jr-verse · 18 days
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I think I nailed this one! :)
I thought since Roxanne's a wolf and wolves howl at night or... whatever, I figured to take that inspiration and created a musical masterpiece!
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prettytragcdies · 1 year
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labyriinths asked: Bonus: Send “📱+🎶” for the contact name and their ringtone or “📱📲” for the contact name as well as what a fake conversation between the two could look like using this link!
In Scarlett’s phone, Christopher’s contact name is simply Christopher. Now that she’s an adult, cute little nicknames for her contacts just feels a bit too immature. She’s not necessarily that big on adding emojis, either. Any fitting options looked too silly for her liking. As for ringtones, Christopher gets the basic, default one that comes along with the phone. Maybe one day she’ll find something more fitting to assign him.
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Devotional Hours Within the Bible by J.R. Miller
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Christ the Life and Light of Men (John 1:1-18)
The first three Gospels begin on the earth ; the fourth Gospel begins back in eternity. There are no sublimer words in all language than the first words in John’s prologue. They give us a glimpse of the eternal past and show us the Word existing then. In the beginning, before anything else was - He was. Genesis is the book of earthly beginnings, but this first verse of John’s gospel carries us back far beyond Genesis. We find precious comfort in human friends when we can rest in their love and know that they are indeed ours, true to us and faithful. Yet all the while, as we lean upon them, we know, too, that they are only creatures of a day. They have not lived long, and their wisdom is only inexperience, their strength only weakness. Their love is liable to change and decay; their very life is only a breath, a mere comma in the great sentence of eternity. But in the friendship of Christ we know that we are in the clasp of One who is eternal - the same yesterday and today, yes, and forever.
We are told also plainly who this divine Friend is. “The Word was God .” A word reveals thoughts. We cannot know what is in our friend’s heart - until he speaks. We never could have known what God’s thoughts about us are - if He had not spoken to us. Jesus Christ is the Word, that is, the revealer to us of the mind and heart of God. The Incarnation of Christ brings Him very close to us. In His human life He is one of ourselves, our brother, with feelings, affections and sympathies like ours. But when we can add to our thought and experience of Christ’s humanity the wonderful truth that He is divine, it puts a marvelous element of strength and security into our trust. The Incarnation is God coming to us with a great heart of love, offering Himself to us. A great preacher says, “In the last analysis Christianity is nothing more or less than a great dear Figure, standing with outstretched arms.” God is love, and He is love yearning, that comes to us in the Word.
All divine revelation has been made to the world through the Word. “All things were made by him.” One was showing an old watercolor picture which hung in his room. It was beautiful, but the good man said that nothing among his possessions was so precious to him as this faded bit of painting, because his mother had made it. Just so, everything in nature is made sacred and beautiful to one who loves Christ, when he remembers that his Savior made it. The sweet flowers by the wayside would be sweeter to us - if we remembered, as we looked upon them, that the hand of Christ painted them. This is Christ’s world. His touch is on everything in it. Everything speaks of Him and of His love.
Christ is also the source of all life. “In Him was life.” He is the one fountain of life. No one in the world, except God, can produce life. With all his skill, man cannot make the smallest living seed, or create the most infinitesimal particle of matter. Science, with all its wondrous achievements, has never been able to produce life in even the lowest form. No man can make a blade of grass, or the tiniest flower, or the lowest insect. All life comes from Christ.
Our lesson turns now to the revealing of the divine Word. First, preparation. “There was a man sent from God.” He came as God’s messenger, to prepare the way for the divine revealing. Each one of us is likewise “sent from God.” We know what John’s mission was. We may not know yet what our own mission is - but God will show it to us as we go on, if we are faithful. We may be sure, however, that we are here on no haphazard errand; we are really sent on some errand, some definite mission. There is some word that we were born to speak - and if we do not speak it, the world will be poorer, some life will not know God’s message and will not know what God wants it to do.
John came to tell men of the Messiah. “He came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light that all men through him might believe.”
Our highest duty in this world is to give honor to Christ, to show some phase of His glory. Some men in their self-conceit, think only of making a show of themselves, getting people to see them and praise them. The mission of every Christian is to bear witness of the Light, to point others to Christ, that men may believe. It was said of a great preacher, that wherever he went, people, when they saw his life, fell in love with Jesus Christ. They forgot the preacher - and thought only of the Master whom the preacher proclaimed, both in his words and in his life. John hid himself out of sight - and wanted people to see only Christ. We cannot save any soul - but we can point lost ones to Him who can save. We may bear witness of Christ in many ways. We may do it by our words, telling what He was and what He did for us; and by our life and character, showing what Christ can do for all who come to Him.
It is strange that when the Son of God came to his world, He was not received. We would say that such a glorious being would have been hailed with highest honor. But there was not welcome for Him. “He came unto his own - and his own received him not.” This was one of the saddest things about Christ’s mission to the world. For ages He had been waited for and watched for - but when He came He was not recognized; He was even rejected and crucified. We say, “If He came now - He would find a warm welcome.” But would He? He does come now as really as He came then. He comes to save us, to be our Friend, to help us in our need, and many of us turn our backs upon Him. He stands yet knocking before many a door which does not open to Him.
There were some, however, who received Christ when He came, and to these He brought wondrous blessings. “As many as received him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God.” Here we have the way of salvation made plain. We have only to accept Christ as He comes to us - and we are led into the household, among God’s own children. We need not understand all about Christ, about His person or His work - there may be a great deal of unexplained mystery about Him. There cannot but be, for the Incarnation is the most profound mystery of all ages. But we do not need to understand everything - all we need to do is to accept Christ as our Savior, our Master, our Friend - and we are led by Him into the full light. Then some day we shall understand. In the experience of divine love - our joy will be so full that there shall be no question unanswered, no desire unsatisfied.
The beginning of our passage tells us of the Word existing in the eternity past, the Word with God, the Word as God Himself; now we come to the revealing of the Word: “The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.” It is not said that the Word was changed into flesh - He continued to be divine. He became flesh. It does not mean, either, that He took up His abode in a human body merely - He took upon Him the whole of human nature, body, soul and spirit. We cannot divide the activity of Christ into two sections and say, “This the divine nature did, and this His human nature did”; the human and the divine were inextricably blended into one. When we see Christ’s compassion, His thoughtfulness, His mercy, His kindness, His gentleness, these are divine qualities, revealed in human ways, through human life. It was all divine, all glory.
Christ is the only revelation of God. “No man has seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father - he has revealed him.” We never can know God, except through His Son. There is no other possible revelation of Him. Christ came in lowly form, and appeared to His friends as a man; but when they learned to know Him, when their hearts had fixed their tendrils about Him, they found that He was divine, the Son of God. If we ever see God and know Him, and enter His family as His own - we must accept Christ. There is no other way. To reject Him is to shut ourselves away from God - in darkness unillumined by a beam of love from His face.
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christophe76460 · 8 months
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Jésus, sachant que le Père lui a tout remis entre les mains, qu’il est venu de Dieu et s’en va à Dieu, se lève du souper et met de côté ses vêtements ; puis ayant pris un linge, il le serra autour de sa taille. Ensuite il verse de l’eau dans le bassin, et se met à laver les pieds des disciples et à les essuyer avec le linge dont il était ceint. Jean 13. 3-5
L’humilité de Christ, un modèle pour les croyants
Quel tableau sans égal d’humilité ! Jésus, hautement conscient qu’il était venu de Dieu et s’en allait à Dieu, commence à laver les pieds de ses disciples ! Les cieux entiers étaient prêts, à ce moment-là, à le recevoir et à le glorifier, mais Celui qui est grand et élevé très haut, qui habite l’éternité, était sur la terre “comme celui qui sert” (Luc 22. 27). Quel abaissement infini ! En comparaison, toute humilité parmi les hommes est réduite à rien.
L’humilité de Christ projette une lumière adoucie sur tout ce qu’il a fait, et cela est de plus en plus visible à mesure qu’il se rapproche de la gloire. Avant sa mort, Jésus appelle ses disciples “amis” (Jean 15. 15), et ensuite “frères” (Jean 20. 17 ; Hébreux 2. 11, 12).
Que cette image de notre humble Sauveur soit toujours devant nous. Son exemple nous fera sûrement descendre de notre piédestal d’orgueil. Il n’y aura certainement pas un travail d’amour trop humiliant pour nous quand Lui-même accepte de s’abaisser autant ! Soyons satisfaits de prendre la place la plus humble, n’envions pas le succès ou la gloire d’un autre, et ne faisons pas comme Diotrèphe, qui aimait à “être le premier” (3 Jean 9).
Nous avons tellement de raisons d’être humbles ! Il y a constamment de la souillure qui s’attache à notre âme. Même ce qui, en nous, est partiellement bon, est souvent mêlé à de l’imperfection, de la recherche de notre propre profit, de l’orgueil, et de la vaine gloire ! Un chrétien orgueilleux est une contradiction en soi : chrétien et orgueil ne sont pas des mots qui vont ensemble ! Il nous est demandé : “Humiliez-vous donc sous la puissante main de Dieu, afin qu’il vous élève quand le temps sera venu” (1 Pierre 5. 6).
J.R. MacDuff
➡ Mardi 12 septembre 2023
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rebeccawrites33 · 1 year
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Image from the Poetic Performance and Reading of my memoir in verse, TANGLED BY BLOOD (Moon Tide Press) with Kelli Brown (voice of Mother) and Madi MIller (voice of Younger Me) at MING Studios. (Not pictured, Lisa Whitwell, voice of Tina, my older sister)
So grateful for these artists, their time, their embodiment of my work and words. Thankful for J.R. Rivero Kinsey and Jason Morales at MING, and all their love and support as well.
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chaosinfiniti · 1 year
Andi Reid (Alicia Vikander); flexible
Atlas Pickett (Nico Tortorella); apocalypse verse/flexible
Avery Sinclair (Chyler Leigh); supernatural verse/flexible
Bastian Fernando Rivas (Pedro Pascal); apocalypse verse
Jesse Hart (Garrett Hedlund); apocalypse verse/flexible
Javier Navarro (Peter Gadiot); apocalypse verse
Josette Davis (Sonequa Martin-Green); apocalypse verse/flexible
Kara Sykes (Chyler Leigh); supernatural verse/flexible
Noah Pierce (Milo Ventimiglia); supernatural verse
Tariq Sayed (Rahul Kohli); supernatural verse/flexible
Victor Bakker (Michiel Huisman); apocalypse verse
Other potential fcs;
Alexander Skarsgard
Anna Kendrick
Annie Murphy
Boyd Holbrook
Colin Ford
Dan Stevens
Danai Gurira
David Castaneda
Elizabeth Lail
Gabriel Luna
Hamish Linklater
J.R. Ramirez
John Krasinski
Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Lauren Ridloff
Manny Montana
Matt Barr
Melissa Roxburgh
Oscar Isaac
Raymond Ablack
Ricky Whittle
Sean Teale
Theo James
Tom Holland
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rainsmediaradio · 2 years
Jason Derulo - My Head Lyrics
#ThrowbackThursday With @RainSegzy @jasonderulo - My Head Lyrics #ThrowbackThursday #kpss2022 #Serres #LizTrussPM #JeffSatur #topmodel
Jason Derulo – My Head IntroJason Derulo(Beluga Heights)(J-J-J-J-J.R.)C’mon, yeah Verse 1Everybody’s looking for love, oh (Woo, huh)Ain’t that the reason you’re at this club? Oh (Huh)You ain’t gon’ find it dancing with him, no (No)I’ve got a better solution for you, girl, oh (Huh)[Pre-Chorus]Just leave with me now, say the word and we’ll go (And we’ll go)I’ll be your teacher, I’ll show you the…
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sehunniepotwrites · 3 years
if we were a movie | j.jh
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for @nctsworld’s first writing challenge
SYNOPSIS. For someone who was always the understudy and never the lead, scoring this role was huge for you. All you had to do was pretend to be in love with your best friend. No big deal, right? Wrong. It was the biggest deal because, for the past four years, you had been hiding your feelings for Jung Jaehyun.
If this were a movie, he would be your perfect match and the story would end happily with the credits rolling to a perfectly timed soundtrack. Too bad this wasn’t a movie— this was real life and life came with complications.
GENRE. childhood friends to lovers!au, college!au, drama school!au, slow burn, angst, humor, mutual pining, fluff (loosely based on the Filipino rom-com Must Be Love and If We Were a Movie by Hannah Montana) PAIRING. theatre major!Jaehyun x  theatre major!reader WORD COUNT. 14+ k
WARNINGS. point of view switches from first (”I”) to second (”you”); self-doubt, insecurities, mutual pining, cursing, lots of references and direct quotes from musicals such as Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella, Disney’s Newsies, Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, Shrek the Musical, and Wicked (edited but i might’ve missed some mistakes; bare with me!)
