#dib and tak daughter
gattojack3 · 2 years
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Family photo from Zim and Gaz's big wedding. Long live the ZaGr.
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emeraldspiral · 6 months
Sometimes I wonder about the amount of Zimfluence there was in Avatar.
Like, I've already talked about how Aang defeating Ozai through sheer willpower is reminiscent of Zim overpowering the Control Brains with raw insanity in The Trial, how LoK's ending resembles the post-cancellation ending comic where Zim and Dib leave earth to go frolicking in space together, and how Mai's sour, apathetic attitude being the result of feeling pressured to behave herself all the time to please her parents is similar to Gaz trying to win her father's approval by being the Good Child to Dib's Problem Child.
But like, more than a few people at Nick, including co-creator Bryan Konietzko, worked on Zim before Avatar, and members of the Zim crew have expressed regrets about the show being cancelled and not getting to explore things that they had wanted to. So it'd honestly be more weird of Zim didn't have an influence on Avatar.
So let's consider some of the similarities between the shows and elements that may have been inspired by things people wanted to explore with Zim but never got the chance to.
Like, to begin with, the premise of both shows is that there's a war instigated by an Imperial colonizing force that wants to wipe out and/or enslave all other races and take everything over. It's not a super original concept but there are more specific similarities.
Both shows, rather than just having one protagonist that the story centers around, have a protagonist and a deuteragonist, who both have their own stories which are separate yet interconnected to form one large picture integral to the overall narrative. Both sets of characters are both boys who due to circumstances are pitted against each other on opposite sides of the war but have the potential to be great friends if they didn't have that conflict in the way.
Both Zim and Zuko are banished for stepping out of line and sent on a fool's errand at the beginning of the story to keep them from interfering in the war and embarrassing their leaders. Both are determined to succeed and willfully deceive themselves into believing that the ones who sent them on their missions really do expect them to because they're so desperate for their love and approval. Zim and Zuko both have a second rival (Tak & Zhao) looking to make a name for themselves by stepping on their toes, and Zim & Zuko both end up committing treason by teaming up with their main rivals to stop their secondary rivals from succeeding and robbing them of the victories their self-worth hinges on.
Dib and Zuko are both obsessed with capturing a singularly unique individual in their world in order to win their father's love, but even if/when they succeed it doesn't get them what they want. With Zuko, he realizes that his father only loves him conditionally, and that's not real love at all. With Dib, he realizes that his father does love him unconditionally, but in ETF, the comic Dib's Dilemma, and the Zimvoid storyline it's made clear that Membrane will never believe Dib or respect his chosen field of science, regardless of whether he defeats Zim or not. So defeating Zim isn't the key to his happiness either, although Dib has yet to come to that realization.
The Membrane family and the Fire Nation Royal family both have a single dad with two kids, a boy and a girl, with the boy being the eldest. The boy is supposed to be his father's successor but he and his father disagree and his father refuses to accept his son's dissenting opinions and makes the son feel that he has to earn his father's love and approval by accomplishing something great. The daughter resents her brother and tries to prove that she's more worthy of their father's love by being a Daddy's Girl who acts more like the child he wants. The son is known for being a loser while the daughter is known for being incredibly scary. Both are strong and talented, but the daughter seems to better at everything with less effort while the son is unfairly maligned. The daughter gets treated better by their father, but he's still not really being a good father to her. Although the son is motivated by a selfish desire to prove himself to his father and fueled by a lot of anger, he has a good heart deep down and cares about doing the right thing while the daughter doesn't really care about anything except pleasing her dad and her own gratification.
Dib and Gaz are also somewhat like Sokka and Katara in that they have to more or less raise themselves because their mom is gone and their dad's preoccupied with important world-saving work that keeps him away from them. Katara feels that she has to step up into the role of a mother, despite being the younger sibling, while Gaz is often tasked with wrangling her brother. Sokka and Dib both fantasize about being heroes and making their fathers proud, but are a bit too cocky and get in over their heads their first time facing a real enemy combatant and have to learn to think more strategically and sort out their priorities.
Many fans see Zim as a victim of the society that created him, who's just doing what he does because it's the only way he can feel valued or loved, and wish that if the series had continued he would realize he was being played for a fool and turn his back on the people he'd been trying so hard to please, realize what he'd been doing was wrong, befriend his rival, and become a hero fighting back against the Imperialist regime. And that's exactly what Zuko ends up doing. Also, something at least one of the writers has said they would've done with Azula had the series continued.
Azula is mostly shown as cold and ruthless throughout the series, but near the end she starts to show more vulnerability, starting with the Beach episode. In that episode, her obsession with competition and asserting dominance to affirm her superiority is played for comedy, which makes the similarities between her and Zim stand out much more than it normally does when the series frames her as dead serious. The scene where she awkwardly flirts by telling a guy they could dominate the earth together in particular always gave me Zim vibes from the first time I saw it. There's also one scene where she makes one of her only friends cry and actually feels bad about it and apologizes, similar to the scene in Walk of Doom where Zim thinks he's made GIR cry and tries to make him feel better. Both scenes stand out as rather uncharacteristic for two characters who are usually cruel and callous and don't care about anyone else's feelings.
Zim and Azula also both have huge, but fragile egos, believing themselves to be better than everyone and unable to accept being less than perfect. They both derive their sense of self worth from having power over others and believing that they were just born better, regard themselves as above the need for genuine friendship, view love as a weakness, and consider everyone in their orbit as either an asset to be used and discarded or an obstacle toward getting what they want.
One of the most popular concepts to explore in Zim fanfic is the idea of Zim's ego being broken by the realization that his mission is a lie and breaking down over it, and that's exactly what we get from Azula when she realizes the control she thought she had over her friends and the prize her father was dangling in front of her the whole time were just as fake as Zim's mission.
Bonus: The most popular ship in the fandom is a Red/Blue ETL ship which the creators hate but board artists draw fanart of in their free time and the voice actors are willing to indulge for the fans. Also, it used to have a large hatedom that was just upfront about not liking it because it got in the way of other ships, but then a new generation discovered it on Netflix and now people dress up their petty reasons for disliking it with purity culture BS about it being "problematic".
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asexual-spongebob · 8 hours
Wail Of The Siren - Chapter 3 - The Offer (originally posted: 5/4/24)
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Dib didn’t want to believe what he was seeing.
“Tak?! What are you doing here?!” Dib demanded, walking towards mew with a pissed look on his face.
“Dude chill out. I only came here to grab my ship. That’s all, I swear. I want nothing else.”Tak insisted. 
Dib glanced at Gaz with clenched teeth.
“Why are you hanging out with her of all people?!” They whispered in a demanding manner “she tried to destroy the planet for goodness sake.” They add. “Dib, mew doesn’t want to harm us, mew just came here to grab mew’s ship and not much else. I’m not sure why you’re freaking out over something this small.” Gaz scolded. “Yeah but- what if she hurts you?!” Dib fretted. “I know what to do if that happens, Dib. I don’t need my older sibling to protect me.” Gaz grunted. 
Dib then walked upstairs to his room. 
“Ugh Dib is so annoying. I hate how they think I’m still a baby.” Gaz grumbled as she sat back down on the couch.  “Is it okay if I stay here for the night?” Tak asked “Yeah sure, that’s fine. I don’t think my dad would mind.” Gaz answered, then going to the linen closet to grab a blanket.
“Here, I figured you might need this.” Gaz said, handing a blanket to Tak. “Thanks Gaz.” Tak replied, Gaz just nodded sat down on the couch.
“Do you want to play a game or something?” Gaz asked, Tak nodded, Gaz then went to tv stand to look for one.
She rummaged through the shelves for a moment hm… I know that she likes cats. This is probably a good choice. Gaz decided, pulling out the game.
“Does this sound good?” Gaz asked “Yeah that sounds great!” Tak answered. 
Gaz put the disk inside the console.
“So how does this game work?” Tak asked “Ah, so basically you have a little village of cats and you can assign the cats different jobs, like gardener or hunter or baker for example. You can also have the cats interact with each other with the interactions button. You can also take the cats on adventures where they fight monsters. On adventures you can also get special items and currency.” Gaz infodumped “ah, neat. This sounds like it’ll be fun.” Tak remarked, Gaz nodded in agreement. 
It was around 2 am, Professor Membrane arrived home, ready for a good slumber.
He saw his daughter, Gaz sitting on the couch with a blue haired girl and what looked to be her pet cat.
“Hello daughter, how was your day?” He yawned “Fine Dad.” Gaz responded. “Who’s this?” He asked, glancing at Tak. 
“This is a friend of mine, her name is Tak.” Gaz introduced, Tak gave a small wave. “Pleasure to meet you!” She adds, Membrane offered her a hand shake, which was taken.
“Where’s Dib?” Membrane asked, glancing around the room. “He’s upstairs, he’s probably drawing moth man or something. Or making his moth man plushies kiss.” Gaz answered. “My poor insane son…” Membrane remarked, then heading up the stairs.
Dib laid in bed, they’d put their clothes to dry on the end of their bed and had put on their pajamas. 
They held one of their mothman plushies, Mothy, close. Trying to fall asleep. He still remembered the day the got Mothy from that gift shop, when he was only five years old.
“Hey Dad, can I get this?” 
“No daughter.”
“Pretty pretty please? With a cherry on top?”
“Alright fine- you can get it I guess.”
