#but also achievable?? inspiring?? creative?? fun???
wildmelon · 2 days
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just want to shoutout my current biggest simspos! and i gave u all a little emoji for fun 🩷
@starshinesims ✨ you have the prettiest cas pics everrr and such an amazing sense of style!
@stellarfalls 🗺️ i meannn your gifs and storytelling are just stunning! i can't even fathom how you create such cinematic posts, you simply have a gift!
@simminginstars 🌠 i'm obsessed with your edits, the way you use lighting to make your sims pop and give a dreamy feel is unreal!
@missatan 😈 your renders are just stunning and so inspiring, and your tutorials and shaders have been soooo helpful as a blender newbie!
@taurus-whim ♉ your edits are amazing, they capture such small but beautiful moments and you always make me want to open the game!
@skaterboisims 🛹 your sims are just always so cool and i love how your renders have such realistic but prettily framed moments!
@elderwisp 🎞️ i want to live inside your pics, you always capture such incredible, natural-feeling screenshots with gorgeous editing!
@lucidicer 🔪 your edits and sims are amazing, and your outtakes/reblogs/collages/character tags are so cool and i can just tell how much you put into your ocs!
@arcadewonder 🧚‍♀️ idek how you create such a mystical magical fairytale vibe in ts4 but i absolutely love to see it every time!
@shawsimmer 🪩 cas inspo of all time! your sims are all gorgeous and styled so well, and you have a distinct sim style without making all your sims look the same!
@ophernelia 🕶️ your edits are just so cool, unique, and lifelike. you have such a special aesthetic!
@claudtrait ☁️ i swear every one of your sims is just 😍😍😍😍 instant reblog, you always make me want to open cas!
@goldenwaves 🌊 your edits have inspired me so much lately, love to see your dnd sims especially and you just have such a stunning and unique editing style!
@dejasenti99 🎱 i'm lovingggg your edits and story posts, your sims look so good it's like they're from another game! idek how you achieve such depth and realism 😍
@retrotrait 🌼 the way i'm sat waiting to find out what will happen to anani and simon every day. love your gp/storytelling!
@resurrection-trait 🪦 your renders are just beautiful! you inspire me sm to play more with angles + lighting!
@tricoufamily 👻 your renders are so creative and i love how you can tell a story with just one frame!
@rosymiel 🔮 been obsessed with your edits for a million years and now i'm obsessed with your gameplay gifs, they're just the prettiest and the coziest! also your editing tut has helped me while trying to improve 🩷
@saturngalore 🪐 your edits are so creative and i always love their composition sm, they make me want to play with different layouts! i esp love your takes on vintage ads & gorgeous photoshoots!
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Wish Granted AU: The 7 Teens 👥👥👥🌟
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This one was both the most fun and hardest one to do. At first I hated the idea of 7 friends in general cause its canon that the directors added them later in the story and they wanted to just have a free reference without actually doing something. But the more I thought about it, the more I could see that they were accidentally given a good opportunity to create a new batch of loveable characters. So many creative ideas with it! Even the original concept shows that they had more thought and personality to them!
And they actually did have some personality in the deleted scenes, both during the distraction plan and the dungeon scenes, they felt more like characters than the final film. They had Seven Dwarves without actually acting like the Seven Dwarves, like how....???
Sorry to say, they did nothing in the movie. (yeah, I watched Wish, it was lame. Moving on.) One thing I want to achieve here is they'll be a mix between the Dwarves and the Mane 6. I swear this makes sense. 😅 Also one big difference here is that instead of being friends with them from the start, Asha meets each teen one by one when she and Star enter Rosas. A few of them even know Flazino, but not on a super personal level, just that he's seemingly loyal to Magnifico and Amaya. The teens know each other pretty well since they all work around the same place, but having them work together to start a revolution and defeat an evil will cement them as friends with each other and Asha and Star.
So let's give a quick rundown on each one. The more the story evolves, this page will be updated for additional backgrounds or changes to them.
Dhalia: Combination of Twilight/Doc. She's still a baker in this in version, and her wish is to become the greatest baker in the kingdom. (I actually didn't know this was something canon to the movie until later, it just something I came up with by coincidence!) She's incredibly loyal to the king and queen (with a bit of a crush on Magnifico) and willing to do anything for the kingdom. And...let's just say her role in the story will be bigger than some other rewrites or even the film itself.
Simon: Combination of Big Macintosh/Sleepy. While he still retains his sleepiness, its a result of losing his wish. He was actually strong, outgoing and jovial before then. Now he just doesn't have any ambition to do anything aside from his daily tasks. His wish was to become a royal knight and protect the kingdom.
Gabo: Combination of Rainbow Dash/Grumpy. He's incredibly loyal, but he hides it behind his rudeness. He's been duped so many times that he doesn't trust people anymore, especially when finding out he's right about the king being no good. His wish he's keeping secret, but it'll be revealed somewhere in the story.
Bazeema: Combination of Fluttershy/Bashful. Still keeping her kindness and ability to sneak up on people from the movie, Bazeema adores nature and especially animals. She gets along with just about all the animals in the forest, the royal horses and even the birds. She LOVES when Star turns into animals, since he's the entire animal kingdom rolled into one! The only animal she's never succeeded with was Sabor. He's just too much like his owners to get along with. 😂 Her wish is to provide a safe haven where all the animals would be safe and recover together if hurt.
Dario: Combination of Pinkie Pie/Dopey. Now I know you're thinking why not have the Pinkie inspiration for Hal? Well, I wanted her to be a bit more of a grounded type of funny instead of zany. Since Dario is based on Dopey, he provides a lot of awkward yet endearing humor. Sometimes he tries too hard, but he means well. He always manages to make Star laugh though! His wish is to bring laughter to Rosas, as he's one of the few who notices not everyone is exactly happy there.
Safi: Combination of Rarity/Sneezy. Despite Safi's allergies, he loves animals and is a bit shy around Bazeema whenever he helps tend to the garden or animals around Rosas. He might have like a hundred allergies, but he's always generous when it comes to helping his kingdom. Even though the King and Queen don't appreciate it. 😅(I'm also playing with an idea of Safi x Bazeema. Not entirely sure. I just kinda....got a small vibe of that from watching the movie. Maybe it was just me.) His wish is to get rid of his allergies so he can carry on a conversation without sneezing. Yeah, that's it! 😂😂
Hal: Combination of Applejack/Happy. Bit of a rougher gal in this one. She, a hard worker, but has a great sense of humor. She even helps be a test audience for Dario when it comes to his jokes, which eventually leads them to become a duo. Hal feels pretty content, so she hasn't really thought about a wish to give.
At one point later in the story when all of them do come together, I got an idea for their battle cry or team signal being "Heigh, Ho!". I still can't believe they didn't even use that in the movie.
Oh and there is still a traitor in this story, but...its not who you think it is. That's all I can say without spoilers. So you'll have to figure it out as it goes along.
And there you go, that's gonna be it for the characters now! The only one that may get one is Flazino, but it would be later down the line if I did to avoid spoilers. So now, the first test chapter is coming next! It'll include the "Welcome to Rosas" song, but with a twist! And my bestie @signed-sapphire is gonna help me with it, so stay tuned! 😉
@wings-of-sapphire @oh-shtars @chillwildwave @flicklikesstuff @annymation @tumblingdownthefoxden @emillyverse @mythartist21 @kstarsarts @kenihewa
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westywallowing · 2 years
exploring creative careers?? who knew could be kind of fun??
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acuar-io · 3 months
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Advice on how to achieve aesthetically pleasing gameplay photos!
UPDATED: 4/22/2024
I made this post earlier today and people were interested in the comments! Which made me more excited to make this post~
this is just some advice from me! this isnt a tutorial or anything of that sort, but I will be linking some things that could be helpful for editing gameplay! :D
First things first, I want to say that I use a graphics overhaul, lighting mods check my resources page for what reshade i use if ur interested.
I use these lighting mods & graphics override specifically:
graphics overhaul
Lotharihoe's ootd* curseforge download :)
Northern siberia winds in-game better lighting mod (bright base)
these are some other lighting mods you can try out as well!
