#ive been working a full-time job recently n have not had much time or energy to draw as of late :(
qutens · 1 year
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I think my blood is passing me by.
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Emergency! Part 5
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Part 5 – Rattlesnake
Summary: A rollover crash has multiple squads responding to rescue, clean up and investigate the cause. During clean up Dean is bitten by a rattlesnake. An earthquake strikes, being the largest L.A has ever experienced since the 90’s. And the reader, was out shopping when it happened, trapping her under debris. Jack’s father is at Rampart for an operation, staff, and squad 51 learn of how toxic of a Father Lucifer is.
Warnings: Scary Situations, Suspense, implied Smut, Fluff, Brief toxic parent angst, long one full of suspense and action!
Word Count: 4,233
Square: Girls Night (There is a girls night in here, and I’m using it to fill my square for @supernatural-jackles Tell me a story bingo)
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a/n: this takes place a year or so after Virus. This story is going to be a long one.
“Would it be a miracle that people were actually careful and safe?” Gabe says, walking into the stations kitchen.
“One could only dream.” Cas says.
“Who’s turn is it for making lunch?”
“It’s either the father or the son.” Michael says.
“It’s my turn for lunch nimrod.” Dean says, playfully getting Gabe in  playful chock hold while rubbing his knocks on his head.
Gabe struggles to get out of the Winchester’s grip.
Dean let go with little protest.
“He’s the one that did the father and son crack.” Gabe whined.
“Yeah but Dean knows not to mess with me.”
“You are just as bad as Sam with the pranks.”
“How is little bro by the way?” Gabe asks.
“He’s good, won his first case at a firm downtown. Can’t remember the name of it. And he and Jess are actually getting married by the end of this year.”
“Oh it’s about time that kid popped the question.” Michael says.
“Yeah, he and Jess are coming down for Thanksgiving, they’ll meet Y/N…”
“Have you ever met Y/N’s family yet?”
“She doesn’t talk about her family much. I don’t push her if she’s not comfortable with it.”
The stations alarm goes off.
“Station 51, rollover accident…” The dispatcher giving the location as the station jumped into action.
 They got to the location, on the winding dirt road in the mountains outside of LA. Seeing the car that rolled over the guard rail and down the slope.
“What do we got?” John asked the other station that responded.
The captain wearing a big white 20 on his helmet.
“Rollover, driver’s unconscious and we don’t know his condition.”
“I’ll send my paramedics on it.”
Dean and Cas getting their supplies and rushing to the car.
They recorded his vitals on their notepads.
“Cas go relay it to Rampart, I’ll stay here with him.”
“Got it.”
 “Rampart squad 51. Rampart this is squad five one.”
Bobby happened to be by the radio.
“Go ahead 51.”
“Rampart, we have a rollover accident, the victim is trapped in the car. Vitals are, BP 120 over 79, pulse rate 78. Pupils dilated and sluggish.”
“Can you get the victim out without using the jaws?”
“Negative Rampart, driver side door is jammed.”
“Then start an IV, just have some normal saline to keep him hydrated. Can’t risk a head injury going unnoticed. Follow protocol, and we’ll be waiting for you.”
“10-4 Rampart.”
 A little over a half hour passed and they managed to get the victim out of the car and in an ambulance and is on the way to the hospital.
Cas and Dean were packing up the squad.
“Shit, forgot the drug box by the car, I’ll be right back.” Dean says.
Dean jogged down the hill to the car to pick up the drug box when he heard a rattle.
His heart sank.
Where was it?
It wasn’t until he saw the danger noodle jump at the moment he picked up the drug box, biting down on his arm. Then latching on.
Dean managed to calmly grab the snake by the head, forcing it’s mouth open. Getting it to release him and he threw the snake far.
He grabbed his radio.
“Station 51, it’s Dean. I just got bit by a rattlesnake.”
He quickly worked his belt off his waist to make himself a tourniquet.
“Gabe, Kevin, get down there now!” John ordered.
They hurried down the hill to Dean’s aid.
 Earlier that day…
“Alright that’s the last of them.” Y/N says to herself as she got all settled in Dean’s house.
They had just recently took things to the next level and she has moved in with him. She was off work taking the time to finish settling in. But Dean’s 24 hour shift just started, so Dean was away at work, saving people.
“Now, a girls night…er, day.” She says, knowing who to call to hang out with for the day.
She pulls out her phone, calling up a few girls she knows and knows they’re off.
“Hey Donna, you up for a girls night?”
“Oh hell ya girlfriend, who’s all gonna be there?”
“Well, you, me, Rowena the overnight RN, Jody. I want to invite Charlie, a friend of Dean’s but I think she’s working.”
“Girl, I can’t wait! You want me to meet you at your place or Dean’s?”
“I just finished moving in with Dean, I’m at Dean’s. You can meet me at Dean’s.” She explained.
“Oh, ho-ho-ho, girl, we need to catch up!”
The girl was full of energy and Y/N could feel it through the phone.
“Yes we do, see you here in a few, and I’ll call the others.” She says, hanging up.
 The doorbell rang hours later calling the girls. She opens the door.
“Hi!” Donna cheers, holding two cases of beer.
“You know how to party, Charlie’s off today she’s on her way with some wine as well.” Y/N says letting her in. Closing the door behind her.
“Oh, I like her already.”
“Jody got caught up with a Drunk Driver and won’t make it. But Rowena is coming so it’s just us four.”
“Still a good girls night, so what else are we doing tonight?”
“Probably catch up a bit, binge some Netflix shows. The Witcher season 2 is coming out soon and I want to rewatch that.”
“Oh, Geralt can hunt me down any day.”
“You do realize the man is hundreds of years old?”
“Yeah, but Henry Cavil isn’t.” she winks.
Y/N rolls her eyes with a giggle.
The doorbell rang shortly after revealing Rowena. And moments later, Charlie.
 “You two are so going to get married.” Donna says, downing her second bottle of beer.
“He really is, really sweet, kind and the perfect kind of guy for me. He knows my schedule. And I know his. We both were scared the hours of our work would mess things up. But with how many times the man gets hurt on the job while I’m working I am always assuming he’s purposely getting hurt just so he can see me at work.”
Charlie giggling. “I see that being a thing he does.”
Rowena sipping away at the red wine Charlie brought.
“Ro, how are things with you girl?” Y/N asked.
“Oh, you know. Saving people, taking names…”
“She’s in love.” Donna deadpans.
Rowena rolls her eyes with a  smirk.
Y/N gasps. “What’s his name?”
“His name is Arthur Ketch, he the neurologist up on Fourth Floor. He works under Singer.”
“Oh I know of him, I mean, Bobby is planning on retiring and isn’t Ketch supposed to take his place?”
Rowena nods with a hum. Still having a playful smirk on her face.
“Oh you are so in love with him.” Y/N says with a smile.
“He may have taken me out on a date a few days ago and we have another date tomorrow night.”
“Ro, I’m so happy for you!”
“Thank you sweetie, and I’m happy for you and Dean, don’t let that one go darling.”
“I don’t see that happening, just as long he stays safe on a job. I’m worried of him getting seriously hurt on the job. I mean that virus a year ago, that really scared me. I thought I was gonna lose him.”
The girls nod, understanding.
“Anyone up for some hot guys and monsters!” Donna says, entering the room with a glass generously full of red wine.
“Girl, you’re gonna regret the headache the next day.”
“I’m off work tomorrow, so if I get a migraine I’m good!” she says chuckling.
The girls rolling their eyes at their friend.
“Rowena, would you be able to drive her home?”
“Yes, she’s at least on the way home for me.”
“Thank you, last thing I want is to give poor Jody another drunk to worry about.”
“At least I’m the fun kind of drunk.” Donna says, getting the Witcher on Y/N’s TV screen.
 “Ro, drive safe!”
“Will do sweetie, have a good rest of your night!” Rowena says, escorting a silly drunk Donna to her car.
“I’ll drive her car home tomorrow.” Y/N offers.
“Will do darling, goodnight!”
“Y/N that was the most fun I’ve had, never thought of you to be the nerdy type.”
“Oh, I’m a nerd in disguise if anything.” Y/N winks.
“Ugh, why are you straight!”
“Not sure.”
Y/N’s pocket happens to vibrate at that moment.
“Y/N?” Hearing Dr. Kline’s voice on the other end.
“What’s up Jack?”
“It’s Dean, he’s been bit by a rattlesnake, he’s on his way in on the top of Engine 51.”
“I’m on my way.” Y/N says, not hesitating grabbing her keys to her car. Hanging up the phone quickly from him.
“I’m going with you sweetie.” Charlie says, following y/n to her car.
Turning the keys she turns on her emergency flashers and speeds her way to Rampart hospital.
 “Engine 51, what are the patients vitals?” Jack asks.
Dean, takes his own pulse, his own blood pressure. All while Cas drove the squad ahead of the engine.
“Pulse rate, 95. O2 Sat, 98, Respiration 18, BP 120 over 65.”
“Dispatch relay to Engine 51 to start IV using Ringers Lactate.” Jack asks.
“Engine 51, Rampart advises start IV using Ringers Lactate.”
“10-4” Gabe says over the radio.
Dean having heard the radio begins the process to start an IV.