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There are moments where time flows as normal, where people carry on with their days as they usually do. Then, there are moments people experience in slow-motion, where the world just stops spinning and all the background noise just fades away. These are the moments people look forward to. They’re the breathtaking ones, the ones that capture your heart and soul. After those moments, people are never the same. 
The first time I experienced something in slow motion was when I made my stage debut at a small talent show. There was thunderous applause after my performance and while my heart thumped against my chest, the world seemed to come to a stop. That’s when I knew my heart belonged to the stage or rather, the stage belonged to me. 
Some of these slo-mo moments are the ones where people fall in love. 
My father said that’s how he knew my mother was the one for him: he experienced it all at a slowed rate, everything fading into black and she was the only thing he saw. She was his brightest star and he was the one who reached for the sky to bring her down to Earth. 
When I was younger, I always dreamed about my “falling in love” slow-mo moment. I pictured a grandiose event with large actions and sweet words.  For it to actually happen at theatre camp during the initial dress rehearsal for Disney’s Beauty and the Beast J.R.— well, that was far from what I hoped for. 
And yet, it was just as special as I thought it would be. 
I was in my obnoxious fork costume, waiting for my best friend to leave the boy’s dressing room. 
Jung Jaehyun had been my best friend since the beginning, otherwise known as my first year at theatre camp. Only ten years old at the time, we both were cast as two of the three blind mice in Shrek the Musical and had been inseparable ever since. Although we attended different middle schools, our friendship grew from our shared vocal and dance lessons as well as our summers at camp. You know how it is; those who end up in the ensemble together stay together. 
Going over the dance moves in my head, I didn’t hear my friend’s voice calling my name. He gripped my shoulder, the action surprising me to the point where I lost my balance. I yelped and shut my eyes, expecting to fall onto the hard ground but a hand grabbing onto my wrist prevented my doom. With an arm around my waist, I barely missed the ground.
Slowly opening my eyes, I glanced up to see Jung Jaehyun looking down at me with a worried gaze. He was just a sixteen-year-old boy dressed as a spoon and yet, the world around us came to a halt. Gone were the other frantic theatre kids and the backstage messes. The couple playing Belle and the Beast was no longer sitting across from us, running through their lines. No hustle and bustle of the crew and the props masters.
It was just me dressed as a fork, falling down while my spoon for a best friend caught me in his arms. 
“We make quite a pair, don’t we, Forky?” he chuckled lowly, hitting the top of his costume to mine. It was a ridiculous sight— a pair of oversized cutlery in a crowded dressing room.
A burning hot sensation crept its way up to my face as he gently pulled me up. “I guess we do.”
Since then, my life has never been the same. I was in love with my best friend, Jung Jaehyun. I fell for him when the world stopped spinning beneath my feet while his world, unfortunately, kept on turning.
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I remember each and every slowed-down moment in life —the good, the bad, and the absolute worst. I never thought a bad slo-mo moment existed, I simply didn’t think it was possible. 
I was young and naive then and I was so incredibly wrong.
The moment that hurt me most took place in my senior year of high school. The final callbacks for our community’s production of Disney’s Newsies were in order. The role of Jack Kelly, the headstrong and flirty newsboy, was easily given to the ever-so-charming Jung Jaehyun. He was not only my best friend at the time but he was the it-boy of our small theatre. People were either in love with him or wanted to be him— his talent matched his insane looks. His kind personality made him all the more lovable.
Jaehyun had his two fatal flaws, though. Everyone knew them but still saw him in such a bright light.
One: the boy was extremely clumsy. Jaehyun was often called “magic hands,” constantly ruining his props. It was a running gag in the theatre but the props committee never minded; one smile was all it took for them to forgive him and his cursed hands. 
That was his first flaw. And his second? Jaehyun fell in love way too easily and way too fast. 
How exactly did I find this out? Well, I was there to witness the scene that lifted his heart to the highest of levels while mine dropped straight to the ground.
I was in the running for the stubbornly intelligent female lead named Katherine Plumber. My opponent was the confident and radiant Son Wendy. She always played the lead in her high school productions but this was a community musical and I was determined to claim that part as my own. 
I went first, entering the audition room with a smile with the script gripped tightly in my palm. Performing alongside my best friend was easy. The romantic scene was a piece of cake, not because the lines were a breeze. That wasn’t it at all. It wasn’t because I memorized the Newsies script as a child either. It was because, at that moment, Jung Jaehyun was in love with me as much as I was in love with him. It was a moment I wanted to cherish forever: the way he looked at me was something I had never experienced before. It was so full of emotion and passion, like he had me within his grasp and never wanted to let me go.
“You got this. I believe in you,” he whispered in my ear, squeezing my hand in support. His breath tickled my skin and sent shivers down my spine. The nerves were back, not because of the audition, but because of him. 
“You’re just saying that because it’s the scene we’re about to act out, Jae,” I hissed. The sheet music for the duet, Something to Believe In, wrinkled in my free palm. 
His warm, comforting hand pressed harder against my own. “No, it’s not that. If you need someone to believe in you, I’m right here. I’ve got you, Forky. Always.”
The director cleared his throat from his seat, his scrutinizing eyes watching us closely as we got into position, just like we rehearsed a thousand times. “Whenever you’re ready.”
I watched as Jaehyun took a deep breath to get into character. He closed his eyes, rolled his broad shoulders back, and then his lids snapped open. His brown-eyed gaze aimed straight at me, with a vulnerable expression taking over his features. He was no longer Jung Jaehyun— he was Jack Kelly, a scared newsboy who was in love with a newspaper company heiress. 
The line came pouring out of his mouth with the utmost sincerity, the confusion and affection seeping through his words, “Just standing here tonight, looking at you, I’m scared tomorrow is gonna come and change everything.”
 Jaehyun took a step forward towards me, an unsure smile curling on his lips. “If there was a way I could just grab hold of something to make time stop just so I could keep looking at you.”
His body stops right in front of mine, keeping a clear distance but enough to feel the passion radiating off of his words and actions. For once in my young life, my best friend looked at me with a different kind of love in his eyes and I returned it, my genuine feelings seeping through my words. 
Biting my lip, I replied coyly, “You snuck up on me, Jack Kelly, I never even saw it coming.”
“For sure?” he stage-whispered. His upstage hand unexpectedly reached up to caress my cheek. The action was unrehearsed, almost catching me off guard. It was a different take on the scene. The characters were supposed to be shy, their thoughts wavering on their own feelings for each other and the impending strike that was to come the day after; yet, Jaehyun played Jack as someone certain of his feelings.
“For sure,” I answered back at the same volume, my hand cupping his own to follow along with his direction. It felt as if he was searching my soul for my thoughts and I could not let him in. The opening bars of the romantic duet echoed throughout the room and after taking a breath, I began to sing. Jaehyun joined in on the second verse and instantly, our voices blended together in a beautiful harmony, one that beat our Newsies karaoke sessions in his car. 
The scene ended as quickly as it began. The director hummed before jotting notes down and whispering to his casting assistants for a few seconds. I thought they were the longest seconds of my life. Jaehyun nodded his head to reassure me. “You did well, Forky.”
“Of course I did, it’s me we’re talking about here,” I nudged him back. “I can do no wrong, Jae!” 
“Thank you,” the director finally spoke, “you may go. Jaehyun, if you could escort her out and fetch Wendy for me?”
“Of course,” your friend nodded. The feeling of his large hand on my back slowly guided me out of the room. The spot he touched me burned but my cheeks were burning even more. Why was it that every little touch drove me to the brink of insanity?
“You’re so going to land this part,” I remember him saying as he squeezed my waist. My heart was beating erratically against my ribcage, the butterflies in my stomach threatening to fly their way up my throat.
“You think so?”
“Oh definitely,” Jaehyun stressed with a wink. 
He said it too soon. 
Because the minute he locked gazes with Son Wendy, I just knew he had found his leading lady. 
“S-Son Wendy?” he stuttered as he caught sight of the pretty girl in the waiting room. Her hair was styled similarly to a young maiden from the turn of the century, perfectly curled and out of her face. 
“Yes?” she smiled back.
It seemed like the words were caught in my best friend’s throat. Sneaking a glance at Jaehyun’s ears, they burned a bright red. “We’re, um, we’re ready for you.”
I watched as Jaehyun nervously offered his arm to her, his eyes never leaving her face. It was like he was her own personal spotlight, the way his eyes shone just for the girl in front of him. The boy was completely enamored and I was instantly in the shadows. The sweet smile that was reserved for me was directed towards another and it sparkled in a way it never did before.
The world around me moved incredibly slow as they passed me by. With everything frozen, all I saw was the gorgeous couple headed to the audition room with hushed exchanges. Jaehyun took his time heading to the private room to spend more time with the girl while Son Wendy steadily made her way into my friend’s fragile heart. My own heart clenched at the sight. It was breaking ever so slowly and I felt every little crack and tear. 
Even with the role of the understudy, it was as if I never even had a chance at winning his heart over. If Wendy wasn’t present for one rehearsal, Jaehyun didn’t even see me— his own best friend since our ensemble days. He was way too deep into his “showmance.” It was like I never even existed. It wasn’t long before he called Wendy his girlfriend and then, I was invisible. Cast aside. Ignored.
Needless to say, my heart broke in slow-motion as Jaehyun’s pounded rapidly for a girl that took two parts I desperately ached for: Katherine Plumber and the girl who held Jaehyun’s heart. 
But this was just the first time his heart was stolen by his opposite. The first of many.
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The first two years of university passed me by like a summer breeze. Constantly busy with general education and introductory drama courses, I was constantly flitting around from building to building. My hands were usually occupied by my laptop, a blazing cup of caffeinated tea, and a worn out script while my mind was filled with jumbled up lines and the dramatic cries of an overwhelmed university student. I probably wouldn’t have made it this far if it wasn’t for Jaehyun and Xiao Dejun, another theatre major we had met during orientation, by my side.
Fast forward to my third year and the three of us were headed to the office of the theatre department. It was posting day for the spring musical— the day the cast list was revealed. This year’s musical spectacular was Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella. The play itself was a modern classic and it was also my dream come true.
This day, just like any posting day of the drama department, was nerve-racking. Everyone was anxious to find out what parts they were given and how the fairytale would play out. The part of the brave and kind Ella was always on my list of roles I wanted to fill. As much as I thought I did well on my final callback, I didn’t want to set my hopes too high.
“Are you nervous?” Jaehyun asked while draping an arm over my shoulder. He playfully put all his weight onto his right side to throw me off balance. 
“Nervous? Me? Why would I be nervous if I’m like 95% sure  I’m going to get the understudy again?” I chuckled sarcastically. Bitterly. It happened every year, so why get my hopes up now?
“Yeah but—”
“No buts, I’ve accepted the title of the Wonderstudy! I think you should too, Jae,” I slapped his shoulder before quickly slipping out of his hold before linking arms with Dejun. My best friend let out a yelp, almost tripping over his own two feet as we continued down the hallway. “I’m mediocre at best.”
The Wonderstudy: it was the nickname the other students in the department gave me because I was always the understudy. I was never the star of the show. It said that I was good but not good enough. 
Dejun leaned in and whispered, “You do know that you’re more than just that, right? You’re an actor. A phenomenal one. You weren’t accepted to this drama program by just being mediocre at best.”
I ignored my friend’s comment, eyes zoned in at the other end of the building. The crowd of usual theatre students crowded around the bulletin board, curious heads popping up and down trying to take a peek at the list. Some buzzed with excitement, happy they got a major part while others groaned in disappointment. You were most likely going to be with the later group. 
Once the cluster of students caught sight of Jaehyun, they parted like the red sea to let him through. It wasn’t really necessary, though, everyone knew the it-boy of the drama department was cast as the role of the misguided prince, Topher. 
The only question was: who was cast as his princess? Who was this year’s Ella?
I fought my way through the bunch with Dejun following behind me as our best friend was showered with congratulations. Jaehyun was all smiles, dimples prominent as he was lavished by the mass. Dejun made it to the list first. His finger dragged along the thin paper until he found his name. He cheered, pumping his fist up in joy. “I got the part I wanted! I’m Jean-Michel!”
Grinning at my friend, I sincerely congratulated him. He got the second lead: the feisty peasant looking for change. Turning again, his eyes grazed the list until Dejun found my name. His smile dropped ever so slightly and that was when I knew: I was beaten once again. 
“What part did I get?”
“Gabrielle,” he answered. Ah, the outwardly abrasive but quietly empathetic sister. The second lead, love interest of Jean-Michel. At least I was playing Dejun’s opposite. 
I took a step closer, wondering who took the part of the kind princess. Squinting at the small print, my eyes scanned the jumble of words until I saw it.
Ella……………………….Lee Naeun Ella u/s………………….Y/N
I scoffed. Forever the understudy. The Wonderstudy of the Theatre Department indeed.
