#jacob orion columbus (my oc)
tsukikoayanosuke · 1 year
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I saw what’s trending on twitter
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tsukikoayanosuke · 1 year
Me wanting to rework my ocs
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The fact I can’t even filled a full inspiration page is kinda embarassing because I don’t really have a full plan for them.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 1 year
Walking around the beach one last time in their new uniform before the little ones go to school...
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I realized that I've never made a Gacha design for the rest of my TW:OPT OCs, so here they are.
I guess twisted Disney characters under the cut for design inspiration.
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Magdalena Killigrew, twisted from Captain Amelia.
Magda picks a classy academic look rather than a princess.
Because I found out that translating the initial school uniform into Gacha Club is hard, I had to revamp it, making it simple yet classy. Which for me means suspender and berret.
Also, this is following the Diamond Crown Academy 2021 redesign since it seems more casual for the school uniform. (Diamond Crown Academy created by @phoenix-manga )
According to the DCA dress code rule (hopefully, I didn't read it wrong), students are free to style their uniform, but the major color has to be the same as your princess dorm. Because she is in Chateau Bestiale, her major color is yellow, like Belle's dress.
The dark blue is an element from Amelia's uniform. The light blue beret meanwhile is an homage to Frozen's Elsa who is one of the inspirations.
Jacob Orion Columbus, twisted from Jim Hawkins.
Jake refuses to button up his jacket. In both his original and Interstellar Academy uniform he doesn't button up his jacket. So, he doesn't here.
The bits of orange on his belt and his shoes are from his art looks, to make it pop.
I hate that the Yu-Gi-Oh hair is the hardest part to make in Gacha Club. He's so silly.
Jonah Argentum, twisted from Long John Silver.
Jonah decides Jamil can't be the only one wearing a hoodie in the cast. Decided to take a more scruffy/casual look.
His jacket is tied around his waist. So, technically, he's still wearing the school dress code.
He has a similar armband to others in NRC with a black-and-white color, the color of Grim's ribbon (you can't really see it from here).
His right arm is now silver, matching Ortho's color.
Bridgette Eduarda Newton, twisted from B.E.N. (Bio Electronic Navigator)
Bree must have her capellet, yes even when the weather is freaking hot. Along with her noise-canceler headphone.
Also, can I just say I really like Three Wishes Institute uniform? It's just very classy. (Three Wishes Institute is created by @chessdaze )
Underneath it, her crystal is colored blue because she's from Lapinhole.
So yeah. Treasure Planet gang reveal I guess.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 2 years
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Translation: Hello. My name is Jacob Orion Columbus, call me Jake. To be honest, I'm not interested in befriending with you guys and I'm not interested to be here. No offense, thank you.
My brother gave me this Sinetron meme and I just have to use this. This is exactly what Jacob would say in his first day in school XD
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tsukikoayanosuke · 3 years
Fanfic ask: Perhaps the aftermath after fighting Diabolic Chizuko? Plus also meeting the two unknowns that were possessing her as well.
I'm not feeling well after my third vaccine shot and yet I want to write. So, there's not much info I can get from the two entities, like personality, manner of speech. So, I ended up didn't write any. I'm here to kill my self-insert because why not. Warning: death, graphic description of injuries and violence, a little bit of suicidal thoughts
"Expect nothing and you won't be disappointed".
Yukiko didn't know when she became this pessimistic, but the thought only became darker after she got transported into this magical world. What did she do to deserve this? A girl who accomplish nothing shouldn't be getting this magical treatment.
Honestly, she didn't know what to expect. She's not those cool overpowered light novel protagonists or the bland harem anime main character. She had stopped imagining being on top of the self-indulging pedestal and just want to survive through the day without feeling like she was about to disappear into the abyss.
Maybe this is her punishment for even attempting to stray from her role. When she was placed in the Ramshackle Dorm and met with the various faces, there was a single small thought that maybe this wouldn't be so bad. Opening a new leaf as they would say. Ah, she should've known better. There was no way this would last forever.
