#iwtv 1st watch
bakugourising · 9 months
binging iwtv before it gets taken off hbo
ep 1
wait is this the actor that played the bernie sanders guy in succession omg this is my mcu
omg the blue contacts lol
vampire self harm
“you were disrespectful” “i was high” lol
“in the middle of the pandemic” oh shit this is set during covid
ok i’ve read the book so this other guy in the back is armand??
his backstory is so different but it works
omg this is so vulgar
ahh the blue eyes r so scary 😭
i always loved the setting so much new orleans is so pretty
this is the weirdest flirting of all time
“you’re his destiny louis” “destined to be very good friends” lol
the powers anne rice vampires have r so cool
ok i kind of love paul
this is so bisexual
“it’s my brothers funeral” 😭
bruh lestat needs to chill the fuck out
such a good first ep hell ya
ep 2
all this fancy food is giving me hannibal flashbacks
“can we turn down the music” oh i love that
lestat is so bitchy
“i should have told you that” ya probably
the fox :(
i love lestat’s straw hat
the sound design for this show is rlly good
theatre kid lestat back at it again
“i almost ate my nephew lestat” lol
ep 3
lestat is so EXTRA stop harassing the piano guy 😭
“what’s wrong with that man” no literally
“more nuanced portrait” lol
“ya i heard that about you two” lol
i love bricks
“sounds like some kind of russian bolshevik scheme”
“he’s a lot”
omg that’s so creepy with the soldiers wtf this show does the anne rice genre of horror so well
omg i love louis’ red suit
“i’ll let you reload” cold af
i for one support louis killing racists
“i’m a vampire”
claudia pog
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starofhisheart · 23 days
My gay 67yo friend who is watching Interview With The Vampire with me is gonna be so gagged when devil's minion is canon I cannot wait
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tragedyandterror · 2 months
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Where are we going?
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kurp-stuff · 15 days
Well the french in the last episode of iwtv was certainly something
#I think I needed the subtitles almost as much as someone who does not speak french. Had to re listen to some of the lines like 2 or 3 times#WHILE reading the subs to know wtf they were saying. Or am I stupid ? I'll ask friends what they think#(Not all the lines but some were hard to get for me)#Like i understand the main actors are not fluent. Not sure they even speak french cause sometimes it sounds like they dont know what the#fuck they're saying themselves. But would it kill them to hire at least french actors for background characters who have 2 lines. So that#at least the environement is believable. Like it was okay in the 1st season cause there werent big sentences in french but here..nope#also when Sam Reid speaks english with the french accent it's okay. It works honestly. I mean I think. And at least it's funny.#But in s2 having them act those big sentences wasn't a good idea. Really you can see they dont know where to put what little tonic accent w#have in french. And so it sounds fake. I mean ''ça sonne faux'' but i dont know how to translate that exactly in english. But yeah makes th#lines sound unsincere and meaningless. So the acting is downgraded. And I can see they're putting a lot of effort into it but it does#Make them sound like they're struggling hard. And we go back to the line not feeling right. Like they dont know what they're saying you kno#*I meant intonation rather that tonic accent (maybe ?) french doesnt have a lot of tonic accent(s). but both probably apply to this case)#Im only this bitchy about it cause it's a rather big production. Im pretty sure they have the resources to do better.#I know it most likely the same for any other language that was represented in the show. Or other shows for that matter. It's just that#I dont have expertise on other languages. Tho i dont remember what show i was watching where the actors spoke spanish and even i could tell#they were neither spanish nor from any latin america country. For the record i am not very good at spanish.#iwtv
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hexjulia · 4 months
the last trailer i saw really didn't do it for me (wwdits vibes were too strong for me) but this very short one does!! i want to see what they've done with the claudia madeleine scenes so badly.
