#izuna POV
Uchiha family tree (Headcanon)
Madara Golden Age ~ lore
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There are two things that the Uchiha clan from the Warring states era cherishes the most : sheer strength and sons.
In this department, Tajima had always been considered as the blessed one in the main family line. His strength was undisputable amongst his peers, his flamboyant sense of bravado appealing and his wife gives him five sons.
His older brother Daisuke always kept hard feeling toward this younger brother who was way too irreverent, charismatic and who became the head of the clan jumping over their birth order. Moreover his marriage with Kiyo gave him three daughters. All this bitterness makes him a distant father and a difficult husband. He often compensated his lack of cleverness by an unkind character.
Their little sister Hanako has always avoided taking side between her two older brothers' feuds . Early in life, she knew that a female kunoichi is rarely considered in this overly male-centric family unless she can demonstrate an abnormal mastery of ninjutsu like her sister-in-law, Tajima's wife. Hanako did a rare thing for a member of the main line, she chose love over prestige and bloodline. She married a shinobi from a minor uchiha lineage against Tajima's will. When she got pregnant, the head of the clan had no choice but accept this union. Finally she was the one enjoying the most peaceful life far from the tragedies that fell over her elders.
More details on their family trees in Madara Golden Age chapter 7 : Coming of Age
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doveywovy · 3 months
thinking about the uchiha and the senju *not* being on equal footing for once. Indra, when chasing power, became the Daimyo of Fire instead of squabbling with his Father and Brother. His relation to the Emperor (his grandfather) ensuring the line. So hundreds of years later, the Uchiha are the ruling family of fire- over civilians and shinobi alike. They rarely, if ever, actually *serve* as shinobi, but they maintain their abilities to the highest degree possible because it's part of how they keep an iron grip on all the shinobi clans who serve under them. (The sharingan is as respected as ever, but now with the 'divine right to rule' implications tied into it's manifestation.)
Tajima is the current head, but he's coming close to retiring and having Madara take over. Izuna's been raised as Madara's advisor; assassinations are still a concern but heirs dying is much less common. They'd never put the main family into danger, so all of their siblings are still alive, but they all got married off at young ages to secure alliances. (Even before they got married off, they were raised with the mindset that they'd be bargaining tools, and so Izuna and Madara were raised separately to keep them from getting attached).
The Senju aren't a noble clan, and aren't even aware of their connection to the historical line of power. But the Uchiha are aware of it, and thus start to pay extra attention when Hashirama marries Mito. Uniting clans...it could be nothing, but it could also be a sign he intends to usurp. They're careful about that sort of thing.
Izuna presses the advantage this gives them. The Senju will have to give in to any demands they make that aren't *too* outrageous, and there's been whispering about Hashirama's brother being a genius inventor. Madara asks for Tobirama's service to their family, separating the Senju from a very useful tool if they are planning a coup and gaining the Uchiha a very major boon if there's no coup in place.
Tobirama arrives, blandly polite, covered in dirt from the road, and the presumption is that he'll get swirled away into court life. He'll either prove foolish and end up dead sooner than later, or prove clever and thus useful. In which case Izuna will keep him in mind if he ever needs something invented, or investigated, or otherwise prodded with a stick. One day the Senju's power will fade- they'll make a political misstep, lose an heir, Hashirama will turn into a tree. Then Tobirama will get returned, with the expectation to politely acquis to any requests the Uchiha make for the rest of his life.
Izuna gets attached instead. Tobirama's extremely compelling to him for all their similarities and differences. The man is a younger brother devoted to his elder; Izuna cares for his brother by handling the tricky court manipulations that elude soft-hearted Madara. Tobirama seems serve his brother by being the harsh one, the firm one, the threatening one. He's ill-suited for court. He lacks any skill at manipulation but is very adapt at biting insults, which is a terrible combination and also very funny for Izuna to watch. Izuna was raised from a young age to be careful about assassinations; Tobirama was raised from a young age to commit them.
Tobirama doesn't know how easily their positions could be reversed, if their ancestors had made different decisions, but Izuna does. He takes a very mean delight in that- especially because he fully believes the Uchiha deserve their place. They *were* the better bloodline, the divine right to rule was indeed always meant to be theirs, and it really only could be fate that a Senju would end up serving the Uchiha. It's a joke that Tobirama can never know, and his ignorance makes it funnier.