Jonah had always been a bit nosy so there was no avoiding him. It was strange to see him so quiet like right now. He looked like she was sleeping if it weren't for his prided sword sticking through his chest and left eye plucked from its socket. His back was leaning against the bloody wall and red liquid was pooling underneath him. It was ironically fitting for the captain to be the first one to go down.
Jake was never someone she wants to get close to. He's scary and clingy, an absolute brat. He put up a fight, being the only one who had magical power among them, but even a gifted boy like him couldn't survive. He was laying on the piece that was once the wooden bench, splinters sticking through his skin like thorns. Claw marks of the devil could be seen scattered across his body, blood flowing out until it couldn't anymore.
Chizuko was strange. Thinking about her made her sour. Envy perhaps? After all, Chizuko has everything. The big brain, the talent, the social skill. Everything Yukiko wasn't, Chizuko was. Maybe that was why she was chosen by the cult and now is possessed by whatever the fuck these creatures are. They clung tightly inside of her to the point a purification spell couldn't exorcise them.
Or maybe it was because it was Yukiko who performed it that it didn't work.
Ah, she's useless, isn't she?
Even now, pinned down by the possessed friend who she wished she got to know better, hands around her neck and squeezing them tightly, Yukiko couldn't even wheeze in. She couldn't fight back without her magic weapon, being magicless means she has to depend on them. Her bag of potions was already ripped to shred along with her grimoire, scattered uselessly on this floor of the old church.
It was strange. Yukiko always thought that dying would be painless. And yet, now, when facing the very thing, she felt afraid. Pathetic, isn't she?
Ah, maybe she should've been expecting this: dying in the hands of someone she thought could be her friend. Here, in the silent church, she would die. And this time, there will be no transporting to another world or time travels. Yukiko is a pathetic girl after all. There was no way she deserves those plot twists.
What an underwhelming end...
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tsukikoayanosuke · 3 years
So... Jonah and his friends, reaction to Diabolical Chizuko?
Imagine something like, she got captured and the ritual failed which her falling into possession is easy and snapping out of it is not.
Info (Post under progress): Diabolicals are a big deal, still in the human race but they are the powerful mages when it comes to angels and demons. Powerful pssession by either of them are an exception and some occultism.
It's unknown how Chizuko became like this.
You gave me ideas, Sakura, but you also gave me too little to work with XD So apologies in advance for the inaccuracy in this short one-shot.
I’ll be using Jonah, Jake, and Yukiko (mostly because Bree and Magda are a bit underdeveloped I have no idea how to put them in this situation).
The church in the middle of a devastating field of snow was run-down and surrounded by the local magical police tape. But the compass’ arrow in Yukiko hand pointed at the building. Even Jonah and Jake had stopped their usual banter when they reached here. Jake looked from the bottom step of the building to the rusty bell on the tower. It was radiating with foreign energy, something that neither of his two companions could feel. He reached for his blaster, flicking the button to call out his magic sword. 
“Captain,” he called, “what’s the plan now?”
Jonah took a deep breath. He might not be able to feel the energy, but his guts are rarely wrong. “Get your weapon ready, but don’t point them at her.” He glanced at Yukiko. “Ready the healing spells. We might need it.”
There was no need to tell Yukiko twice. She had already pocketed the compass and in exchange taking out a vial of white liquid and a worn-out book. Jonah glanced at Jake. “You think you can teleport us to NRC?”
Jake nodded. “I can get us to the front get and then you can run to the infirmary since I’ve never been there.”
Jonah nodded. “That’s good enough. You guys ready?” Both of his companions nodded and he took a deep breath before pushing the heavy double door.
The church from the inside was unremarkable. The light shone through the patterned window gave it a dash of holy feels considering the nasty energy surrounding it. The long bench was lined up, dust covering the surface. The carpet underneath their feet was slightly torn but still useable. And at the front, leaning against the altar was a sleeping girl.
