strawberrymothteeth · 2 years
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happy holidays and a happy new year! Here is my gift for @jackgiggles ! I really like your scary godfathers au!
Close ups under read more
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thevioletscout · 1 year
(WARNING, the video contains a flickering overlay that may be unpleasant for someone with flash sensitivity)
So awhile back my zucchini @jackgiggles / @emotional-support-cultist showed me this post by @multi-level-shipper and @inkdemonapologist and it got me thinking about what a full version of a Bendy themed parody of Cell Block Tango would sound like. I happen to have some editing software, so I grabbed everything I needed, Jack made some amazing art of a vinyl disc, and now we have this!
I present, the Ink Blot Tango! (or how the studio unionized against Joey Drew)
I like to think of this as a murder mystery where someone- perhaps one of the other studio employees like Norman, Shawn, and/or Wally- is trying to figure out who murdered Joey, learning the suspect's motivations and they're all going "I didn't do it, but could you blame me if I did?" Plot twist, it was everyone except Henry. He fell asleep at his desk and not even Joey's blood curdling screams could wake him up.
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cero-sleep · 2 years
Ok, so as of rn we are 92 ppl (now 110!!!!!) participating in the secret santa event!! I'm glad everyone liked the idea sm!
We have decided that, as we are a v small team running this, we'll set a limit of 110 ppl to keep things organized and fun for everyone! Hopefully y'all will understand ^^
In case anyone wants to make sure they are on the list, I'll add it under the cut (if you said "I'm in" but don't see yourself lmk and I'll add you!)
1. little-sw33tie
2. chaireem
3. eyenaku
4. cero-sleep
5. kittenjam101
6. pulsarsatellite
7. total-fandom-tr45h
8. crabussy
9. muzzlemouths
10. stawberrymothteeth
11. robobbin
12. cherybeee
13. lamasimplesimp
14. thatmooncake
15. flinxypie
16. feralmoonlight
17. 1luckyrubberducky
18. arctichaze
19. theminiartblog
20. passsionfish
21. dragonjester259
22. festdev
23. skythefry
24. sillysaysnonsense
25. 0-g-i
26. faefrosting
27. goops-art
28. serbishbanana
29. justfangirlstuffs
30. robinette-green
31. driftingmoonmenace
32. sourtomatola
33. merpthealmighty
34. pbmonstaa
35. beps-brainrot
36. suntimeswolliw
37. paradoxgavel
38. emakenz
39. oobbbear
40. bittysteam
41. vintagestag
42. sleepyjuniper
43. sinistersincerely
44. starlightcloudbaby
45. ane-doodles
46. baconlyswiss
47. anangelcalledinquisitor
48. ronithesnail
49. laurs-tmb
50. ozdical
51. razzledazzlerazzberry
52. keeira
53. palaemonfire
54. h0pef1lled
55. unfinishedtexture
56. kagedbird
57. querical-equinox
58. farceurcole
59. cyberscraps
60. arty-angel-things
61. poui-ace
62. enderia
63. darklighthedgehog
64. yecipsart
65. damnsimp
66. chaoticgoodmulticlass
67. smalltitsmcgee
68. kibbits
69. stark-alchemy
70. sol-lun-and-est
71. axolotlinjammies
72. g0blinwitch
73. dcaghostreader
74. saltyfryz
75. spaghetti-doodles
76. maudiemoods
77. tasmanian-jevil
78. naffeclipse
79. evening-art
80. cowboyblorbo
81. chaoticgouda
82. crystalitar
83. cosmicfleurs
84. justanerdwithatablet
85. miwachan2
86. gray---matter
87. heirhebwhsye
88. jackgiggles
89. ajaywithcrowfeathers
90. artisticbunny
91. smollcookies12637
92. demitri-peachy
93. bamsara
94. moogus-online
95. aquacomet
96. kitsvoidcorner
97. shandzii
98. trashy-corvian
99. linuxealcipher
100. emb3rdition
101. piixelpaint
102. idraw5ometimes
103. slumpcake
104. sleepdeprivedtato
105. moonliched
106. minty-skull-armour
107. baby-bloos
108. jessicarabbit1988
109. crazybookcat
110. zoranight16
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arkham-outskirts · 2 months
! SPOILERS for the scenario contained within the Call of Cthulhu: Starter Kit, Paper Chase !
Below the cut are the continued adventures of Nadine Greenwald and Louis Milch, as they continue their way to the Arkham Gazette.
GM: @jackgiggles Nadine Greenwald: @thevioletscout Louis Milch: @atorchzagreusandtris
Warning: Suggestive Humor, General Nonsense, Inappropriate Usage Of A Work Place Closet
Part 1: [LINK]
Driving down the streets, parking, they eventually locate the Arkham Gazette office building. It does it's own printing, so it has an entire 2-story building to itself, and quite newer compared to other buildings in Arkham. It is very bustling and busy, with people rushing around with papers and coffee mugs overfilled.
Nadine doesn't take long to notice a man matching the brief description Debra Snow has given them. A tall blond man, with a mustache. He was very animatedly talking to someone, an editor, about some recent gossip he's overheard about.
Nadine, ooc: I think Nadine is like- nervous about going up to him, and kinda tugs Louis' shirt and points to him. -laughter- Louis: Not a problem, Nadine! Let me just run on over there.
GM: Jo does immediately take notice of you, and his eyes look bright. He seems excited to finally talk to someone, cause it looks like he's been talking that other editor's ear off.