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ouroboobos · 1 year
does anyone have the iwtv show on drive. please </3
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cotyledonal · 2 years
fighting for my life trying to see bloody fangs through the pixels
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lgbtiwtv · 2 years
happy blorbito tuesday btw. if you even care
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bakugourising · 9 months
iwtv finale!
ep 7
“claudia was plotting”
he’s unhinged
the guy slapping himself lol
the baby 😭
“is there rosemary in your garden” weird thing to ask
“it’s a hell of a party” “do you know the secret to immortality?” “never get married” “that’s a good joke”
they’re dancing 😭 wait it’s kinda cute
“it’s empty” “not for long” pure camp
“i wasn’t talking to you” oop
wow ok what a great/loving adaptation
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cbrownjc · 1 year
The WGA Strike and Interview With The Vampire Season 2
So I’ve decided to put together all my posts and info about the 2023 Writer’s Strike, and how IWTV Season 2 is -- and isn’t -- affected by it. 
First, mainly, you can find the Rules and Guidelines the WGA has laid out about the 2023 strike here: https://www.wgacontract2023.org/strike/strike-rules  
Now, 10 important points to know:
1. Please no one worry or panic about Season 3 right now. Not only has Season 3 not officially been green-lit by AMC yet, no announcement about it will happen until the strike is over . . . or at the very least until Season 2 finishes airing, whichever comes first.
2. Even while on strike, the writers can’t write a single word of Season 3, even in their own time. So nobody who writes or works for the show is working on Season 3 in any way, shape, or form at the moment. If you hear any supposed “rumors” or chatter about Season 3 during the strike, all that stuff is BS. There will be no story-breaking, writing, casting, or anything else going on for Season 3 until the strike is over. To do any of that stuff during the strike would be breaking the rules the WGA has set up wrt the strike. 
3. The WGA is NOT negotiating their new contract with each studio individually. IWTV has not made a separate deal with AMC regarding the production of Season 2 either. I think this is something that has people confused when they hear that some productions are still filming, or are about to start filming. NONE of these productions, including IWTV, have done individual studio deals. No production can just go to their individual studio and make a separate agreement with them -- that would be considered crossing the picket line, as it is against the Rules and Guidelines the WGA has laid out about the strike.
4. When it comes to collective bargaining about a new contract with the WGA, the studios are represented by a collective group known as the AMPTP (Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers). That is who the WGA is negotiating about all of this with, NOT the individual studios directly.
5. The scripts for IWTV Season 2 were all finished before the deadline of May 1, 2023. Any and all scripts, industry-wide, that were finished being written for any shows or movies headed into production or being filmed right now before the May 1st deadline, can all be used for production, even during the strike. Because those scripts all fall under the old contract(s) the WGA had with the AMPTP.
6. If anyone says that the production of Season 2 is shutting down because of the writer’s strike, they are either just uninformed or they are purposefully lying to sew discord and FUD. To be frank, the WGA does not control if a show or movie can go into production or not. The studios are the ones who green-light those things, not the WGA, even during the strike. What you have to pay attention to is when the script for the show or movie that is going into production was written. Because if it was written after May 1, 2023, then it was clearly either written by an AI generator and/or a scab writer. And those are the movies/shows you want to avoid watching.  
7. AMC saying they aren’t worried or affected by what’s going on simply means that either all the new seasons for their upcoming shows were already finished with production before the strike happened, or all the scripts for their shows were done being written before May 1, 2023. IWTV falls under the second point -- all the scripts for Season 2 were done long before May 1, 2023.
8. When a show is in production during the strike, WGA members can NOT do rewriters to any of the scripts the production is using. Doing any rewriters to any scripts would be considered breaking the strike rules. However, that rule only applies to WGA members. A member of the WGA can’t do rewrites of scripts that are being produced. However, if an actor -- who is NOT a WGA member -- wants to ad-lib something while filming, that would NOT be considered a rewrite that breaks strike rules.