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The first rehearsal, otherwise known as the read-through, took a toll on me. It was usually a two to three hour long session, filled with loud chatter, crazy introductions, and a variety of crazy theatre games to break the ice. When the niceties ended, everyone took their seats in their plastic chairs that were arranged in a huge circle. Bae Joohyun, the head stage manager began reading the stage directions aloud as the table read began. The production’s director, Professor O’Hare, sat alongside Joohyun, jotting down notes and giving out commentary when needed. 
Amongst the reading of lines were tiny whispers, the sound of highlighters and pencils marking the paper, and the simultaneous turning of pages. The music director, Professor Lau sat at the piano bench and sight-read the music to give the cast a taste of the songs. Being the first rehearsal, the few who knew of the songs sang along to the accompaniment with joyous smiles, myself and Dejun included.
When Professor Lau played the first romantic duet between the leads, all heads turned to Jaehyun and Naeun who sat side-by-side. With it being their first time together, the performance was far from perfect but it was still something. His lower tone blended nicely with her softer voice and the shy glances they exchanged made their duet quite a sight. 
As Jaehyun and Naeun read the last lines for Act One, I noticed the way Jaehyun’s gaze kept flittering back to Naeun’s pretty face. The girl was focused on her lines, head down and hair blocking her gorgeous features, but he still kept looking at her and only her. I could imagine how the scene was playing out in his head, the world slowing down until Naeun was the only one moving.  He was infatuated. Twitterpated. 
And it hurt. It hurt more than reading the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet or listening to Elphaba’s desperate cry she lets out when she loses Fiyero. Call me dramatic but that was how I felt. 
It wasn’t like I tried getting over him. It wasn’t like I tried dating other people before; I had many, many times but my mind always drifted back to my best friend. He was the boy with the richest brown eyes, the perfectly dimpled smile, and the lowest laugh that set my heart aflame. Without even knowing it, Jaehyun had this incredible hold on my broken heart and he would not let me out of his grip. 
The green-eyed monster inside me resurfaced and I hated it. I absolutely hated it— why was I so pathetically in love with my best friend? 
 “Here we go again,” I said before dropping my head onto the table. 
“You say that every time and you keep running back to him at the end of the day,” Dejun whispered before looking back down at his script. His hand continued to jet across the page, his highlighter marking his many lines. 
Rolling up the script in my hand, I whacked his side. The action caused his hand to jerk the bright marker in another direction, striking a distorted line on his page. “Look what you did, twerp!” he hissed.
“Your fault, Eyebrows!”
“Stop calling me that, you fork!”
“Hey, only I can call her fork!” Jaehyun appeared out of nowhere, plopping alongside me. His voice snapped us out of our little argument, making us realize that the director called for a fifteen. 
“That’s only because you’re a dumb spoon,” I stuck my tongue out at him. Jaehyun pretended to reach for it and I blew a raspberry at him to retaliate. 
“You two idiots are my favorite cutlery set,” Dejun shook his head with a laugh. He was probably wondering why he stuck around us the majority of the time. 
“Let off it, Dejun,” Jaehyun said with the roll of his brown orbs. 
“Only if you let me be the knife to your set.”
“As if, dumbass,” I countered with a laugh. 
“Okay but you guys, can we stop fighting for a sec and talk about how I got her number?” Jaehyun beamed, throwing his arms over both our shoulders. He pulled us closer to his body and the faint smell of his musky cologne hit my nose. I held back a sigh as it filled my senses. Oh, to be drowned in his scent. 
“I got Naeun’s number!” he repeated excitedly, his strong arms shaking us. I held back my abrupt want to push him off. I wasn’t in a celebrating mood. My heart was too broken to care.
“Of course you did, when do you not get a girl’s number?” I answered a bit too bitterly. Raising a brow at him, I added, “Are we supposed to be surprised?”
“Listen,” Jaehyun countered, pulling back from me. “I don’t like that attitude, Forky.”
I scoffed, “Never stopped you from being my friend before, Jae.”
Jaehyun didn’t answer; he was too busy clutching his phone. His pretty brown eyes were fixed on Naeun’s contact page like it was the world’s greatest treasure. His eyes were sparkling in admiration before his gaze turned to the girl across the room. The look my best friend wore on his face was soft, the smile on his lips light. “I think she could be the one.”
Some thought him to be a player but I never thought of him that way. He might have had the looks of a heartbreaker but he had the purest heart of gold. The boy with the dimpled smile, porcelain skin, and cheeks as red as roses was a hopeless romantic to his very core. He was simply looking for his other half. 
“I think she could be the one.” His words repeated in my head, his voice pestering me. My heart lurched at them despite hearing them each semester. 
Jaehyun said this every year, with every girl. He said this when he crushed on Son Wendy, Kim Chungha, and so many more. His infatuations and crushes ended just as easily as they started. The boy was more than disappointed when the initial spark with each girl ended after a show’s run ended. When the musical closed, so did his feelings for each opposite. 
I never got stage fright; I was usually the one who said what was on her mind without a moment’s hesitation. So why was I hesitating to tell him my feelings?
Why was I hesitating to say that the one Jaehyun could be looking for was standing right next to him?
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Just another rehearsal at the auditorium. 
Just another day watching my best friend fall for his leading lady.
Jaehyun and Naeun were standing in the middle of the stage, the ensemble surrounding them. He stood behind her, his hands gently placed on her waist while she leaned back into his touch. Naeun was wearing a fluffy tulle skirt, a mock-up of her ballgown. Park Sooyoung, the resident fashion major and lead costume designer, pushed her to wear it so she could get used to the estimated size of her dress. Even in a mere tank top and tulle skirt, Lee Naeun looked like a princess.
Professor Kwon, the choreographer of the production, stood at the end with a watchful eye. She counted them off, walking them through the routine while the rest of us practiced our steps off to the sidelines. 
Once the two main characters got the hang of their steps, Professor Kwon motioned for Professor Lau to play the songs from the beginning. As much as I tried to focus on my own dance moves, my mind kept wandering back to Jaehyun. 
Imagining him under the spotlight in a perfectly tailored suit, a crown sitting on his head, extending his arm out not to Naeun but to me. It was one of those movie moments where the characters and the audience watching fell in love. 
If life was like a movie, things would be so much easier. 
So lost in my thoughts, I missed a count and stepped on my partner’s foot. Muttering a quiet sorry to him, we continued on with the routine. As my partner swirled me around the dance floor, I drifted back into my daydream.
My utterly impossible daydream where I was the girl Jung Jaehyun was infatuated with. Although this play talked about impossible things happening everyday, I couldn’t imagine this ever happening. 
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The terrible thing about being a theatre major in university was being a theatre major with midterms. Not only did I have to deal with hours of my back hunched over a desk and scattered study materials, I had to spend half of my days in the school’s theatre rehearsing. 
If I was not in class scribbling down last minute notes in notebooks,  I was learning dance routines or running lines on and off stage alongside Dejun. The days were long and the nights were even longer. Sometimes, the cast fell asleep in the seats of the auditorium while rehearsals were going on. We were all losing sleep. Some of us were losing our sanity but hey, welcome to the theatre. 
My schedule was filled to the brim and I wasn’t even the main character of the show. On top of that, I had to memorize the part of Ella. Not that it was really needed in the first place. 
No one ever stepped down from a lead role while I was their backup. It just didn’t happen.
Despite the hectic lives of belonging to the theatre department, the musical was two months into production and everything was running smoothly. With a month and a left until opening night, everyone was off-book and the initial stage blocking was done. The costuming and makeup committee were finishing up their mock-up designs and the student orchestra sounded divine. 
I saw more of Dejun than Jaehyun lately, my best friend being preoccupied with his new love interest before, during, and after rehearsals. I was cast aside once again.
Was it something out of the ordinary? No.
Did it still hurt? Yes.
Did I do anything about it? Absolutely not. I didn’t want to ruin his happiness. I rather suffer than see him as nothing but joyous, even if the happiness was temporary. The grin he wore when he was in love was too beautiful to rip away. Jaehyun shined like the light from the sun. I could never bring myself to do it. 
It was week eight of rehearsals when I stepped out of my last midterm, my head absolutely empty after reading small text for over an hour. Reaching into my backpack’s front pocket, I pulled out my cell phone and quickly turned it on. My screen was flooded with missed calls and texts from Professor O’Hare, Joohyun, Jaehyun, and Dejun, the notification numbers reaching over a hundred total. 
Something must have happened. Talk about a theatre emergency. Knowing our kind, they were probably being overdramatic. 
Just as I was about to unlock my phone, a video call went through. It was Dejun. Rolling my eyes, I slid my finger across the screen to answer it. “Jeez, I know you love me but give a girl a break, Eyebrows!”
“God, you’re so conceited sometimes. Why didn’t you answer my calls?!” He shouted, face close to the phone. I winced at the volume, immediately lowering the level as I slipped on my wireless earbuds. “There are important matters to discuss here!”
“What happened this time? Did someone say Macbeth in the theatre again? You know I don’t believe in that shit,” I said sarcastically.
“Oh my god. This is not the time for jokes! Everyone’s been trying to reach you!” Xiaojun yelled once more. “Where are you?!”
“I just got out of my musical history midterm in Maple Hall. Heading to the theatre right now. Why?” I never received an answer; Dejun hung up the call. Giving my phone a weird look, I shoved it in my pocket before continuing on my way. A light push on my back prevented me from going too far. 
“Twerp!” Xiao Dejun’s voice came from behind me, yanking me by the straps of my backpack. He was breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath. “Oh my god, we’ve been looking for you everywhere,” he said in between heavy breaths. 
Crossing my arms, I cocked a brow at him. “Why’s that?”
Dejun placed a hand on my shoulder for support. The words came flying out of his mouth, I almost couldn’t catch what he was saying. So much for being a theatre major. 
“Speak clearly, Dejun. Enunciate, articulate, exaggerate, remember? We are thespians and thespians do not mumble!”
The exhausted boy ignored my theatricals. “Naeun didn’t land a switch leap right and she rolled her ankle during advanced ballet. She’s going to be out for at least three to four weeks,” my friend replied breathily, his words a lot clearer than before.
The news shocked me to the core, my feet suddenly planted to the ground. It sounded like he said Naeun was out of commission. “What?” 
“She’s out for three to four weeks! I mean sucks for her, I wish her a speedy recovery but do you know what this means?”
The lack of response from me urged him to continue, “Sweetheart, she’s out. You’re in!”
Oh shit. I was in.
The part I had always dreamed of was mine. The lead role was finally mine.
I was now Ella and Jung Jaehyun was my Prince Topher.
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Having an understudy step up to their role halfway through production was always something to get used to. It was a setback, a minor one, but still a setback. Just as Jaehyun finally settled into his role and built an unshakeable bond with Lee Naeun as his opposite, the accident happened. His potential girlfriend was now out of the show and off her feet in order to push for a speedy recovery.
The lovesick boy couldn’t even be there for her because his rehearsal times increased in order to get his best friend adjusted to your new role. There he was, leaning against the piano while waiting for you to arrive.
Professor Lau sat at the bench, flipping through his sheet music until he found the song he was looking for. 
The door slammed open and you stumbled in. “Am I late? I’m sorry, I just heard the news.”
“No, not at all. You’re right on time,” the professor smiled at you. “The situation’s weird, I know but congratulations on getting Ella.”
“Thanks, Professor. That means a lot,” you grinned back. 
Dropping your bag by the piano, you swiftly pulled out the script. You glanced at Jaehyun’s opened book for the page number before hastily flipping through the pages. Jaehyun nudged your side. “Hey, Forky.”
“Hey yourself,” you elbowed him back, biting your bottom lip.
“Congrats, bubs. You did it,” he pulled you into a side hug before ruffling your hair with pride. You had finally gotten a part you wanted. It was your time to shine. As your best friend for many years, Jaehyun had been waiting for the day you could show the crowds your full potential.  
“Did I really do it or did your girlfriend just get injured? How is she, by the way?” 
As much as you tried to play the overdramatic, conceited girl, you never believed in yourself but Jaehyun always did. You deserve the spotlight; your talent was out of this world and the masses were finally granted a chance to see you for what you were— a star.
“You did this. You were made for this part as much as she was,” Jaehyun reassured his best friend with a smile. He tapped your nose. “And she’s not my girlfriend but she’s doing alright. Just in a little bit of pain. I’m going to see her after we finish.”
“Give her some well wishes for me,” you answered. Jaehyun didn’t notice your smile dropping into a small frown.
“You ready to act like you’re in love with me?”
“I was born ready, you doof.” There was something weird in your voice when those words left your lips but Jaehyun didn’t have time to process it.
Professor Lau guided the students through a series of warm-ups before asking, “Shall we start with Do I Love You Because You’re Beautiful today? We’ll do a couple of run-throughs before Jaehyun teaches you the blocking.” His fingers played the beginning notes of the song, the light melody drifting to their ears. 
Already off book at this point, Jaehyun closed his eyes and began to sing.
