#jUST IMAGINE sakura with a crush on konan
animeyanderelover · 4 years
How would the Senju family, Sakura, Konan, Shikamaru, Karin and C react to their flirty crush using a pick-up line on them?
Let’s start!!
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, obsessiveness, possessiveness, clingyness
Using a pick-up line on them
Hashirama Senju
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🌳Believe it or not, but Hashirama himself is a very flirty one, even though not very often showing it. But he has a natural charm about him and if he feels in the mood he might throw the one or other pick-up line at you. Some of them are just hilarious, some of them hit the total right spot to make you blush.
🌳So if you’re a very flirty one you gotta be prepared for this man almost battling with you when it comes to this. When hearing for the first time you throwing a pick-up line at him, he was at first a bit stunned. But he isn’t going to back down that easily, you know? So after getting over his first shock he shoot one right back at you. I guess with a flirty s/o he might get often into verbal fights where both of you throw some pretty cringeworthy stuff at each other. Tobirama overheard it one time. And swore to never eavesdrop again.
Tobirama Senju
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🌊Tobirama is almost a bit more stiff when it comes to stuff like this. Whilst knowing how to tease someone very good, he just isn’t all that open for it unless not in the right mood. He’s just more serious about those things.
🌊If you’re really that flirty he might actually become a bit annoyed with it. But he becomes even more irritated when you suddenly start flirting with others, that makes his eyebrow always twitch. But the moment you tell him for the first time a pick-up line, Tobirama was almost stunned. You’re pretty bold, don’t you think? At first you’ll get slightly confused by his silence. But then you’ll be able to see it. The sparkle of amusement in his eyes and how he silently starts to chuckle. Be aware that he is, although not all warmed up to this thought, a master in mocking and teasing. You found yourself quite the match there.
Tsunade Senju
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🐌I think the moment she gets the most flirty is after a few good bottles of sake. Then that woman tends to sometimes lose control over what she’s saying a bit and you’ll have to listen to quite some pick-up lines. If they’re good or not stands open to question.
🐌I do expect this woman to get a lot of comments about her body so whilst not being pissed off if you would say something like this, it might not go the way you want it too. Be smart and compliment her about something else and Tsunade will get slightly flustered with a slight pink blush on her face. But don’t underestimate that woman here. She might not be all that mocking like Tobirama is, but she does have the one or other sentence prepared for you. She isn’t going down that easily. She wants to see you all flustered with a heated up face as well.
Sakura Haruno
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🌸When it comes to such things, Sakura is a bit more on the inexperienced side. She has of course a special charm on her and with her cute and adorable side marks she can make someone’s heart flutter in their chest. But if it comes to this kind of sly comments that are really bold and leave someone completely stunned she doesn’t exactly know what to say. I can see Ino as a master of flirting since she’s smart about it whilst Sakura is more bold about it.
🌸Would have one of the best reactions to this, a gorgeous pink blush visible on her face and for a moment she will be taken back. But that girl here is a fighter and very competitive and will try to fire back with one of her comments. Weirdly enough, or not, I can see Ino giving her lessons about how to be smart when to use a pick-up line. I can somehow imagine that if she really gets all that bold it might end up being a bit ridiculous and you might try to hold your laughter in. But it can also go the other way around and you’ll be completely flabbergasted when she gets that daring.
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🤍Konan is on the more quiet side and whilst not being against you all that flirty, she doesn’t respond that often. You on the other hand have no other person besides her because you’re way to afraid to go anywhere near Pein who looks like he’s constantly glaring at you. Konan understands that and for that reasons bears patiently with everything you have prepared for her.
🤍She’s very hard to read because she doesn’t give you that much expressions so it might very well happen that she won’t look affected at all besides probably a small smile on her face. Konan’s jutsu gives her many different ways to show her affection for you, but that does not mean that she can’t flirt at all. And that’s what will have you all so flustered up in the end. Because she would totally flirt back out of the blue, one comment that will silence you. And she would lie if she wouldn’t find it cute when you blink all confused at her, not sure if you heard that right or not. Did-did she just flirt back? She made it sound so casually!
Shikamaru Nara
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🦌Shikamaru is often too lazy to do some pick-up lines, it’s too much of a drag for him to do so. He probably doesn’t want to have to deal with the reaction of the other ones. That said, he’s a genius and as a very analyzing one he knows very well what he has to say in order to leave someone speechless. And he would be pretty smug about it.
🦌Even if Shikamaru would be slightly stunned, he would overplay his embarrassment very well, probably rolling his eyes silently at this. He’s a very patient one and if that’s just how you are he’ll just endure it. Even though he would like to avoid all the unnecessary attention from his friends when you throw another one of your lines at him. But don’t expect him to keep quiet all the time, there will be times where he’ll suddenly throw a line back at you that will make your face all heated up. And there will be a small smirk on his face. Not that you would notice that.
Karin Uzumaki
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♦️A total flirt, believe me in that. Karin is clingy and extremely smothering, flirting all included. The thing about her is that she tends to overdo it and at one point it’ll have almost everyone annoyed, not to mention that her comments can become either very cheesy or just a bit more dirty minded.
♦️So a flirty s/o would be actually quite a good match up for her, especially if they can endure a lot of flirting. Karin would have the most obvious reaction to this. If it would have been any other person she would have been rather annoyed. But if it’s you who says something like this to her she would be at first totally at awe, red climbing up her cheeks. It’s a good sign that you flirt with her like this, that means you love her just as much? You better show her some stamina or else you’ll get overwhelmed. But Karin would be over the moon every time you throw a line at her.
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🎇C is a very dutiful guy, being always very serious. But it’s no secret that he’s a charmer and flirt through and through and with the right person he’ll show just how good at teasing he can be. And if it comes to winning your heart, he would pull all his secret weapons.
🎇But oh no, he has to do something about that personality of yours. You’re way too open and flirt with pretty much everyone which ticks him off constantly. But he loves it if you give him your attention and a pick-up line. Honestly, that guy just waits for a chance to counter your somewhat cocky and bold way of flirting with a line of his own. And he absolutely loves it when he sees how flustered and stunned you are by this, having not expected to hear something like this from him. Get used to it, you’ll hear it a lot more in the future. C already has a solid plan about how to make sure that you’ll end up only throwing those cute lines of yours at only him.
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feralcherry · 4 years
Naruto takes that might enrage you (girl addition)
Warning, some of these takes might enrage you- that’s fine.
Fillers don’t count as canon, don’t even bring them up if you talk about this post lol. Also it’s been a while since I’ve seen the whole series, so some of these might be disproven as I continue with my rewatch. The excuse that Shounen is for boys is also very weak and holds no weight, as tons of girls (and nonbinary folk) relate to the characters in this show, so that doesn’t excuse Kishimoto for his weak writing of women.
To preface, I love this show. Love it to pieces. It was part of my childhood and holds a very special place in my heart. But there are some things I personally don’t like or wish could have been done better. I love every character and will go blue in the face talking about how much I still love this show. That doesn’t free it from my criticism. I’m also only listing what I don’t like and what I would change, though I’d be more than happy making a post about what I loved.
Let’s start off with my girl Sakura Haruno. She is easily the most hated girl in the series, and all because of how ‘weak’ or ‘annoying’ she is. As if that’s not the fault of Kishimoto himself lol. She was shoved off to the side continuously and never given cool storylines, unlike the other members of her team.
What I took issue with about Sakura:
-What were this girls dreams?? The whole reason she became a ninja was never really talked about nor were they really developed as time went on. She was all about Sasuke, which would be fine if she grew out of it. But no. 
-Her crush on Sasuke was super stale. He was handsome and powerful, but what else was there to him? He was a jerk to her most of the time (there are some instances he’s somewhat kind to her, but if we go off canon, it’s not enough to make her deep love make sense). I think it would have been so much more interesting to see her grow out of her infatuation for him. If they had to have ended up together, watching them relearn each other and fall in love would have made them more compelling. She stayed loving a boy who thought very little of her. 