Nadine, ooc: Real fast, what does that other editor look like...? GM: Uh- a tall woman. Nadine, ooc, trying to look for Pepper: Ah.
Louis: Hello, are you Jo Winters by chance? Jo: The one and only! What can I do for you? I don't think I've seen you around- at least in the building. Louis: No, not the building- I'm Louis, and I'm here after checking out a library, and finding this article. Your cousin told me you might have a better version here?
Jo: ohh, Debra! I hadn't seen her in a while.
Jo starts asking them what it was about, Nadine piping up a few details they could recall/get from the article, and about why they were looking. Particularly, about the Kimball house.
GM: His eyes seem to glimmer at the prospects of a crime. -laughter-
Louis, ooc: He's looking to her like, Is this okay to talk about?? Nadine, ooc: He seems trustworthy, she'd think. GM: Nadine has probably also seen him at the speakeasy -laughter- Nadine, ooc: If anyone is trustworthy, it's the guy who comes in and flirts a lot. GM: A bit of a ~Manwhore~
Nadine describes the break-in, and Jo confesses he's heard a little bit about it from Debra a while ago. He mentions Douglas worked at the nearby University- Miskatonic- and it's clear Jo has some admiration of the place. Jo's father worked there as some minor cleaning staff, and would overhear all the strange things people talked about there.
This is where Jo got his occult interest.
Jo had to get back to work, but with his interests thoroughly piqued, he gave them a key to the backlogs to go search for their document.
Louis, ooc: I got... 85. And my library use is 20 percent. GM: Mhm. Nadine, ooc: I'm not far off too.
Nadine and Louis push their luck to try and find the article, and Nadine... failed again. And yet, they felt so close to finding that article they wind up staying there for... far longer then they originally thought they would. Digging, and loosing time.
They get a little carried away, that night began tipping over- doors closing, and the halls getting quieter.
The clock on the wall said 9 'o clock.
Nadine, ooc: Nadine like- opens the door to peek out. GM: The door opens- but there is just No one there. Louis, ooc: Oh fun-
GM: I want you to roll for navigation, since it's dark and you're not familiar with this place At All. Nadine, ooc: I got a 20, and my navigate is 30! Louis, ooc: Uh Oh- I got an 88.
Louis and Nadine are stumbling, Nadine manages to find the way to the front door... but Louis gets lost, and tried to feel around for any door that could be a potential exit.
GM: you're feeling around... when you heard something. Louis, ooc: Uh oh. I heard a thing. GM: It sounds like a thump. And low voices.
Nadine: Louis?? Louis, where are you?? GM: Nadine is looking for her emotional support himbo.
GM: Louis opens the door, that he could detect noises coming from- hoping its some sort of exit.
GM: It was a storage closet.
Louis, ooc: O H.
GM: It was very hard to see for a second, but then his eyes adjusted to see the very shocked faces of Jo, and another man he doesn't quite remember.
Nadine, ooc: *LAUGHTER*
GM: He's a bit burly, with red hair.
Louis, occ: OH MY GO- *LAUghting*
GM: You both have looks of shock, one of almost horror on the shorter man!
Nadine, ooc: Nadine has NO idea this is happening. Nadine, ooc: She's standing by the door like "Where is he?? Where'd he go??"
GM: The shorter man [Pepper] made an almost surprised squawk sound, and thROWS himself off of Jo, saying "AH! We're not suppose to be here! You're not suppose to be here! What are you doing here??"
Louis, all sad: I Got Lost QwQ
Nadine, loosing her patience: LOUIS, FOLLOW MY VOICE.
Jo and Pepper graciously lead Louis back to the front of the building
Nadine, ooc: Nadine as she sees like, the other two men come in and gets embarrassed- and looks away from them. She knows she's not suppose to be here.
GM: None of us are suppose to be here, technically!
Louis, timidly: Do you want some milk?? GM: Jo is... exhausted.
Suffice to say, none of them got that article and they left the Gazette empty handed, and all red faced from a variety of reasons.
GM: Jo's just mad he got cockblocked again.
Nadine, ooc: Nadine knows he's fruity.
The investigators decide to catch up with Thomas after the Gazette, and probably wind down from that incident.
Louis, ooc: I can just imagine Louis is sitting there like "I saw two men kiss! :'D" GM: Thankfully they had their pants on. Louis, ooc: Thankfully! GM: They hadn't got That far. Nadine, ooc: We didn't see his big dick. Alright I'll shut up.
They're back at the Kimball House, a little worse for wear, and Thomas doesn't seem to care. Louis is red in the face, and Thomas decides "I don't need to know" and doesn't ask anything.
Nadine starts asking about Douglas, though. Thomas goes on, while very tired, to explain what he can remember about his uncle. That he was the eccentric type, very reclusive even to the family. Douglas' sister, or Thomas' mother in any case, never really liked or approved of Douglas' fascination with the occult and being so evolved with the Miskatonic University.
The last Douglas visited them for holidays, Thomas was about 18. But he knew that the man was very kind.
Nadine: I'm sorry for asking but... do you think there would be any reason that your uncle would go missing on... purpose? Thomas, surprised but considers it: ... Well, I'm not sure. He was always a bit of a hermit, but I suppose it could be possible. I always hoped, it could've been more in his control, and not actual death... but seeking out something else.
Nadine: I'm sorry, and- don't put too much thought into it. Just a conspiracy theory. Thomas: All that we have, really. Theories. Thomas: But I guess the idea that he's out there, somewhere, is a bit comforting, I guess. Something I like to entertain.
