#jacob de la rose
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art history moodboard – dance fever by florence + the machine
The Queen in “Hamlet” – Edwin Austin Abbey // Dance to the Music of Time – follower of Laurent de la Hyre // Play of the Nereides – Arnold Böcklin // // El Jaleo – John Singer Sargent // Vanity – Frank Cadogan Cowper // A Still Life of Tulips, Roses, Bluebells, a Peony, and Other Flowers in a Glass Roemer on a Wooden Ledge with a Dragonfly – Jacob van Hilsdonck // Ulysses and the Sirens – Herbert James Draper  // Marie Camargo – Nicolas Lancret // Cassandra – Evelyn De Morgan 
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ltwilliammowett · 2 days
Lieutenant! Can you tell us about Cape Horn and why it was so dangerous?
Of course I would,
So let's get to the location:
Cape Horn is located at 55° 59′ south latitude and 67° 17′ west longitude. The headland is located on the rocky island of Isla Hornos (Horn Island, not to be confused with the Horn Islands in Micronesia, also discovered by Schoutens), which belongs to Chile, and is the southernmost point in the Tierra del Fuego archipelago. Like the southernmost 2,000 kilometres of South America, it lies in the cold Antarctic circumpolar current. Unlike South Africa, which is twenty degrees further north with the warm Agulhas Current, Tierra del Fuego is never reached by a warm Atlantic current (Brazil Current). Instead, the cold polar current (Falkland Current) reaches as far as the Río de la Plata in the southern summer and as far as southern Brazil in the winter, meaning that Cape Horn is under the influence of a large-scale subpolar current all year round.
The air temperature at Cape Horn is almost identical to the water temperature all year round - day and night - which is 8 °C in January and 5 °C in July. During the day, it rarely gets warmer than 12-13 °C. There are only occasional frosts in winter and it almost never snows, although it rains over 280 days a year.
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With few exceptions, the wind blows from the western half of the compass rose all year round; easterly winds are very rare. However, the wind force in the sea area around the Cape tends to be lower than in the neighbouring south-east Pacific and off the Chilean coast near the Strait of Magellan, for example, where there is always one wind force more and twice as much chance of storms. Nevertheless, the wind blows almost constantly in summer (January) with at least five Beaufort, but only once a month with more than seven Beaufort, and once a week to the west. In July, at least seven Beaufort and one storm per week are recorded every third day, while two storms per week can be expected to the west.
The Cape was rounded for the first time by an expedition of Dutch sailors Willem Cornelisz Schouten and Jakob Le Maire on 29 January 1616, sailing on behalf of the Australian Company, which was founded by Jakob Le Maire's father Isaac Le Maire together with other Hoorn businessmen after an internal dispute with the Dutch East India Company (VOC). As Dutch ships at the time were only allowed to use the Strait of Magellan if they belonged to the VOC, Isaac Le Maire was looking for a passage to the Pacific untouched by the rights of the VOC to trade with the East Indies Spice Islands.
The expedition's mission was to explore a new route to the ‘East Indies’.It was considered fulfilled when a passage opened up between Tierra del Fuego (in the language of the Spanish owner) and the hypothetical huge southern continent of Terra Australis.It was named Fretum le Maire (literally Le Maire Strait) in Latin in honour of the initiator and most important financier Isaac Le Maire, and the ‘peninsula’ to the east belonging to Terra Australis was given the name Staatenlandt in honour of the newly constituted Dutch parliament.The rededication in favour of the son Jakob Le Maire took place after his tragic death at the instigation of his father.The island character of Staatenlandt, which is only sixty kilometres long, could not be recognised, as even at sea you can rarely see further than about forty kilometres. Not being able to see the connection of the state island to the huge Terra Australis only proved that one could not see further than twenty nautical miles - and this was already known.
According to the published records of the ‘shipwrecked passenger’ Jacob le Maires (his expedition ship, the Hoorn, burnt up during cleaning work in Patagonia), he and Captain Schouten were of the opinion that Tierra del Fuego was a rugged, rocky but contiguous island, the supposed southern tip of which was named Capo Hoorn in Latin by Schouten, who was responsible for it, in honour of the second great financier, the council of the city of Hoorn.The Le Maire Strait, the short and easy passage between America and Terra Australis at Staateninsel or Staatenlandt, was the important discovery; Cape Horn was already a clear 180 kilometres into the Pacific. Isaac le Maire had the discovery of this passage, supported by a ‘silent’ Schouten, attributed to his son by court order, with the father as heir.However, the associated and desired exploitation rights of the strait were immediately expropriated and granted to the monopoly of the East India Company.The last lawsuits over this were lost in 1648.
With the realisation that even Staatenlandt was not connected to Terra Australis and that Cape Horn was the decisive landmark, neither the Strait of Magellan nor the Le Maire Strait could be permanently managed with customs duties. Due to the factually and historically incorrect, commercially motivated court judgement that Jacob le Maire found his way into the Pacific via the Le Maire Strait, the discovery of Cape Horn is attributed to him just as incorrectly and abbreviated. Usually, however, all discoveries made on such a voyage are attributed to the captain, as he decides which unknown waters his ship sails into, is responsible for them and also has to assess and interpret what he sees. However, Schouten did not insist on a public acknowledgement of his exploratory achievement, presumably due to an ‘agreement’ between him and Isaac le Maire. In addition, the published documentation of the voyage was undoubtedly written by the representative of the shipping company Jacob le Maire, so that the impression of a discovery by the travelling merchant was already being conveyed to contemporaries
But according to the German author Wolf-Ulrich Cropp, the Englishman Francis Drake was the first European to sail around the Cape 40 years earlier, in 1578, on his circumnavigation of the globe, after he had reached the Pacific through the Strait of Magellan and then travelled south-east for a few days in search of the missing escort ships. However, this discovery was declared a state secret by Queen Elizabeth I.
At the time, it was believed that the Pacific could only be reached from the Atlantic via the Spanish-controlled Strait of Magellan further north, and the British did not want other nations to know about the second route.Drake's first discovery was only claimed after 1618 for political and economic reasons and was quickly disproved by examining the records and voyage reports and by interviewing the surviving travellers.The English naming of the sea area Drake Passage was only given in 1769 by James Cook when he surveyed the coast and is presumably only an expression of general reverence for the greatest English naval hero to date.
In fact, Drake no longer had any escort ships in the Pacific that he could miss; he had already lost them in the Atlantic or in the Strait of Magellan.In the event of a separation, a rendezvous point 2500 kilometres to the north had been agreed with the remaining Elisabeth; a search for missing persons in the south was therefore not very promising. Instead, Drake sought shelter between the islands west of the Strait of Magellan in a supposed ‘50-day storm’ and had no interest in drifting further and further south-east, where he would inevitably be wrecked on the expected Terra Australis in the storm.In any case, he took his time to ‘conquer’ the inhospitable islands of the archipelago one by one.Furthermore, the navigational documents show that he never travelled further south than 55° south, which, in view of his otherwise perfect latitude measurements throughout the voyage, rules out the possibility that he came closer than about 300 km to Cape Horn.Under no circumstances was he south of the Cape, travelling through the Drake Strait and the Le Maire Strait or Falkland Strait to the Atlantic entrance of the Strait of Magellan, in order to make a statement about its passability.The ambitious Drake would have seized even the slightest opportunity to make and verify such a glorious discovery, as he was well aware of the economic, personal, political and military benefits.Similar legends were subsequently spread about the Spanish captains Francisco de Hoces (1526) and Gabriel de Castilla (1603). However, the sources and evidence for both are so sparse and uncertain that the best that can be surmised is that they both sailed past the entrances to the Strait of Magellan for different reasons and then wandered south of it for a short time. In the case of de Hoces, the legend led to the same conclusion as with Drake: the sea area south of Tierra del Fuego, the Drake Strait, is called Mar de Hoces in Spanish.