“Thanks Dad! You’re the best!”
“My poor insane daughter…” 
Dib had a pumpkin scented candle lit, Mothy smelled like pumpkins now. 
He wasn’t even sure where he got the candle, he had just found it in his closet one day and decided to light it.
Dib sat up and climbed down the small latter on the slide of their bed and blew out the candle. The stench of smoke filled their nose. 
Ew. Dib thought with a disgusted look on their face. They then climbed back in bed and stared at the glowing stars on their ceiling.
He then drifted off to sleep.
Dib awoke to the sound of birds singing, the sun light the room.
Dib sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, his vision was blurry, he looked for his glasses which sat on the his nightstand.
There. That’s much better. Dib thought, then climbing out of bed to use the bathroom. 
Dib grabbed a towel from the linen closet and headed to the bathroom, he turned the faucet to the warm setting.
Dib fidgeted as they watched the tub fill with water. When will this tub be filled?! Dib questioned as they leaned over the tub. 
After five minutes, (which felt like an hour for Dib.) the tub was finally full. Dib poured in some bubble bath, then swishing it around with their hand, once the bubbles were to their liking, they got in. 
Dib soaked in the warm, refreshing water for about ten minutes before scrubbing himself. 
He was once again glad that it was only salt water that trigged a siren transformation. 
Once Dib was finished he rinsed himself off and dried off.
Dib had placed his coat in the garage to air dry the night before. 
Membrane was downstairs doing his laundry, however he noticed a strange stench coming from Dib’s coat.
Membrane grabbed the coat. It had the strong stench of fish and salt water.
Dib went in the garage, he was wearing a mothman shirt that was way too big for him and some pajama pants with ufo’s on them. He was also wearing some huge, ridiculous looking slippers.
“Hey son, why does your coat smell like fish?”Membrane asked. 
“Uh- no idea Dad!” Dib lied shakily. 
“Oh uh- okay?” Membrane replied awkwardly, unconvinced, then throwing the coat in the washer. 
Dib then walked to the kitchen, Tak and Gaz were eating some pancakes that Gaz had cooked. 
Dib was getting some cereal, he didn’t want to ask Gaz to make him pancakes. 
Dib poured the cereal in the bowl and added some milk and ate it. 
Gaz and Tak had went to the local convenience store near the beach, Gaz sipped on her blue raspberry and cherry suck monkey, Tak had gotten a poop cola flavored one.
The two of them stood in the parking lot. 
“I HAATEE YOOOOU DIIIIIB!!!!” Zim shouted as he chased Dib “SHUT UP ZIM! I HATE YOU MORE!” Dib shouted back.
“Ah yes, typical Zim and Dib behavior.” Gaz remarked as she rolled her eyes, then taking a dramatic sip from her suck monkey. “Mhm.” Tak hummed in agreement.
Zim and Dib then started punching and kicking each other “YEAH!!! YEEEAH!!! GET HIM!!!” Gir cheered as it obnoxiously slurped its suck monkey. 
Keef sat at the dinner table with his parents, they were having some lunch.
Keef stared down at his food, taking small bites.
I wonder that fish creature was… Keef wondered as he took a bite out of his chicken.
He wasn’t sure what kind of fish it was, it looked more human than fish, but it still was fishy enough to where it wasn’t exactly human either.
“Is something wrong Keef?” Keef’s mom asked, noticing the look on her son’s face.
Keef nodded. “I’m just thinking about that happened a few days ago.” They mumbled as they licked the chicken seasoning off their lips.
“You know how I told you about how that fish I was supposed to bring home a few days ago was stolen right out of my bucket?” Keef recalled, their parents nodded.
“Well… I’m still trying to figure out what creature it was. I don’t know of any marine animals with scaly hands like that, other than a salt water crocodile but those don’t live anywhere near here so I’ve ruled that out.” Keef adds. “Are you sure you weren’t seeing things?” Keef’s mom questioned. “I’m sure! I saw it with my own eyes!” Keef assured.
“Well. Hopefully you can figure out what stole your fish soon!” Keef’s dad said, Keef nodded in agreement.
Once Keef had finished his food he placed his dishes in the sink and grabbed a fishing pole, canoe and some fishing equipment.
After saying goodbye to his parents, he was off to the beach. 
Keef walked to the beach, wearing some sandals, a fishing hat, a button up shirt and denim shorts. 
Gaz and Tak still stood in the gas station parking lot, drinking the last of their suck monkeys, watching Zim and Dib fight.
Keef stopped in a his tracks, Zim and Dib were beating each other up.
“Hey! Guys! Please stop!” Keef pled, dropping his things and running towards Zim and Dib.
Keef pulled Zim off of Dib.
“Why can’t you two just get along? It’s like you guys always have to fight over something. Can’t you just be nice to each other for once?” Keef questioned.
Dib and Zim gave angry looks at each other, Zim let out a cat like hiss. Dib and Zim then went in different directions, Zim was going to grab a snack with Gir and Dib was heading to the beach.
“Hey I’m gonna go for a swim, see you in a bit.” Gaz said, Tak and Gaz waved to each other before Gaz ran over to the beach. 
“HEY WAIT FOR ME DIB!!!” Gaz shouted in between breathes. 
Once Gaz and Dib reached the beach, Dib took off his flip flops, the hot white sand burned beneath Dib’s bare feet. 
“Ouch!” Dib groaned “that’s why you keep your shoes on, dumbass.” Gaz jeered, then running off into the waves. 
“Hey wait up!” Dib called out, then running after his sister, the two disappeared into the waves.
Meanwhile, Zim and Keef walked to the convenience store, however Zim then noticed someone familiar.
Zim couldn’t believe it’s eyes. What was Tak doing there? 
Tak let out an angry hiss at the sight of Zim. 
“What do you want from ZIIIMM!!!” Zim demanded, crossing xyr arms as xe bit xyr lip. “I want nothing from you Zim.” Tak spat bluntly. “I’m only staying here because I’m not sure where to go next.” Mew adds as mew placed mew’s hands on mew’s hips.
“Yeah sure. I bet you want something from me. Don’t you? Like revenge?” Zim laughed. 
“Zim. How many times do I have to tell you that I hate you and that I want nothing to do with you.” Tak reminded him. “Zim, if Tak doesn’t like you, you should respect that. I think we should just go.” Keef advised.
Zim let out a defeated huff, “see you later Keef.” Zim said, glancing away from Tak and glancing at Keef.
Zim and Gir then started to walk back home. 
“Alright, bye Zim!” Keef replied, turning around. 
Keef went on his way to the beach. Once he arrived he pushed his canoe into water before climbing into his boat.
They began to paddle towards a good fishing spot.
Dib lurked below the surface, however, he saw the canoe again.
Keef was almost ready to cast the fish rod, until he saw someone familiar lurking below the surface. 
The creature. The creature that had stolen their fish.
They caught a glimpse of the siren’s face as it glanced over its shoulder.
“Dib?” Keef gasped, not believing their eyes.
Dib froze, rolled over and looked up at Keef, with an anxious expression on his face. 
“P-please don’t tell anyone…” Dib stammered. Keef recognized something.
Wait a minute. Aren’t those the same scaly hands I saw when my fish was stolen? Keef questioned. They were.
“Hey… You stole my fish…” Keef frowned, Dib broke the surface of the water when they swam up. “Yeah… I didn’t know it was your’s… Not until I over heard you and Zim talking about it…” Dib admitted. 
Keef nodded, “I had no idea that was your’s at the time. All I saw was a bucket handle and I was hungry- “ Dib adds. “It’s okay I guess, just please don’t steal my fish again-“ Keef requested “understood.” Dib replied with a nod.
“What are you anyway? Are you merman or something?” Keef questioned. “I’m a siren, so is Gaz, we became sirens after I accidentally spilled some of our dad’s chemicals on us.” Dib explained. “Y-you’re not gonna e-eat m-my fl-flesh are you?” Keef stammered. 
“Nah of course not!” Dib assured “oh, alright, thank you.” Keef sighed of relief.
“Anyway uh- now knowing that fish was yours, I feel pretty bad about it… so you can this fish I caught if you want it..” Dib offered, pulling a salmon out of his pocket “Thanks!” Keef smiled, taking the fish out of Dib’s hand.
Mimi and Gir sat on the dock, they could see Keef and Dib in the distance.
Mimi and Gir had been talking for a few hours at this point. 
Mimi had a sad expression on her face.
She had gone quiet.
“What’s wrong?” Gir asked with a frown “I’m not sure if we can be friends Gir.” Mimi finally said, breaking the silence. “I mean- our master’s hate each other’s guts, I don’t think they’d be happy if they found out we hang out together…” Mimi adds. “Just because Tak and Zim hate each other doesn’t mean we have to! We can still be friends!” Gir assured, then hugging Mimi. 
“Thanks Gir, I needed that.” Mimi thanked, ignoring the stinky stench that reeked from Gir’s dog costume. 
“Anyway I brought cookies!” Gir cheered, whipping out the cookies, it and Mimi enjoying them. 
“What did you use in these? They taste really good!” Mimi giggled “Vanilla extract!” Gir smiled, licking the crumbs off its lips.
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messinwitheddie · 3 months
1:Whatever happened to Yeet after Tallest Purple died? Where was she?
2:Cini doesn’t it burn when you let smoke go through your eyes? Why not blow it out?
3:Does Tak have a scar on her abdomen? What happened there?
