#j → dean valentine (affections)
xxj0kerxx · 3 years
because my tags are apparently fucked.
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a-xxj0kerxx · 5 years
😍 // for Megan
send me a 😍 and i’ll find a picture of your muse’s faceclaim that i really like
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Supernatural Valentines Scenario Game
(Link to Scenario Games Masterlist)
Rules/What you do: Just match the month/day/letter to yourself and you got yourself a cute little scenario to imagine lol. And you can also leave in the tags or comments, what your scenario is :)
*Please consider reblogging or tagging your friends/mutuals to share this around.
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Your Birth Month:
January: Dean Winchester
February: Kevin Tran
March: Gadreel
April: Castiel
May: Gabriel
June: Balthazar
July: Adam Milligan
August: Benny Lafitte
September: Sam Winchester
October: Lucifer
November: Crowley
December: John Winchester
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Your Birth Date:
1: Takes you on a picnic... 2: Makes you a Valentines themed breakfast... 3: Asks you to marry them... 4: Leaves you an anonymous love letter... 5: Takes you on a Valentines weekend away... 6: Takes you out to a fancy dinner... 7: Writes you a love poem... 8: Takes you to an arcade... 9: Builds you a pillow fort/theater... 10: Leaves hundreds of flowers around your house... 11: Leaves you an anonymous gift... 12: Surprises you with your favorite food... 13: Takes you to a festival/fair... 14: Makes you cookies... 15: Takes you on a day trip... 16: Surprises you after being gone for a long time... 17: Asks you to be their s/o... 18: Surprises you with a puppy/kitten... 19: Whisks you away on a trip... 20: Makes you a handmade gift... 21: Makes you dinner... 22: Surprises you with chocolates/candy... 23: Leaves you gifts throughout the day... 24: Takes you stargazing... 25: Sets up a fancy at home dinner... 26: Writes you a love letter... 27: Takes you dancing... 28: Takes you to a drive in movie... 29: Surprises you with your favorite flowers... 30: Gives you a giant stuff animal... 31: Surprises you with a token of their affection...
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Fist Letter of Your Name (Or Username):
A-E: Just to make you happy.
F-J: For your first Valentines together.
K-O: As your Valentines gift.
P-V: To confess their love for you.
W-Z: Because it is your anniversary.
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I apologize if your combo/matchup does not make sense, it is hard to make sure that every single combination does.
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sibsteria · 4 years
valentines [spn cast and characters]
summary: how much do they care for it? what do they do?
warning: fluff, smut-ish, my frazzled single brain
Misha Collins:
• he won't admit that he kinda loves it
• he'd definitely cooks
• but always gets distracted
• by you
• if you have kids, they are away that night
• the traditional dinner doesn't last long before you're both attached by the lips
• whatever alcohol is being consumed has a cute romantic twist
• you're up all night
• so many hugs
Richard Speight Jr:
• he kind of cares for it
• like, a sweet gesture is as far as it goes
• a gift and a movie
• but also
• he so buys heart printed boxers to make you laugh
• and you do, you laugh so hard
• like, everything is so serious and going smoothly
• and his pants are off and just-
• absolute hilarity
Sebastian Roche:
• it's more of a 'if you do, he does' situation
• you'd bake together
• even though he's awful at it
• everything comes out half decent and edible
• he just wants a chill day
• hardly any movement and you don't leave the house
• I repeat
• don't
Rob Benedict:
• fucking cringy bitch, he likes it enough to make you blush all day
• writes a small song about you both
• obviously on an acoustic
• he recreates your first date because he's that guy
• meaningful gifts rather than expensive ones
• the affection king
Mark Pellegrino:
• he doesn't care for it but will do anything to make you smile
• rolls his eyes at the cringy sexual jokes you aim at him
• but then he makes up for it by bringing them to life at the end of the evening
• y'all just kind of act like it's a normal day
• with more affection
• mostly from Frankie
Alexander Calvert:
• thinks he has to impress you, so he tries
• definitely a flowers guy
• the kind to steal kisses at any given moment
• a romantic at heart, but he hides it well
• that evening though-
• the hottest sex you've had in your life
• he wears the necklace
• it's a cold opposite to the heat of the moment
Felicia Day:
• when I say valentines, you say romance
• she's the queen of making you feel loved
• she can't pull herself off  away from you
• wine and her romantic spotify playlist
• you wear her t-shirt and nothing else, all day
• the sex? absolutely spectacular
Mark Sheppard:
• he cares for it more than he'd like to
• but not enough to give you the satisfaction of a romantic dinner
• did someone say takeout? mark sheppard did
• you don't even care, just not being alone on valentine's is enough (yes I'm looking at you)
• bed ridden and pyjamas
• sweet hugs that last forever
Ruth Connell:
• you try your hardest to refuse all the romance
• in no way is she going to let that happen
• chocolates, flowers, candles, dinner, music
• she doesn't waste time
• big softy
• has no clue why there's heart shaped confections and objects everywhere
• asks Sam and Dean what's going on
• if you two aren't dating he will absolutely ask you to be his Valentine in a traditional way
• valentine's alcohol bottle? check
• sweet card? check
• innuendoes that make you choke on your spit? bingo
• if you are dating already he'll give you a bouquet of chocolate roses
• you'll get him a custom tie with everything he loves on
• pb&j, bees, dean
• he has no idea what is going on, but wants in
• to be frank, he doesn't give a shit, but loves you so-
• he will wear the moustache with or without your protests
• try every line in the book to bed you
• chocolate ! covered ! everything !
• -and that's just for him
• turns your room into a valentine's dungeon, hearts, banners, flowers (so many), everything is pink and red and- ugh
• you hate it but kind of love it
• and you love him for doing this without asking
• he will talk you into some food play with like, chocolate and whipped cream and shit
• you get it in your bellybutton and slap his head away before he can get it, wiping it off yourself
• wants nothing to do with the 'holiday'
• you reassure him it's fine and that you don't care
• but your thoughts say different
• so he caves and writes you a poem
• it's the most beautiful thing you have ever heard
• man has a way with words
• and you have your way with him
• the one ability he can't give himself is the love he feels for you
• he hardly says it, but he doesn't have to
• because you know
• from the way he looks at you, treats you, talks to you
• it's so obvious
Jack Kline:
• much like Cas, a discussion between him and the Winchester's gives him the knowledge he needs
• omg sweet baby is obsessed with Valentine's day
• he keeps handing you things, one after another throughout the day
• not everything is store bought
• 'I made this for you!' you fucking melt 'I saw it online and- I thought of you, I wanted to make it so I could make you happy'
• but you don't need things to make you happy
• he makes you happy
• and when he hears your thoughts say that he just-
• he almost cries, he hugs you tighter than anyone ever could
• 'you make me the happiest'
• he's just a big bundle of cuteness
• just, no
• neither of you care
• you torment all the couples on dates, making things go wrong
• making them spill things on themselves
• the waiters 'slip' with their food
• a little more sinister ones like- making it look like their s/o is cheating
• and if you don't like that, he will stop
• deep down, it kind of is a date
• two people who love each other to the ends of earth, doing something that makes them happy
• he takes a break from rough fucking to make you feel adored
• even though you always feel adored
• because Lucifer himself, is taking up his time with you
• he asks you if you want to do anything and you say no
• he's so confused and sceptical
• he's lowkey kind of hurt that you don't want to spend romantic time with him, lowkey
• oh, if only he knew your plan
• you ask him if he wants to watch a movie
• he hops at the opportunity to do something with you and goes all out
• expensive wine, snacks, flowers, so many snacks
• he lets you pick
• he looks at you like your his world
• and then Titanic starts
• his soft grin drops and he rolls his eyes
• 'really?' 'really.'
• he doesn't really care though, he has you
• tells everyone to fuck off so he can have time with you, completely alone
• he just wants to be loved, and so you do that exactly
• you muster up all your romantic stops, and bam-
• you pester your angel friend to help set up décor and snap up some things
• he has no idea until he actually sees it for himself
• he wants to cry, but uses everything in himself not to
• no one has ever done anything like this for him
• he know your special, and he knows he can't let you go
• that night, if you don't already have it, he offers you immortality
• to be with him forever
• you'd be the queen of hell for eternity
• you instantly say yes with no hesitation
• he is taken back by your acceptance
• but in a heart melting way
Charlie Bradbury:
• she loves it when she has you to spend it with
• you send each other valentines card memes throughout the day
• fancy takeout with candles and music
• bathing together because intimacy
• you but new lingerie
• so does she
• 'love that colour on you' you make her blush so much
• she likes to think she hold the reigns in the relationship
• she is so wrong
Rowena MacLeod:
• like, no
• she'll kiss you like her life depends on it but
• not much goes on
• you might treat each other to a stamina spell so you can really stay up all night
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trickkombowerskru · 6 years
Relationship ABC’S-Jack Kline
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Request: Anonymous: omg could you do a jack kline relationship abc's?