-She’s pitted against her best friend and doesn’t develop much of a relationship with other girls her age. It’s kind of sad, and I think they should have fought over something other than a boy. 
-We are told repeatedly that she’s super powerful by other characters, but she’s never given time to truly shine. She got like a single battle with Sasori and she deserved more cool moments like that!
-She was a healer, which makes perfect sense. But why is it mostly girls who are the healers? It’s a bit weird, when there’s also Neji with his perfect chakra control. She only has her healing abilities and her super strength; but even then someone like Kabuto has more offensive healing based techniques than her. Like his chakra scalpel. 
What I would fix:
-New dreams. Show her find a dream outside of her team and grow into it. Also give her more of a backstory. Sai has more of a backstory than she does and he’s way newer than she is.
-I would let her fuck up one of the Peins instead of Konohomaru- she’s a main character and passed over for that little brat?? She should have gotten to do more than scream out for Naruto and heal people :/ 
-She her intellect a bit more. She’s so smart, and yet we don’t really see it.
-She’s perfect for genjutsu, Kakashi himself said so. So why not give that to her? Or play more with ninjutsu. She has earth and water on her chart, so why not give her those abilities? Maybe even wood jutsu to even her out with her super OP teammates. Idk how, it could have happened, this is a show full of demons and god like abilities, it could have happened someway.
-She should have grown out of Sasuke and not married a man who doesn’t really appreciate her and isn’t there for her at all.
-I would totally have expanded on Inner Sakura more. Imagine if it made her mind impenetrable? Could have woven that in with her skills for genjutsu and made her unaffected by other’s illusions.
Next, let’s go with a more beloved character of the fandom. Hinata. Now personally I don’t care much for her- she could have been so cool but just like Sakura, they kind of messed her up.
What I didn’t like about Hinata:
-Her entire existence is revolves around Naruto. Naruto this, Naruto that- and yet she simply sat back and watched as his life was shit and did nothing despite her ‘love’ for him. And then fillers/movies are added to show that oh wait! she’s been there this entire time!! no lol. Build her up from the start as his love interest at the very least.
-She stayed super meek the entire time. Shy girls are okay, but I wanted to see her grow into herself more and not need as much reassurance. She’s a ninja and should stand on her own two feet more.
-She’s less skilled then Neji and I would have loved to see her outmatch him at some point, even once. Or gain abilities outside of her clan, or do something that made a name for herself outside of being the heiress of the Hyuga.
-She never fixed her clan which was one of her few spoken goals. That was a huge bummer.
-I think it would have been cool to see her mess up Pein a little more. She only stepped in because it was Naruto, which reinforces that she’s only about him. But at least let her land a hit if she’s as powerful as people say she is. 
-She makes the most sense to be a housewife or a healer with the way her attitude is but in Boruto, she’s kind of rewritten to be a ‘scary’ mother which just doesn’t fit her. Plus, she tells Boruto to go and take care of his dad?? Bro, that’s your child and your husband is the hokage. 
What I’d fix:
-Prove her dad wrong and show him that her compassion isn’t a weakness but a strength. 
-Fix the Hyuga clan bs.
-More character growth and showing more of her life away from Naruto. Her romance with him could also have been better. I hated her always watching him but never standing up for him, it kills me.
-Neij dying for her proved their clans hierarchy bs to be right and it just doesn’t make sense for him to die for her. It showed that he was right to feel caged and that he simply existed for the benefit of the Main family.
Now with the others, there’s much less I have to say about them because they aren’t main characters or the love interests.
-Jealous of Sakura, no dreams of her own, stupidly loves Sasuke and for what? WHAT’S SO COOL ABOUT HIM?
-I like her growth for the most part, it was cool watching her fight in the War Arc with her team. 
-Why is she the medical ninja? I never got that.
-She got with Sai but they didn’t really show their development and how they fell in love with each other. It’s like she only likes him because he looks like Sasuke and called her pretty once.
-Should have gotten to train with Tsunade at some point, since she was the one who originally idolized her. 
-We know nothing about this girl at all. She doesn’t even have a last name.
-Her weapon usage was meant to be so cool and yet she missed so often- there’s a disconnect there. Her abilities could have been built up more. Imagine if no matter what she never ever missed. That would have been cool.
-Her weapon shop isn’t doing well. Just because it’s an era of peace doesn’t mean the need for weapons is totally over, not if there are still active ninja??
-I actually like her, she’s kind of funny and I like that she’s mean even if she can get annoying.
-Again, another healer, though she’s also sensory which is more interesting. I’d like to see her with some jutsus though. That would have been neat.
-Her love for Sasuke makes sense since he saved her and smiled at her, making her think of him as her hero. And she’s the only one he apologizes to without Naruto strong arming him into it.
-She’s pretty solid in my opinion. Though I would have loved to see her more without her brothers.
-Her goals in life were to support Yahiko and Nagito’s dreams. It would irritate me so much if other girls in the series were more well rounded and din’t also have some sort of dream involving a boy.
-She was underused. I would have loved to see her fight more.
-Only becomes hokage to support others dreams...All of them men. And then later passes the title onto Kakashi who doesn’t even want to be Hokage either. 
-No other justus used, she’s on par with Jiraya and Orochimaru and yet she’s only super strong and the best medic. She should theoretically be more well rounded than that, right? She also should be shown fighting more even if she’s a medic, she’s also s legendary sannin 
-Had to be saved by 12 year old Naruto. I know it’s a show about him, but she’s meant to be a literal badass but needs a kid to save her.
-Wanted to become the first woman hokage and then didn’t. Her husband did. and then she became a housewife?? What?? She should have become the first woman hokage with a badass husband or had another prominent role in the village like as a council member or something.
-Always lost a fight? She’s some genjutsu using badass but always lost fights.
-No real personality, she’s just chilling there. Sexy as hell though. Has a kid and that’s about it.
-What I will give her is that I’m so glad she was allowed to age. So many anime mothers always look the same as their teenage self and she looks like she can be anybody's mama.
Over all, the girls could have been handled much better. I wouldn’t find issues with any of them being housewives or all about boys if that weren’t what seems to be the standard in the anime. I just wanted more of a variety and better character development, especially for Sakura and Hinata who are the mains 😩
Now to what might REALLY piss people off- ships! I’m not trying to start some war here, this is just my opinion and you can take it or leave it.
Sakura- Naruto, since they had the most development and showed more than two seconds of caring for each other. Even Sai in Shippuden has more of a connection to Sakura than Sasuke did.
Ino-Shikamaru, if she had to end up with a guy it makes sense it’d be him since they spend more time together than her and Sai did. (inosaku for the win tho)
Hinata-Shino or Kiba, again, because they spent more time with her. Naruto and her felt very rushed and I don’t quite understand the appeal.
The one that made the most sense and became canon was Shikatem, though their son’s design was lazy :D 
If I do a second part, it’ll be about the boys and the ships with them that made sense to me. For now, this is all I have. If you’ve made it this far, thank you lol
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iguanodonwildman · 4 years
Rambling, Unorganized Naruto Band AU
Minato is a former teen idol turned manager for a band composed of Rin, Obito, and Kakashi. They’re on their way to the top when Obito is injured in a stage accident that ultimately ends his music career. Rin leaves the music industry as a result and starts working in sea turtle conservation. (Obito resurfaces years later as an EDM musician with a mask under the pseudonym Tobi.)
Kakashi dicks around as a solo artist for a few years and eventually starts managing an up and coming band composed of Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto.
Sasuke’s older brother, Itachi, was a rising star. Under pressure from his manager, Danzo, he teamed up with a band called the Akatsuki to toughen up his image. The Akatsuki were a rock band with a reputation for partying hard. While Itachi does gain new fans, he falls into the world of drugs and eventually OD’s.
