#ive got mail
theplanetprince · 2 years
wait, what episode did Randy say virgin?
About 3 minutes into Season 1 Episode 7 (?) "Monster Dump"
I've included captions for ease of access.
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buwheal · 11 days
hey spamton! anything interesting happen recently?
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 2 months
Can you rec fics that's got like very sweet intimacy? Like with the intimacy buddie had in your most recent fic. One where you can feel the love they have for each other...like intimate and connected. Elevensorceress is also very good with this. Don't know if you understand what I mean? Like I want to read a fic and understand that these two people love each other very much and get warm feelings over it
firstly im so glad you liked my fic 🥹 the intimacy between these two is my most favorite thing so i understand what you mean! (and yes @elvensorceress is so good at it and is one of the people who inspired me to start writing, ily jen)
here's some of my faves that i think might have what you're looking for
baby, can i hold you? by @shitouttabuck
skin/heat/hair in your mouth by @shitouttabuck
pick a star on the dark horizon (follow the light) by @bi-buckrights
love you in my sleep by @chronicowboy
kisses and embraces by @tawaifeddiediaz
never wished for you to go by @shyaudacity
t-rex kisses by @lemonzestywrites
hands that map a communion by @buckttommy
clothes thief eddie my beloved by @renecdote
the side effects of eating too many clementines by @sunshinediaz
baby, how'd we end up here? by @chronicowboy
we're falling like stars by @prettyboybuckley
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wosemi-sama · 5 months
HEY CHAT. the silly (it was mammon. we all knew it was going to be mammon) won the poll so i am now legally obligated to write smth for our first man. hope u guys like it 🫶 also. i dont. have. yellow on mobile. so we have to. deal with it. and. use orange instead. #sad
mammon relationship hcs
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Will do stupid shit to impress you.
"Hey, watch me carry this comically large box!"
"Mammon, I don't think that's a good idea."
"Don't be ridiculous! Look!" *dies*
You mention it's kind of cold? He will immediately take off his jacket and have you wear it. His brothers will not hear the end of it.
"Hey, guys! Guess who wore my jacket? That's right, it was-"
"Mammon, nobody cares."
After a lecture from Lucifer, Mammon will look for you in search of comfort (and cuddles)
He'll bury his face in your shoulder and complain while you rub circles on his back
He loves affection, but he gets embarrassed easily
Super clingy once he's comfortable in your relationship, but don't be fooled, he gets flustered all the time.
He's amazing at giving gifts. He knows exactly what you want without fail. Mammon just knows you best.
He's also surprisingly good at knowing where you are??? Like, Lucifer will ask him where you are and he'll respond with "I dunno, try the cat cafè." And you're there??? You didn't even tell him where you were going, he just guessed.
So annoying about you. He won't shut up about you, but he can't help himself!! He just loves you so much and everything about you is so perfect that the list would be over 30 pages long! Don't tell him I said that-
He may not be the Avatar of Envy, but he tends to get jealous easy.
You're hanging out with his brothers a little too much for his liking? That's it, you're legally obligated to spend the day with him now.
Physically cannot be more than 30 feet away from you or else he will implode.
So, so many movie marathons. At least once a week.
He tends to fall asleep easily though, so they usually never get finished.
Wakes you up in the middle of the night for the dumbest reasons and pokes you until he's sure you're awake.
"Hey. Hey hey hey hey hey hey-"
"Ya hungry?"
He would never admit this, but he likes making you laugh. He just finds the way you scrunch up your face so adorable. And your laugh too. He loves your laugh. He could never get tired of it, even if he wanted to.
It is genuinely so difficult to get this guy to say "I love you" because he recharges his courage to actually say it every 6 weeks because he thinks it's SO embarrassing.
Just because he doesn't say it a lot doesn't mean he doesn't. Mammon just finds it difficult to say. So remember that he loves you, will you?