Warnings: None
A- Anniversary
(What would they do for your anniversary?)
Jack is such a sweetheart bless, he would go all out for your anniversary giving you the best time  
B -Birthday
(How would they celebrate your birthday?)
He would adorably try to make you a cake, and fails, but fear not he uses his powers to fix it after you come back to the bunker and see him covered in frosting, adorably holding, a spatula, then proceeds to treat you even more lie a princess 
C- Cook
(Do they cook? Can they cook? What food do they like to cook for you?)
As mentioned in the cake inicident, this sweet boy cannot cook, but he is down to learn if you want to teach him how to make meals
D- Domestic
(How domestic are they? Would they clean/cook? Help you clean/cook? Or would they just mess everything up?)
Oh my gosh Jack is so domestic, it’s the cutest thing, he’s either trying to help you cook or helping out around the bunker 
E- Effort
(How much effort do they put into your relationship?)
Considering you’re his first relationship he puts so much effort into it, whether that be asking Sam and Dean for advice, or reading up about stuff online, he jsut wants things to be as perfect as they can be because he loves you so much
F- First Date
(Where do you go on your first date? How does it go? etc…)
It was at the diner you two shared a milkshake, and it went amazing
G- Gifts
(What kind of gifts do they give you? What kind of gifts do they like receive? etc…)
Jack likes to get you adorable little things with sentiment, he’s such a good listener so even the tiniest hinting you say about liking something he’ll get it 
H- Honeymoon
(Where do you go on your Honeymoon?)
He let’s you pick a time period and then you two time travel there with the help of his powers
I- Intimacy
(how touchy feely are they? when would they become comfortable to be touchy feely?)
Oh Jack is so intimate with you, he loves holding you close in any way, shape, or form, even if it’s just holding your hand
J- Jealous
( How jealous are they? How often do they get jealous? How they react? etc…)
Jack can be mildly jealous, he usually will talk to one of the boys about it though since they can cool him off from doing anything stupid
K- Kids
(How are they with kids? Do they want kids? etc…)
He is so good with kids I mean he is kinda like a giant toddler himself so he does good with them, and he would love to have kids with you once he can find out a way to keep you from dying from having having his child
L- Long Distance
(How do they cope with Long Distance? How they prefer to keep in contact? etc…)
Jack gets so pouty when he’s away from you, like the cute little puppy he is, but he calls to check in at least once if not twice a day to make sure you’re safe
(Do they want to get married? How do they propose to you? The wedding? etc…)
Oh he would love to, but he knows you can
t rush into things, especially where you’re both at in life right now
N- Night’s Out
(Where do they take you on nights out? How often do nights out happen?)
You two tend to just stop by a diner for something, usually a sundae ofc with extra nougat, they are very sporadic, but you can tell when the other one s upset about something
O- Open
(When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or what a while to reveal?)
I mean.....he said it himself this most recent episode he is a Winchester so....that could lead to some bottled up emotions about things, but when Jack is ready he will tell you all about it 
P- Public Displays Of Affection
(Do they like PDA? Do they have boundaries? etc…)
He gets so sweet about PDA like a peck here, or some hand holding there sign him up, but if you try to do anything else with this boy, like a make out session he turns so red so fast
Q- Quarrel
(What do you argue about most? How often fights occur?)
You two don’t argue that much, but when you do it’s mostly out of his concern about you doing something dangerous, because he knows on hunts crazy shit can happen, and he just needs you to be safe
R- Reunited
(What’s it like when they reunite with you after a trip?)
After one of you comes back form a hunt that the other was stuck at the bunker during, he’ll come through the front door and hug you so tight, picking you up and spinning you around before pulling you close again, and kissing your forehead
S- Snuggling
(Do they like cuddling? How do they cuddle? etc…)
YES YES AND YES Jack adores snuggling he’s such a little snuggle bug
T- Text
(How often do you text? How do they speak when they text? How do they react when they receive texts from you? etc…)
You text pretty often usually just things about hunts and such, but when you’re away you get cute little messages from him, and vice versa
U- Upset
(What do they do when you’re upset? What do you do when they’re upset?)
He’ll usually go to his room and keep the door locked for everyone, but you, unless you’re in a fight then it’s locked for everyone, but Cas
V- Valentine’s Day
(What would they do to celebrate Valentine’s Day?)
He would try to make Valentine’s Day so special, you get like all the sweet little things and then he’ll do something extra sweet and romantic with the help of his powers
W- When
(At what point do you move into together? What kind of place? etc…)
Well I mean when he showed up in your life you were already living in the bunker, so you two were living together before you even got together 
(What are their hugs and kisses like?)
Jack’s hugs are always so warm and comfort filled making you feel like the only person in the world, with his kisses always being soft and sweet 
(What do they love most about you?)
He loves your level of understanding, it’s very comforting for him 
Z- Zoom
(Zoom into the future, what does your future look like?)
You two are married, and he found a way for you to carry his child so you have a boy named James and a girl named Kelly
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thebunkerboys · 6 years
Hey bitches, just wanted to check by asking how everything is going. And bring you some presents. (hands Dean a pie, Sam a basket full of green stuff, a new tie to Castiel, and a big pack snickers to the baby) I know it's a bit late, but happy Valentines day guys :)
J: *confused frown, mouthing ‘bitches’ while eating a snicker* 
S: *to Jack* it’s an expression, don’t worry about that.
 Thank you for the basket, I missed the farmer’s market yesterday thanks to someone who messed with my alarm.
D: *mouth full*  uh?
C: Everyone is doing fine. Please stop sending so many candies to Jack, now that he’s mostly human, sugar do affect him. The tie is perfect, thank you.
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bluntache · 6 years
A, D, J, R, T!
meme tag *. valentines questions .
A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
dean shows affection through nonverbal cues - things like letting his knuckles touch with someone elses , or buying them a drink when their down , or cooking them breakfast without warning . sometimes , if he’s close to someone , he’ll surprise them with hugs or phone calls . he rarely verbally announces his feelings , because he’s emotionally constipated but he’s loyal to a fault and that is one that really drives the point home . his affection is shown through taking care of people and being close to people -- just being on the couch knees touching is a form of affection for him .
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
yes -- extremely .in some ways he’s almost unhealthy . he’s got a fear of abandonment and infidelity so he rarely actually gets into relationships with anyone . if he does there’s a very heavy dose of tension whenever someone new is introduced to the relationship , especially he feels inferior in some way . if someone brought a friend around and jokingly flirted with them , he would be deeply offended and become volatile , though mostly internally .
R   :   ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
total romantic . would die for valentines day . lives for commercialized holidays . a total cutie .
T   :   TRUE LOVE.   does your muse believe in true love?
he believes in true love because of his parents but for himself , no . he doesn’t think he’s worthy of ‘love’ much less true love so he doesn’t really subscribe to true love as a thing for everyone to get .
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mittensmorgul · 7 years
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Same, Cas. Same.
Lizbob was laughing at me earlier because I’m in the middle of this seemingly long stretch of episodes that involve Major Fandom Disagreements. And this is one of them. Because of this ^^
(read more excised due to tumblr being shifty)
Because everything else about s5 DISPROVES that Jimmy’s soul was still in there. I mean, if you believe that Cas being blown up by Lucifer in 5.22 was what “killed” Jimmy and sent his soul to Heaven, then why wouldn’t Cas being killed IN THE EXACT SAME FASHION by Raphael in 4.22 have done the same? You can’t have it both ways. Either being torn apart on a molecular level by an archangel kills a vessel or it doesn’t. If it does, Jimmy died in 4.22. If it doesn’t, then HE SHOULD STILL BE IN THERE, BUT CAS SAID DEFINITIVELY THAT HE’S BEEN IN HEAVEN FOR YEARS.
Since 4.22.
Uh, angels aren’t incapable of lying, or deflecting the truth. And EVERYTHING about Cas’s body language in that scene screams prevarication.
Castiel: It's my vessel -- Jimmy. His, uh, appetite for red meat has been touched by Famine's effect.
Dude’s shifty as FUCK okay? He doesn’t want to admit how “human” he was becoming, cut off from Heaven. He spent all of s5 in a slow slide from grace. He couldn’t heal Bobby in 5.02, he couldn’t hunt Raphael alone in 5.03, he couldn’t smite Meg in 5.10, in 5.13 booping Sam and Dean back in 1978 nearly kills him, in 5.16 he’s reduced to trying to communicate with Dean in heaven via radio and a tv, and after 5.18 he’s rendered utterly human AND BRAIN DEAD FOR A TIME. I mean, he’s forced to use a GUN in 5.21 and a holy oil molitov in 5.22 because he’s just got no juice left. None. BUT IF HE’S NOT AN ANGEL THEN WHAT THE HELL IS HE?! He is terrified, that’s what. And this is his version of Denial.