Sasuke is determined to avenge the Uchiha name, so he has to make it to the top. Unfortunately, his band mates aren’t as dedicated. He’s eventually lured away by producer, Orochimaru, who promises to make Sasuke famous, and goes solo. (Sasuke plays all his own instruments in the recording studio, but team taka are his touring band.)
Sasuke and Taka eventually part ways with Orochimaru to start their own indie label.
Sasuke is replaced in Team 7 by alternative musician Sai. His older brother, Tenzou, is a bit overprotective because Sai is autistic, so he sticks around to ensure his little brother isn’t taken advantage of. That, and he has a crush on Kakashi.
Unless otherwise stated: nations are record companies, Hokage are presidents/ceos, Summons are mascots, teams are bands, and Sensai are managers.
Team ebisu: Konohamaru, moegi, and udon are high school students in ebisu’s music class. Konohamaru is Naruto’s biggest fan and next door neighbor.
Sand siblings: Theyre a death core band, or some kind of metal. Gaara on lead guitar and vocals, Temari on drums, Kankuro on bass. Kankuro and Temari also do cool special effects for their music videos. Shukaku is a creature mascot they made up for their band of the same name.
Team 7. Sakura plays drums and does backing vocals. Sasuke plays bass and lead vocals. Naruto plays lead guitar and refuses to be resigned to backing vocals. Sasuke has the best voice and is the most musically gifted, but Naruto has passion. Sakura is the only person holding this mess together. Sai joins them later and becomes their main lyric writer. Kuruma is their mascot. Naruto constantly tweets picks of his pet toads. Kakashi literally has 8 dogs. Menma is an artistic persona Naruto assumed in a set of music videos.
Team 8. Kiba and Hinata both do vocals. Shino is heavily influenced by classic Linkin Park. Kiba plays drums. Hinata plays keytar. Shino plays bass. Akamaru is Kiba’s dog and the official band mascot. Kurenai does all their album artwork.
Team Gai. Tenten plays drums. She’s heavily influenced by all girl rock bands. Neji sings and plays piano. He is classically trained. Lee plays the drums and posts behind the scenes videos of everything and it’s almost always just videos of Neji doing normal things and then getting mad about being recorded. Gai is a very active manager.
Team 10. This band has RANGE to rival Fergie. Ino is the top female artist of the year. She sings and plays lead guitar. Choji plays drums. Shikamaru plays bass and gripes about practice. Asuma tells them not to do drugs - He does not practice what he preaches. I have a very vivid image in my head of Ino covering Jet’s “Are You Gonna Be My Girl?”
All four teams have toured together pretty regularly.
Team Taka. Suigetsu plays lead guitar. Juugo plays bass. Karin plays drums. Sasuke plays any other instrument needed and sings.
The Sannin. They rose to fame quickly but split soon after due to artistic differences. Orochimaru became the next mcr. Tsunade started her own record company. Jiraiya writes bad romance novels for a living.
Team Minato. Kakashi sings lead vocals and plays bass. Rin plays lead guitar and sings backing vocals. Obito plays drums. (Maybe switch Rin and obito’s instruments?)
The akasuki. Nagato is the head of their indie record label before they’re bought by madara’s company. Yahiko is nagato’s assistant. Itachi records with them but he’s not an official member of the band. They tour together a lot. Same with Tobi . Orochimaru was a guest artist on one album. Konan plays keytar and sings lead vocals. Deidara and Zetsu are roadies and head the special effects crew. Kakuzu plays drums. Hidan plays lead guitar. Sasori plays violin. Kisame plays bass guitar.
Idk how the fourth shinobi war fits into this, but I imagine there’s some kind of revolution in the music industry? Or maybe Madara advocates for vocaloids and auto tune over real musicians cause if he’s not the top artist, nobody can be! And Tobi, as a DJ and EDM artist can totally get behind that because it doesn’t affect his job security.
The founders are some sort of musical pioneers? Maybe like the Beatles? Tobirama is @k1dekismadaratemple’s swag tobirama. They eventually break up because Madara and tobirama won’t stop fighting. Hashimada also complicated things.
Kaguya is obviously some sort of musical pioneer, too. Maybe Elvis-like? Ooh! Or she invents auto tune! Or just makes it popular. Or maybe she’s a vocaloid!
Neji and Hinata’s dads were in a band together. When they broke up, Hinata’s dad got the rights to all of their music,
Idk I just needed to get this mess out of my head. Enjoy!
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createdbyalicia · 5 years
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Hi everyone! :D Sorry for not posting for a while! This picture basically is the reason why, because damn this took me such a long time and I'm glad it's finally finished!
Like a month or so ago, I asked my sister @datheetjoella what kind of ItaNeji pic I should draw. She suggested ice skating, but it seemed like a hassle to me because then I'd have to draw people in the background too. Then I started thinking about it and was thinking of all the characters I could put in this picture, and soon it became a bigger picture that wasn't just about ItaNeji (although they still have to be at the foreground though, because OTP!) :love:
So yeah, in the front we have Itachi and Neji ice skating together, as well as Hinata and Hanabi, with Hanabi kinda urging her sister to hurry up so they can skate together! Anyway, I kinda imagined Itachi was there with his friend Kisame and saw Neji struggle to ice skate or something, and having brought his own skates along he decided to help him out a little. Maybe Neji saw Itachi at school or something, idk, and developed a crush on him, so Itachi helping him out makes him all flustered.
Then Kisame spots Sasuke and is kinda like "hey look what your brother is up to!" and Sasuke is just like, why should I care? Sasuke is there with his friends Karin, Jūgo (idk what he is looking at, it kinda looks like he is staring at Hanabi for god knows what reason! :lmao:) and of course Suigetsu, but he is waiting in line at the food shop, witnessing someone in front of him fight with the people tending the shop.
This person is Hidan of course. No idea what they're fighting about, maybe he wanted something on the menu that they didn't have. Ayame is just there arguing back and Teuchi is just tired of it all. I purposefully put Konan in line behind Hidan, because one of my friends makes AMAZING HidaKona pics (and sometimes, HidaKonaSui, which is the reason I put Suigetsu at the end of the line), so I kinda wanted to hint at that pairing. She's just facepalming at him! :lmao:
Ino, Sakura and TenTen are just filling up some space in the background. They're just a group of friends taking a selfie! :D
Rock Lee was originally there too, but he didn't really turn out that great and I figured the picture was busy enough as it was already, so I scrapped him. Sorry Lee! :(
All the characters (c) Masashi Kishimoto
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naruto-oc-critiques · 7 years
Michiyō Madoka
Here’s your OC review, @michiyomadoka  Sorry for the long wait! I’ll be putting it under a Read More since it was/is so long.
Name: Michiyō Madoka - “Michiyō” means “sunny path” (道陽) and “Madoka” means “circle” (円). Note: The sun is used as a plot device as she associated it with Pain after he stopped the rain in Amegakure and only after his death was able to let go of her hatred of the sun. While the rain in her story is used as a symbol of the “genjutsu world”, the sun is used as a symbol of the “real world”, which she has to make peace with in the end.
C: My Japanese isn’t the best, but I think Madoka is 円か. There’s probably another blog on tumblr that could help you with the translation if you’re interested in knowing the kanji, but I imagine that in most cases you’ll stick to saying Madoka in romaji and not using the kanji so it’s not massively important. There’s also Japandict which I find rather helpful.
Syn - Pain didn’t stop the rain though? It’s near constant downpour there throughout his reign. The only times he stopped it were on Sundays and when he left the village. It was/is used as a sensory jutsu to check for infiltrators.
