#ive played so many and will continue to do so !!
hellodropbear · 17 hours
like she used to (VII)
alexia putellas x sister
part I, II, III, IV, V, VI
this is the final part! it is 12:30am, I got home at 11 and read over it as I ate dinner so hopefully there aren't too many mistakes!
I hope you like the final part and sorry it has taken me so long!
April 12, 2013.
My sister was standing outside by the school gates, training uniform on, her skin bronzed from the Barcelona sun. I hadn't been expecting her to pick me up from school that day, but it was always a nice surprise when she did because it meant going to her training instead of Mami's work. 
"Hola, pequena!" She lifted me easily into her arms, spinning me in almost a full circle and carrying me out towards her car, avoiding the sympathetic glances she received from the parents around. 
I think she was sick of them, our father died almost a year ago and she had been picking me up at least once a week since. Surely they should be aware of it by now?
I was placed in my booster seat in the back of the car, Alexia stepping into the front seat and smiling at me through the rear view mirror. 
"Everyone is so excited to see you, pequena! I told them all this morning and they've been waiting all day."
I nodded from the back seat before diving into chatter about my day, what I had done at school. Alexia smiled and nodded from the front seat, only adding to the conversation when I left small gaps between my endless streams of chatter. 
The chatter continued as we arrived and I skipped ahead of her before she grabbed my hand with a stern glance, warning me to be safe on the roads. 
But Alexia was forgotten as I ran into the changing rooms, straight into Leila's open arms. 
"Hola, mi amor." She planted a soft kiss on the top of my head, trying to control my energetic and wriggly body. 
"Hola, Leila!"  
My long spiel started again, this time spoken directly to Leila as the others sat and watched in amusement, Alexia rolling her eyes at my loud and persisting voice. 
But my voice was silenced as soon as they went back out onto the training pitch, sat on the rug that Alexia had laid out with some colouring books and toys. Books and toys that lay abandoned as I stared at the footballers in front of me. 
They were incredible, I always thought. They moved so quickly up and down the pitch, shooting and passing the ball with pinpoint precision that I could only imagine to possess as a 6 year old who had only started to learn to play a few months ago. 
I idolised my sisters teammates almost as much as I idolised Alexia and I constantly tried to pick up on things they did, trying to be like them, trying to improve my own abilities. 
Alba came down and sat next to me, but was unable to pull me out of my trance, instead pulling out her schoolbook and doing some homework as we waited for Alexia to finish up.
But Alexia finishing up meant I was about to start, so I ignored Alba's groan as I jumped up from the floor as the whistle blew, running over to grab a stray ball and attempting to dribble it around the patch of grass near Alba. 
It wasn't long before Marta jogged over, guiding me to the small training pitch and trying to intercept the ball and getting me to try dispossess her as she dribbled along. 
It was all fun and games until we started shooting, and I found myself incapable of getting a single goal in the back of the net. I was progressively getting more and more upset, with Marta's words of encouragement doing little to cheer me up as I remained unsuccessful in scoring a single goal. 
I was forced to give up when Alexia rushed onto the field, apparently recognising my distress and picking me up, holding me close. 
I immediately calmed down. Alexia's arms were magical in that way, they never failed to calm me down, to cheer me up. To make me warm, to make me comfortable. 
My cries into Alexia's chest were light and she ran her hand up and down my back softly, smiling at Marta as the older Spaniard planted a kiss on my head and said goodbye. 
"Pequena, why are you so upset?"
"Because, Ale, I can't even score a goal! You and your team can score a goal from ages and ages away but I can't even score one from right in front of it!"
Alexia laughs softly and I frown. 
"You are six, Elena, you are so little and you have only been playing for a couple months. We are professionals, we have to be able to do these things because that is our job, just like your job is to learn how to read and write at school, something you are very good at! You will get better as you continue to practice, we have already seen you get so much better. You got the ball off Marta today, you should be proud of yourself like I am proud of you."
"I just want to be like you, Ale. Why can't I be like you?"
I lean my head into Alexia as she adjusts her hold of me and wanders over to where my belongings were left abandoned. 
"You are just like me. When I was your age I was exactly like you are now, only less determined and less talented. You will be better than me one day, pequena, if you keep working so hard. You just need to remember that I will always be proud of you. Every day of my life I wake up and think of how proud I am, how lucky I am that you are my baby sister. I love you pequena."
"Even if I am bad at football?"
"Even if you are bad at football. Which you aren't, by the way. You are incredible."
November 18, 2017.
It was game day. 
The Catalonia cup final day, and my whole family was sat in the audience to watch as I played in the final for the under 11s. I only turned 9 last week, but was invited to play with this team a few months ago. 
The game was a big deal for me, playing with people so much older, so much taller. I felt the pressure as well, a defender against a team where the top of my head barely reached the base of the necks of the attackers from the other team. 