Do I love you because you’re beautiful? Or are you beautiful because I love you?
Am I making believe I see in you A girl too lovely to be really true?
Do I want you because you’re wonderful? Or are you wonderful because I want you?
Are you the sweet invention of a lover’s dream? Or are you really as wonderful as you seem?
When his eyes fluttered open, Jaehyun found himself facing you with a script in hand. Your face wore the softest look as you stared back at him. His breath almost caught in his throat at the gentle smile you wore. You played the part differently from Naeun and it was a refreshing sight to behold. You were playing a confused peasant but your eyes still sparkled with the gleam of a thousand suns. 
There was a flush of heat that started from his cheeks and extended to his reddening ears. His heart was doing its best to break out of his ribcage and the star of the show wasn’t sure if his chest could keep it in for very much longer.
When singing with him, Naeun was a pretty princess.
But when he sang with you, the girl in front of him? Jaehyun thought you were absolutely breathtaking.
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Two hours later, we were finally free of rehearsals. My first rehearsal as Ella. My throat was a bit parched from all the singing and projecting I was doing but I felt lighter than air. Singing with Jaehyun made me feel lighter than air. I was weightless, nothing could hold me down.
“Forky, you’re really good,” he said to me as we walked to our cars. I tried to fight the sudden heat making its way to my face. Lately, compliments from him were hard to come by.
 It was already late when O’Hare and Lau finally let us out, the moon sitting high in the sky. The night breeze crept its way into my thin jacket, causing me to hug myself to retain some warmth. Noticing my struggle with the cold, Jaehyun quickly draped his jacket over my shoulders. I was immediately hit with his familiar scent, it was almost overwhelming. I should be used to this, his action of sharing his clothes with me was nothing new but I was weak. It affected me every single time. I guess I was that head over heels for him. 
Head over glass heels, one could even say.
“You’ve seen me in action before and I mean, I was chosen to be the understudy for a reason,” I gave him a shrug. 
“Yeah but I’ve never seen you act and sing like that. Just...wow.” Stealing a glance at him, Jaehyun almost looked enamored with me. He was giving me a look that was usually reserved for someone else. I felt my heartbeat pick up in my chest and flutters in my stomach.
“Stop that,” I blushed, pinching his skin through the thin material of his long-sleeved shirt. A satisfying buzz ran through my body. Was he really looking at me like that? I was probably reading too much into it.
“No, but it seemed so real. Like you weren’t pretending.”
“That’s because I wasn’t,” I whispered under my breath as we arrived at our cars. 
“Hmm, you say something?” Jaehyun asked, leaning closer to hear me. 
Shaking my feelings away, I ignored the dull ache in my chest and acted through the tears I was desperately holding in. I wrinkled my nose at him playfully, secretly pushing the pain down my throat. “You really don’t listen to a word I say, do you, Jae? I said, I’ll see you later.”
“See ya, Forky! Get home safely!”
Scoffing to myself, I realized how much of a great actor I was. I deserved an Oscar or a Tony for the scenes I played out, the ones where I pretended to be okay when I was far from it. 
What award do you ask? Best Actress in a Supporting Role— the best friend to Jung Jaehyun but never the love of his life.
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Wardrobe fittings for productions were always an exciting day for the whole cast and crew. It was one step closer to putting on a show. Jaehyun was already dressed in one of his many costumes, a white suit with golden trimmings. It fit him for the most part, only tiny adjustments were needed. Members of the wardrobe department quickly pinned his neatly pressed jacket before taking it off his hands. Since he was the main character, Jaehyun was one of the first ones done. He was simply waiting for you to come out in your first dress— the white gown for the ball scene in Act One.
When you finally did all those minutes ago, Jaehyun swore his heart stopped. 
Ten minutes ago, Jaehyun saw his best friend walk through the curtains. Your face was bare, hair still in that lazy style you always sported but your clothes. The comfy clothing you usually rehearsed in was gone and replaced by a beautiful ball gown. Despite the pins that scattered throughout the material to fit your form, it still appeared majestic. There you were, standing before him and the rest of the cast, and you were the loveliest you had ever been.
Ten minutes ago, you walked in and his head was reeling. Time slowed down as you tentatively made your way towards him. You did not meet his eyes but Jaehyun was dying to catch your gaze. He never wanted to let you out of his sight. The picture of his best friend in white was something he wanted to treasure and suddenly, the slowness around him stopped. The cast’s cheers and squeals disappeared. There was only you in that beautiful ball gown. 
Was this the slow-motion moment you always talked about? The one you always dreamed about experiencing? Jaehyun could see why people thought it to be magic. It was almost like a movie, movie magic if you will. 
Another look at you and then Jaehyun was in the future, watching you make her way down the aisle. A thin veil covered your face and he was so tempted to push it away from concealing your dazzling smile. His heart was fighting its way out of his chest, wanting to head down the path straight to you. How he wanted to reach out and touch you, cradle you in his arms. 
You were truly an angel in white. A princess. A queen.
The mere sight of you took him to the skies, the one place he was sure you were from. Although Jaehyun would never admit it, he always thought you to be beautiful. Throughout the many years of being best friends, he would find his gaze subconsciously drifting to you. He would rip it away before you would ever notice him doing so, knowing you would tease the hell out of him for it— it was his own little secret tucked away into the corners of his beating heart. 
“How do I look?” Your question snapped him out of his daydream and back to reality. Back down to earth. 
“Sorry, what did you say?” 
“Oh my god, you stupid spoon! I said, how do I look?”
“Lovely,” he answered sincerely, his brown eyes digging into your own. “You look absolutely lovely.”
Ten minutes ago, you simply murmured a question while Jung Jaehyun came to a realization. The realization that he might’ve fallen for you: his Forky, his best friend.
The loveliest girl he had ever seen.
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With Cinderella’s opening night being only a few weeks out, you and Jaehyun decided to fit in extra time together to run lines and songs outside of scheduled rehearsals. That was the plan for every weekend and that particular Saturday was no exception to this plan. When his doorbell rang frantically, Jaehyun groaned loudly before getting up to answer the door. Did you always have to be so obnoxious?
Just as the door swung open, your loud voice boomed into his apartment, “‘Sup, ho! Ready to rehearse the hell out of this show or what?”
He stepped aside to let you in and you immediately made yourself comfortable in his humble abode. Jaehyun almost laughed as he watched you. There was a particular routine you stuck to when visiting his place. First, you would take off your shoes, slip on your personal pair of slippers you left at his house, drop your bag on the kitchen counter, and then open his fridge to raid his food supply.
Precisely as Jaehyun predicted, you waddled to the fridge in your memory-foam duck slippers and stole one of his yakults. He loved how comfortable you were in his home. It was truly a heart-warming sight.  The act itself was extremely domestic and he quite liked the domesticity when it was with you. That flash of you in a wedding gown came back to him and he blushed at the thought. The idea of spending a future together was flooding his brain recently and he didn’t know what to do. 
You weren’t the one he liked. Naeun was but why were you the only person on his mind? Was it wrong to have you in his mind? Naeun wasn’t his girlfriend— they were still getting to know each other. His time with her decreased over time since you had stepped into the role of Ella. He was very fond of you. He always had been. There was this little piece of his heart that was reserved for you but was it because you were his best friend or was it more?
Jaehyun quickly snapped himself out of it. 
“First of all, I’m not a ho,” he said before grabbing a yakult of his own. He poked the straw through the foil a bit too harshly, the liquid splashing over the top. Damn his strength— now half of his drink was gone. “Second, stop slut-shaming me for my dating choices. It’s 2021. If I wanted to be a ho, I could be a ho.”
You rolled your eyes as you took a sip of your drink. “God, I hate you sometimes.”
“You need to stop lying to yourself, I know you’re hopelessly in love with me,” Jaehyun said, pointing his drink towards you. He caught you rolling your eyes at his answer.
“Oh, you’re absolutely right. I am irrevocably in love with you, Jung Jaehyun,” you said sarcastically, dramatically batting your eyelashes his way. Your confession, despite being a sarcastic statement, left his heart racing against time. 
“Alexa, play Hopelessly Devoted to You!” you yelled ironically. 
“Now playing Hopelessly Devoted to You by Olivia Newton-John,” an electronic voice boomed across his living room before the opening notes of the ballad began to play. 
“Shit! I forgot you actually had an Echo,” you jumped, not expecting that at all. Jaehyun chuckled at your reaction, loving how easily you scare. He always thought it was one of your cuter traits. 
“Alexa, stop!” he called. 
Jaehyun ran a hand through his hair. He dragged his feet to his bedroom, knowing you would follow without a word. “I can’t rehearse today, I have to write this damned analysis paper for a class. It’s due in two days.”
“I’m sorry, is that paper more important than your best friend in the entire world?” you pushed from behind him.
“Yes,” he deadpanned, taking a seat at his desk. Jaehyun’s study area was an absolute mess. His notebooks were scattered around the floor, textbooks opened to random pages, and his laptop opened to a google document.  
“That’s a motherfucking lie and you know it.”
“I really can’t rehearse now, Forky,” he sighed.
He glared at you as you theatrically fell onto his bed. The notes spread out on his bed flying to the floor. “Oh, woe is me! Jung Jaehyun cannot give me the time of day to rehearse. What am I to do?”
“Why are you like this?” 
“I’m a theatre student, I’m wired to be this obnoxious,” you said with a straight face. 
He stared at you through narrowed eyes. “I really hate you right now.”
“I know,” you countered with a flat tone. “But in all seriousness, Jaehyun. I won’t take too much of your time. I just wanted to practice our duets a couple of times and then I’ll be out of your hair. Plus, you look like you need a break.”
One look at you and he was a goner. How could he ever say no to his best friend?
“Ugh, fine.”
“Ha, I knew you would cave.”
“Shut up.”
The next hour with you was spent rehearsing the numbers. During the last run-through, Jaehyun suggested going over the blocking and putting their all in it. To act like it was opening night. You swiftly agreed and he played the music from the top.
Jaehyun led you around his room, spinning you across the floor as you sang. The smile on your face was so lovely, he could not take his eyes off your lips. His eyes fluttered to a close and he imagined you in your full costume, downed in your gown, as dainty as a daisy and as graceful as a bird. The thought of you dressed like a princess drove him crazy.
He never thought of Naeun this way. This was different. You were different but why?
Jaehyun opened his eyes to see you smiling so gracefully at him as the song was coming to an end. Just as planned in the show, your gaze flitted to his lips. You leaned closer and he followed, dipping his head to meet you halfway. His heart was skipping to its own beat as he inched down. Your soft lips brushed against his oh-so-gently as he held you in his arms but before the boy could press back, the door to his room swung open.
You broke away from him, shocked at the sudden arrival to see your other friend and Jaehyun’s roommate, Dejun. “Oops, was I interrupting something?” 
“I, uh, I gotta go.” Before you could even stop him, Jaehyun grabbed his wallet and phone off his desk and ran out his room. 
Confusion clouded his senses. Why did he feel empty after you pulled away? Why did he want to kiss you so badly? It was just a stage kiss.
Was it not?
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Jaehyun’s door slammed shut behind him, leaving me and Dejun in his room. It wasn’t long before we heard the front door close, too. “Well, that was something,” Dejun said after his roommate shuffled out of the apartment.
“Shut up, Xiao Dejun,” I replied, smacking his arm. 
My friend lifted his arms up in defense before he gave me a pointed stare. “I’m just saying, the two of you looked really into it. It looked great, to be honest with you. No notes to give here— I’m sure O’Hare and Lau would say the same.”
“It’s just acting,” I tried to shrug it off. 
“Stop lying to yourself.”
“I’m not!”
“Bulltshit. I saw the way he looked at you— that’s not acting, twerp,” Dejun declared, his voice dropping. His voice never dipped in tone unless he was serious and in that moment, he was dead serious. My friend sounded like a frustrated tutor deliberately explaining a concept for the fifth time and I was the stubborn student who just didn’t understand.
“Yes, yes it is!”
“No, it’s not because that’s how he always looked at you!” 
“Lies!” I yelled accusingly, “We got Liza Minnelli over here!” 
“God, you’re so annoying sometimes! Why won’t you confess? Cat got your tongue? Nothing’s really stopped your sharp tongue before,” Dejun groaned at my stubbornness. He slapped a hand onto my shoulder. I tried to shrug him off but his grip was too strong. Maybe it was him trying to help me get a grip. Who knew? I honestly didn’t. 
“It’s not like I haven’t tried, you know?” An exasperated answer left my lips. I was tired. So ridiculously tired of dealing with these feelings for my best friend. It had been four years since I fell for him. Four years of trying to see other people, four years of trying to confess, and four long years of failing every time.  “I just freeze up like a deer in headlights or like you did when you performed that one monologue sophomore year in voice and movement class. Remember that, Jun?”