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everyitachi · 6 months
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beatriceportinari · 3 months
finally a fic where izuna just leaves. : ) yay
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kishimotomasashi · 7 months
Me vs my genuine incapacity to think about or characterize Izuna as anything more than a Madara appendage, sorry gang
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baobeikvn · 2 years
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your pov :
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oh-no-its-bird · 2 months
Normal 'Izuna survives' au but he gets isekaid into canon founders era and doesn't notice for a week (everyone is convinced he's a ghost)
He literally lives in the same house as Madara but Madara acts like this is normal bc hes been hallucinating so this is clearly just another hallucination
He only realizes smthn is wrong with Tobirama sees him and immediatley goes "what the FUCK" and suddenly everyone is going "oh god you can see him too????"
Izuna is on a quest to convince people he's not a hallucination (it's a losing battle)
Realistically tho, in that era, wouldn't it be more believable that Izuna is a ghost / somehow came back to life than fucking dimension travel?
Cearly the ghost of Izuna just doesn't realize hes died (common enough in ghost lore)
Tobirama is the only one who believes Izuna bc he has the brain cells to think ab dimension travel / time and space jutsu
POV Madara starts to convince Izuna he's actually a ghost. Maybe... he did die? And he just doesn't remember?? Oh god is he a ghost??? Is he dead????
Tobirama is standing by watching this shit happen with a look of disgust on his face (I'm sorry Tobi the stupidity is genetic)
Madara really said gaslight gatekeep girlboss, starting with yourself first
@beatriceportinari :
hashirama is trying to be compassionate and get him to move on and izuna just. stays there (bc he's not a ghost)
hsrm so desolate abt it
tbrm he won't move on 😦 what if he's stuck forever 😦
Tobirama is standing nearby watching this shit happen fully aware Izuna isn't dead but no one will listen to him so !!! Might as well watch the show
@fashionredalert :
Izuna standing there like
Tweak it slightly to turn it into a happy ending where they get to keep him bc he eventually has to go back home: there was no dimension travel, for some reason he survived or was revived (zetsu interference gone wrong?? Or right ig, for Izuna)
@mengfm :
He fr came back to life/survived but everyone's convinced he's a ghost and are trying to lay him back to rest
The idea of people trying to re bury him is so funny. Left and right he’s trying to avoid having funeral rights just said to him
@beatriceportinari :
montage where they make him lay down in a coffin and he's just laying there fidgeting like "this feels weird is it working yet"
noooo asdfghjh he's letting them do it'
maybe i should be dead yeah' izuna!!!
@mengfm :
"No I saw you die"
"Ok convincing argument I guess" -Izuna, apparently
@fashionredalert :
I know there’s that trope about the Uchiha burning the bodies with funeral rites could you image…Bro having to run away from Madara trying to burn him alive to lay him to rest again
@mengfm :
@fashionredalert :
Izuna running through the village with rope ties around his hands as he runs
Madara is chasing Izuna through the streets with a lit torch as Izuna screams about wanting to try a different way and Madara screams about how it'll work if he just STAYS STILL
@instant-bull :
(Hashirama looks out his window and asks Tobirama if he just saw Izuna running through the streets and Tobirama tells him to stop making shit up to get out of work)
@mengfm :
That’s just a lack of sleep hallucination back to work!!!
@instant-bull :
Madara trying to burn his brother alive isn’t real!
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"You'll get used to them" Tobirama waved his hand, the years of insomnia experience making him sound particularly knowledgable
Hashirama’s already moukoton scrambled brain is going to feel even more insane. This is not helping his sanity
Hashirama starts to believe he sees into some alternate timeline or the past or whatever that shit was
The ending is literally just Tobirama hitting everyone over the head with a rolled up newspaper and yelling that they're all stupid, going "HES alive. YOURE not hallucinating. and YOU can not see into other dimensions!"
Only sane person in Konoha
(Then in the epilogue he goes home and has his own regular hallucinations of his dead brothers)
Parts of todays AU are brought to u with the help of @instant-bull @mengfm @fashionredalert and @beatriceportinari, everyone say thank you to them
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messier-47 · 3 months
My Unkept Man
As a birthday gift to both myself and you guys, I took on the challenge of writing a little bit of a brand new WIP that's been in my head for months.
