#jack and the sky kingdom spoilers
adorablemonk643 · 7 months
y'know what would be funny if the fairy tale detective was a cryptid that is human passing. (possible spoilers for jack and the sky kingdom, and more rambles under the cut)
like when Jack is first interacting with the detective he is like 'oh another human dealing with all this weird magic bullshitery' and then a little bit later he turns to talk to det and just sees eye glow for half a second but it's so brief he questions whether or not he saw anything, and then they meet back up with Emma and she notices it too, and they're both like wth?? do the ask the detective about it? absolutely not! that would be so awkward... cut forward a little to a unspecified adventure and the detective needs a ladder for something and is hanging out with Gerda and company, and they find a ladder and Gerda turns to the group and is discussing working together to move the ladder to where they need and turns back to see no ladder?? the detective is just standing there where the ladder was waiting for Gerda to finish talking. when they get to where they needed the ladder the detective seemingly just pulls it out of nowhere and places it against the wall. the detectives allies/friends now have bimonthly meetings (provided the worlds not ending) trying to figure out wtf the detective is and where they came from and who old they are, because they are weirdly spry after at least 20 years dealing with weird magic stuff.
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The Dragon Prince Whumplist
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Character: Callum (voiced by Jack DeSena)
Age Rating: TV-Y7 (FV)
Show available on Netflix
Genre: Animation, Found Family, Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Synopsis: In the magical land of Xadia, magic comes from six primal sources: the sun, moon, stars, sky, earth and ocean. When human mages create a seventh kind of magic -- dark magic -- they start capturing and harvesting the unique magical creatures they need as ingredients, which sparks a war between Xadia and the Human Kingdoms. Three kids from opposite sides of the conflict -- two princes and an elven assassin sent to kill them -- discover a secret that could change everything and decide to join forces and go on an epic journey. That trek could be their only hope of ending the war and restoring peace to both worlds. (Via Google)
Notes: This show is GOOD. If you like ATLA, you'll enjoy this. It gets progressively darker and more violent as the show goes on, so fair warning for that. The relationships between the characters are amazing, and there's also great diverse representation! I highly recommend.
TW's: Violence, mild blood/gore (audio/visual gets worse in later seasons), death, child abuse/neglect, child endangerment, emetophobia (very mild), mild torture
List Key:
bold = most whump, best whump, or favorite whump scenes
~ = a scene break
1x01: sparring ~~ upset, argued 
1x02: teary-eyed, emotional goodbye ~~ knocked around, holding his head ~~ threatened
1x03: betrayed, stressed ~~ manhandled, restrained, voice taken (by magic), heavy breathing ~~ scared, gets voice back and coughing ~~ terrified, shocked and teary-eyed, out of breath
1x04: stressed ~~ held at swordpoint 
1x05: stressed
1x06: extremely worried, scared 
1x07: emotional conversation, stressed 
1x08: scared
1x09: scared, stressed 
2x01: sad, stressed
2x02: extremely emotional, sobbing ~~ grieving
2x03: grieving, worried, teary-eyed ~~ sobbing, comforted ~~ betrayed
2x04: stressed
2x05: grieving, stressed
2x06: crying
2x07: glowing eyes, passes out, concern for him ~~ helped to stand, weak
2x08: helped to walk, delirious, weak ~~ in pain, delirious, unconscious ~~ terrifying dreams ~~ concern for him ~~ struggling to breathe, concern for him
2x09: still struggling to breathe, held, concern for him, wakes up gasping
3x01: stressed
3x02: none
3x03: stressed
3x04: stressed
3x05: stressed 
3x06: emotional
3x07: out of breath, almost passes out
3x08: frustrated 
3x09: stressed ~~ choked, gasping for air  ~~ crying, terrified, almost falls
4x01: stressed ~~ startled ~~ solemn, crying 
4x02: stressed, startled 
4x03: angry ~~ solemn
4x04: angry ~~ scared, choking, half-collapsed, possessed, body puppeteered, glowing eyes ~~ still possessed, concern for him, collapsed, unconscious, held
4x05: crying, choked up ~~ emotional conversation 
4x06: stressed
4x07: emotional conversation, "i need you to kill me", talking about possession
4x08: stressed ~~ sleeping spell, weak, collapsed unconscious 
4x09: rough awakening, scared
5x01: stressed 
5x02: stressed
5x03: stressed 
5x04: terrified, worried about his aunt 
5x05: stressed 
5x06: none
5x07: half-collapsed, magical exhaustion, struggling to breathe, helped to stand, supported, concern for him ~~ tired ~~ hands chained behind his back, chin grabbed/manhandled
5x08: unconscious, chained to a pole, shaky breathing, slowly waking up, scared, threatened, electrocuted/beaten (off-screen)~~ slowly waking up, still chained, blood and bruises on his face, heavy breathing, in pain, chin grabbed/manhandled ~~ scared ~~ manhandled, hands chained behind his back, stumbling, collapsed/forced to his knees, concern for him, weak ~~ extremely worried, yelling, angry, knocked out ~~ chained, struggling, pained voice, collapsed ~~ weak, "blood freezing", choked, gasping in pain, struggling, dropped, struggling to breathe, concerned ~~ sad, concern for him, hugged, guilty 
5x09: concerned ~~ slammed into the ground, restrained 
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pookacangetit · 2 years
Disney Song! Yuu [Cult Edition: Lost Kingdom, Now Localised]
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... somehow, the Disney Empire continues to surprise me with its takeover. Yuu's largely aware of Kingdom of Hearts, but they are not willing to risk any lives after their necromancy incident. But with overly compulsive brothers and a curiosity that kills, perhaps it was a bad idea. (Spoiler alert: it was.)
