#Fix-It AU
ominouspuff · 9 months
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A continuation of: Repurposing GAR armor towards the end of pulverizing wrinkly Sith — A guide by CC-1010, ecstatically-ex-marshal commander of Coruscant
(I have so many different versions but these are truest to the idea)
ver. 1 — Marshal Commander Fox: In Thrall
ver. 2 — Savoring V-Day Like A Fine, Blood-Red Wine
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reconstructwriter · 11 months
Star Wars Fix-it: The Holonet Edition
The well-bribed algorithms of the Holonet should have relegated Tookruta1387’s clip to the tender hearts of a few friends. The days of spontaneous viral posts – without credits to grease the wheels – died not long after the rise of megacorps in the Republic. But the poster was either lucky or savvy enough to play the algorithms because “Jedi Being Cold” exploded. Screens, conversation, even news. And their post was just the start of a trend…
“Jedi Being Cold”: An old transport ship, frost coating the inside of its windows. A corner swathed in a nest of robes. Within three padawans snuggle together, fast asleep. If they were cats they’d be purring. One is purring despite a lack of feline attributes. A hand nudges them with a datastick, only for it to float away to a cloud of similar items.
“Jedi Being Cold” part 2: A snow-covered lake. One knight finishes sculpting a realistic snow tiger. Two others Force push each other like hocky pucks across the ice. One goes flying towards the statue. An expression of ‘oh crap’. Incredible, Force- assisted acrobatics deftly avoids the sculpture but crashes right into the sculptor in a tangle of limbs, sending them skidding into a snow-bank. The third Jedi pokes their head into the many-limbed hole and gets snowballed for the trouble.
“Jedi Stealing Children”: A child at a slave auction. A robed figure swoops in like a hawk, slicing through chains with their lightsaber and ripping apart cages with the Force. The camera pans to one slaver Force shoved into a cage, clearly furious as the Jedi escapes with a whole crowd of people, many children.
“Jedi Stealing Children” becomes the title for 1287 pictures, clips and gifs before someone adjusts the algorithm. This makes them surprisingly hot commodities on the Dark Holo, especially the one with a Nautolan Master dramatically fleeing the capture attempts of a horde of children – ending in one dramatic arm reaching out as kids bury him
“Jedi As Warmongers”: A young Padawan, blood splattered, has a ‘does it get better’ look on their trembling face as they stare up at their Master. The Master is even grimier and gorier as they gather their Padawan up with an ‘I’m sorry but no’. The Padawan weeps and shakes, burying their face in their Master’s robes, who has silent tears down their face. In the background is a war zone.
“Jedi as Warmongers: part 2” Has war holomovie music playing in the background as the snap-thumm of a lightsaber echoes, vivid blue piercing the dark. The blade raises over something, is brought down…over a block of cheese and loaf of bread. The Jedi padawan gleefully declares: “Grilled Cheese for all!” The sound of sprinting footsteps is heard and a dramatic “Noooo,” from a Jedi Knight.
“Jedi as Warmongers: part 3”: The music has switched to aftermath of war horror, the kitchen looks like a cheese atomic bomb hit. The children are cleaning up and one wipes cheese with bread and pops it in their mouth: “grilled cheese for all!” An adult admonishes “You spit that out right now that’s not sanitary.” In the background the Jedi Knight is doing the same thing.
“Jedi Showing Off” Is Yoda’s contribution to this mess – which is just him going through an entire stack of photo-albums on his previous padawans. He opens the last book to Dooku the Padawan when Dooku the Master barges in: “Stop this indignity immediately!” The camera shows an intense close-up of someone’s palm. “Who even taught you how to operate holo-video? –” feed cuts off.
