#jack fenton - 6’9
britcision · 2 years
Okay new headcanon just dropped
Short King Danny
But I mean Short Short, like he’s not gotten any taller since a couple years after the portal
And I mean
He met Dan
He Knows he’s supposed to get tall and buff and hot
Reaches Dan’s age, where The Fuck is his growth spurt???
Tucker and Sam can both prop an elbow on his head no worries
Jazz is 6’7 fuck you
Danny finally breaks and goes to Clockwork like “what the shit Dan wasn’t evil cuz he got tall what the hell where is mine”
Clockwork just smiles at him
“Oh that’s easy, you didn’t have enough power to beat Dan outright so I let you borrow from your future self”
And for ghosts
Power has a pretty straight line to max size
(Taking on a smaller size at will after that is just another flex)
Danny, annoyed, confused, half convinced Dan sucked the height outta him through his fists, says “fucking whatever”
Ghost coronation is coming up
Danny figures “okay this is a lotta new power, better not go ghost outta the zone for a bit”
Ghost King Danny is fucking skyscrapers tall, has to stay in the zone to get his shit under control
Figures “hell yeah this should make up for whatever Clockwork did, finally I shall be able to reach the top shelf”
Turns back
Is shorter
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little-pondhead · 2 years
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britcision · 8 months
Hey it’s important to me that you know this Jack Fenton is six inches taller than Superman
Superman is 6’3
Jack Fenton is 6’9
Jack Fenton can fully big spoon Superman like a delicate wee lad
You’re welcome
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britcision · 1 year
Okay, so I absolutely love your DF:DALI fic and I wanna draw fanart sooooo bad. But I can't seem to finds Dannys description in the long text 🙈 Do you have a post in which you describe the outwardly differences of the characters in comparison to canon? Tucker and Sam are aged up as well and I'd love to give you more art ❤️ sorry for the bother
I am so soo soooo sorry about this long delay, but uh…
well, Danny isn’t much taller than his established canon. He’s 5’7 instead of 5’4 and still the shortest in the family. he’s grown his hair out some and cut the bangs back a smidge, gained a little bit of muscle definition but since he mostly fights as a ghost, that’s all about his mental strength so he has no actual gains
(Danny is annoyed by this but he does still have disproportionate super strength for his size and he tried working out once
he’s still living the broke college life so it’s jeans or sweatpants and t-shirts while he’s at home, with oversized hoodies (particularly a cherished limited edition NASA galaxy print Jazz got him for his 18th) and a jacket.
Jack tried to give Danny his old college leather jacket before he left but Jack was 6’9 tall and broad before ending high school sooooo it’s a circus tent on Danny
Sam and Tucker are absolutely both taller than Danny, Sam is 5’8 and Tucker’s 6’ but still all lanky he’s not remotely buff
Sam is 1000% the buff one too, if they only had human strength she could take the boys both at once. She’s still goth, but buys her own clothes now so it’s a little more dark academia-cottage goth, lots of vests and either tight black pants or multi layered skirts and knee high boots. her hair is still short and she still does the half up do, but it’s a bun more than ponytails
She’s gotten broader in the shoulders more than any amount of curvy and is less pale now that she’s working outdoors, she looks like the butch to Val’s femme even on her skirt days
(Val is a Black Amazonian goddess nearly Fenton tall (6’6) with her long natural curls and curves for days, very fashionable and ironically both more well off and more well dressed than Sam on both of their independent incomes)
Tucker is a broke bitch so long as he can buy tech before clothes so one day he’ll upgrade to his sexy suit man dreams but for now he’s still in cheap shirts and cargo pants (lots of pockets are a must for all of ‘em Sam’s skirts are 60% pockets) and his signature red beret
he tried a goatee for a bit and then tried growing out his hair for locs but did not bother maintaining either so he’s bare faced and buzzed short for now
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britcision · 2 years
Alright I think I’ve seen a couple smaller versions of this in bits and pieces so if you have them please share, but I figured that as someone familiar with neither show initially I’m in a good position to do a DPxDC onboarding post!