It was nerve wracking, and I felt everything churning inside me as I walked onto the field and into my position, waiting for the ref to blow his whistle and for the game to commence. 
I didn't want to look up into the stands, hyperaware of everyone watching me, everyone waiting for me to be just like Alexia. To stand out, to be fast, to be precise, to be incredible. 
But Alexia is a midfielder and I am a centre back. I am not like Alexia, but the only one who seems to understand that is Alexia. 
To everyone else, I am a younger version of her, waiting to follow in her footsteps. La Masia, Barcelona B. Barcelona first team. 
It makes me wonder what they will think if I don't have the perfect career like Alexia. 
But I am only 9, still to young to even trial for La Masia, so the under 11s from the local team will have to do. 
The game starts out well, my team scores twice in thirty minutes and we finish the first half up two goals to none. We are happy as we sit on the sidelines with our coach for the 15 minute break, eating slices of orange and joking around. 
I sometimes wonder how different it is at half time for Alexia when she plays in her big games. I don't think they eat oranges. Or joke around. 
The second half does not go nearly as well. It starts off with a goal to us, but the other team quickly gain possession and score easily. It's upsetting, but we are still two goals up. 
When their next goal goes in, we begin to get nervous, skittish. We are still a goal up, but it is not a big enough gap for our liking, especially since they just got two very quickly. 
The scoreline remains at 3-2 until the 81st minute, when an attacker from the other team tears all the way down the pitch and into the box. I am in the right position, it is entirely up to me to stop this goal from going in. 
But I don't. I try to dispossess her, but I'm unsuccessful. She sends the ball right through my legs and into the net for the equalising goal and I bit back my tears as she celebrates with her friends. 
My teammates pat me on the back, telling me it doesn't matter, that we can get another goal in the dying minutes of the game, but I am not focussed on them. 
I am focused on my family sitting in the stands because all I can see is disappointment. 
Except Alexia, who smiles and puts her thumbs up with an encouraging smile. 
But I am a disappointment, because I allowed the other team to equalise. 
Alexia wouldn't have done that. 
My teammates were right, they score again in the second minute of added time, and we celebrate winning the cup with medals and a trophy. But it all feels tainted, because I almost ruined this for the team. 
I disappointed my family because I am a Putellas, we are supposed to be good at football. 
It is only when we return to the dressing room that the first tears slip out, but I wipe them away quickly, frustrated that I couldn't stop them from starting in the first place. 
Surprisingly, Alexia is the only family member who is outside the dressing room with the other families, and I run directly into her arms, grateful that they are already outstretched. 
Her arms are like home. Like they have done for all my life, they cheer me up, take away some of my sadness. 
"You played so well, pequena! I am so, so proud of you, my little champion!" 
She grabs the piece of metal that hangs from my neck and kisses it. 
"Another gold to add to our collection."
Our collection. 
Like we collect them together. 
I just won an under 11s Catalonia cup, after almost ruining my teams chances. She has a number of Primera division medals, copa de la reina, copa catalunya, golf medals from world championships at the youth age level. A never ending list of MVP awards, honours from spain, from Catalonia and from Mollet del Valles.
And I almost lost my team the Catalonia Cup. 
We are not the same, Alexia and I. I just wish my family would see that, understand that I won't be like Alexia because how could I ever be that good. 
Alexia seems to pick up on my negative mood, lifting me up like I am still 5 years old and holding me close. 
"I know what you are thinking, Elena."
I look at her curiously, a silent question that asks her to continue. 
"You are thinking that their equaliser was entirely your fault, that you almost cost the team your victory, no?"
I nod slowly, and she wipes away the tear that slips from my eye. 
"You never would have done something like that, Ale."
She shakes her head, chuckling slightly. 
"You don't even want to know how many mistakes I've made, how many times I've thought it was all my fault that we lost or almost lost a game. This is your first, but it won't be your last and that is ok. Football is a team sport, Elena, it is never an individuals fault. You wouldn't be mad at a keeper for making a mistake and conceding an important goal and you can't blame the striker for not shooting enough if you lose an important game. Just like you can't blame a defender for conceding. The striker had to get through the midfield first, and they all made mistakes there, and other defenders could have helped you out but they didn't, the keeper wasn't positioned well either but everyone tried their best and accidentally conceded a goal. It's a team, pequena, you win together, lose together, score together and conceded together. And look at how many clearances you made! All those tackles where you recovered the ball, prevented their attack. I am so proud of you today because you were one of the best players on the pitch."
I nod slowly, slumping into her arms. 
"I just wish I could be like you, Ale. Because you are so good and everyone knows it. I am so scared that I will disappoint everyone by not living up to what you've done, but how can I? You are so good."
She sighs, shaking her head. 
