#jabitha discourse
seblos · 1 year
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Okay, I don’t like to get involved in fandom nonsense, but I will say this one thing:
The show, Riverdale, teasing romantic relationships between the main cast and a supporting character of color IS NOT EQUIVALENT TO people in fandom legitimately enjoying and appreciating the potential of that ship.
The problem of Riverdale using supporting characters of color as temporary love interests is a fundamental flaw baked into the show because of its decision to structure plots around the Core Four ( + Cheryl sometimes) instead of treating the show as having an ensemble cast. 
That doesn’t mean that it is a problem for fans to see the potential of that relationship and appreciate it, even knowing that little will come out of it on the actual show. People can ship things that aren’t canon! People can multi-ship! Recognizing that it will go nowhere, but choosing to give it the validity and potential that the show will not give it is not perpetuating the show’s writing problems!! Nor is it a threat to you!
You can have your problems with how the show chooses to write and treat its characters of color (we all do), without using it as an excuse to hate on a ship.
P.S. 1) you are all over-reacting to a promo shot, which is exactly what Riverdale wants 2) If y’all go wild in my inbox, I have no qualms with using the block button.
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thetaoofbetty · 3 years
Can I also express how tiring it is/was to read why Tabitha is what Jughead needs and deserves and could be a good endgame mate for him when we know very little about her outside of 5 episodes spending time with Jughead? She is kind and fun and I hope we get more of her doing other things, but people speak about her in regards to Jughead as if she’s been around for four other seasons, as if everything Betty has been to him can be matched so easily.
listen, people do 2 very weird things (to me) when it comes to jughead and shipping. they take a girl he barely knows and turn her into his perfect match (people did this with toni having known her for an episode or two—pepperidge farms remembers) and they rewrite bh history to do so.
we’ve known tabitha only as jughead’s friend for 5 episodes. except that episode she wasn’t needed for his storyline so she was conveniently put into the football plot because jughead was going to be off with betty.
because at the end of the day, she’s a supporting character who has been there for the audience to learn what we needed to know about jughead’s past while he was isolated from everyone else over parts of 5a. 
you’ll notice archie has one too (eric. he talks to eric about betty and veronica and mentions his issues that he’s not ready or willing to share with the rest of the group yet). 
i think it’s telling that we don’t really have one for betty or veronica so we have very little idea what’s going on in their heads or in their pasts until they start talking to their love interests (veronica talking about chad to archie and betty talking to jughead about polly). betty also spoke with cheryl but that felt like getting advice and commiseration, not quite the support she immediately got from jughead (in the form of trying to help). 
people like that she helps him. which is understandable. i like her too, i think she’s great and i think she would be a good friend to both of them but i also think expecting her to bump betty out of the way when it’s clear that’s not going to happen in any part of the story is going disappoint people who might be expecting that.
that people really don’t think tabitha learned about betty’s connection to jughead just in time for him for have that hallucination right before he went missing so she has someone to call for help when she can’t find him wasn’t all in service of the 5b bughead plot is a just...well. i don’t even know tbh. 
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sharkbait-o-haha · 3 years
Pls stop trying to justify why you ship Jabitha. If u want to ship smth, just do it. No need to try to make it a big deal. The endless back and forth between people complaining about why Tabitha deserves her own storyline and others stating why Jabitha work/appeal to them is giving me whiplash.
I genuinely don't care about the ship and am not going to bother investing my time in it. I'm here for one thing only and I will collect it and be on my way.
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good-night-dodger · 3 years
You think Jughead and Tabitha could be a real threat to Bughead endgame? I keep reading how awesome they could be if done right and yeah idk. I think they will have tons of fans, which is weird for me cause most of them are actually Bugheads but not just multi-ship but are ok with Bughead being done over another couple? I kind of feel negative about this season again now.
I've received similar asks so I'll answer this one and summarize my thoughts on this dreadful subject. I'm not a multi-shipper. I will go down with Bughead, there’s nothing the show can do to make me change my mind. I was a fan of them when I was reading the comics at like 10 years old!
For me, it’s clear that Bughead is endgame. The show is not subtle at all on that point. At most, I think Jabitha could be a temporary thing, but I would be extremely surprised if it was lasting more than 2 episodes. It could also be simply a trick in the promo and nothing more. And yes, that pairing has some fans, but the Bughead fandom is the biggest. As I said earlier, I'm a ship and let ship person. The multi-shippers won’t rewrite the script. If that ship makes them happy, then I’m glad for them.