Gender: Female
Age: Part I: 13-14 and Part II: 17-18
Time set in: Naruto and Naruto Shippūden
Birthplace: Harawa Village, Land of Rain
Lives in: Amegakure
Michiyō is 174 cm tall and weighs 64 kg in Shippūden. She has pale skin, grey eyes and waist-length blonde hair with blunt bangs.
Syn- Weight according to height and gender are good! The hair could be an issue though; such long hair could be problematic; especially if she has it while she’s still young and new. It takes a degree of skill to fight with long hair, especially with close up styles. Even then it’s not very recommended.
C: Details on her actual build would be helpful too. Is her hair usually loose or tied up? As Syn mentioned, long loose hair can get ninjas into all sorts of trouble.
In Part I Michiyō wears a black skirt that reach her mid thighs with slits on both sides and the kanji for dream (夢, yume) in yellow and a sleeveless black crop top with a zipper in front. Underneath she wears a sleeveless mesh suit with black lining, covering her from the neck down to the thighs. She also wears grey shorts and short grey fingerless gloves in rubber with black-lined mesh underneath and has her grey Amegakure forehead protector tied around her hips, as well as a grey shuriken holster on her right thigh. She wears a pair of regular black shinobi sandals with knee-high black-lined mesh stockings and has black nail polish on her fingernails and toenails. She also carries a grey and yellow tantō strapped on her back.
Syn - Yellow seems a bit out of place in a darker village like Ame. Most colors you see there apart from Yahiko and Konan’s hair are dark and dull. Also, why with the rubber?
C: The reason behind the kanji for Yume would be nice to know.
In Part II she wears a pale grey sleeveless, knee-length dress with slits on both sides and the kanji for dream (夢, yume) in yellow, with a narrow low-cut V-neck almost reaching her navel. Underneath she wears a sleeveless mesh suit with yellow lining, which covers her from the neck to down the thighs. She wears still grey shorts but has replaced her short gloves with long grey fingerless gloves in rubber with metal plating on the backhand and yellow-lined mesh underneath as well as a pair of matching, knee-high grey rubber boots with the same yellow lined mesh stockings underneath. She wears a grey belt around her waist with her Amegakure forehead protector plate on and a grey shuriken holster on her right thigh and now has yellow nail polish on her fingernails and toenails. She also carries her sword strapped on her back, which is concealed inside a grey and yellow oil-paper umbrella. As a member of Amegakure’s Anbu unit Namida, Michiyō wears a grey, hooded, ankle-length rain cloak with a zipper in front over her usual outfit and a metal mask designed with slanted eye-holes with four dots trailing down from each corner, the kanji for “tears” (涙, namida) on the forehead and four vertical lines in place of the mouth, resembling the Amegakure village symbol. Her mask uniquely has yellow markings around the eyes and trailing down the cheeks. During the Fourth Shinobi World War, Michiyō wore a standard Amegakure slate grey flak jacket with swirls on the chest, on top of her normal outfit.
Syn - Why the kanji? What kind of swirls on the flak jacket? Why did she have a special flak jacket? I do like the idea of different ANBU divisions though.
C: Is the rain cloak and mask the standard ANBU uniform for her division? How come they don’t have a full standard outfit/style like other ANBU?
Michiyō is also noted for always wearing a simple silver necklace with a small teardrop-shaped pendant around her neck - a gift from Hanzō that is actually a concealed vial containing the only known antidote to his poison, which she usually wears tucked away underneath her shirt for protection.    
C: You’ve not mentioned what this vial is made of, but I’d advise making it metal or similar rather than glass so that it’s not easily breakable.
Rin Madoka (mother, deceased): Her only living family, the relationship was very poor as her mother drank and neglected, as well as verbally and emotionally abusing her. When she died Michiyō did not mourn her and only felt relief when thinking about her death.
Unknown father (father, presumed deceased): The relationship is non-existent as he left her when she was a baby. When confronted she blames him for not taking care of her, but never really thinks about him otherwise.
C: It’d be handy for us to know who he is, even if Michiyo doesn’t.
Occupation: Anbu captain
Rank: Part I: Genin and Part II: Anbu
Team 4: Michiyō Madoka, Natsuko Long, Kai Jakushi and Sensei Kinichirō Togawa. Michiyō’s assigned genin team. I was thinking about this team having a dynamic similar to Team 7: Michiyō/Naruto was in love with Kai/Sakura and Kai/Sakura was in love with Natsuko/Sasuke, while despite their differences Michiyō/Naruto and Natsuko/Sasuke were best friends.
Syn - It’s important to think of team dynamics, but this seems like too much of a Team 7 parallel to me.
C: I would also avoid spelling out where your inspiration comes from in general, as then the parallels become particularly obvious. If your OCs would genuinely have that kind of dynamic then that’s fair enough, but I still feel like there should be some differences between your team and team 7’s.
Team Akuma: Tsuyu Saitō, Kohaku Itō and Captain Michiyō Madoka (codename Akuma). Anbu team within the Anbu unit Namida, specialized in ambush/protection and serves as bodyguards for the village head.
Syn - Somehow I kind of doubt Pain would want/need an ANBU protection squad? None the less one ran by Hanzo’s “daughter”. The general Ambush/Protection classification is generally fine though!
C: I’m not convinced on the team name either. Team Michiyo would be better, or an entirely different codename for the team as a whole.
Syn - Like going by Alpha, Beta, ect. Something like that.
Hanzō (caretaker/father figure): After Hanzō took her in and made her his student Michiyō came to love him as a father figure and was devastated when he was killed by Pain. His death had a profound impact on Michiyō and afterwards she gave up on the idea of peace and bonding with others and bended down to Pain in order to survive, trying to let go of Hanzō. When she later met the reanimated Hanzō she admitted that she had not been able to let him go and despite all the bad things he had done she still loved him.
Syn - I just...don’t think of Hanzō as the type to take someone in. I could see him hearing about an oddly talented civilian and conscripting them to the academy though.
C: Shouldn’t Pain have killed her if they were close? From the wiki “the Six Paths of Pain confronted and single-handedly killed Hanzō, systematically slaughtered every person he was ever in league, or affiliated with; from family and servants, to even ambassadors of the villages who he was associated with”.
Natsuko Long (best friend/teammate): Was her best friend, but they grew apart in the Academy when Natsuko became popular and Michiyō as the outsider began isolating herself becoming solely focused on getting stronger. When Natsuko died, Michiyō did not go to her funeral as she at that point had suppressed her emotions completely, something she later regretted and after the war was finally able to mourn her.
Syn - How can they be best friends if they grew apart in the academy and never reconciled?
C: It’s nice to see her regretting her past actions, though I realise that may sound awful.
Kai Jakushi (friend/childhood crush/teammate): Due to Michiyō being an outsider and he was popular, Michiyō was forced to pretend that they were not friends in the Academy, while hiding her crush on him. While team mates her feelings for him disappeared as she suppressed her emotions and they grew apart when team disbanded and after Natsuko’s death they never spoke again.
Syn - So, she and Kai stayed friends but not her and Natsuko? Why?
Kinichirō Togawa (sensei): She liked and admired him, and felt sad when he drank himself to death not long after his retirement when Team 4 disbanded, but tried to let it go and not think about it.
Syn - Why did he become an alcoholic? Because Natsuko died?
C: It would be nice to have a bit more detail here, like why she admired him, and more details on her feelings rather than just “sad” when he passed away.
Kakashi Hatake (friend/romantic interest): When they met in Part II after Pain’s defeat, she came to respect and admire him during the preparation for the war and slowly developed feelings for him. However she hid them as she still feared they made her weak and vulnerable. Note: I’m not sure whether to just leave it at a crush/friends or to have them become a couple in the end after she breaks out of her emotionless shell - I don’t plan on them getting married or having children or anything like that, I thought of them more as lovers/partners and I am still not entirely sure whether she would move to Konoha for him – any advice on if the relationship even seems plausible would be fine :)  
Syn - honestly i think konoha shinobi would be wary of most ame shinobi. Also, i don’t believe Ame participated in the fourth war, as they’d just lost their leaders. They would have been too embroiled in finding a leader, likely through civil war given the country’s history.
