#ive made amazing friends and socially feel very secure and happy
westywallowing · 2 years
exploring creative careers?? who knew could be kind of fun??
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wildgeese2017 · 3 years
i dont know whether i want to hav sex with her like if i cud. i think that shes into me she smiles at me and she seeks me out and she laughs at my jokes and compliments my outfits? ive known her so long and i trust her kindness. i think shes cool and sweet and interesting and like she really listens to what i say and is childish like me like she isnt embarrased to act weird and silly and get excited about little things. she seems like she wants to be around me. and i hav convinced myself that i like her. for years shes been my go to crush. its just when i imagine being touched it makes me feel weird?? i know shes had gay sex b4 i think shes hot and pretty and i love her style. i wouldnt mind touching her but the thought of someone touching me in that way scares me i worry that it would repulse me. but i want it so bad. i want her to kiss me and rough me up a bit push her fingers into my thighs u kno stuff like that , is that what attraction is? my relationship to my sexuality and body even is so warped and abstract at this point so disconnected from what reality can offer me. i think she is closer than most people to what i cud actually even attempt to experience something with tho. like she gets me im afraid of men so women make me feel safer to try stuff with i only hav experience w girls anyway not that its actually substantial or like in that romantic serious context. i just i want to be wanted so badly i know that i have been at least once. i get so confused i cant possibly be that bad but noone has ever loved me for my body. i can timagine what its like to experience the reverse. sure i am granted the privilege of not bein specifically disliked automatically for my body but it isnt worth much more as social currency beyond basic decency (which everyone deserves but doesn’t get). maybe i need to be less in my head. but im scared ill try intimacy with her and i wont like it . and that will mean a few possible things which would fuck me up and scar my self perception. firstly, it could mean that im not capable of normal intimacy that i am really genuinely fucked in the head like the rabbit hole i fell down when i was 11 genuinely messed me up like i gave into some evil shameful thing inside me when i was a child and now i can never be acceptable normal healthy or loved securely. second it cud mean i dont actually like women ive been playing as part of the lgbtq community this whole time how can i face myself or my friends being straight is shameful to me its so lame and uncool i know this sounds so like weird and fetishistic or performative but thats exactly what im afraid of i dont want to see myself like this i wasnt ready to label myself but i did i labelled myself so young and now it feels scary it feels wrong for me to say i dont like it when people are like you;re bisexual right? i feel that thing when you share too much too soon like your skin is peeled off all raw and exposed. i hate that. what if im too messed up i dont know it for sure what if intimacy proves im broken. or at the very least very unique in a way that could lead me to living my life alone without partners or lovers i want so desperately to be someones favourite someone who makes me feel good when they touch me and anxious and annoyed. i want to care about someone so much. too trust someone to see my body like my weird moles and self harm scars my veins and hair and teeth i want someone to see me all of me and still decide they want me. that i am worth the effort that they would seek me out. i dont know if that will happen.
i drive myself crazy looking in the mirror in different angles wearing all these colourful frilly lacey outfits agonizing over how i must look. i make myself soft and sweet and loud and excited and loving so others will seek me out im like a duimb tropical bird and it hurts so much because it doesn’t feel like its working.
people say be true be authentic but they dont say how much it hurts to do that and not be idk rewarded? desired? like i am expressing myself and that is pushing people away even subconsciously? sure it would feel amazing for someone to see that expression and see that fragment of my inner world and think i love that i want that i want her i love her but it isnt happening not as far as i know not in a way which satisfies my lonely soul. 
i just dont want to be disgusting i try so hard to smell good and look sparkly and fun and bright and loving i think the manic pixie dream girl trope really damaged my psyche  
i think i like other people too i feel different when they touch me like it feels more intense more like its getting through.
as far as i can tell my type is funny, creative, nice boobs dark or curly hair usually, i like people who are kinda sad bc i think we are alike which sounds cringe but people who are just living in a way which seems at least to me in a non-judgemental way to be unexamined i just cant really relate to i cant open up to someone who wont understand. i need people to say the right things or at least say nothing and only respond with touch.
is it weird that i carry on asking myself if i was touched as a child ? like i dont htink i was but i carry on feeling like it could have happened or i convince myself i did and then i mistrust people for no reason. but something must have happened i had such messed up thoughts maybe it was all the sex on tv i watched as a really young kid my parents would show me stuff with full nudity and relatively graphic sex my relationship to modesty is confusing i think i find people more attractive with their clothes on? i just see naked people like ok? thats a body its normal i dont get porn.
one thing i regret was being drunk and telling M that i cant watch porn i like weirder stuff and she was like bdsm? and i was like no its so weird it cant be in porn but i didnt mean it like that i meant i cant just feel stuff from nudity without context and i am into weird shit i dont know why i think maybe my mums mental health issues which she projected on me im worried i was just made wrong like im just a bad seed like i was destined to want things which dont make sense. but then i consider my whole warped desire hinges on the way it could be percieved by society the way society views people and their intented state of being. i am attracted to corruption addiction to transformation to giving into desire to showing desire physically with your body in a way that everyone can see and you can no longer control.
everything in my life boils down to my relationship with control. maybe its because i felt i didnt have any control as a child. my life was shifted against my will and i have this learned helplessness both from having my needs met without asking and from having my needs ignored or at least met in a lacklustre way. but then i think who really had control as a kid? kids dont control their life they dont make the decisions that what a guardian is for ?? but maybe its because i felt as though i did have to make the decisions like i didnt have clear boundaries and i dealt with that by punishing myself for overstepping rules i made myself. bc i had no control not really it felt like nobody had control there was noone to blame so i made things up new problems i cud blame myself for or i saw the problems my parents had said to myself i have that problem too and punished myself for it with feelings or pain or exercise or silence. i couldnt trust anyone. or at least i loved people but i couldnt open up. maybe thats why im so weird and territorial i keep things secret i hide stuff in my cupboard its like i invent things to be ashamed of i create problems for myself to distract from the problems i didnt have control pver the conception of. when i think of my childhood i think of feeling bad and ashamed of myself for taking advantage of my father like he was vulnerable and all i did was take money and time from him and he was struggling so much financially but he would still spend so much on leasiure when i think of it now i realise that spending time with me and making him happy must have made him feel good i get it more now that i do that with other people but at the time i felt so guilty all the time for the price of my clothes my food my life. and my mum would always say how terrible things were with money how tired she was how stressed she was how it was affecting her body. she would talk about how much she hated her body her fat her sagging face her pale skin her poor health i asked her once what superpower she’d choose and she said i want to be healthy all the time and i was confused then but i get it now. 