Luumia's NoBlu & NoGlo
these are some other lighting mods like sunblind
how to install lighting mod
I just wanted to add these things in since we're talking screenshots + I wanted to share for the no reshade ppl <3
Now we can move on to the advice!
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I love the simple style of gameplay editing so much, but for me I love creating an ambience with my posts and put the audience inside of my gameplay. I also enjoy storytelling with gameplay more than just the "usual" gameplay post (when it comes to me). I am currently playing the globetrotter challenge with my sim Daichi. I really went all out with the editing for that gameplay. For this one its very much a virtual collage of my sim doing things. Trying new things and getting inspired by others is always fun and cool! Remember when u do take inspo: link to the inspiration and @ the simmer that inspired u!!
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In my other save (my cozy save) I also take creative liberties there.
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its more of a cozy vibe & silent story-telling (storytelling w/o the dialogue). for my cozy save i take inspiration from @/stellarfalls. er gameplay really helped me find my niche thing in the way i play the game tbh!
When you're taking your screenshots, angles are important. Depending on the shot, you're putting emphasis on a specific thing. This post is very helpful and talks about different types of angles/shots and what they mean. Check it out especially if you want to play around with the way you take screenshots!
Here’s some editing tips from @stellarfalls !!
simmingstars editing tips
If I want to create a moody or dreamy ambience I can use reshade. Looking for a reshade that will fit the overall vibe is a must or you can make your own~
i know not everyone is able to use reshade because they're not on windows. I highly recommend using photoshop actions to create that ambience you're looking for.
*These can be used in photopea, but it cant read topaz clean. If you want to achieve topaz clean in photopea, check this post out! just something i'd like to add in case people are new to all of this + dont use photoshop. Lastly, I want to say if you decide to edit photos on photopea, it does tend to crash if you upload a big number of photos and slows down. I usually upload like 6 or 8 and then save and repeat the process. Its kinda annoying, but ive been using photopea for a while now so im used to it. My mac users, use early-grapes butter action if you want things to look cleaner and less harsh!! + the other ps actions down below. I used these a lot when I was a mac user. Of course, that comes with extra steps, but I feel its worth it in the end.
I like these photoshop action packs bc theres tons of stuff in here that can help create a reshade like look:
intramoon's ps action dump
wooldawn's ps acton dump
smubuh's photoshop actions
early-grape's butter action
hazelminesims's ps actions
I loveeeeeee templates so much!! theres so many out there to use for gameplay. It really adds more to gameplay posts! This can be dust/dirt, film burn, that cute camera template etc etc. templates are really fun to use and play around with~
I usually go on deviantart to find templates to use! if you want to check out my deviantart account you can find it here! I favorite a lot of things I can use for gameplay screenies.
making gifs is cool because it brings the gameplay "to life" ~
EZgif is a free website that converts videos to gifs. You'll need a recording program like OBS (which is also free).
i like making gifs when i want to capture a (cute) moment (kisses, hugs, cooking etc etc). Its also cool to capture the weather in game like when its snowing or raining.
Little details
Some people really go all out on editing gameplay posts like adding hair strands and adding more details to sims faces (catchlights, tears, blushing, etc). You dont really have to do this, but I want to mention it anyways! I want to try doing this at some point because I enjoy editing my gameplay posts/photos in general and adding tiny details is fun to me lol. It adds realism to posts, but it isnt necessary!
Procreate is a really good program that you can get if you have an ipad. its 10$ and thats, that. You dont have to make any payments. You can also animate on procreate too if you're down for that!
Find inspiration in other simmers!
the sims community on tumblr is filled with such talented people! Theres lots of gameplay simmers who dont do your typical gameplay posts that you can check out and learn from!!! Ive always struggled with getting the right angles when taking screenies. I looked at other simmers and how they take screenshots & it was really helpful for me since I noticed I would take too many over the shoulder photos on my sims lol.
I think thats all the advice I have! I hope this was helpful and if you have any questions please send me an ask or dm! :D
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ivesambrose · 8 months
Rest of 2023 Forecast 🎐
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1. 2. 3.
Just like that, it's already autumn 🍁
How was everyone's year so far?
Mine was rather eventful towards the later half.
But let's take a look into what the closing messages of 2023 are for you 🩵
To book a personal reading with me DM or email me at [email protected]
Personal Readings
Thank you for the tip
Picture 1
Realizing that you want to do and achieve certain things for yourself and not because someone expects way too much from you and you have to somehow gain their validation. However, you'll also come across people who inspire creativity in you and encourage you to step into your power, be more assertive without the fear of standing out.
Whatever labour you put in around this time will have it's turn out by next year. Stay patient, it will be rewarded.
You'll slowly see fortune turn in your favor, there might be sudden changes that push you to walk away from a certain place or situation but you'll be happy to do so. It's likely you were waiting for it for the most part of thr year and it's happening now.
Some of you might also hit the lottery, win a jackpot, receive unexpected money through your business, work or just randomly have it come to you.
You'll be making plans for the next year to venture out, manifest important connections, make travel plans etc you'll be looking forward to having fun and admist all the fun you'll see situations that earlier were out of control or stagnant, fall into place for you.
Be wary of certain manipulative people who seem all talk no show, they're just trying to dupe you into something. Trust your intuition here.
If you have a business or working on launching one, you'll find the right people and see a lot of growth. Have faith in your abilities.
Picture 2
Initially I see you being conflicted with something, being unable to decide with the number of options in front of you. You might also be picturing the possible ways certain things can or will play out in your life and trying to stick to the best case scenario. Eventually, you'll be able to focus. You just require some discipline.
You may also be unable to see the progress you've made so far or are making but it'll suddenly occur to you that you've indeed climbed to the top of the ladder and overcame a lot of obstacles, you're almost there, so it's best to simply enjoy the process and the journey since success is imminent if you don't stop.
There's a possible union with someone special or even celebration with your friends. Gifts being exchanged and a lot of financial prosperity coming your way.
I see by the end of this year you'll be feeling lavish and happy since something significant came through somehow.
I heard the words, "seems I'm lucky after all!"
Picture 3
It may have been a tumultuous year so far, good news is thar youre finally finding your center. Body and mind in sync, slowing down and offering a better perspective of things.
For a lot of you, I see that you had been struggling with your health a lot both physical and mental, you'll be seeing considerable progress. You might start getting into exercise again, likely lower intensity ones, it will give you better benefits as well as put you in a meditative state.
Your true glow up starts now. Instead of pushing yourself to break and grind in order get something you'll simply allow yourself to receive. You might feel creative and want to get back to the arts be in sketching, keeping an art book, makeup, even cooking or fashion/fashion design. You'll be feeling more beautiful inside and out.
You'll be excited to welcome the new year, a new chapter of your life is beginning. You'll be feeling more energised and hopeful. Attend more events, celebrate with friends, make new ones, travel etc
You have a lot of intellect and wisdom, there's a power in your words as well as your voice, you'll be influencing the right people who'd want to be around you or know you personally. Have discernment when letting anyone in, eitherway the right ones will stay and add value to your life.
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rebeltarot · 2 months
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RELATIONSHIPS ➕ Your next friendship
"[...] and then she knew that you could become homesick for people too."
[3 piles] ・ [6 decks] ・ [12 cards for each pile] ・ [letters, songs]
Hello friends, we will investigate who your next friend is in this reading. What is their personality, and how will you guys meet? All these questions will be explored within this reading. I wish you and your upcoming blossoming connections all the very best. ♡♡
Painting: The Triumph of Venus - François Boucher (1740)
Helpful Links: How to choose your pile ➕ Request a reading
18+ only - This is not a blog for minors. Warnings: None.
Your reblogs are highly appreciated. Thank you so much for supporting my work!
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© rebeltarot 2023-2024 - all rights reserved ・ do not steal, copy, change, or redistribute my content.