"You are my sister, but that doesn't mean we are the same on the pitch. I am a terrible defender, you are a great one. I can score goals easier than you, but it doesn't mean you're not as good, or can't grow to be a professional like I am. And nobody will ever be disappointed in you either! Whether you play for Barcelona for the rest of your life or if you go and play for a terrible team like Arsenal, or even if you quit football altogether and decide to go down another road because that is always an option too! You are smart like I am not, you are artistic like I am not and you can play that piano better than anyone else I've heard. What I'm saying is that just because we both love football, we are not the same. Everyone knows that and nobody will ever be disappointed in you if you don't follow the same career that I have."
"They all looked so disappointed when I conceded though." 
She shook her head again. 
"They shouldn't have, because they were not. But even if everyone else fails you, pequena, which they won't, but if they do, you will always have me cheering you on. I will always be there, your annoying, old, proud sister, every single day I am alive I will be proud of you no matter what you do, because I love you so much, you are everything to me."
She wipes away the tears that slipped from my eyes, planting a kiss on my head. 
"Now everyone is waiting for us, a big celebration dinner because you won today. Everyone is so proud of you, Elena. You are growing into such a talented and strong little girl, the best centre back our family has ever seen."
I smile. 
Maybe I don't need to be just like Alexia to succeed. 
Maybe Elena is alright too. 
July 4, 2019.
I was invited to trial for La Masia, but I don't know if I want to go. 
I know I am good at football, but I don't even know if I want to play anymore.
Because last week I played the best game I have in a long time, but this morning I singlehandedly lost my team any chances we have of winning the under 15s title. 
It had been rough from the beginning and it was even worse considering we were on the top of the league and we were playing a team from close to the bottom. We couldn't get past their defence, but their attack was easily finding their way through our midfield and defensive line. 
We conceded three and scored none. 
All three of the conceded goals were my fault. 
Every. Single. One. 
Alba told me after the game that it was alright, it didn't matter. 
Mami hugged me and said it would be better next time. 
But it isn't alright, it does matter and who knows if it will be better next time?
Alexia was in France, relaxing after her disappointing end to the world cup, but Mami or Alba must have filled her in on the disaster that was my game before she got home, because as soon as she arrived, she was upstairs and into my room, pulling me into a hug. 
"I don't want you to tell me that it doesn't matter, Alexia, because it does. Please don't tell me that football is a team sport and it isn't just my fault, because it is. It's all my fault and now I've destroyed their chances of winning the league. So please, don't tell me otherwise."
She shook her head, her arms tightening around my body.
"Mami said you don't want to trial for La Masia anymore?" 
I shake my head. I don't think I can even face the trials after the embarrassment that was the other night. 
"That's ok. You don't have to if you don't want to."
I look up at her in confusion. 
"Absolutely not."
She looks right back at me, brushing the hairs out of my face. 
"You're only 11, Elena. You put a lot of pressure on yourself to be great which is not necessary. You are already brilliant. If you don't want to trial, you don't have to. You love school, you love your current team and if you don't want that all to change it doesn't have to. There is always next time if you decide you want to make that jump."
I don't know how she always knows what I am thinking, because I never told her how much I would miss my school and football team if I ended up at La Masia. 
"And what if I don't? What if I don't want to play football any more. Throw away everything I have ever worked for. Wouldn't you be disappointed?"
I don't want her to tell me she wouldn't be, because I don't think that's the truth. 
"Elena, I will never be disappointed in you. Yes, I would be upset, but that is only because it is something so special that we share, something that connects us in a way that I can't be connected to anyone else in this family. But I love you and I would get over it eventually. But today, let's think about now."
I nod, which she uses as an indicator to continue. 
"You're 11 years old, starting as a centre back in the under 15s. You are good, very good and play games so well that nobody would even notice you were so young if it wasn't for your height. You had a bad game the other day, but every other week you have saved that team so many times, so if it wasn't for you, they would have lost that trophy weeks ago. You are smart, have heaps of friends at school and love to play the piano, to read, to hang out with those friends. You love to do things outside of football, it's all equally important. You were scouted to trial for La Masia, but you are 11 and these trials happen every six months so there will be many more chances for you to trial if you decide not to this time but change your mind later. You have a huge family of support right behind you, and you have me, who will always be so proud of you. It's all laid out in front of you, Elena, you just have to make a decision."
A tear slips out of my eye but she is quick to brush it away. 
"I don't want to trial, not yet."
Her arms pull me tighter. 
"I think that's a good decision. I am proud of you, pequena. You need more time to decide what you want to do. Not want Mami wants you to do, not what I want you to do. Not what anybody else wants you to do. I am proud that you have given yourself that time. You are mature, Elena, and so, so smart."
"I love you, Alexia."
"I love you too. Always."