Nadine confesses they hadn't managed to find much, at least in regards to the books.
Thomas: I thought as much. I thought this was worth a shot, at least. Thomas: It's just so odd. I don't know why of all things, these books would be stolen, when there are so many more valuable things to be taken! Thomas: Hell, the only person I could think would steal a book... *chuckling* Well, I guess it would be him, if he was bored enough.
Thomas: But, what a thought that'd be?
Louis is trying to reassure Thomas they'll find the books, and his uncle, and Thomas is amused by the enthusiasm. He's uncertain about if he wants confirmation if Douglas is dead or alive at this point.
Louis: It never hurts to hope a little. Thomas: I suppose not.
Thomas starts to head to bed, but before he does so he explains that if the investigators want to keep looking, they could- just to not make a ruckus. And he does warn them to also be careful, explaining that he's heard strange rumors surrounding the town at night. Weird animal calls and footsteps, though apparently these were all tall-tales that seemed to calm over the years before he moved in. Nothing identifiable.
And confirmed, there were rumors of strange people seen at the graveyard.
Thomas: That graveyard is very old.
-he chuckles, as if he remembers something-
Thomas: I visited here years ago, when I was young, for Christmas. My uncle told me stories of tunnel systems.
Nadine and Louis: O_O
Thomas: Yes, I'm pretty sure it was something he told me to let my mind run wild with make belief. Run around town, pretending to be a little thief in the night. As kids do.
Thomas: But- yes. Be careful of the graveyard, something about it gives me an uneasy feeling. Couldn't understand how he can stand to live in its shadow.
Thomas and crept up to go to the master bedroom, warning them to not cause a ruckus as Louis suggests they'd all better get some shut-eye from such a long and "exciting" day exploring.
However, as soon as Thomas is out of sight and in his room, Nadine immediately grabs a light and heads to the front door.
Louis: Where are you goin'?? Nadine: I don't want to wait 'til morning to check something! Louis: Alright, we'll then I should come with ya to make sure you're safe.
GM: Be a gentleman, be chivalrous.
Louis, ooc: He pulls out his knuckle-dusters from a secret pocket in his pants.
GM: We need some MUSCLES.
Right as they start heading towards the cemetery, they notice some misshapen tracks nearby the window to the study/library- Nadine only able to tell they're vaguely human-ish.
They continue forward up-hill towards the graveyard, and start locating the specific tombstone that Jefferson said Douglas frequented. It was a nice place to sit, and read a book. Very scenic, with willow trees and a nice view.
The tombstone is very old, to the point the name long since worn off.
With a spot hidden success, Nadine explores the area and notices there's more tracks around the tombstone. Roughly man-shape, though she noticed that they looked... odd at the ends. Like, cloven.
It was hard to believe that any disturbance could make them appear like that.
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(Human-ish foot prints)
And of course, Nadine and Louis follow the tracks.
Louis, ooc: Louis follows her, wherever she goes! GM: He's like a puppy. Nadine, ooc: Nadine is just on a mission and just no longer cares! GM: She's WAY too curious now!
Nadine, ooc: I got like, a conspiracy theory. GM: Wanna share with the class? Nadine, ooc: She thinks that the uncle came back, and took the books. Louis, ooc: Oooo! GM, not confirming nor denying anything: Mhm!
Nadine: I know it sounds crazy, I've just... heard things before. Louis: I understand, understand 100 percent ^^ Maybe he's livin' in the mausoleum?
GM: As you follow the strange tracks, you start on a winding path, looks pretty illogical, to one of the older mausoleums.
Louis, ooc: Oh shIT- *laughing*
The mausoleum is very old, and like everything, all names worn away. And as they near it, they notice a... very weird stench starting to form in the air. Not strong, but on the back of the throat.
Nadine, ooc: What smell is it? Like, shit? Rotting flesh, fish??
GM: .... There's a black, strange sludgy mold on the stone door.
Louis: Ah. It's like curled milk!
GM: ..... Not entirely wrong! Probably smells as bad!
GM: You also realize there's a smaaaall little gap in the door.
Nadine, ooc: Has it been opened recently?? GM: The tracks end there.
With some strength checks, Nadine trying and failing with a valiant attempt- but Louis manages to easily hulk it back like a tank.
GM: He almost wishes he didn't, as the smell WAFTS out from inside! Louis, ooc: Louis immediately starts coughing and gagging. Nadine, ooc: Nadine covers her nose and DIVES IN. GM: OH you're going IN!
Louis passes his constitution check to not pass out, and both go into the mausoleum, Louis a bit afraid but follows her regardless inside. It was pitch black, but they realize as their eyes adjust- there was a tunnel. As if it were dug with someone's bare hands.
Nadine, ooc: Alright, into the mouth of Hell! Louis, ooc: Yep, and of course Louis follows after.
The tunnels were a winding maze, criss-crossing paths of the dug tunnel like it was dug out by large moles- bones and roots peeked out of the ceiling.
*navigate check*
Nadine, ooc: I got 100??? GM: OHH that is Critical Failure! Louis, ooc: *also failed* Ah SHIT-
They get lost, and as they go deeper there was almost no way to find an exit or familiar landmark. Nadine tries making marks in the walls with her nails to make landmarks, and notices the previous diggers and claws along the walls are much bigger then her own hands.
They were getting more and more tired the further they went.
They start slowing down, and Nadine apologizes for getting Louis into this mess. Louis may have claustrophobia, or at least gets it now.
They start passing out.
Eventually, they come too- and hear something. Foot prints, bouncing off the walls. And clearly, they heard someone walking away.