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"... Yuu." Sebek calmly intoned, terrifying everyone with his lack of aggressiveness, "You are an absolute natural disaster."
"What part of them and that is natural?" Epel questioned with an incredulous look as he pointed at the haunted-looking ruins in the distance, partially visible under the watery black void that made up the sky, "The thing's standing upside down!"
Jack's head suddenly popped up from within a hole in the ground, "EVERYONE SHUT UP AND DIG." His once fluffy white ears twitched furiously and sprayed dirt everywhere, "I don't plan on dying in a cave because one of us is a god!"
Yuu cautiously stepped up, "I can-"
"No singing."
Yuu stepped back down.
To find out how Yuu and their first years ended up stuck in a cave hosting the most terrifying ruins in existence- the upside down part was a bonus, it was very ominous and forebodding in general-, we'll have to go back to 5 hours ago...
"Hey prefect, how did you know that forbidden song about necromancy?" Ace piped up, juggling between a determined Grimm and Deuce while he guarded his plate of omurice, "You know, the one that made you summon the skeletons of the Ramshackle ghosts."
Yuu blinked, looking away with an awkward laugh as they clutched their broom, "Funny story, I... didn't know it was a lost song? Like, I wasn't aware its origins tied to the lost song exactly...?"
They can't admit that the entire Twisted Wonderland was an alternate come-to-life version of a famous entertainment company back in their world, can they?
Ace hummed, scarlet eyes holding a curious glint, "Hmm, so... are there any other songs you know that might be actually lost songs?"
Yuu paused, "Maybe?"
Currently, the Ramshackle prefect was trying to whack Ace with their broom with Deuce and Grimm's gleeful assistance, "- shouldn't have listen to you at all you stupid Ace-"
The low, mournful wail echoing from the ruins halted everyone's actions as hollow voices bellowed.
どんな時だって たった一人で~
突然の光の中 目が覚める 真夜中に~
Jack let out a deep rumble, ears tucked against his head, "That is definitely not Yuu's singing, and what language is that?"
Yuu blinked as they listened closer, "It sounds... like a language from my homeworld."
Deuce glanced at the prefect, still staring at the ruins as though it would suddenly attack them, "Are you saying we're in your world??"
"... your world is really depressing." Ace got a smack on the back of his head for that.
Yuu snapped back, mind whirring in panic, "This isn't my world you dolt." But it isn't Twisted Wonderland either?? Did they somehow travel to another world??
静かに 出口に立って~
The dark atmosphere suddenly lifted as the ruins beamed a bright light, momentarily blinding everyone as they squeezed their eyes tight.
Everything was the same as the first years crash-landed into the Ramshackle living room, but Sebek's loud swearing caught everyone's attention, "WHAT CURSED BEING DID YOU BRING BACK WITH US, GRIMM?!"
"Funahh, I was hungry and it was the only fluffy thing I found!" Grimm complained, though his words were muffled as he chewed on a tiny duck wearing a sailor's uniform in his mouth.
Yuu stared, wondering if they had somehow died or if Jade snuck mushrooms into their food storage again, "... is that fucking Donald??"
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Yuu: I want to go home
Also Yuu: *travels to another dimension by accident*
Yuu: ... I thought I couldn't be more disappointed, I was wrong
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project1939 · 2 months
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100+ Films of 1952 
Film number 108: Jack and the Beanstalk 
Release date: April 12th, 1952 
Studio: Warner Bros. 
Genre: comedy fantasy, family 
Director: Jean Yarbrough 
Producer: Alex Gottlieb, Pat Costello, Bud Abbott, Lou Costello 
Actors: Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Buddy Baer, Dorothy Ford, Shaye Cogan 
Plot Summary: Jack lives in a fairytale village with his mother, who has him sell their cow for money. He ends up with magic beans instead, and one becomes a beanstalk that grows high in the sky to the land of a great Giant. The Giant recently kidnapped his friends and his cow, so Jack climbs up the stalk to save them. 
My Rating (out of five stars): *** 
This just baaarley gets three stars from me. It was much like Lost in Alaska, their other film from 1952- it was a decently made lower budget comedy propelled by the famous duo. Some of the humor isn’t really my cup of tea, but I can appreciate that they are good at it. I probably enjoyed this one more than Lost in Alaska because it was more breezy and silly. 