Her arms are so warm around me that I feel myself drifting to sleep in them, waking up when the sun rises the next morning, still with her right arm hanging loosely around my waist. 
I am lucky to have her, I decide. So lucky, because she is like a guiding light who makes everything so much clearer. I don't know what I would do without her. 
I made my debut for Barcelona yesterday. I came in for Irene in the 88th minute, Jonatan said he wanted me to get some minutes under my legs before I could play for longer. 
The feeling of running onto the pitch in the Barcelona kit, my name and number on my back, alongside the players I have grown up idolising was something I will never forget. 
Something so special, a turning point in my life that could map out my entire career. 
But it was all tainted by what I have lost. What I should have had supporting me. Who I should have had supporting me. 
"I will always be proud of you, Elena."
I think she has forgotten all those times she told me that, but I certainly have not. 
It feels like a long time since I have felt emotions like this. It feels like an even longer time that I have really felt happy. Euphoric, even.
It is harder for a centre back to be subbed in, because they make the foundations of the formation. But we were up by 6 to nothing so it was a safe bet. Any mistakes I made would not lose us points. 
I didn't make mistakes though. I made clearances, I stopped the ball from going past Cata and into the goal. Jonatan was happy, Aitana hugged me as soon as the final whistle blew. 
Mami was there, of course, cheering from the crowd. 
It feels like months since I have seen her. It has been a while since we have spoken properly, although she does not bring that up as she pulls me into a hug, telling me how proud she is of me. 
Alba stands from beside her, staring at me intensely, as if worried I will run away again. 
She knows that if she brings up the last time that happened, I probably will. 
The last month has been rough. I have stayed with Mapi, only leaving the safety of my room in her apartment for training. I did my school, I trained hard and I ate every meal. My days slipped by, I felt nothing. Not happy, not sad. Not anything. 
I think I was confused. Exhausted too. I had exploded, finally, and so I had to suffer from the repercussions. 
Mapi tried her very best to help clean up after that tidal wave finally hit, but her efforts weren't enough to rebuild what had been destroyed. So I ignored her when she came into my room each night, telling me that Alexia was outside, that Alexia wanted to see me. 
I didn't want to see her because I don't think I would have been able to hold it together if she had come crying to me. 
But she is here today and I don't think Mapi will let me avoid her when she inevitably approaches me in the change rooms. 
I walk there slowly, saying goodbye to Mami and Alba quietly and trailing behind Patri and Pina who don't even notice my presence. It is because I have been so quiet, I think, they don't really know what to do with me. They don't know what to say to make me feel better. 
There's not much that will. 
The room erupts into loud cheers as I enter, most of the older players proud of me for finally making my debut. 
It would have been a dream debut, really, if things were different. 
But everything is ruined, everything is overshadowed by so many things. 
Alexia has done all this before me, made her debut, broken into the first squad. I am simply just doing what is expected of me, as a Putellas. 
She got selected because of her talent. I was selected because Mapi got injured. 
But she is right there as I get passed through the room, standing up against the doorway, a soft smile on her face. 
Mapi is the one who pushes me towards her and I can't decide whether she doesn't notice my attempts of making frantic eye contact with her, or if she just decides to ignore it. She whispers that everything will be fine, that I just need to talk to her and things will start to get better. 
I try telling her that she's wrong, that it's not that easy. 
But those arms are around me as soon as I am in reaching distance and it takes everything inside of me to not crack right there. But I can feel the parts of me that were slowly rebuilt over the past month start to fall apart again, but differently.
All those things that crashed out of me by my piano a few months ago come racing right back inside. It is like she gathered them all up in her arms and carried them around for me until she saw me next, until she would be able to give them back. 
She sort of picks me up as I start to cry, moving out and into one of the physio rooms, giving us more privacy. Away from the prying eyes of our teammates who have been so intrigued by the drama between us. 
So intrigued by the drama that has been ripping me up from the inside. 
And it looks like it has also been ripping up Alexia, if you look at the suitcases under her eyes and the severe discolouration in her face. 
"Elena." Her voice is clearly tearful, but I can barely hear it over the gut wrenching cries thatI am releasing. 
In reality, they aren't really that loud but they overcome me in a way that blocks out everything else around me. 
Because I have been void of everything for over a month, no emotions. Not happy, sad, confused, excited, disappointed. Not anything. 
But to feel those arms. Her arms that keep me safe, that shelter me from life's issues. It is a feeling like no other. 
Something I can finally feel. 
And I never want to not feel again, because even though I am not happy, at least I am finally feeling something. At least I am not so empty like I have been, a bottomless pit in my stomach that simply could not be filled. 
And with Alexia's arms around me, it feels like I can get through anything. 
I am a Putellas. I am strong. 
