#iz tadr
paulkleestan · 9 months
Funny how in the IZ fandom Dib x Tak is one of the least popular ships yet probably the most likely to become “canon” if rumors about a second IZ movie are true.
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spaceboibrainrot · 8 months
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as a kid my dumb ass always interpreted this line to mean that dib was saying zim is jealous him and tak like each other (tadr/tadf) instead of him and zim (zadr) and it wasn't until i watched the show with my cousin and she told me dib was saying zim was jealous tak liked him instead of zim.
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onceinawhile2 · 11 months
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dib x tak / tak x dib tadr Part 4
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irkensab · 2 years
My sketch :)
I love this ship <3
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jelrnenllwkrnyh · 2 months
I feel like the Invader Zim fandom is pretty much dead but I've seen a ton of stuff on this lately which is insane because I thought you guys crawled back into your dark Hobbit Holes after the movie came out but shrugs!
Now typically I'm not a huge shipper, not as much as I USED to be, but I still do enjoy the occasional one between canon characters if I see it happening. But one thing I'll never understand is why ZaDr, ZaGr, ZaGIr (not sure what the Zim x GIR one is), TaGr, TaDr (etc) are so popular? Not to mention the LARGE age gaps between irkens (specifically Zim and Tak) with Dib and Gaz
Jhonen himself has stated that Zim is like, an old man in human years. He found the trope of an old man beefing with a child to be funny when he was younger so he put that into IZ (if I can find this I'll link it somewhere, it's 5 AM right now and I don't feel like doing it 😭) and we can SAFELY assume the same with Tak. They can be the same age, either being a little older or younger than the other. It doesn't really matter.
Any ship with GIR feels wrong. He acts like a child, I see him as a child, I don't think anything could make me COMFORTABLE with ships that have him in it.
I feel as if the only actual ships that would be right are The Tallest (despite some seeing them as brothers. I don't think they're brothers but you can prove me otherwise if I'm wrong) and ZaTr?
The Tallest need no explanation. Have you seen them?
ZaTr can be much more controversial but I heavily feel like they'd be kismeses or enemies to lovers (somehow, someway).
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gattojack3 · 3 years
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A little honeyed, but I love both of them as a couple. DaTr forever, and now as parents.
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cornymember · 2 years
Hello beautiful art creature!!!!!!!! May I humbly request some Dib x Tak, or some Tak x Zim? I dunno if your requests are open but I thought I’d shoot my shot lmao
LMAOO yea ur good mate
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here u go
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eyezee · 2 years
rqs are open rigth. cherry could u possibly draw like. film noir detective dib. i thought of this 5 minutes ago and it sounds sick as hell but im so bad at drawing dibs hair thing without it looking dumb and stupid
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hai jacky
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bakedbaguette25 · 3 years
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Hehe, Zim go bout to splat LMFAOOOOOOOO
Zim is done with their shit
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monofpoke4life · 4 years
Rain clouds rumbled in the inky blackness of the midnight skies above as sleek, black car skidded as it rounded a sharp curve within the dense forest. Dib gritted his teeth as he cursed at himself under his breath. His shoulders tense and knuckles white as he raced towards the finish line just up ahead. He could see the dim yet steadily increasingly bright glow filter through the towering evergreens.
 He had to make it! He just has to before-before-before-
He didn't want to think about it! Thinking about it made it more tangible, and the more tangible it became, so did the potential outcomes. He shook the thoughts from his head! He didn't have time! He needed to focus, or else his world he fought so hard to protect would be in shatters.
He could smell the smoke, hydraulics, and other foreign materials as his car skidded to a halt beside another matching, government, standard issue vehicle. The nearly vacant clearing was illuminated by the raging flames of the Irken wreckage just beyond the rigid form of his reckless partner. The roar of his pounding heart in his ears drowned him in noise as he cut the engine with the wreck fully within his sights. He forced down the nauseous dread that sent his insides on a rollercoaster into his throat, and then to loop de loop through every fiber of his being as he rushed out of the car, sidearm in hand.
"Sir! I'm so glad you're here! You won't believe it! We've got one! We actually got one! Just wait until the rest of the goons at the Department of Government Cover Ups get a load of this," Brandon, the young field agent and partner, exclaimed as he continued to point his gun at the injured figure beside the crumpled ship. With gun drawn, Dib steadily but hastily came to stand behind the overeager agent, seemingly aiming at the green, female figure as well. 
"I can't believe it! I mean, I saw it on the radar, but I did it! I shot it down!" Brandon barely registered the way his partner and senior field agent readjusted his hand as it started to tremble, or the tightening of his jaw as Dib gritted his teeth. If he had the energy or time, he'd glare at Brandon for his glee, but now was not the time. 
Instead, he focused his patient gaze onto the angry and frantic amethyst of the female Irken that was still pointing her laser gun at his partner. A miracle she was able to stay upright with the way her labored breathing shook her body, or maybe that was from the intense heat of the flames that were practically against her back, from when she initially crawled out of the wreckage, causing her to sweat profusely. Whatever the case, she was itching to move, yet continued to stand her ground with the gun pointing at her.
