#jacob's hot takes
drawfee-quot3s · 5 months
if you're a bird and you fall into a tar pit, you have. made such a dumbass mistake. 'cause you didn't even have to be down there
- jacob
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softboiledwonderland · 4 months
Love how Jenkins acts as if the LITs and co. were vermin he has unwittingly acquired in the Annex. Like you don’t want them to die because they’re living beings but also they’re a bit gross and in your way and can they go be living beings somewhere else? And then a couple of episodes later it’s like “these bugs are my children. still gross, but I love them“
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callmeroygbiv · 1 year
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thank you for your time
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specs-shoe · 2 months
Hey newsies tumblr, as a birthday gift you should send me fic recs and your fav newsie headcanons any ships or platonic pairings, 1992sies, liveries, or uksies just yell at me about your favorite little newsboys
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txuki · 5 months
hot take and people are probably going to hate me for this (i do not care) BUT i’m sorry there is no way felix catton is exclusively a sub/bottom in a mlm relationship,,,especially one with oliver quick. i get personal headcanons don’t have to be everyone’s cup of tea but COME ON. use some common knowledge and context clues we are given in the movie. yes, oliver is aggressive and i guess more “dominant” towards felix in some ways but…and i have seen so many people use the grave scene as their reasoning for it which i just do not get??
in MY OPINION if oliver has something to gain beyond corporeal pleasure, nothing is off-limits. this includes bathwater, menstrual blood, and grave fucking….its not about a dom/sub dynamic between felix and oliver.
like during the bathtub scene. oliver spying on felix in the tub showed just how much oliver wanted him. oliver drinking said bathwater as it drained showed how far his desire and passion for the man went, but also that his obsession knew no limits. while he didn't specifically make a move on him during that time, he lurked in the dark, hoping felix would notice him, which never happened. none of that points to oliver being this “big bad dom top” that some people portray him as. if anything he’s a power bottom or switch and felix could be a switch depending on the partner.
the grave scene simply represents oliver’s grief and obsession, highlighting his inability to handle his emotions.
sidenote: yes, yes. i know he killed felix. but despite that (and admitting to hating him in the final minutes), there were many moments when his feelings for felix were genuine to me. during one scene, he was sobbing inconsolably, showing that he had no idea how to process grief. the film showed several times that oliver didn't know how to handle his desires and emotions, and of course, his grief couldn't have been any different.
anyways…thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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queerprayers · 1 year
Happy Transgender Day of Visibility in honor of El Roi, God Who Sees, who made all things, visible and invisible. We know a God of justice and protection, of vulnerability and truth, a God transfigured and transubstantiated, unashamed of scars, breaking gender roles, bringing resurrection. The God who loves us knows firsthand the rotten fruit of political oppression. They have commanded and blessed name changes. They are father and mother, beyond and encompassing our ideas of gender. To all my trans siblings: I am so lucky to know you, to see your God-given gifts, to be present in your joy. I pray today especially for those for whom visibility brings danger, and for those only fully seen by God. The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord look upon you with favor and give you peace. Amen.
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no bc if they ever do another live action (but book accurate this time) MPHFPC movie or tv show they NEED to cast Jake Shane (octopusslover8 on Tiktok, the guy who says tents up, rates octopus dishes, and makes those skits where like the number 1 pencil reacts to there being a number 2 pencil) as Enoch 😂
& here are my reasons why:
- he looks like he’d be about 5’4” which is Enoch’s canon height
- he (to me) looks exactly how they describe Enoch’s physical features in the book, especially his facial features
- idk whenever he comes up on my for you page I just automatically think of enoch
Like tell me that he doesn’t look similar to the picture used for Enoch in the book because I think he looks SCARILY like the picture in the book:
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The only con would be that Jake is 23 and Enoch is supposed to be 12-13 🫣 but at least if they’d need to age him up he would look book accurate 😂
If they wanted to make an ACTUAL book accurate piece of media with no aging up, Walker Scobell from the new PJO show would also make a great Enoch (and he’s actually 14):
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but if there was another movie or even a tv show made, who would you wanna see play the kids?
