#ive just gotta take a deep breath and move on lmao
oceanwithouthermoon · 30 days
i rlly wish i could mute blogs without blocking cuz i dont want anyone to be mad at me but GOD some peoples takes just piss me off so unbelievably badly
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gideonthe9 · 8 months
i actually know boygenius too, not many people do so count me pleasantly surprised omg! but i also listen to game osts too, like hades etc. what about you?
i attended karate when i was like 10-ish, it was great too but we eventually moved places and my new hometown didn't have a dojo so that was the end of my karate career lol. you gotta kick really high even as a kid which is quite impressive i have to admit (: will do, wish me luck though that my anxiety doesn't kick in!
mean, that you love the locked tomb series was not a mystery to me (i have been a follower of yours for some time actually) but i was interested in some other tomes you've read... i absolutely loved the priory of the orange tree and a day of fallen night good lord! i devoured both books in like a day... i have also read crier's war but have not had the time to read the second book yet, is it as good as the first?
my favourite book? well, one last stop is definitely up there but it's hard to pick one since i have read a ton that were breathtaking in their own way.
favourite country i've been too... hmmm... i haven't traveled a lot but i think i would go with the Italy (ignoring the fascists and catholic ofc)! but i really wanna see Laos when i get the chance and/or New Zealand and Japan... but now i am interested in your favourite countries (:
oh i freaking love game ost's!! hades is fucking fantastic, the outer worlds is amazing and rdr2 is also one of my favorites.
good luck! try to stay calm and take deep breaths and don't be afraid to just stop and go outside if it gets too much.
i Loved one last stop, the found family in that book was so good.
italy is nice! the food is great and ive always loved their history. im planning on going to new zealand actually lmao (tho im gonna have to save money for a while first haha). my favorite country ive been to is australia (when i tell people that they're always like "but the spiders!!!" but the real horror in australia is vegemite), followed by scotland.
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euphoric-barnes · 3 years
his solace. — b. barnes
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synopsis: in bucky's list of people he wanted to make amends with, there were two names that he considered as his 'top priorities'—his friend, yori and you, his girlfriend.
pairing: bucky x fem!reader
genre: fluff fluff fluff—okay maybe a pinch of angst
warning(s): mentions of nightmares, a bit of tfatws spoilers, mentions of insecurities, violence, soft bucky, non proof read HEHE, one swear word
wc: 1,367
notes: idk what this is but... ive been wanting to post this so- also i suck at titles lmao
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bucky enters his apartment to see you on his couch sleeping, probably waiting for his arrival. ever since he tagged along with sam on the mission about the flag smashers, he's been texting you non stop—giving you updates because he felt bad for departing without telling you. bucky silently drops his bag on the ground, beside the couch as he walks towards you, kneeling on one knee as he watches you sleep with a smiling forming on his face.
then, he remembers what sam said.
but you gotta make them feel better. you gotta go to them and be of service.
bucky sighs, gently brushing the hair off your face. bucky vividly remembers his nightmares to the point even though he is awake it haunts him. especially when he's with you as you smile widely at him, after all, you are the happiest when you're with him. how many times has he heard you say that? probably a lot more then sam made fun of his staring problem. bucky would smile widely but the moment you turn your head away, bucky's smile would slowly slip off with his guilt eating him up.
he couldn't believe he hurt you back then.
it was so clear. you were younger, probably in your teenage years. you were on the ground, staring at him with wide eyes as you quiver in fear while he slowly walks towards you. other hydra agents who were with him in that mission were sabotaging innocent people. then, bucky would wake up, not seeing how he hurt you. but that wasn't the point, he knew he has to tell you the truth.
bucky didn't expect you'd be one of the avengers, fighting alongside steve to defend bucky—hide him away because people couldn't get that he was brainwashed. then the rest was history. bucky have slowly hut surely fell in love with you.
"bucky, stop staring." you mumble as you open your eyes, turning your head to him. bucky cracks a smile as you grin at him. bucky leans in, kissing your lips with his arm draping across your stomach as you cup his jaw with your hands. bucky pulls away, staring at you loving eyes, admiring your beauty. "how was the mission?"
then bucky pulls you up, sitting behind you as he lets your back rest against his chest with his arms around you as he holds your hands, playing with your fingers while he tells you all about the mission, from breaking zemo out if prison to taking the shield from walker. then, he gets to the part where he and sam talk about his amends.
slowly, he trails off then he pulls his arms away from you. "doll, we have to talk." bucky says seriously as you sit up straight and turning to him. bucky stares at the ground as he tries to build the courage to tell you. he takes one deep breath in before starting, "you know how i have a list of names that i'm making amends to,"
"and i have a person in my list i haven't been really truthful to."
"yori?" you ask and bucky sighs, shaking his head.
"there's another one." bucky says as he takes the small notebook, turning to the right page as he gives it to you. you grab it and look at it. right at the very bottom was your name, just like yori, it had been encircled a couple of times, emphasizing that it was a priority.
"why's my name here?" you ask and bucky sighs, running his hand through his hair.
"doll, i hurt you back then." bucky admits. "i don't know how, but i think i hurt you bad. most of the times it's what i see in my nightmares. you were so young back then, everyone was being beaten up and shit, i saw you. you stared right back at me when i was walking towards you. i- i'm so sorry, doll."
you stare at him, sighing. you close the notebook, putting it on the coffee table as you look at him. "buck, you really have got to stop beating yourself up with the things that you did as the winter soldier." you simply said that got bucky looking at you as if you were insane.
"y/n, doll, i kept this—"
"bucky, tell me about that nightmare." you said and bucky looked at you. you smile at him and bucky sighs. how could you be so kind?
"the whole town was a mess because hydra messed the whole town up, barging in people's house and then i saw you. you were looking at me with big wide eyes as i slowly walked up to you." bucky said. "that's it."
"bucky," you softly call. "i was 17 that time—"
"it was a long time ago but it doesn't mean you should just forgive me right away!" bucky exclaims.
"oh my god, james buchanan barnes, let me finish!" you exclaimed, laughing and bucky got even more confused. how the hell are you taking this lightly? you offer your hand out to which bucky hesitantly places his. "i was 17 that time. i was confused and scared at that time. a man pushed me, running off. i was at the ground, crying because i didn't know what to do. then, you saw me. not the winter soldier, you."
you look at bucky as he stares back at you. "you helped me, bucky." you mumbled. "you think i wouldn't remember that kind of thing happening to me?" you asked and bucky just listened to every word you said. you scoot closer, cupping his jaw as your thumb slowly caresses his cheek. "you were surrounded by hydra agents. they could have knocked you out, tortured you right at the spot, but what did you do? you took me away and hid me somewhere."
bucky couldn’t believe it. “no.” he mumbles.
“yes.” you contradict. “they give you these orders, turning you to some kind of weapon but bucky, if you were awake in those times, would you have done that? no, you wouldn’t.” you softly say. “i always go wherever natasha goes. the first time that i didn’t was when i fought alongside steve to protect you. steve was confused why i did it but he didn’t question it.”
“so, i didn’t..?” bucky trailed off and you gave him a smile, shaking your head off.
“stop beating yourself up and start seeing the good in you. you’re not perfect, i know but they are still a part of you and i love you. so much.” you said and bucky tugged on your hand lightly, making you wrap your arms around his shoulders as he wraps his arms around your waist. bucky softly sighs, hiding his nose on your neck as he takes in you soft scent that never failed to give him solace.
“i love you, doll.” bucky softly says as he closes his eyes savoring the moment as if you’ll go away. but he knows you won’t, it’s just that no matter what he can never get enough of you. “so much.”
“come on,” you said, giving his shoulders pats as you lightly pull away, cupping either sides of his jaw. “what do you want to do?” you ask and bucky bites his lower lip, smiling as his eyebrows move up and down. you let out a groan, “you want to watch the hobbit again, don’t you?”
“thanks, doll!” bucky enthusiastically says as he pulls you closer, pressing his lips against your cheek, his stuble tickling you causing you to giggle. bucky pulls away as he sets up the movie just the way you taught him how to. when he’s done, you look at him with a wide smile, opening your arms wide as he plops on the couch beside you and wrapping his arms around your waist.
bucky feared that you would have left him after telling you the truth, not knowing he would be happy with the information he got. he was relieved that even though the winter soldier took over him through those years, he knew that somehow he still fought against him even though it was difficult.
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did i went ooc? i’m sorry it’s my first time writing for him 😭
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missmonsters2 · 4 years
Between the Lines || IX
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PAIRING: Steve Rogers & Fem!Reader (Platonic) / Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader / Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader / Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader x Wanda Maximoff
Summary: Vampire AU. Life has changed drastically since the 1600s. Things are always on the move, and you’ve been very careful to not get on SHIELDs radar. Living on the down-low owning a café, you’re content to live out a quiet existence. That is until the Avengers enter your life.
[Set after the New York Invasion, in CAWS, and goes up to AoU. Canon divergent after.]
Warnings: This series will contain smut(**), poly-relationship, and dark themes.
Note: Everyone last chapter: “I’m ready for Wanda to fucking ruin me.” LMAO SAME. 
Count: 4782
That was the best way Natasha could describe your place. You had more warm colors for your walls and older styled furniture that made her feel like she was transcending time. 
They had just gotten back from visiting Allison, who was beyond ecstatic to see you and Natasha. Her mother seemed to be all better now, and no longer needed the extra care for Allison. The babysitter you had recommended last time seemed to be working just fine for them when her mother needed to pull extra shifts, but you still promised to visit Allison when you could.
"Your place is nice," Natasha smiles softly, and you turn your head around to smile back at her as you grab a cup from the cupboard. 
"Really? David says I have the taste of an old person. To my defense, I am old," you snort. 
Natasha chuckles, "I like it."
She feels a little excited because it looks like you're making coffee for her, and it feels like it's been such a long time since Natasha has had your coffee.
"Even though I've lived so long and have adapted, this style makes me feel more at home," you softly explain, and Natasha's eyes turn tender.
You finish brewing Natasha her coffee and bring it over to her. She takes a sip, sighing with bliss.
Grinning at her, you're about to say something else when your phone buzzes in your pocket. Pulling it out, you check to see that it's from David.
"We've got to head out," You tell the redhead. "David's got a lead for us."
Your search didn't yield much more than what David could find, which was annoying. Luckily, you didn't end up having to use your gift and instead used compulsion to find information. 
Natasha trailed along, watching you work but also making herself useful when she could. 
Within two hours, you felt like you already found out what you could before heading back to shower and head off to the Stark tower again. 
When you get there, you already see David talking with Steve and Maria.
"Fatalities?" You could hear Steve ask. 
"Only when engaged," David says as he catches your eye when you enter the room. "Mostly guys left in a fugue state going on about old memories, worst fears, and something too fast to see."
"Maximoffs," Maria mutters, and you're curious about Wanda's powers. They seemed similar to Tatyana's, but you want to confirm if Wanda's powers had only come from the scepter. 
"That makes sense that he would seek them out. They have something in common," Steve said as he saw you approaching. "Find anything?" 
"No more than you did, apparently," you shrugged.
"Well," David says as he's looking at his tablet. "Nothing in common anymore." He flips the tablet and a picture of Strucker's dead body and the word 'PEACE' written in blood on the wall next to him.
"Lovely," Maria huffs. 
You see Clint on the phone just a couple feet from you, and Steve notices him too. 
"So, you're not coming home tonight even though you explicitly said you would," you here a feminine voice on the phone. 
"That's a negative," Clint says.
"This better be your last one for a while, I don't care what your boss says," you hear the woman respond. In the background, you could also hear two kids screaming, 'Is that dad? Can I talk to dad! Dad!'
"I answer to you," Clint responds almost dutifully. 
"...If you miss the birth of our child...I'll kill you..."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Barton," Steve interrupts, "We might have something."
"Gotta go," Clint says quickly before he hangs up and turns to face you all.
"Who was that?" Steve asks.
"Girlfriend," Clint's eyes travel to you and David because it was obvious he knew you had heard him.
Steve doesn't pay it any mind as he leads everyone back into the room. You and David lag behind because Clint is walking beside the two of you.
"It's none of our business, Clint," you cut him off with a wave. "We didn't hear a thing."
Clint sighs and gives you a smile of thanks.
"Although, you should be more careful if you're trying to keep them a secret," David says as he tapped away on his tablet.
He then holds up his tablet to you and Clint, a photo dated two years ago of Clint and his family on a ride at Disneyland.
"This you?"
You've known as a vampire, it's impossible to get headaches, but it doesn't stop you from feeling like you have one.
Everyone is getting ready to get out onto the Quinjet to take off to the next location to find Ulysses Klaue as you'll be likely to find Ultron and the twins there. 
There isn't much for you to ever prepare for, so you laze around in the kitchen before Natasha strolls in, the first to finish.
"Hey, you," she smiles, and you walk over to her.
"Hey, yourself," you smile as you inspect her suit. "Got everything?"
"Hopefully," Natasha shrugs.
You know you'll most likely meet Wanda soon, and something inside you tells you it'll bring chaos. 
Nothing ever truly feels like it's over, but you have Natasha. 
You look at her with slow eyes.
Sometimes it feels wrong to be this happy with Natasha, to allow yourself that kind of privilege. But there are no words you could use to describe what Natasha is to you and how you crave her. 
Natasha peers through her lashes, catching the look in your eyes. She walks backward, pulling you with her until she hits the counter before she hops herself up onto it. Pulling you closer by the collar of your shirt, you end up between her legs, your hands automatically around her waist while hers are around your neck.
"When you have that look on your face, it makes me want to just...eat you," Natasha licks her lip, and you can't help but laugh lightly as she traces her thumb over your bottom lip. 
"You know how funny that sounds, right?" You smile.
Natasha merely smirks as she lowers her head to press her lips against yours in a soft kiss.
She tastes like remnants of peach candy, and you hum into her mouth. Licking her bottom lip, you hold her hips tighter.
She smells good.
Like vanilla and dry leaves. 
You bite her bottom lip gently, appreciating the way she moans lightly. It seems to excite her more as her heart pounds in her chest. You pull away, lowering your head as the tip of your nose drags against her side of her neck. 
You inhale as Natasha holds your neck a little tighter.
You could hear it, smell, the blood rushing through Natasha's veins.
It would be so easy.
Natasha would be delicious, you just know it. Her blood hits every part of your sensories, and she would feel so good.
Your teeth drag lightly where your tongue had been.
'You can't.'
The voice and words ring in your head loud and clear. 
Immediately, you pull away, almost panting as you do. 
Natasha calls your name, but you shake your head.
"I just need a moment," you tell her, taking in a deep breath.
You haven't felt this way in so long, you felt like a child experiencing bloodlust again. 
It had been so easy throughout the years to control it, knowing the consequences if you did it.
Yet, having Natasha tested every limit you had again. 
You never thought you would ever experiencing wanting to drink from someone again. 
"I'm sorry," Natasha says hesitantly. She had been so caught up in the moment, and you felt so good. 
For a moment...she...she wanted you to bite her.
You clear your throat as your head clears again.
"Don't apologize," you give her a tight smile, "I should have better control."
Natasha is about to say something else when you help her down from the counter.
"C'mon," you say as you pull her along, "we should head to the Quinjet."