i just felt like i had to pretend to be happy or like i wasnt bored or the time like i didnt feel bad about how my stomach looked how yellow my teeth were how tangled my hair was the bags under my eyes and when i look back i realise no one was looking after me noone was making sure i brushed my teeth and hair twice a day i barely did it once a day i used to hate myself so much that i couldnt do my homework but nobody ever sat with me and made sure i did it past like the age of 7 . i remember feeling so scared of asking for help i remember having nightmares or being sick and standing on the landing listenning to my mother breather through her door being petrified of asking for help like she needed the sleep and i was a bad person for waking  her up like i was lying and then i actually started lying bc she wud just accept it let me fester on my own in bed all day if i said i wanted to if i said it hurt too much. i just im so scared of feeling that way again of feeling so scared so tired so useless so guilty so dissapointing so stupid so dumb so shallow so selfish so unworthy so dishonest so lazy so manipulative i look back and i think how could a child have been so awful? how could i have been as bad as i thought i was? it doesnt seem possible. the point at which i became irredeemable seems to shoft forwards each year like its chasing me and i become more and more of a villain stealing a bright future from the innocent child i used to be. i used to fantasize about going back and doing it all perfectly. when people asked me about my choice of power it always had to do with avoiding the consequences of my mistakes either immortality or time travel to be able to change what i did or to be able to move on without losing my future without losing my finite time. i want to be free of these constraints that feel so self inflicted. i spend so long in these mind prisons i construct labrynths in my head and get stuck there all alone with no way of asking for help without admitting how i got there in the first place.
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swiftedbethy13 · 7 years
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I’m now going to tell you about the most magical and amazing experience I’ve ever had and ever will have. This post is SO long so go grab some popcorn 🍿
So on October 2nd I was working a nightshift. It was little to do and just went in and checked my emails. I saw two emails from twitter saying Taylor Nation had sent me a DM!! I panicked so bad and went on my twitter to check if it was real. And on my twitter I have two DMs from Taylor fucking Nation. I stared shaking so bad and could barely breathe. The message said *CONFIDENTIAL MESSAGE* and that they have a secret, special event they would like to talk to me about, and to send my full name, phone number and best time to contact me. Have you ever tried typing in details like that while your hands are shaking so bad like you’re on drugs?! ITS HARD MAN! I obviously gave them my details (duh), and told them my lips are sealed and it sounds so exciting! Then I panicked cos I thought my reply was too late, and had to ask if I was too late, and then I apologised for sending them so many messages 😂 They said “haha you’re all good, thanks doll”. Then I was supposed to take care of newborns and their moms and stay calm at the same time. IT WAS SUCH A STRUGGLE! I had to go to the bathroom to try and breathe.
We were not supposed to tell ANYONE, but I just had to send my friend Lyndsay a message saying it’s important to check you DMs on twitter often. And she replied “I know, you too…” and I just KNEW she had gotten a message too. If she replied with something different I wouldn’t have told her anything. We started freaking out together and it was beautiful.
I didn’t know when to expect a phone call, all I knew was that I need to have my phone on sound at all times. Like you can’t miss the most important phone call of your life! I had an evening shift the next day and told work I just have to have my phone on sound cos I’m waiting for a very important phone call. Every time my phone rang I just immediately panicked 😂. I can’t remember the time but I was at work and in a patients room when my phone started ringing. I quickly said “sorry I have to take this” and ran out of the room. I look at my phone and it’s calling from New York 😱 I die and start shaking and answer. It was Ali calling from Taylor Nation!! She confirmed it was the right person she was talking too and gave me some more details. It was going to be a secret special event in London on Friday the 13th of October from 4pm-11pm. She asked if I was going to be able to make travel arrangements and I was like “duh YAS OF COURSE”. She told me I could bring a plus’s one, and since I knew that Lyndsay was already going, I gave them my friend Alex’s details. She told me again that this was confidential and I couldn’t speak about it to anyone except my parents, guardian and boss at work. I was going to get more information early the week following. I probably sounded like the most bored person cos I was IN SHOCK, like I was just “yeah” “uhu”, “yes”, and didn’t show any excitement at all 😂. She hung up and continuing work was the hardest thing EVER!
I made travel arrangements and sorted hotels with my friends. I was already going to London on the Sunday till Wednesday before the event on Friday, so I knew the week would go quick anyways. On Sunday evening I out of the blue get an email. I was at the hotel with my mom having a pamper evening, and I was SO THROWN OFF COS I THOUGHT I WOULD GET IT ON MONDAY OR TUESDAY. My mom filmed my reaction to getting this email and it shows how Taylor Swift makes me feel nearly 24/7 😂. The email again said that it was confidential and not to post anything about it or tell anyone. They gave us an address for a Holiday In hotel where we were going to meet up. They said not to bring too much personal belongings cos this was going to be taken off us as well as our phones. AT THIS POINT I STARTED TO BE MORE CERTAIN THAT I WAS GOING TO A SECRET SESSION. Hence my reaction to getting the email lol. I still tried to not get my hopes up, and tried to tell myself that maybe I’ll get to hear a new song and have a swiftie party. Good thing I was in London and could get myself an outfit. OMG IVE NEVER BEEN MORE STRESSED ABOUT FINDING AN GOOD OUTFIT EVER!! I did find it by the help of my really good friend!
THIS STORY IS GETTING SO LONG, sorry 😂 Well done for getting this far. I’m going to skip forward to Friday now (aka the best day of my life).
So, FRIDAY THE 13TH. I get up at 4am to catch my flight to London. My stomach is doing backflips trying to catch butterflies cos I was so excited and nervous and anxious at the same time. I couldn’t listen to any Taylor music cos I would just start to cry, so I ended up listening to P!nks new album (which is amazing btw). When I get to London I meet up with Lyndsay, Megan and Alex. We head to the hotel where we are going to stay and to meet up. Here we get dressed and as I was to put my makeup on I realise that I’ve forgotten all my make up and I go in a full on panic. IM SUCH AN IDIOT! Luckily Megan had makeup I could borrow. After we got ready we headed down to outside the hotel. There were loads of girls with red lipstick and dresses so we knew we were in the right place 😍. We qued up outside, they were running late, think we stood outside for 40 minuets maybe. We then got to the front of the line and inside (finally cos I was freezing my ass of). Taylor Nation was there ready to sign us in!! We signed a confidentiality contract and showed our ID and GOT OUR WRISTBAND!!! (KANDJFJRJDJ)!! It said United Kingdom on it, written in reputation font!!! SO EXCITING! We then went down the stairs to a room with lots of chairs in. There were refreshments, and hot drinks (yay for cold me!) for us while we waited for further instructions.