“Jedi Dignity”: Feed resumes from a different perspective as Master Dooku – previous camera still in hand – gives Yoda and several other watching Jedi a lecture on appropriate Holonet-posting behavior. “Not appropriate baby photos are?” Yoda asks, a card-shark’s spread of pictures with Dooku’s baby face. Dooku yanks them out of Yoda’s hands. “Not without m-the person’s permission!” Does a double-take. “Are you filming –?” Horrified glower. “Mace you traitor!” Video abruptly cuts off. Permanently this time.
Not even algorithm adjustments – and there are clearly several – can stop that from becoming viral. “Mace you traitor!” becomes slang for the latest generation. Mace himself rolls with it. Dooku attempts to entomb himself in the archives until this all blows over.
Actions may speak louder than words but memes speak loudest of all.
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zealfruity · 1 year
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"We all know what we have to do."
Here are the dominoes in their current AU designs! This took me way too long and the reason why is pretty much entirely because of the lineart.
Original picture I redrew this from, lineart, and flat colours below.
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helaenatargaryencore · 4 months
so randomly I came up with the idea to make a HOTD fix-it AU where Rhaenyra and Alicent marry and end up doing an IVF or something and each carry their respective children, and I plan on calling it "Keeping up with the Targtowwers" and just have them in different situations in each part and release new parts every Wednesday or Thursday like a sitcom or something lol
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged!
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AU where whatever the fuck was that thing Nala Se injected Fives with on the way to coruscant makes him have a panic attack instead of getting aggressive so rather than get off the ship to talk to palpatine and be goaded into attacking him, Fives just backs himself to a corner and refuses to leave.
He only allows Kix to get any closer and Kix takes 0.3 seconds to notice that holy kriff, his vod's eyes are blown wider than those of a person hopped on deathsticks, no way we can clear him out until he either processes or is purged of whatever the hell is fucking him up like that and wait a minute what is that empty hypo vial doing there? And it takes him like 0.1 second to connect the dots and say yeah, that kaminoan isn't allowed anywhere near my trooper until we clear out wtf is happening.
Palpatine is getting confused as to why his chosen scapegoat is taking so long to come up to his office and gets a very apologetic call from Rex saying that they won't be able to bring him over to say The Very Important Thing he'd been meaning to say, but don't worry sir, we're bringing him to the medbay back at base but don't worry, generals Skywalker and Kenobi will oversee everything until Fives is back on his feet and ready to talk.
Palpatine frantically hangs up on him and calls up Nala Se demanding an explanation as to why Fives isn't drugged into Anger 2 and ready to punch him and make himself a target and erase any doubts cast upon him.
The thing is, Nala Se can't pick up due to Rex holding her at blaster point and asking, in the sweetest faux-polite tone "why the kriff does the Chancellor of the Republic seems to have you, a random cloning scientist, on speed dial? And why is he calling you exactly right now? :)"
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fandom-friday · 9 months
I’ve recced this once and I will rec it forever and ever. Crèche to Command by Boredom on AO3
It’s about Ahsoka starting a video series with the clone troopers explaining different aspects of command in the GAR. It picks up more and more attention from both everyone in the republic but also in the seperatist systems. Ahsoka starts making it a point to use the series to protect the clones and the clones start using it to protect the Jedi.
Basically all the chapters are long and I squeal every time it updates 100/10 recommend
WE LOVE FOREVER RECS ROUND THESE PARTS! It's always lovely to hear about a fic that just sticks with someone and is there go-to in any situation.
This is such a cool concept, and also something that I can absolutely see Ahsoka doing. We see a lot of Rex and the boys being protective older brothers, but I love the idea of Ahsoka being the younger sibling determined to do something helpful to protect her brothers. I also love the addition of the chat logs! That is such a neat idea!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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genericficerblog · 16 days
TBB Appreciation Week Day 7
Here we go, Day 7: What if? The final day fanfics. The one that comes after this is a direct sequel, even though it's a Night Terrors prompt. @tbb-appreciation-week 2024 was OK with it when I checked with them on it. This story is now live on ff.net and AO3.