As always with this show, I prepare myself for the worst and hope for the best. That said, not every show can end as badly as HIMYM. I’m keeping the faith, anons. In the meantime, I will reblog every version of the content we've got last night. I've missed Bughead so much, it's a joy to see them joining forces again.
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To add in my amazingly sought after Unpopular Opinion™️, I won't be mad if Jabitha were to happen.
Yes, I said it.
Does that make me less of a Bughead fan? I mean, in some eyes maybe?
But also some eyes believe see that baseball is boring and like, we all know that's not the case so like why am I gonna burden myself to care what those "some eyes" believe?
I haven't been watching this season, this ain't news. But from all reports, the only people that have been there for Jughead have been Tabitha and her grandfather. The only person that gave a shit about Jug and his drinking have been...yep, you guessed it - Tabitha.
Not Archie. Not Betty. Not Toni or the rest of the Serpents.
Just the Tates.
And yes, I completely understand how problematic Jabitha may be. But the burden of the RVD writers’ racism isn’t on the Jabitha shippers. How the show treats POC isn’t the fault of the fans of those characters, it’s the fault of that  writers room. It’s not on the Toni fans that Toni become a pod person for seasons 3-4, it’s on the writers that write Toni. 
And I hate to state the obvious, but like - the show’s racism is so much bigger than Jabitha. It starts in the writers’ room and moves outwards, and we’ve all seen those photos of that writers room. 
I’ve seen Jabitha shippers be compared to the Jeronica shipping of s2 (what?) or B*rchie (I swear to God, I’ve never been so offended, DAFUQ?!?!!?) - and I’m sitting here thinking, who the fuck are these people talking to? Almost every Jabitha shipper understands that in the end, it’s going to be Jug and Betty. We know this - this isn’t news. But wanting a simple kiss between Jughead and Tabitha, that’s not the end of the world like some of y’all seem to think it is. 
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stewartsjaymes · 3 years
I’d be down for jabitha if it wasn’t clear that the only purpose for the ship is to give time until betty and jug find their way to each other in a healthier way (and tabitha is my fav new character, she is so much interesting that most of the regulars lol the girl deserves a love not being a rebound)
that being said, if jabitha really becomes canon, we confirm what we already knew: jughead has a type - women who would kick his ass and possibly peg him (all of them are badass lol)
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sabs1d · 3 years
I wanted to say that regardless of what happens in today's episode, I will not be re-blogging or posting any kind of hate against any ship or fanbase, I believe that everyone can ship and enjoy the couples they want (with the exception of the ba because they asked for it), so my blog will be a safe space for those who ship jabitha or whatever ship you guys want, tumblr should be a safe space for everyone and everyday I see someone getting attacked just because they have a different opinion or different likes and that’s not fair
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djgrannyglasses · 3 years
So you ship Jabitha?
Also, as much as people who are harassing multi shippers should stop, people who ship them needs to let other people not ship them and stop acting like people should have a reason to not, other than, it being in the middle of their ship tbh. I honestly don’t ship them, but also don’t have a problem with people doing it, but I do have a problem with the discourse from both sides going on.
More like I don’t mind it but not invested in it. If it happens then it happens and I am sure there would be cute moments. If it doesn’t then it doesn’t and I hope they’re a BROTP. Either way, I just like both of their characters.
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jabitha-endgame · 3 years
Don't you think the Bugheads hatred towards Jabitha is highly exaggerated? Like too much? Yes BH was an epic romance but that was over when Betty screwed with Archie before time-jump and afterwards too. Why the fucking hell do they need them to reconcile after everything has happened this season? And where is this Jug being OOC coming from? This hate obsession is getting so annoying man. Why cant these jerks be happy for him once? Dissapointing.
I think the discourse around Jabitha is extremely highly exaggerated, to a ridiculous degree. Jughead wasn’t OOC this season (as a drunk, sleeping randomly with Cora, doing drugs to write) until he made his feelings for Tabitha known.
Bughead were really great, until they weren’t. Characters can change over the course of 4 seasons. Betty cheated on Jughead (twice!). At a certain point, he stopped being her priority.
Betty coming back to Riverdale and immediately sleeping with Archie (even though she was aware how much kissing him hurt Jughead), shows where her mind is at. She doesn’t want to reconnect romantically with Jughead. And Jughead has moved on. Jughead was hurt and betrayed so badly he got trauma over the way their relationship ended. I don’t know why people want to force him back into that relationship. They can move forward as friends but I don’t think Jughead would want to go through all that pain again.