Then we were told to leave our stuff behind, including phone, and the first 25 people went on a bus. Me and Alex got on the second bus. Now I stared getting SO nervous, it’s ridiculous. Before we went on we where scanned by security. Then the bus took off! We drove a title while and was driving through the most posh neighbourhood EVER, like I WANNA LIVE THERE! The bus stopped and we were told to be quiet while we went off. I realised we were at a house, and you could only guess I was thinking we were at TAYLORS HOUSE!! There were lots of security while we were taken in a back entrance of the house and in through the basement. I had to knock on the door 😂 (so I could say I knocked on Taylor Swifts door, I know I’m extra 😂). We got scanned by security again before we were taken up to the kitchen. GUYS, THIS HOUSE IS AMAZING!! ITS SO HUGE. We still haven’t by this point been told where we are, but duh 🙄. I KNEW we were at Taylor’s house. Her kitchen is beautiful! She has 4 ovens!! There were lots of snack on the counters. Homemade chicken nuggets, fruit, cheese and fizzy drinks. There were also REP cookies!! And REP m&ms! SO COOL! Andrea and Scott was also in the kitchen talking to other fans. Me and Alex just hung around and talked to a few people. Then Lyndsay and Megan arrived, we hugged each other cos they also realised where we were. We then ended up talking to Scott. He has never been to Norway!! And I told him he neeeeeds to come here.
Her house smells AMAZING. I obviously had to see which candles she was burning so I could by them 😂. We were then told to get in a line as we were going to a different room. This was after everyone had arrived and had some food. Me, Alex, lyndsay and Megan were quite up front as we were taken to a living room. There were cushions on the floor and we sat down. I sat down not even thinking about where. Me and Alex chose a high cushion and shared it. A 100 people was going to fit in this room and it got really tight! When everyone had found a spot there was some whispering and the door opened a little. THEN THE QUEEN THAT IS TAYLOR SWIFT WALKS INTO THE FUCKING ROOM AND IM SCREAMING. We were so loud! I FUCKING LOVE HER SO MUCH 😭😭 Like I couldn’t believe she was like right there in the same room as me. As I was having difficulties breathing she sat down like 2 meters away from me and Alex, we had such a good view of her like OMG. Then she said we were going to hear the whole FUCKING ALBUM AND WE DIED. We now knew this was A FUCKING SECRET SESSIONS PEOPLE! SHE ALSO SAID SHE HANDPICKED EVERYONE! I FUCKING DIED! TAYLOR HAS LURKED ME FOR A YEAR WITHOUT ME KNOWING 😭😭 I’ve never had a like or a follow, and I don’t have many followers on any social media. STILL SHE FOUND ME! I’m got eye contact with her so many times during the listening 😭😭😍! SHE IS SO HAPPY TOO!! I JUST LOVE HER SO MUCH! AND IM TELLING YOU GUYS THIS ALBUM IS BLODDY AMAZING. (If you think you are stupid enough that I’m going to tell anything about the album, you are being funny, don’t bother asking 😉)
After she had pledged the album we got to look through the magazines!!! THEY ARE AMAZING AND IM SO HAPPY I WILL BE ABLE TO BUY ONE WHEN THEY COME OUT!! Then we waited to meet her JENFBDJSSHHSHDB 😭. I was getting so nervous by this point. Like I was going to meet the one person who has been there for me for so many years and I get to tell her how much I love her. We were one of the earlier ones to be sent in to meet her. Megan and Lyndsay were in front of us and a free they finished it was our turn.
I RAN OVER TO HER AND HUGGED HER AND SHE DIDNT LET GO UNTIL I DID 😭😭 I just couldn’t believe what was happening. She then hugged Alex and told me SHE FUCKING LOVE MY OUTFIT! She said “I love this whole outfit situation going on” I died. I told her that it’s not something I wear a lot and she said “you should definitely do!” IM OBVIOUSLY NEVER TAKING THIS OUTFIT OFF. Alex then said he wanted to wear the same outfit but we couldn’t match so he said I could wear it, and she laughed 😂 I love how we had a sarcastic conversation with Taylor Swift 😂 She then laughed at Alex’s apology for his bored resting face. I’m SO PROUD OF HIM SPEAKING TO TALOR, you have no idea! ❤️❤️ Then we were told to move to the side a bit cos they were going to open up the front door (so no one could see she was living there). This gave us more time with her and I’m so grateful! I then asked her about anxiety with singing and she gave me tips on singing and performing in front of people. TAYLOR FUCKING SWIFT GAVE ME ADVISE ON SINGING AND PERFORMING!! JJDNDJDJFJRJD. Alex then thanked her for giving him the best friends ever and she hugged us both again 😍 Then it was time for picture. We didn’t plan a pose, we just took one. SHE RESTED HER HEAD ON ME AND I SISNT NOTICED BEFORE I SAW THE PIC! It’s so adorable 😍 There were so much more I wanted to tell her, wish I had a few more minutes but I guess she had ALOT of other people to meet.
We then went out in the hallway and ended up talking to Andrea. She reminds me so much of my mom!! She is also a bit similar! I told her about my mom and that she was worried I was sleeping in the airport by my self the following night. We then talked about how happy Taylor is and she was tearing up 😭 It was so beautiful to see how happy her parents were for her 😍😍 We gave her a biiiiig hug and then walked down to the basement again. There we stood trying to comprehend what just happened. I still don’t believe it, don’t know if I ever will? We then got merch!!! We got a REP tote bag, pop socket, t-shirt, a sticker, a cap and the best thing ever, a exclusive keychain that only us on the secret sessions London got. IT WAS SO NICE OF THEM! We were then sent on the bus back to the hotel. There we spoke to Ali about confidentially again and what we could talk about and not. She is so sweet!! Megan and Lyndsay old us TAYLOR KNEW WE WERE IN NASHVILLE TOGETHER 😭😭 OMG!!
When we came back to the hotel I called my mom and SOBBED. I couldn’t even talk to her cos I was crying too much. Then I posted online on my social media about what happened and my phone wouldn’t stop buzzing.
I AM SO GRATEFUL FOR TALOR SWIFT. THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR THIS!! And thank you to Taylor Nation for giving us this opportunity, it means so much to us ❤️ The picture ended up perfect and I’m going to hang it on my wall so I can stare at it everyday 😍 I’ve been crying since Sunday cos this has been so so emotional to me. I can’t even tell people what happened without crying.