I felt his sharp glare burning a hole in my back. “You promised to never talk about that moment, you traitor,” he hissed, his hand squeezing the hell out of my shoulder. 
“Okay yeah but you get the point, right?” My nails dug into his skin, leaving little indents onto his hand. He yelped, finally jerking his hand back to examine it. Shaking my head, I added, “Plus, he’s my best friend. I just can’t do it!”
“So, what you’re saying is that you choose friendship over the possibility of him loving you?” 
“It’s just...I don’t know—” I started, shifting my body to face him, “—choosing friendship means that I’ll only lose love. But if I chose to confess and put my feelings out there, I could lose him as a potential lover and my best friend. I’m not prepared for that. I don’t think I ever will be.”
And there it was again. The self-doubt hit me, imposter syndrome resurfacing at an all time high, bringing me to the lowest of lows. 
The feeling of being a fraud, of being not good enough. 
For Jaehyun. For any love interest for that matter. For the role of Ella. For taking my place under the spotlight. 
“Am I—am I good enough?”
“I—I don’t know—” I stuttered as my mind was consumed by my own crippling thoughts. I tried to stay strong but the crack in my voice gave me away, “—for anything? Everything?” 
“Oh, twerp,” Dejun said in that particular voice and then that was when the floodgates opened. The tears just came pouring down with no sign of stopping. My friend gently pulled me into his comforting arms. They were snug and I felt safe but not as safe as I did in Jaehyun’s hold.
“You, my darling, are definitely good enough. Don’t let your thoughts tell you otherwise.” Although his voice was comforting, it did not help the unhinged thoughts running through my brain. 
“Then, why does it always hurt when I don’t get the role of the leading lady? Of his leading lady? I always get so far and then, at the end of the day, I’m just not what they’re looking for. What he’s looking for.” Pining for something so unimaginable was too taxing. Having the lead role in a play and having Jung Jaehyun wear his heart on his sleeve just for me. 
“Sometimes, the roles aren’t made for you and that’s okay.”
“But what about this one?”
“This one, twerp, this one is a little different.” 
“And why’s that?”
“Because there is music in you; it goes hand in hand with Jaehyun, like a melody to his harmony. You are his Ella and he’s your Topher,” Dejun urged. It was like he was begging me to not give up hope. 
“You’re just saying that.”
“I’m really not. You just gotta do what the theatre gods tell us to do: just trust the process.” 
How could I trust the process when all it did was hurt me by allowing me to have a glimpse of a love and a life that would never be mine? 
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Opening night finally arrived. Everyone was called to the theatre for a full run through in the afternoon: the final dress rehearsal hours before the doors opened and the curtains were drawn. I had gotten there earlier to soak in the calmness of the empty auditorium before the chaos began.
I heard heavy footsteps come from behind me. Even without turning around, I knew it to be Jaehyun. The boy took a seat next to me on the wooden prop walls that were locked into the ground. If the stage managers and props committee saw us, they would’ve definitely ripped our heads off but they weren’t— it was just us.  
“Penny for your thoughts, my dear Ella?”
“Topher,” I answered, playing along with his game. “Lovely to see you here bright at early.”
“I knew you would be here and I wanted to be here with you,” he said, pulling me into a side hug. Jaehyun knew me well but did he know me well enough? “Spill it, Forky. What’s wrong?”
“Sometimes I still doubt myself,” I said a little too fast. A loud sigh followed my reveal. The crippling doubt was always there, haunting me. Let me tell you, it was not the best thing in the world to have during an opening for a new production. 
“Oh yeah?” Jaehyun asked, pushing me to continue. I felt the soft brush of his palm against my hand. His fingers grabbed hold of my wrist before fighting their way to tangle with my own fingers. The sensation tickled, taking me away from my thoughts for a fraction of a second. I played with his fingers, watching the way his pinkish hand fit with mine. 
I refused to look at him; I was too afraid of breaking down.“Doubting myself, my abilities. Always the understudy, never the star, remember?”
Jaehyun hummed. He rested his chin on my shoulder. “Did something change?”
“Yeah, I finally realized that maybe it wasn’t that I wasn’t right for the part; the part wasn’t right for me,” I laughed a bit dryly. “Does that make any sense?” 
“Weirdly, yes,” he replied, his breath blowing against my neck. I tried to ignore the tickling sensation and the way it made me feel. 
“But this is different— I feel like I was made to play Ella. Made to play her even though I got the part in this odd, unconventional way,” I turned my head to the side to avoid eye contact. “The girl who sees the good in everything despite the hardships and suffering she went through.”
“Without a doubt, I believe that you belong on stage with me,” Jaehyun answered sincerely, “and I’m glad we have the chance to finally play opposites.” 
He squeezed my smaller palm in support. I appreciated the reassurance; the action slightly calmed me down before she took the next step. Possibly the biggest step of my entire life. “There’s something else I realized, too.”
“Oh yeah, what’s that?” Jaehyun asked softly. 
Taking a deep breath, I said, “I realized that I could be right for you.” 
It took him a minute, a long solid minute before Jaehyun could bring himself to respond to my confession. I wondered what he was thinking at that moment, when those words left my mouth. “Right for me?” came his tentative reply. A quick glimpse at his ears and I saw the burst of red. He was caught off guard, embarrassed. 
“Yeah,” I said almost shamefully. Was I ashamed of my feelings? I never was ashamed before. Maybe it was because Jaehyun finally saw me for who I truly was— his highly dramatic best friend that was head over glass heels for him. 
“How long— how long have you felt this way?” The red of his ears seeped to his rosy cheeks. 
“Ever since we were a dumb pair of utensils,” I replied sincerely, my voice wavering at the truth, “a set of ridiculous tableware.”
There was an awkward chuckle that left his drying lips. I heard him click his tongue, a habit he did when Jaehyun never knew what to say. It seemed like I rendered him speechless. “Since we were sixteen? That long and you didn’t say anything?”
“You’re really asking me that?”
“Yes, I really am!”
“Jaehyun, c’mon. Use your brain! How was I supposed to? You’re my best friend and when you’re not my best friend, you’re out there chasing other girls,” I stopped to lick my drying lips. There was another inkling of silence and I gulped at how tense the atmosphere was. “And I thought maybe once, just once, you would chase after me, too.” 
I almost laughed; my greatest desire was finally out in the world and it was greeted by silence. 
“But what if I’m wrong for you?” 
And there it was. The rejection I was preparing for. Giving him a pained smile that failed to meet my ears, I said, “Then that’s life, I guess.”
“You guess?” 
“Well, I can’t make you act like you’re in love with me, can I?” I snapped, my pain taking the best of me. It clouded my brain, blocking off all rational thoughts out of my head. “This isn’t a play or a movie with a script, Jaehyun. This is real fucking life.” 
Hurt. I was being overwhelmed with a wave of hurt and anguish. My body was trembling as much as my eyes were. I felt them growing wet and I shut them closed. My hands curled into fists, nails digging into my skin. It stung but not as much as being rejected by the one you loved most. The lead of the movie in your mind. 
“Wait, no, that’s not what I meant,” Jaehyun tried to stop me from getting off the stage. I pulled away from him, quickly snatching my belongings before heading to the nearest exit. Turning back around before I left the empty auditorium, I experienced another moment in slow-motion. 
There Jaehyun was in all his glory— denim jacket slipping over his broad shoulders, dark brown hair sticking up in all directions and a confused look on his face. He looked like a mess under the spotlight of my mind but nevertheless, he was my mess of a best friend.
He was my mess of a best friend and that was all he was going to be. That fact hurt more than being the forever understudy. 
Why couldn’t I fast forward this portion of my life? Why must I suffer this much?
Why couldn’t I escape the role of being second best?
If only my life was a movie, then maybe I wouldn’t be everyone’s second choice. His second choice.
If we were in a movie, Jung Jaehyun would be my best friend and my perfect match. Our story would be the typical friends-to-lovers saga that every girl dreams of. It would end happily with the credits rolling to a perfectly timed soundtrack. 
Too bad this wasn’t a movie— this was real life and life came with complications.
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After that confrontation, you and Jaehyun were off and not off the charts— just off. The directors noticed it. The stage hands noticed. The cast noticed it. The final run-through before the curtains opened just finished and it was an absolute disaster because of the way you acted with Jaehyun. Every time he opened up his body to you, the response you gave him was closed off. Cold. 
To the rest of the cast and crew, the prince and princess didn’t seem very much in love that day— they didn’t even seem friendly. You and Jaehyun seemed like two strangers trying to work their way across a stage. There was no connection. There was nothing else there. 
Now, if only you would let Jaehyun talk to you, maybe something would change but you didn’t. You ran away every chance you could. It was like Cinderella, but you didn’t leave a glass slipper behind. You didn’t leave anything behind. 
Less than an hour before showtime and he couldn’t even talk to you. Let alone look at you. He sighed into his hand, palms applying pressure to his eyes. Jaehyun cursed under his breath, forgetting that he had a heavy amount of stage makeup on his face. Looking into the mirror, he saw his makeup was still intact. Thank the theatre gods for the Ben Nye Final Seal Setter. It seemed like that it was the only thing set in stone at that moment. 
The door to Jaehyun’s dressing room slammed open and Dejun waltzed in, fully dressed in his costume.“Dude, what was up with you and the twerp during that dress rehearsal? You were so off!”
He received no reply, Jaehyun was too zoned out to hear. Dejun hopped onto the counter of Jaehyun’s dresser. Usually, the action would shock the main lead but Jaehyun was too lost in thought.“Well, you know what they say about a bad dress rehearsal. That means we’ll have a good opening night,” Dejun said, eyeing his friend for his lack of response.
Finally looking away from his reflection, Jaehyun glanced up at Dejun with a look of disbelief. “She likes me?”
His friend jumped off the counter with widened eyes.“Oh my god, did she finally confess? Was that why you were acting weird?”
“Dejun, you knew?” Jaehyun slammed his palms on his dresser. The makeup products on the tabletop shook, leaving the other guy to wince at the show of strength. 
“Honestly for being the ace of the theatre department, you sure are dumb,” Dejun replied a bit too casually as he leaned into the mirror to examine his appearance. He clicked his tongue upon realizing his cheeks didn’t have enough color. The stage lights would wash him out. The boy reached for Jaehyun’s pink blush and a clean wedge before applying it onto the apples of his cheeks.
“What should I do?”
“Well, Jaehyun, what do you want to do?” Dejun asked, turning side to side to double-check his reflection. 
“I don’t know that’s why I’m asking you!” Jaehyun fired back with vigor, hating how casual his best friend was acting. He was having a before-show crisis and his best friend was calmly stealing his bottle of Ben Nye, spraying his beautifully sculpted face with the setting spray.
“Well, do you like her more than a friend? And what about Naeun?”
“Yes? No? I don’t know! But—”
“But?” His friend asked before hopping onto the countertop. The actor raised his perfectly shaped eyebrows at his friend and Jaehyun had the sudden urge to pluck the beauties they were until Dejun had no eyebrow hair left. When Jaehyun didn’t reply, Dejun repeated his question.
Dropping his head in his hands, Jaehyun hesitantly replied, “There was this moment when I saw her and it was like that thing she always said? The slo-mo thing?”
Dejun’s head perked up. “You saw her in slow motion?” 
“Yeah, it was like time stopped. All I saw was her and then…” Jaehyun thought back to seeing you in a wedding dress. He changed his mind; he didn’t want to talk about his feelings. All he wanted to do was make sure opening night ran as smoothly as possible. Grabbing his white suit jacket for the top of Act One, the boy stood up in an attempt to escape his friend’s sudden peak in curiosity. “Never mind, this is ridiculous. I gotta go, Dejun.” 
“No, you’re not going anywhere until you actually confront your damn feelings,” Dejun said, shoving his friend back in his chair. “Do you like Naeun?”
There was a pause before he answered truthfully: “Yes.”
“Okay, and are your feelings for Naeun stronger than what you have for your best friend?” 
“No,” Jaehyun released another sigh as he leaned back in his chair. A hand reached up to brush through his hair before he remembered that it was gelled back in place. He dropped his hand to rub the back of his neck, not wanting to mess with his looks before places. “I was infatuated with Naeun but with her, god, she’s something else and it took me this long to realize it.”
“How do I know you’re not just saying that?” Dejun questioned, squeezing his friend’s shoulders a bit too tightly. Jaehyun thought his friend was testing him and for a good reason. If he was in Dejun’s position, Jaehyun would’ve grilled his friend, too. “How do I know you’re actually in love with her? Yes, you’re my roommate and best friend but she’s my best friend, too. I can’t let you hurt her if all you feel is something temporary. I can’t let you treat her like those other girls.”
“Because she’s The One, Dejun. I’m certain of it,” Jaehyun snapped back. “When I look at her, I see everything I’ve been searching for. It’s like I was blind for the longest time, you know? She was always just Forky to me back when I didn’t know any better. But now I see and all I see is her— her, with all her flaws. The way she hides her insecurities with her dramatic outbursts. How she picks at her cuticles when she’s nervous or how she always steals my food at home. And the way she just fits with me. I can’t explain it.”
