#j → arthur fleck (affections)
a-xxj0kerxx · 5 years
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xxj0kerxx · 3 years
because my tags are apparently fucked.
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Arthur Fleck
SFW Alphabet
Okie-doke. So, he's here... but, i'm gonna answer.
But, you can correct me if I'm wrong about something.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Haha! He's blushing. Umm... mhahaha, are you okay?
'Just answer the question...'
He is extremely affectionate. How... umm... he makes me laugh and smile. Aand...he's physically affectionate and verbally, also. Is that a good enough, very vague answer for you?
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He's a shy person. He's really shy, but that doesn't take away from the great amount of friendliness that he has. I think if he was more confident in talking to people, and if the people around him weren't such fuck heads, he'd have lots of friends... what do you think?
..... he's just nodding.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Yes. Haha. He loves to cuddle... do you wanna answer this...? No?
Yes, he's a cuddler. I think that goes hand in hand with his affection though. How? I mean, anyway you can think of, I guess.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
'I don't wanna do this anymore.'
Why? Don't leave. Sorry, I think this is embarrassing..... but not in a bad way.
'Why do they need to know this?'
It's just for fun.
I'll just say... Yes. Yes he can. Yes he can.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I don't know, Arthur...? How would you break up with me?
'I wouldn't.'
If you had to.
'I don't have to.'
What if I was very mean to you all the time... would you keep me?
Okay, how would you get me to leave?
'.....lock the door?'
Pfft. Okay, next.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Don't shrug. You have to answer these!
'I don't know what to say.'
If I asked you your name, would you shrug?
'I'd want to know you for a bit, first.'
Good answer!
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He touches me like I'm made of porcelain... unless I trip or something, of course.
You're not rough with me.
'No. Why would I be?'
...Myou can be... firm... though.
Emotionally... your emotions remind me of water colors. Colorful, unique, .....messy. Sometimes. But, everyone gets messy at some point. Next.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
You like hugs?
How often would you say we hug each other?
'Every day.'
But, how much?
.....'a lot.'
And... what are my hugs like?
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
'How fast?'
Yeah, like in a relationship.
'Umm... I dunno.'
Like, first date?
Then when?
.....'few months.'
Okay, doin' good!
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Dyou get jealous?
:0 That's a lie.
'I don't.'
You do so! What about Randall?!
'Randall's a flirt.'
That doesn't make you mad?
When he comes on to me, you're not mad.
Pfft. Okay.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
It's just for fun! You don't have to be detailed.
'Mmm... .... soft.'
And where?
He kisses me on the forehead a lot... right?
I don't kiss him specifically anywhere. Just kinda general.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
This... is your time to shine.
'Hmhm.. I love kids. They're fun.'
'I like it when they laugh, it's nice....
They make me happy.'
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
'We.. drink coffee, don't yell.'
..... I'm sorry. What else do we do?
'Watch t.v.'
'Eat cereal... or waffles. Sometimes you'll make french toast. I like that.'
That's really good. That's really good. Keep answering like that.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
'We sleep.'
Do we do anything else?
'I don't.. wanna-'
I mean before bed.
'Oh, um.. we watch t.v. Eat maybe.'
What do we watch?
'Murray Show.'
What's our favorite thing to watch though, you and I?
'Hm.. Americas funniest home videos.'
Heheh, yes. We like that.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
'Um... Interests first.'
'Then... maybe family stuff?'
I told you a lot about me when we first met. Like, almost too much. But, you didn't seem bothered by that. Why?
'I didn't see anything wrong with it.'
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
You get..... pissy.
'Wha- no I don't.'
Pissy is the wrong word.... irritable.
'...I- yeah, okay.'
We get in fights... tiffs.
'Yeah. We're normal.'
I ain't normal!
'Ah... I mean we fight.'
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
'Mmm... I remember a lot.'
'I know your birthday, and.. your favorite color. What kind of ice cream you like...'
Do you know my middle name?
What is it?
[Muted For Privacy]
'What's my middle name?'
...... uh-oh.
'You don't know my middle name?'
I mean, I never call you by it!
'I can't believe you.'
When did you tell me your middle name?
'When we first met, you asked.'
And I'm supposed to remember that today?
'I did.'
....Yes, you did. You're too kind to me.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
'Whenever you're gonna remember my middle name.'
Oh, shut up!
Mine.. haha.. is... hm... there's too many choices. I can't pick.
'I like watching you cook.'
You do. You hover.
'Hmhmm. Yeah.'
..... I... I like when you come home.
I miss you.
'I miss you, too.'
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
'We protect each other.'
'I don't let you get hurt.'
I don't let people push you around, or yell at you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
'I do... what I can.'
You mean financially?
I don't care about material things. Anything else?
'I make you breakfast in bed.'
Yes, you do. That's nice.
'You give me stuff.'
Yeah, Stuff that I know you'll use. Like that note book.
'Yeah, I like the notebook.... thank you.'
You're welcome.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Do I have any?
Thaaat was a long pause.
What do I do?
'Um... you're mean to yourself.'
'You put yourself down a lot... mmm...you tolerate me.'
That. You do that... ..... hm... I don't like that you smoke but..
'Yeah, I'm trying to quit.'
I know. ... you take life too seriously sometimes. Which is quite contrast to your job and your true personality. But, life's hard.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Youuu... get concerned.
Sometimes. You shouldn't be. But, you do, and I do to... sometimes.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
What would you do if I never came back?
Go in the fridge?
'Haha. Yeah, go in the fridge.'
You don't go in there at all anymore.
'Well, there's food in there. I don't wanna pull it out.'
I feed you.
I make sure you eat.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
....You have less L-fits.
Is that cause of me?
'Yeah... and my pills.'
You mean the fact you don't take them?
'Can't afford them right now.'
I've told you I could get them.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
'Mean... rude.'
Mhmm... some one that puts you down.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
You snuggle up really close to me at night.
'I do?'
Yeah. I don't mind. Do I do anything?
'You toss around a lot.'
'And get out of bed a lot.'
Yeah, insomnia....
Okay. We're done.
'That was...odd.'
Just wait for the NSFW.
'What does that mean?'
You'll see. 😏
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
Baby, you’re fucking gorgeous// Joker x Reader//
Okay, so this one wasn’t requested but I have to get it out of my system. Every time I look at Joker, I blush like crazy and I just know that smug bastard would enjoy the attention. And so, this little imagine was born. Hopefully it’s as good as the Arthur Fleck ones I’ve written, because I haven’t written for Joker before. Let me know what you think!
Summary: You’re still unused to Joker… his mannerisms, his physical appearance, and you. Can’t. Stop. STARING. He notices, of course he does, but he subtly teases you until finally, oh, finally, you just can’t take it anymore. Are you in for a long night? Oh, most definitely.
TW; swearing, smoking (Joker), err… soft smut, teasing Joker. Mentions of Arthur’s malnutrition in real terms; if it upsets you or may potentially trigger you, then please skip the asterisked (*) paragraph. The asterisks are placed immediately before and after the paragraph. No critical plot info. is in that paragraph! I will signal its finish with another asterisk at the end. 
word count: 1,560
Arthur Fleck/Joker:  @writings-of-a-gen-z @x-avantgarde-x @mapreza1 @insomniabird @mavalenovaninagavi @itwasrealenough @morrisonmercurymalek  @rand0ms-fand0ms @rafaelina-casillas @aclownthing @rebs-doom @vivft @help-i-am-obssessed @autumnaffection @taintednihilist @vladtoly @mg-woolf99 @misstgrey92 @that-s-life​ @dopey-girl-blogs​
 Wanna be added to the taglist? Let me know in a DM or ask, please - comments can be hard to track
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Oh, help you. 
Arthur Fleck, your beloved significant other, had only just recently, in the last few days, completed his gradual but inevitable transition into Joker. You had come home one night expecting to see a bare faced, very weary and tired Arthur greet you at the door, but instead you had opened the door and before you had even shut it behind you, hands had grabbed your face and pulled you into a huge messy kiss; traces of greasepaint all over your face. 
You had stepped back to see an exuberant Arthur. “Hey, Arthur!” 
 Arthur had smiled softly at you, his eyes so kind and gentle, but he had shaken his head patiently. He had known that you wouldn’t know who he was, and that it would take time before you could tell his personas apart. “When I’m like this, call me Joker, darling.” Then he had burst into laughter, the sound loud and bouncing off the walls; it was freer and more genuine than you had ever heard him before. You had accepted this new persona without question, only wanting him to be happy, and that was that. Some days you didn’t know who would greet you at the door. It didn’t matter, though, so long as you saw your enigmatic love at each day’s end. 
Despite your bravado in front of Joker, you still weren’t acclimatised to him. You had seen glimpses of him over the months, flashes of his confidence had shone through Arthur and you had found yourself malfunctioning, blushing too badly to be able to look Arthur in the eye. It had excited you, though a deeper and easier to hide part of you had worried for the future of Arthur Fleck… would you still be a part of it? Would he still love you as this new person came into light? 
As such, you had a problem. Only days before had you met Joker, and now with you sat on the sofa watching Joker dancing without music, his own eerie but liberating rhythm playing on a seeming loop in his complex and twisted mind, you were mesmerised. You were caught like a fly in a web. You hadn’t been able to look away from him all day. Arthur was devastatingly beautiful but Joker… oh, Joker was ethereal. You loved him. To love Arthur was to love Joker, he was the same man, and you had been conflicted about loving Joker initially but, like all other potentially bad decisions in your life, you had chucked yourself down the rabbit hole head first. You could only hope that Joker would catch you, just as Arthur had.
As Joker turned with stilted movements, he spotted you staring. He raised an eyebrow, winked at you and then carried on dancing like nothing had happened. You quickly grabbed the nearest cushion, burying your face in it to muffle the strange noise that left your throat, but also the blush that spread like wild fire across your face. He was fucking gorgeous.
You squeezed the pillow just a bit harder on your face, biting your lip to further muffle the second squeak that left you. Arthur had been able to make you blush with just a straight face but Joker… Joker knew what he did to you without even trying, and it seemed as though he had already figured out that this new persona, his truest and freest self, was your greatest weakness.
You inhaled the scent of cigarettes and your love as you released the cushion and stood, intent on going to the kitchen to get some food for yourself and Joker. Even now, he took very poor care of himself, but he lavished you with everything. It was frustrating, but you supposed that you could take care of the two of you. Joker already worked so hard to support you as a small family, so the least you could do was to do your share.
You turned to the barely stocked fridge, thinking of what kind of meal you could make with what was in there. You had the ingredients for a basic pasta bake, so that was what you set your mind to. Arthur couldn’t eat much of anything at all, his body so used to starvation and malnourished from such a young age that even slightly rich foods could make him sick; his body unable to digest it, and you had quickly had to adapt to his body’s needs.
You turned to the oven, your mind still fixated on the haunting images of Joker dancing to music that was in his very soul, and began to make dinner. A soft, low humming had replaced the silence in the apartment, and you found your body reaction to Joker’s music. Your hips wanted to sway, your head wanted to tilt up towards the ceiling so you could listen better, and as you set the pan down for the pasta bake, large hands seized your shoulders; spinning you around into a dance.
You were too preoccupied with the way that Joker’s eyes stared into your own to notice what he was doing with your body; turning it this way and that, spinning you, and dancing with you like Fred and Ginger. 
“Like what you see?”
You blushed as Joker winked, and he laughed. There was a tinge of hysteria to his laughter, but you didn’t mind. Laughter was better than sorrow, and you had long since learned the different emotions behind every laugh that Arthur had.