I’m sorry this story is a mile long 😂
Thank you so much @taylorswift and @taylornation
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dianaspa · 5 years
Como no podía ser de otra manera, toca ver toda la información que nos ha dejado Instagram de los Globos de Oro 2019, con cada secreto de belleza de los maquillajes, peinados, productos, marcas y demás, contados por sus protagonistas. Así que no podemos perder detalle de las redes sociales…
Emily Blunt
Heres another favorite look of mine from last night. #marypoppins @fredericfekkai @fhiheat #goldenglobes #braids
and from behind… the dutch braid, also known as a fish tail, was the final look because it shows femininity but with an un-done texture. diamonds x @neillanejewelry @fredericfekkai @fhiheat #fredericfekkai #fhiheat #details #fishtailbraid #dutchbraids photo x @photobyjennajones
INSPIRATION Joan of Arc inspired strong and feminine warrior
TIPSTECHNIQUE Emilys dress was intricately designed and textured, so we aimed to replicate a textured look in her hair as well. The Dutch braid, also known as a fish tail, was the final look we landed on because it showed femininity but with an un-done texture. To start, I applied The One by Frederic Fekkai One to Believe In Leave-In Conditioner and blow dried using the FHI Heat Platform Limited Edition Chrome Hair Dryer in Rose Gold. Once the hair was dried, I twisted strands around my fingers to begin creating texture. I also used the FHI Heat Platform 1 12 Professional Curler to make the hair even more wavy. Once heat styling was complete, I added the The One by Frederic Fekkai One and Then Some Dry Texturizing Spray and raked through my fingers, so Emilys hair would swell up, and create a thicker texture for a bulkier, fuller braid. To finish the styling, I secured the braid in a halo or horseshoe shape at the back of the head and used the FHI Heat Platform Plus Curve 1 Styling Iron to smooth the layers framing Emilys face. Neil Lane vintage jewels were entwined in the braid to add a glamourous touch. To hold the look in place, I very lightly sprayed The One by Frederic Fekkai One to Hold Hairspray. In this case, I used the hairspray to maintain the texture we created, not to secure flyaways as these were part of the look and only added texture. @fredericfekkai @fhiheat photo x @photobyjennajones
how gorgeous #emilyblunt x @goldenglobes hair x @laini_reeves makeup x @jennstreicher style x @highheelprncess dress x @alexandermcqueen nails x @jennahipp photo by the incredible x @photobyjennajones big love to @fredericfekkai @fhiheat for their amazing products #goldenglobes #LainiReeves
golden globes prep here we we go excited to use all these @fredericfekkai products today #goldenglobes #LainiReeves
A few of my favorite BTS from last night. All photos by @photobyjennajones #emilyblunt @marypoppinsreturns. Much thanks to @diormakeup @diorskincare for the support. #workingwithdior
A little BTS getting my favorite girl @goldenglobes ready #EmilyBlunt @diormakeup @diorskincare #diorpartner @photobyjennajones
Kate Mara
K A T E M A R A First look of @katemara for the 2019 @goldenglobes. – #hair @ryanrichman using @ogx_beauty #makeup @coleencampbellolwell #stylist @jwujek – #katemara #goldenglobes #goldenglobes2019 #pose #miumiu #whathairwants #ogxpartner
Julianne Moore
Here we go #goldenglobes @kohgendo #juliannemoore
A glamorous moment on the balcony with Julianne before heading out the door. Ive relied on @kohgendos impeccably refined products for years, so I was absolutely delighted to collaborate with them for tonights look. Style @lesliefremar @givenchyofficial @chopard Hair @marcusrfrancis Nails @tracy_clemens #makeupelaineoffers @exclusiveartists Skin prep-oriental plants lotion ll, moisture gel rich, oriental plants cream
Foundation- started with maifanshi color bases in lavender pink and green to illuminate, brighten and correct any redness. KGD moisture foundations in 012, 013 Concealer- KGD moisture concealer Powder- KGD sheer lucent Powder.. love this light as air formula Cheeks- started with RMS lipshine as Cream blush in sacred, then layered KGD mineral cheek palette in 01 Pink on top. Brows- @anastasiabeverlyhills brow wiz in Taupe Eyes- KGD mineral eye shadow palette in warm brown, with @narsissist shadows in Sophia and St Paul de Venice ll. KGD eyeliner in 01 in lash line and long lush treatment mascara in urushi black @lauramercier caviar stick in amethyst is on the waterline. Lips- a wash of @benefitcosmetics benetint, then KGD lipgloss in PK 01
Lupita Nyong’o
@goldenglobes @lupitanyongo in @calvinklein Styling @micaela Hair @vernonfrancois Manicure @millie_cosmo Make up @nickbarose for @lancomeofficial On skin Tient Idole in 550 Eyes Color Design 5 colours palette in Gris Fumee. Drama Liqui Pencil in Cote de Azur Royal Blue Gossamer @lashify Blush Subtil Palette in Rum Raisin. LAbsolu Rouge Drama Matte Lipstick in DramaAtic #lupitanyongo #Blackpanther #GoldenGlobes #Lancome #Lashify #LancomeRedcarpet @exclusiveartists @teamid
THE BACK #lupitanyongo for #goldenglobes #kinky realness
Penélope Cruz
I always love creating makeup magic on my absolutely beautiful friend, the ultimate Dolce Vita and beauty icon Penelope Cruz @penelopecruzoficial. Today, I gave Penelope a gorgeous peachy, bronze-golden smoky eye, a glowing, fresh, flawless complexion and a pillowy, pink hot lip to complement her black, bejewelled #ralphandrusso gown, and elegant updo by @pabloidbeauty for the #goldenglobes @lancomeofficial #goldenglobes
Red carpet makeup magic for today #goldenglobes #setup
Kristen Bell
The dreamiest pillow talk makeup look on the divinely gorgeous goddess @kristenanniebell at the #GoldenGlobes @simonesiegl _ Goddess cleansing ritual, goddess skin clay mask, magic cream, wonder glow, light wonder foundation, Hollywood flawless filter, magic away concealer, filmstar bronze & glow, airbrush flawless finish powder _ Pillow talk blush _ Pillow talk eye shadow palette, feline flick & full fat lashes _ pillow talk lip liner, pillow talk lipstick & portobello girl gloss to add a touch of shine
GOLDEN GLOBES A little sneak peak of my products I used today on @kristenanniebell Thank you @ctilburymakeup for providing me with these amazing products. Stay tuned for look #goldenglobes #2019 @Ctilburymakeup #CharlotteTilbury #CTHolywood @Ctilburymakeup
Globes2019 prep aftermath. Thanks for spending the day with me @suavebeauty #suavepartner
Getting ready @kristenanniebell with @coveteur is up in the link in bio. See what goes into the process of getting ready for an award show #kristenbell #goldenglobes2019
Rachel Brosnahan
Grateful for this girl gang.