Oh, before I go, Content Warnings: Attempted coercion into NSFW acts. It's implied, but there's enough for Omega and Jax to pick it up. So read at your own risk. Also Canon-Typical Violence.
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mwolf0epsilon · 7 months
🌪️Sum up a WIP with a few fic tropes/Ao3 tags:
Lo Ruyot (Into the Past)
#Time Travel Fix-It
#That's Not How The Force Works (Star Wars)
#Everyone has Issues/Everyone needs a Hug
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phoenixtakaramono · 1 year
Sending another ask, because of lack of space: I loved the idea of the Fix-it because billy in it is pretty much steering HL away from his worst impulses, not because HL is automatically a better person when he's in love, but because their association has taught him how to think for himself, how to be more subtle, to not trust Vought uncritically and to gather information when possible before making a decision, and to think through how to present it to the public, instead of depending on PR only
Re: Fix-It AU Threadfic (🔗)
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Initially I started this threadfic because I saw a tweet of someone saying how there were no Fix-Its in the 200+ Butchlander fics on AO3 (sorry, my mistake 🙏, someone has reminded me that there is at least one):
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At the end of the day, I’m glad I was operating under an erroneous assumption because if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have bothered writing this.
The way I’d envisioned it: we start with that Diabolical episode where Homelander had just had his hero debut (~18 y/o), and that’s our future husbands’ first official Meet Cute (/j). Billy, at this juncture, is a young CIA operative (~23 y/o) but he has not met Becca yet. It’s essentially a honeypot/ honeytrap operation—but without the seduction at least not from Billy’s POV; the readers voted for the yandere speedrun option with Homelander planting cameras in Billy’s flat at the Flatiron, haha, so obviously certain things will follow because of that chosen route. It also allows us an opportunity to play with HL’s past as a lab-rat (I’m playing with the possibilities), and have that affect the threadfic.
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We then tie in the more important The Boys canon comic events and events from the TV version—and “fix” a couple of the more pivotal disastrous f*ck-ups such as the Cruz Chemical incident (animated show canon) and the crash of Transoceanic Flight 37 (TV canon), etc, with a couple original incidents if I’m feeling up to it.
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I love what you wrote about how HL’s not automatically made a better person just because he’s in love. Billy can steer him from his worst impulses to an extent. But at the end of the day, the idea is that whilst it is a Fix-It, and we are rewarding him with Billy as a boyfriend for his “good behavior” (later, so he gets his crush fulfilled), John as The Homelander is still not a very good man. I very much enjoy reading about a psycho narcissistic HL who has an obsessive crush, and I think a lot of people like reading that too. We have Billy as the hot older European young and bright CIA operative whomst HL wishes desperately to impress (gotta give it to a guy who’s infatuated). He one-sidedly envisions William Butcher as his partner-in-crime. William, in the threadfic, represents the CIA, a secret government intelligence agency that has the legitimacy Vought desperately wants—and so far only Homelander’s been given this opportunity. It’s a resource that only he has access to—and it makes him feel ✨special✨ —> William is special —> thus, William can only be his. Homelander doesn’t like to share (in this AU).
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The silver lining is this HL, while still objectively awful, haha, is encouraged at his younger age to not be so reliant on Vought—and that impact will carry into his 20s, 30s, and 40s. We are essentially weaning our brainwashed murderous baby from sucking the teat of corporate.
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arliaeien · 1 month
Fate – Going West
“The best miracles are imperceptible to the world.” – Unknown author
Arc 13: The Solid Time of Change
Hot Pants’ post-race fate displays as she’s leaving America for Italy. Neapolitan Justice councilor’s plans uncover.
Arc 14: Family Portrait
Johnny pays a visit to his parents. Gyro meets his in-laws.
While Gyro is getting to know Anne Joestar, Johnny faces off his father …flickering between the pain of the past and hope for a new chance.
Arc 15: Walking a Thin Line
Late March 1891 - Staying in Louisville, Kentucky, Johnny bumps into former acquaintances. Things go wrong.