Louis scrambles, and tries to follow- hearing the slightest humming as he gets closer. Nadine is now catching up, and now they realize the path was starting to look familiar again, as they go up.
Whoever it was, it was a guide out of the mausoleum again.
Louis essentially lunges out, and collapses to the ground ala "I will never take advantage of the surface world again", hugging the ground and sucking in fresh air of the moonlit night. Nadine however manages to catch a glimpse of a figure, shadowed- average height. He's still walking, but Nadine noticed off-white hair, balding- and glasses glimmering in the light.
Nadine, ooc: I wanna look at his feet. His feet, Jack. What do they look like. GM:.......... They're hooves.
Nadine, ooc: NADINE RUNS AT HIM. GM: ... With what intent??
GM: Uhmmm... fighting (Brawl) because you're trying to manhandle him??
*Nadine fails her brawl check*
GM: He dodges, and makes an almost "Goodness Gracious!!" and runs off! Nadine, ooc: Nadine is like shouting- "No wait, I don't want to hurt you, just talk!!" and stuff.
GM: The man pauses, and turns to look at you, and you get a better look at his face. And it's quite frankly, horrifying.
His skin was rubbery, and hair was falling out more. And almost canine like teeth, but without doubt... it looked a lot like the man that's been described as Douglas Kimball.
Nadine, ooc: I Knew It.
Nadine: I'm Nadine Greenwald, I was hired by Thomas to find some books, taken from his house...? GM: The expression he made with the horrifying, canine mouth-
GM: -actually, I'm assuming Louis is not seeing any of this? Louis, ooc: He is currently crying like a little baby. GM: Just flat on the ground.
GM: Douglas nods, like- Douglas: Ah, I assumed something like that would have happened. Thomas was always the more curious fellow, I suppose it runs in the family. Yes, I am Douglas. And- that was because of me. Douglas: Apologies for any trouble I've caused you.
Nadine starts asking why Douglas went and done all this, and Douglas responded that he had a lot to do, and to read. He could only read the same books over and over so many times before he "lost it."
GM: He chuckled, finding irony considering his appearances.
So, he explained he went and took back some particular tomes before he left for good.
Nadine: What do you mean by that? Douglas, gesturing to the graveyard: Well, as you see, after my... metamorphosis, as you will, I have been gifted a new life. Douglas: Previously, I couldn't stand my mundane life of retirement. I knew of other worlds, both here and so far... given the opportunity I-
Douglas: Well, they don't like to linger for long. This place- it bores them, and it doesn't fit them anymore. And I wanted some keepsakes.
Douglas: You're being rather calm, for a appearance such as mine. Not many can look upon the face of a ghoul, and not break down.
Nadine: It's... a bit complicated.
-Douglas smiles, a horrifying thing even if its in good humor-
Douglas: Yes, the other worlds and... creatures, find their ways in the darnedest of places, don't they? Especially around here.
Nadine: And you don't... have any bad intentions, with those books?
Douglas: No, I assure you, anything concerning is still within the library. No, I wanted a historical text or two- or a romance novel by a friend, from one time.
Douglas: I'll read anything and everything, if its interesting enough. Or not, even -chuckles-
Nadine: Right- and I'm sorry for the trouble. Douglas: Not at all, it's honestly surprising it took this long to run across someone from the actual world, for lack a better term. And, the last I'll see of Windleigh.
Douglas: We leave tonight, and never to return. As you've seen by the tunnels.
Nadine; Yes, we are unfortunately familiar with them.
Douglas, amused: They're very confusing the first time... and y'know...
Douglas; if you are curious, you are welcome to come. They're, fascinating. To learn about other worlds.
Nadine: No, I- feel I'm already on a clock for that.
Douglas: Of course, just thought I'd offer.
Nadine: If you don't mind, would there be anything you'd want me to pass onto your nephew? I have to explain the books, but...
Douglas: All I can say is... don't reveal to him I'm alive. He's a curious boy, and I've managed to overheard the things he's said on his lonesome. I don't want to cause him more grief. It's better he thinks me dead.
Douglas: But, tell him. At least you think, that I'm glad he was the one to inherit the house.
It was then, in the distance they could see a hoard of naked, rubber-y skin looking creatures that looked far worse off then Douglas ever did. Canine in features, and covered in muck, slime and reeked of death. Nadine has to bite back a scream at the sight, and yet Louis-
GM: I remember reading, the dumber you are the more oblivious to the world you'll be. Smarter, you'll go "That's not possible!" and break down.
Louis, ooc: Louis is like- having a crying fit, he's not aware of what's going on around him! GM: His eyes are blurry from the tears so he can't see them! Nadine, ooc: He sees these weird demon things and goes "doggies".
Louis, ooc: CAN I PET ONE??
Nadine, ooc: She averts her gaze, and looks to Douglas since he's Comparability less unsettling!
Douglas explains they're much older, and transformed long before him. He bids them farewell, and starts following the hoard into the mausoleum, waving as he went. Nadine shyly waves back, and two ghouls linger back to grab onto the stone. With blackened claws, they start closing the large stone door with ease.
Nadine, ooc: She looks down at Louis, to check how he's doing. Louis, ooc: He is curled up in a ball, weeping. GM: He's not over the horror of the dark tunnels!
GM: Yeah the ghouls probably just- stepped over Louis to all clamber inside. Louis and Nadine, ooc: -WHEEZING-
Eventually, Nadine and Louis return back to the Kimball house and actually sleep. In the morning, Nadine fills in Thomas what she can of the situation- obviously excluding the fact Douglas was actually alive, as a ghoulish monster.