He can’t even look at Dean when he says it. He’s been staring at Dean wide eyed up to this point, but when Dean questions it, he looks down at the burger, hesitates, and then blames his vessel as he BODILY TURNS AWAY FROM DEAN because he is so far in denial...
Okay, for those who don’t believe that and will only take Word Of God (aka authorial intent) as proof? BEN EDLUND SAID THE SAME DAMN THING:
“I always reserve in Castiel’s overall makeup the fact that there is an aspect of him that is purely flesh and purely human, which can function as it did in an episode before as a real Achilles’ heel, when he started to eat meat, because he just loved red meat. He couldn’t stop himself.”
I.e., THAT WAS ALL CAS. In his very own human body, with his very own human desires and feelings and tastes and vulnerabilities.
Castiel: I've developed a taste for ground beef. Dean: Well, have you even tried to stop it? Castiel: I'm an angel. I can stop anytime I want.
BUT HE VERY CLEARLY COULD NOT STOP. So what does that mean about the rest of his argument there-- that because he was an ANGEL he could stop whenever he wanted.
(insert “he’s no angel” tag here)
Okay, now that we have that all squared away, on with the fun!
*pushes play*
*regrets pushing play while watching a couple literally eat each other to death*
It’s Valentine’s day, and Dean and Sam have no real leads on the case, but Sam expects Dean to go out to celebrate Unattached Drifter Christmas. But Dean’s “not feeling it.”
SAM That's when a dog doesn't eat-- That's when you know something's really wrong. DEAN Remarkably patronizing concern duly noted. Nothing's wrong. We gonna work or what?
Dean doesn’t acknowledge that anything is wrong, because he feels... fine. I mean, he’s not troubled about anything. He’s not feeling the need to Perform anything.
Like in 12.18 we’ve been talking about how Dean uses sex as a coping mechanism. How he’s used alcohol, fighting, hunting even, not to mention LITERAL medications to self-medicate. Those are his go-to self-soothing things.
So if Famine blows into town and magnifies everyone’s desires, makes them “rabid” for the things they want-- like the cupid’s couple who were so starved for physical affection they tried to consume one another, like the second couple in the office who wanted to be Everything And All to each other without anything ever coming between them and ended up in a suicide pact so nothing would ever come between them again--
(JIM I don't know, baby. Seems like whatever we do, something in life is always gonna keep us apart-- Work, family, sleep .JANICE Now prison, maybe...JIM Maybe. But I think I have an idea...How we can stay together...forever...)
Like Cas giving in to his VERY HUMAN HUNGER for cheeseburgers (I miss you PB&J), and Sam giving in to his lust for demon blood... DEAN WAS NOT UNAFFECTED BY FAMINE.
It’s what Dean was literally starving for-- to be whole, to not NEED any of his coping mechanisms, to be able to drop the performance and just BE himself. Of course Famine would see it this way:
FAMINE:  That's one deep, dark nothing you got there, Dean. Can't fill it, can you? Not with food or drink. Not even with sex. DEAN Oh, you're so full of crap. FAMINE Oh, you can smirk and joke and lie to your brother, lie to yourself, but not to me! I can see inside you, Dean. I can see how broken you are, how defeated. You can't win, and you know it. But you just keep fighting. Just... keep going through the motions. You're not hungry, Dean, because inside, you're already...dead.
The smirking and joking? That’s Performing Dean. The “empty” bit isn’t Dean being “dead inside,” but the part of Dean that can reject the performance, that doesn’t NEED to be “filled,” because it’s already at peace with itself.
I am sort of skipping around here a bit... back to the morgue. Dean is amused by the coroner dude. So am I. That doesn’t bode well for the dude. The life expectancy of side characters who Dean finds amusing (like the guy Dean likes because he says “okey dokey”) usually drops to around zero.
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Ew, Dean.
But the heart is the key, Sam recognizes the Enochian letter on it, so Dean calls Cas.
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I don’t know what’s come over me. I don’t usually infuse these things with a lot of pics and gifs, but I like this episode. (ง’̀-‘́)ง
I think part of it lies in this significant thing that has also been a theme during s12 (and even during s11):
The DIFFERENCE between Sam’s reaction and Dean’s reaction to Cas.
When Cas asserts that a cupid has gone rogue and they have to stop him before he kills again... I mean, someone please offer me a non-desitel-related explanation for this difference, because I can’t find one anywhere.
(I am not actually soliciting non-destiel readings of this scene. I truly do not care about non-destiel readings of this scene. I’m just being hyperbolic)
But aside from the fact that everyone is in agreement about the cupid’s “handshake” technique
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what do we really learn from meeting this particular cupid?
DEAN Why does heaven care if Harry meets Sally? CUPID Oh, mostly they don't. You know, certain bloodlines, certain destinies. Oh, like yours. SAM What? CUPID Yeah, the union of John and Mary Winchester--Very big deal upstairs, top priority arrangement. Mm. DEAN Are you saying that you fixed-up our parents? CUPID Well, not me, but... Yeah. Well, it wasn't easy, either. Ooh, they couldn't stand each other at first. But when we were done with them--Perfect couple. DEAN Perfect? CUPID Yeah. DEAN They're dead! CUPID I'm sorry, but... the orders were very clear. You and Sam needed to be born. Your parents were just, uh...meant to be. (sings) A match made in heaven- heaven! (Dean punches Cupid)
So heaven wanted John and Mary to get together. After 5.13 and what Michael told Dean about his “destiny,” this just adds another horrifying layer to all of that. Because “Destiny” was being rigged by heaven. Angels literally were the “agents of fate,” pulling every cosmic string to get all the pieces to line up exactly to bring on the apocalypse.
John and Mary couldn’t stand each other at first, until the event Dean described in 12.01 about how John and Mary started dating?
Dean: Dad told me. March 23, 1972 you walked out of a movie theater, Slaughterhouse-Five, you loved it. And you bumped into a big marine and knocked him on his ass. You were embarrassed and he laughed it off, said you could make it up to him with a cup of coffee. So you went to, uh, Maroni's, and you talked and he was cute, and he knew the words to every Zeppelin song, so when he asked you for your number you gave it to him even though you knew your dad would be pissed. That was the night that you met-
So they couldn’t stand each other BEFORE this intervention by the cupid, who probably shoved the two of them into each other right there...
Like the instant change of heart that came over the two dudes in the bar in 8.23 after the cupid touched them. EVEN DEAN NOTICED THE CHANGE IN THEM.
Okay, back to the show, slightly out of order again, because I keep pausing it to go on mental tangents... I’m not constrained by the time limits of the TNT loop. Hooray for Blu-Rays. :P
*Dean absolutely COVERS his burger in ketchup, just like he does in 12.18, but here in 5.14 he doesn’t have an appetite for it. He’s not trying to “fill the void” inside himself. Instead, Cas takes his burger... like Dean eventually does to Cas’s burger in 10.09... but Cas doesn’t even get a bite before he spots the cupid and chases him down*
*the cupid hugs the crap out of Dean, then Cas, then Sam, then Cas makes him cry, then Dean punches him, and Cas tells Dean he hurt the cupid’s feelings... :P*
*have I mentioned how much I love this episode?*
SAM You just punched a Cupid! DEAN I punched a dick! SAM Um...Are we gonna talk about what's been up with you lately or not? DEAN Or not.
(something finally required Dean “self-medicating”, finally shattered the relative Calm he’d achieved so far this episode, and he lashed out)
*blah blah blah Famine blah blah I already covered the rest of this in the first section of this post...*
Sam doesn’t hunger for the blood itself, but for the power it gives him.
Just like Dean doesn’t hunger for food or sex or alcohol or violence. They’re just tools to help him manage. They are a performance.
I mentioned this in another review recently... maybe even the one for 12.10, but this is the EXACT scene Sam lampshaded for us outside the diner. In 5.14:
DEAN Demons. You want to go over the plan again? Hey, happy meal. The plan? CASTIEL I take the knife, I go in, I cut off the ring hand of Famine, and I meet you back here in the parking lot. DEAN Well, that sounds foolproof. (Castiel disappears) This is taking too long. (Dean gets out of the car)
Dean gave Cas like TEN WHOLE SECONDS before he decided it was taking too long. And he was right to be worried. Cas was completely overcome by Famine.