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PILE 01 ➕
Disclaimer: All Tarot readings on this blog are meant for entertainment purposes only. My Pick-a-card readings are based on my knowledge of the tarot and my intuition. Tarot is a divination tool and should not be considered a replacement for medical or professional guidance. It is not intended to be used as such, and any choices made in response to my readings are your own responsibility. All interpretations are speculative, and whether you believe in it is your choice. Readings are for self-reflection purposes only; take what resonates, and leave the rest. My readings are timeless unless stated otherwise.
Signs and confirmation that this is your pile. This can be anything from your initials, astrological placements, significant messages or signs, places, songs, etc. Please use your discernment.
C, U, R, E, L, G, Aries, 2nd House, Jupiter
Song: Water - KREAM, ZOHARA
Tarot: 3 of swords, the world, page of wands, (5 of pentacles)
Oracle: seeker rx, humpback whale, occupation, mule, fly, boot, broken ring, don't make plans
Their Personality
Hello, Pile 01, and welcome to your reading! Your next friend is someone who has a keen eye for warning signs. I feel like this person has experienced their fair share of trauma and heartbreak, which makes them a great detector of red flags. Your friend is someone who might very well still be in a grieving process when you guys meet. They might have recently experienced a loss, and generally, I do feel like your friend might be leaning toward the realistic/pessimistic side. Some of their behavior might be strange to you too, given that they were coming out of a difficult situation. The world card is all about completion, success, clarity, celebration, and travel. Your new friend is an accomplished person—someone who has achieved their fair share of success. I do think that your new friend is aware of things and can discern situations accurately. In this specific deck, this card is associated with fans. This is a cheerleader—someone who loves seeing other people win. This new friend of yours will live through your highs and lows with you, and they will continuously cheer you on and support you. They might also be the type to motivate you to celebrate small wins. They might send you gifts and flowers for your achievements, no matter how little they are. A genuine supporter. They are also well-traveled, or they might be from another part of the world. Either way, they are cultured and can adapt to new circumstances and surroundings. We are looking at someone who is curious and shows genuine interest in others. Your new friend is also creative; they might be involved in the arts in one way or another. I do think that this is a fun friend—someone with whom you can go on spontaneous adventures and someone who inspires you to be more confident and to follow your intuition. With this friend, the sky is the limit, honestly. They will be on board with the wildest ideas and support you through them. This is someone who is free-spirited. They have broken free from society's expectations. It's the type of friend that, if you like it, they will love it! We are looking at a confident person here, or at least at someone who appears to be this way. Again, your new friend has experienced their fair share of trauma and heartbreak, and I do think that based on their past, they do tend to struggle with a pessimistic outlook at times, especially in areas regarding security and safety, aka. money. They might have a lack-mindset, but again, it feels mostly related to jobs and food security (there is an apple on the woman's head in this particular deck). I also feel like this is someone who struggles to commit. Again, this does not relate to your friendship but more to areas where your friend struggles with a lack-mindset. Anything that promises security is something they struggle to trust, so they might be the type to do job-hopping, etc. Your friend could have a beautiful and soothing voice. They might even be a great singer. What's certain, though, is that we are looking at a truly wise person here, someone whose words can soothe one's soul. Your friend is a great guide, especially because of their own life experience. They have learned a lot of lessons and accumulated tons of valuable and life-changing wisdom. Again, their words have the power to touch one's soul. They are determined. Even if they are capricious, especially when it comes to their work, they are clear on what they want. They have direction, and they are true go-getters. Their approach is just unconventional. Your new friend is someone with a purpose, and they are doing their best to follow it and be worthy of it. So in essence, this is a person who takes their roles seriously. They try their utmost to be deserving of their titles (be it a friend, a position at work, etc.).
How will you meet?
You guys will meet at work, that is for certain. I feel like the person who is new to the job will be you, given the sequence of the cards. The mule card shows us that there is a situation that seems hopeless; this most likely relates to a person who is stubborn and unwilling to change. This will lead to a period of bad health and even a depressive period for you. You might be struggling at your previous job. These circumstances will lead to you looking for new positions and eventually severing ties with your previous employer. This all seems unplanned; this change was not something you expected or even planned for, but something that was inspired by your experience with this stubborn person. And wherever your career journey leads you, that is where you will meet your new friend. 
Your reblogs are highly appreciated. Thank you so much for supporting my work!
© rebeltarot 2023-2024 - all rights reserved ・ do not steal, copy, change, or redistribute my content.
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PILE 02 ➕
Disclaimer: All Tarot readings on this blog are meant for entertainment purposes only. My Pick-a-card readings are based on my knowledge of the tarot and my intuition. Tarot is a divination tool and should not be considered a replacement for medical or professional guidance. It is not intended to be used as such, and any choices made in response to my readings are your own responsibility. All interpretations are speculative, and whether you believe in it is your choice. Readings are for self-reflection purposes only; take what resonates, and leave the rest. My readings are timeless unless stated otherwise.
Signs and confirmation that this is your pile. This can be anything from your initials, astrological placements, significant messages or signs, places, songs, etc. Please use your discernment.
A, D, I, E, U, A, 1st house, Gemini, Pluto
Song: Hate Myself - Tate McRae
Tarot: the moon, 7 of pentacles, queen of wands, (wheel of fortune)
Oracle: judge rx, tiger, mature man, forest, pig, eye, camel, arms
Their Personality
Hello, Pile 02, and welcome to your reading! Your next new friend is someone who holds a lot of depth. They might feel magical and maybe even a bit unreal to you. It's a person who religiously follows their intuition and is just really good at picking up subtle signs and changes. Your new friend might struggle with anxiety, though, as they tend to overthink a lot. But yes, this person is hard to read and hard to decipher. Your friend's motivations are often honorable. They tend to do the things they do for the right reasons, usually to uplift others and improve given circumstances. They are a hard worker, someone who is constantly learning, growing, and changing, and has a lot of stamina. They persevere, and their hard work usually pays off well. Everything they achieve, they deserve. They also pay attention to what they do and what they invest their time in. Your new friend is an intentional person; they always know why they are doing something. This by no means indicates a calculated person, but rather someone who is present and mindful. Your new friend is confident and courageous. They are truly independent and get along well with the people around them. Again, we are looking at a driven person, someone who does not shy away from hard work. They are determined to achieve what they set their minds to. With the wheel of fortune as their bottom deck, they might feel like someone who is quite lucky at times. Yes, they work for what they achieve, but their achievements might come with extra benefits, etc. They might be coming from a privileged background. This is genuinely a kind and good person, and they are always teachable. This is not the type of person to get their ego in their way when it comes to criticism, etc. They remain teachable because they know they are not always right, which just brings them a lot of good karma. I do think, though, that they can be harsh with their words. This is a pragmatic person—a person with reason. They never do anything without intention, so their criticism might sometimes appear destructive to others as they apply their values and their idea of the world to their judgment. They are not the most sensitive and delicate with their words. Again, this is a fiery and driven person. They appear to be unstoppable. Their passion is their driving force and their power, and they are bold and brave. Things always seem to work out for them, honestly, because their force is so powerful that everything just seems to align for them. They put their money where their mouth is.  How will you meet?
You might meet your new friend through a mutual connection—most likely a mature man. This could indicate someone who is in their 50s or upwards, someone who is just simply older than you, or someone who is more mature or has more experience. I feel like this person will connect you two during a time when you are confused. When you might not see clearly and when your values are all over the place. I do feel like you will follow your intuition here. You might reach out to this mutual connection in hopes of help or guidance, and they will connect you to your new friend. Again, you are reaching out for help to overcome a problem in your life. It might not be the easiest journey to one another, but in the end, you guys will embrace each other, and I do feel like your new friend will be more than willing to help you; they will be welcoming. 
Your reblogs are highly appreciated. Thank you so much for supporting my work!
© rebeltarot 2023-2024 - all rights reserved ・ do not steal, copy, change, or redistribute my content.
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PILE 03 ➕
Disclaimer: All Tarot readings on this blog are meant for entertainment purposes only. My Pick-a-card readings are based on my knowledge of the tarot and my intuition. Tarot is a divination tool and should not be considered a replacement for medical or professional guidance. It is not intended to be used as such, and any choices made in response to my readings are your own responsibility. All interpretations are speculative, and whether you believe in it is your choice. Readings are for self-reflection purposes only; take what resonates, and leave the rest. My readings are timeless unless stated otherwise.