Since neither source material is particularly helpful in understanding the madness we have created, here is what I consider important to know for each (please add in with anything I miss!)
Danny Phantom (DP)
Main Characters
Danny Fenton - is a Phantom. Died as a teenager by accidentally activating his parents’ portal to the Ghost Zone/Infinite Realms but was also revived, becoming a half ghost half human (halfa)
Is the only superhero in Amity Park, fighting ghosts and sometimes ghost hunters to keep humans safe from ghosts and ghosts safe from humans
Has beaten the Ghost King in single combat, and is therefore sometimes considered to be the new Ghost King
Jazz (Jasmine) Fenton - Danny’s older sister, basically his parent, very into psychology and very against the influence their actual parents have had on Danny due to their obsession with ghosts
May/may not know about Phantom, usually considered the Mom Friend of Team Phantom whether she knows or not
Jack Fenton - Danny’s dad, 6’9 koolaid man, loves ham and fudge and breaking through walls instead of the door beside him. A very bad shot but extremely enthusiastic in that 90s dad cartoon way
Prone to believe absolutely anybody but Danny is a ghost, especially when Danny does ghost things in proximity
Extremely intent on the destruction of all ghosts, convinced they do not have actual feelings and should be destroyed pre Phantom reveal. Afterwards, can be either accepting or homicidal towards Danny
Maddie Fenton - Danny’s mom, ridiculous kung fu warrior and engineer, madly in love with Jack and they are sickeningly cute all times except Christmas
Sometimes notices they have kids that need caring for, sometimes curbs Jack’s wilder impulses, she’s the brains of the team
Same ghost views as Jack, but she’s more perceptive and intelligent, which can be used for good or evil
Tucker Foley - Danny’s best friend, likes meat and technology and arguing with Sam
A Black young man with a signature red beret and PDA in the OG show, usually acknowledged to be on par with the bats’ technical skills as he’s an incredible hacker
Danny’s Guy In The Chair, but he will get out of his chair and throw down as needed
Sam Manson - Danny’s Obligatory 90s Cartoon Love Interest, goth and ultra-recyclo-vegetarian child of millionaires who will not be stopped in her crusade for justice
She’s the one who dared Danny to go into the portal that killed him, the guilt she carries for this varies
She is in combat as much as her humanity allows, but also in a support role most of the time
Dash Baxter - Danny’s Obligatory 90s Cartoon Bully, the usual blond beefy jock. Can be surprisingly sensitive and intelligent, probably from being tutored by Jazz
[ETA] Valerie Gray - former antihero with a grudge against ghosts (her dad lost his job because of Cujo), she was given an anti ghost suit by Vlad and worked for him to fight ghosts until learning he is a half ghost
Canon never names her alter ego but we call her Red Huntress, she’s hot headed and impulsive and absolutely dated Danny while trying to murder Phantom - Danny knew the whole time but she did not
She is also Black
Wes Weston - Does Not Exist In Canon. We made him up because Danny had a bracelet that was supposed to say Sam but was shown backwards all episodes so it just says Wes
Knows that Danny is Phantom, INTENT on telling absolutely everyone, and is never believed
Vlad Masters/Plasmius - the only older halfa in the show, and one of Danny’s main villains. A billionaire who went to college with the Fenton parents and was slowly killed after exposure to the first trial portal
Blames Jack for his exposure and is obsessed with stealing Maddie from him and marrying her himself as he believes should have always happened
Her opinion does not factor into this, and she largely treats him with disdain but tempered for her husband, who adores Vlad unequivocally
Dani/Ellie Masters - a girl clone of Danny made by Vlad, the only clone who survived melting into goo. Vlad raised her to try and kill Danny so he could perfect a different boy clone, and kept her isolated
Now that she’s met Danny and been stabilised by him, they are siblings/cousins/besties but she can’t stay in one place, because she wants to experience the whole world
Frostbite - King of the Far Frozen, which is part of the Ghost Zone full of ice. He’s a yeti, and has the zone’s only functional medical facility
Reveres Danny as the Great One, Saviour of the Ghost Zone, and taught him how to use his ice powers