"Elena... I have been a terrible big sister." Her voice breaks and her head lands in my hair. 
"And I have been thinking and thinking, wracking my brain to try and figure out what started this all, and I finally remembered the other day. Elena, I do not deserve you."
I move out from beneath her, looking at her intently. 
Wet eyes meet wet eyes and I immediately pull her into a hug. 
"I have missed you so much, Ale. I have missed you so much."
"I am so, so, so sorry, Elena. Nothing I say will be enough."
We speak at the same time, tears consuming us as we both try to fix our relationship. 
Fix the relationship that has been shattered, broken, kicked, destroyed. 
Fix the relationship that I would do anything to repair. 
"Please, listen to me." 
I look up at her as she grabs my face, cupping my cheeks in her hands and wiping away the tears that have fallen. 
"I said things to you. Things that I didn't mean, things that were wrong. And then I questioned why you weren't comfortable around me as much any more. And I stopped being your sister, pequena. I stopped watching your games, picking you up from training, taking you to ice cream, helping you with your homework. I just stopped a few years ago and never even tried to explain, never tried to regain your trust."
I frown. 
"At my party, the La Masia one. When I cried. You got upset at me and I was childish about the whole thing, I used it against you for so long."
"And you have every right to, Elena, because I was so terrible and I wish I had a reason, something to excuse my words, but I do not. I was stressed, I was anxious. I projected it all onto my perfect baby sister because I didn't know what else to do. And I was a bad sister before that, too. I never should have told you that I was too busy for you because you are so much more important than anything else in my life, but I acted like I didn't care about you at all. I am a terrible sister."
"I didn't help." My voice is mousy, squeaky. Because I have been crying and I am doing everything I can to avoid another round of tears. "I didn't make it easier for you, I wasn't strong like you, like I should have been."
Alexia inhales sharply, immediately shaking her head, pulling mine back into her chest in a tight hug. 
"I never want to hear those words come out of your mouth again, Elena, because you are the strongest person I know and I am so, so proud of everything you have done. You have been brave, determined, passionate, so many things. I have been the weak one. I have been so scared of losing you, but I was the one who ruined everything and I lost you, I let you slip through my fingers and I will never forgive myself for that. You are incredible, Elena, and you won't let anyone tell you otherwise. Not me, not anyone."
"I have missed you so much."
Alexia is surprised when I lean further into her arms, but I am grateful when she tightens them around me. 
She is my older sister, and I have missed her so much. 
She is my older sister, and I lost her for a while. I lost her and my life became miserable. My days were more dreary and I began to hate everything else in my life. 
But now she is here, she has acknowledged the issues and I finally feel some relief. 
I finally feel like I am getting her back. 
Her arms are filling me up with all those emotions, warm ones, cold ones. Things I never want to feel again but things I want to feel every day for the rest of my life. 
Alexia is my sister.
And I realised, last night, that I don't have to be exactly like her, because I am not her. I am Elena, and I debuted for Barcelona at 15. 
The youngest to ever do it. 
It's pretty cool. 
But it's even better to have my sister there, cheering for me like she always said she would. She is proud, she loves me and I do think she has missed me like I have missed her. 
And I can finally feel myself mending. 
We spoke more after the celebrations, she took me to dinner, slowly patching up my insides that I once thought were beyond prepare. 
She told me over and over that she was sorry, she feels terrible and she will never let me slip away from her again. She says that I am incredible and that she wishes she had my talent, that I will grow to become the best that the club has ever seen and that I have already paved my way into the history of this football club. 
But she also tells me that I am a good person, with good values and a good heart. That Papi would be proud of the person I have become. Not just the footballer, the person. 
For the second time that day, I feel happy, full of love, completely content. 
Because Alexia loves me, and sometimes, the love of a sister is all you need. 
and that's it!
Let me know if you want to see anything else from this little universe and i'll see what i can do
thank you for reading this all, i have seen all the comments and asks and they mean the world :)
hope you enjoyed
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toastsnaffler · 7 months
in a hilarious turn of events my flatmate didn't even know I use any pronouns....