Signs and confirmation that this is your pile. This can be anything from your initials, astrological placements, significant messages or signs, places, songs, etc. Please use your discernment.
B, I, N, G, O, H, I, Libra, 8th House, Saturn
Song: Me & U - AleksSounds
Tarot: the high priestess, 5 of cups, the magician, (9 of wands)
Oracle: angel rx, swan, house, fair woman, broom, may, mountain road, back
Their Personality
Hello, Pile 03, and welcome to your reading! Your new friend is a wise and intuitive person. Someone who is in alignment with their subconscious mind and who can read others easily. This person might seem magical to you, but in a way, they might be hard to read, and they might seem unpredictable. Sometimes their actions might be without rhyme or reason, but there is always consistency behind them, which is them following their intuition. Your friend might have experienced some losses in their life, and there might still be situations that are eating away at their conscience because they are regretful. The past might still be hunting them, and I do think that they struggle with letting go, especially when they know that they failed a situation or someone. Your new friend is truly resourceful, and they know how to wield what they have to achieve their goals. They are great at manifesting and achieving their desires. This, to me, feels like someone who is lowkey a perfectionist. They struggle with failure and they struggle with loss, and when experiencing it, they might be pessimistic about it. Your new friend is a powerful person; they are unique and authentic, and again, they follow their intuition. The only action your new friend takes is inspired action. They are resilient, for sure, and extremely courageous. They fight for what they want and protect their loved ones fiercely. This is not the type of person to give up easily; they are persistent and also great at setting, keeping, and respecting boundaries. I do not think that they are easily approachable in the sense that they are guarded. They are protective of themselves and the people in their lives, but once you are in, you are in for good. I feel like your friend's first impression can be misleading. They might appear innocent and angelic at first, but they are quite the opposite. Again, this is a strong person, but it might not be evident in their appearance. First impressions are misleading here, and they usually tend to use this to their advantage as they are aware of others's perceptions of them. Your friend is quite graceful. They hold so much wisdom, and it feels like the way they go through life is just effortless. They are a great teacher, especially when it comes to elegance and grace. They inspire with dignity, and I do think that they have a great eye for beauty and aesthetics. This seems like a truly classy person.  How will you meet?
You guys will meet at someone's home. This is either the housewarming of someone you both know, or you might be moving to a new neighborhood or a new home, and they might be living in the same apartment complex or on the same street. Either way, a fair woman is involved; this specifically describes their hair color, which ranges from blonde to gray and white. Whatever it is, it will most likely happen in May or start in May. Your move or your way there might not be easy, and there might have been a few hiccups along the way, but eventually, you are getting there, starting a new life and a new path. I do think that this person is meant to support you through your new chapter in life. You might even share a home, perhaps? For some of you, this could indicate a roommate, etc. For others, it's a neighbor, and for a small group of you, it's the housewarming of a close friend. But what all of you in this group share is the fact that you will meet this person during a new chapter in your life. And May does play a role in one way or another. It could be either timing, someone's birthday, or hold another meaning. Take what resonates, and leave the rest. 
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whimsicalpoet44 · 1 year
Placements that I think are tough to have & why.
Here's more astrology observations.
**These aren't bad placements. Every placement has positives/negatives to them. I just find these placements to be quite challenging and can take more effort or intentionality than others to work through**
4th House Aries (Especially in the IC): The fourth house is the house of family/home. Aries in the fourth can indicate a really difficult childhood, particularly when it's related to the mother. They may have had a parent that was really impulsive or aggressive that made them responsible for their emotions. As a result, emotional regulation may be something they struggle with and expressing their emotions can make them feel vulnerable. Aries IC can indicate that there's a lot of generational trauma left over from their ancestors that they're having to undo. Positives? They can make quick decisions when necessary and can take charge of family matters with ease.
8th House Placements: The 8th house rules death, re-birth, long term investments, and transformation. That's a lot of heavy themes in one house. They may struggle with loss/grief in more than one area of your life. They say 8th house placements are like a Phoenix - constantly burning themselves down to emerge anew. That can be quite exhausting. I also find that 8th house placements cause an unbalance in personal power. They may spend a majority of their life figuring out how to balance energies. Positives? They make great psychologists, they're super analytical, and they aren't afraid to broach topics others may stray from.
Capricorn/Aquarius Rising: Two words: Saturn ruled. Self reliance can be a good thing, but these placements are often forced to take care of themselves from a young age. Saturn is the planet of restrictions, self-discipline, and self-sufficiency. Often times, our lessons in Saturn are things we must learn alone. Saturn ruled charts have this energy times ten. They face a lot of lessons throughout life. The positives? Natural leaders, persistent, and capable of achieving just about anything they set their mind too, because Saturn has shown them that they can do it alone.
Scorpio Rising: They're ruled by Pluto - the planet of death/re-birth/transformation (much like the 8th house). Saturn ruled charts and Pluto ruled charts have a lot in common. Scorpio Risings are often used to bring about change in different settings. The theme of their life is often growth and transformation - at any expense. They're very private and they trigger others very easily. They may find it difficult to open up to others and may feel a general distrust of others as a whole. They can feel chronically misunderstood. The positives? Literal human lie detector and extremely intuitive.
5th House Chiron: Chiron is the thing we have trouble healing in ourselves, but what we can do a great job healing in others. The fifth house is the house of the inner child/creativity/hobbies/joy. They can be insecure about their creative ability and have a huge lack of joy. This can be traced back to childhood. Someone could have told them they couldn't do something or that they were bad at a particular skill. They second guess themselves a lot as a result. They can also experience a ton of guilt and shame for being happy or having fun. The positive? They can inspire others to be creative when they heal.
Moon Conjunct Saturn: Saturn wants to discipline. The moon wants to nurture. They can feel intense feelings of shame/guilt from reflecting on ways they behaved in the past. It's also an indictor of a harsh childhood and they can internalize their parents wishes/dreams as their own (Saturn = Father | Moon = Mother). There's a constant fear of never reaching their full potential and they can often avoid rest because they don't feel like they're being productive. They also take life really seriously and they're super sensitive. (Remember that sensitivity isn't always bad thing.) The positives? They have a lot of discipline surrounding their emotions and they have a great sense of humor (probably from the trauma).
Aquarius Sun: They don't like being told what to do or think (which can be good), but they can often stay rooted in their old beliefs if they feel someone is pushing their opinions onto them (even though they insist that they're open minded). They can also sometimes end up stuck in a harmful belief system if they feel it's not the norm so they can retain their "unique" persona, rather than actually ask themselves what they believe. (Literally every Aquarius man I've encountered, but this can manifest in anyone with an Aquarius sun). They love people as a whole, but struggle with people on an individual level. They think more in a big picture way, but struggle with the small picture. They can also see everything that needs to be fixed in society, but struggle with the fact that they cannot fix it (leaving them feeling powerless.) The positives? They're unique. They're comfortable with the unusual. They stay true to themselves and who they are.
Gemini Anything: GEMINIS: you are only on this list because of the stigma that follows Gemini's. If you google the most hated sign, you'll get Gemini. Being a Sagittarius, I freaking love Geminis. But they have such a stigma. They can sometimes be impulsive, inconsistent, or indecisive. They also hate routine. I think this is how they get the stigma, because most people have a narrow minded view of how these can present. The positives? They have great charisma and they're usually artistic. They're witty, curious, funny, and passionate. (This is a Gemini love post, let's be honest.) Do some Gemini's present in the stereotypical way? Sure. But I find that many write off all Gemini's and develop a fulfilling prophecy about their intentions.
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journalofanoldsoul · 1 year
Mars Placements (Synastry Chart)
Mars represents passion, energy, and assertiveness. In a synastry chart, Mars reflects the level of sexual compatibility, passion, and vitality between partners. It indicates the dynamic energy, drive, and assertiveness within the relationship and can contribute to the level of mutual attraction and shared goals.
