#jack tenorman
bloogers-boogers · 10 months
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Hahshwha i totally forgot to post these and i maybe forgotten about the au by now... but i like the drawings so I'm posting them
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honeybumpkins · 2 years
This family reeks of infidelity /lh
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Ginger kids have been replaced with Spynx cats(but only sometimes ig) for this universe because I said so
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jimmysleftcrutch · 7 months
"Ms. Cartman did get him pregnant though. We weren't lying about that part. She definitely got that man pregnant."
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Thank you for answering my question! Tbh always got the idea Scott didn’t like his dad that much especially after he found out what happened at the drunken barn dance (I feel like he had a lot of hatred towards Jack after finding out he helped craft Scott’s worst enemy) also I might be looking too deep into it but why is Jack putting his hand around his wife but not Scott 😭?
No problem, I enjoyed answering! I love talking about Scott, and the Tenormans in general.
Scott must definitely be angry at Jack for having helped to bring Eric to the world, and most likely for cheating on his mother too.
Personally I think that Scott did love his father despite any bitterness he may have had for him, but your perspective is very interesting too! Makes me curious about what they'd hold against each other.
And you're right! Jack's arm isn't around Scott! Since it's a family photo, it'd make sense that he'd hug Scott too, but he doesn't. Actually I hadn't noticed before but now I wanna know if there's a reason for this!
I wonder what kind of arguements Scott and Jack would have🤔
Ah...so many questions and they're probably going to be left unanswered 🤧
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stephenstotchhh · 1 year
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pcstan · 1 year
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Out of fear of Jack being mistaken as Kyle's kid again I have decided to officially come out as a South Park fan kid lover and show yall my 2 lil bastards. Ella and Jack are my Scolly fan kids and they have lore that I'm too lazy to talk ab so just look at these cute mfs not fighting for a sec.
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neodimyum · 2 years
★《Headcannoning random characters from different medias!!》
Dib-invader zim:
*would have mothman written in all usernames he uses online.
*uses ear plugs for silence when trying to focus on doing something when home.
*refuses to go to bed early because night feels comforting and peacefull, a time to have for himself.
T.J bright-SCP:
*adores stimboards with all his heart.
*likes collecting things and having them sorted in different parts of his containment room (such as stuffed animals, shells, stickers, and others..)
*when he was allowed food/before containment he loved marshmallows and soft to eat candies.
Scott tenorman-south park:
*naturally over-articulates when speaking and doesnt notice, when people call it out he refuses that he does it.
*has a rigorous hair routine but never brushes hair.
*knows the lyrics and meaning of (practically) all radiohead songs but tries to forget it after the chilli con carnival, still finds himself humming the tunes sometimes and get pissed at the memory of their meeting.
Computer guy-dhmis:
*ranges from using all kinds of abreviations and hating on proper grammar to on the next day hating abreviations and only using proper grammar.
*has an account in every social media you'll find.
*has a collection of old leather suitcases and uses them in any ocassion he can (may or may not have named each.)
Jack walten-the walten files:
*the best at table hockey and pinball machines, broke at least three of the table hockey's handles.
*not the best at throwing hints and trying to be sneaky sence a child, something always goes wrong when trying and gives it away.
*rosemary teached him how to play a couple string instruments.
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craigwouldbesooohappy · 2 months
I can’t be the only one who thinks cartman does have a reason to be the way he is and not just pure evil. Let me explain.
1. He has no father and never grew up with one. The show has shown how it affects him, and it seems to be a weak spot of his.
2. He later found out that his father was actually Jack Tenorman, whom he had killed by Farmer Denkins as revenge on Scott Tenorman. He probably already had a hole in his heart from not having a father, and then he later finds out he in fact did and killed him. Thus widening the hole.
3. I saw a post one time that said in early episodes, Stan, Kenny, and mainly Kyle, were meaner to cartman, making him think that he needs to be tougher. I’m not sure how true this is, but if it is, then it makes sense. When someone is being bullied my people they consider friends, they feel bad and feel the need to be just as mean back.
4. His mom. Do I even need to explain this? He has seen so many things of his mom doing things that I’m not going to explain because I know younger kids use this, even though they probably know it, especially since I’m a South Park acc, but whatever. I can only imagine how much it sucks to know and see things of your own mom doing inappropriate things for money.
5. He probably knows to some degree that a lot of people don’t like him. In fact, hate. Even though he is a total asshole, assholes have feelings too, and knowing so many people hate you, can make you hate yourself too.
That’s just my perspective of it. I still don’t think that any of this is an excuse for all of the crimes he’s committed, and I still think he’s overall a bad person. Although without him there’d probably be no show, let’s be honest here. However I do think that the people who say he is just pure evil and that’s the only reason, or just that he has no reason, are wrong.
