#j → homelander (affections)
justanotherescapism · 2 months
SFW Alphabet - Homelander
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Homelander is very affectionate but only when he's alone with you. He wouldn't like much PDA but would love to hold you close when in his apartment.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Initially he wouldn't trust you, after all, everyone likes to appease him as they're scared of him. But you would be different, speaking your mind around him, you wouldn't even seem to be remotely scared of him. That makes him take a liking to you, and soon become close friends.
He'd trust you with all of his secrets and be his go-to person when he's stressed or overwhelmed. He would also ask for your advice when it comes to Ryan as he would struggle to manage being a parent.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Homelander is a big softie behind close doors. He would love when he can be the small spoon as for once someone is comforting him rather than using or hurting him. He would also love to lay in your lap after a long day whilst you play with his hair.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He would like to settle down but not before he finishes his plans to make it safe for him and his family. He would want kids in the future but he's in no rush, as he has Ryan.
As he doesn't really need to eat, he wouldn't know how to cook but luckily he can fly anywhere and get any take-out you could ever want.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Homelander would turn stone cold. He'd be unapologetic, after all, everyone he has loved has betrayed him or died, so he wouldn't skip a beat. When you cry or plead with him, he'd simply step away from you and show you the door.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Marriage is a strange concept to Homelander. He wouldn't really know how or when he would do it. But once you start hinting you want to get married, he'd get you a ring the next day.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He can change and somewhat suddenly. He might come back to your apartment gently kissing your neck, only to quickly push you up against and hall and begin making out with you roughly. When it comes to emotions, he can be closed off but all it takes it you taking him in your arms and he crumbles.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Every night when he would come back to you, he would wrap his around you. He squeezes you tightly but not enough to hurt. He would love to come behind you and cradle into the crook of your neck.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Once how knows, he knows. He might not tell you straight away but he would know. It would come out accidentally when you were complaining about something or talking about your day. You would ask if he was listening and he'd just blurt it out.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Very. He would get passive aggressive and try (and succeed) to intimidate the other person. They would back off straight away.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Sometimes, they would be rough and take your breath away, other times they would be gentle and vulnerable. He would like been kissed on the forehead when you're cuddling, it would make him feel safe and at ease.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Around little little ones, he would be unsure and confused. Often holding the baby like its an alien. You would have to teach him how to look after them and hold them but once they become a bit older and start showing powers, he would love to help them train and become better supes.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He wouldn't be one to hang around in the morning, preferring to get up right away but sometimes you can convince to cuddle for a little bit. He pretends he hates it but really he loves it. After you both get up and shower, he would make you a coffee whilst you make breakfast for you both.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Evenings would be spent quietly, often you would be by yourself until quite late due to his job. You might spend time with Ryan if he wanted to, and cook you both dinner or order take out. When Homelander comes back, all he wants is comfort and love. He would cuddle you until you both fall alseep.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Intially you'd know very little about his past and how he feels inside, because he's scared you'd use it against him. But once he realises that he loves you, he'd begin telling you stories about his childhood. When you respond protectively and get angry at the people from the stories, he would only love you more.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Surprisingly, I feel like he would be really patient with you, but with anyone else he would be quick to anger, especially if it was to do with you.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He'd remember everything but he'd pretend like he doesn't know a story or a fact so that he can hear you tell it all over again.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When you first got together, you were introduced to Ryan. Homelander was scared because what if you didn't get along. But when you met, you instantly warmed up to each other. So, when he came home one night and found you two asleep on the couch after watching some movies together, take-out boxes and milkshakes on the coffee table. He couldn't feel more love for you and Ryan.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Homelander is extremely protective as to be expected. He would always have a hand on the small of your back or around your waist so both you and he knows your there. He would also fly you anywhere you'd need to go because he couldn't stand the thought of anyone taking you away from him
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He would go all out. For someone who can go anywhere, he could get any food you'd want or take you to any restaurant. Also the endorsement of the Homelander would get you to the top of any reservation list.
However, when it comes to day to day stuff, he is often so drained from Vought that he can't put much effort into gestures of affection. This can cause you to feel a bit neglected sometimes but honestly, you're more understanding than annoyed. He would make up for it when he can and you appreciate it every time.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
His jealously is a lot for any person to handle. If anyone so much as looked at you, he would be ready to fight them. He would become so passive aggressive and sinister. You get lonely quite a lot because it's hard to maintain friends when you have Homelander at your side
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He cares quite a bit, however, it mostly because of the way Vought brought him up. When he starts to visibly age, he'd try to hid it from you at first. Worried you wouldn't be as attractive to him but when he finally comes clean, you tell him you love him regardless of how he looks.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes. He needs you to be able to get through the day.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Homelander loves massages, both giving and receiving. He would love to rub you down after you have had a workout or just want to relax. When you rub him down, it doesn't help any of his pain but he loves to be vulnerable around you.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Playing games, Homelander likes it simple when it comes to dating. He just wants to be with someone and that's it. He doesn't like chasing or playing hard to get. It would frustrate him and he doesn't have time for that.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Homelander doesn't really need to sleep but he would love to lay with you and watch you sleep. He loves it when you roll onto him in the night. He always holds you close and lets you sprawl across his body. Eventually he would get used to falling asleep next to you at night.
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phoenixtakaramono · 2 months
Butchlander M, N, P if you please. :)
(This Ask is regarding this.) Always happy to provide some HCs!
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
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Butcher’s accent turns Homelander on like no other.
Homelander is like a tomcat in heat; there has not been a season, barring S4, where we don’t see him getting his rocks off either with a sexual partner or by himself. The sight of Billy wearing an apron and expertly kneading dough with his flour-dusted fingers and the muscles of his forearms bunching beneath the skin could enter Homelander’s periphery during an important conference call with Vought’s board of directors—and Homelander would be distracted throughout the meeting with insignificant boring mudpeople with his brain in the gutter thinking about sucking on Billy’s fingers and fantasizing about having his 6’1” British man bend him over the kitchen counter or vice versa. I think once they’re in a relationship or once he has locked in on Billy as the perfect male specimen to copulate with, there are four things about William J. Butcher that’d primarily make him pop a boner:
1) Billy being uncharacteristically sweet and coming to Homelander’s defence in public, sticking up for him and cuttingly disparaging anyone who talks shite about the hero whilst simultaneously propping Homelander up to soothe his ego (bonus points if it’s directed toward someone Homelander can’t talk back to; extra bonus points if Homelander heard that Billy had made the person cry; extra extra bonus points if Billy’s coming across as possessive y’know, “the only person who gets to talk to you that way is me; your life belongs to me” typical villain-obsessed-with-the-hero rhetoric); it’s just the unexpectedness of it, coming from Butcher, that’d make the biggest impact on Homelander;
2) experiencing moments of unexpected domestic bliss that fits Homelander’s ideal “white picket fence” American Dream he’s been conditioned to crave (of owning a home, a loving wife husband, children a loving son, a loving family, a dog, and a happily ever after);
3) Billy thinking Homelander’s finally cool and trustworthy enough to start involving him in The Boys operations, being forthcoming about his sinister plans regarding how he’s going to blackmail or assassinate someone or systematically dismantle their reputation and empire piece-by-piece (bonus points if Billy’s target is someone whom Homelander recognises who’s either one of his loud hecklers/ antifans, his competition in the superhero business that he’s complained to Billy about, or is just someone in general whom Homelander has been bellyaching about; extra bonus points if Homelander senses an opportunity to be helpful—because he’s “just the perfect generous dream lover and William would now be indebted to him for coming to his rescue solving their little problem that he and his lover’s useless friends obviously couldn’t handle by themselves”);
4) Billy literally murdering someone in cold blood “to protect their family” or to “protect him.” Oh, imagine the bloody kisses, bloodstained hands cradling each other’s faces, and Homelander whispering breathlessly, touched beyond measure, “You did this for me?”
As long as Homelander does not perceive his authority being challenged in front of others, he’d even be willing to tolerate kinks he’d never explored before—whether it be degradation (not his favourite, mind you; he’s more of a praise-kink type of guy, but he’d come around to Billy’s rapid-fire dirty talk that’s more on the meaner side) or forced feminisation. He’s not effeminate (that’s a whole another Pandora’s box) and will always have this complex of wanting to be perceived as this masculine alpha male kinda guy whom everyone listens to, but behind closed doors he thinks it’s so hot that William is physiologically affected seeing him wear women’s lingerie for him and “looking handsome and pretty” for him. It’s the taboo nature of anything that’d turn Homelander on. For someone who’s been ordered around his entire life, doing something considered to be “sinful and shameless” is like a good strait-laced kid going through his rebellious phase—and nothing’s more taboo than being led astray and being bedded by a “bad boy.” For once he doesn’t have to be a superhero; he can just turn his brain off, enjoy the ride, and be bossed around by someone he finds hot and obviously knows what they’re doing. His body is virtually indestructible, so no matter what “new fun experiments” Billy wants to test on him to “spice up their sex life,” he’s always down to try everything at least once. He’s the hero who’s straightened the villainous William J. Butcher out plus the sex is incredible—and that is probably the biggest turn-on for him.
For Billy, it’s Homelander submitting to him. It’s seeing the hero act differently from the monstrous image Billy’s built of him inside his head that does it for him, whether it be indulging Homelander’s lactation oral fixation, fucking the brattiness out of him (it does something for Billy when he sees that infuriating, haughty look of superiority in those blue eyes be wiped away into sweetness whenever Billy pounds into that slightly hard, spongy sweet spot inside Homelander), or Homelander behaving very affectionately with him in the afterglow. Billy will never admit it—and he will always make fun of Homelander for acting clingy, as if he regards Billy as the linchpin to his existence—but he secretly likes it when Homelander seems to have made it his mission to make physical contact with Billy, whether it be scrabbling at his shoulders, his arms, hooking his legs around him or hanging his legs off Billy’s shoulders whenever they do the deed. Topping Homelander is the biggest turn-on for Billy, because he still gets to “bully” him (even though it’s different). He gets to experiment with things he’d been curious about but would never try with Becca—or any ordinary human being for that matter. It’s like pairing a person with sadistic tendencies with someone with submissive, masochistic tendencies—who happens to be indestructible and has an attitude problem that needs correcting for the good of humanity. Bonus points if it’s because of him that Homelander becomes a moaning, incoherent mess, with his pretty blue eyes slightly wet at the lashes from the “bullying” and overstimulation, but clearly still wanting more. He’s made Homelander into this—and that turns him on.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
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This is less of a HC and more tied to canon, but the moment Homelander hears “squirt” or “squirter” or any variation of that from Billy’s lips, that instantly kills his mood because it triggers a traumatic embarrassing memory in his childhood of being caught with his pants down wanking off and Marty seeing that and giving him that nickname. And, no, he will never get past this. This grown adult man in his 40s will roll himself off Billy’s d!ck, burrito himself in the blankets, and be a big sulky inconsolable baby for the rest of the night. Homelander won’t say it but he expects to be coddled and his face or his shoulder planted with tiny, soft, intimate kisses and be asked what’s wrong and how can he make him feel better—even if Homelander won’t give him an answer (it’s a bit of a Catch-22 situation since he obviously won’t be getting an apology from Billy who’s uninformed about all this but neither is Homelander willing to fess up about what’s gotten him into a sudden b!tchy fit)—or else he’s going to feel unsatisfied and continue giving Billy the cold shoulder, or be petty, well into the next day.
Other turn-offs would be any mention of past sexual partners during sex, i.e. Madelyn (HL), Stormfront (HL), Maeve (HL & Billy), and especially any accidental slip of the tongue that conjures a memory of Becca Saunders for Billy (Billy & HL). It doesn’t even have to be a Freudian slip of the tongue by Homelander. It’s anything innocuous that Billy’s brain associates with his late wife (whether it’s something random like seeing her favourite cereal brand, or a Spice Girls song suddenly coming on the radio whilst the two men are being hot and heavy, or a joke Homelander makes about them being like husband and wife) that’d kill Billy’s raging hard-on, make Billy go flaccid, and he will instantly freeze all bedroom activities. Nothing Homelander can say or do, once Billy gets like this, will fix it. If it’s a particularly bad triggering episode, Billy will leave and not without some unkind parting words. The topic of Becca is the figurative wife-sized giant elephant in the room that will forever loom over their relationship. The Cold War that Billy’s launched will last until he’s able to extricate himself out of his depressed, self-loathing funk—perhaps needing a trip to Becca’s grave and having a long heart-to-heart talk sitting down with her tombstone—and he’s finally calmed himself down to be able to return to Homelander’s side without feeling that same vengeful, self-destructive violent impulse burning inside him calling for Homelander’s blood which’d consumed Billy’s life for more than a decade.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends on the occasion, the mood, the time, the place and the setting.
I imagine they’re usually more fast and rough if it’s a quickie or either one wanting to give the other a bj or a quick handjob, particularly with Homelander’s superhero schedule and whatever Billy’s gotten himself involved into this time. Time is a luxury. And they’re both pressed for time. Not to mention if there’s a bit of the hatefuck dynamic happening; no lube, just spit will do. Their breaths mingling, bodies pressed up tightly together in a broom closet, in a dirty back alley, at The Seven’s boardroom, etcétera.
If it’s slow and sensual, either Billy is deliberately trying to seduce Homelander—or they’ve already reached the level of being in a established relationship where Billy’s harsh edges had been worn down to be softer and a semblance of trust has been forged between them. Anytime Billy sees Homelander acting a little more human, a little more like John and less like Homelander, those tiny reminders gentles him out into being a sweeter and considerate, sentimental lover. I imagine it’s a big deal whenever it happens. It’s rare, very intimate, requires some vulnerability, and represents how far they’d come. Homelander has always adored the act of making love to someone he loves, so he’s equally as smitten with being made love to by someone whom he believes he’s single-handedly managed to change their mind about him and orchestrated into falling in love with him. It strokes his ego knowing he’s converted his biggest hater into his biggest fan (this is not really the case, but Billy just accepts it and lets Homelander enjoy his delulu fantasy because it’s what makes him happy).