9. WGA members can’t be on the set for any productions during this time unless they are what’s known as a “Hyphenate.” A Hyphenate is someone who is designated, and credited, as a writer-producer, writer-director, writer-actor, etc. These people can only be on set in their Hyphenate role (producer, director, actor, etc.,) but not in their writer roles. Rolin Jones, who is a WGA member, is a writer-producer for IWTV, so he can be on set, if he chooses to be, in his producer role. He just has to be very careful about what he says and does while on set. In fact, he probably can’t talk much at all, going by what went on during the last strike for those who were on set in Hyphenate roles. I’ll go more into this specifically below.*
10. IWTV is not breaking the picket line or any of the WGA strike rules by continuing to film Season 2. Again, because the scripts they are using for Season 2 were finished before the strike deadline, (the word at the moment is that the scrips were all finished -- or being finished up -- around Dec 2022/Jan 2023) the show filming Season 2 is not going against the strike or breaking any rules to do so.
* * * * *
* So because he is what is known as a Hyphenate then yes, Rolin Jones can still be on set if he wants to, but only just in his producer role. This is the same thing that was allowed during the 2007-08 strike.
The guidelines laid out by the WGA for Hyphenates specify that no written or verbal adjustment can be made by them if they are on set during filming, under Rule 12. 
Hyphenates (i.e. members employed in dual capacities such as writer-director, writer-producer, writer-performer, etc.) are prohibited from performing any writing services, including “(a) through (h)” services, for a struck company. The MBA defines (a) through (h) services as follows:
h. Instructions, directions, or suggestions, whether oral or written, made to a writer regarding story or screenplay.
This was a rule that was also in place for Hyphenates during the 2007-08 WGA strike. 
However, if he wishes to, Rolin can approve or disapprove of the actors or even the director wanting to change or tweak a line or something, by nodding or shaking his head.  
Writer Alex Kurtzman talked about having to do things like this -- because of what was allowed and not allowed -- during the 2007-08 writers' strike. They had just started production of the 2009 Star Trek movie when that strike hit, and Kurtzman was allowed to be on set because he was an Executive Producer of the film but, as a co-writer of the film as well, he had to be extremely careful about what he said and did while there. 
The nodding or shaking his head regarding on-set dialogue changes - but not verbally saying yes or no about them - was one of those things he could do.
So, because the 2023 rules did not talk about that as something that would be against the rules this time, that means Rolin Jones can still get away with doing the head nodding and head shaking stuff that went on during the last writer’s strike when it comes to small changes/adjustments if he wants to, but nothing else. 
As noted above, none of the other writers for the show can be on set unless they are there in some other role, such as if they are a co-producer or something like that, and there in that role. (Though, in the words of one of the former Buffy writers, co usually means not when it comes to that credit). 
I, personally, don’t think any of the other ITWV writers will be on set or in the writer’s room for the show -- wherever it is -- in any way. That’s usually what the majority of writers who also got Hyphenate credits like co-producer chose to do, while the most major Hyphenate (usually the showrunner and maybe one other Hyphenates person on the writing staff) did remain on set. 
Also, Rolin probably has cut off talking to any of the other writers in any professional way, in fact, just to make sure nothing that he may talk with them about could be considered crossing the picket line.
* * * * * *
So, IWTV fandom, please try and relax about Season 2 and Season 3 as much as you can. Season 2 still being filmed isn’t breaking any of the strike rules or breaking picket lines. 
And Season 3, if it is ever announced as officially green-lit by AMC, is not going into any form of production until the strike is over and done. Because it actually can’t unless AMC is prepared to really use AI or scab writers to begin production of a Season 3. Because otherwise, there will be zero writing that can be done for a Season 3, let alone casting or anything else, until the strike is over. 
The whole industry knew this strike was a possibility by at least February 2023. Rolin Jones and the writers had weeks to prepare for it happening and likely had a plan in place just in case. The actors likely all knew a strike was possible as well, and worked to figure out anything they needed to before it happened as well.
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theatrevampire · 11 days
It's totally cool if you can't answer, but I have to ask for my own sanity: are there depictions of sexual assault, domestic violence, or serious violations of the mind/body in episode 5? I'm a horror fan so I don't mind blood & murder, but I do get uncomfortable when it comes to loss of body autonomy. Its why I've only been able to watch 1x05 once all the way through. On rewatches, I have to skip past Bruce and the Loustat fight.