“Chizuko…” whispered Yukiko, feeling slight relief. After months of living with her dormmates, she had finally learned their name, and it was way easier with the only girl in the dorm.
Jonah walked lightly faster, didn’t even think to take out his sword from his belt. He could let out a teary laugh. They had been searching for the black-haired girl for days now, breaking the rule to escape the heavily guarded NRC after a student was kidnapped. But with Jake’s genius brain they could cross the barrier.
Jonah knelt beside Chizuko. She looked so peaceful, but the way her chest rises and falls stopped him from thinking the worst-case scenario. “Chizuko…” he whispered, “hey… it’s Jonah…”
Yukiko walked toward Jonah was well, her grimoire already opened on the healing spells page, but Jake kept hit position. His grip on his blaster tightened, a finger on the trigger.
Chizuko’s fingers twitched. She let out a groan. It sounded different. “Chizuko…” Jonah raised a hand to touch her shoulder.
And suddenly her hand shot out.
“Jonah!” Jake was quick, summoning a magic circle and blasting a gust of wind and Chizuko, sending her flying to the altar.
“Jake, what-!” Jonah didn’t get to be angry as Chizuko very easily got up again. Her head was down and bangs covered her eyes, but you can see a slight tug upward on her lips.
She jumped, faster than she had ever been. Jake summoned another magic circle, using his wind to boost his jump. He found himself in between a startled Jonah and the unspeaking Chizuko who grabbed his magic light sword with her gloveless hand. It was bleeding but the girl didn’t seem to care.
“Yukiko!” Jake gritted his teeth. “Get the purification spell!”
Yukiko stared at him with confusion and a little annoyance. Do I look like I know how to do a purification spell? I barely know how to do basic healing for internal bleeding!
“Yukiko!” Jake shouted again, opening his palm to force Chizuko to fly away.
Yukiko let out a whine. Fine! She jumped behind one of the benches and opened her bag filled with colorful vials. “What page and color?” She opened her grimoire.
“Page sixty-“ He didn’t get to finish as Chizuko opened her palm and blast a ball of light straight to Jake’s chest. The boy let out a scream as he fell back to Jonah.
“Jake!” Jonah grabbed his little brother who was breathing hard. Jake glared at Chizuko.
“That’s not Miyato,” he said through his gritted teeth. “Those are someone else.”
“Two. There’s two,” Jake hissed, “one is cold, one is hot. Opposite. But equally dangerous.”
Jonah looked around the room, finally noticing the two cups that fell from the altar, with their spilled red and white liquid.
“We have to exorcism whatever inside her then,” Jonah said, his hand reaching for his eye patch. This was something different, nothing like the blot. He didn’t know if he could absorb it, but he could try. He turned to the still hiding Yukiko. “Yukiko, healing spell ASAP!”
Yukiko let out another whine. Make up your goddamn mind, dammit! I can’t memorize a thousand spells! But she still did it and pocketed a white vial into her pocket, waiting for the right time to run toward Jake.
Jonah stood up and unsheathed his sword. “To whoever is inside of Chizuko,” he ripped his eyepatch, showing his yellow eyes, “This is your captain’s order! Release our friend or pay the price!”
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tsukikoayanosuke · 3 years
🌱✨🌎 & 👗 for all your ocs
[   🌱     ] what themes are relevant to your muse?
All of my OC's theme can be summarize as "growing up" and "coming of age".
I can't give a firm explanation for Magda and Bree, because they are quite minor compare to Jake and Jonah.
Jake's coming of age story is around "letting go of the past". One of the most prominent traits of Jake is his clinginess toward Jonah. The biggest story around him and slowly accepting that things can't be the same as it used to and he has to move on, but still cherish the happy memories.
Jonah's coming of age story is the classic "search for the main of my existence". Jonah is also clingy toward his role as a leader like it's the only thing he can hold on, forcing himself to carry the responsibility to protect everyone and never break, but he is crumbling. His story is learning than he can lean against someone just like how he allows people to lean against him.