 “There goes Engine 51!” Charlie shouts, while Y/N sat at the red light. Seeing the engine tear through the intersection.
Her light happened to turn green for her.
“Hold on.” Y/N says. As she starts pressing on the gas pedal slowly pushing it to the floor. Her tires squealing.
 Gabe looked up hearing tires. Looking over the edge, he sees a familiar car.
“Oh shit, his girl is right behind us.” He says.
Dean chuckled. “And I’m the worry wort.”
“Engine 51, Rampart is requesting an update.”
“Relay to Rampart, patient is starting to experience numbness around the mouth, and he’s drowsy.” Dean says on the radio.
“Engine 51 you’re breaking up, please repeat.”
John grabbed the radio.
“Relay to Rampart, Patient is started to experience numbness around the mouth and he’s drowsy.”
“Roger that.” Dispatch says.
 “Venom sounded like it hit a vein.” Jack says.
“Y/N’s gonna be so worried.” Meg says. Standing next to Bobby and Jack at the nurses station.
 The squad, the engine pulled into the emergency entrance. Y/N pulled into the parking lot near the emergency entrance, finding a spot quickly. She quickly parked it, turned off the car. Jumping out, locking the car. Charlie staying close to her.
 Meg stayed by the door, waiting for Y/N and Charlie.
“How’s he doing so far?” Y/N asked.
“We started a skin test with the antivenom. Hopefully he doesn’t have a reaction, that way we can start treatment right away.” Jack says.
“How long do we have to wait?” Y/N asked.
“20 Minutes.”
Y/N and the rest of the members of station 51 nodded, understanding.
“Let’s go wait guys.” Charlie suggested.
Everyone left the room, trying to keep their hopes high despite their shoulders slumped.
 As the night came to a close, and he didn’t have a reaction to the antivenom skin test and he has been laying, sound asleep in his room as the antivenom worked it’s magic on him.
Y/N laid in his bed with him, curled into his side. Her head on his chest, listening to the calming rhythm of Dean’s heartbeat.
Dean began to stir awake, feeling a warmth at his side. Waking up a bit more he sees his favorite girl in his life laying at his side.
His arm came up around her, holding her close. Placing a loving sweet kiss atop her head as he fell back asleep, letting the rest and medicine work it’s magic on him.
 The next day…
Y/N arrived on time to the hospital to pick up Dean, filling out his discharge papers another patient was being brought in.
“Who’s that?” Dean asks.
“Jack’s dad, he never talks about him.”
“Why is that?”
Jack happened behind them.
“I was adopted, he gave me up when I was, like 5.”
“Jackie, son how are you?” the man asks from the bed.
“You don’t call me son.”
“Since when can a father—”
“You may be my father by blood. But not a true father.”
“What did you expect me to hold your hand? Kiss your booboo’s when you got hurt like some sort of pansy?”
“Oh now I see why.” Dean mutters in Y/N’s ear.
“How long is he gonna be here anyway?” Jack asks the medics that brought him in.
“His cardiologist what’s him to have a pacemaker in today. So he’s gonna be here for a bit.”
Jack groans under his breath.
“I’ll hand him over to someone else?”
“Why do you suck ass?” His father asks.
“Okay, listen here dude.” Y/N steps in.
“Y/N, please—” Jack says.
“No, you can either treat the staff of Rampart emergency with respect or we can and will kick you out for your hostility.” She says.
He shrunk in his bed.
“Will you be on your best behavior or will I have to send you to a different hospital?” she asks.
“I’ll be on my best behavior.”
“Good. And if I hear your antagonizing him, or any more of our staff we will transfer you. And you won’t be welcome here again.”
“Good.” She says, storming out of the hospital.
“Don’t piss her off, can anyone remind of that?” Dean asks jokingly as he follows her out.
 Later on that day…
“Dean, babe, I’m gonna go do some arrands really quick.”
“Alright be safe sweetheart.”
She goes to the living room, where he sat watching Netflix, giving him a quick kiss on his lips. But Dean quickly places a hand on her cheek deepening the kiss. Clearly wanting more.
“Babe, maybe tonight. But I need to head out to stay ahead of traffic.”
“Fine, drive safe baby.”
“Always do!”
“Says the crazy girlfriend chasing a fire engine!”
“I’m not that crazy!” She laughed.
Dean chuckled as he heard her laugh, closing the door behind her.
 She pushed her cart around Target getting not only food, but some cute lingerie for that night. Even grabbing Dean something from Spencer’s for them to try in bed later.
She felt the ground tremble slightly. The hairs on her arms stood up on end.
“No not now.” She mutters.
Without warning, the ground shook violently, taking her and other shoppers to the floor. The power going out, items being thrown on the floor. The lights swinging wildly, ceiling tiles falling. They were having a bad earthquake. And she was smacked in the middle of LA, in a multilevel mall.
Meanwhile Dean back at home had just turned off the oven having cooked himself some pizza for lunch after noticing Y/N having ate already.
He heart he windows vibrate, feeling the ground tremble slightly. He stood in the kitchen still yet alert.
When the ground gave way again to another violent shake, but only enough to cause their dishes to fall off the countertop, the cupboard doors swinging open and closed. The TV rocking back and forth on the stand. Dean dived to the table to get under it, and wait it out.
Meanwhile back at Target, screaming shoppers can be heard throughout more than just Target.
Once the shaking had calmed down, she knew they had to get out immediately.
She quickly pulled out her phone. Seeing the alert had gone off.
An 7.5 earthquake.
“How big was that?” someone asks.
“I don’t know but that was big!” someone else shouts.
“My phone says 7.5, it was big enough.” Y/N shouts.
“Oh god, we’re dead!”
“Okay, Okay, don’t panic, we just have to get out of here before the aftershocks kick in.” Y/N suggests.
“Where can we go, we’re on the top floor!”
“At one part of the mall this is the ground floor, we just have to find another one of the exits. Avoid the escalators, we have to get out before the floor collapses on us.” She explains.
“I’m with her.”
“Oh my god! Someone help me!”
Bring on the victims. She thought.
“I’m a nurse, what’s wrong!” Y/N shouts.
“It’s my husband, he’s bleeding!”
She ran to the panicked woman.
“Where at?” she asks.
“His leg, a shard of glass from the wine cut him.”
She examines his leg.
“Do you have a belt sir?”
He nods.
“Let’s get it off of you and make a tourniquet.” She says.
Y/N helps him get his belt off and works on tying it above the cut on his leg. Not too tight but tight enough.
“Okay, do you got him?” she asks the man’s wife.
“Yes, but where---”
“I came in from the ground level entrance, it’s a ways north, we just go this way.” She pointed out.
“You make it sound so easy, how are you so calm?”
“I’m an emergency nurse at Rampart.”
“You’re so amazing, thank you, thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome, now lets get out of here.”
“Alright everyone, you can follow me, the ground level entrance is this way.” Y/N shouts.
And she began leading the herd.
“Do you hear that?” Someone asked in the Food quart.
“Oh shit, they didn’t turn off the gas.” Y/N muttered.
Just as the people ran in a panic out of the doors near the food quart leading to one of the parking lots out on the ground level, an explosion of fire broke out in a couple of the restaurants in the food quart.
“We’re dead!” a number of people shouted.
“We’ll get out of this, just stay calm and follow me!” Y/N encouraged. As she and everyone behind her, around her, all shielded themselves from the fire.
 Dean, in his car sped his way to station 51.
“It’s all hands on deck, there’s fires everywhere.” John says as Dean entered the station.
“Y/N’s at the mall.”
“Which one?”
“The one off of Center Pointe.”
“Shit, that’s one of our calls. Get suited up, and lets go.”
As the alarm goes off in the station, Dean hurries to the squad, grabbing his fireman’s bottoms and coat.
“I got your boots and mine, lets go!” Cas says, getting in the passenger.
Dean not wasting anytime, turns on the squad and follows the engine out of the station, speeding towards the shopping center.
 “Are we there yet?” a little girl asks.
“Almost there sweetheart, we just have to---”
“Wait!” someone pulls Y/N back.
Y/N grabbing the man’s arm noticing a drop.
“The floor caved in…shit, that’s what I was worried about.”
“Oh, now what!?”
She looked around, finding another way through the store down below.
“Look there’s an exit down there.”
“But it leads to the underground parking.”
“Still it’s a way out, just wait here then, there’s an incline here, I’ll just climb down and see how far the exit is from the underground parking.” Y/N says, determined to get these people out and out alive.
Sliding down the concrete ramp, she jogs through the store, climbing through a fissure in the wall, seeing the garage not perfect but from where she was there was a path closest to the building leading out to daylight.
She hurries back to the scared people.
“There’s a straightforward path outside from here, come on, if we hurry---”
The ground began to shake, throwing her off balance.
“Oh no it’s an aftershock!” someone shouted.
 The engine managed to get to the shopping mall, seeing a fire in one section. Coming to a stop they can feel the aftershocks.
“Shit, we have to hurry, Dean, Cas, find a way in. Kevin, Michael, find us some water!” John ordered.
Dean taking the squad closer to the building, scoping out a way in.
“We could try there.” Cas suggested.
“It doesn’t look too structurally sound Cas.”
“It’s holding up so far.”
“True. Okay, but lets find a plan B.”
“And C.”