#i thought when she was talking abt how her parents thought i was gonna come out as trans and kept checking my name/pronouns-#that the joke was that im ALREADY trans but in ways they dont know abt.... but nope she genuinely didnt know 🤭#to be fair. i dont rly let anyone in on my gender business unless we're close enough to be dating or its an anonymous online space#like im legally cis and thats fine. idc abt ppl using my name + she/her bc thats not my gender identity its just AN identity that i use-#to navigate the world without ppl being fucking nosy bc i pass as + am sociopolitically treated as a woman (if butch lol)#to ppl who are friends ill joke that my gender is dyke (true) and to friends whose gender falls on a similar spectrum-#or who are transmasc ill talk a little more honestly abt it bc theyre usually able to understand better than anyone else#other butch dykes w a weird gender going on are the only motherfuckers who actually Get It but theyre hard to come by tbh#to be frank i dont fucking know whats going on w my gender. and i dont rly care enough to do the introspection to figure it out rn#i have so many other problems in my life and im lucky that most of my beef w gender can be solved by presenting butch + binding#and using any pronouns around other queer ppl. its actually incredibly funny to me when ppl she/her me bc its like tch. this chump hasnt#unlocked my level of gender yet. pronouns and names in general are so far disconnected from the way i exist in the world...#its just smth thats fun for me to play around with + makes me feel weird sometimes but in ways i havent distilled yet yknow#and this has been my approach to gender for like?? 4-5 years now??? and likely will continue to be for a long while..#anyway. its not actually that surprising my flatmate doesnt know bc shes cis so ive never felt compelled to have a deeper conversation#abt gender with her. but also i could sweeaaar its been mentioned bc almost all our other friends are trans lol#and also ive been introducing myself at queer sports socials w any pronouns and i swear i talked abt that w her..... whatever#and my pronouns are on discord and shes def seen my tumblr before but maybe i didnt have them in my bio at the time... i digress#i kind of prefer cis ppl she/hering me tbh. theyre not able to they them or he him or whatever else me in a way that matters.....#altho i do find it fascinating when she or other ppl elect to use neutral or masculine terms for me. raising an eyebrow and taking notes#like when she got a job and joked abt me being her househusband.. pulling up the fem/masc tally chart and chalking a line up#a la nona the ninth.... ive been trying to figure out whos inhabiting this body my entire fucking life with no luck girl#ANYWAY just smth to think abt. im so tired i think my brain is gonna start seeping out my eyeballs#im gonna watch some more pluto and read and then -> 🛌#another 6:30 start tomorrow woohoo#.diaries#zzzzz
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matsushipping · 2 months
Omg a yttd and ace attorney selfshipper! I'm insane about those games. Are you into any other visual novel games?
- @lovipop
hi!! yes that’s me :D I love Mai n Shi-Long so much!! ace attorney and yttd are some of my favs! but yeah— I’m into a lot of vn, otome and the like !! I’ll answer this in depth so let’s get into it! <3
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if we’re talking classic otome:
played ; amnesia (memories, later x crowd), collar x malice, hakuoki, code:realize, psychedelica of the black butterfly, & 7scarlet, nekopara
playing ; ozmafia!
backlog ; psychedelica of the ashen hawk, my vow to my liege, secular love, cinderella phenomenon
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if we’re talking mobile otome:
played ; mystic messenger, lovebrush chronicles, obey me! (classic & nb)
playing ; ikemen vampire, love & deepspace
backlog ; ikemen villains
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if we’re talking itch.io/steam dating sims/vns:
played ; trouble comes twice, when the night comes, blooming panic, a pinch of magic, intertwined, our life, xoxo droplets, band camp boyfriend, boyfriend dungeon, seduce me, a date with death
playing ; andromeda six
backlog ; guilty parade
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if we’re talking visual novels, no dating element (but potential mini game elements):
played ; ace attorney, edgeworth investigations, the professor layton series, your turn to die, danganronpa (thh, goodbye despair, v3), trauma center (1 & 2), zero escape, ddlc, twisted wonderland, ensemble stars, pjsk
playing ; ghost trick, trace memory
backlog ; zero time dilemma (replay)
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YEAH that’s everything !! probably !! i might be missing some stuff — but I’ve played a lot as this is one of my biggest fixations !! thank you for the ask ! :D
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synthville · 1 year
so what im getting is that it was absolutely unnecessary to isolate raffi on gotham city in order for her story to go on.
a story that’s so halfhearted that five episodes in—halfway to the end. btw—her motivation is yet to be explained (why go back to this sector of intelligence work when teaching seemed to be fulfilling? was she made to do this?? did she volunteer because her son now lives on this planet now apparently?? was losing elnor cris and possibly seven so painful that burying herself in work seemed like a better option??? who knows! not me!!) and it’s definitely a retreat character-wise but the fact that they still haven’t laid the groundwork to make this stick is kind of amazing lol. it’s the way they’re not even pretending to give a fuck about her or any of the other women characters for me—they said you’re a womb or a subordinate ladies pick one and shut the hell up LMAO?
the fact that the ‘real plot’ is happening on that other ship while everything raffi does is basically an afterthought with backstory slipped in between the cracks like aged caulk is so disheartening and pathetic. star trek picard make an effort maybe. she’s a polarizing character that’s been stuck in impossible situations, weighed down with retractions and stereotypes (they thread the line but HM) because the narrative continually refuses to meaningfully engage with her and a lot of fans of the show wont examine their own biases to see why they have such a viscerally negative reaction to a complicated black woman character that’s good at what she does, knows it and refuses to kneel at the foot of their hero’s :)
and if it wasn’t for ms hurd elevating this performance with sheer will, massive talent and the whip of that (sexy) ponytail? shit would be so much worse. but it’s still bad! because instead of giving her a nuanced, thoughtful send off she’s once again being made to suffer for the nth time. because why? oh right so wise man worf can guide her to the light lol give me a fuckin break.