And in 12.10, after Cas goes into the diner alone, Dean is pacing grumpily for maybe a minute or two before Sam mutters under his breath:
SAM: And you're gonna storm in right... now. 
Sam knows.
But Famine here gives Sam and Dean VERY SIMILAR ASSESSMENTS of themselves, yet puts Sam’s situation in a “positive” light and Dean’s in a “negative” light... because he is bound to Lucifer. He’s “fattening Sam up” for Lucifer. He doesn’t care one jot about Dean. What for Dean was a vast void of emptiness that he’d never be able to fill (dead inside!) for Sam is a blessing for the exact same reason. Context matters...
FAMINE Stop! No one lays a finger on this sweet little boy. Sam, I see you got the snack I sent you. SAM You sent? FAMINE Don't worry. You're not like everyone else. You'll never die from drinking too much. You're the exception that proves the rule. Just the way...Satan wanted you to be. So... (Famine lifts his hands and gestures at the demons guarding him)...cut their throats. Have at them!
Sam gets ONE GLORIOUS VICTORY here, but it came at the price of him giving in to his hunger for power:
FAMINE I'm a Horseman, Sam. Your power doesn't work on me. SAM You're right. But it will work on them. (Sam uses his power to rip out all the souls Famine consumed)
So he has to be locked in detox again. At the very end, we finally see a crack in Dean--
CASTIEL That's not him in there. Not really. DEAN I know. CASTIEL Dean, Sam just has to get it out of his system. Then he'll be-- DEAN Listen, I just, uh...I just need to get some air. [Dean goes outside and looks up at the sky] DEAN Please...I can't...I need some help. Please?
Praying to God for help, Dean? When you had an angel by your side a moment ago who was more than willing to help? Right, Famine’s influence is gone. Your Calm Center is gone too. You can’t let yourself feel okay with Cas anymore. Not to mention a part of his “peacefulness” throughout the episode was due to Sam being “okay.” And he’s so not okay right now...
What is Dean’s hunger? Not to be hungry for anything. To have Cas by his side (though maybe not on a burger binge), to have Sam happy and healthy and whole-- and wholly human. To know they’re all working together. To trust them both completely and have them trust him in return.
ETA: Because Heck while rereading this I forgot: It’s been said plenty of times before, but this is also a huge part of why Sam controls everything he eats. BECAUSE HE NEEDS THAT CONTROL. It’s self-medicating the same way Dean’s self-medicating with what HE can control for himself.
I think a lot of both Sam’s performance of “normality” and Dean’s Performing Dean persona are coping mechanisms, and are rooted in the very same need to have any sort of control over their lives.
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ramialkarmi · 7 years
There are scientific reasons why we give our partners pet names — and they can say a lot about your relationship
If you use pet names, it might be because your mother used them with you.
Research shows that using cute nicknames is a sign your relationship is strong.
There are hundreds of variations from around the world, so you could try out a new one on your partner for Valentine's Day.
However, it's important to make sure your partner is okay with the cutesy names, as some people really hate them.
Insisting on using terms like "babydoll" when they're unwanted could indicate disrespect.
The idea of being called "babe" or "sweetheart" makes some people shudder. For others, pet names are so ingrained into their lives that if their partner calls them by their real name, they know something serious must have happened.
If you love to come up with new idioms to show your affection, this could be linked to your mother, according to Dean Falk, a professor of neuroanthropology at Florida State University.
She told Broadly that ultimately, pet names are a bit like baby talk, which exists to help babies learn languages while expressing love at the same time to bond mother and child.
"My hypothesis is an extremely simple one," Falk told Broadly. "Couples, speaking this way, harken back to their own experience when they were infants and to their first love, their mother."
Pet names can be a good sign for your relationship...
Whether you've earned a new nickname from an inside joke or you're both the kind of people who use couple-y terms, pet names can be a good sign that a romantic relationship is going well.
Suzanne Degges-White, a professor of counseling and higher education at Northern Illinois University, agrees, saying in a blog post on Psychology Today that using personal idioms is a sign your relationship is solid.
Just like we can get to know our partners so well that a simple glance can convey how we're feeling, pet names are another way of appreciating that closeness.
One study from 1993, published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, studied 154 couples to look at the correlation between pet name idioms and relationship satisfaction.
The research found that the satisfied husbands and wives reported more idioms than those who were unsatisfied.
However, the use of pet names declined over time. Couples married less than five years with no children used them the most, while couples in later stages used them the least, suggesting pet names are usually conjured up during the honeymoon period.
"I think it's a really human, natural behavior to take language and shape it for our own purposes," the lead author of the study, Carol J. Bruess, told Scientific American. "I think that's how nicknames evolve. We name things, we give things symbols, and over time we tend to naturally manipulate those symbols toward a certain outcome."
...But only if your partner actually likes them
Still, there could also be a more sinister side. Nicknames should be respectful, and if your partner is repeatedly calling you something you've already said you hate, it could be a sign they don't respect you.
"Sometimes pet names are used to infer power over another," wrote Degges-White. "Calling a female server 'Honey' or 'Babe' can be a way to call attention to your view of the role as subservient; it can be the same as calling females in the office 'girls' instead of co-workers or colleagues.
"According to many traditions and philosophies, there is great power in naming things and when this power is wielded by those who choose to use it to their own advantage, nicknames and other nomenclature-related communications can do great harm."
Different languages have their own versions
There are lots of variations of pet names people use in different countries around the world.
In the UK, we tend to use words for animals or food, which also seems to be a general theme around the globe. The French say "Mon Petit Chou" which means my little cabbage, or cream puff. In the Netherlands, people call their girlfriends "Dropje," meaning candy, and the Spanish say "Media Naranja," which means half-orange — the suggestion being that when they're together, they make a whole orange.
In Thailand, a loved one might be called "Chang Noi," or little elephant, and an Arabic pet name is "Ghazal," or gazelle. An Italian boyfriend might call you "Orsacchiotto," meaning little bear, a German may say "Spatz" for sparrow, and a Polish person might call you a little mouse, or "myszka."
"The use of pet names for our loved ones shows that most humans feel a need to express their affection in words, even when body language, a loving glance, or a hug would express the same," Katja Wilde, Head of Didactics at Babbel told Business Insider.
"It's also an area of language where the speakers tend to be very imaginative; pet names often come in different variations or are derived from each other in more or less corny neologisms which few people would want to share with the rest of the world, making pet names a very private area of language."