He appreciates the depths they went to try and investigate the books, and Nadine saying Douglas would probably be happy that Thomas was the one to inherit the house. They get paid regardless, and while still somber Thomas seemed a bit happier after the ordeal. Especially when no other books, or anything, goes missing as time goes on.
Things start... going back to normal. Normal as it can be in Arkham, anyway.
Nadine, ooc: Louis offered everyone milk BUT ME!!
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staggbones · 4 years
Why does your William look Spicy- like damnn
JLKSPAF he’s a spicy man
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nam-imperii · 5 years
That 20 oc question ask meme, 🗣️ for Octavian?
That’s a very interesting and painful for the angst question because Octavian is not a guy who breaks easily. So to break him verbally or at least make him doubt you have to pick his deepest flaws and fears, which would mean you have to know him very well (or be very luky in guessing what his weak points are). One of those is, for example, his werewolf nature. Octavian is good with his ability but werewolf are generally seen as beasts. Treathening of revealing his secret to everyone would scare him, not because he fears hunters or something like that -he battled the Silver Hand after all- but because if everyone knows he’s a beast, what will the Empire say? What will his father say? As someone who founded all his life in serving the Empire and the well-being of the people of Tamriel (and who cares deeply for his family) Octavian is very scared of their judgment. He’s the Knight In Shining Armor of the Empire, a Dovahkiin son of the Legion and the perfect poster boi. He knows it and he doesn’t want that imagine to be ruined or even worse, be hated by general dadllius (Would Tullius hate him for that? Not in my book. I think he would disapprove but he would still love his son and recognize he has the wolf under control. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t scared by the tought of his father or his sister Valania hating him) the same concept once was true for Murk-Waters, his love, but that’s the past because at some point Murk discovers it and accepts his boyfriend being a werewolf.
Another deep fear of him is well... To fail. Octavian is loyal to the empire but also ambitious af inside the limits of moral and law. While he shows himself as confident, proud and even a bit arrogant, he still knows that he could fail in a lot of ways. Dragons, rebels, thalmors... The Empire must keep protecting Tamriel and he has to conquer the ranks. “All you have done was for nothing” is a terrifying tought. 
On the opposite side, good news, “we are winning” and on a more personal level words of love and encouragement boost him a lot -he’s a bit of prideful peacok in that and he loves to hear compliments- one of the words he more strives for are from his father, General Tullius: “I’m proud of you”. Tullius wasn’t a bad father and both his childrens love him very much but he also wasn’t the more present dad, often away from home and pacifing imperial territories for the Emperor (canon dialogue). While he never neglected to show affection to his childrens when he was at home, his relationship with Octavian is different from the one he has with Valania. Valania is pro-empire of course, but she’s considered a civilian. Octavian followed in his father steps and becomed a legionarie. The General always treated Octavian as any other soldier, because nepotism is the death of an army but while they still have father-son moment, they are also officer and general. Octavian always wanted to make proud his father not as a son but as a soldier. 
Other words of encouragment can come from anyone, Octavian loves when some random citizen thanks him for something for even the simpler thank you is reminder to himself he’s actually doing good. Of course, the most valued encouragments are from his father, his sister, his boyfriend/husband and Sofie, that they have adopted after the Battle For Windhelm.Oh and from the Emperor I suppose, he never met Titus Mede II in person but he would totally be full of pride if the Emperor offered his gratitude.
(Which I think in truth it will happen at some point in Skyrim but idk when yet)
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tf2humbug · 7 years
I am loving that picture (and follow up pics) of medic punching that nazi, it's too perfect for words :3
Haha, thanks! I’m actually wondering if there’s a way I could justify giving out printable versions of the art file in exchange for a small donation or something, but I don’t wanna step on Valve’s toes...
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skullzy20 · 4 years
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Tumblr ate the ask, but an anon and @jackgiggles requested a genderfluid Funtime Foxy! There's a transparent one too.
Feel free to use, but just make sure to credit me if you use them at all :)
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Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Elder Scrolls Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: No Romantic Relationship(s)
New Chapter: Stars Align
“ Urvel and Vancano head out to finds books Orthorn stole- and also take a detour in their journey to visit the Shrine of Azura. It quickly derails everything once the unsettling Priestess claims Urvel was 'Choosen'.”
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howlhardt · 6 years
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@jackgiggles I have a vampire OC who CAN cook, but his main profession is a doctor, because vampires in our universe, Turned or Pureblood, cannot consume anything that doesn't have some levels of blood in it (steak, raw chicken, etc), or they'll get sick.
But you do pose a good point, and I will keep this idea in mind, because you are right: Vampires DO live a long time, and probably do get bored after so long of being alive!
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gabbodile · 6 years
@myth-personal @jackgiggles @kid-groot @kullerkex @dorkiethedork
If i forgot to tag anyone, am sorry Q^Q i forgot your tumblrs. BUT IMPORTANTLY, IF YOU'RE READING THIS, I LOVE YOU
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thevioletscout · 1 month
From messages with @jackgiggles / @the-sixth-house-unmourned
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Btw yes I know it's not actually a fork, it just looks like one and that's funny to me
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thegabdump · 8 years
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did a double meme with yote (im sorry i dont know your tumblr Q^Q) and @jackgiggles
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arkham-outskirts · 2 months
! SPOILERS for the scenario contained within the Call of Cthulhu: Starter Kit, Paper Chase !