“And D.”
 “I hear sirens!” Someone shouted.
“Come on, the opening is still here!” Y/N shouted.
“Go on baby, mommy and daddy are right behind you.” A pair of parent said to the small girl.
She slid down the concrete ramp, looking scared and timid but Y/N stood by close until her parents met up with her.
“Okay, keep it going, we’re almost out of here!” Y/N encouraged.
It seemed to be going smoothly, everyone was starting to rush down the ram and running outside, frantically.
 “Dean look!” Cas shouted as Dean made a loop around the Mall.
“That’s a good sign, okay, let’s help them.” Dean says, bring the squad to a stop.
“Engine 51, this is squad 51, Cap, there’s an couple of entrances above ground that are stable, but we found one by the underground parking, a large number of survivors are coming out.”
“Copy that.” John says.
“Anyone hurt!” Cas asked as he got out.
A number of people saying their fine, scared. A select few coming forward with injuries of cuts.
“Good job miss on making that tourniquet.” Dean commented.
“Oh, I didn’t do that, a nice lady, a nurse from Rampart did it.”
Dean’s heart dropped. Y/N was in there.
“Did you see her?” Dean asked. Unable to hide the panic look in his face.
“We ran right past her, she led us out that way.”
“Atta girl, Cas you got them?” Dean asked.
“I got them, go.” Cas says as he attends to the couple.
Dean got to the opening and he could see a familiar figure in the dark dusty parking lot.
“Dean!” she shouts, turning to find him in the opening.
People still trinkling out. Dean helping them out the best he could.
“You hurt!”
“No, I’m fine, just help them!”
What started as a light tremble got slightly stronger, another aftershock.
“Oh fuck, Y/N hurry up!” Dean shouted.
Y/N hurried the people out. And just as she was making her way to Dean she heard a puppy barking. Stopping her dead in her tracks. She began to search for it.
A puppy scurried out from under a car with a limp, barking fearfully.
“It’s okay baby, I got you.” She says, hurrying to the scared puppy. Looking at it’s paw. Seeing a shard of glass in one of it’s paw pads.
“Poor thing, I got you.” She says.
She heard a crack in the concrete. All of a sudden the ceiling looking closer and feeling a lot closer. She fell on her rear, the ceiling seemed like it didn’t want to stop.
No. she prayed.
The after shock stopping just as soon as it started, the ceiling stopped.
“Y/N! Please say something!”
“I’m okay!” she shouts.
The concrete already sounding unstable, she hurries, crawling on all fours with the puppy in her hand, she even brings her feet into the crawling.
Like a domino effect, the ceiling begins to collapse.
A little girl stopped by one of the cars, scared, crying. Not stopping, she grabs the girl by the arm, and continues to crawl.
“Run guys, run!” Dean chants.
“Keep going sweetie, keep running!” Y/N tells the little girl.
The girl being the first out, dives into Dean’s arms.
“I gotchu sweetheart!” Dean tells her.
Y/N making a dive out, landing on her back with the pupping in her chest as the parking lot collapses behind her in a cloud of dust.
Y/N got up, still holding the puppy, trembling in her arms, licking her graciously on her neck. As if it was thanking her for saving her.
Dean stood by the squad, consoling the child, sees Y/N walking with a puppy in her arms. Panting from the adrenaline. Hurries to her, engulfs her in his arms.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
“I’m fine.”
“You go to Target and you come back with a puppy.” He smirks.
“I couldn’t resist, he was cute!” Y/N giggles.
“So far, everyone’s okay, in one piece, little girl’s back with her parents.” Dean informs her.
“That’s good.”
“Is it me or does danger just seem to find us?”
 The next day…
“Come here Tremor!” Y/N coaxes.
The Basset Hound Puppy running over, his ears flopping in the wind. Making Y/N giggle.
“Good boy!”
“I’m home!” Dean shouts from the house.
“Go get daddy boy!” she encourages. The puppy making a mad dash for Dean. Only to trip on his ears in the run. Earning a laugh from Dean and Y/N.
“It’s okay buddy, I gotchya!” Dean says, meeting the puppy halfway, and picking him up.
The puppy showering Dean in licks.
“Been good for mommy.”
“Still working on potty training, he peed in the house, that’s why I opened it up.”
“Eh, it’s a learning progress for the little dude.”
“Yeah, so, how was work today?”
“Oh, same old. Rescued a cat from a tree, saved a heart attack victim. The usual.” Dean jokes.
Y/N giggling. Giving him a kiss on the lips. Only for him to deepen it, the puppy getting jealous and licking both of them.
“Okay, Tremor, we get it.” Dean goes.
“And I owe someone some sexy fun time tonight.” Y/N says playfully as she heads back inside.
“Yes you do.” Dean says. Following her at her heels.
A/N: How did you like it? I’m so glad my block is gone and I was able to cook this up. Let me know how you liked it! Feedback is always appreciated! :3
Dean Girls:
@pandazombie69, @luci-in-trenchcoats, @supernatural-jackles, @becs-bunker, @jayankles, @jeaniespiehs20, @mlovesstories, @winchesters-favorite-girl, @flamencodiva, @megzdoodle, @lyarr24, @akshi8278, @anotherspnfanfic​
Copying and reposting someone else’s content is plagiarism and illegal. This work is property of supernaturallyobsessedchic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. An electronic reference link to the original posted work may be provided for purposes of promotion or assistance of publication by the readers discretion, if proper credits are given to the author in the re-post. 4/6/2021
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markleesthighs · 4 years
127 reaction to arguing with their s/o but they make up at the end?
-sorry this took so long I’m so busy T-T
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It would be very rare you and Taeil got into arguments. The last time you two argued was about dessert, Taeil wanted to share a cake but you wanted ice cream. But not all couples live an argument-free relationship. Taeil and you were arguing about the dishes because most of the time he was the one cleaning up after you. But you did all the laundry, cleaned the house, and organized everything else in the apartment.
“Why can’t YOU clean the dishes Taeil,  I’m not asking much of you.”
“I don’t want to come home to the apartment knowing I have dishes to clean after I’ve had promotions, recordings, and dance practices beforehand!”
“y/n, it’s different, you’ve never been an idol, you don’t know how much work it is, it’s tiring. You have more time on your hands than I do, so I think it’s best if you do the dishes!”
“Keeping this apartment the way it is, IS TIRING, do you think I’m just some housekeeping slave for you? When was the last time YOU did something for ME?”
Taeil became silent after that not knowing how to respond. You bother were crying and you stormed out of the apartment slamming the door. You took the elevator down to the ground floor of the community park and sat on a bench, wanting fresh air and to be alone. Taeil shortly came after, wanting to reconcile with you. He found you sniffling alone on a bench with a slight breeze blowing in your hair. He came down and sat next to you.
“…” You turned away from his face.
“I’m sorry y/n. I’m sorry for thinking I’m the only one who’s tired all the time. I was being selfish and stressed, saying things I didn’t even mean. You are one of the best things in my life and I’m thankful for all the hard work you do, just for me. I love you, so much, I will never take advantage of you ever again.” “Tae…I love you too, I know how much work you put into being an idol, and how stressful it is, it’s just hard when you are away for so long, so, the dishes were an excuse for me to see you more often…”
Taeil looked at you in awe feeling bad about the entire situation. You both hugged and Taeil kissed you on the cheek.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been around much lately. I’ll talk tp my manager and see what I can do.”
“It’s ok it’s not like you can drop everything just to see me.”
“I could if I could my love”
“Can I tell you something?”
“I will never let you do the dishes ever again.”
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You and Johnny had gone to the coffee shop for a date and as you were deciding what do drink Johnny ordered his iced americano. Before you could say you wanted a vanilla latte you noticed the cashier trying to flirt with Johnny. She complimented his outfit and hair and was leaning slightly over the counter then you liked. You coughed and she glared at you sarcastically asking what you wanted and you replied with your order.
You both walked over to sit down at a table for two by the window. It was raining, but thats what you enjoyed about getting coffee with Johnny. It gave you warm and fuzzy feelings, enjoying time with Johnny in a nice coffee shop. You noticed the cashier bring your drinks over to your table as she purposely turned her back to you to talk to johnny. johnny, being johnny, was innocently talking to her smiling and hoping she would go away. But she didn’t. You quietly sat there sipping your latte, not wanting to cause a scene in the coffee shop. Johnny kept talking to her not knowing how much it hurt you and make you jealous.
By the time you finished your latte, you’ve had enough. Either johnny was enjoying their conversation so much that he forgot about you or he couldn’t find a way to make her leave. You decided that this date was ruined and you wanted to leave, you had no purpose in being in the coffee shop, so you go up and started to walk out. Johnny noticed and asked where you were going.  
“I’m going home, come back when you have her number and panties”
Johnny was about to say something but you walked out the door into the rain, forgetting Johnny had the umbrella. You wished this was the first time it had happened but it wasn’t. Several girls in public tried to flirt with Johnny in public in front of you and it only reminded you that maybe you weren’t enough for johnny. It made you think he deserved better sometimes. You sulked in the rain walking back to your shared apartment when you noticed the rain had stopped. Turning, you look up to see Johnny, holding an umbrella above you.
“Baby, I don’t want you to catch a cold”
“I’m sorry I got caught up in a conversation with the cashier, she just wouldn’t stop talking.”