4:Who would look best in a two piece swimsuit? Tallest Dava? Kii or Miyuki?
5:Dib’s son had kids, right? The twin babies?
6:Hows the professor coming along?
All very good questions, which is why I feel obligated to warn everyone cringe, self-indulgent answers are ahead.
1. Yeet ends up deserting the Irken empire altogether for Mem's hive. She agrees to let Zim downgrade her PAK, severing herself from the CB's core collective. She stays in Mem's hive and continues to perform lookout/ guard duties as well as assist Purple with certain everyday tasks, as he is rendered disabled after being cut off from things like his hovor belts/ smart gauntlets (hence why he often walks with a cane after being de-measured. The measuring process is very damaging to the body.)
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Yeet also volunteeres to lead an exploration expedition across Mem's mystery planet to help gather information about the surface beyond Mem's hive's known territories. She helped Zim, Dib and Reg draw accurate maps and extensively document the flora and fauna of the continent the hive occupies and eventually the whole planet.
In between expeditions, Yeet volunteers to bodyguard the Resisty-serving Cantina Gir (or frylord “Gorr-May" as he is eventually knighted after earning the title of Frylord in his own right) secretly opens on Mem’s mystery planet. Gir/Gorr-May is only able to sneak away and cook at the cantina occasionally, as the CB full system takeover puts him/ his employees at a huge risk. His apprentice, Mem's daughter, Vicious, does most of the cooking for the cantina.
Yeet provides Mem's hive with a much needed boost in silk, as her “condition" never improves, so she volunteers her time to silk spinning, laundry and mending clothes. She makes dolls for the smeets/ other infant species in her spare time. Yeet enjoys much more meaningful enrichment after joining Mem's hive. She stays active, happy and very much appreciated there, even if her and Gir/Gorr-May never have a swarm of their own (a mutual agreement between the two if them.).
Where Yeet is exactly when Purple dies, is not yet determined. She is very upset when she discovered he had passed. She mourned him deeply; Purple was one of her best friends, despite everything. He even officiated her and Gir's union.
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2. Cini has a bad habit of holding in when he puffs on his amber pipe because he believes the old superstition that doing so will increase the effects of the amber (somehow smoke is able to pass through Irken tear ducts in my personal head canon. This is unhealthy and unnecessary. Do not hold in smoke. Don’t smoke in general, in case any minors are ignoring my blog boundaries lol).
3. Tenn (whispering) “That's just a prominent stretch mark from our pregnancies. She's a little bitter. Mine all faded before hers, so just don’t bring it up. She trained our swarms to attack on command.”
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Tak “I can hear you over there!”
4. Why do you have to pit 3 bad bitches against each other? ^0
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5.You know what? I cannot for the life of me find the drawing you are referring to. Slowly but surely , I'm organizing my drawing room, but have yet to come across it. It is lost in tumblr limbo for sure.
I changed the story around since drawing/ posting that.
Reg temporarily cuts ties with both the Membrane and Van Verminstrasser families while in college during his early to mid 20’s. He goes through a whole para-spiritual/ environmental extremist fase. Part of the reason he joins Dib on his second trip to Mem's planet is to dodge arrest for “acts of environmental terrorism" in several countries. At some point in that time frame Reg sires a daughter, Prisha, shortly after his baby sister, Wyn, is born. (Dib and Mabel struggle to have a child for years before Mabel agrees to use ML’s cloning facilities. It's a whole thing. Yes, Dib is VERY upset he missed the birth of his grandchild.)
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(Wyn and Prisha grow up to be close friends. Prisha regularly guest stars on Wyn's reboot of "Probing the Membrane of Science" show.
Reg and Prisha's life research/ field work is a major reason why Dib's great(s) grandson, Dro's generation of humans can still breathe clean air/ drink fresh water on Earth in the distant future.)
Dib is most likely holding both his daughter and granddaughter in that drawing. He and Reg slowly repair their bond, to the whole family ‘s/ Zim's relief.
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6. Prof Membrane is very much enjoying his retirement by living his lifelong dream of exploring/ researching the uncharted depths of the earth's oceans. Dib is proud of his dad and extremely happy for him, but at the same time is constantly nervous something will go wrong and personally checks in on the Prof's research team/ inspects the equipment involved in the expedition.
[Slowly but surely I will start answering asks again soon. Been working on other things. Sorry...]
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snappedsky · 9 months
Fanatics 100
The team say their goodbyes as Gaz, Pepito, and Squee leave the city.
This is it. The finale. The epilogue. The very last chapter. It's insane to think about. I posted the very first chapter of Fanatics on my deviantart January 23, 2015. That's almost ten years ago! That's so much time! If you want to read my complete thoughts on this, there'll be a post about it on my deviantart (Murderousmanic18) and on my tumblr but for now, thank you very much for reading. And kudos if you've read it all from the beginning. That is no easy feat. I hope you enjoyed and I hope you stick around to read my other stuff. There's my ongoing Borderlands OC fic, Skies, and I have other, new ideas brewing. Thanks again <3
Finally, the Finale
“It...won’t fit...” Squee groans painfully.
“It’ll fit,” Pepito insists, “just...gotta...squeeze...” “There’s not enough room!”
“Just push it in!”
“It’s too big!”
Squee and Pepito look up at Gaz as she comes down the front walk from her house. “You guys better not break any of my stuff.”
The boys stop trying to shove her boxes into the trunk of Membrane’s car. “Why you packing so much shit anyway?” Pepito questions, “you’re just going to L.A., not on a fucking nomadic retreat.”
“It’s all important stuff,” Gaz insists.
“It’s all her gaming consoles,” Zim argues as he and Tak leave the house, carrying more boxes.
“Christ, Squee and I are going on the road and we didn’t even pack as much,” Pepito remarks.
“Oh, get out of the way,” Gaz snaps, “I’ll pack it in.” As she sticks the boxes into the trunk, Professor Membrane exits the house. “Ready to go, daughter?”
“Almost, Dad,” she replies.
“How come Dib isn’t making the trip with you?” Squee asks.
As if on cue, Dib rushes out of the house and hugs Gaz. “I’m gonna miss you so much!”
“This is why,” she grumbles with annoyance, her voice slightly muffled in his chest.
“It’s gonna be so quiet without you,” Dib whimpers.
“Yeah,” Tak agrees, “one might say ‘peaceful’.”
“I don’t know how peaceful it’ll be with Zim living there,” Pepito comments.
“Zim is the perfect roommate,” Zim argues.
“What about Gir, Minimoose, and Skoodge?” Squee questions.
“Zim cannot vouch for them.”
After wrestling out of Dib’s grasp, Gaz closes the trunk with a victorious grunt. “Okay. I’m packed.”
“Then let us get on the road!” Membrane declares.
“No!” Dib cries and hugs Gaz again. She snarls but doesn’t try to push him off. Instead she looks at the rest of her friends, her usual scowl softening.
“So...I guess...this is it,” Pepito says and glances down the road. Parked nearby is Carmen’s car- which she’s actually borrowing from her dad- with Carmen, Colton, and Maddie waiting next to it, and Johnny’s car, with Johnny, Devi, and Tenna.
“Why did you guys have to all leave on the same day?” Zim grumbles.
“Seemed appropriate,” Squee replies, “better to get it out of the way all at once than draw it out.”
Having said that, they don’t hurry to get it out of the way. They just stand together, awkwardly.
Finally, Gaz takes a deep breath and pulls her arm out of Dib’s grip, holding it out. “Bring it in.”
Without a second of hesitation, they all close in to a group hug, squeezing tight.
“Now you all listen to your leader, Zim,” Zim demands, “you go out and you live great lives. But don’t be gone too long. A leader isn’t a leader without his team.”
“We won’t be gone forever,” Squee points out, “we can meet up again for holidays.”
“And there’s no way we won’t keep in contact,” Pepito adds.
“You losers take care of yourselves, got it,” Gaz grunts.
“And don’t get into too much trouble,” Tak adds, “at least not without me.”
“We’ll always be a team, right...?” Dib whimpers.
“Don’t ask stupid questions, Dib,” Zim snaps, “of course we will.”
They all squeeze even tighter.
“Alright, let me go,” Gaz demands.
In an instant, everyone lets go, except Dib, who still holds her tight. She elbows him in the ribs, knocking him down, and takes a deep breath.
“I’ll call you later, Dib,” she mutters.
“You better,” he croaks.
“Make great games!” Zim demands.
Gaz cracks a smile and nods before getting into the car. Everyone watches as it drives away and disappears down the road.
“Our turn?” Pepito asks.
Squee smiles sadly and nods.
“Pepito, become a great musician,” Zim orders, “and Squee, the knowledge you get during your travels will be beneficial to me when I take over this planet.”
“Then I’ll try to learn a lot,” Squee replies.
“Take care, guys,” Dib says.
“And we’ll take care of the city while you’re gone,” Tak adds.
Squee and Pepito smile and nod then head down the road to their cars.
“Do you remember once you said you could never leave the city?” Pepito asks.
“I remember,” Squee replies, “and I stand by that. I definitely could never live anywhere else. This is just...a vacation.”
He nods agreeably. “I guess we do deserve that. Hopefully it’s one where we don’t have to battle aliens or Eldritch god monsters.”
“Low chance of that.”
Pepito chuckles. Then he suddenly stops and grabs Squee’s hand. He looks at him as their fingers lace together.