Below the cut will be various out of context quotes, summaries and art relating to our very first gaming session/scenario!
Also, I will warn: There's a bit more suggestive humor in this campaign then Alone Against the Flames...
GM/Keeper: @jackgiggles Player 1, Nadine Greenwald: @thevioletscout Player 2, Louis Milch: @atorchzagreusandtris
Pre-Game Stuff
Jack: I cannot wait to show you guys, each others characters *laughing in "what we have done"*
(Talking about the fact we didn't know what Louis looked like yet, compared to knowing TOO MUCH about Pepper) Scout: I got something, Very out of pocket. Scout: Tri, are you okay with this? Tri: Yes. Scout: It's not like I've seen, with my own eyes, Jack gave Pepper a big dick.
Jack, putting Pepper's ref in chat: This is the boy. Tri: Oh he's nice! Jack: Yea, he's nice ^^ Tri: Nice with uhh, a big ding dong. Jack: -whEEZE-
Jack: So Tri, do you want to explain to Scout, who your character is? Tri: I'll take a hard boiled egg, why not. Uhhhh *laughing* Tri: SO! This all kinda started as a joke, because the first thing I came up with; Is my character was going to be a Milkman. Scout: .... Alright. Tri: BUT- But it gets *can't stop laughing* Jack and Tri: *dying, can't speak* Tri: His entire thing, revolves around M i l k. His last name is Milch, Jack: German for Milk Tri: -yeah, and his name, Louis, comes from the guy who invented pasteurized milk.
Tri: BUT THE COMPANY- what did we call it?? Mommy milk-? Jack, dying: MILLA or something?? -My dogs are barking in the background- Jack and Tri: MOMMY MILLA MILK COMPANY
Tri: And his dad disappeared to go get milk, and that's why he chose his profession! Jack: I'm getting the meme I made of him.
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Scout, realizing what the fuck we did: WHAT THE HELL??? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??
And Louis is also apart of underground fighting rings, alike boxing, for extra money on the side.
Scout: Alright.............. I think I heard enough.
Scout, introducing her character: My character is Nadine Greenwald, she's a dancer at a Speakeasy. And uh, small town girl trying to make it big in the city! Tri: Oh, sweet! Scout: She likes to believe ignorance is bliss, but can't ignore when someone needs help.
Nice and calm introduction.
Jack: So Scout has the serious character, and Tri is bringing the memes. And we love it. Tri: THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS!!
Now Starting... The Actual Campaign
It is 1929, July when Nadine Greenwald and Louis Milch are contacted by Thomas Kimball, a resident in a small, overgrown town down south from Arkham City called Windleigh. He deemed them the most trustworthy individuals to handle a case due to a quiet town having a lazy sheriff who was no help for a strange theft.
GM(Jack): Tri- or Louis, you are very well familiar with the place because it's on your track to... deliver your milk. Louis(Tri): *laugh* GM: You're familiar with the neighborhood, and recognize the new face of Thomas who moved in recently after the passing of his uncle, Douglas Kimball.
The town is very overgrown and clearly, it's dying out with the passing years. Most residents are elderly. The Kimball Residence is pretty rundown, and full of moving boxes and such messes expected from such a move.
Thomas goes on to invite them in, and explain what had happened.
"You see, I went into my uncle's study this morning and saw that the window was opened, and some books were clearly missing. History textbooks, some novels- I don't know what specifically, since the library isn't all that well organized. But the sheriff was no help, and while there were footprints they were so muddled in the investigation from sloppy work they're of no use.
"And, they wound up causing more trouble then what was worth calling them for, as they broke one of my statues..."
Nadine (Scout), ooc: This is a weird question, but does he still have the statue? Thomas, (GM): I put it in a box, I think I can get it fixed. It's just one of my own...... cat states. It- it was my grandmothers, you see? Nadine, trying to see if it was lore related: O h
Thomas asks them to find clues as to who taken them, and for what purpose. Then, he tacts on basically an optional mission for questions he never really had the chance to be answered.
Thomas: It's perhaps foolish, but- if you could find anything of my uncle, it would be appreciated.
Nadine: Do you have any ideas of suspects? Thomas: Hmm... I'm not quite sure. I've only been here for a month, and the only one to cross me was that damn Sheriff. Everyone else, was pleasant... from what I've seen.
Thomas lends rooming for the two while they stay and investigate around Windleigh, since he wasn't going to force the two to pay for housing doing a job for him!
GM: You can tell Thomas is more of a secluded, artsy kinda person. Not great with social interactions... GM: This is also me being very awkward about roleplaying someone! *laughter* GM: I have also joked that this is Thomas eyeing the man. Louis, ooc: OH okay! I get it!
Nadine: She like, offers a comforting hand on his shoulder. Louis: Louis- he offers the man a bottle of milk. Thomas: UH no- no thanks, I am rather lactose intolerant! Louis, ooc: He mistook the eyeing as "He wants some milk!" GM: Oh a himbo, Thomas has his work cut out for him! Nadine, ooc: *head in hands* Oh god, it's Pepper and Jo all over again.
Nadine, to the rescue: SO could you tell us more about the missing books? Thomas, ooc: Thomas is VERY glad for the change of topic, and goes on to explain what is in the library!
Nadine and Louis first start investigating the library-study, mostly full of historical documents, texts and random novels. However, they do see a few more... unusual books, with strange covers. They are occult, as Douglas was a man who taught at Miskatonic University.