And Natasha's words die on her tongue. 
"Don't compare me with Stark! He's a sickness!"
You all come in time just as Ultron has sliced off Klaue's arm as he rants about Tony. 
"Ahh, junior," Tony appears with Thor and Steve behind him. "You're gonna break your old man's heart."
"If I have to," Ultron tilts his head.
"Daddy issues, am I right?" You lean over to David to say, but loud enough for everyone to hear.
"He's not a villain without one," David says back.
You hear a laugh disguised as a cough from Pietro. He smirks at you, and you give him a slight quirk of your lip back. 
But then your eyes travel next to him.
It hits you in the gut. 
A million flashbacks happen to you, and you feel like someone just knocked all the air out of your body, and you're breathless. It's like you're going through a spiral of vertigo until you look her in the eyes.
She looks like her. 
You were prepared to see the similarities, but this was more than you had expected. 
But you knew it was not Tatyana.
You blinked, eyes focusing on Wanda. 
She was staring at you too, but she didn't seem sure of what to make of it.
"You two can still walk away from this," Steve's voice interrupts the two of you.
"Oh, we will," Wanda rips her gaze from you, tilting her head as she smirks sardonically at Steve.
"I know you've suffered," Steve acknowledges, and for a second, you see rage flash through Wanda's eyes because while Steve knows, he doesn't truly know what they've been through.
Ultron lets out a groan of disgust. "Captain America," he says with a certain tone to his voice. "God's righteous man, pretending you could live without a war."
"I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but..." Ultron tilts his head, looking at Steve.
Thor tries to urge Ultron to keep the peace, but Ultron obviously declines.
"What's the vibranium for?" Tony asks.
Ultron looks as giddy as he can. "I'm glad you asked since I wanted to take this time to reveal my evil plan!"
Suddenly, Iron Legion Bots break through the glass and start attacking. 
You and David have split up, he's taken off after Pietro and you to find Wanda. 
Taking out Klaue's men along the way, you keep walking in the direction you could hear her in. 
Her footsteps were rather light, and she had a distinct smell of cinnamon and orange blossoms. 
"Thor! Status!" Steve yelled into the earpiece.
"The girl tried to warp my mind. Take special care, I doubt a human could keep her at bay. Fortunately, I am mighty," Thor trailed off.
You knew immediately what was happening. 
"Nat," you called worriedly.
"I'm fine," she reassures you. 
"David?" You called next.
"Still good," he grumbles. "Fast little bastard."
"Wait," David calls. "She's got Natasha and Steve in a hallucination."
You're about to turn around immediately to go back to Natasha, but David stops you.
"Don't," he warns. "Nat's still okay, just caught up in whatever she's seeing. If you want to put an end to it, catch the girl."
You grit your teeth but huff in agreement. 
You stand along the empty hallway, breaking the wrist of a man who tries to charge at you. Flinging him over the railing, he lands on sacks of dirt and groans. 
It seems you don't have to go to Wanda because you hear those light footsteps behind you, creeping up.
She stands behind you, unknowing you can hear her heart beating as she raises her hand, tendrils forming at her fingers.
You turn around abruptly, grabbing her wrist. Faced with Wanda's shock widened eyes, you quirk your lip at her. 
"Cute," you tell her, "but it won't work on me."
"And why is that?" Wanda asks accent heavy in her voice that sounds so familiar to you.
"To control--compel, me to what you want, your will has to be stronger than mine," you tell her, pulling her closer by her wrist to show that even as close as she was, she couldn't use her mind control on you. "So? Do you still think you can play your little mind games on me?"
Maybe you had tugged too hard, but now Wanda was too close. Her eyes staring into yours as if she was searching for something. Lips slightly parted, you could feel her breath on you. 
"Why?" Wanda murmurs as she tilts her head slightly at you.
"Why what?" You return.
"Why do you stare at me like that?" Wanda gets closer.
You should pull away. Disarm her, and go secure Pietro to finish the mission. 
But it feels like there's an electric pulse in the air that seems to keep you rooted.
"Stare at you like what?" You husk.
Wanda licks her lips, drawings your eyes. "Stare at me like you want to save me."
"You're helping a homicidal robotic manic who wants to destroy the world," you quirk your brow at her. "I think that warrants needing to be saved or at least some sense beaten into you."
"He will save the world by putting an end of the Avengers," Wanda hisses. She draws forth the red wisps again in her other hand, holding it close to you. "Perhaps I can't 'play my little mind games' with you. But power is power."
Immediately, you feel Wanda's power surround your body before she uses it to force you through the window. You find yourself staring at the sky, blinking as you fall. 
You swiftly turn around, positioning yourself upright as you land on the ground, creating a good-sized crater. There's a momentary crack in your ankles from the pressure and height you fell from, but as quick as it happens, it heals. 
You look up, shards of glass falling around you, and you sigh.
It seems your suspicions were correct, that Wanda's powers were genuine. The feel of it was too raw and similar to Tatyana's.
And that made things complicated. 
"Hey, hey, look at me," you coo as you hold Natasha's face in your hands, turning her to look at you. Her eyes are unfocused, and honestly, it's a little challenging to get her to actually look at you. 
You had arrived shortly back into the facility after hearing Clint saying they needed to move. Clint had been trying to shake Natasha out of it, but it wasn't working, and so you stepped in.
"I have no place in the world," Natasha mutters. 
You had a pretty good guess about what she was seeing, and so did Clint.
"How do we get her out? Do we just have to wait?" Clint asked you.
"No," you say, stroking Natasha's cheek, tilting her face up as you look down into her eyes. "We overpower it."
Your pupils explode into liquid pools, swirling as you forced Natasha's to do the same. It would take a little longer, with Natasha not even being lucid. 
"Look at me," you tell her softly. Natasha blinks. "Wherever you are, it's not real."
You start to see flickers of speckles in Natasha's eyes and lick your lips.
"Come back to me," you compel her softly but with a slight bite in your tone. "You have a place in the world. Here, as an Avengers, with Clint and everyone else." The fog is clearing from Natasha's mind, your eyes responding more to yours and your words. 
"With me," you faintly say.
"Come back."
Life comes back to Natasha, her eyes no longer dull as she comes face to face with you. She's got a massive headache and slight nausea.
Natasha swallows as you still hold her face in your hands. She wants to say something, but Tony interrupts. 
"Guys, I could really use some help. Maybe try the lullaby again?"
You look at Natasha, but she's in no shape to try to go against the Hulk.
"The rest of the team is down," Clint responds.
You look around to see David trying to get Steve out of his hallucination. 
"David will handle things here. Get everyone back onto the jet. The twins and Ultron are probably long gone by now. I'm going to help Tony."
You look once more at Natasha, who lifts the corner of her mouth.
"Be careful," she tells you.
"Aren't I always?" Giving her a wink, you take off in a blur.
"Coordinates, Stark," you say into your earpiece. 
"Getting my ass beat right now!" Tony groans.
"Coordinates, Stark, not status. I already know you're getting your ass beat," you smirk.
"Don't be a dick," he mutters, but you're unsure if that was to you or Banner. He tells you where to meet him, but it gets easier to figure out as you get closer, and you can hear glass and building being shattered, and Banner's roars along with civilian screams.
You pick up speed, reaching there as you stand a few feet away, and Tony spots you.
"What's the plan?" Tony asks.
"Get him away from the city. Damage's been done, but we should try to stop him from doing any more," you see Tony struggling to hold him down. His suit is bulked up, and you're sure he prepared this specifically for Banner.
"Where do we bring him?" Tony's punching Banner in the face, trying to get him to 'go to sleep.'
"Few miles from the Quinjet. There should be some open space."
"Alright," Tony says, having no other choice but to trust you.
He gets VERONICA to send in a new Hulkbuster arm, using it to suction in the Hulk's arm as they take to the skies. You start to run in the same direction they're going.
"Alright, what do we do after we get him in the area?" Tony's overworking the jets in his feet while the Hulk struggles to get the upper hand in the air.
"Can you trap him in his spot?"
"I have one extra set electric bars, but he dug a hole in the ground to escape it."
"Just set them in the ground, wide berth and electrodes on."
You enter into a clearing, and Tony drops Banner, breaking the ground as he lands. 
Immediately, giant plates dig into the earth, surrounding Banner as he gets electrified. He screams, arching his back before he turns and snarls at you.
"You gonna try this compulsion thing?" Tony asks through his mask.
"Try being a keyword," you mutter, "I have a feeling he's not going to be receptive towards it."
"Is anyone receptive towards compulsion, really?" Tony grumbles.
"Yeah," you smirk, "humans."
You walk around the perimeter of the plates, and the Hulk turns his body as his eyes follow you.
"You're angry," you acknowledge. "She made you angry."
The Hulk only roars and glares at you, the surrounding area of his eyes were red. 
You lock eyes, pupils expanding as you try to reel him in. 
"But look around you, think if there's anything right now to be angry about," you say to him. His head moves side to side, but you can tell the Hulk is fighting it. "Are you really angry, or did she just tell you you're angry? Who are you outraged at? The civilians who've done nothing to you? Tony? Me?"
You kept circling, keeping your eyes locked on his. 
"Yourself?" You asked, and when the Hulk lets out an enraged yowl, you know you've hit the spot.
"You need to calm down," you lick your lips. "Before you do something that will really make you angry with yourself."
The Hulk is huffing and puffing as he continues to stare at you, and you try to expand the compulsion stronger. 
For a second, you think it's working. The Hulk is shaking his head, stumbling backward.
But as quick as that happens, suddenly he punches himself in the face, knocking himself out of your control before he lets out another bellowing scream. 
He starts running even as the plates send out electric shocks, bombarding through one of them as it breaks. 
"He's too ravaged for me to even try to influence him to calm down," you tell Tony quickly as you take off towards the Hulk.
"I think I got that," Tony has to move out of the way before the Hulk steamrolls him. 
"New plan," you say, running towards Tony.
"What are you--" he starts to say, but you cut him off.
"Throw me onto his back!" You leap, forcing Tony to catch you as he spins around once before whipping you in the direction the Hulk took off in. 
The speed propelled you straight towards him, he didn't even see it coming as he was approaching the Quinjet. Everyone had come outside, hearing his thundering footsteps as he ran in their direction.
You latched onto his back, wrapping your tiny arms the best you could around his neck with crushing force, almost enough to snap his windpipe. 
He chokes, feet digging into the ground as he abruptly stopped. His hand comes up to your arm, and you only have a second before he forces you to release him via breaking your arm. 
You open your mouth, teeth sharp as venom pooled to them before you dug it into his neck. 
He was grumbling at you before, but he was definitely screaming at you now. 
The sound of agonizing wails leaves his mouth as he falls to his knees. You let go of his neck. 
Falling forward, the Hulk writhes in pain, and you could see the venom traveling in his veins as they turned a dark green on his skin. He was crawling as he groaned.
Soon, the venom overtook his system to the point Banner began to change back to a man. He lay there, moaning in pain as Tony came forward along with Clint, who threw a blanket over him.
"What did you do?" Tony asked, and David came out, blurring over to carry Bruce into the Quinjet.
"Forced him to change back," you mutter as you also got onto the Quinjet. 
David put Banner on a makeshift bed while Clint flew the Quinjet out of the area. 
Bruce was thrusting off the table as he still writhed in pain while everyone else stood around.
"What's happening to him?" Steve asked. He was covered in dirt and grime, and he looked a little defeated.
"The venom is breaking his cells down," you say, eyes drifting to David, who nods, restraining Bruce down.
You could hear more questions being fired, but you didn't answer. You threw the blanket off of Bruce, and everyone could see his veins, dark and poisoned-looking.
Leaning over, you began to bite him various places until the discoloration in his veins began to disappear. The seizing slowed down in Bruce as he came to a restful stop, but beads of sweat ran down his forehead. He was still breathing heavily, and his eyes remained closed.
"He's going to have to sleep that off," you spitting out blood into a nearby bucket, and wiping your mouth. David hands you a bottle of water, which you use to rinse your mouth, spitting it out until your mouth was clear.
Natasha comes up to check on you, putting her hand on your back softly as you try to give her a smile that ends up being more of a grimace.
"What was that?" Tony asked as he inspected his friend.
"I told you," you say as Natasha gives you some gum. "Venom can be used in three ways. That was one of them."
"But what does it do," Tony emphasized.
The mint flavor spread throughout your mouth, and you were thankful for a change in taste. Lately, it's been getting harder to control your thirst.
"When venom is used to harm, it attacks the cells in your body. Specifically, it makes them explode. It's painful as it travels through your veins because it's basically shredding everything in its path as it moves. The more venom you inject, the faster the deterioration goes," you say. 
"Why did you bite him again?" Steve asks. 
"There's only one way to reverse it," you peer over to Bruce's sleeping form. "Only the venom of the vampire who inflicted it can undo it. I injected the healing venom to counteract it. He'll be fine, maybe just a couple scars, and feeling sore for a few days."
"We need to lay low while we can," David interrupts as he looks at his tablet.
"That's a great idea," you hear Maria chime in through the intercoms. "The new is loving you guys. No one else is. There's no official arrest warrant for Banner, but it's up in the air."
"Stark Relief Foundation?" Tony asks.
"Already on scene. How's everyone?" She replies.
"We took a hit, they're shaking it off right now," you mutter.
"Well, stay in stealth mode for now, and don't come back here," Maria warned,  knowing it would be ugly.
"So, run and hide?" Tony seems displeased.
"Until we find Ultron, there are not many options on the table," Maria sighed, disconnecting after that. 
Tony goes over to Clint, slapping his hand on Clint's shoulder. "Need to switch out?"
Clint shakes his head, "Nah, I'm good. If you wanna get some kip, now would be the time, we're still a couple hours out."
You look over to Clint, noticing the dark bags under his eyes, and for the first time, you see how tired he must be.
"A couple hours from where?" Tony asks.
"A safe house," Clint answers, looking at you and David, and you know immediately where he's taking you.
You turn to Natasha, and it seems she knows as well.
Taking the time to sit near the back, you hold your girlfriend in your arms, stroking the side of her arms. Natasha's worn, you can tell by the paleness in her skin, and she's upset. 
You sit in silence for a good chunk of the time. As much as you hate it, the image of Wanda doesn't leave your mind. There was something that brewed deep within you, and you felt haunted. 
It isn't until Natasha decides to speak and breaks your thoughts.
"I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't gotten me out of that hallucination," Natasha says quietly to avoid drawing the attention of the others, but now used with David unintentionally being able to listen.
"I wish I could've been there sooner," you say at the same level of quietness, but Natasha shakes her head. 
"Sometimes," she starts, licking her dry lips, "it's so easy to live every day like that part of my life didn't happen. Even though it's my sole reason to do the things I do. I want to clear my ledger, but it's..."
"It's complicated," you finish for her when she drags.
It's silent for a few minutes as the two of you rest, you lean your head on top of Natasha's, breathing slowly as you try to comfort her.
"I had never thought about wanting kids," Natasha starts quietly again, and you hum softly in the back of your throat to tell her you're listening. 
"I'm not even really sure that I do or not, but then I get reminded that I can't either way."
You hold her bicep tighter, turning your head to press a kiss to her head.
