#ive been suspecting it for a while tbh and im just idk so happy that i was right? also hes my favourite teacher and he seems to like me so :
sleepy-vix · 9 months
my history teacher offhandedly mentioned that he has adhd today and i am so happy its not funny
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ayyponine · 5 years
anyway re: my personal daemon & patronus
bc ive been thinking abt this and yesterday, went to the zoo
opinions are welcomed as hell though like please hmu w what you think would be an interesting fit fr me bc chances are ill be trying to figure it out fr the rest of my fucking life
patronus: idk what ive said abt this in the past or what pottermore officially assigned me w but rn atm? id LOVE the idea of a capybara barreling into a dementor at full speed. its an image thatd double as a riddikulus spell. also the zoo made me realise birds are shrieky as hell and i would not want them as a 24/7 daemon but magpies make me happy and id be satisfied w one defending me any day thanks
daemon options: 1. i know this is v unpractical and i prefer the idea of being able to keep it close & curled up to yrself but.........sheep? the one pettable sheep at my local petting zoo has gotten used to me so when i sit down he’ll come over and standw his head under the sort of roof my bent legs make while i pet him which just Feels Good Feels Organic. so anyway i might be sheeple 2. one of my friends insists it’d be like a marten, otter or smth similarly sleek & slinky which is extremely good and makes me suspect mb he thinks too highly of me bc theyre kinda silly & cute and playful but also have a composed elegant aura so idk if im like legally allowed to claim that. 3 not sure if it fits me any better but i do like the look of smth cuddly but SOLID like a wombat, red panda, oppossum, raccoon (rabiosexuals put your paws up. i am KIDDING). 4. at the end of the day i still adore larry though..... idk much abt daemon lore but based on boreal im guessing lizards, snakes, etc are bad? like a cold blooded personality? so that wouldnt fit me at all but god.. the image of me going like hang on i need to ponder on this b4 i make a life changing decision....*turns to the horny toad perched & spacing out on my shoulder & whispers like idk larry what are we thinking.
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dont tell me that isnt a god tier mood tbh
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rosetrii · 7 years
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Hey ho so these are a bunch of replies that I have sitting in my inbox... some of these are ridiculously old... if u sent me an ask literal months ago and I didn’t answer, it’s probably here, sorry :/
@rosegoldsimblr : Natasha's eyes are so beautiful. <3 Is it CC or just editing?
- Tbh I do have cc default eyes (on resource page) , and she has the lightest blue swatch, but I think the PSD I use just really makes blues vibrant
@pixeledrose : teen!Beau is my aesthetic
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- Here’s the grumpy boi (he’s always grumpy seriously)
Anon: Your story is so good, it makes me happy when I see a post from you
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- That’s me jumping with joy!!!! Thank you so much!!!! Love you! <33
@g0nna-g0-til-i-dr0p: hi! loved your cheerleader outfit! its super cute ive been using it, but i was wondering if you'd make a version that doesnt have the turtle neck underneath? just the tank bra part and the skirt. if not, totally cool just thought it would be a cute addition!! thanks ♥
- Maybe, that sounds like fun :). No guarantees tho bc I’m super unreliable.
Anon: how do you edit your screenshots? xx
- Oh it’s on my resource page! under the FAQ bit <3
@stefaniaspxels: About ur q, the best you could do is say the truth, he might be mad at you, but the best thing id his heart wont break ;)
- boy oh boy the situation has escalated she suspects that he likes her and she’s texting me all “do u think he like me? idk man :/” and idk what to say bc I KNOW that he likes her and he’s like “I’m gonna tell her” and I know that she doesn’t like him and aaah idk what to do.
@pixeledrose: Natasha and beau are finally getting the love they deserve and im feeling so blessed. i can now rest at night <3
- It’s what they DESERVE ;-;
Anon: What were you for Halloween, what are some of your favourite costumes that you've been before?
- I wasn’t anything for halloween this year. I can’t say I’ve ever really had a fave, bc when I was little my mom took me down to the lil grocery store and I had to pick whatever was there? Wasn’t really a good selection.
@topsooi @lacoded: When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy, then send it to the last 10 people you have notes from in your activity :) ✨✨💖💖  (also Hi!! I really like your icon omg :) from lacoded)
- Ty u!! I love it too lol
1. The colddd (when I’m inside tho)
2. My best friend... I love her so much
4. When u wake up and ur havin a good face day? Love that
5. milk tbh
- D’awwww my thing won’t let me put any more gifs but if it did it would b me blushin!! Ty so much u guys! Love you! <3333
Anon: Confession: I'm happy with my metal state right now, but i don't want to deal with everything I left behind when I was my worst
- Hm I’ve had this in my inbox for a while because I honestly... don’t know? I’ve never been mentally ill, and I’m not some kind of therapist. I’m sorry. If it’s toxic people that u left behind, then u can decide that u don’t want them in ur life even tho u are happy now. If it’s situations that you caused when you were at your worst, then I have to say that the best thing to do would be to confront them. If you hurt people, you have to apologize. Idk sorry :/
Anon: im glad im not the only one who thinks like that! omg!! i always wonder!!~~ my mind always goes to robots and stuff like that! like will my son/daughter want to date a human/robot? is that ethical? what if its like gattaca? where you can choose how your baby comes out and theres a discorse between 'natural' babies and 'test-tube' babies? uk? i think about that stuff all the time!! if you ever want a weird futuristic convo id totally be down!! lol ;)
- Hey this has been in my inbox for 5 YEARS bc every time I see it I start wanting to talk about it more and more and then I felt bad bc I’d left it for so long BUT... if u are this anon... ;))) wink wonk
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