The rounding of the Cape was one of the most feared passages for ships, as evidenced by the founding of the Cape Horn Community. Commanding captains who conquered Cape Horn on a cargo ship without an auxiliary engine became honorary members of this international community.
Until the completion of the Panama Canal in 1914, sailing around the Cape was the slightly more favourable way to reach the west coast of South America from the Atlantic. The Strait of Magellan and the Beagle Channel, which had already been sailed through centuries earlier by ships of the Dutch East India Company and British exploration ships, also offered difficult weather and current conditions for sailing ships.
At Cape Horn, the passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific against the westerly wind drift was particularly dangerous and difficult. It required ships sailing in this direction to constantly cross in high seas, rain, cold, poor visibility and icebergs. The False Cape Horn caused additional navigational difficulties due to the risk of confusion. However, to this day there are still ships that round the cape, albeit with the help of engines and modern navigation. But that does not mean that it is any less dangerous.
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Wedding of HRH Prince Oliver of the Scots, Duke of Rothsey & HIH Madame Hortense of Francesim Part 4
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Pope Gregorious: Dearly beloved, you have come together here, so that in the presence of the Church’s minister and the community affirm your intention to enter into Marriage. And so, in the presence of the Church, I ask you to state your intentions.
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Pope Gregorious: Oliver and Hortense, have you come here to enter into Marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly? Hortense: I have. Oliver: I have. Pope Gregorious: Are you prepared, as you follow the path of Marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live? Hortense: I am. Oliver: I am. Pope Gregorious: Are you prepared to accept children lovingly from God and to bring them up according to the law of Christ and his Church? Hortense: I am. Oliver: I am.
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Cardinal MacMillian: Since it is your intention to enter marriage, join your hands and declare your consent before the God and his Church. Your Royal Highness, you will go first.
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Oliver: Moi, Oliver David Alexander James, souhaite prendre Hortense Rose, Pour épouse, À partir de ce jour et pour toujours, Pour le meilleur ou pour le pire, Dans la richesse ou la pauvreté, Dans la santé et dans la maladie, De l’aimer et de la chérir, Jusqu’à ce que la mort nous sépare. (I, Oliver David Alexander James, take you, Hortense Rose, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; till death separates us.) Stéphane: A beautiful touch by the Duke to say his vows in French. Travis: Indeed. Especially since it is their shared language, as well as the language of love and one that HRH famously struggles with.
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Archbishop McCellan: Your Imperial Highness, I now ask that you say your statement of consent.
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Hortense: Tha mise, Ròs Horn- tach, gabh thusa, Oil-bheir Daibhidh Alasdair Sheumais, gu bhi 'm fhear-pòsda dhomh, gu bhi agam, agus gu cumail, o'n là so air aghaidh, air son na's fearr, an ni 's miosa, an saoibhreas, am bochd, an tinnis agus an slàinte, a ghràdhachadh agus a ghràdhachadh gus am bàs an dean sinn dealachadh. (I, Hortense Rose, take thee, Oliver David Alexander James, to be my husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do us part.) Travis: Wonderful pronunciation by Madame Hortense. It is such a touching show to the Scottish that she is willing to learn our very difficult language. Stéphane: It has a very melodic quality to it. A strong showing by HIH
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Pope Gregorious: May the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, the God who joined together our first parents in paradise,
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Pope Gregorious: strengthen and bless in Christ the consent you have declared before the Church, so that what God joins together, no one may put asunder.
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Oliver: With this ring I thee wed; with my body, I thee worship; and with all my worldly goods I thee endow. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus sancti.
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Hortense: With this ring I thee wed; with my body, I thee worship; and with all my worldly goods I thee endow. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus sancti.
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Stéphane: With the vows and exchanging of rings, they are married. Travis: Yes. We still have the nuptial blessing, and the signing of the register left. These will be done by Cardinal McGregor. But I think I can safely say, we are now looking at TRH Prince Oliver & Princess Hortense of the Scots, Duke and Duchess of Rothsey.
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Travis: And after this brief moment of private prayer, they will be blessed under the coronation canopy, as is tradition for all rulers and heirs to the throne. The Canopy is being supported by HIH Princess Amelie of Francesim, HIH Princess Maria Aisha of Pierreland, HRH Prince Magnus of Argyll & Lord Callen MacDonald. Stéphane: It is moving that the canopy will be supported by those who share a bond with the couple, Princess Amelie and Lord Callen as their main witnesses and clearly the closest to the couple but also Prince Magnus as not just the oldest cousin to the groom but Prince Oliver's oldest friend and Princess Maria Aisha as not only cousin to the groom but goddaughter of the once more Princess Hortense.
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Cardinal McGregor: Look now with favor on these your servants, joined together in Marriage, who ask to be strengthened by your blessing. Pour your love into their hearts, that they may remain faithful in the Marriage covenant.
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Cardinal McGregor: May the grace of love and peace abide in your daughter Hortense and let her always follow the example of those holy women whose praises are sung in the Scriptures. May her husband entrust his heart to her, acknowledging her as his equal and his joint heir to the life of grace, he may show her due honor and cherish her always.
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Cardinal McGregor: May they be blessed with children, and prove themselves virtuous parents, who live to see their children’s children. And when they together reach the fullness of years, come into the life of Heaven. Amen.
Travis: And now as tradition at the end of all royal events, the National Anthem.
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All: God save our gracious King, Long live our noble King, God save the King! Send him victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us, God save the King!
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Stéphane: And now, they are going to sign the register, alongside their witnesses, the King & Queen, the Emperor and Madame Mere. Travis: Traditionally, all family over 18 will also sign, but they will do it after the ceremony. This will include Empress Charlotte, the Emperor and Empress of Pierreland and the Queen and King of the Ionian Union. Quite the royal filled register.
@empiredesimparte @royalhouseofcarrington @bridgeportbritt @nexility-sims @simsroyallegacy @trentonsimblr @covingtons
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themakeupbrush · 11 months
List of Met Galas since 2001
I've gotten a few asks for a list of Met Galas. Technically, the gala has existed since 1948, and been themed since 1973, but I started at 2001 to keep it short (there was no gala in 2000 apparently). If you're interested in every theme that's ever existed, there's a chart on Wikipedia.
Most lists online start somewhere around 2011-2013, since it wasn't covered by the press the same way before then.