I remember Luke saying at the premiere red carpet that if fans read the books, they would have an idea about what happens after the 1st interview. I took this to mean that Armand would kidnap Daniel and lock him up for a few days like he did in QotD, par for the course for our little gremlin. But I've been reading things that make me worry it's a lot worse than that.
One person compared 2x05 to the episode of TWD where a certain character meets a certain bat, another person compared it to 1x05, and another person said that the trauma Daniel goes through in San Francisco is the most harrowing thing they've ever seen on IWTV. Would you agree with any of these opinions or do you think they're being dramatic? I was so excited about this episode and now I feel a panic attack coming on
okay let me see how i can answer this. i definitely don't want anyone to have a panic attack. if you want to come back to my blog right before episode 5 airs i can try to give somewhat of a bigger warning.
i've seen the comparison to the TWD episode--i'll be honest i never actually watched that episode as glenn was my favorite character and i bowed out before it happened, so i'm not sure HOW violent that scene was on screen. i think this might be a BIT of an inaccurate comparison, though. the most "HARROWING" thing on IWTV? personally, i would disagree. i think that's still the 1x05 fight for me.
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brawlite · 2 months
good morning/afternoon/evening. I'm hiding behind an anonymous mask to ask you if you ever watched interview with the vampire (the show) ? and if yes, what do you think of it?
aw, hi!
i watched the first season of iwtv and i really enjoyed it. to share a fun brawls fact: i grew up reading anne rice's books. i was super duper into them. like -- loved. woof. so, it's been real fun to watch and get a little back into -- especially since apparently i forgot most of everything that happened.
anyway: it was a fun season 1, absolutely stellar bad vibes, everything i really wanted out of it. an absolute delight to watch. i don't really have any fandom feelings about it, though.
we DID do a watch party for the 1st season for @myriophyllous's birthday and i am compelled to share a few pictures of the vibes:
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tsaricides · 3 months
hope you’re doing well yutro!! 💛 just saw the iwtv season two trailer dropped! any thoughts? 🎤
i've been postponing watching it because i was too nervous and thought i would be thoroughly disappointed... especially that the 1st season introduced some changes into the text that i thought were completely unnecessary and detrimental to it.
but i have finally watched it now and... i'm a bit obsessed? the way lestat haunts them... and armand! armand repeating "lestat"... i truly hope it is not just some display of jealousy and that there will be at least hints at armand's own psychosexual obsession with him. if not, i will be a let-down that will ruin the whole adaptation for me once again (the monogamous worldview that the show writers impose on vampires is so tiring.) especially that i'm already highly skeptical of louis & armand still being in a relationship. but i have already complained about the strange standards and butchering the beauty and horror of the immortal love at length when the first season came out so i will not repeat myself.
there is so much going on that i cannot dissect because it's a complete turn away from the original... in that one scene, is lestat laughing at armand?? why are they talking about the interview itself as if so much is at stake... what happens to claudia in this iteration of the story? etc. etc. it makes me both nervous and a bit curious where they will go with it all.
the thing i'm really thrilled to see is the theatre though! this was my favourite part in the books... and we didn't get much glimpses at it in the trailer, but i know some of it was recorded in prague, and i'm also excited to see it.
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iwtvfanevents · 4 months
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A Challenge Every Sunset is run by a group of like-minded AMC IWTV fans, to foster creativity and positive engagement in this burgeoning fandom through events, prompts and challenges.
