#izzy kranshaw
lokiwaffles · 4 months
First art in ages haha
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Just some Izzy scribbles. I’m playing with a new brush.
After Izzy escapes Hydra, he gets a little flock of chickens and a big dog named Louis (after The Trumpet of the Swan). The dog is a Great Pyrenees/sheepdog mix.
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lokiwaffles · 5 months
This is a scheduled post ‘cause I’m at work rn, but Analog Boy is up! I can’t link the video because it’s private at the time I’m making this post, but it should be public now!
Edit: here’s the actual video:
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lokiwaffles · 5 months
Ummmmm messy colored sketches. Art block hit me like a TRUCK.
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As angry and tough as Holly looks in the gladiator fit, Izzy is the one carrying the duo when they actually fight. She’s curled up in the corner, having a mental breakdown.
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lokiwaffles · 5 months
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This is his 2013 design, so he’s 16 rn. I want to mess with 2011 designs for him and Ash and Em, but this’ll do for now. Very messy because I am tired. But it matches. Gray is next.
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lokiwaffles · 7 months
Here is some rough refs for my lil dudes from Cautionary Tale+ an Izzy because I felt bad that he wasn’t in it. Don’t worry. I’ve got some Izzy stuff heading this way soon!
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Also yes Holly/Gray are unholily tall thanks to asgardian genes. That makes it fun for when I get around to starting the comic and they get to tower over everyone.
Also I was trying to figure out Izzy’s fashion sense and I think that he wears a looooot of soft fuzzy sweaters with colorful prints on them. That’s gonna be fun to draw, because I tend to stick to pretty muted palettes for the others.
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lokiwaffles · 5 months
🎉Happy Birthday! 🎉 I diagnose him with BABEY
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lokiwaffles · 5 months
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(now I can catch up lore doc stuff/character design stuff)
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lokiwaffles · 6 months
Izzy designs/random sketches haha
I’m going to steal this guy’s wardrobe and bolt away with it.
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lokiwaffles · 7 months
Who let these freaks near pen and paper?
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Anyways, I guess they drew themselves 🤔
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lokiwaffles · 1 year
I have some Izzy art >:)
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Coloring ‘n stuff is messy because I really just attacked the canvas without a second thought. It’s some more camera roll shenanigans.
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lokiwaffles · 6 months
I lost freaking braincells doing this:
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lokiwaffles · 6 months
17 for Izzy, 20 for Iris, 24 for Holly (feel free to get metaphorical with this) and 47 for Gray (because of our conversation about how well Gray is known by people who never even met him)
17- What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?
Izzy- He notices his eyes. He likes them a lot! He also notices his nose. He feels like that his most prominent facial feature.
Other people frequently notice the abnormal amount of band-aids over his face, and the slight wobbliness in his step.
20-Who do they like as a person but hate their work? Vice versa, whose work do they like but don't like the person?
Iris- Hmm….she doesn’t really separate work from people. If she likes the work, she’ll like the person. If she hates the person, she’ll hate the work. She probably doesn’t have the ability to think with nuance. The world is too black and white for her.
24-Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it?
Holly- (not sure how to answer this one) She did! It was an orange drop cookie, popularized in the 1920s.
47-Who have they forgotten about that remembers them very well?
Gray- Hmm. Probably every person he’s ever killed/their families, most people that he meets in HYDRA, previous handlers, and Steve Rogers.
Thanks for the ask!
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lokiwaffles · 6 months
8 for your main four marvel ocs, 15 for gray, and 41 for holly
8. How loose is their use of the phrase 'I love you?
Holly- depends. When she became more comfortable with her friendship with Iris, she began signing it a lot (platonically) to her. The Legrands were a household full of love, and her parents frequently stated it. Even with her issues in the present, she genuinely loves Iris and thus has little problem expressing it.
With someone potentially romantically involved like Loki— she probably has never once said those words to him.
Gray- He is slightly more hesitant to express love. Of course, he’s had less isolation than his sister. He’s had brief relationships before, but Iris is the first time he’s ever said that to someone since his family died. He doesn’t use the phase much, but after meeting Iris, he uses it pretty much nonstop.
Iris- She’ll toss the phrase at anyone if she thinks it will either benefit her image or help to manipulate someone. It’s unlikely she’s ever meant it wholeheartedly since she was ten years old.
Izzy- He uses it frequently, but for different reasons. He uses variations of phrase platonically dozens of times throughout the day. He says it to everyone and everything— his cat, his sweaters, the sky, Holly (like three seconds after meeting her), the bus driver, the checkout lady— he wants them to know they matter. He doesn’t care if he comes off as odd, and he’s too sweet and respectful to be creepy— being raised in such a dehumanizing place such as HYDRA makes him want everyone and everything to feel appreciated and seen.
15. What's the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they're alone?
Gray- His speech. He is quiet, clipped, and formal around Hydra, loose and sappy around Iris, and completely silent when alone. He detests the sound of his own voice when alone.
41. What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else?
Holly- Holly has picked up some of Iris’s short, snappy modern language, Fury’s frequent cursing, and most likely a few dozen little patterns observed from various agents around her. She’ll use bits of language from twenty, forty, eighty years ago. She’ll hum radio jingles from the thirties. She’ll sometimes try and make decisions based off things she’s read in books. Her memory isn’t the sharpest but when you’ve been isolated in SHIELD’s vault for so long, the media you consume becomes your memories, and an essential part of who you are.