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soul-sucker · 2 months
I just hace one question, why did you hear the album before? why when it was leaked? I know that's not gonna make Taylor richer or poorer but it's kinda... weird. I just don't know.
if i had been in the garden of eden i wouldve eaten that apple
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shiresome · 26 days
I love the way you draw lex so bad. do u have any lex headcanons question mark….
THANK YOU THATS SO SWEET!! Yes I have one Lex headcanon: he is my best friend forever and ever
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starchaserdreams · 1 year
In case anyone thought I was kidding about printing out AO3 comments and sticking them on my fridge, I WAS NOT.
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spamsandsuch · 7 months
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self reflection (2) preview
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mondayborn · 8 months
Ok so apparently I dreamed making a "Nicholas sucking on things" post, but I've def thought about it before. Anyway, here your at-home delivery, Nicholas sucking on things for you viewing pleasure 🙂
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BLESS 👁️👁️
this man is either deep throating a banana or sucking something dry those are his two defaults
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team-avia · 7 months
yo wtf did yall put in Miranda's routes be so forreal
i dont even LIKE mean women, i came into this with a bias against Miranda and got even MORE of an anti Miranda bias playing up to her route so how in god good name have yall gotten a set in my ways bitch like myself head over heels for this woman huh??? be honest with me what spell is in this??? is it crack did yall put crack in this i need ANSWERS
She's just that good. Wife material, yknow? My wife, whom you should let go bc she did all those things 🥰
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theplanetprince · 2 years
On your Hatchett's Quarry post: I remember a scene with Jacob near the end (chapter 10 I think??) where he's crying alone in the woods about how he wishes he could say (to emma I think? he just says 'you' but it's safe to assume) he was sorry, and he just wanted one more night at camp, so I definitely think he feels some guilt for what happened. I wish we'd gotten some time with them after the end so we'd have a chance to explore everyone's characters after the choices they made, either scripted or player-chosen
Hi yes, I completely forgot this message was in here-- forgive me I was caught up in writing yet again.
I've seen the footage of that and while that is a good solo performance of the actor, and it gives a bit more on the psyche of that particular character, I guess what I was looking for was something a little more substantial. Jacob and Emma are basically filling the roles of Mike and Jessica from UD where they're separated at the very beginning of the conflict and don't reunite until much later. Both UD and Quarry could have benefitted from the ability to make the characters interact more or even being allowed to choose which characters you want to control for a chapter-- who knows? It might be a long shot but I would enjoy these style of games with that level of choice.
That's sort of why I find a lot of Supermassive Games interesting; because they can really make you care about these characters with so little, and it leaves you desperately wanting more. Even with titles I found frustrating to play like Little Hope the setting and characters were enough to keep me invested-- but considering these games are more like interactive movies than actual games if you don't enjoy a particular group of characters or find the story itself disagreeable, then you essentially have a bad 60 dollar movie. With longer titles like UD and the Quarry which are closer to 10/12 hours of play time versus 5/6 hour jaunts with Man of Medan, Little Hope, and House of Ashes-- to get more of that character depth, the actors have room to get a feel for their roles.
They're great little character-driven stories where it still feels like you're playing as a character versus playing as yourself. Lee from the Walking Dead Video Game comes to mind as another great self-insert player character, but a lot of his options are more designed to reveal how you, the player thinks versus how Lee would operate in a day-to-day scenario. Even characters we only play for a fraction of a second in the Quarry feel like real people with goals and ambitions.
Unlike say the works of David Cage another oddball in this highly specific genre of "playable movie with occasional button mashing" I don't really feel invested in the characters. I don't. Even in his most emotional work-- Heavy Rain, and Beyond Two Souls the characters never felt like people I could relate to or sympathize with-- their reactions felt totally floaty and alien but not in any real artistic way.
While I will say the Supermassive games suffer a bit from the MCU/Joss Whedon sin of undercutting tension with lame one-liners. I feel like it's more appropriate given that the characters in most of SMGs games are normal people with no powers or ability to cope except with jokes.
And I realize this is me pretty much rambling at this point as to why I enjoy character-driven storytelling, but it's my blog and I'm allowed to.