“Do you like her?”
“What? No! Why would you think that?”
“Well, you’ve been hit on by other women before, and, I don’t know it makes me jealous and insecure sometimes.”
“Wait..she was trying to flirt with me?
“I’m joking, I’m joking, you’re so adorable when you’re a tiny ball of anger”
You pouted and he kissed your pout and reassured you of your feelings.
“I don’t care about these other girls, don’t worry I only have eyes for you.”
You smiled and kissed him as you both walked together in the rain holding each other closer than ever.
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At the start of your relationship, Taeyong didn’t mind cooking for you, since you had little to no cooking ability. But it wasn’t until recently that it started to tick Taeyong off. You both were busy bees at work, but neither of you cleaned the house or did laundry ever since you got a promotion, and Taeyong started to train for SuperM. You generally came home from your nine to five job to come home and feel like collapsing on the couch. It’s not that both of you are lazy, you both had painstaking jobs that made you both burn out by the end of the day. But Taeyong, being nice saw how much stress you had, wanting to get that promotion, took on more chores for your home. He cooked, cleaned, and watered the plants in the house. But once you got your promotion, he noticed how used you were to Taeyong doing the chores.
One time the trash was filled up and Taeyong asked if you could take it out to the trash can outside but you simply said you didn’t know how and asked Taeyong to do it. Taeyong swallowed his anger and angrily took a stroll to the garbage can. It would only be time until he had enough of your laziness.
It was one night where Taeyong noticed your shared hamper was full, again. He had a long day of promotions, cleaned the house, and cooked for you all in one day. He had no more energy to do any laundry. You, on the other hand were sitting in bed on your phone waiting for him to join you. He sat on the bed and laid down on your lap exhausted.
“What's wrong yongie?”
“I’m so tired…I can’t even move”
“Why are you so tired? Is it the promotions?”
“Yes and no.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“I’m tired of doing all the housework”
“Housework? What housework?”
“Are you serious right now?!”
Taeyong got up from your lap to pace around in your bedroom, clearly looking stressed out.
“Haven’t you noticed you do NOTHING for this house?!”
“What do you mean?! I work at my office from nine to five bringing in more money for US?! Do you not appreciate my efforts to earn my money independently?!”
“I meant, cooking, cleaning, laundry, throwing out the trash!”
“Oh c’mon! You know I don’t have time for those things!”
You left the room scared that Taeyong yelled at you, worried he was losing his temper. You walked to the living room to sit on the couch waiting for him to compose himself. After a few minutes, Taeyong walked out.
“hey…are you ready to talk”
“I’m sorry I lost it, I’ve just been under a lot of stress lately. I’m expected to be in a new global supergroup, and I would appreciate it if you would help out with some daily chores once in a while. I’m sorry.”
“Its okay, yongie, to be fair, I don’t know how to do most chores, I grew up with a nanny who did all of it for me. So, I would really appreciate it if you taught me and I would be able to help out.”
“Yeah! I could teach you! I’m so sorry, I should have just asked for your help.”
“Stop apologizing! I still love you!”
“I love you too.”
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It would be rare when Yuta had a break from his career but when he did he would make sure you guys would make most of your time together. This time, Yuta decided to take you to an amusement park for fun date night. The date was going great, you both went on a few rides and played some games. But your heart stopped when you saw a scary ride that you did NOT want to go on. You were never the best when it came to horror anything, which is why Yuta liked watching horror movies with you. He loved holding your trembling body as you snuggled up closer to him while you watched them. But what you hated the most was zombies, the fear that the undead could walk made your skin crawl. Yuta saw the scary ride and begged you to get on it with him. Eventually, he dragged you over to the ride while you kept blabbering and complaining why you didn’t want to get on it.
Once you were on it you kept screaming that you wanted to get off but he kept reassuring you everything was going to be ok. Everything on the ride in the was pretty tame but you did not expect there to be one last jump scare that scared you to death. A zombie jumped out on your side of the cart and sprayed water in your face and you lost it. You started to cry and when Yuta tried to hold you you pushed him away screaming that you hated him for having you go on the ride. Once you reached the exit for the ride you pushed him out of the way running away from him. Yuta chased after you calling your name.
Yuta tried talking to you but you wouldn’t listen you would turn your head or try to shove him away. You sat on a bench pouting and giving him the silent treatment. Yuta sighed and looked around, noticing a cotton candy stall. He got up and went to the stall, he walked back with bright pink fluffy cotton candy. You looked noticing Yuta has your favorite treat in hand, slowly eating as if he was tempting you.
“C’mon baby…I know you want some”
“Fine, I guess I’ll eat it all by myself”
You looked at him offended as you turned away again still mad at him. You noticed he looked away for a second before you attempted to snatch it from his hand.
“oh oh oh, nope, you don’t get any…unless”
“you forgive me and start talking to me.”
“ugh, fine”
He smiled as he handed you your cotton candy. You pulled off a piece at ate it angrily. Yuta pats your head and kissed your cheek looking at you fondly.
“You’re so cute when you’re angry.”
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One of your favorite things to do with Doyoung is to go shopping with him. You both have a strong passion for fashion and shopping. It was a rare day where Doyoung had the whole day to spend it with you. As the fall season was coming up, you both decided you needed some new fall clothes. Doyoung picked you up and drove you to a popular shopping district in Seoul. Doyoung only wanted the best clothes for you and knew all the best designer clothing shops for the two of you to visit.
You both tried on clothes for fun and some clothes you both wanted to buy. The good thing about shopping together is having their opinion or support when trying clothes on. But sometimes an opinion can go too far. Eventually, you both ended up in a shop that had clothes typically worn for parties or clubbing. After picking a few clothes you both liked you both headed to the private dressing room they had. You let Doyoung go first since he would take less time than you. You accepted and denied a few and he was left with a few garments you both liked. Then, it was your turn. You went to go change but when you came out, you saw Doyoung was still on his phone. You coughed asking for his attention and he looked up. You wore a very revealing garment that accentuated your body and you felt good in it.
“I don’t like it. Try on the next one.”
“But I like it? What’s wrong with it?”
“I don’t know, I just think your body doesn’t fit the garment.”
“Oh, so there's something wrong with my body now?!”
“No that's not what-“
“No! I think I understood you perfectly!”
You aggressively removed the clothes and walked out of the changing room. Before Doyoung could speak you threw the clothes at him almost causing him to fall back. You stormed out of the store with a rage-filled stare that the employees knew to stay out of your way. Doyoung went after you before you went too far.
“Don’t babe me! YOU'RE the one who messed up!”
“I know but please just hear me out, babe.”
“You have 2 minutes”
“Thank you. I am so sorry for what I said. I didn’t mean any of it. You are the most beautiful person in the whole world to me. I never want you to feel insecure about who you are or what you look like. I don’t like you or care about your body. I like that you are kind, patient, and caring, you are a person with a good heart and has the soul of an angel. When I said I didn’t like the dress I was just afraid that other people wouldn’t keep their eyes off you, because I couldn’t. So…”
Doyoung held up a bag from the shop with your dress inside. You looked at him apologetically, loving his romantic gesture.
“I bought it. Just for you, I’m sorry, but I still want to see you be happy.”
You immediately pulled him into a hug tearing up a bit from what he said to you.
“The employees must think I’m such a drama queen for doing that.”
“Well, you’re MY drama queen”
“Shut up.”
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You and Jaehyun bonded over your shared interests in music, which is how you two met. You both were thrift shopping in local spots in Seoul and you both happened to grab the same record at the same time. You smiled sheepishly telling Jaehyun that he can have it. But as Jaehyun bought what he wanted, he walked up to you and handed you the record as a gift from him. (even though you kept insisting that he keep it) As he left you noticed he left a post-it with his number on it saying “call me some time ;) my name is Jaehyun” You blushed at the fact of how cute and smooth that move was, so you did call him that night. You both talked for hours on the phone late at night and you guys met up a few times at coffee shops.
One time at a coffee shop Jaehyun asked you out and you agreed, wondering where this would take you two. You learned more about each other and could not keep your hands off each other. Everyone you knew thought you and Jaehyun were the perfect couple. But that wasn’t the reality. Even the thing that brings people together can tear them apart. You kept all your favorite records hung on the wall at your shared apartment, while you and Jaehyun also kept a record player. Jaehyun had some of his members over while you were cooking them a meal, little did you know they were playing around with the records. His members knew what it was but never seen one in person.
“Hyung! How does it work?!”
“Ooh, this so cool!”
“How do I turn it on!?”
Were all common things his members said in the living room.
“Guys, just sit down and I’ll handle it. It’s very delicate stu-“
He stopped talking when he head the record shatter in the living room, you didn’t seem to notice so Jaehyun calmly walked out of the kitchen. He found a shattered vinyl record on the ground surrounded by his members with Mark holding the case it was in. It was the record he had bought you when you first met. Jaehyun was about to go into a full rage when he heard you enter the living room.
“What’s going….on”
You saw the broken record on the ground and looked as if you were about to cry. You left into the bedroom speechless and about to punch and kick something. Jaehyun soon followed.
“What did I do?!”