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missuswalker · 1 year
hiii how are you ???
um scott tenoram fic pretty please 🙏
maybe like reader has a childhood crush and would always suck up to him as kids which he dismisses. but they decide to move on in highschool and he gets jealous?
thank you 😭
hihihi!! i love this idea so much!! i didn't know how you wanted this to end, but i left room for a part two in case a different ending is preferred <33
daisies || scott tenorman x fem reader
✮ summary: when finally entering your senior year of high school, scott realizes he totally fumbled you in middle school ✮ warnings: none
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"Watch it," I mumble, feeling someone's shoulder collide with mine, looking down at who had bumped into me. Holy shit. "Y/n?" She looks up at me with a look of confusion, before realization settles over her face. "Oh, Scott, hi," she says in that same sweet voice from when we were kids.
This could not possibly be the little dork that used to bring me daisies all the time. "Hi... what's up?" I ask, feeling like someone had just punched me in the stomach. She was so... beautiful. "Not much," She says, a thick awkward tension settling between us.
I nod, my eyes catching a brunette boy appearing behind her. I narrow my eyes, wondering if what I was thinking was really true. Could this be a boyfriend? Maybe just a friend? I couldn't find it in me to understand why I cared.
"Oh, babe, this is Scott, he was a childhood, uh, acquaintance," She says, wrapping her arms around the boy's arm. "Yo. I'm Jack." He says, giving a nod.
Right off the bat, I knew I hated this kid. Something bubbled inside me, an agitation taking over my previous shocked feeling. "Hey." I answer coldly, turning back to look at Y/n.
"See you around," I mumble, quickly turning to get as far away from them as possible. Something about seeing her after all these years drove me crazy. I'd payed her no mind back in middle school, and now, here she was, suddenly just showing up.
I couldn't get her out of my head. The thought of her wrapping her arms around that stupid jock made my blood boil. Why do I care? I went the whole day never having a thought that wasn't about her.
Something about the way she talked to me felt like she still cared. That she was still hurt from my disinterest from back then. It made my head spin. Sitting in my car, I watch as her and her boyfriend walked out of the building, heading to what I assumed was his car.
That should be me. I couldn't help but think it. Should it really be though? Did I really even deserve to be thinking like that? A feeling of guilt washed over me, realizing I could've had that all those years ago when she brought me those daisies.
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a/n: i'm so bad at writing for scott and it's like 2 am and i didn't proofread at all 🤭 i'm pretty sure i have some deadly illness too (kidding, but i'm actually about to die) (it's because i don't sleep)
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kenlvry · 1 year
Main four come across one of Kenny's many corpses?
an, SOUNDS SO INTERESTING, also i kinda liked how this turned out
it was a saturday and they decided to spend their day in a graveyard, apparently there was a grave for jack tenorman who is allegedly cartmans dad. "dude its not here can we PLEASE go home" cartman whined "dude chil we've been here 20 minutes have some enthusiasm" kyle said while carefully walking through the headstones.
"dude here it is!" stan yelled a distance not too far from them. infront of them was a headstone written 'jack tenorman' and beside it 'ms. tenorman'. "dude sick" kenny said while laughing, "can't believe youre a ginger" stan laughed "shut up I'm still mad about that yk" cartman argued, while the three of them talk kyle saw something in the corner of his eye and followed it.
"where you going kyle?" stan called out following him. kenny and cartman looked at each other and shrugged then also following kyle. "dude,, what?" kyle said looking down which made them also look down to a headstone, it wrote 'kenny mccormick' the date was two months back meaning kenny had died two months ago. "um,, kenny?" they all looked up to kenny who looked panicked, he didn't want them to know more and was ready to leave "lets leave guys this place gives me the creeps" he said muffled "kenny, open your hood" cartmans voice was stern and the three of them was now a few inches away from him.
"cmon you really don't believe me?" he said jokingly "kenny." kenny sighs and takes it off which makes them less tense, "guess it was some sick joke" kyle looked back at the headstone "whatever it is, it isn't- wait." they all look over to stan who was now looking behind the headstone, them following. behind it was more headstones written 'kenny mccormick' they all look at each other again in shock "look guys this is obviously some sick joke lets go home" kenny was urging the others to go home, he knows his death is something everyone forgets but what if they saw his corpse?? is that something they'd forget? he doesn't want things to be complicated as it is.
"dude look at this one" cartman walked over to a headstone "holy shit, this was three days ago" kyle covered his mouth. three days ago the three of them was playing on the train tracks and one thing led to another and kenny got hit by a train. the funeral was held the next day and the coffin was buried the same day.
"guys this is really freaking me out lets go please" kenny whined at them tugging at their shirts. "im digging it" the three of them look back to see stan holding a shovel, "me too" kyle walked over to stan and grabbed a shovel, before kenny could say anything they were already digging. he was growing even more panicked and just wished to god that the corpse was already decomposed.
after digging for about an hour the shovel hit something hard and they all look at each other meaning the coffin has been found. they pull it out with the remaining strength they had. stan and kyle now has their hoodie tied around their waist from the digging.