Two could play at the confidence game… Arthur and now Joker were able to read your body language with a single glance in your direction, so intuitive was he. If he could tease you, knowing exactly what he was doing but being less suppressible than Arthur so he could enjoy what he did to you, then you could use a little bravado of your own. You made yourself, with the low stirrings of lust mixing with love and affection in your gut, look Joker full in the face. You allowed the blush to rise, resisted the urge to cover your face with your hands, and let Joker see.
 You even squeaked again, much to your mortification and Joker’s amusement. You cleared your throat, drew some more strength from that familiar touch you swore you could feel even in your dreams, and said, “Baby, you’re fucking gorgeous!” 
“Have you started dinner yet, kitten?“ 
You shook your head. "No. Just about to st -" 
"Save it. I know what I’m hungry for and it’s not pasta.” Joker gave you that look and you made a mental note to clear tomorrow’s schedule. You’d be walking and sitting funny for the rest of the week, if memory served you well. Last time he had looked at you in that way, with such blatant want and fire in his eyes, you had had sex multiple times in one night… every time you had started to drift off, he had woken you up with a demanding kiss and praises whispered in your ear.
“Hey, uh, J-joker?” You stuttered over his name, your eyes still on his, and he winked at you, his smirk widening. The cocky bastard was not helping you at all and he fucking knew it. 
“Yes, dearest?”
“Do you even know how beautiful you are?”
Joker’s smirk widened to almost ear to ear (though his makeup made that illusion even stronger) and one arm slipped around your waist, pulling you tightly into him. His other arm gracefully came up and over his head, his fingers dangling loosely in the air. and he slowly lowered you into a dip. Where had this strength came from? Hovering above you, Joker’s eyes softened and he almost looked like Arthur again. It was a close enough resemblance that it made you want to cry. Where was your sweet man? Where had he gone? Did he still love you? You would never stop loving Arthur, no matter who he turned into, but you couldn’t confidently say the same about Joker. 
You wanted to kiss him. You wanted to kiss him badly. Joker must have read it on your face, for his eyes flickered down to your lips and his smirk faded as he just stared at you. 
“Joker?” He was starting to make you nervous, and you got up to move, to leave, but his fingers dug almost painfully into your hips and his lips descended upon yours messily. His kiss was greedy, his tongue pushing its way past your lips. He kissed you like it was the last time he’d ever get to kiss you, and it was with a surprising show of strength that he murmured, “Jump”, against your lips, and lifted you so that your legs were wrapped tightly around his waist. 
Without breaking the kiss, Joker somehow managed to carry you seamlessly through the flat, unfaltering in his step despite how your body obscured his vision. It was with great faith in his muscle memory that he navigated the two of you to the bedroom. He roughly shoved you off him and you landed on the bed. Your body didn’t cease bouncing before he was on you like a lion pouncing on his prey, and his lips seized yours again, his face paint smearing all over yours.
You were in for a long night.
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joaquinfeed · 5 years
ABC’s of Arthur Fleck (fem!reader)
A/N: I’m not sure if this has been done before many times, so sorry if it’s repetitive. I saw this prompt list online and thought ‘why not?’ ALSO. I don’t know who to credit for the list. So, if you know…tell me and I’ll give credit where it’s due! :) 
A = affection (how affectionate are they in day to day life? Do they show affection publicly or keep that more in private?)
It’s no secret that Arthur is touch starved. He is always finding some way to show you his deep and meaningful affection for you. He’s not used to public display’s, and he likes to keep you all to himself, so he’ll typically opt for private moments over public ones. He absolutely adores playing with your fingers, placing soft kisses on your neck, or drawing patterns across your skin. He has to feel you to know that you’re really there.
B = best memory (what is the best memory they have with you)
Arthur finds something new every day that he swears will be his favorite memory. He cherishes every single moment with you, even the little arguments, because it all reminds him how much you love him. If he was forced to choose, he would say that his favorite memory is the first time he opened up about his mental illnesses to you. You, of course, were incredibly supportive and patient. He had never felt so loved before in his life.
C = cat or dog person (this is pretty obvious)
Arthur loves all animals, but he has always wanted a little kitten. They are playful, but not too hyper. They also don’t require as much care, and Arthur already has a lot on his plate. Although you’ve never talked about it, he secretly hopes you both will get a pet one day. 
D = dreams (what do they want to do in life?)
Besides spreading joy and laughter, his biggest dream has already come true. If Arthur could, he’d spend the rest of his life making sure that you’re happy. He wasn’t sure if he’d be a good father or not, but if a baby was something you wanted or desired, he would put every last inch of effort into making that a reality when the time is right. He barely believes that you love him unconditionally, let alone another little human. He would be grateful either way.
E = evenings (how do they spend their evening? Do they go out? Do they read?)
Arthur’s perfect evening would go like this: cuddle with you, cook you some dinner, practice his standup routine to see your pretty little smile, cuddle with you, watch the Murray Franklin show, and then cuddle with you. He couldn’t get enough of your arms around him, and if he had to save up a little extra money to buy a few more soft sweaters (just so you would lay your head on his chest), so be it. Let it be known that he’s also not opposed to spending the evening in the bedroom. He can always watch Murray another time.
F = first date (what was it like?)
It was a little awkward for the both of you. Arthur was still so new to dating, and he didn’t want to do anything wrong. Plus, neither of you are rolling in money, and so you just stayed in at Arthur’s apartment. He cooked a nice meal for the both of you, put on a Charlie Chaplin film, and introduced you to his mother, Penny. It was unconventional, all over the place, and different from what you were expecting. However, you wouldn’t trade it for the world. The night was very Arthur, and it only made you fall harder. 
G = giggle (what is their laugh like? What makes them laugh?)
He has different types of laughs. Some fill you with absolute adoration and joy. Others fill you with sadness and pain. His attacks come when he’s feeling anxious, dissociative, or under-appreciated. His beautiful, real laugh comes out while watching Murray, joking around with one another, and when he plays practical jokes on you. You taught him a few pranks because you knew they would make him happy, and boy did they. Switching sugar for salt is funny, but only the first time.
H = hugs (do they like hugs?)
He LOVES hugs. He likes ‘goodbye, I’ll see you after work’ hugs. He adores ‘we just had a fight, and I’m really sorry’ hugs.  He fonds over ‘I missed you so much’ hugs. He feels lucky to get ‘it’s okay, I’m here for you’ hugs. But his favorite hugs are ‘there’s no reason, I just wanted to be near you’ hugs. Yeah. He loves hugs.
I = instrument (do they play an instrument?) Arthur doesn’t play an instrument. When he was a child, he never had the time or money to learn. As an adult, he thinks it’s too late to try and get into the hobby. He figures he probably wouldn’t be very good at it. You assure him though, if he wants to try, you’ll find a way to make it happen. He feels music deep within him, and you know he’d be a wonderful musician.
J = joy (what brings them joy in life?)
You do. Nothing brings more happiness to Arthur’s life than you. Your smile, your laugh, the way you look at him. It’s all so overwhelming sometimes. Not many other things bring him to pure joy; Gotham hasn’t been kind to him. However, the city almost seems like Heaven when you’re around.
K = kisses (what kind of kisser are they? Shy? Passionate?)
It depends. When Arthur is feeling confident, he can take charge and definitely get caught up in the moment. His first priority is pleasing you. Early on in the relationship, he was incredibly shy. He felt like he would break you, or scare you away if he touched you too much. He’s come a long way, but he still has days where all he can give are small, timid kisses. Either way, you love them. 
L = love (how do they act when they have a crush)
Arthur doesn’t mean to, but he’s pretty obsessive. As soon as he set his sights on you, he knew he had to be near you. It took him awhile to get the courage to actually talk to you, but he admired you from afar quite a bit. 
M = memory (what’s their favourite memory?)
Again, Arthur loves every memory with you in it. His childhood memories weren’t exactly pleasant, and life before you was…difficult. He can’t wait to spend the rest of his life creating new memories with you.
N = no (what is their pet peeve?)
His biggest pet peeve is unkind behavior. Sure, he hates when people are so mean to him. Especially when he’s only been kind to the people of Gotham. But no. Unkind behavior to himself was one thing, but unkind behavior to you? It made him livid. If someone was rude, said a snarky comment, or harassed you in any way, he would furiously write his feelings down in his journal. So much so that his therapist asked when his joke diary turned into a Y/N diary. He just blushed at that.
O = occupation (what’s their dream job?)
It’s always been Arthur’s dream to be a comedian. Well, except for that one brief moment when he was a child when he wanted to be a pirate. But he doesn’t talk about that. He knows just how cruel this world can be, and he wants to spread love and joy as much as he can. What better way than making people laugh?
P = parent (what kind of parent would they be?)
Arthur would be a…nervous parent. During the pregnancy, he would be constantly afraid that you or the baby would get hurt. Not to mention, he’s read stories about women dying during labor. 
It terrifies him to think of that. 
After you and the baby were safely home, he would always make sure you both were happy and healthy. He often wrote his worries down about parenting in his notebook. A few of them being: “What if my kid thinks im as weerd as other people do?” “My baby mite have some of the same mental illnesses as me. Maybe insomneea.” Arthur also knows how bad he is at spelling. What if his child needed help with their homework? Would he be smart enough to do so? Would his kid be embarrassed by him? These thoughts often plagued Arthur’s mind. He kept it to himself for now though; he didn’t want to worry you.
Q = questions (do they believe in the super natural? Aliens? Anything along those lines)
Arthur doesn’t even know what’s real in the natural world around him. Or at the very least, he questions it quite a bit. He spends too much of his time trying to convince himself that you’re real; he hasn’t had time to think much about ghost or aliens. 
R = romantic (are they romantic during the relationship?)
Of course he is romantic. He gets discouraged by his gestures, and he wishes he could do more for you. He hopes every day that you’re not disappointed in him (you aren’t). He loves cooking you good meals, buying you flowers when he can, or taking an extra shift at HaHa’s in order to buy you a gift. He’s seriously considered selling his Charlie Chaplin movie collection to take you out to a fancy dinner. The only reason he hasn’t is because he knows you’d be upset if he did.
S = smile (what makes them smile without fail)
Is this even a question? YOU! When you’re smiling, Arthur’s smiling. The Murray show often makes him smile too, but he still loves you more. (You hope!)
T = together (how clingy are they? How long do you two spend together per day on average)
He’s pretty clingy. Being apart from you for too long makes him anxious. You’re the one who grounds him and makes him think positively. Without you, all he’s got is himself and his thoughts. Both of which, can lead him down a spiraling path. He prefers to be with you at any hour he can; if he could spend all 24 hours with you, he would.
U = unbearable (what habit do they have that’s unbearable? What habit do you have that they find unbearable?)
You love Arthur, but you hate how insecure he is. You’re patient because it makes sense, and you understand him. However, you wish more than anything that Arthur could see just how beautiful and amazing he is. You hate when he talks down about himself; after all, that’s the man you’re in love with. As for you, he likes everything about you. The only thing that irritates worry’s him at times is your need to make sure he’s okay. You’ve nearly fought people who are blatantly rude to him, and it upsets him to know that you could be hurt in the process. 
“I’m not worth it,” he’ll tell you. 
There’s that self-doubt again.
V = videos (do they take lots of videos or photos during your relationship?)
You don’t really take any videos; neither of you have the money to spend on a video camera. You do have a polaroid camera that you’ve kept with you, and you love taking pictures of Arthur. Pictures of his face are scattered around your apartment. Sometimes you’ll take pictures of yourself too and tape them where he can find them. It helps remind him that you’re real, and you love him.
W = wedding (what will the wedding be like?)
The wedding is small. Neither of you even expected to get married when you did. Arthur decided it was time to marry you, and so he asked. He saved up money for months to buy you a ring. The ring still wasn’t all that big, but you didn’t care one bit. It was beautiful to you. His speech was short and sweet, complete with nervous stutters and blushes. 