SEE ALSO: Relationship pet names are different in countries all over the world — here are 12 of the most unusual ones
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malte1mj-blog · 7 years
2011/2012 TV Awards
Best Drama Series: Boardwalk Empire Breaking Bad Game of Thrones The Good Wife Homeland Mad Men HONORABLE MENTION: Game of Thrones, Justified, Luck, Men of a Certain Age, Parenthood, Scandal, Shameless, Southland Best Actor - Drama Series: Steve Buscemi, Boardwalk Empire - "To the Lost" Bryan Cranston, Breaking Bad - "Crawl Space" Jon Hamm, Mad Men - "The Other Woman" Damian Lewis, Homeland - "Marine One" Timothy Olyphant, Justified - "Slaughterhouse" Michael Pitt, Boardwalk Empire - "Under God's Power She Flourishes" HONORABLE MENTION: John Barrowman, Torchwood: Miracle Day; Kelsey Grammer, Boss; Michael C. Hall, Dexter; Dustin Hoffman, Luck; Charlie Hunnam, Sons of Anarchy; Peter Krause, Parenthood; Denis Leary, Rescue Me; William H. Macy, Shameless; Ben McKenzie, Southland; Ray Romano, Men of a Certain Age Best Actress - Drama Series: Claire Danes, Homeland - "The Vest" Kelly Macdonald, Boardwalk Empire - "Peg of Old" Julianna Margulies, The Good Wife - "Blue Ribbon Panel" Elisabeth Moss, Mad Men - "The Other Woman" Jessica Pare, Mad Men - "A Little Kiss, Parts 1 & 2" Emmy Rossum, Shameless - "A Great Cause" HONORABLE MENTION: Rose Byrne, Damages; Glenn Close, Damages; Lauren Graham, Parenthood; Mariska Hargitay, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit; Ellen Pompeo, Grey’s Anatomy; Katey Sagal, Sons of Anarchy; Kerry Washington, Scandal Best Supporting Actor - Drama Series: Peter Dinklage, Game of Thrones - "Blackwater" Giancarlo Esposito, Breaking Bad - "Hermanos" Vincent Kartheiser, Mad Men - "Signal 30" Mandy Patinkin, Homeland - "The Weekend" Aaron Paul, Breaking Bad - "End Times" John Slattery, Mad Men - "Far Away Places" HONORABLE MENTION: Jonathan Banks, Breaking Bad; Andre Braugher, Men of a Certain Age; Josh Charles, The Good Wife; Michael Cudlitz, Southland; Alan Cumming, The Good Wife; Dennis Farina, Luck; Walton Goggins, Justified; Jared Harris, Mad Men; Shawn Hatosy, Southland; Jack Huston, Boardwalk Empire; Robert Sean Leonard, House; Neal McDonagh, Justified; Nick Nolte, Luck; Dean Norris, Breaking Bad; John Ortiz, Luck; Ron Perlman, Sons of Anarchy; Michael Shannon, Boardwalk Empire; Jeremy Allen White, Shameless; Mykelti Williamson, Justified Best Supporting Actress - Drama Series: Anna Gunn, Breaking Bad - "Cornered" Christina Hendricks, Mad Men - "The Other Woman" Regina King, Southland - "Risk" Sandra Oh, Grey's Anatomy - "Support System" Kiernan Shipka, Mad Men - "Commissions and Fees" Maggie Siff, Sons of Anarchy - "Hands" HONORABLE MENTION: Morena Baccarin, Homeland; Christine Baranski, The Good Wife; Emilia Clarke, Game of Thrones; Joan Cusack, Shameless; Lena Headey, Game of Thrones; Megan Hilty, Smash; January Jones, Mad Men; Lucy Liu, Southland; Gretchen Mol, Boardwalk Empire; Archie Panjabi, The Good Wife; Monica Potter, Parenthood; Madeleine Stowe, Revenge; Sophie Turner, Game of Thrones Best Writing - Drama Series: Boardwalk Empire - "Under God's Power She Flourishes" - Howard Korder Breaking Bad - "Crawl Space" - Sam Catlin & George Mastras Breaking Bad - "End Times" - Thomas Schnauz & Moira Walley-Beckett Breaking Bad - "Salud" - Peter Gould & Gennifer Hutchison The Good Wife - "Another Ham Sandwich" - Leonard Dick Mad Men - "Far Away Places" - Semi Chellas & Matthew Weiner HONORABLE MENTION: Boardwalk Empire - “To the Lost”; Boardwalk Empire - “Two Boats and a Lifeguard”; Breaking Bad - “Bullet Points”; Breaking Bad - “Face Off”; Breaking Bad - “Hermanos”; Game of Thrones - “Blackwater”; The Good Wife - “The Dream Team”; The Good Wife - “Executive Order 13224”; Grey’s Anatomy - “Support System”; Homeland - “The Vest”; Homeland - “The Weekend”; Mad Men - “At the Codfish Ball”; Mad Men - “Commissions and Fees”; Mad Men - “The Other Woman”; Men of a Certain Age - “Hold Your Finish”; Sons of Anarchy - “Hands” Best Directing - Drama Series: Breaking Bad - "Face Off" - Vince Gilligan Breaking Bad - "Salud" - Michelle MacLaren Game of Thrones - "Blackwater" - Neil Marshall Homeland - "Marine One" - Michael Cuesta Mad Men - "Far Away Places" - Scott Hornbacher Mad Men - "The Other Woman" - Phil Abraham HONORABLE MENTION: Boardwalk Empire - ”To the Lost”; Boardwalk Empire - “Under God’s Power She Flourishes”; Breaking Bad - “Crawl Space”; Breaking Bad - “Hermanos”; Breaking Bad - “Problem Dog”; Game of Thrones - “Blackwater”; The Good Wife - “The Dream Team”; The Good Wife - “Parenting Made Easy”; Homeland - “The Weekend”; Luck - “Episode Nine”; Mad Men - “Commissions and Fees”; Mad Men - “Signal 30”; Rescue Me - “Ashes”; Sons of Anarchy - “Burnt and Purged Away”; The Walking Dead - “18 Miles Out” Best Guest Actor - Drama Series: Dylan Baker, The Good Wife - "Marthas and Caitlins" Andre Braugher, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - "Child's Welfare" Michael J. Fox, The Good Wife - "Parenting Made Easy" Mark Margolis, Breaking Bad - "Face Off" Matthew Perry, The Good Wife - "Blue Ribbon Panel" Michael Zegen, The Walking Dead - "Judge, Jury, Executioner" HONORABLE MENTION: Patrick J. Adams, Luck; Zachary Booth, Damages; John Corbett, Parenthood; Michael Gladis, Mad Men; Erik LaRay Harvey, Boardwalk Empire; Michael B. Jordan, Parenthood; Jon Manfrellotti, Men of a Certain Age; Dylan Minnette, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit; Mos Def, Dexter; Pruitt Taylor Vince, Justified; Jeffrey Wright, House Best Guest Actress - Drama Series: Louise Fletcher, Shameless - "Parenthood" Marin Ireland, Homeland - "The Weekend" Carrie Preston, The Good Wife - "Alienation of Affection" Anika Noni Rose, The Good Wife - "Another Ham Sandwich" Chloe Sevigny, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - "Valentine's Day" Chloe Webb, Shameless - "Hurricane Monica" HONORABLE MENTION: Jane Adams, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit; Debbie Allen, Grey’s Anatomy; Lisa Edelstein, The Good Wife; Mamie Gummer, The Good Wife; Natasha Lyonne, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit; Julianne Nicholson, Boardwalk Empire; Julia Ormond, Mad Men; Mary Beth Peil, The Good Wife; Martha Plimpton, The Good Wife; Amy Sedaris, The Good Wife; Carice van Houten, Game of Thrones; Sofia Vassilieva, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Best Ensemble - Drama Series: Boardwalk Empire Breaking Bad Game of Thrones The Good Wife Mad Men Shameless HONORABLE MENTION: Grey’s Anatomy, Homeland, Justified, Luck, Men of a Certain Age, Parenthood, Rescue Me, Scandal, Sons of Anarchy, Southland, True Blood, The Walking Dead Best New Drama Series: Homeland Luck Revenge Scandal Smash HONORABLE MENTION: Boss Best Comedy Series: Community Girls Louie Modern Family Parks and Recreation Veep HONORABLE MENTION: The Big Bang Theory, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Enlightened, Happy Endings, Hung, I Just Want My Pants Back, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Middle, New Girl, Nurse Jackie, Raising Hope, 30 Rock Best Actor - Comedy Series: Alec Baldwin, 30 Rock - "Live From Studio 6H" Louis C.K., Louie - "Duckling" Larry David, Curb Your Enthusiasm - "Larry vs. Michael J. Fox" Joel McHale, Community - "Introduction to Finality" Jim Parsons, The Big Bang Theory - "The Ornithophobia Diffusion" Adam Scott, Parks and Recreation - "The Trial of Leslie Knope" HONORABLE MENTION: Will Arnett, Up All Night; Garret Dillahunt, Raising Hope; Jason Gann, Wilfred; Thomas Jane, Hung; Zachary Levi, Chuck; Danny McBride, Eastbound & Down; Lucas Neff, Raising Hope; Jeremy Sisto, Suburgatory; Peter Back, I Just Want My Pants Back Best Actress - Comedy Series: Zooey Deschanel, New Girl - "Secrets" Lena Dunham, Girls - "The Return" Edie Falco, Nurse Jackie - "Disneyland Sucks" Laura Linney, The Big C - "Crossing the Line" Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Veep - "Fundraiser" Amy Poehler, Parks and Recreation - "The Debate" HONORABLE MENTION: Jane Adams, Hung; Beth Behrs, 2 Broke Girls; Kat Dennings, 2 Broke Girls; Laura Dern, Enlightened; Tina Fey, 30 Rock; Patricia Heaton, The