Johnny and Gyro deal with the aftermath of their strongest argument since forever.
Arc 16: In or Out
Gyro suffers from a homosexuality-related identity crisis. Johnny does his best to help.
Lucy is welcomed at Speedwagon foundation. Johnny makes a strange dream.
Gyro reflects over the growth of his relationship with Johnny and finds his way into acceptance.
Arc 17: Ball Breaker
April 1891 - Johnny and Gyro are still traveling west. Gyro develops a stand.
Gyro entrusted Johnny secrets of how he’s feeling considering his family and Naples’ fall.
Arc 18: I Know I’m Not Wrong
While Gyro is exiled in America, life keeps going for Zeppeli family. Gregorio ponders over his eldest son’s fate and whole family after Naples’ fall.
Arc 19: Wandering Man
May 1891, Midwest Speedwagon foundation’s agent catches up with Gyro and Johnny.
Johnny and Gyro’s new friend invites them to his home. With ulterior motives?
Missing moments of intimacy, Gyro and Johnny make the most of their first shared bed in ages. …whereas their hosts are sleeping in the next rooms.
“So? Will you finally tell me what you want from me?” Johnny asks. “Speedwagon foundation wants you to join in. Even at your own conditions.”
Johnny learns what Speedwagon foundation expects from him.
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wild-karrde · 1 year
#FandomFriday “Rain Shadow” by @niobiumao3 might be a repeat submission from me. I can’t remember, but it’s a perfect fix-it fic for #techlives. I really enjoy how the author does Phee’s perspective in third person voice. Really excellent work. Ao3 link below.
REPEAT SUBMISSIONS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AND EVEN ENCOURAGED (so no worries at all haha). And they are ESPECIALLY welcome if they're part of the Tech Lives AU. WE LOVE FIX-IT FICS ROUND THESE PARTS (especially with Phee and Tech, because I did not anticipate to love that ship as much as I dooooooo). Thank you so much for the submission!
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Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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zealfruity · 7 months
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Got posessed by Domino Squad Lives AU emotions for the first time in a little while.
Idk where they are, but it sure is nice to vibe under the sun in some field with your bros, not having to worry about a war for once. Even just for a little while.
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trixree · 1 year
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At first, attempting to dredge up anything from his life before “the Accident” feels like staring headfirst into a blizzard in search of a single white rabbit. What the hell is he supposed to even see? Would he even know it if he was looking right at it? 
It’s all just an empty storm—some nameless emotion that twists his chest and burns in his belly like fire or fear, or maybe both; and the inexplicable urge to smile. 
Even his name takes ages to return. (His voice takes even longer.)
The kind people that brought him from the brink of death keep saying "You've been in a terrible accident," but right around the same time that Rosinante reclaimed his name from the blizzard in his brain, he also reclaimed knowledge about what bullet scars look like. Rosinante has far too many of those to call anything he’s suffered “accidental.” (He has scars that he can’t identify; scars that terrify him to look at, that seem to have belonged to this body far longer than he has).
He starts thinking of the kind townspeople as "the kind civilians" at about the same time; it's the only word Rosinante has for the "myself" and "them" distinction that explains the easy, comfortable way they walk, their lack of fear, their non-existent defenses—bodies not marked with scars and made for war. 
Rosinante wishes he could remember what fucking war he was fighting. Unfortunately, his body is more concerned with remembering how to breathe on its own, how to digest food, how to lift a cup of water to his own mouth under his own power. 
The passing of time hardly means much to him. His recovery comes at a crawling pace with a grueling mental cost. The civilians who care for him are patient and kind, more compassionate than he can even stand to be with himself. He never shares his name with them—never says more than a “thank you”; he isn’t much of a conversationalist—but the nurses start calling him Uncle, even though he's just one of their many patients, unique only in his anonymity. 