[   ✨     ] what aesthetics or symbols do you reference when writing your muse? are these backed up by canon, if your muse comes from a canon? is there any specific relevance to these choices?
Most of he characters are related to their Disney character counterpart, but also some typical anime character trait
Bree is the cloudcuckoolanders anime girl, the little sister trait who always has her head in the could.
Magda is the big sister with the big boobs.
Jake is technically a yandere without the killing, but also a tsundere. Or just the overprotective sibling.
Jonah is the genki dumbass leader who can potentially be a yandere
[   🌎     ] are there any aus you have for your muse? what are they like, and how is your muse different in them?
So far, the only OC with alternate self is Jonah.
In TWST MC Hybrid AU, Jonah is an orphan duck avian who is very guarded and cynical. He's the tsundere of the group because I need someone in the group to just be a jerk. This is probably the most drastic portrayal of Jonah.
In TWST Royalty AU, Jonah doesn't much change, only getting a buff in status as the prince, probably soon crowned as young king. Because there's no way I'm letting him off the angst leash.
He also doesn't get much change in Kingdom Hearts AU. He is the 'Kairi' there, so I added a dash of insecurities.
In MangoBaII AU (based on a crackfic), Jonah is the most unhinged crackhead. He steals his neighbor's (Yuuken) stuff, doesn't have TV so he doesn't know anything about Disney, and escapes federal prison.
Bonus: Jake actually appear in MangoBaII AU, acting as Yuuken's roommate. He's less clingy than his canon counterpart, but everything else is the same.
[   👗   ] what is your muse’s fashion sense like? are they able to dress the way they want to? what would they wear in an ideal world?
Among my OC, Magda is the most upperclass in term of clothing, with her being the niece if the mayor compare to her other friends from the working class family.
However, most if them dress anyway they want with some traits.
Magda needs to be modest in public, since she has the reputation to hold.
Jake sometimes has his 'emo jacket'
Bree always has her red capelet and can sew cute dresses.
Jonah doesn't have any special trait.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 2 years
Fear, Desire, and Misbelief - Brief look on Jonah and Jake (which you guys are probably already notice)
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So I was in front of my laptop, as usual, with headphone on and YouTube as background music when a video caught my attention which is about how Disney movie works in the first five minutes. It’s pretty cool. In short, in a character driven story, the main protagonist need to have these three things: fear, desire, and misbelief.
It actually got me thinking of my two of my OCs, Jonah and Jake. Jonah, as you know, is TW:OPT MC which is why he had the most input. And Jake, while only appear in a couple of chapter in the fic, he has important role in the future if i ever make a sequel. So, I try to see if I can fit Jonah and Jake in this template: what are their fears, what is their desire, and what are their misbelief.
It was here that I realized Jonah’s fear and desire are not that strong XD
Crazy, I know.
But luckily, I do plan to rewrite the whole fic, so we can fix this.
When it comes to Jonah and Jake, they have a similarity that can be their downfall: attachment
Jake might be the easier one. In his short appearance, there’s one characteristic that he had shown: he’s very attach to Jonah. More specifically, attaches to the pre-amnesia Jonah. From the brief appearance in Savanaclaw Arc until his latest one in Kalim Arc, we’ve seen Jake trying over and over again to connect with Jonah (who doesn’t remember him). He still believes that the past Jonah is still in there.
The question become: why is Jake like this?
Well, to put it simply: abandonment issue. He doesn’t want to be alone.
When he was a kid, his father left and never return. It left a large hole in the family. Both him and his mother were trying to pick themselves back up, but Jake, with his anger issue, spiraled down further. He wasn’t a good kid, mind you. He would snapped at anyone who barely annoy him and didn’t get close to anyone. He trespassed the junkyard multiple times just to hang out there. And in overall, doesn’t have any friends.
That was until Jonah approached him first.
The days with Jonah and the girls were possibly the most colorful in his life. And if in the future Jake is really attached to past-Jonah, then surely he’s treasured his childhood days as well. That’s why Jake is so insistent to keep in contact with Jonah after their reunion and tried many times to jog Jonah’s memories that was stolen.