“I-I’m sorry I couldn’t buy you something better,” Arthur blushed, looking a little ashamed at the small ring he held in his hand. “But-but I wanted to marry you now. Or, I wanted to ask you. Shit! I didn’t- I didn’t ask you. Do- do you want to marry me?”
It was perfect. You both were so excited to marry one another that you couldn’t care less about the actual wedding process. That night, and way into the morning, you both surely had fun celebrating your love. 
X = eXtra (what’s an interesting fact about them that they don’t tell anyone about?)
The 1920′s silent film Treasure Island made him want to be a pirate when he was younger. He thought he would go on adventures, find treasure, and sail the open seas. As a kid, that looked like ultimate freedom. 
Y = yuck (what do they hate? Could be a food, scent, word, anything)
Arthur hates bully’s. He also hates when you shrug after he asks you something important about yourself. For example, all the times he asks what’s wrong, or why you feel insecure, or if you think you’re beautiful, and you shrug? Yeah, he hates that. He knows you might just need some time, but he doesn’t like to see you upset.
Z = zzzz (how heavy of a sleeper are they? How do they sleep? What mood do they wake up in? Really any sleeping headcanons)
Arthur is a heavy sleeper when he can actually fall asleep. Because of his insomnia, he has a hard time getting to sleep and staying asleep. You often find yourself awake with him, keeping him company or stroking his hair until he’s tired again. When he does get a few hours in, you try to be as quiet as humanly possible so you don’t wake him up. Arthur loves falling asleep with you tucked into his side, or he into yours. He has to admit, he’s never slept more peacefully than with you by his side.
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harleenfleck · 4 years
Don’t forget me (Part. 4 and finale)
Arthur Fleck/Joker x Reader fic
Summary: After your reunion with Arthur, you feel the luckiest and happiest person on earth, you will believe that things cannot be better and you are just waiting for the day when Joker comes for you and takes you with him. However, things don't go as you both planned.
Warnings: Angst, description of violence, language, little bit of fluff  
NSFW Warnings (FINALLY): Smut, unprotected sex
Words: 6.6k
Part one here <3, Part two here <3, Part three here <3
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A/N: Well folks, this is the finale part of this fanfic that was born from my heart 🥺I hope you liked these series 💖 well, I wanna say some things, I looked for a lot of references about how to do sex scenes (On Tumblr with that naughty blogs it was pretty easy HAHAHA), and recently around here I saw an image of a long-haired boy carrying a girl, and just you could see the boy's back, we all went crazy with that image because the boy looked too much like our Arthur, so that image inspired me a lot to do a scene like this 🤭 I’m inspired a LOT of songs too, Inspired in “Haunted” & “Gingerbread man” by Melanie Martinez and “Sad Girl” & “Love” by Lana del Rey (Lana it’s my eternal muse ) also if you remember the previous part, Arthur mentions a lot about a necklace that he wants to give to the reader, so this is the necklace (And of course, I’m gonna buy it) and well, I hope that Tumblr no longer caused me more problems like the previous part. Well, to finish this A/N I’m sorry if I make some grammatical, spelling or writing mistakes, English is not my native language. Enjoy this final part! :3 I hope you like it and thank you for read me! <3
Your life had become happier those last days. There was a splendid shine in your eyes, people could see the happiness as you walked the streets of Gotham, and when you were alone in your apartment, you put some music and danced all over the room, imagine your partner of dance on your side, dancing with you.
Of course, you were so happy, because the boy you love had come back to you, and he'll do it again. It was only a matter of time before you got back in his arms, and you kissed those lips again, whether were covered in clown-paint or not.
In your work, you ate a little sweet cupcake, thinking impatiently about his return. Once again, another delivery man arrived with another bouquet of lilies. Your heart melted like frosting when you saw those flowers reach you. You took the bouquet with great affection, but your eyes noticed a small note. You took it between your fingers and read it.
"Do you think it's too early to say we'll be together soon? I don't know, but I can't wait. Wait for me soon. J"
“J?” Celeste was behind you reading the card too “Who’s J? It’s your secret admirer, Y/N?”
“Maybe” You said it with a smile. Celeste get enthusiastic again.
“Oh! Think in all boys you know who name starts with J! Jonathan, John, maybe Jack”
You giggled with Celeste's words, you don’t know any boy who his name starts with J, just only one. You wondered what her face would look like if you told her what your secret admirer's real name was. Maybe you'd give the poor woman a heart attack. “The true is you look so happy Y/N, I’m really wondering who’s gonna be that boy, have he dared to come out of anonymity?” Your chance to scare her appeared, but you had a lot of appreciation for your boss, you decided to give her a pious little lie "No, not yet, but I'm waiting for him to do it”
“Well, almost it’s a word, J… Well, back to work” Celeste entered again to the kitchen while you stay in the corner again. Before you notice him, Peter was in front of you, seeing you, his gaze was making you uncomfortable. It would be amazing if Arthur arrived at that moment and made his original plan. Suddenly, you began to daydreaming, with him coming to you, with another bouquet of flowers and the necklace that he was so enthusiastic to give you. You'll run to him to kiss him passionately, in the middle of all the sweets and desserts around.
“Ok, my little princess, you catch me”
“Huh?” Peter interrupted your daydreaming; you didn't understand what he meant “What you said?”
“You catch me Y/N, I can’t stay hide anymore. I am your secret admirer”
“What?!” Your face must look so confused you when you heard the words of Peter, but what the fuck was that idiot saying? You can’t help thought it. That was a very bad joke, and it was a joke, where the fun is?
“I’m the guy who send you all that flowers”
“Oh… I see… Peter, why you say that bullshit?” Peter stunned; it was the first time you said rudeness to him “My secret admirer… He's definitely not you, I know he's someone else. And I’ve told you many times I’m not interested in you.  Please don't do that again."
“Oh, c’mon Y/N, you really know who is he? And why he doesn’t appear? What are he waiting for? He’s afraid? If I were him, I wouldn’t hide of you, I wouldn’t be a coward like that idiot, you know what Y/N? Why you don’t forget him and come with me tonight? For a drink, what you say? I know a nice place where… “
You can’t believe what Peter said it to you. His words made you angry, how he dared to offend the man you love? How he dared even compare himself to him? He would definitely never be like Arthur, not even like Joker. Totally mad, beating the corner with your fist, made his mouth shut up. Peter looked at you little afraid, like some else replaced you, some else were in your place.
“Watch your mouth Peter, be careful with your worlds, with you talking to me”
“Y-Y/N? Princess?” He asked full of fear.
“First, stop call me princess, I’m not your princess. Second, you think you know me; you think you know what I want, but you don't know nothing about me. Nothing. And by the way, he’s not a coward, my fucking god, you haven’t seen my man to say those shit about him.  If only you saw it in person, I’m pretty sure he would terrify you”
“W-W-W-What the fuck Y/N?” More feared and confused, Peter was petrified with your words.
“I told it, and please, stop bothering me, or I’ll call my boyfriend to teach you to respect what’s not yours”
“O-O-Ok, ok, I don’t know he was already your b-boyfriend. I’m sorry Y/N, I’ll not bother you again… I’ll with Celeste I-if you need s-something”
And before you knew it, Peter ran out of your sight into the kitchen, almost running, you really intimidated him, but you were sick of him and his absurd flirtations. Your heart belonged only to one person in the world, and graciously, you hoping Peter suspect too who your "Boyfriend" was. You smiled, referring to Arthur as your boyfriend, he already was, wasn't it?
A customer walked into the store, with that smile provoked by Arthur, you raised your gaze to the customer. But the look of that client gave you a bad feeling. He looked like someone dangerous. The smile disappeared. That man was observing around the store, looking for something, you thought he was going to rob at any moment, but what he could steal besides money, cakes and cookies?
The guy set his gaze on your lilies, then his gaze turned to where you stayed. You tried to give him a kind smile and a welcome like all the customers, but this time you felt very bad. “Hello, can I help you?” you asked to him. The guy doesn’t say nothing, only seeing you with an intimidating stare. You thought in any moment he was going to pull out a gun and point it at your head. He looked you for almost a minute. Definitive he was a bad guy. Getting nervous, you only waiting the moment when he leaves the shop.
Looking at you once more, finally he leaves the place, and your back to breathe again.
“Y/N! Y/N! Are you okay?!” Celeste and Peter run to you “We looked that guy, we thought he was assaulting the place, are you okay darling?” Celeste took you for the shoulders and hugged you.
“I’m fine, thank you Celeste, I thought the same" You trembled a little, you were really scared of what had happened. You didn't want to live something similar again in your life. You even came to think if Joker could take care of the guys like that, only if they bothered you again.
“I hope that jerk won’t back again” Peter took a look out the street, but the strange guy was already gone “That guy is one of the savages who keep rotten this poor city. If he will back, I’m gonna punch his face”
“No Peter! Probably that guy had a gun, don’t you dare do something like that!” Celeste reproached to Peter. You stopped listening to them, you could only feel helpless. Could you tell Arthur what happened that day?
You came out of your work with mixed emotions. You wanted to have the same joy you felt in the morning, but so many things were going on in your mind at high speed. First, Peter's immaturity for not accepting the fact you were not in love with him, and then that stranger who had perhaps studied the cake shop to assault it in the next few days. Celeste, worried about you and what might happen, decided to close the bakery for a few days, hoping that, if they were planning an assault, the bakery would no longer be an option for them.
You were walking worried, watching your back, the bouquet of lilies held it tightly in your hand, you were making yourself the idea that you had to pull those flowers in case something went wrong. Before you knew it, you got to that dark street you hated having to cross to get home. Looked everywhere and cursed that the street lighting was failing, you took your bouquet and walked faster. You didn't know if it was your instinct or your paranoia, but if was the second thing, it was right. You turned back, and you realized two guys started following you. You increased the speed of your steps, the problem? They did too.
“She is, it’s the girl of the bakery, the girl with the flowers”
Your ears sensed the conversation of the guys and realized he was the same bad guy who'd gone into the bakery. No, they weren't studying the store to rob it, they were looking for you, you became their target. With pain in your heart, you dropped the bouquet of lilies and started running for your life. The men started running too, they weren't going to let go the prey so easy that night.
It didn't matter if some car could get over you or if you ended up on the other side of the city, you didn't want to be a crime victim, and to know what they wanted to do with you, all you knew was that they will do bad things and that if they caught you, maybe you'd end up in a dumpster. You ran down a lot of blocks, looking for help, but nothing that could save you, to your bad luck, the streets were empty, and the few people there were had no interest in saving the life of a girl in danger.
They caught you and took you by the arms. You yelled "Fire!" like you were once taught at school when you were in danger, but your screams were quieted when one of they hit your face. "Shut the fuck up!" he put a huge knife in your face as they dragged you into an alley. You were paralyzed for a few seconds, but you couldn't let them get away with it. You struggled again and managed to free yourself, not without first kicking one of them in the balls. Freeing you, ran again and this time you lost them. But you knew that kind of men wouldn't rest until hurt you.
You decided to cross an avenue, no matter if that was a risky thing, you just wanted to get out of there safe. The moment you ran on the asphalt, you were illuminated by the lights of a car, it what was missing, being hit by a car. You fell backwards and fortunately the car stopped before hit you. Started with the horn as you got up and ran again. “Hey! Hey!” You heard a yell of the car but you ignored it, you turned back and looked at the person inside the car getting out and it looked like it was coming for you too. Are you fucking kidding me?!, You thought when you still running for your life. In your desperation, you tried to hide in an alley, but it was a dead end.