As those initial months spent insensate in a coma turn into weeks spent awake turn into months, and then even years, Rosinante manages to piece together fragments of a life he must have lived once. The ever-climbing sum of time since he awoke from his “Terrible Accident” fills him with a deep, fathomless dread. He doesn't know why, only that there's something he's got the feeling he's forgetting. Go figure: a rabbit in a snowstorm.
There's a boy somewhere in the blizzard; Rosinante's white rabbit. He can't recall the boy's name for the life of him. 
He can recall big, dark eyes ringed purple with exhaustion. He can recall tiny, pale hands that trembled uncontrollably with stiff knuckles and chewed-up nails. He can recall already-pale skin losing pigment in ever-growing, always-spreading patches, eventually creeping up a too-thin neck and peeking out from underneath gaping sleeves. His boy was sick. His boy was also very angry. 
He doesn’t know his boy's voice, but he knows the furrow in that little brow better than he knows his own face in the mirror. He knows that his kid would scream and shout himself hoarse at the slightest provocation, even when he was far too tired to carry on like that without literally exhausting himself. He remembers visiting doctor after doctor with his boy, looking for help. He remembers being turned away, time and time again, with varying degrees of fear and even outright hatred. On some days, he can’t help but look at his own loyal care-takers and think, “what have you done to him?” despite knowing that they’ve done nothing but help and keep him alive and well in what must amount to a rather thankless job otherwise. They did nothing to his kid, Rosinante is certain. Any failing here feels inexorably his own.
It eats at him every day that he still breathes that Rosinante does not know his boy’s name anymore and cannot say what happened to him. He knows in the deepest part of himself that he would have done anything in the world to protect his child. He would have died happily for that boy. 
For longer than Rosinante cares to admit even to himself, that’s all he can say. 
And then one day, one of the nurses brings in a newspaper that gets passed around the ward for the usual entertainment value—crosswords, advice columns, and those little comics that they put in the back with the printed advertisements. (Rosinante likes the advice columns, especially those which are about others’ misfortunes in romance.)
It just so-happens that this week’s paper drops a photograph of Donquixote Doflamingo's broken body in the wreckage of Dressrosa right into Rosinante’s lap. 
(There was more than a rabbit out in that storm.) 
Law repels the News Coo like oil on water. And although Law is the Captain of their esteemed vessel, it is Bepo who receives the mail when the Polar Tang breaks surface. For reasons unknown to Bepo, the News Coo are adamant that Law is to be avoided at all costs. They will fly out of their way to avoid landing anywhere within the Captain’s glaring radius. 
And of course, Bepo has asked why! He just has no idea what the News Coo mean by “toxic vibes”; perhaps it's an idiom? 
Their commitment to pretending Law does not exist has to be commended, though it does lead to some rather awkward situations for Bepo as the de-facto Mail Bear of the Polar Tang. He could have lived his whole life never knowing Shachi’s preferences in illicit magazine subscriptions, but alas… The mail must be delivered. 
Law rarely receives things directly in the mail. He retains first dibs on all newspapers before he passes them on to Jean Bart, and after Jean Bart is done with the paper it's free grabs for the rest of them—the front-page announcement of Doflamingo’s fall has a place of honor, framed in gold in the Polar Tang’s galley. He also maintains a few subscriptions to a surgical journal or two, but Law ultimately prefers to communicate with their allies via DenDen to avoid compromising any intel. 
But today, Law has received a letter. Bepo doesn’t think Law has ever received a letter; Law has been his Captain for a very long time, now. 
There is no return address on the simple brown envelope, comically small in Bepo’s large paws. Trafalgar D. Water Law, Captain of the Heart Pirates is written in neat, tall script with black ink. Nothing more, nothing less.
“Who is this from?” Bepo asks the News Coo, which shoots him a long-suffering look down the length of their beak as if to say, “Really? You’re asking me?” 
“Right, right,” he sheepishly grumbles. “You wouldn’t know. Sorry.” 