Synopsis? Uchiha Izuna is dead, Konoha is/has been buit up and Madara is still in the deep throws of depression. Hashirama, who'd lost all of his brothers years ago decides to gift Madara with something to help take his mind off his grief, a cat. This story was gonna be one of those "Super depressed MC gets a pet and has to make a new resolve to get better for his cat."
Then my brain went, "What if this story was in the POV of the cat?"
When next I see the Silly Man I shall kill him.
Yes, that is what I’ll do, for he has locked me in here without a way to get out and it is too small a place for me. Let me out!
“Shuuu-shuuu-shuuush,” the Silly Man says out of his stupid mouth, “Please don’t be so loud, I’ll let you out soon.”
He is stupid. Has forgotten that he had stuffed me into this crate but I have not forgotten, so I shall remind him often. Let me out this insufferable box!
The Silly Man continues to gibber, but is easily distracted by something else - a doorway has opened!
“What is it, Hashirama?” ‘tis another Man.
“Madara!” exclaims the Silly Man, “I have a gift for you, my friend!”
“Gift?” is questioned, “For what?”
Ignored. “Do you remember when you told me that you wanted a cat?”
“I didn’t say that. I distinctly remember saying that I didn’t want a dog or cat.”
“But that Uchiha have cats.”
“Yeah, as summons. What have you done, Hashirama?”
“I got you a cat!” The box was opened and a great light blinded me! In the seconds of weakness, the Silly Man took ahold of my ribs and lifted my into the air! “Look! Ain’t he cute?”
Let go of me! I used my back paws to kick and claw at the Man paws around my chest but the Silly Man catches and clutches me closer to his chest and face. I have little room to move and be free, and I let him know my ire.
“He looks feral,” the Men say among themselves, too stupid to understand any sophisticated speech. “And is that…a domesticated house cat? Not even a neko nin!”
“And he’s yours,” said the Silly Man, “I thought he’d be good for you.”
I bat at the Silly Man’s face, my sharp claws extended; release me!
He dodges my powerful strikes but I catch some of his overlong fur within my grasp. Ugh! Now it’s stuck to me!
“Ah, yes,” gibbered the other Man, “He seems so nice.”
“He’s not always like this,” said the Silly Man. He’s talking about me. I always know when Man talks about me in my presence. Let me down! “He’s just upset that I put him in a crate for so long. Back in you go.”
No! Unhand me you fool!
“Ah!” the Silly Man cries out in defeat as I successfully escape his grasp. There is a long curtain by the window, I climb it to freedom! A tall shelf becomes my respite, Man may be bigger than I but not as tall as I now. They’ll never get me from here!
“Dang it!” says the Silly Man, “You never behave!”
“I don’t know, Hashirama,” says the other Man, twisting his arms over his chest, “Seems to me he’s got the right idea.”
“Oh, don’t be like that,” the Silly Man whimpered, “I think you’ll grow to like him if given the chance. And he could help you!”
“Help me?”
The two blathered whilst I sat well above their heads, out of reach and in a superior position for any counter attack. Should the Silly Man reach for me with his soft, fleshy paws and naked arms, I shall shred him to pieces.
“It’s been little over half a year, my friend,” said the Silly Man, voice having lost its vigor, “I worry about you.”
“Didn’t know you were keeping track,” said the other Man, “and it’s been eight months, if you even cared enough to know.”
The Silly Man sometimes wasn’t so silly.
The Silly Man is strong. He was dangerous. Foolish, to be sure, especially when in comparison to my greatness, but the Silly Man wasn’t someone to forget he had his own set of sheathed claws.
“I care,” he said.
It was an ambush! Vines of great strength caught and tangled me up as a spider does prey. I protest this loudly, for I am no prey!
“It’s been eight months and you’re still grieving,” said the Stupid Man as he would not release me! The vines carried me down from my vantage point. “You haven’t been taking care of yourself and…I thought that having a pet might cheer your spirits up.”
I am brought into the arms of the Stupid Man. I intend to eat his liver.
“You brought a feral cat to cheer me up?” the other Man questioned.