"It's okay to mourn the loss of the choice," you murmur. 
Natasha nudges herself closer to you, inhaling your scent as it eases her. The images don't quite go away. They linger in her mind, a wretched memory of everything she's endured. 
"I suppose it's easier," Natasha mumbles. "It's one less thing to worry about, one less thing that would matter more than a mission. It makes everything easier, even killing."
"Don't do that," you admonish her gently. "While those things can be true, don't make yourself out to be a monster."
Natasha remains quiet, not the kind where she doesn't believe you, but the kind where she doesn't quite have the right words to say for once.
"You act like you don't already have things that would matter more than a mission, things that you don't worry about," you lift your other hand up, using your fingers to tilt her chin until she's facing you. 
Your lips are so close, the warmth vibrating between the two of you. 
"Because you already do, don't you?" You murmur. "Everyone on this ship is your family--I'm your family, just as you are mine."
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zabrak-show · 4 years
this is kinda long but can i ask for a comedy where maul is a total drama queen about how sick he is? that is, until he sees who the doctor is (rival!s/o, jedi, idc) BUT ITS TOO LATE to insist he's healthy
A/N: Lol here you go anon! This was fun to write I laughed a lot. Thank you so much for requesting something from me. The end is a bit of a cuckoos nest reference, not sure if anyone will get it, but still funny to me.
Summary: Maul has food poisoning and is ‘dying’. Savage calls the doctor and lo and behold who does the doctor turn out to be?
Warnings: bodily function humor (farts, food poisoning discomfort, see gif for reference lol), swearing, death of a certain character (not maul or savage), dumbassery on my part lmao, is this what the kids deem crack fic?
word count: 2.3k
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“Brother, I do not think you should eat that,” Savage tried to reason with the smaller and angrier Zabrak who was about to shovel a leftover curry into his mouth.
“Quiet Savage. Nothing can harm me, I am far too powerful,” Maul protested, gulping down the yellow curry that had been sitting in the brothers’ fridge for maker knows how long. Savage turned his nose up at his brother’s poor dinner choices, tied his pink frilly apron across his waist, and began cooking his own dinner. 
A delicious beef stew, sat simmering on the stove with an attentive Savage breathing in the steam and taste testing the broth every now and then adding spices and sauces as he went, a determined half-smile slapped across his face. Maul sat in his office just off the kitchen on his datapad doing the night’s work, his usual scowl overtaking his stunning features.
“Brother, if you would have waited, you could have enjoyed my delicious stew,” Savage beamed from the kitchen. Maul grumbled something incoherent from his office, but Savage continued stirring his stew and humming a happy little tune.
The next day started like any other. Maul held meetings with the Mandalorians about their next moves. Savage joined in, but he usually spaced out thinking about food and what he was going to cook for dinner later in the night. Savage was startled back to reality upon hearing a very deep rumble emanating from his brother’s throne. The room quieted down in shock at the noise not sure what to make of it.
“Lord Maul, are..you alright?” one of the Mandalorians asked in confused concern.
“I’m fine. It’s the chair. The chair. Something is wrong with this chair.” Maul clearly exasperated and sweating profusely, his usual deep crimson color now tarnished and a faded rust-colored instead.
“The..throne? What is wrong with the throne?” the Mandalorian questioned and stepped forward to investigate.
“No. Not the throne, I mean it’s fine, but it is broken… BACK away. I will have Savage assess the damage later. Let’s just wrap this meeting up for now.
“Brother, are you ok?” Savage leaned down to quietly whisper into Maul’s ear, “you aren’t looking so good.” Another deep rumble emanating from somewhere on Maul, inadvertently responded to Savage’s question. Savage, decided to take matters into his own hands, sensing his brother’s extreme discomfort and also being bored as hell by this meeting.
“Meeting adjourned.” Savage abruptly interrupted, all eyes now staring at the golden Zabrak. He felt his face grow hot with all the sudden attention on him and panicked scooping his brother up into his arms and running out of the throne room. Maul throwing a complete tantrum as he did this yelling, thrashing, beating his brother with his fists. The Mandalorians just stood and stared in confused horror at the spectacle happening before their eyes.
Savage ran down the halls of the Sundari Palace with Maul in his arms, not clear on what he was hoping to achieve or where to go with his now very angry brother.
“Savage, you need to put me down immediately,” Maul hissed through his teeth. Savage, not knowing any better than to follow directions, unhesitatingly dropped his brother on the stone hallway of the palace. Maul tumbled out of his arms like a rag doll making a pitiful sound as he hit the floor.
“Brother!! I am so sorry. Are you ok?” Savage hurriedly knelt down before Maul, now curled into the fetal position, the ashen rust color deep setting into his complexion now.
It was a common sound for Savage having grown up with the nightbrothers and the endless fart jokes the brothers would play on each other, but in his short time of knowing Maul, his brother had never once farted in front of him. He always suspected it was because of the mechanical lower half of him, but never dared ask. The air soon filled with the foulest smell, almost worse than when Savage first rescued Maul.
  “Brother, I wonder if you are sick?” Savage pensively asked the ashen curled up Zabrak at his feet as he picked him up on his feet to stand at his side.
“Of course, I’m sick you idiot. Take me to the doctor. I mean.. take me to the ‘fresh..” he heaved into his hand before finishing what he wanted to say. 
“Oh man, brother, I gotta say, you absolutely cannot spew right now. I just got this armor and well, actually you gave it to me, but I mean, just no like..’blegh’ onto the new threads.”
Maul glared at his brother, shooting daggers at him with his fiery amber eyes. 
“I’m not going to ..spew..” the word itself gagged him and Savage now hurriedly walked him to the refresher. Thankfully, there was one just down the hall and Savage opened the door and threw his brother in and stood guard outside the door. The noises emanating from the small ‘fresher were of the most offensive kind and Savage stood nervously trying to think of what to do or say as he stared down at his nails. A couple of Mandalorians walked by looking at Savage questioningly. He put his arm up against the wall in a flirtatious pose,
“Hey, how’s it goin?” he smirked to the Mandalorians and they skittered away confused by the beefy yellow Zabrak’s placement and actions.
“Brother, can I get you anything?” Savage asked through the door. Maul let out a low and long groan before answering, 
“Get me a doctor, Savage. I...I’m...I’m dying.” Savage gasped at his brother’s revelation.
“Brother, you cannot die. I will NOT let it happen. I’ll find the best doctor in the galaxy for you. I swear it.” 
Maul responded with yet another low groan. Savage ran off to call a doctor for his dear and very sick brother.
After Savage called for a doctor, he managed to get Maul to his bed to rest until the doctor would arrive. Maul writhed around the bed groaning in pain and discomfort. He tried to drink water and eat some of Savage’s infamous stew, but he couldn’t keep anything down and was left weak and miserable. Savage never left his bedside and was a nervous wreck for his brother’s well being. He hadn’t seen his brother like this since he picked him up on Lotho Minor. Maul reached his clammy hand out towards Savage and the golden Zabrak grabbed it at once.
“Savage, my brother, my apprentice...I...I do not know how much longer I have…” the crimson Zabrak trailed off, seemingly too weak to continue.
“Brother, do not talk like that. Your doctor will be here any moment and then you will be better than ever.” Savage attempted to reassure his brother, but it was no use. Maul was determined this would be the death of him and prattled on nonsensically about it until finally Savage just nodded and hummed as his sickly brother went on. Finally, they heard footsteps down the hall approaching the room.
“Oh at last, brother. This must be your doctor.” he rose from his bedside chair to meet the doctor at the door. There was a light knocking at the door and Savage opened it at once. A human man with brown hair and beard wearing a white lab coat stood before Savage.
“Oh thank you for coming doctor, right this way, it’s my brother. He is dying.” Savage motioned towards Maul, who had turned away from the door in his bed. The doctor stepped into the room, clutching his black leather medicine bag.
“Hello there,” he said as he approached Maul. Maul shot up instantly out of bed, recognizing his nemesis’ voice.
“Kenobi!” Maul screeched out with his last remaining amount of energy and then immediately collapsed on the floor.
“No, No no no, Savage! Don’t let this man touch me. He is playing a Jedi mind trick on you. He is no doctor!” Maul sputtered out trying to climb back into bed.
“I am so sorry Doctor. He has been spewing nonsense for the past 5 hours. I do not think he even knows where he is right now.” Savage patiently explained to the Doctor.
“It’s quite alright. He’s not wrong, I am Doctor Kenobi.” he smiled and outstretched his hand to Savage, and the Nightbrother hesitated but inevitably shook it.
“I’m not sure I’ve made your acquaintance, though,” Dr. Kenobi shared with the sickly Zabrak curled up in the fetal position on the bed. This admission enraged Maul and he attempted to get out of bed again fuming at the Doctor.
“I am surprised you could have forgotten me so easily, after I killed your master and you left me for dead on Naboo,” Maul piped out to the Doctor as he slowly walked towards him. Dr. Kenobi shuffled around in his medicine bag for something as Maul continued his advance on the Doctor.
“You may have forgotten me, but I will never for….OW, what the…” Maul crumpled down onto the floor as he trailed off on his diatribe. Savage looked on in horror as Doctor Kenobi removed a hypodermic needle from Maul’s flesh with a smug satisfaction.
“WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?” Savage roared at the doctor igniting one end of his red lightsaber.
“Relax, it’s just a light sedative. We need to get him hooked up to an IV to replenish his fluids and electrolytes. Can you help me get him onto the gurney in the hallway?”
Savage grumbled, but turned his lightsaber off and helped the doctor move his brother into the gurney. They transported him to the nearby hospital and Doctor Kenobi hooked him up to the IV’s while Savage looked on with worry and hope in his heart.
“He’s going to be fine, Savage,” Doctor Kenobi reassured the anxious Zabrak.
“He said he was dying,” Savage blurted out, tears in his eyes.
“Food poisoning can feel like death, that is for certain, but once he gets his fluids and electrolytes back he’ll be back in full swing in no time. Right now, we must let him rest.” Doctor Kenobi put his hand on Savage’s back and led him out of the hospital room. Savage wandered around the hospital to kill time and soon found happiness at the sight of an ice cream cart outside the hospital. He strode outside forgetting his worries for a moment as the cart drew him in with a happy tune and bright colors.
Maul woke up in a dark strange room, slowly looking around for something to spark his memory of how he got here. He ripped the IV out of his arm and walked around the room, remembering the horrible sickness he had been battling and the loathsome Doctor Kenobi.
“I must escape this infernal place,” the Sith Lord exclaimed to no one. He looked down and realized he was only wearing a blue hospital gown. He searched the room desperately for his tunic and pants to no avail. He rushed out of the room, the hospital gown flowing with the wind of his swift movements, his robot ass in full view to any fortunate onlooker. 
The hallway was bright in contrast with his dimmed room and nurses and doctors rushed around, paying very little mind to the crimson Zabrak sneaking around the hospital. Voices carried, machines beeped, papers shuffled, all the normal ambient noise of a hospital, as Maul made his way down the halls, looking for the nearest exit. He doubled back on one room, recognizing a force signature from his past.
“Could it be?” he whispered under his breath as he entered the dark room. A pale shriveled old man laid in the bed passed out. The smell of sanitizer and death ran thick in the air. The man was dying and laid there like a vegetable.
“Master…” Maul announced to the sleeping man as he grabbed a pillow from his bed and gently, but firmly placed it over his old Master’s face. The slight effort caused a small toot to escape the Zabrak, the remnants of his sickness still leaving his body.
“I would say ‘excuse me’ but…” Maul shoved the pillow down harder, his crimson forearms bulging with effort, “it appears you will no longer need excuses.”
 The old man’s body flailed around in an involuntary attempt at fighting for his life, but Maul stood firm in his position, waiting for the movements to stop, killing his Master once and for all. Maul looked around the room for a way out. As anyone who just killed the man who was an abusive father-figure, teacher, and captor to them, Maul decided to rip the sink out of the foundation of the room in a feat of strength and force wielding. He lifted the busted sink over his head and threw it out the window, quickly jumping out of the hole it created.
It was quite the fall, but he used the force to slow himself down for the impact, the hospital gown blowing up around him exposing all his robot bits and pieces to anyone watching the crimson Zabrak flail out of the stone hospital building. Savage, just so happened to be taking a walk around the building eating an ice cream cone, when he saw the spectacle of his brother tumble out of the hospital. He ran towards where his brother landed with glee and confusion.
“Brother! You are alright? Why did you jump out of that window? Look, they have ice cream here!” Savage was so excited he couldn’t find what to focus on and stammered out a stream of consciousness on his brother.
“Yes. Savage, I am alright. Let’s go home.”
The two Zabraks walked off into the sunset, Maul’s bare robot ass cheeks clapping in the gentle breeze.
I just love these brothers what can I say! They deserve to walk off happily into the sunset. Thank you as always so much for reading. xo
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liberolove · 4 years
Testing the Waters (pt. 1)
Summary: youve finally graduated high school and now youre moving on to college. youve decided to go to sendai university. its summer and youve become curious about checking out the dating pool in miyagi, so you download a dating app. you figure you might as well have fun before delving too deep into your studies
Part: [part one] out of ???
Pairings: nishinoya x reader / kuroo x reader / oikawa x reader / kiyoko x reader
A/N: theres tons of ships here, just me living out my hoe phase lmao please dont judge me. let me know what yall think
Genre: fluff, smut, crack
Warnings: flirting, college shinanigans
even though you decided to stay in your hometown to further your studies, you moved out as soon as you could. your parents were smothering you and you were honestly tired of it. so, you got your own apartment and started to live on your own. everything was fine and easy so far but then you realized how lonely you felt. your friends had moved away to go to other universities, and you were never really good at relationships. the anxiety of not knowing what to do with yourself until classes started was consuming you. to deal with this, you figured you might as well download a dating app. 
“Gotta check out all the hot singles in my area, I guess,” you thought.
it had been a while since your last relationship but you were sure you were ready again. or maybe you could try to find something different. maybe some hookups could be enough to help you during this weird adjustment period. 
you downloaded the app and added whatever details were needed. 
Name: l/n, y/n
Looking for: chat, relationship, hookup, anything
it took you about ten minutes to finally decide on what you wanted to add to your bio. finally, you typed out:
Bio: just another single college student looking for genuine human connections. Interests include watching anime, reading nerdy shit, and getting to know you 
you were never too good at coming up with bios but this should be good enough for now. time to see what kind of fish you could catch..
not even a minute after uploading a picture of yourself, a new message showed up.
Nishinoya Yuu: hey, beautiful! (;
Y/n: oh hi! how are you?
N: doing better now that I’m talking to youuuu. how about your lovely self?
Y: wow someone is really straightforward. I’m doing pretty well rn thanks. what are you up to?
N: just been bored as fuck on here and then BOOM you showed up (:
Y: lol youre silly. so hows the whole dating scene look like on here? any good ones?
N: nah it sucks honestly. But now you’re here so its a million times better!
Y: oh shush lol. does this site really work? like have you actually met someone from here?
N: uhh i actually havent met anyone yet, but ive had some nice conversations so far! ive still got high hopes
Y: have you been on here for a long time?
N: i just downloaded it like two weeks ago? idk but yeah. im hoping that maybe youll be my first??