Pepito leans forward, resting his forehead on Squee’s. “I...love you, you know.”
Squee smiles softly. “I guess I must love you too.”
Pepito smiles as they lean closer together and kiss.
Nearby, Colton, Carmen, and Maddie are watching. Carmen and Maddie smile warmly as Colton fans himself. “Aw man, I am so gonna cry...”
Across the road, Johnny, Devi, and Tenna are also watching.
“I’m not gonna kiss you,” Devi grunts.
“I don’t want you to!” Johnny snaps.
She leans just a bit closer to him, just so that their shoulders barely touch. “How long you gonna be gone?”
“Dunno,” he replies, “it’s up to the kid. You gonna be a famous artist by the time we’re back?”
“Maybe. If you’re gone for a few hundred years.”
Johnny swallows. “You could...come...if you wanted...”
Devi looks at him. “Would you actually want that?”
He looks away, embarrassed. “If I didn’t, I wouldn’t bring it up.” She smiles. “Thanks, but...I got my own path I gotta follow...even it means cutting through the trees.”
Johnny nods understandably. They’re solemnly quiet for a second before Tenna suddenly hugs him. “We’ll miss you, Nny!”
“Get off!” he barks, shoving her to the ground.
Devi chuckles. “We will miss you.”
He scratches his cheek, blushing lightly. “I’ll miss you too...I suppose...”
Squee walks over, finished with his goodbye with Pepito, and Devi and Tenna hug him tight. “We’ll miss you more though,” Devi says.
“I’ll miss you guys too,” Squee replies. “Take care of the house?”
“You bet.”
They let him go as Johnny gets into the driver’s seat. Squee opens the passenger door but stops as he sees Carmen’s car driving away. She, Colton, Maddie, and Pepito wave to him as they pass. Squee waves back then gets into the car.
He sighs heavily as he leans back in his seat, rubbing his eyes.
“You alright?” Johnny asks.
Squee takes a deep breath but before he can answer, Nugget jumps over from the backseat and curls up in his lap. “Yes,” he replies.
Johnny nods and starts the car. He does a quick shoulder check, freezing as he sees what’s in the backseat. “Okay, I’m fine with bringing Nugget, but did you have to bring them too?”
Squee looks back at the plushies of Shmee, Nailbunny, Mr. Fuck, Psycho Doughboy, Reverend Meat, and Sickness. “Of course. They’re family.”
“But why are they buckled in?”
“Safety first.”
“Alright,” Johnny grunts and pulls away from the curb. Squee waves as they drive by Zim, Dib, and Tak, and they wave back.
“So where to first?” Johnny asks as they drive through the city.
“I guess we should visit Granny Cammie,” Squee replies.
“Yeah,” he agrees, “she’d probably be mad if we didn’t.”
“We can stay there for a day and tomorrow...I don’t know. I guess we’ll just...see what happens.”
Johnny nods. “Sounds like a plan.”
They leave the city onto the expansive highway that seems to disappear into the horizon and follow it, to whatever happens next.
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monsterkitties · 7 years
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spooky kid ft. his alien friends
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shortytori · 3 years
My OCs
Decided to post my list of ocs. I am pretty sure I am not missing any, and if I am I will no doubt cry. If you have any questions about any of my ocs or would like to see how they look go ahead and ask me!
My OCs for my verse:
Edward (Hero)
Son of Beast Boy and Raven
Will mostly be used for callyieverse content
Hex (Villain)
Daughter of Jinx and Alan Albright
Minor villain. Just likes to cause chaos
Jamal’s girlfriend
Has a half-brother she barely knows
Jamal (Villain)
Son of Hotspot and Argent
He doesn’t agree with children and teens being forced to become heroes because they have supernatural abilities
Has a younger sister named Cecilia, who is a young hero
Hex’s boyfriend
Bella (Hero)
Daughter of Cameron mixed with Chemical X
Forced to be home-schooled for most of her life, so she’s lacking some social skills
Is only 18 and in a junior in college
Tanda Liv (Villain)
Daughter of Mandy and Gaz
A reaper-in-training. Also leader of Mandy’s undead army in the Underworld
Fang’s secret girlfriend
Tangaroa (Hero)
Son of Tempest and Starfire
Winston (Hero)
Son of Tootie and Tuck
Younger half-brother of Seth Carbunkle
Wants to revolutionize the world for prosthetics
Yoko (Neutral/Civilian)
Daughter of Tak and Gizmo
Makes weapons for anyone who is willing to pay her price
Ranger (Civilian)
Son of Rojo and Motor Ed
Best known mechanic in the city
Will mostly be used to callyiverse content
Cleo and Leo (Villains)
Twin children of Rocket Roxy and Motor Ed
Will mostly be used for callyieverse content
Winona and North Jewel (Civilian and Villain)
Children of Poison Ivy and Dr. Blight
Winona is a conservationist
North Jewel is a student at Masters’ School for Exceptional Boys
Will mostly be used for callyieverse content
Castor (Civilian)
Son of Gwen and Dib
Half-sibling to Envie and Rogen
Paladinverse canon
Thalia (Civilian)
Daughter of Velma and Dipper
Best friend to Castor
Loves orange and yellow
Rodr’ryk (Villain)
Son of Blackfire and Vlad Masters
Noemi and Kali (Civilian)
Daughters of Dee Dee and Nergal Jr. 
Xavier, Cindy, and Dalton (undecided)
Children of XJ9 and Brad
Mihetah (Villain)
Daughter of Queen Mandie and Skulker
Wanita (Villain)
Daughter of Juandisimo and Pixie Queen
Julie (Hero)
Daughter of Speedy and an OC named Harper
Reynard (Hero)
Son of Cat Noir and Katnappé
Abe (Hero)
Child of Connie and Marco
Florian (Hero)
Son of Trent and Bloom
Loves his half-brother
Randall “Jax” (Civilian) 
Son of Trent and Gwen
Hates his half-brother
Hates his father
Hates Max
Mattison “Max” (Civilian)
Son of Duncan and Mandy
Half siblings with Edith and Tyson
Tyson (Civilian)
Son of Duncan and Nikki
Edith (Civilian)
Daughter of Duncan and Daphne
Haven and Desmond (Hero)
Children of Bubbles and KO
Devin (undecided)
Son of Dexter and Kevin
Crystal Claire (Villain)
Daughter of Steven and Star
Dylann (undecided)
Son of Aqualad (Kaldur)
Joel and Bethany (Civilian)
Children of Bridgette and Broseph
Karlee and Makayla (Hero)
Daughters of Bumblebee and Static Shock
Mara (deceased)
Deceased daughter of Jack Spicer and Buttercup
Marquise (Hero)
Adopted son of Cyborg
Shelby (Villain)
Daughter of Dick Grayson and Rose Wilson
Oren (Villain)
Son of Slade Wilson
Royal, Toshiro, Aina (Villain)
Grandchildren of Trigon
Tanya (Civilian)
Daughter of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle
Daughters of Wuya (Villain)
Shayna’s other parent is Butt Witch
Zi has no other parent
Fang’s other parent is Aku
Jeremiah (Hero)
Son of Blossom and AJ
Doesn’t want to go into hero work but is being pushed by parents
Lovelyn and Laylin (Hero)
Daughters of Blossom and Wade
Luis (Hero)
Son of Jessica Cruz and OC
Father walked out of him but has been trying to get back in his life again
Paula and Tatiana are his half siblings
Racheal (Civilian)
Daughter of Tucker Foley and Monique
Porter (Civilian)
Son of Jude and Emma
Gabriella, Gema, and Pahola (undecided)
      -    Daughters of LaCienega and Raimundo Pedrosa
Cypress Roseborne (Villain)
Granddaughter of Preston Change-o and Mother Mae Eye
Parents are Diana and Oscar Roseborne
Tamika (Hero)
Daughter of Menos and OC named Savana
Samuel and Emilia (Hero)
Children of Mas and OC named Mari
Eugene Sanchez (Civilian)
Son of Eddy and Penny
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jaywings · 3 years
Dang you're gonna bleed me dry for fic plots! XD
- One IZ fic I've mentioned before, but at the end of Halloween Spectacular, Dib is trapped back in his nightmare realm while Nightmare Bitters is trapped alone out in the real world
- Invader Zim/The Dark Crystal crossover where Dib and Zim end up on Thra and get hopelessly entangled in the conflicts there
- Invader Zim/Psychonauts crossover where Gaz is sent to Whispering Rock to train her strong psychic powers. Dib tags along with her to study the place.
- A short Psychonauts fic where Raz confesses his confusing feelings toward Lili to Sasha, who suggests that he might be asexual
- A really OLD IZ/Star Wars parody with the Irken Empire replacing the Galactic Empire. And Zim, while trying to hide his forbidden Force powers, is sent on a top, top-secret mission to conquer an extremely important planet called Tatooine
- I have a really long but unfinished and unposted Clone Wars fic where Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka are stranded on Hoth
- I always wanted to write a crossover between IZ and Doctor Who where Dib teams up with the Tenth Doctor. I actually did write a fic about that, but it also involved Phineas and Ferb, which was fun but didn't really sustain my interest
- Another OLD IZ idea, the head of the Deelishus Weenie Corporation wakes up and desperately searches for the long-lost Tak, whom he still believes to be his actual daughter
- There was a time when I was debating between doing InvaderTale and a Psychonauts/Undertale crossover instead. Raz would go into the minds of Undertale characters and he'd be able to see and interact with Chara
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electrozeistyking · 4 years
So... what kind of a mom is Tak?