“He’s not feral,” said the Stupid Man with an absent wave of his hand, “He’s been in the family for years now, King of the Senju Compound. He’s just…spicy!”
“And you think I’ll grow to like him?”
“You’re both surprisingly similar,” said the Silly Man before dumping my entrapped body into the hands of the other Man. “I thought you’d either get along like a house on fire or the house would definitely be on fire.”
I looked at the other Man and disapproved of him. He was just so…unkept! The fur on his head was too long to manage with a tongue, puffed up fluffy but his face was the typical Man face kept naked.
I bat at his face.
He does not dodge my sharp claws, his instincts dull and weak. My claws do not scratch him as I am too close for a proper graze, but my paw pushes him away by the fatness of his cheek.
He grumbles, “Does this thing have a name or can I call him Little Bastard or Shiro-Oni?”
“Don’t be mean,” the Silly Man scolds. I do not listen to him because I refuse. “His name is Tobirama.”
“Tobi-? What a pretentious first name!”
“Better than calling him ‘Little Bastard’. Come on, at least try. I know you’ll come to like him!”
The Unkept Man looks me in the eye and I look back.
He is so very ugly and I tell him so.
“Yeah?” says the Unkept man, “Well I don’t like you either.”
His blood shall wet my claws.
“Ah! You little-!”
“No Madara! Not the desk again!”
The indignity that one such as I must endure! With fang and claw, I shall reap all their suffering henceforth!
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kankuroplease · 10 months
what do you think of the uchihas (the most important. madara. izuna .sasukr. shisui. itachi...+your OCs the brothers of madara) '' your opinions and your thoughts '' just to know 🤭
I’m going to stick to canon Uchiha simply for time and idk what to say about my own in the same context
Like it or not, he was kinda right 😬 interesting idea, TERRIBLE execution. He’s a bit cocky (rightfully so) but i love him and he has one of my favorite smiles, look at him 😆
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I can’t stand him. To me, he’s the devil and angel on Madara’s shoulders and he wants problems, always 💀
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I’m not going to sit here and act like he didn’t do some horrible and dumb things, causing more harm than good. This guy could have solved a lot a things by opening his mouth. But he looks cool and I’m stuck to the few good things we did get from his true nature
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I have strong feelings surrounding Sasuke and I’m going to try not to rant. Out of all the Uchiha, I understand his motives the best and his anger towards Konoha is more than justified… but him being continuously shown displaying a lack of communication skills irks me to my core. I also would have been all for movie with more of his POV, but that’s just me. It’s complicated because I either, don’t care or care too much depending on the day/specific grievance 💀
On a brighter note, I think he has one of the best character designs in the whole series
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A mischievous sweetheart. 1000% deserved better. He also had a horrifying ability that would have been great for a villain and he has the best lashes in Konoha. I like to believe he survived and is living life as a blind old man somewhere leave me alone 😭
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My Uchiha Husband, you forgot him 😌 sure he’s got a laundry list of problems and he’s a red flag, but I’m an Obito apologist lmao. Unpopular opinion; I don’t think he started a war simply over Rin, I think Rin’s death was just the last straw as he had old man Madara brainwashing him for a good bit. Also he’s the hottest Uchiha imo
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In conclusion; they’ve all done a lot of things wrong, but they weren’t necessarily wrong for feeling the way they did. This is the problem when you’re a lover and fighter 💀
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al-hekima-madara-blog · 11 months
Madara Golden Age : Chapter 8
the core of ninjutsu ~ Izuna POV
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Previous chapters on A03
Izuna POV, Warring States Era fic, Uchiha-centric, graphic violence, mostly canon compliant, seinen style, madaracore
"Madara, here you are! I was waiting for you outside the compound!" I shout out while coming inside the main training building and joining him on top of the stands.
"I was on my way. I took some weapons from the storehouse and… I've been distracted," he holds firmly the grip of his sword hanging on his sash.
He's disgruntled. I can hear it by his forced sarcastic tone. I watch over the crowded ground. A hundred people are busy fighting an invisible opponent, repeating the same kata movements again and again until it is imprinted in their muscles. Others are stretching their body, or wrapping their hands and feet before boxing a bag of sand. Nothing out of the norm, but if I judge by Madara's body language, he's fuming...