"Isn't eerie, boss? I mean just look at its eyes! It keeps glancing at its ship, and keeps trying to shuffle itself closer to it! I think there is something important in there! I think it could be something dangerous or valuable. What do you think, boss?" Brandon rambled, not even noticing the way the alien's growling increased at the mention of the contents of her ship. 
"Have you tried asking it," Dib asked in an eerily calm voice that Brandon failed to notice, or the way neither Dib nor the alien broke their gaze away from the other.
"Uh-er-um, no I didn't! But I have tried talking to it, sir! It just keeps growling at me, and it refuses to put down its weapon. I don't think it understands English, sir," Brandon replied, assured in his logical assumption. 
However, his partner wasn’t as assured, as Dib harshly snapped back, "She understands English!" 
Slightly taken aback by his tone, but just assuming it was from his usual ineptitude, Brandon replied, "Well if you're so confident, sir, ask her to hand over her gun. You are the senior field agent after all."
Dib frowned at this, but stepped forward nonetheless. He didn't lower his guns nor did he move in front of Brandon. He stayed positioned behind him as he did just that.
The sneer on her face morphed into a frustrated frown as she slowly moved the gun away. Letting it loosely dangle from her claw by the bit that protected the trigger, before sliding it across the ground where Dib caught it with his foot.
Kneeling down, Dib kept control of his breathing to be steady and calm, as he picked up the gun and stepped back. It matched the steady rhythm of her own tempo, but not that Brandon noticed. He was too blinded in glee at their progress; however, there was something off that he did notice. 
Despite having her hands up in surrender, her muscles were still taught as if to spring into action at any second. Although not unusual for someone about to be captured, especially one ready to take the slightest opening to escape, but the way her posture seemed to slump in some form of relaxation sent off warning bells.
Like she was relieved.
Before Brandon could fully comprehend what was going on, not that he would've assumed right, he felt the cold barrel of a gun press against the back of his head as Dib demanded, "Drop your gun, Brandon! Drop it, and kick it towards the weeds!" 
Betrayal and horror were the understatements of the century for the look that was on Brandon's face. There was a brief moment of silence, and Dib could practically hear the wheels in Brandon's head turning to figure out a way out of this, dropping his gun in incredulous disbelief. 
He should've known Brandon would try to break free, but as Brandon whipped around and attempted to grab Dib's gun, a shot rang out. Dib knew he had nothing to worry about as a flash of blue darted from behind them, grazing Brandon's cheek. 
"She's an Irken, Brandon," Dib remarked as he struck him with the butt of his gun and kneed him, before staring down at his crumpled and groaning form, as he continued, "She practically has a full armory on her back."
Brandon growled as he was flipped onto his stomach, knee jammed into a kidney, and arms yanked behind his back as his “partner,” slapped some handcuffs on him. He raged and hollered beneath him as he called almost every name he could think of under the sun, especially using the term traitor. However, Dib seemed unphased as he anxiously watched her dart into the wreckage to make sure the precious treasures were unharmed, disappearing in a cloud of billowing smoke.
Noticing her sudden absence amongst all his yelling, Brandon threw back, "Have you no shame, man?! What about your family?! Think of them!!!" 
At this, Dib let his anger slip, focusing more pressure on the knee in Brandon's back as he growled, "I am thinking of my family!" 
Just as he said that, some clanging metal graced their ears as the alien darted out of the smoke and wreckage with a blue, glowing orb in her arms about the size of a large beach ball. However, with all of the smoke and the way she held the orb, it was hard to make out what was inside.
A coughing fit triggered by the smoke wracked her body as she dropped to her knees a safe distance from the smoldering ship, still cradling the blue orb protectively. They watched transfixed, one anxious and the other curious, as the orb seemed to flicker. The force field suddenly dropped, and Brandon felt his heart stop. 
His head was in a full tizzy as he tried to comprehend what he was seeing. He focused on the easiest one his mind could handle. A little robot with metal arms extended protectively to encircle two forms. The force field retracting into its antennaless head. It gently set down two, small, fleshy forms in the grass. One in a fetal position, the other limp.
Kids. The robot pulled back to reveal kids! The alien checked calmly yet urgently over the smaller girl with shoulder length black hair and warm brown eyes full of tears. Other than her little toddler chest heaving in fright, she seemed to be okay. However, the other one, a bit slightly older, who was just out of Brandon's line of sight, appeared to be in slightly worse condition. As she shifted her attention to the boy, he could feel Dib leaning forward to desperately catch a glimpse. 
The Irken's form blocked most of the view, as she made a hand motion at the robot towards their general direction. At the silent command, the robot nodded and swiftly slinked like a shadow across the field towards them. 
At the sudden departure of the robot, the little girl with her singed dress and trembling lip followed it's barely perceptible movements with ease. She pushed up her round, cracked, little glasses with the ease and dexterity of a child much older than her, and one with far less chubbier fingers than her toddler form. One more human than her. 