Jaehyun didn’t even give his friend a chance to butt in. He was still rambling on with a fond smile, his mouth running a mile. “She’s been there with me since the beginning, Jun. Before I was this prince of the theatre department, she was there. She’s been there since the beginning and even when I was chasing after girls, she was there at the middle of it all, and fuck, I want to go all the way to the end with her.”
Dejun released his hold on his friend and rolled his eyes. The boy made his way to the door of the dressing room before mumbling under his breath, “God, what is with you two and giving out monologues? I swear, when this is all over, you should become playwrights.”
“Never mind me, Jaehyun,” Dejun opened the door and gestured for Jaehyun to follow the path— the path down the hall that led to you. “What are you waiting for? Go get her, we have 30 until Joohyun calls for places!”
“Dejun, it’s much more complicated than that.”
“It’s only as complicated as you make it out to be. Just— just go and talk to her, yeah?”
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Jaehyun sighed deeply as he reached your dressing room door. He knocked lightly, running through the lines he wanted to say in his head before you shouted a faint “come in.” The door squeaked open to reveal you, his best friend in the whole entire world, touching up your makeup. The best friend that he was inescapably in love with. You watched him through the mirror as he leaned against the frame with crossed arms. 
“Can we talk after the show? There’s something I need to tell you— it’s important. I don’t think I—um, I have enough time to tell you now,” Jaehyun asked, stuttering through his words. Gone was the confidence he usually bared. The only thing left in him was a scared little boy, afraid of the problem his words may cause. 
The smile he received from you did not reach your ears. “Of course,” you replied curtly before turning away from him. He noted how you were over applying your blush and fidgeting with your costume. You were doing everything in your power to avoid him. 
The tugging of your ear, the biting of your lip, the picking of your cuticles. He saw all your bad habits. You were a ball of nerves and the speaker announced it was ten minutes before places.
“Hey, Forky?”
“Yes, Jaehyun?”
“You know that I believe in you, right? Always?”
There was a twitch at the corner of your lips. “I do.”
“Good,” Jaehyun approached you with caution. You watched him from your mirror, never making direct eye contact as he came closer. He dropped a kiss on the crown on your head, relishing in the way his plush lips against your torn bandana and the lace front wig. “Break a leg, my Ella.”
He observed you through your reflection and took in how beautiful you looked in your rags. You made the rags the costume department designed for you look like riches. 
“Same goes to you, my prince,” he heard you answer in that soft tone.  Again, you had sent him to the skies and the boy was struggling to find his way back down.
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When it was time to draw the curtains and light the lights for the first performance of Cinderella, it seemed like everything fell into place.  Jaehyun stared at you across the stage, falling for the way the lights illuminated your figure in that white ball gown. The bright glow brought his attention to your bright grin, that beautiful and radiant smile of yours, that shocked him to his core. 
Jaehyun locked eyes with you and suddenly, he was drowning. He was drowning in your expressive eyes. He was drowning in your overflowing love. 
It was different being across from you in front of a full audience. There was a rush that took over him whenever he saw you and it beat the flurries his heart experienced with his other leading ladies. As you said your lines with that bewitching sparkle in your eye, Jaehyun hated himself for not realizing how much he loved you sooner or how you were never playing pretend. 
But that was okay because Jung Jaehyun loved you now. He loved you in the world you made believe on stage, where he was Prince Topher and you were his Ella, and he loved you in reality where you would always be the fork to his spoon. 
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Opening night went smoothly and the roaring applause I received during my final bow sent me to the moon. The way Jaehyun looked at me across the stage with eyes filled with pride and joy blasted me to places I had never been before. I became high on this feeling of being under the burning spotlights. The feeling of wearing the most intricate costume and the way his hand slid into mine for the last bow before the curtains were drawn; it was something I wanted to treasure for the rest of my life.
But with every high came a low— my low hit me when I ran into Jaehyun’s dressing room. I caught him in an embrace with Naeun who gifted my best friend with a rose. She placed a kiss on his cheek, causing his white ears to flush a deep red that rivaled the flower he held. The girl gave him a quick shove of the shoulder before heading to me. 
Her congratulatory statement went in one ear and out the other. I could barely process Naeun handing me a rose of my own before she walked out of the room, the sweet scent of her perfume lingering in her wake. She gave my best friend one more lingering look as she left and it hurt me in so many ways.
“Ready to go?” Jaehyun said, clearing his throat. “Wanna stop by the stage first? Soak in your first opening night as a lead?”
“Why the hell not?” The walk back to the stage was short. It felt different somehow.
“We did it,” I whispered.
“That we did,” he answered back. 
We walked onto the stage together and I could still hear the crowds cheering for me, giving me the standing ovation I earned. It was electrifying, the way the sparks ran through my body. It ran from the top of my head to the tips of my fingers and toes. 
Glancing around the empty auditorium, I pondered aloud, “But do you know what sucks about it all, Jaehyun?”
“There’s nothing worse than the feeling of not being chosen and it still hurts that I wasn’t the first choice,” I replied truthfully, “Not as much as before. But I’m learning to get over it. The casting directors saw potential in me.”
“That’s because you do have the potential to be a star. You’re practically glowing right now.” I felt his eyes trained on me, just like they were the entire time we shared the stage. 
Turning abruptly to face him, I said, “You really can’t say that to me, you know?”
“And why’s that?”
“Because it makes my heart beat against my chest and these stupid butterflies come around before I remember that you have never chosen me to be your first choice,” I glared. 
“But I do choose you,” Jaehyun pushed, his voice laced with desperation, “That’s what I was trying to tell you before you stormed off on me earlier!”
“Are you really choosing me, Jaehyun? The real me? The me that has been your best friend for years? Or are you choosing the me that shares a stage with you every night? The me that could potentially be your next whirlwind romance?” No matter how desperate he sounded, he couldn’t beat the hopelessness that was dripping from my own voice. 
“No, that’s not it at all!” his voice boomed, the sound echoing throughout the empty auditorium. 
“Then, what is it, Jung Jaehyun? Because I am tired of being second best and I’m tired of not being chosen,” I almost cried. The anguish was just taking over my body and I couldn’t make it stop. “Yes, I know some parts are not right for me but I can’t help but be hurt. And then you say that you’re choosing me? Of course, I’m going to think of it being because I’m your newest love interest on stage.”
“If you could just listen—”
Unable to stop the words from coming out, I just kept running off at the mouth. Everything I wanted to say to Jaehyun was flying out of my lips at rapid speed; I couldn’t even stop it. “I have seen you in slow motion so many times and I want to just fast forward from those moments. To speed past them so I can move on from the idea of not being yours. I refuse to be a temporary love that you lose interest in. I just want you to pick me, to choose me, and to love me, damn it— is that too fucking much to ask for? To be chosen and loved?”
While I was taking a breath to continue with my rant, Jaehyun cut me off and the words he said rattled the stage, the ground beneath my feet, and my whole entire world.“No, it’s not and you are way fucking more than that, if you just take a moment out of your godforsaken monologue and listen to me! I choose you not because you’re my leading lady but because you’re you. You’ve always been this— this incredible, breathtaking you.” 
He took one step closer and I took one step back. “And you’ve the person at my side when no one else is.” 
Every single time I would retreat, Jaehyun would follow. The boy was persistent, his brown eyes trained on me. “The one who figured out you loved me first while I was too blind to see it. You’re the fork to my spoon. We’re a set, we go together. And I was too dumb to figure out that at the end of the day, I always think about you and how no one I’ve ever been with compares to you.”
 When my back hit the wall, I was trapped. Trapped in between his arms and the way they propped themselves on either side of my face. Trapped in the haze of his brown eyes and how they dug deep into my soul. 
 “I don’t see you in slow motion— I see you in fast forward. I see you in the future, my future, walking down the aisle in white and I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore. All I know is that I choose you. I will always choose you.”  
I was trapped by Jung Jaehyun and there was no escape for me. Judging by the way his eyes never let me out of his sight, there was a chance my friend didn’t want to let me go either. He wanted me to stay. 
“Jaehyun, what are you saying?”
“I’m saying that I love you. You’re my beginning, middle, and my end.”
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“You love me? Like you’re in love with me?” Jaehyun heard you ask, like the possibility of being loved by him was so impossible. You were searching for any inkling of doubt but he made sure you couldn’t find any because you were the only thing he could see. 
Jaehyun brought a hand near your cheek. It hovered there as he hesitated to touch it to your skin until you leaned into his touch. Your cheek felt so warm in his palm and it was so comforting to have you in his hold. “I wanted to say it earlier but I was just so scared of losing you as both a lover and a friend because what if it all goes to shit? What if we go to shit and things hit the fan? I can’t lose you.” 
“But you, Jung Jaehyun, are in love with me?” you repeated as your hand cupped his own. The smile you gave him was bright enough to light up the stage. 
“Yeah, I thought I made that clear. I’m sorry, did I mumble that line?” he teased playfully, trying to coerce a giggle out of you. “Should I start the scene over?”
“No, no. I’m just—” you paused and he watched you recollect your thoughts. His glittering brown eyes were trained on you as the words processed in your head. “You love me,” you laughed in disbelief. 
Jaehyun took a step closer, his hand tentatively reaching out to stroke your face. He sighed in relief as you relaxed into his touch. “You’re my number one girl. I choose you.” 
“Well, it’s a good thing that even after all this time, I’ve always chosen you, too.”
Once those words left your lips, he couldn’t hold himself back. Wrapping his arms around your waist, Jaehyun pulled you against his chest and smashed his lips against yours. Yes, he had kissed you on multiple occasions prior to this— onstage and off— but this time was different than the rest.
 This was the first time he really kissed you after your feelings were out in the open.
The first time he kissed you and finally felt the love you harbored for so many years. Jaehyun just hoped you could sense the love he was pouring out for you, too. 
He did not want to let you go but he was struggling to breathe. You were so lovely, everything about you was so incredibly lovely, and to have you in his arms was the best feeling in the universe. Everything around him turned dark and he felt the warmth of a spotlight and the flush of your body against him. The entire world was spinning beneath his feet, his heart racing, and his lips chasing you and only you. 
Jaehyun did not understand why people did drugs— the high of being so ardently in love with another person, with you, gave him the high that he needed. 
He felt you hit his chest in an attempt to end the kiss but Jaehyun did not want to stop. A light shove to his shoulders was enough to separate his lips from yours and what a sight you were— chest panting heavily for air, lips plumped and swollen, and the prettiest set of eyes widened in shock.
“You kissed me!” you said in between pants. “Like not a stage kiss but you actually kissed me!”
“That I did, love,” Jaehyun replied cheekily, taking another step towards you. You stepped back to lean against the wall but did nothing to stop him from coming forward. “Are you gonna do something about it?” 
The look in your eyes changed after you heard his new nickname for you. It was coy. Flirty. Challenging. “Do it again, I dare you,” you whispered a bit too loudly. 
Before Jaehyun closed the distance, his eyebrow perked up at the challenge. “Gladly.”
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Senior year was there before we knew it. 
Another year, another posting day. 
Dejun, Jaehyun, and I swiftly made our way down the hall to the front of the theatre department, curious to find out which roles we were given. The spring production and the final musical of our college career was Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. 
Callbacks for Belle went as smooth as ever— the chemistry between Jaehyun and I were off the charts. But why wouldn’t they be? We were together now. 
Just like any other time, the crowds gathering around the cast list and bulletin board parted immediately once they caught a glimpse of Jaehyun approaching. The only difference was that this time, he was tightly clutching my hand. 
When we arrived in front of the board, I shut my eyes before I could read the cast list. An anxious buzz flowed through my veins, tickling the tips of my fingers and toes. My boyfriend must’ve felt the twitching of my fingers or the sweat dripping off my palms. 
I felt his body shift towards me. “Want me to take a peek first, love?” Jaehyun asked as he pressed his plump lips onto the crown of my head. He nuzzled his nose into my hair, a small but sweet action that always comforted me. 
Shaking my head, I looked at him and said, “No, why don’t we look together?”
“On three?” he grinned lovingly.
“On three, you dumb spoon.”
The countdown was quick but the glance I took at the cast list was even quicker. It was so quick, I almost didn’t catch who was put into the role of Belle. Taking a double take, I let go of Jaehyun’s hand as my eyes zeroed in onto the tiny print. 
Everything around me came to a stop as I read and re-read the cast list. Everyone around me was celebrating their parts but I couldn’t hear them, they were all muted in my mind. All I could hear was the sound of my own breaths  and all I could see my name on the top of the page. 
Belle……………..Y/N The Beast……..Jung Jaehyun
“Oh my god, I got the part,” I whispered to no one in particular. Backing away from the board, I repeated the same words a little louder and it got the attention of everyone surrounding me. Before I knew it, everyone threw a congratulations my way. The cheers were loud and obnoxious but they were for me because I did it. I finally did it.