C: It was just the main 5 villages and the samurai who participated in the war. We could really do with more detail on how they actually meet, and how any kind of relationship has time to develop.
Personality: As a child she was happy, cheerful and stubborn with a fierce temper much like Naruto Uzumaki, but due to the lack of love in her childhood she became introverted, reserved and taught herself to supress her emotions and put up a façade.
C: Becoming introverted and reserved makes sense if she had a difficult childhood. Does she still have the same temper “under the surface” then? I’m curious as to whether or not she has any “ticks” that give may away her hidden emotions to anyone who knows her well enough.
After Hanzō’s death, she lost all hope in other people and believed that bonding with others would only make her weak. Though she hated Pain, she never sought revenge, as she was too afraid of him and believed that he could never be defeated.
C: It’s good to see that she understands the limits of her power, though I’m curious as to why she lost hope in other people at this time too. Logically speaking, if she could gather up a reasonably large band of at least semi skilled people, then she could have had a chance at beating Pain. If she was that attached to Hanzo I feel like she would have tried to do something, though obviously not if it was a lost cause.
Trapped under Pain, unable to deal with all her anger, hatred and sorrow she instead chose to completely shut off her emotions and slowly turned her own heart into ice. Michiyō came to believe that the only way she could survive and become strong was to let it all go and forget about the past and everything that had happened and she willingly bended down to Pain in order to survive. The past became a taboo which she never thought or spoke about and her only focus was to keep moving forward at all cost. She became obsessed with getting stronger and all her waking hours she trained her genjutsu, which with time became the only way she could express her emotions. Most of the time Michiyō is calm and composed, with an aloof and confident attitude. However she is also talkative, strong-opinionated, and can also be funny and charismatic at times, but her cheerful exterior is often only a part of her facade and she always keeps people at an arms-length, never showing her true emotions.
C: To be honest, being charismatic at times gives off something of a manipulative vibe to me, though I’m not sure if you were aiming for this.
Syn - I could see the manipulative side developing after all that she’s been through though.
She is extremely enduring and also adaptable under extreme circumstances, unflappable and very good at keeping her cool in any situation. She is very determined and ambitious, but can turn obsessive under too much pressure. Due to her upbringing she is also quite mature for her age and very independent as she is used to relying only on herself and can therefore also be very selfish, always putting herself before others.
C: Selfishness is a good flaw, and makes sense for her too.
Syn - Makes sense with the manipulative vibe too!
As she prefers her own company most of the time, she has very few friends and when not on duty she spends her time alone in her apartment painting or reading as she likes being creative, which helps her develop ideas for her genjutsu. The thing she fears above anything else is being vulnerable and weak, opening up and then being betrayed or exploited, which is why she trusts no one and keeps to herself. Her fear is her weakest point, as she has never learned to be brave and has had to flee and hide her entire life to survive.
C: I like these fears.
Syn - Sounds very much like someone who grew up so close to the center of a war-torn country.
However, after Pain’s death everything changed for her and her meeting with Naruto and watching his refusal to give up made her realize that she had been wrong to despair and give up on other people and she regained her hope in a better future. This helped her break out of her emotionless shell and shed her façade, no longer believing bonds and feelings is just weaknesses and she began creating new bonds and also finding the courage and will to fight for her village and others than herself.
C: It’s good to see her grow and move on from her old feelings. Naruto has changed so many characters in canon though, so it can feel a bit stale when he’s the reason for an OCs change too. I would consider linking it to the actions of her friends, fellow villagers or something, so it feels a bit fresher (I hope you get what I mean here).
Abilities: Despite her being born into a civilian family, Michiyō was born with immense genjutsu powers. Learning the basic theory behind chakra by years of listening in on the shinobi teams passing through her village, she was able to teach herself how to mould chakra and create genjutsu and even before she joined the Academy she had surprisingly good control of her abilities. She was even able to catch a fully-fledged shinobi in a Genjutsu Binding when she was 8 years old, which were enough to catch the eye of the legendary shinobi Hanzō, who took her as his student.
Syn - That’s a little over-powered, for some civilian kid with not family history of shinobi. I could see maybe a Kurama kid being able to do this.
C: This is definitely beyond the realm of what an untrained child could be reasonably expected to learn without some kind of formal tuition. If you want Hanzo to take an interest in her, why not wait until they start to teach genjutsu at the academy?
As she has trained herself to suppress her emotions her entire life, with time her genjutsu became the only way she could express her emotions and therefore became very dependent on them. Her powers are so strong that overuse eventually breaks down her mind and personally, so that she at last is just an empty shell.
Syn - I can see the becoming dependent of genjutsu thing, as that seems like a viable side effect from emotional suppression. But by that last sentence do you mean she ends up killing herself with her genjutsu? Or at least puts herself into a vegetative state?
C: I’m guessing that you’re aiming for a ROOT style personality, though I feel like if she loses too much then she won’t care about missions, or even self care and could just fade away, or die due to carelessness on a mission.
Note: I am still working on the mechanics of her genjutsu powers as I don’t want it to be just a copy of the Kurama Clan’s genjutsu, but I still want it to be something that defines and shapes her throughout the story, so any suggestions is very much appreciated :)
Syn - I just don’t see how the genjutsu could be developed into something that isn’t too close to the Kurama clan’s. Strong genjutsu like that just screams Kurama. C, you got any ideas?
C: To be honest, I feel like your best route might be to just have her being distantly related to the Kurama clan (maybe by a grandparent or mystery dad). Ame is basically a mixing pot of the surrounding countries, so it wouldn’t be a stretch for someone from Konoha to wind up there. I just think that at the moment, what you’re aiming for is too similar to the Kurama clans KG to try and make it something different, and there’s nothing in canon stopping you from borrowing it.
Syn -  Yes. Mystery Dad. But, yeah, Rain is basically the New York of Naruto. Lots of refugees from other nations.
As she has chosen to focus almost solely on her genjutsu, her other skills have naturally suffered and she is quite average in other general shinobi skills. She is amongst other things unable to use any elemental chakra natures only Yin Release and because she was born a civilian she naturally has a very small amount of chakra which gives her a low stamina.
C: Her maximum amount of chakra can be increased with training (to an extent), so I wouldn’t make it too low as I think it’s something that she would spend time developing. She should also have a natural element which would be nice to know regardless or whether or not she can really use it.
As she has been naturally focused on her mind and on studying, she is particularly weak in terms of physical strength and endurance and taijustu. As she is usually extremely well-protected by her genjutsu powers this does not normally pose a problem, but in a taijutsu match she could easily be beaten by someone like Ino Yamanaka and if ever punched directly by Sakura Haruno or Tsunade she would properly be killed. However, to make up for this she has worked on her speed and evasion and she is very quick. Michiyō is also extremely skilled in kenjutsu, wielding the ninjatō Tīdaami meaning “sunshower” (太陽雨), which she can use to induce her genjutsu when infusing it with her yin chakra-flow.
Syn - So her lack of elemental jutsu is due to her focus on genjutsu? I can see that, but I think at least one or two low level ninjutsu would be a good idea. Besides, if genjutsu was literally the only skill she’s good at I could hardly see her making it past being low-leveled chuunin. Though, I really do like the idea of the tanto/genjutsu combination. But if she’s good with kenjutsu then I think she should be at least decent with taijutsu as well.
Also, on the chakra front, she won’t be able to use a lot of strong genjutsu without a decent bit of chakra, or one of those that consumes it over time. So Id’s do what C recommended and have her train it up some.
