy man, Lina Cruz must move in with her new stepfather and transfer from an urban East Los Angeles public high school to an exclusive prep school in Malibu, where she struggles to fit in with her affluent new peers. After snooty cheerleading captain Avery blocks Lina from varsity, Lina recruits her best friends from her old school to help her whip the pathetic junior varsity cheerleading squad — the Sea Lions — into fighting shape. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Lina: Christina Milian Evan: Cody Longo Avery: Rachele Brooke Smith Sky: Holland Roden Isabel: Laura Cerón Henry: David Starzyk Christina: Nikki SooHoo Treyvonetta: Gabrielle Dennis Kayla: Meagan Holder Gloria: Vanessa Born East LA Girl #2: Janelle Martinez East LA Girl #1: Jessica Martinez Victor: Brandon Gonzales Cholo: Christopher Martinez Whitney: Brittany Sarkisian Hot Guy: Carlos Diaz Shoe-vite Girl: Julia Lehman Rich Girl: Megan Hubbell Eavesdropper #1 / Sea Lion: Alexander McCarthy Eavesdropper #2 / Sea Lion: Kyle McCarthy Announcer: Lisa Arturo Self: Джулиана Ранчич All Star Jaguars Dancer: Eric Butts All Star Jaguars Dancer: Greg Farkas All Star Jaguars Dancer / Dancer: Janelle Ginestra All Star Jaguars Dancer / Dancer: Lauren Gottlieb All Star Jaguars Dancer: Danielle E. Hawkins All Star Jaguars Dancer: Theresa June-Tao All Star Jaguars Dancer: Devin Jamieson All Star Jaguars Dancer: Jordan Johnson All Star Jaguars Dancer: Michael Lim All Star Jaguars Dancer: Bryan Marsh All Star Jaguars Dancer: Andrea McQueen All Star Jaguars Dancer: Brittany Anne Pirtle All Star Jaguars Dancer / Dancer: Liz Porter All Star Jaguars Dancer: Kristy Rios All Star Jaguars Dancer: Brian Schulze All Star Jaguars Dancer: Bailey Stump All Star Jaguars Dancer / Dancer: Devin Walker All Star Jaguars Dancer: Brad Weber All Star Jaguars Dancer: Tori Wirgler All Star Jaguars Dancer: John Witters All Star Jaguars Dancer: Elle Young All Star Jaguars Dancer: Chris Zuehlke East L.A. Squad Dancer: Daniel Altman East L.A. Squad Dancer: David Carmon East L.A. Squad Dancer: John Cronin East L.A. Squad Dancer: Neda Emamjomeh East L.A. Squad Dancer: David Ezell East L.A. Squad Dancer: Leon Henderson East L.A. Squad Dancer: Megan Honore East L.A. Squad Dancer: Dominique Kelley East L.A. Squad Dancer: Chanel Malvar East L.A. Squad Dancer: Carissa Martin East L.A. Squad Dancer: Candace Montez East L.A. Squad Dancer: Nicole Niestemski East L.A. Squad Dancer: Carina Olis East L.A. Squad Dancer: Sean Patrick Parnell East L.A. Squad Dancer: Daniel Pera East L.A. Squad Dancer: John Rames East L.A. Squad Dancer: Marquita Scott East L.A. Squad Dancer: Allysa Shorte East L.A. Squad Dancer: Monica Soto East L.A. Squad Dancer: Isaac Tualaulelei East L.A. Squad Dancer: Julianne Waters Sea Lion: Jeffrey Alarcon Sea Lion: Paulette Azizian Sea Lion: Shaylene Benson Sea Lion: Britton Bickel Sea Lion: Mike Burns Sea Lion: William Caldwell Sea Lion: Kassie Cook Sea Lion: Marty Dew Sea Lion: Aisha Jamila Francis Sea Lion: Rebekah Giles Sea Lion: Erin Yvonne Sea Lion: Jeremy Hudson Sea Lion / Dancer: Chris Moss Sea Lion / Dancer: Katrina Norman Sea Lion: Shannon Pape Sea Lion: Jonathan Rice Sea Lion / Dancer: Jenny Robinson Sea Lion: Gina Starbuck Sea Lion: Dollar Tan Sea Lion: Jordan Wentz Cholo Squad Dancer: Noel Bajandas Cholo Squad Dancer: Kenny Harlow Cholo Squad Dancer: Oren Michaeli Cholo Squad Dancer: Oscar Orosco Cholo Squad Dancer: Jonathan ‘Legacy’ Perez Cholo Squad Dancer: Michael Vargas Cholo Squad Dancer: Roman Vasquez Cholo Squad Dancer: Ivan ‘Flipz’ Velez Dancer: Ryan Adams Dancer: Brandon Henschel Film Crew: Editor: Richard Halsey Costume Designer: Ruth E. Carter Editor: Michael Jablow Hairstylist: Sheryl Blum Writer: Alyson Fouse Executive Producer: Armyan Bernstein Executive Producer: Charlie Lyons Original Music Composer: Andrew Gross Director: Bille Woodruff Writer: Elena Song Producer: Sean McNamara Makeup Artist: Martha Callender Supervising Sound Editor: Charles Maynes Stunt Coordinator: Julius LeFlore Assistant Editor: ...
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amadeusrockradio · 4 years
91 SUITE : Sunrise of your love official v-clip released....
91 SUITE : Sunrise of your love official v-clip released….
On a day when melodic rock fans heyheys to the rip-off riffs and sounds alike/wannabies, Real Artists keeps up the real music and release this gem in your FACE! Do a favor to your ears and listen to this beauty! 91 Suite are: Lead Vocal: Jesús Espín Guitars and Backing Vocals: Paco Cerezo Bass: Antonio Muñoz Guitars and Backing Vocals: Iván Gonzalez Keyboard and Backing Vocals: Daniel…
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cabblegirls · 6 years
you know i gotta say in this late night hours i truly believe vicky>carol
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