(For a moment, Bepo wonders whether it is from Strawhat before he comes to his senses and asks whether or not he truly believes that the other pirate Captain can even read, let alone write so legibly.)
Bepo expects that Law will just tell him when Bepo hands the letter over with a cheery, “For you, Cap’n! Who’s it from?”
Law just raises an eyebrow before shrugging and opening it. This is a good sign! If it was a secret, he’d just tell Bepo to go stick his nose somewhere else.
But Law’s face flushes nearly as pale as Bepo’s fur as he begins to read, some expression blooming across his face in slow-motion that Bepo cannot name. His dark eyes take in the contents quickly before he reads it again and again, still not saying a word.
“This came in with the rest of it? Like usual?” Law croaks. His voice is hoarse like he’s been shouting at Strawhat Luffy's crew for hours. 
“Yes, just like normal. Are you alright, Law?” Bepo asks. “What is it?” 
When Law finally looks up at him, tearing his unreadable gaze from the single-page note to meet Bepo’s eyes, Bepo sees that his Captain is crying. 
“I need to go to Rubeck Island.” 
So Bepo takes him. What more could he do with Law looking at him like that? 
Rosinante was not expecting him to come. Why would he? What could Rosinante possibly have to offer him thirteen years too late? Thirteen years dead? Any apology he could offer—and he’d sat down to write thousands of them—would be meaningless in the face of everything Law has endured in his name. 
Nonetheless, Rosinante knows the very instant Trafalgar D. Water Law enters the hospital, long before Law even comes to his room. He is not so frail as to have lost all of his Haki, and there is not a shred of doubt in his mind that the presence he feels must belong to the famed “Surgeon of Death.” Who else with a presence like that would come here?
When Law does come to him, Rosinante does not see him until Law is well and ready. Rosinante is waiting as patiently as he can in the rec room with a book he hasn’t read a single word out of when he finally realizes that the room has gradually emptied of all other occupants over time—patients and nurses alike—and he's placed the single entrance and exit to the room behind him.
A deep, rumbling voice says, “Room,” just as the observation really processes and an eerie blue light swells to encompass the space. Rosinante knows who is standing behind his chair. He knew even before his boy spoke.
“You have one chance to give me a reason to believe you are who you say you are, or I’ll kill you," Law says. His voice is steel without a hint of give. It's the best thing Rosinante has ever heard in his life.
When Rosinante turns around, he does so slowly, like he’s afraid Law will startle and disappear if he moves too fast. He doesn’t stand—doesn’t want him to feel crowded. No matter how many times he’d told himself—promised himself, even—that if Law ever came, he would keep it together, the moment Rosinante lays his eyes on his boy, all grown up, he begins to cry. 
Law got tall. He’s a skinny thing, still, with that same silly hat and those same dark, tired eyes. For all that he is different, the expression on his face is the exact same expression Rosinante remembers from the day he nearly died—his boy looking up at him with desperate fury as Rosinante told him he loved him as if it could ever make up for dying and leaving him alone again. 
“Calm,” he says tearily, throwing up a sound-barrier and answering the question all at once. 
Law’s eyes are just the same as he remembered: big, dark, and smudged purple underneath with too little sleep. He’s just as painfully expressive as he was as a child, wearing his embarrassment, pride, humor, and even his anger just as familiarly as he always had. Those tiny, pale hands that once trembled uncontrollably are now hands that spell out DEATH and are surgeon-steady, swordsman calloused. His boy was sick, but has healed. Recovered. Covered his body in ink, named his crew “Heart”, and found himself a family in a crew of misfits. 
“I’m so, so proud of you,” Rosinante tells his child, now a man, and means it not for the revenge Law won them—won for them both, and all of Doffy’s victims, too—but for living. 