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1st House: Partner A's Mars in Partner B's 1st house brings energy, assertiveness, and drive to Partner B's self-expression and personal identity. Partner A ignites Partner B's confidence and motivates them to take action and pursue their goals. This placement can create a dynamic and active partnership where both individuals inspire and support each other's ambitions and desires.
2nd House: In Partner B's 2nd house, Partner A's Mars placement influences matters related to money, possessions, and values. Partner A's drive and determination can fuel Partner B's desire for financial security and material success. However, there may be some conflicts or power struggles regarding shared resources. It is important for both partners to find a balance and avoid becoming too possessive or competitive.
3rd House: Partner A's Mars in Partner B's 3rd house emphasizes communication, learning, and intellectual pursuits. Partner B is likely to be energized and motivated by Partner A's ideas and assertiveness in expressing them. This placement encourages lively debates, shared interests, and an active exchange of information. Partner A's presence stimulates Partner B's mental energy and can lead to productive and engaging conversations.
4th House: With Partner A's Mars in Partner B's 4th house, there is a strong focus on home, family, and emotional security. Partner A's assertiveness and drive may influence the dynamics within the home environment and family relationships. This placement can bring a sense of action and initiative to domestic matters, but it may also lead to occasional conflicts or power struggles within the family. Open and honest communication is crucial to maintaining harmony and balance.
5th House: In Partner B's 5th house, Partner A's Mars placement emphasizes creativity, romance, and self-expression. Partner B is likely to be drawn to Partner A's passion, enthusiasm, and drive in pursuing their creative endeavors. This placement enhances the fun and adventurous side of their relationship, and they may enjoy engaging in exciting activities together. However, it is important to avoid becoming overly competitive or dominating in matters of self-expression and personal interests.
6th House: Partner A's Mars in Partner B's 6th house influences matters related to work, daily routines, and health. Partner B may be energized and motivated by Partner A's work ethic and assertiveness in achieving their goals. This placement can bring a dynamic and productive energy to their shared responsibilities, but it may also lead to occasional conflicts or power struggles in the workplace or daily routines. Finding a balance between assertiveness and cooperation is essential for maintaining a harmonious partnership.
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7th House: With Partner A's Mars in Partner B's 7th house, there is a strong emphasis on partnership, relationships, and one-on-one interactions. Partner A's assertiveness and drive may influence the dynamics within their relationship and how they handle conflicts. This placement can create a passionate and spirited partnership, but it may also lead to occasional power struggles or conflicts of will. Open communication, compromise, and mutual respect are vital for maintaining a healthy and balanced relationship.
8th House: In Partner B's 8th house, Partner A's Mars placement highlights themes of intimacy, shared resources, and transformation. Partner A's assertiveness and passion may stimulate Partner B's desire for emotional depth and intimacy. This placement can create a strong sexual and emotional connection, but it may also bring about power struggles or conflicts related to shared resources and control. Honesty, trust, and a willingness to explore personal transformation are crucial for navigating this intense and transformative dynamic.
9th House: Partner A's Mars in Partner B's 9th house influences matters related to travel, higher education, and belief systems. Partner B may be inspired and motivated by Partner A's adventurous spirit and assertiveness in pursuing new experiences and expanding their horizons. This placement encourages them to explore new perspectives, engage in intellectual debates, and embark on exciting journeys together. However, it is important to respect each other's beliefs and maintain open-mindedness to avoid conflicts in matters of spirituality or ideology.
10th House: With Partner A's Mars in Partner B's 10th house, there is a strong focus on career, public image, and ambition. Partner A's assertiveness and drive may influence Partner B's professional aspirations and sense of achievement. This placement can create a dynamic and goal-oriented partnership, but it may also lead to occasional conflicts or power struggles regarding career ambitions or public recognition. Supporting each other's goals and finding a balance between personal and professional life are key to maintaining a successful partnership.
11th House: In Partner B's 11th house, Partner A's Mars placement emphasizes friendship, social networks, and shared ideals. Partner A's assertiveness and drive may inspire Partner B to pursue their own passions and contribute to the community. This placement encourages them to actively engage in group activities, support each other's dreams and aspirations, and advocate for common causes. However, it is important to avoid becoming overly competitive or dominating within social circles.
12th House: Partner A's Mars in Partner B's 12th house influences matters related to spirituality, subconscious patterns, and hidden realms. Partner A's assertiveness and drive may bring a sense of passion and motivation to Partner B's inner world. This placement can encourage them to confront and heal past wounds, explore their spiritual path, and engage in self-discovery together. However, it is crucial to be aware of each other's boundaries, as this placement can also bring hidden power struggles or conflicts from the subconscious to the surface.
Remember that this is a general interpretation, and the full synastry chart would provide a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship dynamics between both partners.
Stay tune for more astro posts.
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mysterycitrus · 3 months
it’s been rumored that dick will appear in the next battinson movie (please matt reeves do it for the people 🛐) but i was wondering magic wand, full creative control ceded to you, what villain(s) would you want to see featured? i love what they did with the riddler in the first, managing to maintain a level of camp and absurdity while still positioning him as a dangerous and serious threat. same with the penguin and falcone. i’ve seen rumors that hush may be the central villain in the sequel? which would not be my first choice, but i’m also not mad at it
obviously (hopefully) if they’re doing dick they’ll include tony zucco but beyond him what would be your dream villain(s) appearance? (and who would you cast! if you have one in mind)
if i had full creative control via magic wand i think there’s only one right answer — an actual batman film where two face is the primary antagonist.
hush super sucks for a lot of reasons, not least because his whole shtick only works if a) tommy elliot is well established in canon prior to faking his death and b) bruce has the sufficient pool of allies to make the story beats work. the batman canon has neither. cringe. get him outta here.
unlike a lot of gotham rogues, harvey dent has a relationship with both batman and bruce wayne. he’s a literal symbol of what bruce is trying to achieve in costume. he represents how a lack of supportive infrastructure can harm anyone, even those trying to do good. his internal morality, his desperate desire for control when he lost everything by another’s actions, is a really really good foil to the batman mythos.
i also think he’d continue the riddlers ideology from the first film — here’s someone who does want to change things for the better, and loses literally everything by doing so. harvey in general is just a really interesting character who’s never gotten proper respect on screen, and i think that’s a shame!! he’s a really fascinating dude!! his relationship with bruce as a civilian might inspire bruce to develop his public persona. so many options!
in an ideal world, dick grayson would feature in the first half of the film, then two face in the second. you’d have to ignore long halloween + dark victory canon to make this work, but that’s fine. maybe harvey would be disfigured while in court with zucco — a fun connection to the acid that snapped the graysons lines. harvey also has an interesting history with robin, and this would be a great start to that too.
idk who id pick to cast — someone who could portray harveys trauma in a way that’s engaging rather than disrespectful. if colin farrell hadn’t already played the penguin id say he’d be a pretty good choice. michael b jordan or daniel kaluuya would also do a phenomenal job, and keep him around the same age as bruce. someone very charismatic and charming. as long as it isn’t jacob elordi or tom holland i think there’s a lot of potential
let bruce have tender moments with gothams district attorney and adopt an orphan!!! that’s all i want!!
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lackadaisycats · 1 year
I love everything of your work, every page is a piece of art, textures, lights, perspective, characters and the script, with perfect balance of hilarious and engaging lore.... It keeps me inspired everyday and gives me the energies to continue my projects. I can't describe the extreme joy your works gives me and I couldn't be more grateful, because it keeps me dreaming and helped me to understand what I want to do in the near future. Thank you so so much \(^ヮ^)/.
I have one question : Do you have any advices for making comics and put them in the world? For some time I had the urge to share my works, but idk what to do :/.
That's exceedingly kind. I'm touched to hear you've enjoyed my work, and if it helped you to understand what creative things you want to do, well, that makes my heart glad. Thanks for sharing that.
Very wordy response to the making and sharing comics question below....
Making comics is a Whole Big Thing as topics go. It's a little difficult to provide salient advice on something so broad. So much of it depends on what you're specifically trying to achieve, and what your preferences are as an individual. Here are a few bulletpoints, though:
-- Make the comic about things you love unabashedly so that it's fun and engaging to work on. It will still be difficult - it's always difficult - but you're more likely to keep doing the work it if you're in love with it.