Participation guidelines ►
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All events and initiatives below ▼
Ongoing and upcoming events
Vampterview S2 bingo | All through season two
Thanks to the contributions from fellow fans, we collected over 150 conjectures, theories and predictions, and we used them to together a game for the second season of Interview with the Vampire: prediction bingo! Get your own bingo card here ►
Open prompts and initiatives
A tag of our own | Fandom initiative
We’re inviting fellow fans to use a set of dedicated tags to talk about and to share fanworks for AMC’s Interview with the Vampire: #Vampterview for posting about the show #The Titular Vampire for posting about the show’s Louis #Spark in the Dark for posting about the show’s Claudia Learn more about this initiative here ►
IWTV ask game! | Open reblog game
40 questions looking back at our first year with the vampires, what we loved (and didn't love) about season one, and what we expect to see in the future. Reblog the list of questions here ►
Self rec time! | Open reblog game
An open invitation for you to share your favorite creations. Browse the notes for other fans' own favorites, and reblog with your own hall of fame, here ►
Past events
Rewind the tape | March 10th - May 1st, 2024
Starting March 10th and for the next seven weeks, we will be rewatching the first season of Interview with the Vampire, and we hope you’ll join us! Watch with your friends or in your own time, and come talk about the show we love and countdown the weeks to season two with us. Learn more about this event here ►
A meal to remember 2 | March 1st-3rd, 2024
A weekend dedicated to showing appreciation and support for other fans and their work. Learn more about this event here ►
Eternal Yuletide Bingo | December 1st to 25th, 2023
A holiday-themed creative challenge: starting December 1st and until Christmas, on the 25th, we celebrated the holiday season together! See the posts and creations shared as part of this event, in our #eternalyuletide tag ►
Saint Louis of the Vieux Carré | All of October 2023
A month-long creative challenge: starting October 1st and through the whole month, we celebrated Louis's 146th birthday! See the posts and creations shared as part of this event, in our #st. louis of the vieux carré tag ►
A meme to remember | October 2nd, 2023
To commemorate the show's official premiere date, we invited our fellow fans to share new and old jokes about our favorite vampires on October 2nd. See the memes shared during this event, in our #a meme to remember tag ►
A meal to remember | September 1st-3rd, 2023
A weekend dedicated to showing appreciation and support for other fans and their work. See the recommendations, analysis, fanart, and even reading games shared as part of this event, in our #a meal to remember tag ►
Participation guidelines ►
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The Devil's Minion meta analysis
It was as though Armand feasted upon the feast, drinking in that part of life which he could not share any longer except with his eyes...
...and he watched as the boy drank deeply ...consumed it slowly, his eyes fixed on Armand.
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"He was busy with his human boy, who was dining at the desk on silver plates of meats and fish. A decanter of white wine stood next to him, and though he was feverish and weak from last night, his skin was florid and his heat and fragrance were a torment to me. Not apparently to Armand, who sat in the leather chair by the fire opposite me, turned to the human, his arms folded on the leather arm. The boy filled his glass and held it up now in a salute. 
"My master," he said, his eyes flashing on me as he smiled; but the toast was to Armand. 
"Your slave," Armand whispered with a deep intake of breath that was passionate. 
And he watched, as the boy drank deeply. I could see him savoring the wet lips, the mobile flesh of the throat as the wine went down. And now the boy took a morsel of white meat, making that same salute, consumed it slowly, his eyes fixed on Armand.
It was as though Armand feasted upon the feast, drinking in that part of life which he could not share any longer except with his eyes"  
Louis telling Daniel what he witnessed of Armand watching Denis in Paris, 1870. IWTV p248-9 Knoff
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If Armand could possibly arrange it
he watched from a chair nearby
a dark-eyed Cupid with a tender approving smile. Hot, nerve-searing, this witnessed passion, Daniel working the other body with ever greater abandon, aroused by the dual purpose
    ...If Armand could possibly arrange it...
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Armand watching Daniel watching him with Louis.
and he watched as the boy drank deeply
consumed it slowly, his eyes fixed on Armand.
...consumed it slowly, his eyes fixed on Armand...
Yes, watching is their thing.
And when you're a telepathic vampire, you are also 'watching' from inside the human's mind.
Consider: The mechanics of vamp/mortal lovers presented in a more explicit way in TVA is the most significant insight Armand's relationship with Marius sheds on TDM. A&D can, and do, make love the same way M&A did, with mouths and hands and emotional intimacy and blood for Armand and orgasms for Daniel.