Not that she looked all that different from a human. Her teary eyes followed as the little robot came to a stop in front of them. Its eyes illuminating them in a harsh yet somewhat dim, red glow. 
At the sight of them, the little girl's face contorted in relief and more tears as she went to sprint towards them, but didn't manage to get far as the mother simply hooked a claw in the back of her dress with practiced, almost instinctive ease. Not even looking up as she held a device from her pak above the young boy's body. Brandon gasped as he suddenly felt the pressure on his back remove itself only to have that breath of relief squashed away as the robot quickly took over with the simple command of, "Mimi, gravity mode."
At that, Brandon hissed as the air in his lungs was forced out once more by the little robot. It suddenly felt like a heavy boulder was focused all in one spot on his spine. He watched Dib step in front, into their line of sight, and towards the alien. 
Dib tried to simply stride over briskly to the alien. However, he quickly found himself sprinting just as the little girl ripped herself away to sprint towards him, and that when Brandon heard something that made his heart stop.
No! He had to have heard wrong, but despite his denial, the little girl continued over and over again, "PAPA! PAPA! PAPA!" Only stopping long enough to jump into Dib's arms. He caught her with almost practiced ease. She nuzzled her way into the crook of his neck, blubbering, as he regained his swift stride, continuing on towards the other two. He nuzzled the top of her head back in comfort, holding her close, as he gently rubbed her back soothingly. 
Brandon gulped as his eyes widened. Oh no! Oh god no! 
He watched as they were almost beside the other two as he set her down, and she sprinted towards them, blubbering about, "Mama" and "Tibothy."
But Tibothy is the same name of…oh no oh no oh god no!
The little girl latched onto the female's arm as the boy sat up with a whimper just as Dib knelt down beside them, and placed a comforting hand on the boy’s shoulder. The boy looked up, and his face finally came into Brandon's view. He was the spitting image of his father, but with dark blue hair and eyes the same color as the female alien, who gently shook the little girl off her arm. Clearly, not one for being hanged onto unnecessarily. 
Little tears welled up behind round glasses, and he flung himself into his mother's arms to hide his tears. Dib went to comfort the boy by placing a hand on his back, but stopped and went rigid at the sight of harsh burns on the boy's back. The way he flinched away from the touch at his back spoke volumes of the pain the boy was in, and the sight made Dib stare. Intense rage to rival his sister’s coalesced in his eyes.
Only the sound of the alien's murmured comforts and the action of the little girl flinging herself into Dib's chest seemed to finally snap Dib out of his head. He scooted closer to run his fingers through the boy's hair. Careful not to mess with the singed edges of the tuft of scythe-like hair so identical to Dib's own.
Additionally ever-so-careful not to knock the girl over the girl from his lap, Dib gently brushed over the long gash on the alien's head, above where her eyebrow should be. He wiped away what blood he could with his sleeve, before cupping his hand over her bruised and swollen cheek. 
Her worried expression melted away as she closed her eyes, and leaned into the touch. Dib tenderly pulled her closer, and leaned down to touch his forehead with hers. A small, gentle, relieved smile graced her lips as her hand rose to rest upon his. A ring on her last finger glittering in the calm moonlight, as the storm had long since passed. They pulled back, smiling at each other as if in their own little world. A world that consisted of them and their children.
Brandon gulped as he couldn't deny it any more. He fucked up! He fucked up so bad! He shot down his boss' wife and kids! 
And, as Dib pulled away to readjust his daughter in his lap, he glared over his shoulder at Brandon, who felt a chill go down his spine. His family meant the world to Dib Membrane, and hell was sure to come to whoever tried to shatter it.
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dibcember · 5 years
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Hi everyone! Welcome to Dibcember 2019!
We apologize for the late posting and missing the first day, but we hope that doesn’t discourage you from attempting the other days at well! 
Rules and more information will be posted under the cut
Prompt List
1. Paranormal 2. Family 3. Intense 4. Honey 5. Pilot 6. Relationship 7. Flight 8. Famous 9. Alien 10. Nemesis 11. Friends 12. Space 13. Birthday 14. Time Period 15. Music 16. Hair Day 17. Pastel 18. Fairytale 19. Animal 20. Combat 21. Game 22. Formal 23. Anime 24. Gremlin 25. X-Mas 26. Gaze 27. Injured 28. Ghost 29. Flower 30. Love 31. New
Please keep the event as safe for work as possible! Tag your post as #dibcember2019 so we can reblog it here!
Thank you so much for reading, please reblog if you can!
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myspaace · 5 years
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in wake of my first anon hate, I made this! Free to use!
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onceinawhile2 · 1 year
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dib x tak / tak x dib tadr Part 3
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anonymous-3197 · 5 years
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I am the kind of people who ship tenn and dib, don’t ask why I just do.
And yes....I made a mistake of the color -_-
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invaderhaken · 5 years
Everyone needs to sign this, please.
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