Middle; Jane Levy, Suburgatory; Lea Michele, Glee; Mary-Louise Parker, Weeds; Martha Plimpton, Raising Hope; Kim Shaw, I Just Want My Pants Back Best Supporting Actor - Comedy Series: Ty Burrell, Modern Family - "Virgin Territory" Max Greenfield, New Girl - "Control" Nick Offerman, Parks and Recreation - "Ron and Tammys" Ed O'Neill, Modern Family - "Baby on Board" Danny Pudi, Community - "Virtual Systems Analysis" Jim Rash, Community - "Studies in Modern Movement" HONORABLE MENTION: Aziz Ansari, Parks and Recreation; Darren Criss, Glee; Adam Driver, Girls; Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Modern Family; Neil Flynn, The Middle; Donald Glover, Community; Tony Hale, Veep; Simon Helberg, The Big Bang Theory; Jake Johnson, New Girl; Rob McElhenney, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia; Adam Pally, Happy Endings; Jeremy Piven, Entourage; Chris Pratt, Parks and Recreation; Jason Segel, How I Met Your Mother; Eric Stonestreet, Modern Family; James Van Der Beek, Don’t Trust the Bitch in Apartment 23; Damon Wayans Jr., Happy Endings Best Supporting Actress - Comedy Series: Mayim Bialik, The Big Bang Theory - "The Shiny Trinket Maneuver" Julie Bowen, Modern Family - "Go Bullfrogs!" Eliza Coupe, Happy Endings - "The Butterfly Effect Effect" Naya Rivera, Glee - "Mash Off" Sofia Vergara, Modern Family - "Tableau Vivant" Merritt Wever, Nurse Jackie - "No-Kimono-Zone" HONORABLE MENTION: Alison Brie, Community; Anna Chlumsky, Veep; Elisha Cuthbert, Happy Endings; Alyson Hannigan, How I Met Your Mother; Anne Heche, Hung; Cheryl Hines, Suburgatory; Gillian Jacobs, Community; Jemima Kirke, Girls; Jane Krakowski, 30 Rock; Diane Ladd, Enlightened; Kaitlin Olson, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia; Aubrey Plaza, Parks and Recreation; Eden Sher, The Middle; Gabourey Sidibe, The Big C; Anna Deavere Smith, Nurse Jackie; Cobie Smulders, How I Met Your Mother; Betty White, Hot in Cleveland; Allison Williams, Girls; Casey Wilson, Happy Endings Best Writing - Comedy Series: Community - "Remedial Chaos Theory" - Chris McKenna Girls - "All Adventurous Women Do" - Lena Dunham Louie - "Duckling" - Louis C.K. Modern Family - "Baby on Board" - Abraham Higginbotham Parks and Recreation - "The Trial of Leslie Knope" - Dan Goor & Michael Schur Veep - "Baseball" - Simon Blackwell, Armando Iannucci & Tony Roche HONORABLE MENTION: Community - “Curriculum Unavailable”; Community - “Studies in Modern Movement”; Girls - “Hannah’s Diary”; Girls - “The Return”; Girls - “She Did”; Happy Endings - “The Butterfly Effect Effect”; Hung - “A Monkey Named Simian or Frances Is Not a Fan”; Louie - “Subway/Pamela”; Modern Family - “Aunt Mommy”; Modern Family - “Go Bullfrogs!”; Modern Family - “Leap Day”; Nurse Jackie - “Disneyland Sucks”; Parks and Recreation - “The Debate”; Parks and Recreation - “The Treaty”; Parks and Recreation - “Win, Lose or Draw”; 30 Rock - “Today You Are a Man”; Veep - “Catherine”; Veep - “Fundraiser” Best Directing - Comedy Series: Community - "Remedial Chaos Theory" - Jeff Melman Curb Your Enthusiasm - "Palestinian Chicken" - Robert B. Weide Girls - "Welcome to Bushwick a.k.a. The Crackcident" - Jody Lee Lipes Louie - "Duckling" - Louis C.K. Modern Family - "Tableau Vivant" - Gail Mancuso Parks and Recreation - "Citizen Knope" - Randall Einhorn HONORABLE MENTION: Community - “Basic Lupine Urology”; Community - “Documentary Filmmaking Redux”; Curb Your Enthusiasm - “Larry vs. Michael J. Fox”; Curb Your Enthusiasm - “Mister Softee”; Girls - “All Adventurous Women Do”; Girls - “Hannah’s Diary”; Girls - “She Did”; Glee - “Goodbye”; Happy Endings - “Spooky Endings”; It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia - “The Gang Goes to the Jersey Shore”; Louie - “Joan”; Louie - “Subway/Pamela”; Modern Family - “After the Fire”; Modern Family - “Baby on Board”; Modern Family - “Leap Day”; Nurse Jackie - “Handle Your Scandal”; Parks and Recreation - “Bus Tour”; Parks and Recreation - “The Debate”; Parks and Recreation - “Win, Lose or Draw”; Raising Hope - “Jimmy’s Fake Girlfriend”; 30 Rock - “Live From Studio 6H”; Veep - “Baseball”; Veep - “Catherine” Best Guest Actor - Comedy Series: Matt Bomer, Glee - "Big Brother" Michael J. Fox, Curb Your Enthusiasm - "Larry vs. Michael J. Fox" Andrew Rannells, Girls - "All Adventurous Women Do" Paul Rudd, Parks and Recreation - "The Debate" Peter Scolari, Girls - "The Return" Doug Stanhope, Louie - "Eddie" HONORABLE MENTION: Alan Alda, The Big C; Dan Byrd, Suburgatory; Louis C.K., Parks and Recreation; Bob Einstein, Curb Your Enthusiasm; Chris Elliott, How I Met Your Mother; Jeff Goldblum, Glee; Don Johnson, Eastbound & Down; Justin Long, New Girl; Ricky Martin, Glee; Chris O’Dowd, Girls; Josh Rabinowitz, I Just Want My Pants Back; Ben Schwartz, Parks and Recreation; James Wolk, Happy Endings Best Guest Actress - Comedy Series: Pamela Adlon, Louie - "Subway/Pamela" Becky Ann Baker, Girls - "The Return" Whoopi Goldberg, The Middle - "The Guidance Counselor" Megan Mullally, Happy Endings - "Yesandwitch" Joan Rivers, Louie - "Joan" Robin Wright, Enlightened - "Sandy" HONORABLE MENTION: Lizzy Caplan, New Girl; Margaret Cho, 30 Rock; Olympia Dukakis, Bored to Death; Kathryn Hahn, Girls; Kathryn Hahn, Parks and Recreation; Nene Leakes, Glee; Idina Menzel, Glee; Chloe Grace Moretz, 30 Rock; Megan Mullally, Parks and Recreation; Megan Mullally, Up All Night; Becki Newton, How I Met Your Mother; Kristen Schaal, 30 Rock; Molly Shannon, The Middle; Sherri Shepherd, 30 Rock; Kiernan Shipka, Don’t Trust the Bitch in Apartment 23; Alicia Silverstone, Suburgatory; Mary Steenburgen, Wilfred; Elaine Stritch, 30 Rock; Lily Tomlin, Eastbound & Down Best Ensemble - Comedy Series: Community Happy Endings Modern Family Nurse Jackie Parks and Recreation Veep HONORABLE MENTION: The Big Bang Theory, The Big C, Chuck, Girls, Glee, How I Met Your Mother, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Middle, The Office, Raising Hope, Suburgatory, 30 Rock, Weeds Best New Comedy Series: Enlightened Girls I Just Want My Pants Back New Girl Veep Wilfred HONORABLE MENTION: Allen Gregory, Don’t Trust the Bitch in Apartment 23, Suburgatory, 2 Broke Girls, Up All Night Best TV Movie/Miniseries: American Horror Story Appropriate Adult The Hour Let Me Down Easy (Great Performances) Sherlock HONORABLE MENTION: Five, Game Change, Hemingway & Gellhorn, Page Eight Best Actor - TV Movie/Miniseries: Benedict Cumberbatch, Sherlock Woody Harrelson, Game Change Bill Nighy, Page Eight Clive Owen, Hemingway & Gellhorn Dominic West, Appropriate Adult Ben Whishaw, The Hour HONORABLE MENTION: Dylan McDermott, American Horror Story; Dominic West, The Hour; Bradley Whitford, Mitch Albom’s Have a Little Faith Best Actress - TV Movie/Miniseries: Connie Britton, American Horror Story Romola Garai, The Hour Nicole Kidman, Hemingway & Gellhorn Julianne Moore, Game Change Anna Deavere Smith, Let Me Down Easy (Great Performances) Emily Watson, Appropriate Adult HONORABLE MENTION: Melissa Leo, The Space Between; Jeanne Tripplehorn, Five; Rachel Weisz, Page Eight Best Supporting Actor - TV Movie/Miniseries: Ralph Fiennes, Page Eight Martin Freeman, Sherlock Ed Harris, Game Change Anton Lesser, The Hour Evan Peters, American Horror Story David Strathairn, Hemingway & Gellhorn HONORABLE MENTION: Mark Gatiss, Sherlock; Robert Glenister, Appropriate Adult; Denis O’Hare, American Horror Story; Tim Pigott-Smith, The Hour; Zachary Quinto, American Horror Story; Andrew Scott, Sherlock Best Supporting Actress - TV Movie/Miniseries: Anna Chancellor, The Hour Patricia Clarkson, Five Taissa Farmiga, American Horror Story Jessica Lange, American Horror Story Sylvestra Le Touzel, Appropriate Adult Sarah Paulson, Game Change HONORABLE MENTION: Frances Conroy, American Horror Story; Judy Davis, Page Eight; Monica Dolan, Appropriate Adult; Jenifer Lewis, Five; Sarah Paulson, American Horror Story; Lara Pulver, Sherlock; Una Stubbs, Sherlock Best Variety Series: The Colbert Report The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Late Night with Jimmy Fallon Real Time with Bill Maher Saturday Night Live Watch What Happens Live HONORABLE MENTION: Conan, Late Show with David Letterman, The