-- Don't put off starting until you're 'good enough'. Good Enough is a fantasy place, and Perfect is a big lie. You'll never find either and pursuing them easily turns into eternal procrastination. Get started while the fire is burning, because getting good at something happens while you're actually doing the thing, and less so while you're thinking about maybe doing it. Try to be at peace with the idea that your work will be flawed. All art is. That's what makes it interesting.
-- Try to work with your strengths, not against them. Comic making is already immensely challenging. I'd suggest not making it extra impossible by demanding an entire personality change of yourself in order to do it. For example, if you tend to have intense but short-lived interest in things, don't torture yourself by embarking on a project that is going to take years-long, single-minded devotion. Do an anthology of shorter stories instead of a sprawling epic. Do one-off joke comics, or thoughtful vignettes. Or even break up something longer into short bursts of contained chapters.
-- Don't hurt yourself. Eat right, sleep, get a comfortable chair that's good for your back, get out of that chair and move around at intervals. If something starts aching, stop and rest. If it's aching chronically, see a medical professional. Career ending injuries and health troubles for artists are insidious - they creep up all quiet and mundane while you're busy patting yourself on the back for pulling another all-nighter.
About sharing online - also a tricky topic! The internet has changed a lot since I began Lackadaisy. The advice I could give derived from my personal experiences in publishing and audience building is a relic of a bygone era at this point…but here are some more bulletpoints (er, paragraphs) that I think are generally pertinent:
-- If publishing publicly sounds daunting and a bit scary, dip your toes in the water before plunging in. Do a publishing test run. If there's a Discord community you're comfortable with or a social media platform you use where you can post for mutuals only, maybe try that first. Or just share directly with a handful of people and ask them for feedback. When I'm unsure about something I'm preparing to post, I usually run it by some creator friends of mine because I trust them to be honest with me. Even if they have some criticisms, it's often reassuring that I can proceed to show it to others without dying inside.
-- Places with a big, built in audience can be great for getting eyeballs on your work, but it’s a mixed bag. Webtoon is the obvious example right now. Just be wary of anyone showing a little too much interest, or coming at you with paperwork to sign. Don't rush into putting your name on something that 1) commits you to unreasonable amounts of output for barely livable wages 2) relinquishes your ownership of your IP, or grants anyone any license to your work without clearly defined boundaries (like a limited term and agreement-ending conditions) -- Contract agreements warrant lots of consideration. Involve a lawyer of your own if you can. At the very least, have friends or family read over anything you might sign. And if it sounds too good to be true, it is. Scams are unfortunately abundant, so do your research/due diligence on whoever you're in discussions with.
-- Make yourself easy to find. Use social media to your advantage. Don't feel like you have to be in every single place, though. Some platforms might not be a good fit for your work, and some might be too much of a hassle or a mental drain to do battle with. -- Scrape out your own space online if you're able - a personal web page, a little WordPress/ComicPress site, or even just a link hub so that people can relocate your work if they lose track. The point is to avoid putting your eggs all in single basket that you have no control over. You never know when the social network growth you've been nurturing for the past several years will just succumb to a billionaire rampaging around like a sociopathic kaiju in the midst of the world's most public midlife crisis.
-- Don't worry about being an immediate sensation. Seeing people respond to your work is a wonderful and immensely gratifying feeling at times, but be patient if all hear are crickets chirping for a while. Longform storytelling in particular takes time to catch its momentum, and readers take time to get invested. Meteoric rises and virality do happen now and then, but honestly, slow and steady audience buildup is probably the more sustainable and less psychologically bewildering way to experience the fun of sharing your stuff with the world.
-- Consistently put your identifier (name/watermark, URL, copyright info, or all of these things) on everything you post online.
---------------------- I hope something here is useful, and if you decide to start making and publishing comics, I hope you find much success and happiness in it!
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zsakuva · 1 month
How do you come up with so many intricate plots and characters? They seem so… human? I’m very surprised you don’t read much! I guess what I’m asking is, what’s your creative process? Do you take inspiration from aspects of yourself, or is it more of a form of escapism? When you write your plots, do you imagine yourself as the character, the audience, or both? 
Another thing that truly amazes me and makes your channel stand out a lot is the way you give the listener a voice. It feels like each listener is so different and unique, and *actually* interacts with the character. It also feels like you’re never spoon feeding us information? All the questions do get answered, but it’s different style imo. Usually, in most ASMR RPs I’ve heard, the speaker will repeat what you said verbatim, (eg. “You think XXX?”, or “You want me to XXX?”), and the frequency at which these types of phrases are used makes it *seem* like a RP. Of course, it’s a challenging medium - the audience needs to know whats going on somehow, but you manage to achieve the same in a much more subtle way. It makes me wonder how long you spend planning out your content haha.
Final question, do you prefer to type or handwrite your plans, scripts, etc? I’ve always preferred planning on paper, even though it’s a bit impractical haha. Also, would you mind showing us your handwriting? I think it says a lot about a person! There’s the stereotype that people usually have a certain handwriting that corresponds to their major/occupation, and if I remember correctly, I think you studied film? I’m just curious hehe. No pressure, of course!
Sorry for sending you an essay, I hope you have a restful and comfy Friday! 
Thank you!
Honestly, I don't know how I do it myself considering my memory is absolute shit! Though I don't read much, I learn about characters through other mediums such as television shows and movies. I'll try and break this down for ease of reading!
~My Creative Process~
When making a character or series, it all depends on where my initial inspiration began. For example, with Niall, I wanted to create an M4M series exploring a character who carries trauma of being forcibly outed, betrayed by someone he confided in, and how those events affected him through his adult life. The core of Niall's story was confronting fears that manifested due to the Listener's actions in school, and finding that there was a way to heal, albeit slowly, and a hope to love despite external animosity. Niall exists because I wanted to tell a particular story.
With Zaros, he first came about because of The Noble Trials plot. I knew that he would be different from other characters, so I'm using this series as a means of testing my skill with a new editing style, story format, and new world setting. Although it's more work, I have the most fun with The Noble Trials and making its lore (though I'm always a sucker for that)!
I go into creating characters with the belief that they are all extremely flawed. Whether that be by nature or nurture, there will inevitably be some slew of events in their pasts that shaped the way they act in the current timeline. This also extends to the Listeners so they aren't rigid, boring, and an empty shell. Characters can clash, but they can also change with and for each other. A good example is Isaac's story. He was scarred by his past, and was willing to confine Pickle in the house if it meant not losing someone he cared for again. Pickle was also scarred with abandonment and instability, wondering if they would ever find a home. Isaac gave them a place to belong, and Pickle gave him consolation and courage to face the unknown.
When I write, the character's actions must reflect the backstory in which they were crafted, so I always need to dive into their heads.
~Listener Dialogue~
This requires much more thought to make interactions seem authentic, but there's a fine line between repeating words verbatim and not alluding to any sort of context. I dislike repeating the Listener's words so I try to indirectly insinuate what they were saying whenever possible. If I can do so with SFX alone, that's a bonus! But when scenes contain heavy dialogue, it can be difficult to get the message across without being heavy-handed with repetition, unless that's the purpose of a specific moment.
~Handwriting vs Typing~
I always handwrite my outlines! On some occasions, I can start and finish a script without the help of one, but my workflow tends to include writing an outline of some kind, and it has to be done on paper! I feel like the ideas manifest quicker that way.
However, I always type my scripts. It's much easier to edit, share with other voice actors, and there's a level of professionalism in formatting that motivates me to write more!
Here is an example of my writing. This screenshot was part of a Twitch stream!
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astroeleanor · 7 months
🖤 MOST Compatible Zodiac Couples 🖤
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DISCLAIMER: In this post, I'm sharing some thoughts based on my astrological knowledge. Compatibility is quite intricate & Zodiac signs are just a piece of the puzzle. Take this info as a fun & interesting perspective, but keep in mind that real compatibility involves more!