“Wait! Hey wait!” That person finally caught you and you screamed full of terror “Y/N calm down! It’s me!” And you felt ridiculous for not recognizing that voice before. You looked into his face and all of a sudden, you felt protected. Joker was here “What happened Y/N?! Are you okay?!” You hugged him, you didn't want to be unprotected, to be helpless, you embraced him so tightly, as if he decided to leave you alone at any time, even you knew he wasn't going to do it. You cried heartbrokenly on his shoulder, while he gently stroked your hair and comforted you “Shhh, shhh, it’s okay Y/N, you’re with me, nothing gonna hurt you anymore” His voice calms your fears, feeling in home.
“Arthur…” in sobs, you said his name.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m here Y/N, I’m here…”
You kept crying, but slowly the feeling was calming down. You looked his face, making sure it was him. Yes, it was him, it was Arthur, it was right there next to you. "Arthur, how... How you know it?"
"That's not important, tell me what happened, please" Passed a finger down your cheek, cleaning your wet and salty face.
“T-those were some men who wanted to hurt me. O-One of them went to the bakery today and I thought he was going to rob the place, but he was looking at me. A c-couple of streets before, I-I had been caught for they, but I can-“
“What? They hurt you Y/N?! They touch you?!”
“W-well, a little… In my face, and they threatened me with a knife… I, I..." As soon as you remembered that, you wanted to cry again. Joker took your face and noticed the blow under the eye. He hugged you back much harder, feeling guilty for not protected you before.
“Hey! I can hear the bitch in the alley!” you heard the voice of those men who wanted to hurt you in the distance, Joker only hugged you more tightly, and you noticed that his body became rigid. You heard those men's footsteps go into the alley and how they stopped instantly. They realized were already dead men, as found the girl who they wanted to injury and damaged in the arms of the Clown Prince of Crime.
Joker looked at them frighteningly as he kept hugging you.
“Baby, listen me, I don’t want you get hurt in this, go back, protect yourself and don’t look”
“Okay…” You said in a brittle low voice, and before you do what Joker asked you to do, he took your face and planted a kiss on your forehead, all while still seeing those bad guys. While you hidden of the scene, Joker started his show.
"Good night gentlemen, it seems to me that we had seen before, you know, in previous businesses, and it seems to be that this will be a second meeting not so friendly … May I ask you two something?" The guys didn't answer, they just lowered their heads "What you planning do to my wife?"
You were trying not to listen to the conversation because any moment could become dangerous, but you couldn't help hear those words that came out of Joker's mouth, the way he referred to you, and those feelings in your stomach.
“Y-Your wife?! You have a wife?!”
“Yeah, that beautiful girl it’s mine, and you, fucking bastards, you trie-“
“We don’t know she was yours! We never see her by your side before! We wouldn’t have done anything to her if we’d know she was your wife!”
Bad decision of them of interrupting Joker, very bad idea.
"Do you think I'm an idiot to risk my lovely girl to an environment like my job? I would never put her in danger, just because of this" He took the gun out of his pockets, the guys tried to defend themselves, but they knew it was useless "For fuckers like you who think they have the right to bother her, to hit her and to try to hurt her!”
“Sorry J! We really don’t had idea-“
“No, you don’t have idea, you were really don’t had idea, bastards, and you don’t have idea of the consequences of messing with what belongs to me!”
The gunshots were heard all over the alley until his gun was unloaded. Of course, you screamed scared, you hated having to go through situations like that. A few steps you heard until Joker came to you, kneeling quickly “Y/N, are you alright?” You looked at him and you didn't say anything. You just hugged him one more time. "Let's get out of here, but first" Joker cover your eyes with his hand "I don't want you to see my mess." Very carefully, he took you out of the alley until there was no danger. You walked to where his black car was, opened the co-pilot's door for you, and as he got in his car, you were trying to think about everything that had happened. Joker got in the car.
“Yes Y/N?”
And then, you pounced on him, kissing him hard. He didn't expect you, but he received you anyway, surrounding you with his arms, making you come closer to him. You and he showed in that kiss how much both missed each other
“Thank you, Arthur… Thank you for save me”
“It was the least I could do for you, my love. Let’s go home Y/N”
Sitting in your place again, he turned on the car and started driving, you looked back, and you noticed there was a bouquet of lilies in the back seats. "Again our plans were ruined?" You asked him smiling. Arthur laughed a little with the personal joke between you two.
"No... That bouquet I found on the street. I saw and I realized that was one of those send you" You saw the bouquet again and I told you that some flowers were stained with mud "I knew something bad was happening, and I drove around like crazy, looking you until I found you".
"Oh... I'm so glad you found me again... Hey Arthur…”
“Yes Y/N?”
“I… I know you tell me I don’t hear about, you know, what happened with that two guys, but…”
“I’m sorry if I scared you”
“No, I’m fine Arthur I just… Why you said I’m your wife?” You asked full of curiosity and in a good way, Arthur laughed at your question.
"I must have really scared them or the threat wouldn't have worked. Besides, it's possible in my future plans I want you to be. Of course, if you want it"
You raised your eyebrows when Arthur said that "Wait, is this a marriage proposal or something?"
“Not exactly that, I just plan for the future "
“Well, keep planning” Arthur gave you a gaze full of love and confidentiality, you just smiled at his cute face. “Arthur? Where we go?”
“I told you darling, we go home”
Got to the place where Arthur used to hide, or, rather, where he now lived. It was in a building that apparently looked abandoned, yet he was being watched by his men. Some wore clown masks, others similar makeup to what Joker wore. “So… This is your home”
“Wow… It’s elegant”
Joker laughed with your words "Just a little" go into the place, got out of the car, and he grabbed you by back with his arm. Some clowns looked you in the distance, being surprised, never imagined seeing their boss accompanied by a woman. Both come into the building and you looked carefully. Was an elegant place, very decorated, Joker had a good taste and knew how to hide all that from Gotham's gaze. He offered you to sit down, and that's what you did. At the end of the day, you were finally by his side. But that couldn't leave you calm. A lot of things happened that day, you didn't realize the magnitude of the problem you could get into. You barely realized you could have died.
You noticed that he walked away from you, you didn't know why. Your mind was still rambling "So… Now they call you Joker”
“Yeah” Joker said as he took off his red blazer and left it on the back on a mint-colored sofa, similar to his shirt. You only saw him walk back and forth as you were still sitting in one of the dining room chairs drinking a glass of water, you needed it.
"Should I also call you that?"
“If you prefer, you can call me that, you can call me Joker, but I like more when your voice says my other name"
A little smile under the clown makeup was created “Yeah… You're the only one who can call me that way” Joker went to one of the rooms. You kept thinking again while you were done drinking. Suddenly, Joker came back with a little red box and a couple of white lilies to you"Take it, this is for you”
“For me?” You smiled at him as you took the box and the flowers, you smelled the scent of flowers, as sweet as he “What it’s?
“Open it”
Animated, you opened the little box to discover inside a white necklace with a small drop of pearl hanging from it. “Arthur… This is…?” You couldn't help smile, it was the necklace Arthur so much wanted to give you, and for which he almost got into trouble.
“Yes, finally I got it for you Y/N”
“Oh Artie, it’s so beautiful, thank you” you started laughing next to him. You missed that too, you missed sharing a laugh with him. However, seconds later, you stopped doing so, Joker noticed that.
“I’m sorry, I just… Was too much today, you know? I had a bother day in the job, and well, those idiots… I’m sorry, I’m not supposed to be sad, I should be happy” you didn't want to cry at that moment right in front of him.
“You only had a long day Y/N, take your time baby, okay?” Joker passed a hand in your hair and cheeks, you got carried away by the feeling of his touch “I’ll back. I’ll take a shower”. Those words took you by surprise and your cheeks get in red color, but you tried to hide in front of him, was that an invitation? You didn't say anything, just said yes with your head. Joker gave your cheek a slight squeeze with his fingers and went to the bathroom.
The truth is, it wasn't just everything that day had happened, it was all you've been through since Arthur and you split up for over a year. It was so strange to see Arthur there, in person, just for you. Before he wouldn't let you sleep, because you only thought of Arthur before bed, and when he let you sleep, he'd sneak into your dreams. That ghost that throwing you finally became real in front of you, and it wasn't a menace. For some strange reason, all the feelings you wanted to give Arthur were hidden in your heart and you didn't want to show them, and you don’t have an idea why your mind and heart were making that move to you.
You must have gone around that in your head because you were a little startled when the bathroom door opened, you saw Arthur again, but no more as Joker, just Arthur. Shirtless, only with his red pants, his wet hair, and some blows to his torso and one on his face. Of course, your mind focused on those blows and you were going to ask what had happened to him, maybe it was the result of his criminal life, but of course, you didn't go unnoticed seeing him shirtless. Those thoughts came back to you.
“Arthur…” You got up from your seat and go to him “What is that blow Arthur?” and without any permission, you put your hand on the blow to his chest, causing Arthur to tremble with your unexpected touch.
“That’s nothing Y/N, don’t worry”
“Oh really? And this?” with your other hand, you put it in the blow of his face “Arthur, don’t lie to me again, please”
Arthur looked at the ground, remembered the first time when he had lied to you because he didn't want to worry you, but Arthur knew that if he hid the truth from you, you were going to worry more about him "It was a work thing, it's nothing, I had problems with some guys, it got out of hand, but don't worry, that's already solved" Arthur took your hand off his face and put a kiss in your knuckles. Again, you and Arthur were so close together at the time, could both feel your breaths, you could feel Arthur's heart under your hand as fast as it was beating. Yes, you two had shared a kiss before, but that had been a kiss of thanks. You wanted to kiss him differently this time. Arthur however appeared to doubt yet of that moment. He took your two hands and kissed again "You should take a bath Y/N, you worked today, you ran a lot, too many emotions in your body, you should relax".
You nodded at him, it seemed that he too was hesitating a lot whether to take the next step with you. The truth is when Arthur saw your face, he felt guilty, that blow you had in your face was still visible, and he was ashamed he hadn't found you before you were wounded. "There are some clothes I got for you, they're in the bathroom too. We can go for your things in your apartment another day"
“Yes, I’m okay with that you said, darling. Thank you, Arthur”
You got up with the tips of your feet and kissed him on his cheek. You went into the bathroom, not without looking at Arthur one more time, which had his hand on his cheek, and blushed. Gradually, as the water-filled the bathtub, you took off your clothes, looking in the big mirror, soaked in sweat, was a very long night for you. Inside of the bathtub, a lot of things cross your mind, about you, your relationship with Arthur, and what you really want of him. Of course, you want to be with Arthur, they had to plan everything they would do together because you were sure they could never separate again.
But that night, just that night, you wanted to feel Arthur, and go back to what you two left on in that old bed.
You came out of the bathtub, dry yourself, went to the clothes he got for you and just put on white lace panties, opened the red box and put that special necklace, wrapped your body in a white towel you found, looked you in the mirror one last time and left the bathroom. Arthur was sitting, writing in his journal, and smoking a cigarette. For a moment you had a charming memory of that old Arthur who was shy, that everyone rejected, what they considered a freak, when you were his best and only friend, when you were Carnival and Night Mime. You smiled caringly at the memory. Slowly you would go to him, expect him to notice your presence, soon he felt it, and turned his gaze to you, and was speechless when he looked you were only in that white towel.
“W-what are you--"
You didn't let him continue, because, at that moment, you approached him, and slowly passed a leg over his knees, sitting on his lap. You took his face, slowly caressing his lips and finally, kiss him again, in a very burning kiss. Arthur took you by the waist, feeling you. "You know something, Arthur? All these months I hadn't stopped thinking about what we almost did in that bed, you remember?" You stop to kiss him, looked him with love, but with desire too.
"... There's no day I won't forget that, not even by mistake" He touched your shoulders, passing his fingers in your collarbone, playing with the drop of your white necklace.
“… You want to continue?”
Arthur saw you with a look you had never seen in him, a deep and dark gaze, full of lust “What you think?”