Unfortunately, neither recognize any of the tomes. However, due to Nadine's work in Arkham, she knew there were odd subjects and ideas circling the cities University, so it wasn't too unusual for a professor to have such texts.
Louis goes to investigate the window, of which is cracked open. Dust was unsettled, showing it wasn't opened often. Thus being the point of entry. And- dried mud or dirt around the windowsill. Like someone climbed in.
Upon a spot hidden, they search around and discover a handwritten dairy. It was very cursive handwriting, obviously belonging to Douglas Kimball. As they flip through it, they take notice of the fact the quality of the handwriting and grammar dramatically decreasing as it goes on. Such a thing being concerning, for a retired professor.
Scout: I'm gonna go turn my light on, it's getting dark out Jack, reading notes: Hehe ~Spooky~
Douglas' journal mentions something about "making a decision", "joining my friends below" and something about a "creature".
Louis: Probably a possum or somethin' -laughter- Nadine, ooc: I'm curious, what is his Intelligence stat? Louis, ooc: .... GM: I will say, you made him strong and charming, but he's not the sharpest tool in the shed. Louis, ooc: His Intelligence is 50 and 40 Education. Nadine, ooc: Nadine's not much better, she has 55 in both. Very pretty, but not very bright. GM: Himbo and bimbo.
Louis: I don't think it could be an older person that climbed through a window. Nadine: You'd be surprise, but I'm not pinning suspects yet.
They ask around Windleigh, and run across an elderly man who kinda fills in about Douglas and the Kimball family. He explains Douglas was more of a reclusive person in town, always reading. So nobody really knew the Kimballs, but the kid...
Small Girl: He's just really weird! He gave me a bad feeling, especially recently... Nadine: .... What do you mean by that? Small girl: I don't know, he's just weird! He's always on his own, at the graveyard! Who does that?? Louis: Uhh yeah-
The old man patted the girl on the head, and kinda shrugged it off while slightly scolding the girl, "Abigail, that is rude, you can't just call people weird." and excuses himself.
GM: If you would like to talk to the older, glamorous lady, make a Appearance or Credit Rating roll. Nadine, ooc: Nadine has a... 60 in appearance. Louis, ooc: Mine's a 70! GM: Alright, roll!
Louis, ooc: 90 Nadine, ooc: 75, I'm over. GM: R i g h t, so the lady- Lady O’Dell, does not want to hear what you have to say. And kinda- uses her parasol to kinda shy away from you and block sight like "Ohhh no, please go!" Louis, ooc: -whEEZE- Alright, to the graveyard then!
Lady O'Dell smelled the poor on them.
GM: The graveyard is behind the Kimball home, and kinda uphill with a lot of overgrown roots along the cobblestone. Nadine, ooc: Nadine is wearing h e e l s GM: oof, yeah good luck Nadine Louis, ooc: And Louis is carrying his- bucket of milk. Nadine: Not gonna help a lady, got it!
GM: and there are a bunch of... uhhh. What are those buildings that hold like, urns n stuff? Louis, ooc: Uhh I wanna say mausoleums-?? Or- GM: Mausoleums! Louis: Ah, yeah!
The gaveyard is very old, with stone overgrown and worn down. There didn't seem to be much room left for anyone else to be buried.
There is the graveyard keeper, a very old and grouchy old man. His hair was once red, but now greyed at his temples and roots. He was very haggard.
GM: Roll for Charm, or which ever is highest. Cause he's grouchy. Nadine, ooc: I got 91, I'm shit outta luck.
Louis however passes his charm roll, so he walks up to the caretaker, Jefferson. Louis being his usual charming milkman self, manages to bring out the better parts of Jefferson to ask about what he might know about the Kimball House. Jefferson appears as if he's familiar with the place.
And it's shown, he's actually quite friendly with Douglas. Probably kindred spirits in a way, being a grouchy groundskeeper and a reclusive bookworm.
Jefferson (GM): It's unfortunate, the house is- has been gone off- in a- for an- in- *sputters* GM: I'm having a stroke.
Jefferson divulges in the fact they enjoyed each other presence, and talked very casually. A nice, calm friendship between two old guys. Plants, the weather, all those sorts of things.
Jefferson: And it's strange, Douglas always had this strange... fascination, or draw, with this one tombstone. Nadine and Louis: Hmmm... Jefferson: He'd always go there to read.
Nadine: Where is this tombstone? Jefferson: Oh, its one of the oldest ones nearby the mausoleum, the first one. Actually pretty close to the Kimball House.
Louis thanks Jefferson for the information, though it's noted that Jefferson seems to grow more anxious- and glancing towards the shadows, edging away from them.
Nadine, occ: I got 25, and my spot hidden is 35. Perspective gal! ... So far.
Nadine eventually notices that while Jefferson is trying to edge out of the conversation, being kinda twitchy, she notices there's an odd shape in his coat. Looking at his pocket, she could see the glimmer of a brown bottle. (Booze)
Nadine, ooc: I guess he's drinking...? GM: Note, prohibition is still in effect. Nadine, ooc: Nadine could give Less of a shit, she works in a speakeasy!
Nadine doesn't mention it, given the fact they had some sort of lead.
Louis, ooc: Of course, because it's customary for Louis, he offers Jefferson a bottle of milk. GM: -wheezing- Jefferson waves him away, "No, no- we got some already- thanks"
GM: I will say- you should continue with graveyard later. Because there's plenty of stuff to see Before then. GM: I learned this with my parents, who finished this EARLY.
Nadine, ooc: That tombstone ain't goin' anywhere. Louis, ooc: Watch us be Wrong. -laughter-
*they agree to go to the library next* Louis, ooc: Time to go read books!