Jughead has regained his self worth and happiness through his relationship with Tabitha. As a Jughead fan, who wouldn’t want that? Especially seeing how much his life was falling apart when the season started.
Look at the way Jughead’s face lights up when he’s with Tabitha, imagine not loving that for him! 😭
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Lol, was honestly planning on keeping these thoughts to myself because, you know, the energy in the room, but I do honestly think that this subject will be much less relevant after this week, so yolo I guess.
My Jabitha thoughts:
First of all, I don’t actually think Jughead and Tabitha are going to date or anything, I just don’t think that’s how the plots are aligning right now (A messier version of this set up would have Betty dating someone else because she doesn’t think Jughead is interested in being with her so she’s trying to move on, in which case, I do think Jabitha would have a fair shot. BUT I DIGRESS)
I do think that Jughead and Tabitha will have a moment, though. And I guess that specifically is what I wanted to talk about, how I would hope that a moment would address Tabitha’s arc with Jughead in 5a. I’ve been trying to visualize what it could be, something that respects Tabitha as a character, as someone Jughead would honestly be lucky to date, as someone who is more than just a plot device used for Jughead to bounce ideas off of and help him get back on his feet.
I would honestly like them to have a moment. I want them to realize that this could be a thing, even if it doesn’t happen. Just a moment where Jughead realizes if they pursued this, being with Tabitha could be a really good thing for him. Yes, I do believe that Jughead is still in love with Betty, and that he knows that, but that doesn’t mean there can’t be a road less travelled moment, a realization that maybe there isn’t one road to happiness. (And ftr this would in no way discount Jughead choosing Betty! In fact, I think the idea of choice is pretty damn romantic)
People keep throwing out the word “threat,” like if you aren’t “threatened” by the prospect of Jughead and Tabitha dating as a bughead fan, you aren’t “respecting” Tabitha, which like. Maybe I do see her as a “threat” to the status quo, I think Tabitha and Jughead could be happy together, could, dare I say, fall in love with each other (*SCARE CHORD*). This doesn’t take anything away from my love of bughead, but YMMV I GUESS.
To get to the point, there was this whole scene with Jessica early in the season where she was like “I don’t know what you need, but it’s not me.” And the person Jughead has needed for the first half of the season, the person who gave him a chance by giving him a job, who has kept him on his feet, who has been there right now, has been Tabitha. And I think it’s okay to acknowledge it, to recognize the potential there, for maybe even the characters to recognize the potential there, without idk, abandoning ship.
tldr: I think Tabitha is a wonderful character, she has great chemistry with Jughead, she’s been a person he’s really needed right now, she’s cute as hell, and it’s okay for him to recognize that, whether anything comes of it or not.
Or maybe they do date, which you know, could be really cute. And y’all can sit back and just chill.
But what do I know, who am I. I’ve just spent the last 3 years consistently drawing and writing bughead, but you know, clearly appreciating Jabitha means I hate Betty now, or whatever it is the kids are saying this week.
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bossbex · 3 years
5x06 Reaction
JARCHIE!!! I missed their interactions so much... like honestly in S4 they barely spoke.  I’m loving the “roommates” dynamic.  
Ok the kevin/fangs/toni apartment(?) is... amazing!!
I love how they hired actual teenagers (or close to it) to play the high school kids... since all the “teachers” were playing high school students, what, 3 episodes ago?? 
Ok mechanic Betty is SO HOT
Veronica’s taking over the Blue Velvet!!! Why not reuse that set lmao
Thoughts on this initial barchie interaction: 
I’ve seen all the discourse about it seeming like Archie doesn’t care about Betty’s problems, or not taking them seriously, and people comparing Archie’s “oof - that sucks” to jughead’s “white noise” speech in 1x08 (which I thought was cringy AF and I even liked b*ghead at the time) and here’s what I’ll say: 
His “oof - that sucks” comment as MATCHING Betty’s tone - she says it kind of matter of factly and with a bit of an eyeroll, she does NOT seem very upset about it, and she is a grown ass adult who DOESN’T need Archie’s condolences in that moment - and Archie knows that. 