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buwheal · 1 month
Out of curiosity, you don't have any magnets nearby, do you? I've heard that those make electronics go all funky-fied :/
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kisses4kaia · 8 months
hello hello! i absolutely adore your works and i was wondering if i could make a request for a smut? like, Charlie Walker finding out that his s/o has their nipples pierced? it's okay if not, of course!
have a nice day/night! ☆
guys i haven’t written for char in a minnnn + omg ur so nice and i love you dearly !! this is how i think this would go. (non-proofread smut, 18+ minors dni, gn!reader)
for free🪸- c, walker ,,
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obviously, like all good things in the world, it started with a heated makeout session.
and when has a makeout session ever just been a makeout session?
charlie was getting handsy, and you were letting him-for the first time. see, you and charlie had never really gone the full mile. you know, new relationship and all.
but tonight, it was all happening. your lips moved in harmonious tandem with his. charlie’s hand was sneaking it’s way behind your shirt and up your back and rubbing his hands up and down.
you pulled your shirt over your head, revealing the straight barbells with little stars at each end going though your nipples.
his jaw was in the floor and a twinkling mischief played on your smile as you spoke, “like ‘em?”
the question was obviously rhetorical, as he most definitely liked them; with the way he was salivating, it was pretty obvious.
“c-can i.. touch… them?” you giggled at his fragility before nodded, poking your chest out encouragingly.
charlie’s hands flew to your chest, running his fingers over the cold metal, enjoying the contrast of temperature between your warm flesh and the chilled metal.
he twiddles with the shiny barbells for a few minutes, occasionally bringing his mouth down to your chest, lapping at your pebbly peaks.
it doesn’t take long for charlie to strip out of all of his clothing, with you following suit.
and it takes even less for him to bury himself deep inside of you, large hands never leaving your breasts.
he thrusts deeply inside of you, hitting that spot every time with incredible precision, making your vision blurry and star-filled.
“ngh- fuck, too good, too good, honey. shit, you’re amazing, how did i get so lucky?” he was talking to himself more than you, but it still made your face warm at the compliments.
as his thrusts began to weaken and uncoordinate- a good indicator of his nearing orgasm- you felt the coil in your stomach break the tension that was building all night, and your release rippled through you like an ocean current.
you let out a loud, yet choked moan and charlie struggled to keep his composure for long.
soon, he was groaning and whimpering and coming inside of you. white, hot, sticky, spend coated your insides, the feeling making you smile stupidly at the sensation.
charlie collapsed on top of you, not bothering to pull out as he kissed you sweetly. “i love you,”
and it was sweet until he finished.
“and your nipples, obviously.”
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wosemi-sama · 3 months
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bestfriend! asmodeus, who begs you to tell him who you have a crush on. hes just curious!!
bestfriend! asmodeus, who upon finding out who you like, has frown on his face. but before you realize, he smiles, as if the disappointment was never there.
bestfriend! asmodeus, who will wingman for you, giving you confession ideas and drawing hearts on fogged up windows with yours and your crushs first initial just to fluster you.
bestfriend! asmodeus, who helps you write a confession letter and quietly watches as you slip it on your crushs seat, wishing it was him.
bestfriend! asmodeus, who painfully watches as your crush accepts your letter.
bestfriend! asmodeus, who slowly begins to distance himself from you, unsure of what to do.
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easy-revenge · 9 months
my brain at 3am after a long day of hyperfixating on Whatever New Thing, going back to the same two characters and the exact same thoughts about them ive been having for the past several years and am clearly very normal about:
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dayurno · 3 months
my advice for anyone whos growing more and more frustrated with the state of aftg and fandom at large is that arguing is fun but you need to be happy. ok. you need to. its hard when bad faith takes are dropped to your doorstep but you need to be happy and enjoy yourself and have fun or there's no point in anything at all ever. ok. fandom is not real and nothing is worth more than your enjoyment. i love you please make sure to have fun and reach out to a friend today. for me
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