Y: your first what? haha be more specific
N: OH sorry!! i didnt mean it like that omg. i meant like my first person to meet off of this app lol
Y: i mean if youre not busy right now, we could meet up for a coffee date or something? (cliche right?)
N: ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? like... right now rIGHT NOW?
Y: yeah (: sorry for doing this so fast. you’re just really cute and im bored haha
N: nooooo its fine i swear im just a little shocked. and WOW you think IM CUTE? you should look in the mirror because your gorgeousss *heart eyes emoji*
Y: so its settled? lets meet today at around 1 pm at XXX cafe? 
N: yeah! thats not too far from here! i CANT WAIT
Y: same here (:
as soon as you sent that last message you hopped in the shower and started getting ready. you debated whether to put on makeup or not and then eventually decided to do it. you wore that one red dress that greatly accentuated your butt and your curves. you checked the clock and it was 30 MINUTES UNTIL 1 so you finished up by brushing your hair and adding on a spritz of peach scented perfume. “Hopefully this impresses him.”
the cafe you guys agreed to meet at was only a short walk away from your apartment. you were almost at the cafe when you noticed the time again and it was already 10 MINUTES PAST 1! you were so scared that he thought you stood him up but as you got closer, you noticed a cute boy sitting by himself outside. you stared at his backside for a little, unsure if this was your mystery boy. so you messaged him on the app
Y: heeeey are you the one sitting alone outside with a tan shirt and some ripped black jeans?
your phone lit up with the answer to your question: “yes”
as you looked up again, you noticed the stranger you were staring at had stood up and was looking right into your eyes. once you locked eyes, he grinned the biggest smile you’d ever seen and he chuckled. 
“Hi there!! L/n, right? Nice to meet ya, I’m Nishinoya Yuu. Wow, you’re even more beautiful in person!! Do you want anything from the cafe? I’m buying”
You were kind of shocked by his beautiful smile and his spiky hair. It took you a while to respond as you tried to take in the wonderful sight in front of you. He was simply breath taking. You could tell he was the athletic type by the way his shirt hung onto his broad, toned shoulders. 
“Ummm... L/n? Are you okay? Do you want any coffee or sweets from the cafe?”
“OH, oh my god, I’m so sorry! I got distracted..” you said as you looked away from him, getting redder by the second. you hadn’t even noticed his compliment or the way he kept eyeing you up and down and licking his lips. “Yeah, I’d love to get a coffee, if you don’t mind. Please..”
His eyes snapped back up to yours. “Awesome, I’ll go order inside. You can just sit your pretty little self here while I do that. Don’t run away! I’ll be right back!”
now that you had some time to reflect on what the heck just happened.. you breathed a sigh of relief. You couldn’t believe that he was real and so goddamn gorgeous. His little tuft of blonde hair at the front of his head was so cute and his smile.. goddamn. the way he looked at you.. and his friendly demeanor. it was all so much to take in. you didn’t really know how to react. as soon as you had relaxed, you tensed back up as he came back and sat down with you.
“Here’s your coffee hot and ready just for you, hun”
“Thank you so much Nishinoya” you blushed a bit as your mouth pronounced his name
“Hey, just call me Noya! Or Yuu...”
“On a first name basis already?”
“Only if you want to..”
you giggled as you noticed that he was getting bright pink too. “Okay, Yuu.”
as soon as you said his first name, his eyes lit up and that bright pink hue on his face soon turned into a passionate red
“Soooo..” you said as you tried to break up the silence.. “what do you do? do you go to school?”
“Yeah! I’m going to start going to Sendai University in the fall! I’m going to be playing on the volleyball team! How about you?”
“No way.. I’m gonna go there too! I guess I’ll be seeing you around probably. And wow! Volleyball huh? That’s hot.”
when you said that last part, Noya almost spat out his coffee. you laughed at the look on his face. he was blushing so much he couldn’t keep still. you were almost afraid he would just run away from you and never come back.
He just tried to regain his composure and laughed. “You really got me there oh my god i almost choked. But yeah I can’t wait to play again.”
The rest of the afternoon you guys talked about everything from anime to your favorite season, to your least favorite horror movie. The more you two bonded over common interests, the more he let his wild side out. He became more rambunctious and fiery and this did things to you, to say the least. you checked your phone to check the time and it was already 6:45 pm. You had no clue as to when the sun had started setting, but it didn’t matter because you hadn’t felt this warm fuzzy feeling in your heart in a while. it felt so nice. you didn’t want it to end. but then noya interrupted your thought by saying, 
“Hey, (y/n)..” you two were on a first name basis already and it was just the first date. “it’s getting pretty late and I have to go home and help out my family with some stuff. I hope you don’t mind. Sorry! But we can definitely go out again if you want. i know i sure do..”
“Yes, of course! I totally get it. But first can I get your number?” you look away as you say this because this was the first time you’ve ever asked a guy for their number. 
you two exchange phone numbers and hug goodbye. you let the hug linger for a little longer than you should and plant a quick soft peck on his cheek and say,
“I can’t wait to see you again, Yuu.”
He just smiles and replies, “Me too, Y/n. I’ll see you again soon, babe.”
You freeze up and don’t know what to say as he walks away. you think to yourself, “did he really just call me babe?”
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peachywise · 5 years
an umbrella academy fanfiction // klaus hargreeves x reader 
- part i: the introduction || part ii ⋆ part iii ⋆ part iv ⋆ part v ⋆ part vi ⋆  more parts to be released 
- synopsis: A child and a ghost whisperer walk into a diner. Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, but really it’s just the start of an odd, slightly painful night. Turns out they need you and your power to do something, and Klaus seems way to thrilled and fascinated by you and what you can do. (takes place after the events of the first season) 
- notes: lmao how long has it been since i wrote a fic?? too long thanks anyways the reader is they/them pronouns and everything is pretty vague description wise for inclusivity and shit!! also even though this is klaus x reader focused ~romance~ wise i’ll be writing a shit ton with the reader interacting with the other guys like this part is deadass just as focused on number five as it is klaus. let me know if you guys want this as a series??? i won’t write more parts if people aren’t down but i left it open-ended so it could be a series but honestly, it’d be fine as a one-off too so read what you will k love you bye. tw for swearing
link on ao3 
“Isn’t that a health code violation?” 
Looking up from your book you'd been reading for the past half hour, you heaved a heavy-handed sigh. Sitting on the back counter of the dead dinner you worked at was the least of this shitty establishments problems. “I’ll be sure to let the rats in the kitchen know of your concerns,” you replied simply. 
Dog-earring the page of your book, you set it down beside you. Hopping off, you stepped forward towards the counter as the kid who just entered sat down on one of the stools, planting himself with a look of clear repugnance as he eyed his surrounding subtly. Resting your elbows on the counter, you propped your head on your hands and gave a friendly grin, “I’m sure they’d be happy to whip up some Mickey Mouse pancakes, special just for you.” 
His face though perfectly deadpanned couldn’t hide the slight tick of annoyance in his eyes. “Just get me a black coffee,” he muttered. 
“Coffee will stunt your growth.” 
“You’ll be stunted if you keep up this horrible customer service.”
“Ouch,” sarcasm dripped from your tone as you raised your hands up in mock defeat, “the kitten’s got a bit of a bite there, doesn’t he?” 
Quite honestly, your day was now veering on to a particularly delightful route you hadn’t expected when you first woke up this morning. You suddenly believed some sort of divine karma was finally rewarding you with some quality entertainment. He could banter— a bit on the aggressive side, but you would take what you could get out of the interaction. You knew it wasn’t going to last long. 
“Look, are you going to give me the coffee or are you just going to stand around all day uselessly taking in the air that could be breathed in by more deserving people?” 
Oh, so he’s got knobby knees and wit to match. 
Letting a slow amused smile cross your face as you gave a lazy curtsy, you casually made your way over to the fresh pot and grabbed one of the porcelain white mugs, giving him a knowing look as you poured a good ‘ol black cup of joe. Setting the pot back down, you sauntered your way back over still holding the smile. The kid rolled his eyes, reaching out a hand as he impatiently said, “thank you,” in a refined and expertly practiced condescending manner. But you didn’t hand it to him. No, instead you casually leaned back against the back counter and took a long sip of the burning hot liquid. 
Well, the little tyke certainly did not like that. 
In what was an actually flash of blue light before your eyes, the kid vanished from his place on the rickety red vinyl stool and was beside you a moment later, ripping the mug from your hand with such force that caused the liquid to spill over the sides, scorching your hand and splashing it on your already grease stained, 50’s themed uniform. So, he was words and action. You could respect that. 
“What, no screaming? Not even another smartass comment?” He half-heartedly asked, his eyebrow quirked slightly as he studied you. It was like he was waiting for some sort of delayed reaction from his little magic trick. While yes, it was a little jarring to see it in the flesh for the first time, the moment he had walked through those glass doors you expected a bit of a ‘powerful’ confrontation.
You knew he was Number Five. You knew he was a part of that Umbrella Academy. 
“You know who I am,” he stated in his all brilliant glory. Well, look at that. Seemed he was a real Sherlock as well as a tiny space hopper.  
Easily taking the cup of coffee back, wincing slightly as the cold air pressed against the new burn you tried to seem unfazed about, you took a sip and mumbled against the rim of the cup, “I’m a bit surprised you’re here and actually alive, but it’s easy to remember a face that hasn’t aged a day." Setting the mug down on the counter, you pressed a hand to your hip and questioned, “how is that exactly? Did you run from home just to make yourself immortal? Found yourself an Edward Cullen to bite you or something?” 
Now, you’ve had people look at you like you were stupid before, but no one with a talent such as him. Even though he was looking up at you, he still mastered that beady squinty little look that read ‘you’re the joke of the earth’. Precious. 
“I don’t know who Edward Cullen is, but I’m not immortal, and I don’t have time to explain the whole story to you in detail. Let’s just say I got stuck in time.” Doing his little magic flash again, he appeared back on the other side of the counter, continuing to speak as he added, “Is anyone else here? I assume you’d rather show me what you can do without anyone else around.” 
Ah, yes. What you could do. So that was why he was here. Part of you wondered if someday it would happen. That’s why you knew who he was when he first walked in after all. You kept tabs on all of them, at least a bit. Yeah, the whole “Umbrella Academy” was famous for a little while when you were a kid, but most people had since forgotten them and the kids in the academy had grown up and had become almost unrecognizable. Well, apart from Five. And maybe Allison, but hell, she was famous for a while different reason now. 
Like the others, you were born October 1st 1989 to a completely unexpecting mother who got the shock of her god damn life. If you were 9 months pregnant in under a minute flat, you’d probably be pretty shocked too. However, you were just stunned that something as odd as that could actually happen and result in you getting powers.
Unlike the others, when your parents were approached by professor evil monopoly Reginald Hargreeves, your mom rejected anything he offered in favor of her miracle baby. She was certain she was the new Virgin Mary despite absolutely not being a virgin and refused to give up that title up. At least at that moment, she didn’t want to anyway.  
“You managed to figure out where I worked, and I assume at this point you know my name,” you started, “so why don’t you just tell me what I can do and let me know why you're here so I can turn you down and get back to my book.” Gesturing your hands around the extremely empty diner, you breathed, “I’m a very busy person as you can see.” 
Five didn’t say anything, instead just giving you an almost thoughtful look. You didn’t trust it one fucking bit. 
Quicker than you would have expected out him, he reached over and picked up one of the plates on the counter and threw it your way with such force you wondered for a second if the reason he'd been missing for so long was because he’d taken up a passionate love affair with baseball. On instinct, damn the treacherous thing, your body chilled as a static feeling pushed out of you, surrounding you in a soft, nearly invisible blue bubble-- your force field. The plate bounced right off and landed on the floor, shattering lamely and loudly. 
It was legal to kill a kid who had been missing for years, right?
“Can’t you play a game of catch with the poor kid?” Came a new drama-dripped voice in the door, the little bell ringing softly as he spoke. “His father was a sociopath who didn't pay him any mind, he’s very stunted as you can see. So desperate for the affection and attention of strangers.” 
Klaus. He’d been harder to track over the years, but from the feather collared jacket and lack of shirt, you could spot the eccentricity of him miles away. 
Taking on a protective stance, you moved from behind the counter and positioned yourself in front of Five, stage whispering to him, “careful, looks like one of the kitchen rats got out. They’re very diseased.”
Klaus tilted his head to the side, his mouth snapping open and his eyebrows rising up in stunned amusement. Pointing at you, he turned his attention towards Five and stated, “I’m wounded! This seems to be going on spectacularly, don’t you think?”
Shaking your head with a slight grin, you started to speak to ream five out for throwing a freakin’ plate, but your words died off on the tip of your tongue when your gross ass boss pushed open the doors to the kitchen, his loud, gritty greased voice shouted, “what did you break out here?” His spine went rigid a bit when he seemed to finally note the presence of two other people, but his eyes quickly glanced at the shattered plate and his face continued to get splotchy and red. “Is that your kid who broke it? Jesus, that’s coming out of your paycheck.”
Wow, that 50 cent shitty plate? How would you ever survive? 
Hands slipped around your neck in a hug as Klaus propped his chin on top of your head, his attention fully on your boss. “I’m so sorry sir, you know how it is with kids, gotta get all those angst and deep-seated feeling out somehow. Yesterday we found out he’s been pretending the family cat was his girlfriend. Had to take him to the hospital to get those scratches on his little friend checked out, if you know what I mean,” he smiled, moving away from you to pat the clearly seething Five on the head. 
Before the kid could say anything or do something that would get you in more shit, you plastered your own happy little smile on and bent down beside him, wrapping your arms around his shoulder as you continue to address your boss. “He was just upset because he found out I told his teacher about his little bed wetting problem.” Five ripped your arm away with incredible force and stepped away from you both. Sighing dramatically, you rested the side of your face on your palm and slightly shook your head, adding, “It’s so hard, I just don’t know where we went wrong!” 
Klaus snickered behind you, while your boss looked properly petrified and regretful about having walked in on the whole ordeal at all. 
“Just uh-- forget about it. Clean it up okay?” 
Giving him a wink and you stood back up, you flicked your wrist in a lazy salute. “You got it, Boss Man.” He couldn’t turn back around and get back to the back room fast enough. 
Turning the face the two once again, Klaus grinned as he said, “brilliant work,” raising his hand for a knowing high five. You happily obliged. 
“Was that really necessary?” Five ground out from between his teeth, as you shot him back an incredulous look. “Was it necessary to throw a plate at me?” you retorted, fully not expecting him to reply with, “Yes. It was the only way I could make sure you had a force field.” 
Running your hand through your hair tiredly to get it out of your face, you crossed your arms again and didn’t bother to argue anymore. “Just tell me what this is about.” At this point, you were tired and really just wanted to get back to your quiet night. Klaus was also giving you a once over every thirty seconds and you weren’t quite sure what he looked so bloody excited and anxious about. 
“I have a theory, and I’d like to test it out,” Five said. Klaus quickly interjected with, “and I’m one of the test subjects,” wiggling his eyebrows as he did. 
Narrowing your gaze, you questioned “one of?” 
“Well, it requires you, but before I explain, to what extent can you use your powers? Have you done anything more than just deflect things off your field?”