2001 Jacqueline Kennedy: The White House Years
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Christina and Lindsay Owen-Jones, Annette and Oscar de la Renta, Carolina Herrera Caroline Kennedy and Edwin A. Schlossberg
Sponsor: L'Oreal
2003 Goddess: The Classical Mode
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Tom Ford, Nicole Kidman
Sponsor: Gucci
2004 Dangerous Liaisons: Fashion and Furniture in the 18th Century
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Renée Zellweger, Lawrence Stroll, Silas Chou, Edgar Bronfman Jr. Jacob Rothschild, Jayne Wrightsman
Sponsor: Asprey
2005 The House of Chanel
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Karl Lagerfeld, Nicole Kidman Caroline, Princess of Hanover
Sponsor: Chanel
2006 AngloMania: Tradition and Transgression in British Fashion
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Christopher Bailey, Sienna Miller Rose Marie Bravo, The Duke of Devonshire
Sponsor: Burberry
2007 Poiret: King of Fashion
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Cate Blanchett, Nicolas Ghesquière François-Henri Pinault
Sponsor: Balenciaga
2008 Superheroes: Fashion and Fantasy
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Giorgio Armani
Sponsor: Giorgio Armani
2009 The Model As Muse: Embodying Fashion
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Kate Moss, Justin Timberlake Marc Jacobs
Sponsor: Marc Jacobs
Ticket Price: $7,500
2010 American Woman: Fashioning a National Identity
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Oprah Winfrey, Patrick Robinson
Sponsor: Gap
2011 Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Colin Firth, Stella McCartney François-Henri Pinault and Salma Hayek
Sponsor: Alexander McQueen
2012 Schiaparelli and Prada: Impossible Conversations
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Carey Mulligan, Miuccia Prada, Jeff Bezos
Sponsor: Amazon
2013 Punk: Chaos to Couture
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Rooney Mara, Lauren Santo Domingo, Riccardo Tisci Beyoncé
Sponsor: Moda Operandi
Ticket Price: $15,000
2014 Charles James: Beyond Fashion
Co-chairs: Aerin Lauder, Anna Wintour, Bradley Cooper, Oscar de la Renta, Sarah Jessica Parker, Lizzie and Jonathan Tisch
Sponsor: AERIN
Ticket Price: $25,000
Theme Announcement: September 4th, 2013
2015 China: Through the Looking Glass
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Jennifer Lawrence, Gong Li, Marissa Mayer, Wendi Murdoch, Silas Chou
Sponsor: Yahoo
Ticket Price: $25,000
Theme Announcement: September 11th, 2014
2016 Manus x Machina: Fashion in an Age of Technology
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Taylor Swift, Idris Elba, Jonathan Ive Nicolas Ghesquière, Karl Lagerfeld, Miuccia Prada
Sponsor: Apple
Ticket Price: $30,000
Theme Announcement: October 13th, 2015
2017 Rei Kawakubo/Comme des Garçons: Art of the In-Between
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Gisele Bündchen and Tom Brady, Katy Perry, Pharrell Williams, Rei Kawakubo
Sponsor: Apple, Condé Nast, Farfetch, H&M, Maison Valentino
Ticket Price: $30,000
Theme Announcement: October 21st, 2016
2018 Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Rihanna, Amal Clooney, Donatella Versace Christine and Stephen A. Schwarzman
Sponsors: Christine and Stephen A. Schwarzman, Versace
Ticket Price: $30,000
Theme Announcement: November 8th, 2017 (currently the latest they've announced the theme)
2019 Camp: Notes on Fashion
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Lady Gaga, Harry Styles, Serena Williams, Alessandro Michele
Sponsor: Gucci
Ticket Price: $35,000
Theme Announcement: October 9th, 2018
Planned for May 4, 2020 (canceled) About Time: Fashion and Duration
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Meryl Streep, Emma Stone, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Nicolas Ghesquière
Sponsor: Louis Vuitton
September 2021 In America: A Lexicon of Fashion
Co-chairs: Timothée Chalamet, Billie Eilish, Amanda Gorman, Naomi Osaka, Tom Ford, Adam Mosseri, Anna Wintour
Sponsor: Instagram
Ticket Price: $35,000
2022 In America: An Anthology of Fashion
Co-chairs: Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Regina King, Tom Ford, Adam Mosseri, Anna Wintour
Sponsor: Instagram
Ticket Price: $35,000
2023 Karl Lagerfeld: A Line of Beauty
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Dua Lipa, Michaela Coel, Penélope Cruz, Roger Federer
Sponsors: Chanel, Fendi, Karl Lagerfeld (brand)
Ticket Price: $50,000 (most expensive to date)
Theme Announcement: September 30th, 2022
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ascle · 4 months
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La chanson québécoise 1ère partie
Il est impossible de relater l'histoire de la chanson québécoise en quelques lignes. Je vous propose donc aujourd'hui un survole des 100 dernières années de ces chanteurs et chanteuses qui ont forgé, puis transformé et propulsé le Québec. J'ai choisi de vous présenter un artiste par décennie qui aura marqué, à sa manière l'univers musical québécois. Comme il s'agit de vous faire découvrir, vous me pardonnerez de ne pas parler des Leclerc, Charlebois, Reno et Dion, non pas par manque d'importance, mais parce que vous les connaissez déjà.
Les années 20: La Bolduc
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Mary Rose Travers, née en Gaspésie en 1894, est une autrice-compositrice-interprète qui s'inspire de ses racines irlandaises (père) et canadienne-française (mère). Elle va connaitre un immense succès à la fin des années 20, pendant la grande dépression, où sa musique et ses paroles drôles et réconfortantes touchent la classe ouvrière. Entre 1929 et 1932, elle enregistre 70 titres, soit un 78 tours par mois. Elle entreprend des tournées au Canada et dans le Nord-Est des Etats Unis. Reine incontestable de la turlute (non... non... pas celle française!! Retournez dans mes publications précédentes pour la bonne définition), elle enchaine les succès qui traversent les époques et qui, sont encore chantés et repris aujourd'hui.
Je vous recommande:
Ça va venir découragez-vous pas (probablement le plus gros hit)
La bastringue (qui est aussi une danse)
J'ai un bouton sur le bout de la langue (une chanson humoristique)
La cuisinière (une de mes préférées)
Dans le temps du jour de l'an (LE classique du temps des fêtes)
Le commerçant des rues
Vous pouvez aussi regarder l’excellent film de François Bouvier: La Bolduc. Il raconte merveilleusement bien l’histoire de cette grande dame, mais aussi montre la réalité des familles, des femmes québécoises des années 20.
Les années 30: Quatuor Alouette
Ce quatuor composé de Jules Jacob (ténor), Roger Filiatrault (baryton), André Trottier (basse) et Émile Lamarre (basse), chantant a cappella et dont le répertoire était exclusivement consacré à la chanson folklorique canadienne-française. Le quatuor connait un gros succès international dans les années 30. Se produisant partout au Canada, mais aussi aux États-Unis et même en France où en 1934 il fut officiellement délégué pour les fêtes marquant le quatrième centenaire de la découverte du Canada. Les chanteurs participent à plusieurs centaines d'émission de radio au Québec dans les années 30-40, pour connaitre un déclin et la dissolution du groupe au milieu des années 60.
Les années 40: Alys Robi
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(S’tu juste moi ou on dirait Laure avec un chapeau ?!? 😮)
J'ai commencé à chanter à l'âge de 4 ans, je fais mes débuts professionnels à 12 ans, je suis la première star internationale québécoise. Qui suis-je? Céline Dion? Nope! Il s'agit d'Alys Robi, née Alice Robitaille, qui a eu un succès phénoménal et mondial dans les années 40 à 60. Interprétant des chansons françaises et américaines, elle fait également découvrir aux Canadiens les rythmes latino-américains. Accident, problème de santé, hospitalisation, lobotomie... la vie de cette grande dame est un mélange de gloire et d'enfer, de joie et de désespoir. Je vous recommande fortement de regarder l'incroyable film "Ma vie en cinémascope" (2004) de Denise Filiatrault et je vous mets au défi de rester insensible. C'est impossible.