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car-lizzzle · 1 year
Uh hot take. But don't worry this is a first of many to come🔥🔥
It irks me that members of this fandom(Yes, I am talking to you team Jacob/wolfpack) are still yet to understand the narrative or role in which the wolves played in the story of twilight. I can't believe that some people think to this day that the wolves were really presented to be the antagonists of Twilight. They don't even realize the harm that that's actually causing to our own particular ideals when we do that. Erasing the trauma and all the shit they had to go through, as young boys at that(not even to mention my girl leah) at the hands of these sinister creatures. And what's worse is that their actions make sense in narrative as the reaction to the many social and ethical issues occurring in the story. It all makes sense!! Never were the wolves meant or presented to be irrational. When will people realize that the Cullen's word is not law. They are often times racist, genocidal, misogynistic, classist, and many other things. What any of them says or implies in the story may in no way be true but are based upon their own individual prejudices and moral viewpoints. They're not the primary narrator of these books, Bella is. Their thoughts and ideals are not the primary narrative. Their words or their theories are not law or actual truth in canon) A lot of the characters in twilight are hypocrites. But especially the cullens. In no way shape or form should we take the anything the cullens say as the actual narrative. And I'm honestly disappointed that so many do. Especially supposedly sensible people in this fandom. It is honestly in many ways a result of all the paranoid reading many on this site engage in but especially those in the twilight fandom. And coming from a Black Amerindian woman, I find it really interesting that many of the things Twilight, and in the case of Smeyer(yes, her mormomism but thats another contentious thread im coming back to later) are presented as doing are really just a projection of many own implicit racial biases and how themselves see and view BIPOC characters. Hmmm it's really telling...
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owlhousehottakes · 7 months
I think Jacob Hopkins is pretty neat.
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no-ones-here-tm · 4 months
Something something Jack sizing up a person and their personality as soon as he meets them something something using that to help Davey find who he is outside of what he thinks people want him to be -based on the HC that all of Davey’s social development went on the back burner as soon as Les was born
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drawfee-quot3s · 7 months
rabbits aren't supposed to be that big. i'll say it.
- jacob
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murdrdocs · 5 months
I used to be Team Edward so hard, wanting to be a vampire with him and live forever and (hopefully) get a cool power..
..until I realised I’d never be able to eat a good meal again, I’d never be able to binge eat while I watch a series or get a takeaway and life hasn’t been as good since that very day.
so real actually i would just be his little human gf 🥰
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hayaku14 · 2 years
hc that no matter how focused shinichi is on whatever he's doing at home, the sound of the coffee maker turning on never fails to make him smile because he knows kaito's brewing him a cup.
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meaganjm · 10 months
I didn’t accomplish a lot today but I did turn my best friend who doesn’t watch wrestling into a MJF fan so that’s a pretty big one
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lovekenney · 4 months
Jacob elordi looks like a little boy to me and I think he’s not attractive at all.
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So I have been writing a Breaking Dawn fanfiction that is a reimagining of the book. This got me thinking more about Renesmee and her role in the story.
Renesmee wasn't needed for Bella and Edward to have a happy life. She really wasn't. Bella has, in canon, said that she never saw herself as a mother and never cared for children. Nessie just there to acomplish what Stephanie thinks a fullfilled life is: marriage and children. And Bella is "forced" into both. Yes, she is happy, but is it because she is married and has a child or is it because she achieved what is considered to be a happy life?
I won't go on about the marriage because with or without the ceremony they were just as good as married. And the moment Bella truly receives an equal standing in her partnership with Edward was after she was changed not when they wed.
Now, onto Nessie. I will start by saying that she hasn't been alowed to be a child. Right from the very start she could communicate; she grew incredibly fast and matured even faster, she was obedient and was going to grow up to be the perfect partner for Jacob. All her agency in her development is stripped. Jacob had time to grow up, to be childish and impatient and find ways of expressing himself that weren't tied to end goal of being perfect for someone else. Renesmee will grow up to suit Jacob simply because Jacob is a fully formed person. Neither of them has a choice in the matter, but Renesmee is the one that gets the raw end of the deal.
Another thing: even if Bella had wanted a termination, from the way the pregnancy is described, she couldn't have had one. I don't think it would have been doable without effectively killing her. I don't think a pill would have had any effect or a surgical abortion.
Her choice and agency was taken away in the matter as well, she wasn't aware that she could become pregnant and she couldn't end the pregnancy once she did. Her only choice was to become a mother.
Now, I am not implying that Bella, or Edward, don't love Renesmee, but these are things to be considered. Even so, there are some caveats: Bella wanted the baby sole reason of it being Edward's - her love for her unborn daughter was dependent on the paternity of the child: the fact that it was more of Edward. I'm not a parent myself and I don't pretend to know what goes on in loving an unborn child, but I don't think it was healthy reason to love the baby. And Edward despised his child because it was killing Bella, untill he didn't. Though when he did, it felt as if he loved the child because he was touched by the sacrifice Bella was making for him not by the fact that it was his own child. Bella loved the baby because it was Edward's and Edward loved it because of what he saw Bella putting herself for him. They loved Renesmee for what she brought to their relationship.
If I could sum up what is my impression of parenthood in Breaking Dawn it would be: Children are required though not necessarily desired. It is almost as if there was a real panic over the thought that a childless Bella may have a happy fullfilled life.
And by this we ended up with Renesmee who may be the most tragic character in Twilight
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