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
Greetings, fellow Shadowhunters, Downworlders, and in-the-know mundanes. Jace Lightwood Herondale here, your favorite Shadowhunter and three-time winner of the Golden Stele for Most Attractive and Sinewy Institute Head[1]. Recently it has been brought to my attention that I have been the victim of a terrible slander. I present this report today, to be sent in fire-message format to all Institute Heads worldwide: to correct the record, yes, but more importantly to provide a more thorough survey of the relevant information regarding the New York Institute and its main officers. I. SITUATION REPORT As you know, a schism has caused our homeland of Idris to be occupied by an insurgent, reactionary faction of Nephilim. This has severed the Clave’s ability to enter Idris and to engage in normal governmental operations. As a result, the New York Institute has become a much more central and important location than ever before. Not only are we now the home office of the Consul-in-Exile, the Headmaster of the Shadowhunter Academy-Also-in-Exile as well as the Warlock and Werewolf representatives to the Council, we are also the closest Institute to said Academy and therefore charged with its defense. As such, the interests of the New York Institute can be said to truly be commensurate with the interests of the Clave at large. II. THE SLANDER A most dire accusation has been made against me, and in doing so, it has impacted the morale of my Institute, which, as per §1, is of utmost importance at this precarious time in Shadowhunter history. Specifically, I have been accused of DYEING MY HAIR.
III. THE RESPONSE The accusation is, unfortunately, not more specific than this. It is unclear if the accuser means to suggest that I merely add artificial highlights to my hair, or that I use dye to alter its natural hue -- or much more dire allegations. That I, perhaps, actually use bleach to lighten my hair to the blond color for which it is famous across six continents, or even that I might have need to mask the appearance of early-onset gray hairs. Let me be clear: none of these have any basis in fact. My hair is and has only ever been its own natural shade and tone, inherited genuinely from my parents and untouched by any treatment or modification by magic or chemical. Its thick texture, gentle waves, and brilliant luster are merely the result of good fortune and a regular regimen of washing and conditioning. To suggest otherwise is to undermine the cause of the liberation of Idris and to weaken the resolve of our allies. A few, more given to conflict resolution than I, have tried to find a position of compromise, suggesting that it is possible that my hair has been positively affected by the experiments my father performed on me as an infant involving angel blood. It is true that I cannot fully rule out the possibility. But I strongly doubt it, and I believe you should as well, for one can find (through rigorous searching) hair that is nearly as superb as mine even among the mundane population, who obviously have not benefited from any such magics.
IV. RELEVANCE TO THE NEW YORK INSTITUTE AT LARGE While the slander has been directed solely at me, the other main representatives of the New York Institute are also aggrieved, and feel strongly that an attack on the hair of one of us is an attack on the hair of all of us. To that end, and at their request[2], I want to provide reassurances regarding the current status of the hair of all of us here. I hope that it will offer comfort and optimism in this dark time. I have provided a helpful letter grade for each of those mentioned here, using the standard measure where “S” is the highest grade, followed by A, B, C, D, F. My own hair will be used as the S-tier standard. CLARY FAIRCHILD If anyone on this list qualifies for the highest tier, it is of course Clary Fairchild, the co-head of the Institute and my constant beloved. Her hair is of the finest red color, shining gold in the light and flowing around her face in waves that only serve to highlight the natural blush of her cheeks and the freckles which so fetchingly decorate her face. To look upon Clary is to be reminded of the beauty given to us by the Angel; to run one’s hands through her hair is to weep with the beauty of this world. RANK: S SIMON LOVELACE Unfortunately, Clary’s parabatai’s hair has suffered greatly, perhaps the most of any of us, with the rupturing of the Clave. Out of sorrow and discontent he has, unwisely, been dedicating a significant portion of his time to his rock band, in which he plays the electric bass guitar alongside several mundanes (of no other consequence). Under the wretched influence of these mundanes, he has made an attempt at lightening his own hair to create an effect he described to me as “kinda punk and a little emo, but also not.” I cannot tell you what this is intended to mean: only that applying bleaching agents to his previously completely acceptable brown hair has turned it an unpleasant color which Clary has labeled “chromium green.” For the moment, he looks as though he has a dead snake on his head. Both Clary and Isabelle have volunteered to shave the green out of his hair entirely, but he has so far avoided their clippers and announced he will wait for it to grow out naturally. All of us here are looking forward to his full recovery in time; rest assured that, like the loss of Idris, Simon’s appalling appearance is only temporary. RANK: D (under normal circumstances: B). ISABELLE LIGHTWOOD As in all things, Isabelle Lightwood’s hair is immaculate and worthy of the great admiration it inspires. The contrast between her and Simon Lovelace is always quite striking, but never more so than now, as her appearance lights up each room she enters while his prompts questions about possible chemical spills and comparisons to a fictional mundane character known as “The Joker.” (Again, his situation is temporary, and we trust he will be restored to full strength soon.) When braided and set for battle, Isabelle’s hair inspires her allies and strikes fear into demons. RANK: S ALEC LIGHTWOOD Here we have a curious situation, it is true that Alec Lightwood’s hair is the parabatai to my own. As such, it is attractive, steadfast, brave, and rousing. Alas, while the hair itself is fine material, he simply WILL NOT TAKE CARE OF IT THE WAY I TELL HIM TO. No matter how many excellent products are gifted to him, no matter how many times he is lured into a fine salon with a promise that it is actually an arrow shop, the Consul continues to look as if he cuts his hair in the dark with nail scissors. And yet - allowances must be made. Our Consul struggles beneath a heavy burden of responsibility, by which I mean he has two children who constantly put gum in his hair. Considering all he has to face, I cannot but feel that the hair of Alec Lightwood is hair that one would not hesitate to follow into battle, which is what truly matters.  RANK: A MAGNUS BANE At this moment in time, Magnus Bane, the Consul’s husband and warlock representative to the Council, has hair that cannot be achieved through mundane or even Shadowhunter means. Though largely black, it is shot through with flecks of gold, and at the tips it faded smoothly to an electric blue that closely resembles the color of his own magic. As always, Magnus takes a look that might not pass muster on a lesser man and makes it not only his own, but a target of envy from all around him. It is widely believed (though denied) that such an effect is what Simon Lovelace was hoping to attain in his recent unlucky tonsorial experiments. That the effect of his hair can only be created so perfectly with the use of magic does not diminish what Magnus manages to achieve here. RANK: A CHURCH THE CAT While the oddly long-lived cat known as Church is currently residing in the UK under the care of others, he was a longtime resident of this Institute and is still considered by most of us here as a kind of unofficial mascot. Recent photos have confirmed that, as befits a cat of the New York Institute, Church continues to have a fine, rich coat of  the slate-blue color normally associated with his Persian breeding. Despite his usual bad temper, he is a fastidious groomer and keeps himself free of mats and unsightly tufts of shedding fur. His color is set off by his luminous gold eyes, which provide an excellent contrast. His coat presents an excellent picture when seen as a whole, but special consideration should be made to its greatest details, namely the slightly lighter color between his toes, and the tufts that rise from his owl-like ears. RANK: S V. CONCLUSION I hope that the thoroughness of the information contained here has brought reassurance and inspiration to all those who receive it. To sum up, my own hair has never been better, and remains entirely natural in its source. The state of the hair of the New York Institute is strong, and with the exception of a single mishap, which we are recovering from, we foresee only positive developments in the domain of our hair in the months and years to come. Yours in the Name of the Angel, Jace Herondale [1]This award was created by Clary Fairchild and is presented once a year on my birthday by a jury consisting of only the most discerning and aesthetically informed Nephilim available: specifically, Clary Fairchild. [2]Or at least, with only their mildest objection. Note: From Cassandra Clare’s newsletter on 01/04/2023. 
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midnight-pluto · 10 months
This has been on mind but if you're feeling more relaxed to do this since I made a back to back request, but what about a Sea monster Percy Jackson x any gender pirate reader.
Format: Song fic (Davy Jones and Calypso - True Duet on YouTube by Si Ditris)
Trope: angst and unrequited pining
AU: Godly?
Plot: Let's imagine that Percy exists in Ancient times or the past when pirates roamed, they meet and reader is immediately swooned over seeing Percy and falls in love, but seeing that Percy is almost immortal (long life span), never accepted reader's affection, this led to an argument that caused reader's ship get sunken and regret now piles on Percy for what he just did.
(I immediately knew this was so much, so to make it short, SM Percy knows that P reader is inlove with him but since he has a long life span, doesn't out right reject them but just subtly ignore them which leads to an argument that ends with reader's ship sinking)
Note: Hope your doing well and continue to manage your mental health)
DROWNING — percy j.
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TROPES: unrequited pining, angst
UNIVERSE: “godly”
PAIRING(S): percy jackson x gn!reader, mentioned!percabeth
WARNING(S): death, alcohol, survivors guilt(?)
A/N: i was supposed to post this by the end of November— WHOOPS
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“Cruel and Cold like Winds on the Seas, will you Ever Return to Me?”
AS A PIRATE, you never stay in one place for too long — the waves calling your name and luring you in better than any siren ever could. Especially when you were the captain of your crew.
Having the title of captain held a lot of weight on your shoulder, but it was nothing if it meant allowing your crew to return to their homeland safely. Being constantly out at sea was bound to make you encounter multiple types of creatures. Some being sirens, isolated islands, and on this rare occasion: immortals — very, charming immortals.
“So, when do you plan on setting back out to sea?” Percy called out to you, sitting on a rock watching you swing your sword as your feet danced with the crashing waves into the sand and returning to your original stance. “Or,” he began, standing up and walking over to you, gently placing his hands on your waist to fix your posture and straightening out your arms as your grip on your sword tightened, “Do you plan on this being your final stop?”
Biting your bottom as to silence a nervous and surprised gasp at his actions, you narrow your eyes as to regain your focus, “No ship nor crew can be without it’s captain.” You swing your sword downwards, causing it to reflect the setting sun’s glow before it’s shine being shunned by its sheathe, “We will leave in the afternoon, our supplies have already been replenished and I’d rather us not overstay our welcome.”
Looking at his playful pout — eyes bright thanks to the sun — you assure him, “Don’t worry, I— we, will return as soon as we can.”
“Hear my Voice Sing with the Tide, my Love will Never Die.”
Placing the last remaining crates into the storage compartment, you watch Percy dust his hands off with a smile, “Thanks for helping out. Not many of our stops help out us pirates, especially be as willing to give us supplies as you were — I appreciate it.”
“Well, it’s been a while since I’ve had any visitors, almost a decade went by and no ship in my line of sight,” he sighed, running a hand through his hair before sitting on one of the crates he helped come aboard, “It’s pretty lonely, being alone with nothing but fish to keep you company. Of course, there’s the occasional dolphins and whales but I normally have to seek them out first.”
You merely hum in response, sitting on the crate right next to Percy as he just sat and kicked his feet out as they weren’t touching the ground, “If it makes you feel better, people don’t really like pirates and the ones who do we barely even get to stop by once more since y’know — we’re always traveling out here.”
After a moment of silence you both decide to head back up deck and to set sail once more. “It was a pleasure meeting you Percy. Trust me, the crew and I will be returning,” you held out your hand for him to shake with a smile, trying to remain professional in front of everyone. He took your hand and gave it a firm shake before waving the crew goodbye and walking back to shore.
Stepping onto the quarterback, you tell the crew to raise the anchors. Once the anchor has been raised and steadied into a place, you spin the wheel as your ship starts move. As it’s moving further into the see, you catch a glimpse of Percy’s silhouette still standing on the beach making your lips to curl upwards once again. “Seems like he caught the heart of our captain,” a crew member observed causing you to steer the wheel more aggressively in response to their teasing.
“Over Waves and Deep in the Blue, I will give up my Heart for you.”
Six months had passed since your last visit, and in those six months Percy had never left your mind. Even in different stopping points no matter how well they treated you and your crew, you had always compared it to treatment Percy had given you. Percy wouldn’t have done that, Percy would’ve done that better, they aren’t like Percy at all.
That’s when you decided to chart course back to Percy. When you announced your decision some of your crew members looked and smiled at you knowingly but never commented on it which you were grateful for.
As your ship had appeared on the horizon, Percy could recognize it. He smiled to himself — you had kept your promise — and dived into the water to eagerly swim to your ship. Using the water he was able to climb aboard onto the main deck with no water dripping from him in sight.
Your eyes widened in shock at his sudden appearance, grip on the wheel loosening slightly. His eyes scanned the main deck, looking over the other crew members agape mouth and immediately looking up at you on the quarterdeck with a beaming smile and spoke words that made your heart flutter: “I’m glad you’re back!”
“Yeah,” you breathlessly reply, steadying your grip on the wheel once more, “I promised after all.”
“Ten Long Years I’ll Wait to go by, my Love will Never Die.”
Walking along the sandy beach, you see Percy sitting on the sand — legs crossed with his black hair still wild as ever and green eyes now lost in thought staring out into the starry night sky. Your shoulders relax at the gorgeous sight of him when he notices you — eyes brightening back up again — and beckons you over to sit next to him.
Crossing your legs next to him, you look to your left to observe how the stars and moon light up his face that now had a light smile on it. Before the silence could become to intimidating you ask him: “Did you want to talk about something?” Noticing his raised eyebrows now staring back into your eyes, you try to save yourself, “If you don’t then it’s fine— I just thought that since you aren’t with the rest of the crew you just—“
“Nah,” he shook his head, chuckling slightly at your words, “You read me correctly. I was just thinking about… us.” You could nearly feel your heart stop at his words; was this it? Was he going to confess to you that he had thought about you just like you thought of him? Non-stop and with adoration?