Due to her training with Hanzō, she also has great knowledge in creating poisons and antidotes and she can use her umbrella both to release a hallucinogenic Poison Mist that she uses in her genjutsu, while she is also able to use a unique summon – an earthworm, which she is able to ride on top of, is poisonous like Ibuse and can also consume physical energy. Due to her training in the Anbu she is also a very capable assassin.  
Syn - Earthworms are also different, which is nice, but they’re not really poisonous creatures. Caterpillars might be a better choice on that front.
C: You could also go for a parasitic worm of some kind. I don’t know much about worms, so you’ll have to do the research on it though.
Stats: Part I: 14 Part II: 24
Ninjutsu: Part I: 1 Part II: 3
Taijutsu: Part I: 0.5 Part II: 1
Genjutsu: Part I: 4 Part II 5
Intelligence: Part I: 2 Part II: 4
Strength: Part I: 0.5 Part: 1
Speed: Part I: 2 Part II: 4
Stamina: Part I: 1 Part II: 2
Hand seals: Part I: 2 Part II: 4
Syn - Hey, don’t these stats actually make her weaker than Sakura overall? I don’t see how she could be ANBU with these? Kurenai is a Jounin specializing in genjutsu and her overall stats are almost 30 in total.
C: Naruto had total stats of 14.5 at the age of 12, and was rock bottom of his class. He also doesn’t have any skills below a 1, and his genjutsu goes up to 2 by part II despite him being hopeless at it. I’d shift her stats up to at least 18 or so, with none lower than 1 in part I. I’m not sure if you want Michiyo to be on Kurenai’s level, but if that’s the kind of skill you’re aiming for in part II, then you need to be around the 29 mark. If not, 24 is pretty reasonable for an average shinobi of that age, and is on par with Shikamaru in shippuden.
Background: She grew up in the small village Harawa born to civilian parents, her father left her when she was a baby and her mother began drinking after that. She had no friends and was bullied, until she used her genjutsu to scare the other children away, resulting in them leaving her alone and giving her the nickname Akuma meaning “demon/devil”.
Syn - Why was she bullied in the first place? And this is where you got her squad name, yeah? I don’t think someone would use a childhood insult as their team name unless they were sadistic with a good dosage of self-loathing.
C: I’ve personally seen this nickname too many times, and would advise picking something else, if you even need the nickname at all.
When she was 8 years old, a battle between Hanzō’s forces and the Akatsuki burned down her village, killing her mother. After Hanzō watched the young Michiyō stop one of his shinobi who mistook her for the enemy in a Genjutsu Binding, he decided to make her his student and use her in the civil war. When she was 10 years old Hanzō was killed by Pain, however Michiyō was lucky to escape through a secret pathway through the sewers. After that she lived on the streets – I am thinking of placing her in an orphanage instead where she perhaps is recruited into Namida, but I’m not sure whether Amegakure even had orphanages at this point?
Syn - Once again, I think Hanzo pulling her to to academy would make more sense, rather than making her his student. This would also rectify the “Akatsuki killing everyone Hanzo is connected to” problem as well. She could still admire him for giving her a new chance at life or a new purpose maybe?
C: If Hanzo wanted to use her as a weapon some kind of ROOT equivalent would make the most sense if he wanted her trained quickly, though you’d need to bump her skills up. It’d also mean quite a bit of rewriting. With Nagato and co’s experience of Ame, I’m not convinced that there would be any orphanages. Also, with Pains sensing abilities, I really doubt that a 10 year old would be able to escape him. If you want her to live she can’t be that close to him.
One day she met another girl her age named Natsuko and they became best friends. Together they started in the Academy, but Michiyō was an outsider and was bullied due to her ragged looks from living on the streets and kept to herself. While she was extremely skilled in genjutsu, she lacked any other shinobi skills and it took her three tries to graduate, but she managed to graduate as the top kunoichi on her third try. She was put into Team 4 with Natsuko and their mutual friend Kai under the jōnin sensei Kinichirō.     
Syn -  Most Academy classes start when the kids are six, not ten. That would be far, far too late for them to develop skills in time to graduate at 11 or 12. Also, with her lacking in so many of the other skills I don’t see how she could have possibly been kunoichi of the year.
C: With the state of Ame, I feel like there would be a couple of street kids in every class, so it wouldn’t be that much of a reason to bully someone. Taking three attempts to graduate and then being the best kunoichi don’t fit together either, unless something happened to really aid her development in that time period.
Part I: Team 4 participated in the Chūnin Exams in Konoha. They passed the written exams due to Michiyō using her genjutsu on the other students while collecting the answers. During the Forest of Death challenge they came across Team 7 and a battle between Kai and Sasuke ensued, ending with Kai being seriously injured. On the last day Team 4 was able to secure the earth scroll and passed, however in the preliminaries Kai’s injuries were so serious that he was forced to withdraw by their sensei. Michiyō and Natsuko then met each other in battle, with Michiyō winning due to playing on Natsuko’s fears with her genjutsu, causing her rift between them. During the finals, Michiyō was assigned to fight Dosu Kinuta, however as Dosu was killed by Gaara they never got to fight. After Chūnin finals were stopped due to the invasion of Konoha, Shikamaru was the only one who was promoted chūnin and Michiyō and Team 4 travelled home to Amegakure.  
Syn - Being in the same chuunin exams is fine, but the battling your own teammate thing is kind of cliche. Why not go further and mix up canon by shifting fights around? Also, why did the other members of the teams not fight? Why just Sasuke and Kai? And wasn’t there already a rift between Michiyō and Natsuko? I thought that you said their relationship pretty much started and ended in the academy.
C: Dosu was meant to fight Shikamaru in the finals as far as I’m aware. I’d personally be inclined to use more OC teams for Michiyo and co to fight against rather than fiddling around with the canon fights, but as long as you leave the ones with the most plot in canon intact you can fiddle with them as Syn said.
Part II: Despite failing to make chūnin, the superiors in Amegakure had taken notice of her exceptional genjutsu skills and she was recruited into the Anbu sub-division Namida (seen as Amegakure’s equivalent of Root) which takes in orphan children and trains them as weapons to protect the village. Michiyō underwent 3 years of gruelling training, becoming a skilled and ruthless assassin and at some point passing the chūnin exams at age 14. At age 16 Michiyō was promoted to Anbu captain and was assigned to lead her own three-man team, which specialized in ambush/protection, serving as bodyguards to the village head.
Syn - Wait, wait. They (Konoha’s Rookie 9) were 12-13 in part one. Probably around 13 by the time they took the chuunin exams, which means Michiyō would be late 13s, early 14s at the time of the chuunin exams. So she’d be 16/17 by the time she finished those three years of Anbu training. Though becoming an Anbu Captain at sixteen is some sort of Kakashi level thing; I probably wouldn’t advise it. Not with her point allocation. And probably late into her 14th year or early in her 15th for becoming chuunin if she didn’t pass the Konoha exams.
But if the initial thought was to train her as a weapon, why wasn’t she dumped in this division from the beginning?
C: I really do think that she should have been put in this sub division when Hanzo found her originally, as waiting ages to create a weapon for a current war through the academy doesn’t make sense.
After Pain’s death during his invasion of Konoha, Michiyō was shell-shocked that he could ever be defeated and wishing to meet Naruto who had defeated him, she volunteered her team for the mission Protect Naruto, which Konan had started as a way to ensure that Pain’s faith in Naruto would not be wasted as well as an attempt to reach out to Konoha to make an alliance – which however failed as the new Hokage Danzō was distrustful of Ame’s alliance with Naruto. In Konoha Naruto told Michiyō Pain’s story and also what Hanzō had done to him, while she was shocked she shook it off and declared that she had let him go many years ago and that her hatred for Pain was no longer necessary as he was dead.