“YOU KNOW THEM BETTER THAN ME! Out of all of the fucking pieces of vinyl why that one…”
Your angry tears made Jaehyun tear up at the sight of you. He held you tight despite your anger and your hands swatting him away.
“I’m sorry I should have told them not to touch it. I know how much it means to you and the both of us. I know it won’t be the same, but I’ll buy a new one.”
You sighed at you hugged him back wiping your tears into his chest mumbling a “fine.” he pats your head and kissed it apologizing again. You both walked back into the room seeing the members looking at the both of you in worry.
“H-hyung…I’ll buy a new one for the both of you I am so sorry,” Mark said immediately.
“Fine with me. What about you, baby?”
You nodded smiling at Mark giving him reassurance. But at least the members cleaned up while you two were quarreling. The rest of them all apologized and you forgave them. Jaehyun played a song on the record player which made you smile and kissed him, remembering the reason why you loved him.
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You and Jungwoo were foodies, you loved your food more than anyone. You guys would commonly go on dates that surrounded food. Picnics, restaurants, and any date that involved food is a must for both of you. It’s actually what brought you two together. You were working at your family’s bakery and Jungwoo would come in and always ask you what new pastries you recommended. Jungwoo visited every morning and eventually asked you out, you’ve been dating ever since. Jungwoo got off of training early and he wanted to take you out for some Korean barbecue. Jungwoo and you took an Uber to the Korean barbecue place that looked a lot fancier for your taste.
“Woo? Is this the right place?”
“Yeah! Do you not like it?”
“No, no I just feel underdressed”
“You look beautiful, it’s okay.”
You were both escorted to a private room where you two could eat in peace and where people wouldn’t notice Jungwoo. Jungwoo ordered all the meats, side dishes, and drinks for the both of you while you waited. You decided to strike up some conversation.
“So, how’s training? Hopefully, it isn’t too straining for you.”
“It’s a lot to manage but it’s not as bad as my trainee days. But this date is really helping me de-stress baby. How’s the bakery?”
“It’s still doing well, I just have to come up with a new pastry by the end of the week to showcase in the shop. I still have no idea what I’m going to do.”
“How about-“
“Please don’t say bananas and bacon, it’s not happening.”
“You’ll never know until you try baby.”
“Nope. Never.”
After you two laughed it off, your food finally arrived. It had meat with the perfect marbling and delicious side dishes you could eat on their own. Before you could grab the tongs to grill the meat, the waiter insisted that they cook for the best results. You awkwardly agreed and let them cook most of the meat that could fit on the grill. They soon left after they finished cooking and told you to enjoy your meal. You and Jungwoo took a bite out of your meats and wraps and you both looked at each other about how good it was. You got so carried away that you didn’t even notice you were eating more than Jungwoo. You were like a vacuum for food and no one could stop you. Jungwoo, noticing you were eating most of the food, decided to say something.
“Hey baby, you might want to slow down, you’re eating a lot.”
“Why? Are you concerned about how much I eat?”
“I just-“
“Do you think I’m getting fatter? Do you want me to lose weight?”
“What? No! I just want you to share some with me.” He said with a pout.
“Oh, I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions. My family’s been telling me I’ve gained some weight.”
“That’s crazy talk, even if you did gain weight, I would still love you the same.”
“Really Woo?”
“Of course baby”
“Good because I’m ordering more galbi”
He smiled as he kissed you on your cheek
“Order as much as you want.”
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You and Mark have been dating for a while and he’s not the type to show you off in front of everyone. You’ve been dating for about three years and you have yet to meet his members or anyone at his company. He was so worried about your relationship being exposed that he never wanted you to attend concerts or visit the SM building. You understood at first but it started to grow to a point where you believed Mark was trying to hide you from people for other reasons than good ones.  So you decided to visit the SM building on your own on a whim hoping they’d let you in. Luckily a receptionist recognized you as she consulted Mark about asking you out and giving him girl advice. She remembered you from a picture Mark had of you two on his phone that he showed. She gave you a guest pass and directory and let you in. You went up to the floors where there would be recording and dance studios assuming that’s where Mark was. You looked into the dance studio noticing Mark and his members working on a new routine. You knocked on the door and waved at Mark while the rest of his members just stared at him in confusion. He opened the door and talked to you in the hallway.
“I thought I told you not to visit me at work!”
“What’s wrong with visiting you!? Do you not want to see me?!”
“Of course I want to see you but- just, not here.”
“Are you ashamed of me? Do you not want me to meet your members or anyone in your company because you are littler mister perfect?!”
“Don’t even try to convince me, Mark, you work hard to be perfect, even if it means hiding your girlfriend for three years to keep your image!”
“Who’s been telling you that?”
“My family and my friends! I just tell them I have an idol boyfriend and they warned me of things that could be a reality, and now they ARE.”
You were on the verge of tears. Everything people told you was becoming true. “He’ll never spend a lot of quality time with you.” “He’s ashamed of you.” “You’re average compared to him, be honest, you’re out of his league.” “He’ll never let you have your relationship be public until you break up or get married, you might as well give up now.”
“I don’t even remember the last time we went on a proper date, Mark.”
Mark kept silent, unsure of how to respond and shocked at the same time. You took that silence to only make you feel worse. You walked away but Mark couldn’t chase after you, he had practice and his members couldn’t start if he disappeared. You walked home with tear-stained cheeks and you laid in your shared bed watching k-dramas hoping it would help cheer you up. Mark eventually came home and he was met with the silent treatment by you. It was expected but Mark still didn’t really know how to fix it. He sat down on your bed near your legs and petting your hair and letting his thoughts out.
“Babe? I know you’re still mad at me, and you have every right to be. I was just worried about you, and you getting spread to the media is the scariest thing to me. What if you get hurt or stalked because of me and my job. When I was to dating you I sometimes wished I wasn’t an idol. You could tell all your friends about me and I could meet your family. But I’m not the perfect guy, but that’s what I like when I’m with you. You let all my flaws hang out and let me feel human. I don’t have to live up to expectations that you have, I can just be me.”
“Mark…” You said as you pulled him into a hug and kissed his temple
“I’m sorry, I just- was so worried about you and overprotective, I understand if you want to break up”
“Break up? Are you crazy? You think I would cut a whole watermelon for any idiot?!”
Mark giggled as he kissed your lips
“Fine, maybe I’ll introduce you to a few of my members and work from there. You have no idea how many times I’ve wished you could watch me backstage at a concert.”
“I can’t wait.”
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Video games were no stranger to Haechan, you would playfully tease him about being on his phone all the time. Sometime when you FaceTimed him he would just play his video games and still talk to you. But you weren’t the best at video games. Sure, Haechan would invite you to play when you visited him at the dorm but he would have to play simple sandbox games like Animal Crossing. Haechan preferred more competitive games like Overwatch or Fortnite but they were too much for you. The controls were complex and you lost immediately when playing. You decided to just watch him play while you rested on his shoulder or lap. You naturally fell asleep and he would adore and love you when you did that. But it got to a point where playing video games while on dates or when you hung out was constant. You got tired of constantly telling Haechan to put his phone down or talk to you face to face. You were out on a date in the restaurant when all you could see was the back of his phone which was in front of his face. It only made it embarrassing when other people would look at how shitty the date was.
“Hyuck?” You said, but you got no answer. You sighed as you distracted yourself with the menu to read. When the waiter came by for drinks that were the only time Haechan seemed to put his phone down to order a Coke. You ordered water and the waiter left you both in silence.
“Hyuck? Do you know what you want to order?” Again, you got no response.
“Just order me whatever, I’ll eat anything, just let me get back to my game.”
As you were about to scold him the waiter came back and you ordered for both of you. You thanked him and handed him your menus. Then, you turned your attention back to Haechan.
“Hyuck, what’s been happening with you? You’ve been glued to your phone like it’s hypnotizing you.”
“Ugh, you’re not my mom, stop telling me what I can or can’t do with my life.”
“I’m not your mom but I am your girlfriend and I wish you would put your damn phone down and talk to me.”
“You sound so selfish right now you know that?”
“Selfish?! Are you kidding me!? You’re the one who’s selfish!”
“I don’t-“
“You know what?! I hope you can enjoy your dinner alone. Maybe you can kiss your phone from now on.”
You got up and grabbed your things and stormed out of the restaurant. Before you could call an Uber, Haechan ran up to you yelling your name.
“y/n! please! let me explain!”
“you have 5 minutes”
“I-I was playing so many video games because I was preparing to enter a competition to win some prize money so w-we could go on a vacation or a really nice date…”
“hyuck, why didn’t you just tell me?”
“I wanted it to be a surprise, I thought you would think winning money from video games would be stupid…”
“Well…it’s silly, not stupid, and it's certainly not stupid if you were winning that money to impress me, next time just tell me.”
“Okay…but does this mean I can play video games at the dinner table?”
“No. That’s my one rule, no phone at the table when we are eating or on a date ok?”
“Ok angel, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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xmalereader · 5 years
Tommy Shelby X Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Request: pls pls pls can we get a tommy shelby and male reader fic?? hes like a huge comfort character for me and ive been having like some super bad depression recently. it would mean so much to have a comforting tommy fic to read or smth, but pls dont stress if you cant do it ;; i rlly look forward to hearing your response !