You shook your head, confusion still clouding your words. “That’s all. Some guy tries to knife me? He bounces off. Sometimes I get lucky and he stabs himself in the process. It’s a simple thing. 
“How many times has someone tried to knife you?” Klaus asked with a small snort, but Five cut him off with a great little bomb of information. “I’ve done some calculations on how your power works, and I think that if someone like us was in the field with you it might nullify our powers.”Huh.
“And... math makes you think that?” 
Five rolled his eyes. You got the idea he did that a fair bit. “I want to test out to see if that’s true, so if you will,  please conjure up your field around you and Klaus and we’ll see if it works on him.” 
Flashing your eyes to Klaus who almost seemed to jitter with excitement, your eyes got slightly wide when you asked, “wait, there’s a ghost here? Like right now?” You swiveled your head around like you would actually be able to see it.  
Klaus nodded his head. “Ben, meet Y/N, Y/N meet our brother Ben.” Pressing a hand to his heart, he added, “forever in our hearts and forever by my side. I am his saving grace.” Turning his head abruptly, he quickly said, “shut up,” to the air-- or Ben, rather-- slicing his hand in a silencing sound. 
Raising a hand hesitantly, you gave a flick of your wrist in that direction, squeaking out a small, “Hi Ben.” 
“If you two idiots are done,” Five muttered, but you stopped him as you said, “three idiots. It’s rude to dismiss Ben’s presence. You're his brother, be respectful.” Five ignored you. “The sooner we test this, the sooner we can leave.”  
Oh, now he was speaking your language. 
Shaking out your shoulders, you widened your stance and clapped your hands, saying, “alright, let's go.” Klaus gave some excited little claps as he stepped to your side, telling Five, “field trips are always so much fun!” 
Taking in a deep breath, you let the energy seep out of you until that familiar snap surrounded you, this time entrapping not on you, but Klaus as well. 
The smiling man quickly went silent. 
“So,” you started hesitantly, turning to study his face. “Did it work?” 
Multiple emotions seemed to cross his features, and it revealed to you certain hopelessness and vulnerability that was so unfamiliar to you and what you had known about him. It dawned on you at that moment that you had no idea what this meant. To him. To Five. Christ, nerves started to wrack through your body when you realized they could be having you do this just to try and kill you because they see it as some sort of ridiculous threat. Still, that seemed unlikely. No, they needed it somehow. 
And as Klaus turned towards you, looking at you as if you were some wonderous figure and not just some crappy diner waiter working two jobs just to get by, you realized that whatever they had been searching for, they had found. Whatever Klaus had been searching for, he had found. 
“They’re gone.” 
His voice was just a fraction above a whisper, but it sent a chill across your skin as his intense gaze once again studied you with incredible fascination. But as he took a step forward, his hand oh-so-gently reaching for your hand, your focus went away and the force field fell, all the sounds and senses of the real world hitting you all at once. 
Five was staring at you both with an odd look you didn’t quite know what to think of. 
Clearing your throat, you took a small step back as the fog cleared out of your head, stating back a dull, “huh?” 
“We’ll be at your apartment in the morning. Get ready to meet the others.” 
Wait, what the fuck?
“My apartment? You guys haven’t even explained what you guys want from me!” You blurted, moving your head rapidly as you looked back and forth between the two. 
“I’ll explain everything tomorrow,” was all Five said, as both him and Klaus began moving towards to door, clearly content with what they came here to do. Well, that was nice for them. They could sleep soundly as you sat up in bed all night looking up fucking umbrella academy conspiracy theories to try and convince yourself what happened here was actually real. 
“There’s no way in hell you’re getting those Mickey Mouse pancakes now!” You shot back as he exited the door, huffing as you turned around to go clean up the plate.
Then something smacked hard on the back of your head, landing on the ground with a little rattle. 
Spinning around, gripping the back of your head, you were about to yell obscenities at Klaus who’d just thrown a spoon of all things, but he was already halfway out the door calling behind him, “I thought your little bubble would just appear like a party trick, bye!” 
Idiots. Idiots had just taken over your life. 
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zanesgirlfriend · 5 years
Princess | Jeff Wittek
Description: Jeff takes the reader and her kid to meet his friends.
Requested?: Yes by @jimininfiress : I’d really love if you’d do a Jeff imagine and the reader (his gf) has a baby girl from a previous relationship that didn’t end bad but they’re just not together anymore and in the vlog David says something to the reader like why would you let an ex convict near your daughter and Jeff gets defensive of you and your daughter. I just think Jeff would be an adorable dad even tho his past kinda sucks lmao. Thank you tho! ❤️
A/N: i made the kid a little bit older than a baby so i hope thats okay, but this is the cutest thing ive ever written i love this okay thank u enjoy
(also if you want a part two i'd be down let me know)
"Princess, are you ready to go?" You called for your little girl, who refused to go by her name once Jeff started calling her Princess. You didn't mind it though, you were just happy she loved your boyfriend as much as you did.
"Yeah, Mommy!" Her sweet voice filled the room as she dragged her little backpack behind her.
"Are you absolutely sure you wanna spend your birthday weekend with Jeff?" You crouched down to her level. She nodded, her little dimples making you smile.
"I'm gonna be five, Mom, I'm basically a grown-up. I'm sure." You laughed at your sassy little girl as you scooped her up. You carried her into her bedroom.
"Okay, which stuffed animal do you wanna bring to Jeff's house?" You both stared at the wide array of plushies.
"I want Peff!" You rolled your eyes as you picked up Peff. He was a fluffy piggy that Jeff gave her on the day they met, her of course naming it 'Piggy Jeff' or Peff for short. She seemed to be infatuated with your boyfriend, but he didn't seem to mind.
You grabbed the small suitcase that had items for the both of you, and locked the door behind you as your daughter lead the way to the car.
When you arrived at Jeff's apartment, your little princess couldn't wait to see him. She unbuckled her car-seat herself, begging you to move faster. She had fun racing you to his door, and doing the special knock they'd come up with together. He opened the door, kneeling down to catch her as she ran into his arms. He stood up, her tiny little arms wrapped around his neck, and leaned over to peck your lips.
"She was very excited to see you." You smiled, shutting the door behind you as you entered his apartment.
"I missed my little princess, too." He kissed her forehead and put her down, knowing she was eager to pet Nerf.
"I also missed you." He wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing you in for a real kiss. Once he let you go, he grabbed the suitcase you were holding and took it into his room.
"I wanna meet Jeff's friends!" She tugged at your shirt, causing you to remember what all you'd promised her. A birthday weekend at Jeff's apartment, hanging out with Jeff's friends, and a birthday picnic in the park.
"I know, baby, but we gotta get lunch first." You reminded her about lunch as she glared at you.
"Princess, not baby. Jeff calls you baby." She corrected you.
"That's right, Princess." Jeff walked back into the living room. "What do you wanna get for lunch?"
"I want grilled cheese." She hugged Jeff's leg.
"Oh yeah, she's decided she doesn't wanna eat animals anymore, so we're gonna have to eat all the chicken nuggets in the freezer." You joked with Jeff.
"She's right, animals don't deserve that." He agreed with her.
"So everyone's a vegetarian now?" You admired your two favorite humans.
"Nah, steak tastes too good." Jeff smiled at you.
You all three headed to Jeff's car, Jeff of course carrying the little princess the whole way.
"She can walk, in case you forgot." You reminded him. You noticed her cling tighter to Jeff's neck.
"It's her birthday weekend, let her be pampered." He smiled, completely spoiling your adorable daughter.
You stopped at a little diner to eat, and then you were finally on the way to David's house. She had heard about David, and already seemed to love him, but you didn't know if she would like any of Jeff's other friends. You've hung out with them on numerous occasions, but something about bringing your daughter with you made you nervous.
"This house is pretty." Your daughter looked out the window towards David's massive house.
"Yeah, David's got a lot of pretty stuff." Jeff said as he turned the car off. He carried the little princess inside, sliding her shoes off and throwing them atop his own as he yelled for David.
"Oh my God, hiiiiiiii!" David almost melted when he saw your daughter. "I'm David." He smiled at her.
"I'm Princess." She stuck out her hand, her wrist bent.
"You gotta kiss her hand now." Jeff told David, leaning the kid in his arms more towards him. David kissed her hand as you spoke.
"She's only this spoiled around Jeff, I promise." You assured him. She reached her arms out towards David, latching onto his neck instead of Jeff.
"You get to carry me now." She said to him, he was surprised by the weight of the child.
"Tomorrow's also her birthday, so I'm spoilin' her a little extra." Jeff pulled her off of him, setting her on the ground. She immediately walked over to the table, grabbing David's camera.
"No, no, no, don't touch that!" David reprimanded her.
"No she loves to vlog, you should turn it on, she won't break it I promise." You tell David.
"She told me she wants to be a vlogger when she grows up." Jeff laughed as David walked over to the tot. He turned the camera on and pressed RECORD.
"Hi, I'm Princess, welcome to my castle." She pointed the heavy camera towards herself. "I'm gonna give you a castle tour . . ." She continued on, Jeff following her towards Natalie's room.
"She's hilarious." David said to you.
"Is she the newest member of the vlog squad then?" You laughed, sitting on the couch.
"Yeah, she can replace Jonah." You both laughed in unison. "I'm surprised you let me near her, let alone Jeff." David said, grabbing his laptop.
"He's my boyfriend, why wouldn't he be near her?" You were utterly confused. David looked at you as if you were stupid.
"He's an ex-convict. Ex-drug dealer. Probably a bad influence for a toddler." He said. You were astounded by his idocracy.
"Yeah, keyword being ex-" You took a deep breath before you blew up. "He has been to jail and he used to sell drugs, but he's different now. Now he's a good person. He is sweet to me and my kid. He takes care of us. He is the best Dad she's ever had, and they're not even related. He loves her, and she loves him, and I would never separate them because of some stupid mistakes he made years ago."
David looked dumbfounded.
"Oh my God, you're adorable." Natalie followed your daughter back out into the living room, Jeff not too far behind. Perfect timing.
"Isn't she?" Jeff agreed, his eyes filled with love for your child.
"And this is my sleep-pod. All you do is jump in and it swallows you while you sleep." She pointed the camera at David's LoveSac. Her attention shifted as the front door opened, running to meet whoever was at the door.
"No running!" You called after her, not wanting her to get hurt.
"Hi, I'm Princess, I'm a vlogger." She pointed the camera up towards Heath and Mariah's faces.
"Aww, hi!" They both cooed at her, happy to see a cute little face. They introduced themselves, Heath of course being forced to kiss her hand.
"Hey, I'm sorry. What I said was really rude." David leaned over and apologized while everyone was paying attention to the little princess.
"What'd he say?" Jeff asked you.
"I'll tell you later, don't worry about it." Your hand laced with his.
The same sort of hand-kiss introduction thing happened all evening as more and more friends showed up. David filmed a few cute bits with your daughter, and she loved every second of it. She found some pizza in the fridge, splitting a slice with Jeff before falling asleep on his chest.
"Thank you for being such a good 'Dad' to her." You kissed Jeff, really appreciating everything he does.
"It's no problem, I love her, and I love you. Plus the single moms really love the Hot Dad at the playground." He joked with you. You made a fake 'shocked' expression before laughing.
"Hey, keep talking like that and I'm gonna be a single mom." You smiled at him, happy with the little family you had created.
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ancanosaur · 5 years
Tumblr media
•Without a shadow of a doubt•
Chapter one: A Temple of Memories.
The temple was building of old creaks and sounds that echoed through the halls in the night. Despite their past reputation and the swollowing cold that surrounded their temple, the Lin Kuei had welcomed you with great open arms and the warmth of family.
You don't remember much of what happened. You remember the roaring engine and slashing blades of a helicopter. The wind was warm on your cheeks, the sky giving off a golden glow of orange that signaled dayligh'ts final hours. Your body ached, temples were throbbing. "We're in the clear General, mission accomplished." A woman's voice spoke over you, your (E/C) orbs searched up, finding a blonde looking down at you. "Don't worry, we got you." She smiled softly. Her eyes were an ocean blue and filled with hope. "Cassie." A man's voice was heard, making the blonde look up at an older man, his hair a light brown with a bit of salt and pepper in the sides. "Let's get them hooked up." He said.
You suddenly felt your body lift from the ground and onto what felt like a hospital bed, your finger tips finding soft thin sheets as the buckles around your waist were tightened, a soft prick in your arm made you give a gasp of weak air, looking over to see the man placing an IV needle in your arm and sticking a bit of tape over it, keeping it in place. "Sorry kid, gotta keep you alive and hydrated." He patted your shoulder, giving a smile. "It's good to have you back." He said finally. "Let's head out, Jacquie!" Cassie called to the front of the copter.
That's all you could remember. Besides landing at base and being greeted by many smiling faces. The ones that rescued you saying that they were close friends and teammates of yours. You thought back to their happy faces, sitting around you in the hospital room. They all said that you were all close, the best of friends, and yet you couldn't think of their names. Their features all gained a veil of grief as you shook your head at them. The older man spoke up as the youngers went qiuet. "That's okay Y/N." He gave a smile. "You just get a chance to get to know us all over again." It gave the others a bit of hope.
A knock at the door pulled you out of your thoughts. You sat up from your spot on the bed and quickly made your way over to slide open the door seeing a young woman's face. "Frost." You gave a smile. She returned it in more of a small smirk. "I brought you dinner." The snowy haired girl spoke, holding up a trey of steaming food. You gave her a gracious smile, taking the trey from her and allowing her in as you sat the trey down on the dark wood of your night stand. "So when are you going to get back to helping me with the kiddies?" She said, her bare feet making icey patches on the stone floor. "You're bothered." You meet her cool blue eyes as you sat on the bed. Frost looked at you for a moment before letting out a chilling sigh, the air from her lungs thick and smokey as she took a seat beside you. "Grandmaster send me, wanting to know are you're doing and everything," Her posture was hung low, her arms crossed over her knees. "See if you remember anything."
The food on your night stand still smoked with freshness as you eyed it. You looked back at Frost, trying to find the words. You wanted to be truthful. But another part of you simply wanted to tell her the things she and the Grandmaster wanted to hear. "You don't eat as much as you should." She commented, seeing you just looking at the plate of meat and vegetables seeming unbothered.
"I just feel like i dont need it." You answered after a moment, moving your gaze to the cold tile floors. "Well, you do." The Cryomancer said in a caring yet slightly forceful way, something that was just part of Frost's charm. She see's your jaw clenched for just a moment. "It would hurt a lot of people's feelings if you starved to death." She nudge you, making you gain a low smile for just a moment.
You wish you could remember being apart of the clan and the your team, you wish you jad those memories. But you simply didnt. "Ill feed you if you dont eat." Frost finally said. That made you shake your head and give in with a smile. "Alright, alright." You pulled the trey into your lap, picking up the spoon and stirring around the small bowl of stew that was on the side before taking a bite. "There, now we can keep you." She gave a smile.
You finished your plate and sat it to the side. You and Frost had began talking about the temple gossip that you had apparently missed. Like that one of the guards, Tao had the hots for a Shiria Ryu memeber that always came with Master Hasashi for sparring training, she said his name was Atomu and that you should ask Takeda about him once you join back up with your SF team.