Syn - There was never any sort of official “Protect Naruto” mission, and I very highly doubt Tsunade would let them anywhere near Naruto for an extended period like that. Plus, I don’t think Konan lived long enough to give any sort of official declaration or mission regarding Naruto. There’s also the fact that Ame was left without any leader at this point in time, so no one would be sent out on mission for a while I would think.
C: Ame also tends to get run over by the larger nations on a regular basis so don’t really have ninja to spare, especially when they don’t have a village leader.
Following Naruto with her team to the Land of Iron and later watching the battle between Team 7, Michiyō was reminded of the old Team 4. At last watching Naruto’s resolve to never give up, also seeing her early self in him, made her realize how different she could have become if she had not given up, Michiyō decided to change her ways and began to believe in peace for the first time since Hanzō’s death.
C: As a mentioned earlier, lots of characters have changed because of Naruto in canon. I also feel that changing simply because of watching him is a little weak, for lack of a better word. I could understand it better if it was something that she had been considering for a while, but this was the last straw, though that’s not the impression that I get.
Syn - If anything, watching him might bright to light a seed of doubt, but beyond that it would take something more significant and impactful.
Deciding, like Konan, to put her faith in Naruto, she became determined to make a difference and persuaded her team to travel back and try to rally Amegakure to fight with Konoha in the upcoming war against the Akatsuki. However, when they arrived Konan had been killed and the village was scrambling to mobilize their defences. But due to Michiyō’s words and refusal to take no for an answer, feeling that her village is responsible for the Akatsuki, she eventually succeeded in convincing her superiors and they decided to dispatch the Namida forces of the Anbu to join the Allied Shinobi Forces, keeping the rest of the shinobi in to defend the village.
C: How big are the Namida forces anyway? As horrible as it sounds, I’m not sure that they’d be a big enough power to really sway the outcome of the war, while on the other hand they’d be a big enough power to make a difference to any issues at home. It doesn’t make sense to me from a logical perspective for them to be sent off, and not stay around Ame keeping the peace and protecting her superiors.
Syn - Konan would have been killed long before this, unless this is an AU. And it’s really doubtful “superiors” or “elders” would heed to the pleas of one girl; they’d probably be too busy fighting amongst themselves for the position of leader.
The Ame forces arrived in Kumogakure at the nick of time and though initially met with hostility, with the support of Naruto, Kakashi and the newly awoken Tsunade they were permitted to join the Surprise Attack Division. When they were attacked by the Surprise Attack and Diversion Platoon, Michiyō came face to face with the reincarnated Hanzō and due to her knowledge of him she was quick enough to escape Ibuse’s paralysing poison but the others were caught, leaving her all alone. Forced to confront Hanzō, she was out of chakra and also too emotional unstable to be able to do much and broke down in tears for the first time since Hanzō’s death. Recognizing her Hanzō taunted her for showing her weakness and still holding on to useless ideas of peace, he charged at her and beat her severely. As she was seriously injured by having been infected by the poison on his kusarigama and on the ground nearly unconscious, in spite of his taunting words, to Hanzō’s shock Michiyō was able to get up and cure herself of his poison with the antidote inside her teardrop necklace she still carried, a gift from him when she was 10. She told him that she was done running and also that he had been wrong to give up on his dreams, what he could have accomplished if he had not given up so easily and that she pitied him for what he had become. As he charged at her again this time she met him head on and after beating her nearly to death, but before delivering the final Mifune arrived just in time to intervene.
C: I’m really struggling to understand the last sentence here.
Syn - Still don’t think Tsunade would trust them, or Kakashi. Regardless of if Naruto did or not. And I’m guessing Mifune saved her life?
After Hanzō was defeated by him, he repeated Michiyō’s words that he had been wrong to give up on his conviction and remembering his past and also his memories of Michiyō; Hanzō placed his faith in her and pleaded with Mifune to save her life before he committed seppuku. Afterwards Michiyō was taken to the medical unit for treatment and was unconscious for the rest of the war. While trapped in the Infinite Tsukuyomi, Michiyō dreamed that she sat by the lake in Amegakure with all her dead family and friends enjoying the sunshine. After the war, Michiyō travelled home to Amegakure to help rebuilt the village and the efforts of the Ame-nin were one of the key factors in repairing the diplomatic relationship between Ame and Konoha, resulting in the village standing stronger in the following years of peace than it had ever done before, eventually joining the newly formed Shinobi Union. Michiyō also carved a grave for Hanzō by the lake, which she visited in the years after. She also often came to visit her new friends in Konoha often, her life forever changed because of them.
Syn - This is, quite frankly, out of character for Hanzo.
First of all the emotional suppression needs to be addressed a bit - though it’s not anything against it, just expanding on it as something you may want to tweak a little bit:
Effects of consistent emotion suppression include increased physical stress on your body, including high blood pressure, increased incidence of diabetes and heart disease. In addition, people who engage in emotion suppression regularly are more likely to experience stiff joints, bone weakness and more illnesses due to lowered immunity.
Other than that little tidbit of information, you’re doing just fine when it comes to her personality!
Now regarding the genjutsu - we mentioned the Kurama clan above, and you did too. We believe the best course of action here is to just make her related to the Kuramas - Mystery Dad and/or through her paternal grandparents. They are all about strong genjutsu, so it’ll be far easier on you to just have her be part Kurama than try to make a workaround to make it something different.
Now, the part regarding her history revolving around Hanzo. If this was canon-verse Michiyō would be dead - slipping through the sewers wouldn’t be enough to save her. It’d have to go AU somehow for it to work, otherwise we’d advise him recruiting her for the academy, or rather those Namida you mention. She could still admire him for giving her a new life, or a new purpose, but this way she has a better chance of not getting killed by Akatsuki.
Her skills also need a bit of tweaking, like we mentioned above. General numbers and sprucing up her abilities all around will do Michiyō some good - maybe expand a bit on her tanto/genjutsu combination.
Syn & C
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thefreckledone · 7 years
fluff friday (saturday) “ghibli/runaway” {keep yourself a secret} [narusaku]
dedicated to @obsessed-lass who reminds me of my love of narusaku when I first read naruto. you’re great!
this is a castle in the sky au that I want to expand when I have time. I have the worst time management skills, lol.
“You sure you’ve got this under control?”
“You can count on me!” Sakura exclaims, hefting buckets filled with coal onto her shoulders. “Go on! I know Asuma wants you home in time for dinner.”
Kurenai chuckles, eyes soft as she ruffles Sakura’s hair. “He does kick up quite a fuss if I’m not home when the station actually closes. Should I bring you some of his pastries tomorrow?” She grins. “If I tell him it’s for you he’ll even bake them fresh.”
“You’ve got yourself a deal! Will he make—”
“The berry tart with extra strawberries? Of course,” Kurenai says before tossing the keys to Sakura. “I expect you here bright and early to open up. Hiruzen will panic if we aren’t up and running on time.”
“Got it!”
Sakura watches as Kurenai takes the elevator out of what is affectionately termed “The Pit,” before returning to her task. She dumps the coal into the bins by the trains, prepping for the bustle of the coming day. Sakura places the buckets back in the closet and snatches up the ring of keys.
Sakura cannot keep from grinning as she weighs the keys in her hand, looking over all the myriad of sizes and shapes to them. There are thirty-seven keys in all and her absolute favorite is the large bronze key that locks the gate. It is an old key and oxidized in a way that makes most of it appear green.
She feels stately and otherworldly as she turns the key in the gate, locking the passage between the station and the railroads. Sakura loops the key ring into her belt, grinning as they thump musically against her thigh as she walks.
A high-pitched, whining noise makes her pause. Sakura looks up, blinking as a red light descends from the sky.
A shooting star?
No, she can tell as it comes closer that the light is emitting from a necklace worn by a boy.