She then brings up Polly, and Archie ASKS A FOLLOW UP QUESTION: “didn’t your mom say she does this? Takes off for a couple of days” which shows that he is referring to a previous conversation about this - they’ve BEEN talking about it and he DOES care (not to mention they showed that he had texted her about Polly at the end of the last episode)
She says she’s trying not to panic - because she knows this is something Polly does and may not actually be in danger - SO HE OFFERS A DISTRACTION during a time when she is basically asking for one, and then SHE COMES UP WITH THE IDEA OF WHERE TO GO HAVE SEX
Anyway I have argued with enough people on twitter about this lol.. I feel strongly.  Also, this scene was super cute and both Archie and Betty look so good in it.  
I love Tabitha.  Smart, enterprising, witty... I’m all for the Jugitha pairing. (seriously though, is a ship name decided for them? I’ve seen Tabhead and Jabitha as well, lol.  
Uhhhhh ok this car sex scene? It somehow feels even more explicit than the shower scene?? The moaning and breathing?? HOW DARE THESE STONEWALL KIDS INTERRUPT THIS
Is it just me or is Sheriff Keller looking really hot? Silver fox??  
I have to note that Archie’s hair colour looks SO BAD in this whole episode but especially this football scene with the Reggie confrontation.  It’s like, almost burgundy? But somehow bright orange at the same time? I hate it.  
Ok Cole is absolutely nailing this “down on his luck, beaten down” adult Jughead.  His character is funny all the sudden?? I love that he kept the money in the tip jar like OF COURSE
Ok Chad coming into Veronica’s class HE’S THE WORST!!! And then SITTING AT THE BACK I HATE HIM SO MUCH FOR THIS
Alright, now we have another scene that has people talking, which is where Archie meets Chad.  My thoughts: 
Archie clearly sizes up Chad.  I mean, he dated Veronica for 3-ish years (in the show’s timeline) so yeah, it’s normal to meet your ex’s new partner and size them up.  It read more like “he thinks Chads a douche” as opposed to “he’s jealous of Chad because he wants to be with V”.  
They show makes a point of showing Betty’s reaction to them meeting.  THIS SHOT IS NOT RANDOM.  Yes, I’m sure the show will go there, she’ll get jealous of V at some point.  Betty thinking that Archie is jealous of Chad is not the same as Archie actually being jealous of Chad.  
I kind of loved how Chad just jumps in here to join in the karaoke night - he didn’t redeem himself from the previous scene where he SAT IN THE BACK OF HER CLASS WHILE SHE WORKED but I like how they’re not playing him completely evil
Next scene: BETTY AND TONI ARE TALKING!!! I REPEAT!!! BETTY AND TONI ARE TALKING!!! Seriously, it’s so refreshing that they’re actually letting all kinds of new dynamics and character interactions happen this season.  
I am living for Cheryl being completely beautiful whilst yelling at construction workers.  
So like... she actually doesn’t have that much money. She couldn’t really afford the donation for the school... I kind of wish that once she says “I can’t afford it” people would like, not keep pushing? I’m looking at you Toni, whom I absolutely adore, I just wish the writers didn’t make it like Cheryl’s being squeezed dry.  I get that it’s needed for plot purposes but I don’t love it.  
Kevin and Betty are friends again!!! Love it!!! 
Karaoke night thoughts: 
At no point is Jughead hanging out or interacting with the rest of the group.  He stays separate from them - with Tabitha, which I appreciate, but I am just noting this because I’m sure it was done purposefully. 
“She probably forgot it’s Gekko now” uhhhh didn’t Toni announce V as “Veronica Gekko” in the last episode?? LOL THE SHADE
I love Veronica’s voice
Ok so Chad actually comes off so great in this scene?? I guess this is part of his manipulation - come off as such a great guy in front of all her friends to get them to like him? 
Jughead’s reaction to the duet is so me every time I’ve watched people do karaoke lmao
During the “or do you need more? Is there something else you’re searching for” they cut to Archie’s and Betty’s reaction.  Archie is not thinking about V in that moment.  
I am not seeing one iota of jealousy from Archie.  He looks genuinely happy for them.  
This Chad and Veronica bed scene makes me uncomfortable.  But I’m glad they’re showing their softer moments! 
The Archie/football recruitment sequence... Chad in the back of Veronica’s classroom again??? HOW IS THIS HAPPENING I HATE THIS!! Also, this is another scene where Chad looks jealous of Archie... not the other way around. 