I suggest applying this information to:
• Moon Signs (inner emotional world, your "heart")
• Venus Signs (how you give & receive love, what you are looking for to feel loved)
• Rising Signs (outlook on the world, personal demeanor & life purpose)
1) Aries + Gemini
You share a lively & adventurous bond. You keep each other engaged & inspired. Your communication flows effortlessly & your shared enthusiasm for new experiences strengthens your bond. You appreciate each other's individuality, nurturing a sense of freedom & trust.
2) Taurus + Cancer
You form an ideal match due to your shared values of stability, security & emotional connection. Your relationship thrives on trust & commitment. Your strong bond is built on vulnerability & a shared vision for a loving & enduring partnership.
3) Leo + Libra
You have a shared love for beauty, socializing & luxurious living. You appreciate each other's charm & enjoy a vibrant social life together. You find joy in creativity & have a strong sense of aesthetics, making your life together a beautiful & enjoyable journey.
4) Virgo + Capricorn
You understand each other's need for stability & reliability. Your relationship thrives on shared goals, making you a powerhouse duo in achieving your ambitions. Your dedication to each other's success strengthens your bond, resulting in an enduring partnership.
5) Sagittarius + Aquarius
Your mutual love for adventure, freedom & intellectual pursuits helps you form a dynamic connection. You value individuality & independence, allowing each other the space to grow & evolve. You engage in philosophical discussions striving to be a better duo.
6) Pisces + Taurus
You create a deep & nurturing partnership built on tenderness & emotional depth. You both appreciate the beauty in life & share a love for art, music & nature. You offer each other unwavering support & understanding, nurturing a sense of harmony.
7) Libra + Gemini
You both value intellectual stimulation, communication & socializing. Your mental connection is exceptional, leading to engaging conversations & mutual understanding. You appreciate variety, making your relationship exciting. You thrive on cooperation & fairness.
8) Cancer + Scorpio
As a duo, you share emotional depth, loyalty & a strong intuition. You create an unbreakable bond built on trust, vulnerability & intimacy. Your emotional connection is profound, leading to an ability to intuitively meet each other's needs.
9) Aquarius + Libra
You both value open-mindedness & equality, making your partnership cooperative & balanced. You enjoy engaging in stimulating conversations & pursuing creative endeavors together. This characteristic keeps your connection exciting & full of possibilities.
10) Capricorn + Scorpio
You create a powerful & transformative partnership built on resilience & passion. You appreciate stability & ambition, making you a great team. Your shared dedication to building a strong foundation & enduring love makes you an ideal match.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Your curiosity & engagement mean the world to me. I hope you not only found it enjoyable but also enriching for your astrological knowledge. Your support & interest inspire me to continue sharing insights & information with you. I appreciate you immensely. • 🕸️ JOIN MY PATREON for exquisite & in-depth astrology content. You'll also receive a free mini reading upon joining. :) • 🗡️ BOOK A READING with me to navigate your life with more clarity & awareness.
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centrally-unplanned · 2 years
Bocchi The Rock! is really hitting sweet spots for me on how it presents its main character’s core plot concept. Bocchi is essentially K-On! but if main girl Yui was too introverted to function instead of too stupid to function; which is a challenge to make interesting. The Yui of this show, Hitori, is a social train wreck who convinced herself learning guitar would substitute for having a personality and make her friends, with the expected 0% success rate. The plot follows her new desperate attempt to achieve friend-dom by joining a band. Which is a character concept that gives us some extremely relatable content: 
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Yet the show does still have the challenge of making a character who sucks at socializing be the main character of a Slice of Life show about socializing. Its a comedy, obviously, but still that can get repetitive fast, these character types are often side characters for a reason. Shows like WataMote keep it fresh by making main girl Tomoko a degenerate scumbag on top of a shut-in, its the *degeneracy* that powers the show; you want to have an angle on characters like these
Bocchi’s angle is both character & directorial. On the character side, what endears me to Hitori is how much she is halfway there on understanding social interaction. She might be a breathing pink stress ball but she isn’t clueless, she knows, kindof, what you need to do to make friends - her panic-attack levels of social anxiety just preclude it. So you get opening scenes like these, where she dresses full-musician to go to school to inspire musician-types to talk to her:
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And it falls flat on her face because she has been there for months already and still refuses to initiate anything:
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But that is what fashion is for! She did look good, in another context this would work (and does accidentally to trigger the ~plot later)
Or when learning about her new also-weirdo band mate Ryo, she goes from “yes friend!!”:
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To, 5 seconds later on hearing that she spends her time visiting ruined buildings & second-hand clothing stores, “oh no, not like me at all”:
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Which is actually pretty smart for 5 seconds of thought, Hitori groks that interests correlate with personality and people relate to being alone differently.
The point is that Hitori’s social failure is stacked on top of social insight, the humor derives from what she gets right vs wrong. Her *almost* getting it is more enjoyable, and more importantly way more likeable, than her just flailing. She holds the stupid ball for sure but you get why, she is trying to throw it away at least, which is endearing instead of frustrating.
More exceptional is how the show communicates her struggle; she can’t talk good right? So tons of her dialogue is internal dialogue - which you have to spice up somehow, static shots w/ voice narration is not very fun. Bocchi has a grand time playing one of anime’s trump cards of having fantastical brain-scape setpieces to communicate mood. That ‘she is a loner’ revelation ain’t settling for some sparkling pink-background; we have a full apocalypse to carry her aborted dream instead:
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Communicating information hits the same struggle as emotion; this is a show about music after all, and another of anime’s strengths its presumption the audience actually is interested in the details of the niche hobby stuff the show is about. But Hitori-in-actuality couldn’t teach someone how to breathe let alone music tips, so instead we get random artistic cutaways to diagrams and explainers by imaginary instruments:
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Which I love! Its expressive, you can shift the artstyle in a way that doesn’t clash, it lets the animators flex technique, and the information gets across without dragging down pacing (a lot of media, *unable* to do this, simply cuts the information out entirely, primarily to spite me). 
And of course since all of this is happening inside Hitori’s head, she is, apparently, immensely creative - I love her now, teach me your ways my gumball princess! Her head would be a great place to be if you could lobotomize the anxiety somehow. All this means that Hitori, while awkward, is rarely cringe - partly because the directing always cuts away from any shots that would focus on cringe, but mainly because Hitori is too interesting to be cringe, you got other things to think about.
All in all Bocchi the Rock is my favourite silly-Slice-of-Life show of the season, and I hope it continues this level of playfulness going forward.
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m00nt4r0t · 1 year
✮ what are people saying about you? ✮
pile one, two, or three?
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ pile one
when people talk about you, they mention how caring and emotionally mature you are. people say that you’re wiser than most people your age, or just most people in general. you may be very good at staying calm in worrisome situations, which people really admire about you. you seem to have a lot of knowledge tucked in your arm. you could be good with words or just a literate person, as in you know how to spell a lot of words that most people don’t and you’re very familiar with using correct grammar and whatnot. people also say that you’re very inspirational, and that you take inspired action rather than mindless action. people say that you’re very fast-moving, and that you’re a quick learner. you’re progress faster than most might. some may even say that you make impulsive decisions, in which you could, but i also think these people just take more time to make decisions than you do, that’s why they see your quick actions as impulsive. some also talk about how you’re adventurous, or that you may seek out more experiences. you want to learn new things, meet new people, visit more places, etc. you may even experiment with your appearance a lot by changing your hair or style. they say that you look, talk and/or act a lot different than you used to. when people from your past see you, they talk about how you’ve changed a lot, or that you seem to always change. people also mention how you’re so confident in yourself or what you’re doing. in their eyes, you hold yourself to a high standard, and you may hold the people in your life to a high standard as well. they say that you’re hard to “achieve” and that you move on quickly. if someone doesn’t match your standard, you don’t take long to remove yourself from the connection, and you don’t tend to look back either. if you give emotional advice, you may often advise others to move on from situations, even if that’s not what they want to hear.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ pile two
i feel like people are talking about your celebration(s) and/or your accomplishments. if you just threw a party, people are talking about how fun it was and how much they enjoyed your energy. people could also be saying how they missed your presence and are happy that you’ve returned to something/somewhere. this could be in terms of getting back to work, coming back home or returning to a hobby of yours. people also talk about how creative you are, and how relaxing your energy is to them. you could be very good at giving advice, or just making people feel safe. they’re also saying that they see success in your near future, especially if you’re working on a creative project. even if this isn’t a creative project, this could still apply to getting a promotion at work or simply making progress in some aspect of your life (im getting that this has something to do with fitness for some of you.) they say that you’re destined to be a leader, and that you will no longer have to reach others through your creative endeavors (that may be for only a few of you.) regardless, people do see you as some sort of boss; people talk about how you take action towards your goals. you create and them implement whatever it is you created. some may say that you’re missing the opportunity or ignoring the call, but that’s just because they don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes. they could believe that you’re moving too slow, but the divine designed your timeline this way and you’re right on time. some may also say that you critique yourself too harshly and that you should be more gentle to yourself. overall, people talk about how much potential you have and how they’d like to see you do more to reach it. some may even want to learn from you or just watch you in the process of creating. do what you need/want to do on your own time!!
