You’re 262? Who at the nursing home let you have a tumblr account, gramps?
Lestat here. You are being impeccably rude! It is my right to be on the internet and have an account, and I'm not even in a nursing home!
I am young and spritely for my age, if you want to ask anyone why they have a Tumblr account, talk to the 514 year old @ask-armand who clearly outnumbers me in years spent on this planet.
Lestat out. xoxo
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witheredoffherwitch · 4 months
source: @iwtvampire
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wulfhalls · 3 months
huge slay
the new alicent and helaena still...we love you embroidery we love you headpieces we love you veils we love you jewelry
Tumblr media
this woman is solely responsible for at least a 20% improvement of my mental health. thats what good costuming and head pieces can do to a bitch! who needs meds when u can inject straight cunt into ur veins like that?? (I mean still me I still need the meds. but yeah.)
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elisaintime · 3 months
I come to you as a purely iwtv-show enjoyer, seeking answers from a iwtv-book/everything expert:
Can iwtvampires shapeshift or project an illusion/glamour of their appearance in a human’s mind? Is that a gift they can have and has it been used any times in the books?
With Daniel being turned and clearly feeling more like his younger self (I see you ditchin’ that flannel for a leather jacket, Mr. Malloy😘) is there a possibility he might create a superficial illusion into his younger appearance in certain situations?
Basically im asking, as a huge Young/Oldaniel fan, if I can have my cake and eat it too. I just don’t wanna lose Luke Brandon in season 3, and would love to see Oldaniel’s wizened-sass coming out of young Dan’s mouth. But again, I want to emphasize that young Daniel should only be a *temporary* form, used sparingly. Cause Oldaniel will always reign supreme!
No, that's not a thing in the books...BUT the show does stuff that's not in the books all the time, and has given the vampires all kinds of new extreme powers way beyond what they have in the books, so it could still be possible in the show! I too would like more Luke. But if they stick to the books, it would have to be only in flashback scenes to Daniel's earlier life.
In the book when Armand is making Daniel, he projects an illusion into Daniel's mind that makes Daniel think they're in Italy, and in it Armand's hair and clothes are different. But in reality, they're just sitting still together, and all this is going on in Daniel's head like a dream. So it's not like a vampire could be out interacting with public and making humans see them as different appearances. They can push human minds to not take much notice of them, or not think they're important enough to remember. But it's a huge thing for them to always have to hide in the shadows and keep the lights off when they're around humans, to wear makeup and sunglasses, and disguises to keep people from noticing how scary and inhuman they look with their waxy cartoon skin and uncanny stillness. Even the most ancient and powerful ones like Marius and Maharat need disguises. If they could make themselves look different to human eyes just with psychic power, then they wouldn't ever need to do any of that.
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anissapierce · 2 months
Russell t Davies has now cast 2/6 main iwtvampire actors in his shows so I'm expecting to see Bailey n Delaney soon
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Have you and Armand ever had sex?
Lestat here.
I will give you the simple answer: yes. Yes, we have. Mostly with Louis as a third party, though, both partaking and/or watching. If it isn't already apparent, I love a good threesome, especially with other two ravishing individuals. (I do prefer Louis, though, for all you people out there who are already thinking certain things.)
Lestat out. xoxo
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[OOC: I made this for my meme account on Instagram I hope you enjoy it! 💖]
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Lestat do you think Louis would still love you even if you were a worm
Lestat here.
I'd like to think that he would! He could make me a little garden and I could wriggle around in the soil and he could read to me. It would be pleasant for a little while at least. Maybe we can fact check this with @saint-louisdulac.
How would the logistics of being turned into a worm work? I have no clue.
Lestat out. xoxo
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Lestat here.
I have decided tonight to watch Renfield, and I believe that I am enjoying it so far. That being said, I am only 5 minutes in and I had to laugh to myself when the mention of New Orleans came on screen.
Who has ever heard of a vampire (or pair of them) living in such a place? :)
Lestat out. xoxo
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Which universe are you from? The books, the movie or the TV show?
Lestat here.
I will pin this post later to educate others too. I derive certain things from the books such as my love affair with Nicki/time in Paris/ my boyhood, killing wolves, and most importantly, my much later band/concert.
Other things that prove important (such as things pertaining to the ongoing AMC series) will be updated with time and as things release to include new information/ helpful things that people may need to know about me.
I hope this is helpful, and I will probably update this again later when more episodes of the series commence, to keep up with a potentially diverging canon.