Rosie Show, The Soup Best Variety Special: Idina Menzel: Live - Barefoot at the Symphony The Kennedy Center Honors The 2011 MTV Video Music Awards The 65th Annual Tony Awards A Very Gaga Thanksgiving HONORABLE MENTION: Betty White’s 90th Birthday: A Tribute to America’s Golden Girl, The 2012 Comedy Awards, Comedy Central Roast of Charlie Sheen, Donald Glover: Weirdo, The 54th Annual Grammy Awards, Kathy Griffin: Gurrl Down!, Kathy Griffin: Pants Off, Kathy Griffin: Tired Hooker, Mel Brooks and Dick Cavett Together Again, Super Bowl XLVI Halftime Show, Tony Bennett: Duets II Best Male Performer - Variety Series/Special: Stephen Colbert, The Colbert Report Bill Hader, Saturday Night Live Neil Patrick Harris, The 65th Annual Tony Awards Taran Killam, Saturday Night Live Bobby Moynihan, Saturday Night Live Jon Stewart, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart HONORABLE MENTION: Fred Armisen, Saturday Night Live; Tony Bennett, Tony Bennett: Duets II; Jimmy Fallon, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon; Jimmy Fallon, Saturday Night Live; Mick Jagger, Saturday Night Live; David Letterman, Late Show with David Letterman; Bill Maher, Real Time with Bill Maher; Bruno Mars, The 2011 MTV Video Music Awards; Joel McHale, The Soup; John Oliver, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart; Jason Sudeikis, Saturday Night Live Best Female Performer - Variety Series/Special: Adele, The 2011 MTV Video Music Awards Lady Gaga, A Very Gaga Thanksgiving Melissa McCarthy, Saturday Night Live Idina Menzel, Idina Menzel: Live - Barefoot at the Symphony Maya Rudolph, Saturday Night Live Kristen Wiig, Saturday Night Live HONORABLE MENTION: Adele, The 54th Annual Grammy Awards; Vanessa Bayer, Saturday Night Live; Beyonce, The 2011 MTV Video Music Awards; Kathy Griffin, Kathy Griffin: Tired Hooker; Madonna, Super Bowl XLVI Halftime Show; Nasim Pedrad, Saturday Night Live; Emma Stone, Saturday Night Live Best Animated Series: Archer Bob's Burgers Futurama The Simpsons South Park HONORABLE MENTION: Allen Gregory, The Cleveland Show, Family Guy, The Life & Times of Tim, The Ricky Gervais Show Best Voice-Over Performer - Animated Series: H. Jon Benjamin, Archer - "Space Race, Parts 1 & 2" Nancy Cartwright, The Simpsons - "A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Will Never Do Again" Dan Castellaneta, The Simpsons - "Politically Inept, with Homer Simpson" John DiMaggio, Futurama - "Benderama" Dan Mintz, Bob's Burgers - "Bad Tina" Jessica Walter, Archer - "Lo Scandalo" HONORABLE MENTION: H. Jon Benjamin, Bob’s Burgers; Alex Borstein, Family Guy; Steve Dildarian, The Life & Times of Tim; Seth MacFarlane, Family Guy; Eugene Mirman, Bob’s Burgers; Kevin Michael Richardson, The Cleveland Show; Trey Parker, South Park; Karl Pilkington, The Ricky Gervais Show; John Roberts, Bob’s Burgers; Kristen Schaal, Bob’s Burgers; Yeardley Smith, The Simpsons; Matt Stone, South Park; Renee Taylor, Allen Gregory; Aisha Tyler, Archer; Billy West, Futurama Best Reality Series - Competition: The Amazing Race The Celebrity Apprentice The Glee Project Project Runway So You Think You Can Dance Top Chef HONORABLE MENTION: America’s Next Top Model, Big Brother, The Challenge: Battle of the Exes, The Challenge: Rivals, Face Off, Masterchef, RuPaul’s Drag Race, Survivor, Top Chef: Just Desserts, The X Factor Best Reality Series - Non-Competition: Hoarders The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Savage U Season 25: Oprah Behind the Scenes Shark Tank Who Do You Think You Are? HONORABLE MENTION: Flipping Out, Kitchen Nightmares, The Real Housewives of New York City, Teen Mom, Teen Mom 2 Breakthrough Male Performance: Jake Cannavale, Nurse Jackie Adam Driver, Girls Jake Johnson, New Girl Lamorne Morris, New Girl Timothy Simons, Veep Peter Vack, I Just Want My Pants Back HONORABLE MENTION: Christopher Abbott, Girls; Stephen Amell, Hung; Josh Bowman, Revenge; Jordan Carlos, I Just Want My Pants Back; Alex Karpovsky, Girls; Zach McGowan, Shameless; Gary Stevens, Luck; Parker Young, Suburgatory Breakthrough Female Performance: Beth Behrs, 2 Broke Girls Lena Dunham, Girls Taissa Farmiga, American Horror Story Jemima Kirke, Girls Kim Shaw, I Just Want My Pants Back Allison Williams, Girls HONORABLE MENTION: Aubrey Anderson-Emmons, Modern Family; Carly Chaikin, Suburgatory; Gwendoline Christie, Game of Thrones; Elisabeth Hower, I Just Want My Pants Back; Hannah Simone, New Girl; Analeigh Tipton, Hung; Hannah Ware, Boss Best Documentary Program: America in Primetime - Lloyd Kramer Being Elmo: A Puppeteer's Journey - Constance Marks Bill T. Jones: A Good Man (American Masters) - Bob Hercules & Gordon Quinn Bobby Fischer Against the World - Liz Garbus Catching Hell (ESPN Films) - Alex Gibney Hot Coffee - Susan Saladoff Johnny Carson: King of Late Night (American Masters) - Mark Catalena & Peter Jones Sing You Song - Susanne Rostock There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane - Liz Garbus Woody Allen: A Documentary (American Masters) - Robert B. Weide HONORABLE MENTION: The Announcement (ESPN Films), Beyonce: Year of 4, 6 Days to Air: The Making of South Park, Unguarded (ESPN Films)
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deniscollins · 8 years
For-Profit Law School Faces Crisis After Losing Federal Loans
The for-profit Charlotte Law School accepts students with low test scores and in July only 45.2 percent of its graduates passed the North Carolina bar, which is necessary to practice as a lawyer in the state. Students graduate with an average of $162,000 in debt, which would require $122,000 in income to pay just the interest. If you were a school administrator, would you continue to accept students? Why? What are the ethics underlying your decision?
Toni Valentine, a third-year law student, wanted to know if her school, Charlotte School of Law, was going to close, but it was not telling her.
So, she took an overnight bus last month from here to the Education Department in Washington. “I was exhausted and dressed in sweats, and dragging my suitcase,” Ms. Valentine, 30, said. “But that didn’t stop me.”
After hearing her out, officials at the agency later that day sent her and other students an email explaining that closed-door negotiations to restore the law school’s access to federal loans had broken down.
The for-profit school, with hundreds of students, remains in business, even without the lifeline of federal student aid. It is counting on the Education Department under the Trump administration to reopen the loan spigot that the agency turned off last month after the American Bar Association, the law school accreditor, found that the school did not satisfy its admissions and curriculum standards.
Schools have to be accredited for their students to qualify for federal student loans, a source of funding that most law students rely on to pay six-figure tuition costs.
Charlotte Law’s struggles and its dispute with the government highlight the questions being raised over for-profit law schools and the sky-high amounts that students are borrowing for their education. Law school debt alone, when counting interest, has risen to about $175,000 per student, said J. Jerome Hartzell, a lawyer in Raleigh, N.C., who has studied the debt issue.
“It would require an income of over $122,000 to be able to afford just the interest on a student loan of that size,” Mr. Hartzell said. “Most North Carolina lawyers don’t earn that much.”
The Obama administration cracked down on for-profit schools whose students did not graduate or failed to pay off loans after earning degrees that had little value in the job market. Charlotte Law found itself among them, the first law school to have its federal student aid severed.
Its problems have placed greater scrutiny on the A.B.A. and its accrediting arm in their role as watchdog for legal education.
“The system we have now was designed for times when schools were flush with students and cash, and accreditors just had to make sure those were used well,” said Rick Bales, a professor at Ohio Northern University’s law school, and its former dean. “It was not designed for crises, and there is more than one law school now facing problems.”