"Daniel loved the feel of the hard gleaming white hands moving over his naked flesh, rather like satin gloves. And the brown eyes that seemed to draw Daniel out of himself; ah, the delicious disorientation, the certainty that he was being carried downwards, out of all things physical, and finally the hands closing on his throat gently, and the teeth breaking through the skin. He closed his eyes, his body heating slowly, only to burn truly when Armand's blood touched his lips." Armand and Daniel, circa 1980. TQOTD p89 Knoff
Yet A&D also pick up thirds for sex when they get cruised.
"Men and women fell in love with Armand, of course, "so innocent, so passionate, so brilliant!" You don't say. In fact, Armand's power to seduce was almost beyond his control. And it was Daniel who must bed these unfortunates, if Armand could possibly arrange it, while he watched from a chair nearby, a dark-eyed Cupid with a tender approving smile. Hot, nerve-searing, this witnessed passion, Daniel working the other body with ever greater abandon, aroused by the dual purpose of every intimate gesture. Yet he lay empty afterwards, staring at Armand, resentful, cold." Armand and Daniel, circa 1980. TQOTD p86 Knoff
1st rule of VampChron: read between the lines
Daniel loves that Armand is a monster. Armand loves that Daniel is human. These two are deeply romantically and erotically in love with one another as species as well as people
Daniel wants to be a vampire with Armand. Armand wants to experience as much of a human life as possible with Daniel
Becoming a vampiric predator is Daniel's greatest wish. Yet Armand is so vigilant over Daniel's humanity he will not let him see him kill even when he begs
This is the fundamental dynamic of their lives together between 1977 and 1985
The 'flight gap' that Daniel inserts into his story to tease Lestat simultaneously with a 'sex gap' - leaving out the method by which he and Armand journeyed from Pompeii to Rome just as he leaves out what they were doing in that hotel bed he awakens in next morning- is an effective device, to cause the reader to compare Armand to Pandora and the other vamps revealed to be able to fly for the first time in this volume, think about what other vampiric powers Armand is logically using- and intentionally inserted by Rice in that sexual context
Riceian vamps cannot possess humans, that is beyond them, but Akasha speaks in detail to Lestat of using mind gift to enter human minds and psychically know their experience and senses secondhand. Other vampires speak of it in other volumes
Just as he did with Denis, Armand can share, can savor Daniel's sensual experiences in his mind
Or Armand can go into the mind of any third who is in their bed
Any strong vampire could do this. Armand himself is particularly talented with mind gift 
Armand is excited vampirically by human physiological responses to sexual pleasure- canonically Riceian vampire bodies don't have libido and they don't have orgasm- but the ecstatic peak from blood, and erotic pleasure they get from their vamp senses of touch, smell, sight, hearing and taste, make orgasm seem trite. Witnessing human sexual pleasure can be temendously eroticly satisfying to a vampire
The context lends itself to the opposite question- why not? They are living a life together in NYC, involved in the real world of 20something culture surrounding them. They are a young, horny, bisexual couple during the 1977-81 zenith of the sexual revolution when swinging became mainstream, and both are getting something out of encounters with thirds
Daniel tells us "I am the Devil's minion and he gives me my every wish." Armand showers him with satisfaction of human desires: plentiful and varied entertainment and intellectual pursuits, fine food and drink, safety, freedom and adventure, luxurious properties and beautiful possessions, novel and plentiful sex is naturally on this list of good things. Armand confirms "tell me what you want, Daniel, and I'll get it for you"
Daniel feels "passion" for these thirds, loves the "Hot, nerve-searing" sex
Armand loves it too. It's the sexiest virtual reality game ever and playing it was his idea
Armand genuinely being "tender", him genuinely "approving" of Daniel's "passion", this affirmation sends Daniel in "ever greater abandon" the intensity is enormous, more so for "dual purpose": being shared by his telepathic lover