Lestat out. xoxo
(P.S. To all of my dearest mortals discussing the topic of piercings, I do NOT have any genital ones! I am not game enough to have a piercing needle anywhere NEAR my genitals!)
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Lestat, who is/was better in bed/coffin: Louis or Nicki?
Lestat here.
Anonymous you've put me in a very difficult position! Nicki was quite a good lover both in the streets and in the sheets, and I may just be biased by the heightened vampire senses but I think that my dearest Louis takes the cake here.
Bedroom activities were not my Nicki's strongest suit, but he was still good nonetheless. Louis on the other hand seems to be pretty well versed in mixing pleasure and pain if you get what I mean. ;)
I hope this answer is sufficient.
Lestat out. xoxo
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What do you think about the rumors that you’ve possessed Sam Reid?
Lestat here.
I find it really amusing that this is a rumor. I would not be surprised in the slightest, I am very captivating and persuasive. It humors me greatly to know that my relevance remains after all this time, too. I'm often scared of being forgotten, and comments like these make me smile.
Lestat out. xoxo
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Lestat here, never in my 262 years have I felt something of that magnitude! I've been bound, beaten, stabbed and whipped but that was something else!
If you cannot already tell, I got my nipples pierced, and it was an absolute blast in doing so! It was great fun and I would recommend it!
Lestat out . xoxo
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Lestat my dear why do you like your own posts?
Lestat here.
I like my own posts because I think they are quite good, and there is no reason for me not to . If there is some unwritten rule on the internet about not liking your own posts, then I apologize.
Lestat out. xoxo
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Lestat, I love you, but you have to be honest with yourself. I think you loved Nicki more, but just don't want to admit it because it would hurt Louis' feelings and Nicki is already gone.
-You never cheated on Nicki.
- you never expressed desire to have multiple lovers with Nicki.
-You made a song for Nicki, but only made a song for Louis to manipulate him and did it for the wrong reasons.
- You let Nicki have the autonomy to leave but you wouldn't let Louis leave in peace and kept manipulating him to take you back.
- you never beat up Nicki.
I know you have changed but don't you think your actions would suggest you loved Nicki more back then?
Lestat here.
I would have to disagree with you there, dear anonymous. You have brought certain things to my attention, but I can see why you might think that. The main thing that restricted my relationship was the mortal component of it; because way back when I met Nicki it was heavily frowned upon to have more than one love and especially given his state of mind it would not have been helpful to him. I was always curious on such matters, I just never fully vocalized them for the simple fact that Nicki had enough on his plate already.
I'm sure you yourself are a mortal, anonymous, and I must say that you understand the fleeting nature of a life, no? Picture me, as a mortal with my first love. I doubt that when you were with your first love (if that is your thing) you thought about leaving them. Living forever gives you more knowledge of the world around you, and the interconnectedness of relationships. After I became a vampire though, even though I didn't want it and I have consistently endured time, and time again, the immortality aspect can wear at you; knowing you cannot change, you cannot get any older and that you'll never see the sunlight again.
I don't actually think I gave Nicki much more autonomy, in fact, I abandoned him for a period of time and only communicated through gifts and other things of like, which means that I was being quite a miserable excuse for a partner. I gave Nicki too much silence and too much room for both his mind and heart to deal with; I would not call that autonomy. Louis is able to whatever he needs to, and we have discussed this before time and time again, he is his own beautiful self, and I can trust him to do things that I may not have some 100 odd years ago. I deeply regret many things from that era.
The song was meant to be an endearing manifestation of my love for Louis, admittedly adding Antoinette was very very regrettable, and the misguided actions of my youth heavily weight upon me even to this day.
I don't believe that I have shown a preference for Nicki, despite what many may think; I was legitimately a scared young adult who became a monster at the wrong time in my life under quite a traumatic circumstance. My first instinct was to protect myself and it backfired. I love Louis more than I ever could Nicki due to the simple fact that Louis wants to change, and wants to actually get better when he is upset, whereas Nicki resented the happiest points in my lifetime when I was with him. In Paris, he was absolutely miserable, which I had revealed when looking back in retrospect, whereas I was beaming.
Nicki couldn't change no matter how hard I tried to help him, and after a while it felt like a Sisyphean task.
So to answer your question: No, it does not appear as though I loved Nicki more than I do Louis, because context is dreadfully important when it comes to these accusations such as the one that you have simply made.
Lestat out. xoxo
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What is it like being a single brain called organism
Lestat here.
I have no clue what you are trying to get at here? Maybe send me another ask and elaborate further. If this is your attempt at a "roast" you may need to try harder.
Lestat out. xoxo
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