ᵗʰʳᵒʷⁱⁿ ⁱⁿ ˢᵒᵐᵉ ᵐⁱᵈ ˢᵗᵘᶠᶠ ᵇᵉᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ⁿᵒ ᵒⁿᵉ ᶜᵃⁿ ˢᵗᵒᵖ ᵐᵉ
In her opinion, Tak is not as good of a parent as Zib. She thinks she’s a decent mother, but it’s all in the starting point that’s made her think she’s not as good of a parent as she could be.
You see, as she has once told Zib, Irkens aren’t trained to be parents. She also thinks that, because she tried to break Mid’s egg (because she couldn’t possibly survive without a PAK, Tak wanted to put Mid out of her misery before she could suffer), she’s not good enough. Because you know what? Mid can survive without a PAK, since she’d never been hooked up to one.
So because she doubted Mid would be able to survive, having coming from parents with PAKs, she thinks she’s not that great of a parent.
But Tak is pretty strong. Sometimes, when Zib can’t seem to comfort their daughter, she’ll offer Mid some advice. “Keep your chin up. You’re stronger than you let on.” She gives some pretty good advice, all things considered.
But yeah, Zib makes Mid laugh more, but sometimes Tak will find a little hybrid asking her for some advice or encouraging words.
also she’s a pretty vengeful parent, too. dib accidentally tears their family a part at one point by telling mid the truth about her father. zib’s miserable, mid’s quiet, and so tak goes off to fucking scream her head off at dib. she thought the worst thing that would happen to her was zim, but looks like she was wrong.
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gattojack3 · 3 years
Dib x Tak foreva
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emeraldspiral · 5 months
Something I kinda wonder about Tak...
When she came to earth and took the CEO of the Delicious Weenie Corp as her false father as part of her cover, did she just hypnotize everyone into thinking he had a daughter, or did he actually have a daughter whose identity Tak stole for her disguise?
What if that later was true and Zim or Dib were to bump into the real human girl Tak based her false persona on?
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asexual-spongebob · 6 days
Wail Of The Siren - Chapter 3: The Offer
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(Originally published May 4th 2024)
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Dib didn’t want to believe what he was seeing.
“Tak?! What are you doing here?!” Dib demanded, walking towards mew with a pissed look on his face.
“Dude chill out. I only came here to grab my ship. That’s all, I swear. I want nothing else.”Tak insisted. 
Dib glanced at Gaz with clenched teeth.
“Why are you hanging out with her of all people?!” They whispered in a demanding manner “she tried to destroy the planet for goodness sake.” They add. “Dib, mew doesn’t want to harm us, mew just came here to grab mew’s ship and not much else. I’m not sure why you’re freaking out over something this small.” Gaz scolded. “Yeah but- what if she hurts you?!” Dib fretted. “I know what to do if that happens, Dib. I don’t need my older sibling to protect me.” Gaz grunted. 
Dib then walked upstairs to his room. 
“Ugh Dib is so annoying. I hate how they think I’m still a baby.” Gaz grumbled as she sat back down on the couch.  “Is it okay if I stay here for the night?” Tak asked “Yeah sure, that’s fine. I don’t think my dad would mind.” Gaz answered, then going to the linen closet to grab a blanket.
“Here, I figured you might need this.” Gaz said, handing a blanket to Tak. “Thanks Gaz.” Tak replied, Gaz just nodded sat down on the couch.
“Do you want to play a game or something?” Gaz asked, Tak nodded, Gaz then went to tv stand to look for one.
She rummaged through the shelves for a moment hm… I know that she likes cats. This is probably a good choice. Gaz decided, pulling out the game.
“Does this sound good?” Gaz asked “Yeah that sounds great!” Tak answered. 
Gaz put the disk inside the console.
“So how does this game work?” Tak asked “Ah, so basically you have a little village of cats and you can assign the cats different jobs, like gardener or hunter or baker for example. You can also have the cats interact with each other with the interactions button. You can also take the cats on adventures where they fight monsters. On adventures you can also get special items and currency.” Gaz infodumped “ah, neat. This sounds like it’ll be fun.” Tak remarked, Gaz nodded in agreement. 
It was around 2 am, Professor Membrane arrived home, ready for a good slumber.
He saw his daughter, Gaz sitting on the couch with a blue haired girl and what looked to be her pet cat.
“Hello daughter, how was your day?” He yawned “Fine Dad.” Gaz responded. “Who’s this?” He asked, glancing at Tak. 
“This is a friend of mine, her name is Tak.” Gaz introduced, Tak gave a small wave. “Pleasure to meet you!” She adds, Membrane offered her a hand shake, which was taken.
“Where’s Dib?” Membrane asked, glancing around the room. “He’s upstairs, he’s probably drawing moth man or something. Or making his moth man plushies kiss.” Gaz answered. “My poor insane son…” Membrane remarked, then heading up the stairs.
Dib laid in bed, they’d put their clothes to dry on the end of their bed and had put on their pajamas. 
They held one of their mothman plushies, Mothy, close. Trying to fall asleep. He still remembered the day the got Mothy from that gift shop, when he was only five years old.
“Hey Dad, can I get this?” 
“No daughter.”
“Pretty pretty please? With a cherry on top?”
“Alright fine- you can get it I guess.”
“Thanks Dad! You’re the best!”
“My poor insane daughter…” 
Dib had a pumpkin scented candle lit, Mothy smelled like pumpkins now. 
He wasn’t even sure where he got the candle, he had just found it in his closet one day and decided to light it.
Dib sat up and climbed down the small latter on the slide of their bed and blew out the candle. The stench of smoke filled their nose. 
Ew. Dib thought with a disgusted look on their face. They then climbed back in bed and stared at the glowing stars on their ceiling.
He then drifted off to sleep.
Dib awoke to the sound of birds singing, the sun light the room.
Dib sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, his vision was blurry, he looked for his glasses which sat on the his nightstand.
There. That’s much better. Dib thought, then climbing out of bed to use the bathroom. 
Dib grabbed a towel from the linen closet and headed to the bathroom, he turned the faucet to the warm setting.
Dib fidgeted as they watched the tub fill with water. When will this tub be filled?! Dib questioned as they leaned over the tub. 
After five minutes, (which felt like an hour for Dib.) the tub was finally full. Dib poured in some bubble bath, then swishing it around with their hand, once the bubbles were to their liking, they got in. 
Dib soaked in the warm, refreshing water for about ten minutes before scrubbing himself. 
He was once again glad that it was only salt water that trigged a siren transformation. 
Once Dib was finished he rinsed himself off and dried off.
Dib had placed his coat in the garage to air dry the night before. 
Membrane was downstairs doing his laundry, however he noticed a strange stench coming from Dib’s coat.
Membrane grabbed the coat. It had the strong stench of fish and salt water.
Dib went in the garage, he was wearing a mothman shirt that was way too big for him and some pajama pants with ufo’s on them. He was also wearing some huge, ridiculous looking slippers.
“Hey son, why does your coat smell like fish?”Membrane asked. 
“Uh- no idea Dad!” Dib lied shakily. 
“Oh uh- okay?” Membrane replied awkwardly, unconvinced, then throwing the coat in the washer. 
Dib then walked to the kitchen, Tak and Gaz were eating some pancakes that Gaz had cooked. 
Dib was getting some cereal, he didn’t want to ask Gaz to make him pancakes. 
Dib poured the cereal in the bowl and added some milk and ate it. 
Gaz and Tak had went to the local convenience store near the beach, Gaz sipped on her blue raspberry and cherry suck monkey, Tak had gotten a poop cola flavored one.
The two of them stood in the parking lot. 
“I HAATEE YOOOOU DIIIIIB!!!!” Zim shouted as he chased Dib “SHUT UP ZIM! I HATE YOU MORE!” Dib shouted back.
“Ah yes, typical Zim and Dib behavior.” Gaz remarked as she rolled her eyes, then taking a dramatic sip from her suck monkey. “Mhm.” Tak hummed in agreement.
Zim and Dib then started punching and kicking each other “YEAH!!! YEEEAH!!! GET HIM!!!” Gir cheered as it obnoxiously slurped its suck monkey. 
Keef sat at the dinner table with his parents, they were having some lunch.
Keef stared down at his food, taking small bites.
I wonder that fish creature was… Keef wondered as he took a bite out of his chicken.
He wasn’t sure what kind of fish it was, it looked more human than fish, but it still was fishy enough to where it wasn’t exactly human either.
“Is something wrong Keef?” Keef’s mom asked, noticing the look on her son’s face.
Keef nodded. “I’m just thinking about that happened a few days ago.” They mumbled as they licked the chicken seasoning off their lips.
“You know how I told you about how that fish I was supposed to bring home a few days ago was stolen right out of my bucket?” Keef recalled, their parents nodded.
“Well… I’m still trying to figure out what creature it was. I don’t know of any marine animals with scaly hands like that, other than a salt water crocodile but those don’t live anywhere near here so I’ve ruled that out.” Keef adds. “Are you sure you weren’t seeing things?” Keef’s mom questioned. “I’m sure! I saw it with my own eyes!” Keef assured.
“Well. Hopefully you can figure out what stole your fish soon!” Keef’s dad said, Keef nodded in agreement.