Don't forget to like, comments, reblog and share if you like the story❤️. the author loves attentions and proofs of love. It makes the next chapters magically comes up quickly. It's proven by science. source : Trust me, bro.
read the whole chapter on A03
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doveywovy · 2 months
tobiizu au in which madara taking izuna's eyes means he ends up getting haunted by izuna. It's connecting Izunas soul to the land of the living and he can't move on, but he also can't affect anything and he isn't visible to madara, so it's just deeply depressing for him all around.
After a while he stops following madara around because it's so upsetting to see his brother grieving him, and instead he starts haunting Tobirama bc thats someone he doesn't care if he sees sad or miserable or injured or dying. unfortunately for izuna there's only so many hours you can devote to watching a man before you to start to fall in love with him, and he surpassed that limit a month or so into it. This is konoha Tobirama after all, who's still sharp around the edges but he's trying to be softer, and he's devoting all his time to the village and his students and the future, not to killing uchiha. Plus izuna once saw him accidentally drink a mug of ink-water instead of tea and it's really hard to hold a grudge when you've seen them do something that embarrassing.
the thing is, every once and a while, he gets snapped back to madara- and not just back to his side but to his...point of view, for some reason? Whenever madara's in a fight that seems particularly serious, mostly, but sometimes at random- when madara's just staring at something that reminds him of izuna, usually. It's weird but Izuna didn't get a ghost handbook and he assumes it's a matter of their bond...like if madara's life is in danger, or if he's thinking about izuna really hard, it brings izuna back to him? it never lasts long and its not like he can ask madara about it so he just. moves on and ignores it.
and then one day madara shows up at tobirama's lab, which is really weird because Izuna's pretty sure he's never even seen them interact before- and then madara starts monologuing and oh my god, he's gonna kill tobirama
he's gonna kill tobirama for killing izuna and he's been doing some insane evil plotting with some weird plant thing or something??? what the fuck has madara been doing while izuna's been living his best romcom unlife??? and then madaras like AND MY BROTHER WILL WATCH AS I KILL YOU which is. fucked up and also how does he know that. did he know that the whole time? did he CAUSE the ghost situation?
and then izuna gets snapped into madaras POV and realizes it's the sharingan. every time madara uses his stupid magic eye bullshit he's been getting lightly-possessed by izuna
and then realizing what's happening makes him realize that like- maybe he can affect things? when hes in a living body? which he apparently is in this moment? this moment in which madara is strangling tobirama to death? so he imagines the hands letting go and they do!
madara doesn't know why he stopped and tobirama doesn't know why he stopped and izuna- izuna is trying to figure out if he wants tobirama dead-with-him or alive for him to watch, actually
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everyitachi · 8 months
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beatriceportinari · 6 months
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itachi projecting his cringe little hand gesture on mdr confirms to me he also projected his cringe ponytail on izuna!!!!!!!!
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saschuv · 1 year
Some more thoughts on Naruto and also looking at the fandom, especially Tobirama:
Tobirama is an interesting character. All of the founders are. I definitely wish we got to learn more about them but we still got quite a bit and I wanted to look a bit into Tobirama and how he treated the Uchiha as that seems a common debate amongst fans.
I’ve always found it ironic when Tobirama speaks of the Uchiha’s apparent “curse of hatred” when he was literally the angriest and most hateful. He took one look at Sasuke and started spewing bigotry at the kid and he doesn’t even know him.
An odd thing I’ve noticed is fans denying Tobirama as racist against the Uchiha. It was established within the series that as a clan, the Uchiha had their own culture and religion and who felt stronger than others. Tobirama knows these things - his clan fought the uchiha for years and he studied them well to know how to defeat them. He’s well aware that the Uchiha feel stronger than others and can easily be led into hatred and despair just as how they love stronger than others and he exploited that multiple times, and then acted surprised and disgusted about how they reacted to his actions… His paranoia and prejudice meant he alienated the uchiha in a village THEY helped found.