"Frost?" You ask after a moment of silence between the two of you. "Hm?" She looked up at you. "What..." you puased, unsure of how to really word the question. "What happened to me?" You looked at her, metting her gaze.
Frost's shoulders tighted up for a moment before loosening g up again. Her crystal eyes looking to the grey brick of the floor for a moment like she was hoping the carving in the tile would answer for her.
"You died."
She finally answered, and you felt dizzy for a moment. "I-i what?" You looked at her, "Frost, i couldnt have. Im right-" "here. You're here now." She looked at you firmly. "And thats all that matters." She let out an irritated huff but her sharp features began to soften as she looked back at you.
You just sat there, looking at the ground. Chewing on your lips like gum. "How?" You finally asked, not meeting her eyes. "You," she looked down at her hands, picking at her nails, a nervous habbit of hers. "Were with your team, everything was going smoothly and then an ambush happened." She sighed. "You took a knife and...that was that." She said abruptly, not wanting to talking about the details.
Your fingers were clutched tightly into the bed below you, the world feeling like it was spinning around you, until a hand found your shoulder. "But we got you back." Frost said, her grip firm on you. "That's all we wanted."
Time passed and Frost had left you for the night. The wool blankets wrapped around keeping you warm as you begin to drift to sleep, the candle at your bedside still burning.
Everything was nothing but pitch black around you, your body was just a drift in nothingness, it was warm nor cold. Just nothing until a pair of large hands found their way to gripp your arms, seeming to hold you in place in this endless darkness. You're eyes were open, but they saw nothing in this dark place as the hands traveled up, sliding against your skin and up to hold your face. "A lost little spirit..." the voice was deep, yet it echoed like the hissings of snakes. You felt fingers run through your hair and tilt your face to the side. "I'll take you in..." the voice whispered.
You sat up in your bed, letting out a gasp as if you had been under water. Your hand found your heaving chest, your heart desperately trying to escape your ribcage as it pounded against your sternum.
You looked around your small dark room, recognizing it as yours, aiding you in calming from your dream. You let out a deep sigh, closing your eyes for just a moment before the smell of smoke caught your attention.
The candle that was one lit was now out and it was still smoking as if it had just been blown out. You eyed it for a moment, until you were able to tell yourself that your sudden movment from waking up had blown the candle out. You shook your head. It was just a dream, a weird dream that had left you with this chill of familiarity. But a dream nonetheless.
You sank back down in your bed, until you felt something cold on the side of your face, making you feel for whatever it was against your skin. You lifted you hand up into the moon light to see somthing dark on your fingertips making you jump and rush over into the bathroom, flipping the switch on, thinking you were going to see the crimson red of blood once you looked in the mirror. But what you saw made you shiver. A Jet black hand print was perfectly framed against your jawline, the thumb was smeared as it had been rubbing against your cheek.
You didnt know what to think or do, so you simply grabbed a wash cloth, turning the water on in the sink and soaking the cloth til it was dripping and looked back up into the mirror to wash the hand print away only to see it already disappeared.
You dropped the cloth into the water, backing up into the wall giving a shaking sigh with your hands to your head. Maybe you were losing it? Maybe you were slowly dying again. Maybe- you took a deep breath. Remembering what Grandmaster had taught you, 'In a time of storm, find a shelter. In the time of doubt find hope.' You took a few deep breaths. 'In a time of panic, find peace.' You gained control of your breathing, calming your racing heart. Being thankful for your master's words.
Then a thought popped into your mind. If there was anyone to talk to about this, anyone who would have knowledge about life after death, it's him.
You flipped the light switch off, casting the room back into darkness once more as you made your way back under your sheets. It was decided then. You would speak to him first thing in the morning.
I hope you guys like the first chapter. I wanted this to be kind of a Slowish kind of burn maybe. We'll see. We get to talk to Subby in the next chapter so that should be fun :) and like let me know if you want a smut chapter because lmao idk tell me
Ill also start working on other characters i wanna write for becuase theres a big lack in MK reader inserts my doods. I feel like this chapter is a bit rough, but i havent written a full length fic like this in a hot minutes. So hopefully it'll get better. And all fics i write and will write are gender neutral reader becuase like all genders have the right to fuck hot shadow wraiths and that's just tea☕
Please forgive any grammar/spelling mistakes!
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First Time
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!
Stranger: hi
Stranger: haha sorry
You: nice abs
Stranger: lol thanks
Stranger: like your smile btw you seem cute af haha like wtf
You: how mamy times ur on the gym
Stranger: try 3-5 times a week
You: that dedication tho
You: hahaha
Stranger: haha i try
Stranger: oh shoot and you got that freckle dayummm
You: i did go once
You: i puked
Stranger: you got the whole package hahah
Stranger: oh shoot that means you a hard worker
You: its a beauty mark
You: more like a cursed mark
Stranger: it really is
Stranger: nah
Stranger: beauty mark for sure
Stranger: dides find that super sexy ngl
You: hahah calm ur tits boo
You: im here for wholesome shit
You: but i dont know why im on the unmonitored sec
Stranger: yeah? for example?
Stranger: oh lol like what wholesume shit?
Stranger: you low key "bored" or nah ll
Stranger: sorry im so excited
You: im here for stories and confessions from you guys
Stranger: just always haha like what?
Stranger: what you tryna hear?
You: im not into sext and stripping stuff. Treat me like a commercial from dicks lol
Stranger: haha aight
Stranger: where you from tho?
You: im in the middle east rn
You: working :(
You: you?
Stranger: really
Stranger: how old are you?
Stranger: im basic form the us
Stranger: in FL
You: 23 haha do i look younger?
Stranger: haha yeah you look good for 23
Stranger: is it cold there?
You: haha dont make me smileeee
Stranger: haha why
Stranger: you have a fucking great one lmao
You: nnah im just covering my ppajamas hahaha
Stranger: haha ok..... why tho?
Stranger: protection from the dicks?
You: coz people might think ill strip when i have this angle
You: and they see a shoulder and shit
Stranger: ahh gotcha
You: hahahah correct
Stranger: oh shoot that shoulder...
Stranger: lmao
You: haha shhh
Stranger: haha you funny
Stranger: what time is it there?
You: so are you here for dicks or boobies before u met me?
You: its 2am
Stranger: honestly?
You: oh shit its the us timezone wait
You: 125PM
Stranger: dang nice
You: were on the opposite part
You: wait my sister is calling
Stranger: gotcha makes sense
Stranger: ugh and your voice.... :)
Stranger: you are literally the cutest thing lmao idk why tf you on omelge haha
Stranger: I hate to break it to ya bt... I saw your pajamas
Stranger: haha and even your shoulder ;)
Stranger: watch out
You: hahaha dont get horny or youll leave me
Stranger: haha I would never leave you
Stranger: you would leave me if anything
You: i would if you start asking me to strip off my comfy blanket
Stranger: haha dang
Stranger: I just want you to feel good lol
Stranger: so if you comfy that's chill
Stranger: but you did ask why I was on here....
Stranger: you honestly want to know?
You: noooo haha
You: youre naked
You: and shit
You: so i kinda figure it out
Stranger: haha i got pants on
You: im just stalling you before u encounter some dicks again
Stranger: lol sorry a man's curious
Stranger: ive just never done anything with a girl so i can't help it
Stranger: you know?
Stranger: you gotta remember back in the day don't ya?
You: back in the day?
Stranger: haha when youve never actually done anything with a guy
Stranger: you weren't curious?
Stranger: or want to experament?
You: oh okay
You: so how was your experiment going?
Stranger: haha not good everyone skipped and there were no girls lol
Stranger: that's why im shocked you stayed
You: hahaha so thats why stayed with me
You: even tho i want that non stripping part
Stranger: hnestly yes.. and you are super cute fr
You: haha dont make me smileee
Stranger: I mean idk... even if you don't want that I can't skip you haha
Stranger: I wish i could make you smile lol
Stranger: your so chill
Stranger: and are those little dimples?
You: i dont have dimple look
You: i wish i had.
Stranger: you have little ones
You: how about u?
Stranger: one the corneres of yor mouth
Stranger: nope i dont
You: i love how you smile then go back to the poker face
Stranger: hah you do it too :D
You: haha copycat
Stranger: nah nah nah
Stranger: im defo not copying you
Stranger: i don't have that much style lmao
You: hahaha stop idolizing me
You: its just meeee~~~~
Stranger: haha im not
Stranger: youre just you....
Stranger: and super dope and cute lol
Stranger: haha yes that' smile
Stranger: i love it
You: hahaha tell that to girls around you and you'll get a girlfriend instantlyyy
Stranger: what's that?
You: are u shy in person?
Stranger: kinda
Stranger: like irl yeah...;(
Stranger: kinda sucks
Stranger: like I can talk to em but like scared to shoot my shot and have it be wrong lol
Stranger: guess that's why ive never done anything
Stranger: I just want them to be happy
Stranger: ya know?
You: aww you are soo sweet
Stranger: I don't wanna do anything they have to or want to say no to
You: i bet your future girlfriend would be soo lucky
Stranger: haha hopefully
Stranger: only she might be disappointed I don't know what im doing...
Stranger: do ya think?
You: you look like a nice guy not the douche type you know
Stranger: lol thanks I guess
You: and i bet youll love her endlessleyyy
Stranger: that's the goal ;)
You: well they say nice guy finish last hahahaha i remember the niggahigga
Stranger: haha ess
You: but right now ur stuck with me haha
Stranger: nigahiga is hilarious
Stranger: haha happy to be lol
Stranger: jk..
You: so good to hear that ahaha
You: lol
Stranger: it actually sucks to have to look at your smile all the time
Stranger: like ughhh
Stranger: man its horrible
You: whyy
Stranger: *note lots of sarcasm lmao
Stranger: im kidding your too cute
Stranger: it would never be horrible haha
Stranger: and you have those deep eyes you look deep into
Stranger: why can't you be in the staes?
You: hahaha that why i dont stare at people.
Stranger: why its a gift
You: they get hypnotizedd
Stranger: haha ok that makes sense then hah
You: hahaha US is crazyy right now
Stranger: true that
You: even in my country is crazy
Stranger: what is your country?
You: i can't even visit US even tho i want to.
You: lot of racist stuff on the internet
Stranger: oh dang that sucks ;(
You: Philippines
Stranger: the internet is garbo
You: but most people think im chinese
Stranger: don't listen to it
You: coz of my eyes
Stranger: ahhh that makes sense haha
Stranger: nah that's why you so cute idk why but phillipino's are so attrative
You: hahahaha coz we got everything in our blood. americans, spanish, chinese
You: maybe indian too?
Stranger: haha that explains it
Stranger: got the best of all worlds
You: hahaha we like the powerpull girls
Stranger: lolll you goofy :P
Stranger: what do you do for work?
You: maybe u can visit PH then, my face is very common there
You: im in corporate bullshit haha
Stranger: haha doubt i
You: you?
Stranger: t
Stranger: ah gotcha
Stranger: im in colleg still
You: what course you taking?
Stranger: business managment/ entreprenuership
You: i hate collegee haha the test and stuff
Stranger: haha its tough fr
Stranger: good for me tho
You: haha ur same like me. your gonna be stuck to a desk too in the coming years
Stranger: nope
Stranger: I hope never to be at a deskjob 24/7
Stranger: hope to start a company or go into relations and build a small company
Stranger: my dad does it and has his own businesses and that's wht i hope to get into
You: i hope you achieve that!
Stranger: be my own boss its stressful as heck but workhard itll pay off
You: Dont be a corporate slave like us haha
You: yeah youll be so good at managing people
Stranger: haha someone has to do the dirty work
Stranger: lol why do you say that?
You: hahaha true dat
You: well based on our convo
You: you look nice but has that fierce aura haha
You: im not guru
Stranger: lol fierce aura
Stranger: your too nice
You: haha i hope it wont be a disadvantage
You: being too nice
Stranger: haha you can never be too nice so long as you know when to switch
You: haha from dominant to submissive?
Stranger: haha what do you mean?
Stranger: don't get me don't tease me lol
You: haha sorry your confused face made me smile
Stranger: lol
Stranger: ywe talking about business thenyou ask, dom or sub?
Stranger: haha im lost
You: i think cockteaser is my worst trait. I lead you but no action :(
Stranger: haha i mean...
Stranger: you could change that
Stranger: nothing you dont wanna do tho haha
You: haha naahh im good with reading
You: aww you know me now
Stranger: haha in some senses
Stranger: ;)
You: hahaha im more like into imagining than action
You: i love reading those confessions
You: on what guy do to girls
Stranger: ahhh gotcha
Stranger: haaha that's kind hot
Stranger: im more into action but I love pleasing so like compromise?
Stranger: lol
Stranger: wanna know what i sevretly fantasy?
You: whaaat
Stranger: like very intamate sensuall start with like cuddling ahhh
Stranger: it would be amazing
You: have you ever tried that?
Stranger: be the big spoon holidng someone so close
You: youre good with words
Stranger: keeping each other so warm as i wrap my arms arudn them
Stranger: then softly kissing the back of her neck with my lips
Stranger: as she feels my soft breathe on the back of her neck through her hair
Stranger: ugh it would be amazing
You: i had goosebumps reading that
Stranger: ugh such a tease... I want her to feel so good
Stranger: get goosebumps and have the shivers
You: she would be very lucky
Stranger: just tease her and let her feel amazingg
You: tell me more please
Stranger: id just be holding you close hands on your hips wrapped all the way around you
Stranger: as the little spoon youd look over your shoulder
Stranger: our eyes would meet and lock gazes our lips moving slowly closer and cloer
Stranger: seemingley drawn together
Stranger: then our lips would finally meet
Stranger: softly caressing eachother as our eyes closed and we just felt the moment
You: its so good it hurts so much. i cant even breathe
Stranger: so close so warm so much energy courseing between us
Stranger: ugh yes
Stranger: wed bgin to roll aroudn on the bed
Stranger: so much passion
Stranger: our lips locked so tight
Stranger: our lungs would be gen to get sore and tight from not breathing but i wouldnt care
Stranger: id just press into your lips more
Stranger: you being my everything
Stranger: then finally to breathe id slip my lips down look you in the eyes and wed both smile
Stranger: as m my eyes looked at your whole beautiful body as we were on the bed
Stranger: so amazing
Stranger: slide my lips down sloly from your lips down to your chin
Stranger: to your neck
You: damn ur sooo good
Stranger: you trusting me wholly exposing your vulnerable neck
Stranger: thanks ;) just imagine what i wish we could be doing
Stranger: your beatufil amazing self ughhh it would be soo good
Stranger: its honestly making me horny.. so sorry if i get too excited ;)
You: girls would be so jealous reading this chat from you
Stranger: id be kissng your neck softly yet passionately as my hands held you by your smalll of your back and your hip
Stranger: feeling your body up and down with my waarm rough yet gentle hands
Stranger: just teasing you wanting you to feel soo good my lips would continue to move down
Stranger: slowly kissing your chest
You: never in my entire life i would imagine this would happen
Stranger: looking you ito your eyes after each amazing smooch
You: i feel like reliving those gone wild stories on reddit lol
Stranger: well if you wre from FL it would have to happen
Stranger: haha yes it would be so perfect
You: if i were in florida you would never glance at me
You: im too small to be noticed haha
Stranger: my hands would slip up under your shirt and yud draw a short breath but trust me anyway
Stranger: amazing things come in small packages
You: that could be ur branding for ur business haha
Stranger: my hands would realol sure
Stranger: ugh you are so cute i love it
Stranger: does it make you feel good?