Feeling a little overwhelmed, I backed away from the blustering crowd before bumping into my boyfriend’s firm chest. Jaehyun caught me in his hold, his arms circling around my waist. He dropped his chin on my shoulder and placed a tender kiss on my temple. “Would you look at that? We’re not a ridiculous set of tableware this time.”
“No disrespect to those parts, they were awesome, but I think I like this a lot more,” I giggled, turning in his hold. 
As I circled my arms around his neck, he whispered, “Same here.”
I yanked him down into an earth-shattering kiss that sent the world spinning beneath my feet. It slowed down, speeded up, and it did everything in between. I saw flashes of yellow ball gowns, royal blue coats, and Jaehyun smiling at me gracefully across the stage. 
Jaehyun staring me down from the other end of an altar. 
I saw it all. 
If my life was a movie, then this would be the time that the screen would fade to black and show the names. Some overly poppy song would resonate through the speakers and everyone would get up from their seats and gush over the happy ending.
But it wasn’t. My life was as real as it could be and it was even better than any romantic-comedy that would ever grace the screen. 
This wasn’t the ending. 
This was the perfect beginning. 
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AUTHOR’S NOTE. hello, my darling readers! you really didn’t have to wait that long for this release, did you? a big thank you to several people: @johtenrecs for always being my beta and for the helpful feedback, to my chaotic gc ( @smoll-tangerine, @ppangjae, @jaedore​, and @jeongvision) for listening to me complain about how i was losing it while writing this fic, to @suhpressed​ for helping me with brainstorm, and lastly, to my lovely @notnctu bc without her and our crazy idea of hosting a hannah montana collab, i wouldn’t have gotten this idea! love y’all! hope you enjoyed this and please leave feedback! uwu
TAGLIST. @yasmini24 @jaehyunnie77 @emmybyeakitty @fluffyjaes @aevizen @dearjaehyxn @yourmagnanimousholiness @jaehyvnsvalentine @keemburley @softieus @lanadreamie @lebrookestore  @notmangojuice @felixn-recs @captainsjoongs @anotherfullsun @ukiyoneo @kunrengui​ @babyyynatty​ 
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© sehunniepotwrites, 2021
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ichristian-news · 4 years
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Nothing in this world is more beautiful Nothing in this world is more beautiful(J.R. Miller)A ship is made to go in the water, and no matter how deep the sea nor how wild the tempest--all goes well as long as the water does not get into the ship.
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LIFE WITH ALTHAAR and the 2021 Audio Verse Awards -- PLEASE VOTE!
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For the third out of four years we will be eligible, Life With Althaar has been nominated in 7 categories at the Audio Verse Awards.  Voting deadline is 11.59 pm Pacific Time on Sunday, October 17.
Voting is a bit easier technically this year, but no less confusing, because they really try to avoid ballot-stuffing by making the process fairly complex (which we approve of).
That said, we would REALLY appreciate it if our fans ranked us somewhere in their choices, if they haven't already -- and if you haven't voted, please consider doing so, ESPECIALLY if you're a serious, devoted audio drama listener who can rank many choices honestly, as I think most of our followers are now. We haven't won anything in previous years, and don't especially need to emotionally, but the longer we're in the process, the more new listeners we seem to get, which is always an advantage.
There are 14 awards to vote for -- 7 basic categories, split into newly-premiered shows and ones that have been around before October 1, 2020. Althaar is in the latter category. You have to rank as many shows in each voting category as you want to vote for -- the top 10 winners in these semi-finals go on to be the finalists from which 5 winners are chosen in the last vote next month. You must vote for at least one show in each of the 14 categories, even if you know nothing about any of the shows in it. They randomly order the shows you pick from when you're ranking them so people who don't know any of them will just pick one, without favoring any particular show. So you could just pick Althaar and a bunch of random shows.
However, there are a handful of real life friends of Gemini CollisionWorks (and many of us in the company personally) that also have shows nominated in the "New" categories, so if you're short on choices, maybe take a listen to these and see if you want to vote for them:
Clara Francesca (Dinorbiax and others on Althaar) is the lead in Colapesce: An Audio Adventure
Many members of GCW have worked for years with Untitled Theater Co. #61, which has two shows nominated:
The Iron Heel (featuring sound design by Althaar's Ian W. Hill and brief appearances from Ian and Ivanna "Cmdr. Torianna" Cullinan)
The Resistible Rise of J.R. Brinkley (Berit stage managed the original stage version of this one)
From Gideon Media, another stage/audio company we've worked with many times in Theater:
The Designated Mourner by Wallace Shawn
Grasses of a Thousand Colors by Wallace Shawn
Give Me Away by Mac Rogers
You see, the more shows you rank in each category, the more your votes count. Vote for one show, it gets one vote. Vote for five shows, your top show gets five votes, then 4, 3, 2, 1 through the others. Hell, it's easy to vote for a lot in the "Cover Art" category, cause you can just look at them. There are something like 107 "New" shows and 100 "Established" ones nominated, so they don't expect anyone to nominate them all (and many don't deserve it at all, frankly). I still listen to as many as I can as much as I can to rank them fairly.
I also made up a playlist of almost all the nominated shows on Spotify for my own use in judging them before voting, but if it might help you, here it is:
I can also note that it's by listening to the AVA Showcase selections for a couple years now that I've found the vast majority of the great audio drama work I've been listening to, and I recommend it as an excellent way to immerse yourself in the form.
The voting homepage is here:
And they have a "practice ballot" so you can see everything nominated in advance (and decide on your rankings) here:
Please go and vote, hopefully not only for us, but for some of the other excellent work nominated.
Thank you for your attention; it is a pleasure working for you.
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Whatcha Say by Jason Derulo is so Johnlock and I have literally only just realised! I don't think it's already on there <3
Also, thank you for everything you do! I hope you're having a great day <3
[Intro] Wha-wha-wha-wha-what did you say? (J-J-J-J-J.R.) Mmm, whatcha say Mmm, that you only meant well? Well, of course you did Mmm, whatcha say (Jason Derulo) Mmm, that it's all for the best? Of course, it is [Verse 1] I (I) was so wrong (Wrong) for so long (Long) Only tryna please myself (Myself) Girl, I (I) was caught up (Up) in her lust (Lust) When I don't really want no one else, so no I know I should have treated you better (Better) But me and you were meant to last forever (Forever) So let me in (Let me in), give me another chance (Another chance) To really be your man (Oh) [Pre-Chorus] 'Cause when the roof caved in and the truth came out I just didn't know what to do But when I become a star, we'll be living so large I'll do anything for you So tell me, girl
[Chorus] Mmm, whatcha say Mmm, that you only meant well? Well, of course you did Mmm, whatcha say (Whatcha say, whatcha say) Mmm, that it's all for the best? Of course it is Mmm, whatcha say Mmm, that you only meant well? Well, of course you did Mmm, whatcha say (Whatcha say, whatcha say) Wha-wha-wha-wha-what did you say? [Verse 2] How (How) could I live (Live) with myself (Self) Knowing that I let our love go? (Love go) And ooh (Ooh), what I'd do (Do) with one chance (Chance) I just gotta let you know I know what I did wasn't clever But me and you we're meant to be together So let me in (Let me in), give me another chance (Another chance) To really be your man [Pre-Chorus] 'Cause when the roof caved in and the truth came out I just didn't know what to do But when I become a star, we'll be living so large I'll do anything for you So tell me, girl
[Chorus] Mmm, whatcha say Mmm, that you only meant well? Well of course you did Mmm, whatcha say (Whatcha say, whatcha say) Mmm, that it's all for the best? Of course it is Mmm, whatcha say Mmm, that you only meant well? Well of course you did Mmm, whatcha say (Whatcha say, whatcha say) Wha-wha-wha-wha-what did you say? [Bridge] Girl, tell me what to say, I (Say, I) I don't want you to leave me, though you caught me cheating Tell me, tell me what to say, I (Say, I) I really need you in my life 'cause things ain't right, girl Girl, tell me what to say, I (Say, I) I don't want you to leave me, though you caught me cheating Tell me, tell me what to say, I (Say, I) I really need you in my life 'cause things ain't right [Pre-Chorus] 'Cause when the roof caved in and the truth came out I just didn't know what to do (I just didn't know what to do) But when I become a star we'll be living so large, I'll do anything for you So baby, whatcha say
[Chorus] Mmm, whatcha say Mmm, that you only meant well? (Well, of course I did, baby) Well, of course you did Mmm, whatcha say (Whatcha say, whatcha say) Mmm, that it's all for the best? Of course it is (Well, of course it is) Mmm, whatcha say (What did you say?) Mmm, that you only meant well? Well of course you did (Whoa-oh-oh-oh) Mmm, whatcha say (Whatcha say, whatcha say) Wha-wha-wha-wha-what did you say? [Outro] (Beluga Heights)
(Lyrics from Genius.com)
Hey Lovely!
Wow okay I am actually genuinely surprised I've never had Jason Derulo suggested, let alone this song, which actually shocks me more, given its meme status hahah. Yeah, it works for them, for sure!! Thanks!!
And thank you so much for your kind words!!
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jr-verse · 8 days
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This Valiant Warrior Of Brave Intelligence will be your knight in glow in the dark armor!
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prettytragcdies · 4 years
Someone my muse admires... scarlett
send me a symbol and i will write a drabble about my muse from the point of view of…
A day off from school meant a father/daughter lunch at the Oil Barons Club, followed by an afternoon spent as an honorary secretary in her father's office. The five-year-old couldn't wait to get started with her new job, bright smile only seeming to grow wider upon seeing the blonde woman she'd always admired and looked up to like an older sister of sorts for as long as she could remember.
"Well, what do we have here?" It was a pleasant surprise for Sly to see the familiar little girl, especially when her boss had originally left for lunch alone.
"I finally talked Daddy into lettin' me visit his office. John Ross gets to come up here all the time, so why not me? He even said I could help out by bein' your assistant." That was the short and sweet version anyway, at least.
"Well, I think it's a fantastic idea. I'd love your help." Sly matched Scarlett's warm grin with one of her own as she handed over the messages she'd taken while J.R. was away from the office. Noting how the small brunette seemed to suddenly be particularly interested in a specific piece of paper on top of her desk, an idea struck that she quickly decided to run with.
"How about we start with learning how to write shorthand, and that way you'll know how to take notes when your Daddy calls us into his office for something really important?"
The way Scarlett's eyes lit up at the mere thought alone of being such an integral part of the business wasn't lost on J.R., and he simply nodded his head as she looked to him as if to noverbally ask for his permission. "Go ahead. I'll be in my office."
No sooner had her father disappeared into his office than Scarlett was pulling up a chair next to Sly, ready and excited to officially get started. While she couldn't decipher what any of the words meant on the pad in front of her, at least a few things began to make sense upon having them specifically pointed out to her. It took a few minutes, but she'd soon come to learn that shorthand really just meant shortening words and things like that so you could write down a lot of information a lot faster.
Sly could tell that her boss' daughter was soaking up every piece of information she was learning, whether or not she'd actually ever use any of it again after that afternoon. It was beginning to become harder and harder to tell which one of the two was having more fun, the mentor or the mentee.
"I need to see J.R." An unwelcomed voice suddenly interrupted their most recent lesson, both secretaries rolling their eyes in response. Neither one of them even needed to look up to know who their guest was, but it was Scarlett who addressed him first.
"My daddy --" She stopped to correct herself and present a more professional demeanor before continuing. "Mr. Ewing only takes meetings with people who have an appointment. I don't remember seein' you on today's schedule, Mr. Barnes."
"Cute. Yeah, that's real cute," Cliff smirked, despite his clearly unamused tone as he pointed towards the office door of his number one sworn enemy. "Is he in there?"
"Well, yes, but --" This time it was Cliff's turn to cut her off mid sentence as he made a beeline for his ultimate destination. Sly watched as a rightfully annoyed Scarlett practically leapt out of her chair to follow closely behind.
"You can't go in there," Scarlett huffed, doing her best to put herself between Cliff and the door. His small head start had given him a slight advantage, and despite her best efforts, any attempt to stop him was unfortunately nothing short of futile. Sly, who now joined them in the doorway, was impressed with the young girl's dedication and determination, though.
"I'm sorry, Daddy." There was no point in using formalities now. "I tried to tell him that you were busy, but he wouldn't listen." Leave it to a Barnes to almost ruin the day of a Ewing.
"It's all right." J.R. waved the whole thing off, part of him just proud to see how seriously his little girl seemed to be taking her job. "Barnes rarely ever has anything to say worth listenin' to, so he won't be here very long."