“Don’t worry, it’s not like I’m confessing to you or anything,” he elaborated as you swallowed thickly, mentally chastising yourself for thinking that someone like him would ever think of you that way or for getting your hopes up after just two small interactions with him. “I was just thinking that, I’d like to come aboard your ship, captain.”
Pausing at his sudden declaration, you bury your disappointment deep within your heart and give him a grin, “We can make some space on our ship for you.” You didn’t think Percy’s eyes could light up so much, but you got proven wrong when he launched himself at you — embracing you in a tight hug in thanks.
“Come my Love be one with the Sea, Rule with me for Eternity.”
As per tradition — at least aboard your ship that is — the crew always stays one extra night at your stop to celebrate a new crew member. Everyone is welcome aboard for that night, free to talk, dance, sing, and drink. Unfortunately, since Percy was practically alone on the island there so it was considered as more of a bonding between the whole crew.
Putting your mugs together and towards the sky in cheers, you gulp your rum all down in one go. Percy watches your actions in amazement, imitating you but ending up choking on the sweet liquid. Laughing softly at him, you gently pat his back as he coughs, “You alright? Wouldn’t want your first experience on board to go horribly.”
Lifting his head back up, Percy looks back at you with a shy smile and cheeks red from embarrassment, “Yeah I’m alright, I’ve been through worse.” Pausing at his statement, your face immediately softens — remembering that he’s lived for a while yet still remains to appear your age.
Ruffling his already messy hair, you smile at him, “Well I hope that us welcoming you aboard will be one of the good memories in your long life span.” Turning away from him, you look towards the makeshift bartender sipping their own drink, “Hey! Another round over here for us!” you grin as they nod and get to work.
Soon enough, they return with your mugs refilled as you gulp down your fresh rum with Percy. Loudly cheering along with the other you could barely make out the words Percy says with warm eyes, “This is already one of the best ones yet.”
“Drown All Dreams so Mercilessly, and Leave their Souls to Me.”
The rest of the night seemed to pass by like a blur, as you were unknowing as to how you and Percy ended up in the crow’s nest. You were gazing up at the twinkling stars as Percy had his head down observing the waves in the ocean. The rest of the crew seemed to have been passed out and the ones who hadn’t, their voices you could barely make out or distinguish.
“So, have you been anywhere else? Or have you just stayed here?” you ask softly, turning to look at Percy. He was resting his body on the railing, elbows pressed against the bar, and his hair obscuring his face — only the pale moonlight illuminating his silhouette.
“I have,” he muttered, tone more serious rather than the light and playful one you were used to, “Me, her, and my friend’s adventured and travelled the world together. Y’know, slaying monsters and stuff since we’re basically monster bait.”
You paused when he differentiated ‘her’ from the rest, you weren’t sure if you wanted to know but your curiosity got the better of you, “Can I know more about ‘her’? Only if you’re comfortable of course.”
“Annabeth,” he replied with a loving tone and a smile, “She was, everything, to me. My best friend, my lover, my princess, my wise girl.”
“Play the Song you Sang Long Ago, and Wherever the Storm may Blow,”
Feeling your smile falter, you turn back to gaze at the stars with merely a hum of acknowledgement. Maybe you shouldn’t confront these feelings of yours, a pirate was nowhere near close a princess after all.
“I could only wish that I could’ve rejected that offer from the start, but of course I just had to have said yes the moment I heard it come out of his mouth,” Percy spoke, the waves now seeming more restless, “I just had to have been selfish.”
Gripping onto the railing, “Who has the ability to offer you immortality and mean it?” you whisper in an attempt to stop your voice from cracking, knowing that asking more questions would only worsen your feelings but just couldn’t.
“Zeus,” he murmured, spitting the name out as if it were profanity, “I had fought countless battles for the gods, that time so happened to have been a war. The countless amount of people — children — that had died for the gods to win the war was in vain, I had accepted their offer. I didn’t do good on a wish I could’ve chosen to have granted. I let their sacrifices go to waste.”
“I see,” was all you could manage to rasp out, before the silence over took you both once more. “I hope you won’t think that I’d regret inviting you onboard just because you told me this,” you place a hand on his shoulder, heart beating fast but your voice was steady, and looked at him, “A captain never looks down on their crew no matter their actions or their past. That’s just how things work around here.”
“You will find the Key to my Heart, we’ll Never be Apart.”
Things have never been the same since that night between you and Percy. It was hard to tell if it was in a bad way or not.
You both had grown closer to one another and in Percy’s eyes, it was amazing. He had finally found someone who knew of his mistakes and yet still welcomed him with open arms — he wasn’t entirely sure if the rest of the crew would do the same though.
In your eyes though, it was just a tantalizing reminder that you will never have a chance with him and yet he inadvertently makes things better and worse. Fondness glimmering in his eyes make your heart leap and fall down onto a spike when in reminder that it’s purely platonic.
It wasn’t like you weren’t used to keeping secrets of course, everyone on your crew had them. They all have a nasty past in one way or another and your ship was their place of escape, with their secrets under lock and key.
But why were you doing so badly and keeping in your own?
“Wild and Strong you can’t be Contained, never Bound nor ever Chained.”
Standing together in the crows nest gave you deja vu. The sun was setting and the wind had a gentle blow as you inhaled through your nose. It was a familiar feeling, except you both being sober and you pouring out your own secret instead of him.
“You said you wanted to talk about something?” Percy tilted his head, hair swaying with the wind.
“I have feelings for you,” you say, trying to hold back your voice from shaking.
Percy’s eyes soften, “You know I can’t accept that.”
“Does being immortal really mean you can’t get over someone?”
“Wounds you Caused will never Mend, and you will never End.”
The waves around the ship become increasingly harsher, rocking it back and forth as Percy’s gaze becomes sharp. “What do you mean by that.”
“Percy,” you sternly say, “I know that you’re immortal, I know that you’ve been through a lot, and I know how much she meant to you — but for gods sake! You’ve been alive for so long and after one relationship that didn’t even fail, you now are afraid of any and all relationships?”
“I’m not,” he retorts, storm clouds now forming over the open ocean.
“The only on your ever talk to daily on this ship is me. We’re supposed to be a crew, y’know, tightly knit friends almost akin to family because some of us no longer have one to go home and visit.”
Apparently you had stricken a nerve with your words, as the last thing you see are bubbles floating to the top of the water.
“Cruel and Cold like Wind on the Seas, will you Ever return to me.”
Percy that night had come to the conclusion that you were right. The first people who had reached out to come and help him since the death of the seven — that’s what they called themselves — and his other friends he had treated terribly and taken for granted.
He had returned to his island in shame and in tears with a newly found sword in hand. It had been the one you trained with on this very shore, talking to him with a smile on your face.
Oh how me missed it.
Once the sun rose on the horizon once again, he could finally see it in all of it’s true glory. It was a glittering bronze blade with a leather hilt, it’s edges chipped and worn down from its use he assumed. There were words carved onto the blade which he had never noticed before — Riptide, that was the swords name.
Wiping a tear from his eyes he could only wish that he had taken the time to observe and appreciate you just how he had just done to your own blade. That sickened him, treating a blade better than its master — how foolish.
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A/N: my stomach hurts
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clacesource · 1 year
From Cassandra Clare's Newsletter
Greetings, fellow Shadowhunters, Downworlders, and in-the-know mundanes. Jace Lightwood Herondale here, your favorite Shadowhunter and three-time winner of the Golden Stele for Most Attractive and Sinewy Institute Head[1]. Recently it has been brought to my attention that I have been the victim of a terrible slander. I present this report today, to be sent in fire-message format to all Institute Heads worldwide: to correct the record, yes, but more importantly to provide a more thorough survey of the relevant information regarding the New York Institute and its main officers.
As you know, a schism has caused our homeland of Idris to be occupied by an insurgent, reactionary faction of Nephilim. This has severed the Clave’s ability to enter Idris and to engage in normal governmental operations. As a result, the New York Institute has become a much more central and important location than ever before. Not only are we now the home office of the Consul-in-Exile, the Headmaster of the Shadowhunter Academy-Also-in-Exile as well as the Warlock and Werewolf representatives to the Council, we are also the closest Institute to said Academy and therefore charged with its defense. As such, the interests of the New York Institute can be said to truly be commensurate with the interests of the Clave at large.
A most dire accusation has been made against me, and in doing so, it has impacted the morale of my Institute, which, as per §1, is of utmost importance at this precarious time in Shadowhunter history.
Specifically, I have been accused of DYEING MY HAIR.
The accusation is, unfortunately, not more specific than this. It is unclear if the accuser means to suggest that I merely add artificial highlights to my hair, or that I use dye to alter its natural hue -- or much more dire allegations. That I, perhaps, actually use bleach to lighten my hair to the blond color for which it is famous across six continents, or even that I might have need to mask the appearance of early-onset gray hairs.
Let me be clear: none of these have any basis in fact. My hair is and has only ever been its own natural shade and tone, inherited genuinely from my parents and untouched by any treatment or modification by magic or chemical. Its thick texture, gentle waves, and brilliant luster are merely the result of good fortune and a regular regimen of washing and conditioning.
To suggest otherwise is to undermine the cause of the liberation of Idris and to weaken the resolve of our allies.
A few, more given to conflict resolution than I, have tried to find a position of compromise, suggesting that it is possible that my hair has been positively affected by the experiments my father performed on me as an infant involving angel blood. It is true that I cannot fully rule out the possibility. But I strongly doubt it, and I believe you should as well, for one can find (through rigorous searching) hair that is nearly as superb as mine even among the mundane population, who obviously have not benefited from any such magics.
While the slander has been directed solely at me, the other main representatives of the New York Institute are also aggrieved, and feel strongly that an attack on the hair of one of us is an attack on the hair of all of us. To that end, and at their request[2], I want to provide reassurances regarding the current status of the hair of all of us here. I hope that it will offer comfort and optimism in this dark time. I have provided a helpful letter grade for each of those mentioned here, using the standard measure where “S” is the highest grade, followed by A, B, C, D, F. My own hair will be used as the S-tier standard.
CLARY FAIRCHILD If anyone on this list qualifies for the highest tier, it is of course Clary Fairchild, the co-head of the Institute and my constant beloved. Her hair is of the finest red color, shining gold in the light and flowing around her face in waves that only serve to highlight the natural blush of her cheeks and the freckles which so fetchingly decorate her face. To look upon Clary is to be reminded of the beauty given to us by the Angel; to run one’s hands through her hair is to weep with the beauty of this world. RANK: S
SIMON LOVELACE Unfortunately, Clary’s parabatai’s hair has suffered greatly, perhaps the most of any of us, with the rupturing of the Clave. Out of sorrow and discontent he has, unwisely, been dedicating a significant portion of his time to his rock band, in which he plays the electric bass guitar alongside several mundanes (of no other consequence). Under the wretched influence of these mundanes, he has made an attempt at lightening his own hair to create an effect he described to me as “kinda punk and a little emo, but also not.” I cannot tell you what this is intended to mean: only that applying bleaching agents to his previously completely acceptable brown hair has turned it an unpleasant color which Clary has labeled “chromium green.” For the moment, he looks as though he has a dead snake on his head. Both Clary and Isabelle have volunteered to shave the green out of his hair entirely, but he has so far avoided their clippers and announced he will wait for it to grow out naturally. All of us here are looking forward to his full recovery in time; rest assured that, like the loss of Idris, Simon’s appalling appearance is only temporary. RANK: D (under normal circumstances: B).
ISABELLE LIGHTWOOD As in all things, Isabelle Lightwood’s hair is immaculate and worthy of the great admiration it inspires. The contrast between her and Simon Lovelace is always quite striking, but never more so than now, as her appearance lights up each room she enters while his prompts questions about possible chemical spills and comparisons to a fictional mundane character known as “The Joker.” (Again, his situation is temporary, and we trust he will be restored to full strength soon.) When braided and set for battle, Isabelle’s hair inspires her allies and strikes fear into demons. RANK: S
ALEC LIGHTWOOD Here we have a curious situation, it is true that Alec Lightwood’s hair is the parabatai to my own. As such, it is attractive, steadfast, brave, and rousing. Alas, while the hair itself is fine material, he simply WILL NOT TAKE CARE OF IT THE WAY I TELL HIM TO. No matter how many excellent products are gifted to him, no matter how many times he is lured into a fine salon with a promise that it is actually an arrow shop, the Consul continues to look as if he cuts his hair in the dark with nail scissors. And yet - allowances must be made. Our Consul struggles beneath a heavy burden of responsibility, by which I mean he has two children who constantly put gum in his hair. Considering all he has to face, I cannot but feel that the hair of Alec Lightwood is hair that one would not hesitate to follow into battle, which is what truly matters. RANK: A
MAGNUS BANE At this moment in time, Magnus Bane, the Consul’s husband and warlock representative to the Council, has hair that cannot be achieved through mundane or even Shadowhunter means. Though largely black, it is shot through with flecks of gold, and at the tips it faded smoothly to an electric blue that closely resembles the color of his own magic. As always, Magnus takes a look that might not pass muster on a lesser man and makes it not only his own, but a target of envy from all around him. It is widely believed (though denied) that such an effect is what Simon Lovelace was hoping to attain in his recent unlucky tonsorial experiments. That the effect of his hair can only be created so perfectly with the use of magic does not diminish what Magnus manages to achieve here. RANK: A
CHURCH THE CAT While the oddly long-lived cat known as Church is currently residing in the UK under the care of others, he was a longtime resident of this Institute and is still considered by most of us here as a kind of unofficial mascot. Recent photos have confirmed that, as befits a cat of the New York Institute, Church continues to have a fine, rich coat of the slate-blue color normally associated with his Persian breeding. Despite his usual bad temper, he is a fastidious groomer and keeps himself free of mats and unsightly tufts of shedding fur. His color is set off by his luminous gold eyes, which provide an excellent contrast. His coat presents an excellent picture when seen as a whole, but special consideration should be made to its greatest details, namely the slightly lighter color between his toes, and the tufts that rise from his owl-like ears. RANK: S
I hope that the thoroughness of the information contained here has brought reassurance and inspiration to all those who receive it. To sum up, my own hair has never been better, and remains entirely natural in its source. The state of the hair of the New York Institute is strong, and with the exception of a single mishap, which we are recovering from, we foresee only positive developments in the domain of our hair in the months and years to come.