You: the air here is so thin i have to breath so heavy
Stranger: ughhh that is amazing
You: its so good it hurrrrts
You: thank you for making me feel this way :)
Stranger: ugh id wanna make your eyes go back into your head just imagining
Stranger: how amazing it would be bb
You: my feet is all curled up just imagining it
Stranger: ugh yes ;)
You: you swoop me with you words :(
Stranger: should I keep going?
You: go on
Stranger: and feel free to add in or suggest things
Stranger: where was i?
Stranger: u remmember?
You: wait
Stranger: ugh and you have th eperfect hands <3
You: your hands is under my shirt
Stranger: yes thats right
Stranger: Im just about to make my big move
Stranger: im so nervous but I go for it annyway
You: but you found out i have a petite body
Stranger: my hands under your shirt my lips kissing your ches from your
Stranger: low cut chirt that sags
Stranger: your petite body is so small under me and my big hands
Stranger: im 6'2
Stranger: (fr)
You: you would just toss me
Stranger: and my hands slip behind and unclip your small petite perfect bra
Stranger: id be very gentle or unless you wanted something else
Stranger: ;)
You: gentler please
Stranger: your bra would just seemingly slip off
Stranger: and wed again look at each other and grin
Stranger: you slightly nervously in anticipation
Stranger: but exceited
Stranger: i relieved you are feeling soo good
Stranger: id then go down to your stomach
Stranger: lifting your shirt up and crawling it up your stomuch right above my lips
Stranger: at your wasitline moving up
Stranger: then to your bellybutton and slightly above
Stranger: before id pause
Stranger: look you in the eyes and keep going
You: damnnnn its so hot!!!
Stranger: running my hands up ands down your perfect petite and small body
Stranger: you are amazing
Stranger: so sexy and hot
Stranger: in those same pajamas your n
Stranger: in*
Stranger: then id get to your ribcage with my lips
Stranger: youd draw in a deep breathe of pleasure
Stranger: it wold give me the courage to keep going
You: my hands is so sweaty just reading
Stranger: right up to the very bottom of your bossom
Stranger: id be in awe of your amazing bidy
Stranger: making me so tunred on
Stranger: my lips wold quiver and keep going
Stranger: so softly yet excitedly with passion
Stranger: (if we disconnect add my snap)
Stranger: masonbrink 8
You: i just waxed down there :o
Stranger: masonbrink8
Stranger: your perfectly smooth body
You: i dont have a snap!!!! :(
Stranger: im at the bottom of your soft boobs so amazingas im lifting youru pj's with my hands kissing rihgt behind
Stranger: how can we find if we lose eac other?
Stranger: my intenet is bad
Stranger: internet*
Stranger: I keep lifting....
Stranger: your pjs are now up to the bottom of your nipple
Stranger: im teasing you so hard and it feels so good for both of us
Stranger: as I rip my shirt off too
Stranger: show my abs as you run you perfect hands over my abs and i have you lift your hands
You: my heart is beating soo fast
Stranger: we hgaze deep down into each others eyes and I lift yoru shirt
Stranger: exposing your amazingly soft supple body
Stranger: your petite breasts
Stranger: are they big or small or medium?
You: my boobs are small but my nipples are always hard
Stranger: ugh that' the perfect comboooo ;)
Stranger: kissing your underboob
You: perfect for bitting
Stranger: working my way up not missing a single spot
Stranger: except the nipple
Stranger: im just teasing it
You: what a tease
Stranger: making them harder and harder
Stranger: my hands are grabbing you by the hips feeling all along there
Stranger: my bb is amazing
Stranger: then I do it
Stranger: look up and grin
Stranger: I move right to your left nipple
Stranger: teasing it soft t first
Stranger: with my tongue and lips then to your other one
You: jusmyo marimar
Stranger: as I get a little bit more playful
You: hahaha
You: its omg in spanish
Stranger: haha what is that?
Stranger: ugh yes perfect
You: i want to roll on my bed its so perfect :(
Stranger: then I tease your little rock hard nipples with my teeth
Stranger: fotly biting them teasingly as my hands are having a great time on your perfect body
Stranger: and you are running yours all along my abs going down to the waist
Stranger: feel free to do whatever bb
Stranger: i want you to feel soo good
Stranger: if your want to rooll or rock a little or tease a little feel free ;)
You: my hands is too small to explore every inch of you
Stranger: your small little hands meeling the edge of my waistband
Stranger: feeling*
Stranger: teastingly snapping it as I giss your beatiful nipples
Stranger: and I do it right back slipping my hands into your tight little wastband
Stranger: ugh yes your sooo cuteee
Stranger: so sexxy
You: sorry i have to get comffyyy
Stranger: its perfect i can teell you are because I think you are moaning a little bit ;)
Stranger: that is so sexy making you feel soo good
You: i know its so hard not toooo
Stranger: just echaling with pleasure
Stranger: do it I want to make you moan bb
Stranger: I want you to just feel it all
Stranger: so then I was teasing your waistband as I kissed your nipples
You: this is heaven right nowwww
Stranger: id slowly go down off of them
Stranger: never missing a spot but working my way back down
Stranger: then skip a bit to your bellybutton
Stranger: wanting to make yowanting to make you soo wet for met
Stranger: your freshly waxed body id just slip right down it
Stranger: my lips nearing your bandline
You: its hard for me to get wet. try harder :)
Stranger: edge of your underwear and your pajamas
Stranger: ok:P
Stranger: tell me if you are getting wet tho bb
Stranger: with my lips nearing your sensitive spot
Stranger: my hands on your thighs as im on top of you
Stranger: your layig back with your arms above your head
Stranger: clenching the pillows trying not to squirm too much
Stranger: my hands soflty touching your thighs teasting them
Stranger: just brishing closer and cloer on your inner thigh
Stranger: you know its coming but cant wait
Stranger: so sxcited you can't contain a little shiver and soft moan
Stranger: so I think im gonna do it
Stranger: should I d it?
You: no
You: you go back to my lips
You: teasing me more
Stranger: you knew what was coming :P
Stranger: I keeo going down but then
Stranger: im sooo close to your tight little pussy starting to get wet then I pull back
Stranger: look you in your eyes and go back to your lips
Stranger: pasvery softly very softly
Stranger: quick kiiss then pull away taking it all in
Stranger: feeling every inch of your soft lips as they are so moist and n chemistry with mine
Stranger: i continue to hold you by the small of your back and do this over and over
Stranger: holding the back of your head and kissing you
Stranger: softly
Stranger: slowly getting more passionately
Stranger: we begin rolling on the bed and around the room
Stranger: we don't care we are just locked in enamored
Stranger: just fully enveloped in teh moment and each other
Stranger: I pull away once again
Stranger: leaving your lips midair trying tdeperately to meet mine
Stranger: then you feel my lips on your neck again
Stranger: with your eyes closed you jsust embrace it
Stranger: it feels so good
Stranger: sending shivers throuout your body
Stranger: sort engouh to be gentle and leave yo wanting a little bit more
Stranger: just a little bit mroe passion
Stranger: the passion that is always growing between us
Stranger: you just close your eyes in pure bliss
Stranger: as I pull away and you never know where my lips will land
Stranger: jsut slowly teasing yoru chest
Stranger: maybe surprisingly on your nipple as they are soo perky and hard like they are so cold
Stranger: or maybe on your vulnerable exposed nck
Stranger: or maybe on your perfect soft lips wating there to meet mine
Stranger: my hands just holding you close
Stranger: pulling you in
Stranger: as you wait for my lips to land in thos places you are running your hands along mmy body
Stranger: from my chest across my abs
Stranger: to my beck as our lips meet
Stranger: neck*
Stranger: around my back just soaking it all in
Stranger: as am I with you
Stranger: you feel over my shorts how beautiful you arelly are
Stranger: with how much you are teasing my
Stranger: me
Stranger: with your small little hands you just feel how hard your making me in my pants
Stranger: busting to get out but I won't stop kissing you
Stranger: I won't stop n omatter what you do
Stranger: then I finally give us some distance
Stranger: we look each ohter up and down
Stranger: you grin and slip my shorts off
Stranger: leaving me in nothing but my boxers
Stranger: you can feel my warmth as my shorts are slipped off and feel me pressing up against you
Stranger: once again my lips begin to make their way down your body
Stranger: just crawling ever so slowly
You: this is ittttttt
Stranger: it seems like a lifetime
Stranger: i get to your waistband of your pajamas finally
Stranger: I look up, we grin
Stranger: we both know this is it
Stranger: I slip my hands down your pajames holding you by your hips and go give you a quick kiss
Stranger: right on the kips
Stranger: foftly as I slowly slip donw your pajamas
Stranger: you hardly notive but feels so good as your being freed
Stranger: what did you say?
You: dont type so fast
You: cant barely read it
Stranger: ok perfect
Stranger: you are just so beautiful
Stranger: I see your whole body laid out before me so small and beautifully petite
Stranger: perefection
Stranger: I continue to slip your pajames down and take them off your ankes as they get caught
Stranger: you are just lying there... in bliss
Stranger: we are feeling so amazing
Stranger: almost as if te moment will lsat forever yet only 2 seconds
Stranger: completely naked except our unerwear we are in totall hapiness
Stranger: your eyes rest on my boxers and you grin
Stranger: hands go down and tease me so much
Stranger: right around my cock making it sooo hard as you brush the edges of it
Stranger: it feels so good on your small hands
Stranger: evyour hands are even
You: i dont really know how to do hands
Stranger: a bit sweaty beacuse your nervous
You: im more of a mouth kind
Stranger: its ok
Stranger: then you surprise me
Stranger: I go back up to your lips and neck
Stranger: teasing them once more
Stranger: then
Stranger: all the sudden
You: why are u thinking
Stranger: you reverse it
Stranger: I lie down and you come up on me
Stranger: our lips still locked as we flip
Stranger: but now your on me your short little legs feel my whole body as your resting on me
Stranger: then you begin to do something
Stranger: exactly what I did to you
Stranger: you you work slowly from my lips
Stranger: to my neck
Stranger: caressing so carefully and gently with your perfect lips
Stranger: I let you go becaues it feels soo good
Stranger: then you keep working down from my neck
Stranger: occasionaly pausing
Stranger: as you run your funger down the center of my abs
Stranger: feeling every bumb as syour finger and lips pass over it
Stranger: you are just seeing the pure tease on my face and are enjoying every socnd
Stranger: your lips begin to get close
You: i love every word
Stranger: you see the elastic of my boxers
Stranger: with a great smile you continue
You: think of me when you do your thing later
Stranger: with great anticipation
You: WAAAIIIIT my battery about to die
Stranger: plug it inn
Stranger: all fresh and ready to continue?
You: go on
You: is it kay to eat my sandwich
You: youre making me hungry
Stranger: :P well you wil be eating something soon ;)
You: hahaha
Stranger: do you ever tease yourself while you read?
Stranger: too feel good to the max?
Stranger: even if you don't show
You: no i just let it feel sore down there
You: throbing
Stranger: haha your such a tease
Stranger: is it throbbing rn?
You: it stopped coz u stopppped
Stranger: ugh well you were so close
Stranger: so close to my waistband
Stranger: your eyes begin to catch my bulge
Stranger: a perfect smile goes
Stranger: across your face
Stranger: your blood is rushing full of pure bliss
Stranger: your hands are sweaty
Stranger: you are trhobbing from all the teasing
Stranger: so you contnue
Stranger: your view is here iwth only my boxyers
You: damnnnnn
Stranger: then you see my bulge
Stranger: kissing each abdomen
Stranger: you want cam on my face or here?
Stranger: because I want you to feel so good
You: faceeee. i love ur reaction
You: every small breathe
Stranger: ughh yes
Stranger: you are such a tease
Stranger: makng me so tunred on
Stranger: do you think you can help me after?
You: lets see how it goes
Stranger: ok ;)
Stranger: so you were at my waistband with your lips
Stranger: questioning
Stranger: do you make the move and finally give me everything ive been wanting?
Stranger: you decide not yet
Stranger: run your finger along it then you go back to my lips
Stranger: lying right on top of me
You: tease you moreeeee <3
Stranger: and we go into another long makekout
Stranger: im practically bursting at my boxers
Stranger: but you dont care
Stranger: you can tell
Stranger: you feel it on your body as your laying on top of me
Stranger: then onve again
Stranger: I flip you over
Stranger: this time exploring a bit
Stranger: kissing your shoulder
Stranger: gently right to your collar bone
Stranger: making you really feel every breathe as yoru lungs are so tight
Stranger: your small little body is so wound up
Stranger: you can't take much more so you decide to do it yourself
Stranger: you rub your hands and fingers across your clit really quickly as you quickly inhanle
Stranger: it is so close throbbing
Stranger: but you take them off
You: but you stopped me
Stranger: just teasing them that muchh more
You: you want to be in control
Stranger: I grab your hand
Stranger: yo need to wait
Stranger: You need to wait for my mouth to finally please you fully
Stranger: you won't want to move your hand but you allow me to place it back on the bed
Stranger: where you have to hodl the covers
Stranger: im holding each breast taking turns
Stranger: mteasing you more and more than I thought I could each time
Stranger: your nipples are so hard
Stranger: sticking straight up
Stranger: right into my mouth where they brush my teeth as i gently play with them
Stranger: softly yet a little tough so it doesnt hurt
Stranger: you are having to do all you can to keep you hand from slipping back to your underwear
Stranger: slowly teasing under there
Stranger: you begin to move your hand
Stranger: but again
Stranger: I catch it
Stranger: you trhob harder and faster than you were before
You: you tease so mch i love ittt
Stranger: your body is seeming like it is yelling every muscle in your body
Stranger: just do ittt
Stranger: it weill feellll sooo goood
Stranger: just rub it a little more
Stranger: but im hokidng your hands in place iwth one of mine
Stranger: as I sense your uge and am fighitng it for you
Stranger: you can't control your short sharp breaths
Stranger: and your exhales as you are moaning
Stranger: so softly
Stranger: yet so despereatley
Stranger: I begin to notice something as my lips once agin slip down below your belly button
Stranger: your panties are getting a bit wet
Stranger: i grin and look up at you
Stranger: I see you want me to keep going down so bad but i continue to hold your hands
Stranger: Ido go down
Stranger: of shoot
Stranger: I randomly matched iwth someone else
Stranger: she has her tits out
Stranger: im sitll just holidng
Stranger: you
You: hahahahah what do you mean u matched with someone else
Stranger: another tab
You: go on let me eat first
Stranger: no
Stranger: Im gonna skip here
Stranger: dnne
Stranger: you are too aamzing
Stranger: my lips are still hovering so close as they pulled of your stomach
You: she must do all the action im here for the pussy throbing stories of yours
Stranger: right above the wetspot on your panties
Stranger: you want it so bad
Stranger: but I continue to move downward
Stranger: right to your bare thighs
Stranger: my lips land right on thm after softly kissing your panties on the way by
Stranger: you though that's what you wanted....