GM: Also I will shoehorn you into every location, cause I am proud of them.
Louis is rather familiar with Windleigh, and it's a very small town so they find the Library easily. The library is quite small, one story and perhaps just 3 rooms maximum. It's ran by one person at the moment, a petite blonde woman, who's hair is actually white is so blonde.
Louis: We're looking for some recently donated books? Librarian [GM]: Ohh, we hadn't had anything new. We've been told from Thomas we might receive some of of his uncle's old collection, but nothing yet, I'm afraid.
Nadine, ooc: I got a 42- Nadine doesn't go to the library often. GM: Nope, apparently not. Louis, ooc: 20 percent... and I rolled a 6. GM: A 6?? Damn-
Either by shear luck or divine intervention, Louis finds an old newspaper article, badly damaged and from roughly 10 years ago. Very odd for it's condition- faded and hard to read.
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(Here's to my first handmade handout.)
GM: You can't really tell much else, besides that it was printed by the Arkham Gazette.
Nadine, ooc: Maybe I'm- peeking over his Very broad shoulders. -laughter-
Louis, ooc: He's like- average height? GM: Like, 5'10. But he's very broad. Louis, ooc: He's VERY Broad. GM: A broad, if you will.
The librarian kinda freaks out when they picked it up, saying that the place was just very unkempt by the previous owner for whatever reason, and it was very delicate. She then informs them that, as she takes it away, if they're looking for a more intact copy there might be one at the Arkham Gazette.
Librarian: I have a cousin who works there, he'd be most glad to let you look around. Nadine, ooc, realizing: Ohhhh I know who this woman is. GM: heh, snow white hair?
Debra: I'm Debra Snow, if you give a man "Jo Winters" my name, I'm sure he'll let you investigate. 'cause he's more nosy then he should be about this kind of stuff.
Nadine tried rolling for Psychology to see if she could trust her, and upon failing decided to just go for it and explained why they were looking into things, about the break-in and the books.
Debra is surprised, and mentions she's met the man once since moving to Windleigh. That Douglas was only announced dead because there was zero trace.
Nadine: That's certainly unfortunate... Louis: Yes, indeed......... Would you like some milk?? -LAUGHTER- GM: Debra is taken aback, and goes ".... UHH. SURE??"
Nadine, ooc: She likes gets behind him, and mouths to her "sorry, he does this all the time"
Quick intermission, but there was discussion of how Louis and Nadine knew each other, since they really easily slipped into a dynamic like casual friendship. Likely just Louis delivering and they talked enough to have bonded.
Nadine: I guess uh- I'm kinda interested in going back to Arkham to check out the Gazette. Louis: I would sugge- *discord cuts out on Scout's end* Nadine, ooc: .... Tri where'd you go??
Louis, ooc: Hop into my milk van!
GM: Every time I say Arkham, I just think- Batman. Louis, ooc: SAME-
Part 2: [LINK]
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solsthiems · 5 years
I was tagged by @daedric-prince-of-pasta  thank you for tagging!
Rules: tag people you want to get to know better
Name: Cody
Pronouns: She/They
Birthday: July 18
Relationships: none, i wish tho
Favourite Colours: blue and purple!
Top 3 Ships: in no particular order: charthur and Sadigail (Red Dead Redemption 2), martinhok (Oblivion)
Last Song: Mr. Brightside, I was having an emo moment
Last Movie: Captain Marvel
Last thing that made you laugh: a vine compilation I watched at 3 am alright, tagging: @jackgiggles @pika-ace @theraysoftamriel @teaspoonies 
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nam-imperii · 5 years
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Name: Lawrence
Nicknames: Cinema Demon, Tastless idiot (by Alastor), Noodle Daddy (by Angel's Dust), The Puppeteer
Date of death: 1933
Cause of death: His brother incident
Likes: Politeness, His mother and her cooking, Walt Disney films, Bothering Alastor in the Hotel, Cooking, Using people as puppets, Vanilla coffee, Sweet food, Theater, Singing, Dad Jokes, Cinema.
Dislikes: Dogs, Bitter food, Radio, Valentino, Being direct.
Species: Projector demon
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Age: Early 30
Abilities: Eldritch power, Trapping people in films, Spacial Warping
Occupation: Film Director (formerly)
Family: Rosemary (mother), Alastor The Radio Demon (brother)
Friends: Charlie (associate), Rosie (associate), Nifty (friend), Husk (associate), Angel Dust (associate/friendly son)
Enemies: Vaggie (one-sided), Valentino (hated knowledge)
Status: Active
My new oc for Hazbin Hotel, Lawrence was a movie director with a strong rivalry with his brother Alastor on what was the superior media between cinema and radio. Despite this and opposite tastes, the two were still close to each other until the moment of their death in an incident. Alastor -accostumed to see himself as the protagonist- would proceed to become an Overlord of Hell, but Lawrence didn't had any interested in that: a director decides the scene, but it's not an actor. Lawrence founded his own cinema in Hell, using demons he trapped in his script folder (that he carries with himself all time) trought the light of his projector head. He can also use the projector head and the trapped demons to summon "films" who act as illusions to torment his victims. He's a fan of Walt Disney but hates modern tecnology and films. He has posed himself as a fatherly figure for Angel's Dust and hates Valentino for both the way he treats Angel and his pornography studio, which he considers an offense to the art of cinema.
both Rosemary and the atwork of Lawrence belong to @jackgiggles
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