Yours in the Name of the Angel, Jace Herondale
[1]This award was created by Clary Fairchild and is presented once a year on my birthday by a jury consisting of only the most discerning and aesthetically informed Nephilim available: specifically, Clary Fairchild.
[2]Or at least, with only their mildest objection.
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'“You’re an Irishman, are ya?” Cillian Murphy says, his features visibly softening, as I begin talking over Zoom. “Thank god.”
Two truisms about Cillian Murphy that are often repeated online: He hates doing interviews, but he loves Ireland. If he must talk to the press – which, being the lead of Christopher Nolan's mammoth blockbuster Oppenheimer, he absolutely must – the least I can do is give him a chance to talk about our shared homeland. So, with this introduction, we're off to a good start.
It's about 10 days before Oppenheimer drops, but Murphy and the big A-bomb movie – along with Greta Gerwig's Barbie – already seem to be taking up the majority of the internet's consciousness. In the film, he plays J Robert Oppenheimer, the man credited with leading the creation of the atomic bomb during World War Two. Though he has starred in a handful of Christopher Nolan blockbusters already, this is his first as a proper leading man. So, the scrutiny is greater than ever. He is wearing it well. “I'm not a huge fan of talking about myself,” he says, “but I fully believe in this movie, and I love promoting it. So I'm very comfortable with all of that.”
GQ: How often do you get people calling you “Sillian”?
Cillian Murphy: Less and less now actually. But it doesn't bother me. Then I very pedantically explain to them that there's no ‘K’ in the Irish language and it gets really boring.
You used to live in London, but moved to Dublin in 2015. I heard you said your kids were getting English accents so you took them home.
Yeah. That was a joke. [Laughs].
Well, people have really run with it. Do you need to personally relate to characters, and could you do so with Oppenheimer?
Well, first of all, it's imperative not to judge the character. Because then you've lost as a performer. You have to try and understand [them]. You have to be like a kind of emotional detective. But your job primarily is to define the truth in the character to try and portray them in a truthful way.
Emily Blunt said recently that during filming you didn't go for cast dinners because your ‘brain was too full’. Robert Downey Jr. said that at times it felt like you were ‘icing’ him. How much did playing Oppenheimer affect you?
It was a big part, and there were big, big questions that were grappling with, these huge ethical, moral questions. And Chris had written the script in the first person. So I knew that a lot of the weight was on my shoulders, even though we have this incredible ensemble. There was a responsibility that I felt about playing the part. That's just the way I work. I get very consumed by the work, and I don't really have time for hanging out. And in this movie, I was [regularly] skipping dinner, you know, so I wasn't great craic to hang out with. But that's just the way it was. It's just the nature of the work.
You’re not method, though, right?
Well, here's the thing, right? Method is like a euphemism. We all have a method to get to the final result. And whatever that method is, it's personal and unique to each actor. It's become sort of confused, I think, with the Stanislavski approach. But every actor has their own individual method.
Yeah. But you’re not what people generally view to be method, staying in character the whole time?
Inevitably, if you play a character for a long time, and I was researching him for six months, then shooting it for however long that was.. And you're playing them 18 hours a day every day. By osmosis, you're exchanging atoms, You become consumed or immersed [by it], that's just the way it is.
You mentioned skipping meals. What was the weirdest food day that you had while you were losing all that weight?
Oh, man. I just want to be very careful on this. This was for work, and we structured it pretty well. Inevitably, you do start getting competitive with yourself and all that, but it was for a purpose. He was a very, very slight guy. And he was very self-conscious about that. And it gave him this very unique, particular kind of iconic silhouette. And when you're that weight, it affects the way clothes hang on you, it affects the way you walk, it obviously changes the shape of your face and all that. So that was very useful for the character. But I really don't want to make a big deal about ‘oh, Cillian lost all this weight’.
Taking this lead role on has brought a lot of attention. I've read recent interviews you've done that it's not necessarily your favourite thing. Do you at times feel like the pressure of being the leading man, especially in a movie on this scale is a lot to deal with?
Yeah, but to clarify the thing about interviews, I love talking about the movie, I love talking about music and books and art. I'm not a huge fan of talking about myself. And I don't, and I don't think anyone really is, but I fully believe in this movie, and I love promoting it. So I'm very comfortable with all of that. And in terms of, you know, how it changes your life or anything like that, or changes how people perceive you that that hasn't changed for me, you know, my life has been exactly the same as it always was.
The Oppenheimer script is very dense. How much does that impact how you go about shooting it?
You have to be completely prepared. I knew the script more or less before we went into work, which isn't so not something I've ever done before. Only in theatre, because there was so much text, and it was quite dense. I wanted to not be worried about the text when I went on the floor. But then, a lot of the scenes I have with Downey, it was quite loose and quite improvisational. I mean, acting with him was was was was just extraordinary. He's just electrifying, the most available engaged, present, unpredictably brilliant actor I've ever worked with.
The film ends on a close-up shot of you, taking in the weight of what the preceding 3 hours have meant for the future of mankind. What are you thinking in that moment when you’re shooting it, knowing you’ve got the weight of the movie on your shoulders?
You can't let it get into your head. You've just got to think about the truth of the scene. For example, when we were shooting the Trinity test, all of us actors and Chris and all the crew, were aware of the weight of that sequence, and what it meant, but you can't let it control you, you know. And I think I've learned that over the years, you know, when you get on the floor, and you get on, you just forget about that stuff. You have to train your mind to not let it affect your performance.
Were you there for the actual explosion that was created?
I was there for components of it. There are different sort of sections of it. I was there for some of it. With Chris, everything is done for real. I've never done a green screen scene with Chris and I never will, I imagine. So what it does is it puts the performer into the atmosphere, or the environment as close as possible to what the character is feeling. You know, and I've, I've been out in boats with Chris on the sea and up in mountains in the snow. It just elevates your performance.
There has been a lot of chatter about the sex scene in this movie, and a wider chat about whether sex scenes are necessary in film at all. Where do you fall on that?
I think they were vital in this in this movie. I think the relationship that he has with Jean Tatlock is one of the most crucial emotional parts of the film. I think if they're key to the story then they're worthwhile. Listen, no one likes doing them, they're the most awkward possible part of our job. But sometimes you have to get on with it.
With a bit of distance between yourself and Oppenheimer, are you able to judge him just a little bit?
I'm really not going to give you an opinion on that. I really strongly believe that the film should ask the questions of the audience. And I don't want to prejudice anybody's point of view, when they go into the movie theatre, about what how they feel and Oppenheimer. What I will say, is that Oppenheimer – Chris called him the most important man that ever lived, whatever you think about that. That's up to you. But we are living in a world that was changed by Oppenheimer. We're living in a nuclear age because of what Oppenheimer did.
You and Christopher Nolan have discussed how you nearly got the role of Batman. Is there a part of you that thinks that it was maybe for the best that you didn’t?
Yes, I think it was for the best because we got Christian Bale's performance, which is a stunning interpretation of that role. I never considered myself as the right physical specimen for Batman. To me, it was always going to be Christian Bale.
Tom Hardy didn’t make it into this Nolan film. Do you have plans to work together again?
He's one of the best actors in the business. And we've developed this great trust and shorthand and there's a nice kind of chemistry, I think, between the two of us. I'd love to work with him again. Maybe there'll be a Peaky Blinders film. Maybe we'll get to do it there. I'm not sure.
What’s the latest on the Peaky Blinders film?
I have no update for you, man. I'm waiting to hear, but it's a tricky time with all these strikes and everything going on. I’ve always said that if there's more story to tell, I'd be there.'
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The Ultimate Immigration Checklist
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Immigration Checklist   Immigration to the United States can be an intimidating and confusing process, especially if you’re new to the country or planning on moving somewhere else in the world. Here are some of the most common mistakes immigrants make when immigrating to the United States, as well as some tips on how to avoid them. This list will also include resources that will help you with every step of your immigration process and make it easier to understand what you need to do, from starting the application all the way through actually moving into your new home in your new country! General Guidelines There are a number of documents you will need in order to apply for immigration, for example, the following: Birth Certificate and Marriage Certificate. Original documents should be obtained through your country's embassy or consulate office. A police certificate and proof of relationship are also required. Get an affidavit form from your previous country's embassy or consulate office. Have fingerprints been done at one of the United States Department of Homeland Security registered facilities in your area? Gather evidence of enrolment, accommodation, and employment in Canada as well as all other necessary documents to prove that you have ties here (such as birth certificates). Foreign countries may require evidence of visas and lawful status. Gather evidence of family composition by getting marriage certificates, birth certificates, and divorce decrees if applicable. Gather school records such as diplomas, transcripts, report cards etc. Prepare any necessary visa applications ahead of time (as well as valid passports) so that once you have approved it will be easier to process them. International students may have restrictions on their visas but if they have the lawful status they may not need a green card depending on what type of visa they currently hold. Key Eligibility Criteria Citizenship and Immigration Canada has a list of requirements that immigrants must meet to enter Canada, in order to live there permanently. While not all immigrants need to follow these steps, it is essential for immigrant visa applicants and skilled workers to do so. The eligibility criteria are: - Medical exam with specific vaccinations (if required) - Evidence of accommodation - Proof of employment for skilled workers - Proof of school enrolment for students and visitors on a study permit or visitors from the U.S. - Evidence of school enrolment for refugee claimants who plan on applying for permanent residency - Evidence of immigration assistance like a F-1 or J-1 visa can be used as an indication of intent to immigrate, which may affect an applicant's admissibility. Immigration applications require patience, but following these guidelines will make it easier and more successful! Documents and Information Required for Different Visa Types In addition to filling out forms and going through medical screening, a successful immigration checklists includes completing the necessary immigration history paperwork. All U.S. immigration policies are informed by your immigration history so be sure you have copies of all necessary paperwork on hand when filing for a visa. The following information is needed in order to file a successful visa application: birth certificate, police certificates, marriage license (if applicable), divorce decrees (if applicable), financial statement, or offer letter (if possible). For those applying for any non-immigrant work or student visas in the U.S. it's important to keep copies of your diploma, transcripts, and proof of enrollment. If you're entering with an H1B or L1 visa, it's also important to bring evidence that can prove the employer has made efforts to recruit Americans before hiring an international candidate. A few other things to consider when applying for a U.S. visitor visa are: do you want a tourist or business type? Are there additional requirements if so? Is it Possible to Get an Immigrant Visa through Adjustment of Status if My I-485 was Denied? If you filed an I-485 and it was denied, then your only option is to apply for another immigrant visa. One of the most popular ways to do this is by submitting a petition with USCIS on Form I-360. Know more details about the Immigrant Visa Categories. This can be done if you are currently in the United States, while still awaiting removal proceedings or some other immigration process that was started before filing your Form I-485, or if you already left the United States after filing your Form I-485. You may also be eligible for an immigrant visa if: -Your criminal history is eligible for forgiveness and you have been out of trouble for at least 10 years. -You were once charged with a crime but have been acquitted because of mental disability or lack of sanity. Staying in the US as an Undocumented Immigrant It is illegal to stay in the United States as an undocumented immigrant. Undocumented immigrants are not entitled to work permits, social security, or any other type of federal or state financial assistance, and they do not have citizenship privileges. If caught and convicted of being undocumented immigrants in the US, they will be fined heavily and deported with no chance of ever coming back again. Being in the US without a visa means risking deportation. In order to avoid this fate, it is important that you know what steps you need to take if you want to obtain your permanent residency status before your situation becomes too dire. Fortunately for many people who are in this position, there is a process for doing so! The first step is filing out the application form and sending it off to USCIS (the US Citizenship and Immigration Services). They will review your application and then decide whether or not they believe that you deserve permanent residency status on humanitarian grounds. If so, they will contact you by mail with instructions on how best to proceed. FAQ'S First, you will need to gather various documents. These include a photo ID and proof of your citizenship, such as a passport or birth certificate. You will also need to show that you have the means to support yourself financially, which may be done by providing bank statements or pay stubs for the last three months.You can’t apply for U.S. citizenship without providing your name, address, birth date, place of birth, and the country where you want to become a citizen. Other requirements may vary depending on your situation and you can consult with an immigration lawyer to get their advice about the best way to proceed with your case.Refugee Asylee Non-immigrant (people who want to come and go freely) Immigrant. Read the full article
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xxj0kerxx · 3 years
because my tags are apparently fucked.