All of the beautiful things @ctilburymakeup #RachelBrosnahan #CharlotteTilbury #CTHollywood #WorkingWithCT @goldenglobes
My support group today #teamBrosnahan #GoldenGlobes @fredericfekkai @dysonhair #dysonhair #dysonprohair
Party prep with this NOMINEE #goldenglobes #MMM @rachelbrosnahan @maiseltv @dysonhair #dysonhair #dysonprohair @fredericfekkai
Just MARVELOUS Award WINNER #STRIIIKEhair using @fredericfekkai @dysonhair #dysonhair #dysonprohair makeup by @lisaaharon gorgeous custom @prada gown and styling by @jillandjordan
Saoirse Ronan
I mean #saoirseronan looking stunning @goldenglobes in custom @gucci. It was great fun partnering with @dove to create this chic and sleek look for the #redcarpet styling @teamsaltzman makeup @karayoshimotobua #hairbybenskervin #dovepartner
Ready for lady number two so happy to be working with @dove for the @goldenglobes can you guess who Im doing Watch this space to find out. #dovepartner #redcarpet #goldenglobes #hairbybenskervin
#SaoirseRonan#goldenglobes2019 @welovecoco #welovecoco #workingwithChanel #makeupbykarayoshimotobua Chanel link in bio I started the look by featuring her complexion, moisturizing and blending out the foundation creating a satin like porcelain finish. Skin Prep Chanel Sublimage La Creme Yeux Skin Prep Chanel Sublimage La Creme Yeux using a small dollop of creme, blend in hands then blend onto face from around eyes outwards doing a gentle lymph massage to open and refresh the face. Face Chanel Ultra Tenue BD01 Foundation, take a couple pumps and first blend by rubbing hands together then blend upward and outward to create a veil over the face, jawline and neck.
Lady Gaga
LADY GAGA already a winner tonight. Were so proud of you and love you so much Fashion @sandraamador.xx & @tomeerebout Wearing @maisonvalentino and @tiffanyandco Hair by @fredericaspiras @joico Makeup #SarahTannoMakeup using all @marcbeauty product breakdown below #marcjacobsbeauty #marcfam #makeupartist #bestactress #bestoriginalsong #ladygaga #gaga -Eye-Conic Palette in Frivoluxe -See-Quins Glam Glitter Eyeshadow in Flashlight -#Highliner in Blacquer -#VelvetNoir Mascara -New Nudes in Moody Margot -Enamored Lip Lacquer in Sugar Sugar
Lucy Boynton
L U C Y B O Y N T O N Heading out to the #goldenglobes19 Sporting a 70s #biancajagger #jerryhall inspired lux glamour feelings. Made deliciously easy partnering with the chicest C H A N E L @welovecoco thank you #welovecoco, #workingwithchanel … much more to follow in instastory… full product breakdown to be added… (Now onto my 3rd beauty for the day) #jobakermakeupartist
Charlize Theron
#Architecting some detail on this magical human strands @charlizeafrica. #charlizetheron #hairbyadir #goldenglobes
Forever chic Charlize Theron. Loved collaborating with this amazing team today. @kateleemakeup @lesliefremar @virtuelabs @dior @bulgariofficial @ghdnorthamerica #hairbyadir #withVirtue #ghdhair #charlizetheron #photobyadir #goldenglobes2019 #goldenglobes
You make my job easy @charlizeafrica. What a beautiful team @kateleemakeup @lesliefremar. Charlize on her way to 2019 Golden Globes. Thank you to @virtuelabs and @ghdnorthamerica for helping me with my craft. #withVirtue #ghdhair #hairbyadir #photobyAdir #goldenglobes #goldenglobes2019
Final touches @charlizeafrica Photo @hairbyadir @lesliefremar #makeupbykatelee #charlizetheron
Alison Brie
Beauty @alisonbrie #GoldenGlobes Style @erinwalshnyc Makeup @quinnmurphy #hairbybobbyeliot using @ogx_beauty #whathairwants #OGXpartner #alisonbrie #beauty #GLOW
So excited to be working with @ogx_beauty today Such a beautiful range of products #whathairwants #OGXpartner #goldenglobes
The stunning @alisonbrie x #goldenglobes in @verawanggang Style @erinwalshnyc Makeup @quinnmurphy #hairbybobbyeliot @ogx_beauty #whathairwants #OGXpartner #alisonbrie #beauty #GLOW
Every good makeup starts with great skincare. For the Globes today, Im using @loccitaneusa and couldnt be happier . I like to set a spa vibe for my clients and pamper the skin in a tranquil environment. #loveloccitane
Alison Brie Glowing skin using @loccitaneusa Skincare. #GoldenGlobes2019 nominee Style @erinwalshnyc Hair @bobbyeliot #loveloccitane
Rosamund Pike
Stunning #RosamundPike tonight for the #goldenglobes2019 wearing @givenchyofficial styled by Ryan Hastings makeup @melaniemakeup @moroccanoil #arganeveryday
Rosamund Pike x @givenchyofficial
#goldenglobes2019 with my favorite products from @moroccanoil #arganeveryday
We are done My set table is a mess Thank you @chantecaille for the lovely products to help me get #rosamundpike ready for the #golden globes. #makeupbymél #Chantecaille #Chantecailleoncamera
Caitriona Balfe
Effortless and chic , brushed waves and sharp lines , created with @evohair . Applying a mixture of head mistress cuticle sealer and curl balm , defusing to dry, brushing hair out and bringing together, finishing with shine drops and love touch shine spray. Accessorize with diamond barrette clips. #evohair #garethbromellhair #caitrionabalfe #goldenglobes2019 #henshinbeauty @dowalwalkerpr
@skyniceland eyemasks are on .. now deciding on which eyeshadow to use @goldenglobes @caitrionabalfe #nominee @outlander_starz #caitrionabalfe #skyniceland
@caitrionabalfe @goldenglobes #nominee @outlander_starz @karlawelchstylist @garethbromell @marywilesmakeup skincare and makeup-breakdown skincare prep using @skyniceland Skin care @skyniceland hydrocool firming eye gels to de puff firm and tone the sensitive eye area blemish dots to diminish any minor imperfections ( love these) Miceller cleansing water to gently cleanse , brightening eye serum followed by Icelandic relief eye cream .glacial spray lotion I mixed a little arctic face oil and pure cloud cream and applied to the face to create a perfect base for makeup base berry lip fix to moisturise @Lancome skin feels good skin tint @inikaorganic Mattifying powder only t zone @dior Matt black liner through top lashes @tartecosmetics Fierce and vamp eyeshadow mixed with @kjaerweis enticing cream eyeshadow @suqqu_uk_official Liquid brow pencil @kevynaucoin Candlelight to sculpt and @ctilburymakeup to highlight @drhauschkalive Liquid lip colour 01 which enhances Caitrionas natural lips #redcarpet #glowing #skin #beauty #caitrionabalfe swipe left for products quote MARY20 for 20% off @skyniceland
Anne Hathaway
The beyond stunning @annehathaway today for the #goldenglobes. Styling by @luxurylaw and hair by @lacyredway nails by @tombachik and makeup by me using @armanibeauty #armanibeauty
Working with @armanibeauty today for the #goldenglobes stay tuned to see which classically beautiful actress is presenting tonight. #armanibeauty
Nicole Kidman
and just like that we another Golden Globes off our calendars. #nicolekidman #goldenglobes @TRESemme #TRESPartner
Cant wait for you to see the final look Getting #nicolekidman ready for tonight @TRESemme #TRESPartner #goldenglobes2019 #goldenglobes
Morning darlings #neutrogena #goldenglobes2019 #makeupartist
Set up #goldenglobes2019 #neutrogena
Amber Heard
Amber Heard is On her way to the Golden Globes Hair by Me using @lorealhair #stopwaiting #elviverevive #hairstyles #hairessentials
At this point she can stare straight at me as I come at her eye with tweezers, false lashes, and fingers. Thats serious trust. And thats a drop of lash glue on the back of my hand. #AmberHeard #GoldenGlobes
Editing skincare in my kit and running out the door for #GoldenGlobes glam part 1 I dont know how I ever did my job without these favorites.