and it’s no accident that if you cut raffi out (which they literally did in ep4 miss musiker you WILL be avenged) the story could more or less proceed as usual. that’s by design.
because legacy characters or not, im simply not buying that the main white cast members (plus two interlopers idgaf about those new guys and they’re doing nothing to make me care either. pick a random channel and their stories are being told right now live and in color like don’t piss me off) just so happen to be on the ship with the lead yet the sole woc is sent away on some underbaked adventure because ‘reasons?’ please. this season literally could not be more transparent about the audience they’re catering to and who/whose stories are of importance and consideration.
and i knew this would probably happen once the premise for s3 was revealed but i still can’t get over how obvious it is that there really was no plan for raffi and that she only happened to bypass the cull of the la sirena crew because she was romantically linked with seven at the time. which is baffling considering how things are (not) going between them (#theyareMARRIEDletthemTALKandKISSandREST)
and it’s not just them like everything about this season is quite literally happening just because. every slightly interesting or fresh development (and character it’s true) from the previous seasons has been dismissed or diminished and for what? secret sons and man pain? ew lmao. no suspense no lingering threads just excessive shots of ships, an aggressive insistence on biological families and rampant, shameless references to past glory. a mess.
#doing everyone so dirty but it’s fine because ‘familiar faces’ yeah okay 👍🏾#like can we all be serious for one second lol#they’re not even trying.#at least if this season was good i would somewhat understand why they snapped my faves out of existence but it’s literally not#feels insane to see so many people praise this#is this really where we are as an audience? nostalgia = good? really?#and the new characters they chose to add? come on#no space for rios but yall had space for TWO random white guys?#a christmas miracle!#like the kid is one thing but captain crunch ? they’re playing in my FACE#like i don’t even have any firm feelings about him because he’s pretty much a giant bore but#seeing all these allowances being made for him because of what he looks like whilst raffi continues to get shit on irks me so bad#like i knew it would happen ive been alive in the world lol but still#unsurprising but irritating af that captain crunch can sulk around in all his dickheaded glory#and it’s fine because he’s gods most traumatized baby boy but let raffi lash out once and it’s questions about her competence#and calls to have her removed like oh what’s the difference i wonder#‘men can laugh while a woman can only chuckle’ -godforbid she be black and self assured- like that person was preaching i fear!#if this sounds bitter it’s because i am <3#michelle hurd deserves so much better like someone pls get her a five season dramatic series on a prestige network asap!#looks at this dissertation i just wrote oops ain’t mean to rant like that but they forced my hand 😭#now to watch raffi’s spar scene on loop and forget about the show until thursday comes around and rattles my cage again lol#raffi musiker#.rfi#stpk
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narrativedoomed · 1 year
i havent seen any episodes since 2x3 but i think its SO interesting that the fandom will continuously say ben has no power and that no one cares hes an adult but the moment he doesnt step in to help deliver a baby its suddenly "hes annoying" and "you said yourself youre the adult step it up"
#yj spoilers#also like. as far as im aware he has continued to spiral and hallucinate constantly#and also like. i feel like trying to deliver a baby may be Difficult considering his leg situation bc like. idk how they were set up#but i dont think he can like. sit on the floor and he sure as hell cant kneel since one leg doesnt have a knee anymore#like im sure he probably could've helped somehow but i think. i dont think its fair to constantly emphasize his powerlessness#and then get mad when hes. not using what power he does have#'he taught the health class!!' 'he never learned more than pressing play on the video???'#i cant imagine the gay man would be actively preparing himself to know how to deliver a baby also i dont think that childbirth is like#taught in schools but i could be wrong#saw someone say he should know what to do because 'at his grown age one of his friends would've given birth' but like. its not like#its not like he would BE there for that#me getting defensive of ben without seeing the episode or knowing the context akshwls#its very possible that i will watch the episode eventually and they will be right its true#but i just.#ALSO i see so many people complain that bens even still alive and there bc hes a boy but then they complain when their main characters#are stepping up and doing things while he stays out of it#i think. its also quite possible i dont actually care that much ab this and the person talking just had an attitude and it annoyed me more#everyone in the replies was calling ben annoying and im >:(#ive also just been not in the best mood so i think im just channeling my feelings into this thing that doesnt matter akshskskd#negative cw
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hershelchocolate · 10 months
Well gamers, it took me 30 ENTIRE HOURS,,,,,,but Artemy is finally complete <3 I can *actually* start building up the groundwork for the fic I want to write now!!!!