You both smiled and kissed again. Arthur was carrying you down your waist while you were holding on to him. The kiss started slowly, but soon; the desire reappeared and began to consume both as the cigarette remained in the ashtray of the table. You passed your hands behind his back, feeling his skin burning, while you stopped to kiss his lips and started to kiss his chest, Arthur He felt some tickles in the start, but it didn't take long for the feeling was pleasurable for him. You kissed his chest and went to his neck, kissing it too. Arthur, starting to go into ecstasy, stopped you gently, and kiss your lips again.
“I love you Y/N” He whispered between kisses “I love you too much, and you don’t know how I want you, how I need you”
“I love you too, Arthur, and I need you too, I need your love Art… Please, love me” With the red color in your cheeks, you separated a little from him, and with nervous but with flirtation too, you took the material of the towel, and without thinking much, you removed it, revealing your body to Arthur. Him, dumbfounded and amazed, look every centimeter of your skin, he always imagined that intimate and warm moment with you, but he never believed would happen, not even when he became Joker, but you were there, loving him the same way he wanted to love you. He looked at your body, your chest, your breasts, your abdomen, and those lace panties, hiding the most intimate part of you. Hypnotized, he wanted to kiss all you, started kissing your neck, and you couldn't help moaning, more when he came down to your breasts and began to kiss them, “Arthur… Arthur…” you were moaning his name and caressed his hair when his lips and tongue delighted with your taste. and unconsciously, you started to move on him. Without you expecting it, Arthur began to be a little rougher, sucking the skin of one of your breasts, you almost yelled, but he wanted to leave a mark on you, something that every time you looked in the mirror and saw that mark you would remember him with a smile.
“Y/N, you’re so fucking beautiful…” He kept kissing your chest “Your face, your body, you… You look like an angel… My own angel…”
He went back up to your neck, and of course, left little marks on you. He looked at you and saw how you were losing, with your eyes closed. So, he decided to kiss you by surprise. In the middle of the kiss, you felted a slight bulge in your entrance, you decided to provoke him more. You moved over him again, but this time you did it consciously, massaging his member with your pussy, knowing that turned him on. Arthur tried to suppress a moan, but he failing, put his head on your shoulder, trying to be quiet, breathing hard. You moved slowly and quickly at the same time when Arthur threw his head back, you could see his expression and smiled. And then he made that move on you. He took your jaw, forcing you to look at him, you smiled naughtily, but you didn't expect him to put a hand into your underwear. “Oh fuck!” you yelled, hugging his shoulders. His touch was gentle, rubbing his fingers in your pussy, taking you to heaven, feeling on the edge of your sanity. Arthur decided to put his fingers in you, and you started screaming louder, moving the toes of your feet on the floor. He took his hand away from you and brought his fingers to his tongue, that image excited you more than you imagined. “You taste so sweet Y/N, wanna try?” put his fingers in your mouth, and you tasted them. Desperate, Arthur began to take the elastic of your panties, wanting to remove them from you. But you took his hands away from there and put on your butt.
“Hold on to me” He whispered on your ear “You are driving me crazy”
“More?” You laughed a little and he smiled. You did what he asked you, you hugged him by his shoulders and your legs surrounded his torso. Taking you under your thighs, Arthur rose from the chair, carrying you, while you kissed him in the air. All the ecstasy of the moment made him very strong, perhaps he was stronger since his dark part of him came to light. Slowly left you on a couch, making you sit. He knelt down and you knew what his intentions were the moment he did. He went back to your panties and this time, he got them off you. Arthur caressed your crotch while you felt his fingers touched your skin, and gradually he made you opened your legs for him. He looked at you completely in love and lust, and without warning, he went straight to your entrance, kissing it. “Arthur!” you yelled his name once more. He used his tongue inside you, tasting you sweet as he pressed his thumbs tightly to your thighs, one more way to mark you, something that said you were his. You squirm on the couch while feeling his tongue and his breath, he wanted to take you to the same madness that he was in. In your delirium, you heard a strange noise, opened your eyes and tilted your head, to find that Arthur had his hand inside his unbuttoned pants, moving it frantically, an image that turned on more than you were.
Arthur left one last kiss there and was leaving kisses on your body until he reached your mouth, you took his jaw, while he continued caressing your entrance with his fingers. He wanted to prepare you, he wanted you don’t feel pain. He lowered his pants and his boxers, and you observed his member, it was hard, big and hot, being you amazed and a little scared, but having Arthur like this made you love him so badly, and before he could do something with you, you took it and you started to masturbate him so softly. Again, there was that delirious and frail face on Arthur, he never imagined that one day you would touch him that way, feel your fingers around him, your gentle touch on his member, and then, you started kissing his neck. It was his turn to moan, the girl who loves giving him pleasure, the feeling was better than he had thought, “Y/N… Y/N” you saw his chest grow rapidly, his face imploring you, biting his own lips. He wasn't going to hold it anymore. He softly took your hand from him and pulled it away, kissing it first, and slowly began to settle into the space between your legs.
Your faces were flushed, he caressed your cheek, as he slowly got closer to you. “Please Y/N, if you feel pain you have to tell me” You nodded with your head, your voice had been lost in all the sighs that you dedicated to him. Took his erection with his hand, starting to direct it to your entrance “Oh Y/N, you have no idea how I'm gonna adore you” And without waiting, he entered you. He did it softly, while you felted him inside you, moaned very loud. Arthur started to move inside of you, you felt a little pain, but that pain was disappearing, being replaced by pleasure, Arthur looked at your reddened face, how many nights had he dreamed of that, and at the same time, he observed how his member went in and out of your pussy, covering with your love. In delirious, you were tilting, falling backward on the couch. He went behind you, laying on top of you, and continued to adore you in his own way. You stroked his hair with one hand, and with the other hand you took his back, burying your fingers in his skin. He couldn't stop kissing you, he was almost glued to your lips, being addicted to your taste. He couldn't describe the sensation of feeling your soft and warm walls around him. You couldn't describe what it was like to feel Arthur inside you. You definitely love him. Arthur looked into your eyes, those green eyes had you haunted, and every time you saw his eyes you fell in love with him again. You were breathless, moaning his name. You just felt every thrust of him, how his pelvis fit so well on you, how he was so desperate to show you all his love.
“Y/N, you’re mine?” He asked in the middle of everything, forcing yourself to open your eyes and try to answer, which seemed impossible.
“You... You will always be mine?” He said while he kept penetrating you and left kisses in your mouth, cheeks and neck.
“I-I’m yours Arthur! Only yours!” you almost cried of all the pleasant sensations that he put you through. You heard his moans, how he too suspires your name. He went back to your neck, leaving marks there too, and decided to left a few bites. You hugged him so tightly, wanted him to be closer to you, even though at that moment both were one. You were burning inside. Arthur took one of your hands and laced his fingers with yours, your and his screams were heard throughout the room, your heart was going to explode with love. The little drop on your necklace moved to the rhythm of Arthur hitting on you
“A-Arthur, Arthur! I-I’m…!” you couldn't help moan so loud his name, and when he felt your orgasm around him and your body shaking under him, he lost his mind.
“Oh Y/N! Oh!” And in a big yell, you felted his warm cum, feeling every drop fall inside you. He stayed for minutes inside you until his erection went down, and when he came out, you felt how his cum was coming out of you.
He dropped his forehead until it lightly hit with yours, breathing deeply and harder, falling in pieces. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer to you, felt his heartbeat. Arthur separates from you just a moment, just only to appreciate the beautiful woman who loves, lying down from him. He closed to you to kiss your forehead, kiss your cheek and kiss your lips once more. "I love you Y / N ... I love you ..."
“Art… I love you too…” You said in a fragile voice, which worried Arthur.
“Y/N? Are you okay darling?” He asked to you because get little worried, you breath deeply too and stay with your eyes closed.
“Yes Art… I just…” You giggled and he smiles. He really loves you more when you smile.
“What happened baby?” He took a pair of wet tufts of your hair. You, opened your eyes and tried to explain yourself, but you had a little difficulty doing it, until you finally could.
“I just… I can’t feel my legs” both started to laugh. Arthur again took you for your cheeks and kiss you. He got up and knowing that your legs couldn't react, he carried you back into his arms, taking you to the bedroom and laying down on the bed, immediately he lay down next to you and hugging you. Until that moment the bites and the marks that it had left began to burn a little, but that pain did not matter to you. That night you were finally going to sleep in Arthur's arms, it didn't matter if he was now Joker, if he was a dangerous person, you waited for that moment for a long time and it was the only thing that mattered to you.
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ohallthecrushes · 5 years
I got you stuck in my head, isn't it funny? Part 2 //Joker x Reader
A/N: First of all: Thank you so much for so many hearts and nice comments. I wasn’t expect that, really. 💓 I didn’t plan to write part 2, but you encouraged me to carry this on. And no smut this time, sorry ‘bout that. ^^ I think part 3 will contain something sexy. Also it’s much shorter, but I see it as an introduction to the situation reader found herself. I still need to plan this out in my head before I write it down.
Pairing: Joker x Reader
Contains: sickness sensation, mention of fire
Word Count: 1796
Summary: You’re locked in Arkham State Hospital. You’ve met Arthur Fleck during a group therapy, you exchanged looks with him and sometimes smiles, but you didn’t real talk with each other, he was too shy to approach you and you wanted to keep your guard up in a place like this, so you kinda avoided him. Later on, he left the hospital, while you stayed until the present day. Almost half a year passed by and you forgot about Arthur, but he didn’t forget about you.
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Your conscious came back to you in a few big waves of the ocean, coming from the hallway, flooding the isolation room and every corner of it, not giving you any chance to escape. Your naked body was clung onto the bed when the final wave flooded you completely, forcing you to wake up before you drowned.
You snapped your eyes open and took a deep breath in to see if you could still breathing. Lucky you, you hand't drowned, you were still pretty much alive. You blinked to clear your vision and you saw your hand resting on a white pillow in front of your face, and a white sheets covering you up to your face. No water, no waves, no fucking clowns around you. You'd been right from the beginning, you'd been dreaming a sex dream that had turned into a nightmare.
You closed your eyes and slowly stretched your body. You felt a little sore, but you had a rough night, probably you'd been throwing yourself on the bed all night because of that clown. You didn't know what time was it, but you always waited for a nurse to wake you up to give you your morning medicines, there was no need to get up too early.
I've got a great big bundle of love
And I have saved it all for you
Someone put on a music... in your room?
Ohh but I'm gonna demand a little favor
Honey let your loving be true
No, no, no, no, no. You uncovered yourself and lifted up on your elbow. Looking anxiously at things around you, you saw a window with white curtains, a yellow-brown wallpaper and a brown rug under the bed. This wasn't your isolation room, this wasn't even the hospital.
You shifted and turned your head to the left to look what was behind you, where the music was coming from. You'd already gotten used to the dizziness sensation in your head, but now it was combined with a sickness and you had to stop moving to prevent yourself from vomiting.
- I'm sorry for that... I really didn't mean to make you feel sick, it's just a side effect of the injection - a soft voice spoken from the other side of the room. The voice you already knew. The voice you'd last heard was in your head.
You shut your eyes for a moment to calm yourself down, to swallow a ball of fear growing inside your throat, and to tell yourself it wasn't as bad as it seemed, it couldn't be. And then you dare to look up. That part of the room that your eyes were examining now, was darker, the Sun couldn't reach out there, but you had no problem to spot Joker in his red suit, sitting in a green armchair, the painting on his face had been refreshed and he was playing with something small in his hand. Music was coming from an old school radio that was standing on a small wooden table next to the armchair.
- But I had to - he continued his apology, though for you any apology with a but in it wasn't an apology at all. It was rationalization. He was trying to justify his actions, nothing else.
But he was talking and you were going to let him do that. That was giving you a time to think and maybe understand his reasoning.