BTS #AmberHeard #goldenglobes
On Hair @jonchapmanhair Using @lorealhair #stopwaiting On Makeup @kateydenno On Wardrobe @karlawelchstylist @independentpublicrelations
Camilla Belle
Re-united with my very first celebrity client @camillabelle for #GoldenGlobes2019 . @jasonwu @peter.savic @hungvanngo @welovecoco @chanel.beauty #welovecoco #workingwithchanel Here is the products breakdown SKIN PREP Hydra Beauty Camellia Water Cream Illuminating Hydrating Fluid Hydra Beauty Micro Gel Yeux Intense Smoothing Eye Gel Hydra Beauty Nourishing Lip Care Hydra Beauty Essence Mist
COMPLEXION Ultra le Teint Ultrawear All-Day Comfort Flawless Finish Foundation in shade 30 Beige” Le Correcteur de Chanel Longwear Concealer in shade 20 Beige Soleil Tan de Chanel Bronzing Makeup Base Poudre Universelle Libre Natural Finish Loose Powder in shade 30-Naturel-Translucent2
CHEEKS Poudre Lumiere Highlight Powder in shade 30 Rosy Gold Joues Contraste Powder Blush in shade 55 In Love”
BROWS Defining Longwear Eyebrow Pencil in shade Brun Profond
EYES Les 4 Ombres Multi-Effect Quadra Eyeshadow in 306 Spendeur et Audace Stylo Yeux Waterproof Long-Lasting Eyeliner in 938 Mare-Chiaro Stylo Yeux Waterproof Long-Lasting Eyeliner in 88 Noir Intense Inimitable Intense Multi-Dimentionnel Sophistique Mascara in “10 Noir
LIPS Le Crayon Levres Precision Lip Definer in 91 Rose Delicat” Rouge Allure Luminous Intense Lip Color in 139 Fleurie”
All set up and ready to go @welovecoco @chanel.beauty #welovecoco #workingwithchanel #GoldenGlobes2019
Stunner @camillabelle for #GoldenGlobes2019 . @jasonwu @peter.savic @hungvanngo @welovecoco @chanel.beauty #welovecoco #workingwithchanel Here is the products breakdown SKIN PREP Hydra Beauty Camellia Water Cream Illuminating Hydrating Fluid Hydra Beauty Micro Gel Yeux Intense Smoothing Eye Gel Hydra Beauty Nourishing Lip Care Hydra Beauty Essence Mist
COMPLEXION Ultra le Teint Ultrawear All-Day Comfort Flawless Finish Foundation in shade 30 Beige” Le Correcteur de Chanel Longwear Concealer in shade 20 Beige Soleil Tan de Chanel Bronzing Makeup Base Poudre Universelle Libre Natural Finish Loose Powder in shade 30-Naturel-Translucent2
CHEEKS Poudre Lumiere Highlight Powder in shade 30 Rosy Gold Joues Contraste Powder Blush in shade 55 In Love”
BROWS Defining Longwear Eyebrow Pencil in shade Brun Profond
EYES Les 4 Ombres Multi-Effect Quadra Eyeshadow in 306 Spendeur et Audace Stylo Yeux Waterproof Long-Lasting Eyeliner in 938 Mare-Chiaro Stylo Yeux Waterproof Long-Lasting Eyeliner in 88 Noir Intense Inimitable Intense Multi-Dimentionnel Sophistique Mascara in “10 Noir
LIPS Le Crayon Levres Precision Lip Definer in 91 Rose Delicat” Rouge Allure Luminous Intense Lip Color in 139 Fleurie”
Emma Stone
A little peek of the back #EmmaStone and her soft waves at the #GoldenGlobes Shes pretty in pearls @suavebeauty #SuavePartner #SuaveBeliever
This ethereal goddess miss #EmmaStone today. Gorgeous make up by @rachelgoodwinmakeup hair by me using @suavebeauty #suavepartner #suavebeliever
Globes Goddess #emmastone #goldenglobes2019 #rachelgoodwinmakeup #sisleyredcarpet #clinique
Lili Reinhart
L I L I @lilireinhart @goldenglobes @jeffreychassen @jordanlgonzalez #style @elkin #hair @davestanwell #makeup #adambreucahud using @patmcgrathreal @kiehls @tmgla #lilireinhart #goldenglobes #pmglablove #pmgredcarpetrealness #kiehls #sponsoredpost
BTW… BTS… LILI @lilireinhart @goldenglobes @jeffreychassen @jordanlgonzalez #style @elkin #hair @davestanwell #makeup #adambreuchaud using @patmcgrathreal @tmgla #lilireinhart #goldenglobes #pmglablove #pmgredcarpetrealness
Golden Globes Skin Getting ready with @kiehls #GoldenGlobes #kiehls #sponsoredpost
Julia Roberts
Gorgeous, timeless, stunning @juliaroberts at the @goldenglobes Team @elizabethstewart1 @sergenormant @jilliandempsey @lancomeofficial #goldenglobes
Irina Shayk
MAJOR HAIR MOMENT She is coming for ya @goldenglobes
NEW YEAR – FRESH NEW LOOK Queen @irinashayk in @versace #bts @goldenglobes
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Golden Globes bts with the stunning @catherinezetajones #Repost @makeupvincent
Last touches on #catherinezetajones tonight for the @goldenglobes hair by @hairbyaviva styled by @miskellyjohnson @beautycounter #betterbeauty
Last touches on #catherinezetajones tonight for the @goldenglobes hair by @hairbyaviva styled by @miskellyjohnson @beautycounter #betterbeauty
Jessica Chastain
Loved this #hair for #jessicachastain#goldenglobes so chic #hairbyrenatocampora
What a beauty #jessicachastain last night trying @piaget hearings @tyronmachhausen @christinaviles #hairbyrenatocampora by me
Getting the most delicious #JessicaChastain ready for the #GoldenGlobes2019 @welovecoco #workingwithchanel #makeupbytyron #welovecoco hair by @renatocampora nails by @christinaviles
Amy Adams