Sakura races in his direction, climbing the slope to one of the many precarious balances that cross above the Pit. They’ve been expanding the station, have been for years and the work is never done.
With an ease born of experience, Sakura steps out onto the plank and eyes the boy’s descent. She positions herself beneath it, balancing and bracing herself to catch him.
Sakura squints against the gleam of his necklace as he descends fully into her arms. The necklace’s glow fades and Sakura gets a better look at the boy.
He is unconscious and dressed oddly in garish hues of orange and blue. His face is strangely marked with lines on each cheek but Sakura is more focused on his hair. It is the color of sunlight.
Sakura cradles him close, listening attentively to the creaking of the board beneath her as she moves back to safer ground.
When she turns her face back to the boy, crystalline blue eyes meet her.
The boy is awake.
“Who are you?” he asks, squirming out of her grasp.
“I’m Sakura. Are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” he blusters, brushing off his clothes. He glances away and back again before bending over in a formal bow. “Thank you. My name is Naruto. I’m not completely sure how I came to be here, but I’m grateful.”
“Of course,” she replies, flustered by the antiquated gesture. They stand in silence for a moment before Sakura says, “Do you have anywhere to stay the night?”
He opens his mouth, falters, and shakes his head.
“Would you like to stay with me?” Sakura asks. “You can take my bed for the night.”
His face splits in a smile so bright that Sakura loses her breath. “That would be wonderful, thank you.”
And that is how Sakura meets Naruto.
“Who are they?” Sakura asks, ducking back behind her house. She eyes the men in long black coats embellished in red clouds with suspicion. They don’t fit into the sleepy town of Konoha.
“Pirates,” Naruto spits the word and it is the most vitriolic thing Sakura has heard out of his mouth. “They’re called Akatsuki. They want the treasures of Uzushio.”
Sakura tightens her mouth and firms her stance as she catches the flicker of fear in his eyes. “They’ve chased you before?”
He hesitates for a brief moment before nodding.
“Okay,” Sakura says. “Give me a second.”
She ducks back into her house, heading into the room on the second floor. She listens to the soft hooting and cooing from the owls, all in various stages of sleep. Sakura opens their cages and sends up a brief prayer for their safety.  
Sakura goes back out to Naruto, taking his hand in hers. “I’ll protect you from the pirates,” she promises rashly. “We’ll need to go into town. I have to give Kurenai the keys and hopefully we can shake them in the crowd.”
Naruto nods, not looking all that pleased with the plan but trusting her regardless. Something in Sakura is warmed by the notion, but she is quickly distracted with slipping past Akatsuki unseen.
Something goes wrong along the way, an unsure foot along the cobble, a perceptive glance around, something happens in a way that the tall blue one looks upon them with a disturbing grin.
“Konan, I found them!”
Sakura mutters the word Asuma said once when all of the pies burned while they were playing cards.
Naruto looks impressed.
“Come on!” Sakura hisses, dragging Naruto into the morning crush of people.
“Sakura!” Kurenai exclaims. “What on earth is going on?”
“This is Naruto,” Sakura says. “There are some bad people after him. I’m going to help.”
There is pride coloring Kurenai’s voice as she says, “I expected nothing less.” She draws Sakura into a brisk, warm hug. “Go on. Asuma and I will take care of them.”
“Thanks, Kurenai!” Sakura replies, bussing a kiss across her cheek before passing her the keys. “You need these more than I do but don’t worry; I’ll be back soon!”
Kurenai looks at them, rather, she looks at Naruto. “I’m not so sure you will be, dear.”
“C’mon,” Naruto says, tightening his hold on Sakura’s hand, brushing past Kurenai, and ducking into the nearby alley.
“Naruto!” Sakura scolds as she picks up her pace to keep up with him. “That was quite rude!”
“Sorry,” he mutters, casting his eyes about. “I’m just worried. I don’t want to be a burden to you.”
Sakura squeezes his hand. “You aren’t a burden! You’re my friend. Besides, my parents always believed in Uzushio.” She pats the map at her belt. “They’d be proud to know I’m keeping up the search.”
Naruto smiles. “It’ll be an adventure.”
“The very best,” Sakura says firmly. “First, however, we need to get away from the pirates. I think the train station is our best bet.”
“Didn’t you give the keys to Kurenai?” Naruto asks, following her as she begins to weave among the maze of buildings.
“Yeah but Hiruzen has a set himself. He always gets there before dawn and opens the train station. He always complains when we show up on time, saying that we’re late.” Sakura giggles.
“Sounds like quite a guy,” Naruto says.
“He’s the best.”
Sakura guides Naruto along her favorite path into the Pit, mindful of her surroundings. It still comes as a surprise, however, when Naruto is tackled to the ground.
“Running away was quite naughty!” an angry voice declares and Sakura prepares herself to yank the boy off of Naruto.
She stops, however, when she sees his face.
He has Naruto’s face. If not for his eyes and hair, Sakura would call them mirror images.
“Who are you?” she demands, gathering herself and pushing him free of Naruto.
“Menma of Fire,” he replies, red eyes cool and distant. He looks her over and sniffs, clearly finding her lacking. “And who are you, urchin?”
“None of your business!” Naruto declares, hopping back on his feet. His nose is bleeding but his gaze is hard as he stares at Menma. “You need to leave me alone!”
“You need to come with me, Naruto,” Menma says. “Just imagine what we can do together.”
“I already told you no! Why won’t you just leave me alone?” Naruto demands.
Sakura strikes a leg out, sweeping Menma’s feet from beneath him while distracted. He tumbles and, at the sharp angle of the slope, slides far away from him. Sakura winces in sympathy as he catches on hard edges but she doesn’t feel too bad when she sees the relief in Naruto’s eyes.
“Let’s go,” Sakura urges, eyes up on the lip of the Pit. Already, it is dotted with the pirates and men dressed in the same uniform as Menma. For the moment, they seem preoccupied with each other but that won’t remain the case for long. “Hiruzen will be able to help us get out of here.”
Naruto wavers, clutching at the pendant at his throat.
“Naruto,” Sakura says, waiting until he looks at her. Their enemies are closing in around them and they are in a precarious position that requires some finessing. She needs to get them out of here safely. And for that, she needs Naruto. “Naruto, do you trust me?”
Naruto looks at her and for a moment he looks so much older than his twelve years. Sakura feels as if her soul is bared to his eyes, scorched beneath his scrutiny. His hand tightens on the strange pendant and he smiles as he pulls it free from his body.
Sakura knows she’s passed some sort of test, though what kind she couldn’t say.
“It’s strange really,” Naruto says, grabbing her hand and pressing the pendant into it. She feels a shiver go up her spine and, for a moment, the pendant is heavy. The moment passes and Sakura wonders if she just imagined it. “I trust you Sakura.”
Sakura grins. “Good. What I’m about to ask of you is going to require all of that trust.”
Naruto nods, entwining his hand around hers, the pendant firmly sandwiched between them. “I’m ready when you are.”
Breath quickening, Sakura stares at the crane jib and hook that are moving slowly nearby. It is headed their way and Sakura tenses in preparation. She can do this. “When I say jump, jump.”
Naruto nods, his confidence in her obvious in his eyes.
Sakura takes a deep breath, tightens her hand on his, and says, “Jump.”
They jump.
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amematriarch-a · 10 years
Ship! B))
Send me 'ship!' and I'll rate our characters as a ship!
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ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
oN A PERSONAL LEVEL i already love our sakura and konan interactions and platonic ship them so hard clenches fists they've experienced a lot of the same feelings within their team and i think once they're able to overcome the lingering tension theyd make for some hella great friends and konan would make it a point to visit sakura everytime she visited konoha.
ngl becuase i am a huge huge HUGE Gay i s hip them romantically too.... i a m just. a sucker for cute girls together?? thats literally all it takes to get me to ship something theyre both girls thats it thats all i need
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