Stranger: but really
Stranger: It just made your urg efor more worse
Stranger: yurge for more*
Stranger: my lips are on your thigh
Stranger: slowly going to your inner thighs so perfect
Stranger: my hands up on your chest
Stranger: I feel something in your legs as I get close
Stranger: they quicker a bit
Stranger: jsut shake a little
Stranger: your hand begins to fight mine
Stranger: but I hold it down
Stranger: not allowing it to satisfy your pussy
Stranger: no matter how hard you fight i you can't get there
Stranger: liek now
Stranger: you can just brush over it yet you can't linger
You: sorry iwas distracted something in my mouth
You: from the nuttella
Stranger: as im hoding you ther all I can notice is your panties getting wetter and wetter
Stranger: its ok
Stranger: your moaning is getting more often and more often
Stranger: once again I lift my lips
Stranger: then ever so slowly
You: coz were getting on the best part
Stranger: move them to your panites
Stranger: right over them
Stranger: you can practically feel my breathe
Stranger: teasing down your clit and g spots
Stranger: you quiver again letting out a huge sigh
You: where is the g spot
You: i cant even find it
You: :(
Stranger: hopeefully we will find it in a minute ;)
Stranger: instead of kissing right down n it I smile again
Stranger: so gently rub up it with my han as I bring my face back up to yours
Stranger: our lips going to meet ocnce more
You: no
Stranger: only this time all that is racing through your mind is your pussy
You: dont kiss me
You: with vag juice on ur moth
Stranger: I will kiss you
You: noooooo
Stranger: i don't have juice yet
Stranger: I just barely kissed your pantie befre it was all wet
You: once u go down theres no coming back to my mouth
Stranger: But I still won't totally kiss you
Stranger: just one little smooch on the neck
Stranger: my hands getting as close as they have ever been
Stranger: just the edges of my fingers brishing the edges of your panties
Stranger: you can practiacally feel me going all the way
Stranger: yet instead
Stranger: I pause
Stranger: One more time
You: i still havent reciprocate
Stranger: Keep an eye on your hands making sure you don't go to please your pussy
Stranger: as I slip my boxers off
Stranger: since you know it isn't time yet no matter how much your pussy is screaming at you you woldiny jump on me as I allow you
Stranger: quickly kiss over my chist to my abs
Stranger: this time it isnt just my bulge you feel
Stranger: you feel mmy bare warm cock
Stranger: aginst your thighs as you slide down lips getting closer and closer
Stranger: you feel it pules as your pussy throbs
Stranger: seemingly made for each other
Stranger: yet I don't allwo it yet
Stranger: yout mouth is on my happy trail lips forming a kissing grin as you imagine
Stranger: finally
Stranger: you are getting down to what you pussy is really craving
Stranger: you feel it throb with your heart
Stranger: I put my hands on thour head
You: not yeeetttt
Stranger: holding your head steady
You: i need to do you first
Stranger: I make you look me in hte eyes
Stranger: I grin and say im a gentleman
Stranger: so a furiosly flip you over
Stranger: hold your hands down again
Stranger: this time go straingt to your thighs and lower abdowmne
Stranger: I notice your panties are almost soaked
Stranger: so much wetter than before
Stranger: I thin this is finally it
Stranger: your nipples are fully erect
Stranger: your pussy is so tight and wet it is throbbing harder than youve ever had
Stranger: your breath speeds up with anticipation
Stranger: as I look up at you kissing your inner thigh
Stranger: Once more I feel you quivker only more than ever before
Stranger: but you let out a sigh
Stranger: imagining it is just another tease
Stranger: im just gonna pull away leave you wanting forever
Stranger: but no
Stranger: as you close your eyes
Stranger: waiting to be left thhrobbing once again
Stranger: about to give up
Stranger: you suddenly fel it
Stranger: feel it
You: i want to be on top
You: guide me
Stranger: my fingers brushing acrossyour
Stranger: panties
Stranger: sliding them off finally
Stranger: as we flip over
Stranger: you getting right on top of me as I slip your panties onto the floor
Stranger: your legs spread on either side of me
Stranger: you are finally ready
Stranger: so excited of finally not being disappointed
Stranger: do you want to tease a littleunder your blanket as we finally make it? feel free it will add to the story if you want
Stranger: I hold your hips
Stranger: two hands as you are right on top of me
You: no i like your storyyy
Stranger: you reach down with your small little hands
Stranger: yes I will keep telling you
Stranger: it
Stranger: grab my cock and realize its been waiting as much as you
Stranger: you just feel it up and down
Stranger: fantasizing about how good it will really feel
Stranger: just lost in the moment
Stranger: it feels like perfection that will never end
Stranger: after a minute
Stranger: I take oe hand
Stranger: and finally decide
Stranger: to guide you
Stranger: I take control of my throbbing warm cock and look you in the eyes as you sit on both knees
Stranger: directly on top of me
Stranger: your eyes closed in pure bliss
Stranger: anticipation
Stranger: I take my cock
Stranger: with my other hand your body
Stranger: slowly guide it won
Stranger: down
Stranger: the tip just brusihng your throbbing pussy
Stranger: we are finally
Stranger: after everything
Stranger: both totally bare
You: is the other tab still open? :(
Stranger: exactly where we want to be
Stranger: no
Stranger: I skipped her for you
Stranger: ;)
Stranger: why do you ask?
You: i heard something just now
Stranger: as my tip just ever so slightly brusehd your pussy
Stranger: it is magic
Stranger: both of our eyes close
Stranger: we can't keeo em open
Stranger: as our eyes roolll back
Stranger: our breaths shorten
Stranger: we gsasp
Stranger: its more than youve imagined
Stranger: as I slowly rub my tip against your wet throbbing pussy
Stranger: slowly warming up
Stranger: your pussy seems to be reaching out and grabbing
Stranger: almost trying to pull me in it just want to go
Stranger: but I slowly just apply more pressure
Stranger: you just lower yourself with each inch your eyes go back further into your head
Stranger: and your exhalesrunrn into louder moans
Stranger: you sllwoly got down past the tip
Stranger: there are still 5 more inches and your tight pussy wants it all
You: what with the other sound :(
You: i cant concentrate :(
Stranger: you keep going as you feel it right up against your walls
Stranger: im sorry I have no idea
Stranger: its just me and you tho
Stranger: 5 more inches
Stranger: you just sit down even further
Stranger: 4 more
Stranger: it alread fells like heaven
Stranger: youre pussy is just gushing now
Stranger: just wants to lubricate to go deeper
Stranger: I go out after 3 inches in
Stranger: youve only gone halfway
Stranger: back in nice and slow
Stranger: as you exhale moaning with me
Stranger: as finally Im getting to enjoy your whole perfection
Stranger: as we become truly one
Stranger: you are up to five inches
Stranger: feeling so full and like you can't go
Stranger: but you push yourself all this anticipation building you up wanting to take it all
Stranger: finally
Stranger: you succeded
Stranger: you feel it up in your small body and it is pure completion
Stranger: you feel it right against your walls
Stranger: and wiggle in pleasure
Stranger: so warm
Stranger: so hard
Stranger: so tight
Stranger: so perfect
Stranger: you just go up feeling it slide along
Stranger: then back down
Stranger: youre still fully stretching and loving every second
Stranger: you on tom of me hands on your hips
Stranger: encouraging you to go faster
Stranger: you are slowly speeding up
Stranger: moaning
Stranger: more and more as we go faster
Stranger: just gasping for ari yet loving it all
Stranger: never wanitng to end
Stranger: then i begin to move my hips
Stranger: thristing
Stranger: somehow going deper than you though possible
Stranger: you know what we finally find?
Stranger: i ht something you neer have felt before
Stranger: it sends electricity througoutyour whole body like youve never felt before
Stranger: you shake
Stranger: as I thrust it happends again
Stranger: you are in awe
Stranger: pure pleasure
Stranger: just feeling us work as one
Stranger: so deep it is your G-spot
Stranger: every ride up and down is like a new snensation
Stranger: you can't stop
Stranger: it is the best feeling in the world as you feel it perfectly and me smiling up in bliss a tyou rding me
Stranger: your moaninng gets uncontrollable b
Stranger: but you don't care
Stranger: you just want more
Stranger: so I slow down
Stranger: then go nice and gentle
Stranger: as your breathing settles I then go fast again
Stranger: shocking you
Stranger: with that shivering g spot
Stranger: again your back to maoning so muucchh
Stranger: you can''t stop
Stranger: you are feeling as if your pussy is throbbing again
Stranger: youve never had this feeling or beeen this wet
Stranger: getting all over my cock sliding up and down
Stranger: we are running out of breath but don't care
Stranger: fater
Stranger: faster
Stranger: yes you moan
Stranger: just like that
Stranger: over and over
Stranger: felling of happiness overflowing
Stranger: screaming yesss
Stranger: it is everything you imagines
Stranger: then as we are going faster and faster you begin fto feel this new thing
You: everything and more
Stranger: yes and more
Stranger: youve never felt this before
Stranger: you feel as if your pussy isn't just throbbing but your gonna let loose
Stranger: a feeling you cant control
Stranger: you can't do anything but moan and go faster
Stranger: it feels better and better
Stranger: so your going faster and faster
Stranger: bumping up and down
Stranger: g-spot g spot gspot
Stranger: you didn't think this was possible
Stranger: then all the sudden you let one loose
Stranger: you scream as if in pain but it is pure pleasure
Stranger: you couldn't get wet boefore
Stranger: but now
Stranger: your letting it al out
Stranger: your pussy begins to gush all over
Stranger: squirting all over my cock as you go up
You: i neer tried that before
Stranger: it is so amazing
Stranger: you never triend squirting?
You: i dont think i can
Stranger: all women can if it is right i think
Stranger: some more and some less
Stranger: but you can
Stranger: did I make you wet at all?
You: when i feel i gotta pee i stop pleasuring myself
Stranger: you just need to let ygo
Stranger: that's the difference
Stranger: you feel it all building up
Stranger: then almost like you have to pee
Stranger: while your riding me
Stranger: but you don't care this tiem
Stranger: its too good
Stranger: you keep riding
Stranger: I don't stop
Stranger: then you let it all lose
Stranger: never knewo you could do it
Stranger: but let it all go almost like your beigng
Stranger: inly it feels like perfection
Stranger: you are in pure harmony
Stranger: squirting everywhere but I don't care because Im there too
Stranger: as I pull out you continue to squirt
Stranger: and on your final moan... i can't hild it
Stranger: let loose all over
Stranger: finally my rock hard cock can't take it
Stranger: it explodes shooitng cum
Stranger: all over as you are insipire for one last squirt
Stranger: as you rub your clit
Stranger: we finish together
Stranger: sighing with totall satisfctin
Stranger: it was perfect
Stranger: my first time
Stranger: and your first time squirting
Stranger: and finding your g spot
Stranger: we lie next to each other
Stranger: breathe
Stranger: look at each other
Stranger: then smile ;)
You: its so perfect
Stranger: then we fall asleep and can't wait for nect time ;)
Stranger: it is perfection :)
You: youve been rock hard for almost 2 hours
Stranger: hah ayeah.....
Stranger: its huritng my balls now lol
Stranger: so im starting to not get as hard its all pent up
Stranger: do you want to try something or are you satisfied?
You: im so satisfied i can touch myself
You: you need to do it also
You: or else it will hurt
Stranger: yes ;thank you
Stranger: do it together?
You: i dont like people seeing me when i touch myself. But i want to hear you
Stranger: did i earn it?
Stranger: it would be so amazing
Stranger: ighhh
Stranger: I can't make noise still but you can watch
You: let me turn off the lights so i can concetrate.
You: whyyy
Stranger: I have a roomate
Stranger: aww turning lights off ;(
You: hahaha how can you jack off with a room mate
Stranger: its ok I guess I just wish wait I can still see you
Stranger: because you are too sexy lol and he is sleeping
Stranger: its exciting
Stranger: daring
Stranger: edgy
Stranger: you ready bb?
You: i wish you could read some of it to me but you have a roommate :(
Stranger: yes maybe next time
Stranger: is there any way of contact?
Stranger: bfoere we do this?
Stranger: ugh your so dang hot teasing with that lip
Stranger: make me want to do this soo badd
You: our convo is too damn sexy
You: we can meet again here next week
Stranger: it is
You: its too dangerous outside
Stranger: email?
Stranger: yes
You: lets make a tag here
You: im only available every saturday.
Stranger: my email is [email protected]
Stranger: saturdays are best for me
Stranger: email for time?
Stranger: every sat is different for me
You: 2AM your time?
Stranger: 1AM my time?
Stranger: that would be best
You: whats ur timezone?
Stranger: Central
You: hmm whats our tag
Stranger: first timers"
Stranger: ?
Stranger: first timers
You: its too common
Stranger: what then?
You: blanket
Stranger: ok
You: can u check if theres similar
You: on your other tab while sexting with me
Stranger: sure
Stranger: didn't fine anything
Stranger: blanket
Stranger: 1am
Stranger: Saturday
You: what time is it now?
Stranger: 6:55
You: am?
Stranger: yes lol
You: you didnt sleep?!
Stranger: haha no
You: im sorry hahahha
Stranger: ive never done this and you were too perfect and you wanted to keep going haha
Stranger: so 1AM next saturday again?
You: wait let me set a reminder
Stranger: ok
Stranger: then we finsih off to make it memorable?
You: haha okay you can only here me okay
You: i need to concentrate
You: to find that freaking g spoty
Stranger: please to
Stranger: do*
Stranger: I will try my best without seeing you
Stranger: what do you want to see from me?
Stranger: face or my cock bb?
Stranger: yes bb tase it make it so wet for me
Stranger: tell me when your getting close with thumbs up
Stranger: im so hard for u rn
Stranger: if you can talk and tell me when your close ill cum with you
Stranger: yes find that g spot bb
Stranger: fast n slow
Stranger: deep strokes bb
Stranger: show me ur face if you can bb
Stranger: mmm im sooo hardd
Stranger: ready whenver you are bb
Stranger: get soo wet fro me
Stranger: so I can go nice and deeo
Stranger: scraping those walls
Stranger: and say yes bb when your close an dI should go
Stranger: ride me bb
Stranger: nice and fast then slow
Stranger: fast for a bit
Stranger: then faster then slowww
Stranger: im edging so hard for you bb so close
Stranger: take it niceand deep bb
Stranger: im so close to cumming bb
Stranger: are you?
Stranger: answer real quik sexy
Stranger: i can't hold much longer
Stranger: im about to cum
Stranger: did you cum bb?
Stranger: ready for me?
Stranger: thumbs up or say yes or type bb
Stranger: I wanna cum for you
You: soooo hot <3
Stranger: you too ;)
Stranger: wich you could see how much that was for you
You: sorry i didnt see ur chat
You: i was so focused
You: go clean an dsleep all sunday okay
Stranger: haha thank you
Stranger: do you finsih good?
You: i dont know if its done coz its still throbing
You: you know i cant squirt
Stranger: ;)
Stranger: well I hope you had a great night
Stranger: im gonna get some sleep now :)
You: go on then good morning haha byeee
Stranger: bye ;)
Stranger has disconnected.
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