Todays #GoldenGlobe set up for #AmyAdams with a little help from my friends @tresemme & @dysonhair Cant wait to share the final look with you all #hairbyjohnd #sharpobjects #vice #nominee #dysonhair #dysonprohair #trespartner
#AmyAdams looking so beautiful in blue at the #GoldenGlobes. | Stylist – @petraflannery | Make Up- @stephensollitto | Nails – @deborahlippmann | #softhollywoodwaves #hairbyjohnd #dysonhair #dysonprohair #tresemme #trespartner | #nominee #doublenominee #sharpobjects #vice #womeninfilm @dysonhair @tresemme
Kit mid motion today for #AmyAdams. Thank you @patmcgrathlabs #PMGlablove #PMGRedCarpetRealness #makeup #lipstick
#AmyAdams on #GoldenGlobes day wearing a stunning teal #calvinklein dress. Best Actress Nom for #HBO s #sharpobjects and Best Supporting Nom for #Vice. Thank you to @patmcgrathreal & #PatMcGrathlabs makeup. That gorgeous gloss is PMG Flesh Fantasy. Her eye shadow is Rose Gold 005. #pmglablove #pmgredcarpetrealness Thank u also to @lashify Hair by @hairbyjohnd Styling by @petraflannery @narrativepr @tmgla
Isla Fisher
Hollywood hair on the beautiful @islafisher for the #GoldenGlobes @sabrinabmakeup @micahmarcus by me using @wellahairusa #islafisher
Lets get started All set with all my favorites @diormakeup #GoldenGlobes
Keri Russell
Excited to partner up with one of the coolest @katvondbeauty #katvondbeauty #goldenglobes #vegan #makeup #rocks #katvond
The look you get when your love is taking the pic #bts #glam with #kerirussell #hair @brianmagallones #makeup me using @katvondbeauty @juicebeauty #goldenglobes #matthewrhys
And she’s ready to go #BTS #gorgeous #kerirussell #goldenglobes #hair @brianmagallones #makeup me using @katvondbeauty @juicebeauty #styling @flfstyle2 #theamericans
Kaley Cuoco
You take my breath away @Kaleycuoco Thanks @ctilburymakeup Im obsessed with their #magiccream , its the magic dew of youth and luminosity in a jar Its miracle-working cream floods the skin with moisture and creates the perfect base for makeup. The red carpet didnt know what hit it And pre treat with Goddess Ritual Dual Cleanser and you cant go wrong #kaleycuoco  #CharlotteTilbury #CTHollywood #WorkingWithCT @goldenglobes #jamiemakeup #magiccream
Love working with my makeup muse @kaleycuoco for @goldenglobes with the fabulous @ctilburymakeup @dermaflash #jamiemakeup hair @christinesymondshair dress @bradgoreski @daniela_viviana #KaleyCuoco #pillowtalk #magiccream #CharlotteTilbury #CTHollywood #WorkingWithCT #jamiemakeupbeforeandafter
There aint no party like a @dermaflash party cause a #dermflash party dont stop @kaleycuoco #jamiemakeup Love to prep skin with Dermaflash….it creates a smooth flawless canvas before makeup and skincare
Getting ready Were using @ctilburymakeup and Im obsessed with the magic cream, dual cleanser, magic eye rescue and the dry sheet mask (theyre on my story rn) #KaleyCuoco  #CharlotteTilbury #CTHollywood #WorkingWithCT @goldenglobes denglobes #jamiemakeup
Back detail. We wanted it to look effortless and cool but because it was the Globes we had to add a little extra something with these perfect @scunci pins. #goldenglobes2019
Fotos | @lainireeves, @jennstreicher, @ryanrichman, @marcusrfrancis, @elaineoffers, @nickbarose, , @ctilburymakeup, @vernonfrancois, @jennychohair, @rachelbrosnahan, @lisaaharon, @streicherhair, @karayoshimotobua, @missjobaker, @hairbyadir, @kateleemakeup, @bobbyeliot, @brycescarlett, @melaniemakeup, @garethbromell/, @marywilesmakeup, @beau_nelson, @kyleeheathhair, @angelalevinmakeup, @jonchapmanhair, @kateydenno, @hungvanngo, @mararoszak, @rachelgoodwinmakeup, @adambreuchaud, @jilliandempsey, @harryjoshhair, @hairbyaviva, @makeupvincent, @renatocampora, @tyronmachhausen, @hairbyjohnd, @stephensollitto, @cwoodhair, , @sabrinabmakeup, @tina_turnbow, @christinesymondshair, @jamiemakeup
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makeitwithmike · 7 years
Born with Wanderlust
By Crowdfire
Crowdfire Spotlight — from small town Texas nurse to The Hackerette, blogging her way through more than 26 countries, this is Kamelia Britton’s story.
Crowdfire Spotlight chronicles the stories of inspiring Creators — their struggles and triumphs, how they got to where they are now and where they’re headed next.
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
― Lao Tzu
For Kamelia Britton, that journey would begin in the small town of Orange, Texas, where she was raised by her father and her grandmother.
Kamelia’s mother, barely eighteen, struggling with addiction, and unable to handle the pressures of being a wife and a mother at a young age, had left the family when Kamelia was only two years old. Growing up without a mother figure and being raised by a single dad meant Kamelia’s upbringing was a tad unconventional.
Not yet an adult, divorced and with custody of a toddler, Kamelia’s father went to electrician school so that he could provide for their family. He moved in with his parents so Kamelia would have someone to take care of her while he was studying and working.