Je vous recommande:
Tico Tico
Chica Chica Boom Chic
Zi Padee Doo Dah
Besame Mucho
Les années 50: Willy Lamothe
Le père de la chanson country western au Québec. Passant de chansons originales à traduction de chansons américaines, c'est un répertoire de plus de 500 chansons qu'il aura laissé et dont plusieurs sont encore chantées aujourd'hui par les plus grands. Il suffit de taper "Mille après mille" pour se rendre compte de son héritage à la simple vue des artistes ayant repris le titre: Céline Dion, Isabelle Boulay, Zachary Richard... Mais il n'était pas que chanteur, auteur, compositeur et multi-instrumentaliste, il était aussi animateur à la télévision (Le ranch à Willie) et acteur au cinéma.
Je vous recommande:
Je chante à cheval
Je suis un cowboy canadien
Mon voyage en Louisiane
Les années 60: Michel Louvain
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Les boîtes à chansons se multiplièrent à partir de 1960, en même temps que la « Révolution tranquille », vaste mouvement d'émancipation économique et culturel, gagnait tout le Québec. Parallèlement, plusieurs chanteurs populaires connurent leur plus grands succès. Parmi eux, Michel Louvain. Très aimé de la gente féminine, séducteur et charmeur, il enchaine les hits à la radio, mais aussi à la télévision où il anime plusieurs émissions au cours de sa carrière. Il sera actif sur scène jusqu'à son décès en 2021.
Je vous recommande:
La dame en bleue (Son plus gros succès)
Buenas noches me amor
Un certain sourire
Les années 70: Offenbach
À ne pas confondre avec Jacques Offenbach :D c'est pas du tout le même style!! Il s'agit ici d'un groupe rock et blues très populaire dans les années 70. Son chanteur, Gerry Boulet, est en grande partie responsable du succès du groupe par sa voix unique, rauque et dure. La poésie des textes, la langue très populaire et le son caractéristique de chacune des pièces d'Offenbach en fait un des groupe les plus importants de la culture québécoise.
Je vous recommande:
Mes blues passent pu dans porte
(Après avoir écouté l’original, je vous propose cette version de Breen Lebœuf avec une p’tite fille de chez nous)
Promenade sur mars
Faut que j'me pousse
Seulement qu'une aventure
Câline de blues
Les années 80: Richard Séguin
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Il commence sa carrière avec sa sœur dans les années 70, puis en solo à partir des années 80 jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Chateur engagé aux textes percutants, il défend plusieurs causes en plus d'encourager la relève.
Je vous recommande:
Sous les cheminées
Journée d'Amérique
Aux portes du matin
Double vie
J'te cherche partout
Protest song
Les années 90: Jean Leloup
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Comme on dit au Québec, c'est une bibitte! Le genre de gars qui se fout des conventions, qui vit dans son monde, embarque qui veut. Hyper populaire dans les années 90-2000, il se fait malheureusement plus rare maintenant. C'est bien dommage parce qu'on aurait grand besoin de sa folie.
Je vous recommande:
I lost my baby
À paradis city
Le monde est à pleurer
La vallée des réputations
L'amour est sans pitié
Les années 2000: Loco Locass
Groupe de Hip-hop québécois qui connait du succès dès le début avec ses textes engagés politiquement. Ardent défenseur du français, le groupe prêche pour l'indépendance du Québec et inculque aux jeunes la fierté d'être Québécois!
Je vous recommande:
Hymne à Québec
Le but
Occupation double
Le mémoire de Loco Locass
Les années 2010: Les Trois Accords
Je triche un peu puisque ce groupe roule sa bosse depuis le début des années 2000, mais leur succès perdure dans le temps et il m'est impossible de passer à côté. Les 3 Accords est un groupe de pop rock humoristique, leurs chansons, toujours déjantées, rejoignent un public jeune qui grandit avec lui. Ils ont quand même fait la première partie des Rollin Stones!!
Je vous recommande:
Grand champion
J'aime ta grand-mère
Elle s'appelait Serge
Dans mon corps
Les années 2020: Charlotte Cardin
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Elle fait d'abord carrière comme mannequin à l'âge de 15 ans. Finaliste de la première saison de La Voix (The voice) au Québec, elle fait ensuite un duo avec Garou, puis compose les chansons qui se retrouvent sur son premier EP. Aujourd'hui elle continue à gravir les échelons du star système et son talent est reconnu dans le monde entier.
Je vous recommande:
Dirty dirty
Main girl
Feel good
Big boy
Voila un petit survole de la chanson québécoise! J'espère que ça vous a plu et que vous avez fait de belles découvertes!
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astra-galaxie · 1 year
what are some of your LGBTQ headcanons for some of the CC characters?
My LGBTQ headcanons for CC characters? Sure, I’ve got some! I’ll also list some characters' canon facts since I support them, but let’s see what non-canon ones I can come up with!
And disclaimer! These are my current LGBTQ headcanons; there is a chance that they could change as my story progresses!
Sexuality-based LGBTQ Headcanons:
Main Characters
Samuel King
Eduardo Ramirez
Frank Knight
Elizabeth Ripley
Angela Douglas
Elliot Clayton
Arthur Wright
Issac Bontemps
Diane Parker
Gloria Hayes
Gabriel Herrera
Penelope Sage
Priya Desai
Felix Reed
Nathan Pandit
Amir Devani
Orlando Ordelaffi
Ben Shepard
Hannah Choi
Carmen Martinez
Michelle Zuria
Evie Holloway
Rose Zhao (She and her husband married for none-romantic reasons)
David Jones (Has a preference for women ((and hasn’t realized his attraction to men yet…))
Grace Delaney (She tried to get Jones to realize his sexuality in high school but couldn't get him to understand…)
Alex Turner
Andrea Marquez
Yann Toussaint
Jack Archer (With a preference for women, but unlike Jones, he recognizes his feelings toward men)
Lars Douglas (He likes to call himself and Jack bi-bros and bi-buddies)
Marina Romanova
Jonah Karam
Cathy Turner
Christopher Scott
Jacob Arrow
Hugo Mercier
Amy Young
Roxie Sparks
Maddie O’Malley
Charlie Dupont
Deigo del Lobo
Martine Meunier
Janis Rivers
Jean-Philippe Delacroix
Gauthier Delacroix
Enzo Traoré
Léa Bonnet
Zara Tien
Theo Moon
Kai Malano
Nadia Den Yamin
Russell Crane
Ingrid Bjorn
Rupert Winchester
Dick Wells (This man called science his mistress once, and I have headcanoned him as AroAce ever since!)
Hope Newman
Armand Dupont
Viola Pemberton
Rita Estevez: Thought she was straight but started having feelings towards a certain woman…
Luke Fernandez: He thought he was straight, but after everything with Fabien de la Mort, he started questioning
Carrie James: Unsure of her sexuality
Émile Bardot: Unsure of her sexuality
Other Characters
Olivia Hall: Lesbian
James Savage: Demisexual
Edward Dante: Pansexual
Karen Knight: Bisexual
Nigel Adakue: Gay
Asal Hawaa: Bisexual
Katherine Woolf: Lesbian
Jasper Everett: Gay
Mia Loukas: Bisexual
Arthur Darkwood: Gay
Geroge Mathison: Gay
Cody James: Pansexual
Gender-based LGBTQ Headcanons:
Nathan Pandit: Transgender (female to male)
Alex Turner: Demiboy
Hannah Choi: Demigirl
Jean-Philippe Delacroix: Genderqueer
(I don’t have many gender-based headcanons yet…)
That’s everything I could come up with! And like always, I am open to hearing about your opinions, headcanons and suggestions on this topic!
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hbc-rpg · 6 months
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¡El momento ha llegado! Con esta publicación damos pie a las reservas de PB y cupo.