For @legendary-chemistry!!! I know you said specifics didn't matter but I made the mistake of thinking about it too hard and Sabo'd your Corazon. Oops
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pollyna · 2 years
Sometimes I wonder how it would have gone if Goose had the occasion of meeting Hondo. Maverick would have probably died of embarrassment but he would have been so happy
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eleanorfenyxwrites · 1 year
3zun Fix-it AU Series - MASTERPOST
Main Fic on AO3: After Each Midnight Begins A New Day
Read it on tumblr: Beginning (12 parts in total)
"'Count your blessings', they'll say. And after each midnight begins a new day. But don't place your bets on a word that they say - they'll put your life to rest..."
When Lan Xichen wakes screaming from a nightmare in the middle of the night, it's unusual but not unheard of. In the five years since the collapse of everything he thought he knew in a temple in Yunping, nightmares are his nightly companions after all.
What IS unheard of, though, is the startled exclamation from his left and the grumpy reply from his right.
Nie Mingjue on his left.
Jin Guangyao - no, Meng Yao on his right.
What the fuck?
Or: What happens when Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian have already gone back in time to fix everything that went wrong and Lan Xichen has, apparently, just been dragged along to share in the 'happily ever after'.
Fic Timeline Extras:
He Has Never Been Safer - An important conversation between Wei Wuxian and Jin Guangyao (read it on tumblr: X)
Did You Do It, When I Begged? - NSFW Nielan in the Hanshi (read it on tumblr: X)
You Think I Wasn't Lost? - An important conversation between Nie Huaisang and Wei Wuxian (read it on tumblr: X)
Familial Circumstances - Lan Qiren visits his extended family in Jinlintai (read it on tumblr: X)
Loving, Loud, Wild, and Theirs - Jin Zixuan reflects on his enormous family, how it came to be, and how much he enjoys it now (read it on tumblr: X)
Pre-Fic Extras
*Plans To Make - Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian have activated the time-travel array that will allow them to do their lives over and create a better world for everyone, told in snapshots (read it on tumblr: X X X X)
Never Felt Better Than This - NSFW NieLan's first time as teenagers (read it on tumblr: X)
Anything For My Nie-Zongzhu - NSFW NieYao in the Unclean Realm shortly before Cloud Recesses summer school (read it on tumblr: X)
To Begin Again - SangCheng during the Cloud Recesses summer school (read it on tumblr: X)
'In-Law' is a Two-Word Horror Story - SangCheng would like to get engaged and it's time for their families to negotiate (read it on tumblr: X)
Opportunities to Practice - NSFW XuanLi's wedding night (read it on tumblr: X)
Loved Here, Too - Wen Sizhui finds new friends in the other Juniors at Cloud Recesses Summer School and reflects on what it might mean to be loved by a large family (read it on tumblr: X)
Post-Fic Extras:
Thank You, and I'm Sorry - Nie Huaisang and Nie Mingjue have an important conversation after the revelations of the main fic, Jiang Cheng just wants to support and comfort his husband (read it on tumblr: X)
Side Works in Universe:
*Technically A Cutsleeve? - Lan Jingyi learns that attraction and gender can be wonderfully complicated, and Mo Xuanyu learns how to let himself be loved (read it on tumblr: X X X X X)
* denotes an active WIP
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fandom-friday · 8 months
Hello! I'd like to rec a new fic called The Ties That Bind Us by sees_writes on AO3 or @/Saggitary on tumblr!
It's about Ahsoka's friendship with a group of 501st troopers and its an eventual fix it. (It also has the eventual time travel tag and who doesn't love a good time travel fix it). The domino twins just arrived so there is that too! So far its been really nice read, angst and comfort and all that good stuff!
Listen, you had me at "fix-it" because YES GIVE ME ALL THE FIX-IT CLONE WARS FICS. But this concept as a whole seems SUPER interesting and promises immense amounts of angst and beautiful friendships and MORE ANGST. And we can all use more Domino Twin fics in our lives if we're honest because GAHHHHH I LOVE THEM. Thanks so much for sending this in!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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