Britta!!! I love her.  And I feel like the writers inserted her in specifically for Britta Lundin, former Riverdale writer and acclaimed author (read her book Ship It, seriously, it’s so good), and I love that. BUT THE WAY ARCHIE LOOKS AT BETTY IN THIS SCENE IS THAT EVEN LEGAL
We get the first glimpse Toni’s “Operation Bring Cheryl Out Of Hiding” plan here, when Archie asks her for funding for the football team and says its earmarked for something else (hmmmmmmm... this plan has been in the works for a while... and I’m here for it) 
Ok. This scene where Archie goes to ask Cheryl for money is... a mess.  My first reaction is that it was so OOC for Archie to bring up Jason in that way.  Then I got to thinking... Archie probably would want to honour his dad in that way and was genuinely suggesting that as something that might actually be helpful to her, as opposed to purposely trying to manipulate her.  He knows what it’s like to lose a family member, he just didn’t realize that Cheryl doesn’t grieve in the same way. The boy doesn’t have a malicious bone in his body.  Anyway, now he’s been banished from Thornhill! But don’t we see him (and everyone) there in a bts photo from possibly 5x08? Isn’t that at Thornhill? Will this be addressed or will the writers just forget it ever happened?
I love Betty and Kevin investigating together. It’s so refreshing. 
Ok this place Jughead is going to is legit the creepiest shit I’ve ever seen.  I am having trouble making myself care about this “Mothmen” plot??
Betty’s “Straight to the Point” interrogation style is actually effective in this truck stop stakeout scene.  
Alice again with her wine... I wonder if there will actually be an “Alice is an alcoholic” storyline or is the wine just part of her personality now?
Ok like it’s so inappropriate for a teacher to be wearing an HBIC shirt BUT I AM HERE FOR THIS DRAMATIC VIXENS HALLWAY WALK!! And Toni is correct, Cheer is a sport so sit down, Archie.  Notably Toni adds in “not even Cheryl managed to do that” - I’m thinking she new Ms. Bell would be eavesdropping ;)
Is this Minerva character going to be important?? I keep seeing people talking about how she and Cheryl are going to hook up but is that just because she’s a female character who interacts with Cheryl? I’m not seeing it yet but hey, it’s Riverdale.  
Seriously though, since we know Jughead wasn’t there when Archie said that, there’s two options: Either Archie told him he said it, or (my preferable theory) Archie used to just SAY THAT REGULARLY and has said it in front of Jug lmao.
Chad again seems legit supportive when she tells him about her jewelry store plan?? THEY’RE SO UP AND DOWN!!! 
Ok, so Betty is an FBI agent (trainee, whatever) and she JUST NOW THOUGHT OF TRACING POLLY’S CELL PHONE
This scene... when Veronica finds out Chad has been talking to Hiram behind her back... this is where she decides she’s done with Chad. 
Another scene with Archie - I am still getting zero vibes that he’s into Veronica? And zero vibes that Veronica’s into Archie? It makes complete sense that Veronica would want to help the bulldogs.  Chad is a total dick here and is definitely threatened by Archie... again, not the other way around.  Side note: Chad, if threatened by Archie, is a TOTAL IDIOT for suggesting Archie renovates the Pembrooke - like, he’s going to be working? All the time? Where Veronica is staying? And probably taking his shirt off because he’s sweaty from all the working?? WHYYYYY WOULD CHAD ENCOURAGE THIS
This little flirty scene between Jughead and Tabitha (and it’s the first that I would say has any flirty undertones whatsoever) is pretty cute.  
The fact that people are suggesting Betty showed up there because she wanted to talk to Jughead is SENDINNNNGGGGGG
Let’s be clear, she only asked about Jughead so she could make sure he wasn’t home so that she could bone Archie. There is no other interpretation for this. 
They are playing the song from the porch scene in the pilot... DON’T TELL ME BARCHIE IS MEANINGLESS WHEN THEY ARE USING THIS SONG
I think the fact that this is the first time they had sex and we didn’t see it is meaningful - they are showing that the relationship is deepening and they are more than “just sex”
As Betty leaves, Archie looks like he wants to reach out for her and then stops himself - he is definitely falling hard and he’s afraid Betty isn’t feeling the same way
Ok, Cheryl is straight up wearing lingerie in Toni’s office!!! And the red lipstick is back - notably, throughout the entire show, she has worn the red lipstick as a kind of shield - she never has it for her “vulnerable” scenes.  Seems like that is still happening. AND this is where we see Boss Toni’s plan come into fruition - she started up the vixens and MADE SURE CHERYL FOUND OUT ABOUT IT because she knew that was the one thing that would make Cheryl come out of her Thornhill hiding spot.  Well played, Toni.  