Iremos actualizando la lista de reservas conforme lleguen a nuestra mensajería, por lo que recomendamos que refresquen la publicación (alt + F5). Ante cualquier duda o inconveniente, pueden hablarnos directamente por interno. Estaremos atentos.
PB: AJ Neu | Timotheus Alba Baptista | Toska Alejandri Zwartendijk | Mia Alex Hogh Andersen | Keraunos Alexa Demie | Ash Alexander Ludwig | Mac&Cheese Ali Bercan | Volents Álvaro Mel | achilles Amalia Holm | Dawn Amanda Asker | Oasis Andrew Biersack | Nightmare Antonina Vasylchenko | bizcochitodecanela Ann Kuleshova | Miss Zombie Anna Avermaete | Stitch Annie Schröter | Venat Ariyan Akaltun | Tyler Ash Rose Daniels | Zar Austin Butler | achilles Blanca Soler | Moonlight Brock O'Hurn | Thor Camila Morrone | whats Choi San | Nightmare Christina Nadin | Ender Cora Keegan | HereWeGoAgain Daniel Garcia | capybroski Darwin Grey | Xylas Deva Cassel | autumn Eden Chanel | Pecas Elise Zecevic | Gia Emma Powell | poni Emilio Sakraya | Torchic Ergi Bardhollari | Clancy Fernanda Hin Lin Ly | Ash Felix Mallard | Kinder Florence Pugh | Oasis Froy Gutiérrez | Sinprotogema Gabriel Basso | Kingsman Haatepah Clearbear | Crozier Havana Rose Liu | moonflower Hunter Warr | kalimotxo Isabel Van Gelder | Volents Isabelle Mathers | yosilen Jacob Elordi | Alastor Jaden Smith | Monilitum Jenna Ortega | Lu Josha Stradowsky | Keraunos Joshua Jason | SavageRat Katya Sitak | Bitchery Kaia Gerber | Sandra Kit Connor | Relámpago Lana Condor | Mimir Lizeth Selene | Taco al Pastor Maggie Lindemann | whats Marissa Long | Cotton Maverick Mcconnell | Santo Meg Donnelly | Ghidorah Micah Plat | starshiptrooper Michael Yerger | Relámpago Mike Faist | DEH Nick Vogt | Seres Nicolas Lorenzon | starshiptrooper Rae Rodriguez | Gia Rafael Miller | Elidibus Ronald Epps | Barracuda Ross Lynch | Trece Rudy Pankow | Nebulosa Ruel van Dijk | Sinprotogemas Sasha Kichigina | Holly Simone Bricchi | Limón Sidney Sweeney | Wontolla Song Mingi | Noctis Talia Ryder | ChihuahuaFurioso Tanner Buchanan | aubelona Taylor Swift | Ator Taz Skylar | bizcochitodecanela Timothée Chalamet | Ghidorah Tom Taylor | Vixen Tony Ozkan | Eddie Valentijn Dijkman | Zar Walker Scobell | Trickster Yasmin Finney | Noctis Yoo Ji Min | Leixah
Ascendencias Muy Raras Los cupos de los semidioses Muy Raros han sido completados. Zeus (5/5) achilles Vixen capybroski Sinprotogemas Oathbreaker
Hades (5/5) Ash Oasis autumn Moonlight Santo
Poseidón (5/5) Barracuda Ghidorah Dawn Timotheus Monilitium
Hécate (5/5) bizcochitodecanela whats 404 Amapola Syrax Raras Quedan cupos disponibles para todos los semidioses Raros.
Dioniso (3/12) aubelona kalimotxo Volents Iris (1/12) HereWeGoAgain Khione (4/12) DEH Mimir Bitchery Crozier Atenea (8/12) Mess Relámpago Keraunos starshiptrooper Zar Toska Nebulosa Raven Comunes Ares bizcochitodecanela Torchic Mac&Cheese ChihuahuaFurioso Nightmare Hypnos SavageRat moonflower Nightmare Xylas Hermes Trece Lu Apolo achilles whats Venat Afrodita Noctis Pecas Leixah Ash starshiptrooper Seres Hefesto Noctis Tyler Némesis Keraunos Tyche Taco al Pastor Ghidorah
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marvelshifter111 · 2 months
Celestial High
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Claude De La Boeuf
Parents: Belle & the Beast
Age: 17
Birthday: 29.09.2003.
Nationality: French
Face claim: Otto Farrant
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Likes books, reading, night, roses, coffee, literature, late night talks, winter, studying, rain
Dislikes rude, annoying and loud people, hates getting interrupted, when people bully Lucas, Erik, Fia, Melanie, Duncan
Older brother of Lucas
Reads a lot
Protective of his brother and friends
Nerdy but not as much as Lucas
Teases Lucas a lot
Has a bit of a crush on Amelie, Lilith is trying to get them to be together
Dislikes how people are mean to Lilith, she's like a sister to him
Kinda flirty but really romantic
Doesn't like smoking and drinking too, that's mostly why he doesn't like Duncan
Good friends with Chen, doesn't like how messy he is tho
Good friends with Jacob
Has a good relationship with his parents, is ready to inherit the kingdom
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godsaveforum · 1 year
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Abrimos la lista de reservas de faceclaim. La misma será actualizada  constantemente hasta la apertura del foro.
Recordamos que la reserva será por llegada de mensaje así que les pedimos que controlen bien cuales son los PB que ya han sido reservados.
Aaron Taylor-Johnson — High
Abigail Cowen — missmyowndream
Adelaide Kane — leire
Andrea Damante — Mr T.
Agustín Bernasconi — Shishoska
Alan Ritchson — Almaespada
Alina Olesheva — Xenia
Allissa Salls — Cyro
Alycia Debnam-Carey — Galadriel
Amelie Zilber — Khaleeliz
Ana de Armas — Beth
Anabelle Wallis — acinderellastory
Andy Blossom — Perséfone
Angelina Michelle — Miel
Anna Zak — Hécate
Arthur Benedetti — shiker
Bar Zomer — Lost
Ben Barnes — Khaleeliz
Ben Dahlhaus — Shishoska
Brock O’Hurn — Thor
Carolina Moura — Elena
Charleen Weiss — Magdalena
Chris Evans — Mr.Sin
Chris Pratt — ScarletGuy
Chris Hemsworth — Lawson
Cindy Kimberly — Luna
Cole Sprouse — kattokoshmar-blog
Constance Dominik — Perséfone
Davey Fisher — Dr. C
Do KyungSoo — Carpincho
Dua Lipa — Khaleeliz
Eden Fines — Gotita
Elizabeth Olsen — Galadriel
Elliot Page — kattokoshmar-blog
Emilia Mernes — Shishoska
Emily Blunt — Moony
Emily Carey — Carpincho
Emily Ratajkowski — Ritsu
Emma Watson — El Sensei
Federico Cola — Beth
Gal Gadot — butterfly
Grey Damon — OnAir
Han So-hee — Athena
Hande Ercel — Coonie
Hanna Edwinson — Rose
Henry Cavill — Galadriel
Herman Tømmeraas — K.