Once Keef had finished his food he placed his dishes in the sink and grabbed a fishing pole, canoe and some fishing equipment.
After saying goodbye to his parents, he was off to the beach. 
Keef walked to the beach, wearing some sandals, a fishing hat, a button up shirt and denim shorts. 
Gaz and Tak still stood in the gas station parking lot, drinking the last of their suck monkeys, watching Zim and Dib fight.
Keef stopped in a his tracks, Zim and Dib were beating each other up.
“Hey! Guys! Please stop!” Keef pled, dropping his things and running towards Zim and Dib.
Keef pulled Zim off of Dib.
“Why can’t you two just get along? It’s like you guys always have to fight over something. Can’t you just be nice to each other for once?” Keef questioned.
Dib and Zim gave angry looks at each other, Zim let out a cat like hiss. Dib and Zim then went in different directions, Zim was going to grab a snack with Gir and Dib was heading to the beach.
“Hey I’m gonna go for a swim, see you in a bit.” Gaz said, Tak and Gaz waved to each other before Gaz ran over to the beach. 
“HEY WAIT FOR ME DIB!!!” Gaz shouted in between breathes. 
Once Gaz and Dib reached the beach, Dib took off his flip flops, the hot white sand burned beneath Dib’s bare feet. 
“Ouch!” Dib groaned “that’s why you keep your shoes on, dumbass.” Gaz jeered, then running off into the waves. 
“Hey wait up!” Dib called out, then running after his sister, the two disappeared into the waves.
Meanwhile, Zim and Keef walked to the convenience store, however Zim then noticed someone familiar.
Zim couldn’t believe it’s eyes. What was Tak doing there? 
Tak let out an angry hiss at the sight of Zim. 
“What do you want from ZIIIMM!!!” Zim demanded, crossing xyr arms as xe bit xyr lip. “I want nothing from you Zim.” Tak spat bluntly. “I’m only staying here because I’m not sure where to go next.” Mew adds as mew placed mew’s hands on mew’s hips.
“Yeah sure. I bet you want something from me. Don’t you? Like revenge?” Zim laughed. 
“Zim. How many times do I have to tell you that I hate you and that I want nothing to do with you.” Tak reminded him. “Zim, if Tak doesn’t like you, you should respect that. I think we should just go.” Keef advised.
Zim let out a defeated huff, “see you later Keef.” Zim said, glancing away from Tak and glancing at Keef.
Zim and Gir then started to walk back home. 
“Alright, bye Zim!” Keef replied, turning around. 
Keef went on his way to the beach. Once he arrived he pushed his canoe into water before climbing into his boat.
They began to paddle towards a good fishing spot.
Dib lurked below the surface, however, he saw the canoe again.
Keef was almost ready to cast the fish rod, until he saw someone familiar lurking below the surface. 
The creature. The creature that had stolen their fish.
They caught a glimpse of the siren’s face as it glanced over its shoulder.
“Dib?” Keef gasped, not believing their eyes.
Dib froze, rolled over and looked up at Keef, with an anxious expression on his face. 
“P-please don’t tell anyone…” Dib stammered. Keef recognized something.
Wait a minute. Aren’t those the same scaly hands I saw when my fish was stolen? Keef questioned. They were.
“Hey… You stole my fish…” Keef frowned, Dib broke the surface of the water when they swam up. “Yeah… I didn’t know it was your’s… Not until I over heard you and Zim talking about it…” Dib admitted. 
Keef nodded, “I had no idea that was your’s at the time. All I saw was a bucket handle and I was hungry- “ Dib adds. “It’s okay I guess, just please don’t steal my fish again-“ Keef requested “understood.” Dib replied with a nod.
“What are you anyway? Are you merman or something?” Keef questioned. “I’m a siren, so is Gaz, we became sirens after I accidentally spilled some of our dad’s chemicals on us.” Dib explained. “Y-you’re not gonna e-eat m-my fl-flesh are you?” Keef stammered. 
“Nah of course not!” Dib assured “oh, alright, thank you.” Keef sighed of relief.
“Anyway uh- now knowing that fish was yours, I feel pretty bad about it… so you can this fish I caught if you want it..” Dib offered, pulling a salmon out of his pocket “Thanks!” Keef smiled, taking the fish out of Dib’s hand.
Mimi and Gir sat on the dock, they could see Keef and Dib in the distance.
Mimi and Gir had been talking for a few hours at this point. 
Mimi had a sad expression on her face.
She had gone quiet.
“What’s wrong?” Gir asked with a frown “I’m not sure if we can be friends Gir.” Mimi finally said, breaking the silence. “I mean- our master’s hate each other’s guts, I don’t think they’d be happy if they found out we hang out together…” Mimi adds. “Just because Tak and Zim hate each other doesn’t mean we have to! We can still be friends!” Gir assured, then hugging Mimi. 
“Thanks Gir, I needed that.” Mimi thanked, ignoring the stinky stench that reeked from Gir’s dog costume. 
“Anyway I brought cookies!” Gir cheered, whipping out the cookies, it and Mimi enjoying them. 
“What did you use in these? They taste really good!” Mimi giggled “Vanilla extract!” Gir smiled, licking the crumbs off its lips.
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messinwitheddie · 6 months
When did commander Poki tag along to join Mem? Who else from their empire joined her?
Has any of the male tallest impregnated the shot females? Do they keep them comfy in the tallest chambers or do the service drones keep tabs?
Poki "I ran into Zim by accident when I went searching for my missing blood blade team members.*
Prior to this, the last time I saw Zim was on conventia.*
Zim and I lived together for a while; a year or so. He's a pariah, so I had to house him in secret. She went by Xeem for for a while. That was a fun year.
Zim brought me to earth as a plus one for a human mate unification celebration being thrown for his favorite Dib-monkey. What did they call it? A wed-ding? We had to wear nice gowns and fancy lace gloves, but the bar was bottomless and the humans were an entertaining bunch, so I can't complain. Actually, that wed-ding celebration was one of the funnest nights of my life...
We parted ways shortly after that. Zim decided to stay behind on Earth for a while. He never said why... Something told me I had done something or said something wrong, but I had no idea what and I didn't want to risk the comradery between us to ask or argue.
I had to return to my post or risk getting in trouble for abandoning my encoded occupation.
I kept asking around for leads and diligently watched the news stream for any clues about my blade team. The second my pub manager approved of it, I took time off to start my search again. I eventually found my missing blood blade teammates on the far outskirts of the foodcourtia system. Turns out my ladied were being held captive by Resisty rouges.*
To make a long story short, I attempted to rescue them from the resisty ship, but I underestimated them. My ladies and I ended up crash landing on Mem's planet trying to shake them off our trail. My cruiser's point of impact was a twenty day march away from the others, but we eventually reuinted again.
That's when I met that glorious battlefield of a woman... wish I had known her centuries ago."
*Poki was on a competitive blood blade team with Tak, Tenn, Yeet and their blade-leader, Zee. They showed up for practice one season and the only other teammate not on the public MIA drone list was Yeet.
*Poki, at the time the events of the 18YL au begins, has been demoted from Commander to a service drone because of drunkenness on duty. They work at a shady pub on Conventia as a tap drone (bartender).
Poki's alcoholism began in her early days as an elite soldier under late Lich's reign. They suffered abuse and several traumatic experiences because of their superior co-invader, Ziss, during Operation Stealthy Doom (invaders were sent to enemy planets in pairs then) She became a Commander after operation SD during Miyuki's reign.
So far, the list of Irkens who take refuge on Mem's mystery planet are Tak, Tenn, Zee, Floog and Larb. Skoodge ends up stranded there a little while, but leaves with one of Mem's daughters, Skathe.
Ooh! Didn't answer the second part of the question.
Very rarely is a male tallest able to sire a swarm of his own. They have fertility issues too. (Sometimes they can't form a *sqwak. Others could, but their sqwak "lacks potency" or they're afraid their sqwak might be too long and literally impale a short drone. How attentive they are to their birthing drones depends on the tallest. Some barely interact with their birthing drones at all. They assign service drones and medical drones to tend to them. Others treated their birthing drones like a loving human husband would treat their wife and shower them with attention and perks.
*sqwak; a temporary, sharp-ended appendage that forms in irken males during mating seasons. Sqwaks break off after successfully penetraiting a females shmizz (a fleshy layer on the irken pelvic floor that forms a temporary uterus after being peirced by a sqwak.
Yes, if done improperly, mating for Irkens can be painful and cause death.
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snappedsky · 3 years
Fanatics 86
Pepito has an awkward family get-together.
*Links to previous and next chapters in reblog*
Rebirth of the Antichrist
           Pepito hurries around the house, straightening things up, making sure everything looks clean. When that’s all done, he sits on the couch, constantly checking the time as his leg bounces impatiently.
           This is the first time in weeks he and Squee will be alone together. Just the two of them. Alone. In his house.
           He giggles like a schoolgirl. He’s so excited.
           There’s a knock on the door. Pepito leaps to his feet and throws it open. His big smile quickly falls into a look of disappointment.
           Standing on the front step is an unfamiliar teenage girl. She’s wearing a black and pink striped beanie over her long black hair, a spiked leather jacket over a punk band t-shirt, ripped jeans, and knee-high black boots. She’s also wearing black lipstick and eyeshadow. She smiles brightly at Pepito.