Archie and Veronica announcing the bulldog funding... again, I’m not seeing ANY “romantic/attraction” vibes here? He does react when she says her last name is Lodge again but like, anyone would? 
Is Reggie... filing his nails? Lmao
I really hope Polly isn’t dead?? Like I very much want a Polly redemption story!! 
Sooooo I guess Archie and Jughead are both going to die in this fire? Lol... well... they’re main characters so I’m sure they’re good.  
I’m doooone for this week! So far really enjoying the timejump? Obviously because of barchie but also, everyone is just - better. 
Well this turned out to be a novel.  If you made it this far, thanks for reading :) 
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bronwynn · 3 years
i can’t do another week of Jabitha discourse
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sharkbait-o-haha · 3 years
This fandom discourse it’s getting out of hand. If people want to multi sii that’s great, but not everyone will agree, and people who don’t multiship can say as much in their blogs. And if that people who multiship make posts about their takes, which include saying that BH is toxic or that now, Betty is kind of the worst, then Yeah, of course some blogs will have opinions on that and will want to defend their ship or a character they like (cause lot of people think that BH is not toxic and that Betty isn’t selfish or she is the worst this season -does it suck she is a FBI agent?, it does, but the show is not stupid in showing her at her lowest doing that, and she is also helping her fam so?-), like I feel at this point they are trying to make a competition between B or Jughead? Or how bad they have it as Jughead or Jabitha fans cause most of the fandom doesn’t agree with them in some points? Idgi.
You don’t have to post this. I just needed to vent, cause i saw a post basically saying that people were saying that no one could lean Jughead, and almost like making it a competition and it felt very weird because I don’t think any Bughead who is just trying to defend or ship their ship or defend a little to Betty is saying that, but that it’s funny seeing people who were defending them until 3 weeks ago, no being so against the ship or a character (who didn’t even interact with Jughead? Like we all knew BH was a slowburn this season? lol)
It wouldn't get out of hand if people weren't using this as an excuse to turn it into a Betty vs. Jughead situation. I've always let people enjoy their ships in peace, even if they don't make sense to me, and I do so without being snarky or condescending.
If people want to multi-ship and stick to THEIR side then that's fine by me. But like u said, if people come into MY territory and talk shit about MY ship then I WILL throw hands. People need to understand that this is already a shitty time for us, not only are BH not together, but they're both also going through their own versions of hell and that hurts US. They're not helping by posting garbage in the tags and saying shit that DOESN'T make any sense. And I mean, WHAT DID THEY EXPECT??? they'll say "oh Jabitha works for this this this reason" and all the Bugheads will just happily agree with them?
And when it comes to Betty, most of us aren't happy with Betty's current behavior, but I feel like we haven't even been given a chance to truly tap into her trauma(s) yet. The sad thing is, I don't even know if we will. I've seen the way these writers write women, they treat their plots like a joke. So I'm skeptical about how satisfying the payoff will be. But the way they're obviously writing her as such a bad fbi agent/trainee and royally screwing up in just about everything, I guess it's gonna lead to SOMETHING. I think she needs someone to tell her that she's not okay, needs to stop ignoring the help she needs and should reconsider her career choice.
Besides Jughead, no one has ever really been there for her and even then, most of the time she's been dealing with her shit alone cause the writers kept Jughead occupied with something else. But that's a whole other thing so let's fugget-aboutit.
To me rn, Betty's the loneliest out of all of them, even when living with her mom. All she's got are her own thoughts - which aren't really friendly - and we know how dangerous they can be. Yes, she had Archie for that small time, but was he really anything more than just an act to show herself that she has something in her "control"???
A lot of "Bughead fans" think this is where they draw the line and need to jump ship, well okay then. It's just weird to me that NOW that they have a better option to pair Jughead with they're coming up with shit like "Bughead is toxic" and what not to make it seem like it's okay for them to ship Jabitha. Let's be clear here, Idc that they ship Jabitha, they're allowed to do so. It's the weird ass analysis' of bughead that are bothering me. I don't need u to tag-invade and declare why you think BH shouldn't ever be together, you can still believe what u believe WITHOUT me having to read it.