So, if we’re following the template:
What is Jake’s fear:
From his abandonment issue, Jake doesn’t want to be alone and get hurt from people leaving him.
What is Jake’s desire:
From how he’s very attached to his childhood days, he wants to go back there where he can hang out with his childhood friends, the time where he wasn’t alone.
What is Jake’s misbelief:
If he can bring back Jonah’s memory, or at least keep him close, then he doesn’t have to be alone again.
It’s kinda sad how Jake revert back to when he lost his father for the first time. This is the reason why, despite the friends he made in RSA, it still felt like he distance himself. After all, he was only be with Moray, Rielle, and Ali for one semester. What is that compare to an entire childhood? In addition, he doesn’t have enough time to heal from the loss of Jonah compare to when he lost his father.
Now, going to Jonah. I will admit a mistake. When I first created Jonah, the whole amnesia plot point kinda serve as a pathetic reasoning just in case the game and original plot clash. In addition, because he wasn’t that well-built in the beginning (like, I didn’t have his past until nearing the end of Heartslabyul Arc), the amnesia once again act to stall time until I can figure out the better route.
While I do recommend rewrite, because there’s nothing wrong in revisiting your work and edit some stuff, I do suggest to at least build a decent background for you main OC, because their action can become more concrete throughout the story.
So, Jonah might get a revamp for this.
Does this mean I want to get rid of the amnesia? No. Because it serve more as a mystery for both the world and Jonah’s past.
Throughout the story, we have seen various Jonah moment being reckless in other to protect his friends, even if it cost his own safety. The 1-v-1 match with Leona is an example. As he stated in the end of Halloween Arc, he’s very protective toward his crew because that’s his role as the captain.
You can say that Jonah is attach to his role, or in other words Jonah wants to have a significant role in his life. 
It wasn’t that Jonah is power hungry, oh no. More like, because he’s the captain, then he need to have a skill to protect his crew. This was actually one of his biggest mistake. Being magicless means that he is not like others. Between his childhood group, he’s the only magicless kid. In RSA he’s the only magicless student because of a lottery win. Just imagine being a magicless student in a middle of a magical academy. 
But why isn’t he like that in the fic? Remember, he’s enrolled with Grim. He is Ash and Grim is Pikachu. There’s at least a feel of using magic because Jonah is giving the order while Grim executes according to said order.
He doesn’t have Grim in RSA or in his childhood gang. So, just like in Octavinelle Arc after the second day, he felt useless. He doesn’t want to feel useless or become a burden. That’s why when he was offered power in cost of his memories, he doesn’t think twice about that.
But this cause another problem in the current story. Because of his amnesia and magic banded, he felt like he lost something of himself. Now, this is a point that I admit didn’t explore that much in the fic because the nature of following the game script won’t let us take a break. And I do want to explore more with the connection between Jonah and his memories, because by losing a part of himself, that would mean he would feel like he lose a role. What if the memories hold something important that can help him or others? This was proven right after the reunion. It feels like he disappointed his father and childhood friends because he couldn’t remember them. He’s back to feeling useless. That’s why in the remake, the one thing I want to explore more is Jonah actively looking around ways to return his memories.
So, if we’re following the template:
What is Jonah’s fear:
He doesn’t want to be useless or becoming a burden for others or to have an unsignificant role.
What is Jake’s desire:
Because of his current role as the leader, he wants to protect his crew/his friends, thus he wants the power to protect them.
What is Jake’s misbelief:
If he has magical power, he can protect his childhood crew and later his NRC crew, become part of RSA community. If he can get back his memories, he won’t make his father and childhood friends sad.
The most surprising thing of this is pinpointing Jake is way easier that Jonah XD
That one thing I need to fix about Jonah in the rewrite is definitely making him more active.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 3 years
Shooting Stars - Endless Halloween Night Headcanon
From all the spoiler I've read, were going to have the possessed student with opposite personality or at least something out of characters. I haven't read the full translation so bare with me 😅
So I give you Shooting Stars' switched personality while being possessed!