Clockwork - Master of Time, tends to show up in a purple hooded robe with a clock around his neck and rapidly cycle through ages and speak in riddles
Sometimes communicates by leaving green stick notes on things, but never with a direct answer. Considered Danny’s mentor and sends Danny on adventures through time to preserve the time stream
Notably involved in the whole Dan Phantom fiasco
Dan Phantom - an older version of Danny from the future where Danny’s ghost half was removed from his human half, stole Vlad’s ghost half, and destroyed the world because Danny’s whole family and friends were killed in front of him
They were all together to be killed as part of an intervention when Danny was caught cheating on a test. This gives Danny understandable issues about how easily he could go bad and destroy the world
Skulker - an early recurring baddie who is a Kraven the Hunter knockoff, considers himself the Ghost Zone’s best hunter and wants Danny’s pelt for his wall
Actually a tiny little guy inside the helmet of a big mechanised suit, rarely a serious threat
Ember - a young ghost musician who can hypnotise people with her music, craves an audience and another early recurring villain
Dates Skulker I guess
Johnny 13 and Shadow - ghost biker boy and his sentient shadow familiar, dated Danny at some point, but in a permanent ongoing relationship with Kitty
They usually only cause trouble when they fight, break up, wreak havoc, and then eventually get back together
Kitty - once Overshadowed Paulina the generic Pretty Girl to date Danny to get back at Johnny for their break up
She wanted to be a lawyer before she and Johnny were killed in a wreck, sometimes implied to have been caused on purpose by her father
She and Johnny are often Danny’s allies, against other ghosts if necessary
[ETA] Cujo - ghost puppy, very playful and usually about beagle size, but he can grow or shrink at will into a terrifying house sized attack dog. He can make portals so no, you are never safe from Cujo
[ETA] Wulf - werewolf ghost and friend of Danny’s who can also create his own natural portals. He wears pants
Important Terms
Core - a small glowing orb that houses all a ghost’s memories, thoughts, emotions, and vital organs. Can correspond to an element, granting elemental powers after some intense ghost puberty
Requires ectoplasm to form and be maintained but does not exist in canon
Obsession - ghosts are powered by their emotions at death and an Obsession, usually what makes them become a ghost instead of passing on in the first place - does not exist in canon
Danny’s Obsession is usually Protection, Space, or both
Vlad’s Obsession is Maddie, and acquiring Danny as a son once he learns Danny is a halfa too
Dani’s Obsession is Travel
Halfa - half a ghost, half a human, with the ability to transform between human and ghost forms (usually characterised as a colour inversion of hair and clothes)
Powers are basically Everything That Would Be Funny, because it’s a Saturday morning cartoon
Vlad’s specifically include electrocution, duplicating up to thousands of himself, invisibility, intangibility, hand lasers, super strength, healing, and mind control
Danny’s include ice, strength, bendy noodle body, put self in video game, hand lasers, heat vision, ghostly wail (big ol sonic scream, bad for the throat), duplication, teleportation, and literally anything else that was fun for the episode in question
All ghosts seem to get invisibility, intangibility, flight, telekinesis, and ectobeams (lasers from various body parts)
Overshadowing - similar to possession, when a ghost takes over someone else’s body, gaining access to core memories if they look
Sometimes different from possession specifically and considered less invasive, but still invasive. Danny does not like doing this
[ETA] Anti Ecto Acts - a series of laws signed into existence to declare all ectoplasmic entities as nonsentient creatures, able to be experimented on or destroyed at will
Referenced literally once in canon in a single line that basically says “you are under arrest for being a ghost” - after Danny is outed as a halfa, we have obviously extrapolated it into the worst thing possible
Canon calls them Anti-Ecto Control Acts
[ETA] GIW - Guys in White or the Ghost Investigation Ward, they’re literally a colour reversed Men in Black joke to have a government agency that focuses on ghosts
They don’t care about collateral damage and will blow anyone up on their way ghost hunting
DC (Disregard Canon apparently)