Small town hacking
Being raised in a small town meant living a simple lifestyle — there was never a lot to go around and you had to make the most of everything. With a mini farm in their backyard, they raised pigs and chickens, and even grew their own vegetables. Her grandfather would make cornmeal and the Brittons would sell their produce at the farmer’s market.
“I was a life-hacker before it was even cool to be a life-hacker. I grew up as a baby life-hacker,” she grins. That’s where she gets the name for her blog, The Hackerette, where she chronicles her travels and life-hacks.
Kamelia’s early learnings in negotiation came from her grandmother. Always ready for a haggle, her grandma would go hunting down the sales racks at stores and find gems at bargain prices. She’d grown up repeating, “You can always get the same thing for a better price,” and passed it on to her granddaughter. Kamelia adopted this philosophy without question, out of necessity at first, and as she grew older, to stay true to the values instilled by her grandmother.
The motto that Kamelia lives by now?
“Save where you can so you can splurge where it counts.”
Kamelia enthuses, “You can’t always save, ’cause that’s boring. But you can’t always splurge, either. It’s more fun when you have this duality!”
“If I can find an amazing deal on travel, I’m super happy. If I want to splurge on accommodation, maybe rent a villa, then I do that. But a lot of times, I end up not having to splurge, because I still find a deal,” she laughs.
Her resourcefulness when it comes to scouting out the best deals boggles my mind. And also raises some envy. Ever heard of travelling the entire world for $325? Well, Kamelia has done it.
Her problem solving skills are extra strong given her profession as a nurse. Her friends call her Vanilla Ice, after the lyric, “If there was a problem, Yo, I’ll solve it” from the popular 90s hip-hop song called “Ice Ice Baby.”
“My life-hacking skills just became savvier as I grew up and wanted more things, and didn’t want to go without. I asked myself, how can I not go without, on a price I can afford?” She ended up seeking out ways to do all the things she wanted to do with whatever resources she had at hand, be it time, money or air miles.
Nursing dreams
Kamelia wasn’t bitten by the travel bug until she was 18. Growing up in a town with a population of 10,000 limited your creativity in choosing a livelihood, she feels. You were either a nurse, a teacher, a banker or a homemaker.
Not knowing what to do, but knowing she had to work to support herself, sixteen year old Kamelia started working at a drive-in serving food. But she needed more money if she was going to put herself through higher schooling.
One of her cousins worked as a nurse, and Kamelia started thinking about it seriously — her cousin seemed to like the job, made good money and had job security, the last of which was really important to Kamelia.
So she gave nursing a go and found out that she really connected with it. “I loved the technical aspect of learning about my own body.” She even found putting an IV into a human body and infusing liquids into it fascinating. “It just felt very futuristic to me,” she laughs.
“I loved that I could do three 12-hour shifts and then I could be off. The schedule worked with my life and I couldn’t see myself doing anything else for a really long time.”
When she graduated nursing school, working in between throughout, she became a Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) first. Then she went right back to school, to register herself as a full nurse. Since she’d never travelled before, she was itching to step out of Orange, Texas and see the world beyond. So when she got an opportunity to work in Galveston, Texas, she jumped.
The one with the beach
Galveston was a big city for her and the possibilities of moving away from her small border town excited her. She took up a job in a neo-natal intensive care unit (NICU) working with premature babies or preemies as she’d learn to call them. A year and a half later, she was itching for more.
“There’s gotta to be more going on,” she thought. And that’s when Kamelia heard about Travel Nursing.
Places across the U.S. and the world have a shortage of nursing so they hire people on a contractual basis to come there and fill a nursing position for an interim period. You get paid for accommodation and get a stipend.
It’s a great way to travel around. Having never travelled anywhere, Kamelia had never known what she was missing. All she knew was that there was more going on in the world and she was curious to explore it firsthand.
She’d never been to California. So she called up the nursing agency and told them, “I want to go to California.” The attendant nurse asked her where in California she wanted to be placed. “Oh,” she replied, “isn’t it all the same?”
“What about San Francisco?” the nurse suggested.
“Is that the beach?” Kamelia asked.
“No, not really. Okay, what about L.A?” the nurse asked.
“Nope, not L.A. for sure,” Kamelia exclaimed. (L.A. would be too crazy for the country girl in her!)
“All right,” the nurse said, “What about San Diego? It’s near the beach”
“Let’s do it.”
She’d never heard of San Diego. She didn’t know a single soul living in San Diego. She just took a travel nursing assignment for three months and decided to move there. In 2005, hopping into her car, 24-year old Kamelia drove across the country to California all by herself.
Technically, this was her first solo-travel experience. Halfway there, she was struck by self-doubt. “What am I doing? Am I crazy? I’m travelling across the country to work by myself for three months?!”
In for a penny, in for a pound
She hated it. She wanted to go home. She had a horrible work schedule, working from 3pm to 11:30 pm, five days a week. She had no time to be social. She didn’t know anyone, had no friends nearby and wasn’t prepared for living alone in a new city.
Despite this she decided to stay on. Not having had a chance to explore the city as yet, she was determined to experience it to her fullest.
She found a full time job in the NICU at a local hospital and ended up staying longer. San Diego has now been home-base for Kamelia Britton for 12 years and she’s loved it ever since.
“I felt like I finally found my people, you know?”
Yet she wanted more. She wanted to go to Italy, and she didn’t mind if she had to go all by herself. She started looking up Contiki Tours and saw that the group tours were priced at $2,000. She started saving up and telling her friends all about it.
“I was fine going by myself but I didn’t really want to. I also didn’t want to wait for anybody.” But two of her friends perked up and told her, “If you’re going, we’re going, too!”
They ended up ditching the tour and Kamelia found herself travelling to Italy with her girlfriends. “Once you set your mind to something and do it, you inspire others around you to take action.” It was Kamelia’s first overseas trip.
They spent almost three weeks travelling around Rome, Florence, Venice, Paris, and the South of France. She remembers thinking to herself, “I could do this forever.”
The Europe trip cost her thousands of dollars. She started looking for a way to bring down her travel costs. “I think I made every mistake in the book because I didn��t know what I was doing.”
She started researching frequent flier miles. She started searching on Google one day — one thing led to another and she found herself down a rabbit hole, into a wonderland of travel deals.
That’s where she learned about things like error fares and glitches in the system. She even got a profile on , Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and her blog on WordPress.
Ann is a Content Crafter at Crowdfire. She’s never been robbed, though she has lost multiple wallets.
Born with Wanderlust was originally published in Going Big — The Official Crowdfire Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
The post Born with Wanderlust appeared first on Make It With Michael.
from Born with Wanderlust
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