Critics of Charlotte Law say it has enticed unqualified students. Many graduates, they say, have racked up considerable debt but failed to find higher-paying legal jobs. According to A.B.A. data, only 26.3 percent of recent Charlotte Law graduates had full-time jobs that required passage of the state bar and another 10 percent were in jobs where a law degree was preferred.
As federal law school debt mounts, discontent with the accrediting process has been building. Last summer, Education Department officials asked bar accreditors why so few graduates of low-performing schools had found bar-required employment. According to a transcript, when asked how many law schools had lost their accreditation for low bar passage rates, the A.B.A.’s answer was none.
A recent review of the 205 accredited law schools, by the nonprofit Law School Transparency, found that 51, including Charlotte Law, were in the “extreme risk” or “very high risk” category for graduate success.
Still, the A.B.A. has been reluctant to clamp down on schools. On Monday, its delegates defeated a measure that would have required law schools to shorten the period that graduates have to pass the bar. Opponents, including the National Black Law Students Association, successfully argued that restricting the period to two years after graduation would disproportionately affect schools with heavier minority enrollments.
Some of those schools, like Charlotte Law, promote themselves as providing opportunities for students who might not be able to attend law school elsewhere. Charlotte Law says it has offset lower admissions scores with preparatory classes, a second “fresh start” if there is a first-time failure to pass classes and intensive bar preparation. Its first-year attrition rate is 49 percent, according to A.B.A. data.
In recent weeks, the school’s enrollment plunged by half or more, to between 250 and 300 students (it did not provide an exact figure), a situation that Charlotte Law’s president, Chidi Ogene, a former Wall Street lawyer, blamed on federal officials.
“They harmed students by cutting off student loans only days before school reopened,” he said in an interview at the school’s gleaming glass and steel high-rise. That, he said, was “an unprecedented and precipitous position.”
He added, “We have been working on our academic admissions indicators, restructured our curriculum, rescinded some acceptances and are improving our comprehensive approach to bar preparation.”
Mr. Ogene said the school was seeking to reverse the aid cutoff decision so it could receive payment for the second semester of tuition for students who qualified for federal student loans, and had a disbursement last fall. The Education Department declined to comment.
Mr. Ogene was a former general counsel for Infilaw Holdings, a group based in Naples, Fla., that operates Charlotte Law as well as the for-profit schools Arizona Summit Law School and Florida Coastal School of Law.
Florida Coastal is partnering with Charlotte for an A.B.A.-required teacher partnership. If approved by the A.B.A., the arrangement would provide instruction to current students. It would also shore up the teaching ranks; Charlotte Law recently let go about a dozen professors, including its clinic teachers, some of whom have accused the school of not paying the severance that it owes them.
Any new arrangement would have to battle Charlotte Law’s recent poor record of bar success. In July only 45.2 percent of its graduates passed the North Carolina bar, which is necessary to practice as a lawyer in the state. In an expletive-laced recording, aired last month by the National Public Radio station WFAE, in Charlotte, a Charlotte Law official said that its July 2015 bar pass rate would have been in the low 20-percent range if the school had not convinced struggling students to defer taking the exam.
Charlotte Law students, who take on a median $162,000 in debt, according to the school’s website, say they are afraid and divided over what to do. Some, like third-year student Jason Merritt, of Pensacola, Fla., are trying to transfer elsewhere. But most law schools accept only 30 transfer credits; students nearing graduation typically have over 70 credits.
Losing the credits — the work and money behind them — would be a blow, Mr. Merritt, 39, said. He and his wife, Danielle, are expecting a baby in six weeks.
“This was a complete surprise,” Mr. Merritt, a military veteran, said. “One day, I logged in and found out the school was on probation. We had no idea.” The couple are paying rent and expenses with her student loans — she will earn a graduate degree in May from a nearby school — but their debt will rise significantly because they will need to borrow more money for Mr. Merritt to complete his law degree.
“It’s a giant mess right now,” said Mr. Merritt, who has joined in a federal lawsuit seeking class-action status, on grounds that Charlotte Law misled students for months by not coming clean about its accreditation shortcomings.
Other students, like Octavia Cannedy, from St. Petersburg, Fla., have decided to stay enrolled. She said she expected to receive a law degree in May.
“It’s been unsettling,” said Ms. Cannedy, whose goal is to practice patent and food and drug law. “But I know the school has been giving opportunities to students who do not have the opportunity to go elsewhere.”
The teaching arrangement with Florida Coastal is planned to last through 2019. However, a spokeswoman, Victoria Taylor, said the school would not be admitting students for fall 2017.
Florida Coastal, however, is also on the list of extreme risk law schools. Even so, the proposed teaching arrangement would leave Charlotte Law’s doors open. By cutting costs, paring faculty numbers and jettisoning clinics and other programs, it could emerge from its turmoil relatively intact if the federal government allows student loans to flow again.
If there is no reprieve, the school could see its student body dwindle enough to substantially lower the school’s legal liability for student debt. If it does close, enrolled students like Ms. Cannedy and Ms. Valentine, who made the trip to the Education Department, could be eligible to have loans for their entire tuition discharged.
That is little consolation to Ms. Valentine, who continues to take classes in the hope of earning her degree in May.
“We were sold a dream,” she said. “This is affecting real lives.”
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xxj0kerxx · 5 years
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ramialkarmi · 7 years
The scientific reasons we give our partners pet names — and what they could say about your relationship
If you use pet names, it might be because your mother used them with you.
Research shows that using cute nicknames is a sign your relationship is strong.
However, it's important to make sure your partner is okay with the cutesy names, as some people really hate them.
Insisting on using terms like "babydoll" when they're unwanted could indicate disrespect.
The idea of being called "babe" or "sweetheart" makes some people shudder. For others, pet names are so ingrained into their lives that if their partner calls them by their real name, they know something serious must have happened.
If you love to come up with new idioms to show your affection, this could be linked to your mother, according to Dean Falk, a professor of neuroanthropology at Florida State University.
She told Broadly that ultimately, pet names are a bit like baby talk, which exists to help babies learn languages while expressing love at the same time to bond mother and child.
"My hypothesis is an extremely simple one," Falk told Broadly. "Couples, speaking this way, harken back to their own experience when they were infants and to their first love, their mother."
Pet names can be a good sign for your relationship...
Whether you've earned a new nickname from an inside joke or you're both the kind of people who use couple-y terms, pet names can be a good sign that a romantic relationship is going well.
Suzanne Degges-White, a professor of counseling and higher education at Northern Illinois University, agrees, saying in a blog post on Psychology Today that using personal idioms is a sign your relationship is solid.
Just like we can get to know our partners so well that a simple glance can convey how we're feeling, pet names are another way of appreciating that closeness.
One study from 1993, published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, studied 154 couples to look at the correlation between pet name idioms and relationship satisfaction.
The research found that the satisfied husbands and wives reported more idioms than those who were unsatisfied.
However, the use of pet names declined over time. Couples married less than five years with no children used them the most, while couples in later stages used them the least, suggesting pet names are usually conjured up during the honeymoon period.
"I think it's a really human, natural behavior to take language and shape it for our own purposes," the lead author of the study, Carol J. Bruess, told Scientific American. "I think that's how nicknames evolve. We name things, we give things symbols, and over time we tend to naturally manipulate those symbols toward a certain outcome."
...But only if your partner actually likes them
Still, there could also be a more sinister side. Nicknames should be respectful, and if your partner is repeatedly calling you something you've already said you hate, it could be a sign they don't respect you.
"Sometimes pet names are used to infer power over another," wrote Degges-White. "Calling a female server 'Honey' or 'Babe' can be a way to call attention to your view of the role as subservient; it can be the same as calling females in the office 'girls' instead of co-workers or colleagues.
"According to many traditions and philosophies, there is great power in naming things and when this power is wielded by those who choose to use it to their own advantage, nicknames and other nomenclature-related communications can do great harm."
Different languages have their own versions
Rosetta Stone's website published an article about the "cutest pet names from around the world" around Valentine's Day in 2014.
In the UK, we tend to use words for animals or food, which also seems to be a general theme around the globe. The French say "Mon Petit Chou" which means my little cabbage, or cream puff. In the Netherlands, people call their girlfriends "Dropje," meaning candy, and the Spanish say "Media Naranja," which means half-orange — the suggestion being that when they're together, they make a whole orange.
In Thailand, a loved one might be called "Chang Noi," or little elephant, and an Arabic pet name is "Ghazal," or gazelle. An Italian boyfriend might call you "Orsacchiotto," meaning little bear, a German may say "Spatz" for sparrow, and a Polish person might call you a little mouse, or "myszka."
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