           “Um…can I…help you…?” he questions.
           “It’s nice to meet you, Pepito,” she says, “I’m Olivia; your sister.”            “My…what?” he exclaims, “I don’t have a sister!”
           “Well, half-sister, if you wanna be technical,” she clarifies, “I’ve been wanting to meet you for a long time.”
           “I’ve never heard of a half-sister before,” Pepito mutters in confusion.
         “I didn’t know about you either until not long ago,” Olivia says, “our dad is pretty secretive.”            “Our…dad…?” he questions and looks at her fearfully. “So…so that means-!”
           For a brief second, Pepito sees Olivia’s right eye light up red. Then a knife swings at her from behind. She lifts her hand and blocks the blade with ease.          
           “Squee!” Pepito gasps.
           Olivia looks over her shoulder, still holding the knife, and grins darkly at Squee, who glares back.
           “How rude of you to attack an innocent girl on the street,” she remarks.
           “No ‘innocent girl’ would be able to block my knife with their bare hand,” Squee retorts, “besides, I could sense your blood lust a block away.”      
           Olivia grunts with amusement and lets go of the blade. Squee points it at her threateningly. “Who are you?”
           “Olivia Diablo,” she states, “I already know you, Squee C. Or as you used to be known, Todd Casil.”
           Squee flinches like he had been slapped.
           Olivia smiles warmly and looks back at Pepito. “It was nice meeting you, big brother. I’ll see you around.”
           With that, she slips past Squee and skips down the road. Pepito and Squee glare after her, irked and nonplussed.
           “My…half-sister?” Pepito questions, “is she for real?”
           “I don’t know,” Squee replies, “but I know how we can find out.”
           He lifts his knife, the blade lightly covered in blood.
           A little while later, the Battalion is gathered in Zim’s lab. The Computer scans the blood on Squee’s knife and a bunch of information pops up on the big screen, including a school picture of the girl.
           “Amazing what you can learn from just a little bit of DNA,” Dib remarks.
           “DNA matches Pepito,” Zim reads.
           “How do you have my DNA?” Pepito questions suspiciously.
           “Questions!” Zim scoffs dismissively, “what’s more important is we learn who this girl is.”
           “Her legal name really is Olivia Diablo,” Squee reads off the screen. “She goes to school at Burnwood High in the South End. She’s fifteen, three years younger than us.”
           “Other than the fact that she’s the daughter of Satan, she seems like a normal girl,” Gaz comments.
           “So should we be worried?” Tak asks.
           “Definitely,” Squee replies, “I sensed nothing good from her.”
           “Okay, but, she is like…related to Satan,” Dib points out.
           “So is Pepito.”
           “But wouldn’t your senses toward him be kind of...biased?” Gaz questions.
           “That’s not…I mean…I’m not…he’s…” Squee stammers before huffing. “Look, she’s evil okay!”
           “Well, you know I’m not one to question your instincts, Squee,” Dib says, “but we really have no proof yet.”
           “But we have no proof she isn’t evil either,” Zim points out, “so everyone, keep your guard up. She knew Squee’s old name. Who knows what else she knows.”            The others nod affirmatively.
           Later, Dib drops everyone off at their homes with the Epic. Pepito walks up to his house and opens the door, sighing exhaustedly.
           “Hi, sweetie,” his mom, Rose, says.
           “Hi, Mo-AH!” Pepito exclaims with surprise when he sees Senor Diablo and Olivia sitting with her in the living room.
           “Hello, son,” Senor Diablo greets.
           “Hey, big brother,” Olivia grins.
           “Wha-you’re-why,” Pepito stammers with bewilderment. Then he awkwardly clears his throat and points to the kitchen. “Mom, can I talk to you?”
          Rose stands up and follows him out of the room. He faces her and points accusingly at Olivia. “Why!”
           “You’ve met her already?” Rose asks with surprise.
           “She showed up earlier,” he pouts, “ruined my date with Squee…”            “Your father just brought her over about an hour ago so we could meet her,” she clarifies.
           “You’re seriously okay with this?” Pepito asks, “look at her! She’s only like three years younger than me. That means she was born when you and Dad were still together.”
           “Whatever happened before doesn’t matter now; we’re already divorced,” Rose replies, “and I can’t be angry at her for having been born.”            “I guess,” he grunts, “but I don’t trust her.”
           “Now, now,” he tuts, “you just met her. So let’s be friendly and polite and have a nice visit, okay?”
           Pepito groans but follows her back into the living room. They sit on the couch with Olivia while Senor Diablo is in the easy chair.
           “So, Pepito, it’s been a while since we’ve talked,” Diablo says, “how are your powers developing?”
           “I haven’t seen anything new,” Pepito replies.
           “Have you been practicing?”
           “Not really. I’m quite happy with where they are right now.”
           “He’d prefer to practice his guitar than his unique powers,” Olivia remarks.
           Pepito side-eyes her with annoyance. “And what about you, Olivia? Do you have powers?”
           “I do,” she beams proudly, “Dad has been helping me develop them the last couple of years. Do you wanna compare?”
           “No thanks,” he replies curtly.
           “So the two of you are living together then?” Rose asks.
           “Yes,” Diablo replies, “I recently took Olivia under my wing. She was meant as a back-up plan after all, and since Pepito doesn’t wanna to fulfil his destiny, than perhaps Olivia shall.”
           “Yeah, that’s a great way to think of your children,” Pepito murmurs and stands up. “Um, will you please excuse me?”
           He exits the room and goes upstairs to his bedroom. As he closes the door, he grabs his cellphone and calls Squee.
           “Hello?” Squee answers.
           “I am literally in Hell,” Pepito says, “no, actually, I wish was in Hell. That would be more bearable than whatever is going on in my living room right now.”            “What’s wrong?” Squee asks wearily.
           “Dad brought over Olivia and now we’re all having some kind of family get-together,” he explains, “I think I am actually suffocating on the awkwardness. You gotta help me.”
           “What do you want me to do?”
           “Give me a reason to leave.”
           “What do you want me to say? Can’t you come up with something?”
           “Uuuuhhhhh,” Pepito groans as he strains his brain. “Oh, I know! I never did finish that science essay.”
           “What, are you serious?” Squee scoffs, “that’s due tomorrow.”
           “Perfect,” Pepito chimes, “I’ll tell Mom I need your help to finish it and get the hell out of here.”            “Aw, jeez,” he groans, “alright, come over.”
           “Yes! Be there soon.” Pepito hangs up and grabs his school bag before hurrying back downstairs. “Uh, Mom? I just remembered I have an assignment due tomorrow and Squee’s gotta help me, so I need to go.”
           “Oh, Pepito,” she sighs disappointedly, “alright, go ahead.”
           “Thanks, sorry, bye!” he waves happily as he rushes out the door. Olivia stares after him, unimpressed.
           Pepito hurries through the streets to Squee’s house. When he gets there, he sees him and Colton sitting on the curb. Pepito sits on the other side of Squee, grinning happily. “Sup, boys.”
           “Hey. Squee says you have sister now?” Colton questions.
           “Yeah, apparently I’ve had one for like fifteen years,” Pepito shrugs.
           “Ain’t that just the way,” he remarks.
           “Already, enough chatter,” Squee orders and points out at Pepito. “Seriously, finish your essay.”
         “Yeah, yeah,” Pepito nods as he takes out his notebook. “I mean, I have to start it to finish…”
           “God dammit, Pepito.”
           “Yes, god dammit, Pepito.”
           The boys look down the street at the voice, to see Olivia standing there.
           “What are you doing here?” Squee asks accusingly.
           “Is that her?” Colton questions, “she’s cute.”
           Pepito smacks his arm. “What?” Colton whines.
           “That’s still my sister,” Pepito snaps.
           “How sweet,” Olivia comments, “but I wanna make one thing clear. I haven’t decided to enter your life so we can have a loving sibling relationship. I only have one goal in mind. Your destruction.”
           “I mean, that’s just siblings,” Colton remarks.
           Olivia points her hand at them and it begins to glow black. Squee and Pepito grab Colton and dive out of the way just as she blasts an orb of energy at them.
           “Whoa!” Colton squeaks.
           “Colton, go inside,” Pepito demands.
           “Yup,” he nods and scurries into his house.
           “I wanna go inside too,” Squee groans exhaustedly.
           “Pepito, you have squandered the gift from our father,” Olivia states, “you have given up your destiny and chosen to become a rock star. You’re a disgrace to the name ‘Antichrist’.”
           “Destiny’s bullshit!” Pepito snaps, “I don’t know what Dad has said to you, but he’s brainwashed you! My life is my own and so is yours!”
           “You wanna know what Dad said?” she barks, “he told me to leave you alone!”
           “He said that?” he questions with disbelief.
           “Yes, but I disagreed,” she continues, “because unlike you, I view our powers as a gift and the fact that you barely use a fraction of yours to ‘protect the world’ is insulting. That’s why I decided to destroy you and your Battalion and then drench this world in darkness, as is my destiny!”      
           Olivia pulls off her beanie, revealing two small, black horns. They quickly grow in length to about two feet long as she throws off her jacket and black and red demon wings sprout from her back. She takes to the sky and points dramatically at Pepito and Squee.
           “Prepare yourselves and your friends!” she shouts, “for the true power of the Antichrist!”
           As she points her hands at the ground, the road splits open into a burning red chasm. She flies into it and it seals back up behind her, leaving Pepito and Squee staring at the road in bewilderment.