And then the sex is done and Armand's mind is back on his vampiric body and Daniel is left looking at him sitting cool and unaffected across the room, Daniel feels empty and cold, of course he does: it's sub drop, and he's resentful of the unfair imbalance that Armand can play at this but Daniel is totally shut out of vampirism, and more inescapably human than ever in these post-coital moments
Daniel describes their thirds as "these unfortunates" because as a fellow human he knows they can't really consent to being used as Armand's virtual reality avatar. They are taking up a role similar to Denis's silver plates of meats and fish and they can never understand that because they don't believe in telapathic vamps
Thirds are also "unfortunates" because Daniel is just as uncertain as we are- as with so many thing with TDM, grasping Daniel's uncertainty is crucial- if they may end up Armand's dinner once they are out of his sight. No matter how many roomfulls of humans Armand seduces with a twitch of his finger, no matter how "in love" they feel with Armand, Armand loves only Daniel. And you can bet your ass that kicks Daniel's pedal. He's no lamb, our Daniel. That hard vampire kink is a serious kind of darkness
The fact that Daniel is bisexual: feeling "passion" for both the women and the men, not a hetero/homo/ace lamb suffering rape on the regular by Armand-as-depraved-bisexual-nasty-stereotype isn't a matter of 'how the reader would prefer to headcanon Daniel'. It is crucial understanding
Crucial in understanding Armand's development from suffering because he had selfishly manipulated Louis to respecting his lover and giving him self-determination, to learning to love selflessly even at cost to himself. TDM is Armand's redemption story. Any comprehension of his character arc is lost with misreading of Daniel's genuine "passion" for both the women and men
And crucial understanding of Daniel, who is slammed with surprise horror at his bloodlust and murderousness once he is a vampire. He thought he was proving he could be a bit predatory with these thirds, as with joining in Armand's exploitative billionairism, but even as Armand shared the adventure of robbing and looting he would not let Daniel see him massacre narcotic traffickers. Armand let him maintain his romantic delusions that feeding on human death was not horrible, a horrible price to pay for immortality. This understanding is lost with misreading Daniel as humiliated in the encounters with thirds
Daniel describes Armand in this context as a "tender" "Cupid". Passion is not a synonym for rape. Tender is not a synonym for assault. Cupid is not a synonym for rapist. Listen to the text. Take the text at its word
The Devil's Minion does not exist in isolation. It exists within and is illuminated by, and in turn illuminates, other parts of TQOTD story, and other volumes
In a way this paragraph is the key to understanding The Devil's Minion thread of TQOTD, and all the nuance between the lines can only be unlocked with the illumination of *all* the lore in the first three books
Against-text headcanons are wonderful, fun, personally beloved and the indispensable fulcrum for transformative fanwork. No one wants to stamp on anyone's personal straight, transmasculine, strictly gay, asexual, enby, victimised, or other Daniel Molloy. Because VC is a series, a grasp of the actual textual canon of each volume is necessary to other volumes and understanding the characters arcs developed across volumes
And it's a bit disingenuous to accuse the TV show of 'straightwashing' Daniel into bisexuality. A good working definition of bisexuallity is feeling sexual passion for men and for women. Bisexual is and has always been Daniel's textual orientation.
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its-all-ineffable · 1 month
So, while I have only seen the 1st half an hour of episode 1 of season 2, I will hopefully be watching the rest soon. Because I'm in the UK I have to pirate it, and it's not on any of my usual sites rn. I may have to wait until tomorrow even. But I will be watching each episode as soon as is humanly possible.
So when I post/reblog stuff about the new series, they will be tagged with the following:
#amc iwtv
#amc interview with the vampire
#iwtv s2
#iwtv season 2
#iwtv season 2 spoilers
#iwtvs2 spoilers
#iwtv spoilers
Please block these tags so you don't see any spoilers from me if you cannot watch the series asap! I am very excited (and a bit bummed cause I couldn't watch the whole thing at once), and will want to go for it immediately, but I don't want to spoil it for anyone else.
Happy IWTV season 2!
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