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thehoundwrites · 2 years
Smut alphabet: Homelander
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Pushing the bottom Homelander agenda suck my dick
18+ MINORS DNI - don't look at me
TW: straight cis white guy, idek smut
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He needs physical affection, even if it's a quickie. He'll have you sit in his lap if you two are at his work, so he can uphold his reputation. Otherwise he'd love to cuddle up to you and fall asleep while you hold him. Pet his hair and tell him how much you love him
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Favorite part of his body is everything, he's worked hard to get the godly physique he has. Inspired by Greek gods statues and portraits he's extremely confident with his body. On his partner he loves their lips, and their tits. He has an obsession with softer women, or smaller women so he can stand out against them. But he also has a thing for masculine (muscley/ taller/ etc) women that can step on him.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He cums early when he's a sub, it's canon. If you're gonna Dom him expect some extra steps. He loves cumming inside of you mostly, breeding you. Or cumming over your face or tits. He has a cum kink absolutely, it's a possessive thing.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Mommy kink, it's not a secret after a few times with him. When you top him he wants to be babied, cuddled and held. He wants to fall asleep sucking your tits he absolutely loves it.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's very experienced with domming, taking out his frustrations on hundreds of adoring fans ready to worship him for an ounce of affection. But when it comes to subbing he's not that experienced. He rarely meets a woman he'd open up to in that way, nevermind telling them about what he likes. His reputation could be ruined, he would be perceived as weak.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Cowboy, he loves when you ride him. He loves seeing your tits bounce, or the face you make when you cum on his cock. Extraordinary. He also could get the chance to see a lump in your stomach if he fucks you feel enough which he loves. He could also start flying, and you could ride him in the air.
Doggy style, he loves taking you from behind absolutely ravaging whatever home he decides he wants, since he is the homelander and he'll do whatever he wants.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Not goofy at all. Very serious, mood changer if you start laughing.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Only slightly shaved, but his chest isn't and he has a snail trail going up his stomach.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He's only intimate if he's in love with you, if you top him. Otherwise it's purely for his pleasure and if you cum well uh. Good for you.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
I think he'd be into mutual masturbation, he definitely has a kink for watching you get off. He's kinda a stalker canonically so id imagine he'd watch you sometimes and jerk off. He probably does it more often than he admits.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
He's a switch so:
Mommy kink, praise kink, gentleness, intimacy, eating out, hair pulling, discipline (but not punishment) rewards, breeding, tit fetish, impregnation kink, milking kink, through clothes, Overstimulation
Daddy kink, rough sex, taking it out on you, choking, breeding, bruises, impact play, gags, binds, deepthroating, cum kink, master kink, begging, crying anything that takes away all of your control and gives it to him.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
He likes his office, over his desk on his couch, with minimal risk of getting caught but the risk is still there
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Honestly anything: most of the time seeing women naked mostly you. If you wanted he could fuck you at anytime. You just gotta beg or tell him to get on his knees.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I don't think there's many things he WOULDNT do. I mean he's horrible.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He loves eating out, getting his face ridden, a pretty girl using his mouth to cum. It's amazing especially when they pull his hair and call him a good boy.
He also loves face fucking the way you look at him through teary eyes, drool pouring down your mouth how you gag and choke around his cock but won't let go until he gets the orgasm he deserves.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
When he Dom's it's always rough depending on the mood he'd go slower to tease you, or fast to take out his day on you
When he subs he loves slow and sensual, being held and worshiped and cuddled.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He's okay with quickies, but only if it's necessary like there's a mission soon but he's gotta get rid of his boner poking through his skin tight suit.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He'll try anything
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
When he' Doms he could go all night but when he subs he can barely last a minute. But that's kind of cute tho.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He owns toys (you) to use on his partner, vibrators, restraints, bullets, clamps, and gags.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He'll tease you until your sobbing and begging him to let you cum.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He likes to talk when he fucks you, loud over dramatic groans and "shut ups" and anything to humiliate you. He loves to see you get flustered. But when he's a sub he'll try to be as quiet as he can only a few whispers or soft groans.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He would love to have an audience when he fucks you but no one can touch you but him.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He's not small but not the biggest 6/7 inches when soft but really thick, uncut and well groomed, only stubble, and 8 ish inches when hard, he's got a pretty dick.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He's ready to go for his partner whenever they want, but gets really pissed and will kill people who only want that from him.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
100% will fall asleep in your arms if there's time.
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lolibles · 3 years
A-Z with kazuha
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character: kazuha x reader
pure fluff, complete brainrot, some angst not much tho
synopsis: the fluff alphabet with kazuha
implied gn!reader but please let me know if there are any mistakes or things i should look out for when writing gn!reader, im still learning!! <3 NOT PROOFREAD its so long and im lazy :)
A- how affectionate are they with their s/o?
kazuha is a very affectionate person, and he doesn’t try to hide it. kazuha is known for his flowery words, while kazuha loves to turn all kinds of things into poetry, its painfully obvious when one is about you. kazuha never fails to show his affection and love to you with his words and endless haikus of you. he can not stop talking about you, and even though sometimes he does it to tease you and get a laugh at your flustered expression, every time he declares his undying love for you, he means it.
B- what their s/o does that takes their breath away?
there are many things you do that take his breath away, but one thing that makes his heart do backflips is when you remember his haikus, and keep his gifted poems. kazuha has dedicated too many of his poems to you to count, kazuha himself can barely remember all of them. so you can say he was very shocked when one night you randomly whispered a poem he created for you months ago into his ear. kazuha was beyond shocked, his head never turned so fast to look at you, eyes widening. when he asked how you still remembered it, you pulled out a little notebook with scribbles of the poems and pieces of paper stuck inside with notes of dates, and the occasional doodles. you said it was so you never forget any of them, even when you were old. as kazuha flipped through the book he noticed poems from as far back as when he barely knew you. kazuha turned back to you and buried his head in your neck, attempting to hide the blush on his face as he kept mumbling i love you. his heart was swooning with love and joy for you, he knew you loved him, but he never knew something as simple as that could make his whole world stop.
C- do they like cuddling? if so, how and when?
kazuha loves cuddling so much. kazuha is honestly pretty touch starved so he constantly craves your touch. kazuha also gets pretty tired after working a full day out on the alcor or helping out with the resistance. he believes after a full days worth of hard work nothing beats lazing around tangled in your arms. kazuha doesn’t mind being the big spoon or little spoon. there are times of vulnerability where kazuha just needs you to hold him close, run your fingers through his hair and tell him everything will be okay. and there are times where he wants to hold you tight in his embrace as if he was protecting you for the most malicious forces in the world. there are also times where he simply just wants to be close to you, bodies smushed together, his hands wrapped around you with his neck buried in your collar. he tries to make you laugh or giggle so he can feel the vibrations of your sweet voice. kazuha loves to cuddle you at night before bed, he loves to fall asleep with you, the sound of your heartbeat lulling him to sleep, the warmth of your body is so pleasant and inviting. however cuddling at night often means waking up much later than usual. it means that either beidou or gorou angrily barging into your quarters to wake you guys up because you both were late, threatening to split the both of you up since you can never wake up on time.
D- what do they dream of doing with their s/o?
kazuha is a simple man, he finds joy and love in the littlest things. but that doesn’t ever stop him for dreaming- or rather hoping. he wishes one day he can walk down the streets of his hometown and show you the different sights. he hopes that there will be a day when he can see you wear a kimono, under the moonlight as he takes you up to a secluded spot to view the beautiful fireworks, although he will argue that you are far more lovely. kazuha hopes to bring you to see the sakura trees bloom, as you talk about how you wished you could’ve have seen them earlier, he wishes he can brush off the flower petals on your head before pulling you in for a gentle kiss. most importantly kazuha hopes that one day, he can bring you to visit his friend. even if he no longer is blessed upon this world, kazuha is sure he would have loved you. it is only necessary for kazuha to introduce his beloved to his only family.
E- how much effort do they put into the relationship?
kazuha pours his entire soul into your relationship, you are the only one he has left after all. kazuha believes his sole purpose is to treat you like his queen, if even for a second you feel like you aren’t loved, then he has failed. kazuha wants to serve you, though you often tell him he should try to put himself first, he’d merely chuckle and say “if i’m the reason you smile as brightly as the sun, the reason you sleep well at night or the reason you wish to wake up the next day. then there is not a thing i would change.”
F - do they want to start a family with their s/o? what is parenting like with them?
after getting over kazuha's fear of marriage (check M), kazuha wouldn't mind starting a family. although he is perfectly fine if it is just the two of you. if you want children then he is ready to learn, for you. i think kazuha would settle with one or two children, and he says he doesn't mind if you have a girl or a boy- but he is hoping on a boy. kazuha would be a great dad, apart from the fact he travels a lot and is rarely home. he tries his best to be there for you, he usually takes on jobs in the area you are staying or go on shorter trips with the crux while you are in the first few years having a child. he doesn't want to leave all the work to you of raising a young child, nor does he want to miss out those precious years of being a new parent. he loves adventuring but he loves his family too. another thing kazuha can not get enough of is seeing the look on your child's face when he arrives back after a trip, waiting for him at the harbour, flailing their arms about to capture his attention. and he can not ignore the look on your face either, so happy that your loving husband is home. kazuha can be strict but he prefers not to be, he can't say no to those curious eyes that look just like yours. i like to think that kazuha teaches your child to be a smooth talker just like him, this means they both get out of trouble a lot with you. despite kazuha's aloof demeanour, he actually has a rather playful side to him often pulling small pranks with your child on you. he tells your child stories of all kinds of adventures he has been on, your heart swoons at the sight of your child resting atop his chest trying his best not to fall asleep due to the warmth kazuha radiates. kazuha teaches your child all about inazuma and his heritage, telling them about the history and how one day he will bring both them and you to visit his homeland. the safety of his family is his number one priority, he will do anything to protect you and your child. he also teaches your child how to fight, and most importantly self-defence. if you both are travellers though, you decide to wait until your child is older to bring them on your adventures. and when they are, beidou certainly doesn't mind having a little kid running around the alcor causing a ruckus amongst other crew members.
G- what kind of gifts to they give their s/o? do they want one in return?
kazuha has always loved the sentiment of crafting a handmade gift. the amount of time and effort that goes into making something, is enough to show how much love someone has for them. kazuha also always loves to imagine what kind of expression you’d have after receiving his gift, he never asks for anything in return, well actually occasionally he’ll ask for a kiss thats it. kazuha remembers making you a beautiful hairpin, one that matched with his maple leaf haori. he gave it to you one night randomly, his hands pushing aside a bit of your hair to pin up. the way your eyes closed as he inches closer, his fingers occasionally brushing against your skin. when he finally backed away from you to take a look at his masterpiece, he was stunned. the way your face glistened from under the moonlight, you were so ethereal. his breath hitched, and the calm man sitting in front of you became flustered. kazuha made a note to always mentally prepare himself before giving you a gift that you could physically wear- if not he’d definitely blow a fuse.
H- do they hug their s/o? how often?
kazuha definitely hugs you, but i feel like hugs only happen at specific times. of course he will indulge you if you ask for it. kazuha hugs you when he misses you, when he needs you close to him. if you didn’t travel with him, he hugs you a goodbye and a hello. kazuha hugs you tightly because he knows he will be leaving soon, or he misses you so much and never wants to let you go. if someone ever makes kazuha jealous (which doesn’t happen very often), he will hug you from your waist whilst no one was looking, as he buries his head into your neck, taking in your scent. “your mine.” he’d whisper, hugging you tighter. “i am yours.”
I- how romantic are they? do they have problems with being intimate?
kazuha has very little problems with intimacy, he is a naturally romantic person. the way he speaks should be more than enough as evidence. he doesn’t get flustered easily, and he loves to see your expressions when he does something overly romantic- cheesy even, at the most random times. his poetry and haikus are often of you, he doesn’t shy away from flirting with you, teasing you, and constantly he is thinking of different ways to show his love to you. like i said he never knows what may happen tomorrow, so he is going to spend every day in the present being romantic and loving to you.
J- do they get jealous easily? how do they act?
i can’t typically see kazuha as getting jealous easily. there is often the rare occasion of him getting impatient because someone else has held your attention for too long, but other than that its very rare for kazuha to get jealous- he trusts you too much and feels like there’s simply no need for such feelings. i feel like one of the only few times kazuha would get jealous is when he’s drunk. drunk kazuha is needy and clingy, he wants to be around no one but you. if there is the slightest bit of space between you two, kazuha is determined to get rid of it by any means necessary. if you’re having a conversation with someone, be prepared to continue it another day because kazuha is whisking you away and peppering you with kisses while glaring at the person who kept you away from him the whole time. it gets a little uncontrollable when it happens, but kazuha remembers everything that happens the night before and his reaction is absolutely priceless.
K- are they a good kisser? do they like it? how often?
kazuha is miraculously a great kisser, well that is debatable from the beginning since he didn’t have much experience but he learnt very fast, and he is an amazing learner. kazuha’s everyday kisses can range from many varieties. kazuha’s forehead kisses usually linger for just the right amount of time, they are comforting and homely. it feels like you can tell how much kazuha trusts and adores you when he gives you forehead kisses. kazuha’s cheek kisses are different. they are quick and fleeting, usually he peppers your face with them, instead of a single kiss. it is playful and often filled with laughter, kazuha does it with a teasing note as his hands cup your face and pulls you closer for another kiss attack. lastly kazuha’s kisses on your lips, saved for the most romantic and intimate moments you share. often hidden from the public where kazuha can show you how much he loves you without any interruptions. they are passionate and always leaves the both of you wanting for more. he kisses you not too rough not too gentle, just until your lips are slightly plump and red. he takes your cheek in his hand, his other on your waist, pulling you close he whispers “may i?” and if you allow him, he will make sure this is a kiss you never forget.
bonus: kisses on the back of your neck, saved for the most private moments. if you have longer hair he likes to brush your hair back and place a teasing kiss on your neck, just to see you get flustered. and if you have shorter hair he finds himself often staring at the back of your neck, and just decides to indulge himself a few times with a kiss- teasing you along the way.