Jacob Elordi — Laurificacion
Jake Gyllenhaal — Toffee
Jean Carlo León (jashlem) — Hana
Jensen Ackles — Perséfone
Jessy Hartel — Harrington
John Krasinski — Lighting
Jonathan Bailey — El Sensei
Josie Lane — withmew
Kailee Morgue — Tested
Ken Bek — Red Ranger
Kennedy Walsh — Carpincho
Kerem Bursin — Mr.Sin
Kwon Ji Yong — Piruleta
Lily Collins — Kaz
Lily Easton — Pinky
Lily James — gilmoregirl
Liza Weidmann — Elena
Lucas Jade Zumann — Hacker
Lucy Boynton — Bo Peep
Lusya Abramovskaya — Hana
Madelaine Petsch — Xenia
Maia Reficco — Clover
Maks Behr — poseidón
Margot Robbie — Laurificacion
Marissa Long — Harrington
Mathew Daddario — Blossom
Michael Yerger — Pikachu
Nicki Nicole — Beth
Nicola Porcella — Darkish
Noah Centineo — Astro
Oliver Stark — kattokoshmar-blog
Pedro Pascal — Karmela
Phoeve Dnyevor — OnAir
Richard Madden — Theo
Romaneinnc — lunita
Ryan Gosling — Dopesmoker
Ryan Guzman — Blossom
Sadie Sink — Obsidian
Scarlett Leithold — Blossom
Sebastian Stan — Themuffinman
Sergio Carvajal — Xenia
Sienna Raine Schmid — Fallen
Stefania Spampinato — OnAir
Stephen James — Conejito
Sophie Thatcher — safismística
Sydney Sweeney — muñeca vudú
Thomas Doherty — Coryo
Tobias Reuter — poseidón
Tom Hardy — Dr. C
Tyler Hoechlin — El Sensei
Vanessa Kirby — leire
Victoria Bronova — Laurificacion
Victor Pérez — PikachuPaldeano
Vinnie Hacker — Soul
Vladislav Gerasimov — Dimitri
Willy Whey — Hana
Yael Shelbia — elizabeth
Zoe Kravitz — Karmela
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cantikdaae · 1 year
I am always very invested in the new Phantom ensemble and who is going to play which ensemble part, and who they’ll be covering. As they never announce it beforehand.
Below I have a list of all the roles that are confirmed by the actors themselves or based on which part they play at the moment.
Hairdresser: Michael Colbourne (1st cover Raoul/2nd cover Phantom)
Wardrobe Mistress: Melanie Gowie (2nd cover Madame Giry)
Don Attillio: Hywel Dowsell (2nd cover Piangi/Andre)
Wild Woman: Frederica Basile (2nd cover Carlotta)
Auctioneer: James Gant (1st cover Phantom)
Madame Firmin: Victoria Ward (1st cover Madame Giry)
Monsieur Reyer: Samuel Haughton (1st cover Andre)
Monsieur Lefevre: Tim Morgan (1st cover Firmin)
Buquet: Leonard Cook (2nd cover Firmin)
Princess: Eve Shanu-Wilson (1st cover Christine)
Confidante: Zoë Soleil Vallée
Page: Colleen Rose Curran (2nd cover Christine)
Marksman: Ralph Watts (2nd cover Raoul)
Porter: Simon Whitaker (1st cover Piangi)
ballet: Serina Faull (2nd cover Meg Giry)
ballet: Florence Fowler
ballet: Eilish Harmon-Beglan
ballet: Yukina Hasebe
ballet: Grace Hume (1st cover Meg Giry)
ballet: Jasmine Wallis
ballet swing: Corina Clark
dancer: Thomas Holdsworth
dancer: Jacob Hughes
swing: Hollie Aires
swing: Lily De-La-Haye (1st cover Carlotta)
swing: Connor Ewing (3rd cover Phantom)
swing: Tim Southgate
swing: Andrew York
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art history album moodboard – dance fever by florence + the machine
The Flamenco Dancer – Leopold Schmutzler // The Queen in “Hamlet” – Edwin Austin Abbey // Vanity – Frank Cadogan Cowper // Play of the Nereides – Arnold Böcklin // A Still Life of Tulips, Roses, Bluebells, a Peony, and Other Flowers in a Glass Roemer on a Wooden Ledge with a Dragonfly – Jacob van Hilsdonck // Yseult – Frank Bernard Dicksee // The Course of Empire: Destruction – Thomas Cole // Vanity – Frank Cadogan Cowper // Dance to the Music of Time – follower of Laurent de la Hyre // Marie Camargo – Nicolas Lancret // Ulysses and the Sirens – Herbert James Draper // Cassandra – Evelyn De Morgan // El Jaleo – John Singer Sargent // The Course of Empire: The Consummation of Empire – Thomas Cole // The Flamenco Dancer – Leopold Schmutzler
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hockeychatstea · 4 months
I know he isn’t NHL anymore, but he was. Does someone know why Jacob de la rose is so privat?
He found out by accident through his father’s insta that he is father of a 1 1/2 years old son and a 2 weeks old daughter. So strange, because his father posts some pictures and this is okay, but telling people that he is taken and has kids is not?
A lot of players are super private. You'll really only know anything about them because their wag posts something, but if she's very private too, they will just be off doing who knows what lol
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jasmine604 · 1 year
W1. 10 creatives
1. René Ferracci (1927 - 1982)
Rene Ferracci is a French director, illustrator, and designer. After completing his military service, he became the head of advertising at MGM in 1949. He played a key role in the cinema poster genre, esp within the French cinema world. His designs were a combination of traditional poster design and trends from comics/press illustration at the time. He was also honoured with the César d'honneur in 1986 posthumously, which cemented his legacy. 
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2. Denis Dulude
Denis Dulude is a canadian graphic, motion and type designer. Before founding his graphic design studio, he was a ballet dancer for 11 years. He opened the 2Rebels studio in Montreal in 1995 with Fabrizio Gilardino that was sold to Fonthaus in 2007, He got known for his unconventional graphic style, and as such as been on book covers and magazines. He now teaches typography at University of Quebec in Montreal.
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3. Hans Hillmann (1925-2014) 
Hans Hilman was a german designer of the post-war period. He started his career by working with Walter Kircher who borough art house films to Germany through his company Neue Filmkunst. As such he started designing a lot of movie posters for international films and became known as the founding father of german poster design. Since then he got involved in the magazine and Newspaper design world and has become the art director for many papers. He also taught at the Kassel Design school. 
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4. Elisa Sue Young Park
Elisa Sue Young Park is a photographer and is also known for her depot store ‘sugarcubeshop’ where she sold archival Japanese fashion pieces, as such making her known within the fashion and photography world. She particularly gained traction through her work with Heaven Marc Jacobs, where she is regularly photographed as well as made zines for the company. She is also legal assisting civil rights lawyers in Koreatown and works for a Korean American youth nonprofit organization. 
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5. David Carson (1995 - )
David Carson is a well known graphic designer and art director that rose in popularity in the 1990s as his experimental style changed the world of design. He is claimed as the godfather of ‘grunge typography’ and this can be seen in his work for the magazine ‘Ray Gun’ for which he was the art director. He has also been the art director of the magazine Beach Culture in the past. His work has been characterised by chaotic typography and a ‘disarray of photos overlapping each other’. 
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6. Lise Sarfati (1958 - )
Lise Sarfati is a French photographer whose work explores the ‘instability of feminine identity’ as a common theme in her photography are young women who resist attempts of being pinned down. Although that is what she is most known for, these days she explores the relationship between people and urban landscape. She has worked a lot in Russia and USA. She traveled across the USA, and documented ‘adolescent’ cities like Austin (TX), Portland (OR), Los Angeles (CA), etc - she named this piece La Vie Nouvelle. Her work tends to follow this process of travel/exploration. 
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7. Paolo Roversi (1947 -  )
Paolo Roversi is a fashion photographer known for his ‘intimate and classic’ look. His career started in 1970 with photojournalism but eventually, his interest shifted to fashion and he began to assist Laruence Sackman. He then started shooting fashion and editorials himself which crafted his sought-after image in the fashion world today. He added polaroid photography in the 1980s and it’s been a part of his practice ever since. He has collaborated with leading fashion and beauty houses like Dior, Chanel, Armani, Lancome, Comme Des Garçons and has been in magazines like Vogue frequently.