The Good: 
Lou Costello. He had much more time to shine alone in this one, and I found him very endearing and cute again. Even when he’s doing the most lowbrow kind of stuff, you can’t help but like him. 
This was technically a musical because there were several songs in it. They were really silly and cheesy in a fun way. The lyrics were just goofy. In a romantic ballad we heard- “Darling, my darling darling...” and at the end when the Giant died- “We sing tra-la-la-la-la! He’s perpidicu-lah-lah-lah!"
The bean stalk looked pretty cool. 
I loved Dorothy Ford as Polly the housekeeper. She was 6’2” in real life and really striking. 
A scene where the 6’2” Dorothy Ford dances with the 5’5” Lou Costello. That was a big highlight of the film for me. Even the visual gag of their height difference made me giggle. Ford was probably wearing heels or lifts, because Costello barely reached her shoulder. 
I found the talking wilderness animals surprisingly funny. 
It was just good light-hearted fun. I think kids would have liked it a lot. 
The Bad: 
First- spoiler- what happened to Polly (Dorothy Ford) and Henry the cow at the end?? Everyone else escaped the Giant’s castle! They were two of my favorite characters, and I kept expecting them to appear in the final scene, but they didn’t. What the hell happened to them? Come on!! 
The opening and closing “modern” section. It was totally needless and not very funny. It openly copied The Wizard of Oz in that the modern section was filmed in sepia and the fantasy world was in color. And the people in the fantasy world all had real life counterparts. 
The two romantic leads. The Prince, James Alexander, looked creepy and had weird makeup on. His eyes looked just like the terrifying Kenneth Copeland’s, so I just couldn’t deal with him. The Princess, Shaye Cogan, was stunningly beautiful with a singing voice to match, but her acting skills were minimal. 
The actual Giant was a little underwhelming. He was just a tall guy wearing shoes with lifts- probably around 7 feet? I expected him to be much much bigger. 
The sets in the sky kingdom weren’t the greatest. The Castle was kind of blah and generic. 
Bud Abbott didn’t have much to do. 
Sometimes the humor was just too broad for me. 
Again, what happened to Polly and Henry?!  
0 notes
t00turnttrauma · 1 year
The Super Mario Bros. Movie Review
9/10- lost a point for the line “Now that’s how you Princess”
First off, let’s talk about my expectations going into the movie. I’ve been super hyped about this move, not just for the cast, but for the theme itself. The Super Mario games have been known for having plotlines that sort of go parallel with one another, but don’t cross over. That being said, I was very impressed with the plotline. 
The movie follows Mario, a plumber from Brooklyn, NY, and his brother Luigi. They’re sucked into a green tube and are split apart. Luigi ends up in the Dark Kingdom and Mario ends up in the Mushroom Kingdom. There, Mario meets Toad and the two travel to the castle to find Princess Peach. The three of them then go to the Kong Kingdom to ask Cranky Kong for his help in defending from Bowser, who has recently found the Superstar. Meanwhile, Luigi is captured and held in the Dark Kindgom. Bowser assembles and rallies his army, revealing his plan: to marry Princess Peach. 
What I love about this movie was the subtle references to the fact that the characters came from a game itself. Unlike The Last of Us or the FNAF movie coming out, it’s not just one storyline. There were subtle shifts into Mario running through Brooklyn and the change in camera positioning that made it look like the original games. There were scenes depicting the Smash Bros. arena and the MarioKart games, which I found to be so amazing. 
The score was also amazing. Movie scores are such an integral part of movies and can pull them apart. While the movie had tense moments, there were still the classic Mario chimes or the ringtone to Luigi’s phone being the original GameCube song. There were also times like when Donkey Kong was introduced and the DK Rap begins. Jack Black also wrote an original song that Bowser sings as a ballad to Princess Peach as he travels to propose to her. They also used songs like Thunderstruck, No Sleep Til Brooklyn, Take On Me, Holding Out For A Hero, and Mr. Blue Sky. 
Of course, like any kids movie, there are cheesy moments. As you’ve seen from the trailer, the blue star that is captured and talks about death and dying in such a cheery voice or some of the lines from Toad. 
Character-wise, I think much of the voice work was amazing. I, among many others, was skeptical of Chris Pratt’s casting. I grew to like his voice, realizing that his classic voice would have been a little annoying considering how much talking he did. Donkey Kong was one of my favorite characters. His introduction was amazing and the song choice of the DK Rap was amazing. 
Overall, I enjoyed the movie. I enjoyed how they understood the limitations that come with the video games along with all of the references. I’d definitely see it again. 
Bonus: My favorite scene after Donkey Kong’s introduction is when Bowser explains to his army his plan
Bowser: ... and then I will ask her to marry me in a fairytale wedding
Unnamed Koopa: Doesn’t she hate you?
Bowser: Yes, but that only makes me love her more
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