- There was going to be a riot out there in the hospital and I needed to get you out of there safe.
- Riot? Really? - you raised your eyebrow, your voice came out flat with a hint of sarcasm, you didn't believe him and he wasn't surprised by that, though he seemed to be a little bit disappointed by the way he sighed and moved his hand through his hair. You snorted at that -  Why didn't you just tell me that and let me leave this place on my own legs?
- Because you couldn't have - he asserted with a sad smile - You don't believe me now, why would you've believed me then? - his voice cracked a bit at the end and you wonder whether he kept his distance to make an illusion of you being safe or maybe because he wanted to hide his face in the shadow, so you couldn't read his face expression more clearly.
- And I knew - he continued with a more confident voice - that your anxiety wouldn't have let you leave the hospital or even the room.
He rotated that thing that he was holding and you heard a click, a small flame lighted up. He reached for a pack of cigarettes on the table and took one of it out, putting it between his lips and using the flame to light it up. He took a drag and looked at you in silence. For a while you both were just watching each other from the distance, you were carefully evaluating his words as he was calculating his next move.
Oh tender love and much affection
Girl you never know what's in store for you
Clouds of smoke left his mouth as he exhaled. You lifted yourself up, but you still felt sick and you knew you were in no condition to make any moves, not mention to even try and leave the bed.
Joker reached to the table again this time putting his hand on the radio to twist the control knob. The song cut off harshly and the station changed several times, switching through different news stations, before it stopped at one and he turned up the volume so you could hear it clearly. A woman, noticeably emotionally charged, was reporting the news.
- ...Arkham State Hospital where the morning incident's mobilized the police force and the fire department to rush there and fight with the fire. Right now they're still trying to bring the situation under control. At 7 a.m. the fire reached the third floor and access there is straitened, we have no confirmed information about any people still being trapped inside the building. All we know from unofficial sources is that most of the patients had escaped before the fire started. We don't know how many and how dangerous they are to themselves and oth-
With a quiet click the female voice stopped talking and suddenly you were surrounded by a deafening silence and the realization of what had happened there. The third floor is where the isolation room was. Your room. You'd been there just several hours ago and now this place was being consumed by fire. Tears filled your eyes as you realized you could have been dead by now, and you felt more sick than you'd been before. You covered your mouth with a hand to suppress the sickness in you but also to stop yourself from crying, and slid down on the bed, putting your head on the pillow as you wished you could just sink into the mattress and disappear.
You heard rushing movements and quick steps as Joker instantly got to you and sat on the bed, murmuring in a sweet tone of his voice that everything was going to be okey and that you were safe now. His hand brushed the hair off your forehead and stroke your cheek, and you saw a single tear falling down from his eye. It mixed with the blue paint, and it followed down the long trickle already formed on his cheek. Had he been crying before? That was the reason he'd been sitting in the darkness?
You let out a little sob, but you swallowed down the need to cry. You slowly uncovered your mouth and licked your dry lips.
- You saved my life... Thank you - your voice sounded more like a whisper, but he heard you and smiled, blinking away more tears from his eyes.
- I would never let anything bad happen to you, my angel.
He leaned down and kissed your forehead, his hot cigarette breath puffed against your skin.
- You need to rest - he said as he looked down at you - I have to leave you for now, but I promise I'll get back to you later, I have some things to take care off first.
You nodded and with that given confirmation from you, he could leave the room with less worries in his head. He wished he could stay with you, tell you everything, tell you the truth right away, tell you how much he'd missed you and that what he'd done had been done for you, to show you that he could take care of you and protect you now, so you could be with him and away from the cruel and evil-intentioned people of Gotham, that nothing was going to hurt you anymore.
But that wasn't the right time to do that, to say anything more than everything's going to be alright and to hope that you were going to believe that.
He had to do it right, otherwise, you'd hate him and everything he'd been working on would be destroyed in a blink of an eye.
He closed the door and quietly so you wouldn't hear, he turned the key to lock them.
You rolled to your left side and glanced at the radio. Your head started to hurt as you tried to gather the pieces of information you had and come to some logical conclusion. It was difficult, almost pointless, like having to put pieces of puzzle together when you had no picture of how it supposed to look like and you missed the important ones, like: why Arthur claimed to be Joker now and how did he know about the fire and what had happened in the hospital? There were more questions than answers and you hated to be left in the dark.
You rubbed your eyes and gave up on thinking. Your head slowly turned on its own radio station as your memory picked up the song that had been playing some minutes ago. You'd heard it before and even remember the lyrics to it. And even though It was just a random song from the radio, you didn't know why, but somehow the lyrics spoke to your subconscious mind giving you an impression like there was some creepy meaning hidden in it. And it made you shiver in dread.
Oh my darlin I love you You don't know how much I doo ooo
Except my great big bundle of love And you're gonna see
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Taglist: @curiouswildi, @greensadmoon, @obsessedandthirsty, @lady-carnivals-stuff, @creamofcorpse, @posessedxparrot, @geronimosanna
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hibiscus, zinnia (For both!)
Headcanon Meme
Hibiscus: How does your muse view the gentler, daintier things in life? As things worth preserving & caring for, or things only bound to wither & disappear? A: Arthur has a keen eye in admiring the delicate things in life because he thinks they are beautiful. He also likes to imagine how easily those things could be destroyed- though he would never want to destroy them himself. If he’s looking at something that looks like it’s withering away, it reminds him of himself. he feels as if he’s also withering away and he finds it peaceful to think that all things will come to an end and withering is the final stage of the process.  J: Ever since he’s ditched his old self, Joker often pays no mind to these sort of details anymore unless they are elements that he finds in someone he’s fallen in love with, then he will focus intensely on these details. If they are smaller than him, he would imagine that he could  easily break their wrist with a touch of his hand and therefore his touch would remain gentle because he doesn’t actually want break their wrist and these thoughts make him feel powerful and in control.  Zinnia: How has the loss of fallen comrades and/or loved ones affected your muse?  Has it taught them anything or given them any new perspectives? A: Arthur has not dealt with this sort of loss before- he has little to no recollection of his childhood. He always remembers it just being him and his mother and he’s never really had any friends. He has no experience with this so this doesn’t affect him. J: The only person that J has lost that he loved once upon a time was Penny Fleck. He used to think she was his mother but after discovering the truth about his childhood, he’s held so much resentment towards her that he lost all love for her. Despite this, her death has affected him in a way that brings him the sense of freedom. He’s freed himself from her grasp and it feels rejuvenating to him. His perspective on life hasn’t changed except for his new found feeling of freedom. 
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oscarrq · 5 years
‘Web Content Analysis: Expanding the Paradigm’ (2008) by Herring explores whether or not the current methods of ‘content analysis’ are sufficient enough when it comes to collecting web content and whether new methods should be applied. The research Herring is conducting I view as vital with web 2.0 offering a lot more information, allowing users to share content and upload various media which can be collected as data. Firstly, Herring outlines how there are two types of content analysis methods when it comes to web content, these are either traditional or non-traditional methods. Traditional methods of collection tend to follow a set of procedures, which can cause problems such as the narrowness of the data collection which is not allowing the researcher to collect a wide range of data but instead similar data (Herring, 2008, pp.3-4). Other problems discussed are that these procedures are rarely followed so should they even be in place (McMillan, 2000(Herring, 2008, p.4)).
Because of ‘said’ problems researchers have started to use non-traditional methods of content analysis which includes methods such as ‘Computer-Mediated Discourse Analysis’, which is described as being a ‘language-focused content analysis’ (Herring, 2008, p.5), which allows the collection of both quantitative and qualitative data. Other methods include social network analysis which particularly relates to the growth of web 2.0, where analysis is being held on sites which hold multimodality posts meaning there are multiples types of media held on one site (Herring, 2008, p.5). However, Herring outlines the various problems of content analysis on social media sites such as you cannot collect all data as users have private pages and not everyone speaks the same language making it harder for qualitative data (2008, p.10). Overall, this reading has a great in-depth look at the various types of content analysis through traditional and non-traditional methods, evaluating the challenges and methods of each.
After reading the ‘Disobedient Electronics’ magazine I found interest in a range of projects discussed such as the abortion drone and gun control projects, however the project which caught my interest was ‘Backlash’. Backlash is a project by Olivera and Chen, the project aims to improve privacy, securityand data through projects such as ‘Wearable: Panic Button’, ‘Jammer: Reclaim Privacy’, ‘Router: Offline Network’ and ‘Drive: Personal Blackbox’. The sub-project which caught my attention the most was the panic button where users with the wearable device can notify other users if an area is under conflict or unsafe, essentially releasing a conflict signal. A key selling point I found is that the wearable works independently to a smartphone, meaning that a piece of technology such as this is ideal to third world countries where the number of smartphones are relatively low. This product in particular I feel is a right step in a non-smartphone direction as most technology now days relies on a smartphone and this helps to create a new experience and protection for the user. Overall this project and product offer a great way of looking into a safer more secure world.
Disobedient Electronics - http://www.disobedientelectronics.com/
The speculative projective I have chosen to devise is to ‘design a zine that presents how people with mental health are represented in the media’, the media I have chosen to analyse for this is a film. For this I chose 1 film from each year from the past decade which involved a character with a mental illness as part of the narrative, these were as follows:
Joker – Arthur Fleck / Joker
A Star is Born – Jackson Maine
Manchester by the Sea – Lee Chandler
Finding Dory – Dory
Inside Out – Riley
Gone Girl – Amy Dunne
Don Jon – Jon Martello Jr.
Silver Linings Playbook – Patrizio and Tiffany
Winnie the Pooh – Pooh
Shutter Island – Teddy Daniels
Once I had collected these I began data collection through simple web searches and from my knowledge of the film, such as Joker which was a film I saw recently. The representation of characters in the film especially with mental health should be constructed carefully as these characters will either be positive or negative representations of the condition.
DATA - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dftqGJ5ApytIIV0FH72Y_NQFIItPu2aBJRzXmMALKOQ/edit?usp=sharing
From my content analysis, it is visible that mental health is visible in all films from Pixar, comic book and indie films. The mental illnesses range from common issues such as depression to more rare conditions such as Pseudobulbar affect visible in Joker which is when an individual cannot prevent from laughing. Concerning my speculative project, I found that there are many representations and types of mental illnesses across a film which can be viewed as positive, mixed or negative representations of mental illnesses.
Herring S.C. 2009. 'Web ContentAnalysis: Expanding the Paradigm.' In: Hunsinger J., Klastrup L., Allen M. (eds) International Handbook of Internet Research. Springer, Verlag. pp.1-18.
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a-xxj0kerxx · 5 years
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xxj0kerxx · 4 years
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a-xxj0kerxx · 5 years
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a-xxj0kerxx · 5 years
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
I wouldn't mind if Arthur stalked me! Actualy I want him to! Am I crazy? Probably...but that's why I fit right into this fandom lol. Anyway, if requests are opened can I get one where you live in the same building as Arthur and he has a crush on you but is afraid to approach you 'cause he think you are definitely going to reject him, so he stalks you trying to build up a courage to talk to you?
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TW; swearing, smoking, stalking, reader is aware of Arthur’s tactics + finds it amusing, err… think that’s it? I tried hard to not romanticise stalking in this, I’m not too sure if I managed it or not.
This one isn’t quite what you were after because it ran away with me like it usually does, but I hope you enjoy it anyway!
Word count: 1, 141.
As you came out of your flat on the eighth floor, you noticed the flash of a familiar well loved yellow hoodie disappear into a room down the hall, the door slamming shut in Arthur’s haste to not get caught by your expectant eyes. You grinned to yourself. It was kind of cute, in a weird way, how desperately he tried every morning, without fail, to catch you coming out of your apartment just so that he could talk to you. Every morning did he wait for you, and every morning did he chicken out of whatever he was truly after. It was slightly weird, but you found it endearing, too. Arthur just kept trying and it was admirable. The world hadn’t beaten him into the ground just yet, like it did to so many others.