Main Characters
Listen I’m not doing all of them so HOEDOWN STYLE I GUESS
Alfred Pennyworth - best Batman character, super butler, makes the best cookies
Bruce Wayne - Batman, may/may not be good batdad
Dick Grayson - Robin 1, responsible for pantsless Robin and excessive flips, grows up to be Nightwing
Jason Todd - fandom woobie, Robin 2, tried to steal the tires off the Batmobile and hit Bruce with a tire iron, killed by Joker, came back evil and thicc as Red Hood and nearly killed Robin 3
Has the Bad Juice in him cuz of being brought back from the dead so he has Pit Rage, which most people apparently only get for a little bit and then either die or go permanently insane
Tim Drake - Robin 3, abandoned rich kid who blackmailed Bruce into letting him be Robin after Jason died, because Jason was his hero and Tim thinks Batman needs a Robin to stay sane. He’s right, but was Robin-fired basically as soon as Damian showed up, is Red Robin now
Never sleeps, overcaffeinated at all times, a better detective than Bruce and a supervillain in basically every AU
Used to be bi but is legally gay now apparently
Stephanie Brown - girl Robin, far superior as Spoiler and Bat Girl, sassy bitch who tells Bruce to fuck off the most of all the Robins ever and this is an Achievement she must fight for constantly but always wins
Cassandra Cain - assassin baby of Lady Shiva, not taught to talk by her dad cuz he sucks, semi- or nonverbal and deadass supernaturally good at reading people
Decided that killing was bad actually the first time she did it so fuck assassins she’s Black Bat/Batgirl/Orphan now and she does not have mouth holes in her mask (possibly because she is not white, depending on why you think Batman always has his)
Damian Wayne - Consequences from Bruce’s playboy slut days, he knocked up supervillain Talia Al Ghul and thus this bab was raised by assassins and thinks stabbing siblings is an acceptable greeting
Likes the animals and is secretly soft but will fucking kill you before he admits it
Duke Thomas - Criminally Underused, older than Damian but babiest bat as the Signal, Gotham’s only daytime hero and only meta hero. Second Black hero cuz Lucius Fox exists and so does his son
Never a Bruce-appointed Robin but was trained by 4 previous Robins (no idea where Steph was for this) simultaneously, swears as much as Jason but has living parents sometimes so that’s wild
Kate Kane - Batwoman, definitely fucks
Luke Fox - I think he is Lucius’ son, Lucius made all the bat tech but Luke is going to punch bad guys directly, has a hero name probably that might be fox related
Diana Prince - Wonder Woman, an Amazonian warrior who fucks with Cronos I guess
Donna Troy - I have never fucking seen her in dpxdc but she is Wonder Girl I think and she also fucks
Clark Kent - Superman but also a nerd, treats his clone badly and will never be forgiven
Connor Kent/Kon El - said clone, made by Lex Luthor from Superman’s and Luthor’s DNA because what says hate like making a baby! Mistreating that baby and reminding him he’s meant to be a weapon
Deserves all the love and sometimes his powers don’t work because cloning is hard
Jon Kent - Superman’s son with Lois Lane, got all his dad’s powers but apparently not his mom’s cuz he is still a himbo
Lois Lane - the world’s scariest reporter who will make all corrupt officials quail because you can’t fucking threaten her, she will tell you to go fuck yourself and if you try and shoot her Superman catches the bullet
Barry Allen - the Flash, does not believe in ghosts even though he can run so fast he travels in time so he’s clearly the arbiter of what makes sense
But I guess you can’t catch him to tell him he’s wrong so
Hal Jordan - Green Lantern, Space Ho
Lex Luthor - surprising dad energy for a bald supervillain who hates aliens (blame halfagone)
John Constantine - super thot and mage, will sell his soul to anyone who offers to gain immortality because no one can decide who gets to keep his soul so they just spite reviving him
Has the actual worst luck and finds out just slightly more than he fucks around but he hasn’t died yet so it’s working
Zatanna - magic lady who does spells by saying words backwards, the competent adult
Boston - Deadman, an Actual Fucking Ghost Member Of The Justice League, What The Fuck Flash This Is Workplace Harassment
Cannot be seen or heard without magical assistance, so way less of a problem than Danny Phantom ghosts
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