Warnings: Slight angst, fluff, slight kissing
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The weeks have been colder and winter was slowly approaching. Y/n had been spending his time taking care of Charlie while tommy was out doing some business with some other mobs or with his brothers. He usually stayed out of sight since none of Tommy’s family know that they are together. Yes, they know who he is but they don’t know that they have been dating this whole time.
After being together for almost three years and in secret, y/n has been a second father to Charlie and had been visiting more often to the point that tommy had offered him a room of his own. He knew that y/n wanted to take there relationship slow since he wasn’t used to the whole guy on guy thing quiet yet. They took there time together but as the years went by he was able to share a bed with tommy now.
Y/n knew the dangerous things that tommy did and he didn’t mind it. He couldn’t force tommy to stop doing something that he sort of liked doing. He wasn’t like that, he’s usually staying out of tommy’s way when he’s up to something dangerous.
The cold winter days are usually spent with him indoors with Charlie and and visiting the stables, he helps charlie feed the horses and make sure that they have enough water and food before tommy sent them off to the races. He would sometimes stay longer and clean up their areas so that they had would have a clean space, he cared a lot for the horses that he would do anything for them.
Charlie smiles softly as he watched y/n clean the horses pelt with a brush as he hums a song to himself. “Y/n, you sing very nicely.” Charlie blurts out from his spot that he was standing on. Y/n froze and blushed under his coat as he turns to Charlie and smiled. “Thank you Charlie but I’m not a good singer, I just like to hum to music that I like.” He answers back as he shoveled up the mud that was created inside the stables and dumps it into a bucket and wipes his sweat. Charlie only tilts his head in questioning, “But I’ve heard you sing to father once, I think he was feeling ill that day and you went into his office to cheer him up with a song.”
Y/n knows what Charlie was talking about.
That day, tommy came home all beaten up that he could even breath. Y/n remembers dragging tommy to his office and closing the door as he lied him down on the couch. He would check his wounds and place some bandages on him as he tried to fix him up but tommy kept fusing and moving around. Saying, how he didn’t have time to get fixed up but y/n could only glare and shout at him to hold still and to let him place the bandages on him.
Tommy did’t refuse after that, not when y/n had yelled at him that harshly and he knew not to mess with y/n when he’s helping.
Y/n would rub the blood off his scars and sing to tommy, he knew that it was a girly thing to do but his own mother would always sing to him when he was either upset or ill so y/n did the same thing for tommy when he would go through a hard time. He would sing a soft song in German.
Once y/n had finished with bandages he noticed how tommy had fallen asleep to the tone of his voice.
That was a month ago.
“It’s a lullaby that I like to sing.” Y/n answers to Charlie as he smiled and hears the sound of a car approaching their home. He looks up with a frown to see Tommy stumbling out of the car and slamming the door. He looked frightened and pale. y/n took this as a bad sign and hands Charlie the shovel. “Charlie think you can finish cleaning up for me? I’m going to go check up on your father.” He takes his gloves off and leaves charlie to finish up as he heads back home.
He hears shouting from inside the house as he enters the place with a frown, he hears his yelling and shouting as one of the maids tries to calm him down. “Mr. Shelby!” The maid says out in shock as she watched him slam doors, searching for y/n.
“What’s going on?” Y/n asks as they maid gasps in shock and lets out a breath of relief. “Mr. Shelby is looking for you sir, and it doesn’t look quiet happy.” She responds as y/n frowns. “Don’t worry I can handle this, do me a favor and check up on Charlie, he’s outside in the stables and taking care of the horses.” He instructs as he watched her scurry off. Y/n turns back to face the stairway only to see Tommy at the top, panting as he grips the railing. “Tommy, what has gotten into you? The maids are frightened what happened?” He asks as he walks up the stairs to face tommy.
“They know...” he breaths out as y/n stops.
“Know what?”
“My family, my brothers, aunt Polly, they know about us.”
Y/n’s eyes widen as he stared at tommy, not because he was afraid but because he knew that this was Tommy’s biggest fear. He knew that tommy feared about his family finding out about them since he was considered the leader of the family and they looked up to him, he’s seen it with his own eyes. He’s seen the way that everyone looks at tommy; compasssion, leadership, a man with a plan.
But today tommy didn’t have a plan.
He was scared and feared of losing y/n forever, for the first time in his life he’s been happy. He was happy to come home to see y/n with a bright smile on his face and together with charlie. He always brightened his day.
“Y/n what...what do I do..?” He pants out as y/n steps up to wrap him in a hug, he could only hold tommy close as he whispered soft words in his ear. He pulls him down to the floor where he could hold him better. He gently ran his fingers through his hair and sighs. “tommy breath...” He instructs as he kissed the top if his head, “you need to calm down, don’t worry...” he continued to whisper as he allowed tommy to relax against him and hold his free hand.
“Tommy...look at me.” Y/n lifts tommy’s head up but he refused to look at his partner. “Thomas look at me.” He uses his full name this time as Thomas finally looks up come face to face with y/n. “Now you listen to me.” He begins to say.
“No matter what happens or what they say, I am always going to stick with you. It doesn’t matter if they look down to me. But reamember this, you, Thomas Shelby, will always be the man that I know. You have done so much for me tommy, you’ve given me a home, a family, happiness and love.” He continues on as tommy lets out a shuddering breath. “I will stick with you tommy because from what I know, you would do the same for me.”
Tommy could only chuckle softly as he was finally relaxing. “Remember when I was going through a hard time too? I was lonely and depressed, didn’t have the energy to even work and kept myself Locked up in my room.” He began to remind him as he leans back against the wall with tommys back against his chest. “You came to me and forced me out of bed and forced me to at least eat something...After that you remained in bed with me for the whole day and even if something important came up you would send Arthur to do the job for you. I really appreciated that, and in return I want to do the same thing.”
Y/n smiled at he looks down at Thomas to see him looking back at him. Y/n could only giggle as he leans down to kiss him on the lips. Smiling against them as he softly mumbles. “Guess its time to meet the family properly correct?” He asks as tommy smiled back. “To hell with what they say, even if they are me family. I am willing to do anything for you.” He mumbled back against his lips.
Y/n nods, I’d do the same thing for you.”
The two stayed leaning against each other for the rest of the night, talking softly and exchanging encouraging words. They even had the maid bring there food to the stairway as they ate in happiness and quietly.
(( I just noticed that it was suppposed to be the reader getting comfort from tommy and instead wrote it the other way around so I’m sorry if it’s something that you didn’t ask for! ))
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hey! I was wondering if you could do number 6 with Taron please?
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prompt six ;
“ please don’t change a single little thing for me.”
prompt list
dieting&body image stuff. swearing also.
pairing | fem!reader x taron egerton
a/n | I’m so sorry if this isn’t what you wanted. I was feeling awfully insecure today. please send in more ideas for the prompts, and add details for more specific blurbs. |
You had been dating Taron for over a year now, but just recently deciding that you two should become public. As simple as “coming public,” sounds, it wasn’t at all simple, not even close.
The first thing most big budget or popular actors have to do when coming public, is ensure that the team they work with is okay with it, making sure that the person is well liked and that whatever recent project they had been working on wasn’t tainted by...well, you.
At the time Taron was working with a new director, someone other than Dexter this time. Taron wanted to expand his career, though he was afraid to, for exact reasons like this.
Taron told the director of the film that you two were thinking about coming public, and the director was okay with it, but insisted that you have a whole team of people ensure you looked your best at the premiere for the film. You weren’t complaining though, anyone would want a whole hair and makeup team by their side for a whole night, you found it quite exciting. That is until, they had a ‘personal trainer’ come in. Even the thought of them getting you a personal trainer made your stomach churn and your eyes prick with insecurity’s in the form of tears.
Taron had no idea they were even getting one for you, let alone cared that much about what you looked like. In his eyes you were beautiful, and heavenly creature placed on this earth, just for him to love and cherish.
While Taron was away for filming, they had the personal trainer come in almost five times a week. Though the trainer wasn’t a trainer at all really; more like a lewd dietician. The Trainer gave you a meal plan of 800 calories- a day.
“That can’t be enough-“ you argued, it was absurd, and you weren’t looking to lose much weight, nor did you think it was necessary.
“ Trust Me, this meal plan will ensure that you look absolutely gorgeous next to Taron.”
“Ouch. That stung,” you thought to yourself; but you gave in, realizing that this was Taron’s career after all, and that they were only doing this to keep you fit and ensure that you were, good enough to stand with him during the premiere.
“It’s just Hollywood stuff.” You reassured yourself.
Two months go by, and the diet was absolutely killing you. You were tired almost all the time, with a pounding headache, making it almost impossible to get any college work done, nor be able to take full shifts at work anymore. The only thing you had been looking forward to was seeing Taron that week. The Friday couldn’t come soon enough, and you had wanted to do something special for Taron but the diet had made you so lethargic that you laid in bed almost all week, only getting up to feed the cats and yourself, the little bit you could eat.
Taron came home Friday afternoon, you were sleeping in the room upstairs when he came home.