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Following last year theme for Jonah, the Shooting Stars are dressed as Peter Pan to oppose Savanaclaw's pirate theme. Jonah is Peter Pan, Jacob is Tinker Bell, Magda as Tiger Lily, and Bree as one of the mermaids.
Their dimension is actually the forest whish is basically a mini version of Neverland. When they are possessed, it seemed that they think they are a child, so anyone who is a teenager or older is their enemy.
Possessed Magda is the first person you find. She's located in a clearing with a teepee and a campfire. Possessed Magda is a child, a baby in a teenager body. Her speech patterns becomes more childish and more open with her expression. She'll cry big fat tears at the simplest discomfort. She likes to cuddle and nap time.
Next you'll meet a possessed Bree on one of the rock in the middle of a small lake similar to a mermaid lagoon. Possessed Bree is cold and would sneer at you. She's not afraid with stranger but she's extremely rude and will take any chance to curse. She won't hesitate to try to drown you or splash water at you.
After that, you'll meet a possessed Jacob at an area after a forest fire or an explosion. Possessed Jacob is calm, has a straight sleepy face, and rather lazy. He would often snooze out in the middle of a conversation or yawning whether he's bored. He would spin the conversation and seemingly never understand the point, as if he's very detached and thinks this is just a dream.
Possessed Jonah is the last person you'll find, serving as the boss. He's located in the Lost Boys' Hangman Tree. Possessed Jonah is cruel, always thirsty for blood, and an overall sadistic person. When meeting him the first time, he will challenge you. If he wins, he get to cut your hand and feed it to the crocodile.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 3 years
Which relative does your ocs look like the most?
Jonah looks exactly like his dad.
Bree has her mother's blond hair and her father's green eyes.
Magda's family is all brunette but her green eyes has the similar shade as her grandfather.
Jacob blue hair and eyes comes from his mother, but the purple bangs came from his father.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 3 years
For each of your ocs, what is the most embarrassing thing they did as a child?
Jonah takes the memories with pride. There's one time when he ate mud and one time he got lit on fire. Looking back, it would be embarrassing, but he's just that oblivious. The current one is probably failing to sing during Mostro Lounge's performance night because he can't sing. Poor Azul has to cut his paycheck for damage control.
For Bree, embarrassing moments can lead to stress and she just doesn't want to have a sudden panic attack. So, she would often forget about them.
Jacob's embarrassing moment is when he had to dress as a girl in order to spy on some Mean Girls for one of Shooting Stars. He's a big manly man, Jonah! He doesn't wear dresses!
Magda's embarrassing moment is the first time her unique magic appeared. She turned into a cat and got chased around the neighborhood by Jake's dog. She got stuck in a tree even after her unique magic dies down.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 3 years
Hanahaki AU but make it about insecurities. The only way to cure this is self-acceptance.
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Jonah coughing up yellow carnations (disappointment, sorrow, rejection) because he thinks he isn't good enough to lead the crew and one day they would leave him. If he can't be the captain, what is his purpose in life?
Jake, who finds it hard to trust anyone and cannot take separation well, will be coughing up purple cyclamen (diffidence, distrust, resignation, separation, parting, lost love). Though he would blame those who left him instead of admitting his feelings.
Yukiko coughing up aconite/monkshood (hatred, be cautious) will be a confusion. The girl doesn't seem to have enemies, then who she hates? The answer is simple: herself.
Touma had been tried of smiling and feeling like he's loosing more and more of himself. Thus, when he first coughs up a whole black rose (death), he can't help but anticipate the end of his show.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 3 years
Sorry to bother you again- So if NRC has a school trip to the Island of Enchantment. Which country will they be interested in?
I'll be using all of my main OCs + Yukiko again.
For Jonah, Jake, Magda, and Bree, the first option is definitely Summerville. One word: the beach. They are beachside children after all.
