After watching the deleted scenes of Titanic (1997) again on YouTube last night, there’s one little scene that I wish they would have kept in because maybe it would have ended that stupid debate about Jack and the goddamn door.
Like Jack tries to get on and the door TIPS OVER, and in the deleted scene in question, a man tries to approach the door asking for a chance on it, but Jack stops him because it can only support Rose’s weight. And before Jack moves to the front, he kind of nods and accepts his fate. From the moment that the ship hit the iceberg, Jack’s goal is making sure Rose gets out alive. He doesn’t care about himself. Rose is his main priority.
And the whole “they could have kept switching” thing needs to end as well because Jack never would have let Rose get back in that water. He accepted his fate, and it’s high time the rest of you did, as well.
Also, Jack surviving would have destroyed the point of the movie which is to make each day of your life count because you never know how long you have and how your life can be taken in a blink of an eye.
And if you ever need a lesson in irony, it’s Rose saying she’ll never let go of the promise Jack made her swear to just moments before, while needing to let go of him.
And those are my Titanic thoughts of the night.
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thehateinc · 1 year
falafels are the most important food in the world
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i had an argument with someone on facebook today yay me
i'm not going to backtrack what i said earlier just to suit his purpose i'm gonna be as honest as fuck and when i said that he's going to lose fans in the process of dodging america, then i mean it
and speaking of his mental state about touring in the US, then why does he feel the need to do his music videos in Los Angeles if that's really the case? I find this all to be so interesting to me
it has nothing to do with me and a lot to do with him and as an outsider looking in i'm concerned and please i don't need any of his european supporters wanting to pick fights with me (someone who they clearly don't know and is NOT european)
at the end of the day i said what i said and i have better things to do than to fight with these motherfuckers
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bisexual-horror-fan · 2 years
I am in no way saying it would fix everything but fuck me, some people just need a good fucking fat nut! You know?! Like shit, maybe get fucked or jerk off till you cum buckets and calm down and you will be muuuch better off, with a clearer head and more able to tackle your problems.
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unstatedmartini · 3 years
he didn’t wake up because carlos told him he loved him and wanted him back
he woke up because carlos was angry, and frightened, and hurt. and tk knew he needed to be there to reach out, hold his hand, and remind him to breathe
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kingasly · 3 years
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skloomdumpster · 3 years
I'd like to make it everyone's problem that Bloom was born in 2004 and if Golden Trio was about 25 when she was born, this means they were all 1977-1982 babies (m.o.e applied)....
All of this to say that all your headcanon with the golden trio listening to early 80s music is wrong ♥️
Andreas was 20 in 1999 and the top billboard songs were Livin' La Vida Loca and ... Baby One More Time
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frannyzooey · 3 years
Does nanny help Frankie celebrate Father’s Day?
oh god, yes she does —
she stays the night and had plans to wake him up real nicely, but those were thrown out the window when Lucia crept in around 6am to sleep between her favorite people
so she gets up and makes coffee, bringing it to him when he’s in the shower instead — a surprise on the counter for when he gets out
they spent the morning at the park and eat lunch there — a picnic that was packed by her and Lucia, complete with crayon riddled cards and lots of secret kisses between Lucia’s shouts of “Watch me, dad!”
the afternoon is spent at home — barbie’s and board games and grilling — and soon it’s bedtime for Lucia; Frankie crammed in her bed for an extra long story, a sleepy conversation you overhear in which she calls him the “bestest dad” — and he stays in her bed for awhile after she falls asleep, just stroking her hair and admiring her sweet face
then he ambles out into the kitchen to find you’ve cleaned up, sees the top of your head over the back of the couch and when he sinks down next to you, you reward him with the slowest, wettest, sloppiest BJ the man has ever had in his life —
his fingers curling into the cushions, pulling restlessly at them, his hips arching up while you press your forearms down into his thigh and keep him place —
he’s begging you (quietly) to let him come, because every time he’s almost there you back off, but you won’t - not yet.
you’ve got the whole night ahead of you to really reward this sweet man. ❤️
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neonun-au · 3 years
also idk what mcnd stands for so in my head it is mcnoodles
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tacogawa · 3 years
Many of us share this sentiment, but your actions in the server show just who you are. We are glad you left because we do not want people like you in there who ruin our enjoyment. No one beliefs you and we will continue to do and say what we wish. You are a coward and I want you to know that.
Wow, I'm so sorry that I left a server that turns a blind eye to racism, transphobia, and homophobia! So sorry you couldn't enjoy your 2D dick and real issues are a nuisance to your enjoyment! Literally shut the hell up. Whoever you are and these "others" are, take your ass off my blog and back to your shit server. You aren't my problem anymore, your mods are aware of the issues and did absolutely nothing. Also anon, the only coward here is you. You didn't even have the decency to insult me to my face! 🙄
P.S. To my knowledge, this issue has been addressed within your server, maybe try following the established rules. And honestly, just leave me the hell alone. If you come into my inbox ever again, I will absolutely out that entire server, everyone involved, and the problems that occurred and the lack of action that was taken against the transphobia, homophobia, and racism. Don't try me, bitch.