I also see Tobirama fans use his brothers’ deaths as the reason he hates the Uchiha and that that justifies it. This lacks logic. Yes, tobirama would hate the Uchiha for what they did to his brothers and be upset, that’s inevitable. BUT, the Senju killed hundreds of Uchiha too, including Madara’s other brothers (and later Izuna). Neither side were innocent and yet the Uchiha so desperately wanted peace they accepted the peace treaty and tried to be allies eith the Senju, whilst still trying to keep their culture alive. Like the two clans were at WAR with each other, the Senju sent children out and said children died. Yes, it’s tragic and cruel and so unfair but what do you expect the uchiha to do? They’re also paranoid and fearful and likely looking at a strategic pov by trying to stop them before they become too powerful. Now this doesn’t justify it but I’m just trying to say neither side were purely innocent or ‘evil’ like fans try to make this out as.
Now back to the Uchiha trying to keep their culture alive in Konoha. This ended up with them being alienated from the village and being looked upon as “other”, whilst the Senju dispersed throughout the village. The different cultures should have been celebrated but instead it’s just increased the suspicion as the Uchiha tried to hold onto their traditions and others didn’t so much. Madara signed that peace treaty also to receive equal and fair treatment but instead the Uchiha got the opposite and Jon noticing this would just continue, Madara grew fearful for the clans fate but when warning them, the clan were so desperate for peace in this village they decided against him. Madara knew what he was singing so it’s clear that konoha had turned against what they agreed upon.
It’s a tragic fact that Izuna was right in his wanting to Madara in his death that they Senju couldn’t be truested and it’s a pity that Tobirama’s paranoia blinded him and narrowed his mind, turning to anger and racism.
There’s something bittersweet that sasuke looks like Izuna as he tries to stop konoha’s oppressive rule that his ancestor once predicted,
Disclaimer: I do find Tobirama interesting and enjoy reading about him, as I’ve just stated here I just disagree with a lot of his actions and morals. Sadly there are inconsistencies in the writing and a lack of information that makes his character difficult to fully understand.
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trashy-0possum · 1 year
Servamp beach day!
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Pov: its a hot summer day (without the vampire war ofc and they can go out in the sun- and not transform into their animal forms)
Kuro will literally burry himself in the sand so he doesnt die of sunburn- (he gets a sunburn in seconds)
Mahiru and the wrath pair will probably be in charge of the food while izuna starts to use her new inventions
The greed pair and team melancholy prob play volleyball but how we know licht will literally smack that ball into someone's face
Tsurugi would sit at the side and build little sandcastles with takuto and junichiro 🥺
Niccolo will probably try to go into the water but its to cold for him 😩
Ildio will throw him into the water and jump in too.
...tsurugi and lawless with water guns? Bad combination.
They will be the worst duo and splash everyone like little kids water guns waterbombs everything
Misono wont set a foot into the water he will just stay on his towel
Lily and freya will prob just do each others hair braid it put flowers in it all that stuff
Tetsu would just swim around while hugh lays on his back and brags about stuff his subclasses told him
Lawless and ildio will just do dumb brother stuff like watching girls and stuff-
Mahiru is the mother like always and has to calm them down...he prob has just a little block of cheese in his pocket just to give lawless as a treat if he did good 😭
Lawless will gladly take the cheese- (ildio wants some to he gets jealous if he doesn't get cheese)
Kuro just casually play on his Nintendo while sitting in a swimming ring- (he probably fell asleep the first 10 minutes and gets a sunburn after-
Mikuni will just start to piss of everyone especially misono while jeje just sits around and tries not to heat up-
Jeje and niccolo will probably just faint at one point because of the heat-
Niccolo will read a book or start to draw the others while sitting under the beach umbrella and he just takes care that none of the stuff gets stollen
Tsurugi and takuto brought little duckies to play with at the beach😭
Tsurugi would prob start to play a hohle story and give the one ducky a tragic death-
Izuna and freya would go and buy ice for everyone!
After a long day at the beach they just sit at the sand and talk while eating ice cream and ofc melon for licht
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Servamp really needs a beach episode. We do have a episode on the drama cd but not with all charakters so i made some hcs how it would be 😼👏
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baobeikvn · 11 months
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pov : it's hashirama's idea to put on costumes on his bday celebration instead of on halloween 👻 (& izuna's sc posts)
happy birthday king ! ◞♡⋆.*ೃ✧ #hashirama 🍄
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