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lokiwaffles · 1 year
Long Overdue Izzy Crash Course:
Name: Isaiah Kranshaw (known as Izzy to his friends)
Birthday: July 23, 1997 (He is 16 when he meets Gray again in 2013)
Faction: Pretty much himself. He’s Hydra temporarily only by force.
Current Occupation: Guy Trying to Live A Normal Life
Likes: Painting, and watching cartoons/superhero movies and cooking.
Dislikes: Using his powers, eating anything he hasn’t prepared by himself, HYDRA, Iris.
Powers: Rapid healing, acidic blood (basically works like hydrochloric acid on other people)
Languages: English, German.
Allies: Holly, Gray (foster bro) John Kranshaw (foster dad), Ash, Emery.
Belief: He has a strong trust in his instincts, and in other people.
Achilles Heel: He isn’t very good at reading people, and most of the time will latch onto someone who shows even a sliver of kindness towards him. This usually doesn’t end well. Also, in terms of physical weakness, he often uses his own blood (ew) as a last resort when it comes to fighting, so he is often in danger of massive blood loss, even with the healing factor.
Isaiah is a cheerful, laid back, trusting fellow. He is quiet in public, but can be quite the chatterbox when prompted. Due to being poisoned, he is extremely paranoid about any food he hasn’t prepared himself, and rarely eats out. This is a drawing by the awesome @lousysharkbutt from patreon!
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Timeline: (up until 2013)
He was found in front of an orphanage in New Hampshire when he was around 4 years old, and how he got there or who his parents were, no one has any clue. He was taken in by John Kranshaw about a month after he was found, and quickly bonded with him.
(John doesn’t have much of a backstory. He was a SHIELD-turned-Hydra agent, interestingly enough, and strove to make Hydra a better place. Idk what he found great about that place.)
Izzy, as he would be come to be called, quickly bonded with John, and settled into an easy home life, unaware of his father’s faction and frequent outings.
That all changes when he is around seven. John’s house is open as a safe house for certain Hydra personnel, and so when Gray, at this time a full fledged assassin, runs into a little bit of trouble, he comes to stay at the nearest safe spot for a few weeks.
Now at first, Gray ignores Izzy and spends all his time recuperating in the guest room, but Izzy, who has taken a general liking this strange man, soon bothers him enough to break the ice. He becomes pretty attached to Gray, always asking him to play with him or watch movies or what-have-you. John is careful to make sure that Izzy is never alone with Gray, but eventually, Gray breaks down and kind of forms a soft spot for the kid. The initial tension having a stranger in the house gradually melts away, and by the end of the few weeks, the three of them are practically a family, with Gray taking an older brother role towards Izzy.
Gray continues to visit them over the next year, popping in for a few days every month. For a while everything is pretty much bliss, until Gray’s superiors find out about his attachment and order him to kill Izzy by way of poison.
That really sucks :(
Gray has this moral crisis about it, but eventually finds some awful way to justify it, and ends up slipping the poison into a meal that he makes while John is away.
John comes back while Gray’s freaking out and having a panic attack while Izzy’s barely alive, and calls 911. When the medics come, they pronounce Izzy dead on arrival, and haul him off.
Both John and Gray assume that Izzy is dead and part ways after a massive fight. However, turns out the poison that Gray gave him was really just to fake his death, because Hydra officials knew that both John and Gray were becoming waaay too attached to the kid, and he was distracting them from work.
(Which is really awful, btw)
The poison also serves as an activator for some experiments Izzy had gone through prior to his stay at the orphanage and that’s how he gets his powers.
So Izzy grows up in the same harsh environment Gray does, learning tools of the assassin trade and generally having a Very Bad Life. He keeps his calm, kind personality, and eventually manages to get out at age 14. He somehow finds his own way after that, finding jobs and lying about his age and sometimes stealing money. Eventually, however, a year later, he gets back into the mercenary game, this time of his own choice.
He eventually has to go after Gray, and that’s how he meets him again.
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lokiwaffles · 7 months
HE’S UP!!!
Took me an embarrassingly long time to realize the singer was Miku lol
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lokiwaffles · 4 months
5 for iris and 6 for izzy
5. Is there a line your OC will not cross, morally or preferentially speaking, in pursuit of something that really matters to them? If there are many such lines, what are they?
Iris has a very strict but warped moral code. She believes herself to be the main character, and because of that, she will only engage in behaviors that are considered heroic. Her interpretation of “heroic” comes from various pieces of superhero media she consumed as a child.
That being said! She cannot directly kill anyone (but it’s fine if it’s an “accident”, that happens all the time in comics), but anything else in fair game if she can justify it. She’ll lie, steal, and manipulate shamelessly.
6. In general, how difficult is it for your oc to tell someone 'no?'
It depends. It’s hard if the person asking is someone he loves. If someone’s close to him, they can unfortunately walk over pretty much any boundary, because of how absolutely trusting he is. If it’s any sort of authority that acts even mildly unpleasant, it’s easy to for him to say no.
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