L- when do they say i love you? how often? do they say or show it more?
kazuha has always been more of a mix of both, he tends to show his love a lot yet he never fails to let you know he loves you. kazuha says it when it is just the two of you, when he has your attention and he has yours. he says it while tangled in your arms, under the blankets as you try to fight the feeling of sleep so you can spend more time with your beloved. kazuha shows it in his actions, even if done unconsciously, he somehow manages to convey ‘i love you’. its evident in the way he smiles for you, his eyes glistening as he lets out a hearty laugh. its evident in the way he holds your hand, guiding you down the stairs- even though you are perfectly capable of walking on your own. it is evident in the way he stares at you while you patch him up after he got hurt again, listening to your mother-like nagging to be careful. he doesn’t always say it outright, but you know, you know he loves you.
M- thoughts on marriage? how do they want to hold the ceremony?
well kazuha definitely has thought about it, thats for sure. in all honesty he is a little intimidated by the idea of marriage. don’t get me wrong, he wants to get married to you, its just kazuha has an interesting past. he’s afraid that somehow even if he’s miles away from her, she’d end up coming back to haunt him, and this time take you too. kazuha also knows unlike others, he can’t offer you the most stable life. he fled from his own country, a god literally wants him dead. he wanders around without an end destination, no real home anymore. he wonders if you really want to get married to someone like him- this thoughts are the things that keep him awake at night. if you ever help kazuha get over his fears and make him understand you love him for who he is now, perhaps he wouldn’t hesitate before popping the question. he would love a quiet and small ceremony, he doesn’t mind a grand wedding but he would prefer something more lowkey and intimate. no distractions so he can take it all in, you finally are his.
N- what are dates like with them? how often do you guys have night outs?
dates aren’t as easy to come by with kazuha, working on the sea or with the resistance means work needs to be done and there isn’t much time for going out. but kazuha makes it work, most of the time its rather spontaneous. kazuha would appear before you and ask you to close your eyes, taking your hands in his to guide you to a little spot he made up on the alcor. hidden away from the drunkards causing a ruckus on deck. he sits you down next to him on a nice blanket and asks you to open your eyes. its a cute little get up, a few snacks and sake under the stars. kazuha would apologise for not being able to give you a proper date, yet you couldn’t ask for more. he’d pull you close saying he didn’t want you to get cold, and he’d teach you about stars and constellations.
another time while you both were working hard for the resistance, kazuha showed up by your tent at night and asked you to accompany for a walk. kazuha would take your hand in his, as he carried an umbrella over your heads. he wouldn’t bring you too far from camp but he tried to make your time worthwhile. he’d tell you about the poems he made of you the afternoon since he missed you the whole day. he’d promise to take you somewhere nicer once everything was under control again- he gives your hand a squeeze and kisses you on the cheek. it wasn’t much but it was all you both had. )
O- what would they do if their s/o got hurt or injured badly? (ouch)
it doesn’t matter how hurt you got, small or big, kazuha feels his world stop spinning. his mind flashes back to the moment he watched his friend die, and he desperately tries to keep his emotions at bay. tears threaten to spill, his voice cracks as he asks where you are. he gets to you as fast as he can, he begs that his legs don't give way yet. he blames himself for not being able to protect you, he couldn't save his friend, but please not you. the moment he catches the glimpse of your body bandaged up, bruises scattered all over skin, he can not contain the amount of guilt that rushes over himself. kazuha is by your side in an instant, taking your hand gently as he lets his eyes scan over your injury. he doesn't stop apologising, he lowers his head as he lets the waterworks run. ironically watching kazuha blame himself for not being able to protect you hurts more than the injuries you have sustained. if you can, please take him into your arms, tell him it's not his fault and you are okay. kazuha wouldn't know what to do if you were gone too.
P- are they playful in the relationship? how do they mess around with their s/o?
it may not look like it, but kazuha is rather playful. especially when it is just the two of you, kazuha suppresses the urge to not tease you. he can't help that you are just so easy to tease. he likes to challenge you to little games at the expense of a kiss. he loves seeing your expressions when he teases you, or purposely loses to you at a game. he also loves to flirt with you, tell you how much he loves you and how much he wants to make you his- even if you already are. he definitely is the type to ask you if your single and want to date him while you are dating, he says "your boyfriend doesn't need to know, so just come with me" and if you play along he falls more in love. it's also dangerous if your a ticklish person, he will often poke you just to hear your laugh or squeal. he craves to hear your melodic laugh, he never wants you to shut up. kazuha is never mean when he plays around with you though, he never crosses the line and he can read the mood well. he knows when is the right time to mess around with you, and he knows when to stop. as much as he loves it he never wants to make you mad. i
Q- what will they do if their s/o is queer or part of the LGBT community? how will they react?
kazuha doesn't mind, he believes that love is love and coincidentally he loves you for you. kazuha listens and is keen on learning your past and why you decides to be who you are now. he picks up on your prefered pronouns without hesitation and treats you with nothing but respect. if you are insecure about it, he will make it his only goal to write you a poem a day about how much he loves you and how much he wishes for you to find self love. kazuha is aware of the occasional disapproval from outsiders, and he doesn't think twice before using his vision to mess with them, knocking them off their balance or messing up their hair. he tells you that others may say what they want but you need not worry for there are many others who love you and will love you for the rest of their lives- him included.
R- how random and spontaneous is the relationship?
a relationship with kazuha is beyond random. there are moments when kazuha just grabs your hand and takes you away to some place because he wants to be with you. kazuha enjoys surprising you with things as well, if he sees something he thinks you will like, he will buy it or attempt to make it for you. when he travels he definitely brings you back pressed flowers or pretty gemstones that remind him of you. kazuha often does things for you on a "just because" basis, even if it holds no significant reason, he will give you a gift, give you a kiss or whatever you want. kazuha also randomly declares his love for you just because.
S- what do they do is their s/o is scared?
kazuha knows what its like to be scared, to feel petrified to the point its hard to breathe, hard to speak, hard to move. his world crumbles at the thought of how you may go through emotions like that. he never wants you to go through any pain, it simply doesn’t matter what causes you to feel so frightened. if it scares you, it scares you. there is no need for him to laugh at you or belittle your feelings. kazuha will never forgive himself if he makes you feel invalidated. when you are scared, kazuha will be by your side in an instant, his arms engulfing you like a warm blanket, as he whispers sweet nothings into you ear. he asks you to focus on his fingers tracing shapes onto your back. he doesn’t let go of you until he feel your heart rate return to normal. and when it does, he releases you from his tight grip to kiss away the tears rolling down your cheeks. giving you a simple smile. “my love, i wont let anything harm you. i love you.”
T- how much do they trust their s/o?
to be in a relationship means kazuha trusts you a lot. kazuha has gone through much, and is constantly on the run. there are few people he can open up to and trust that they would not leave him behind. it takes a while for kazuha to tell you about everything, don't get me wrong he knows he loves you but it isn't easy to bring something so dark about his past to light. he hopes you don't get mad or disturbed by him for keeping it hidden for so long. when he finally does tell you about his past, and you stick by him no matter what he feels his heart slowly gets put back into place.
U- do they like to take things slow or fast? (urgency)
kazuha takes things at a pretty average pace. honestly it's kind of like a write off, he knows it will take him a while to fully trust someone yet he is undoubtedly touch-starved. and when it comes to you he can't seem to hold himself back. when kazuha courts you its slow and relaxed, he never wants to force you into a relationship and make you uncomfortable. he takes his time to learn what you like and dislike, he takes his time to get to know you. and when you finally start dating he tends to take things faster, not too fast though, he makes sure everything he does is okay with you before rushing in head first. unconsciously he tends to touch you a lot, he finds comfort in your warmth. sometimes it's as simple as brushing your hair back, and sometimes it's having his hands on your thigh while you sit next to him. he just loves it so much.
V- how vocal are they about the relationship? do they want it to be a secret?
kazuha prefers to keep it lowkey. only a few people know of your relationship with him. he doesn't want you to get hurt because of him, after all he is rather infamous for escaping from the shogunate and their leader. he also is more on the private side. however its very easy to tell that kazuha is infatuated with you solely by the way he looks at you, talk of you. you can tell that he is completely smitten over you, it takes someone awfully dense to not realise his feelings for you.
W- random scenario with them! (wild card)
the first time kazuha saw you dressed up so beautifully was when beidou insisted that the both of you attended a party in liyue with her. he didn't enjoy parties as much but he thought it would be nice for you to take a break from running away, and if you were there he was sure it would be a lot more bearable. and he was right, it was. beidou had whisked you away earlier to be presentable for the occasion, kazuha himself had to wear something he wasn't used to- he thought it was uncomfortable. but the moment he saw you walk out of the room dressed to the nines, all the discomfort that came with his outfit was thrown out the window and replaced with fluster. kazuha was quick to regain his normal charm however, throwing compliments in your directions as he held out his arm for you to hold- yet not even his sly behaviour could escape your eyes, there indeed was a blush on his cheeks. beidou left the two of you to be, enjoying the food and lovely music playing in the background, yet all kazuha could hear was the melody of your voice. as the room fell silent and a slow tune began, kazuha earned a few nudges from beidou "ask them to dance" she whispered. and he did, it felt like it was straight out of a fairy tale. his eyes were burning into yours as he reached his hand out. you gladly accepted, but you never knew kazuha had learnt to dance, especially so well. you suppose everything about him is eloquent. the moment was something you'd cherish for the entirety of your life, the feeling of him guiding your footsteps along to his. his hands resting perfecting on your waist as yours did by his neck. he often made small jokes about the other stuck up guests, which made you laugh. his heart fluttered. as the song came to an end, you gave him a small kiss on his cheek. a smile appeared on his face, your action warming his chest.
"won't you dance with me again, my love?"
X- do they like petnames? do they use petnames? (XOXO)
kazuha loves using petnames on you. he likes to call you darling or my love. he finds using nicknames rather endearing, and he loves how you react with a simple "hm?" because you know he loves you like that. if you ever give kazuha a petname his heart swoons in adoration for you. he loves them! but kazuha also loves the way his name rolls off your tongue, the sound of your voice is like maple syrup in his ears.
Y- what do they do when they yearn for you?
missing you is something kazuha is unfortunately used to. given that kazuha is a traveller it is understandable why you two are often apart. when kazuha misses you, everyone can tell. especially since your absence in his life is all his poetry becomes. he muses how you are and how it hurts being so far from you. he often finds himself immersed in creating more haikus to show you when he finally reunites with you. more here.
Z- what is sleeping like with them? (zzz)
sleeping with kazuha is warm, you never have to fear the cold especially with kazuha's arms wrapped protectively around you. kazuha doesn't care whether he is the big spoon or small spoon, he just wants to be with you. if he spoons you, just make sure that he wakes up earlier than you if not he is never letting go. his grip is not too tight but still very strong around you. he enjoys being close to you and he loves how you let him be near you. if you are spooning him, please let kazuha rest his head in the crook of your neck. he loves to feel your heartbeat as he tries to fall asleep, the last thing he hears is your heart thumping every so peacefully. the smell of your soap puts him to sleep in a way he never knew it could. he loves how this time you wrap your arms around him to protect him instead, for once he feels like in your arms, he is perfectly safe.
oh my god this took so damn long???? but i didn't have much inspiration and this just came to mind. some letters were EXTREMELY hard to write so please excuse if its a little ooc i tried ;-; im glad im done tho, this honestly is the longest thing i have written in a very very long time and im really happy i did. im also pretty excited to try it for other characters i already have childe's and xiao's one in mind :) anyway!!!!!! please let me know if you liked this thank u bebs muah...
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phoenixtakaramono · 1 year
Sending another ask, because of lack of space: I loved the idea of the Fix-it because billy in it is pretty much steering HL away from his worst impulses, not because HL is automatically a better person when he's in love, but because their association has taught him how to think for himself, how to be more subtle, to not trust Vought uncritically and to gather information when possible before making a decision, and to think through how to present it to the public, instead of depending on PR only
Re: Fix-It AU Threadfic (🔗)
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Initially I started this threadfic because I saw a tweet of someone saying how there were no Fix-Its in the 200+ Butchlander fics on AO3 (sorry, my mistake 🙏, someone has reminded me that there is at least one):
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At the end of the day, I’m glad I was operating under an erroneous assumption because if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have bothered writing this.
The way I’d envisioned it: we start with that Diabolical episode where Homelander had just had his hero debut (~18 y/o), and that’s our future husbands’ first official Meet Cute (/j). Billy, at this juncture, is a young CIA operative (~23 y/o) but he has not met Becca yet. It’s essentially a honeypot/ honeytrap operation—but without the seduction at least not from Billy’s POV; the readers voted for the yandere speedrun option with Homelander planting cameras in Billy’s flat at the Flatiron, haha, so obviously certain things will follow because of that chosen route. It also allows us an opportunity to play with HL’s past as a lab-rat (I’m playing with the possibilities), and have that affect the threadfic.
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We then tie in the more important The Boys canon comic events and events from the TV version—and “fix” a couple of the more pivotal disastrous f*ck-ups such as the Cruz Chemical incident (animated show canon) and the crash of Transoceanic Flight 37 (TV canon), etc, with a couple original incidents if I’m feeling up to it.
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I love what you wrote about how HL’s not automatically made a better person just because he’s in love. Billy can steer him from his worst impulses to an extent. But at the end of the day, the idea is that whilst it is a Fix-It, and we are rewarding him with Billy as a boyfriend for his “good behavior” (later, so he gets his crush fulfilled), John as The Homelander is still not a very good man. I very much enjoy reading about a psycho narcissistic HL who has an obsessive crush, and I think a lot of people like reading that too. We have Billy as the hot older European young and bright CIA operative whomst HL wishes desperately to impress (gotta give it to a guy who’s infatuated). He one-sidedly envisions William Butcher as his partner-in-crime. William, in the threadfic, represents the CIA, a secret government intelligence agency that has the legitimacy Vought desperately wants—and so far only Homelander’s been given this opportunity. It’s a resource that only he has access to—and it makes him feel ✨special✨ —> William is special —> thus, William can only be his. Homelander doesn’t like to share (in this AU).