"let's not open it, what if its somebody else's corpse?? cmon" kenny tried another attempt which failed as cartman slowly opened it. silence fell throughout the whole graveyard upon opening it was a corpse, kenny's corpse. he wore his shirt and his parka folded ontop of him as tribute for what he usually wore. his lower body gone from the harsh death, one of his eyes were gone and some of his bones sticking out of his skin. his body was skinny, slowly decomposing.
"i,, what.. is this you kenny?" Kyle's face was shocked, stan was already gagging and cartman face was disgusted at the gore scene infront of him. kenny didn't know what to say, he has to really pick his words here. he decided to pretend he didn't know anything. "its a sick joke, can we go home im getting really sick of seeing that" "kenny, this parka has the same pin we gave you a week ago" kyle held the parka and pulled out a pin from the pockets. last week they ordered custom pins and each pin had all four of them as it's picture as a sign of friendship. "its probably just a random pin, cmon i posted that pic of Instagram anyone could've done that" kenny still didn't want to tell them, there was a big risk they're gonna remember this
"show us your pin then" cartman said looking at kenny, he panicked, that pin was the real one and he didn't have any copies "i,,i lost it" "kenny." stan was staring at kenny with fear in his eyes.
his last hope was desperation, he grabbed cartmans shirt looking down, "please, can we please go home." he cried out. crying and looking pathetic was the only way to forget about this. cartman stan and kyle looked at kenny who's eye's was filled with fear and confusion, they wanted to ask a million questions but they didn't want to push kenny. "o-okay.." kyle said, and they all just walked awkardly towards the gate leaving the coffin opened not bothering to rebury it. kenny was still panicking, he knew they'd remember this he knew their friendship wouldn't be the same if they remember this and they wouldn't trust him. there was another way, he killed himself. the gates of the graveyard was extremely sharp, without saying anything he climbed it and stabbed his face with it.
the three of them was shocked, stan and kyle saying their iconic line and then just leaving. its been 5 days since then and kenny finally revived, his mom greeting him to get ready for school, he anxiously put on his parka and slowly walked out of his house, from afar he saw his three friends talking about god knows what and his heart was pounding like crazy hoping it worked. standing beside stan he stayed there in silence.
"oh Kenny? hey dude why didn't you say anything" stan looked over to kenny and greeted him, kyle peeking over "oh hey kenny, okay we're having this debate whether-" the voice of kyle was drained out by kenny's own thoughts. they forgot, thank god. he smiled and joined in their conversation, cartman was awfully quiet on the other end.
when the bus arrived stan and kyle got on it first, still talking about their argument, then cartman. before stepping on the stairs he looked back at kenny, reached in his pockets and held out something to kenny "here, found this, i guess you dropped it somewhere" in his hands was the pin from his recent corpse. kenny's eye shot wide open and panic grew over him, his heart pounding. "don't forget it again" cartman said and looked at kenny with a dull face, as if saying "i know" then got on the bus. the day went out like any other day except cartman was always staring at kenny with a face that looks like he wanted to say something to him. even if he knew atleast he kept quiet about it, one person knowing doesn't matter.. right?,,,,
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heartofmorioh · 4 months
Jack Tenorman is Karen Chasity's older brother, making Scott her nephew. This also makes Cartman Karen's nephew as well, but no one knows about that. I do think it would be hilarious, however, if Grace ever had to babysit Cartman. She would probably hate his guts. I'm so excited for Devil's Night, so we can find out more about Grace is when she babysits, cause like...that's ammo for my arsenal.
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honeybumpkins · 2 years
Here are the planned main characters for the prologue chapter of my AU.
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The base is by YarrowLeef on DA.
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What if Eric was somehow raised by the Tenormans instead of Liane?
It would have been a great nature vs nurture experiment.
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pcstan · 1 year
May I ask about the lore with your fankid’s age gap?
YES you can absolutely ask ANYTHING about them!!!!! I love them sm and I especially love talking about them. So about the age gap between the Tenorman kids— Ella, the oldest of the two, is a prom baby. Shelly had her when she was 19 and literally no one but her knew who the baby daddy was. My friend @marjoriestotch and I have this entire long lore story about Scott going to jail at some point after his high-school years are over so he doesn't get to actually be Ella's full-time dad even tho he'd really want to. In our universe he goes to jail for around 7 years(that's a whole other long ass story). Him and Shelly never dated prior to Ella being born though there was a strong flirtationship/rivalry between the two. By the time he's out of jail they decide to actually try dating and it goes pretty good. Good enough that after around 3 years of dating they make little baby Jack ♡
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butterfrogmantis · 1 year
The McCormicks vs The Cartmans
10,000 years late to this meme but oh well
Recently came to the realisation that both Jack Tenorman and Mr.Testaburger are gingers and even Eric himself says he has the ginger gene but ginger Penelope doesn’t look QUITE right ... so I’ve gone for a sort of ginger-brunette compromise that looks better than all ginger. But purposefully light ginger like her maternal grandad because I don’t want her being mistaken for having any relation to Kyle. Cartman having a ginger kid is wonderful irony and I have a golden opportunity here. 
Kenny and Cartman (c) South Park
Bubbles and Penelope are mine
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