The scent of cigarettes hung heavily in the air, making the already dirty corridor air seem even hazier than it already was. All around you could you feel the presence of Arthur Fleck, your sweet but eccentric neighbour. His closeness comforted you as you walked down the corridor towards the eight flights of stairs. You weren’t going to risk the lift; it wasn’t worth being late for work again. You couldn’t afford to get fired, and so it was with a silent apology to your body and a quiet thanks to the thoughts that had made you put actual effort in eating breakfast this morning that you took to the stairs, feeling claustrophobic and dirty all the while. The city was dirty, polluted, from the inside out, and it showed greatly.
You suspected that Arthur would take the stairs this morning, too, and when a door slammed shut above you, you grinned and sped up a little. You had always had a secret thrill run through you whenever your eyes met Arthur’s own, and you knew that he had a crush on you. So socially undeveloped was he that he found it hard to talk to people, so you could forgive him for his stalking. It was creepy, sure, but people talked when they lived in apartment complexes and so you had come to know why Arthur was socially shunned, berated by all for simply being himself. Your heart had bled for him, and though you often extended an olive branch his way, he never seemed to take it. Or, more accurately, he didn’t know how to take it. It didn’t matter. You would help him when the opportunity presented itself.
Instead of approaching you like a socially adept person would, Arthur followed you to and from work most days, and would always chicken out first thing in the morning when he wanted to speak to you. You made way more allowances for his stalking and creepy ways than you would for anybody else; truth be told, his interest in you was mutual, and you were just waiting for that small voice in the back of your head to tell you that now was the time to give him what he was chasing so desperately; a chance to talk to you.
Footsteps behind you, slow and measured. You turned your head just enough to see a flash of yellow and you grinned to yourself. Perfect. As you reached the next flight of stairs did you spin around, meeting Arthur full on. He stepped back, startled, and you bit back a smirk. It served him right.
“Are you following me?”
“O-oh, I, uh… y-yeah.” Arthur stammered, his face already an interesting shade of red, and you smiled.
“I thought so. Why?” This should be good. You already knew why, but you wanted to see what he would say. You wanted to know if the things people said about him were true; that he was a freak. You didn’t think he was - you had always hated that word and everything it stood for, having been on the receiving end of it as an insult for years back when you had been at school - but people weren’t forgiving of those who stood out in a society that wanted copies of a copy, watered down into submission over the generations.
“I, err… I-I’m sorry, I- I didn’t mean anything - “
“Yes, you did. You do.” You smiled and carried on walking, not looking back to see if he was following you. You knew he would. He would always follow you. You wondered if he thought he was being protective. “Why do you wait for me every morning?”
“I want to talk to you.” His voice was soft, his tone patient and gentle. You saw once again that he was misguided in how he was often trying to talk to you, but he was so sweet and childlike that you found yourself not minding it all that much.
“What could the mysterious Arthur Fleck want with me?”
“You seem nice and I - “ A soft choking noise left his throat and he winced, clasped a hand to his throat. You had heard his laughing fits from where you lived down the hall, and you often found yourself wanting to help him. You could never figure out how to approach him with it though, and so you kept to yourself, all the while wishing you were braver, kinder, better and more deserving of the man whose affections for you weren’t as unrequited as he obviously feared. The two of you stopped walking on the middle of the last flight of stairs.
“Just breathe.” You spoke loud enough for him to hear you, and made sure to hold his eyes with your own. You didn’t touch him, but you stayed within arm’s reach in case you had to help him suddenly. You were definitely late for work now. You would have to catch the next train, if it wasn’t running late. Your paycheck wouldn’t be quite so generous this month and you could only hope that nothing unexpectedly popped up by way of finances; things would be tight as it was.
“T-thank you. That’s really kind of you.”
You nodded, deliberately not eyeing how thin he was, even through his baggy clothes. You had been raised better than that, though you did extend another olive branch to see if you couldn’t feed him up a bit without his knowing. “Sure. So, do you wanna come ‘round for dinner tonight? I’ll cook.”
Arthur nodded, looking down at the floor. You carried on walking once more, entering the foyer, and as you reached the big double doors that led you out onto the dirty streets of Gotham, you said, “Great! Pick me up from work at the usual time. Bye, Arthur!”
And you were gone.
When Arthur went to work that morning, he had a slight spring in his step and a smile on his face. Things were looking up.
The Arthur Fleck/Joker Defense Squad @writings-of-a-gen-z @x-avantgarde-x @mapreza1 @insomniabird @mavalenovaninagavi @itwasrealenough @morrisonmercurymalek  @rand0ms-fand0ms @rafaelina-casillas @aclownthing @rebs-doom @vivft @help-i-am-obssessed @autumnaffection @taintednihilist @vladtoly @mg-woolf99 @misstgrey92 @that-s-life @dopey-girl-blogs @seeking-dreamland @sweetheart-syndrome @heartxfdesire @xmusichealsthesoulx @0callmejude0 @the-one-that-likes-riddles @hannibalsslut @folliaght @freeeshavacadoo @bingewatchingmylifegoby @unlovedbyeveryoneandeverything @okamiredfoxx @sp0okysp0oky @the-pandorabox @mardema @jibanyyan @honeyflvredcoughdrop @emissarydecksetter @jokerfleckk @epidendroideae @chuuntas @stillmabel @pumpkinpeyes@onehystericalqueenposts @the-jokers-wolf @nalsswa @justahyena @arianatheangelworld @soullessblondbitch @gothamslittlejester @twentyonestarrynights @sirianfromsixties @kissmeclownman @joker-is-my-hero @lazyloosah @lovesickkloxx @ladylovelyluna @live-love-loki
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
If it’s possible could you do a jealous/possessive/obsessive Arthur fleck headcanon. Either him x reader are dating or he just has a crush from afar, it’s up to you.
Okay, lovies - I couldn’t decide whether to do this for Arthur or also for Joker so guess what?! 
I’mma do both and if that’s not a big fucking Mood™ then I don’t know what is sksksksk enjoyyyyy
I’ve written this so you’re already together - I couldn’t think of a way to incorporate jealousy in a healthy way before you’re together lmao also there are unhealthy elements to this piece so if this may affect you (it’s nothing major but there are obsessive elements) then I’d advise skipping this one.
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Arthur trusts you, this is true.
But it’s others he doesn’t trust.
He doesn’t trust that every time you leave his flat, you’ll come home safe and unharmed.
He doesn’t trust that someone won’t steal you away from him.
He doesn’t trust that you won’t leave him for someone more attractive (shush darling you’re beautiful), someone stronger, someone richer, someone better than he is.
Arthur doesn’t trust himself, most of all, so even if he was literally the only man in your life, the only male you interact with, he would still worry that you’re going to leave him or that you have someone else.
He wouldn’t ever voice these thoughts. He wouldn’t want to damage your thoughts of him.
But it’s obvious once you learn all his nervous physical tells:
The leg bouncing
The lip biting
The eyebrow picking
The laughter
When someone talks to you and Arthur doesn’t know who they are to you, he’ll stand a little bit closer.
When you leave, he won’t say anything but his silence is heavy.
“It’s okay, honey, they’re my sibling/friend/co-worker/teacher/other”
Arthur would make a soft ‘hm’ noise to let you know that he heard you but other than that, he shows no signs that he heard you, so lost in his neuroses is he.
It’s the times you say “I have no idea who that was” that he gets worried.
His eyes would sharpen on your face. “You don’t?” 
He’d look back towards that person, anger quickly building in his eyes.
You’d grab his wrist to keep him by your side. You know what he’s like. 
He’d run after that person and demand to know their business with you if you didn’t grab his wrist.
When it’s a friend/co-worker etc. Arthur would just stand beside you. He wouldn’t do or say anything but the way his fingers start to shake in your grasp give him away.
Gentle smiles and smol cheek kisses keep him calm, though.
If you’re not into PDA that’s okay - he understands.
Shoot him a few smiles, though, to calm his nerves.
Patience and persistence is the key to dating Arthur.
You have to be so gentle, so patient, and you have to do it every day.
Every day does he improve somewhat but relapses are also a part of recovery so sometimes you’re wondering if he even trusts you at all, whereas he’s waiting for you to just… leave.
If someone is bothering you - flirting with you in front of Arthur - then he expects you to tell the person that you’ve got a partner, thank you very much.
He’d bite back a smile when you tell them you have a partner.
If the person gets pushy then Arthur is there with a “Hey, Y/N said she has me. Back off.”
He’s taken punches for saying things like that but he’s also more than happy to give out punches if someone carries on flirting with you.
You’ll patch him up each and every time, telling him that you don’t need protecting, you can take care of yourself but thank you.
You’ll kiss his cheek and a blush will spread like wildfire across his face.
He’s clingy.
Touch grounds him, keeps him here in the moment, so when you’re home he’s always touching you somehow.
A hand on your thigh when you’re watching the Murray Show together.
A hand in yours when you’re working on something.
Cuddling in bed - he’s a proper limpet.
Dancing with you involves him pulling you so close you can feel his heart pounding against your chest.
His head in your lap, your fingers in his hair.
Your head in his lap or rested against his shoulder.
A hand on the small of your back before he wraps his arms around your waist, his chin rested on your shoulder while you’re cooking or doing the dishes.
Kisses all the time for any reason.
Anywhere he can reach does he kiss you.
He loves to grab your face in his hands and smother you with kisses until you’re a giggling mess.
“I’ve got the whole world in my hands” and a gentle kiss to the tip of your nose, his green eyes full of so much love it’s making him cry.
Please just hold our boy. He needs it so much and he deserves the world.
When you’re out in public, he does like to be touching you so that he knows you’re real and not just another delusion, so he can keep you by his side. 
When you’re on the subway or the bus, he absolutely must sit shoulders, thighs and knees with you. He must or a laughing fit is a certainty.
It may well happen anyway, it usually does, but feeling you pressed against his side helps like nothing else.
Arthur is possessive of you, obsessed with you, and he trusts that you’ll handle anyone who tries to flirt with you when he’s not beside you etc.
As he starts to give into himself more and more does his possession over you grow a little darker, a little more dangerous…
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If someone flirts with you now, he will say something whether or not you’re already opening your mouth to do the same.
When you get angry or annoyed because “I can take care of myself!” he just giggles and shrugs before swanning off to do who knows what.
Anyone who ignores his words and still tries to flirt with you or get you away from him goes missing some weeks after, just long enough for no one to connect him to the crime, and is never seen again.
Not alive, anyway.
You don’t ask because you don’t wanna know.
You just wash out the suspicious red stains on his clothing and you try really hard to not think about what it is.
You’re not naive, you’re not stupid. You know it’s blood.
It’s just that thinking about Joker having blood on his clothes makes you worry that he’s injured and that upsets you. 
He hates seeing you cry so you’d rather just tell yourself it’s paint.
Anything you tell yourself to stay sane is worth repeating.
Joker would take to leaving marks all over your body.
And he means all over.
“You’re mine, doll,” he’d grin, “say it. I want to hear you say who you belong to.”
“I’m yours, A-Arthur - “ Your fingers grip the collar of his red blazer. “But I wanna hear you say that you’re mine, too.”
His grin would widen and he’d kiss you soundly. Fuck keeping his makeup neat and tidy - he likes it better messy.
“Of course I’m yours, Y/N.”
You’re the only one allowed to still call him Arthur.
He’s the same man at his core, so why wouldn’t you?
As Joker, everything about Arthur is ramped up 10x so really, he’s still the same man who loves you dearly. 
He’s more protective now that he has the means with which to protect you, and he’s got the confidence to carry it off, too.