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ pile three
people are talking about something new that you’ve started for yourself, pile three. this could be a new job, a new haircut, new style of clothing, new account, new relationship/friendship/enemy, new pet, new school, you get it. im seeing this is something you were very happy about and possibly even celebrated with friends and family. people are talking about this celebration, and how they’re happy for you! they could also be speaking about the child-like wonder you possess, and your naivety/lack of knowledge when it comes to something? i don’t think this is supposed to be said in a negative way, but more-so a “worried for you” kind of way. for example, a teenager starts driving by themselves, their parent may worry for them at least a little bit. people may also talk about how you’ve mastered your emotions and you control your emotions more than your emotions control you. they say you learned this through difficult times, but i get the feeling they’re not actually sure how you did this. there may be some speculation around your inner world, and how you got the way you are. you come off a bit of a mystery to people, you may not say too much about yourself to certain people and it causes them to talk/wonder about you even more. they also say that you’re in-tune with nature and you hold a spot in your heart for natures creatures (wild animals, insects, sea animals, etc.) others think you keep a diary and you write in it instead of talking about your feelings with others. they also talk about how you get your resources from the earth. if you need water, you go to the river and get it (metaphorically, but could be literal for some.) people talk about your hopes, beliefs and dreams. maybe even your morals and the way you view the world. they see you as someone who is very wise, maybe because of pain you could’ve gone through. people talk about how you prefer to be alone, but attention is still on you somehow. your energy draws a lot of attention to you, even when you try to keep attention off of you. people are energetically attracted to you for many different reasons.
thank you for reading and interacting! <3
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 4 months
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happy new year everyone!! 🌟✨ it's been almost exactly a year since i first tentatively poked my head into this little space here on tumblr, and being part of the wonderful am/miles/tlsp community here with you all has truly been one of the highlights of my 2023 💗
as i'm sure is the case for most of us, it's been a year of ups and downs for me. i've been lucky enough to experience some amazing things (living in a new city, reconnecting with my creativity, getting my dream job, discovering music that speaks to my soul, making new friends, reading some amazing books) and human enough to experience some less incredible things (chronic pain, family difficulties, discovering my dream job is not in fact my dream job, getting long covid, the ever uphill battle of healing from trauma). through it all, this space has been a continued solace and source of joy, where i've met some truly special people and felt part of a little community where i get to have fun and flail and just be me. i can't even begin to express how grateful i am to be part of a space like this, or how grateful i am to everyone here who makes it what it is ✨
i also just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who has supported me with my writing over this past year, whether that's through kudos or comments or messages or amazing cheerleading/editing help. one of the absolute gifts of discovering this fandom has been the writing fic side of it. maybe it sounds silly, but writing four walls has genuinely been one of the highlights and biggest achievements of my year. writing has always been something incredibly close to my heart, but my degree left me totally sapped of inspiration and confidence, and i'd been struggling for a while to climb out of that after graduating. something about alex and miles just instantly sparked off inspiration in me that i hadn't felt for a long time, and getting to write about them over the past year has reminded me of the sheer joy of creating and the magic of getting to share that with people ✨
it's something that's finally given me the confidence to pick up my own original writing again too, and i couldn't be more grateful to alex and his wonderful lyrics (particularly the entirety of humbug) and to everyone who's supported my fic ventures for helping me reconnect to and explore my creativity. it's the best feeling in the world to finally feel like i'm coming home to that part of myself and carving out a proper space for it in my life 💗
2023 was far from perfect, but it was filled with so many brilliant moments of illumination and i feel i am leaving it with a deeper sense of myself and my path moving forward. i know it's going to be a rocky one at times, but i am excited for what 2024 holds in store for me - and i can't wait to continue flailing with you all over all things milex and to enjoy all the amazing fics/gifsets/posts/art to come!
wishing all of you a year ahead full of wonderful moments and new experiences and fulfilment 💫✨ i really am more grateful than i'll ever be able to adequately express for this space here, and to all the amazing people i've been lucky enough to get to know through it. here's to an amazing 2024 for all of us 💗💞🩷💓💖💕💝
(the photos above are just a random little collection of ones over the past year that i particularly associate with the various things i've talked about in this post)
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bittersweetresilience · 4 months
sunny's year half year in review
because i am all about that self celebration 👏
🏅 joined a fandom 🏅 got married (🌖) 🏅 made friends (🏮🌺🌋🍜🍀🕊️🦌🧬💤🦎🦭☄️✍️🪨🪶🦚💝🎞️🪄🍞) 🏅 learned new things (📸🪡📑) 🏅 sunnyscrambles
an ongoing amélie dissertation in sentitwin soulmate au. next chapter will be posted on new year's day and will feature art from @moonieratty!
félix and amélie webweaves. my favorites that i've made! all literature is from my graham de vanily reading lists.
ladynoir amv. so many episodes in this. my storage space...
multifandom webweave. the first one i made and still very important to me!
i entered a feverish haze after @nemaliwrites's remixes introduced me to a softer world and the result was Feelings.
my favorite fic i wrote this year. mind the trigger warnings.
running in the shadow
i cannot describe how much this fic means to me. i left hundreds of messages during my liveread and i wept all through my comment and my reblog and still it's not nearly enough. it's one of my favorite gifts, one of my favorite fics, and one of my favorite works of art i've ever seen. thank you to @wackus-bonkus-maximus for being a role model, an inspiration, and my first fandom friend.
i love you (for senti-mental reasons)
as the head of the as time goes by pr team, i would be remiss not to recommend something from this series! félix in this universe makes me turn into dynamite. second recommendation is betcha on land (they understand). i'm a big fan of @redundant-lava, you see.
i know there's been pain this year (but it's time to let it go)
what's there not to like about @ninadove's sentitwins? her christmas fic blew me away. i love her creative costume designs, her references to classics and video games, and her accompanying fic art. honorable mentions to la nuit, tous les chats sont gris and everything i did (i did for you).
bon voyage
one of the original highlights of my summer. the dream sequence in chapter four blew my mind. the way this fic was planned to end drives me nuts in the best way.
bell the cat
the single most amazing fantasy au i've read. i'm regularly awed by how incredible it is, and awed by @heartfulselkie's writing, art, and person in general. if i learned how to bind books, this would be at the top of my list. i keep saying it because it's true.
our monthly dosage of pain, exquisite backstory exploration, and gorgeous @anna-scribbles prose. i'm always a sucker for pre-canon and this is The fic for adrien pre-canon fans. christmas félix will make me explode.
a rose by any other name
i love everything @asukiess makes but shoutout to loveybug au for being such a fun and creative time for the lovesquare fandom. this fic also comes with the loveyvelours art of all time. the other day i started thinking about kuro neko unprompted. autumn is in my brain...
phoenix félix
this isn't a fic, but i'll never miss a chance to scream about art by @luckychatons. phoenix félix is immortalized in my discord profile picture. i'm blessed to receive secret félix doodles and catsona designs on the down low!
just scroll through their entire art account. everything they make is an eye feast, and they haven't even posted the half of it. my partner and creative inspiration. the moon to my sun. buy them a coffee for always supporting dead girls club.
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