“ Y/n!! Love! I’m hooomee.” He yelled cheerfully, slipping his trainers off, but you didn’t call out, or come flying down the stairs like usual. “Y/n?!” He called out again, walking up the stairs. That’s when he saw it, the horrific sight before him. There was dishes everywhere in the room, tiny tea cup plates scattered, a pile of plastic water bottles in one corner, your laundry overflowing in the basket. The smell of body odour and the cats litter overwhelmed him as he noticed corsets sprawled out, a new pill bottle on the nightstand, combined with four scales and a tape measure, sprawled on the bathroom floor as he walked closer to the bed. And there you were, fast asleep, almost all colour left from your face, you looked terribly sick to Taron, making him panic.
He shook you, almost harshly as he was scared that you were dead. “Y/n?! Y/n?! Wake up!!” He shouted, still in shock from the sight he had witnessed. You groggily groaned, turning over, and opening your eyes slightly, to see Taron standing over you, almost making you jump. You sat up quickly, seeing stars, which made you close your eyes, attempting to adjust to the sudden burst of energy, energy you hadn’t had in months. You opened your eyes, still dizzy and trying to focus on Taron.
“ What the fuck have you done-“ his voice wasn’t patronizing, instead he sounded scared, perhaps terrified. You sighed, “ I’m sorry for not cleaning up T, Ive been in bed for two weeks.” You attempted to laugh, but even that made you want to pass back out. “Are you sick?-“You started to close your eyes again, “ hey! Y/n! Look at me!” Your eyes shot open again, focusing on his worried and upset expression, “ why are you like this?” He asked rubbing your back.
“It was that- fucking personal trainer your director hired.” You gave him a sympathetic look.
“ What trainer!?” Taron asked, confused and flabbergasted. You scoffed, your eyes growing tired still. “Taron, don’t fuck with me okay- the, god damn trainer for the premiere.” Taron knitted his eyebrows together in confusion, “ Babe, what the bloody hell are you talking about?”
You sighed, feeling exhausted, but gaining enough energy to tell him, “ Taron, your director, hired a trainer or whatever the fuck, so I could lose weight and be more; ‘presentable,’ at the premiere.” You told him, collapsing yourself back on the bed and shutting your eyes. Taron shook you, “ y/n you need to stay awake, I’m going to call an abulance.” You laughed coldly at his fingers working fast to call the emergency services. “ don’t be ridiculous T, I’m fine-“ and before you knew it, you were passed out.
You woke up in the hospital, Taron holding your hand by your side. He was ecstatic when he saw you awaken, peppering kisses all over your face and hand. “ oh god, I was so scared y/n.” He admitted as he stood above you, looking at you lovingly, all you could manage to do was return a smile.
“ I backed out of the premeire. Told them that a family emergency came about next week, and that I really couldn’t come.” Your face was that of disappointment, Taron had ruined his relationship with the director because of you.
“Taron, you cant just pull out of your job like that, it could ruin your career.” You sighed, resting your head back down. “ y/n, I don’t care about the premiere, I care about you! And any director that thinks starving someone into their sick way of promoting a movie, is no director that I want to work with again. “ he admitted, you smirked at him, and he did the same. He leaned in, capturing your lips into a kiss. When he pulled away, he whispered a sentence you would never forget,
“Please don’t change a single little thing for me bub. I love you.”
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btextswriting · 7 years
Both the men snapped out of the memory and looked at you. Your figure sat in front of them, a complete 180 from the moments they had just described. You were now completely incapacitated, they both sighed simultaneously.
We have to do something. Jungkook murmured. Namjoon nodded, being the leader of this group was hard enough, but seeing Jungkook in this state was almost unbearable. This Master guy had become a mystery, shadow-like figure that had loomed over the group and you for 2 years. In those 2 years, you had trusted each of the guys with your life, looking to them when you were in need of guidance. Not much changed in 2 years with your project, until recently.
She had just figured it out. Namjoon mumbled and Jungkook nodded, looking over his shoulder at the leader of the group, they knew that was the key to the link. You had finally finished the project you had been commissioned to do a few years prior. Due to the set backs, it had taken a toll on your desire to work, but it also lit a flame to continue to push you forward. Finally, you had figured out a cheap and easy was to formulate alternative energy in a cost efficient market, you were about to give you results to the Bureau when the attack happened. You were just hours away from being rid of this terrifying problem, when you were stabbed in your home.
Our interference made sure that she wasn’t killed. Jungkook said, looking back over at you. The two of you had slowly became romantically involved, but kept it a secret. Jungkook was your main confidant and protector. He shielded you from the fears of the world, but he was too late this time. But I want to make sure that whoever did this to her, pays. Jungkook spoke through gritted teeth. It was hard for him to see you in this state and Namjoon felt uneasy with the amount of anger in Jungkook’s voice.
Jungkook was known for staying calm and collected, very few things frazzled him. It made it easy to work with him, everyone knew that he wouldn’t go off due to emotion, instead he would keep his feelings in check as he did his job, however, this was different. Namjoon knew that something was going on, it wasn’t difficult to tell, but he was fearful that Jungkook would now do something rash as a way to honor your legacy. Namjoon looked at the way that Jungkook slightly shook in his seat and knew that if he were to ever come into contact with the man behind all of this, the only thing that would be left would be a could pools of blood and a scrap of his t-shirt.
I’m gonna find this Master guy and give him a piece of my fucking mind. Jungkook said as he stood up. Namjoon nodded, walking out the door, but not before turning around to see Jungkook gently lean over your fragile frame and place a light kiss on your forehead. Namjoon sighed, it was one of the more touching things he had seen in a long time, but his fear for Jungkook’s sanity heightened.
Guys, we are going full out with finding Master. Jin hyung, you will stay here with Y/N and continue your work digitally. Everyone, tracking on. Namjoon started to call out orders. Each of the guys turned on their tracking devices that synced up to Jin’s computer. Tae raised his hand. Yea, Tae?
Where do we start? The bodyguard asked and Namjoon drew a blank. Their last lead on Master was that he was some cult-ish leader from China, but they couldn’t be sure.
Start in the lab. Jungkook spoke up, his voice booming and commanding as Namjoon looked over at the young bodyguard. It only makes sense that he would send his men to retrieve the prototype of the energy model. Jungkook explained and the guys nodded.
Jungkook and I will go to the lab. Namjoon said. Yoongi, Hobi, you two go back to the apartment and filter through anything that could give us a lead. Jimin, Tae, you two start poking your noses to see if we can get a lead anywhere, maybe neighbors say something. All of the men nodded and started their way down the corridor of the hospital.
Jin set up shop in the hospital room, glancing over at your bruised face. Your eyes were shut, your mouth had breathing tubes in it, and the IVs added to your sickly state. Jin hung his head in sadness as he started to sync up the network, the beeping in the background started to be drown out by the clicking of keys, as Jin finished his set up.
Looking back at you, he sighed once more.
Y/N, I swear we will figure out who did this. Jin said earnestly and hoped you could hear him. He wanted you to know that they would never leave you like this, that they had done all they could to protect you. Looking at him screen, he watched the radar as 6 dots dispersed throughout the city in pairs. All of them on the same mission to find out who hurt you and bring them to justice.
Within your haze, you were stuck in a state of reliving the few moments that had occurred. You remember being alone for only a few minutes, Jimin and Tae had left to grab food and some champagne to celebrate your discovery, there was a lightness in the air. You were texting Jungkook when you heard the door get kicked in. Sending him the SOS signal, you crouched down to hide, it wasn’t until they started to chase you, that you knew you were in trouble. There was a fall in the pit of your stomach that could only be described as dread as you ran away. Then everything went black. You were alone again, with only the beating of your heart.
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gulescamisade · 7 years
Minnesota:  Day 7
[At some point during the night, or day -- it'd be indistinguishable to jake -- a voice speaks to him over an intercom.] ????: hey jami 2.0 u think u can do that pumpkin trick again?
JAKE: -snoring in a bed made of pumpkin patch on the ground. As an unfamiliar voice echoes overhead, he snorts awake. Jolting upwards with leaves in his hair. Also accidentally summoning 3 more pumpkins as he had fallen asleep practicing and all.-
JAKE: Hoosit?? -blink blink. He's AWAKE.-
????: eelmao
????: conchgrats buoy u did it
????: cept i kno u aint even got a grip on whatebber the fuck u doin
????: but i dont need u to
JAKE: -sitting there mouthing the words like eel-aye-em-oh and squinting. He feels... inexplicably chilled to the bone.-
JAKE: (Doh... now i have a bad feeling about this.)
JAKE: I dont suppose... this is all to do with a ploy to get some unmentionable dirty work dished out and done with? But why speak to me now?? Are you to level with me in some sense of the word???
JAKE: Why drag it out like this??? If you could do anything. Why not make me a mindless drone like dear sweet jade and jane?????
)(IC: cuz i dont wanna fuck w u small fry
)(IC: the gills are smart
)(IC: they aint barely need no direction
)(IC: give em a goal and they on cuz they know what the fuck is up
)(IC: u tho? alwaves wadin thru ur lil guppy emoceans
)(IC: makin some dumb ass pumpkins grow
)(IC: the fuck even is that
)(IC: do u even know what yoar capable of sonfish
JAKE: -takes the deepest breath of his life, his heart thudding like an iron clad weight. He can't see her face, he only knows her voice is there. Green eyes wide and fearful as he slowly rises to stand.- Im...
JAKE: I know somehow. Some way.