A firm nod and the smallest hint of a satisfied smirk were Scarlett's initial responses to her father's words as she decided against inquiring if Cliff wanted a cup of coffee or anything stronger. Truth be told, she was fairly certain her former aunt's brother was the last person J.R. would ever be caught sharing a drink with anyway.
Allowing the two men to get on with their meeting -- knowing that the sooner it got started, the sooner Cliff would be out of there -- Sly led Scarlett back to their shared desk out front so that they could get back to work themselves.
"So, how do you like working in your Daddy's office so far?" Sly raised an eyebrow in curiosity in an effort to lighten the mood as she watched her assistant put pen to paper and practice some shorthand on her own.
"There's never a dull moment, that's for sure." A soft shoulder shrug soon followed the innocent observation. "It's almost as fun as when I get to visit Mommy's office, but that's just because over there it's kinda like a Mini Hollywood. Don't tell Daddy, but I think I might wanna be a movie star whenever I grow up."
Sly could see how easy it could be for a girl as young and impressionable as Scarlett was to get all caught up in the idea of one day seeing your name in big, bright lights, especially when your mother was an anonymous film producer who surrounded herself with well respected screenwriters like Don Lockwood, but she knew from her own personal experience that potential career paths took a lot of twists and turns throughout the years as children grew into adults and their interests changed and developed into something new. Either way, she made an x across her chest while promising not to speak of the secret.
"Cross my heart. He won't hear anything from me."
Before Scarlett could properly thank Sly for keeping the secret, just like any good big sister would, Cliff was hightailing it out the door without so much as a proper goodbye. Mere moments later, J.R. was calling the pair into his office, and the brunette knew by the look the blonde had just given her that the request of their presence could only mean one thing.
There might not be any cameras rolling to capture the fresh-faced talent, but the spotlight and all eyes were about to be on JRE Industries' newest secretary, and it was about to be her time to shine as she put the new skills she'd been reviewing all afternoon to good use.
It was officially showtime, and Sly couldn't be prouder.
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Devotional Hours Within the Bible by J.R. Miller
The Beginning of the Galilean Ministry (Matthew 4:12-25)
In Matthew’s gospel, the story of the first months of our Lord’s public ministry is omitted. Several chapters of John’s gospel come in between verses 11 and 12 of Matthew’s fourth chapter. The mission of John the Baptist was to go before Christ and prepare His way. When he had done this, introducing Him to the people John’s work was really ended. But he continued to preach for some months, until he was arrested by Herod and cast into prison. Then it was that Jesus went into Galilee. Why He did this, we are not told. Some suppose it was to avoid John’s fate but this scarcely seems a sufficient reason. Indeed, in Galilee he would be nearer to Herod than in Jerusalem. Is it not more likely that it was just because John was now shut up in prison and his voice silenced, that Jesus went to Galilee? John had spoken of Jesus coming after him, and He came at once and began to speak.
He dwelt in Capernaum. At that time Capernaum was an important city on the Sea of Galilee. Now nobody knows certainly what its site was. It was a city of wonderful privilege. For a long time Jesus made His home there. It was exalted in thus having the Son of God walk on its streets, speak His blessed words to its people, and do His works of mercy and love in its homes of suffering and sorrow. But in spite of all this honor and favor shown to Capernaum, Jesus was rejected there.
Matthew tells us that it was in fulfillment of prophecy that Jesus went to Capernaum. He was needed there. It was a region of moral and spiritual darkness. It is such places that always draw Jesus. Human need in every form, appeals to His compassion. When men travel over the world they usually visit regions in which they will see scenes of beauty, of grandeur, of wonder. But Jesus was in this world to do good, to save the lost, to change wildernesses into gardens of roses and He went where there was the greatest need, the deepest darkness. Churches sometimes move away from sections of cities which have been emptied of prosperous homes and the attractions of fashion. Whatever may be said of the expediency of following the drift of population with our churches we need to beware of abandoning decaying communities, of taking away from the people who remain the blessings of the gospel. Jesus did not go into Galilee as a tourist but as a missionary. He was a teacher come from God to tell the people of the love of God for them. The same words were used of John the Baptist in describing His ministry. Yet there was a great difference in the two men and in their preaching. John spoke sternly and severely. He spoke of the fire, the fan, the ax of the punishment of sin. Jesus came with gentle and winning words.
Yet His first call, like John’s, was to repentance. All men need to repent. We never can reach the gates of heaven, unless we repent. The prodigal son had to rise and leave the far country, and walk back all the painful way to his father’s house before he could be restored to favor and be at home again. That is what every impenitent man must do. The first step in coming to Christ, is repentance .
We must be sure that we know just what this word means. Some people imagine, that if they are sorry for doing wrong, that they have repented. But mere sorrow for a wrong way does not take us out of that way. Tears of penitence will not blot out sin; we must turn about and walk in holy paths. Repentance is ceasing to make blots on the record, and beginning to live a fair, clean, white life.
It was a familiar and homely scene which Jesus saw one day, as He was walking beside the sea. “He saw two brethren casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen.” It is interesting to notice the kind of people Jesus sought for His disciples. He did not look for great and famous men. He did not go up to the temple and gather about Him rabbis and priests. He wanted men who were teachable, ready to listen to the truth and believe it, men who could be influenced by Him for good, whom He could train in the ways of His kingdom.
Jesus is always looking for men who will become His disciples. He has a great work in hand, and needs and calls for helpers. He wants those who will believe His message. He does not take prejudiced men, men whose opinions are so obstinately held, that they will not listen to His words nor accept His teachings; he wants teachable men. He does not choose those who are wise in this world’s wisdom, for they might not readily accept the wisdom of God which He teaches. Nor does He seek idlers. He goes among those who are busy in the duty of the day. He found a king for Israel, in a boy who was keeping sheep. He found a prophet to succeed Elijah, in a young man who was plowing in the filed. He found a missionary for India, in a humble shoemaker, busy at his bench, ready for the Divine call, unable ever to say “No” to God. If we would be chosen to take part in Christ’s great work we must seek to be ready for it, with heart warm, mind open to receive truth, and ready for any service to which God may call us.
“Come, follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” First of all, the disciple must go with Christ. This meant, in their case, leaving their business and attaching themselves to His household. It may not mean that to us ordinarily we are to continue in the calling in which we are when we give ourselves to Him. But always it means joining ourselves to Him in heart and life. It means the complete surrendering of the mastership of our lives. No longer are we our own; we belong to Him. We are to go where He bids us to go and do what He bids us to do. We are to think of His interests, not of our own. There can be no serving of Christ, no doing of His work, without first being with Him. “Without Me,” he said, “you can do nothing” (John 15:5). But with Him, we are ready for any service, any duty, any work, and nothing is impossible to us.
First, they were to be with Him, and then He would make them fishers of men. They had been fishers of fish; they were to give up their old calling and take a higher one. The lessons of patience, quiet waiting and persistence, which they had learned in their daily and nightly work on the sea would be of use to them in their new duties. They were to fish in the dark waters of sin for perishing men and save them, take them alive. Christ would teach them their new calling, “I will make you fishers of men.” It was holy service to which He called them, and calls us. He does not want us to follow Him just for the joy of His salvation and the comfort of His friendship He wants us to be His, that we may win others also to be His.
Instantly these fishermen dropped their tackle and their nets, left everything, and went away with their new Master. They were not a moment in deciding. They loved Him, and they were most glad to go with Him. “ At once they left their nets and followed Him.” Sometimes the sneer is heard, “They had little to leave!” True, it was not much in money value. Yet these nets and this fishing business were all they had. It was by these, that they earned their living. Now at the call of their new Master they gave up all, cut themselves off from the means of support, burnt their bridges behind them, and in simple obedience and faith went with Him.
That is what we should do, when we hear the call of Christ. We should obey instantly, without questioning. No matter how great the sacrifice involved, we should make it cheerfully for His sake. Though to obey cuts us off from our ordinary means of livelihood and leaves us without provision even for tomorrow, we should not hesitate. Christ will take care of His servants when they are faithfully doing His will. “ At once” is also an important phrase in the sentence. A great many people are forever postponing duties. When Christ calls, they say, “Yes, tomorrow .” But every call should be answered instantly. Get this “ At once” into all your obedience.
The charge never could be made against Jesus, that He thought only of men’s spiritual needs and neglected their bodily needs. Continually we see Him doing good in common ways and helping people in their common needs. Here He is “teaching,” “preaching,” “ healing .” He did not give good advice, exhort people to be true and honest, and then be indifferent to their sufferings. He fed them when they were hungry, opened the eyes of their blind, cured their sick children, healed their diseases. Always this is the law of Christ’s ministry. He cares for our whole being. Every trouble of ours whatever, whether of body, mind, or soul moves Him with compassion.
It is a great comfort to us to know that our Lord is not indifferent to our diseases, that He would use them for our spiritual benefit, that He is ready to give us the grace we need if we endure them patiently and submissively, and that He will heal us when His wise purpose in our affliction has been accomplished. Jesus is the great Healer He is continually healing all manner of sickness and disease among the people. Wherever the Christian missionary goes, the hospital is set up alongside the chapel. In our church work we should think of men’s bodies as well as of their souls if we would wholly fulfill Christ’s mission and purpose.
This picture of Jesus ought also to be a great comfort to all those who are suffering. He is going about everywhere healing. Is He any less strong now, than He was then? Does he love us less now, than He loved the sick people in Galilee? Will He not heal us, too, in the way that is best? In the sick-room of every Christian, Jesus sits, to give cheer. The sufferer may know, as he prays for healing, that his prayer will be heard and answered. Sickness has a mission it sets lessons for us to learn. It is very unfortunate if one who is sick recovers and is not better in heart and life afterward. We should pray that the sickness may fulfill its mission in us and for us, and then that we get well.
“And His fame went throughout all Syria.” No wonder. Such blessed news could not be suppressed. When Jesus healed all the sick people in one town, it could not be otherwise than that the report would fly abroad, reaching other towns. It is not to be wondered at that everyone who had a sick friend, hearing about the great Healer, would then want to bring that friend at once to Him. Thousands of people poured out to find Him who had this marvelous power.
Just so, whenever Jesus saves a sinner the news should go out, and others who have unsaved friends should bring them at once to Him. We who know about Christ’s power to heal and save should go everywhere telling the news that those who are in their sins may be roused up to seek Him as their Savior.
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amrita-gsk · 4 years
About Me!
I was tagged by @aelizabeth29 and @everything-withered !
"Answer these questions and tag eight people you'd like to get to know better."
1) Birthday: June 12
2) Zodiac: Gemini
3) Height: 164 cm, so around 5'3" I think?
4) Last song I listened to: Play me like a violin by Stephen
5) Hobbies: Writing (both fanfiction and original stories but I lack the commitment to update regularly so I don't share them much), drawing, digital editing and video games. Currently, I'm actually re-playing Resident Evil 6 with a friend while also alterning between Persona 5 dem sick beats, Death Stranding and Final Fantasy XV.
6) Last movie I watched: The Lion King (2019). For the record, the original version is actually my favourite childhood movie.
7) Favourite books/writers: I'm pretty mainstream so I like almost anything by Jane Austen and my guilty pleasure is The Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward. You are most welcome to judge me, I know I have shit taste, lol. I also have a soft spot for Edgar Allan Poe (if the rest of this post didn't give you an insight about the inner workings of my mind, then this should do it).
8) Dream job: Illustrator.
9) Favorite colours: Blue is my favourite, but I also like white and gray.
10) Meaning behind my URL: Haaah, so... "Amrita" is a sanskrit word meaning immortality, although it is usually used to refer to a nectar or beverage that grants such a gift. I first came across the word thanks to the Tsubasa Chronicle Reservoir movie since it was the name of its theme song and there was a line in the song that went something like "the shooting stars that rain down over your body and on your shoulders, they're amrita" that really stuck out to me. Before that verse the song also mentions a silver colored rain which can be assumed is actually made of tears, so in reality the shooting stars are tears that look like silver when falling down but even if they're because you're sad or feel helpless, they will still shower you with amrita... Meaning that no matter what you'll still go on. I know it's a little convoluted and such, but that's how my 14-year old brain interpreted it so here we are.
As for the GSK... G is actually for my real name. I really, really love my name. It's one of the greatest gifts I received from my parents and I carry it with pride. As for the letters SK... well, those are related to a really special person to me, the one that as Ichigo would say, changed my world. It is also the one person that when I was in a very dark place and ready to quit, was able to save my life.
I don't know why this feels like oversharing but uuuhhh, I'll leave it like that.
I'll tag: @varialeaderxanxus @dancewithshirayuki @rukia-kuchiki-divided @abcityy @annastefanova @q-ara @ichiyuki and @weashkusamaworld !
If any of you were already tagged by someone else please don't mind me!
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ichristian-news · 5 years
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I would recommend all parents to get this kind of Bible I would recommend all parents to get this kind of Bible (J.R. Miller) "Your Word is a lamp to my feet, and a light for my path!" Psalm 119:105 
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