           “I told you she was evil,” Squee says.
           “It’s not like I didn’t believe you,” Pepito replies.
           Olivia strolls through the corridors of Senor Diablo’s mansion in Hell, to her bedroom. Inside is her computer displaying all of her surveillance footage and information on the Battalion and sitting in the corner is Carcas. He looks up at her as she sits at her desk.
           “So you revealed yourself to the Battalion,” he says, “now do we strike?”
           “That was just to stoke the flames a little,” Olivia explains, “we still need that artifact.”
           “So why can’t you get it?”
           “The Battalion is easy enough to handle. The problem is these three.” She displays a picture on screen of Johnny, Devi, and Tenna.
           “I know him,” Carcas growls.
           “They’re real wild cards,” Olivia comments, “if I wanna be sure to get that artifact without issue, I need to thoroughly distract the Battalion and these three.”            “I assume you have a plan?” he questions.
           Olivia grins as she faces him. “Carcas, are you familiar with the Multiverse Theory?”
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shadowofthelamp · 4 years
So! There’s a new AIP au. Again. (I would apologize but I do Not Control The Discord Ideas.) We’ve affectionately dubbed it ‘dimbo au’, for himbo Dib, but I’m taking suggestions. Maybe ‘Dibbrane au?’
It started based loosely on this idea that I remembered after seeing some concept Dib art on my dash. Basically, in this au, Dib being of a clone goes much more according to plan. He’s practically a mini-Membrane, and although he does figure aliens exist somewhere out in the infinite galaxy, he’s otherwise uninterested in paranormal studies. He thinks Zim is just from 'Canada’ and they end up hitting it off as intellectual equals. Zim’s fascinated by this human that is engaging with him and the validation is definitely good for his ego. He’s definitely just... studying his weaknesses. Yes.
Anyway, they end up staying together long enough to have Twix, and later Kit, who’s only a little kid when the ‘main’ story kicks off. (Dib is slightly better of a dad than Membrane, mostly because he saw how being isolated affected Gaz, who didn’t have a brother and was home alone for days at a time sometimes since Dib was at the lab. He spends more time at home with his family.) Dib helps Zim through birth but STILL doesn’t clue in to the fact that his husband is an alien, and Zim is trying to take over the world but is getting less and less eager about it as time goes on because he likes hanging out with Dib and his kids so much. 
Twix just brushes aside her strange eyes and antennae as part of her myriad of medical conditions.
As Twix gets older, she starts throwing herself into unexplained phenomena. She doesn’t realize she’s half-alien, she just knows things are off and she wants to be the one to discover proof of alien’s/ghost’s/bigfoot’s/ect existence. Zim thinks this is a great opportunity to train her, so he ends up as her ‘alien rival’. His disguise is just about as terrible as it is on the show, but it’s such a ridiculous idea that her dad is an alien that she doesn’t put the pieces together. (Zim wearing human clothing as ‘papa’ doesn’t help either.)
She thinks she’s saving the world, Zim thinks he’s giving her good training in case a real threat arises or if he ever has to take his family out to space, and Dib just thinks she’s got an imaginary friend or is playing a game. One day, though, it goes too far- Zim ends up actually really hurting her on accident, more than the minor scrapes and bruises that came with the territory before. He immediately cuts out the ‘training’ and feels guilty, especially considering how pissed Dib is that she got that badly hurt. Dib vows vengeance on whoever dared to hurt his daughter, while Twix goes to Zim, who seemed more ‘supportive’ of her chasing ‘the alien’ around. 
When the alien stops showing up, she starts getting paranoid he sees her as weak now and is planning something big, but Zim just doesn’t want her hurt anymore. 
And that’s when Tak shows up, here officially to make sure that Zim is actually dead now since he hasn’t sent in messages in ages, and unofficially to kick his ass on her vendetta. Twix, excited to have a ‘new rival’, manages to fumble her way through beating Tak a few times and doesn’t know why she seems so hell-bent on attacking her Papa. Zim starts fighting back whenever Twix is at skool or out of the way, and being Zim, he manages to actually hold her back, although he probably ends up destroying a lot of property in the process. Twix can accept this, figuring the alien just wants the new alien out of his territory, and when she realizes Tak’s a more credible threat when she starts getting hurt more badly, she fights back as well, possibly teaming up.
Tak at one point kidnaps both Twix and Kit, and that’s when Kit figures out what’s really going on. He gets a little more distant from Zim as a result, and Zim tries to get him to like him again, because Kit used to be very affectionate and he doesn’t get why he isn’t anymore.
Tak’s furious this little inferior meatball is actually doing well against her, and when she realizes Zim’s convinced everyone (including his own offspring) that he’s a human and he seems attached to them to a defective extent, she yanks the rug out from under Twix and reveals what Zim really is.
Twix, understandably, has a bit of an identity crisis. She’d been trying to capture this alien, and not only is he her papa, but she’s half-alien too?  It’s a lot to process, and she vents to Tulip, who’s just kind of glad she finally figured it out as she probably already had. (She’s pretty smart and good at reading people and could tell Twix’s papa and this ‘alien’ were the same, but it’s not like Twix would have believed it.)
Dib finds out through Twix, and he gets understandably pissed that Zim’s been lying to him for this long, especially considering a: he’s hurt Twix in the past during this and b: there was an Armada that could march on Earth at any time? They have a bit of a falling out, and unfortunately, that’s when Zim realizes that he’s pregnant again- with triplets this time.
It’s a very tense couple of weeks as Zim has to juggle the way his secret’s fractured the family on top of Tak still trying to kill him. Eventually, when Tak gains the upper hand, Dib swoops in to blast her and send her running. He didn’t want to live without Zim, who had finally managed to convince him that he really did love him, he just didn’t think he’d accept him (especially after finding out what he was originally on Earth for) and this way was easier. Besides, Dib’s intellectual curiosity gets the better of him and Zim later offers to let him explore his base with all the alien tech. They also start going out in Zim’s ship, and Dib loves exploring space. The triplets are born, Twix has about a billion and one questions that Zim finally can answer, and since his sister and Dad are okay with it, Kit accepts Zim again. 
Unfortunately, they have to deal with the Tallests sending more and more people there to get rid of Zim. Most of them are idiots and they deal with them together, but Tak pops up every so often like a big boss villain.
Dib (and later Twix, Kit, and the triplets) probably get handmade Paks to extend their lives and they explore out into space together.
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grimalkinmessor · 4 years
My Iz DaER AUs
My “I just need everyone to love Dib” AUs dump. Might as well vomit them into the void! :D
Space Merc AU
Zim vanishes one night in high school. Dib becomes depressed and determined to find him again, so he fixes Tak’s ship at nineteen, bolts into space, and doesn’t look back. Over several years he ends up becoming a rather infamous supernatural hunter, a ‘get rid of ghosts and ghouls’ for hire. One day, when Dib is in his thirties, he gets called to the Massive. Tallest Purple offers him quite a lot of money for a job to be done on the DL.
“Kill the Defect Zim.”
“I’m not a mercenary.”
“No? You certainly act like one.”
Height Swap AU
Red and Purple are the Invaders that get sent to Earth. Zim is their Tallest. They form a rivalry with Dib that results in him getting a helluva a lot more screentime with Tallest Zim than most other alien nuisances. Curious about this human that is able to somehow best Zim’s best Invaders, Zim keeps a close eye on the situation as a whole. Meanwhile, Red and Purple become the same staple in Dib’s childhood as Zim was, and they end up growing up to ne friends. This…complicates things a bit.
“Where’s that human you two keep complaining about? Zim hasn’t seen him in a while.”
“Oh, er–our human is currently attempting to stop one of our plans! It’s a very good plan, you understand, so it’s taking him a while.”
“Your human?”
Caste Swap AU
Irken society is backwards and the height complex is reversed. Zim is the Almighty Smallest and Red and Purple are the tall, traitorous advisors that flee to Earth for haven. Upon arriving there, they stumble across a small human that is completely fascinated with them. They decide to indulge him. Years pass and Red and Pur become sort-of mentors to Dib, save for a couple problems. Dib now has a massive crush on both of them, and Smallest Zim has finally discovered where they are.
“Take me with you! I can help!”
“We’re being hunted for sport at this point–and I don’t know about Pur, but I’m not in the habit of throwing kids into situations that will get them killed.”
Night Savage AU (spoilers for A Dash of Destiny)
Earth is a spacial Empire as well, and with the greed of humans, of course they manage to conquer enough planets in a small amount of time to rival the Irken Empire. But since their territories are coming ever closer with each planet they conquer, they’re either going to battle to the death, or come to an agreement. Given that Earth is more medieval in terms of society though, savage Game of Thrones type, Kaiser Membrane obviously just wants to nuke them, but knows Earth wouldn’t survive a war like that. Meanwhile, Zim has been sent to Earth because (it’s dangerous and he’s disposable) they need nore Intel on the Earthen Empire, and he meets Dib. They become fast friends, and neither wants to go to war anymore. So Zim suggests a ‘union’ to his Tallests, talking up Dib so one of them will hopefully like him and want him.
“You thought we might propose this. You’ve kept your daughter out of our reach–smart. But it’s not her we want. It’s your little prodigal son.”
“…And if I let you have him?”
“Oh, that was fast! Don’t worry, Membrane, we’ll take very good care of him.”
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