Anyone who threatens your safety or well being would have to go up against Joker and that is a deadly game to play.
In this case, the one who dares doesn’t win.
The Arthur Fleck/Joker Defense Squad @writings-of-a-gen-z                      @x-avantgarde-x       @insomniabird      @mavalenovaninagavi     @itwasrealenough     @morrisonmercurymalek     @rand0ms-fand0ms     @rafaelina-casillas     @aclownthing      @rebs-doom      @vivft                  @help-i-am-obssessed      @autumnaffection       @taintednihilist   @vladtoly   @mg-woolf99      @misstgrey92  @that-s-life   @dopey-girl-blogs         @seeking-dreamland      @sweetheart-syndrome      @heartxfdesire  @xmusichealsthesoulx       @0callmejude0      @the-one-that-likes-riddles        @hannibalsslut       @folliaght            @freeeshavacadoo         @bingewatchingmylifegoby       @unlovedbyeveryoneandeverything  @okamiredfoxx       @sp0okysp0oky  @the-pandorabox      @mardema  @jibanyyan        @honeyflvredcoughdrop         @emissarydecksetter  @jokerfleckk         @epidendroideae         @chuuntas          @stillmabel       @pumpkinpeyes  @onehystericalqueenposts  @the-jokers-wolf  @nalsswa  @justahyena  @arianatheangelworld  @soullessblondbitch  @gothamslittlejester  @twentyonestarrynights  @sirianfromsixties  @kissmeclownman              @joker-is-my-hero  @lazyloosah  @lovesickkloxx  @ladylovelyluna             @live-love-loki  @clownerybbxx   @tragicarthur    @anmach123          @rommie-chan      @arthurflock     @lucyboytom          @anti-peach                      @immortal-bi-bitch    @hearthurfleck      @crazieroutthere      @curlystark     @hailmary-yramliah    @sagyunaro     @playinthedarktillitsgoldenagain     @jokeringcutio      @xenthefox   @mijachula @stcrrynightsinneverlcnd      @cheyennejonas22    @mrjfleck      @pauli1100     @smitten-susie    @actualkey     @callmejokerfleck   @jaylovesbats    @itsforyoubitch      @ridiculousnerd     @killerprotector3579       @soulsdontbreaktheybeeend     @fantasticwinnerclodexpert                  @arthurs-sweater      @pinkie44pie    @tsukiakarinobara      @prettyxlittlexpsychoxprincess     @darkvampiplier     @yours-mia    @rustyt33th     @parkdonghoons      @lady-carnivals-stuff                         @hobi-hobi-kyo-kkyu      @jupiturde
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
For the headcanon thing (if my suggestion even counts as one); how about Arthur joins or is joined by reader in the shower/bathub? I don't mind smut since it'd fit but I think it would also work SFW, however it's up to you - knowing your writing it would be great and sweet either way! :)
Thank you so much nonnie! I was gonna do both SFW and NSFW for this one but I posted the filthiest thing I’ve ever written yesterday (A Bloody Smile) so I’m gonna go with soft and sweet SFW for this one!
It seems kinda obvious but there’s nudity in this; no smut though! Just two weary adults sharing water.
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It was the end of just another day for you and you wanted to go home.
Well, no… You wouldn’t mind walking through your front door but even then, surrounded by pieces of you and your comforts, you wouldn’t really be home.
Not until you saw your Arthur.
Only when his arms surrounded you would you be home, and thoughts of this keep you company throughout the day, partially filling the void in your heart put there by his physical absence.
Your journey home somehow took forever and yet no time at all; so consumed were you by thoughts of going home to Arthur.
People gave you strange looks for smiling so widely on your way home, but you barely noticed them.
They didn’t have the one thing that you did and you almost felt sad for them.
They would never know the absolute gift that was loving Arthur Fleck and being loved by him in return.
But you did.
You knew how lucky you were and it was for this reason that, in the moments you were conscious of it, did you wear your smile proudly.
Let them stare. It wasn’t like you were ever gonna see any of them again, anyway.
You practically ran up those horrible concrete steps, racing through the filthy streets of Gotham.
With the thrill that came from knowing that in minutes would you be seeing Arthur, you had the physical energy needed to forgo the rickety old lift entirely and soon you were at your shared apartment.
Despite your excitement at finally being in the place you knew Arthur would be, you entered slow enough so that, if he was lingering by the doorway, Arthur had enough time to get out of the way.
You had once hit him with the door on your way in, not knowing that he had his face pressed up against it; looking for you through the small peephole.
You had apologised a 1000000 times that night and each time had Arthur giggled and kissed you; he didn’t mind. It wasn’t like you had done it on purpose, though it had stung a little.
Not that he would tell you that.
He had just laughed through the slight pain ‘til he hadn’t felt it anymore, just like he dealt with everything else in his life.
This time, though, there was no one there.
You weren’t even slightly disappointed that Arthur hadn’t been waiting for you at the door like an excited puppy when their human goes to the kitchen. Not even a little. Nope.
You ignored the little voice in your head that called you a liar.
You could hear the radio being played in the bathroom, and you followed the sound easily; as if there was a rope between Arthur’s body and your own. 
You were being pulled to his side by the mere knowledge that he was just on the other side of the door and you were powerless to stop yourself; not that you ever would.
Arthur was a force unto himself and never would or could you resist him.
You knocked three times in rapid succession with the second knuckle of an index finger and let yourself in, smiling at the sight which greeted you:
Arthur in the bath, bubbles everywhere. 
It was in his hair, on his face, all over his body; he even had some bubbles on the tiles.
You had known that Arthur liked bubble baths but even this surprised you for a few seconds before you smiled gently at the man sat in the tub.
He was so soft and you loved him so much for it.
“Well, someone’s having fun.”
Even though you had knocked, Arthur still jumped at the sound of your voice.
You smiled at him and raised a hand in a tired greeting. “Hey.”
“Hi!” A small smile quickly dominated the whole of his mouth as Arthur took in the sight of you.
His smile soon turned into a frown, his strong dark brows creased in the middle; deepening the early wrinkles already there.
“You look tired.”
You shrugged, walked fully into the bathroom, shutting the door behind you. 
“No more than you do.”
As Arthur spoke, you made your way over to him, toeing off your shoes and tugging off your coat, your bag and anything else that was strictly for the Outside World, which you wanted nothing to do with for the rest of the day.
It took so much from you and rarely gave back; so it could all go away for now.
So long as you had Arthur, you had everything.
You sat on the edge of the bathtub, your fingers sliding into Arthur’s wet curls.
His eyes closed in bliss as you lightly scratched his scalp.
“Have you washed your hair yet, honey?”
“No,” He hummed, “Was hoping you would be home in time.”
That was a daring admission in Arthur’s book and you rewarded him with a kiss, having to lean over in a slightly awkward manner to do so.
With your lips on his, your fingers in his hair, did tensions build, but you didn’t want that. 
You just wanted to relax in his presence and have Arthur relax, too.
You pulled away from the kiss just in time to see Arthur looking dazed as he opened his eyes and you smiled, reaching over to grab the shampoo that he preferred to use - yours.
It made his hair smell like you, it made his pillows smell like you, and it helped him so much during the day to have pieces of you all around him; so that it was hard to deny the reality.
His delusions were far less vivid, less controlling of his perception of reality, when he had solid evidence to say that you were real.
You got to work on washing Arthur’s hair, massaging his scalp as you worked the suds through his dark curls; Arthur’s face was tipped towards the ceiling, a rare serene smile on his lips.
Periodically did you murmur instructions - tilt your head back a bit more, keep your eyes closed, stay still for me - and Arthur listened to everything.
Sometimes he would moan quietly or arch into your touch.
He was so touch starved that even the simplest of touches were almost sensual to him. 
Every time he moaned, you would say something like “you’re so good for me, love” or some other small praise, which would only make him smile a little wider.
You just wanted to love him so hard that his life seemed infinitely better with you by his side.
Little did you know, all you had to do was stay - even without all these tender affections was Arthur’s life made better by your existence.
You rinsed out the suds and then conditioned his hair, grinning at the thought of how soft and fluffy it would be when you were done.
Maybe he would even let you brush it.
You knew he would - he trusted you completely.
When at last his hair was done did Arthur’s hand encircle one of your wrists as his intense greens met your eyes.
Though he said nothing, you saw his wants written on his face as clearly as if he had written join me? on his forehead in ink.
You stood from the side of the bath, undressed without a care - you ignored his hitched breath, his choked inhale, and put a hand on his shoulder - move forward - as he did so, you climbed in behind him, using your grip on that same shoulder to tug him back into resting against your chest.
You cuddled until the bath water started to grow cold.
You made it a point to press kisses to the bruises which littered Arthur’s back so densely that it was rare to find a spot of unblemished skin.
You were glad that he couldn’t see your face; it made hiding your tears that much easier.
You kissed every single bruise, trying to heal him with the strength of your love.
If such a thing worked in real life then never again would Arthur feel even a twinge of pain for the rest of his life.
As you cuddled, you spoke about your days, traded jokes, and just basked in each other’s company.
There was nothing you loved more than quiet nights like this, and even in the future when he grew darker, more sure of himself, when he traded what the world expected of him for who he really was, did you still enjoy and cherish nights like this.
For always would you come home to each other; no matter what.
The Arthur Fleck/Joker Defense Squad @writings-of-a-gen-z                      @x-avantgarde-x       @insomniabird      @mavalenovaninagavi     @itwasrealenough     @morrisonmercurymalek     @rand0ms-fand0ms     @rafaelina-casillas     @aclownthing      @rebs-doom      @vivft                  @help-i-am-obssessed      @autumnaffection       @taintednihilist   @vladtoly   @mg-woolf99      @misstgrey92  @that-s-life   @dopey-girl-blogs         @seeking-dreamland      @sweetheart-syndrome      @heartxfdesire @xmusichealsthesoulx       @0callmejude0      @the-one-that-likes-riddles        @hannibalsslut       @folliaght            @freeeshavacadoo         @bingewatchingmylifegoby       @unlovedbyeveryoneandeverything @okamiredfoxx       @sp0okysp0oky  @the-pandorabox      @mardema @jibanyyan        @honeyflvredcoughdrop         @emissarydecksetter @jokerfleckk         @epidendroideae         @chuuntas          @stillmabel       @pumpkinpeyes       @onehystericalqueenposts       @the-jokers-wolf       @nalsswa  @justahyena       @arianatheangelworld  @soullessblondbitch @gothamslittlejester  @twentyonestarrynights  @sirianfromsixties @kissmeclownman    @joker-is-my-hero  @lazyloosah  @lovesickkloxx @ladylovelyluna      @live-love-loki  @clownerybbxx   @tragicarthur    @anmach123      @rommie-chan      @arthurflock     @lucyboytom              @anti-peach       @immortal-bi-bitch    @hearthurfleck      @crazieroutthere      @curlystark     @hailmary-yramliah    @sagyunaro     @playinthedarktillitsgoldenagain     @jokeringcutio      @xenthefox   @mijachula@stcrrynightsinneverlcnd      @cheyennejonas22    @mrjfleck      @pauli1100     @smitten-susie    @actualkey     @callmejokerfleck   @jaylovesbats    @itsforyoubitch      @ridiculousnerd     @killerprotector3579       @soulsdontbreaktheybeeend     @fantasticwinnerclodexpert                  @arthurs-sweater      @pinkie44pie    @tsukiakarinobara      @prettyxlittlexpsychoxprincess   @elodia-gahan   @yours-mia    @rustyt33th     @parkdonghoons      @lady-carnivals-stuff      @hobi-hobi-kyo-kkyu      @jupiturde        @incognitofish      @j-sux      @nothing-but-a-comedy      @tahliamalfoydepp
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