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8. Petra Collins (1992 - )
Petra Collins is a Canadian artist who is best known as a photographer but also is a director, fashion model, and actor. Her photography is described as dreamlike and feminine. She rose to popularity in the 2010s as she was the resident photographer for the rookie magazine. She has directed short films and music videos for artists like Selena Gomez, Olivia Rodrigo, Carly Rae Jepson, and Lil Yachty. She’s been labeled as an IT girl and was also the face of Gucci in 2016. Her career started with Richard Kern who took on the role of her mentor, she also then went on to become Ryan Mcginley’s protegee before building up her own work. She is also someone that writes articles/essays. 
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9. Vewn (1999 -)
Vewn or Victoria Vincent is an American artist and 2d animator. She is a content creator who uses Vimeo and youtube to showcase her animations that tell her stories. She created illustrations and comic strips and uses unique colours and distorted angles from which the audience views her work. She is relatively She is self-taught and has been on the YouTube platform since 2015, her exact origins are unknown. Her videos however have been a part of media outlets like Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, and Teen Vogue.
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10. Clare Caulfield
Clare Caulfield is an artist and printmaker. She likes to travel around the world, and this serves as her main inspiration and source material in her work. She likes to screen print as it allows her to transfer her sketchbook drawings which she usually draws on-site to bigger canvases - she likes the sense of spontaneity this allows. She uses a variety of methods and techniques like pen, watercolour, acrylic, pencil, and collage as well. Her work can be bought online but she also often exhibits it in galleries. She has cited that one of her inspirations is Stephen Wilshire. 
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kayetra-spade-queen · 5 months
American Dragon Jake Long
The boi-
Since there's no name change, I won't really go for dissecting name per name.
Jacob Luke Long (first time I saw his full name, I was all like; "make sense-")
His family:
Nothing change, or rather there's nothing for me to change as they're relatively a normal family with nothing extreme going on (yes, Jonathan knew already). Since I didn't really watch Jake Long, I couldn't make anything significant other than his battle form, clothing, and current occupation. Although I could say that Jake's inferiority complex somehow got settled when it comes to his sister Haley (and Haley stopped being a brat about it after they grew older).
Trixie, Spud:
Like his family, nothing changed in their relationships. I'm still in the middle of learning them. They do a couple of times helped Jake out during missions or commissions, witnessing the more seriousness and more strategic side of Jake as they grew up.
I decided to change up some things in their relationship. First off, no, they're officially not together. Jake decided to give up on making Rose to remember him and everything after he made the wish while still keep being together with her family. The Hong Kong Longs still exists, but I altered it in this AU, so when Rose moved to Hong Kong after homecoming, it's the end of it, and Jake decided to move on as well. The pictures and the memories he still retained of him and Rose in the previous reality was kept away in a domain only he can access. And even then, he never went inside that domain even after 13 years. But the battle with the Dark Dragon still occurred, just without Rose's involvement.
Jake met Danny before Randy. He had this respect and admiration for the older for his abilities and determination to keep peace between the living plane and the spirit realm. Because of their age gap is relatively close, Jake felt comfortable enough to talk about basically anything. Danny is like an older brother to Jake that he never have. Jake was absolutely incapable of entering the Infinite Realms himself due to the contradicting energies (this applies to June as well. This was because the spiritual energy from the Infinite Realms could not corresponde to magical energies, which is different to humans that had neutral energy), so all Jake could do is to watch Danny at work as ghost king through the special monitor at the base. Due to his longevity as a dragon and Danny's half-alive state, the joke "the shorter live longer than the taller" became a tad bit too literal as Jake is indeed the shortest out of everyone even at the age of 27 and the 4th oldest in the group.
Due to being significantly younger than he is (6 years-), Jake who is an older sibling in his family had this protective surge when it comes to Randy for a little while, but it was completely toned down after Randy protected him when he's heavily injured during a mission, and realized how strong Randy really is in actuality, and had grown an immense respect for the younger, and it lead to them being close. Jake doesn't do loud spaces, so it was extremely painful for him to go to the courthouse of the Cour De La Soleil that somehow acted as a theater stage, but he is more than willing to risk his own comfort for the sake of witnessing his friend in action as the Iudex.
Being both American-Chinese in the group, both had an absolute blast with each other as they treat each other like siblings. Jake is mostly thrilled that he had another American-Chinese person to talk to, and both would even talk in Chinese together when they would discuss some things like the drama they watched and reenact it with the most overdramatic flare they could do, or sharing gossips.
Jake's Pearl Keeper title:
What is a Pearl Keeper?
A Pearl Keeper could mean 2 things; first, a nurse at a hospital to take care of newborn babies, or in this sense; newly laid dragon eggs and newly hatched dragon babies. The title of Pearl Keeper Jake had received at Moon Rite Commission.
Second, someone who is guarding an actual Dragon Pearls that contains the power of knowledge and wisdom, which is the title Jake also received at the Shrine of Wisdom.
What are the duties of Pearl Keepers?
Moon Rite Commission: basically a neonatal nurse, but for dragons, and also basically an obstetrician for all species. Once a dragon egg was laid, it is the Pearl Keeper's job to make sure that there's no abnormality on the egg and care of the egg before handing it back to the dragon parent, until it was finally time to hatch. When the egg had hatched, the Pearl Keeper will also make sure there's no abnormality on the newly hatched dragon after hatching, care for the said baby dragon, and finally handing them back to it's parents. Pearl Keepers are also in charge of the dragon baby checkups until they're old enough to no longer need it.
Shrine of Wisdom: sort of like a guardian protecting their nation, but it was dragon pearls instead. Dragon Pearls contained a wide range of knowledge, the bigger the pearl, the bigger the knowledge. The job of the Pearl Keeper is to make sure no unsuspecting party took even a piece of the pearls without permission. However, in Jake's case, not only he'll do the job of guarding the Dragon Pearls, he'll also have to grant someone a Pearl to give them knowledge, of course if it's given a seal of approval. The receivers of the Pearls are usually those who are struggling with life the most, which required knowledge to get back on their feet.
Why Pearl Keepers had 2 meanings for completely different occupations?
In the hospital-sense, a dragon egg is called 'the pearl of dragons', symbolizing the joy of new parents of the birth of a new life. Pearls are a precious symbol for dragons (for obvious reasons), so the term 'Pearl Keeper' stems out completely from this particular symbolism in the world of Magical World medicine. This term also escalates to not only dragons, but almost every species in the whole Magical World.
While in the literature-sense, a Dragon Pearl holds a great amount of power in a form of wisdom and knowledge, which could be used anywhere no matter the intentions. So in order to minimize the amount of people abusing the power of knowledge coming from the Dragon Pearls, a Pearl Keeper is tasked to protect the Pearls from unwanted guests and thiefs. On the same sense, a Pearl Keeper could also be tasked to deliver a Pearl to a poor soul in order to help them get better in life, although this kind of practice could only be done by the Pearl Keepers that had been given the seal of recognition by the Councils of the Magical World, Jake was one in a very few who had received this kind of height in his career.
Nothing changed, though his flirty-cringey behavior toned down, he took assignments seriously, and he became more strategic, calculated, and cunning when it comes to secretive missions. He also manage to control his anger issues.