JAKE: Maybe it wont happen today or tomorrow. But my capabilities say that you are going to pay one pretty penny for the horrible things youve done.
JAKE: Mark my words. Its not me who should be afraid when at the end of all of this... -His face is now screwing up, visualizing everyone this war has ruined. Their wishes, hopes, dreams. The energy seems to charge in his veins, making the air around him hot enough that the pumpkin vines at his feet begin to shrivel.- At the end of all of this....
JAKE: Youre just going to be a scary story people tell their kiddos at night!!!!! A LAUGHING STOCK. HAH. Worse than me and ive never had a dignified moment in my fucking life!!!! And not a SOUL is going to be sorry youre GONE.
JAKE: Ill do it for jade! And jane and grandma and--- EVERYONE. Everyone youve fucking ruined with your vile reign of TYRANNY!!!!!! -This FIELD around Jake cannot be contained in this box of a room. Hell. The metal walls are beginning to bend with just these few seconds of intensity. Somebody do somethin'.-
)(IC: -LOW WHISTLE into her mic. she doesn't sound perturbed by his threats, or even by the damage he's doing. there's always more rooms she can put him in... maybe even make his lil friend roxy make him a nice box to hide in. she's definitely got more focus then this one...-
)(IC: im all aboat that reel glowy shit u got goin there
)(IC: but i know i can werk it betta
)(IC: anywave im board and i got shit to do
)(IC: goodnight BITC)(
[SNOP. Unfortunately for Jake, repressing magical/emotional outbursts is easy when she has the concentrated abilities of a cerulean at her disposal. But fortunately for him, she can only really put him to sleep, being a human and all... Also fortunately for him, she has the attention span of a gold fish and intends to let him dangle a little bit longer before experimenting on him as she intends to... Or maybe she's just having fun with him. Who knows.]
JAKE: -A lot of fortunates and a lot of unfortunates. It's always the seed of belief that matters.-
JAKE: -Passes clean out in the center of his cell, totally ready to write this off as some kind of fever dream... if it's not for the melty edges of the walls around him. This was exciting as it was frustrating.-
[Today when Jake wakes up, he will find himself redressed in tiny red shorts, red suspenders, and a big red bow tie. ur whalecum jami 2.0 ]
JAKE: -stirs awake before promptly looking down at himself.- ................................... SON OF A BITCH.
ROXY: =She couldn't help but to notice that Jake had gone missing. Which is unsettling for many reasons so she's taking a leap and exploring more even without the invisibility cloak from the void. Roxy blips out of her room, landing in the hallway and silently makes her way down it. Time to snoop!=
[It's quiet in these holding chambers with Jake and the Cherubs gone, leaving on Roxy and James who is presumably still keeping silent. At the end of the hall there is a door, and she'll find it isn't locked.](edited)
ROXY: =WHERES CALLI YOU MONSTERS?? SHE'LL FIND YA CALLI. She opens the door slowly and peeps in... if the coast is clear here comes a stinky, sweaty escaped prisoner. Where's your information?=
[The door opens up to an open room, on either side there are windows show casing labratories of some kind. It isn't entirely clear what kind of work is being done in them from where Roxy is standing. At the end of the room there's another door, but shee can also see more doors inside the labs.]
ROXY: =Hm.... can she see computers in there? She decides to get close to one window and peer in. Nerds might be at work in there...=
[There's definitely computers and lots of mechanical equipment and various tech projects half completed on the tables. The lights are low right now so there doesn't seem to be anybody working at this time.]
ROXY: =SCORE. She doesn't want to waste all her gas there has to be a way to get in there..... maybe this door at the end of the room will get her where she's going. Quietly scampers=
[This door is also open, CONVENIENTLY. It leads to another hall, and to either side of where Roxy stands are, presumably, the doors to the labs.]
ROXY: =BITCHIN, HERE COMES HER. Lab number one she's gonna prob ya! KICKS DOWN THE DOOR..... quietly. With her hand=
[As she enters, the lights TURN ON!! And that's about the extend of what happens there. She'll see all the computers have aquarium screen savers but all the fish are glittery and/or have blingee'd accessories like gold chains and shutter shades.]
ROXY: =This is a lab so she sprays disinfectant on the computer before goin to HACK=
[It just so happens that whoever used this computer last forgot to log out of their account... They have photoshop open and there are photos of Jake. He's in red booty shorts and suspenders and he's lookin' like D8< but whoever was doing this photoshop job is trying to make him look a little happier... Like he's cheering instead of like he's about to punch the photographer in the face.]
ROXY: =Oh well shit..... oh. Well.. she. Snrk. Sorry but also ok. Where was this taken? Does it say anything about that? WHERE'S JAKE YOU COMPUTER=
[Without much looking she will first find a folder full of unedited photos of Jake from his new cell. Dank and dreary, much worse then the cells they were in before. Only a bed and a medical tray table. Another folder with the edited photos reveals these are being used for magazine covers and spreads. It seems Jake is being used as Crocker Corps POSTER BOY. Look at this well fed and obedient (?) human.]
ROXY: =OH HOW DARE!? Are there any OTHER people here computer? Like Dirk or Mom or ANYONE ELSE? WHO ALL AM HERE?=
[The computer thinks Roxy expects too much from it. At least from this account on the server. It's only been used by a humble tech intern who edits pictures in photoshop. His name is Maxwell.]
ROXY: =What a fuckin nerd Maxwell is can she HACK to find out... or would that take too much time.... it probably would so she legs it to the other lab=
[The other lab has lots of cabinets and coolers containing samples of various things... Some of which she might recognize as GLOWING MUSHROOMS and ARTIFICIAL SWEETENER. The kind of research they do in here might be a little more obvious...]
ROXY: =Finally putting Sweet-n-low out of business she sees, good. But she's scrunching up her nose and looking for anything useful or recent? =
[Or perhaps they were behind the Sweet-n-Low game all along! In any case, if she dares to try confiscate some of the mushrooms or any of the extracts lying around, she might be able to try using it for its hypnotic properties. Otherwise, there's mostly just experiments with food and chemicals being done in this lab. Sadly no clues of friends.]
ROXY: =God dammit. Well shucks she blows this popsicle stand and goes on a hunt for Jakey boy or Calliope!=
[Back in the hall, on the other side there's yet another door but it's more heavily sealed then the others with some kind of keycard lock, but with little indication of what's on the other side. At the very end of the hall is an elevator, also requiring keycard access to use.]
ROXY: =this might be where its unavoidable. UNA-VOID-ABLE. She bets this heavily sealed door is something GOOD. She's going to take a quick peek in there if she can poof in!=
[There's a growling around these hallways... sounds like something or someone might be prowling around.]
[The room Roxy has poofed into seems to be some kind of observation room. There's a couple screens on one wall with a panel beneath -- one screen is showing the room Jake is being held in (where he's either sleeping among his pumpkin patch or being rowdy...) while the other screen is shut off.]
ROXY: =zoinks! Growls are bad news. She hurries and tries to see if she can turn on the other screen or find where exactly the room holding Jake is? GO GO GADGET STUBBY FINGERS=
[MAIN SCREEN TURN ON. She manages to get the other screen running, but it's only showing an empty room with a bed... With unsettling stains of red and green on the sheets.]
ROXY: ..... =Bruh tf?? She squints and that can only mean bad news. Does it say where these cameras ARE? She should make her way downtown and quickly!=
JADE: -zaps into the room- BARK!!!
ROXY: !!! =JUMPS= FUCKIN'--- oop.....
ROXY: ..................
ROXY: ..................
ROXY: ...........
ROXY: this isnt the bathroom wtf
JADE: -LUNGES AT HER!!!-(edited)
ROXY: !! =BLIPS, or tries to back for the door. tHESE ARE SOME STRESSFUL SECONDS IN THE VOID=
JADE: -gdi. She claws around the empty space, growling.- ill find you!!!
ROXY: =She pops on the other side of the door really and is booking it down the hall, back the way she came. NAH. NNNNNAAAAAHHHHH=
JADE: -there's the sound of BOOFing and scrambling feet behind her-
ROXY: =fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck, what to do, gotta think gotta think gotta think. Where can she hide? She doesn't KNOW this place. UUGHHHHHHHH! She's doing her BEST here just, SLAPS a pen holder off a desk she runs by FUCK THIS SHIT, YEET!=
JADE: -BORK BORK BORK BORK!! The pen holder jostles her, but not enough to stop her. RIP pen assortment...-
ROXY: =Can she.... throw a stick??? BLIP, pops a stick into existence. A SNAUSAGE STICK chucks it down the opposite hall= FETCh!
JADE: -stops and grrs... her programming is conflicted-
ROXY: =Oh shit..... CHUCKS ANOTHER ONE= go on girl! tasty tasty!!
JADE: -but a few moments later, she zaps in front of Roxy with a snausage in her mouth, grabbing onto her and zapping again back into her cell-
ROXY: =Fuckin!! YES OK. SO..... she can't find Jake like this or Callie.... what to do.... what to do....UGHHHHGHGH. Just hides in a little corridor while trying to think. She doesn't even know if anyone else is here but now she's doubting it? AUGH. Okay, okay okay... think. Gotta think. Where can she hide? UUUGGGH--= ACK! =DOOF. Deposited on her face in the cell, gdi=
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