The purist Jughead stans believe that him having another "option" means that he's better than Betty because HE can have more meaningful relationships than her and he hasn't gone off the deep end as Betty has. Meanwhile the Betty purists think he's too drunk and unkempt for Betty. Like THAT is what turns off Betty LOL. I feel like neither of the sides have ever truly tried to understand them if they think this way about them. Like, these are the same weirdos who got off of a murder fanfic about their PRINCIPAL ffs - they're not your average ship.
You can stop shipping Bughead, or take a break from it, I will bid u farewell with an air hug, but do it kindly if you want your BH mutuals to notice it or just tag properly. I don't mind engaging in honest criticism about my ship, ik they've got their problems, but we can do so without getting hateful.
I'm sorry this got long but clearly I needed to vent as well lol.
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edamamechips · 3 years
Tabitha is the other woman in terms of Bughead. Why are you at all surprised that people are going to go after Jabitha shippers. Barchies have been going after everyone for years and vice versa. I’m not the original anon but I find it very strange all this discourse around leaving Jabitha shippers alone. Riverdale shipping culture is intense. Why are you all treating them like a sacred calf?
Because I can and will kiss every jabitha shipper on the mouth.
Try to stop me. Ha.
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askandsmile · 3 years
Why are Bugheads automatically called racist for not wanting to multiship their characters? Especially after the show had Jughead say what he needed, a friend, and she appeared to be fine with that. There doesn’t appear to be any romantic feelings there. You reported that Evan said just friends. There are nice Bugheads who simply don’t want to multiship, that isn’t a crime. They do not bother anyone.
this discourse is so complicated. 
obviously not every bughead/b*rchie/whatever shipper is racist/homophobic/etc, of course not, and i would like to think most of them aren’t, but it’s the way sometimes the story lines are pursued and people of color cast to roles where they will be stepping stones for white straight ships. this is not exclusive of riverdale; a lot of shows do the same thing.
racism/homophobia (and sexism) are inherent traits of every community and the media isn’t different. you see, you could have cast a white girl to play tabitha and “get between” bughead, but they didn’t. they wanted the rep points and, again, they give people fuel to call a woc a stepping stone character again. they could not have turn veronica’s character into a latina - they did, which granted made her more interesting, but now many out there ignore her as actual competition with betty in the “fight” for archie. they didn’t have to make reggie asian, but they did, and this downgraded his character to be less important than he was in the comics, and he gets zero backstory. they didn’t have to make all the pussycats woc but they did and immediately they went to the background. so they have all these characters and relationships but they only give a chance to the white characters - and they only give a chance to the white ships.
and the fandom and the media do that too! it doesn’t matter if you ship bughead or not, there is a problem with how they write and disregard their poc characters; no reasoning, no backstory, no depth, etc. they are, and i recognize the effort, trying to do better. but they’re still failing at that.
so like, it’s obviously not a crime that you want your ship together and that you don’t want any road blocks for them, but it’s also a valid discussion that when a woc is added in the mix and immediately becomes a problem because she’s either there to “prop up” a ship or she’s there to “be a stepping stone”; she’s immediately put in a box where she’s not a character, she’s just something that exists to bother that ship. people were saying this before they even got to know tabitha. we know there was a lot of problems with vanessa, as well, back in s2.
so yeah, while i totally agree that shipping a ship and not wanting another one in it’s place - i’ve been called racist myself for not supporting archosie back then, for example - it is a valid discussion to recognize that they do these characters dirty. they did josie so dirty, having her date archie just so she could get more than 10 minutes screentime before writing her off, having archie into veronica the entire time, instead of actually writing a compelling story for her. they did reggie so dirty because they never even gave the audience a chance to sympathize with him in the fight for veronica. etc.
so, i guess what i think is, you don’t have to support jabitha, and jabitha will most likely not happen - evan did say that they were just friends. there’s a lot of talk about them because of another white straight ship - b*rchie, of course - and they are taking advantage of this very serious discourse about how racism is inherent to a tv show and turning it into some kind of leverage against what they consider their biggest threat, which is bughead, because god forbid a latina woman actually be a threat to their ship. and so it goes. 
anyway, like i said, no one needs to like a ship, and you’re definitely not a racist just because you don’t; but people do need to recognize that there is something fucked up about how these “passing” love interests are often poc that are inserted in stories and immediately discarded or hated by a fandom just because, and that’s for every ship. and how riverdale needs to realize that if they want points for rep, it can’t be by inserting pocs as character shells whenever they feel like it.
sorry for the long rant! 
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