Battle Attire:
Since I saw Chongyun, I thought the exorcism style looked good, so I looked over some Chinese exorcism styles, and good god that had so many details-
And no, his form won't be fully dragon; he'll look humanoid while still retaining some dragon features like dragon claws on his hands, dragon wings, and gold dragon eyes (I know it's a popular headcanon that Jake had gold eyes cuz the lack of eye color on the original show. I would say his eyes are indeed black, but will turn gold in his dragon form or partial dragon form)
And no, I won't bother making it detailed or filled with ornaments cuz I will tear my hair out if I do that.
(Base: TheCherryMonsterLu (DeviantArt));
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Great sword
Dragon abilities and senses
Fire-based powers
Other Info:
Although he was blessed to attain longevity because of his dragon heritage, Jake doesn't seem to think of it as such.
To be an official Pearl Keeper, one has to undergo a 5-10 years of training. Jake started working as a trainee at the age of 15, and had became an official Pearl Keeper at the age of 20, making him one of the faster trainees to graduate in the minimum time limit. In total, he'd been on the field for the last 12 years including the training years.
Truth be told, the reason why Jake chose the path of Pearl Keeper was because is to give himself more reason to not think about the love story he had with Rose in the previous reality as his form of moving on. He decided to focus on working than trying to have a romantic relationship, and that's why Jake hadn't dated anyone ever since and would rather focus on work, friends, and family.
As time goes on, some of his senses became more sensitive; like how his hearing became even more enhanced, his sights are more clear, and his taste buds are also more sensitive in sensing different flavors even if the flavors tastes very similar to the point of beyond differences to regular tongues or even professionally trained tongues. But in turn, Jake suffers a lot because of it, and it's still difficult to get used to even after so many years.
The dark spirits came from the residue of the Dark Dragon's presence even after being locked up, hence they are the Dark Dragon's avatars, but would be in a dormant form due to their primary avatar was locked up. It will only need someone with a great talent in occult magic to be able to summon these spirits and release them into the world.
Jake once complained after a mission when the head Pillar told him that his new assignment from the Shrine along with his usual work is to bring those with knowledge using the power of the Dragon Pearl, saying his "workload had increased".
Jake was an emergency attendant of the Overview department in case none of the primal attendants are available.
The Ruan is Jake's passive weapon, where he won't have to get close to the enemy to attack.
Jake's signature flower is Gem Rite Narcissus.
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jomarchz · 6 months
@amyzmarch – jacob.
se afastar da festa foi uma questão de extrema necessidade àquele ponto. apesar de ser eleita o diamante da temporada ter afagado o seu já grande ego de uma forma agradável, sarah subestimou o quanto aquilo lhe daria dor de cabeça. se soubesse que seria tão sufocada por tantos homens inapropriados, não teria implorado para seu pai para deixá-la comparecer ao evento no castelo de veraneio da rainha. caminhava pelos jardins numa tentativa de espairecer um pouco a mente, mas interceptou os passos quando notou que, acidentalmente, havia se aproximado da conversa de um grupo de alguns cavalheiros que fumavam charutos e bebiam mais a frente. estava pronta para dar meia volta e se afastar antes que alguém a visse, até que ouviu... sarah rose. o próprio nome saindo na voz de um daqueles boçais. aquilo a fez ficar, mas antes tivesse ido embora, porque o que ficou para ouvir fez o sangue da fairchild ferver como poucas vezes na vida havia fervido. foi numa marcha de dar inveja à militares de patentes altas que a herdeira voltou para o local da festa, bufando tanto que chegava a criar nuvemzinhas brancas para fora da boca quando o hálito se encontrava com a noite fresca. uma aposta. haviam a transformado em uma aposta, se ela havia escutado direito. de volta ao local arrumado para sediar o baile, sarah estava de costas para a pista de danças e de frente para a área dos jardins, da onde ela havia saído há pouco. os braços cruzados fortemente contra o peito, enquanto encarava naquela direção com o olhar enfurecido. esperava para ver de quem seriam os rostos que sairiam dali, pois queria marcar cada um deles. gravaria na memória com cuidado e com primor, porque não deixaria aquilo barato para os envolvidos.
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marastriker · 9 months
Newly updated list of actors I've seen live in Starlight Express:
Seen Max Rizzo, Kevin Köhler, Delano Wilemsen, Dan Ellison, Jake Bishop
Favorite: Dan Ellison
Seen Emilie du Leslay, Gemma Archer, Dieuwke Tönissen
Favorite: Gemma Archer
Reva Rice
Seen David Brown, Cole Dunn, Rory McCollum
Favorite: Cole Dunn and Rory McCollum
Seen Rose Ouellette, Molly McGuire, and Dieuwke Tönissen, Rosalia Morales, Demy Janssen
Favorite: Rosalia Morales
Seen Lloyd Davies, Tom Nihill, Irra Cenina, Lashane Williams, Semme Prins
Favorite: Semme Prins
Seen Dan Ellison, Gary Sheridan, Terence Uphoff, Kai Cameron Jay, Jake Bishop, Jamie Landmann
Favorite: Terence Uphoff and Gary Sheridan
Seen Dieuwke Tönissen, Lucy Glover, Jessica Lapp, Jessie Angel, Molly McGuire, Melanie Dull
Favorite: Jessie Angell
Seen Sadie Levett, Sydnie Christmas, Alexandra Regan, Lucy Glover, Ida Swann, Farah Liss, Demy Janssen
Favorite: Farah Liss
Rocky 1
Lashane Williams, Jay le Marrec
Favorite: Lashane Williams
Rocky 2
Jordan Rose, Jay le Marrec, Joshua de la Garde
Favorite: Jay le Marrec
Rocky 3
Seen Cassie Rogers, Jessie Angell, Jessica Lapp
Favorite: Jessie Angell
Seen Ben Lancaster, Jamie Landmann, Brad Corben, Iwan James
Favorite: Ben Lancaster
Flat Top
Seen Delano Wilemsen, Luuk Hartog, Dennis Spee
Favorite: Dennis Spee
Seen Jessie Angell, Clare Maynard, Ida Swann, Jessica Lapp, Alexandra Regan, Brad Corben, Melanie Dull, Farah Liss
Favorite: Melanie Dull
Seen Cole Dunn, Sam Gallacher, Luuk Hartog, Brad Corben, Owen Broughton, Josh Crowther
Favorite: Brad Corben
Seen Kevin Köhler, Luuk Hartog, Ida Swann, Jessica Lapp, Josh Crowther, Terence Uphoff
Favorite: Kevin Köhler
Seen Gary Sheridan, Kyle Anthony, Kristian Jacobs, Ryan James, Kai Cameron Jay, Luuk Hartog, Tom Nihill
Favorite: Tom Nihill
Seen Jay Le Marrec, Kristian Jacobs, Kai Cameron Jay, Ryan James, Luuk Hartog, Benjamin van Eelen, Mikey Eborall
Favorite: Benjamin van Eelen
Seen Vladimir Hub, Owen Broughton, Mikey Eborall
Favorite: Mikey Eborall
Seen Jay Le Marrec, Benjamin van Eelen, Gary Sheridan, Ben Whitnall, Kai Cameron Jay
Favorite: Kai Cameron Jay
Seen Jayred Lempriere, Alexandra Regan, Semme Prins, Brad Corben, Kai Cameron Jay
Favorite: Semme Prins
Seen Luuk Hartog, Lucy Glover, Jessie Angell, Ida Swann, Priscilla Osegie, Bethany Perry
Favorite: Luuk Hartog
Seen Ida Swann, Jessie Angell, Jessica Lapp, Melanie Dull
Favorite: Ida Swann and Melanie Dull
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