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The silver lining is this HL, while still objectively awful, haha, is encouraged at his younger age to not be so reliant on Vought—and that impact will carry into his 20s, 30s, and 40s. We are essentially weaning our brainwashed murderous baby from sucking the teat of corporate.
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“Media and Government: A Love-Hate Relationship”
                 Media is one of the instruments in communication for our society. It is one of the ways to make communication work because it helps the citizens in our community send, receive and give feedback on the messages and information that was delivered by one another. The governments are the ones who orchestrated our country. They bring the different cultures, traditions, and beliefs in a harmonious way for us to be united. It is the government that leads our society to maintain peacefulness in our nation. Governments protect the people from all the harm and danger that are outside and within the country. They make our homeland work productively not because they want to be the ruler of our country, but for the reason that they need us inhabitants to live in a good and balanced state far away from the danger that might affect us one by one. That might destroy our homeland. These two are interconnected with each other why? The media and the government have a strong bond together. They are linked with each other because both play a significant role in our society. Both are important especially, in influencing each individual’s mind, decision, choices, and judgment in our nation. They are the ones who provide the information for us as the citizens of our country. They supply information for us to be informed of what are the current events and situations that are happening in our community. However, the Media and government are not always on good terms; they both sometimes do also have quarrels.
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                 Media and Government also have a love and hate relationship like couples do and it is because of the different views of each of them. Both of them are trustworthy when it comes to information for the reason that both of them give accurate and factual information. Both of them have a strong bond when united because the government is the one who produces the information. The government tends to employ the media to spread the news and those important matters, events, and situations that are happening in our country and even in the world while the role of the media is to disseminate the information. Also, the media is a tool for the government to communicate with the citizens of the country they work with. In this kind of process in how both parties adapt to each other, the flow of the information will be successfully received and interpreted by each citizen in our country. However, the media do sometimes create false information that is contradictory to what the government desires to convey and that is the reason why conflict does start to arise because of a sudden misunderstanding between two parties. In a democratic country, we people do have the right to show or display our point of view on certain issues or information as well as the media. Media also do have the right to deliver information and news according to their perspective on how they deliver that sudden event and the information they got from the witnesses but the thing about that is in the process there are always some people who will be affected. With the use of media people have an access to ruin other human beings. Due to the false information that is spread throughout the country, domination does always occur and that’s the reason why governments seek to control the media. As the government tries to filter the words and information that comes out, some of it becomes distorted to keep the society from trouble. The citizens, on the other hand, believe that the government seems like they are blocking the truth from us and that is when the conflict arises because people will always share their thoughts through the media that has a big capability of damaging the government's image. Despite everything, let’s not forget that the media still do depend on the government because they are the source of information among all while the government also needs the media for exposure and informing the citizens. In addition, we citizens in our country should also be aware of how the media and government work rather than being one of the reasons why both parties tend to have conflicts. Let’s spread love, positivity and truthfulness than negativity, lies and make believe.
GRADE 12 - STEM 15
Aligsao, Keziah Q.
Cabaneros, Dan Arnel J.
Diaz, Justine Hope B.
Limpag, Anthony Justine G.
Torres, Dianne Gayle M.
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seokjynerso · 4 years
[fanfic teaser] a dancer dies twice
ACT I: 起
Neon J. isn't a stranger to intricate fan projects.
A 1010 concert itself is an intricate artistic experience, integrating music, group choreography, cinematic storytelling and modern marvels of engineering into a complete form of entertainment. The essence of a 1010 live concert experience is the interaction between the performing artists and their adoring audience; the affectionate gestures and flirty one-liners from 1010 and the feverish screams, enthusiastic fanchants and colourful light sticks from the fans. Neon J.'s unique social approach to cultural technology is rooted in his discovery that the electricity generated by the Grand Qwasa when powered by the combined musical energy of both 1010 and their audience is twice the output measured from an average performance. Vinyl City already has a roster of amazing EDM artists banding together to provide power to the people, but so far, none of them has tapped into the collective power of idols and their fans.
To succeed in the music capital of the world as a foreign vocal group from a war-torn country, just singing and dancing wasn't enough. 1010 have to stand out.
The way to build a powerful bond between idols and their fans is through their hearts. 1010 fans are officially named as the 1010tera, a pun on 'tentera', a word for 'army' Neon J. had picked up from the Vinyl City soldiers stationed in his naval port hometown. Early in the group’s inception, 1010’s youthful, charming appearance symbolised the optimism and escapism needed by a country healing from tragedy. Now, the escapism element still holds true. Their slender figures, angular facial features and caring, romantic nature represent a dreamlike perfection, yet they aren’t meant to be perceived as impossible objects of affection too far beyond reach. 1010 are made to have highly structured fan engagement outside of their music and performances to strengthen the personal connection between 1010 and the 1010tera.
1010 makes themselves an active part of their fans' lives by consistently trying to keep in touch with them. In livestreams, 1010 will show off their ideal boyfriend side by asking fans about how their day is going and complimenting them for looking beautiful today. In fansigns, 1010 will answer questions from fans, hold their hands and try on fun props they've brought. In concerts, 1010 will always assure their fans that they're very thankful for the love and support they've received all these years.
"By the end of this concert," leader Rin once said at the beginning of the ending song of their setlist, "I hope you'll be a little happier!"
From their first awkward performance in their hometown to their first anniversary as an established vocal group under NSR and a myriad of other career milestones, 1010 have experienced almost all of their most important moments with their fans. They might be artificial beings, but the strength of this relationship is genuine, expressed time and time again through a phrase that only 1010 and 1010tera can understand:
"You're our energy, we're your energy! Jjiritjjirithae!"
A phrase the members would shout out in sync before starting a music show performance, a fanmeeting, a concert, you name it.
Taken literally, 'jjiritjjirithae' means 'it stings', better suiting the shooting pain of an electric shock, but it can also be used to describe a sudden, overwhelming feeling. Haym, looking like an electric shock victim himself with his hair standing straight up, seems to have inherited Neon J.’s penchant for portmanteaus. During a debut anniversary concert a few years back, he’d given the everyday phrase a fresh new meaning—a combination of 'jjiritjjirit' (shocking/electrifying) and 'saranghae' (I love you)—a special way for 1010 and 1010tera to express their electrifying love for each other, fan-translated into 'I spark you'.
The hearts that have caught the spark would grow to reciprocate it.
Energy-wise, their passionate cheers help to power up 1010. The generation of electricity from sound is a method Neon J. had created as a free and reliable backup energy source for himself and his troops since his homeland’s electrical supply was often disrupted after the war. Before he started working with Qwasas as a member of NSR, he used mechanical vibrations from travelling sound waves amplified by resonators and converted by electromagnetic induction for power.
Affection-wise, since 1010 give their all in their performances, fans give just as much back through fan projects. 1010 fans are mostly young, so their passion is pure and sincere and Neon J. admires that. He's glad to help bring a smile to their faces; after all, these young people are the key to a brighter future.
Often, the 1010tera would go above and beyond with their concert projects, planned amongst the fandom without the knowledge of their idols on stage. He remembers how the stadium central control system would relay the information to him that all the fans' lightsticks were shining in the signature colour of a 1010 member, forming a special glimmering ocean on their respective 'birthdays': white for Rin, blue for Purl-hew, red for Zimelu, green for Eloni and yellow for Haym.
He remembers the 1010tera conspiring with the staff to dim all lights in the stadium before playing a special video on the main LED screen: a montage of 1010 over the years, from a clip of them singing a jazz number, probably dancing with the tick-tick-tick stiffness of a music box doll for a Vinyl City military camp show to performing on more and more prestigious stages, interspersed with messages of fans talking about how much 1010 means to them and thanking the boys for sparking a light of joy and hope in their lives.
But what stands out the most in his memory is this one particular fan project for Eloni's birthday. The second the song 1010 were singing transitioned into an instrumental bridge, the crowd began flying green paper airplanes towards the stage. One got tangled in Eloni's ring lock of hair, so he unfolded the airplane there and then. Inside it was a handwritten letter—in fact, each one of the airplanes had a heartfelt message written just for him.
Eloni has always been the least popular member of 1010 according to online surveys, merchandise sales and the amount of fanletters he'd received. Not long before that, there was even a digital petition spread by disgruntled anti-fans to kick him out of the group for being 'ugly' and 'annoying'.
As thousands of paper planes flew in the sky, the usually funny and cheerful Eloni dropped down to his knees and gave a deep, formal bow to the audience.
"I want to be the Eloni you can be proud of. I'll work harder for all of you from now on, I promise," he said, his quaking shoulders never leaving the floor even after Zimelu sat down next to him and stroked his back.
Neon J. isn't a stranger to intricate fan projects.
As 1010's manager, any concert surprises have to be submitted to him first by a fanbase representative and have to be personally approved by him as well in order to be executed.
Yet, none of them has prepared him for this moment.
[the credit for 1010's meaningful fandom name goes to @supportanimy]
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todaysdocument · 4 years
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Petition from Leo Szilard and Other Manhattan Project Scientists to President Harry S. Truman, 7/17/1945
“[The United States’] lead in the field of atomic power . . . brings with it the obligation of restraint . . . “
File Unit: S-1 Interim Committee - Scientific Panel, 1940 - 1950
Series: General Correspondence, 1940 - 1950
Record Group 77: Records of the Office of the Chief of Engineers, 1789 - 1999
[red stamp in top left corner, crossed out in ink] SECRET
July 14, 1945
Discoveries of which the people of the United States are not aware may affect the welfare of this nation in the near future.  The liberation of atomic power which has been achieved places atomic bombs in the hands of the Army.  It places in your hands, as Commander-in-Chief, the fateful decision whether or not to sanction the use of such bombs in the present phase of the war against Japan.
We, the undersigned scientists, have been working in the field of atomic power.  Until recently we have had to fear that the United States might be attacked by atomic bombs during this war and that her only defense might lie in a counterattack by the same means.  Today, with the defeat of Germany, this danger is averted and we feel impelled to say what follows:
The war has to be brought speedily to a successful conclusion and attacks by atomic bombs may very well be an effective method of warfare.  We feel, however, that such attacks on Japan could not be justified, at least not unless the terms which will be imposed after the war on Japan were made public in detail and Japan were given an opportunity to surrender.
If such public announcement gave assurance to the Japanese that they could look forward to a life devoted to peaceful pursuits in their homeland and if Japan still refused to surrender our nation might then, in certain circumstances, find itself forced to resort to the use of atomic bombs.  Such a step, however, ought not to be made at any time without seriously considering the moral responsibilities which are involved.
The development of atomic power will provide the nations with new means of destruction.  The atomic bombs at our disposal represent only the first step in this direction, and there is almost no limit to the destructive power which will become available in the course of their future development.  Thus a nation which sets the precedent of using these newly liberated forces of nature for purposes of destruction may have to bear the responsibility of opening the door to an era of devastation on an unimaginable scale.
If after this war a situation is allowed to develop in the world which permits rival powers to be in uncontrolled possession of these new means of destruction, the cities of the United States as well as the cities of other nations will be in continuous danger of sudden annihilation.  All the resources of the United States, moral and material, may have to be mobilized to prevent the advent of such a world situation.  Its prevention is at present the solemn responsibility of the United States--singled out by virtue of her lead in the field of atomic power.
The added material strength which this lead gives to the United States brings with it the obligation of restraint and if we were to violate this obligation our moral position would be weakened in the eyes of the world and in our own eyes.  It would then be more difficult for us to live up to our responsibility of bringing the unloosened forces of destruction under control.
In view of the foregoing, we, the undersigned, respectfully petition:  first, that you exercise your power as Commander-in-Chief, to rule that the United States shall not resort to the use of atomic bombs in this war unless the terms which will be imposed upon Japan have been made public in detail and Japan knowing these terms has refused to surrender; second, that in such an event the question whether or not to use atomic bombs be decided by you in the light of the considerations presented in this petition as well as all the other moral responsibilities which are involved.
R E Lapp
R S Mulliken
E P Wigner
George S. Monk
Leo Szilard
J. J. Nickson
W. H. Zachariasen
Francis R. Shonka
John A. Simpson, Jr.
Walter Bartky
John P. Howe
Frank Foote
[stamp in lower right corner:] DECLASSIFIED NND730039 By ____ NARS, Date ____
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'The release of Christopher Nolan’s biopic about Robert J Oppenheimer - leader of the Manhattan project - is driving a lot of questions about nuclear weapons, who has them and how they (continue to) pose a global risk of catastrophe. Here are some key things you should know before going to see the film...
Fact: The Trinity test left a terrible legacy of cancer on the communities living downwind. The Trinity Test at Alamogordo was the first, but not the last, nuclear weapon test. Like the tests that would follow, it caused irreversible damage to the environment and surrounding communities.
The communities of the Trinity fallout zone call themselves the ‘Tularosa Basin Downwinders’ because radiation was carried downwind from the test site to their communities. Safety came second at the Trinity Test: the fallout zone was dramatically underestimated, the effects were barely studied, and no one was evacuated. Residents were not told about the test even as fallout ‘snowed’ over their farms, homes, and wells. The damage became clear almost immediately. In the months following Trinity (Aug, Sept, and Oct of 1945) infant mortality in New Mexico increased by 56%, many as a result of rare birth defects. Ionising radiation is particularly damaging to rapidly developing and dividing cells—affecting infants, children, and pregnant women. But when authorities were alerted, nothing happened. Read more here.
Myth: Nuclear weapons ended WWII The contention that the atomic bombings saved more lives than they took by avoiding the need for the US and its allies to invade the Japanese homeland evades several important issues. First and foremost, it is not possible to know this for a fact because Japan did surrender. Secondly, it means not having to properly address why, once Nazi Germany had surrendered, the weapon was then used against Japan which did not have a nuclear weapons project worth the name. For those who took the decision and those who have endorsed it since, it also conveniently avoids confronting the inhumane nature of these weapons and their knowing use against civilians, which even by the standards of the time many realised was a war crime.