On that note, no one ask or message about this either if you were not involved. I no longer have any respect for the server or any of its members, but I'm not about to share this issue with people outside of it unless I continue to receive further asks continuously pushing the issue into my face after it's all said and done.
Leave this issue be.
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Lol, was honestly planning on keeping these thoughts to myself because, you know, the energy in the room, but I do honestly think that this subject will be much less relevant after this week, so yolo I guess.
My Jabitha thoughts:
First of all, I don’t actually think Jughead and Tabitha are going to date or anything, I just don’t think that’s how the plots are aligning right now (A messier version of this set up would have Betty dating someone else because she doesn’t think Jughead is interested in being with her so she’s trying to move on, in which case, I do think Jabitha would have a fair shot. BUT I DIGRESS)
I do think that Jughead and Tabitha will have a moment, though. And I guess that specifically is what I wanted to talk about, how I would hope that a moment would address Tabitha’s arc with Jughead in 5a. I’ve been trying to visualize what it could be, something that respects Tabitha as a character, as someone Jughead would honestly be lucky to date, as someone who is more than just a plot device used for Jughead to bounce ideas off of and help him get back on his feet.
I would honestly like them to have a moment. I want them to realize that this could be a thing, even if it doesn’t happen. Just a moment where Jughead realizes if they pursued this, being with Tabitha could be a really good thing for him. Yes, I do believe that Jughead is still in love with Betty, and that he knows that, but that doesn’t mean there can’t be a road less travelled moment, a realization that maybe there isn’t one road to happiness. (And ftr this would in no way discount Jughead choosing Betty! In fact, I think the idea of choice is pretty damn romantic)
People keep throwing out the word “threat,” like if you aren’t “threatened” by the prospect of Jughead and Tabitha dating as a bughead fan, you aren’t “respecting” Tabitha, which like. Maybe I do see her as a “threat” to the status quo, I think Tabitha and Jughead could be happy together, could, dare I say, fall in love with each other (*SCARE CHORD*). This doesn’t take anything away from my love of bughead, but YMMV I GUESS.
To get to the point, there was this whole scene with Jessica early in the season where she was like “I don’t know what you need, but it’s not me.” And the person Jughead has needed for the first half of the season, the person who gave him a chance by giving him a job, who has kept him on his feet, who has been there right now, has been Tabitha. And I think it’s okay to acknowledge it, to recognize the potential there, for maybe even the characters to recognize the potential there, without idk, abandoning ship.
tldr: I think Tabitha is a wonderful character, she has great chemistry with Jughead, she’s been a person he’s really needed right now, she’s cute as hell, and it’s okay for him to recognize that, whether anything comes of it or not.
Or maybe they do date, which you know, could be really cute. And y’all can sit back and just chill.
But what do I know, who am I. I’ve just spent the last 3 years consistently drawing and writing bughead, but you know, clearly appreciating Jabitha means I hate Betty now, or whatever it is the kids are saying this week.
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killallcops69 · 4 years
jhené aiko and saweetie could write Pachabel’s Canon, but Pachabel could NEVER write Back To The Streets
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that-soccer-guru · 4 years
I don’t understand all these anons coming for you. I think my reading comprehension is up to par and I’m pretty sure I’ve read your posts supporting kneeling and Black players and rebuking those other ones.
bud they've been coming for me from the start lmaaaoo. Did you miss that one calling me a little racist rat?
Until one of those anons gets off anon and says all this shit with their whole chest I'll stay over here, calling it like I see it and thriving as we do, leaving all this toxic apologist bullshit behind ✌🏻
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toasty-bat · 4 years
Anyway there’s 3 (...5?) valid members of the COS and they’re Pyg, Phosphorus Rex, and Siam
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moonbeamdagger · 4 years
jack black could have played barry glickman.
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dawning-games · 4 years
@Anon who dislikes polyamory: Acting like polyam relationships are somehow a flaw is really hurtful to those of us who are polyamorus IRL and hungry to see some healthy representation of that. Polyam is healthy and beautiful. If it’s not for you, that’s fine, no one’s making you do it. But don’t act like it ruins a piece of fiction when, for some of us, it improves the story so much.
That about sums up a lot of my thoughts I am considering how to word in it's own post, but yes. Polyamory is not a flaw, and it is a piece of representation I am very proud to be including in my game, among others. I myself am polyamorous, and being able to create a game with people like me is honestly helping me, so I am hoping that it will be similar for others <333
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