I can't go super into it, Clara is going to be a big part of it and I want to play her route as well first. But the entire fic is from Artemy's perspective, so I think I actually do have enough to work with to start making notes of plot points!!!!!
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cheswirls · 2 years
do i wanna sit thru a lets play of frlg postgame or rely on bulba like last time hm..
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malliya · 1 year
i have.......
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amildlyspookydeer · 2 years
*stomps out onto grass and wags cane in air* you kids and your live action remakes of disney movies!!! ooohhh!!!!
#ik i sound like a boomer or a gatekeeper or whatever i just. hate the entire concept of these so fucking much#and i hate being scared to bitch about it and how creatively bankrupt they are bc some of my friends like them a lot#just like im scared to complain about how annoying the MCU and DCU are#but god. god i have not seen a single disney live action remake i enjoyed watching#also the MCU and DCU and star wars are all annoying as fuck and the longer they go on the more and more they are sapped of any personality#and the more by the numbers they can become#im not a film critic im not a genius and im sure as fuck not majorly informed on film theory or making but these movies are all so fucking#boring to me. i wish the people behind them instead 1) didnt do live action remakes of beautifully animated 2d movies and 2) had an end#goal in sight that didnt waver indefinitely to include as many IPs as possible between the start and end of the series AND didn't already#have a plan in place to do a reboot or continuation as soon as that last movie in the story arc is over#every time i watch an MCU or DCU movie it feels so by the numbers and/or attempting to pull in the same success as previous releases#this obviously isnt mentioning how shitty the studios are for treating their workers how they do or how bullshit the people running the#MCU are for insisting on filming in the greenest screen to ever have screened so even the actors dont know what scene theyre acting out#or to mention the racial problems or sexism or anything like that#just how annoying these things are to me. i just want to watch movies dude. i dont want to watch movies with the biggest budgets and the#worst greenscreen ive seen since 2006 because the artists are overworked and not paid nearly enough#this obviously plays into other films as well but the disney live action remakes and MCU and DCU and star wars annoy me the most#im not watching live action pinocchio. im so tired of it#spooky speaks
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nako-doodles · 2 years
Babies in the hot tub🤍 & my favourite place to put yoongi in the tree!
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im thiiiiiiis close to redrawing tangerine yoongi to be seomgi in his lil tree you dont understand!!!!!!!!
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prophecyofgray · 4 months
sometimes life is just not doing a Task and then feeling guilty about not doing it but continuing to put it off and then getting trapped in a cycle of guilt -> misery -> procrastination -> more misery -> not doing anything not even fun stuff cuz ur too guilty but also too miserable to do the damn thing. and then u have to drag urself kicking and screaming to the task and go HEY. DO IT. and then u do it and everythigns fine again <3
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badass-sunshine · 7 months
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~☆ Fairy Gift Guide ☆~
(this post will be continously updated as I uncover more info!)
♡ means they love this gift! :)
× means they hate this gift >:(
(lil question mark(?) just means I'm unsure and yet to confirm :p )
♡ Peridot
× Red Shell
♡ Rose
♡ Water Lily
♡ Dewdrops
× Black Feather
× Red Light Bead
♡ Snapdragon
× Four Leaf Clover
♡ Iris
♡ Iris Light Bracelet
♡ Yellow Light Bead
× Pearl
♡ Poppy
× Purple Feather
♡ Iris Light Bracelet
♡ Feather
× Blue Dewdrop
♡ Ruby
× Purple Shell Anklet
♡ Garnet
♡ Red Feathers?
× Lemon
× French Lavender
♡ any Leaf?
♡ Ginko Leaf
♡ Purple Feather
× Yellow Shell
× Black Pearl
♡ feather
♡ Seashells
♡ Blue Feather
Minister of Spring
♡ Violet
× Yellow Shells
Minister of Summer
♡ All jewels?
♡ Rock Crystal
Minister of Autumn
♡ Red Leaf
× Rock Crystal
Minister of Winter
♡ gemstones?
× Red Dewdrop
Queen Clarion
♡ all colours of Lily
× Black Feathers
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cujohcaps · 1 year
I made a new Proseka account bc idk i was bored and man I know I haven’t played this game in literally a whole year but… I DONT REMEMBER IT BEING THIS HARD ??!!!!! maybe I just suck (very true) and maybe I’ve just gotten used to the enstars rhythm game (true as well) but i cannot full combo for the life of me. Were flick notes always that hard? Am I just bad at the game? (Yes)
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chisatowo · 1 year
Dst farming is just farming happily with no worries in the world and then the horrors (carrotpocalypse)
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master-gatherer · 1 year
It's decided.
I shall watch The Good Place again.
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