Notably, several of the United States’ top military commanders believed the bombings played little part in Japan’s surrender. The Commander in Chief of the US Pacific fleet, Admiral Nimitz said: “The Japanese had, in fact, already sued for peace. The atomic bomb played no decisive part, from a purely military point of view, in the defeat of Japan.”
Fact: The risk of nuclear weapons use is higher than ever Even before the war in Ukraine began, the UN was warning that "the risk that nuclear weapons will be used is higher now than at any point since the duck-and-cover drills and fallout shelters of the Cold War." Analysts for the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists calculated that a child born today is unlikely to live out their natural lives without seeing nuclear devastation.
Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the barrage of nuclear threats and retaliatory statements that have followed, those risks have only increased. That is why the Doomsday Clock is now closer to midnight than it has ever been before. The terrifying but true reality is that we cannot know for certain if Putin - or any leader of a nuclear-armed state - will use nuclear weapons at any time. What we do know is that nuclear weapons pose unacceptable humanitarian consequences - and that there is no response capacity to help survivors in the aftermath.
Myth: Nuclear weapons prevented major conflict or even a third world war There is no evidence that nuclear weapons deter war and preserve strategic stability beyond the correlation of the existence of these weapons with the fact a third world war has not - yet - occurred.
The mutual build-up of nuclear weapons between the USSR and the US in the Cold War may have prevented the two from engaging in war with one another directly, however, proxy wars (generally on the territories of developing nations) continued. War did not end with the development of the bomb. The chance that one of the proxy wars could have flared into a nuclear war was very close- several times. Also, while - luckily - there hasn’t been a nuclear war since 1945, nuclear weapons have not protected countries from conventional attack. In 1982, Argentina went to war with Britain by invading the British Overseas Territory of the Falkland Islands and the US nuclear arsenal did not deter Al Qaida from mounting the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington. Not to mention the 1973 Yom Kippur war and the Kargil War in 1999. Fact: the 9 states with nuclear weapons are wasting billions of public money each year on their arsenals In 2022 alone, the nine countries armed with nuclear weapons spent $82.9 billion on their nuclear arsenals, 35% of which went into the private sector. The United States spent more than all of the other nuclear armed states combined, $43.7 billion. Russia spent 22% of what the U.S. did, at $9.6 billion, and China spent just over a quarter of the U.S. total, at $11.7 billion.
Myth: Nuclear weapons are safer today than they were when they were first invented Nuclear weapons today have much greater destructive power than the first bombs in the 1940s. The bombs used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were equivalent to 15 and 20 kilotons of dynamite which by today’s standards is considered a “low-yield” nuclear weapon. The B83, the largest deployed US nuclear warhead, is equivalent to 80 Hiroshima-sized bombs. At the start of 2023, the US nuclear arsenal of 5,244 nuclear weapons had a total yield of 857.6 megatons, or the equivalent of 57,173 Hiroshima-sized bombs. That’s an average of 164 kilotons per nuclear warhead in the US arsenal. Russia, with 5,889 nuclear warheads, has the equivalent of 65,240 Hiroshima-sized bombs.
There have been many accidents and incidents where nuclear weapons almost detonated or were nearly used since 1945 and it is matter of luck and individuals who were prepared to defy peer pressure and military protocols being in the right place at the right time, including during the Cuban Missile crisis, that nuclear war has so far been avoided.
Daniel Ellsberg, the US military analyst who leaked the Pentagon Papers, notes in his book Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner that the military bureaucracy associated with the cold war and mutually assured destruction has largely stayed intact. The maintenance of the status quo in nuclear weapons policy, along with the maintained and constant threat of use, largely suggests we are no safer from nuclear weapons than we were since their first invention. Most notably, the Doomsday Clock set by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, of which Oppenheimer was a founder, in 2023 put the world at 90 seconds to midnight — the closest we have been in history. This means that we are much less secure than we have ever been in regards to nuclear war.
Fact: You can’t uninvent nuclear weapons, but you can reject them The knowledge of how to build nuclear weapons is out there, one doesn’t even need to go to the dark web to find schematics. But, just because you can figure out how to do it, doesn’t mean a country will choose to do so. Many countries could make nuclear weapons but have decided not to do so – and the non-diversion of nuclear materials used for nuclear energy to weapons is verified by a highly effective international system of safeguards run by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This system could be adapted and extended to all countries once those with nuclear weapons have made the choice to disarm.
Dangerous technology can be and has been successfully controlled. Chemical and biological weapons have been outlawed, as have anti-personnel landmines, cluster bombs and blinding laser weapons. Useful and economically important industrial chemicals that proved to be health hazards or dangerous environmental pollutants have been banned and their use stopped worldwide. It is entirely possible and nuclear weapons are no different. There is nothing magic about them.
Fact: The horrific impact of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings created the nuclear taboo that has helped prevent the further use of nuclear weapons Nuclear weapons haven’t been used in warfare since 1945. The reports, initially by the International Committee of the Red Cross and devastating images and stories that eventually made their way out of Hiroshima. John Hersey’s coverage in 1946 told the human impact, about the people with melted eyeballs, or people vaporised, leaving only their shadows etched onto walls, cementing the horrors of nuclear weapons use into the public’s imagination.
There are several moments in which the world came dangerously close to the use of nuclear weapons in warfare again, notably during the Cuban missile crisis when it was a combination of luck and the presence of individuals on the ground willing to make their own minds up that prevented nuclear weapons being used.
More recently, Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine under cover of repeated nuclear threats and with nuclear tensions on the Korean Peninsula running consistently high, the discussion of the use of nuclear weapons has become normalised which risks undermining the nuclear taboo.
Myth: Doesn’t deterrence mean never using nuclear weapons? The theory of nuclear deterrence requires that the threat of use of nuclear weapons be credible. That means that countries who subscribe to nuclear deterrence doctrines are prepared to incinerate cities and mass murder civilians. It also requires leaders to act rationally and predictably- and history shows that’s not what happens in conflict situations. Deterrence is often given the credit for the long record of non-use of nuclear weapons, but much of it is due solely to good luck – which cannot be expected to last forever.
The risk of nuclear weapons being used, whether deliberately, by accident, or miscalculation, is real. It literally could happen at any moment. Worse, many experts assess that the risk of use of nuclear weapons is increasing, due in part to the increased speed of warfare enabled by the expanded use of artificial intelligence by the military. Unless nuclear weapons are eliminated, sooner or later they will be used – and the consequences will be catastrophic.
Myth: Doesn’t Russia’s use of nuclear blackmail over Ukraine show the need for nuclear deterrence? While it seems Russia’s nuclear weapons may have deterred the US and NATO from direct military confrontation with Russia in defence of Ukraine, western countries have armed and financed Ukraine to the extent that it has been able to push Russian forces back and may even be able to expel them from the areas it has captured since the full-scale invasion started.
So the response to Russia’s actions, including its nuclear threats, has been large-scale coordinated action across diplomatic, economic, financial and military fields and Russia has failed to coerce other countries into not supporting Ukraine.
Furthermore, Russia’s attempt to use nuclear threats as a cover for its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, on the assumption other countries would be deterred from helping Ukraine, shows that nuclear deterrence is a flawed strategy and these weapons don’t preserve stability, but in fact undermine it.'
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princessmadafu · 3 years
American Thinker
I came across this remarkably prescient article by Deborah C Tyler from Jan 2020. It’s a couple of pages long but well worth a read. Ms Tyler sums up what most of us feel about Her Markleness and her appalling behaviour.
The Windsors Blackmailed by their Daughter-in-Law
Deborah C. Tyler
Over the last one hundred years, the British Royal Family has generously provided the world with a parade of scandals more colorful and louder than the socks they wear with their kilts.  But the Meghan and Harry rupture is fundamentally different from any previous crisis to befall the British monarchy.  Prior to now, royal scandals have been cut from the same petticoats as any other public ignominies — i.e., the chin-wagging that follows uncovering some form of immoral conduct.  All the throngs of poorly hidden mistresses, caddish boyfriends, toe-sucking on yachts, assignations in the deer park while the horses wait patiently, even consorting with extremes of evildoing, such as found in the company of the late J. Epstein, arose from ordinary human weakness set against an extraordinary backdrop.  They have constituted straightforward disgraces that can unfold only among people with a shared religious heritage and moral code.
Those days are gone.
The roadside bomb in the royal family named Meghan Markle exploded not because of immoral conduct in the conventional sense.  Markle is the first duchess who hails from the American left-wing, post-Christian, anti-moral belief system that worships the journey of self-directed personal actualization.  Her justification after only a few months of marriage for urging hubby away from his family?  "It is not enough to survive, you have to thrive."  Apparently, Harry's fulfilling his role as prince prevents her thriving.  For Meghan, thriving entails doing what you want, no matter if it hurts others or depreciates the generosity that has been heaped upon you.
Meghan Markle's psychology is affected by well managed narcissistic rage.  Narcissists seek power in relationships as a substitute for the terrifying experience of offering self-sacrificing love.  Markle has two sources of power over the royal family and the millions of people who love them.  She has the ordinary power of a disgruntled daughter-in-law to hurt her in-laws by controlling access to their brother, son, and grandchildren.  She also has the extraordinary power to blackmail the royal family with the indictment of racism!  It is widely reported that Markle has been acceding to the idea that she has been mistreated due to racism and that the royals fear being called racist in a "tell-all" interview.
The melodramatic flight of Meghan and Harry is being compared to the shattering abdication of King Edward VIII in 1937.  The two cases bear no resemblance.  King Edward VIII faced a moral dilemma that arose from a conflict with a religiously based code of behavior.  He wanted to marry his mistress.  That was not acceptable to the royal family and the Church of England, so he chose to abdicate, and that was the end of it.  Meghan Markle moves in a world where "organized" religion (the kind that comes with a moral code at no extra charge) is disrespected.  Markle may spend a Christianish day at a baptism, but she is not guided by the teachings of any church, save perhaps the church of Oprah, whose liturgy is "What works for me?"
Meghan has followed the career of all power-seeking, disruptive daughters-in-law.  She could have begun her campaign of alienating her husband from his family with vague and irremediable complaints about her dissatisfactions as soon as she joined the Firm.  "They don't respect you.  They don't appreciate me."  Wobbly Prince Harry is only too happy to be led away from his family.
Meghan and Harry possess a potent psychobiological weapon: the cry of racism. Harry drops hints of the dread allegation.  Meghan, just as she has no loyalty to her own family, discreetly ignores that ludicrous speculation against the family she chose to join.  Markle is the kind of self-promoter who frames her stratospheric privilege and luxuries into a stand upon conscience, proclaiming she will not live in the U.S. while the current president is in office.  Much noise, no sacrifice.
Meghan carries narcissistic rage against the father she perceives abandoned her and against her family of origin, whom she seems to despise.  Harry carries the abiding trauma of helplessness to protect his mother.  Meghan married an enormously rich global celebrity who is a vulnerable, emotionally unstable man, who, despite the tragic history, lived a highly protected life and whom she could control.  Harry married the opposite of his mother: an older, divorced, hardened TV actress — How brave she is,  overcoming all she has suffered! — who he unconsciously senses can protect herself, thereby saving him from re-experiencing traumatic helplessness.  Thus, her weaponization against his family works psychologically for them both.  But not as well for Harry.
Meghan is an actress, part of a business that virtually requires self-serving narcissism.  Harry was not expected to develop a career independent of his royal duties.  Furthermore, he appears to be a "serve or suffer" person like his mother.  He draws energy from directly serving others.  It is sad to see a prince shilling for his wife to Disney.  It is said that when two people marry they become as one.  Harry may not know it, but that one is Meghan.
It has been said that Harry is "stepping away" from royal duties because he has PTSD and is protecting his family from the tragedy that befell his mother.  If so, there would have been no need for the couple to behave badly.  Harry may discover that a fear-driven life is a thwarted existence.  They ambushed and distressed a frail 97-year-old man and his 93-year-old wife as a power tactic.  They could have quietly created another home in Canada.  They could have skipped the public self-congratulatory remarks about financial independence, as if hustling recently bestowed royal titles constitutes independence.  Meghan did not need to complain that nobody cared about her, or that the duchess gig wasn't working for her.  Above all, they did not have to promote the unjustified slander against queen and country that Meghan has been mistreated due to racism.
Meghan Markle enjoys absolute melanin immunity from criticism.  Any challenge, however gentle, is racist!  The duchess of York was publicly pulverized for her appearance for years on end, but she's white so it was OK.  A critique of Meghan's nail polish is racism!
Racism! is a justification for the elite globalist kleptocracy to loot their nation state, because that is where the money is.  The E.U. didn't fix up Frogmore "Cottage" for Meghan and Harry; the British people did.  Such super-rich transnational lifestylers cling to a patina of virtue in their lack of loyalty to homeland, because the British, like all white people, are racist!
This hoax, the rebuff of royal duties, and alienation from his royal family are being baked into Archie's life narrative.  Concerned about carbon footprints, Meghan announced that Archie will be an only child.  (Enforcing this one-child-to-jet conviction means that she will have to buy another jet if she becomes pregnant again.)  It seems that everything is being done to diminish Archie's one-in-a-billion birthright.  But  he will not be able to escape it for an hour of his life once he is old enough to know who he is.
So let's plan a glorious adolescent rebellion for Archie.  He announces to Mom and Dad, "You people are not working for me.  I am not thriving."  He finally goes home to stay.  The king restores Archie's titles and then some.  He "Etons up," plays polo, and gets the funny socks to wear with his kilt.
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