The second option is where they might differ:
I can imagine Jonah likes Autumntown because of the crops and him imagining the delicious food he can make.
Magda, as a theater kid, would definitely enjoy Wintergreen's theater.
The pretty colors at Springfield would attract Bree's attention. Plus, definitely a good photography spot.
Jake doesn't really have a preference. He just wants to avoid getting separated from his friends or else he'll have to search the entire country for him.
Meanwhile, Yukiko is conflicted with Wintergreen. On one hand: she's a theater kid as well. On the other hand: why is it so cold? She's a tropical girl. She's not built for this weather.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 3 years
If NRC has a school trip to the SIDC. Which rank will your OC be interested in?
Ooo~ Tough choice. I'll be using all of my OCs for this.
I would say, Jonah, surprisingly, would be in the Courthouse Jury Rank. Despite wanting to be part of the army, detective, or even spy, he knows bringing justice and fairness to the case is important to him.
Jake, meanwhile, joins the Hacker and Tech-Researcher Rank. He would join the investigator/detective, but his trust issue might be in the way of working together. Plus, he's a natural-born genius. Hacking is not a problem for him.
Magda would fit right in the investigator. Despite also being a lone wolf, she's smart and observant. She pays attention to little details and can organized clues with ease. Plus, she can be very intimidating.
Bree is probably the hardest to sort. The safest place for her would be the Medical Examiner Rank. However, you need to place her where it was less stressful. At the medicine storage instead of the operation table. With her calm mind, she can hyperfocus on her task better.
Yukiko meanwhile would walk out SIDC because she doesn't want to work in a dangerous place.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 3 years
💫 For Lynette, Kiara, Amelia and Chizuko? Anyone will do
Ooo~ Let's see. Remind me to make my OC's sexuality headcanon, 'kay?
Since all of my OCs are morons, this would probably be strictly platonic and won't be looking at appearance (yeah, they're that big of an idiot) Not gonna lie, this is gonna be hard, but I'll try one OC for each.
How to unlocked: Approach them first. So, we’re assuming all of them are good acquaintance to develop something deeper.
💫 — a muse that would find yours attractive
For Lynette, surprisingly, Jake would find her leadership attractive. He’s a follower, not a leader. That’s now he got attached himself to Jonah after all. I scenario I thought of is, when Jake is really down and Jonah is not around, he would come to Lynette for advice or a shoulder to cry on.
For Kiara, Magda is attracted to her for her spoiled sweet nature (no this is not an insult, just in case you don’t know). Both of them came from a high status family (Kiara the daughter of a business family, Magda’s uncle is the mayor), but both of them decide ‘let’s just hang around common people’. Both can share their struggle of being in a position of high expectation, but still enjoy the little moments in their life.
For Amelia, it’s Bree for her big sister aura. Lynette might be the leader, but Amelia is the big sister similar to Magda since Bree is more comfortable to someone who feels familiar to her. Bree likes when Amelia plays with her hair and cuddles, similar to how Magda would do.
For Chizuko, it’s Jonah for her mysterious aura. I mean, when everything you wear is black, you really don’t expect him to get close and pick your brain? Any personal trauma or are you in your goth phase? Jonah is a quite listener, so anything Chizuko says, he will take it to the heart.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 3 years
Which oc of yours gets angry easy? do they show that anger or hide it?
From the main four, Jacob is the one who gets angry easily. It was like he was born with some anger issue and his daddy issue just made it worst. Or his face just always looks like he's pissed off.
When he's angry, he can get physical. While not necessarily hitting, but he would threatened with his magic, at least at the start. But then, if it turns to the worse, he would throw a punch. There's a reason why he often gets in trouble in school when he was younger, especially before meeting Jonah.
Jonah's anger mostly stem from his overprotectiveness toward his friends and he would slaughter anyone who hurts them (we do not want to repeat the whole Octavinelle Arc)
If Magda was angry she would give you the silent treatment and being passive-aggressive.
Bree never technically get mad, just disappointed. She would avoid you like the plague
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